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Cmdr JFarrington

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Everything posted by Cmdr JFarrington

  1. =/\= USS MANTICORE BRIEFING #561, STARDATE 50906.15 =/\= The Manticore is in Romulan space, having just secretly helped the Romulan government stop a plague from killing millions on Romulus. The away team was not able to make it to the hidden location of the Manticore before running out of fuel, so Manticore had to come looking for the Romulan Scout Ship. The team was retrieved just before being spotted by Romulan ships. Manticore has spent 3 days taking an indirect and random path back to Federation space, but we are almost clear of the Neutral Zone. Garnoopy -> ::urm, something, somewhere:: LtCdrFaldek -> ::looks around:: McFly -> ::mcfly stands at tactical cause he figures it's time to get back to work:: MC_Escher -> ::taps console and thinks:: EJ Pilot -> ::sitting at the Pool table with coffee going over system stats:: Admiral Atragon-9 -> ::on the Bridge in the CC:: Keb -> ::at helm, eager to get to the other side:: Cmdr JFarrington -> ::in her office::: Sovak -> ::enters the bridge from the TL:: Kansas Kenickie -> ::Enters the Security office:: Hilee -> ::In Meng going over last shifts report, and the reinspection...post cleaning of the entire dept.:: LtCdrFaldek -> ::is in Security:: LtCdrFaldek -> Kenickie. Kansas Kenickie -> Morning Faldek precip -> Ensign Crystal>In Brig cleaning the walls of the cell. LtCmdr Roget -> ::has recuperated sufficiently, is up and moving about the ship quite well:: Kansas Kenickie -> ::walks to her locker:: doug.t -> ::Hilee :: may i speek to you a second commander Admiral Atragon-9 -> ::turns to Sovak:: You look... rejuvinated, Captain Samantha_Kent -> t'Tamarak> ::having nothing better to do, is in sickbay, watching the activity going on...and keeping an eye on Vilanne who just appeared:: doug.t -> ::just walking in:: EJ Pilot -> ::Hilee:: My friend..hello, how was the inspection? precip -> ::In security at desk:: LtCdrFaldek -> ::looks over at Crystal:: I am going to white glove those cells... Vilanne -> ::opens eyes, feels t'Tamarak's eye on her:: Garnoopy -> ::tpas a panel somewhere:: Keb -> Admiral, captain, we'll be in Federation Space in 16 minutes at present speed. Hilee -> ::Looks up from the report:: Doug> Sure Doug...whats up Lt.? precip -> Ensign Crystal>::raises her middle finger at the Cardassian:: EJ Pilot -> ::tap-tappity-tap on Pool table console:: doug.t -> ::Hilee :: i wish to speek to you about the last mission we were on precip -> Kenickie.... Sovak -> ::raises an eyebrow:: Simply the after effects of the plastic surgery reversal Admiral. LtCdrFaldek -> Yeah, I'll be using that finger too. LtCmdr Roget -> ::exits a TL and strides into Main Engineering Garnoopy -> ::glances over at Roget:: Hilee -> Doug> sure...just a minute please. EJ Pilot -> ::looks at Doug:: Mr. T Kansas Kenickie -> ::Turns to Precip:: Sir.. Cmdr JFarrington -> :::sending off the condolence letter she has finally completed to Lt James' family::: doug.t -> ::EJ Pilot :: hello lieutenant how are you Vilanne -> ::rubs eyes and focuses:: G'moanin Jayisa. LtCdrFaldek -> ::shakes his head and looks down at the PADD he is typing into:: EJ Pilot -> I am fine. precip -> I read your report regarding....Lt Doug..... Hilee -> Ej> It went well the second time around...apparently there seems to be ,or at least there was some shall we say lax attitudes in Meng while we were away...it has been ..adjusted::grins:: Sovak -> It is good to have you back in that chair, Admiral. Kansas Kenickie -> ::Nods:: I am sorry if I disappointed you EJ Pilot -> ::grins:: That is good to hear and know. precip -> Ensign Crystal>Watch your back sir.. you might find something sticking out of it... Turris Morran -> ::steps into main science and takes a look around, scratching his head:: Admiral Atragon-9 -> and a shower, my friend? ::smiles:: EJ Pilot -> ::sips his coffee:: Admiral Atragon-9 -> ::nods:: thank you, it is good to be back LtCdrFaldek -> I suppose you don't know much about me then, Ensign... precip -> No....Mr. Faldek...would you come here please? Cmdr JFarrington -> ::takes a long breath and slowly lets it out to clear her mind, then composes a message to A9 and Sovak concerning the implants removed from Vilanne::: McFly -> ::tired of being in Romulan space; wants to put the shields down; likes to fly naked in space:: LtCmdr Roget -> ::smiles at Garn:: LtCdrFaldek -> ::cruises to Precip:: Sir? Hilee -> Doug> Lets adjourn to the office...::heads for the office:: Samantha_Kent -> t'Tamarak> ::eyes Vilanne sidelong as she stirs:: Jolan tru... Garnoopy -> ::always suspicious when Roget smiles:: Keb -> ::resists the urge to speed up to get there faster:: doug.t -> ::follows Hilee to the office:: Hilee -> Ej> I'll be in office if you need me. precip -> Did you witness Kenickie having to render lt. Doug.t unconscious on the mission .. Vilanne -> Oh yeah, Jolan Tru, mon ami. EJ Pilot -> ::nods:: LtCdrFaldek -> I did sir. EJ Pilot -> ::brings up the schedules:: precip -> Was Lt. Doug T acting in a manner that jeopradized the mission in any way? precip -> ::::looks to Kansas then to Faldek:: Hilee -> Enters and pours a cup of joe for he and Doug...sits down:: Keb -> ::leans forward over her console, watching her screen:: EJ Pilot -> +Maint. Crew Alpha+ Alpha Crew, please respond. MC_Escher -> ::absorbed, looking up at possible models for the bioarmor, doesn't notice Morran:: Samantha_Kent -> t'Tamarak> Vilanne> How are you feeling? ::picks up the tricorder, whose interface she has been familiarizing herself with:: LtCdrFaldek -> Yes sir, he is lucky she was closer to him sir. I almost had to put him down on the shuttle, after the mission. He needs a psych evl. Kansas Kenickie -> ::Looks at Faldek:: EJ Pilot -> ::sips his coffee:: LtCmdr Roget -> What? Not a "you're looking well" or "glad to see you've recovered" or "don't worry I kept Kyle occupied while you were in sickbay"?? LtCdrFaldek -> Evaluation* Hilee -> Doug> Have a seat, the java is fresh...what’s on your mind?. Vilanne -> I wish I was in my quarters, if that's what you mean. EJ Pilot -> A. Crew>+Pilot+ Go ahead sir. Garnoopy -> I'm just concerned with you smiling that Atragon may be dead. precip -> Understood. I thank you for your report. Yours as well Kenickie. Dismissed. Mr. Faldek...let us go to the brig shall we? Admiral Atragon-9 -> <<like that would concern you?? doug.t -> ::Hilee :: thank you commander::takes a seat:: i wish to file a compaint towards that security officer on the mission LtCdrFaldek -> Of course sir. Cmdr JFarrington -> ::glances towards the secure cabinet in her office, wherein sits the implants, sends the message, and logs off, ready to wander the halls, as is her custom after such an eventful mission, which is not quite over::: precip -> ::nods at Kenickie as if the issue is settled:: Samantha_Kent -> t'Tamarak> ::snorts softly:: Not enjoying being on the other side of the scanner, I take it? Turris Morran -> ::notes someone he doesn't recognize sitting the corner of science, absorbed in something and steps over, looking at his pips:: Ensign Morran reporting for duty, ahh, Commander. Kansas Kenickie -> ::Nods:: I will begin my patrol Keb -> Ten minutes to federation space, sirs. Can I speed up a little? LtCmdr Roget -> Tempting ... tempting, although if it were by my action I would most likely be dancing naked on a table. precip -> ::walks back to see Crystal Scrubbing the Brig cell:: LtCmdr Roget -> And since I'm not into such a public expedition ... you'll just have to assume I'm trying to be friendly LtCdrFaldek -> ::stands with hands behind his back, as parade rest:: Vilanne -> Not having full access to my own medical records is more annoying. How about you sign the release so I can at least get uot of this biobed and wander around the ship... moderately, of course. EJ Pilot -> +A. Crew+ Your new schedules for today have been sent to your work padds, please complete a majority of them. As we know things tend to break. So we might need to do a little tweaking/adjusting that sort of thing. Pilot out. Hilee -> Doug> Oh, are you referring to the incident on the planet..when you were rendered unconscious? Vilanne -> ::sweet smile at t'Tamarak:: Garnoopy -> I'll make a note of that... when Roget dances naked... A9 is dead. Garnoopy -> The prophecy will be filled doug.t -> ::Hilee :: that’s considered abuse on another officer and is uncalled for in my opinion EJ Pilot -> +A. Crew+ Acknowledged EJ Pilot -> A. Crew> +Pilot+ Acknowledged. ** doug.t -> ::Hilee :: its been noticed on my medical record that i have been known to have issues in closed spaces Samantha_Kent -> t'Tamarak> Vilanne> ::raises both eyebrows and then laughs:: Me sign the release? You have quite an estimation of how much authority I wield on your ship, maenek... Sovak -> ::Keb:: Continue random course changes and current speed, Helm. precip -> ::sighs:: Frankly I am not certain how to resolve this situation Ms. Crystal.. your insubordination on Manticore has been prolific. Yet your apptitude tests suggest you can be a capable officer.. Keb -> ::sighs theatrically:: Aye, Captain. LtCmdr Roget -> ::takes a seat at an empty console and looks down at all the buttons:: MC_Escher -> ::glances up at Morran:: How familiar are you with the bioarmor? precip -> Ensign Crystal>Obviously not with present company. doug.t -> noted Cmdr JFarrington -> ::after a glance at Vilanne and Dr. t'Tamarak, decides to take the back way out, preferring to not broach the subject of Vilanne and her medical records yet::: EJ Pilot -> Good, that was the only not scheduled. ::sips his coffee:: precip -> ::blinks:: LtCdrFaldek -> ::smiles:: Samantha_Kent -> t'Tamarak> ::noting that she is being kept from her records, and also that she is perhaps growing suspicious of this:: Garnoopy -> So, if you aren't here to announce the end of the tyrant, what do you need? Vilanne -> ::thinks she saw Dr F:: Commander Farrington! ::in her loudest voice:: Got a minute? EJ Pilot -> ::monitoring systems on the pool table:: Hilee -> Doug> I understand...however what you are proposing is a very serious charge...and you may not come out of it unscathed yourself. precip -> Something amusing Mr. Faldek? ::does another Bolian Blink....Like what's that about?:: Samantha_Kent -> t'Tamarak> ::swivels her head around to see who Vilanne is yelling at:: Vilanne -> to Jaiysa> I'll see if she'll do it,, if she will, it'll stick. Kansas Kenickie -> ::Exits office and starts down the hall:: LtCdrFaldek -> No sir, I am just... surprised in my own way at her response. Keb -> ::makes another course change:: Vilanne -> Wasn't that the Commander? I didn't get a good look from way over here.. Turris Morran -> Bioarmor? ::looks a bit abashed, and somewhat like he's ready to flee:: Ahhh, I know a thing or two..umm. Why? Samantha_Kent -> t'Tamarak> ::recognizes the Commander who suffered the stress reaction on the shuttle and took the implants:: Ie... doug.t -> ::Hilee :: i still want this complaint filed and noted in offical records Garnoopy -> ::moves up next to Roget:: EJ Pilot -> ::sips his coffee, hears laughing:: precip -> Ensign Isa Crystal, Lt Commander Faldek is your superior officer and you shall treat him as such. Regardless of your feelings towards him. Vilanne -> Did I miss her? ::trying to sit up far enough to see:: EJ Pilot -> Crewmen> ::playfully pushing with another up on the second level:: LtCdrFaldek -> ::is now straight faced:: Cmdr JFarrington -> ::is gone down the corridor, chatting to various passersby::: Sovak -> ::KEB:: We don't want to "Impel our Luck" Commander Mizu. doug.t -> ::sips his coffee::Hilee :: i was treated for my injurries in medical for it but still i have been mis streated Garnoopy -> Did you need something...? Engineering consoles are really for engineers. Samantha_Kent -> t'Tamarak> Vilanne> She went out. precip -> Crystal>::gets up from scrubbing and walks to the forceshield:: LtCmdr Roget -> ::sits back in the chair:: It seems my messageing console in my quarters is not working properly, and I'd love to get a message sent back to my uncle. Nip the questions in the bud, so to speak doug.t -> treated MC_Escher -> ::looks a little bemused at Morran's panic:: Don't worry, Ensign, it's all right if you don't know much yet. The files on our development process and the function of the 3D genetic manipulator are all stored in the main science database. Read up. Keb -> ::turns to Sovak:: Agreed, Captain. It's just that we could practically walk there from here. It's painfully close. EJ Pilot -> ::yells up there:: Hey, cut that out! We have work to do. Continue to play and you will be sent off duty. Vilanne -> Drats. Let's try it... at least let me move around sickbay without behind hounded. T'Prise -> ::In the science lab at her regular station, working on reports:: Garnoopy -> ::blinks:: What about your Ops console? Garnoopy -> And why engineering? Vilanne -> I want to show you something anyway. precip -> Ensign Crystal>I want off this ship sirs.. Garnoopy -> And since when did you care about an Uncle? Vilanne -> ::pushes herself to a sitting position:: Cmdr JFarrington -> ::entering the TL:: Bridge. precip -> Ensign Crystal>I wish to transfer immediately. Samantha_Kent -> t'Tamarak> ::blinks once at Vilanne and then narrows her eyes, waiting to see what she plans:: Hilee -> Doug> I was there as well Lt.,and was heading to you to calm you down....your actions were potentially endangering the mission...that being said ::presses the record button:: Computer...begin record of complaint by lt.Doug T.,and witnessed by lt.Commander Hilee -> Hilee. LtCdrFaldek -> ::looks at his PADD the to Precip:: Sovak -> I think you find the walk an logically impossible, and long one, Commander. Steady as she goes. Turris Morran -> ::calms down as Escher misreads his panic for something different, then puffs out his chest:: Of course I know about bioarmor, I could probably teach you a think or two ::remembers his place:: Ahh...commander Hilee -> ::pauses the recording:: Kansas Kenickie -> ::Checks doors, keeps on down the hall:: EJ Pilot -> Crewman> ::straighten up and start working:: LtCdrFaldek -> Is she even eligible for a transfer with her record? Hilee -> doug> Are you sure you wish to continue? Vilanne -> ::pushes the machines back from her body and stands down next to the biobed, catching her dizziness and letting it subside:: Ok... LtCdrFaldek -> I think positive motivation would be a better choice. doug.t -> ::Hilee ::: yes Commander precip -> ::looks to Faldek briefly then back to Crystal:: Not possible in the neutral zone. And....::takes PADD:: There is a security issue. Keb -> ::looks back at her console:: Aye, captain. Maintaining random course. Cmdr JFarrington -> ::pauses as the door opens, taking in the general demeanor of the personnel::: Kansas Kenickie -> ::Enters sickbay:: Samantha_Kent -> t'Tamarak> ::hand out, ready to bundle her back into the bed by force if necessary at the first sign of trouble:: Vilanne -> Over to the machine ::doesn't see Kansas:: That one... help me over there to the stool. Cmdr JFarrington -> ::descends the walkway to take her chair::: EJ Pilot -> ::sips his coffee a little more going over some reports:: McFly -> ::looks back to see Jami enter the bridge; gives her a little wave:: precip -> Nonetheless I shall consider your ...proposal...Mr. Faldek...follow me please...::walks away from brig to main area of security:: LtCdrFaldek -> ::follows some more:: Samantha_Kent -> t'Tamarak> ::hears the door hiss and turns away from Vilanne slightly to see who it is:: Cmdr JFarrington -> ::smile and small wave to Matt:: MC_Escher -> ::finds Morran's arrogance quite funny:: I'm sure you can, Ensign. Well, if you're so smart, make me a nutrient system that doesn't require constant force field application in order to function. I have some ideas about relay proteins - start with that. Kansas Kenickie -> ::Notes the Romulan::: McFly -> ::leans against the console rather bored for the moment:: Vilanne -> ::arms around her own ribs while walking:: Slowly... yeah, this is good. Cmdr JFarrington -> ::looking much more chipper than she has been recently, having finished the condolence letter::: T'Prise -> ::Looks up at Escher and Morran, slightly skeptical, then goes back to her reports.:: precip -> You mentioned Positive Motivation, Please explain. Hilee -> Doug> Very weel::presses the record button:: Computer resume recording of complaint by lt.Doug T.,the complaint is alleged and filed against Lt.Commander Kansas Kenickie...Doug> Begin Lt. Hilee -> *well too Keb -> ::makes another course shift:: We should be crossing into Federation Space in 8 minutes, Captain. Cmdr JFarrington -> ::Hearing Keb:: 'Twill be good to be back. Samantha_Kent -> t'Tamarak> Vilanne> What are you planning to do, maenek...you know you are not yet in the best condition for this. Samantha_Kent -> t'Tamarak> ::curt nod at Kenickie:: Sovak -> Acknowledged. Vilanne -> Nothing strenuous, honest... just want to show you our new toy. LtCdrFaldek -> Positive motivation is where troubled people are sent to correct their attitudes. It is a little "old school" but it has worked. Basically it's like giving the person(s) an attitude check. Kansas Kenickie -> ::glances around sickbay:: Hilee -> **Computer**...Recording...beep LtCmdr Roget -> ::leans back in the chair:: You remember me mentioning that I have an uncle in Starfleet ... rather ::lowers her voice:: high up. I want to get him a message, letting him know that all is well with me. Samantha_Kent -> t'Tamarak> ::curious look in spite of herself:: Sovak -> ::sits in XO seat and ties his chair terminal to TAC:: Garnoopy -> ::sits next to Roget:: I understand... and why in engineering? Do I need to be concerned? LtCdrFaldek -> Physical training, classes, psychological checks, until they... become positively motivated. LtCmdr Roget -> I don't want him contacting the ship, it would make me uncomfortable if I had to deal with Atragon calling me up to say I had message from home. Kansas Kenickie -> ::heads out of sickbay:: Keb -> ::quick course adjustment, this time in the Right direction:: Hilee -> ::Waiting for Doug to begin:: precip -> I see. But where can she be sent? Transferring off a Black Ops ship, for any reason can be...difficult. Vilanne -> ::sits in the chair at the machine, just after catching a glimps of Kansas:: LtCmdr Roget -> Oh, yes ... my console in my quarters is not operating properly, and I didn't want to do it from teh bridge. LtCdrFaldek -> I'm sure there’s another crewmember that could use POSMO... EJ Pilot -> ::sips his coffee:: doug.t -> for useful force on another officer I hear by file this complaint abuse on another officer when it is unnecessary and I would like it to be noted in official ships record LtCdrFaldek -> Goes by Doug T. LtCdrFaldek -> Lieutenant. LtCmdr Roget -> you know how "he" is. He could smell a "personal message" a mile away and be over my shoulder in a heart beat. Turris Morran -> ::sits in a chair next Escher with the chair facing backwards, the backrest against his chest:: Well, actually, I've umm.. been thinking.. the cocktail that we came up with on Romulus has some other ahh...beneficial properties that we hadn't realized. precip -> But where? ::walks behind the security desk:: LtCdrFaldek -> And I would be more than happy to conduct said training. Vilanne -> w> Jaiysa, do they keep watching you like that? ::nods to where Kansas went out:: doug.t -> that i was attacked by another officer LtCdrFaldek -> Right here, on Manticore, just need dedicated time for a holodeck. Garnoopy -> ::leans back, thinking for a moment:: Alright... Cmdr JFarrington -> ::spies Ens OpsGuy at OPS, casually wondering where Margaux is::: Kansas Kenickie -> ::walks back to Security office:: Keb -> :;counts down the minutes silently:: Samantha_Kent -> t'Tamarak> Vilanne> ::still has her security posse somewhere in sickbay, presumably:: You're surprised, maenek? Garnoopy -> Just don't get my engineering blown up, ok? Hilee -> ::Chides in::Computer...said alleged incident occured last misson of AT,reference and cross with filed departmental reports on file. LtCmdr Roget -> ::keys up a message and sends a tight beam transmission back to Federation space:: MC_Escher -> ::curious now:: You want to use our cure in the bioarmor? How? Vilanne -> ::pats on the stool next to where Vil is sitting to invite t'Tamarak to join her:: If they knew you, they would lave you alone. T'Prise -> ::Stands and moves over to the spider cage, palming the lock:: Kansas Kenickie -> ::Enters Security, walks over to Precip's desk:: LtCmdr Roget -> Never in a million years. You're on my team. ::smiles and hits "send" McFly -> ::ponders requesting music to be allowed on the bridge, espeically in these quiet moments:: precip -> Time...always Time...Is Against us. How long would your project potentially take? doug.t -> ::has a sip of his coffee:: Cmdr JFarrington -> ::noticing Keb's tension, rises to stand behind her, speaking quietly:: Almost there. Garnoopy -> ::rolls eyes, knowing how much teams mean around here:: Keb -> ::looks up again:: 4 minutes till Federation space. Adjusting course again. LtCdrFaldek -> It all depends on the response. precip -> Kenickie.... EJ Pilot -> ::checks engines:: Hilee -> Doug> Is that all Mr.T you wish to present in your complaint? LtCmdr Roget -> I'll be on the Bridge so whenever one of the boys has time can you have them look at my console? Keb -> ::gives Jami a tense smile:: I can almost smell home. LtCdrFaldek -> If it takes longer than 3 months I would suggest discharge. Samantha_Kent -> t'Tamarak> Vilanne> ::eyes Vilanne for a moment, then grins faintly:: Do you know me? Admiral Atragon-9 -> EnsOpsGuy>::looking down at his console:: Sirs, we just sent a transmission back to Federation space doug.t -> ::Hilee :: yes sir i would Samantha_Kent -> t'Tamarak> ::slides into the indicated seat:: Kansas Kenickie -> Sir, did you know the Romulan is practing medican in sickbay? Cmdr JFarrington -> ::pats her shoulder:: Me, too, Keb. Me, too. LtCdrFaldek -> ::looks at KK:: LtCdrFaldek -> She is a doctor... Keb -> ::looks over at opsguy wondering why anyone would be that dumb:: Cmdr JFarrington -> ::blinks:: turning to OPSGuy::: Vilanne -> Well, I'm getting there, aren't I? ::giggles for a sec, then halts it as it hurts too much:: Let me show you this thing... our new toy. Cmdr JFarrington -> ::glance at Atragon::: MC_Escher -> ::glances up at T'Prise as his console notifies him of spider cage entry, then looks back at Morran:: Admiral Atragon-9 -> Say again, OpsGuy? Vilanne -> ::taps on the machine getting it going:: Kansas Kenickie -> and I am good with a knife, doesn't mean I am a cook Cmdr JFarrington -> ::shifts to look over his shoulder::: Samantha_Kent -> t'Tamarak> ::lets the comment lie, and nods to show that she is listening to whatever Vilanne is going to show her:: precip -> ::looks to KK:: Just as long as she's not practicing espionage. And as long as we are watching her...I am fine with that. LtCdrFaldek -> ::just keeps quiet:: T'Prise -> ::Enters Spider Cage, but is back out in less then a minute, clutching a data disc and securing the door behind her.:: Keb -> ::turns back to her console, but looks troubled:: EJ Pilot -> ::adjusts the engines a bit as they were laggy, which brings us to the maximum output for the speed we are going:: Hilee -> Doug> Very well...your complaint is recorded,and logged and will be passed on to our superiors for any further actions or considerations. Kansas Kenickie -> we don't know if she is.. this can be a plan they cooked up Keb -> Two minutes to Federation space. Turris Morran -> ::taps a console next to next to him:: Of course, bioarmor could be thought of us an entire living organism. It requires nutrients, a circulatory system to deliver those nutrients, and an immune system to keep out any foreign invaders. That and.. <con> Hilee -> Doug> Anything else Lt.? Admiral Atragon-9 -> EnsOpsGuy>Definitely a transmission, sir. I can't read it, but it shot back to Federation space Sovak -> ::head comes up at OPSGuys announcement:: Who sent a message? doug.t -> ::Hilee :: no thank you Commander that will be all precip -> Faldek...your thoughts...couls she be a spy? Cmdr JFarrington -> ::Frowns, glancing at the signature::: Ensign, you are relieved. Vilanne -> This thing is really cool, see these? ::points:: This thing regenerates any organs, tissues or bones indicated. In fact, before we came to you, I regenerated a Romulan rat... ::pauses, hopes she doesn't offend::... Sovak -> Trace the source. Garnoopy -> ::hears an alarm on a console, blinks, taps a panel:: Cmdr JFarrington -> ::takes over OPS, entering her secure codes::: Turris Morran -> ::the console next to him displays the cure from Romulus doing it's work on a cellular level:: a power regenerative system. Garnoopy -> ::Roget:: You're being traced. EJ Pilot -> ::continues monitoring:: Admiral Atragon-9 -> EnsOpsGuy> ::looks at Jami:: Uhh, yessir Garnoopy -> ::Roget:: Do you want to be caught? Cmdr JFarrington -> ::taptap:::shift::: Vilanne -> Well, it was to test the attempts at a cure with Romulan DNA. We couldn't get it to breath on its own and we had to handle all of it's major vital functions... but it was almost alive. Hilee -> Doug> Very well...this session is ended..Computer end recording...and log file. T'Prise -> ::Goes back to working at her station:: LtCmdr Roget -> ::riding the TL:: LtCdrFaldek -> I have thought about that myself. I ordered science to classify the work on the bio armor. She seems guarded, but that is also a side effect of being a lone romulan on a federation ship... Cmdr JFarrington -> The source is engineering. Main console. LtCdrFaldek -> I would not dismiss the fact that should be Tal Shiar. Garnoopy -> ::while he waits for Roget, reroutes the Ops trace through a bunch fo sub systems:: Samantha_Kent -> t'Tamarak> ::silent for a moment, pondering the implications of this, then allows:: Impressive. precip -> ::listens:: LtCdrFaldek -> <<she could be*>> Cmdr JFarrington -> The destination...::turns to Sovak and Atragon::: Hilee -> Doug> Off the record ...I sincerely hope this does not come back to bite you....you may return to duty, dismissed. Garnoopy -> ::sighs, noting the Ops guy was to fast:: Cmdr JFarrington -> ::very serious expression::: EJ Pilot -> ::continues monitoring the console, sips his coffee:: Keb -> 1 minute till we cross into Federation space. LtCdrFaldek -> Once we get back to federation space I can see if my contact in the Order is still alive and get her file. Turris Morran -> I was noticing this as we were working on the cure, that the genetic engineering that we did not only prevented the..umm.. ::snaps his fingers, suffering from a bit of disnomia:: ...generation of new virus particles, but it also increased the immune doug.t -> ::Hilee : Thank you Commander ::takes his Coffee and leaves the Engineering office:: Vilanne -> ::shows her through all of the major body systems, then through the intricate details of each:: with a splice of dna, we can replicate anything... well, almost. This thing has its downfalls. Keb -> ::watching the numbers count down:: Admiral Atragon-9 -> Who the hell is breaking radio silence while we are in Romulan space???! precip -> First check and see if he is alive. Keb -> ::winces at A9's outburst:: Turris Morran -> efficiency by as much as ten percent, thanks to faster lymphocyte reaction.. Garnoopy -> ::decides that he likes Roget more than A9, deletes the access codes showing who sent the message:: doug.t -> ::exits heads over to his console::checks the power status:: LtCdrFaldek -> I can certainly do that. It's been 2 weeks since I was last in contact with him. MC_Escher -> Ensign, what you're talking about is an organism. We don't want an organism, because the important thing about this bioarmor is that it has to be deployed, and then undeployed once we're done LtCdrFaldek -> The Cardassian Government has been going though some tough times with the Annexation of Bajor. Admiral Atragon-9 -> ::bangs fist on arm of the CC, opening a Com channel:: +ENG+ Engineering, this is the Admiral, come in Cmdr JFarrington -> ::A9:: Evidence is being erased. Garnoopy -> ::then erases the records of him erasing the records:: Samantha_Kent -> t'Tamarak> Vilanne> Such as? Garnoopy -> +A9+ Garn here, yes Admiral? MC_Escher -> An immune system isn't important, and the circulation system has to be unidirectional and each cell has to take care of its own LtCmdr Roget -> ::riding the tl to the Bridge:: Kansas Kenickie -> People seem to get mad when they are slaves.. they are funny that way Faldek precip -> Kansas Kenickie, Faldek...I think Crystal can just sit in the brig for now. I am more concerned with our guest. I would like the both of you to keep an eye on her. Courteously...of course since I have been debriefed on her actions on the shuttle... MC_Escher -> We have the basic outline of a hyper-regenerating bacterial strain LtCdrFaldek -> ::doesn't say anything:: Keb -> Captain, we're officially in Federation Space now. ::would cheer, but everyone is upset by the message...it's just not the right time:: MC_Escher -> We just need to figure out how to turn it into armor LtCdrFaldek -> So you want us to relieve the grunts in sickbay and watch her personally? precip -> were....lifesaving. Kansas your Tenacious...and Faldek..you have experience in Spycraft. Just keep an eye out on her. Cmdr JFarrington -> ::shifting parameters:: Garnoopy -> ::finishes his cleaning of the computer system, then opens a panel and pulls the memory card that would store the latent image of the records of who sent the message, drops it on the ground, and promptly steps on it:: Turris Morran -> ::ponders for a moment:: I see.. ::Sits back in his chair, somewhat taken aback:: Admiral Atragon-9 -> +GARN+ Chief, what is going on down there? We just picked up a transmission from Engineering into Federation space, while we were operating under radio silence T'Prise -> ::Inserts data disc into slot and begins loading information into the main computer:: Vilanne -> Oh... let's see.. ::presses a few buttons:: Well, like, if you want to regenerate a fingernail, it's got these warnings.. ::pulls up like over 20 warnings:: Incapability warnings, undefined chemical imbalance in the keritin... etc, etc... tons of probl Kansas Kenickie -> when the time comes can I get at her first? ::Smiles:: Garnoopy -> ::crunch, crunch, crunch of circuitry:: precip -> I'd llike the both of you to take charge of her security detail. That is all. Assign personnel as you wish. EJ Pilot -> ::continues going over systems and sipping his coffee:: LtCdrFaldek -> ::Looks at KK:: doug.t -> ::opens a panel in engineering begins to fix it:: precip -> Of Course Ms Crystal will not be one of them. Vilanne -> It's test equipment... but we get to work with it. Vilanne -> Here's where you come in. Garnoopy -> +A9+ A transmission? Are you sure Admiral? Can you send me the data you have... if we have a security breach here I need to find it immediately! LtCdrFaldek -> Of course. precip -> ::looks to Kansas:: You think she's a spy? Kansas Kenickie -> I believe she has some guards in her right now.... I would like to volenteer to keep an eye on my off hours Samantha_Kent -> t'Tamarak> Ie? Keb -> ::relaxes a little because we're on the right side of the line, at last:: EJ Pilot -> ::continues to sip his coffee as Garn talks to A9:: Cmdr JFarrington -> ::hearing Garn, suspicion rises::: Kansas Kenickie -> ::Shakes head:: To be honest.. I don't know. but I am not going to jump up and trust her Admiral Atragon-9 -> +GARN+ On it's way. Jami, send Garn the data stream MC_Escher -> ::taps console and brings up a schematic:: Syndrx worked up a plan that had seeded nutrients along the entire three-dimensional space the armor would fill. It's very nice, but it requires constant force fields - something a shield really can't have. Vilanne -> ::wide smile at t'Tamarak:: Jaiysa, I want to see if it will regenerate my ribs, you know... give them a healthy start. we'd have to extract bone marrow from my hips, because this thing won't do both, but ... well, what do you think? Kansas Kenickie -> she needs to prove she can be trusted Keb -> Shall I set a course for station R-6, captain? Garnoopy -> ::picks up the smashed circuitry, slides it into his "mailbox" in his office:: Cmdr JFarrington -> Sending information now, Admiral. Hilee -> ::Exits the eng. office padd in hand ...with Doug’s complaint recorded on it, the main file CC to Garn, Precip, Xo, Co...:: Admiral Atragon-9 -> ::turns to McFly:: Anything on sensors that could tell us if the Romulans might have picked up the signal? Cmdr JFarrington -> ::keeps a copy, of course, and all the other information that could have been kept::: MC_Escher -> It has to be seeded from the hull, with no active energy required to sustain it. I have been working on a relay protein that passes nutrients very quickly down along the length of the shield like a baton pass... EJ Pilot -> ::shakes his head and keeps his mouth shut, attempting to forget what just happened.:: Cmdr JFarrington -> ::looking for the logon::: Garnoopy -> ::taps a panel:: +A9+ I'm receiving it now... I see where it was sent from, but I'm not sure how... it's a console in main engineering in the open... I'm going to pull the records for access to that location. Standby. precip -> Of Course. But I'd like the both of you to watch her....work together. Develop a repertoire if you’d like. McFly -> ::scans area:: I don't see anything but then again I can't see cloaks Samantha_Kent -> t'Tamarak> ::raises both eyebrows:: You are impatient for such an unpleasant procedure... LtCdrFaldek -> Some spies have long term missions, it was not unheard of for the Order to put an operative deep undercover for years. LtCmdr Roget -> ::steps onto the Bridge and moves to the OPS console, watching EnsOPSGuy slip away:: Cmdr JFarrington -> ::A9:: No chatter to that effect. Kansas Kenickie -> become "friends" precip -> Just watch her...::looks to Kansas and Faldek:: Understood. LtCdrFaldek -> Understood. MC_Escher -> ...but it's still in development stages. It needs work, and we also need to figure out how to provide an electrically passive nutrient source on the hull. Cmdr JFarrington -> ::is at OPS::: Garnoopy -> ::taps the panel:: Cmdr JFarrington -> ::looks up to see Margaux::: Hello, Commander. LtCdrFaldek -> ::nods to KK to come with him out into the hall:: precip -> That's why I need someone with experience in this...and someone with dedication...::looks to Kenickie:: Vilanne -> I just want to get back to work, and off that biobed... Jaiysa, will you help me? Kansas Kenickie -> ::nods:: understood sir Garnoopy -> +A9+ Admiral, I'm not able to pull up any records for access... the data is just, gone. Kansas Kenickie -> ::Follows Faldek:: T'Prise -> ::Looks up from her console at Escher:: Perhaps if you studied living organisms indigenous to space, the answer may be found in their biological structure. Garnoopy -> +A9+ I can look and see if I can find it... but it might take a few hours. Cmdr JFarrington -> ::slow stand::: Keb -> ::waits for Sovak to answer her question before setting a course to R-6:: Admiral Atragon-9 -> +GARN+ Do it!! ::snaps off the comm link:: Samantha_Kent -> t'Tamarak> ::slow puff of air out:: Vilanne> Maenek...my authority here is limited. You know that. precip -> Work together...report anything unsusal immediately...we are on a Black Ops Ship with advanced technology we have a duty to safeguard. EJ Pilot -> ::looks to Garn:: Sir... precip -> Dismissed. Cmdr JFarrington -> I am relieved. ::relinquishes the post::: Garnoopy -> ::looks at Pilot:: Yes? LtCmdr Roget -> ::nods:: Sir. LtCdrFaldek -> ::walks slowly:: If she is a Tal Shiar operative, she has had years of training, not just in mind srewing but physical combat as well. Their training is harder than anything the Federation offers. MC_Escher -> ::turns to T'Prise:: Do you have something in mind? EJ Pilot -> ::Garn:: we could of made a log entry for the "console". Turris Morran -> ::takes a look at the schematic, scratching his beard:: Well, there was that...::snaps his fingers again:: space creature the Enterprise-D encountered some years ago. Ahhh what was the name of it. Cmdr JFarrington -> ::returns to her chair, considering:::: Sovak -> ::To Keb:: Affirmative. SEt course. Hilee -> ::Walks up to the Main console...observing Ej, and Garn:: Gentlemen. Kansas Kenickie -> I have had training beyond the Federation LtCdrFaldek -> I'm not saying you couldn't beat her in a drag out fight, I'm just saying they train for things like this, and to kill security officers without even thinking about it. Admiral Atragon-9 -> +SEC+ Security, come in, this is A9 EJ Pilot -> ::sips his coffee, waiting for Garn's response. EJ Pilot -> :: Garnoopy -> ::Pilot:: The latent image would have remained. I'd like to replace the chip and then add what you're looking for. Vilanne -> ::thinks through any implications:: I have authority to use this machine... You've already been inside of me... what's once more to place the marrow and rib repairs? LtCmdr Roget -> ::sits:: LtCdrFaldek -> That being said, I think the best way is to play nice. Garnoopy -> ::Pilot:: Shouldn't take long. Keb -> ::gets a broad smile on her face:: Yes sir, with pleasure. Setting course to Station R-6. By the most direct route save that we'll approach from a bit of an arc. precip -> +A9+ Precip here sir. LtCdrFaldek -> Try and be her friend. EJ Pilot -> ::Garn:: Aye. Kansas Kenickie -> So I become her so called friend Garnoopy -> ::Pilot:: Go grab the chip, we can install it and reprogram it. Keb -> ::locks in her course:: LtCdrFaldek -> That's the best way. T'Prise -> I believe that several Federation vessels have encountered different biological organisms that live in space. If we ran a search of the science database, we should be able to gather information on them. EJ Pilot -> ::goes to where we keep these chips and grabs 1:: Turris Morran -> Ahh... gumshoe, gantoo...Gomtuu, that's it. Kansas Kenickie -> I am not the best a girl talk but I will give it a shot Admiral Atragon-9 -> +PRECIP+ Chief, we just had a Security breach in MENG. Someoen sent a tight beam transmission back to Fed space before we got there EJ Pilot -> ::returns with the chip, hands it to Garn:: Here you are sir. LtCdrFaldek -> But you have to take it slow, anything too fast could spook her, make her wonder why you want to be her friend doug.t -> ::is busy working on the upper level:: Admiral Atragon-9 -> +PRECIP+ Verify where Dr. t'Tamarak was just now and start interviewing Engineers, if you have to Kansas Kenickie -> I will go and visit with the Doctor who was hurt on the mission. see how she is doing.. she was a doctor right? precip -> +A9+Understood I am on my way. LtCdrFaldek -> Cardassians and Romulans have had friendly relations in the past, but i am not going to play that card. EJ Pilot -> ::Garn:: I hope and pray you know what you are doing, sir. Garnoopy -> ::Pilot:: Thanks... can you create the program? I'd like it to look like someone bypassed the security procedures LtCdrFaldek -> Yeah, Vilanne I think... Garnoopy -> ::slides the chip it, uses a hypospanner to attach it:: EJ Pilot -> ::brings up a program:: Cmdr JFarrington -> ::after hearing A9, thinks of course..it has to be Jaiysa::: MC_Escher -> ::nods to the two of them:: One of the perks of being Chief Science Officer is delegation. You two work on your space aliens and report back on anything that might be useful for our bioarmor. precip -> Folks..someone just gave Manticore's position away.. Check immediately on where the Romulan is. And keep her under watch. Kansas Kenickie -> ::nods:: I will go there now, I will keep you informed Hilee -> Garn> Commander...excuse me sir, I have just taken a statement and a recorded complaint by Doug against Commander Kenicke, you have a CC in your inbox,and have forwarded copies to the command staff as per regs. McFly -> ::waiting for ships to decloak any moment but figuring being back home it would be rather ballsy of them to even attempt it:: EJ Pilot -> ::programs it to do what Garn has asked:: EJ Pilot -> ::Garn:: Program ready, sir. precip -> ::Bolian Curse word:: Garnoopy -> ::Pilot:: And You are under orders, regardless of who asks you or what they threaten you with, to keep this under raps, that understood? Kansas Kenickie -> ::Looks at Precip:: I saw her last in Sickbay EJ Pilot -> Aye.. Kansas Kenickie -> ::Dashes down the hall:: Garnoopy -> ::Pilot:: These may be larger than this ship. Keb -> We should be at the station in...::finishes calculating:: 32 hours. precip -> ::running to TL:: Keep her there... Samantha_Kent -> t'Tamarak> ::shakes head:: Maenek...I know little about Federation surgery, but I doubt the patient is allowed to give authority for their own surgery -- and I cannot risk making my reputation here any less...stable. LtCdrFaldek -> Who's the security detail with her now? Vilanne -> We can do it... the bone marrow just needs to be extracted... I can give you a hair folicle to get my DNA matched up. T'Prise -> Aye sir. ::Looks back down at her station and begins to request a search:: Kansas Kenickie -> ::Keeps running down the hall:: Make a hole! EJ Pilot -> ::Garn:: I understand. Garnoopy -> ::finishes with the hypospanner, looks at Pilot:: Install the program when you finish. Garnoopy -> ::looks at Hilee:: Complaint? Vilanne -> ::sad eyes to t'Tamarak:: So... no, eh? LtCdrFaldek -> ::obviously starts running with KK:: EJ Pilot -> ::installs the program:: Samantha_Kent -> t'Tamarak> Vilanne> ::dry smile:: If your patient was proving so impatient, you would reject them as well. EJ Pilot -> ::Garn:: Done.. LtCdrFaldek -> We need a TL... ::stops as he sees one down the next corridor:: Kansas Kenickie -> ::Comes to a halt outside of sickbay:: precip -> ::in TL heading to MENG:: Garnoopy -> ::Pilot:: Excellent. Now... put together a report of what you find when you research who accessed the console. Hilee -> ::Unaware of what they are discussing...::Garn> aye sir...on the last mission Mr.T feels he was abused, and the end result of an attack from a fellow officer Keb -> ::giggles madly:: And as soon as I'm off duty, I can send Mom and Dad a message saying they're going to have a son-in-law. Vilanne -> I just want to heal up... and get back to work Jaiysa. I want to show you around the ship, have tea in my quarters... enjoy my life again. Kansas Kenickie -> ::Deep breath, then walks into sickbay calmly:: Turris Morran -> ::steps behind T'Prise:: Ahh, you don't look so much different without your Romulan get up on, but ah..who the heck was that guy we were just talking to? Garnoopy -> ::Hilee, sighs:: Understood... I'll read the report over and deal with it. EJ Pilot -> ::begins putting together said report:: Cmdr JFarrington -> ::starts to relax, esp after hearing Keb::: LtCdrFaldek -> ::doesnt need to stop and compose himself, follows KK:: Samantha_Kent -> t'Tamarak> Vilanne> ::pause; quietly:: I understand that...beleive me. T'Prise -> ::Raises an eyebrow:: Lieutenant Commander Escher, the head of the science department. Samantha_Kent -> t'Tamarak> ::eyes back towards the door as the SEC officer comes back in, followed by another, a Cardassian:: Vilanne -> ::reaches around t'Tamarak half way, and gives her a mini-hug:: Thanks. Hilee -> Garn> Aye sir...I did try to dissuade him...however he does have the right, with your permission I'll initiate the chain for review EJ Pilot -> ::Garn:: Also sir, you already know they won't just let this go. There will more than likely be an investigation, sir. precip -> Nuts...::exits lift and heads towards MENG:: Turris Morran -> Ahhha! I thought so. ::grins:: I didn't recognize him as a human. ::laughs:: Garnoopy -> ::Pilot:: oh, and Pilot... be *very* thorough... make sure you are very detailed. I want to make sure we check out what is there. LtCdrFaldek -> ::steps to the two security officers:: LtCmdr Roget -> ::give Keb a "way to go" smile:: EJ Pilot -> ::finishes the report and has it ready and waiting:: Garnoopy -> ::Hilee:: The chain? Kansas Kenickie -> ::Smiles:: Hello Vilanne, I came to see how you are doing Keb -> ::grins back at Roget:: LtCdrFaldek -> ::pulls them into the CMO's office and closes the door:: McFly -> So what now? We're back home right? You think the Romulans would really attack a federation ship in its own space? LtCmdr Roget -> <I want to be in on *that* interrogation!> T'Prise -> ::Vulcan equivalent of the eye roll:: I believe that the commander asked us to research space-dwelling organisms? Vilanne -> ::spins around on her stool in front of the machine, looking at Kansas:: I can't give you a checkup, they won't let me back on duty yet. Hilee -> Garn>Aye sir...the review chain by the command staff when there has been a serious complaint/charge issued against a fellow officer...regs,sir. Samantha_Kent -> t'Tamarak> ::kind of uncomfortable with the hug, pulls herself to her feet and takes a few steps back as Kenickie approaches, watching as Faldek disappears with her security guards:: doug.t -> ::continues to fix some relays:: EJ Pilot -> ::goes back into the report and begins making it as detailed as possible:: Cmdr JFarrington -> ::Keb:: What are the plans, Keb? Anything finalized yet? precip -> ::enters Main Engineering:: Kansas Kenickie -> I am not here for myself, I am here to see you LtCdrFaldek -> Alright Ensigns uh... ::thinks:: McLane and Valiant... ::thinks again:: Garnoopy -> ::Hilee:: I'll take it from here... thanks for the information. Hilee -> Garn> Aye sir LtCdrFaldek -> Has that Romulan left sickbay at all the last hour? precip -> Ensign Snow and Ensign Sleet>::outside main engineering:: Admiral Atragon-9 -> ::stands and heads to his Ready Room:: Matt, keep an eye on the border from our side. Sovak, you have the comm EJ Pilot -> ::looks to Commander Precip:: Kansas Kenickie -> ::Looks at t'Tamarak:: how is she healing up? Vilanne -> ::glances at Kansa' hands for a card, flowers or candy:: I see... ::notes empty handed:: I'm doing ok. LtCmdr Roget -> <::hears Precips spurs clinking and the theme song from The Good The Bad and The Ugly> EJ Pilot -> ::Precip:: Hello Chief Precip. Sovak -> Aye. ::moves to the CC:: Hilee -> ::Spots Precip entering eng.:: LtCdrFaldek -> <Valiant> ::looks at McLane:: No sir, she has been tending to Dr. Chalice. Garnoopy -> ::tapping the main engineering console, looks up at Mitar:: precip -> Everyone is to remain here in Main Engineering...no one leaves. There has been a security breach. Keb -> ::shakes her head at Jami:: Not yet...we've done some talking. Obviously, my family has to be there for it. Samantha_Kent -> t'Tamarak> Kenickie> ::faint shrug:: As well as can be expected, rekkhai...her ribs are still recovering from the surgery she underwent. LtCdrFaldek -> <McLane> That is correct Commander. Keb -> Which makes it a little more difficult. EJ Pilot -> ::Precip:: Aye. Cmdr JFarrington -> Of course. I'm so happy for you. Hilee -> :;Looks up...taken by surprise..:: Vilanne -> Have you formally met Jaiysa yet? ::points one to the other:: Kansas... meet Jaiysa... Jaiysa, meet Kansas. She's one of our security officers. Garnoopy -> ::moves over to Precip:: Yes, we know there has been a security breach Commander. Cmdr JFarrington -> But there's time, yes? EJ Pilot -> ::Precip:: Would you like our engineering teams to be recalled as well? Kansas Kenickie -> ::Places hand on Vilanne shoulder:: shouldn't you be in bed? you could hurt yourself being up LtCdrFaldek -> Alright, Commander Kenickie and Myself have been put in charge of security over the Romulan doctor, anything happens you report it to us directly. Keb -> Yeah, we haven't set a date or anything. I mean--my folks haven't even met Faldek yet. Garnoopy -> ::Precip:: However, it's a ship in outer space. Where are they going to go? Samantha_Kent -> t'Tamarak> ::slow nod at Kansas:: Jolan tru...we met, I believe...on the shuttle. precip -> So....what the hell happened? Vilanne -> Well, I wanted to show her the machine... they didn't have one in their lab... and I had hoped to use it on me soon. ::large grin and wink:: If Jaiysa will agree. Cmdr JFarrington -> ::chuckles:: That's always the hard part. Meeting the parents. EJ Pilot -> ::continuing the research:: Garnoopy -> ::Pilot:: Just keep researching... I'll deal with security, ok? LtCdrFaldek -> <McLane & Valiant> ::in unison:: Aye sir. Sovak -> Tactical, do we have any ships in scanning range? Samantha_Kent -> t'Tamarak> ::if she were a more demonstrative person, she would be facepalming right about now:: Hilee -> ::Looks at EJ:: Ej> I was unaware there was a security breach...must have happened while I was taking Doug's statement Garnoopy -> ::moves up to Precip, quietly so no one else can overhear:: Precip, what exactly do you want to do here? Kansas Kenickie -> ::Smiles at t'Tamarak:: We weren't introduced. I wanted to thank you for your help back there.. and for saving Vilanne Keb -> ::shrugs wistfully:: I won't have to...he doesn't have any family left. They're not very nice on Cardassia. EJ Pilot -> ::Garn:: Aye. Turris Morran -> ::nods somberly, mumbling something about Vulcan women and steps over to his own console:: precip -> ::looks to Garnoopy:: Transmission was sent from here...The Admiral wants to know who sent it. Vilanne -> ::warm grin at t'Tamarak:: See? We DO like you... and certainly are grateful EJ Pilot -> ::Hilee:: Nor was I. EJ Pilot -> ::continues his research:: Garnoopy -> ::Precip:: Yes, Commander, I"m not an idiot although your security staff often treats me like it... I know that. LtCdrFaldek -> Dismissed... Admiral Atragon-9 -> ::sits at his RR desk, pulling up his double-secret comm link:: Cmdr JFarrington -> ::Decides that perhaps the bridge is not the place for her to continue the discussion::: Samantha_Kent -> t'Tamarak> Kenickie> ::dry chuckle:: You are welcome, rekkhai...::has given up on her usual protest:: doug.t -> ::closes up the panel rides the lift back down to the lower level in main engineering:: LtCdrFaldek -> ::exits the office:: Garnoopy -> ::Precip:: My point is... exactly what do you want to do? We're researching what happened. I've been here the whole time. T'Prise -> ::Finds some promising data on a creature encountered in 2364, creates a brief to send to Escher's console and goes back to researching.:: McFly -> Just the usual border patrol on long range, Cap doug.t -> ::looks ::EJ Pilot ::whispers :: what’s going on? Kansas Kenickie -> I hope you feel at home here, I am sure your company wont be with you to long EJ Pilot -> ::doug:: I believe there was a security breach here. How I do not know. Kansas Kenickie -> ::Leaning head toward the guards:: Hilee -> Doug/Ej> The Commander appears to be handling...what ever needs to be handled,lets get back to duty. precip -> You have no leads as to who sent the transmission? Garn. You know I have to be thorough here. LtCdrFaldek -> ::heads over to Vilanne:: Keb -> :;looks up at Jami:: You'll be there too, won't you? You're part of my family here. EJ Pilot -> ::continues researching:: Vilanne -> ::sees Faldek coming over:: Wow... am I popular today, no visitors for days, now a plethora... ((that was for Sovak)) Samantha_Kent -> t'Tamarak> Kenickie> ::glances towards the CMO's office where her entourage is emerging behind Faldek:: I do not know... Cmdr JFarrington -> ::P: Of course, Keb. ::somewhat astonished she would think that:: Admiral Atragon-9 -> ::punches in what he knows about Dr. t'Tamarak and requests all triple-secret files:: Garnoopy -> ::Precip:: If I had any leads I'd tell you. Pilot is looking into it now... but what do you expect to do storming in here? Arrest us? Hilee -> Doug> Start a diagnostic on the main engines,and reaction chambers...please. doug.t -> ::goes back to his console cross checking some sub routens:: Vilanne -> Oh, they will leave you alone soon, and we'll go play backgammon in my quarters or something on a holodeck. doug.t -> ::Hilee :: aye sir Turris Morran -> ::sets off doing some research of his own, looking a tad bored with his chin resting on his palm:: LtCdrFaldek -> ::looks at the Romulan doctor:: I'm not sure we've been Properly introduced. Keb -> ::gives Jami a big smile:: Thanks. I don't know where it'll be, or when, or anything...but I'm glad you'll be there, too. doug.t -> ::begins his diagnostic:: Samantha_Kent -> t'Tamarak> Vilanne> ::looks at the doctor with some sardonic amusement at her slightly naive confidence on the subject:: McFly -> ::thinking;; I thought it'd be nice to be home but this is kind of boring precip -> Garn, I have my orders. I have to interview everyone in here regarding this.. Samantha_Kent -> t'Tamarak> Faldek> ::recognizing the voice:: No, I suppose not. You were the Card'hassin on the shuttle? Vilanne -> ::does the formal introduction:: Now you two have met... Cmdr JFarrington -> ::broad smile as well:: You let me know. I'll be there. And should I say with bells on? EJ Pilot -> ::finishes his report on his findings:: Garnoopy -> And who shall run engineering while you take my staff away? Hilee -> ::Watching the main console...and Ej running ...his research...as well as Garn,and Precip...sips his java:: LtCdrFaldek -> There weren't any Cardassians on the shuttle, technically. Keb -> ::giggles:: Bring all the bells you want. It's a wedding, isn't it? T'Prise -> ::Continues to search the database for space-dwelling organisms, the 2364 incident being the only promising lead at present.:: McFly -> ::thinking;; wish a Romulan ship would decloak, that'd be interesting EJ Pilot -> ::sips his coffee:: Garnoopy -> You know what you can do Commander? Deal with Lieutenant Doug. Samantha_Kent -> t'Tamarak> Faldek> ::dryly:: Of course not. Garnoopy -> I've got a complaint about your staff not only harassing, but attacking my engineers. Vilanne -> ::nods:: How true... but you are looking like your fine self again. Garnoopy -> Can you explain that? doug.t -> ::taps at the console by the warp core:: precip -> I am not taking your staff away...everyone is staying here. ::points to the deck:: I am the one going no where. Garnoopy -> ::Precip:: This apparently isn't the first time you're steppint out of line. Is this where your staff gets it? Admiral Atragon-9 -> +SOVAK+ Captain, have Tactical and Ops work together to pull the recordings of staff movement in MEG in the past 30 minutes LtCdrFaldek -> What are your plans? Are you going to defect to the Federation? precip -> ::blinks a bit:: MC_Escher -> ::looking over TP's report, noting the relevant info:: Sovak -> +A9+ Acknowledged. Garnoopy -> ::turns around, to the engineers:: Did anyone here see anything suspiscious? Vilanne -> Oh my... guess he's NOT here to see me after all. ::slowly stands and holds ribs:: Samantha_Kent -> t'Tamarak> Faldek> ::grunts:: Given the alternative...that seems relatively likely. ::not sure where her offer from A9 lies at the moment and so goes with the shortest explanation:: Garnoopy -> Hilee? You see anything? Pilot? Doug? Anyone? EJ Pilot -> Negative...I have been at this console all my shift. precip -> We do have that to discuss. Yes. But its the Admiral's orders...you are all to remain here ..in MENG while an investigation is undertaken to the source and identity of the individual who sent the transmission. Kansas Kenickie -> ::Elbows Faldek ribs:: you make it sound bad, she is starting freash here Hilee -> Garn> I have not seen anything out of the way Commander. LtCdrFaldek -> If you would like any help in adjusting to... a Starfleet lifestyle I will be more than happy to give you any help you desire. doug.t -> ::Garnoopy :: negative I was in the office with Hilee Keb -> ::giggles again, somewhat nervously, thinking that it's a bit scary, a wedding:: doug.t -> with McFly -> ::hearing comm, looks over to Roget:: once again we work together, I look forward Garnoopy -> ::turns, looks at Precip:: No one saw anything, what more do you want? LtCdrFaldek -> ::looks at KK:: I didn't have it easy being the only Cardassian in Starfleet... Vilanne -> :;grits teeth seeing Faldek get ribbed, moves slowly back to the biobed:: Kansas Kenickie -> and you should try the ice cream, it's to die for Cmdr JFarrington -> ::heartened by Keb's laugh::: LtCdrFaldek -> Ice cream is entirely too cold. Samantha_Kent -> t'Tamarak> Faldek/Kenickie> ::somewhat surprised and, as is her nature, somewhat suspicious at this show of affability but nods slowly:: Hann'yyo... EJ Pilot -> ::hopes Precip doesn’t hit Garn:: Samantha_Kent -> t'Tamarak> ::eyes to Vilanne, watching her as she proceeds back to her biobed:: Kansas Kenickie -> we should be off, you know how Precip can get if we hang around LtCdrFaldek -> You are welcome. Samantha_Kent -> ((*hann'yyo = thank you)) T'Prise -> ::blinks and rubs temples:: precip -> Garn...what dont you understand.. THe admiral has ordered this .. I am just doing my job. If you have a problem with this...I shall relay your concerns to him. Vilanne -> Kansas, what if you take her for some recreation? She's been couped up in here, I bet she could use some air. LtCdrFaldek -> ::looks at KK:: I suppose the good Commander is correct. precip -> Frak. This stinks....who would be stupid enough onboard to do something like this.... McFly -> ::feels himself being ignored again on the bridge; quietly to himself:: yeah that's what I figured ::gets started looking up records:: Kansas Kenickie -> ::blinks:: the air in here is the same in the whole ship Garnoopy -> Oh no, I understand. You're here to harass my engineers. Well, now you get to deal with me. No one saw anything, what more do you want? Samantha_Kent -> t'Tamarak> Kenickie> ::lets out a low snort, as she was thinking the same thing:: Vilanne -> ::giggles:: The holodeck, silly. Garnoopy -> I have no idea who would do it, but if there is any engineering way to trace the signal, we will. precip -> Anyone else been in Main Engineering. Non Engineers? Cmdr JFarrington -> ::waiting for the TAC/OPS report::: Admiral Atragon-9 -> and... Kansas Kenickie -> :::Looks at t'Tamarak:: That sounds great.. give me a ring when you are free doug.t -> ::goes through the signal correlation traces:: Keb -> ::checks the course and looks pleased to see that in just under 32 hours, we'll be at Station R-6:: Garnoopy -> Of course, people pass through. Hilee -> :;looks at EJ..shrugs:: Ej<w>you feel harassed? Admiral Atragon-9 -> =/\======= PAUSE SIM =======/\= Cmdr JFarrington -> TBS? Admiral Atragon-9 -> TBS is 8 hours
  2. MISSION BRIEFING: While tracking old-style radio signals, the Oberth-class starship USS Perseus has discovered a lost human colony. The 400 million colonists appear to be descendents of the warp ship S.S. Atlas, launched in 2075. Undetected, the ship has entered orbit to gather information about the colony. Game Master (GM) - STSF Sorehl Game Master (GM) - CmdrJ Farrington Mission Commanding Officer (MCO) - Allen Armstrong Mission Executive Officer (MXO) - Pace Helm/Operations Officer (HOPS) - Nisha Dunsel Chief Engineer (CENG) - TKAR Chief Medical Officer (CMO) - William Kidd Assistant Medical Officer (AMO) - Vilanne Chief Science Officer (CSCI) - STSF Sorehl Chief Security Officer (CSEC) - Ens Hawke 090616log.txt
  3. Manticore Mission Update for 6.8.2009 After a daring incursion into Romulan space, Admiral Atragon and Commander Precip have rescued the rest of the crew from the Romulan scout ship. We are making best speed toward the Federation-Romulan Neutral Zone using a random flight pattern meant to confuse the pursuing Romulan Fleet. Our present course will take us to an “inconvenient” crossing point, between Space Stations R-5 and R-6, which, with random course corrections, we should reach in approximately 91 hours, or 3.8 days. Meanwhile, the Romulan Warbird Rodan has rendezvoused with our abandoned scout ship. The Manticore’s ruse exposed, Commander Gravous of the Tal Shiar, in command of the Romulan search fleet, has abandoned his search for the USS Babylon near Romulus and is headed to the Neutral Zone at maximum speed. While Dr. Chalice and LtCmdr Margaux Roget recuperate in sick bay the rest of the crew slowly return to duty. Command remains guardedly optimistic about the future of Romulan Dr. Jaiysa t'Tamarak, who left Romulus with us. Her collaboration with Federation scientists on Romulus and her assistance in our escape supposedly put her own life in danger. However, whether she is truly a defector or a conveniently planted Romulan spy has yet to be determined. Meanwhile, she has been allowed to work in sick bay with a security guard in tow. TBS is 3 days. We will be just about to cross into Federation territory.
  4. =/\= USS MANTICORE BRIEFING #560, STARDATE 50906.08 =/\= The Manticore is in Romulan space, having just completed the mission of a deep cover team that died in the ship's dorsal module, due to a radiation leak from their stolen Romulan Scout Ship stored there. The senior staff secretly helped the Romulan government stop a plague from killing millions on Romulus. The team headed off in the Scout Ship but an explosion in the Scout had injured a few crew members and made it impossible for the ship to reach the hidden location of the Manticore before running out of fuel. After the team sent a message buried in sensor burst, Manticore was able to rendezvous with the Scout and transport the team just before being spotted by Romulan ships. Now Manticore is taking an indirect and random path back to Federation space. Hilee -> ::Having had a good nights sleep...and rest awakens early...prior to shift:: MC_Escher -> ::humming gently to himself as his takes a TL down to science bay 1:: LtCdrFaldek -> ::enters Security:: Vilanne -> ::In Sickbay, still on her own biobed, resting but not sleeping, watching all the people still milling around sickbay:: Kansas Kenickie -> ::Finishes her energy drink, burps::: LtCdrFaldek -> Oh it feels like forever... Cmdr JFarrington -> ::having had her facial, is now in their quarters::: Lt Fabio -> ::at helm::: STSF Precip -> ::on bridge at Tactical:: Samantha_Kent -> t'Tamarak> ::in her secured quarters, having rested fitfully and still feeling very uncertain about these new conditions:: LtCdrFaldek -> ::takes a seat at Precip’s desk:: T'Prise -> ::Lights candles in her quarters, and kneels down to meditate:: Ian_Syndrx -> ::in the main science lab, having a cup of real coffee at his console:: LtCmdr Roget -> ::recovering slowly in sickbay:: LtCdrFaldek -> ::kicks his feet up:: Admiral Atragon-9 -> ::back on the Bridge, making sure Fabio is flying random patterns to the border:: Keb -> ::slips onto the bridge, looking nice and clean and human:: Lt Fabio -> ::or hops, more precisely::: STSF Precip -> Admiral... Lt Fabio -> ::is flying random patterns to the border::: Cmdr JFarrington -> ::steps into the shower::: Admiral Atragon-9 -> ::turns the CC:: Mr. Precip? Hilee -> ::looks at the ancient mariners wall clock as it chimes...the bells for 0400 hrs.:: MC_Escher -> ::steps out of the TL into science, gathers it in, takes a deep breath, and nods to Ian:: McFly -> ::mcfly sits in the messhall eating a real breakfast instead of replicated Romulan dishes:: Keb -> ::stands behind Fabio, looking over his shoulder:: Ian_Syndrx -> ::nods back to Escher:: good to be back, isn't it? LtCdrFaldek -> Oh so comfortable... Kansas Kenickie -> ::Steals bacon off of McFly's dish:: Samantha_Kent -> t'Tamarak> ::changed out of her Romulan attire into something lloann'na and nondescript; steps towards the door to test A9's promised partial freedom to move about:: Lt Fabio -> ::watching everything carefully::turns to Keb:: Sir, I may stand relieved if you feel up to it. McFly -> Hey, uncool LtCdrFaldek -> ::gets up and goes to the replicator:: Kansas Kenickie -> come and take it back ::Lifts brow::: STSF Precip -> Will the Romulan Doctor we beamed aboard be of any concern? I understand you spoke with her. Will everything be fine with her presence aboard? MC_Escher -> Most certainly. ::walks slowly along the row consoles, running his hand over their glowing surfaces:: You don't know you're going to miss it until you might not get it back, huh? Admiral Atragon-9 -> I am asking your guard to accompany her, but she is of no immediate threat to us Hilee -> ::Rises and sits at the edge of his bed...leans over and instinctively presses the comm to Main engineering:: Vilanne -> ::wonders if anyone will come visit her or send cards or flowers, candy or anything else:: Samantha_Kent -> t'Tamarak> ::steps out into the corridor and notes the security officers immediately falling into step with her, the Rihannsu and the humans looking about guardedly at each other:: STSF Precip -> Starfleet Intelligence is going to want to pick her brain apart most likely. McFly -> ::cracks knuckles and stands up:: no one steal my bacon ::mcfly tickles kansas to get his bacon back:: STSF Precip -> Despite what she did for our team. Admiral Atragon-9 -> ENS SECGUY>::follows t'Tamarak:: Hilee -> +Meng+ Hilee here...Status report... Keb -> ::nods to Fabio:: Looks like we're trying to be random on our way back, right? Samantha_Kent -> t'Tamarak> ::heads for a turbolift with her entourage in tow:: Kansas Kenickie -> ::Grabs his hand::: Kansas Kenickie -> ::Flips him over, sits on him:: LtCdrFaldek -> Regova Egg, scrambled with American cheese, and Cardassian Sunrise to drink please. Ian_Syndrx -> yeah, life gets different when it stops being an assumption. Lt Fabio -> ::tappitytap:: Aye, Sir. Random patterns, careful to stay clear of their normal lanes. STSF Precip -> Ensign Snow>::part of entourage:: T'Prise -> ::Unable to meditate, she leans over to blow out the candles then stands and moves to her closet to change into a uniform:: Kansas Kenickie -> ::Bites into bacon:: Samantha_Kent -> t'Tamarak> ::into turbolift:: Sickbay. ::turbolift waits for the officers to walk on with her:: Keb -> ::nods again to Fabio:: Thank you, Lt. Enjoy your off time. MC_Escher -> ::nods again, sits down at the primary viewing station:: What were we working on before? That bio armor? McFly -> ::face down in the floor; speech muffled:: you win this round Admiral Atragon-9 -> ::to Mitar:: Thats' if we let them get to her, Mitar Lt Fabio -> ::logs off::stands:: Aye, Sir. And... welcome back. Samantha_Kent -> t'Tamarak> ::turbolift hums off towards sickbay:: Kansas Kenickie -> ::Gets up, helps him to his feet:: McFly -> Brutus> ::runs off to his room crying:: No one likes me!! LtCdrFaldek -> ::sits back down at Precip's desk, and eats his breakfast:: Ian_Syndrx -> ::sips:: right now I'm working on a cup of coffee, those romulans don't seem to understand the concept of it Keb -> ::gives Fabio a happy dimply smile:: Thank you. ::takes her seat at helm:: Lt Fabio -> ::takes a long look at Keb, with great respect, then steps aside for her to take helm::: LtCmdr Roget -> ::cracks her eyes open to see flowers on the medical tray and smiles ... until her lip cracks:: sffffft STSF Precip -> How can we avoid that. You must debrief Starfleet on this matter. McFly -> you know I let you do that T'Prise -> ::Pulls her hair back before exiting her quarters, heading towards the TL:: Kansas Kenickie -> ::Smiles:: of course Vilanne -> ::sees Roget waking up... and is envious of her flowers:: Lt Fabio -> ::slides into the OPS position and logs on to that console::: Samantha_Kent -> t'Tamarak> ::reaches the sickbay deck and steps off the turbolift, walking into the medical area:: MC_Escher -> I never understood coffee. Why depend on stimulants to wake you up when it's healthier to just do it yourself? LtCdrFaldek -> Wish I could get my hands on some real Regova eggs... Hilee -> +DM+ Acknowledged...you will be releived shortly, insure the Beta shift cleans the bays well...last time I white gloved...well you remember the conservation...carry on. Keb -> ::lets her fingers slide into place on the console--much more comfortable than the Romulan scout:: T'Prise -> ::Enters TL:: Science Bay 1 Admiral Atragon-9 -> ::Cheshire cat grin:: Commander Precip, I am in a very unique relationship with the Powers That Be right now Cmdr JFarrington -> ::allowing the water to run through her hair, over her face, and down her back, considering the events of the past week::: McFly -> ::knows she can take him at anytime:: Vilanne -> ::sees t'Tamarak come into sickbay, lifts a hand to wave at her:: Admiral Atragon-9 -> I could get just about anything I wanted now Lt Fabio -> ::checking systems' status, tweaks the grid a bit::: Admiral Atragon-9 -> and maybe I want a Romulan Doctor on the crew Hilee -> <<Well I am as of right now...an engineering section of...#1 LOL >> STSF Precip -> ::faces the Admiral:: Well, to do what you did to get here. You must be in someone's favor. Samantha_Kent -> t'Tamarak> ::receiving some strange looks from some of the medical staff, heads for Vilanne seeing her moving:: Ian_Syndrx -> Because coffee is far better at waking me up than I am. Admiral Atragon-9 -> Not favor, no, but they owe me a really big favor LtCdrFaldek -> ::finishes off the sunrise and eggs, puts them back into the replicator, and gets a cup of south American coffee, hot:: Kansas Kenickie -> how long until we get out of rat space MC_Escher -> I suppose, but addicting habits rarely have good long-term benefits. You should at least consider weaning yourself off. LtCmdr Roget -> ::moves to lick her lips but her tongue feels like a dead catfish:: STSF Precip -> I don't have an issue with that...although I imagine I will have to confess to this doctor that I have killed a Romulan, and I won't be the only one onboard that will have to eventually. LtCdrFaldek -> ::takes the coffee and sits back down at the desk, and puts feet up on it, starts on reading a large stack of reports:: Wow... Cmdr JFarrington -> Shower, dry mode. ::a warm rush of air emits from the vents around her::: Hilee -> ::Grumbling ...heads for the shower:: STSF Precip -> ...say that. Admiral Atragon-9 -> And maybe she's killed humans. Have you ever asked Faldek how many of our people he killed in his past? McFly -> don't know, shouldn't be too long though, i heard the new guy's got us zigging so fast our streak looks like a stitch Keb -> ::leans back in her chair...::Mmmm. That feels just about right. STSF Precip -> No. And I highly doubt he'd tell me. T'Prise -> ::Exits TL, enters Science Bay 1, nodding curtly to Escher and Syndrx, heading directly for the spider cage:: Lt Fabio -> ::small grin on hearing Keb, his eyes still on the console::: Vilanne -> How are you today, Doctor t'Tamarak? Keb -> ::adjusts course on a whim:: Keb -> I like this random flying thing. Kinda fun. MC_Escher -> ::loudly, to catch TP before she enters the cage:: T'Prise. McFly -> it's nice to just sit here, eat some real food, and not have to worry about the door getting broken down with guns shoved in my face LtCdrFaldek -> ::sips the hot coffee:: A report about hearing sobbing come from Brutus' quarters?... T'Prise -> ::Stops and turns:: Sir? LtCdrFaldek -> ::keeps reading:: Ian_Syndrx -> well, coffee has the short-term benefit of making me more alert, so I probably won't be stopping anytime soo ::finishes his cup:: alrighty then, back to that bioarmor Lt Fabio -> ::finally turning to her, a silly grin on his face:: I suppose you could say that. It's like flying casual. STSF Precip -> ::hand on chin looking at 3-D tactical display changing subject:: So far so good, we are eluding the Romulan Fleet...the bulk of which seems to be behind us. Samantha_Kent -> t'Tamarak> Vilanne> ::coming to a halt next to Vilanne's bed:: Better rested...slightly more at ease, or at least better freed to move about. ::eyes her accompaniment sardonically:: Au? LtCmdr Roget -> ::eyes feel all dry and crusty:: Lt Fabio -> ::keys into the Romulan chatter::: MC_Escher -> I would like a word with you in the hall. ::gestures to outside the door:: Kansas Kenickie -> What fun is that? Admiral Atragon-9 -> :: to Precip and Keb:: I would think they expect us to make a beeline for the NZ Lt Fabio -> ::listening carefully::: LtCdrFaldek -> Well that’s weird, sobbing coming from an officers quarters, and no follow up. Security just goes batty when I leave. McFly -> it's relaxing Keb -> Nah, it's better than flying casual. It doesn't have to make any sense at all. Hilee -> ::Enters the shower...and directs the comp to above avg.body temp for the aquatic application<<hot shower LOL >> T'Prise -> ::Cocks a brow, but nods in assent:: Keb -> ::hushes to listen to A9:: MC_Escher -> ::heads outside the lab:: Vilanne -> t'Tamarak> Huh? Oh yeah... that's You? I'm doing better. They may let me up walking in a few days. ::points:: Look at her flowers. ::points to the beauties on the tableside by Margeaux Roget:: T'Prise -> ::Follows behind:: Lt Fabio -> ::nods to Keb, more interested in the Romulan feed::: Admiral Atragon-9 -> Thats' why we need to be unpredictable, but slowly get across the border Ian_Syndrx -> ::recycles his coffee cup, unseals the door on lab 4B, steps inside, on the table inside are the components of the prototype bioarmor deployment portal:: mm, still here, it's been awhile McFly -> I love blazing guns too but sometimes I just need to take a break from it Samantha_Kent -> t'Tamarak> ::angles eyes around towards Roget, then to the flowers:: Indeed. ::dryly:: Quite a display. Keb -> ::nods to A9:: Don't worry, sir. We're going to get there if I've anything to say about it. Which, incidentally, I seem to! Keb -> ::rubs her hands gleefully:: Hilee -> ::Feels the hot stream along his neck and shoulders...relaxing him,along with the Calgon body scrub...takes his troubles away:: Vilanne -> ::speaking quieter:: I never met that Lieutenant Commander before... she must have family on board. Lt Fabio -> ::frowns, adjusting the feed::: LtCmdr Roget -> ::hears the discussion of the flowers and tries to smile again, feeling another slip open her lip and grunts:: Ian_Syndrx -> ::picks up the PADD on the table, refreshes his memory of the assembly instructions, then start putting the pieces together:: MC_Escher -> ::turns to TP once they are both outside the lab:: I saw you making a beeline for your slipstream material. I just hate having things going on in my lab that I don't know about, so what's going on with the project? Any progress? STSF Precip -> Agreed, Sir. No doubt some of their vessels are along the neutral zone line..Cloaked. I don't have long range tactical scans available due to our cloak being engaged. Vilanne -> Nurse Nancy> ::making rounds to various patients in sickbay:: LtCmdr Roget -> ::sure in her thinking of who sent them:: Lt Fabio -> ::turns::: Commander Precip, Sir? Hilee -> ::Singing in the shower:: Samantha_Kent -> t'Tamarak> ::looking at the splits in Roget's lip; tersely:: Do you require water? Vilanne -> ::waves to the Lt Cmdr, who is glancing in their direction:: Beautiful bouquet, Lt Commander. STSF Precip -> Yes Lieutenant Fabiio.... Kansas Kenickie -> ::leans on the table:: LtCdrFaldek -> ::finishes off the Brutus report and moves onto other various reports, noting nothing happened during the away mission:: Nice... Lt Fabio -> I'm getting something about a Romulan warbird. Rodan. And a Gravous in command. McFly -> you can't tell me you're not happy to be back Lt Fabio -> He seems to be in command of the fleet, and they're on to us, big time. Kansas Kenickie -> I am, but I like the action... T'Prise -> ::Quiet for a moment, looking around to make sure no one else is within earshot:: I believe I have worked out a new set of test specifications. I have been running simulations and the results are within normal parameters... Hilee -> ::Finishes with the final rinse...exits the shower:: Cmdr JFarrington -> <Garn!> Keb -> ::looks over at Fabio:: Wait, what? Keb -> ::makes another sudden course change:: Hilee -> <<heya boss>> Kansas Kenickie -> I am happy to not be around a million people Garnoopy -> << Alas, I tried to sleep but my time zones are off... so, here I am instead of sleeping >> T'Prise -> I believe the next step would be to outfit a small craft for practical testing purposes. STSF Precip -> We did have to leave the shuttle behind. ::turns to Atragon:: Have you been debriefed on what may of been on that shuttle relevant to the mission? Or am I worrying to much again? McFly -> yeah that's the best part Lt Fabio -> But according to their chatter they're pretty far away. Hilee -> ::Dries off..and begins getting dressed for shift:: LtCmdr Roget -> :: cracks eyes fully open and meets t'Tamarak's look and replies in a raspy voice:: I require a white sand beach, warm ocean water, and a cold beer ... but water would be acceptable at this moment Garnoopy -> ::urrrrrm, in engineering probably, tapping something as usual:: Vilanne -> ::giggles at the Lt Cmdr's response:: Kansas Kenickie -> ::pops open another energy drink, sips:: Samantha_Kent -> t'Tamarak> ::low snort:: Good, as water is all I can provide at this moment, rekkhai... STSF Precip -> Times like this I wish I had a Romulan Star Empire Personel Database file....::toggles an element to th 3-D viewscreen...a list of Romulan Commanders appears floating in holo:: Admiral Atragon-9 -> You go right on worrying, Mitar, that's what you get paid to do T'Prise -> ::Continues:: However, the dangers of doing so will need to be considered. Cmdr JFarrington -> ::exits the shower and slips into her silk robe, grabbing a towel for her hair::: MC_Escher -> ::nods:: The Admiral isn't going to like that. We'll have to put something together, and that will require at least our department learning about your pet project McFly -> i guess sometimes i just enjoy hearing the guns in the distance instead right next to me... easier to sleep to Samantha_Kent -> t'Tamarak> ::goes to locate a replicator:: LtCdrFaldek -> ::leans back, not realizing that he already went to far, and hits the deck:: oomfff! LtCmdr Roget -> ::matches t'Tamarak's snort:: Lt Fabio -> ::hard swallow, turns back to his console::: Garnoopy -> ::looks around engineering, then taps his panel some more:: Hilee -> ::Having pulled on his tunic...straightens the collar...and proceeds to his kitchen area:: McFly -> you're gonna have a heart attack if you drink too much of that LtCdrFaldek -> Why me... ::gets up, and resets the chair:: Vilanne -> Nurse Nancy> We can get you beer, Lt Commander, if your doctor will write out a script. ::giggle:: Kansas Kenickie -> I am fine Ian_Syndrx -> ::builds the macro colony assembly, attaches it to a triple redundant extraction system:: T'Prise -> ::pauses:: I am not yet certain that it is safe to involve anyone else. Perhaps for now it would be best to place the project on hold. Admiral Atragon-9 -> Helm, Tactical, stay sharp, I don't want to be surprised by a squadron McFly -> i'm just sayin LtCdrFaldek -> ::sits back down, careful not to lean too far back, and grabs his coffee:: Cmdr JFarrington -> ::towel wrap to her hair, sits at the console in their quarters and begins to compose a letter to Lt James' family::: Samantha_Kent -> t'Tamarak> ::eyes Nancy's vivacity with a raised eyebrow as she retrieves a glass of water from the replicator:: Keb -> ::checks her own console and then leans over to look at Fabio's with a furrowed brow--and stops midlean at A9's command:: LtCmdr Roget -> ::turns to look at Nancy:: We need pharmacutical dispensation for malt beverages? Keb -> Yessir. Adjusting course again parallel to the NZ. Hilee -> +Replicator+..scrambled eggs(soft),biuscuits and sausage patties...please,and strong java:: McFly -> just trying to look out for you STSF Precip -> Ah...Gravous...Commander....Tal` Shiar. Hmm. That's all I have at my console. STSF Precip -> ::frowns:: Kansas Kenickie -> no worries, I am a big girl Lt Fabio -> ::intense focus on the console:::: T'Prise -> ::Continue:: Lives have already been lost in the course of this research and that risk is unacceptable. Ian_Syndrx -> ::builds a second macro colony, configures it as a backup source for the biomaterial, plugs it into it's own triple redundant extraction system:: McFly -> yeah i know Vilanne -> Nurse Nancy> Hey if your doctor permits it, we serve a lot of strange things here. ::giggles:: McFly -> gotta make a guy feel needed sometimes though Kansas Kenickie -> ::Smiles:: You are needed Samantha_Kent -> t'Tamarak> ::deposits the glass of water wordlessly near Roget next to the flowers:: Garnoopy -> ::going over some reports:: Hilee -> ::Gathers his breakfast from the replicator...considering he should have ordered grits, instead of cream of wheat:: MC_Escher -> I leave that decision up to you. I don't quite have the head for some of these quantum field equations, so I'm not a whole lot of help for the advanced stuff. If you want to put the project on hold, it's your prerogative. LtCmdr Roget -> ::struggles to sit up more upright:: Your thoughtfulness does not no unnoticed Vilanne -> ::watches t'Tamarak make her way around sickbay:: LtCmdr Roget -> ::slowly gets the water to her lips and drinks a bit to quickly:: Ian_Syndrx -> ::places both colonies in the main assembly, starts attaching the extraction systems to the primary and secondary dispersal arrays:: Hilee -> ::sits, gives thanks and begins oinking out:: Garnoopy -> ::glances around engineering:: Vilanne -> Nurse Nancy> ::waddles off into another area of sickbay:: Keb -> ::fights angry thoughts about being chased for being nice:: T'Prise -> I believe it might be best to prepare a report for the Admiral so you may aprise him of the situation, but to stay the project work for now. Kansas Kenickie -> ::grabs water, sips:: STSF Precip -> Interesting....the Tal Shiar appears to be the primary adversary...the Rodan is a Tal ` Shiar vessel according to this ..::points at holo listing:: LtCdrFaldek -> ::Looks around Security, wondering why he is the only one in here:: Kansas Kenickie -> I thought you should know.. LtCdrFaldek -> I guess I don't mind the peace and quiet... MC_Escher -> Okay. You can work on that in your spare time. Right now, I want to focus on this bioarmor Samantha_Kent -> t'Tamarak> ::lips twitch at Roget's dour manner; slight nod and moves back towards Vilanne:: Kansas Kenickie -> I am perfectly fine with how things are. Hilee -> ::Thinking the meal leaves much to be desired from Homemade...it still fills you up:: LtCmdr Roget -> ::Looks to Vilanne:: Graduated with Honors from StarFleet bedside manner school? ::nodding toward t'Tamarak McFly -> ::raises eyebrow:: hmm? STSF Precip -> ::to Admiral Atragon:: They are going to pick apart that shuttle. I should of recommended destroying it.. Cmdr JFarrington -> ::writing to James's family brings such memories, her mental signals reach out to whom she loves:: T'Prise -> ::Nods, tension subtly leaving her face:: I will offer Lt. Syndrx my assistance at once. Keb -> ::shakes her head and adjusts course toward the NZ:: Vilanne -> ::immediately defends t'Tamarak:: She is a visitor... Lt Commander. ::unsure if she should go further, so drops it:: Ian_Syndrx -> ::plugs the dispersal arrays into the pain assembly, hooks them into the subproccessor cluster:: Admiral Atragon-9 -> IF we had the time, I would have, but we had to light out right away Samantha_Kent -> t'Tamarak> ::halts, eyes back towards Roget for a moment:: No. Kansas Kenickie -> Well with the engagement running around the ship, sometimes it gives people ideas. Kansas Kenickie -> where I am... where we are. it is right for us LtCdrFaldek -> ::decides to go on a patrol, heads to science:: Vilanne -> ::tries to adjust herself and the biobed to raise the head a bit:: Admiral Atragon-9 -> Let's pick a border point that is the most inconvenient for us. One that will take us days to get back to a Starbase once we cross over Keb -> ::looks at Precip:: I'd rather they wasted their time picking apart the stupid scout than pursuing us. STSF Precip -> Agreed...and a Phaser emitter would of left a slight signature had it been fired to destroy the shuttle. Lt Fabio -> ::Frown::turns:: commander Precip, Sir? LtCmdr Roget -> ::sighs and rests back against the pillow:: Ahhh, you're friends. Say no more McFly -> maybe for now, you telling me you never even thought ahead? STSF Precip -> Yes Lt Fabio? Ian_Syndrx -> ::starts attaching field emitters along the outer edge of the assembly, attaching each on to the microprocessor cluster:: Lt Fabio -> I can't be sure, but I think I'm hearing something about the shuttle. Kansas Kenickie -> ::Shakes head:: not really Hilee -> ::Finishes up Breakfast and places the plastic ware in the disposal chute...grabs his bag, looking at the clock...Hmm an hour to go before shift....s'ok, superise inspection:: grins as he enters a lift:: LtCdrFaldek -> ::exits the TL and enters Science:: STSF Precip -> ::to Fabio:: Best put it on audio..so we all can hear.. Lt Fabio -> ::Nods:: Aye, sir. On audio. Garnoopy -> ::files his report:: MC_Escher -> ::enters science at the same time as Faldek:: What can I do for you? T'Prise -> ::Turns to head back into the lab:: Keb -> ::looks over the map of the NZ, looking for some spots that are likely:: Lt Fabio -> I'll put up the UT also, but their dialect is old and its incryption is complicated. Kansas Kenickie -> I like how we are, why change things LtCdrFaldek -> Just doing a patrol, no more reports to read, how are things here in Science? Hilee -> :: In the lift...MENG:: Lt Fabio -> Tal Shiar like to do that, sir. T'Prise -> ::Approaches Syndrx:: The Commander has requested that I assist you. Vilanne -> ::feels awful inside hearing such a response, unsure if it was meant because she had a Romulan friend or what, so tries to make light of anything and change the subject:: Jaiysa... can you help me get this bed's head raised? ::reaching, but tapping the wrong buttons:: LtCdrFaldek -> ::pulls out a small PADD and begins writing whats he's doing and Eschers response:: McFly -> look, I’m not gonna get on my knees anytime soon, but I’d be lying i said I didn't think about the future... with you Keb -> ::does some quick calculations on her console:: Samantha_Kent -> t'Tamarak> ::shifts weight back and forth, looking at Roget guardedly, then turns to tap the controls on the biobed as requested:: LtCdrFaldek -> << on = and>> MC_Escher -> Quiet, as usual. We're working on a bioarmor that might provide a whole new layer of protection to Manticore. ::gestures to floating display of a bacteria-coated Manticore:: STSF Precip -> ::listens as he stares at the 3-d display:: I think....we could make an exit near the gas giant Gamera System....that would be a bit out of the way. LtCdrFaldek -> ::looks at the display:: I take it this research is confidential or better? Lt Fabio -> ::frowns, adjusting the UT a bit::: Kansas Kenickie -> what kind of future? Vilanne -> Thank you... I'm allowed to eat... did you order breakfast yet? MC_Escher -> Hell, it doesn't even have a classification, considering we made it up in the first place. Samantha_Kent -> t'Tamarak> Vilanne> I have eaten. Hilee -> <<is that better than the Rodan sector??>> Samantha_Kent -> ((Rodan is the warbird, ie? :) )) Vilanne -> Nurse Nancy> ::waddles back through main sickbay, checking on everyone, including Lt Commander Roget:: Ma'am, is there anything In can get you? STSF Precip -> (well there is a Warbird Rodan that picked up the shuttle) Lt Fabio -> <Ie> LtCmdr Roget -> ::sets the water down:: I seem to have made my roommates uncomfortable Vilanne -> t'Tamarak> Did you? What did you have? I haven't ordered yet. McFly -> a kind of future where we look back on our lives and say "we kicked butt", together LtCdrFaldek -> Ahh, well I suggest with its highly militaristic probability, that it should be classified, to at least confidential so that prying eyes or even a mole find anything out about ::hinting to the Romulan aboard:: Keb -> ::looks up at the Admiral:: The border stations are fairly evenly spaced, but the largest space between them is between Space Station R-5 and R-6. Ian_Syndrx -> ::looks up from the nutrient dispenser he is building:: Ok, all the parts for the relay to tie a standard starfleet tactical computer into the microprocessor array of this are there ::points to a jumbled pile of components:: there's a PADD with instruction Vilanne -> Nurse Nancy> ::glances around:: Oh... Dr Chalice, she's probably just in pain again. I'll see if the doctor has any more meds ordered. Do you want anything? Kansas Kenickie -> that is what I want, but I don't need a ring to do that LtCdrFaldek -> ::continues putting this down on his PADD:: MC_Escher -> ::blinks, totally not getting his reference:: A mole? On Manticore? How? Hilee -> ::Exits the lift...making way to Engineering:: Garnoopy -> ::taps a panel, rerouting some power lines:: Admiral Atragon-9 -> ::to Keb:: Okay, that's our exit then STSF Precip -> Any chance our New Resident Romulan would crack this coding? ::to the Admiral:: I wasn't briefed on her rank and status in the Romulan Star Empire. T'Prise -> ::Moves over to the table, picking up the PADD and scrolling through its contents:: LtCdrFaldek -> ::scratches his spoon:: Uhm... it's a possibility, not to mention we have a defector, that could be a plant.... Lt Fabio -> ::notices Garnoopy back in engineering, tweaking the power lines; is glad for that::: Samantha_Kent -> t'Tamarak> Vilanne> Your databases had little in the way of Rihannsu cuisine; however I was able to find some fruits and hholaer ((coffee)) that were to my taste. Keb -> ::sighs, noting how much time that's going to add to the journey:: Aye, sir. Sort of, somewhat, randomly making our way that direction then. Cmdr JFarrington -> ::dons her uniform, unable to continue the letter at the moment::: Ian_Syndrx -> ::continues building the nutrient dispenser:: Kansas Kenickie -> my parents had that, fat lot of good that did... she ran off Admiral Atragon-9 -> ::to Precip:: I doubt it and I'm not sure if I am really ready ot bring her onto the Bridge just yet LtCmdr Roget -> ::shakes her head:: No thank you, but I do appreciate your concern Hilee -> ::Enters MENG...looking about..spots Garn at the main console...and moves to join him:: MC_Escher -> ::dawning:: Oh! You mean t'Tamark! I think she can be trusted. She was quite proficient and hard-working when I met her on Romulus. McFly -> is that what this is about? ::takes her hand:: I'm not going anywhere Hilee -> Garn> Good day sir....a bit early are you not? ::smiles:: Lt Fabio -> ::Listening to Precip and A9 talk about..a resident Romulan::: Ian_Syndrx -> ::plugs the dispenser directly into the field generator system:: LtCdrFaldek -> Yeah well I don't trust her, and the Admiral probably doesn't trust her, and I'm suggesting that this research be classified. Vilanne -> ::warm smile to t'Tamarak:: What I wouldn't do for some real fresh-picked fruit... maybe we'll get to have shoreleave. Till then, I guess I'll just order wheaties or something. STSF Precip -> I agree with Helmsman Keb's plotting....and yes..you are correct. I should not be so Quick to consider her an ally just because she saved a crewman's life. Lt Fabio -> ::trying not to listen::: Hilee -> *? Lt Fabio -> ::whew:: Vilanne -> Nurse Nancy> ::warm smile, nods, then waddles away saying...:: Just holler, I'll be around if you change your mind. MC_Escher -> ::is reminded of how much he hates military conventions:: Uh, yeah, I'll get on it. Cmdr JFarrington -> ::exits their quarters to catch the TL::: Bridge. Admiral Atragon-9 -> Although, from what Sovak has told me, she did more than just save Dr. Chalice in the Scout Kansas Kenickie -> ::Shrugs:: for now Samantha_Kent -> t'Tamarak> Vilanne> ::does not get the reference:: LtCdrFaldek -> Sounds like a good idea Commander. LtCdrFaldek -> Have a great day. STSF Precip -> Oh... LtCmdr Roget -> ::tosses off the covers and decides there is no better time than the present to get up and get moving:: LtCdrFaldek -> ::turns and exits science:: McFly -> for now huh? way to think a lot of me Keb -> ::adjusts course again, in almost, but not quite, the opposite direction of the exit point:: T'Prise -> ::Finishes reading information on data PADD and quietly begins to organize the relay components on the table for proper and efficient assembly:: Garnoopy -> ::looks at Hilee:: Hilee -> ::Deposits the bag in a chair...and logs onto the Main console as well:: Garnoopy -> Afternoon MC_Escher -> You too. ::turns and walks behind T'Prise and Syndrx:: What do we have so far? Garnoopy -> And how are you doing this day? Lt Fabio -> ::following Keb's course changes...kind of::more interested in the chatter::: Vilanne -> ::watches Jaiysa:: Wheaties? You know... breakfast flakes? do you eat breakfast foods? ::recognizes that she knows less about Jaiysa than she was feeling:: LtCdrFaldek -> ::leaves science and heads to a TL:: Sickbay. STSF Precip -> Ensign Crystal> ::spots LtCdrFaldek:: Sir is it true....we have a new greenblooded being onboard? Kansas Kenickie -> ::Looks at him:: my mom left her family behind... it hard to trust Vilanne -> ::closes eyes for a moment, slightly frowning:: Samantha_Kent -> ((::off to Google::D) STSF Precip -> Crystal>::enters TL:: LtCdrFaldek -> ::stops and turns:: Crystal. Cmdr JFarrington -> :;as the doors open on the bridge she pauses to take a look around before exiting::: LtCdrFaldek -> What have I told you about scuttlebutt? Ian_Syndrx -> ::starts building a relay system to tie the device into the EPS grid:: WEll, We've begun building a prototype of the bioarmor deployment portal Kansas Kenickie -> I want to...I do Keb -> I estimate we can reach the exit point in 6 days, with the random course corrections, and one of the two stations about 3 days afterwards, Admiral. Hilee -> Garnoopy> Well sir...it is morning for me, however I am doing fine...just a bit concerned over leaving that scout intact ::shrugs::. LtCmdr Roget -> ::gently places her feet on the cold floor and slowly shifts her weight from sitting to standing ... clutching the back of her hospital gown closed:: STSF Precip -> Ensign Crystal>I am ....gathering intelligence. Sir. Cmdr JFarrington -> ::taking a deep breath, she steps out and stands there a minute to get her bearings::: Garnoopy -> No worries. In the end it'll be all good. Samantha_Kent -> t'Tamarak> ::some understanding dawns:: Ah...yes... MC_Escher -> How are we handling the nutrient and deployment problems? Garnoopy -> I'm sure the Romulans already had the technology anyways McFly -> i let you flatten me any time you want, i think there's some trust there, besides I know better than to cross you anyway Vilanne -> Nurse Nancy> ::watching from across the room, but isn't aware of any orders to make Roget stay on the biobed:: Lt Fabio -> :;quick glance to Farrington::: STSF Precip -> Ensign Crystal>So..you were a spy once....any chance she just conviently came back with you? Keb -> Of course, if we did things the way they probably expect, we could be out of here and safe in Federation space in about 4 days. T'Prise -> ::Begins to assemble relay pieces for the tactical control board, starting with the optical cable conductors and connectors:: Kansas Kenickie -> ::smiles:: if you do leave I will find you LtCdrFaldek -> You're a simple security officer, who has stayed at the rank of Ensign for quite some time, I imagine you have quite a bit of intelligence to gather for yourself before you gather it about someone else. Admiral Atragon-9 -> 6 days, wow! Let's make it 4, huh? I don't want us to be on a straight line out, but the longer we spend here, the greater our chance of detection Cmdr JFarrington -> ::slow walk to her chair::: McFly -> so will your four brothers, believe me i know that very well Kansas Kenickie -> I am sorry I am difficult Cmdr JFarrington -> ::small smile to Precip and Atragon:: Commander. Admiral. ::sits::: Hilee -> Garnoopy> Aye sir...it is the modifications and repairs we made that concerns me...perhaps they will never discover the differential between the materials we used...and theirs. Admiral Atragon-9 -> ::turns and watches Jami come to her station:: And there you are! LtCmdr Roget -> ::slowly and deliberately makes her way to the restroom:: STSF Precip -> Ensign Crystal>I haven't kissed ass to rank sir. Cmdr JFarrington -> ::small nod:: Here I am. Keb -> ::nods:: Well, if we don't do as many zig zags, that'll save us some time. Garnoopy -> Perhaps. But my guess is they will. Ian_Syndrx -> Two small colonies of the biomaterial are kept in micro environments, the are dispersed inside a nutrient field generated by standard forcefield generators modified to spread the nutrients as well. McFly -> it wouldn't be a relationship if it was too easy STSF Precip -> Ensign Crystal>With all due respect. Keb -> I'll calculate a new path. LtCdrFaldek -> But yes, Ensign, there is a Romulan aboard, and excuse me? You are not... suggesting... LtCmdr Roget -> <crystal, you say that like it's a bad thing!> Vilanne -> ::opens eyes again, trying to relax her brow:: Dr t'Tamarak... did they get all of the ridge out of my forehead? Lt Fabio -> ::shifts from communications to systems for a quick check::: Kansas Kenickie -> Don't worry about them... I am worse Samantha_Kent -> t'Tamarak> ::watching the general operations of sickbay with a somewhat appraising eye, glances down at Vilanne as she speaks:: Yes. Hilee -> Garn> Aye sir::Tapping away ...onto the grid allocation parameters and power distribution:: STSF Precip -> Enisgn Crystal>::still looks a bit peeved:: MC_Escher -> Won't they act like normal shields, then? As soon as the forcefields are gone, the bioarmor loses its effectiveness Hilee -> Garn> And you ...sir,how are you making it? Samantha_Kent -> t'Tamarak> ::was actually somewhat startled at seeing some of these people *without* said ridges, but is very adaptable:: Cmdr JFarrington -> ::still worn, but looking glad to be back::: T'Prise -> ::Deftly twists and attaches wires and circuitry:: Vilanne -> Are you sure? Find a tricorder... I want to see myself... this can't hurt like this without something being left behind,. Admiral Atragon-9 -> ::leans closer to Jami:: Are you ready to come back to duty? Kansas Kenickie -> ::Squeezes is hand:: thank you Garnoopy -> I'm doing quite well, as usual. Samantha_Kent -> t'Tamarak> Vilanne> ::dryly:: I am quite sure. STSF Precip -> Ensign Crystal>Why not? I haven't done favors for Precip...or Atragon...hence I stay where I am. LtCdrFaldek -> Ensign Crystal, I did not ask for your opinion and find you grossly insubordinate, and request you report to security and begin cleaning the holding cells, I don’t want one speck of dirt anywhere... Cmdr JFarrington -> ::distantly:: I'm fine. Garnoopy -> After so many years doing this you learn to go with the flow. Samantha_Kent -> t'Tamarak> ::glances about the room and then addresses Nancy:: You have a tricorder? ::indicates that Vilanne wants one:: McFly -> look girl, you're freakin crazy and you're very unstable around firearms, but i trust you with my life, and I don't think I've loved anyone as much as I love you... at this point i'm not leaving even if you wanted me to Cmdr JFarrington -> ::glance of confidentiality, speaking quietly:: I just need to be up here a while. Kansas Kenickie -> That sounds fair Vilanne -> Nurse Nancy> Certainly ma'am, I can get you one. ::goes over to one of the medical stations and pulls out a medical tricorder:: LtCmdr Roget -> :: using a sickbay replicator, orders up a fresh clothing and various sundries to make herself pass for one of the living:: Samantha_Kent -> t'Tamarak> ::nods:: Admiral Atragon-9 -> ::smiles at Jami:: Then stay as long as you want! Ian_Syndrx -> typically they would, however the force fields can be modulated to transfer energy discharge from weapons fire directly to the bioarmor, and even if they go down the bioarmor is still an effective block, but it will not regenerate Cmdr JFarrington -> ::gives A9 a look that asks if that is ok, then nods::: STSF Precip -> Ensign Crystal>I'd rather lick a Gorn. Tell you what...sir. I will be glad to visit the brig..and do some cleaning...heck it hasnt been done under your watch for so long...there are probably .......Voles in it! McFly -> fair? ::raises eyebrow:: Lt Fabio -> ::notes increase in replicator use::: Hilee -> ::Tapping away...grins:: Garn> Aye sir...I am trying to keep that in mind...All of engineering reports green sir,by your leave I desire to pull a superise inspection,just because we leave for a bit does not excuse any lax a daisy shifts ..sir. Vilanne -> Nurse Nancy> ::waddles over to t'Tamarak and gives it to her:: There you go... just return it to that station when finished. Kansas Kenickie -> yes EJ Pilot -> <<::destroys his clock::>> Hilee -> <<heya EJ>> Keb -> Okay, Admiral, I think I've got a general plan that will get us to the other side of the Zone in 91 hours. It's still fairly misleading, but far more direct. STSF Precip -> Ensign Crystal>::exits TL as Door opens Storming off:: LtCdrFaldek -> Report to your quarters. You are relieved pending a talk with Precip. McFly -> fair is all I get? Lt Fabio -> ::listening to Keb::: Samantha_Kent -> t'Tamarak> ::takes the tricorder:: Hann'yyo. EJ Pilot -> <<My humble apologies Manti Crew>> Vilanne -> Nurse Nancy> ::leaves main sickbay to check on patients in other areas:: MC_Escher -> ::nods:: It's a lot of new infrastructure for something that may not increase our defenses that much...we'll have to put together a very good presentation for the Admiral. STSF Precip -> Ensign Crystal>Fine thank you anyways!!! T'Prise -> ::Fits component board into slot and attaches optical cabling:: Kansas Kenickie -> alright, it sounds like a good plan for you Samantha_Kent -> t'Tamarak> ::offers the tricorder at Vilanne:: Kansas Kenickie -> I will comply Admiral Atragon-9 -> ::to Keb:: Good job, put it in place Lt Fabio -> ::still has the Romulan feed on audio::: Admiral Atragon-9 -> <<Heya EJ!>> Hilee -> ::Grabs the white gloves:: Keb -> Ayeaye, sir. Plotting new course. Garnoopy -> Alrighty. Go for it. Vilanne -> ::takes it, flips it on:: How well do you read Federation equipment responses? LtCdrFaldek -> ::writes everything down on this PADD concerning Crystal:: +Precip+ Commander, I need to speak with you regarding Ensign Crystal. LtCmdr Roget -> ::emerges fully dressed, teeth brushed, hair combed, a faint sheen of sweat on her brow from the exertion, and heads for the door:: Hilee -> Garn> Aye sir::winks:; Whats the bet? McFly -> ::laughs in defeat:: alright babe, I love you too Vilanne -> Intanick> ::comes into sickbay to do rounds, notes Roget walking around:: Ready to escape I see? STSF Precip -> ::belatedly blinks and looks towards Farrington:: Commander glad to have you back. EJ Pilot -> ::inside of his quarters and moves to exit:: Garnoopy -> Ha, no betting on engineering systems. Cmdr JFarrington -> ::Precip:: it's good to be here, Commander. <w> Very good to be here. Ian_Syndrx -> In it's current state implementation on a starship would be impracticle, the range of the individual portals is too small, but we could implement it on a shuttle, and it may be possible to increase the range of the portals in the future Samantha_Kent -> t'Tamarak> ::watches Roget as she heads for the door:: Vilanne> Passably. It will take some time to become completely proficient with your systems. EJ Pilot -> ::moves to the TL:: LtCmdr Roget -> ::cocks her head to one side:: If I were escaping I doubt I'd be using the door Kansas Kenickie -> and I am not unstable around fire arms.. I am darn good Cmdr JFarrington -> ::runs her hands down the armrests as though she were feeling them for the first time::: Kansas Kenickie -> better shot then anyone on this ship EJ Pilot -> ::entering TL:: Main Engineering STSF Precip -> +Faldek+ Yes Commander..I would meet you in security ...however given our alert status and where we are... MC_Escher -> ::nods:: I like it, though. It's new, and it just might work. Hilee -> Garn> Aye sir...but you must admit...it is good to be home sir...::and heads for the main deck:: Vilanne -> Intanick> Have you been checked out and released by another doctor? T'Prise -> ::Places completed tactical relay interface on the work table next to Syndrx:: Samantha_Kent -> t'Tamarak> ::registers the new arrival on the sickbay staff, stores the face until she has a name to put to it:: LtCdrFaldek -> +Precip+ Can't McFly take over at tactical Commander? McFly -> oh i agree... doesn't mean people don't cower whenever you equip one EJ Pilot -> ::steps off of the TL and moves towards the doors of MENG:: STSF Precip -> +Faldek+ Yes....that can be done. Cmdr JFarrington -> ::is not well enough to be in command just yet::: Kansas Kenickie -> ::Grins:: That they should my sweet LtCdrFaldek -> +Precip+ Thank you sir, I'll be in Security. Cmdr JFarrington -> ::looks at Precip, asking him to stay::: LtCmdr Roget -> When doctor can make time for me they can find me in my room. ::walks out into the cooridor:: LtCdrFaldek -> ::gets back into the TL:: Security. Vilanne -> ::fiddles with the controls, then starts talking a mile-a-minute describing the functions of this thing:: STSF Precip -> +McFLy+ Commander McFLy....please report to the bridge. Ian_Syndrx -> ::picks up the relay, nods:: Good work, T'Prise, that should be the last piece I need. EJ Pilot -> ::enters MENG:: (w) Good to be home... Keb -> ::glances back at Jami, pretty sure she doesn't look well:: LtCdrFaldek -> ::writes the report on the way up:: Hilee -> ::And begins his inspection...padd and gloves in hand:: Vilanne -> Intanick> ::watches Roget exit, then goes over and updates the Lt Cmdr's chart:: McFly -> ::groans:: +precip+ be there in a minute Samantha_Kent -> t'Tamarak> ::absorbs the information as much as she can, looking sardonically amused but not particularly intimidated:: T'Prise -> ::Syndrx:: What shuttlecraft do you propose implementing this in? LtCdrFaldek -> ::exits and enters Security:: McFly -> duty calls LtCmdr Roget -> ::shakes head and moves slower than she'd care to toward the TL:: EJ Pilot -> ::moves to the pool table:: McFly -> ::slides over his plate with the last piece of bacon:: Kansas Kenickie -> Yes it does, I have to get my report Kansas Kenickie -> ::Takes bacon and lifts tray:: Hilee -> ::Dons a glove...and begins sweeping the various consoles:: EJ Pilot -> ::checking all system status':: Kansas Kenickie -> ::Stands up and places it with the others:: Vilanne -> ::continues to describe this medical tricorder, then starts scanning her own head in the frontal lobe:: Lt Fabio -> ::shifting back to external com feed::: Samantha_Kent -> t'Tamarak> ::as Vil records the data on her own face:: Satisfied now? Keb -> ::stays at her station despite her concern for Jami:: Ian_Syndrx -> ::connects the tactical relay interface to the microprocessor cluster alongside the EPS relay:: Ideally the Cerberus, it has the best scientific sensors out of our available shuttles McFly -> ::matt walks over and kisses Kansas while she eats the bacon:: that's the best tasting kiss ever STSF Precip -> Ensign Crystal>::inside her quarters chucking a knife at a wall..:: Lt Fabio -> ::glad to have the engineering crew back, working their best voodoo::: Vilanne -> ::staring at the tricorder:: Must be broken... I know there is pain up there, why can't I get it registered. Kansas Kenickie -> ::Smiles and follows him out:: EJ Pilot -> ::looks at Hilee & Garn:: Oh no. Samantha_Kent -> t'Tamarak> ::eyes narrow slightly:: Your implants should not have caused pain at any rate... T'Prise -> The Cerberus is the logical choice. Might I assist you with the installation? EJ Pilot -> ::still going over systems :: Kansas Kenickie -> ::heads to security:: McFly -> ::slowly makes his way to the bridge:: EJ Pilot -> ::brings up maintenance schedules:: ::Garn:: Commander, hello. Kansas Kenickie -> ::Enters the security office::: Vilanne -> Well, Chief Mele is a great surgeon, I'm sure he did nothing wrong... but I don't know who removed them. I was sleeping... unless... please tell me you didn't remove them? I meant no offense. Hilee -> ::noting any gigs on the padd...and moving on:: Ian_Syndrx -> ::fits the outer casing onto the portal, starts fastening the whole thing together:: Of course, but first we need to convince the computer to replicate about 10 more of these. McFly -> ::thinking;; i was really hoping no one would notice me today either LtCmdr Roget -> ::enters the TL and just rests for few moments before making her request:: LtCdrFaldek -> Kenickie. Samantha_Kent -> t'Tamarak> Vilanne> No, I did not. I was confined since the last time we spoke. Kansas Kenickie -> Faldek Kansas Kenickie -> ::Grabs PADD:: Vilanne -> ::glances up for a moment:: Hey... that Lt Commander left her flowers behind. T'Prise -> Did you load the specifications? LtCdrFaldek -> Have a nice breakfast with McFly? Kansas Kenickie -> Very nice McFly -> ::arrives on bridge; walks to tac:: what can i do you for commander EJ Pilot -> ::adds some work to one of the crewman's schedule:: Admiral Atragon-9 -> and.... LtCdrFaldek -> ::continues his report on Crystal, putting in the qoutes word for word:: STSF Precip -> I am so glad to see you back Matt... Keb -> ::arranges for another zig, of slightly less magnitude than the ones before:: Ian_Syndrx -> yes, but it gave me this pile of parts and a warning about the complexity level, but now that I have a sample I believe I can reason with it Admiral Atragon-9 -> =/\======= PAUSE SIM =======/\= Admiral Atragon-9 -> Okay folks, TBS will be 3 days Admiral Atragon-9 -> so we will be just about to cross into Fed territory Admiral Atragon-9 -> so you have some days where you can log this week Admiral Atragon-9 -> and no, we don't get caught
  5. ROFL...so many good captions, it's hard to choose. AND THE WINNER IS...... JJLexi, for "Ok, who put Commander JoNs through the dryer?" Runner up is... Will Marx, for "Hand over the catnip, and Corizon doesn't get hurt!" Enjoy, JJ!
  6. MISSION BRIEFING: The Oberth-class USS Perseus is investigating a series of garbled radio transmissions leading into the Gault system, an unexplored star on the coreward edge of Federation space. Possible TBC next week. Game Master (GM) - STSF Sorehl Game Master (GM) - CmdrJ Farrington Mission Commanding Officer (MCO) - Allen Armstrong Mission Executive Officer (MXO) - Pace Helm/Operations Officer (HOPS) - Cmdr JFarrington Chief Engineer (CENG) - TKAR Chief Medical Officer (CMO) - knlwtchr Chief Science Officer (CSCI) - STSF Sorehl Chief Security Officer (CSEC) - Vilanne STSF Sorehl -> =/\= =/\= BEGIN CLASSROOM SESSION =/\= =/\= STSF Sorehl -> =/\= =/\= BEGIN CLASSROOM SESSION =/\= =/\= STSF Sorehl -> :::moves to the forward podium, in uniform::: Allen Armstrong -> ::Turns attention to the front:: STSF Sorehl -> Good evening, cadets, returning officers. STSF Sorehl -> Tonight's topic of discussion is Command: Responsibilities and Limitations. STSF Sorehl -> The first portion is probably better understood than the latter. Just what are some of a CO's responsibilities? Allen Armstrong -> ::Raises hand:: STSF Sorehl -> Allen? Allen Armstrong -> The health and safety of his/her charges, for one. STSF Sorehl -> Agreed. What else? Allen Armstrong -> ::raises hand:: TKAR -> Hi STSF Sorehl -> Go ahead, Allen. Allen Armstrong -> The CO has the responsibilty to recognize his crews strengths and weakness and assign duties accordingly to ensure the successful completeion of missions. STSF Sorehl -> :::nods::: True, although you may be referring more to the role of a host as CO, rather than the responsibilities of a captain of a starship. Allen Armstrong -> ::Glances:: Pace -> Follow Starfleet's orders to the best of his/her ability TKAR -> ::Watches and takes notes:: STSF Sorehl -> Right, Pace. A captain is responsible for the lives and safety of the ship and crew, BUT does have limitataions. STSF Sorehl -> Such as Starfleet orders such as... anyone? Allen Armstrong -> ::Raises hand:: STSF Sorehl -> Allen? Allen Armstrong -> Prime Directive? TKAR -> ::raises hand:: STSF Sorehl -> Then TKAR. STSF Sorehl -> Correct. Go for the big one. STSF Sorehl -> The Prime Directive, of course, is non-interference with the culture of pre-warp civilizations. STSF Sorehl -> It does not preclude contact with those civilizations, but does restrict any knowledge or technology transfer, particularly that which would admit the existence of off-world life. Allen Armstrong -> ::Raises hand:: STSF Sorehl -> Allen? TKAR -> As he said the prime directive but what about personal choiices as with spock going <MATING IN AMOKM TIME. Allen Armstrong -> ::waits for TKAR:: STSF Sorehl -> I'm not sure I understand the question, TKAR? STSF Sorehl -> Added Note to Allen's earlier comment: A Starfleet captain is also bound by various, usually obvious, regulations and laws respecting individuals and societies. TKAR -> <Opps sorry capts key-kirk breaking with the orders to get spock to vulcan instead of mission. knlwtchr -> ::raises hand:: Vilanne -> ::slips into the back, in a seat behind Allen:: STSF Sorehl -> I'm still not sure I understand the question, TKAR. STSF Sorehl -> Knlwtchr? knlwtchr -> How does Starfleet know a society is pre-warp? I dont remember any kind of meantion to registration or do they just watch a society for some reason? Allen Armstrong -> ::glances over his shoulder briefly:: Vilanne -> ::smiles brightly, trying to look studious:: STSF Sorehl -> Episodes give us examples where Starfleet has conducted exploratory or scanning missions to determine a civilization's level. Allen Armstrong -> ::grins, looking forward:: knlwtchr -> Or, I guess, if they run into a new ship of new civilizations too TKAR -> ::Rasies hand :: STSF Sorehl -> Up to and including probes, covert landing parties, even observation posts. STSF Sorehl -> TKAR? STSF Sorehl -> Good point, knlwtchr. Just like the Vulcans did, observing Earth's first warp test. TKAR -> the one planet where the civilization was pure energy STSF Sorehl -> OK, we're out of classroom time, so I'll step back and let Jami to the honors. Vilanne -> ::puts padd away:: Cmdr JFarrington -> ::steps up:: STSF Sorehl -> do, rather Cmdr JFarrington -> =/\==/\=ATTENTION TO THE SCREEN=/\==/\= Cmdr JFarrington -> =/\==/\=STOP TYPING TO THE ROOM=/\==/\= Cmdr JFarrington -> =/\==/\=NO PRIVATE MESSAGES=/\==/\= Cmdr JFarrington -> =/\==/\= STAR FLEET ACADEMY ROSTER =/\==/\= Cmdr JFarrington -> =/\==/\= 6/9/2009=/\==/\= Cmdr JFarrington -> . Cmdr JFarrington -> Game Master (GM) - STSF Sorehl Cmdr JFarrington -> . Cmdr JFarrington -> Game Master (GM) - CmdrJ Farrington Cmdr JFarrington -> Mission Commanding Officer (MCO) - Allen Armstrong Cmdr JFarrington -> Mission Executive Officer (MXO) - Pace Cmdr JFarrington -> Helm/Operations Officer (HOPS) - Cmdr JFarrington Cmdr JFarrington -> . Cmdr JFarrington -> . Cmdr JFarrington -> Chief Security Officer (CSEC) - Vilanne Cmdr JFarrington -> Chief Science Officer (CSCI) - STSF Sorehl Cmdr JFarrington -> . Cmdr JFarrington -> . Cmdr JFarrington -> Chief Engineer (CENG) - TKAR Cmdr JFarrington -> . Cmdr JFarrington -> Chief Medical Officer (CMO) - knlwtchr Cmdr JFarrington -> . Cmdr JFarrington -> If you are not on the roster and wish to have a post, please send me one PM now. Cmdr JFarrington -> =/\==/\=END ROSTER=/\==/\= Cmdr JFarrington -> =/\==/\=END ROSTER=/\==/\= Cmdr JFarrington -> ::steps down:: All yours, Captain. STSF Sorehl -> Thanks, Jami. STSF Sorehl -> :::gestures to the holodeck doors as the open to a small bridge interior::: TKAR -> ::nods to bridge:: Allen Armstrong -> ::Enters the holodeck:: Cmdr JFarrington -> ::enters along with the cadets::: knlwtchr -> ::eyes widen as the doors open, 'oooo, ahhh':: STSF Sorehl -> MISSION BRIEFING: The Oberth-class USS Perseus is investigating a series of garbled radio transmissions leading into the Gault system, an unexplored star on the coreward edge of Federation space. Vilanne -> < CSEC> ::enters with everyone, after placing her tag on:: TKAR -> ::follows the group:: knlwtchr -> <CMO>::enters room:: STSF Sorehl -> =/\= =/\= BEGIN SIM =/\= =/\= STSF Sorehl -> =/\= =/\= BEGIN SIM =/\= =/\= TKAR -> OPPs<CENG> STSF Sorehl -> <CSCI> :::sitting at the aft science console::: Cmdr JFarrington -> <HOPS> ;;at her position, keeping us on course::: knlwtchr -> <CMO>::walking through bridge to turbolift:: Vilanne -> ::on the bridge, standing guard:: Pace -> <MXO> ::on the bridge, going over duty roster:: Cmdr JFarrington -> Stage Hand> ::slaps a tag on Vil::: TKAR -> <CENG>::at the enginning console checking warp drive:: Vilanne -> <<Sorry, dropped that darn thing already ::< CSEC> ::>> Allen Armstrong -> <MCO>::Sits in the captains chair:: STSF Sorehl -> <CSCI> <MCO/MXO> :::reporting aloud::: This is definitely the system of origin, captain. The concentration of radio waves gets stronger as we approach. knlwtchr -> <CMO>::enters lift:: Sickbay. Pace -> <MXO> ::Looks over at MCO:: <MCO> Captain... Cmdr JFarrington -> <HOPS> <MXO> Drop to impulse, sir? Vilanne -> ::leans over the console next to her, and checks in on the security status:: TKAR -> <CENG>::checking systems <HOPS> systems are green. Pace -> <MXO> <HOPS> Yes, Ms. Farrington, drop us to impulse Cmdr JFarrington -> Stage Hand> ::hands Vil another one, picking up the one she dropped on the floor::: Allen Armstrong -> <MCO><CSCI>Once you've got something clearer, try running it through the universal translator Cmdr JFarrington -> <HOPS> <MXO> Dropping to impulse in four..three..two...one... ::does so::: knlwtchr -> <CMO>::riding lift, looking over padd:: Vilanne -> ::returns to a security stance on the bridge naer the TL:: Pace -> <MXO> <MCO> Captain, we have arrived at the system were the trasmissions originated STSF Sorehl -> <CSCI> No need, sir. We've cleaned up the signals enough to recognize much of it as Federation Standard, as well as some other Terran dialects. knlwtchr -> <CMO>::snaps fingers:: Computer, divert to the science lab first TKAR -> <CENG>::checking console 2 sees system drop to impulse :: Allen Armstrong -> <MCO><MXO>Excellent. See if you can't find the source Cmdr JFarrington -> <HOPS> <MXO> ETA to estimated coordinates is five minutes. Vilanne -> ::does a search through the translated dialect for any known comments, threats, hostile comments, etc:: Pace -> <MXO> <HOPS> Ms. Farrington, scan the area please. Cmdr JFarrington -> <HOPS> ::adjusting course::: STSF Sorehl -> <CSCI> :::aloud::: Tranmissions of varying types - commercial, entertainment, air traffic control - bleeding off into the surrounding space. All from the fourth planet in the system ahead. Cmdr JFarrington -> <HOPS> <MXO> Scanning, aye. Specifics, Commander, or general tactical? Allen Armstrong -> <MCO><CSCI>Interesting.. most interesting. Can you tell me what dialects they are? STSF Sorehl -> <CSCI> :::passes previous scan results to HOPS::: Cmdr JFarrington -> <HOPS> ::checks the coordinates of the 4th planet::: Cmdr JFarrington -> <HOPS> <CSCI> Received. knlwtchr -> <CMO>::feels the TL shift to shoot down the starboard pylon:: Pace -> <MXO> <HOPS> General, I don't want any surprises. Also, focus on the 4th planet in the system STSF Sorehl -> <CSCI><MCO> :::checking::: English. French. Mandarin. Spanish. And several others. TKAR -> <CENG>::working magic on console injusting power relays to engines and the bridge:: Cmdr JFarrington -> <HOPS> <MXO> General scans, Aye. Focusing on the 4th planet. Vilanne -> ::blinks:: Mandarin? ... ::stomach growls:: knlwtchr -> <CMO> ::still reading padd, pondering:: Vilanne -> < CSEC> ::slips in tag:: STSF Sorehl -> <CSCI> :::compiles a list of eighteen Earth-based languages, no others::: knlwtchr -> <CMO>::steps off lift, heading towards scientific lab 4:: Pace -> <MXO> <MCO> Captain, are there any Federation outposts out this far? Vilanne -> < CSEC> ::trying to find a common denominator between the dialects and those that have been known to pass this way:: Cmdr JFarrington -> <HOPS> <MXO> Confirming Science scans, Commander. M-class planet. The way is clear. STSF Sorehl -> <CSCI> <MCO> It is interesting to note these are simple electromagnetic carrier waves - no subspace frequencies. TKAR -> <CENG>::working on report send to MXO,CO,and Hops:: Allen Armstrong -> <MCO><CSCI>Most interesting. Can you filter it enough to play single transmission? STSF Sorehl -> <CSCI> :::hearing MXO, checking database::: Pace -> <MXO> <HOPS> Alright, bring us closer. Cmdr JFarrington -> <HOPS> ::acknowledges receipt of CENG report::: knlwtchr -> <CMO>::steps into lab, locating and grabbing another medical padd left there earlier:: Ah hah, thought you could hide, eh? STSF Sorehl -> <CSCI> <MCO> Aye, sir. Let me isolate a random band... Allen Armstrong -> <MCO><MXO> This is an uncharted star system, number one.. STSF Sorehl -> ACTION: Music, with brass and string instruments, plays over the bridge speakers. Jazzy in tone. knlwtchr -> <CMO>::gets back to the lift again:: OK, lets go to sickbay again. Vilanne -> < CSEC> ::snaps fingers:: nice.. Cmdr JFarrington -> <HOPS> ::blinks, looks up::: Pace -> <MXO> <MCO> That's what I thought. So why are we getting a federation signal...? STSF Sorehl -> <CSCI> :::eyebrow up::: Pace -> <MXO> ::Ears perk at the sound of a catchy tune:: Cmdr JFarrington -> <HOPS> <MXO> Federation signal, Sir? Allen Armstrong -> <MCO>::Rises from his seat, adjusts uniform.:: Do we have a visual on the planet? Cmdr JFarrington -> <HOPS> <MCO> Onscreen. STSF Sorehl -> <CSCI><MXO> Strictly speaking, there's nothing to indicate this signal is more than Terran-based. I can find no evidence of Vulcan, Andorian, or other common Federation languages in the stream. knlwtchr -> <CMO>::up the starboard pylon again, now in the primary hull:: STSF Sorehl -> <CSCI> :::cross-checking::: STSF Sorehl -> ACTION: Onscreen, a typical Class-M world appears. 65% ocean. Allen Armstrong -> <MCO><MXO>It's not any federation subspace band. knlwtchr -> <CMO>::looking over second padd, scratching head:: Pace -> <MXO> <MCO> Right, forgot my coffee this morning. STSF Sorehl -> ACTION: The planet has a two moons - one a mere asteroid, the other similar to Luna and also tidally locked (keeping the same face to the planet). Cmdr JFarrington -> <HOPS> ::slight chuckle, knowing the Commander's need for caffeine::: STSF Sorehl -> << "has a" two moons. Obviously, an Italian-made sensor >> knlwtchr -> <CMO>::steps off lift, heading into sickbay:: knlwtchr -> <<heh heh>> Pace -> <MXO> <CSCI> Chief, any lifesigns? Allen Armstrong -> <MCO>::Looks at the screen, rubbing his chin:: <CSCI>Can you localize the signal? knlwtchr -> <CMO>::sets first padd onto biobed, heading into small office:: Vilanne -> <<LOL Sorehl>> STSF Sorehl -> <CSCI> <MXO> The population is human - 480 million, concentrated on two continents. TKAR -> <CENG>::finishes with report sends it to CMO,CO,HOPS padds:: Cmdr JFarrington -> <HOPS> <MXO> Approaching it now, Sir. Orbit? knlwtchr -> <CMO>::reading over padd, sitting at console as it beeps, receiving the message from CENG:: TKAR -> <<opps -not cmo but MXO>> STSF Sorehl -> <CSCI> :::continues scanning::: No evidence of subspace activity on the planet. There are a few satellites, but the technology level... is mid-20th Century, by my estimates. knlwtchr -> <CMO><<Oh, ok..magic edit>> Allen Armstrong -> <MCO><HOPS>Open a channel.. subspace frequencies only TKAR -> <<Thanks>> Pace -> <MXO> <HOPS> Yes, but keep a high orbit knlwtchr -> <<I was wondering what you would be sending me =0]>> Cmdr JFarrington -> <HOPS> <MXO> Coming into high orbit. Vilanne -> <<TKar sent you Engineers Monthly>> Vilanne -> < CSEC> Subspace sir? TKAR -> <<not used to new keyboard<VIL :D > Allen Armstrong -> <MCO><HOPS>Nevermind knlwtchr -> <CMO>::sipping a hot tea, reading over the padd:: STSF Sorehl -> <CSCI> :::continues rattling with Vulcan precision::: Multiple urban centers linked by magnetic-levitating train networks and roads. Heavy population in the urban areas. Fertile agriculture in the regions between. Pace -> <MXO> ::Shifts in his char:: Cmdr JFarrington -> <HOPS> ::watching the viewscreen, listening to Sorehl::: Vilanne -> < CSEC> Can a signal be sent, if we have to contact them, through their satellite? knlwtchr -> <CMO>::taps console:: Computer, bring up specific lab study form jsut produced out of scientific lab 4... Cmdr JFarrington -> <HOPS> <NIP> Seems strange that there'd be so many species... Allen Armstrong -> <MCO>::Looks to Pace:: <MXO>Human population.. no subspace activity. 480 million.. this is.. odd. Pace -> <MXO> <MCO> Magnetic-levitating? Is this planet warp-capable? STSF Sorehl -> <CSCI> :::scanning::: There are multiple radio transmitter stations scattered across the globe, although many of them seem to be commercial in nature. Cmdr JFarrington -> <HOPS> ::grin:: <CSEC> And send them a "we come in peace" message? TKAR -> <CENG>::watches energy readings from console 2,working her magic on keep ship in orbit from orders from hops and bridge:: Allen Armstrong -> <CSCI> Mr. Sorehl.. search the computer for any records of early attempts at colonization that may have ended up here. Vilanne -> < CSEC> ::imagines a glass bubble over her head, then *spalt*, blinks and clears her memory of last night's late movie:: STSF Sorehl -> <CSCI> <MCO> Cross-checking... Allen Armstrong -> <<::throws my tag up there::>> Allen Armstrong -> ,,brb>> Pace -> <MXO> <HOPS> Ms. Farrington, scan the planet and see if you can determine if they have any warp technology knlwtchr -> <<lol Vilanne, "ack ack">> Vilanne -> < CSEC> <HOPS> Not sure if we should even be. STSF Sorehl -> <CSCI> Nothing specific, captain, although... :::adjusts list::: there is at least one ship listed as missing whose trajectory could have brought it to this system. Cmdr JFarrington -> <HOPS> ::glance back::: <MXO> Aye, Sir. ::glance to Sorehl, rescans::: knlwtchr -> <CMO>::reading over the padd, comparing it to the console:: Vilanne -> < CSEC> <CSCI> Which ship, I will help search. Allen Armstrong -> <MCO><CSCI>Is there a detailed record of it? Cmdr JFarrington -> <HOPS> <MXO> No evidence of technology beyond Earth's 20th century, Sir. No subspace, no warp. Pace -> <MXO> <To self> Facinating... STSF Sorehl -> <CSCI> :::reading::: The SS Atlas, an Earth-based colonization effort, was listed as missing more than 180 light years from this location, but with a flight path that might have intersected here. Cmdr JFarrington -> <HOPS> ::hears Sorehl::: TKAR -> <CENG><AENG> how are you doing on warp core adjustments i don,t want the capt court marshall me for blowing up the ship? STSF Sorehl -> <CSCI><CSEC> :::points to display::: Although it disappeared more than two hundred years ago... knlwtchr -> <CMO>::finding the discrepancy:: Ah, here we go.. Pace -> <MXO> <CSCI> Do we know the crew compliment of the Atlas? STSF Sorehl -> <CSCI> 2087, by Terran calendar. TKAR -> <CENG>::checks warp core :: STSF Sorehl -> <CSCI> <MXO> Crew compliment of 600, sir. Vilanne -> < CSEC> ::searches SS Atlas, for technology style of the missing craft:: knlwtchr -> <CMO>::making notations to the padd, correcting the information:: Cmdr JFarrington -> <HOPS> <CSCI> Sleeper ship? STSF Sorehl -> ACTION: The Atlas was a DY-500 series generation ship, with suspended animation capability and Warp 2.8 top speed. Cmdr JFarrington -> <HOPS> ::wow::: STSF Sorehl -> <CSCI> <HOPS> Yes, but warp capable nonetheless. Allen Armstrong -> <MCO><CSCI>Do the nationalities of the crew corresponde with the languages we heard? Vilanne -> < CSEC> That ship... could only go 2.8 tops. Pace -> <MXO> <MCO> A crew of 600, becoming a planet of over 400 million in 300 years. That's amazing if it is what happened STSF Sorehl -> <CSCI><MCO> Uncertain. I can attempt to contact the nearest starbase for a more detailed record. knlwtchr -> <CMO>::sipping tea again, sitting back reading the padd over once more:: Cmdr JFarrington -> <HOPS> ::grin:: <nip> Prolific group, I would say. Allen Armstrong -> <MCO><CSCI>Yes, do so.. and tell them what we've found here Pace -> <MXO> ::Chuckles at HOPS comment:: Cmdr JFarrington -> <HOPS> ::wider grin, turning to MXO:: <MXO> Not much else to do when you're lost in space. STSF Sorehl -> <CSCI> :::opening a subspace link to Starbase 410::: Allen Armstrong -> <MCO><MXO>Nearly half a billion.. yes.. that does seem extraordinary. Cloning, perhaps? knlwtchr -> <CMO>::adding own entries into console for records sake:: Pace -> <MXO> <HOPS> I guess not, and they must have dismantles their warp tech for building materials and such... Cmdr JFarrington -> <HOPS> ::stifles a laugh::: Cmdr JFarrington -> <HOPS> ::quickly brings herself under control, becoming all serious::: STSF Sorehl -> <CSCI><MXO> For a colonization effort, it is not unreasonable to expect an effort at producing larger families, given available resources. Vilanne -> < CSEC> But they sould still know what the technology was, yes? Cmdr JFarrington -> <HOPS> ::nods at MXO's comment::: Vilanne -> (should = sould) STSF Sorehl -> <CSCI> <CSEC> Logically. But there appears to be no evidence of it's replication on the planet's surface. TKAR -> <CENG><AENG>you are doing a great job helping me with the warp core the capt will be happy maybe he will give us a raise in pay:: Allen Armstrong -> <MCO><CSEC> If there were no engineers.. no Pace -> <MXO <CSCI> Perhaps, but don't sign me up for colonization duty, that's for sure knlwtchr -> <CMO>::standing:: That should do it. STSF Sorehl -> <CSCI> :::considers::: Extrapolating from the Atlas conjecture, I can attempt to scan for evidence of industrialized metals matching the DY-500 class. Shall I do so, sir? <MXO/MCO> TKAR -> <CENG><AENG>or a cake. Allen Armstrong -> <MCO>+CMO+ Doctor, to the bridge. knlwtchr -> <CMO>::looks up:: ah just in time. +MCO+ On my way, Sir. Pace -> <MXO> <HOPS> Ms. Farrington, can we determine if they have the ability to detect us in any way? knlwtchr -> <CMO>::heading out of sickbay:: Allen Armstrong -> <MCO><CSCI>Yes, do so TKAR -> <CENG><AENG2>how are the new enginning tricorders working? knlwtchr -> <CMO>::enters lift:: Bridge Cmdr JFarrington -> <HOPS> ::tappitytaptap:: <MXO> No evidence we've been detected. Their satellites are directed planetward, not to the stars. Mostly communications. Allen Armstrong -> <MCO>MXO>Prepare an away team STSF Sorehl -> ACTION: Perseus sensors light up briefly, detecting a scanning attempt that paints across the ship - but not from the planet or the surrounding satellites. Pace -> <MXO> <MCO> Sir, does the prime directive apply here? Cmdr JFarrington -> <HOPS> <MXO> They have the ability to detect us, but for some reason they don't seem to be threatened in any way or else they would have military technology up here, or at least something pointed outwards. TKAR -> <CENG>::checking readinga from the new enginning tricorders,do they work :: Allen Armstrong -> <MCO><CSCI>Scan the communications, see if you can find anything about their where their government is centralized STSF Sorehl -> <CSCI> :::eyebrow up::: Cmdr JFarrington -> <HOPS> ::): <MXO> We're being scanned. knlwtchr -> <CMO>::enters bridge:: STSF Sorehl -> <CSCI> <MXO> That didn't come from the planet. Cmdr JFarrington -> <HOPS> :taptaptap:: <MCO> External source. Not from the planet. Vilanne -> < CSEC> ::tapping on the station, trying to help:: STSF Sorehl -> <CSCI> <HOPS> Shall I attempt to localize the source? knlwtchr -> <CMO>::enters in time to hear we're being scanned:: Cmdr JFarrington -> <HOPS> <CSCI> Would be helpful. Pace -> <MXO> <HOPS,CSCI> can we determine the source? Allen Armstrong -> <MCO><MXO>Fi9nd out what scanning us.. knlwtchr -> <CMO>::walks downstage, looking over viewscreen, listening to crew:: Vilanne -> < CSEC> ::glances at the doctor as he moves around the bridge:: Cmdr JFarrington -> <HOPS> <CMO> Sending a mission review to the medical console, doctor. STSF Sorehl -> <CSCI> <MCO> It would appear there is a small sensor dish on the outer moon, it is in the dark phase that's pointed toward the planet - and us, at this point. knlwtchr -> <CMO><HOPS> ::nods:: Thank you.. Allen Armstrong -> <MCO><CSEC>Mr. Vilanne, man tactical TKAR -> <CENG>::checking readings from console 3 it seems a circult blew on deck 2 calls for repair team to get on it :: Cmdr JFarrington -> <HOPS> ::shifting sensors::: <CSCI> Confirmed. Vilanne -> < CSEC> Aye Sir. ::moves to tac and lights up the console:: knlwtchr -> <CMO>::sitting at the medical console, keying:: <HOPS> We find trouble already? Allen Armstrong -> <MCO><CSCI>A sensor dish? Cmdr JFarrington -> <HOPS> <CMO> Not so far, but someone or something just scanned us. STSF Sorehl -> <CSCI> No indication that we are still being scanned, however. knlwtchr -> <CMO>::reading over review, nodding:: <HOPS> I see.. Allen Armstrong -> <MCO><CSCI>Did it send any transmissions? Vilanne -> < CSEC> I suggest shielding that scan, Captain. Cmdr JFarrington -> <HOPS> ::shifts tactical scans to Vilanne's console:::: STSF Sorehl -> <CSCI><MCO> Yes, captain. On the lunar surface, pointed toward the planet. Vilanne -> < CSEC> Thank you HOPS. knlwtchr -> <CMO>::wonders how their medical technology is coming along:: Pace -> <MXO> <MCO> ::Lowers voice:: Sir, should we be considering the prime directive here? They are techneically a pre-warp civilization... STSF Sorehl -> <CSCI><MCO> No transmissions detected. Just a scan. Allen Armstrong -> <MCO><CMO>What do you make of this doctor? How could a crew of 600 hundred become half a billion in so short a time? Cmdr JFarrington -> <HOPS> <CMO> Strange mix of species down there, Doctor. 20th century earth technology, except on the moon. Allen Armstrong -> <MCO><MXO>But, they are human.. the prime directive does not apply. Cmdr JFarrington -> <HOPS> ::D:: Pace -> <MXO> <MCO> They may be human, but they are a seperate civilization... knlwtchr -> <CMO><MCO> ::nods to HOPS:: Could be many things, Captain. Cloning, surrogacy, extra terrestrial visitations.. Allen Armstrong -> <MCO>::Has a thought:: <CSCI>Scan the atmosphere STSF Sorehl -> < 3 minutes > knlwtchr -> <CMO><MCO> Or, just a lot of exhausted females...Captain.. Vilanne -> < CSEC> ::smirks, looking at CMO:: Pace -> <MXO> <MCO> We don't even know if they know of their orgins STSF Sorehl -> <CSCI><MCO> :::scanning::: Objective, sir? Cmdr JFarrington -> <HOPS> ::would have spit out her coffee if she had some::bites her lips to keep from laughing::: knlwtchr -> <CMO> Maybe the males are able to reproduce, too? ::shrugs:: Allen Armstrong -> <MCO><CSCI>Pollutants Vilanne -> < CSEC> Then they would not be human. knlwtchr -> <CMO>::looking over certain parts of the review again:: STSF Sorehl -> <CSCI><MCO> Confirmed. Significant pollutants, consistent with combustion engines. TKAR -> <CENG>::working on keeping the ship in orbit,replacing faultly circults and replacing bio units 2ufuguygb and ditgututhdgf :: Allen Armstrong -> <MCO><CSCI>Can you determine for how long they have been polluting the atmosphere? STSF Sorehl -> And... STSF Sorehl -> =/\= =/\= PAUSE SIM =/\= =/\= STSF Sorehl -> =/\= =/\= PAUSE SIM =/\= =/\= STSF Sorehl -> Nicely done. Cmdr JFarrington -> Very nicely done. STSF Sorehl -> We might even pick up at this point next week. STSF Sorehl -> Good discussion and good efforts to learn about the planet. STSF Sorehl -> Any comments or questions from the group? Cmdr JFarrington -> Only one, sir. What do you do with someone who is clearly out of his league? Cmdr JFarrington -> I mean, someone who really doesn't belong here? STSF Sorehl -> You tell him to keep hosting till he gets it right. STSF Sorehl -> Oh, wait. You don't mean me. Cmdr JFarrington -> ::snarkle::: STSF Sorehl -> You mean someone who might do better elsewhere? Pace -> ha ha Allen Armstrong -> ::looks around:: knlwtchr -> I was thinking the same thing all through the SIM. Cmdr JFarrington -> Aye, Sorehl. HE needs to go...somewhere else. STSF Sorehl -> Well, oftentimes, I promote them. Pace -> :) Cmdr JFarrington -> Promote? TKAR -> lol Cmdr JFarrington -> We promote people like that? Cmdr JFarrington -> ::headshake:: No wonder we have such strange things going on. STSF Sorehl -> We AREN"T talking about me, are we? knlwtchr -> lol Cmdr JFarrington -> Uh... TKAR -> Well it is not me Cmdr JFarrington -> Don't think so sir. YOu've done enough damage. Allen Armstrong -> ::looks around again:: STSF Sorehl -> In fact, Jami. Do you still happen to have that box you were carrying earlier? Cmdr JFarrington -> Uh...somewhere, Captain. Cmdr JFarrington -> I think. knlwtchr -> Uh oh... Cmdr JFarrington -> ::patspocketses::: TKAR -> ::Watches,smiles:: Cmdr JFarrington -> Right.... Cmdr JFarrington -> ::pulls it out:::myyy...precious....:::: TKAR -> ::a Tribble? Cmdr JFarrington -> ::the box pulses with a name:::: STSF Sorehl -> :::nods::: Very good. Cadet Pace, if you would come forward for a moment? Pace -> Who me? Cmdr JFarrington -> No, the other guy. Allen Armstrong -> ::breathes a sigh of relief:: Pace -> ::Steps Foward:: STSF Sorehl -> :::checks roster::: Hmmm, I'm usually so good with names. STSF Sorehl -> Cadet Pace, it would seem Ms. Farrington would like to lighten her box by one pip. Pace -> :) Cmdr JFarrington -> Yeah. It's making a bulge in my uniform. STSF Sorehl -> As such, I am pleased to announce your successful completion of the Academy. Cmdr JFarrington -> And it messes up my M&Ms. STSF Sorehl -> :::holds hand out to Jami::: Cmdr JFarrington -> ::hands him the box, minus the M&M that was stuck to it:::: STSF Sorehl -> Which opens you to seek posting on one of STSF's Advanced Simulations. Pace -> Thank you very much! STSF Sorehl -> :::nods to Jami, extracts a pip, affixes it to Pace's collar::: Pace -> (I'll take the M&M as well) Cmdr JFarrington -> Congratulations, Pace. Pace -> Thanks! Cmdr JFarrington -> Stand by for PM. knlwtchr -> ::exhails:: Congratulations, Pace! =0] STSF Sorehl -> :::the M&M has curiously disappeared from view::: STSF Sorehl -> :::crunching::: And welcome aboard. STSF Sorehl -> Jami will be contacting you to provide further details via PM. STSF Sorehl -> While she does that, any thoughts on tonight's plotline? STSF Sorehl -> Where it went, things that might have got missed, etc? knlwtchr -> Things that got missed? Allen Armstrong -> There are a few theoroes whirling around my head STSF Sorehl -> My advice, with regard to Adv Sim postings, is to first consider the night you feel most available, then visit those sims to get a feel for their play. Allen Armstrong -> the first being the obvious. Allen Armstrong -> *theories STSF Sorehl -> Also, consider if you have a preferred time period of play. Hood, for example is set in the Original Series era (2260's), Challenger is post-TOS movies (2290's), and the remainder are in the post-TNG/DS9/VOY era. STSF Sorehl -> Do share, Allen. STSF Sorehl -> Also, you may like to try our Klingon sim (Qob/Lakota) or Romulan one (Talon). Allen Armstrong -> The first was the one we were exploring.. the colonization.. the second was what I was beginning to explore when the sim came to an end TKAR -> I,m just getting used to the one. STSF Sorehl -> To determine how long they'd been there? That was a good direction to test. Allen Armstrong -> I am curious to explore the possibilty that life could form the exact same way somewhere else.. creating an identical species in all ways Allen Armstrong -> right down to DNA TKAR -> quite interesting STSF Sorehl -> The Original Series has done episodes about that, but most of the human-like planets we've seen were traced to the Preservers or lost colonies. Allen Armstrong -> then there was the possibility that they could have been abducted and transplanted. STSF Sorehl -> Exactly. TKAR -> any thing possible STSF Sorehl -> It was one of their cost-saving measures in the 60's. By TNG, they could afford prosthetic foreheads. Allen Armstrong -> Either way.. the question remains.. does the Prime Directive apply? Allen Armstrong -> And that is the duty of the CO.. to make that determination. STSF Sorehl -> And remember, the Prime Directive may only apply in grades... TKAR -> TNG Had a budget -tos no money STSF Sorehl -> A species may know about off-world life, but that doesn't mean you can share all Fed tech with them. STSF Sorehl -> There are lots of varied (and occasionally contradictory) examples in TOS and TNG, especially. Allen Armstrong -> No, obviously.. but I was formulating my plan to send an away team down to infiltrate. Allen Armstrong -> and observe. STSF Sorehl -> Which is totally allowable. STSF Sorehl -> Most of TOS planetary visits revolved around it. TKAR -> interesting it would be a interesting sim STSF Sorehl -> We'll see about picking up next week where we left off. Allen Armstrong -> I was going to have them gather images that would give us an idea for clothing the away team. STSF Sorehl -> I'll see if I can summarize what we learned in a Mission Brief, so new players can come up to speed quickly. Allen Armstrong -> Can I play the Captain again!? lol STSF Sorehl -> Alright, if there are no further questions... STSF Sorehl -> That could be arranged, Allen. Allen Armstrong -> I'm totally going on the away mission. lol STSF Sorehl -> In such a heavy scanning mission, it's often easier for the host to play the CSCI guy. Allen Armstrong -> I agree STSF Sorehl -> Instead of doing everything by ACTION and having some poor player have to repeat it as his report. STSF Sorehl -> Hey, why am I giving away trade secrets? STSF Sorehl -> Alrighty. Dismissed! Allen Armstrong -> Thank you! Pace -> Thanks again everyone! knlwtchr -> ::exhails:: STSF Sorehl -> Congrats, Pace. knlwtchr -> Night everyone. =0] Allen Armstrong -> Congrats Pace Pace -> :D :D
  7. The Game Masters of STSF would like to congratulate Pace, who graduated from Starfleet Academy on Tuesday 6.9.2009. Congratulations, Pace!
  8. Personal Log 500906.02 Cmdr JFarrington, MD USS Manticore, NCC 5852 En route to Federation Space Moment of Truth It is said that one can be prepared, but one is never really ready. It isn’t until the long-awaited moment comes, the event is fully realized, that understanding turns to knowledge deep within the soul. At that point all conjecture washes away and the full truth – either of wonder or of agony or of ecstasy – is realized. Such was the experience of Jami Farrington soon after they were beamed from the Romulan scout ship to the Manticore. Only four on Manticore knew of Vilanne Chalice’s implants. Cmdr Kyle Mele, Chief Medical Officer, knew by virtue of his medical position; it would have been impossible to hide it from him. The other three were Admiral Atragon, Captain Sovak, and Cmdr Farrington. Of those, only Captain Sovak and Admiral Atragon had the command codes that would activate them, and for good reason. Borg technology within Starfleet was not something one would want to advertise with the Battle of Wolf 359 still fresh in memory. Dr. Mele, Captain Sovak, and Cmdr Farrington were aboard the Romulan scout ship when the implants that had been removed from Vilanne Chalice were remotely activated. Until that moment Jami Farrington had lost all hope of seeing her husband again, at least in this plane of existence. When they activated she realized that only one person could have activated them, and with that knowledge came a spark of hope. “It is illogical,” was Captain Sovak’s response as Jami searched his face, looking for confirmation. But it was not the cold, calculated response she had become accustomed to. For a second she thought she saw the same spark of hope in his eyes that she had dared allow to invade hers. Of course it was not logical, but there was no other explanation. Within the next few minutes she and the rest of the covert team were beamed aboard Manticore, and there before her stood her husband – whole, and well, and strong. He burst into Mass Transporter Room 3 looking as though he had bolted from the bridge as soon as they had a transporter lock and found out the team was back. Jami stood on the transporter pad in all her Romulan glory – worn, disheveled, exhausted, and desperately in need of a shower – transfixed, while the others seemed to melt from sight. Atragon still had not spotted her. She watched him as his eyes frantically searched the crowd, pausing first on Sovak’s familiar Romulanesque features, then moving through the crowd, glancing frantically from right to left, until he finally found her. Jami clutched the small container of implants and stood there, staring. Finally that moment, that instant where the hope becomes knowledge, which in turn becomes an assurance of reality, grew within her and she stepped towards him. "Atragon?" The question was strained, as though she were afraid of the answer, afraid that she might be hallucinating. Atragon smiled broadly. “Hello, my alien wife!” It took another moment, but his voice, his expression, and most of all his humor made her realize the truth, and she said again, with more conviction, "Atragon!" Atragon moved quickly forward and pulled her into a tight hug, her worn metal Romulan uniform creaking against his exoskeleton. “You, my love, need some dermal repair and a shower!” He whispered into her hair. Then he pushed her away a bit to give her the once over and winced playfully. “I’ll ask Sovak why the entire command team played dress-up later. Now I'm just glad you're okay. Were you successful? Did you lose anyone?” He was full of questions as he looked first at her, then at Vilanne as Manticore’s medical team whisked her off to sick bay. “Yes, we were successful. At least I think we were. I’ll fill you in later,” said Jami, wiping a few tears away with the back of her hand. “Yes, I need a dermal repair… and a shower. Let’s get out of here and let the medical crew deal with those who really need it.” Giving Captain Sovak a we’ll talk later look, Atragon took Jami’s arm and led her towards the turbolift doors. Their familiar whoosh and subsequent click as they closed was strangely reassuring. It reminded her of times they had taken refuge there to steal a moment of intimacy, which, in turn, helped her to remember…. “Halt,” she said, and the lift obeyed. As Atragon watched with an expression of mild curiosity, she removed their still-bonded wedding bands from her finger, placed them in her palm, and placed Atragon’s palm over hers so both touched the rings. The bonds parted and she slipped his ring onto his finger. He looked down and smiled, then took her ring and slipped it on her finger. “Thank you for keeping it safe,” he said. Then he looked at her ring. “And thank you for keeping her safe.” Jami looked up and whispered, "Lift, resume. We’re home."
  9. How cool! This is in honor of Ms. Kitteh. Enjoy!
  10. For those of you not on the Shore-Leave Newsletter Email String, here is an update from them. I am soooo going to miss being with you guys. Have a GREAT time.
  11. =/\= USS MANTICORE BRIEFING #559, STARDATE 50906.01 =/\= The Manticore is in Romulan space, having taken on the mission of a deep cover team that died in the ship's dorsal module, due to a radiation leak from their stolen Romulan Scout Ship stored there. The senior staff has secretly helped the Romulan government stop a plague from killing millions on Romulus. The team is back in the Scout Ship but an explosion in the Scout has injured a few crew members and made it impossible for the ship to reach the hidden location of the Manticore before running out of fuel. The team hopes a message they buried in sensor burst will be detected by Manticore. The Scout Ship is almost out of the last of its backup power, which was being used almost entirely for life support. Keb -> ::sitting dolefully at the helm, trying very hard to be a good role model and not show her waning spirits:: Sovak -> ::looking around the dimly lit bridge of the Scout ship:: McFly -> ::conserving oxygen by not doing anything:: MC_Escher -> ::floating peacefully upside down compared with the rest of the crew:: Ian_Syndrx -> ::floating in the back of the ship, has been sleeping on and off for a while, passing the time and trying not to breathe too much air:: LtCdrFaldek -> ::strapped himself into the seat:: Cmdr JFarrington -> :: strapped into a chair, having drifted into lala land::: Garnoopy -> ::zzzzzz:: Turris Morran -> ::sitting cross-legged in his chair, staring at the blank screen of the science console in front of. For once he's not talking to himself, but that's mostly because he's holding his breath:: Admiral Atragon-9 -> ::still pacing (been doing it for 9 hours):: Precip, when do we reach their last known coordinates? LtCmdr Roget -> ::unconscious, using very little resources:: Samantha_Kent -> t'Tamarak> ::cold, tired, floating gently against the bulkhead near Chalice and Farrington, dozing lightly but starting at noises and scanning them occasionally:: T'Prise -> ::Strapped into a seat, quietly contemplating:: Vilanne -> ::floating slightly above the floor, though mildly strapped to prevent the free-float and further trauma:: Keb -> ::swivels her seat slightly to lay a head on Faldek's shoulder:: Kansas Kenickie -> ::Leans on McFly:: Hilee -> ::Strapped into the chair at the main engineering console...deftly and gently regulating the remaining power ...some of it being leeched back into the system in an attempt to trickle charge the batteries to extend the life support.:: STSF Precip -> @Admiral, stating the obvious...::tries not to look at the Admiral’s...medically altered head:: we'll have to decloak and possibly tractor the shuttle in. A bit more difficult to pull off behind enemy lines.. Keb -> ::Faldek::<w> What do you think will happen first? LtCdrFaldek -> Uh... LtCdrFaldek -> For you, pain, lots of it. Sovak -> Science Office, prepare a complete data wipe of all mission related material. MC_Escher -> ::pushes off the bulkhead and gently floats to T'Prise's chair, straps himself into the adjacent one:: What are you thinking about? Keb -> ::fails to shudder:: That sounds pleasant... Then what? LtCdrFaldek -> You're talking about asphyxiation? Lt Fabio -> @ ::at helm/ops::: Admiral Atragon-9 -> @ we have to find them first Samantha_Kent -> t'Tamarak> ::bonks lightly into the bulkhead and starts fully awake abruptly, looking around:: MC_Escher -> ::glances up at Sovak's order:: Sir, can we keep records on our tricorders in order to have the disease and our cure on file? LtCdrFaldek -> Uhm... did you take a class on this? or must I explain it? Keb -> ::shrugs:: Well. The Romulans might find us. Or Manticore might get the message. Ian_Syndrx -> ::is just barely awake, then hears Sovak, pushes himself off a bulkhead to talk to him:: Do you just want a computer wipe, or do also want any copies on PADD's destroyed? T'Prise -> ::Looks over at Escher:: The proper mix of antimatter to obtain a balanced slipstream portal. Vilanne -> Nurse Nancy> ::excitedly getting sickbay ready for a possible return; scuttlebutt in sickbay overwhelms those that are talking about the Admiral's triumphant entry and almost got shot by the entire bridge crew.:: Vilanne -> ::adds @ to Nancy:: Kansas Kenickie -> ::opens eyes, looks over at McFly:: (w) you a sleep? Admiral Atragon-9 -> @ Their cloak is not like the Federation one. How can we find them? Keb -> I don't really want to asphyxiate with these stupid ears and eyebrows. It makes me look mean. STSF Precip -> @Aye sir, that we must. Turris Morran -> <<This about the time when need to start cuddling for warmth ::holds out his arms::>> Sovak -> Commander Escher if our cloak fails, we will most surely be boarded. We cannot give the Romulans any information about our activities. Ian_Syndrx -> << MAGIC EDIT: hears Sovak, but lets Escher respond>> Sovak -> Prepare the wipe. Cmdr JFarrington -> ::stirs in her nightmarish dreams::: McFly -> not yet, right now I’m just mellow ::hears darkside of the moon in his head:: Samantha_Kent -> t'Tamarak> ::quietly watching the crew, listening to the hum of discussion, and puffing clouds of breath out in front of her:: Vilanne -> ::Vilanne's fever increases:: Lt Fabio -> @ ::A9/Precip:: Steady as she goes, sir. No sign of anything except standard Romulan vessels. Ian_Syndrx -> ::floats himself over to a console, starts decrypting his data, prepares it for complete deletion:: STSF Precip -> @If we ourselves were not trying to be detected...I'd saturate space with a Tachyon burst. Cloaking devices have shown vulnerability to them. But...we'd give ourselves away. Garnoopy -> ::zzzzzzzzzzzzzZZzz:: MC_Escher -> Sir, with all due respect, this is vital information, and a wipe can be performed relatively quickly once we know we are being boarded. If we wipe it for nothing, however, we will lose very important scientific information:: LtCdrFaldek -> ::looks at Keb:: Symptoms of asphyxia vary but may include light-headedness, nausea, and gasping, followed by unconsciousness and death. Lt Fabio -> @ ::turns:: Lots of chatter, more close to Romulus than anywhere else. T'Prise -> ::Begins to prepare the information dump:: (q) Sir, I have already studied all of the information we have on Echococcosis, I believe I can reproduce it without the aid of a computer if needed. Keb -> ::shrugs listlessly at this information:: Sounds fun, doesn't it? Samantha_Kent -> t'Tamarak> ::angles herself around to scan the lloann'na doctor again, muttering an oath at the rise in her temperature:: LtCdrFaldek -> I would have the same symptoms, but not feel the pain. MC_Escher -> ::pauses, turns to TP:: Perfectly? With no errors? The entire genetic makeup of the virus and our cure? Cmdr JFarrington -> ::jerks awake::: Keb -> ::looks up at him:: You're not scared at all, are you? Kansas Kenickie -> ::Scoots closer:: Ian_Syndrx -> ::also starts downloading all his PADD data onto a single PADD and wipes the extras, but makes sure he has a copy of everything:: LtCdrFaldek -> Uhm... why would I be scared? I cannot feel the pain you feel. Admiral Atragon-9 -> @ Frak it, Mitar, we're out of time, we have to either break radio silence or ping them with Tachyons Cmdr JFarrington -> ::glance around, not seeing much in the dim light::: T'Prise -> ::Escher:: It is no more difficult than the memorization activities I participated in during my early schooling. Turris Morran -> ::looks at T'Prise and shakes his head:: That won't be necessary T’Prise...ahh.. Lieutenant. STSF Precip -> @Our advantage is we have their co-ordinates sir...But I cannot work around the fact we need to give our position away. LtCdrFaldek -> That’s why people get scared, they anticipate the pain Sovak -> I did say to prepare it, Commander. I did not give the order to execute. Lt Fabio -> @ ::attentive to both A9 and Precip, plus the Romulan chatter::: MC_Escher -> ::nods to T'Prise and Sovak:: All right. Ian, make sure it's ready at the press of a button. Keb -> Nah. Pain's just a message. It's not that scary. It's the not knowing what's happening that's scary, or not knowing if you can do the things you planned to. Samantha_Kent -> t'Tamarak> ::glances at Farrington as she starts awake, while injecting Chalice with something to try to hold the fever down:: Keb -> Pain tends to go away eventually. STSF Precip -> @"Frak it" Sir? ::blinks:: T'Prise -> ::Falls silent again, a contemplative look on her face:: LtCdrFaldek -> When I was in the order... we were taught to disregard certain feelings. Ian_Syndrx -> ::has linked both the PADD and his computer files to his tricorder, so he may destroy his data at the press of a button, places his tricorder in it's holster:: Admiral Atragon-9 -> @ And they didn't just stop in space, they are still flying from inertia, right? Keb -> Like what? LtCdrFaldek -> Almost like ... the Vulcan Kholinar... (sp) Cmdr JFarrington -> :: her gaze falls on Jaiysa:: How is she? ::indicating Vilanne::: Admiral Atragon-9 -> @ Do we really have their position? STSF Precip -> @::looks to Fabio for confirmation:: I believe so. Ian_Syndrx -> ::to Escher:: Acknowledged, it shouldn't take long to set it up Lt Fabio -> @ Admiral. Commander. A coded message... Kansas Kenickie -> ::Glances out the window:: MC_Escher -> ::settles back down, turns again to T'Prise:: You Vulcans are just full of surprises, aren't you? Vilanne -> ::slight moan, after being injected:: Keb -> Kinda silly to ignore feelings, I've always thought. We have them for a reason. McFly -> ::holds on tight to KK; looks over to her:: are you happy with how things turned out, you know if life, work... us? LtCdrFaldek -> They are not very useful when you are a trained assassin. STSF Precip -> @as it was reported when we had the distress call...::lowers his head:: I assumed they were at a dead stop....If they were not.....:::trails off:: Lt Fabio -> @ Coming through...buried in Romulan signals. T'Prise -> ::Looks over at Escher:: Nothing is impossible to a well ordered and logical mind. Samantha_Kent -> t'Tamarak> Jami> ::shakes head slowly, eyes narrowed:: Not well...none of the bleeding has reopened but she is suffering from an intense fever. I can hold it down for a short time longer, but...::shrugs:: Garnoopy -> ::sniffs, then zzzzzzzzZzz:: Kansas Kenickie -> ::nods:: mostly, I would have liked to shoot more stuff... but I always have next time Lt Fabio -> @ ::headshake:: It's the same coordinates as the last, Sir. But... Keb -> Yeah, well, that's not all you are. Lt Fabio -> @ ::shifts to make some calculations:: If I calculate drift...assuming they are without power... Samantha_Kent -> t'Tamarak> ::steadies Vilanne's body as it drifts in its straps from the pressure of the hypospray injection:: MC_Escher -> ::to T'Prise:: There is a limitation to your gross memory. There's only so much information you can store. LtCdrFaldek -> Why do you think I reclaimed certain feelings and emotions... McFly -> if there is a next time Ian_Syndrx -> ::begins tying the entire scientific database onboard the scout ship into his deletion program, sets it to rewrite the entire memory sector with garbage data, also creates a link with all PADDs to delete any scientific files present in their databases:: STSF Precip -> @Admiral this maybe the time we just have to give ourselves away....Big risk...but I see no other choice. Keb -> :;smiles at him:: Because you had some sense they didn't beat out of you. LtCdrFaldek -> Oh trust me, I got beat plenty Hilee -> ::Drawing a blanket a bit more around himself...and definitely noting the drop of temperature in his breath..:: Lt Fabio -> @ ::talking to himself::: Given their last known position and their vector... Keb -> ::pets him:: Maybe we should talk about something else. It'd suck to die thinking about pain. LtCdrFaldek -> Aside from Bamarren, I had to endure almost a year of additional training from the Order. Vilanne -> ::feels a gentle calm come over her, a touch along with the familiar hum of the lights:: Kansas Kenickie -> ::Smirks:: There better be, or I’ll shoot someone T'Prise -> ::Raises an eyebrow at Escher:: Logic is the beginning of wisdom, one may not be wise if one does not remember. Lt Fabio -> @ ::turns:: I have it down to a standard grid area. Ian_Syndrx -> ::adds a sub routine in his tricorder to destroy data stored on the other tricorders, encodes the key sequences to activate the deletion scripts, floats over to Escher:: Samantha_Kent -> t'Tamarak> ::allows herself to drift back against the bulkhead near Vilanne in a semi-sitting position:: LtCdrFaldek -> Ya know, I actually don't remember what real pain feels like. MC_Escher -> Well, yes, but a brain is not infinite Keb -> ::glances briefly at her dark helm console:: Garnoopy -> ::turns in his seat, zzzzzzZZZzzz:: Ian_Syndrx -> The deletion sequence is ready, I can activate with my tricorder should the need arise. Admiral Atragon-9 -> @ Alright Fabio, get us to that grid NOW McFly -> ::smiles:: I just can't help but think how my life has gone, surprisingly I haven't heard any voices say "I told you so" Lt Fabio -> @ Aye, sir. ::turns to set it::: Course set in. Engaging on your mark. T'Prise -> ::Doesn't reply, knowing that a human would not understand. Turns to look at Syndrx:: Keb -> ::unbuckles her belt and wedges herself onto Faldek's lap:: MC_Escher -> ::turns to Ian, does his best impression of a Vulcan one-eyebrow-raise:: Careful with that button, Ensign doug.t -> :: falls out of his seat to the ground:: Kansas Kenickie -> I wish Lucy was here ::Frowns:: LtCdrFaldek -> ::puts his arms around Keb's waist:: Sovak -> We need a way to signal Manticore, again. Hilee -> +Sovak+ Captain...there may be one more trick we can pull from the bag Keb -> If we live, where do you want to have the wedding? Sovak -> If they indeed are looking for us, they will have no way to find a cloaked ship. LtCdrFaldek -> Doesn't matter to me... Manticore, Earth... not Cardassia... doug.t -> so cold::shivering:: Admiral Atragon-9 -> @::looks at Fabio with wild eyes:: Just GO! Ian_Syndrx -> ::laughs at Escher's eye-brow:: Yer sir, it would not be logical to activate the program prematurely Vilanne -> ::slightly stirring again, eyes fluttering trying to open and peek between the lids to focus:: Lt Fabio -> @ Going, sir. Lt Fabio -> @ ETA is ten minutes. STSF Precip -> ##Commander Gravous>::grows frustrated...his superiors demand results...his failure could mean his execution or an assignment on Remus...he'd prefer the former.:: McFly -> Brutus> ::Brutus sits in the security office reading over the reports of the missing away team; he sits stoned faced and puts the last padd down; he exits security walking down the hall; everyone stands to one side in terror but Brutus just ignores them:: Sovak -> To employ a Human idiom, Mr. Hilee, I am "all ears" T'Prise -> ::Equivalent of a Vulcan eye roll for their mocking of her culture and beliefs:: Keb -> No pretty spots on Cardassia? Kansas Kenickie -> I can't believe I am going to die unarmed; life is cruel sometimes MC_Escher -> You're talking like a Vulcan, Ensign. Snap out of it. :giggles quietly:: Oh, I'm sorry. I guess the tension is getting to me more than I thought. Samantha_Kent -> t'Tamarak> ::watching Vilanne pensively, occupying herself by mentally calculating the current progression of the fever versus her replicator-less store of medical supplies:: Samantha_Kent -> t'Tamarak> ::sees her stirring:: Hilee -> +Sovak+ Captain....we could dump all the remaining waste by product in a controlled stream...from the radioactive waste storage tanks...it would leave a trail if you will.. Cmdr JFarrington -> ::unstraps and makes her way in zero G towards Sovak::: Captain. A moment? doug.t -> ::is barely moving from the cold:: T'Prise -> ::Glances over at Escher again:: Perhaps the oxygen supply to your brain is not sufficient? Ian_Syndrx -> ::flips himself so he is hovering over the ceiling:: It must be, last time I checked I was a Lieutenant. Vilanne -> ::eyes barely open, but staring at the faces around her in the dim red glow:: Sovak -> A trail that the Romulans would discover, as well, Commander. ::turns to Jami:: Turris Morran -> ::laughs as though T'Prise had made a great joke, then looks at the straight look on her face and turns back to his console:: LtCdrFaldek -> First of all I'm wanted by the order for my defection. Sovak -> Yes Commander Farrington? Samantha_Kent -> t'Tamarak> Vilanne> ::quietly:: Remain as still as you can; it will ease your breathing. LtCdrFaldek -> that’s the first reason. MC_Escher -> ::stares at Ian:: No way. When did that happen? Cmdr JFarrington -> ::hooks onto a chair and pulls herself down:: Captain...Dr. Chalice. McFly -> ::matt swallows his laughter; he then picks up his rifle and hands it to Kansas:: you'll never be unarmed as long as I’m around LtCdrFaldek -> Secondly, no Cardassia is dry hot and ugly. STSF Precip -> @Recommend we go weapons hot....especially with the torpedoes..to cover us once we have the shuttle. doug.t -> ::whishes someone would just kill him now:: Vilanne -> ::trying to move tongue around mouth, as it's as dry as a desert:: MC_Escher -> ::turns to T'Prise:: Was that a Vulcan joke, or are you just concerned for my health? Cmdr JFarrington -> You are familiar with her. . . differences? ::implying the implants::: Kansas Kenickie -> ::Smiles:: you really know how to spoil a girl LtCdrFaldek -> I spent so much time off world I became acclimated to a cooler climate. LtCmdr Roget -> ::glad someone strapped her down, otherwise she'd be black and blue:: Keb -> ::smiles at him:: I guess those are pretty good reasons. My family has to come though. Hilee -> Sovak> Aye sir....our cloak will be gone soon enough at any rate...but as you say sir. LtCdrFaldek -> Besides I have no family or friends on Cardassia. Sovak -> ::nods:: I am. Ian_Syndrx -> Quite some time ago, I've got the scars if you'd like to see... MC_Escher -> ::mutters:: They grow up so fast... Cmdr JFarrington -> ::hard think:: I believe, sir, that they might be used to our advantage, though I'm not sure how. T'Prise -> ::Straightfaced:: Vulcans do not employ humor as a way of communicating. I was merely expressing a theory as to why you have abandoned rationale thought. Samantha_Kent -> t'Tamarak> ::running out of the water she got before the replicators went offline; nudges a capped cup at Vilanne carefully:: Keb -> ::hugs Faldek close:: Well, you've got me. Admiral Atragon-9 -> @Agreed, Mitar, Yellow Alert STSF Precip -> @Ensign Snow>::In sickbay still traumatized by A9's return:: Lt Fabio -> @ Yellow alert, aye. Sovak -> ::thinks:: Possibly. But only if the bridge officer on the Manticore knew about it, and was able to scan for it. Cmdr JFarrington -> ::still attempting to strap into a close chair::: Hilee -> ::Grabs an extra blanket from the storage cabinet; pushes off the bulk head, floats over to Doug:: Doug> Hang there Lt. they'll find us soon enough. MC_Escher -> ::glances at TP:: I am very tempted to get into an argument about why abandoning rational thought is sometimes good, but I don't think I could win it given my current state Admiral Atragon-9 -> @ So, Mr. Precip, if we get close enough, would we get a reflection from low energy phaser bursts? LtCdrFaldek -> ::embraces the hug:: That I do. STSF Precip -> @Yellow alert aye...::turns to Ensign Crystal at Tac who nods and activates the alert:: Cmdr JFarrington -> ::sighs:: And no one on the Manticore knows. McFly -> Brutus> ::Brutus exits the TL and walks to his quarters; the door closes behind him and he locks it; he falls back to the door and to the ground sobbing unable to hold it in any longer; in hysterics he cries out;; No you can't die! doug.t -> ::Hilee :: :starts coughing:: please kill me now T'Prise -> Abandoning rational thought and logic in this type of a situation will only lead to panic and other undesirable reactions. Vilanne -> ::feeling the wetness, embraces the cup with her lips, smiles and moves tongue freely:: STSF Precip -> @Very low level sir...but yes...I think it would work.... Vilanne -> @ Nurse Nancy> ::attending to Mr Snow:: Sovak -> Unfortunate. No one on Manticore has high enough security clearance. Admiral Atragon-9 -> @ Good, prepare the settings, wide dispersion Samantha_Kent -> t'Tamarak> Vilanne> ::gruffly:: There's not much more of it. Don't overindulge, maenek... MC_Escher -> ::waves hand:: No, no, you're not going to entice me into an argument. Let's talk about your slipstream drive instead Ian_Syndrx -> I disagree, I've abandoned rational thought, and it is allowing me to enjoy floating above the ceiling. Hilee -> Doug> What and save me the opportunity later when your in good shape??...I think not, now belay that kind of talk and wrap this blanket around you.::smiles:: Vilanne -> ::squints again at t'Tamarak, trying to ask who she is:: Sovak -> ::To Engineering officer on deck:: How much time until we lose the cloak? McFly -> ::hears Doug in the back:: tisk, some people just can't take the slow agonizing wait of death STSF Precip -> @Not sure how this will work between two cloaked vessels.....I should write a thesis on this. Garnoopy -> ::zzzzZZZzzzzZZZ:: Samantha_Kent -> t'Tamarak> Vilanne> ::blinks slowly at the expression on Vilanne's face:: Lt Fabio -> @ ETA is five minutes. T'Prise -> ::Gives Escher a quelling look, eyes darting around the small compartment:: Now is not the time or the place for that discussion, Commander. doug.t -> ::passes out from the cold:: STSF Precip -> @::looks to Fabio..random pattern...if we get a return saturate the area:: LtCdrFaldek -> ::looks at Keb:: You should take a seat... Lt Fabio -> @ No indication from Romulan fleet that we have been detected. Aye, Commander. Random pattern. Kansas Kenickie -> ::Smirks::he is only an engineer... Hilee -> Sovak> Sir...best estimate...10 minutes present power drain. Keb -> ::nuzzles Faldek's neck:: I like this one. McFly -> true MC_Escher -> ::pauses, nods slowly:: Fair enough. However, T'Prise, the crew will find out eventually. STSF Precip -> @Ensign Crystal>I have basically set them at the infrared spectrum level...should not hurt a shuttle at all... Sovak -> Can we save any power anywhere else? LtCdrFaldek -> Those neck bones comfy? Keb -> The doctors hid them well. Vilanne -> ::moves mouth around enough to finally speak a couple words, which actually hurts her vocal cords:: Who... are you? T'Prise -> (q) But will that knowledge lead them to the same fate as the crew of the Wanderlust? doug.t -> ::is now not moving :: LtCdrFaldek -> Oh I had almost forgotten... MC_Escher -> (q) Not if you do your job, which is something both you and I know you do very well. Hilee -> Sovak> No sir...I have been leeching power back into the systems to charge the batteries a bit,to extend our life support...we have what we have sir. Keb -> It kinda just makes you look more muscley. LtCdrFaldek -> Wow, been in this damn skin so long I forgot... STSF Precip -> @Ensign Crystal>Lt Fabio has targeting control....Sir. MC_Escher -> (q) Unless...are you talking about the sabotage? Samantha_Kent -> t'Tamarak> Vilanne> ::inward groan:: We've been over this, maenek...several times. Jaiysa t'Tamarak. From Echo Facility. Vang'radam. Had my hands in your torso up to the wrist. Ie? Lt Fabio -> @ ::blinks, turns to Crystal::: Random pattern, initiating burst. Keb -> ::smiles at him:: STSF Precip -> @::looks to the Admiral:: Science scanners will be the ones that pick up anything with that weak of signal we are using. Lt Fabio -> @ :;tappity tap::feeling rather like Sulu and the external ID::: T'Prise -> (q) Starfleet wants all information on the project and the slipstream drive kept quiet for a reason. Until we discover that reason, I believe no one who knows is safe. Hilee -> Sovak> Sir the only way to extend the power would mean dropping the cloak or completely cut life support, sir Keb -> If we get home, I'm going to be first in line to get my face put back to normal. And you can be second. Sovak -> Reduce life support to 60% current levels. We must give them more time. Cmdr JFarrington -> ::moves aft to T'Prise::: Lieutenant? MC_Escher -> (q) We know about it. We're on this ship. Do you really think that the crew's ignorance will spare their lives? Vilanne -> ::frowns and groans at the Romulan doctor, really not regrouping her memories well yet:: McFly -> why not put it to 10 and let everyone sleep it out? T'Prise -> ::Looks up at Commander Farrington:: Sir? Kansas Kenickie -> ::Closes her eyes:: Samantha_Kent -> t'Tamarak> Vilanne> ::can't resist an eyeroll:: LtCdrFaldek -> This is my second time being Romulan, I’ve also been Bajoran and Klingon. Cmdr JFarrington -> ::T'Prise:: The container, please. ::hand out::: Hilee -> ::Looks down at the console:: Sovak> Sir that would essentially mean cutting it..we are at bare minimums..now sir MC_Escher -> ::also looks up at the Commander:: LtCdrFaldek -> Even did human once. Keb -> Which did you like best? Admiral Atragon-9 -> @ ::moves to the Science console and watches for any positive results:: doug.t -> ::has already passed out on the floor:: Sovak -> I see.... T'Prise -> ::Reaches under the console next to her and obediently hands over the container:: LtCdrFaldek -> Klingons smell bad McFly -> I suppose if this is the way I have to die... it isn't so bad LtCdrFaldek -> humans seem to have a weak frame, Lt Fabio -> @ Coming up on last known position, continuing bursts. LtCdrFaldek -> Bajorans closely resemble humans Keb -> ::giggles, faintly. Maybe getting a little low on essential things like oxygen:: Samantha_Kent -> t'Tamarak> ::catches the transfer of the container of shrapnel and implants out of the corner of her eye and straightens, looking over curiously:: Vilanne -> ::peers around her, not knowing really the situation, only sort of remembers any of this:: LtCdrFaldek -> So probably Romulan. Hilee -> Sovak> Sir it is just simple math at this time...you understand I'm sure...sir Admiral Atragon-9 -> ACTION: PHASER BURSTS NOT YIELDING ANY RESULTS Cmdr JFarrington -> ::nod:: Thank you. ::moves forward to Sovak and slips into the seat next to him::: Garnoopy -> << Uhhh... at 10% the brain would rapidly starve of oxygen and we'd all have more brain damage than we already have, lol >> STSF Precip -> ##Commander Gravous>Subcommander T`dos...We should of found a starship by now...Even a plinky Oberth class vessel which the Babylon is not? She may of evaded us..<T`dos>Evaded the fleet sir? I don't see how! Keb -> Do you like it better than being yourself? Cmdr JFarrington -> ::hooking in, that is::: LtCdrFaldek -> I like being Cardassian of course. MC_Escher -> ::to T'Prise:: Ensign...you are an Ensign? Keb -> ::nods:: That's how I feel about being human. Samantha_Kent -> t'Tamarak> ::eyes narrowed with frustrated curiosity:: LtCdrFaldek -> We look a bit more fierce than Klingons I think. Hilee -> <<exactly...not to mention our combined Co2 production would be more than the system could handle>> T'Prise -> ::Turns back to Escher as if nothing has just happened:: Lieutenant, sir. I am a lieutenant. Our knowledge of slipstream is unrelated to our current situation. However, if we do not survived, I have ensured that the knowledge will not die with us. McFly -> ::looking outside wondering what it would be like to die in exposed space:: Samantha_Kent -> t'Tamarak> ::glances back at Vilanne, deciding to avoid bothering trying to establish her identity right now:: How do you feel, maenek? Sovak -> This ship cannot be found. That is of paramount importance to this mission. Even more important than our lives. Garnoopy -> ::meanwhile, zzzzZZzzz:: Keb -> ::tilts her head slightly, still leaning as heavily against him as possible without gravity:: I dunno. Bat’leths can get pretty scary looking. Lt Fabio -> @ ::A9/Precip:: Romulan chatter is still about the Babylon, sirs. STSF Precip -> @Another thing we must consider Admiral....that the Shuttle has been destroyed. ::figures he must play devil's advocate to the CO:: Cmdr JFarrington -> ::holding Vilanne's implants in the container in her lap::: LtCdrFaldek -> So can I be when I go into assassin mode... Lt Fabio -> @ ::stops working on hearing Precip::hard swallow::: Sovak -> Engineering, divert all life support power to the cloak. Lt Fabio -> @ :;does not look back::: Admiral Atragon-9 -> @::turns and strides to the OPS console:: No, NO, I will not consider that doug.t -> ( hey EJ welcome) MC_Escher -> ::(q) Lieutenant. Man.... But if we make it back to Manticore, and the nasties in Starfleet find us, I doubt they'll be so selective about taking us out. The crew is at risk whether they know the information or not. Vilanne -> ::slow response with calculated wording:: I have pain, but its manage ... able. I am freezing though. ::skin still warm with fever:: Keb -> ::giggles again, still faintly:: I think you're cuddly. and pebbly. Like the bottom of a brook. Lt Fabio -> @ ::removes his hands to give A9 access to the OPS console::: STSF Precip -> @Aye sir....but it must be taken into consideration if we fail with our infrared beam scans... LtCdrFaldek -> ::looks at her funny:: I'm not sure how to take that... T'Prise -> (q) I have considered that scenario. Perhaps it is time that I divulged my story to those in command, to warn them of what may be coming. Cmdr JFarrington -> ::Sovak:: There is no way to make these into transmitters? STSF Precip -> @::notes A9 at the OPS control:: Keb -> ::giggles:: I dunno. I'm feeling a bit dizzy. Hilee -> ::Looks at Sovak:: Sovak> Aye sir...::turns and literally presses the button transferring all remaining power to the cloak, shuts down the life support:: Admiral Atragon-9 -> @ I swore I would never use this... ::tapping away on the console:: LtCdrFaldek -> Just breath slowly and evenly Samantha_Kent -> t'Tamarak> Vilanne> Unsurprising...it is very cold, and you have quite a fever. Lt Fabio -> @ ::frozen in place, wondering what the heck he is going to use::: doug.t -> ::is laying on the deck barely moving:: STSF Precip -> @::blinks:: Sir? Admiral Atragon-9 -> @ I guess I need to stop swearing {tippity tappety} Lt Fabio -> @ ::not going to ask::: Turris Morran -> ::comes back to consciousness from zoning out and looks at T'Prise:: What's coming? Did they find us? Keb -> ::closes her eyes, arms wrapped around his neck:: MC_Escher -> ::looks at T'Prise curiously:: I know Vulcans are sticklers for chains of command. Why made you bring the matter to me before you brought it to the commanding officers? Sovak -> ::to Jami:: None that I can think of. If only they were able to scan for them. They would pinpoint us, directly. EJ Pilot -> ::looking around at all the chaos:: Vilanne -> ::feels a warm burning, that turns into a neck wrenching pain, she lets out a growl that growns into a scream:: AhhhHHhHHh!Hh!Hh!H!H S T O P The.... P A I N !! Cmdr JFarrington -> ::sharp turn towards Vilanne::: LtCdrFaldek -> ::turns and looks back where the screaming it coming from:: Sovak -> ACTON: AIR ABOARD THE SHUTTLE BEGINS TO GET STALE QUICKLY Admiral Atragon-9 -> @::turns:: watch the Tac console Samantha_Kent -> t'Tamarak> ::swears aloud in surprise and goes for a hypo of anesthizine, emptying it into Vilanne's neck:: Cmdr JFarrington -> ::is getting stale quickly::: EJ Pilot -> ::stale:: McFly -> why with all the fighting Keb -> ::stretches her neck slightly to look over Faldek's shoulder:: Ian_Syndrx -> ::jerked into awareness, hearing Vilanne scream:: doug.t -> ::breathing begins to get worse:: Samantha_Kent -> t'Tamarak> ::found this situation stale some time ago:: Vilanne -> ::writhing in her bonds, even in her pain, trying to get loose and make it stop:: Sovak -> ::breathing as shallowly as possible:: Cmdr JFarrington -> ::clutches the container and something catches her eye::: Kansas Kenickie -> ::Lifts head, hearing screams:: EJ Pilot -> ::in Klingon:: Today is a good day to die... T'Prise -> (q) ::starts to speak but notices the change in atmosphere and stops to conserve oxygen:: Cmdr JFarrington -> ::hand on Sovak's arm:: Captain. STSF Precip -> @::Mitar bolts up to the TAC console adjacent Ensign Crystal:: Tac visually watched sir. Keb -> <w> Don't let go of me, okay, Beran? Vilanne -> ::continues her scream in between shallow breaths:: Hel.... p... st... op/.. LtCdrFaldek -> Pilot, this would be a dishonorable death you... ::stops:: Cmdr JFarrington -> ::holds up the container:: The implants are glowing. Samantha_Kent -> t'Tamarak> Fvadt...fvadt... ::reading sudden upswing in heart rate and blood pressure, trying to restrain her:: Sovak -> ::raises an eyebrow as he looks at the hand:: Yes, Commander? McFly -> ::looks over at Kansas:: these people really need to get a grip LtCdrFaldek -> I won't Keb. Cmdr JFarrington -> ::spark of hope:: Something is making the implants glow... Admiral Atragon-9 -> @::presses last button and turns to Precip:: Look for a pulse signature... Kansas Kenickie -> ::Shakes head:: she is in pain.. Cmdr JFarrington -> ::turns aft:: And Dr. Chalice...something is giving her additional pain. Admiral Atragon-9 -> @ ... a Borg signature, it will be weak EJ Pilot -> ::Faldek:: You are right.. Keb -> ::nods into his chest, trying to breathe slowly and calmly:: Sovak -> Indeed. And what would cause... ::figuring it out:: How did they know? LtCmdr Roget -> ::sees the bright light and turns toward it:: Ian_Syndrx -> ::pushes himself down off the ceiling to Vilanne, pulls out his tricorder and scans her:: MC_Escher -> ::glances at the scream:: The atmosphere, both literally and figuratively, of this ship is deteriorating quickly. Samantha_Kent -> t'Tamarak> ::catches Jami's last sentence and tosses over her shoulder:: Well spotted, rekkhai... Lt Fabio -> @ ::sitting there, one with his chair::: STSF Precip -> @Aye Admiral....Borg....::does a huge Bolian Blink:: Borg??? EJ Pilot -> (w) Forgive me Kahless.. Lt Fabio -> @ ::hears Borg::eep:::: Admiral Atragon-9 -> @quick, get the coordinates to Helm, that is our crew, DO IT NOW! Vilanne -> Action:: Ian finds the Borg implants that the doctors saw during surgery, attached to her neural net:: Cmdr JFarrington -> ::Sovak:: You think it's...? Ian_Syndrx -> ::sees the readings:: What the... (q) Borg? LtCdrFaldek -> ::hears Borg:: What Borg? Sovak -> It seems too illogical. EJ Pilot -> ::Faldek:: Bo...Bo...Borg? Samantha_Kent -> t'Tamarak> ::suddenly getting very strange readings from all over Chalice's body; expression frustrated, concerned, definitely a little scared; trying usual pain treatments and only having limited success:: <m> Fvaaaadt... T'Prise -> ::Stoically glances around at the reactions of the crew to the word Borg:: Lt Fabio -> @ Coordinates received. Coming about to two zero two mark seven. Vilanne -> ::almost free, still making unintelligible noises, writhing in pain:: McFly -> then some people need to learn to embrace the agony, take hold of the pain and learn to enjoy it... then when it gets to the point you just can't take it anymore, you stick your finger in and twist Hilee -> ::Strapped back in at the main console again...wrapped in a blanket...looking on as the lights normally a cascade of colors and patterns...begin to fade and dim....one by one, a few flickering then going dark:: Samantha_Kent -> t'Tamarak> ::eyes to Syndrx and then back down at the readings; jaw clench:: MC_Escher -> ::turns very, very quickly to Syndrx:: What do you have, Ian? EJ Pilot -> What do those p'taqs want? LtCdrFaldek -> ::still looking over her shoulder:: Who's a Borg? Samantha_Kent -> t'Tamarak> ::glances towards Jami and the container with the implants with a somewhat significant look:: Keb -> ::shrugs:: Not me. ::doesn't seem to care much about much anymore:: EJ Pilot -> ::looks to Doug:: Ian_Syndrx -> ::still scanning Vil, not quite sure what to do:: (quietly) to Escher I'm not entirely sure, but this is a Borg signature ::shows Escher the tricorder data:: Vilanne -> ::one hand free, grabs her neck, pulling at the skin:: ST OP... Help... Pain ... Cmdr JFarrington -> ::illogical..illogical::: LtCdrFaldek -> Vilanne? A Borg... no way... EJ Pilot -> ::hears Vilanne yelling:: T'Prise -> ::Moves next to Escher and Syndrx, nodding at the assessment:: doug.t -> ::is passed out on the floor:: Admiral Atragon-9 -> @Crystal, turn up the phasers, 15% power, three short, three long, three short, right at those coordinates. LtCdrFaldek -> Well she does seem rather smart for a human... Keb -> ::weakly swats Faldek's neck:: Hey... Kansas Kenickie -> ::Sighs:: getting thick in here LtCdrFaldek -> Sorry. Samantha_Kent -> t'Tamarak> Vilanne> ::clearly regular pain treatments are not working; restrains Chalice's hand sharply from her neck:: Maenek...focus on me...stay calm... Hilee -> Ej/Faldek> Well my friends....it has been one heck of a run. MC_Escher -> ::examining:: The signal's coming from Vil...::nods toward screaming doctor:: and going...out. What initiated this? STSF Precip -> @Ensign Crystal...Aye sir 15% power, three short, three long, three short....at coordinates..Firing!! LtCdrFaldek -> Hilee, we're not going to die, that's an order. doug.t -> ::breathing getting worse:: T'Prise -> ::Escher:: I believe you will need to speaking to Commander Farrington regarding that sir Lt Fabio -> @ Coming up on their position... EJ Pilot -> ::Hilee:: No! We are not going to die! As Kahless as my witness, WE ARE NOT GOING TO DIE, Today. Ian_Syndrx -> ::grabs Vil's free hand, holds it in his own:: It's going to be alright, we'll help you, try to calm down. Admiral Atragon-9 -> ACTION: THOSE ON THE SCOUTSHIP FEEL THE PHASER BUMPS, THREE SHORT, THREE LONG, THREE SHORT Vilanne -> On... FIRE! ::grabs t'Tamarak's wrist:: Cmdr JFarrington -> ::wondering if Vulcans ever put aside logic for hope::: LtCdrFaldek -> What LtCdrFaldek -> ::looks at the black console:: Sovak -> Engineering. Get prepared to blow the hatches. Hilee -> ::Sniks:: Just checking gents...I refuse to die on watch Keb -> ::looks up a bit more startled:: What's happening? EJ Pilot -> ::feels the bumps:: EJ Pilot -> Phaser fire... Cmdr JFarrington -> ::Sovak:: Sir...they are pulsing in Morse code now. LtCdrFaldek -> ::looks out the window:: Cmdr JFarrington -> Is that logical? EJ Pilot -> Or Torpedoes, very light torpedoes. STSF Precip -> @Admiral stating the obvious we gave ourselves away with those shots... MC_Escher -> ::glances at T'Prise, about to ask what she knew that he didn't, but then feels the phaser bumps and relief spread across his face:: We're saved. Samantha_Kent -> t'Tamarak> ::jolts into Vilanne gently with the bump of the phaser fire, allowing Chalice to squeeze her wrist hard in lieu of tearing at her own neck:: Keb -> ::holds tighter to Faldek, forgetting to be offended:: Sovak -> Yes. Engineering, divert all power to life support. Drop the cloak. T'Prise -> ::Jolted slightly, but manages to maintain her balance, still looking at Escher, but not speaking:: Lt Fabio -> @ ::turns :: Should I go to all stop? EJ Pilot -> Aye! Hilee -> Sovak> Sir I agree with Cmdr. Farrington...an SOS signal, aye sir Vilanne -> ::eyes dart back and forth between Ian and t'Tamarak, eyes tearing in her severe pain, still trying to cry out, throat dry again, so it's a coarse, dry cry for help:: Admiral Atragon-9 -> @::turns to Precip, with an intense look:: but we can defend ourselves, that Scoutship may be out of options McFly -> if it hadn't been for all the yelling and screaming in here we'd probably have an extra day's worth of air Lt Fabio -> @ They should be somewhere in this area. Hilee -> Ej> Drop the cloak Samantha_Kent -> t'Tamarak> Vilanne> <m> You...are really starting to be what could be classified a difficult patient. EJ Pilot -> ::drops the cloak:: Hilee -> ::turns and diverts all power back to life support Hilee -> :: Lt Fabio -> @ SIRS! Scout ship. Dead ahead. Kansas Kenickie -> ::Smirks:: Keb -> ::takes a deep breath as the air pumps turn on:: STSF Precip -> @Crystal>...Impacts...we got them I think! Admiral Atragon-9 -> ACTION: THE SCOUT SHIP DECLOAKS ALMOST DIRECTLY IN FRONT OF MANTICORE LtCdrFaldek -> ::sees manticore:: Ahh home. McFly -> if we do get back, I’m putting in a formal request to never go on another away mission with this many people again Admiral Atragon-9 -> @Hot Damn! EJ Pilot -> ::Faldek:: What do you see? Lt Fabio -> @ ::puts on the brakes::: Admiral Atragon-9 -> (the scout doesn't see Manticore) Cmdr JFarrington -> :;sighs:: It's stopped. EJ Pilot -> ::gasps as the life support comes back:: LtCdrFaldek -> Nothing. Cmdr JFarrington -> ::Sovak:: The pulsing. Cmdr JFarrington -> It's . . . gone. LtCdrFaldek -> Guess I am er was hallucinating. T'Prise -> ::t'Tamarak:: Perhaps I should do something to ease her pain? MC_Escher -> ::glances up as the lights and life support come back on:: Are we rescued? Hilee -> Sovak> Sir...life support levels approaching nominal levels, STSF Precip -> @Hot Damn? ::gives up on human Phrases:: Okay sir...now we have options...Beam them onboard...or tractor the shuttle into the bay. Both require us to decloak. Admiral Atragon-9 -> ::runs to the OPS console and turns off his Borg Detector:: Sovak -> Let us hope it was a Federation Signal, and not a Romulan ruse. Keb -> Oxygen is nice, isn't it? Lt Fabio -> @ Bringing us to within 10,000 k sirs. EJ Pilot -> ::Sovak:: We can only hope sir. Vilanne -> ::falls back into the retraints, limp with relief:: Samantha_Kent -> t'Tamarak> T'Prise> ::almost snarls, frustrated with the lack of effect of her treatment:: If you have something in mind, I'd love to hear it... Samantha_Kent -> t'Tamarak> ::whooshes out a breath as Vilanne suddenly collapses against her:: Cmdr JFarrington -> ::Sovak:: How would they know? They couldn’t possibly know. Admiral Atragon-9 -> @ What's faster, Mitar, we have to get out of here in a hurry T'Prise -> ::Reaches over and applies a nerve pinch to Dr. Chalice:: Ian_Syndrx -> ::grabs his tricorder, scans Vil again:: EJ Pilot -> ::looks around, waiting:: Lt Fabio -> @ :::voice ups a notch:: Romulan fleet has turned. STSF Precip -> @Decloak and beam them in sir...we won't have to maneuver the Manticore to fit the shuttle in our bays. Hilee -> Sovak> Aye sir...::Thumb still ready on the button to blow the hatches:: Lt Fabio -> @ Chatter increased..they're coming this way. Keb -> ::silent for once, enjoying the act of breathing fresh air:: EJ Pilot -> ::grabs a tricorder and scans Doug:: Admiral Atragon-9 -> MAGIC EDIT: WE DROP CLOAK, AND TRANSPORT EVERY LIFE SIGN ABOARD MANTICORE Samantha_Kent -> t'Tamarak> ::shimmers:: Kansas Kenickie -> ::Shimmers:: Keb -> ::shimmers, still holding onto Faldek:: LtCdrFaldek -> ::is transported, with Keb on his lap:: Vilanne -> ::shimmers:: STSF Precip -> ##T`dos>Sir!!!! Longrange scanners have a vessel ...Federation! EJ Pilot -> ::shimmers:: Ian_Syndrx -> ::beamed:: Cmdr JFarrington -> ::shimmers::: Hilee -> ::Shimmeroos:: MC_Escher -> ::as he shimmers, thinks "This is either very good or very bad":: Admiral Atragon-9 -> @Fabio, cloak and get us out of here, but not a straight line back to Fed Space T'Prise -> :shimmers:: Lt Fabio -> @ ::turns back:: Transport successful. LtCmdr Roget -> ::shimmers:: Admiral Atragon-9 -> and... LtCdrFaldek -> Oh thank goodness... Admiral Atragon-9 -> =/\======= PAUSE SIM =======/\= Admiral Atragon-9 -> Okay folks, TBS is 4 hours, enough time to write logs about recovering in Sickbay, getting your Rom makeup off and zig-zagging in Romulan space.
  12. Manticore Mission Update for 6.1.2009 Aboard the Scout Ship, • While life support wanes, the cloak holds. • Believing Manticore received their buried distress call, Captain Sovak orders life support set to 60% of present levels to allow Manticore more time to find them. • Lt Hilee suggests leaving a trail of radioactive material for Manticore to follow; however Captain Sovak reiterates their mission was explicit that no evidence of their presence in Romulan space could remain, even if it meant their lives. • To that effect, Captain Sovak and LtCmdr Escher contemplate a data wipe to erase all evidence their mission should they be boarded and Lt(jg) T’Prise is confident she can reproduce all medical and scientific data from memory. • Dr. Chalice continues to waver between life and death while Dr. t’Tamarak tends to her. The implants removed from Dr. Chalice remain a mystery to all but Captain Sovak and Commander Farrington. • In a last attempt to preserve their anonymity, Captain Sovak diverts all life support power to the cloak. Aboard the Manticore, • Admiral Atragon and Cmdr Precip struggle to find the cloaked lost scout ship. They have received the distress call with last known coordinates, but the scout ship has drifted and Lt Fabio has trouble pinpointing their exact location. • Knowing the scout has little life support left, they consider breaking radio silence, pinging them with tachyons, or flooding space with low-level phaser bursts, all of which will alert the Romulan Fleet to their presence. • They take a chance with low energy phaser bursts set in wide dispersion at the infrared spectrum level, to no avail; Romulan cloaks are that good. • In a desperate attempt to find the away team, Admiral Atragon activates something from the main Tactical Console. It makes Dr. Chalice, aboard the cloaked scout ship, scream in pain and the implants that were removed from her body glow in the container. At simulation pause, • Sovak and Farrington realize that the third command member who knew of the implants must be aboard Manticore. • On hearing Vilanne’s screams, Lt Syndrx pulls his tricorder and finds a Borg signature coming from the activated implants. • The Manticore fires an SOS using phaser bursts, • The scout ship recognizes it as friendly, they drop the cloak and the away team is beamed aboard. • The two ships are spotted instantly by the Romulan Fleet and they turn in hot pursuit. • The scout ship is abandoned with all the scientific data and information on their mission intact. In Side Action: • LtCmdr Escher and Lt(jg) T’Prise surreptitiously discuss slipstream drive, which may put the crew in danger of friendly fire. TBS is 4 Hours
  13. Nice host, indeed! Happy Birthday, Laura!
  14. The USS Goldstein (Oberth Class) was en route to Starbase 9 when they came upon a starship dead in space with no life signs aboard. The ship has been identified as the pleasure cruiser Algernon, a secretive playground for the rich and famous. An away team is sent to investigate. Game Master (GM) - STSF Sorehl Game Master (GM) - Cmdr JFarrington Mission Commanding Officer (MCO) - Cmdr JFarrington Mission Executive Officer (MXO) - STSF Kansas Tactical Officer (TAC) - Owen J North Helm (Helm) - Zremorca Operations Officer (OPS) - Brynna Baxter Chief Engineer (CENG) - Allen Armstrong Assistant Engineer (AENG) - TKAR Chief Medical Officer (CMO) - Vilanne 090602.txt
  15. Hey Guys! I found the antidote!!
  16. Disambiguity It is logical to conclude that our distress call was received by the Manticore and they are at this time en-route to the scout ship. To worry about the present situation is neither rational nor helpful, when probabilities suggest we will be rescued. ~T’Prise, Vulcan Science Officer, USS Manticore Probability suggests we will be rescued? It is logical to conclude that our distress call was received? Jami Farrington wished she could have the same faith in logic that the Vulcan science officer exhibited, but she was human and subject to human irrationality and emotions. She did realize, however, that T’Prise was right about one thing: it was not rational nor was it helpful to worry. At this point, however, Jami was beyond worry, beyond thinking. She had sunk into semi-slumber, as had the rest of the crew. Running on minimal life support, their primary objective was basic: survive. It had been nine hours since they masked a message in a sensor burst. They would know within the hour if Manticore had received it. Lights in the cabin had flicked off long ago and those who had not strapped in were now floating in zero-G. An occasional cough or sound of movement floated through the darkness. Slow, rhythmic breathing had replaced the familiar clicks and bleeps of consoles. T’Prise clung to her logic. In the last few minutes before she lost consciousness Jami’s mind wandered in a semi-dreamlike fog, to what she clung to, to what she loved most. Atragon. Two cords, intertwined, neither one strong in itself, yet bonded, formed an enduring structure around her finger. VAdm DeJariov had given her Atragon’s wedding band before they left Starbase 9. The two rings fit together seamlessly and would remain so unless separated by the wearer or separated by death. The bond remained firm. There was still hope.
  17. Fate rarely calls upon us at a moment of our choosing. ~Optimus Prime, Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen My father had a favorite saying about fate, but I don’t recall it exactly. Something like when fate deals you the wrong cards it doesn’t mean you should give up. Fate is trying to deal us the wrong cards now. I wonder if I’ll give up. I was young, then – when my father said that. I was young and didn’t really listen. The young rarely do, and if they do they cannot fathom the full meaning. I remember smiling and trying so hard to understand what he meant, but I didn’t; I couldn’t. I must have been six or seven, during a time of innocence and nurturing, of growing and becoming. It was a time of hope, when my life was before me and the possibilities infinite, when my boundless energies propelled me into what I was sure would be a life of endless carefree adventure, moving from peak to summit with no valleys between. No, I certainly did not understand. But my childhood was a different life. Now, fate has dealt me another one which I must live out whether I choose to or not. Some would say it is my destiny, and some my cross to bear. Whatever it is, it is mine, and mine alone to live. Yet, though it is mine, it is not. And when it is over, what then? An afterlife, or oblivion? And does faith have anything to do with whether there is an afterlife? If I believe there is one, does that make it so? If I believe there is none, does that make it so? And does anything after life really matter, or is it what we do now that matters? Dr. Chalice – Vilanne Chalice – is critically injured. Had she been in my seat and I in hers, I would be the one close to death. She would be the one standing here now, looking down on this waning piece of frail humanity. She would be the one wondering if I were going to live or die, if there were or were not an afterlife, or if it made any difference. I know things about her that she does not, and that seems strange in a cruel way, because now she may never know. I know from whence she came and what she has overcome, and I long to tell her, though it probably doesn’t matter. Maybe she’s better off not knowing, but if she were the one standing here and I were the one lying there, I think I’d want to know. I hold in my hand a piece of her removed by Dr. t’Tamarak during surgery. That Jaiysa, in saving her life, may have destroyed it is an irony beyond comprehension, yet another trick of Fate. And we, who have saved so many lives by risking our own may probably lose them, and soon. Our ship is dead in space, stalked by our enemies whose lives we have saved, and possibly those of their loved ones. If they find us before our life support gives out we’ll be executed. And if we are not found we’ll die anyway. How strange. How very, very strange.
  18. Manticore Mission Update 5.29.2009 Disguised as Romulans, Manticore's away team has been working to develop a cure for the Echococcosis Plague in a secure facility on Romulus. Having completed that part of their mission, they have made their escape in the Romulan Scout ship that brought them. They have been in Romulan space for nearly two weeks and their window of opportunity is quickly closing. + + + + + + + + + + Last week: Manticore’s away team has escaped from Romulus on their “borrowed” Romulan scout ship, but they are now without propulsion. Their cloak is still operative, but everything except for basic life support has been shut down in an attempt to remain cloaked. During their escape from Romulus, a console aboard the scout ship exploded, critically injuring Dr. Vilanne Chalice. Romulan Dr. Jaiysa t’Tamarak, seeking asylum with the away team, has performed life-saving surgery on Dr. Chalice. With the help of the science team the stranded group has managed to send one “cloaked” message to the Manticore with secure ID, coordinates, and an SOS. After sending it, the device burns out, as well as their options. The Manticore, with Security Chief Cmdr Mitar Precip in command, remains cloaked in polar orbit of a moon inside Romulan space, about three days from Romulus. They have intercepted Romulan communications from the Tal Shiar that mentions a Federation incursion and the USS Babylon. Tension aboard the ship increases as they wonder what has happened to their team, especially because the warbirds that were in their area have been diverted to Romulus. Romulan Commander Gravous of the Tal Shiar has assumed that the Federation would not have sent the Manticore into Romulan space without its commanding officer. He believes that the Black Ops ship USS Babylon, under the command of Adrian Wolfe, is responsible for the infiltration they have detected. Assuming that Wolfe is as egotistical and power hungry as he is, Gravous is directing his search efforts close to Romulus. Totally unaware of events that happened after their departure from Starbase 9, Admiral Atragon returns to the Manticore to find Cmdr Precip in command and the rest of his senior staff on a mission. After a situation report he is ready to rescue the away team. TBS is 9 hours. Quote of the week:
  19. =/\= USS MANTICORE BRIEFING #558, STARDATE 50905.25 =/\= The Manticore is in Romulan space, having taken on the mission of a deep cover team that died in the ship's dorsal module, due to a radiation leak from their stolen Romulan Scout Ship stored there. The senior staff has secretly helped the Romulan government stop a plague from killing millions on Romulus. The team is back in the Scout Ship and has just eluded a police "escort" accompanying them away from Romulus when an explosion in the Scout has injured a few crew members and made it impossible for the ship to reach the hidden location of the Manticore before running out of fuel. Turris Morran -> ::still speaking with Ian about their plan to contact the Manticore:: Samantha_Kent -> t'Tamarak> ::at the rear of the shuttle cockpit with Vilanne, very...very...tired...:: MC_Escher -> ::wanders over and quitely listens to Turris and Ian's conversation:: T'Prise -> ::quietly bagging and tagging all of the fragments and other objects that were extracted during the surgery:: Vilanne -> ::still unconscious, and finally not feeling quite as much pain, but still can't open eyelids or move any parts:: Admiral Atragon-9 -> ACTION: THE SCOUT SHIP IS NOW OUT OF FUEL Ian_Syndrx -> ::drawing up plans to make a molecular phace inverter out of spare parts:: LtCdrFaldek -> ::watches the engineering screen he is standing next to:: Nice... McFly -> ::mcfly sits in his seat cradling his rifle waiting to die:: Keb -> ::looks up nervously:: Captain, we're empty. STSF Precip -> @::on bridge at the communications console near Lt Fabio:: This is alarming...the Romulan communication activity has increased significantly... Kansas Kenickie -> ::Sighs:: Sovak -> ::nods:: Conserve all extranous power for life support and cloak operation. Admiral Atragon-9 -> <<Remember that TBS was 12 hours, so Ian might have actually constructed it by now>> Cmdr JFarrington -> @ Fabio> Aye, Sir. It's strange. Kinda makes me wonder. ::tappitytap::: Keb -> ::nods:: Powering down all engines and coasting. Samantha_Kent -> ((is Farrington still unconscious as well?)) Turris Morran -> ::turns to Escher:: Umm, chief. We think have a solution to our little...problem. MC_Escher -> ::nods:: Let me hear it. T'Prise -> ::Finishes her task, stowing everything in one of the unused sample containers, stands, taking the container and moves over towards Syndrx, Morran, and Escher:: Cmdr JFarrington -> ::still unconscious::: Ian_Syndrx -> ::lets Turris explain the brilliant plan:: Cmdr JFarrington -> ::or in la-lan land, sleeping, whatever::: Keb -> ::runs up a quick calculation:: I think we might be able to get back to federation space in about 10 years at our present coasting speed. Assuming nothing stops us. Vilanne -> ::eyes fluttering again:: McFly -> ::really wishes he didn't have to spend his last moments canned in a shuttle with a bunch of people he would like to viciously murder:: Samantha_Kent -> t'Tamarak> ::notes Chalice waking up again and leans forward a little in the seat she has taken, running at ricorder over her:: STSF Precip -> @ ::to Fabio:: What has got them so agitated....::drifts into thought:: Maybe they witnessed an illegal craft ....or they've been recalled to the Romulan Star System... Turris Morran -> Well.. ::looks around and leans in, at a whisper:: We're going to tear apart the ummm.. transporter and use the phase inv..ahh..inducer to send a phased message to the Manticore. Keb -> and we don't starve. T'Prise -> ::Stops just behind Escher to listen:: Ian_Syndrx -> :: MAGIC_EDIT> has come up with spare parts that won't render the ship unusable, and has started building his improvised phase inverter:: Cmdr JFarrington -> @ Fabio> ::listening, concentrating::: MC_Escher -> So we can phase shift our signal...what's the to guarantee the Manticore will receive it? LtCdrFaldek -> ::walks up to Sovak:: Captain. STSF Precip -> @Ensign Crystal, what about the warbird nearest our location? Cmdr JFarrington -> @ Fabio> ::headshake:: Can't come up with anything definitive, Commander. But I do hear "Babylon" if that means anything. Sovak -> ::turns::Commander? Turris Morran -> Umm..Ian and I's word as scientists? ::puffs up like he's made a grand joke and laughs to himself:: Vilanne -> ::breathing increases, lips part to try and intake more air, eyes barely open trying to get a focus on what was around her:: LtCdrFaldek -> Considering the engineering staff is busy elsewhere I would like to offer my assistance at the main engineering console, here on the bridge. Ian_Syndrx -> ::has a big pile of junk in front of him on the floor, happily building away like an 8 year old with legos:: STSF Precip -> @::looks to Fabio:: Babylon...The Babylon? The Romulans think she's in the Romulan Star system?? Sovak -> ::nods to Faldek::Acceptable. Samantha_Kent -> t'Tamarak> ::is doing her best not to notice the distinct lack of noise from the shuttle engines, as she likes her fist not punched through a bulkhead:: Turris Morran -> ::notes their blank expressions:: If we can tune into their exact phase varience they should receive it like any regular message. LtCdrFaldek -> ::takes a seat at the engineering console:: Turris Morran -> At least, we hope so. We'll only get one shot at it. STSF Precip -> @Crystal>Sir..the Warbird has ceased scanning our area and has movied to the Romulus star system. Samantha_Kent -> t'Tamarak> Vilanne> ::hypospray to dull some of the pain and assist in bringing her back to consciousness in a vaguely stable way:: Keb -> ::feels kind of useless without any engines:: MC_Escher -> ::looks blankly at Turris:: Right. Do we know their exact phase varience? Cmdr JFarrington -> @ Fabio> ::slow turn:: Unknown, sir. But I don't speak Romulan and the UT isn't much help at the moment. I do know the word "Babylon" when I hear it. No disrespect. McFly -> ::he'd also like a cup of hot chocolate and his teddy bear he hasn't seen since he was twelve when it mysteriously disappeared; my father said it went to the stuffed forest in the sky, his brother said it ran away cause he was adopted...:: McFly -> ::he wasn't sure who to trust:: LtCdrFaldek -> Power is holding steady, no drop in the reactor, cloaking device is also holding stable. Admiral Atragon-9 -> ::having been cleared for duty, he called in some favors and is now flying into the Netral Zone in yet another stolen Romualn ships - this one is a small shuttle:: Cmdr JFarrington -> ::slowly coming around::: Vilanne -> ::mouthing something but extremely soft:: Admiral Atragon-9 -> <<sorry, that was all supposed to be in a log, but I did not get it sent out>> STSF Precip -> @::looks to Fabio:: She's another Black Ops Vessel. But I did not think Starfleet would send her into Romulan Space. One vessel is bad enough...::tries to listen:: Ian_Syndrx -> ::puts the finishing touches on his device, sets it on the console next to Escher and Turris:: Good news, we don't have to destroy the transporter to do this. ::flourishes at his very ugly, but functional, device:: Turris Morran -> Unless they've changed it in the past.. ::looks at his console:: it should be point zero three six seconds. Ahh, repeating of course. Cmdr JFarrington -> @ Fabio> I'll try some other dialects. Keb -> ::licks her lips, monitoring for any emergency corrections:: Samantha_Kent -> t'Tamarak> Vilanne> You are awake, maenek? ::checking her vital signs and trying to hear what the Federation doctor is muttering:: Cmdr JFarrington -> @ Fabio> ::tappitytap:: blink:: Wow. Uh. This is weird. STSF Precip -> @Ensign Crystal...sir.....lots of activity ....all heading to Romulus proper. Vilanne -> <w> Water Turris Morran -> ::looks somewhat disappointed by Ian's announcement, but admires his work and strokes his chin:: Admiral Atragon-9 -> ::sets the ship on an auto pilot and muses:: If Black Ops has this many stolen and stripped Romulan ships, how many Federation ship does the Tal Sh'iar have? STSF Precip -> @I hope the team got clear in time....Lt. Fabio...what do you have. MC_Escher -> ::small smile:: Of course. Run this by the commander ::thinks:: or whoever is currently at the top of the chain of command before you actually start to take apart the teleporter. STSF Precip -> (oh that is too tempting of an idea to pass up A9 :) ) MC_Escher -> <<Ha, strike the "teleporter" bit from my last post>> Cmdr JFarrington -> @ Fabio> I'll put it on audio, Sir. Scrambled Tal Shiar in an obscure dialect. Guess they really didn't want anyone listening in. ::boots up audio so Precip can hear::: Samantha_Kent -> t'Tamarak> Water...yes...::pause, firm look:: Don't go anywhere, ie? ::pushes up from her chair and goes looking for a replicator in the rear of the cockpit:: Keb -> ::quietly to herself:: I wish it wasn't a stupid idea to try to contact Manticore. T'Prise -> ::Takes a seat next to Syndrx, stowing the container:: Do you require any assistance? STSF Precip -> @::listens to Audio...knowing the Universal Translator may make a few errors...:: Samantha_Kent -> ((* rear of the shuttle)) LtCdrFaldek -> I'm sure our wonderful team of scientists have found a way to contact Manticore without us becoming known. Cmdr JFarrington -> ::slowly comes to a sit, looking around, her vision somewhat blurry::: Vilanne -> ::thinks to self:: ::~ Why don't I recognize that Romulan facial augmentation.. must have been Mele's work, it's very good~:: LtCdrFaldek -> Er our presence rather... it's been a long while since i've actually had a restful night of sleep. Kansas Kenickie -> ::Looks at McFly:: STSF Precip -> @Ensign Crystal> Sir...just curious if we do rendevous with the awayteam...won't we have to decloak for them to dock? Keb -> ::gives Faldek a weak smile:: They're going to be looking for us; you know that. A signal is going to be hard to disguise in a way they won't find. Cmdr JFarrington -> ::notes Lt James is no longer near her, but has a strange recollection of holding A9's hand::: Samantha_Kent -> t'Tamarak> ::returns with a small container of water for Vilanne and notices Jami sitting up:: Ian_Syndrx -> ::plugs the crude device into the computer, starts a script to program the device, looks up at T'Prise:: not at the moment, but I'll let you know when we're ready to implement this, I'll want all the eyes I can get watching it then. STSF Precip -> @One probelm at a time Ensign...although ...point taken. Sovak -> How much time do we have until the cloak fails? Cmdr JFarrington -> ::blinkblink::turns to t'Tamarak:: Doctor? LtCdrFaldek -> It can be done. I had a little communications device... er llet me check Captain. McFly -> ::looks at KK while holding his rifle:: Kansas Kenickie -> (w) Nice rifle T'Prise -> ::Nods, falling silent to watch him work:: Cmdr JFarrington -> ::then spies Vilanne:: Oh no... STSF Precip -> @::looks at the mission clock:: We are still within Captain Sovak's operations window....we still have time. LtCdrFaldek -> ::taps his screen, looking at the power reserves and calculating the time:: Samantha_Kent -> t'Tamarak> Jami> ::curt nod at her:: Rekkhai...::kneels next to Vilanne with the water:: Cmdr JFarrington -> @ Fabio> Aye, Commander Precip. I'll continue to monitor. Ian_Syndrx -> ::stands up and walks to the front of the shuttle, next to Sovak:: Captain, I believe we have come up with a way to contact the ship. McFly -> thank you, i replicated it myself Vilanne -> ::reaching for the water, just moans, can't hardly lift arms:: Turris Morran -> ::sits back in his chair with his hands behind his head, confident that he alone solved all of the crew's problems:: Cmdr JFarrington -> ::deep breaths to get her bearings::: Kansas Kenickie -> (w) how much time do you think we have left? LtCdrFaldek -> 5 hours and 23 minutes on current power plan. Samantha_Kent -> t'Tamarak> Vilanne> Hold still...::steadies her head and puts the water to her lips:: STSF Precip -> @::thinks:: Did Starfleet really send in the Babylon??? Wolfe is a psycho! Sovak -> ::turns to Syndrx:: I assume that you mean a means of contacting the ship without giving away our own position? Vilanne -> ::water dribbles down both sides of her lips, but some hits her tongue and relieves the desert in her throat:: Ahhhh Samantha_Kent -> t'Tamarak> Jami> How do you feel, rekkhai...did you sleep well? ::can't remember the last time she slept:: McFly -> i'm thinking enough time to suffer Cmdr JFarrington -> ::headshake again:: Actually, I don't feel that I slept at all. I feel like I've been in a bad fight. Keb -> ::takes that number and plugs it in:: And that will get us to...about 11.5 hours away from Manticore at maximum cloaked warp. Keb -> ::sighs:: LtCdrFaldek -> We could power down replicators and ambient lighting. Use palm lights and rations... that would give us an extra 49 minutes. Samantha_Kent -> t'Tamarak> Jami> ::grunts:: You were suffering from the effects of extreme stress and shock. STSF Precip -> ##Commander Gravous> ::scanning the Romulus starsystem with every scanner he's got.....the opposite direction of the shuttle:: Cmdr JFarrington -> ::finally spies the console, Vilanne, and the mess around her, then remembers...mostly...what happened::: Ian_Syndrx -> ::nods:: that is correct. Ensign Morran and I have made a molecular phase inverter, which we can attach to the navigation deflector dish to emit a phase-shifted beam of matter. We can modulate the beam to send a short message. Sovak -> ::To Fadek:: Make it so. Keb -> Yay, 49 extra minutes before the Romulans find us. Cmdr JFarrington -> ::t'Tamarak:: Is there more water? STSF Precip -> @::paces deck briefly then returns to Captain's chair:: Samantha_Kent -> t'Tamarak> ::wordlessly offers the container, still about half full, to Jami:: McFly -> should have called the ship many hours ago but no let's not listen to the security officer, he just likes to shoot stuff Admiral Atragon-9 -> ::homing in on the unique signature signal of the Manticore, he pushes the engines beyond their stated tolerances:: LtCdrFaldek -> +Shipwide+ Break out the palm lights and rations, lighting and replicators are going offline. Vilanne -> ::spots Jami, recognizing her Romulan enhancements that Mele did:: T'Prise -> ::Quietly sitting at a science station, staring pensively at the sample container.:: Samantha_Kent -> t'Tamarak> Vilanne> Better? Cmdr JFarrington -> ::takes it:: Thanks. ::small sip to conserve it::: Sovak -> And the deflector? Would it be burned out in the process? Turris Morran -> ::looks over at T'Prise, finished with his inner gloating:: What do you have there? Cmdr JFarrington -> ::hands it back, noticing Vil as she does::: Dr. Chalice? Vilanne -> <w> ::still can't speak very well, having trouble breathing:: Where... what happened? Kansas Kenickie -> ::Takes his hand:: just enough time LtCdrFaldek -> No, the deflector is part of the primary system, if it goes down a speck of space dust could kill us. Cmdr JFarrington -> @ Fabio> ::still monitoring, listening::: Admiral Atragon-9 -> ::his shuttle is not cloaked as it is a Romulan ship flying through Romulan space:: Samantha_Kent -> ((was that addressed to her, or a question to me as to her condition, Jami?)) Keb -> ::leans over to Faldek and whispers:: I don't want to die looking like this. Cmdr JFarrington -> <that was to Vil, Sam. Sorry> Samantha_Kent -> t'Tamarak> Vilanne> You took most of a console into your abdomen. LtCdrFaldek -> ::powers down replicators, and ambient lighting:: Welcome to the heart of darkness... T'Prise -> ::Quirks her head and is silent for a moment before answering Morran:: A few medical curiosities that I wish to study in further detail. Ian_Syndrx -> ::shakes his head:: I believe we can rig it so that the deflector will still function, but we'll only be able to send a short, one way message. Audio only, as well as our coordinates. Vilanne -> ::tries to focus at Jami:: Commander? McFly -> enough time for what? chanes of us getting back are now slim to non, at least on the planet we could fight back, here, we're sitting ducks Samantha_Kent -> t'Tamarak> ::glances around as the lights go down, falling into shadow with the rest of the crew:: Keb -> ::reaches out in the darkness and puts a hand on Faldek's leg:: Cmdr JFarrington -> ::hard swallow, listening to t'Tamarak,then says to Vil:: Hey, Vil. What some folks will do to get noticed, huh? STSF Precip -> @Ensign Crystal>Sir....I have an inbound vessel....a shuttle....approaching us fast....She almost looks like she's going to burn up! LtCdrFaldek -> ::places a hand on Keb's hand:: Vilanne -> What happened? ::paniced with lights dimming:: McFly -> we are getting aggrivated Cmdr JFarrington -> @ Fabio> ::shifts:: Confirmed, Commander. Romulan scout ship. Sovak -> ::Nods:: I see. Let me look at your specifications as you begin the work, Kansas Kenickie -> ::Sits next to him and smiles:: enough time what now McFly -> voice in mcfly's head> yes we are Samantha_Kent -> t'Tamarak> Vilanne> ::hand on her shoulder to restrain her, hearing the panic in her voice:: We are conserving power. Lie still...you've just had thoracic surgery. Kansas Kenickie -> *right Turris Morran -> ::nods, somewhat taken aback by the Vulcan's coolness:: I see...ahh, miss T'Prise. STSF Precip -> @::Bolian swear word:: Blast....::thinks:: Crystal....target the Romulan Vessel but do not fire upon it until it's within phaser range. Cmdr JFarrington -> ::thoracic surgery?::head spins::: Ian_Syndrx -> ::holds out a PADD for Sovak:: The specs are on this PADD, the device is already built, all that remains is to plug it in and send the message. Vilanne -> Surgery! ::eyes wide as large marbles:: ::hand reaching for her chest:: T'Prise -> ::Glances up as the lights dim, but remains otherwise uneffected, turns to correct Morran.:: Lieutenant McFly -> ::puts down the rifle and his arm around KK:: guess we sit and wait STSF Precip -> @Crystal>Sir we have to decloak to fire! Cmdr JFarrington -> @ Fabio> No sign that they detect us, Commander. Sovak -> ::raises an eyebrow as he looks at the specs:: Very well... Make it si. Samantha_Kent -> t'Tamarak> Vilanne> Yes...you were suffereing from internal bleeding from the shrapnel wounds you sustained. STSF Precip -> @I know that Ensign.....Let's just sit tight run silent.....she might just fly right past us.. Vilanne -> ::hand on chest:: That's why... I can't breath... My ribs ::short breaths:: are broken? Cmdr JFarrington -> @ Fabio> ::turns back to his console:: Aye, Sir. LtCdrFaldek -> I am allocating the power for the communications device Ian is speaking of. ::taps some buttons:: Turris Morran -> Of course.. Lieutenant...that's what I said. ::looks back up to see what Ian is doing, obviously a bit intimidated by the Vulcan:: Ian_Syndrx -> ::nods in acknowledgement:: Yes sir. ::walks back to Turris:: We have a go-ahead from the captain. Cmdr JFarrington -> ::sits back to rest:: Kansas Kenickie -> ::Leans head on his shoulder:: I never thanked you did I? McFly -> for what? Keb -> There goes our 49 minutes. Vilanne -> Did Commander Farrington do the surgery? Keb -> ::giggles in the darkness:: STSF Precip -> @::still has Manticore sitting cloaked at a dead above one of the moon's poles:: LtCdrFaldek -> Well it should only take 24 minutes off of that. Kansas Kenickie -> I am not a soft pink dresses girl, you accepted me for me and didn't try to change that T'Prise -> ::Glances back down at the container for a moment, then looks around for Escher:: Ian_Syndrx -> ::checks on the device, puts the finishing touches on the programming, then unplugs it from the console and carries it over to a panel in the middle of the ship:: STSF Precip -> @Crystal>Romulan shuttle....wow..haven't seen one go this fast before. No sign of weapons lock or scanning beams on us. Samantha_Kent -> t'Tamarak> Vilanne> ::quietly:: No. I did. And your ribs are still intact, though they were very strained during the process, as my tools were somewhat...limited. Keb -> 49, 24, doesn't make much of a difference if we don't get back, does it? MC_Escher -> ::holds out his hand to Syndrx:: Hang on a second LtCdrFaldek -> Stop being a pessimist. Ian_Syndrx -> ::stops:: yes? Turris Morran -> ::nods to T'Prise and moves over to Escher and Ian and listens:: STSF Precip -> @Lt Fabio...any signs of communication from the Inbound shuttle? MC_Escher -> ::nods to Macen:: Let the Ensign do it Keb -> ::looks at him in the faint light of the consoles:: I'm sorry. I didn't mean to be. I'm...just a little scared. Cmdr JFarrington -> @ Fabio> She's running silent, sir. Vilanne -> ::looks around the room, then back at t'Tamarak:: You did... it here... ::short breaths:: not in surgical suite? Samantha_Kent -> t'Tamarak> Vilanne> ::a little sardonically:: Don't remind me... Admiral Atragon-9 -> ::notices that his engines are about to flare out, so he aims to make a close flyby of Manticore and smiles as he pulls out his next trick... :: Cmdr JFarrington -> @ Fabio> Like a bat outta hell, though. ::grin, quickly fading::: STSF Precip -> @Bat out of Hell? ::blinks not understanding the reference:: LtCdrFaldek -> ::looks at Keb:: You are a starfleet black operations officer, we've been through worse, and there is no reason to be scared. ::this coming from a guy who once had total control over his emotions, through training:: McFly -> why would i? you keep me sane, i kind of need that Cmdr JFarrington -> ::opens her eyes to see Alex next to her:: Ensign - water, please. Vilanne -> ::thinking "oh crap, I'm going to die of infection or something":: Wait... which doctor are you? ::doesn't recognize:: You have good implants, did Mele do your augmentation? Ian_Syndrx -> ::looks perplexed:: o... k. ::turns to Macen:: So, do you have any experience making phase shifted matter streams with the wrong materials? Cmdr JFarrington -> @ Fabio> ::noting the question in Precip's voice:: A Terran expression, sir. STSF Precip -> @Ensign Crystal>Sir the shuttle's going to fly right over us! Shall I..... STSF Precip -> @No....everyone just stay put... Samantha_Kent -> t'Tamarak> Vilanne> ::narrows eyes at her, wondering if perhaps the drugs are making her loopy:: They are not implants, maenek... Cmdr JFarrington -> @ Fabio> ::turns, still listening:: Means they're really moving. Keb -> ::nods seriously at Faldek:: I wasn't really scared until our fuel ran out. And there's nothing more I can do. Kansas Kenickie -> ::Smiles:: I have never been called sane... LtCdrFaldek -> You are a senior officer, yes? Alex Macen -> ::Looks at Escher, nodding to him then turning to Ian:: Depends on the materials, What do we have? ::getting a replicator and forming a water and handing it to Farrington:: here you are Mam, McFly -> neither have i STSF Precip -> @::to Fabio:: Uhmmm...I see...odd reference. I still have much to learn about humanity's phrases. Keb -> ::nods at Faldek, eyes glittering in the blinking lights:: Admiral Atragon-9 -> ::he keys in the code for his private transporter pad in his ready room and beams out as he passes Manticore, this will momentarily drop the Manticore's cloak:: Cmdr JFarrington -> ::Alex:: Thank you. ::takes a small sip::: MC_Escher -> ::to Ian:: I mean, watch over him, make sure he's doing everything right. But I know that then when I was an Ensign, I would kill to say "I saved the ship!" Cmdr JFarrington -> @ Fabio> Whoa.... MC_Escher -> *would have killed STSF Precip -> @Ensign Crystal>We are decloaking!!!! LtCdrFaldek -> Think of it this way, if you show fear, or doubt, the people under you will also be afraid, which can incite panic and unpredictable behavior... you don't want that, right? Cmdr JFarrington -> @ Fabio> Intruder...ready room. Ian_Syndrx -> ::to Escher, edgy:: yeah, that doesn't chnage when you get promotions. Vilanne -> WHO... ::breath:: Are ::breath:: You?!? Turris Morran -> ::stares at Escher and opens his mouth to say something, but closes it again and simply watches:: McFly -> ::holds her close:: besides, soft pink dresses are cute, but i'd burn them all for just a minute with you STSF Precip -> @Impossible!+Engineering+ Get that cloak online! T'Prise -> ::Raises an eyebrow, still not comprehending the human need for recognition and attention:: Keb -> ::lowers her eyes for a moment in shame:: Of course not. ::darts forward and kisses him:: I love you, Beran. STSF Precip -> @Ensign Crystal>Sir it just went back online! STSF Precip -> ::Runs over to RR door Phaser at the Ready:: Cmdr JFarrington -> @ Fabio> ::glance towards the RR door::: doug.t -> <sorry i'm late where are we?> Cmdr JFarrington -> <out of fuel in Romulan space, Doug> LtCdrFaldek -> I love you as well Keb. ::returns the kiss:: However this may not be the correct time for this behavior... ::motions toward Sovak:: Admiral Atragon-9 -> <<have a seat in the scout in the dark>> STSF Precip -> @Ensign Snow>::Next to Precip Phaser at the Ready:: Samantha_Kent -> t'Tamarak> Vilanne> ::oh, it's going to be a looong day:: We met in the Echo Facility on ch'Rihan. Doctor Jaiysa t'Tamarak. ::dryly:: Pleasure to meet you. Keb -> ::giggles:: Captain can throw us in the brig together when we get back to Manticore, then. doug.t -> < great can someone put a big kill me now sign on my back> Ian_Syndrx -> ::to Macen:: Well we have one of these ::holds up the inverter:: so far it's the only one in exsistence, as I just designed it, it needs to be plugged into the navigational deflector array's matter emmision system. doug.t -> <lol> LtCdrFaldek -> Have you seen our brigs? They havent been properly cleaned in a month... the smell... Keb -> ::leans back in her chair, glancing down at all the offline engine systems, and the offline navigation system:: Vilanne -> A romulan doctor? You did surgery on me? T'Prise -> ::Stands behind Morran, watching Syndrx and Macen work.:: STSF Precip -> @Let's do it...::OPENS THE READY ROOM DOOR AND ENTERS PHASER DRAWN:: Keb -> ::giggles some more:: Admiral Atragon-9 -> @ ::steps to the door of the Ready Room and is about to enter the Bridge:: doug.t -> ::is starting to go insane:: Cmdr JFarrington -> @ Fabio> ::mouth falls open::: STSF Precip -> @What the Bolian Mite Grabber!!!!! Samantha_Kent -> t'Tamarak> Vilanne> ::slighly impatiently:: Yes...I think we've established that, now, and there are several witnesses if you would like corroboration. Kansas Kenickie -> ::Sighs hearing Doug... again:: Admiral Atragon-9 -> @ ::smiling:: Good to see Security is on its toes STSF Precip -> @Admrial Atragon.....SIr.....I..... Cmdr JFarrington -> @ Fabio> ::stands::: STSF Precip -> @Ensign Snow>::faints:: MC_Escher -> ::shoots T'Prise a look because he knows what she's thinking about this, turns back to Macen:: Make sure you listen to Syndrx, Alex. Vilanne -> ::reaches for the Romulan doctor's arms:: Admiral Atragon-9 -> @ At ease, Commander, I'm here to put you back on Schedule (couldn't resist, sorry) Samantha_Kent -> t'Tamarak> Vilanne> ::arm taken:: doug.t -> ::starts luaghing at nothing:: Alex Macen -> ::Nods, looking over the inverter:: Maybe I should have taken that engineering course, rather jump in cybernetic. ::Taking a deep breath with his respirator, nodding to Escher:: Yes Sir. McFly -> ::looks out at the stars then back at Kansas:: ...I really don't want this to be the last time we're together, after everything this mission put us through, i don't want to go out like this Vilanne -> ::pulls t'Tamarak closer to her, since she clearly can't lift herself up:: Ian_Syndrx -> ::sets a PADD down on the floor with the inverter:: the specs are on this PADD, if you have questions, feel free to ask. ::takes a seat near the open panel:: STSF Precip -> @Sir...We are on Sovak's schedule....but ....there has been a lot of activity in the Romulus Star System.....Many Starships scanning space over and over again. Samantha_Kent -> t'Tamarak> Vilanne> ::drops from her knees to her rear to keep her balance as the lloann'na doctor pulls her closer. Cmdr JFarrington -> @ Fabio> ::as he was::: Alex Macen -> Do we have any open pathways to reroute the inverter throughway? :: picking up the PADD and reading up some of the specifications:: Cmdr JFarrington -> ::continues to take small sips of water, wondering why it's so dark and getting warm::: Kansas Kenickie -> I have faith, my Dad always said that things always look darkest before dawn... we will be fine STSF Precip -> @I can only hope the Away Team had left Romulus before this .....blockade they have created has been set up. Admiral Atragon-9 -> @Sovak's schedule? Where is Sovak? ::pushes past Precip to a Bridge manned by the Beta shift:: Vilanne -> ::whispers with all of her breath:: I remember you... and I will always remember you. Thank you for saving my life... I am in your debt. ::tries to pull close enough to hug:: doug.t -> ::breathing gets hevyer:: its ok its just a power outtage Cmdr JFarrington -> @ Fabio> ::half-listening to the conversation behind him, he reaizes that A9 does not know the crew died...er...the original crew died and the new crew may die:::: Samantha_Kent -> t'Tamarak> Vilanne> ::not a huggy person, and shows it:: STSF Precip -> @Led the Away team to Romulus sir...With the senior staff...replacing a special operations team sent by Inspector Morris to land on Romulus itself to avert a catastrophic plague. Cmdr JFarrington -> @ Fabio> ::then figures he'd best tend to business::: T'Prise -> ::Moves around Morran to stand next to Escher so she can see Syndrx and Macen at work:: Admiral Atragon-9 -> @::turns to Precip:: Why did we replace their crew? This was their mission, we are just the ferry service STSF Precip -> @::to A9:: Inspector Morris' Special Team died in transit. Sovak took it upon himself to lead an awayteam to complet the mission. Turris Morran -> ::stands quietly beside Escher, stroking his chin and mumbling to himself:: Samantha_Kent -> t'Tamarak> Vilanne> ::mutters:: You owe me nothing... Cmdr JFarrington -> @ Fabio> ::waiting for the stuff to hit the fan::: Admiral Atragon-9 -> @ With the entire Senior Staff?!!? Is he out of his Vulcan mind? Cmdr JFarrington -> @ Fabio> ::cringe::: Admiral Atragon-9 -> @ and why not you, Commander? Ian_Syndrx -> Well, from what I've been able to figure out from this ship's design, the primary deflector controls are routed through this panel, you should be able to attach the phase inverter there. McFly -> ::mcfly looks into her eyes; he leans in and softly kisses her:: I think it's time I started listening to your optomism... if you say we'll be fine then we will be... I just hope everyone back on the ship agrees Vilanne -> Oh... but Maenek, I do. ::winks:: Any ::breathes:: Major organs hit? Keb -> ::keeps watching for any dangers ahead as the ship moves through space by pure inertia:: Cmdr JFarrington -> @ Fabio> ::really, really, really listening to the Romulan chatter now::: LtCdrFaldek -> ::looks at Keb:: Are we still on course more or less? Alex Macen -> ::Nods slowly to Ian as he picks up the inverter and looks over the panel's interface:: Well then I guess we should give it a shot. STSF Precip -> @ I did not have the opportunity to protest sir..What killed Morris' team nearly killed me sir. The Romulan scout vessel lost it's power source containment. Killed the entire team save one. doug.t -> :: is some where not sure where he is beause of it being dark:: Keb -> ::grins at Faldek in the darkness:: We're not diverting from our final course unless something stops us. STSF Precip -> @Ensign Crystal>Any signs the Romulans saw us decloak??? Keb -> And I aimed us right at Manticore's last known position. doug.t -> can anyone here me! Cmdr JFarrington -> ::turns::: I hear you, Doug. STSF Precip -> @Ensign Crystal> No sir...they are still buzzing around Romulus like a Hornet's nest! Admiral Atragon-9 -> @ ::thinks quickly and just sighs:: Alright, and are they past their return time? LtCdrFaldek -> Well, I realise that, but just flying on inertia isn't exactly like flying with engines... there could be minor course variations. Admiral Atragon-9 -> <<doug, it's not that dark, it's just emergency backup lighting>> STSF Precip -> @No Sir...Captain Sovak gave the mission a two week window. He still has time..::points to mission clock:: Sovak -> ::turning:: How much time until we can send that message? STSF Precip -> @My orders were to retreat to Federation Space once that clock expired.. doug.t -> ::is making his way to the front:: moves over to Faldek: is that you by the engineering console Keb -> Well...we're going one direction and that's it. I did my best to aim us the right way. Admiral Atragon-9 -> @ ::grinds his teeth:: oh how I hate waiting Keb -> ::shrugs her shoulders:: There's no fuel left. Not much we can do. LtCdrFaldek -> Yes, are you blind Lieutenant? Did the vapors from the fuel get to you? Samantha_Kent -> t'Tamarak> Vilanne> ::shakes head:: No...you were extraordinarily lucky. Most of the internal bleeding was through shrapnel lodged in the thoracic wall, as well as...::trails off, deciding not to mention the implants until she knows what they actually are: Samantha_Kent -> t'Tamarak> ::or someone does:: Ian_Syndrx -> ::watches Alex work, really wishes Escher would let him do it, since he's the one who designed and built it, but doesn't say anything:: Cmdr JFarrington -> @ Fabio> ::turns:: Commander Precip, Admiral Atragon, sirs? Kansas Kenickie -> ::Smirks, points thumb at Doug:: how'd that guy make it through the academy I do not know doug.t -> ::Faldek:: not sure Commander STSF Precip -> @Sir Ensign Fabio...picked up the Romulans mentioning the USS BABYLON....they Might be looking for her instead of us. Kansas Kenickie -> ::Giggles:: Vilanne -> How bad are my scars going to be? ::pats body, feeling quite a bit of pain:: STSF Precip -> @::turns to Fabio::YEs.. LtCdrFaldek -> Perhaps you should go sit down in the back, grab a ration, and breath calmly and deeply until you calm down... Admiral Atragon-9 -> @ ::turns:: Yes, Mr... Fabio, is it? doug.t -> ::Faldek:: whats our status? STSF Precip -> (ack no Fabio did not get demoted..oops) Cmdr JFarrington -> @ Fabio> Romulan chatter is becoming more prominent. They're lookng for an "escaped Romulan Scout ship" - so far as I can tell. Aye, Admiral. Lt Fabio, Sir. Sovak -> ::watching them work:: Mr Escher. Completion estimate? Alex Macen -> ::Walks off from the panel after applying the inverter and tapping the LCARS several times and looking to Ian:: I think I got it in, should we try it out? LtCdrFaldek -> Eh we've got a little under 6 hours until the cloak fails... closer to 5 and a half. Keb -> ::leans against the console, watching the slow movement of the ship:: STSF Precip -> @Could be the Away Team...Sir.. McFly -> ::enjoying his time in the pale light just sitting with Kansas; he waits for the ship to come even if deep down he doesn't really believe it will:: STSF Precip -> @::looks to Atragon again:: Samantha_Kent -> t'Tamarak> Vilanne> That remains to be seen, I would imagine, depending among other things on how soon you are returned to your ship. Cmdr JFarrington -> @ Fabio> ::returns to looking at his board:: Something about it being under cloak. doug.t -> ::LtCdrFaldek :: how long for life support? MC_Escher -> ::nods to Macen:: According to Boy Wonder, we're ready for our first signal. Admiral Atragon-9 -> @ I would bet my salary it is STSF Precip -> @Sir have you been returned to duty?? If so I yield the Conn to you sir. Keb -> ::(well, relatively slow...moving at full impulse once it dropped out of warp, with low friction in space...slowing imperceptibly) Ian_Syndrx -> ::kneels down to take a look at the setup, adjusts a couple of connections and checks the programming output:: good work, we're ready to transmit. Sovak -> Then send it. Quick burst. Identification code and coordinates. along with SOS. Admiral Atragon-9 -> @ Thank you, Commander, my brain is back in normal crazy mode, so I'm as fit to command as I ever was LtCdrFaldek -> ::looks at Doug:: Are you insane you want me to tell you how much time til life support fails so you can have a nervous breakdown, flip out and crack up... nuh uh. Go get yourself set right. T'Prise -> ::Vulcan eye roll at Escher's penchant for giving his team nicknames:: Turris Morran -> ::scoffs and rolls his eyes:: Finally Cmdr JFarrington -> @ Fabio> ::continues to monitor::: Kansas Kenickie -> ::Squeezes his hand:: Ian_Syndrx -> ::stands up and addresses Sovak and Escher:: Just to be clear, we will probably only get one shot, this device isn't going to hold up for long. STSF Precip -> ##Commander Gravous>::leading the search in the Romulus Star System....little does he know he is looking the wrong way.....:: Keb -> ::closes her eyes, praying that the message will reach Manticore before it reaches the romulans:: Vilanne -> My toes, ::breath:: they are... numb. Sovak -> ::nods:: Understood. Execute. Keb -> ::squeezes her fists shut, trying to be optimistic:: doug.t -> ::LtCdrFaldek :: my primary duty right now is to ration the power supply not worrie about me Ian_Syndrx -> ::nods, and kneels back down. types in the coordinates, and loads them message, then presses SEND and prays:: STSF Precip -> @::Notes a Fainted Ensign Snow and gestures to two Security guards:: Take him to sickbay! Alex Macen -> ::watches Ian:: Samantha_Kent -> t'Tamarak> Vilanne> ::hoping this doesn't mean her spine has been compromised after all:: You have quite a bit of anesthezine and the like floating about in your system. MC_Escher -> Ian, can Captain Sovak transmit an audio message? Cmdr JFarrington -> @ Lt Fabio> ::stops cold::watching the screen:: Sirs. Strange signal coming through. ::replays:: McFly -> they're beatiful aren't they? ...the stars, I never take the time to look at them anymore but they are quite, beautiful STSF Precip -> @::listens:: Cmdr JFarrington -> @ Lt Fabio> Let me clean it up... LtCdrFaldek -> And I'm taking care of that, You've been inhaling fuel fumes and have been actingly irrationally the majority of this away mission, please go calm yourself, and have a wonderful Romulan ration. Admiral Atragon-9 -> @ Where is that coming from? Cmdr JFarrington -> @ Lt Fabio> ::tappity tap::: Still not quite.... Vilanne -> ::soft nod, since the greater nod attempted caused pain:: I see. Anyone else hurt? Ian_Syndrx -> ::presses the pause button:: yes, but no longer than 20 seconds. MC_Escher -> ::turns to Sovak:: Ready to talk, Captain? Cmdr JFarrington -> @ Lt Fabio> It's piggybacked on a Romulan search signal.. Sovak -> ::Nods:: STSF Precip -> @::does the best he can to pateintly wait:: Keb -> ::makes a face, though it's not very visible. Ew. Romulan rations:: MC_Escher -> ::nods to Syndrx:: Cmdr JFarrington -> @ Lt Fabio> This is as good as it'll get, Sirs. Putting on audio.. STSF Precip -> @::listens:: Ian_Syndrx -> ::the device has warmed up and everything is ready, Ian gives a thumbs up to signify he is ready to record:: Samantha_Kent -> t'Tamarak> Vilanne> One of your commanders...::jerks a head at Farrington:: suffered something of a traumatic stress reaction but is otherwise unharmed. The rest...no doubt exhausted but so far have given me no further work to do, thankfully. Cmdr JFarrington -> @ Lt Fabio> ::sets the computer to decipher at highest quality::: Admiral Atragon-9 -> @ Numbers, coordinates? Is that a search plot for the Romulans? Sovak -> +COM+ Manticore, this is Sovak. SOS. Need rescue. Drifting and out of fuel. transmitting coordinates. Cmdr JFarrington -> @ Lt Fabio> ::listening:: Let me boost. Vilanne -> And they all stink too. ::gets a whiff of some of the stale stinky air in the shuttle:: Cmdr JFarrington -> @ Lt Fabio> ::replays::: McFly -> ::keeps his gaze outside:: I'd extinguish every one of them if I could keep you safe Ian_Syndrx -> ::the devices records the audio and begins encoding it for transmission:: Cmdr JFarrington -> @ Lt Fabio> ::eyes widen::turns to face Precip and A9::: Cmdr JFarrington -> @ Lt Fabio> Coordinates received. doug.t -> ::sits down:: Ian_Syndrx -> ::watches the device work:: Are we ready then? Cmdr JFarrington -> @ Lt Fabio> Estimate 11 hours away. Samantha_Kent -> t'Tamarak> Vilanne> ::nearly chokes on a abrupt laugh but quells it quickly:: I assure you, maenek, you are in no better shape. STSF Precip -> @Sir that is beyond the Romulan Star System where all the Romulans are tearing up space with scanners Sovak -> ACTION:SPARKS FLY AS THE DEVICE BURNS OUT. ... JUST AFTER SENDIND THE MESSAGE. MC_Escher -> ::to Syndrx:: Go. Kansas Kenickie -> ::Looks out the window:: safe is boring... I'm OK with things like this Cmdr JFarrington -> @ Lt Fabio> If we push it...::calculates:: maybe 9 hours. Keb -> ::glances at Faldek:: Think they'll get it? MC_Escher -> ::glances down at device:: Well...let's hope that worked. Ian_Syndrx -> ::presses the SEND FOR REAL button (but awhile ago) and the effects budget is blown:: LtCdrFaldek -> Yes, of course. McFly -> ::cracks a smile:: it does keep the blood flowing doesn't it Admiral Atragon-9 -> @ Alright, get double shifts in Engineering to be sure the cloak doesn't fail and let's go get them! Sovak -> Now we wait. And hope Manticore is the only ship to have received that message. Turris Morran -> ::nods:: I have the utmost confidence in our device. It will work. Vilanne -> ::lets out a squeal hearing and seeing sparks between the crew, thinking that she's about to get hit again, reaching up to cover her face:: Keb -> ::giggles:: You just saying that to keep me from worrying? Ian_Syndrx -> ::looks down at the burnt out inverter:: yeah, that was our one shot. ::starts to pulls the device out of the ships systems:: Cmdr JFarrington -> @ Lt Fabio> ::A9:: Aye, Admiral. ::alerts engineering::: Alex Macen -> ::blinks, watching all the sparks:: I hope it worked STSF Precip -> @Ensign Crystal ...sir what if the Romulans caught that message? LtCdrFaldek -> Of course not. I'm been in worse situations than this, trust me. Admiral Atragon-9 -> @::to Crystal:: then we have to get there first STSF Precip -> @::looks to A9 for an answer:: Ian_Syndrx -> ::tosses the inverter into the pile of junk it was built from, hums taps:: Keb -> ::plays with her infernally straightened, Romulanesque hair:: You'll have to tell me about it sometime. Sovak -> Engineering. Is the self destruct still operational? doug.t -> :leans back in chair:: Samantha_Kent -> t'Tamarak> ::grabs Vilanne's arm:: Not to worry. ::yet:: Lie still...you need to rest as much as you can. LtCdrFaldek -> You dont... er checking captain. ::taps:: T'Prise -> ::Galances around, silently observing the reactions of all the crew members:: Cmdr JFarrington -> @ Lt Fabio> Plotting intercept course. ::taps:: Course laid in. Ready on your command, Sir. Admiral Atragon-9 -> and... Ian_Syndrx -> ::sits down and closes his eyes, naps:: Kansas Kenickie -> ::Lifts head hearing Sovak's words:: MC_Escher -> ::hits Turris playfully on the back:: For once, I agree with your confidence, Ensign. I trust Ian, Alex and you quite a lot. ::glances at TP:: And, of course, our illutrious Vulcan science member, even if she didn't help with this particular endevour. STSF Precip -> @::vacates the CO position for the Admiral:: The chair is yours. Vilanne -> ::heavy breath, closes eyes, praying:: Admiral Atragon-9 -> =/\======= PAUSE SIM =======/\= Admiral Atragon-9 -> Okay folks, TBS is another 9 hours Keb -> So still drifting. Admiral Atragon-9 -> just as Manticore would be approaching the coordinates of the drifting Scout Ship Turris Morran -> So our device worked? Keb -> I do have a question! Admiral Atragon-9 -> Keb? Keb -> Faldek gave a time of 6ish hours till our cloak ran out of energy to run on. Will it fall before the 9 hours or do the engineers get to figure out how to keep it running a little longer? Cmdr JFarrington -> Just hold your breath, Keb. Admiral Atragon-9 -> Ahhh, hmm i missed that LtCdrFaldek -> My estimates are never off... Cmdr JFarrington -> Three hours shouldn't be too much to ask... STSF Precip -> (heck use the disruptor rifle power cells to help you out..hehe) Cmdr JFarrington -> Oh. Neat idea. Admiral Atragon-9 -> let's say that the cloak will keep working, yes please? LtCdrFaldek -> ? Admiral Atragon-9 -> yes Faldek? LtCdrFaldek -> So if the cloak stays, can we say we shut down EVERYTHING except for basic life support, Admiral Atragon-9 -> yup LtCdrFaldek -> Including gravity and such lol Admiral Atragon-9 -> I would say that all computer systems besides comm would be shut down Admiral Atragon-9 -> and atmo and cloak Samantha_Kent -> oh goodie, no gravity? Cmdr JFarrington -> Yep. Hold your breath. Keb -> Whee! Admiral Atragon-9 -> you guys are betting on Manticore and nothing else Samantha_Kent -> Vilanne, you are still not allowed to move. Samantha_Kent -> Even if there is no gravity. Samantha_Kent -> :( Kansas Kenickie -> can I move? Vilanne -> Awwww... ::pout:: Samantha_Kent -> You can move. Admiral Atragon-9 -> yeah, put weights on her Samantha_Kent -> ^_^ Kansas Kenickie -> Woohoo Turris Morran -> ::breaks out his copy of 101 Fun Things to Do in Zero Gravity:: T'Prise -> I would hypothesize that they fear the alternative, getting arrested by the Romulans... Samantha_Kent -> As far as I know I didn't have my hands in *your* stomach. Admiral Atragon-9 -> as far as you know... Samantha_Kent -> yeah... Vilanne -> Just duc'tape me to the walls. LOL Admiral Atragon-9 -> *dismiss*
  20. BACKGROUND: The Sovereign-class starship Yorktown has been patrolling the Breen border for weeks, trying to discover why the Breen have been silent for more than six months. MISSION BRIEFING: Yorktown has crossed into Breen space after sighting a possible ship. Instead, it has discovered an unguarded slave mine on one of the border worlds. An away team has beamed down to the dry, arid surface and made contact with the former prisoners - a mix of races including Cardassian, Romulan, and Bajoran. It is unknown where their captors are. Game Master (GM) - STSF Sorehl Game Master (GM) - Cmdr JFarrington . Mission Commanding Officer (MCO) - Captain Halloway Mission Executive Officer (MXO) - Will Marx Random Fill-in Cadet - Cmdr JFarrington Chief Medical Officer (CMO) - Caaga Assistant Medical Officer (AMO) - Vilanne Assistant Medical Officer (AMO) - TKAR Chief Science Officer (CSCI) - Leila Kalomi Chief Security Officer (CSEC) - Allen Armstrong Assistant Security Officer (ASEC) - Owen J. North 090526.txt
  21. For those of you who are birdwatchers, this should be of interest. This Eagle Cam is in British Columbia. They expect the eggs to hatch any time now. Enjoy! Live Eagle Cam
  22. =/\= USS MANTICORE BRIEFING #557, STARDATE 50905.18 =/\= The Manticore is in Romulan space, having taken on the mission of a deep cover team that died in the ship's dorsal module, due to a radiation leak from their stolen Romulan Scout Ship stored there. The senior staff has secretly helped the Romulan government stop a plague from killing millions on Romulus. After developing a viable serum to inoculate the population against Echococcosis and planting it with Romulan researchers to "find," the team is back in the Scout Ship, with a police "escort" accompanying them away from Romulus. LtCdrFaldek -> ::looks around:: doug.t -> :: is on the bridge of the scout:: Keb -> ::turns back to Sovak:: We're about five minutes from T'Rex, Captain. Admiral Atragon-9 -> James> (remember him?) ::sitting in a seat, looking even more sickly than usual:: Samantha_Kent -> t'Tamarak> ::in the rear of the cockpit quietly:: Cmdr JFarrington -> ::notes James looking more sickly than usual::: Turris Morran -> ::sitting at one of the science consoles, in somewhat of a trance:: Hilee -> ::Working on timing the nullifier misalignment and the AQSD containment drop:: LtCdrFaldek -> ::shakes his head at the situation:: T'Prise -> ::Quietly meditating, while strapped into her seat, seemingly unaware of the tension level around her:: Vilanne -> ::medical bag in hand, goes over to James, who's looking more sickly than usual:: Ian_Syndrx -> ::sitting in the 'science' section of the scout ship, playing with some data on his PADD, homesick and in need of a drink:: Sovak -> Acknowledged. Vilanne -> How's he doing, Commander? Sovak -> We need a diversion in five minutes. Ideas, people. MC_Escher -> ::sitting at Science, running tests on final cure and documenting its process because there's nothing else he can do:: Alex Macen -> :: In Science, doing nothing, have no clue of Romulan Scientific equipment:: LtCdrFaldek -> Captain. I have two... Admiral Atragon-9 -> (welcome KK, we just started) doug.t -> ::Hilee :: Commander All Systems still are normal Admiral Atragon-9 -> (welcome EJ, we just started) Hilee -> ::moves forward to the bridge:: Sovak -> Yes, Mr Faldek? Hilee -> Doug> Very well...and the cloak situation? Cmdr JFarrington -> ::unstraps and moves next to Vilanne:: <w> How is he? doug.t -> ::Hilee :: its been online for about 9 minutes now and is stable Kansas Kenickie -> <<::Waves::>> LtCdrFaldek -> We can simulate a containment breach on the singularity, or we can send a boarding party to disable their vessel... Admiral Atragon-9 -> JAMES> ::starts to get the shakes:: EJ Pilot -> <<thank you and welcome to you as well >> Hilee -> <<EJ>> Samantha_Kent -> t'Tamarak> ::resisting the urge to begin pacing; watches the medical officer moving towards the sickly-looking lloann'na and moves forward a few steps towards him as well:: LtCdrFaldek -> By boarding party I mean myself, and a photon grenade. Vilanne -> ::tricorder in hand, doing readings on James, who is looking more sickly than usual:: <w to Jami> His radiation sickness cannot be cured with what I have here, and he's far behind in his treatments. Cmdr JFarrington -> ::deep sigh::: Sovak -> ::nods:: The logical choice would be the containment breach. They will be shileded against baording. Kansas Kenickie -> ::looks out the window:: Cmdr JFarrington -> ::nodding in t'Tamarak's direction:: you think maybe she can help? doug.t -> ::Hilee :: all systems are good Commander i'm reading green across the board Vilanne -> <W to Jami> I think that was his plan, Commander. It wasn't to live past this, it was to succeed in his mission... he didn't have any goals past this. Sovak -> Make it so. I want them to think we are about to explode so they will give as a little distance. Cmdr JFarrington -> ::long look at Vilanne, then to James::slow nod::: Turris Morran -> ::leans back in his chair and looks around the scout ship, wide eyed:: Yeah, I can't wait to get out of this makeup either. LtCdrFaldek -> Commander Hilee... T'Prise -> ::Opens her eyes and looks around, watching Escher at work:: Vilanne -> ::glances at t'Tamarak's direction, wondering if she's got a magic medical wand:: Hilee -> Doug> Excellent...report to the eng.console and closely monitor the cloaking device doug.t -> ::Hilee :: yes Commander:: ::moves over to the engineering console to monitor the cloak directly:: Kansas Kenickie -> ::Looks at McFly:: Hilee -> Faldek> Yes...we are about ready,all we need is the point we need to do this...and for gods sake get the timing right Turris Morran -> No, not right now. ::waves his hand behind him:: Not now I said! Cmdr JFarrington -> ::takes a seat on the opposite side of James, putting his hand in hers::: Samantha_Kent -> t'Tamarak> Vilanne> ::catches the glance and gives a faint laugh:: I do not carry a laboratory on my back...I could do no more than stabilize him. How great a dose did he receive? Vilanne -> ::opens medical bag, digs through it, trying to find anything that would ease his pain:: Admiral Atragon-9 -> JAMES> Who is there? LtCdrFaldek -> You already have the containment breach set up? EJ Pilot -> <<we are on a shuttle I take it?>> Keb -> ::looking a bit pale, but in control of the scout:: Samantha_Kent -> ((Romulan scoutship which you came in)) Ian_Syndrx -> ::looks over at Turris:: Is something wrong, Turris? T'Prise -> ::Silently watching the crew's reactions to the current situation, mentally taking notes about coping mechanisms:: EJ Pilot -> <<scoutship shuttle same difference :) >> Hilee -> <Sovak> Sir...All preperations are made...to make it appear we are in imminent danger,awaiting the word. Cmdr JFarrington -> ::looks up at t'Tamarak's statement::: Turris Morran -> ::looks over at Escher, looking a bit abashed:: Ohh ahh...no lieutenant, nothing is the matter. EJ Pilot -> ::looks at Hilee and nods:: LtCdrFaldek -> ::goes back over next to McFly:: Sovak -> Engineering, are we ready for maximum warp? McFly -> ::finds a seat someone vacated and sits back amongst the commotion; looks at KK:: the situations this crew gets in sometimes is outright rediculous doug.t -> ::Sovak :: Warp systems are on stand by captain MC_Escher -> ::looks quizzically at Turris:: Yes, Ensign? Vilanne -> ::looks up at t'Tamarak:: He was one of the least radiated... <w> All of his comrads have passed. McFly -> <<i knew i spelt that wrong>> Hilee -> ::Looks at EJ::...and nods::<Sovak> Aye sir we are Turris Morran -> <<Oh Escher = Syndrx>> LtCdrFaldek -> But you have to admit... there's never a dull moment... Keb -> ::purses her lips, preparing the ship to go to maximum warp at Sovak's command since he's asking about it:: Sovak -> Very well. All hands stand by. Kansas Kenickie -> ::Smirks:: it's why I joined Hilee -> Ej> Shall we..::and heads for the main console:: McFly -> very true indeed MC_Escher -> <<gotcha. Magic edit my comment away>> Sovak -> Start the simulated breach. Ian_Syndrx -> ::shrugs and continues working on his PADD:: Cmdr JFarrington -> ::Vilanne:: I think we should strap in. ::does so after checking James's belts::: MC_Escher -> ::gets up and sits over by T'Prise:: So, TP, how's it going? Vilanne -> ::removes a hypospray and places it near James:: This will help ease the pain, until we can get back to your regular treatments. Sovak -> Helm, ready a course 090 Mark 0 Kansas Kenickie -> ::Leans head back, closes eyes:: EJ Pilot -> ::nods and follows:: Sovak -> Ops, open a channel to the shuttle. Keb -> ::nods to Sovak:: Aye, Captain. Heading 090 mark 0. LtCdrFaldek -> Lets just hope those cops in that shuttle aren't as bright as i think they are. Samantha_Kent -> t'Tamarak> ::moves closer to Vilanne and the others, eyeing the blind crewman as Vilanne works on him, then finds a seat at Jami's comment:: Keb -> ::sets the course:: Hilee -> Ej> You need to lower ,or weaken the containment field gradually on order from the CO...keep an eye on it,I will misalighn the nullifiers as needed to make it appear we are in serious trouble. Vilanne -> ::presses it against James' neck, releases the meds to help James relax:: That should help you for about 4 hours. I hope to help you more at that point. EJ Pilot -> ::bringing up the screen and awaits the order:: Admiral Atragon-9 -> JAMES> I... I don't think I have much longer McFly -> stupidity is universal, faldek, never overestimate someones intelligence T'Prise -> ::Raises eyebrow at the appellation:: Why do humans insist on giving people sobriquets? Hilee -> ::Nods at Ej:: The word is given Cmdr JFarrington -> ::continues to hold his hand, though they are somewhat separated::: Sovak -> +COM+ Police shuttle, we may have to reduce speed. Engineering reports a minor problem with singularity containment LtCdrFaldek -> Actually, its worse to underestimate intelligence. EJ Pilot -> Aye, beginning to lower containment field. Vilanne -> ::To James:: You have as long as you plan... James. You need a goal... something to look forward to on the other side... like being our ears. Your main mission is accomplished, it's the new mission you must focus on. EJ Pilot -> ::lowers containment field:: Admiral Atragon-9 -> <<didn't the police vehicle have a name last week?>> Hilee -> Doug> Keep at ready for the cloak...we have to time this right.. MC_Escher -> ::sidelong glance:: I'm going to assume from context that that means "nickname." Why? Because we can. It's sort of a right of passage in some cultures; it indicates that the namee has been accepted into the fold. Vilanne -> ::looks back at her chair:: I need to sit for a moment, just hang in there. Cmdr JFarrington -> <t'Cop> Samantha_Kent -> <<aye>> Sovak -> souldn;t=couldn't McFly -> it is but people do that all the time, the other side being the smart ones overestimating... it's kind of a paradox doug.t -> ::Hilee :: i'm ready Commander Vilanne -> ::places hypo back in bag, bag in hand, and turns back to her chair:: T'Prise -> ::Listens curiously, then nods:: Does this mean I have been offically accpeted as a part of the Manticore crew? Admiral Atragon-9 -> t'COP+ Negative, maintain your current heading and speed Hilee -> Doug> Stand by to eject some plasma on my mark LtCdrFaldek -> McFly, don't get philosophical, it's not your forte... Vilanne -> ::sits and places straps around her shoulders:: Sovak -> +COM+ Unadvisable. Containment is weakening by the second. Hilee -> Ej> Now...decrease the aft containment by 20 % EJ Pilot -> ::lowers the containment field a bit more:: Samantha_Kent -> t'Tamarak> ::listening to the com conversation with narrowed eyes:: doug.t -> ::enters the correct Commands and waits::Hilee :: done we are ready EJ Pilot -> ::decreases the aft containment field by 20%:: Keb -> ::bites her lip, tense and focused:: STSF Precip -> (t`sherrif Buford t'Justice in hot pursuit!!!!) Ian_Syndrx -> ::looks over at T'Prise:: You've traveled with us to another Galaxy and aided in an incursion into Romulan space, if that isn't a rite of passage, then I don't know what is. McFly -> no hear me out, the cliche is never underestimate their intelligence, but if everyone does that then it gets to a point when they start overestimating the stupid ones and then you spend time doing things you didn't need to do Vilanne -> ::To t'Tamarak:: What are your goals for the future? Admiral Atragon-9 -> t'Cop+ Affirmative, we will move to a safe distance and stay with you while you make repairs, hurry Admiral Atragon-9 -> <<greets jj>> LtCdrFaldek -> ::blinks at McFly:: Hilee -> Doug> Begin venting the plasma...now Samantha_Kent -> t'Tamarak> ::head swivels towards Vilanne, puffs air out through her nose:: I do not know... Sovak -> +COM+Ackowledged. We will keep you informed. McFly -> at that point you become the overestimated one yourself doug.t -> ::pressed the big red button vents the plasma:: Hilee -> Ej> drop the field ...10% MC_Escher -> No, not really. As Ian said, nothing as trivial as a nickname can give you rites of passage on this ship. No, I've given one to you because it works well with your name, and besides it's a fun way to annoy you, as much as Vulcans can get annoyed. LtCdrFaldek -> ::moves away from McFly:: Sovak -> Close com. Lay in the course. Ready to engage at maximum warp, on my mark... Vilanne -> You are very knowledgeable in medical and scientific studies, I'm sure we could find somewhere honorable for you. Kansas Kenickie -> ::Smiles:: I think you confused him EJ Pilot -> ::drops it by 10% mroe:: Hilee -> ::misalighns the nullifiers:: Cmdr JFarrington -> ::not really hearing anything, holding James's hand tightly as though that would keep him alive::: McFly -> where you going? I was just having an epiphany Keb -> Ready on your mark, Captain. T'Prise -> ::to Syndrx, nods, looking as gratified as a Vulcan can look:: I appreciate your candor, I too have grown somewhat used to your personalities and presence in my life. Keb -> ::finger poised over the go button:: T'Prise -> ::Escher:: You commander however, still puzzle me. Sovak -> ::watching the tactical monitor to guage T'cops distance:: Hilee -> <Sovak> Sir...all is in readiness...on your mark,standing by LtCdrFaldek -> ::ignores McFly, and goes to where the science people are hanging out:: McFly -> ::looks back at KK:: i think he overestimated himself ::sly smirk:: Samantha_Kent -> t'Tamarak> Vilanne> ::eyes her sidelong for a moment:: Honor may not be as important now...as where I can make food use of myself. Samantha_Kent -> *food=good doug.t -> ::Hilee ::all power is stable T'Prise -> ::Escher:: You are brusque with those under your command at times and yet seem to display a genuine concern for them. Hilee -> Doug> Excellent Ian_Syndrx -> Well, I guess I'll take that as a compliment. Vilanne -> There IS honor in being useful. ::soft smile at t'Tamarak:: Hilee -> Kansas> Ready to fire on the captains order? LtCdrFaldek -> ::watches the interactions betweeen Escher and T'Prise:: Kansas Kenickie -> Aye Hilee T'Prise -> ::Syndrx:: As it was meant Lieutenant Kansas Kenickie -> ::Taps console:: MC_Escher -> Of course. I'm a very caring, easygoing person at heart. If I got my wish, there wouldn Turris Morran -> ::looks at Faldek approaching then turns to Syndrx:: Ahh, I'm gonna see if they have any decent tea in these romulan replicators. You want anything? Sovak -> ::looks around at all the fingers poised over the buttons:: MC_Escher -> <<sorry, let me finish that>> doug.t -> :checks the cloaking device: Hilee -> Ej/Doug> Steady... Sovak -> ::raises two fingers in the standard dramatci "engage" pose:: Engage. Ian_Syndrx -> ::looks up at Turris::no, I'm fine, thank you. doug.t -> ::Hilee :: ready EJ Pilot -> ::waits: Hilee -> Doug> Close vents,and engage cloak Sovak -> Cloak to full power. MC_Escher -> There wouldn't be a chain of command in science. But I am on a military ship, and with it comes a necessary responsibility for those under me LtCdrFaldek -> ::looks at Turris:: Ensign, i would like a tea please. Vilanne -> ::To t'Tamarak:: If you could do anything... anything in the galaxy, what would make you happy? doug.t -> ::closes the vents engages the cloak:: Hilee -> ::Realighns the nullifiers:: Sovak -> As soon as cloak es engaged, come about to 270 mark 45 LtCdrFaldek -> Hot. Samantha_Kent -> t'Tamarak> Vilanne> ::pauses for a moment, looking habituatlly suspicious at the barrage of questions:: EJ Pilot -> ::returns containment to normal parameters:: Turris Morran -> ::unstraps himself and turns to Faldek:: Get one yourself..ahh, commander ::walks for the replicator:: doug.t -> ::Hilee :: vent closed cloak is online and operating normally Ian_Syndrx -> ::grins, having an excellent image of Faldek with teacup in hand:: Keb -> Aye captain, coming about now. EJ Pilot -> Containment restored... Sovak -> Tactical scan for signs of pursuit. LtCdrFaldek -> ::cocks head to the side:: Samantha_Kent -> t'Tamarak> Vilanne> I trained myself to heal...lately I have done little of it...but that is what I am. ::eyeing the activity at the front of the cockpit with one eye:: Keb -> ::pulls the invisible ship into position:: Hilee -> Doug> ack,+<Sovak>+ We are cloaked....suggest we fire up the plasma sir Kansas Kenickie -> ::Taps console lloking for baddies:: LtCdrFaldek -> ::looks at Ian:: Cmdr JFarrington -> ::feeling James's hand slacking, his body going cold::: T'Prise -> ::Cocks her head at Escher:: Your attention to protocol is laudable commander, but even in a purely academic or research situation the master is always teaching or commanding the novice. EJ Pilot -> ::Faldek:: Drinks once we get back to the station? Kansas Kenickie -> I think we confused them.. I am not picking anything up Vilanne -> ::also catching the cockpit's action out of the corner of her eye:: A healer... I would enjoy working along side you one day.... more than just something like this mission. Kansas Kenickie -> I will reScan ::taps console:: Hilee -> +<Sovak>+ Sir....full power available LtCdrFaldek -> ::turns to Pilot:: No thank you. EJ Pilot -> <<Manticore** >_> been watching DS9 too much lol >> Sovak -> Change course again, Commander 15 mark 270 Admiral Atragon-9 -> (are we at warp?) Hilee -> <<wb>> Sovak -> (yes) Admiral Atragon-9 -> ACTION: AS THE SCOUT SHIP JUMPS TO WARP, AN INTERNAL PANEL NEXT TO VILANNE EXPLODES IN A SHOWER OF SPARKS (natch) EJ Pilot -> ::disappointed thought he had won the trust of the spoonhead:: LtCdrFaldek -> ::steps between the replicator and Turris' way back to his seat:: Keb -> ::slips easily into the new course:: Aye Captain, 15 mark 270 Cmdr JFarrington -> ::hit with debris from the exploding console as she is right next to Vilanne::: EJ Pilot -> ::sees the sparks:: Admiral Atragon-9 -> ACTION: SHE TAKES A FULL SHOT OF SHRAPNEL AS SHE IS BUCKLED IN, RIGHT NEXT TO THE EXPLOSION Keb -> ::jumps as the panel explodes, startled:: Kansas Kenickie -> ::Ducks:: Vilanne -> ::strapped to her chair, full of shrapnel:: Hilee -> Doug> Mr.T,get to work on that panel...please EJ Pilot -> Ouch.. Samantha_Kent -> t'Tamarak> ::has her mouth open to respond to Vilanne when the panel next to her blows; swears in Romulan and starts to her feet:: Cmdr JFarrington -> ::burned, but not seriously, she unstraps::: Vilanne! Kansas Kenickie -> ::Looks up at Keb:: Focus on flight doug.t -> ::Hilee :: aye Commander ::grabs a kit and grabs a few spare parts:: Vilanne -> ::barely conscious:: EJ Pilot -> ::Farrington & Vilanne:: Vilanne! Commander? Are you okay? LtCdrFaldek -> ::turns at the explosion:: T'Prise -> ::Looks over towards Dr. Chalice and begins to unbuckle her restraints, moving to help:: Samantha_Kent -> t'Tamarak> ::grabs for Vilanne's body, stabilizing her in her seat, eyeing the damage:: Keb -> ::looks back at her console pointedly at Kansas' comment:: McFly -> ::sees the spark shower; looks to KK oblivious of vilanne:: you alright? Kansas Kenickie -> ::places hand on Keb's Shoulder:: you OK Sovak -> ::noting the explosion::Damage report. Do we still have full power? Hilee -> Ej> lets see what we can do to keep her together. Vilanne -> ::mumbling:: its honorable... to heal... Samantha_Kent -> t'Tamarak> Where is her medical equipment? ::anybody within range:: Kansas Kenickie -> ::Nods to McFly:: I am T'Prise -> ::Retrieves an emergency med kit and silently hands it to Dr. t'Tamarak:: doug.t -> +computer+ computer deactivate console 47 gamma Ian_Syndrx -> ::stays put, doesn't want to get in the way of the more experienced physicians, but is worried:: Keb -> ::gives her a tense, small smile:: Yes, it just startled me. Is the doctor okay? Admiral Atragon-9 -> t'Cop+ Scout One, are you alright? We do not see you on our scopes McFly -> ::looks at the console to see if they've been hit but not seeing anything:: Hilee -> ::Tappiung away,redirecting and rerouting power:: Cmdr JFarrington -> ::the exertion forces her into a faint and she slumps back, barely hearing t'Tamarak:::: EJ Pilot -> ::Hilee:: Aye.. Kansas Kenickie -> She Will be, lets move to the next postion Hilee -> *tapping too Cmdr JFarrington -> ::Sam:: On...the floor.... MC_Escher -> ::standing back a ways, making sure not to get into the commotion:: Samantha_Kent -> t'Tamarak> ::grabs the kit from the Vulcan officer and pops it open, sorting through the equipment available:: EJ Pilot -> ::looks to Farrington:: Commander! Keb -> ::looks back at her console biting her lip as the com comes in:: Samantha_Kent -> ::is not s=Sam, for the moment:: McFly -> ::perks up at the comm:: T'Prise -> ::t'Tamarak:: Do you require assistance doctor? Hilee -> <Sovak> Aye sir,full power available...rerouting to secondary circuits Samantha_Kent -> t'Tamarak> T"Prise> :;seeing Jami slump, jerks head, suddenly very businesslike, usual sardonic air gone:: See to her. Kansas Kenickie -> Captain, should we still move? EJ Pilot -> ::stands and helps Farrington:: Turris Morran -> ::jumps as the explosion goes off and pushes himself against the wall:: doug.t -> ::Hilee :: the circets are fryed i estimate 30 minutes for repairs Keb -> I recommend we keep going, if theyr'e not reading us. We can deal with injuries better the sooner we're on Manticore. Cmdr JFarrington -> ::burned and bleeding, but not severely::the strain of the mission plus the explosion having taken its toll::: Vilanne -> ::parts of Vilanne's body are exposed... that shouldn't be:: Sovak -> <<thougth we were moving>> Keb -> It doesn't look as if it hurt any of the propulsion systems. Kansas Kenickie -> I agree EJ Pilot -> ::Helm:: ETA to Manticore? Hilee -> Doug> Ack,get on it,we are on secondary at that station for now T'Prise -> ::Turns to help Jami, stocially taking in the situation before her:: Do not touch her Lieutenant Pilot. Hilee -> <<we are and at warp>> Sovak -> Reduce speed by one third and change course again. Samantha_Kent -> t'Tamarak> ::treating Vilanne for shock and bloodloss, trying to stabilize her:: <m> No vital organs impacted...::grabbing for a tricorder to confirm this:: Keb -> ::Pilot:: By the most direct route, 24 hours. EJ Pilot -> ::looks at T'Prise:: I do have training in Medical... but as you wish. Kansas Kenickie -> ::Grumbles:: 24 hours Sovak -> We mustn't let them extrapolate our position, or destination. Cmdr JFarrington -> ::reaching for James's hand, not quite in her right mind::: Kansas Kenickie -> ::turns to McFly:: YOu alright? Keb -> Aye captain, reducing speed to warp 6. Changing course to heading 65 mark 7 T'Prise -> ::Pilot:: We need to be sure there are no spinal injuries before she is moved. T'Prise -> ::Hands pilot a med tricorder:: Cmdr JFarrington -> <w> Atragon..don't leave me... McFly -> ::watching everything going on:: yeah i'm fine, just helpless, as seems to be the usual Hilee -> Jami> Well Commander it appears for now..."post listening to the comm" from the rommie police ship...we have slipped away Turris Morran -> ::looks towards the front of the ship at the crew gathered around the injured, holding his tea and looking somewhat distant:: doug.t -> ::begins replaceing the damaged console pulls out a cone shaped device uses it on the damaged relays:: EJ Pilot -> ::accepts it and begins to scan Farrington:: Admiral Atragon-9 -> JAMES> ::his hand is getting cold, as a piece of the panel that blew up next to Vilanne has lodged itself into his forhead, his body slumped forward in the seat restraints:: Samantha_Kent -> t'Tamarak> ::looks extremely relieved as the tricorder confirms all vitals intact:: Vilanne> <m> You were very lucky... LtCdrFaldek -> ::walks over to Hilee:: It appears EJ is helping with the triage, may I be of assistance? Sovak -> commander Mizu, continue with random speed and course changes for the next 2 hours, then set a course for Manticore. EJ Pilot -> She is over worked...the mission stress plus what just happened a moment ago. doug.t -> ::is hopeing nothing sparks on him: continues to replace the damaged parts:: EJ Pilot -> ::checking her spine:: Admiral Atragon-9 -> <<engineers being doctors, Security officers being Engineers, oh my!>> McFly -> has anyone noticed james over there? ...he looks dead Hilee -> ::Looks over at Faldek:: Faldek> Indeed my friend...help me keep her together a bit longer Vilanne -> ::into t'Tamarak's direction of voice:: it's... our duty Cmdr JFarrington -> <wonders never cease> EJ Pilot -> <<What a twist! >> Keb -> Ayeaye, Captain. T'Prise -> ::Pilot:: Do you believe we should move her to the floor for treatment? LtCdrFaldek -> Alright, I know a bit about Romulan vessels, what shall I work on? Samantha_Kent -> t'Tamarak> ::scanning for anything that can be safely removed; some is too deep to be removed and is bringing strange readings back on the tricorder but some might be safely removable by hand; starts looking for a dermal regenerator:: Kansas Kenickie -> ::Hands McFly a Med Kit from under her seat:: Hilee -> <<ah lest none forget Faldek is also an engineer :P>> EJ Pilot -> <<She is kinda already on the floor she fell back>> Keb -> ::switches course again:: T'Prise -> <<I thought she was restrained in her seat>> EJ Pilot -> I am not detecting any spine damage. Cmdr JFarrington -> ::winces as she tries to shift in her seat::: Samantha_Kent -> t'Tamarak> Vilanne> I know...believe me, Doctor. Hold still...you've been well and truly damaged. EJ Pilot -> <<I thought she got up to help vilanne?>> Cmdr JFarrington -> <I fell back, unstrapped when Vil was hit> Vilanne -> ::Losing a lot of blood from various burned holes in her body:: McFly -> ::holding the medkit he gives KK a blank stare:: you know if he's dead there's not much i can do for him Cmdr JFarrington -> <yep, I'm on the deck close to Vil and James> Keb -> ::Sovak:: I estimate that even with the random course and speed switching, I can get us to Manticore in about 26 hours. doug.t -> ::reroutes a couple of power taps hoping he doesnt get a shock:: ::Hilee :: Commander did the copmuter deactivate the power going tho here EJ Pilot -> ::Farrington:: Commander let me help you. Just stay down... Sovak -> <AlAS, james was blind, anc couldn't see the color of his shirt. Red, of course> Kansas Kenickie -> There is a Med Tric in there, find out Hilee -> Faldek> Monitor the main and secondary systems and allocate power as needed to the systems..while I attempt to effect repairs on the main circuitry at the junction please. Keb -> ::glances over to Vilanne and Jami:: I hope that won't be too long. doug.t -> computer Cmdr JFarrington -> ::stays down:: <w> Atragon...is he allright? Samantha_Kent -> t'Tamarak> ::compresses the worst of the cuts to stem the blood flow:: T'Prise -> ::Hands Pilot a regenerator:: Vilanne -> <<LOL Sovak... wait, is my pretty Rihan dress red too? ::whines::>> EJ Pilot -> Dermal Regenerator? Samantha_Kent -> ((AIAS)) Samantha_Kent -> *? Hilee -> Doug> All power to that junction and console were rerouted to secondary,and that station is out of the llop McFly -> ::sighs:: aye ::gets up and checks out james:: LtCdrFaldek -> Roger that... ::takes a console and begins to regulate the power flow, which already seems regulated enough, but decides to make it a little more regular:: Hilee -> *loop Cmdr JFarrington -> ::disassociating herself from everything, reaching for James's hand::: Admiral Atragon-9 -> ACTION: He's Dead - James T'Prise -> ::Pilot:: Perhaps we ought to sedate her, to ensure she doesn't further injure herself? doug.t -> ::Hilee :: good the last thing i need is to get burned by one of thease power taps EJ Pilot -> ::T'Prise:: Is there a Dermal Regenerator in that kit? Samantha_Kent -> ((he's dead...jim, even)) Keb -> ::forces herself to focus on flying the scout, trying not to think about the casualties:: McFly -> ::reading tricorder:: yep he's dead Admiral Atragon-9 -> <<yeah, that's where I was going with that>> STSF Precip -> (ponders if all the labcoats were red) T'Prise -> ::Nods and hands Pilot a Dermal Regenerator...then starts preparing a hypo:: Cmdr JFarrington -> *deadjim* Vilanne -> :: overhearing dead :: I'm... dead? Samantha_Kent -> ((::heals patients, kills jokes::)) Hilee -> Doug> Use standard precautions before you stick any appendage in an unseen hole EJ Pilot -> ::begins to regenerate Farrington's cuts:: Samantha_Kent -> t'Tamarak> Vilanne> :;crisply:: No, you are very much alive and I intend to keep you that way. Turris Morran -> <<o.O>> Samantha_Kent -> t'Tamarak> ::has managed to stem most of the bleeding:: McFly -> ::slumps his body back deeing the shrapnel sticking out of his head; he holds back a chuckle:: yeah he's really dead Admiral Atragon-9 -> ACTION: KEB'S DISPLAY SHOWS A SUDDEN DROP IN FUEL AVAILABLE doug.t -> ::begins to replace the console on top and the glass:: Hilee -> Doug> I'll be back at the main junction McFly -> <<deeing=seeing>> doug.t -> :Hilee : understood Keb -> ::takes a deep breath as the fuel light comes on:: Er, Captain? We seem to have suddenly lost a lot of fuel somehow. LtCdrFaldek -> ::looks at Keb:: Vilanne -> ::grabs t'Tamarak's arm tightly:: If... I die... can you take these ears off... they itch a lot. Don't yours? Cmdr JFarrington -> :;slumps back on the deck as EJ works on her, no longer reaching for James's hand::: Kansas Kenickie -> ::Frowns:: Hilee -> ::Pulling the access panel on the main junction...mumbling a few things:: Keb -> ::starts looking for the source of the drop in fuel:: Hilee -> <<wb>> Sovak -> <<Didn't you fill up at the last rest stop?>> Samantha_Kent -> t'Tamarak> Vilanne> ::grabbed:: Only occasionally, doctor. And you are not going to die. Keb -> <<I was in the bathroom, I thought you did!>> Sovak -> Engineering? Report. LtCdrFaldek -> I sincerely hope we don't have a dueterium leak... EJ Pilot -> ::scans Farrington again:: T'Prise -> ::Pilot:: I apologize for stopping your treatment of the Commander, I merely wished to ascertain the exact situation before we proceeded to administer to her. ::Hands him the hypo:: Samantha_Kent -> t'Tamarak> T'Prise/EJ> ::re: Jami:: How is the Commander? McFly -> ::pulls out the shrapnel to avoid screams of shock and packs up the kit leaving james in the seat; pats james on the shoulder as he walks away:: you're dead jim Hilee -> ::Head deep in the panel:: LtCdrFaldek -> ::changes and runs a diagnostic on the duetewrium system:: Cmdr JFarrington -> <w> ::EJ:: He's dead, isn't he? EJ Pilot -> ::t'Tamarak:: she'll live.. LtCdrFaldek -> Uh ::looks at Sovak:: Vilanne -> ::tries to get herself into a lying down position... feels horrible sitting up like this... McFly -> ::looks at KK as he puts the med kit back:: ...what's wrong? EJ Pilot -> <w> ::Farrington:: Unfortunately, he is.. I am sorry Commander. doug.t -> ::head under pannel:: Hilee -> ::Probing around the main junction...and ISO panel:: Turris Morran -> ::looks around wide-eyed at the chaos around on the scout ship, mumbling to himself:: Kansas Kenickie -> Fuel Keb -> ::glances up:: It looks like the timing matches when the panel exploded, Captain. Kansas Kenickie -> We are running low EJ Pilot -> ::T'prise:: Whats in this hypo? Samantha_Kent -> t'Tamarak> Vilanne> ::grabs her shoulder, trying to grab her gaze with her eyes:: You need to hold still, you understand? You're a doctor, you know better. I don't want to reopen these wounds until we can get you to a surgical bay. McFly -> ::degenerated nod:: figures doesn't it? Kansas Kenickie -> Yup... what else Cmdr JFarrington -> ::stares at the ceiling::: EJ Pilot -> 24 Hours... Admiral Atragon-9 -> <<Manticore, we have a problem!>> Vilanne -> ::moans and holds arms at sides:: It hurts so... much... ::reaches up to head, scratching brow ridges:: Sovak -> Reduce speed to Warp 3. T'Prise -> ::Pilot:: A compound that should sedate her and alleviate any pain she may be experiencing. Hilee -> ::Spots a possible problem at ...iso junction,primary chip fried,and resets the the chip to the secondary:: Keb -> There was, emphasis on was, a tank of 02 behind the panel, it appears. EJ Pilot -> ::hypos Farrington:: This will help you.. Samantha_Kent -> t'Tamarak> ::hypo of anetrizine anaesthetic/sedative into Vilanne's neck:: Keb -> That explains the lack of fuel. Keb -> ::frowns at her console:: Turris Morran -> ::hears something about fuel dropping and sits back down at his console with his tea, bringing up the ship status on his screen:: Keb -> Reducing speed to warp 3, captain. McFly -> ::sovak:: captain, idea, how about we go as far as we can on the fuel we have and get manticore to pick us up LtCdrFaldek -> ::checks on the tank in question:: Vilanne -> ::enjoys a bit of laa laa land:: Hann'yyo Cmdr JFarrington -> ::blank stare that turns into a sedated slump::: Hilee -> ::Humming tiny little iso chips:: Samantha_Kent -> t'Tamarak> Vilanne> Hold still -- I have seen enough death for some time. T'Prise -> ::Begins methodically packing up the emergency med kit:: doug.t -> ::replaces a few chips ::and power relays compleetly replaces thewhole console:: Cmdr JFarrington -> <lols Hilee> Samantha_Kent -> t'Tamarak> ::sighs as the lloann'na doctor relaxes a bit under the sedative:: LtCdrFaldek -> UH... Sovak -> We need to find out if we are trailing anything that can cause us to be tracked. If we have a fuel leak... EJ Pilot -> ::Sovak:: Sir, the commander will be okay. She still needs a checkup in sickbay. Once we return. Vilanne -> ::keeps repeating:: Yo... yo... yo... LtCdrFaldek -> We have a fuel leak inside the ship.... Hilee -> ::pauses...and tapps:: +Bridge+Hilee here...reset all control configurations,the primary iso chip was apparently burned out in the surge earlier...and confirm readings McFly -> still if we're going to run out anyway, shouldn't we get manticore started so we're sitting out here as little as possible? Keb -> There's no way we can get back to Manticore on the remaining supply, Captain. We might make it halfway, perhaps a little more if we take every step to conserve fuel, but otherwise we're stuck. T'Prise -> ::Stows the med kit and takes a seat near Jami to keep an eye on her:: Sovak -> Inside the ship? Can we contain it? LtCdrFaldek -> ::uses internal sensors to try and figure out where the leak is... draining to:: LtCdrFaldek -> Uh... Hilee -> <<in other words recheck the gauges>> MC_Escher -> ::to Keb:: Can't we call Manticore? Have them meet us here under cloak? STSF Precip -> @::turns to Fabio at the SCI station:: Continue monitoring all bands Mr. Fabio...it's going to be hard to sort out a shuttle com from all the interference from Romulan Scanning. EJ Pilot -> ::agrees with Escher:: McFly -> ::hears faldek:: i'm glad humans don't smoke anymore Samantha_Kent -> t'Tamarak> Au'rh aefvadh... ::nudges her head into a more comfortable position against the head cushion, listening to the infinite loop she appears stuck in:: LtCdrFaldek -> It's pooling underneath the deck directly below us... Turris Morran -> ::turns to Syndrx:: Ahh, lieutenant..we're losing fuel ::curses:: Keb -> ::Escher:: We can't risk sending a signal out here; the Romulans would pick it up. EJ Pilot -> ::Keb:: Coded signal? McFly -> ::hears faldek and starts laughing:: Cmdr JFarrington -> ::in a peaceful sedated state, the blood on her body slowly coagulating, her burns beginning to ooze::: Admiral Atragon-9 -> ACTION: MANTICORE AND SCOUT START HEARING CHATTER ON ROMULAN CHANNELS ABOUT A SCOUT SHIP THAT HAS GONE MISSING AND A SEARCH AND RESCUE MISSION BEING LAUNCHED TO FIND IT Vilanne -> ::looking at t'Tamarak:: You... rh.. rh... ::can't remember her training:: ::doesn't translate aefvadh:: Sovak -> Seal the deck. Samantha_Kent -> ((it's the closes i could get to "welcome" :) )) EJ Pilot -> ::heard the chatter:: Sovak -> Evacuate and seal the deck. Kansas Kenickie -> We can send a Probe out to call out away from us Vilanne -> What are you calling me? ::leans forward, causing more pain in her gut:: Samantha_Kent -> ((my dictionary is unhelpful)) Ian_Syndrx -> ::starts reviewing the ships systems on his PADD, looking for anyway to conserve fuel should that become necessary, as well as any ways to avoid catasrtophic explosions:: McFly -> it never stops does it Ian_Syndrx -> <<why would romulans need a word for 'welcome'?>> Samantha_Kent -> t'Tamarak> Vilanne> ::sharply:: Elements...hold still! I responded to your thanks, nothing more... Cmdr JFarrington -> @ Dr. Stone> ::on Manticore, counting the minutes until the away team returns::: EJ Pilot -> ::looks at her burns and dermal regenerates those as well:: LtCdrFaldek -> ::seals teh deck with the highest containment field available:: LtCdrFaldek -> Sealed. Hilee -> ::Unaware of course as to what is happening as he is in the very rearward part of the ship..and waist deep in the main junction:: doug.t -> ::+Hilee + Commander my last ETA was incorrect i'm almost ready do bring this junction back online in about 5 minutes doug.t -> to Turris Morran -> ::looks at Syndrx wide eyed for a moment before turning to his console to look for a means of gaining speed without using fuel:: doug.t -> ( test) Vilanne -> ::mumbling and repeating what t'Tamarak said a few more times... the only thing she can do to try and avoid acknowledging the pain:: Elemenets... au... ie... elements... McFly -> ::looks at KK:: at least i get to die with you... not that i want you to die, but... you know what i mean LtCdrFaldek -> We can seal the leak, and beam the dueterium back into the tank... I think Cmdr JFarrington -> @ Dr. Stone> ::exits sick bay on his way to the bridge::: Turris Morran -> What we need is a gravity well. Hilee -> Doug>+Acknowledged...excellent work,carry on..reenergise when ready and switch it back to main circuits when ready Kansas Kenickie -> ::Smiles:: hey, don't throw in the towel yet MC_Escher -> ::to Keb:: It doesn't look like we have much choice. Either we call the Manticore, do our best to avoid capture until she gets here, and fly or shoot our way out, or we can...die in space. Hilee -> *+ Keb -> ::looks at Faldek:: But will it be pure enough to work? It's been exposed. Vilanne -> Nurse Nancy> ::back in sickbay, dreaming about Precip:: doug.t -> +Hilee + under stood Commander i'm hearing alot of bridge chatter it sounds like we have a fuel leak Lt Fabio -> @ ::at helm/ops::: LtCdrFaldek -> Uh it might gum up the injectors, but its not like we need the ship past today... Vilanne -> <<LOLOLOL>>> Samantha_Kent -> ((ROFL)) Keb -> ::Escher:: That's not helpful. STSF Precip -> @Crystal>Commander....Romulans are openly broadcasting a shuttlecraft is missing....to start a search for it....Thats the best I can give you my Romulan Translator is picking up lots of chatter. Lt Fabio -> @ ::taps the console:: Commander Precip, Romulans are...what she said, sir. Ian_Syndrx -> ::looks over at Turris:: do you have an idea, Ensign? Admiral Atragon-9 -> <<He tried Medical, but his long, flowing hair kept falling into open wounds>> Vilanne -> ::glances at part of her uniform that she can see:: I... need to recycle this... I got a stain ::dipping her fingers between the soaked material:: Kansas Kenickie -> <<BRB>> Lt Fabio -> @ <you got it> McFly -> yeah but it's just one thing after another, next thing you know something's gonna explode outside the ship leaving a fire trail for them to find Cmdr JFarrington -> @ Dr. Stone> ::enters the bridge:: LtCdrFaldek -> Doug are you done down there yet? Keb -> ::looks at Faldek:: We need it for at least 24 hours if we're going to get back to manticore. I'm not sure it's worth the risk of gumming things up. Samantha_Kent -> t'Tamarak> Vilanne> ::chuckles dryly:: Ie... When we return to your ship...many things will be taken care of. LtCdrFaldek -> It won't gum up that soon... Hilee -> +Doug+What..?..::raises up a bit quickly...banging his head on the panel enclosure::..#$$##$$#%$%%$::mumbles:: STSF Precip -> @Ensign Crystal...defer Romulan chatter and EM bands to MR. Fabio' station. Keep an eye on ships.... EJ Pilot -> ::just holds the DR and looks around:: Cmdr JFarrington -> @ Dr. Stone> ::stops a minute to get his bearings as he's not used to being up here::: doug.t -> :LtCdrFaldek : give me one sec Sir i gotta close this up Sovak -> Can we still make it if we increase speed? Will we have enough fuel? doug.t -> +computer + bring this junction back online LtCdrFaldek -> NO we dopnt have a second, close it up now and get to work on sealing that leak! Lt Fabio -> @ ::picks up the information at nav::: Got it, Sir. Turris Morran -> ::brings up a star chart, and points at a nearby star:: Ahh, we might get a few more parsecs if we slingshot using this star's gravity...ahhh..it probably won't be enough to get back to the Manticore though T'Prise -> ::Pulls out a med tricorder and runs some quick scans of Cmdr Farrington for comparison purposes, studies them for a minute, satisfied with the results.:: Vilanne -> Doctor? ::looking around as things go a bit grey:: Why can't we just go back to the ship. I hear they are making fresh donuts. Keb -> ::shakes head:: Not if we don't reclaim what's been lost, Captain. I've been running calculations--there's no way to stretch it much more than half way. Kansas Kenickie -> YElling doesn't help ::Glares:: doug.t -> +Hilee + i'm heading down their to fix the leak Vilanne -> ::loses a lot of blood, therefore loses consciousness:: STSF Precip -> @::see's Dr. Stone:: The Romulans are broadasting that a shuttle has gone missing...I hope to heck it isn't our team. Samantha_Kent -> t'Tamarak> Vilanne> ::wonders what a "donut" is:: There are...::watches the doctor slump back against the seat:: ...fuel problems. Hilee -> +Doug+ Understood...and where is Mr.Pilot? EJ Pilot -> ::looks at Vilanne, scans her:: doug.t -> ::faldek:: i will head down their and repair it Cmdr JFarrington -> @ Dr. Stone> ::slow walk down the gangway to the counselor's seat:: So do I, Commander. ::sits::: LtCdrFaldek -> Go now, no more talking! Sovak -> ::sits back in chair and steeples his hands in fron of him:: EJ Pilot -> ::T'Prise:: She is losing alot of blood.. Ian_Syndrx -> ::nods:: using a slingshot effect would increase our speed, but it would be insignificant, I'm afraid... what we need is a way to contact manticore that the Romulans won't find, but that Manticore will... McFly -> ::sits back in his seat watching the hysteria aboard the shuttle:: doug.t -> ::grabs his gear and a breathing mask incase:: STSF Precip -> @::ponders Sovak's orders to remain at the moon...:: doug.t -> +Hilee +hes on the bridge attending to the injurries Samantha_Kent -> t'Tamarak> ::places a hand against Vilanne's shoulder to ensure that she remains still:: Pilot> I have stabilized her as best I can; she requires surgery to repair the worst of the damage. T'Prise -> ::Pilot:: I believe we have the ability to replicate blood, however, we need to conserve energy... Vilanne -> ::Scans show a lot of shrapnel in Vil's poor bloody, burned body... more than can be fixed on a shuttle ride:: Kansas Kenickie -> Faldek, you aren't helping Lt Fabio -> @ ::ear to the comms:: Chatter is steady, Commander. Seems like they've scrambled quite a few ships. Samantha_Kent -> ((beat you to it :) )) EJ Pilot -> ::nods:: Cmdr JFarrington -> @ Dr. Stone> ::deep frown:: Vilanne -> <<Tee hee hee... good job, Doc!>> doug.t -> ::puts the mask on heads down to repair the leak Samantha_Kent -> ((but thank you for validating me :D )) Turris Morran -> Ahh! Umm...the Romulan signal! No doubt the manticore is receiving it. LtCdrFaldek -> ::Looks at KK:: He needs to stay focused and not talk as much. Now can you get a lock on the deuterium floating around underneath us? STSF Precip -> @ Thank you Lieutenant Fabio...::places hand on chin in a human like gesture for a Bolian:: Turris Morran -> ::turns to Syndrx:: Perhaps we can...hijack..ahh..send our own message in the background doug.t -> ::runs out of the bridge to the next deck:: T'Prise -> ::Pilot and t'Tamarak:: Perhaps another crew member matches her type? Samantha_Kent -> t'Tamarak> Pilot/T'Prise> ::pointing to Jami:: What have you done for her? ::finally taking the time to come up for air from Vilanne's injuries:: Admiral Atragon-9 -> (jeepers!) Samantha_Kent -> ((wb, Admiral)) Hilee -> ::Still working through the maze of wiring and fibre optics:: McFly -> ::contemplates going down with a disrupter and igniting the stuff himself:: Cmdr JFarrington -> ::resting peacefully, obviously exhausted as well as injured::: doug.t -> ::taps Com ::+Hilee + i'm in beginning to fix the leak! STSF Precip -> @Ensign Crystal> Commander Precip....our friend that drifted by us the other day is sending COM's asking if they should join the search.. Sovak -> ::nods to himself:: Then set a direct course for Manticore. Increase to WArp 6 for as long as she will go. EJ Pilot -> ::t'Tamarak:: She is doing okay. She is really exhausted and had a cut along some burns. I have helped her with that. Hilee -> +Ej+ Mr.Pilot....Are you tied up at the moment? Lt Fabio -> @ ::turns:: Confirmed. ::glance at Crystal, then back to his station::: LtCdrFaldek -> ::looks at KK, waiting for answer:: McFly -> ::pets his rifle:: doug.t -> ::begging to press some buttons grabs the correct tool to fix the leak:: Keb -> ::nods, looking pale still:: Aye, Captain. Warp 6, heading directly towards Manticore. EJ Pilot -> +Hilee+ Not at the moment just doing a little medical info exchange on patient status' Hilee -> +Doug+ very well,be careful,and get as much help as needed Kansas Kenickie -> I think that is for Hilee to decide, isn't he in charge of Engineering? STSF Precip -> @Initiate alert status...somethng's is about to happen and I fear it will not going to be pretty. Samantha_Kent -> t'Tamarak> T'Prise> Perhaps...do you have access to that information or must we conduct a survey? ::grimacing at the time pressure and hoping they will just find the lloann'na ship soon:: Kansas Kenickie -> You are in Security, correct? Vilanne -> @ Nurse Nancy> ::as always, has sickbay in tip-top shape, everything filled, everything in its place, and everything clean:: Ian_Syndrx -> ::unbuckles and straps back in next to Turris:: No, we can't use their signal, it's got to be something they won't look at, something that will get discarded as background noise... but then how will the Manticore see it? Lt Fabio -> @ Alert aye. ::does so::: Admiral Atragon-9 -> and... Ian_Syndrx -> ::puzzled, closes his eyes to think:: doug.t -> +bridge+ Bridge! we got a good size crack down here ! please dispatch more personnel Cmdr JFarrington -> @ Dr. Stone> ::deep serious focus::: LtCdrFaldek -> You have the controls to do transports.... and I have a degree in engineering. I think this decision is the best for the situation. Admiral Atragon-9 -> =/\======= PAUSE SIM =======/\= Admiral Atragon-9 -> TBS is 12 hours Kansas Kenickie -> Will the shuttle be out of Fuel by then beginning of next week? Admiral Atragon-9 -> yes, that's right, you'll start drifting LtCdrFaldek -> Did we get to reclaim ANY of the free floating fuel that was contained? Admiral Atragon-9 -> yes, and that's why you could maintain warp 6 for 12 hours Admiral Atragon-9 -> feel free to log about that Admiral Atragon-9 -> Vil? Vilanne -> In 30 minutes, we do or do not make it back to Manti? Admiral Atragon-9 -> in 30 minutes? You will still be 12 hours away from where Manticore is parked Admiral Atragon-9 -> Hilee? Hilee -> Actually Captain Sovak and Faldek both have literally resolved our little problem.. keep the deck sealed off...and tx the fuel as needed ...just my 2 Admiral Atragon-9 -> well no, we should assume that the fule just can't be pumped back in and it all works perfectly that's why you will run out before you make it back to Manticore
  23. The USS Goldstein (Oberth Class) is investigating a giant blob in space. Game Master (GM) - STSF Sorehl Game Master (GM) - Cmdr JFarrington Mission Commanding Officer (MCO) - STSF Sorehl Mission Executive Officer (MXO) - Cmdr JFarrington Tactical Officer (TAC) - Trillian Helm/Operations Officer (HOPS) - Pace Chief Medical Officer (CMO) - Caaga Assistant Medical Officer (AMO) - Grom Chief Security Officer (CSEC) - TKAR Cmdr JFarrington -> =/\= Starfleet Academy Mission Brief =/\= Cmdr JFarrington -> =/\= 5/19/2009 =/\= Cmdr JFarrington -> The USS Goldstein (Oberth Class) is investigating a strange blob in space. Cmdr JFarrington -> Captain Sorehl is taking a break in his Ready Room. Cmdr JFarrington -> The rest of us are working hard. Cmdr JFarrington -> =/\= END BRIEF =/\= Cmdr JFarrington -> Action> The blob is on the screen and we are all on the bridge taking a good look at it. Cmdr JFarrington -> <XO> ::squints in thought:: It hasn't done anything for a while, has it? Trillian -> :: he sits at his station staring at the blob on the screen wondering what it is:: Caaga -> <CMO> ::Tilts her head slightly, amazed at the blob in space.:: What do the readings say, is it an organism? Grom -> <AMO> ::standing towards the back of the bridge, observing the senior offices:: Pace -> <HOPS> ::on the bridge at his station, staring at the blob:: Cmdr JFarrington -> <XO> <TAC> Get us a reading, Mr. Trillian. Cmdr JFarrington -> <player's choice, within reason> TKAR -> <CSEC>::at the security station alerting security to be ready for anything:: Pace -> <HOPS> ::Checks the incoming sensor data:: Trillian -> <TAC> starting scan captain ::looks at the screens:: it apears to be moving but not alive Cmdr JFarrington -> <XO> <TAC> SEnd your data to Drs. Caaga and Grom, if you will. Caaga -> <CMO> Well if it isn't biological, then what could it be? Trillian -> <TAC> im getting a reading like a ship would give off only weaker TKAR -> <CSEC>::sending report to hops,tac and co and mxo:: Grom -> <AMO> ::looks toward the blob and shakes his head in slight disbelief at this wonder in space:: Pace -> <HOPS> <XO> Sir, maybe we can get closer for a better scan? Caaga -> <CMO> <HOPS> Send the data to the medical lab, I Cmdr JFarrington -> <XO> <CMO> Take a good look, Doctor. That's a good question. If not biological... Caaga -> --I'll see what we can find. Caaga -> <CMO> <AMO> Come on, Grom, let's get our hands dirty. Cmdr JFarrington -> <XO> <HOPS> Carefully, and if there is any reaction from the . . . blob... back off. Pace -> <HOPS> <CMO> Sure thing ::Uplinks sensor data with Med lab 1:: Grom -> <AMO> <CMO> Aye, sir. ::picks up his PADD and follows after the CMO:: Pace -> <HOPS> <XO> Aye Sir ::Brings thrusters online, and inches closer to the blob:: Cmdr JFarrington -> <XO> <TAC> Was there any reaction to your scans - any movement, for instance? TKAR -> <csec><XO>sir,security is ready for anything that so called blob will hit us with anything. Caaga -> <CMO> ::Moves for the TL, waiting for AMO to get in before touching the control pad, sending them off to the medical labs. She winces a bit as she's addressed as a sir...:: Cmdr JFarrington -> <XO> ::turns to TKAR:: <CSEC> Excellent. You never know what might happen, eh? Trillian -> <TAC> <XO> sir there apears to be two leayers of the blob the crust if you will is hard and not showing life but the middle is like an eletrical storm TKAR -> <CSEC>::nods to XO:: Grom -> <AMO> ::slips into the TL, as any short and unassuming man might, then waits for the lift to move:: Cmdr JFarrington -> <XO> ::leans back thoughtfully::: <TAC> An electrical storm? Cmdr JFarrington -> <XO> <TAC> Elaborate. Trillian -> <TaC> <XO> yes sir at least thats what the reading says Pace -> <HOPS> :: Brings ship closer, and cuts engines:: Grom -> <AMO> ::makes several notations on his PADD holding it close to his chest:: TKAR -> <CSEC>::Calls for updates from security teams<<Ready for action>>:: Cmdr JFarrington -> <XO> ::hurms::: <TAC> How about sending in a probe. Can we do that? Pace -> <HOPS> <XO> Sir, I could try a hail, maybe someone, or something will answer... Cmdr JFarrington -> <XO> <HOPS> Make it so. TKAR -> <CSEC><CMO>doctor is it alive? Trillian -> <TAC><XO> yes sir it should bother the signal::send out a probe to scan the blob:: Cmdr JFarrington -> <TKAR, the doctors are in the lab :) > Trillian -> ((shouldnt*)) Caaga -> <CMO> ::Slips out of the TL once the door opens and turns quickly into the med lab 1 doors, wasting no time in downloading the data on to the local computer system and lab equipment.:: +HOPS+ Keep us updated, Pace, we'll need all the data we can get. TKAR -> <+CMO> Pace -> <HOPS> ::Presses console:: Hailing frequencies are open, we are broadcasting in all languages Cmdr JFarrington -> <XO> ::sits to wait::: Pace -> <HOPS> +CMO+ Sure thing Doc Grom -> <AMO> ::follows behind, compensating for the speed and movement of his superior, moves deeper into the room toward a wall console:: Pace -> <HOPS> <Bridge Crew> ...No response Trillian -> ::watches the screen for scans from the probe:: Grom -> <AMO> ::follows the downloading process with his eyes, then turns back to the CMO:: <CMO> Any initial hypotheses? Cmdr JFarrington -> <XO> <all> Well, I would assume that it's not alive, then. But I'll wait for the doctor's evaluation. TKAR -> <CSEC>::checks security crew::<XO>sir should we have phasers on stun if the blob visits us? Grom -> <AMO> ::taps on the wall console to sync the wall console with the main lab station:: Pace -> <HOPS> <XO> I will keep hailing frequency open just incase anything decides to answer... Cmdr JFarrington -> <XO> <HOPS> Excellent. Caaga -> <CMO> ::Pulls the data on screen, taking a quick look at what they have so far.:: <AMO> Well, anything's possible at this point. But just looking at the electrical storm inside, my first thought would be neurological signals. Could it be a giant brain? Trillian -> <TAC><XO> the probe has affrimed my scan it has the abilty to move but is not a living thing and the inside has stopped giving off the electrical signals Pace -> <HOPS> ::Keeps downloading sensor data to Med lab 1:: Cmdr JFarrington -> <XO> <CSEC> Whatever you believe would be best for your teams, Chief. Cmdr JFarrington -> <XO> ::leans over:: <CSEC> I really don't think we're going to have a problem with boarding, though. Grom -> <AMO> ::stops, thinks for a moment:: <CMO> Electrical storms inside of a blob... Cmdr JFarrington -> <XO> ::hearing TAC:: Interesting. Pace -> <HOPS> <XO> We've never seen anything like this, but perhaps someone else has. Should we check the database? Cmdr JFarrington -> <XO> <HOPS> Good idea. Trillian -> <TAC> <XO> the signals are like that of a satalite Pace -> <HOPS> <XO> I'm on it. I will transfer any findings to the Doctor Grom -> <AMO> <CMO> It could certainly indiciate something neurological. Do we have enough data to see if there's any organic material? TKAR -> <CSEC>::wonders what is it::<XO>yes,sir;but what if it does come to the ship in some kind of form? Grom -> <AMO> <CMO> Though, sensors did not seem to think that it was alive. Pace -> <HOPS> ::Begins a search in the database:: Cmdr JFarrington -> <XO> <TAC> You mean...it's broadcasting? Trillian -> <TAC><XO> yes sir but where i dont know Caaga -> <CMO> <AMO> The scans show no indication of bio signs, which essentially means that whatever this thing is, it isn't a carbon based compound. The question is, does it need to be organic to be alive...? TKAR -> <CSEC>::Hears the word it,s broadcasting::Interesting. Cmdr JFarrington -> Action> The blob keeps changing shape, like a giant glob of goo floating in a space shuttle. Grom -> <AMO> <CMO> Here's a strange thought. What if it was composed to look organic but really is concealing something else of interest? Cmdr JFarrington -> <XO> <TAC/OPS> See if you can get any kind of translation out of it. Pace -> <HOPS> ::Finds a few log entries dealing biological entities living in space:: <XO> Sir, I have fond a few log entries on biological entities in space, I'm sending the information to Med lab 1. ::Sends data to Med Lab 1:: Grom -> <AMO> <CMO> Or, perhpas it's a sealent or...covering of some sort. Caaga -> <CMO> <AMO> Like a protective device for a space ship, you mean? Cmdr JFarrington -> <XO> <HOPS> Excellent. Trillian -> <TAC><XO> yes sir Caaga -> <CMO> ::Scans the data that was just sent to her, opening it up on the main window.:: Pace -> <HOPS> +CMO+ Doctor, I'm sending you some info from the database that may help with your analyisis. Grom -> <AMO> <CMO> A ship...a beacon...or maybe something we've never encountered... I don't know. I'm not sure why it keeps changing shape...but maybe that movement creates the energy we keep reading? TKAR -> <CSEC>::starts checking with security teams status of ship and decks::<XO>sir,all deck levels are secured> Pace -> <HOPS> :: looks over the transmissions from the blob, and enters them into the translation matrix:: Caaga -> <CMO> <AMO> Maybe it creates the energy, or maybe the energy creates it. I can't seem to make heads or tails of this. Cmdr JFarrington -> <XO> <CSEC> Excellent. Grom -> <AMO> <CMO> Excellent idea...I never thought it could be the other way around. TKAR -> <csec>::sends updates to XO,MXO,HOPS,OPS to their padds and consoles:: Cmdr JFarrington -> <XO> <HOPS> See if you can get an update from the doctors when you're finished with your translation scans. Grom -> <AMO> <CMO> You mean the blob outside could be a product of the energy inside? Pace -> <HOPS> <XO> Aye sir. Trillian -> <TAC><XO> sir maybe its a sentry satalite to warn of aproaching craft for who ever this thing belongs to Pace -> <HOPS> ::Translation search comes up negative:: Cmdr JFarrington -> <XO> ::swivels her chair towards TAC:: <TAC> Is there anything in the area? Caaga -> <CMO> <AMO> It's entirely possible. Perhaps it's a shielding of some sort for a ship. Pace -> <HOPS> +CMO+ Doctor, can we get an update on your progress? Grom -> <<whoops>> Cmdr JFarrington -> <wb Grom. You didn't die :P > Grom -> <<YESS!>> Cmdr JFarrington -> <heh> Caaga -> <CMO> +HOPS+ I'm afraid we don't have much more than theories right now. Do you think it could be a ship of some sort? Trillian -> <TAC><XO> nothing in the imeadiate area in crasing scan range::increases the scan range from his panel:: sir theres a small moon about 7 1/2 mins away in warp Cmdr JFarrington -> <XO> <TAC> Any information from the probe? Cmdr JFarrington -> <XO> ::takes note of the moon::: TKAR -> <CSEC>::checks security logs about any weapons of anykind inthis area of space:: Caaga -> <CMO> +HOPS+ We've been running the scans through our machines, but everything seems to confirm what we already knew from the beginning. This thing, whatever it is, isn't biological. Pace -> <HOPS> +CMO+ Same thing up here, just theories. TAC believes it could be some kind of sattalite or probe. Grom -> <AMO> ::looking over the databases:: <CMO> Nothing the Federation encountered seems to match our description. Grom -> <AMO> <CMO> I'll cross reference some of the other databases outside the Federation. Pace -> <HOPS> <XO> Sir, Medical reports that their findings are inclunclusive, all they know is that this thing is not biological Caaga -> <CMO> +HOPS+ We had a similar idea, but I had a strange thought at first. What if this thing was some sort of non-organic brain of some sort? Trillian -> <TAC><XO> sir do you regonise that moon at all TKAR -> <CSEC><XO>sir,could it be an allien weapon of some stort. Caaga -> <CMO> +HOPS+ The electrical currents we detected earlier may be something of a neurological process... Cmdr JFarrington -> <XO> ::repeating, to all:: No organic brain? +CMO+ Doctor, you mean like a computer? Cmdr JFarrington -> *non Trillian -> <TAC><XO> sir i concur with CMO Cmdr JFarrington -> <XO> ::headshake:: <TAC> No, I don't. Caaga -> <CMO> +XO+ Well, something to that effect, sir. Though I'd be interested to see how it would come about if not organically. Grom -> <AMO> ::looking through the Klingon scientific databases, such as they are:: Cmdr JFarrington -> <meaning, I don't recognize the moon, Trillian :) > Pace -> (Sorry, interent woes!) Pace -> (Am i dead) TKAR -> <CSEC>::watches XO wonders what it is:: Grom -> <<Only slightly>> Caaga -> <CMO> +XO+ It doesn't make much sense to make a disembodied brain to just float in space. Trillian -> <TAC><XO> the scans could only two things a sentry probe or what i didnt want to think it was ..... a targeting system Cmdr JFarrington -> <XO> ::sits to think:: <all> Think we should investigate that moon? <TAC> TArgeting system? Cmdr JFarrington -> <XO> <TAC> Have they locked on to us or given any indication of that? Pace -> <HOPS> <XO> Should we raise shields? TKAR -> <CSEC>::good theory but not sure it is :: Cmdr JFarrington -> <XO> +CMO+ Agreed. Doctors, I'd like you on the bridge, please. Cmdr JFarrington -> <XO> ::waiting for TAC's response::: Grom -> <AMO> ::looks back at the sensor readings:: <CMO> I think we should try to stimulate it to do something. Trillian -> <TAC><XO> no sir but there has been an increase of electrecal readings Cmdr JFarrington -> <XO> <TAC> In response to what, do you believe? Caaga -> <CMO> +XO+ On our way, sir. <AMO> Stimulating it might not be a good idea. We've no idea what to expect. We should learn more before trying to go that route. Pace -> <HOPS> <Bridge Crew> Maybe it's responding to our energy output? Or maybe even our warp signiture? Trillian -> <TAC><XO> i dont know perhaps we should a pahzer at it Caaga -> <CMO> <AMO> Let's head back up to the bridge. There's not much more we can do here. ::Leaves the lab and heads back to the turbolift.:: TKAR -> <CSEC>::thinking we should be on red alert status:: Grom -> <AMO> ::picks up his PADD hurridly and follows close behind the CMO:: <CMO> Aye, sir. Pace -> <HOPS> <TAC> What if we damage it? Cmdr JFarrington -> <XO> ::leans forward, incredulous:: <TAC> Phaser it? Caaga -> <CMO> ::Cringes again at being addressed as 'sir':: Trillian -> <TAC><XO> sir it apears to be moving away from us now i suggest yellow alert TKAR -> <CSEC><XO>sir,Red alert sir? Pace -> <HOPS> <Bridge Crew> I was thinking more of a light tickle intead of a kick in the teeth: maybe a deflector pulse? Cmdr JFarrington -> <XO> <TAC> Yellow if it is moving away? Is it locking on? Cmdr JFarrington -> <XO> <all> Red alert. Red alert. You'd think my crew was paranoid. Grom -> <AMO> ::enters the TL with the CMO:: Cmdr JFarrington -> <XO> <HOPS> Let's follow it, Mr. Pace. Keep . . . pace with it. ::grin:: Caaga -> <CMO> ::Arrives on the bridge at a brisk walk.:: <XO> Well, you know what they say. Just because your paranoid doesn't mean they're not out to get you. Trillian -> ::looks at screen:: sir we apear to be in a weak tractor beam of some sort Pace -> <HOPS> <XO> Aye sir, pursuit course laid in. ::Fires impulse engines:: Cmdr JFarrington -> <XO> ::chuckles::: <CMO> Indeed, Doctor. Grom -> <AMO> ::follows behind with a slight waddle:: TKAR -> <CSEC>::calls security teams all decks red alert phasers on stun:: Cmdr JFarrington -> <XO> ::grins, looking at Trillian:: <TAC> Not a tractor. We're following it. Pace -> <HOPS> (we're NOT at red alert right?) Trillian -> <TAC><XO> the blob has changed directions Cmdr JFarrington -> <XO> <CSEC> Relax, Chief. We're not at red. Grom -> <AMO> ::glances as the klaxons and the alert displays as he moves toward an open console on the rear of the bridge:: Cmdr JFarrington -> <XO> <TAC> Not to worry. Mr. Pace has it in his sights. Trillian -> <TAC><XO> rgr that sir Cmdr JFarrington -> <Nope - no red alert - not even a hint of it> Pace -> <HOPS> <XO> Sir, we have matched the speed of the...phenomenon... Caaga -> <CMO> ::Studies the blob, contemplating.:: Cmdr JFarrington -> <XO> <HOPS> excellent. Cmdr JFarrington -> Action> The blob seems to be making for that moon that TAC spoke of. TKAR -> <CSEC><XO>yes,sir::Calls off red alert:: Pace -> <HOPS> <XO> It's trajectory brings it to the moon in the system sir TKAR -> <CSEC><XO>sir maybe its just going home ? Caaga -> <CMO> Whatever it is, it at least seems to be sentient. It's reacted to us, and is actively trying to avoid us. <XO> Sir, might I suggest we err on the side of caution and let it escape for now? I don't think this can end well for us. Cmdr JFarrington -> <XO> ::nods to HOPS::: Keep a safe distance. We want to be nonagressive. Cmdr JFarrington -> <XO> <CMO> I'm not trying to trap it, Doctor. I just want to follow it to see where it's going. Grom -> <AMO> ::wonders why blobs in space have to be enigmatic:: Trillian -> <TAC><XO> sir im picking up strong electrical readings as well as life forms on the moon Pace -> <HOPS> Aye sir ::Increases distance from anomaly:: TKAR -> <CSEC><XO>yellow alert sir? Cmdr JFarrington -> <XO> <all> HOnestly, you'd think this was an NDak academy. ::chuckles::: Caaga -> <CMO> <XO> All due respect, sir, but we can't be certain that this thing knows we're not a threat. Pace -> <HOPS> ::Laughs:: Cmdr JFarrington -> <XO> <TAC> Ah. Well, then. Hail them. Cmdr JFarrington -> <XO> <CMO> True, but it's shown no signs of threat, has it? Trillian -> <TAC><XO> yes sir the blob or the moon Cmdr JFarrington -> <XO> <TAC> Let's try the moon since the blob didn't respond before. Pace -> <HOPS> <ALL> Well, I don't think the blob is much of a talker Cmdr JFarrington -> <XO> ::chuckle:: <HOPS> Indeed. Caaga -> <CMO> ::Drops the issue for now, but does look as though she has a foul taste in her mouth.:: Pace -> <HOPS> ::Hopes that sensors have been calibrated correctly and that we're not chasing space juck:: Cmdr JFarrington -> <XO> ::Notes the doctor's look, figures she's action-shy from somewhere::: TKAR -> <CSEC><XO><CMO>sirs maybe the blob is some kind of bio lifeform ship of some unknown species? Trillian -> <TAC> ::hails the moon:: sir the rpersenative wants to talk to you Cmdr JFarrington -> <XO> <TAC> Onscreen. Trillian -> ::puts the rep onscreen Grom -> <AMO> ::watching the banter around the bridge:: Cmdr JFarrington -> <XO> ::stands:: This is Commander Farrington of the Federation Starship Goldstein. Greetings. Pace -> <HOPS> ::Continues following the blob at a safe distance:: Cmdr JFarrington -> Moon Peeps> +XO+ Well, hello there. I see you've found our satellite! Pace -> <HOPS> ::Looks up at the screen to see the rather ugly representative:: Cmdr JFarrington -> <XO> ::blinks, looks around:: Trillian -> ::looks up at the screen:: Pace -> <HOPS> ::Shakes head:: ...i knew it... TKAR -> <CSEC>::checks with security teams any updates then starts watching the screen:: Caaga -> <CMO> ::Seems a little disappointed. She was half hoping her non organic brain theory would prove true.:: Trillian -> <TAC><XO> sir im picking up a large amount of plasma on the moon Cmdr JFarrington -> <XO> +Moon Peeps+ Satellite? ::glances around the bridge::: Grom -> <AMO> ::sees the representative bears striking resemblence to peeps on earth:: Cmdr JFarrington -> <XO> <TAC> Noted. Grom -> <AMO> ::of the mashmellow variety:: Pace -> <HOPS> ::Laughs at the telepathic message recieved from Grom:: Cmdr JFarrington -> Moon Peeps> +XO+ Yes. You see, we've been experimenting with a non-organic brain communication system and it seemed to get a ::giggle:: Mind of its own, dontchaknow. Cmdr JFarrington -> <XO> ::deep sigh, looking at the CMO:: Caaga -> <CMO> ::Suddenly grinning for no apparent reason:: Pace -> <HOPS> Well, they could of put a sign on it at least... Caaga -> <CMO> ::Catches the XO's eye and coughs:: <XO> It was a lucky guess, sir. Anyone could have done it. Trillian -> <TAC><XO> sir the plasma's heat just spike 45% Cmdr JFarrington -> Moon Peeps> +XO+ Well, thanks for bringing it back. Hope to see you next time you're through. ::comm cuts out::: Pace -> <HOPS> <XO> Shall I break off pursuit? Cmdr JFarrington -> <XO> <HOPS> YEs. Pace -> <HOPS> ::Brings the ship about, and cuts engines to a slow crawl Trillian -> <TAC><XO> sir im showing sign of them targeting us Grom -> <AMO> <CMO> Well, that could've ended a lot worse. TKAR -> <CSEC>::walks to the co::Wispers green alert sir,my i send an honor guard to them:: Caaga -> <CMO> Looks at <TAC>, alarmed. Cmdr JFarrington -> <XO> <TAC> Noted. <HOPS> Take us back to our original position. Cmdr JFarrington -> And.. Cmdr JFarrington -> =/\==/\=PAUSE SIM=/\==/\= Cmdr JFarrington -> My my my.... Cmdr JFarrington -> Love the pose, Grom. Cmdr JFarrington -> Well, we were doing well until everyone got paranoid. Grom -> Why thank you. Cmdr JFarrington -> Hold on a minute whilst I confer with someone... Caaga -> The most enjoyable sim I've had yet. Grom -> Call it the NDak reflex. TKAR -> thank you but i did wanted to get hit by peeps Pace -> ha ha TKAR -> fun sim Pace -> yeah, it was lots of fun Trillian -> lots of fun Cmdr JFarrington -> Well, the general consensus is that everyone did well - despite the NDak Syndrome. Cmdr JFarrington -> I'm going to hold off on anything else for the evening. Great work all. Thanks for coming. Cmdr JFarrington -> Crew *dismiss*
  24. It's gettin' deep, folks. Gear up. ::pulls on her hip-boots:::
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