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Cmdr JFarrington

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Posts posted by Cmdr JFarrington

  1. Pressure Cooker


    Second Officer's Log

    Stardate 510710.21

    An Alan Shore Production


    It was becoming more and more obvious to Manticore’s counselor Jami Farrington that the mental state of Manticore’s crew was not unlike one of those quaint modes de cuisine popular on 20th century earth. A pressure cooker.


    Now, the basic premise in pressure cooking is that uncooked food, when put under pressure in a tightly sealed container in combination with steam, cooks more quickly than with normal methods. Basic scientific laws dictate that the higher the temperature the higher the pressure, and the higher the pressure the more quickly the food will cook.


    The danger, of course, is that in the hands of an inexperienced or – heaven forbid – an incompetent cook, pressure cooking can be dangerous, especially if the recommended temperature is exceeded, causing the pressure to increase beyond the capability of the container to contain it. In short, under uncontrolled conditions the container explodes sending food – and heat, steam, et cetera – throughout the kitchen and adjoining rooms, and usually splattering on the cook, the cook’s assistants, and anyone else unlucky enough to be in the vicinity, sometimes burning them severely, thereby discouraging said cook et al from ever using a pressure cooker again.


    Now, it was an established fact that the crew of Manticore had, of late, been under a lot of pressure, and Cmdr Jami Farrington, functioning not only as counselor but as second officer, was in the midst of the pressure, and it seemed to be getting quickly out of control and about to explode, sending all manner of emotional contents splattering throughout the ship and threatening to severely burn the cook . . . er . . . counselor.


    The most recent situation (one of many) had begun with the debacle surrounding a certain command meeting and one Lt. Cmdr. Malcolm Escher. That issue, having been neatly disposed of, Cmdr Farrington mistakenly believed that most of her problems, especially concerning her position as second officer, had been disposed of as well.


    She could not have been more mistaken.


    It seems that a security officer by the name of Kansas Kenickie delighted in needling her fellow crewmates beyond their capacity to cope, or to contain the pressure. Moreover, she especially delighted in needling one Malcolm Escher, probably because he made himself vulnerable by showing his agitation, which, of course, delighted Ms. Kenickie to no end.


    And it just so happened that Ms. Kenickie, finding herself bored and in need of cooking something – or perhaps overcooking something – found herself on the bridge at the exact moment that Mr. Escher exited the admiral’s ready room with a look that instantly drew Ms. Kenickie to him like a fly to fresh meat.


    “Hey, there, Squint,” she said, using the preferred epithet of her copious list most likely to aggravate Mr. Escher.


    “I refuse to allow you to make my day any worse,” he replied, knowing Ms. Kenickie’s penchant for upping the ante and determined to avoid further confrontation. But his reply had the exact opposite effect, which, had Mr. Escher been in his right mind, he would have realized.


    What followed was a t i t-for-tat exchange that would have made any sadist proud.


    “Who peed in your test tubes?”


    “Look, I'm just asking you to back off. Please - please - just leave me alone.” Flies to fresh meat.


    “Since you asked so nicely . . . no,” said she, a vicious grin playing across her face as Mr. Escher gripped the console and began a series of deep-breathing exercises, which was an attempt to alleviate his anxiety but which, instead, contributed to Kenickie’s next comment, “Getting ready for a dirty com call?”


    “That’s it,” said Escher, preparing to engage the enemy. And he no doubt would have had Cmdr Farrington not intervened.


    Now, under normal circumstances and in another venue – possibly the officers’ lounge or a bat’leth sparring ring in the holodeck – this exchange may have been an acceptable venting of emotional baggage between two crewmen of equal rank brokering mutual enmity. But Manticore had just been attacked during a battle simulation by an unknown ship using unknown weapons, and had sustained considerable damage leaving crew dead and injured. Circumstances were therefore anything but normal.


    And the chosen venue was the bridge.


    Counselor/second officer Cmdr Farrington, who was beginning to feel more and more like a babysitter, eyed chief instigator Kenickie, then put her on report and dismissed her from the bridge. Is the pressure of deep space getting to the crew? she wondered. Perhaps remnants of chroniton radiation from their time-shifts during the dark matter manipulation remained on the ship, driving everyone batty. She glanced through the overhead viewport in the vain hope of finding a full moon.


    Then, in the midst of her befuddled cerebral wanderings, came an answer, a voice from above. “Admiral, aside from taking the Griffyn on a test flight, security is in normal operations mode.”


    Oh, there is a god in the heavens, she thought, clasping her hands together in joy. He has answered me in the form of a Bolian Chief Security Officer and who just happens to be Lt Cmdr Kenickie’s superior. He shall be my knight in shining armor and shall deliver me from this dilemma.

    Well, perhaps her thoughts were not that extreme nor her actions so melodramatic, but you get the point. A quick note to Cmdr Mitar Precip concerning recent events on the bridge and a poignant suggestion that he rein in one Lt Cmdr Kansas Kenickie at his earliest convenience (preferably neither before nor during the next simulated drill), and Cmdr Farrington settled back in her chair with hope in her heart that peace would reign supreme aboard the Manticore.


    At least for the next hour or two.

  2. The USS J Goldstein (Galaxy class) is transporting a special team of scientists to investigate Reaf IV, a class M planet whose tectonic plates seem to be collapsing, causing distress ( ::gasp:: ) to the planet's inhabitants. We are to determine if the perceived threat of impending doom is real.


    Game Master (GM) - STSF Jami


    Mission Commanding Officer (MCO) - STSF Jami

    Mission Executive Officer (MXO) - Kansas Jones


    Helm/Operations Officer (HOPS) - Sez


    Chief Medical Officer (CMO) - Professor Galen

    Assistant Medical Officer (AMO) - Baxter


    Chief Science Officer (CSCI) - Joy

    Assistant Science Officer (ASCI) - Aleron

    Assistant Science Officer (ASCI) - Princess T'lak


  3. The USS Billy Mitchell (Defiant Class) has just left Starbase 101 for patrol. However, our orders are to rendezvous with a Romulan ship and pick up an unknown passenger. This is very top secret and not shared with the crew.


    Game Master (GM) - STSF Muon

    Game Master (GM) - Cmdr JFarrington


    Mission Commanding Officer (MCO) - STSF Muon

    Mission Executive Officer (MXO) - Professor Galen

    Tactical Officer (TAC) - Arch Angel

    Helm/Operations Officer (HOPS) - Sez


    Chief Engineer (CENG) - Webmaster

    Assistant Engineer (AENG) - nexivdr


    Chief Medical Officer (CMO) - Princess T'lak


    Chief Science Officer (CSCI) - Joy

    Assistant Science Officer (ASCI) - tkar


    Chief Security Officer (CSEC) - Will Marx


  4. In these times, crises cannot be managed, and wars cannot be waged by committee.

    ~G. R. Ford


    Cmdr Jami Farrington leaned her knuckled fists on the conference table and pounded it in frustration. How the hell did this . . . this kid . . . ever graduate from the academy? What idiot accepted him in Black OPS? And how did he ever get aboard Manticore?

    Rhetorical questions. One of the most brilliant scientific minds to ever enter the academy had come up for grabs, so who could have blamed her? Manticore's constant tangency with scientific conundra demanded the most brilliant divergent minds. She had gone over a few heads, pulled more than one string. . . .


    But he was too young, too inexperienced, and much too undisciplined - and she should have known. She should have seen this coming. Even basic Indoc training seemed to elude him. He had little restraint and even less command conference deportment. But the bottom line - what worried Second Officer Jami Farrington the most - was his contempt for discipline. His brilliant mind aside, if he questioned an order in the heat of battle or at any crucial point in a mission he could put the entire crew in danger. Anyone who had no discipline, no proper respect for authority, regardless, was a danger to ship and crew. And she was ultimately responsible for him being aboard.




    She slammed her palms onto the table, then drew herself into a straight thinking posture with a little pacing thrown in for good measure. She was responsible. Deal with it.


    Still pacing, she steeled herself for objectivity and reviewed the computer's visual record.


    "There is a point where avenging the deaths of colleagues turns into personal revenge," Escher had said to the Admiral. " I am afraid that your suggestion crosses that line. . . . Black Ops is one thing, Admiral. This is personal, and it endangers the lives of the crew for no good reason, not even Starfleet's dirty work. This is just you. . . . I will go over the edge if I have to prevent stupid and pointless decisions." And to Jami, "You are his wife . . . . do not let this escalate."


    Slander. Threats. Dismissive wave of the hand towards a superior officer. Turning his back on a superior officer. Storming out of a conference. Failure to show proper restraint . . .


    Second Officer Cmdr Jami Farrington remained in the conference room for some time, composing a full report and a summary of the charges to be brought against Lt Cmdr Malcolm Escher, Chief of Science. Only once before had she brought charges. It was a most heinous duty, but necessary to the survival of the crew. After several revisions Jami forwarded it to Captain Sovak, Executive Officer, for his disposition.


    Uniform Code of Military Justice, Subchapter 10: Punitive Articles,

    Sec. 917, Art. 117: Provoking or reproachful words or gestures - two counts.

    Sec. 889, Art. 89: Disrespect toward a superior commissioned officer - two counts.

    Sec. 933, Art 133: Conduct unbecoming an officer and a gentleman - multiple counts.

    Sec. 934, Art 134: prejudice of good order and discipline - multiple counts.


    Upon entering the bridge she noticed Mr. Escher sitting at science, his face still brooking defiance. Years of experience taught command personnel to shift masks as the situation required, so Jami had already assumed her controlled command demeanor. She could step from frenetic emergency surgery and change her disposition instantly to suit the bedside of a dying crewman. She had learned to change her deportment from disciplinarian, to Second Officer, to ship's counselor almost instantly, as the situation demanded. Not that she relished the ability. It enabled her to cope with the responsibility of command, and sometimes gave her a more objective view of situations. As though the previous few hours had never happened, Jami nodded politely and crossed the bridge to the counselor's position.


    It was the mask engaged your mind,

    And after set your heart to beat,

    Not what's behind.

    ~Wm. Butler Yeats

  5. The USS Billy Mitchell (Defiant Class) is somewhere in space, when a strange reading comes through long range sensors.


    Game Master (GM) - STSF Amnor

    Game Master (GM) - Cmdr JFarrington


    Mission Commanding Officer (MCO) - STSF Amnor

    Mission Executive Officer (MXO) - Kansas Jones

    Tactical Officer (TAC) - Sez

    Helm/Operations Officer (HOPS) - Joy


    Chief Engineer (CENG) - Baxter

    Assistant Engineer (AENG) - Javi


    Chief Medical Officer (CMO) - Adina Jalil


    Chief Science Officer (CSCI) - Princess T'lak

    Assistant Science Officer (ASCI) - Professor Galen

    Assistant Science Officer (ASCI) - TKAR


    Chief Security Officer (CSEC) - Ronin Shephard

    Assistant Security Officer (ASEC) - Arch Angel


  6. Starfleet has heard a disturbing report from traders of a "gathering" in Federation space near the Klingon border. The USS Cougar (Norway Class) has been dispatched to investigate.


    Game Master (GM) - STSF GromVik

    Game Master (GM) - STSF Jami


    Mission Commanding Officer (MCO) - STSF GromVik

    Mission Executive Officer (MXO) - Professor Galen

    Tactical Officer (TAC) - Eagle

    Helm (Helm) - Princess T'lak

    Operations Officer (OPS) - Joy


    Chief Science Officer (CSCI) - Sez

    Assistant Science Officer (ASCI) - TKAR


  7. The Billy Mitchell (Defiant Class) is currently on routine patrol.


    Game Master (GM) - STSF Muon

    Game Master (GM) - Cmdr JFarrington


    Mission Commanding Officer (MCO) - STSF Muon

    Mission Executive Officer (MXO) - Aidan Driscol

    Helm/Operations/Tactical Officer (HOT) - Joy


    Chief Engineer (CENG) - Nexivdr


    Chief Medical Officer (CMO) - tAehjae

    Assistant Medical Officer (AMO) - Princess T'lak


    Chief Science Officer (CSCI) - Pace

    Assistant Science Officer (ASCI) - Nicolas Lepage

    Assistant Science Officer (ASCI) - T'kar


    Chief Security Officer (CSEC) - Cmdr JFarrington


  8. We are in space and see a large swirling vortex.


    Game Master (GM) - STSF Amnor

    Game Master (GM) - Cmdr JFarrington

    Game Master (GM) - STSF Laura


    Mission Commanding Officer (MCO) - STSF Laura

    Mission Executive Officer (MXO) - Arch Angel

    Helm/Operations/TAC Officer (THOPS) - Nicolas Lepage


    Chief Engineer (CENG) - Gamester4

    Assistant Engineer (AENG) - Ens Mark Fish

    Assistant Engineer (AENG) - Baxter


    Chief Medical Officer (CMO) - Princess t'Lak


    Chief Science Officer (CSCI) - Professor Galen

    Assistant Science Officer (ASCI) - tkar


    Chief Security Officer (CSEC) - Ronin Shephard


  9. Welcome, Quantum. You'll be interested to know that quarks float around the forum, definitely free, and quite random. You might even see a muon if you look hard enough :lol: .


    All joking aside, hope you enjoy STSF! Hope to see you in the academy.

  10. You are aboard the SS Pluto, a DY-100 Class “Sleeper Ship” launched in 2050. You were placed in suspended animation in what was supposed to be a 20 year trip to Saturn. Unfortunately, the systems responsible for waking the crew did not respond. The year is now 2380 and for some reason the systems have chosen to engage. The question now is…what next?


    Game Master (GM) - STSF GromVik

    Game Master (GM) - STSF Jami


    Mission Commanding Officer (MCO) - Joy

    Mission Executive Officer (MXO) - Arch Angel

    Tactical Officer (TAC) - Will Marx

    Helm/Operations Officer (HOPS) - Professor Galen


    Chief Engineer (CENG) - Tom Servo

    Assistant Engineer (AENG) - Baxter


    Chief Medical Officer (CMO) - Nicolas Lepage

    Assistant Medical Officer (AMO) - Sez


    Chief Science Officer (CSCI) - Aidan Driscol

    Assistant Science Officer (ASCI) - Princess T'lak


    Chief Security Officer (CSEC) - Ens Mark Fish/ TKAR

    Assistant Security Officer (ASEC) - TKAR

    Assistant Security Officer (ASEC) - STSF Jami


  11. The USS Billy Mitchell (Defiant Class) is currently on routine patrol.


    Game Master (GM) - STSF Muon

    Game Master (GM) - Cmdr JFarrington


    Mission Commanding Officer (MCO) - STSF Muon

    Mission Executive Officer (MXO) - Nicolas Lepage

    Tactical Officer (TAC) - Ens Mark Fish

    Helm (Helm) - Riker

    Operations Officer (OPS) - TKar


    Chief Engineer (CENG) - Arch Angel


    Chief Medical Officer (CMO) - Professor Galen


    Chief Science Officer (CSCI) - STSF Nickles

    Assistant Science Officer (ASCI) - Princess T'lak

    Assistant Science Officer (ASCI) - Pace


    Chief Security Officer (CSEC) - Doug T


  12. Game Master (GM) - STSF Amnor

    Game Master (GM) - Cmdr JFarrington


    Mission Commanding Officer (MCO) - STSF Amnor

    Mission Executive Officer (MXO) - Joy


    Chief Engineer (CENG) - Kansas Jones

    Assistant Engineer (AENG) - Sez

    Assistant Engineer (AENG) - Baxter


    Chief Medical Officer (CMO) - Nick Lepage

    Assistant Medical Officer (AMO1) - Pace

    Assistant Medical Officer (AMO2) - Princess T'lak


    Chief Science Officer (CSCI) - Gamester 4

    Assistant Science Officer (ASCI) - Vidian Gallant


    Chief Security Officer (CSEC) - Ens Mark Fish

    Assistant Security Officer (ASEC) - A Black Knight

    Assistant Security Officer (ASEC) - Arch Angel


  13. Mission Briefing: The USS Patton (Akira Class) is en route to Transfer Station Zeta. The transfer station was built for merchants to transfer cargo from one ship to another. To oversee operations, the Federation contracted a Ferengi-owned firm. Recently, the firm announced that it would cease operations unless certain concessions were made. The Patton has been called upon to deal with the situation in whatever way is deemed appropriate. ETA is 15 minutes.


    Game Master (GM) - STSF GromVik

    Game Master (GM) - STSF Jami


    Mission Commanding Officer (MCO) - STSF GromVik

    Mission Executive Officer (MXO) - Aidan Driscol

    SF Diplomat (SFD) - STSF Jami

    Tactical Officer (TAC) - Pace

    Helm/Operations Officer (HOPS) - Joy


    Chief Medical Officer (CMO) - Nicolas Lepage

    Assistant Medical Officer (AMO) - Princess T'lak


    Chief Science Officer (CSCI) - Vidian Gallant

    Assistant Science Officer (ASCI) - LtCdr Faldek


    Chief Security Officer (CSEC) - Will Marx

    Assistant Security Officer (ASEC) - Baxter

    Assistant Security Officer (ASEC) - Professor Galen


  14. The Billy Mitchell (Defiant Class) is delivering medical, engineering, and security supplies to a colony world.


    Game Master (GM) - STSF Muon

    Game Master (GM) - Cmdr JFarrington

    Game Master in Training - STSF Sundown


    Mission Commanding Officer (MCO) - STSF Sundown

    Mission Executive Officer (MXO) - STSF Muon

    Tactical Officer (TAC) - V'Roy

    Helm (Helm) - Baxter

    Operations Officer (OPS) - Joy


    Chief Medical Officer (CMO) - Eagle

    Assistant Medical Officer (AMO) - Selayna Kirk of Gallifrey

    Assistant Medical Officer (AMO) - Pace


    Chief Science Officer (CSCI) - Vidian Gallant

    Assistant Science Officer (ASCI) - Princess T'lak


  15. Happy Birthday ...and a sincere wish for many, many more ::offers up the cake...ignites the candl..errr the fire works,and lights the candles.

    :lol: :) :D


    Thank you, Angel. And no, I'm not 12 - it's just that when you reach my age it's best not to reveal those things. And if anyone tells I'll hit 'em with my cane!


    ::gobbles up the cake::

  16. The USS Billy Mitchell has encountered dark matter which has caused mass malfunctions across the ship. We are attempting to land on a Class M planet, but "crash" is probably the better term.



    The shuttle crashed, there was a containment breach, and the ship exploded killing several crew, though most have escaped. The crew has regrouped, are taking stock of their losses, and taking inventory of supplies. The ship was totally destroyed, leaving a gaping hole in the landscape (don't tell the EPA).

    This sim will be continued next week.

    If you died this week you can be alive next week as another crewperson.




    Game Master (GM) - STSF Amnor

    Game Master (GM) - STSF Muon


    Mission Commanding Officer (MCO) - STSF Amnor

    Mission Executive Officer (MXO) - STSF Muon

    Tactical Officer/Chief of Security (TAC) - Ronin Shepherd

    Operations Officer (OPS) - Arch Angel


    Chief Engineer (CENG) - V'Roy

    Assistant Engineer (AENG) - Baxter


    Chief Medical Officer (CMO) - Nicolas Lepage

    Assistant Medical Officer (AMO) - Princess T'lak

    Assistant Medical Officer (AMO) - Cmdr JFarrington


    Chief Science Officer (CSCI) - Gamester4

    Assistant Science Officer (ASCI) - Joy


    Chief Security Officer (CSEC) - Ronin Shepherd (also TAC)

    Assistant Security Officer (ASEC) - Ens Fish


  17. The Shuttle JGoldstein has crash-landed on a class M planet.


    Game Master (GM) - Cmdr JFarrington


    Mission Commanding Officer (MCO) - Cmdr JFarrington

    Mission Executive Officer (MXO) - Nicolas Lepage


    Chief Engineer (CENG) - Vidian Gallant

    Assistant Engineer (AENG) - Luna Gossamer


    Chief Medical Officer (CMO) - Gamester4


  18. The USS 1848 (Norway Class) is en route to Alteris XXI, a large asteroid near Ferengi space. The 1848 was summoned by Starfleet after long range outposts picked up weapons fire in the vicinity.


    Game Master (GM) - STSF GromVik

    Game Master (GM) - STSF Jami


    Mission Executive Officer (MXO) - Joy

    Tactical Officer (TAC) - Ens Fish

    Helm (Helm) - Baxter

    Operations Officer (OPS) - Gamester 4


    Chief Engineer (CENG) - VRoy


    Chief Medical Officer (CMO) - Nicolas Lepage

    Assistant Medical Officer (AMO) - Princess T'lak


  19. The USS Billy Mitchell (Defiant Class) is on routine patrol of the Alpha Quadrant's main shipping lanes.


    Game Master (GM) - STSF Muon

    Game Master (GM) - Cmdr JFarrington


    Mission Commanding Officer (MCO) - STSF Sundown

    Mission Executive Officer (MXO) - Nicolas Lepage

    Special Guest (SG) - STSF Muon

    Special Guest (SG) - STSF Nickles

    Tactical Officer (TAC) - Ens Fish

    Helm/Operations Officer (HOPS) - Joy


    Chief Engineer (CENG) - Terry Riker

    Assistant Engineer (AENG) - Baxter

    Assistant Engineer (AENG) - Dox Maturin


    Chief Medical Officer (CMO) - Gamester4

    Assistant Medical Officer (AMO) - Aidan Driscol

    Assistant Medical Officer (AMO) - Princess T'lak


    Chief Science Officer (CSCI) - Pneuma


    Chief Security Officer (CSEC) - V'Roy


  20. The USS Double Talk is en route to Ravess 2, to deliver Ambassador Finn and his party to the summit talks.


    Game Master (GM) - STSF Jami


    Mission Commanding Officer (MCO) - STSF Sundown

    Mission Executive Officer (MXO) - Nicolas Lepage

    Tactical Officer (TAC) - Ens Fish

    Operations Officer (OPS) - Ens McNear

    Helm Officer (Helm) - Arch Angel

    Chief Medical Officer (CMO) - Professor Galen

    Assistant Medical Officer (AMO) - Selayna Kirk of Gallifrey

    Chief Science Officer (CSCI) - Pneuma

    Chief Security Officer (CSEC) - Merina


  21. Well, I can honestly say I have played every position on a ship, but my favorite is medical/science. I graduated (don't ask when) at TAC. I've had characters in all departments, and my least favorite is engineering (mostly because of my lack of technobabble expertise).

  22. My first Trek experience was trying to get my brother away from the TV during TOS episodes - he hogged the darned black-n-white!


    Then I got to college and TOS was in its "regeneration" - couldn't do anything in the dorm on Tuesday nights 'cause we were ALL huddled around the one TV available in the lounge, waiting for Star Trek. And heaven help anything that pre-empted the program!


    Yeah, I'm that old.