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Cmdr JFarrington

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Everything posted by Cmdr JFarrington

  1. Mission Update for 9.7.2009 Upon reaching Oppo the Manticore confirms no lifesigns on the planet. The away team sent to investigate comes under fire from 3 meter tall humanoid robots. First they fire on the team and then they stop shooting and just capture them all. In orbit, after destroying sensor-jamming satellites, the Manticore receives a partial message from LtCmdr Kenickie before her lifesign disappears along with those of the rest of the team. Again, Manticore can detect no lifesigns on the planet. The senior staff doesn't know if the landing party is dead or captured and hidden from sensors. It is NOT a festive mood around the conference room. TBS is one hour.
  2. BACKGROUND: The Intrepid-class starship Sojourner has responded to a distress call from the SS Innsmouth, a deuterium freighter. The Innsmouth is drifting, leaking plasma, and venting some internal atmosphere. All those on board seem to be injured or otherwise unconscious. An away team consisting largely of science and security personnel has beamed over to the damaged ship. MISSION BRIEFING: All players are members of an away team that has beamed over to the damaged freighter. Due to the unstable nature of the ship, all team members are wearing EVA suits. For those here last week, this builds on our previous storyline, with a brief rewind. Game Master (GM) - STSF Sorehl Game Master (GM) - Cmdr JFarrington Mission Commanding Officer (MCO) - STSF Sorehl Mission Executive Officer (MXO) - STSF Scooter Helm (Helm) - jay Tactical/Operations Officer (TacO) - Lisanna Chief Science Officer (CSCI) - Princess T'lak Assistant Science Officer (ASCI) - Joker Morgan Assistant Science Officer (ASCI) - TKAR Chief Security Officer (CSEC) - Alyce Assistant Security Officer (ASEC) - Cmdr JFarrington Assistant Security Officer (ASEC) - Terry Riker STSF Sorehl -> =/\= =/\= BEGIN CLASSROOM SESSION =/\= =/\= STSF Sorehl -> =/\= =/\= BEGIN CLASSROOM SESSION =/\= =/\= STSF Sorehl -> :::approaches the front near the podium::: TKAR -> ::Nods to SOREHI STSF Sorehl -> Good evening, visitors, cadets. jay -> Good evening sir. TKAR -> ::nods:: STSF Sorehl -> Tonight's focus is on the subject of introducting subplots, or rather "How much Am I Supposed To Make Up?" Lisanna -> :: chuckles :: Joker Morgan -> ::dances due to his improvement:: STSF Sorehl -> Since this can change due to circumstances of host team, storyline, and location (Academy or Adv Sim)... Joker Morgan -> Whoever said a night of drinking and 20 minutes of pre-class crunching doesn't work? Lisanna -> :: does not become violently ill during the classroom session, because even though it would be most unpleasant for me it would still disrupt the flow for others :: STSF Sorehl -> ...it is important to gauge when and how much room a host gives players to invent plot points or details in a particular story. STSF Sorehl -> To whit, a question: Who is the ultimate arbiter of plot points during a sim? TKAR -> ::raises hand:: STSF Sorehl -> TKAR? STSF Sorehl -> While TKAR answers that, let me ask a follow-up: What circumstances are likely to affect how much room a player has to invent plot points or details during a story? STSF_Scooter -> ::raises hand:: STSF Sorehl -> Scooter? Joker Morgan -> ::raises hand:: STSF_Scooter -> How much leeway was given in the mission brief, and what kind of hosting style the Host team has STSF_Scooter -> Whether it be rigidly scripted, free-form, or "Coose your own fate" STSF Sorehl -> Then Joker. << Go ahead and type and then hit ENTER when I call on you, Joker >> STSF_Scooter -> *Choose STSF Sorehl -> Thanks, Scooter. Two very key points. STSF Sorehl -> The MISSION BRIEF will often hint whether the particular story is scripted and detailed, or more free-form. TKAR -> sir,it is the staff member of the group,but what happens if you are not used to the post that you are assigned to and thinking of transferring out to a different post or some kind of subplot the capt hates your race for example/ STSF Sorehl -> But whatever the MISSION BRIEF does say, players should be sure to note it. If the Brief says we're near the Cardassian border, don't invent details about scans of the Romulan Neutral Zone. Joker Morgan -> It's the role of the Instructor to make world changes, however it's the role of the player to interact to his or her environment. STSF Sorehl -> Well, TKAR, you're right. The hosts run the plotline. The other questions are a bit off topic. Perhaps after Academy? STSF Sorehl -> To a point, Joker. TKAR -> ::Good point sir:: Alyce -> <<back>> STSF_Scooter -> ::raises hand:: STSF Sorehl -> Most hosts will frown on players inventing a heart attack for themselves, or knocking themselves out, or non-Starfleet behavior. STSF Sorehl -> And have the right to undo them via ACTION statements, ie. ACTION: There is no plasma leak. TKAR -> ::makes more notes about it:: Alyce -> ::furiously writes notes to catch up:: STSF Sorehl -> Why? Because it may pull people off the REAL storyline, which in an Academy in particular, is usually designed to reach some goal or test some ability. STSF Sorehl -> The CMO should not go off on a dinner date when the host ACTIONs that a medical crisis has arisen, for example. Cmdr JFarrington -> <bummer> STSF_Scooter -> ::raises an eyebrow:: Alyce -> <<lol>> STSF Sorehl -> Scooter hit on one other point. TKAR -> ::makes note on that subject:: Lisanna -> :: chuckles again :: Joker Morgan -> Keep it Simple Stupid... STSF Sorehl -> It does depend on the individual host team's style. So, here's a follow up: As a player, how can I tell if this host or this story will allow me to add a detail or create a minor subplot? Joker Morgan -> Sim within your own life but don't make it ridiculous STSF Sorehl -> Good guideline. jay -> ::raises hand:: STSF Sorehl -> Jay? jay -> I understand if a player has an idea that they wish to "interject", they should PM the host for permission. Is that correct? STSF Sorehl -> Generally, correct. Although a host may broadcast early on that they're open to ideas, but in my experience, it's best to PM or ask gentle prodding questions onscreen. STSF_Scooter -> ::nods:: STSF Sorehl -> For example, if the host gives a vague ACTION like "The ship approaches a class-M world", how does a player (at CSCI or OPS) know whether they're supposed to name it, say how many planets it has, or describe the inhabitants? STSF_Scooter -> Ask. TKAR -> ::still writting notes:: STSF Sorehl -> Should they just go ahead and do it, and live with the consequences? Or are there ways to "Ask" as Scooter notes? jay -> ::writes notes:: Cmdr JFarrington -> ::handraise::: STSF Sorehl -> Jami? Cmdr JFarrington -> Depending on how well I know the host, I might just go ahead and do it. Otherwise I would ask in PM. Cmdr JFarrington -> As to "how well I know"... Cmdr JFarrington -> Means "how well I know the host's simming style" STSF_Scooter -> ::notes Jami's comments:: STSF Sorehl -> Both good options. Also, one could prompt for more clues or ACTIONs with a simple "Begins scanning the system" or ask for permission to start naming stuff via << What do I see? >> STSF Sorehl -> Adv Sims will often offer more leeway on plot developments, but in that case, you'll already have some relationship with the host team and should be checking such things via e-mail or log. STSF Sorehl -> In the Acad, pay attention to the prompts and the host reaction, and follow accordingly. STSF_Scooter -> ::raises hand:: jay -> ::nods:: STSF Sorehl -> Scooter? TKAR -> ::still making notes:: STSF_Scooter -> Just one thing on teh Advanced sims, Sorehl- Even though you have a relationship with the host team, if it still sounds flaky, ask. You can never go wrong by asking STSF Sorehl -> Agreed. STSF Sorehl -> And remember, the Academies are designed to make sure you have the skills and demonstrate an ability to work with other players in an Adv Sim setting. A player who doesn't follow host directions is far less likely to graduate, even after repeated showings. STSF Sorehl -> Because even the hosts want to play alongside people they can work with, especially on a regular basis. STSF Sorehl -> Rather than constantly spend their sim time reigning in unapproved plot tangents. jay -> ::nods:: Cmdr JFarrington -> ::handraise::: STSF Sorehl -> Jami, you had a comment? Cmdr JFarrington -> Just a thought...our basic standard for graduation... Cmdr JFarrington -> "Would you want to have this person on your ship?" Cmdr JFarrington -> That's the bottom line. STSF Sorehl -> Very true. STSF Sorehl -> And with that, let me step aside to allow Jami to post the roster. STSF Sorehl -> :::steps aside::: Cmdr JFarrington -> ::steps up, all geared up for the acad::: Cmdr JFarrington -> =/\==/\= STSF ACADEMY =/\==/\= Cmdr JFarrington -> =/\==/\= 9/8/2009=/\==/\= Cmdr JFarrington -> Game Master (GM) - STSF Sorehl Cmdr JFarrington -> . Cmdr JFarrington -> Game Master (GM) - Cmdr JFarrington Cmdr JFarrington -> Mission Commanding Officer (MCO) - STSF Sorehl Cmdr JFarrington -> Mission Executive Officer (MXO) - STSF Scooter Cmdr JFarrington -> Helm (Helm) - jay TKAR -> ::watches,ready to go:: Cmdr JFarrington -> . Cmdr JFarrington -> Tactical/Operations Officer (TAC/OPS) - Lisanna Cmdr JFarrington -> Chief Science Officer (CSCI) - Princess T'lak Cmdr JFarrington -> Assistant Science Officer (ASCI) - Joker Morgan Cmdr JFarrington -> . Cmdr JFarrington -> Assistant Science Officer (ASCI) - TKAR Cmdr JFarrington -> Chief Security Officer (CSEC) - Alyce Cmdr JFarrington -> . Cmdr JFarrington -> . Cmdr JFarrington -> Random Cadet - Cmdr JFarrington Cmdr JFarrington -> . Cmdr JFarrington -> If you are not on the roster and wish to have a post, please send me one PM now. Cmdr JFarrington -> =/\==/\=END ROSTER=/\==/\= Cmdr JFarrington -> =/\==/\=END ROSTER=/\==/\= STSF Sorehl -> Thanks, Jami. Cmdr JFarrington -> ::bounces off::: STSF Sorehl -> :::gestures to the holodeck doors as they open::: Places, everyone. Alyce -> lol random cadet STSF Sorehl -> BACKGROUND: The Intrepid-class starship Sojourner has responded to a distress call from the SS Innsmouth, a deuterium freighter. The Innsmouth is drifting, leaking plasma, and venting some internal atmosphere. All those onboard seem to be injured or otherwise unconscious. An away team consisting largely of medical and security personnel has beamed over to the damaged ship. jay -> <<lol>> Cmdr JFarrington -> ::enters the holodeck with the rest::: Joker Morgan -> ::is blinded by Princess T'Lak's Science:: Princess T'lak -> <<lol> STSF Sorehl -> Ahem, make that SCIENCE and security personnel. STSF Sorehl -> MISSION BRIEFING: All players are members of an away team that has beamed over to the damaged freighter. Due to the unstable nature of the ship, all team members are wearing EVA suits. STSF Sorehl -> For those here last week, this builds on our previousl storyline, with a brief rewind. STSF Sorehl -> =/\= =/\= BEGIN SIM =/\= =/\= STSF Sorehl -> =/\= =/\= BEGIN SIM =/\= =/\= Alyce -> <<are we already there?>> Princess T'lak -> <CSI>::Waddles around in the EVA suit:: I'll never get used to these things... STSF_Scooter -> XO> ::standing near a jefferies tube:: STSF Sorehl -> ACTION: The away team, suited in EVA suits, has already beamed to the cramped corridors of the damaged ship. Joker Morgan -> @<ASCI1> ::scans and tries to make sense of damaged consoles:: Lisanna -> <TacO> :: monitoring the situation from her console on the bridge :: Alyce -> <CSEC> ::walks around in EVA suit:: STSF Sorehl -> << Note: Since you're all on the AT, no need for @. I'll adopt @ for actions occuring back on the Sojourner. >> Joker Morgan -> <<roger dodger>> STSF_Scooter -> ((Ha, Lis!)) TKAR -> ::<ASCI2>::Still scanning,trying to download from a console:: STSF Sorehl -> ACTION: The corridor is filled with bodies in various states of injury. Princess T'lak -> <CSCI>::Noisily breathes while scanning the ship's systems:: Cmdr JFarrington -> <ASEC> ::walking all awkward in her EVA through the ship::: STSF_Scooter -> XO> CSEC> Alyce, I'm going to check out the bridge, see if I can't access the ship's log. Joker Morgan -> <ASCI1> <CSI> Ma'am The Consoles are really damaged I don't know if I can get anything out of them anymore :/ STSF_Scooter -> XO> CSEC> You'll be in charge until I get back. jay -> <helm>::trying to access the ships flight logs:: STSF Sorehl -> ACTION: The ship's propulsion is down, but life support is working. There are 70 life forms aboard, a few less than there were when the Sojourner arrived. Joker Morgan -> <ASCI1> ::continues to dilligently work onthe console. Joker Morgan -> :: Alyce -> <CSEC> XO> Alright, sir. I try to hold down the fort. Cmdr JFarrington -> <ASEC> ::hearing XO, glances to CSEC::: STSF Sorehl -> ACTION: Computer systems appear to be without power, although there's no appearance of damage. STSF_Scooter -> XO> CSEC> And try to have the Sojourner start beaming out the injured for Doctor Kevorkian. Princess T'lak -> <CSCI><To noone in particular> Now i know how a sardine feels... STSF Sorehl -> << Whoa. Apparantly there'll be no backlog in sickbay... >> Alyce -> <CSEC> XO> On it. STSF_Scooter -> ((Heh)) Cmdr JFarrington -> <ASEC> ::trips over the remains of a body::urp::: STSF_Scooter -> XO> ::starts climbing up the tube:: Alyce -> <CSEC> :;turns to ASEC:: Lets tag the injured. Joker Morgan -> <ASCI1> ::Continues to scan air:: <All> If we could only give this can some power I could get Life Support Running again! STSF Sorehl -> ACTION: Scans show the forward sections of the ship have been compromised. Bulkheads have lowered and there's no atmosphere on the bridge. Lisanna -> <TOps> :: scanning every millimeter of the way as she progresses through the ship, searching :: Cmdr JFarrington -> <ASEC> ::deer in the headlights look:: +CSEC+ Yes, sir. ::unseasoned cadet and all:: With these beamout tags? STSF_Scooter -> XO> ::climb, climb climb:: Princess T'lak -> <lol> STSF Sorehl -> ACTION: The Jeffries tubes end suddenly with a large forbidding looking bulkhead lowered. STSF_Scooter -> (( ::would give a snarky answer to Jami's question:: )) jay -> <helm>::attempts to attach a portable power supply to the console he's working on to try to restore power to it:: STSF_Scooter -> XO> So much for the bridge... Princess T'lak -> <CSCI>::starts sifting through metal and debris:: Alyce -> <CSEC> ASEC> That's what we do use, cadet. ::gives a half smile:: And I'll get ahold of the ship to beam them up. STSF Sorehl -> ACTION: The use of a portable power supply brings up the console immediately near the beam-in point. Cmdr JFarrington -> <ASEC> ::turning one over in her hands::: +CSEC+ Aye, Sir. STSF_Scooter -> XO> ::hooks an arm and leg around the ladder to dangle:: Now...if I were an aux control center, where would I be. Joker Morgan -> <ASCI1>::Continues Scanning Air:: STSF Sorehl -> ACTION: The undamaged portions of the ship still seem to be holding air and exerting gravity. jay -> <<is that the one I'm at?>> STSF Sorehl -> << Yep, Jay >> Cmdr JFarrington -> <ASEC> ::begins to find the ones still breathing or whatever and tags them for beamout::: Alyce -> <CSEC> +HOPS+ We have some injured down here and we need to beam up directly into sickbay. STSF_Scooter -> XO> ::climbs down a few levels, and starts crawling through another JT:: Princess T'lak -> <CSCI>::scans metal fragments in the debris:: STSF Sorehl -> +ALYCE+ This is the captain. Acknowledged. Lowering shields to begin site to site beaming. Alyce -> <CSEC> +CO+ Copy that. jay -> <helm>::attempts to retrieve systems damage report:: STSF_Scooter -> XO> ::crawl, crawl, crawl, crawl:: STSF Sorehl -> ACTION: Tagged patients deshimmer in the familiar transporter effect. Cmdr JFarrington -> <ASEC> ::step, tag...step, check, tag:::: STSF Sorehl -> ACTION: The powered console shows a map of the ship and indicates damaged locations. Cmdr JFarrington -> <ASEC> ::step...check...moves on:::: Alyce -> <CSEC> ::turns to where ASEC is tagging injured:: How many of them do you think there are? ::starts tagging injured herself:: STSF_Scooter -> XO> (m) I feel like Thesus... TKAR -> ::ASCI2::finds a strange writting on the console ::+<CSC1>sir , i found some strange writtings on one of the consoles sending the data to you now> Princess T'lak -> <CSCI>::goes over to the partially damaged yet working console:: STSF Sorehl -> ACTION: The XO finds the Jeffries tube opens into an auxilliary control center. Cmdr JFarrington -> <ASEC> <CSEC> NOt too many left alive it looks like, Sir. Joker Morgan -> <ASCI1> <CSCI> ::Scans T'lak:: A LIFE FORM... Oh it's just you. Princess T'lak -> <CSCI><ASCI2>Acknowledged STSF_Scooter -> XO> ::...and tumbles into the minotaur's lair...:: Princess T'lak -> <CSCI>::lets out a big belly laugh:: STSF_Scooter -> XO> Ok... I'm here. Now, what's working? TKAR -> :<ASCI2>::sends data to her tricorder:: Joker Morgan -> <ASCI1> ::winks at CSCI> STSF_Scooter -> XO> ::heads for the obvious nearest console:: STSF Sorehl -> ACTION: Ship status remains unchanged. Life support is working in undamaged areas. Propulsion is down. Power is available, but undistributed. jay -> <helm><XO>::sends information to tricorder and taps comm badge:: sir, I was able to get a readout of the ships damage. Joker Morgan -> <ASCI1> ::Scans area with life support on full:: Joker Morgan -> <ASCI1> <all> I found a breathable area, however I would keep the EVO Suits on just in case, eh? Alyce -> <CSEC> ASEC> ::grunts:: well, at least we can save what's left of them. Cmdr JFarrington -> ROSTER UPDATE - ASEC2- Terry Riker STSF Sorehl -> ACTION: There is a crunching sound near the initial beam-in point, loud enough to be heard through the helmets. STSF_Scooter -> XO> -=HELM=- Very good, Mr Jay. Forward that information to our Chief Alyce, so she can find the injured, and our engineering team... STSF_Scooter -> ((Crunching sound? *) )) Princess T'lak -> <CSCI>::turns head:: What was that??(in an alarmed voice) jay -> <helm><XO> Aie sir. Joker Morgan -> <ASCI1>::Startled looks over his shoulder:: Joker Morgan -> <ASCI1> What the devil was that! STSF Sorehl -> ACTION: The corridor near the away team ends in a junction, and the sound is coming from a side corridor. jay -> <helm>::jumps about 5 feet and spins around STSF_Scooter -> ((hmm...Face-hugger?)) Princess T'lak -> <CSCI>::Picks up some debris and throws it toward the sound:: Joker Morgan -> ((The Cat from Red Dwarf?)) STSF_Scooter -> XO> ::trying to kick-start the console she's at:: Alyce -> <CSEC> ::looks towards sound, naturally putting hand on phaser:: Lisanna -> (( gotta head out, sorry guys, have fun! )) Terry Riker -> <ASEC2>::Crawling around the corridor scanning for survivors:: Alyce -> <CSEC> ASEC2> Terry! ::whispers furiously and nods towards sound, inching forward:: jay -> <helm><CSEC> Chief, I'm sending you a readout of the ships damaged areas and systems. STSF Sorehl -> ACTION: The crunching sound persists. TKAR -> <ASCI2>::still scanning <<:)>><CSCI>sir,i,m getting some life form near you do you need my help? Terry Riker -> <ASEC2><CSEC>::Looks to where alyce is nodding:: Alyce -> <CSEC> HELM> Thank you, Jay. STSF Sorehl -> ACTION: There are no additional life signs detected, although the number of existing ones is getting smaller. jay -> <helm>::tries to bring up internal sensors:: Terry Riker -> <ASEC2>::Inches forward and nods back to alyce:: STSF Sorehl -> ACTION: The freighter has very limited internal sensors, mostly showing the location of personnel. Princess T'lak -> <CSCI><ASCI2> I could use the help... jay -> <<can I see where the injured are?>> STSF Sorehl -> ACTION: The crunching sound stops. Cmdr JFarrington -> <ASEC> ::freaked out by the crunching sound, pulls her phaser and stops tagging, watching the CSEC for direction::: STSF_Scooter -> XO> ::moves to another terminal, and tries power it up:: Princess T'lak -> <CSCI>::turns around again:: STSF Sorehl -> ACTION: The location tags are consistent with the tricorder scans showing injured personnel. Joker Morgan -> <ASCI1> ::Moves on and begins to try to work some of the wall consoles:: Terry Riker -> <ASEC2>:: Draws phaser and sets it to max stun:: jay -> <<ah>> TKAR -> <ASCI2>+<CSCI>sir,send me your location i will get there as fast as possible? Alyce -> <CSEC> ::pulls out phaser and nods for ASEC1 to do also:: STSF Sorehl -> ACTION: A spherical mass of tentacles rolls its way into the junction behind the away team, then stops. STSF Sorehl -> ACTION: Terminals in the control area seems to be powered and working, although power is not being fully distributed through the ship. Princess T'lak -> <CSCI><ASCI@2>Roger that.::sends coordinates: Terry Riker -> <ASEC2><CSEC>::Tags the comm button::Cheif should i go forward? Princess T'lak -> <CSCI>::doesn't notice the tentacles:: jay -> <helm>::moves onto try to - freezes mid press as he feels something behind him:: STSF Sorehl -> ACTION: The roiling mass of tentacles appears to have stopped on top of one of the injured freighter crew. STSF_Scooter -> XO> Let see... I'm no engineer, but... Joker Morgan -> <ASCI1> ::Hasn't noticed anything unusual.... yet:: TKAR -> <ASCI2>::starts walking faster,phaser on stun:: Alyce -> <CSEC> ::sees tentacles:: ASEC2> No, we don't know what that is... Cmdr JFarrington -> <ASEC> ::hearing Terry, stops and turns to look behind her then spies the mass::: <CSEC> uh oh... STSF Sorehl -> ACTION: The crunching sound resumes, somewhat louder. STSF_Scooter -> XO> ::tries altering the power distribution throughout the ship...:: Alyce -> <CSEC> +CSCI+ What is that? Joker Morgan -> <ASCI1>:: Thinks to himself... what is that crunching sound:: Terry Riker -> <ASEC><CSEC>Cheif it is over the crewman Cmdr JFarrington -> <ASEC> ::hard swallow, holding down her lunch:: <CSEC> That must be responsible for the goo on the deck. STSF Sorehl -> ACTION: From the auxiliary control room, it appears sections where power is routed have been damaged. Joker Morgan -> <ASCI1> ::Follows sounds:: Princess T'lak -> <CSCI>:;hears the crunsh but doesn't turn around::+CSEC+ i dunno... what does it look like... Alyce -> <CSEC> ASECs> Is it... eating the crewman? jay -> <helm>::after regaining his nerves, tries to regain life support where he can:: Cmdr JFarrington -> <ASEC> <CSEC> Uh..looks like it, sir. Cmdr JFarrington -> <ASEC> ::grossed out::: Terry Riker -> <ASEC2><CSEC>I don't know but i think we should try and stop it STSF Sorehl -> ACTION: The body under the tentacles is spasming and moving as the crunching resumes. As the Away Team watches, a leg seems to disappear into the mass. Terry Riker -> <ASEC2>::Aims phaser at the mass:: STSF_Scooter -> ((Hors d'ourves!)) Cmdr JFarrington -> <ASEC> ::must..not..lose...control:::: Alyce -> <CSEC> :;shivers:: +CSCI+ It looks... octopus like... almost. Princess T'lak -> <CSCI>::turns around jut as the leg disappears and faints::<Thud> Cmdr JFarrington -> <ASEC> <CSEC> Permission to fire? Alyce -> <CSEC> ASECs> Don't fire. STSF Sorehl -> +ALYCE+ We've beamed over everyone that's been tagged. What's the holdup? We're still reading more than sixty people over there. Cmdr JFarrington -> <ASEC> ::holds her fire::: TKAR -> <ASCI2>::finds them sees whats going on::+<CSCI>sir,i saw that should we fire or try to communicate with it? Terry Riker -> <ASEC2><CSEC>Cheif what do we do? STSF_Scooter -> XO> ::kicks the terminal...:: Alright, let's see how intact the databanks are... jay -> <helm>::continues working on restoring life support:: STSF Sorehl -> ACTION: Life support remains viable in all undamaged areas of the ship. STSF_Scooter -> XO> ::tries accessing the ship's log:: Alyce -> <CSEC> +XO+ Sir, we've found something... it has tentacles sir. jay -> <helm>::checks status of emergency forcefields:: Cmdr JFarrington -> <ASEC> ::aside:: And it's eating one of the bodies.... STSF Sorehl -> ACTION: The ship's log is blank beyond the distress call send to Sojourner, but sensors show it was interrupted by some kind od subspace anomaly impact. Terry Riker -> <ASEC2><CSEC>Cheif it is eating the crewman. Can we shoot it? STSF_Scooter -> ((How odd)) STSF_Scooter -> XO> -=CSEC=- Say again, tentacles? Cmdr JFarrington -> <did you catch Alyce's last?> STSF Sorehl -> ACTION: The crunching sounds stop. Cmdr JFarrington -> <nm> Alyce -> <CSEC> ASECs> We can't risk getting it's attention. If it's eating that crewman then it may come for us. STSF Sorehl -> ACTION: The tentacles mass rolls off down the side corridor, out of sight of the Away Team. Joker Morgan -> <ASCI1> ::Stops walking towards crunching:: Princess T'lak -> <CSCI>::still unconcious:: Joker Morgan -> <ASCI1> <all> Anyone know what that noise was? Alyce -> <CSEC> +XO+ Yes, sir, tentacles... And it's getting away! Cmdr JFarrington -> <ASEC> <ASci1> Yeah, it's eating a body. Terry Riker -> <ASEC2>::Creeps over to the body and checks for life:: Alyce -> <CSEC> ::takes off after the mass of tentacles yelling back for the ASECs to follow:: STSF Sorehl -> ACTION: The crunching sound resumes, down the corridor the tentacled mass just rolled down. Joker Morgan -> <ASCI1> <ASEC> What is earing a body? Cmdr JFarrington -> <ASEC> ::making a crocodile motion with her hand:: <ASci> You know..crunch crunch? STSF_Scooter -> XO> -=CSEC=- Everyone back to the beam in point, now. STSF Sorehl -> ACTION: Where a body previously existed, there is only a large oily smear and small chunks of "debris". TKAR -> <ASCI2>::goes to CSCI,scanning for the lifeform::<CSCI>sir,are you allright? Cmdr JFarrington -> <ASEC> <ASCI> ::points:: That thing. Terry Riker -> <ASEC2>::Runs after the ASEC:: Princess T'lak -> <CSCI>::blinks:: Tell me i didn';t just see that.... Alyce -> <CSEC> +XO+ Ugh, copy that. STSF Sorehl -> ACTION: The tentacled object does not register on scans as a lifeform. STSF_Scooter -> XO> ::leaves the aux control room, and starts crawling quickly back to the beam in point:: jay -> <helm>+XO+ already here sir Alyce -> <CSEC> ::turns to see ASEC2 coming down the corridor:: Let's head back STSF Sorehl -> ACTION: Reaching the corridor junction, the CSEC nearly slips and falls on the fluids steamed across the deckplate. Cmdr JFarrington -> <ASEC> ::hoping one of the scientists will tell us something about this::: Joker Morgan -> <ASCI1>::Looks:: Holy smokes what is that hideous thing!? Princess T'lak -> <CSCI>::slowly sits up:: STSF Sorehl -> Ahem, streamed Terry Riker -> <ASEC2><CSEC>::MAkes a run back to the beam in point:: Alyce -> <CSEC> ::goes back to the rest of away team:: STSF_Scooter -> XO> ::crawl, crawl crawl, crawl:: STSF Sorehl -> ACTION: The freighter makes a hideous lurch, throwing all onboard hard against the bulkheads and consoles. TKAR -> <ASCI2><CSCI>yes, and the tricorder doesn,t register it;can you walk we have to get to the beam down point? Cmdr JFarrington -> <ASEC> ::close to the beamin point already, watching the thingy down the corridor::: jay -> <helm>UH! STSF_Scooter -> XO> ::feels like she's in a bad SciFi/horror movie...and is thrown agains the bulkhead:: STSF_Scooter -> XO> GAH! Cmdr JFarrington -> <ASEC> ::thrown::slips in goo down to the deckplate:::: Terry Riker -> <ASEC2>::Falls against bulkhead:: STSF Sorehl -> +ALYCE+ Repeat... your last transmission... :::loud crackle, groaning metal sound, then signal from Sojourner cuts off::: Alyce -> <CSEC> All> Now, who can tell me what that was? Joker Morgan -> <ASCI1>::Get's Tossed into a bulkhead:: Princess T'lak -> <CSCI><ASCI2> Yeah i can walk.::Gets up and dusts off:: Cmdr JFarrington -> <ASEC> ::glad she has her helmet on so the goo doesn't get slurped into her mouth::: Cmdr JFarrington -> <ASEC> ::rolling to her side, trying to get a footing::: Terry Riker -> <ASEC2>::Shakes head and get's up::<ALL> What just happened Cmdr JFarrington -> <ASEC> ::scrambles for her phaser::: STSF_Scooter -> XO> ::recovers and crawls out of the JT at the beam in point:: STSF Sorehl -> ACTION: Fallen bodies are thrown everywhere, most of the away team gets their faceplates smeared with liquids of one kind or another. Alyce -> <CSEC> +XO+ We're back at the beam point, sir. Terry Riker -> <ASEC2>::Picks up phaser and looks round:: Cmdr JFarrington -> <ASEC> <Terry> Good question. ::wiping her faceplate::: STSF_Scooter -> XO> CSEC> As am I. Princess T'lak -> <CSCI>::starts freaking out:: I can't see, I can't see! Cmdr JFarrington -> <ASEC> ::squint through the goo:: That you, Riker? STSF_Scooter -> XO> -=Sojourner=- Wesley to Sorehl. Alyce -> <CSEC> ::looks at faceplate, not seeing anything but... goo:: Cmdr JFarrington -> <Wesley?> STSF Sorehl -> ACTION: There is no response to hails from the Sojourner. Terry Riker -> <ASEC2><ASEC>::Looks round to Jami:: Yeah its me Joker Morgan -> <ASCI1> <all> This ship is unstable i suggest we get the heck outta here Most Ricki freaken Tick! STSF_Scooter -> ((Audraya "Scooter" Wesley, at your service, Jami)) Cmdr JFarrington -> <ASEC> ::peers close enough for the faceplates to touch:: <ASEC> Oh. Yeah. Sorry. Terry Riker -> <ASEC2><ASEC>::Moves over to jami and helps wipe the face plate:: Cmdr JFarrington -> <Ah....didn't know the full name> TKAR -> <ASCI2>::Smiles::<CSCI>gross,wipes faceplate with a died crewmwmber shirt:: STSF Sorehl -> ACTION: From the distant other end of the corridor, a rolling mass of tentacles appears to be heading toward the team. Alyce -> <CSEC> ::wipes faceplate:: Princess T'lak -> <CSCI>::Smiles::<ASCI2> Hi. Cmdr JFarrington -> <ASEC> <all> INCOMING! ::points behind Terry:::: STSF_Scooter -> XO> ::mutters an oath in Orion...:: Alright...everone into the JT, we're going to the aux control room. Terry Riker -> <ASEC2>::Looks round:: <ALL> I think we have a probelm Alyce -> <CSEC> ::looks towards corridor:: XO> Uh, sir... Tentacles... Princess T'lak -> <CSCI>::turns around slowly::Tell me it isn't coming back... jay -> <helm>+XO+ Sir, I might have an idea. If we could somehow blow a hole in the outer bulkhead, we could suck that thing into space. Our grav boots should keep us from getting sucked out with it. Terry Riker -> <ASEC2><CSEC>Can we fire now? STSF_Scooter -> XO> And looks like we're the main course... STSF Sorehl -> ACTION: It is rolling quickly, almost to where the team is lined up to enter the Jeffries Tube. Cmdr JFarrington -> <ASEC> ::hearing the XO, looks for the JT:::: Princess T'lak -> <CSCI>How much worse could this day get... TKAR -> <ASCI2><CSCI>yes,run. STSF_Scooter -> XO> Security> You may fire when ready, Ladies, Gentlemen. Terry Riker -> <ASEC2>::Draws phaser and sets it to max power:: Cmdr JFarrington -> <ASEC> ::standing her ground, fires::::: Alyce -> <CSEC> ::pulls out phaser:: ASECs> you heard the XO. ::grins:: STSF_Scooter -> XO> Everyone else into the tube. ::draws phaser:: STSF Sorehl -> ACTION: Lisanna, the last in line to get into the tube, turns and fires, but it has no effect as the tentacled mass rolls onto her - she screams loudly. Terry Riker -> <ASEC2>::fires phaser:: Alyce -> <CSEC> FIRE! Cmdr JFarrington -> <ASEC> ::in front of the others, between the others and the thingy::: STSF Sorehl -> ACTION: Phaser fire appears ineffective against the creature. STSF Sorehl -> ACTION: Loud crunching sound. Princess T'lak -> <CSCI>::Sets Phaser to the highest setting and screams a battle cry:: ARRRRRRRGGGGGHHHH! Die you filthy maneating whatever you are.... Alyce -> <CSEC> Cease fire! Joker Morgan -> :: Stands with Sec team putting his phaser on max :: STSF_Scooter -> XO> IN TO THE TUBE! GO GO GO! Cmdr JFarrington -> <ASEC> ::backpeddling towards the Jtube:::: STSF Sorehl -> And... Cmdr JFarrington -> <ASEC> ::ceasefire::Into the JT::::: STSF Sorehl -> =/\= =/\= PAUSE SIM =/\= =/\= STSF Sorehl -> =/\= =/\= PAUSE SIM =/\= =/\= Alyce -> <CSEC> XO> Lisanna, sir! Cmdr JFarrington -> Wo0t! I made it! jay -> ::paused:: Terry Riker -> ::Paused:: STSF_Scooter -> >/][ Joker Morgan -> <ASCI1> :: Fires:: GET SOME GET SOME GET SOME Princess T'lak -> l STSF_Scooter -> She's lunch. TKAR -> <ASCI2>we lived STSF Sorehl -> << It doesn't pay to leave early. Just kidding. >> STSF_Scooter -> Regretably Cmdr JFarrington -> Mostly. Princess T'lak -> lol STSF Sorehl -> I wouldn't lay good odds TKAR. Alyce -> ::paused:: ::glad she didnt die in this one:: STSF_Scooter -> Yet, Alyce. Cmdr JFarrington -> ? STSF Sorehl -> Jami? jay -> I was still at the beam in point, in fact I never left. TKAR -> i did a couple of times with everyone else Cmdr JFarrington -> Do we have enough goo on us to slide down the JT to the aux control room? Alyce -> Ah, I knew that was coming Scoot. STSF Sorehl -> Heh, a big goo water slide? jay -> heh Princess T'lak -> lol STSF_Scooter -> Whee! Princess T'lak -> fun Alyce -> MMM fun! STSF Sorehl -> Sadly, the aux room is one deck above. Cmdr JFarrington -> oops Joker Morgan -> ::paused:: Joker Morgan -> Yes this was a good one STSF Sorehl -> Any thoughts on tonight? Questions left from the pre-sim discussion? STSF_Scooter -> Ta ta... ::slips out:: STSF Sorehl -> And Hoodies, feel free to depart as needed. Alyce -> Nada, Sorehl. Princess T'lak -> see ya Princess T'lak -> :;poof of pink fog:: Cmdr JFarrington -> Nothing from me, Skipper. STSF Sorehl -> My only observation: There didn't seem to be a whole lot of rescuing going on. We saw some people tagged and beamed, which was perfect, but the original team pretty much stuck by the initial beam-in point and seemed more concerned about the ship. Alyce -> I gotta go to bed. School early in the morning heh heh ::grins sheepishly:: Joker Morgan -> Who Was med? STSF Sorehl -> Granted, you don't want it blowing up under you. STSF Sorehl -> It makes for a short rescue. TKAR -> how can we improve on this sim TKAR -> ,sir STSF Sorehl -> But there was a lot of time spent asking what damage there was, although this was listed a few times. jay -> I was trying to further stabilize it Cmdr JFarrington -> In actions B) Alyce -> Well, you said a runoff of last week, so I assumed it had more to do with the "creature." STSF Sorehl -> Quite true. I had to bring the creature to the away team this time. STSF Sorehl -> Not a criticism, just an observation. Terry Riker -> night all TKAR -> understood Cmdr JFarrington -> Night, Terry. Alyce -> Ah, sorry about that. No, no constructive criticsm is good :P Cmdr JFarrington -> Good to see you. STSF Sorehl -> But if we wind up continuing this story next week - don't look for an easy beam-out. :::rubs hands together::: Cmdr JFarrington -> Ohhhh... Alyce -> ::grins:: Terry Riker -> Thanks Jami hope to be round a bit more again Cmdr JFarrington -> Has your body been snatched and replaced with NDak? Alyce -> Night Terry! Alyce -> Night all! Cmdr JFarrington -> NIght, Alyce. TKAR -> that means we are doomed goodnight to all jay -> ditto, night all STSF Sorehl -> And with that, Dismissed!
  3. We seem to be experiencing some chat room problems this evening. Please be patient. Both Atragon and Webbie are on top of it and will get the problem fixed as soon as they can. Thanks!
  4. Chat room's back up! Thanks Webbie!
  5. Semper Fi, Marine! Welcome to STSF!
  6. =/\= USS MANTICORE BRIEFING #572, STARDATE 50908.31 =/\= The Federation Council needs us to check out a quiet and gentle planet called Oppo, to see why it has gone completely silent and is no longer registering life signs from long-range sensor sweeps of the sector. Manticore is just entering the Oppo system. Cmdr JFarrington -> ::has finally deciphered the OPS console::: Garnoopy -> ::working on the bridge:: Keb -> ::slowing the ship down as they approach the system:: Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> ::in sickbay somewhere:: Hilee -> ::At the main console in engineering....post completion of their previous assignment:: Turris Morran -> ::sitting in main science, mumbling to himself:: Eva Jaz -> ::in sickbay finishing up a report, trying to avoid running into Jai:: MC_Escher -> ::blinking in the way too bright lights of sickbay, sits up:: Where am I? Cmdr JFarrington -> ::receives a msg from deck 12 - replicator malfunction, "Chocolate does not taste right":::sighs::: LtCmdr Roget -> ::sitting behind her super duper extra top secret intel console Keb -> ::looks up:: Admiral, we're approaching the Oppo system. Cmdr JFarrington -> ::replies, "Deal with it."::: Admiral Atragon-9 -> Drop us out of warp before we get too close, Keb Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> ::eyes Eva narrowly across the bay and then slides into a seat at a console:: Kansas Kenickie -> ;::in the Security office, at her locker:: Cmdr JFarrington -> :msg reply: "You're getting too cocky, Keb"::: McFly -> ::McFly stands at tactical next to Precip looking over scans of the planet:: Keb -> Aye, sir. T'Prise -> ::Begins collecting sensor data of the planet for analysis from the bridge science station.:: Cmdr JFarrington -> ::eyes::replies: "This is Commander Farrington. And you are?":::: Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> ::glances up as Escher moves and then starts back to her feet again:: Escher> Rekkhai... Eva Jaz -> ::turning around hearing Escher :: you're in sickbay commander , everything is alright .... ::approaching the bed :: Cmdr JFarrington -> ::no reply, msg terminates::: Hilee -> ::Monitoring ship systems from the main console:: Admiral Atragon-9 -> Alright, Tactical - I want a full scan and make sure we are cloaked EJ Pilot -> ::in his quarters relaxing before his next shift:: Keb -> ::glances over at Jami:: You've an interesting expression... Cmdr JFarrington -> ::glaring at the console:: I had no idea you put up with such garbage, Keb. Cmdr JFarrington -> ::growl:: Honestly. Keb -> ::gets in as close as is reasonable:: Dropping out of warp, Admiral. ::drops out:: Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> ::sees Eva moving in already and drops slowly back down into her seat, watching the two of them silently:: Keb -> ::looks at Jami quizzically:: What garbage? Is the system choking up again? We should really have engineering look at that... Cmdr JFarrington -> ::checks systems, preparing for system navigation::: Kansas Kenickie -> ::Slams locker shut, holsters phaser:: McFly -> ::looks over at precip; thinking;; guess i'll do it:: checks the cloak and scans the planet MC_Escher -> :looks around, rubs eyes:: How long was I out? Cmdr JFarrington -> ::headshake:: No. Just someone on deck 12 complaining about the chocolate? ::turns to look at her::: precip -> Aye sir......cloaked status green Keb -> ::giggles:: Oh, that. They've been whining about that for approximately 3.5 months. Eva Jaz -> :: bringing up his chart up on her padd before looking at Escher with amusement in her eyes:: long enough to get all that aclohol out of your system... so err 6 hours.. Keb -> I usually just tell them its priority number six on the roster. Don't tell them what roster, of course. Cmdr JFarrington -> Well, I guess it's about time someone cut them off. I have half a mind to curtail their replicator permit. Garnoopy -> ::taps engineering panel:: Cmdr JFarrington -> And apparently they don't read their crew change notices, either. Thought they were talking to you. Keb -> ::laughs:: Cmdr JFarrington -> ::nods:: I'll keep that in mind. McFly -> ::looks over at precip:: i see nothing you? Keb -> ::looks back at her console:: Moving into orbit around Oppo at half impulse, Admiral. Cmdr JFarrington -> ::resets systems to orbital mode::: Hilee -> ::Tapps::+Garn+ Commander all systems are green ...all stations reading nominal sir. Turris Morran -> ::steps over to another console and picks up a vial, holding it up to the light:: Kansas Kenickie -> ::Exits Security:: Hilee -> *stations Garnoopy -> +Hilee+ Thank you. Cmdr JFarrington -> ::running down her check list::: T'Prise -> ::Runs a series of scans on the planet for biological and technological, readings. Raises an eyebrow at the flood of data coming in.:: MC_Escher -> ::looks panicked:: Six hours? ::gets out of the biobed, staggers a little:: What's happened? Cmdr JFarrington -> ::sets the console to monitor mode, giving over to standard depts::: Kansas Kenickie -> ::Steps onto the lift:: Bridge Turris Morran -> ::inserts the vial into the console and takes a seat, bringing up the chemical properties:: Hilee -> ::Monitoring grid activity and allocating resources as needed:: McFly -> tactical shows nothing on the planet... at this point i'm not even sure there is a planet Kansas Kenickie -> ::Steps onto the Bridge, walks over to Tac:: McFly -> ::looks over at KK walking over:: glad to be armed again? Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> Escher> ::from her seat:: We have departed from Risa. Eva Jaz -> :: withholding a chuckle:: We left Risa, while you were out , We're in route for a place called .. ::trying to remember as she was busy evesdropping when the shipwide Comm was made :: Oppo or soemthing that sounds like that , Kansas Kenickie -> Very much.. I would carry an cannon if I could Admiral Atragon-9 -> ::turns to McFly:: What do you mean, Matt? Keb -> ::brings the ship into a steady orbital path:: Stable orbit achieved around planet Oppo. Engines on stablizing thrusters only. Cmdr JFarrington -> ::swivels her ops seat to face tac::: McFly -> i mean i'm not seeing much of anything, a little bit of plant life but that's about it McFly -> rocks are even having a hard time showing up Eva Jaz -> ::turns around to see Jai talking before igoring her and continuing :: I don't see any reason to keep you in here much longer ... :: double checking something in the medical file :: Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> ::nods acknowledgment that Eva has managed to remember the correct name:: Cmdr JFarrington -> ::swivels back, checking the sensor systems::: McFly -> ::looks over at KK:: ...I thought I was your cannon? Kansas Kenickie -> ::Perks up:: (w) we should check it out... with weapons Admiral Atragon-9 -> Matt, how many people are supposed to be down there? Kansas Kenickie -> Aww, sorry. when you can fire balls of fire you can be EJ Pilot -> ::goes to the replicator and orders a glass of prune juice:: Hilee -> ::once in orbit...and stable orbit achieved...places the main warp drive onto operational stand by mode:: T'Prise -> ::Intrigued by the "flood" of data or lack thereof, as the sensors are picking up very little from the planet, its atmosphere, or the surrounding region.:: Eva Jaz -> :: grabbing a little hypo and waving it before injecting Escher :: And *that* should take care of the headache I'm sure you have MC_Escher -> ::blinking at Eva:: So...what are we doing at...Oppo? McFly -> ::emasculated:: according to the last sensor data a couple of billion at least Admiral Atragon-9 -> Billion!!! Keb -> ::makes a few final adjustments to the orbit, and does some final calculations:: Garnoopy -> ::blinks, looking back at McFly:: Admiral Atragon-9 -> ::stands up and does his Kirk stare at the screen:: Keb -> ::glances back at A9, looking concerned:: McFly -> that's what Starfleet’s last sensor readings show, granted they're a little old Eva Jaz -> we were sent to investigate from what I gathered.. entire population has vanished :: puts padd down :: Cmdr JFarrington -> ::sharp turn:: Admiral - sensors are registering at optimal. Eva Jaz -> *what Admiral Atragon-9 -> ::turns back to Tac:: Tactical evaluation. Are there signs of battles down there? Keb -> <w>They have to be somewhere... Cmdr JFarrington -> Any evidence they left? MC_Escher -> That sounds...bad. ::blinks again:: I should probaby get up to science. ::heads to the lift:: Kansas Kenickie -> ::Glances at readings:: McFly -> ::scans:: ...there's definitely craters and signs of explosions Hilee -> ::Observing the routine of the engineering techs. while monitoring stations:: Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> ::glances back at the console she was working on as Escher leaves:: <m> Have an excellent day, rekkhai...say hi to the mad yyaio for me... Eva Jaz -> ::nods in agreement :: it does Admiral Atragon-9 -> Frak! Alright, Mr. McFly, get a team together. I want a scientist and engineer or two, a few doctors and a heavily-armed Security lead. you're in charge Eva Jaz -> :: her back turned to Jai, rolls her eyes at the comment after making sure Escher is not seeing her doing so :: McFly -> sounds like a plan, even if we are going to a barren planet EJ Pilot -> ::finishes his prune juice:: McFly -> ::looks at KK:: want to go shoot... rocks I guess? Admiral Atragon-9 -> I have a feeling you will need your guns down there Kansas Kenickie -> love to Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> ::catches Eva's eyeroll and smirks at her:: Garnoopy -> ::stands:: When do we leave? McFly -> ::thinking;; right evil rocks jumping out of nowhere Admiral Atragon-9 -> ::turns and looks at Garnoopy:: You're staying on the ship, Chief Garnoopy -> ::looks at A9:: Excuse me? Keb -> ::leans back, looking back and forth between Garn and A9:: EJ Pilot -> ::gets a sonic shower and puts on a fresh Uniform:: Admiral Atragon-9 -> What word didn't you understand, Commander? Cmdr JFarrington -> ::keeping her eyes on the OPS console, trying to figure out why nothing is registering::: Garnoopy -> ::grits his teeth:: Hilee -> ::working on shifts eng. report for the Commander:: EJ Pilot -> ::leaves out of his quarters and heads to the TL:: Garnoopy -> Fine. Cmdr JFarrington -> ::painfully aware of the exchange between A9 and Garn, but doing her best to ignore it::: Garnoopy -> Yes sir. Eva Jaz -> :: knowing that she would eventually have to talk to the Romulan , takes a deep breath :: Jai > I didn't get the chance to see you since we got back ... had a *good* time on Risa ? T'Prise -> ::Focused on sensor data analysis at the science station.:: Kansas Kenickie -> ::Single brow lift and the tones on the bridge..:: MC_Escher -> ::in the TL, trying to figure out how he got so drunk, how he got into such a disgusting state, how he could have done something like this as a science officer:: Garnoopy -> +Pilot, Hilee+ Pilot and Hilee, report to Commander McFly for an away mission. Garnoopy -> ::glaring at A9:: Cmdr JFarrington -> T'Prise, are you coming up with anything at all on the science sensors? EJ Pilot -> +Garn+ Aye sir. Kansas Kenickie -> I will get equipment ready below ::nods to McFly, heads to the lift:: Keb -> ::feeling a bit hurt by that glare, since she rather likes both of them a lot:: Hilee -> +Garn+ Aye sir...on my way Eva Jaz -> ::turns her attention back to something else , making a point that she didn't really care about the answer :: McFly -> wait, I’m walking with you Keb -> ::looks back at her console, trying to pretend she didn't see it:: STSF Precip -> Commander McFLy...expect the unexpected down there. LtCmdr Roget -> ::biting the inside of her cheek at the a9/garn exchange:: Turris Morran -> ::nods to himself and removes the vial, placing it back in it's cooled container:: STSF Precip -> Good luck... EJ Pilot -> +McFly+ Commander McFly, where would you like for me to meet you sir? McFly -> Always... ::doors close:: Admiral Atragon-9 -> McFly, you have 15 minutes to get your team ready Hilee -> ::Turns to Lt.Redrum...::Redrum, You have engineering. McFly -> +pilot+ TR1 Garnoopy -> ::turns back to his panel, turning his back to Atragon:: T'Prise -> ::Jami:: The sensor are registering very little in the way of biological data. Aggregate pockets of plant life have been located in diverse regions on the planet's surface, but I am not detecting any carbon based life forms. EJ Pilot -> ::TL:: Re-route TR1.. Kansas Kenickie -> ::Looks at him:: Did I notice a tone on the Bridge? EJ Pilot -> TL> ::comply:: Cmdr JFarrington -> So strange...::trails off:: Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> ::looks up from her console and sighs as Eva opens conversation:: Oh, excellent. Though I would not be surprised if our stay there results in an upsurge in necessitated treatment for unfortunately...interesting diseases for the next several months. Hilee -> ::grabs his gear...and heads for the doors...:: +McFly+ Lt.Cdr. Hilee here sir...where shall I meet the AT sir? Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> ::smirks sardonically:: McFly -> +Escher+ commander, need one of your guys to meet in TR1 for an away mission Keb -> ::looks over at Jami:: We'll find them. McFly -> there's always a tone... but yeah it was stronger this time T'Prise -> ::Jami continued:: I am also finding nothing present on the cellular level, save the aforementioned plant life. Keb -> All two billion, I hope. Cmdr JFarrington -> ::second thought:: You've scanned for possible contaminants that may have made them leave the planet? Desert it for some reason? Hilee -> ::Walking down the corridor heading for the TL:: McFly -> +t'tamarak+ doctor, need one of you to meet in TR1 for an away mission EJ Pilot -> ::steps off of the TL as it stops at TR1's deck, emerges and heads for the TR:: STSF Precip -> Admiral...forgive me for this failure...but I still have not managed to figure out how to beam someone through a cloaking field. We will have to ...make ourselves visable..unless another mode of transport is created. Kansas Kenickie -> ::Exits the lift, heads to the Transporter room:: McFly -> +hilee+ TR1 Cmdr JFarrington -> ::stands, moving towards T'Prise, as the OPS console is pretty much running itself in orbit::: Hilee -> +McFly+ Aye Commander on my way McFly -> <<dang this is a lot of work putting a team together>> Keb -> ::keeps her eye vaguely on both while Jami is up:: T'Prise -> I am readjusting the sensors for additional parameters in order to look for biological or chemical agents. ::taps console:: Hilee -> ::enters the TL...Tr#1:: Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> ::blinks as she is pinged by the comm:: +McFly+ Ah...understood, rekkhai. EJ Pilot -> ::moves into TR1:: Cmdr JFarrington -> ::nods, watching her from a respectful distance, aka not over her shoulder::: Kansas Kenickie -> ::Enters TR1:: EJ Pilot -> ::KK:: Commander Kenickie, how are you this lovely day? Hilee -> ::Exits the TL...and heads down the corridor to TR#1:: Garnoopy -> ::taps a panel:: Garnoopy -> ::annoyed at Atragon:: Admiral Atragon-9 -> Alright, Mitar, work with Jami to get the cloak dropped just as we transport MC_Escher -> +McFly+ I will send T'Prise. Escher out. McFly -> Brutus> ::through telepathy or osmosis, you pick, Brutus is already in the TR ready to kick butt:: Cmdr JFarrington -> ::hearing her name, scoots back to the OPS console::: Hilee -> ::Enters TR#1:: Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> ::stands up to depart for the TR, not sorry to be escaping small talk with Dr. Jaz:: Jolan tru, maenek. MC_Escher -> +T'Prise+ Escher to T'Prise Cmdr JFarrington -> ::picking up the AT signals, locking on and checking for transport information::: Hilee -> ::Looks around spotting EJ and Kansas...nods:: T'Prise -> ::taps commbadge:: +Escher+ T'Prise here. EJ Pilot -> ::Hilee:: Commander. ::grins:: Turris Morran -> ::finds another vial and goes about testing it:: Cmdr JFarrington -> +McFly+ Any particular coordinates you require? McFly -> ::quickly in the armory McFly dress up as Rambo the heads to the TR:: Eva Jaz -> ::relieved at seeing Jai depart ::<m> yea yea Jolan tru EJ Pilot -> ::wondering where McFly is:: Hilee -> ::grins:: Ej/Kansas> Good morning...appears another little jaunt in store. McFly -> ::enters TR:: EJ Pilot -> ::Hilee:: Indeed. Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> ::takes a medical kit and walks into a turbolift, takes it quickly to the TR deck:: Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> ::walks into the TR, looking for someone to match the voice that commed her:: EJ Pilot -> ::looks at McFly:: You fight with lots of honor, sir. McFly -> +jami+ somewhere cool, on the northern side of the continent LtCmdr Roget -> ::gets up from behind the Intel console and gets in the TL, quiet as a mouse) Keb -> ::glances at Garn and then impulsively sends him a quick message to his console:: "What was that all about?" Kansas Kenickie -> ::Sighs and stands on the Pad, waits..:: Cmdr JFarrington -> +McFly+ Copy that. Cool north it is. Cmdr JFarrington -> ::turns to Precip:: Suggestions? Somewhere that had the last evidence of sentient life? McFly -> aw, thanks pilot, so do you EJ Pilot -> ::McFly:: security issued phasers only, sir? McFly -> ::stands on the padd waiting to shimmer:: MC_Escher -> +T'Prise+ Join Commander McFly in Transporter Room 1, you're joining him on the surface. Have fun. Hilee -> McFly> Good morning Commander...just how cool of an environment are we talking? Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> ::looks around at the group arrayed in the TR and then walks up silently onto the TR pad and waits:: McFly -> uh... sure, we'll say they are EJ Pilot -> ::confused look and holsters a phaser and tricorder:: EJ Pilot -> ::steps onto the padd:: Cmdr JFarrington -> ::checking the database for the last known center of civilization::: T'Prise -> +Escher+ Aye, sir. I will reroute the sensor data from the bridge to main science for analysis, T'Prise out. ::Retrieves science tricorder and heads for the TL:: TR1 Hilee -> ::Steps onto the padd...loaded for bear...gear bag in tow:: Garnoopy -> ::ignores Keb's message:: McFly -> ::to Hilee:: I’m hoping someplace with a crisp afternoon breeze and the nights just a wee bit nippy Garnoopy -> ::taps his panel:: Cmdr JFarrington -> +McFly+ I'll put you down in the last known large city center. Ready on your mark. EJ Pilot -> ::sets his phaser for stun and re-holsters:: T'Prise -> ::Enters TR, noting the assembly, steps up onto Pad:: Keb -> ::watches Garn and sighs as she comes to the conclusion that he's not going to tell her...which she could have predicted:: Hilee -> ::Nods:: Mc Fly> Sounds good...just not 6' of snow good I hope::grins:: Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> ::notes the arrival of the recently-healed Vulcan:: Kansas Kenickie -> come on people saddle up, we are going Hilee -> ::rechecking equipment ,and assuring phaser set to stun only:: MC_Escher -> ::arrives in science, looks around, spots Turris:: Hey, what's going on? Cmdr JFarrington -> +McFly+ Temperate. Whenever you're ready, Commander. McFly -> ::sees what should be the last person:: +Jami+ energize commander Hilee -> Mc Fly> Nods:: Ready Commander Cmdr JFarrington -> +McFly+ Dropping cloak. Energizing. Cmdr JFarrington -> ::does so:::: Kansas Kenickie -> ::Shimmers down:: STSF Precip -> ::eyes on scanners if anything else decloaks though he doubts it) EJ Pilot -> ::De-shimmers -> shimmers on surface:: McFly -> ::feels a bit weighted down from all the weapons having been out of the game for a bit:: Admiral Atragon-9 -> <<Landing party, please use @'s>> Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> ::shimmers out and deshimmers with the others:: Hilee -> ::shimmers...and reintegrates on the surface:: Cmdr JFarrington -> ::checking::: Landing party away. Raising cloak. T'Prise -> @::shimmers, rematerializes, tricorder in hand, already taking readings:: EJ Pilot -> @::looking around:: Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> @::takes tricorder from the medical case and activates it, looking around for signs of activity:: Cmdr JFarrington -> ::Precip:: Any sign we were detected by anything? Keb -> Holding in geocentric orbit over their positions. Hilee -> @::Pulls his tricorder out and takes up scanning while looking around:: McFly -> @ ::transports on planet but makes sure the effect is the TNG transport effect and not the stupid on from the "new" movie:: Cmdr JFarrington -> ::A9:: Lock on the team confirmed. STSF Precip -> All scans clear commander. Admiral Atragon-9 -> ACTION: THE IMMEDIATE CITY AREA LOOKS TO BE THE SITE OF A FIERCE BATTLE. BUILDINGS ARE DAMAGED AND POCK-MARKED, STREETS HAVE CRATERS IN THEM Kansas Kenickie -> @ ::Pulls out phaser and glances around:: Cmdr JFarrington -> ::A9:: Would you like an open comm, Admiral? EJ Pilot -> @::pulls out his tricorder and begins scanning, while looking at the post-destructive city:: McFly -> ::looks around pointing phaser:: dang, ghost town T'Prise -> ::Moves to one of the craters, intent on getting a soil sample for materials analysis.:: Eva Jaz -> :: finishes the report she had started before Escher woke up before fetching herself a cup of coffee :: Admiral Atragon-9 -> Jami, I will wait for them to check in EJ Pilot -> @::McFly:: You were ready for battle, sir? McFly -> check any stable buildings for life Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> @::narrows eyes slightly at the buildings around them:: Wherever they are, it looks as if they did not go quietly. Hilee -> @::looking around...taking in the data from the scans...looking over the data and scans from the bldgs. and surrounding area:: LtCmdr Roget -> ::strolls past the TR, pauses, then returns to the bridge:: Cmdr JFarrington -> ::hates having her back to him:: Aye, Sir. Standard procedure. Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> @::to McFly, having IDed him as the leader of the team:: I'm detecting no immediate activity. STSF Precip -> @Commander Farrington...Admiral...at this time we need to make a decision....if you desire an open conn..it would become obvious that someone is in orbit..and give our location away. STSF Precip -> (drop @) McFly -> @ always expect Lt., just don't be disappointed if it doesn't happen Admiral Atragon-9 -> agreed, Mitar. I will wait to hear from them Hilee -> McFly> Well what ever war happened here...substantial damage to support in the majority of the buildings EJ Pilot -> @ ::McFly:: Aye sir... Hilee -> @ Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> @::absently turning herself into a slightly guarded posture:: STSF Precip -> At this time....I see no threats...in the Oppo system. Unless the AT sees something that we have not. EJ Pilot -> @::moves out of the group and begins scanning for any kind of power source besides our own:: T'Prise -> ::Locates crater point of impact and uses small tool to collect a sample, which she attaches to the tricorder.:: Cmdr JFarrington -> ::receiving Precip's analysis::: Kansas Kenickie -> @ ::nods at McFly:: split into groups? McFly -> @ ::scaning craters, burns and debris:: interesting, this didn't happen too long ago Hilee -> @::Setting up for deep structural scans:: Eva Jaz -> :: sitting down , drinking her coffee while wondering whom or what could make a billion people vanish ..:: Kansas Kenickie -> @ ::Looks into a window, doesn't see any peoples:: EJ Pilot -> @::McFly:: I am not detecting a trace of power system as of yet, sir. Keb -> ::watching quietly, trying to not worry:: Kansas Kenickie -> @ ::Sniffs the air:: Garnoopy -> ::taps his panel:: STSF Precip -> ::A9:: We can best support the away team in my opinion...uncloaked. And I do not see a reason why we should remain cloaked at the moment... T'Prise -> ::Trying to determine the chemical makeup of the object that created the crater.:: McFly -> @ that's a good idea, let's split into two groups, one north one south, we'll see if there's anything here worth our time Admiral Atragon-9 -> ACTION: LANDING PARTY GETS SOME PINGS ON THEIR MOTION SENSORS (EVERYONE REMEMBER "ALIENS"?) EJ Pilot -> @::AT:: Tricorder picking up movement... Kansas Kenickie -> ::Doesn't watch Scary Movies, so no::: EJ Pilot -> @::pulls out phaser:: Cmdr JFarrington -> ::A9:: I concur, Admiral. Since there appears to be no one here, it makes sense. Hilee -> @McFly> Well nothing yet on my deep scans...however there may be an edifice at bearing ,...120 degrees relative that appears to be basically sound...notices additional beeping and pinging..switches scans:: McFly -> @ ::looks back at the party:: what was that? T'Prise -> @::Looks up, curious, checks her tricorder.:: Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> @::sees the tricorder ping and spins in the direction of the movement; speaking almost on top of Kansas:: Motion -- there! ::pointing at nothing immediately apparent:: EJ Pilot -> @::looks:: EJ Pilot -> @::in Klingon:: Blank space. Hilee -> @McFly> From the scans...it appears we may have company...I would recommend we stay together ...for now sir Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> @At least according to the tricorder. ::looks annoyed:: McFly -> @Brutus> ::holding a gatling phaser, Brutus walks down the street wishing for a purpose to use it:: Admiral Atragon-9 -> Let's stay cloaked until we hear from the landing party, just to be safe STSF Precip -> ::looks to Garn:: And we can grab them and go to warp 9 in no time at all with our ship. Hilee -> @::Looking ...watching Brutus:: Kansas Kenickie -> @ ::Looks at Jaiysa:: What? McFly -> @ ::follows t'T:: Garnoopy -> ::looks at Precip:: True. Keb -> ::makes a slight adjustment to the orbit:: Eva Jaz -> :: pulling up on the screen her personal work on virus manipulation as nothing else is calling for her immediate attention :: T'Prise -> @ ::Moves out of the crater and begins adjusting settings on the tricorder, trying to find the source of the disturbance, but unsuccessful.:: McFly -> @ You see anything? an animal even? EJ Pilot -> @::watches Brutus with his phaser out just incase, Security or not, this crew is my family and I will protect them by all means necessary:: Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> @Kansas> I detected movement. STSF Precip -> ::still ponders who the heck managed to pack to Warp Cores in one Nebula Spaceframe...a masterpiece:: Cmdr JFarrington -> ::getting antsy, not hearing any reports come in::: Kansas Kenickie -> @ ::Looks around:: I see nothing T'Prise -> @ ::Kansas:: I concur with the doctor's assessment, although I have as of yet been unable to locate the source. Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> @McFly> Not at the moment...it was a momentary signal. EJ Pilot -> @::McFly:: Maybe we should report in, sir. McFly -> @ Brutus> ::quietly to himself:: give me a reason please, pretty please, I promise to make it hurt real bad Admiral Atragon-9 -> ACTION: TAC DETECTS SOME ORBITAL VEHICLES COMING OVER THE PLANET'S HORIZON Hilee -> @::Scanning for any energy signatures...weapons or otherwise:: Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> @Kansas> Then your eyes are still properly functional. Congratulations. EJ Pilot -> @::Hilee:: I am starting to not like this situation. STSF Precip -> Admiral, detecting small orbital vessels approaching us....low orbit..over the horizon. Hilee -> @McFly>Scanning ..nothing so far... Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> @McFly> Perhaps it has moved into one of the buildings? McFly -> @ yeah, probably should Lt. I’m not seeing anything here either Keb -> ::tenses at this news:: EJ Pilot -> @::scans building surrounding them:: T'Prise -> @ ::Quietly stows her soil sample for later examination and tries recalibrating her tricorder again, moving closer to Kansas and t'Tamarak.:: Cmdr JFarrington -> :::frown::: Hilee -> @Ej<> Just another day with the core my friend...::grins:: Keb -> ::quickly plots evasive maneuvers should they be needed:: EJ Pilot -> ::puts his phaser away:: McFly -> @ +Manticore+ away team to Manticore, there is absolutely nothing here, what do you suggest? STSF Precip -> Unknown if they have detected us.... Kansas Kenickie -> @ ::is held back by Brutus when she swings at Jaiysa:: STSF Precip -> ::hears the transmission then looks to OPS then the Admiral:: Cmdr JFarrington -> ::receiving the comm:::: Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> @::jumps back slightly as Kansas lashes out; eyes her coolly:: That was uncalled for. EJ Pilot -> @::looks at KK:: Cmdr JFarrington -> ::A9:: Alert them to the vessels? EJ Pilot -> @::shakes his head:: What could she have possibly done that quickly?? Vilanne -> ::does a great job of avoiding Mele during her shift:: T'Prise -> @::Looks up a Kansas, eyebrow raised.:: Commander? Eva Jaz -> :: trying to concentrate on her work put keeps getting interrupted by the nurses askig her opinion on the latest speculation concerning Oppo:: Admiral Atragon-9 -> Alright, keep the cloak up and let them know we will beam them up when we are clear of detection, if we were to drop the cloak Hilee -> @McFly> Well Commander....::watches at the abrupt movement from Kansas:: McFly -> @ come on guys be good or they won't put me in charge again Kansas Kenickie -> @ Your comments are uncalled for Keb -> ::looking concerned:: Cmdr JFarrington -> +McFly+ Several suborbital vessels approaching your location from the north. We will beam up when they have passed. EJ Pilot -> @ (w) Oh those Romulans comments...can be brutal. Admiral Atragon-9 -> ACTION: FROM DIATNT AND WELL-HIDDEN LOCATIONS, BEAM WEAPONS FIRE AT THE LANDING PARTY FROM TWO SIDES STSF Precip -> Sir...transmitting a signal...while cloak defeat's the purpose of the cloak. Cmdr JFarrington -> +McFly+ Suggest you take cover. Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> ::looks at her for a moment and then turns away, deliberatley going back to her tric data:: STSF Precip -> ::hears OPS and winces..:: EJ Pilot -> @::ducks as he hears fire:: Hilee -> McFly> Incoming...hit the deck...to cover McFly -> @ +Manticore+ sounds goo... crap!! Cmdr JFarrington -> Weapons fire detected on the surface. EJ Pilot -> @::pulls out his phaser and looks around:: McFly -> @ Take cover! Keb -> ::takes in a sharp breath at McFly's voice:: Admiral Atragon-9 -> =/\======= PAUSE SIM =======/\= Admiral Atragon-9 -> no TBS, hehhehehheh Admiral Atragon-9 -> *dismiss*
  7. MISSION BRIEFING: The Intrepid-class cruiser SOJOURNER is conduct stellar surveys toward the outskirts of Federation space when it comes upon a civilian ship dead in space. Game Master (GM) - STSF Sorehl Game Master (GM) - Cmdr JFarrington Mission Commanding Officer (MCO) - STSF Sorehl Mission Executive Officer (MXO) - Will Marx Helm/Operations Officer/ Tactical Officer (THOps) - Cmdr JFarrington Chief Medical Officer (CMO) - Alyce Assistant Medical Officer (AMO) - Cmdr JFarrington Chief Security Officer (CSEC) - Jerry 'Skip' Maxwell Assistant Security Officer (ASEC) - JiranShen Kor Assistant Security Officer (ASEC) - Joker Morgan 090901.txt
  8. Hey, guy! Many happy returns of the day! I guess you must be celebrating tonight 'cause I don't see you around - enjoy! !!HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!
  9. Operations Officer’s Log, Stardate 0908.30 Cmdr JFarrington, MD USS Manticore, NCC 5852A Jami Farrington stopped to take a long, slow look at her login. Operations Officer. MD. She sat there for a while letting the double entendre sink in, then turned back to the console wishing it were as easy to get used to the configuration as it would be to remove a microscopic foreign body from a squirming dugesia tigrina. Either someone in Black Ops had a sick sense of humor or they genuinely wanted to deter infiltrators from stealing one of their precious Psi ships. Heck, maybe it was both. “Like the new console?” said Keb, jerking Jami out of her stupor. A sideways glance revealed Keb’s face, beaming, looking as comfortable as ever at helm. “It’s new?” Jami replied, glad that she hadn’t imagined the change and trying to cover up her discomfort. “For you, I meant,” Keb replied. Right. New for me. She stuck her tongue in her cheek to concentrate and settled more comfortably into her chair to… well… look more comfortable than she felt. “Oh. Right,” she said, tossing her head and giving an offhanded smile. “It’ll take a bit of getting used to again, but it’s like riding a bike.” Riding a bike. Right. A button here, a tweak in the configuration to suit her personal taste, and she’d be working the console again like the pro she was. Is. Should be. She puffed out a breath as they went to warp and settled in for the trip, but a sense of unease began to grow as a plethora of thoughts from the crew needled the back of her mind, chief among them being a full-fledged assault from engineering. She blinked, hoping it was an aberration, but it continued to grow until Chief Garnoopy burst through the turbolift doors just as Admiral Atragon exited his Ready Room. Oh boy. This was going to be a very long mission.
  10. =/\= USS MANTICORE BRIEFING #571, STARDATE 50908.24 =/\= The Manticore has just left Risa, after a much-needed shore-leave. Now, it's time to save the Universe again. The Federation Council needs us to check out a quiet and gentle planet to see why it has gone completely silent and is no longer even registering life signs from long-range sensor sweeps. Cmdr JFarrington -> ::at the OPS console reacquainting herself with it::: Keb -> ::at helm managing the pull out from orbit:: Vilanne -> ::in sickbay for the moment, slithers back to the lab area:: Alex Macen -> ::at station, reading previous data from the planet, when it was still giving life, comparing data results given:: Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> ::walks into sickbay:: kyle_mele -> ::quite in sickbay, in his office:: Eva Jaz -> ::on her way to sick bay :: EJ Pilot -> ::walking down the corridor and moves into MENG:: Garnoopy -> ::urm, somewhere, doing something:: Admiral Atragon-9 -> ::in the CC:: Keb, you have our coordinates? Vilanne -> ::out of eye/ear shot of Mele's office, goes to read up on the charts since she's been off duty, making a mental note that her chart is missing:: EJ Pilot -> ::moves to the replicator getting a hot coffee, padd in hand:: Hilee -> ::In Meng,at the main console mug-o-negative events in hand:: Cmdr JFarrington -> ::checking systems' status::: precip -> ::at Tactical:: Garnoopy -> ::storms into main engineering:: Keb -> ::glances back:: Aye, aye, Admiral. Already locked in and ready to go on your order. Cmdr JFarrington -> ::files the flight plan::: precip -> (gust front advances before Garnoopy) Admiral Atragon-9 -> Jami, everyone aboard? EJ Pilot -> ::moves back over to the pool table brings up transporter maintenance logs:: McFly -> ::mcfly stands next to precip at tactical:: forgot how itchy these uniforms are Cmdr JFarrington -> Aye, Sir. And all ashore is going ashore. Eva Jaz -> ::entering sickbay while trying to repress a yawn:: Hilee -> ::Tapping away...monitoring the systems and console:: Cmdr JFarrington -> ::tappity tap:: T'Prise -> ::Exits TL onto bridge, takes a seat at the science station:: EJ Pilot -> ::hears Garn, continues working and sipping his coffee, lays the padd down:: Kansas Kenickie -> ::In the Security office checking her weapon:: Hello lovely.. miss Momma? Hilee -> ::Notes Garnoopy's entry:: Garnoopy -> ::ignores everyone in MENG and steps into his office:: kyle_mele -> ::exits his office into sickbay, looking quite a bit more.. professional, now that the majority of his spots are, well, covered:: Admiral Atragon-9 -> ::turns back to Helm:: Okay, Keb - let's go Hilee -> Ej> Well good morning ... Turris Morran -> ::steps into science, rubbing the dust out of his eyes and yawning:: Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> ::enters lab behind Vil to take a closer look at the yyaio's test results:: EJ Pilot -> ::Hilee:: Morning to you as well my friend. Hilee -> Ej> back to the grind eh?::grins:: EJ Pilot -> ::checking the maintenance log against the one on the padd:: kyle_mele -> ::tugs once on his uniform while surveying the scene, allowing his gaze to drift from one area of sickbay to another, until finally the entire place has been properly given the once-over:: Vilanne -> ::glances up at Jaiysa:: Hello doctor. EJ Pilot -> ::grins:: Indeed. Alex Macen -> ::hearing Morran enter, tunring away from his screen and nodding to him:: seen Escher? EJ Pilot -> ::sips his coffee:: Keb -> ::nods and taps on her console:: Yessir. Heading one-six-mark-seven, impulse speed until we clear the Risa system. precip -> ::Looks at Stool:: How did....you get this past me. You should of run the request by me. I was unaware you were in pain manning the station standing up. EJ Pilot -> ::taps on the console:: Admiral Atragon-9 -> ACTION: ZOOMITY-ZOOM Admiral Atragon-9 -> (heh-heh) Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> Vil> ::glances at her:: Jolan tru...::notes the slightly...papery look which Vil is sporting at the moment and narrows her eyes slightly:: Eva Jaz -> ::shifting uncomfortably in her uniform after having worn some floaty dresses for a bit nods as she sees the chief exiting his office :: McFly -> I wasn't in pain necessarily, but it's nice to sit down once in a while when you're standing in one spot for eight hours at a time Vilanne -> ::goes back to work reading through a myriad of charts:: Lots of patients while I was off duty. EJ Pilot -> ::checks engines:: Cmdr JFarrington -> ::running her eyes across the board, getting used to actually working when she's on the bridge::: T'Prise -> ::Runs full sensor diagnostic and begins prepartions for their current mission:: Hilee -> Ej> Well it was a much needed break....:: Begins downloading systems reports and situational report:: Keb -> ::glances at Jami:: Like the new console? Vilanne -> ::eyes the Chief wandering around Sickbay, slides down slightly in her chair behind the lab's glass:: Cmdr JFarrington -> ::eyes on the console::: It's new? kyle_mele -> ::nods back to Eva, begins a routine inspection of sickbay, just to ensure no one's made off with any particular important piece of equipment and/or supply:: EJ Pilot -> ::Hilee:: You might want to tell the Bridge they have Warp 9.7 if needed...it will only last 5.4 hours but they still have it. ::smiles:: Turris Morran -> ::turns his attention to Macen, staring at him briefly with a surprised look before speaking up:: Umm, Escher? I haven't seen him at all today? Why? Keb -> ::laughs:: For you, I meant. precip -> Hmm..perhaps we Bolians are capable of better bipedal posture and stress management. Hmmph. Cmdr JFarrington -> ::glance to Keb:: Oh. Right. Yes, it'll take a bit of getting used to...again. Kansas Kenickie -> ::Exits security:: Garnoopy -> ::taps a padd:: Cmdr JFarrington -> But ::handwave:: It's like riding a bike. precip -> Everyone..make it back on board okay , Commander McFLy? Vilanne -> ::considers the back way of the lab in case he comes her way:: Keb -> ::nods:: Hilee -> Ej> Yeah...marvelous ship...especially with dual star drive ability::grins:: Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> Vil> Indeed...it appears that this sickbay manages to keep busy. ::still pondering Vil's appearance but distracted by following her gaze in the general direction of Mele:: EJ Pilot -> ::grins:: Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> ::smirks slightly:: Keb -> I've got to say I like Manticore's better than the one on that Romulan scout ship... kyle_mele -> ::wanderwander:: Alex Macen -> ::He shrugs:: I got a bet running, i'm trying to avoid him until he isn't hung over. Hilee -> Ej> First I had best get the duty report to the Commander Vilanne -> My chart, however, is not among these.. McFly -> as far as I can tell, aside from clashed personalities I'd say everyone is fine Garnoopy -> ::stands, steps out of his office:: EJ Pilot -> ::Hilee:: Indeed. I can inform the bridge for you, then. Cmdr JFarrington -> ::eyes wide as she adjusts a few things::: I should hope so, Keb. At least this one is in Standard. Garnoopy -> ::throws a padd onto the pool table:: Vilanne -> ::wishes he'd get his coffee and retreat to his office:: EJ Pilot -> ::looks down at the padd on the Pool table:: Garnoopy -> ::looks at Pilot:: Lieutenant, no one is informing the bridge of anything. Hilee -> Ej> All system reports are green so far..::nods:: please do precip -> Clashed personalities....I must of missed something. You'll have to debrief me later. Keb -> I actually feel...more relaxed here. EJ Pilot -> ::Garn:: Sir? Garnoopy -> ::looks at Hilee:: And you, Mr. Hilee, are not the Chief. kyle_mele -> ::disappears around a far corner - and would have gotten his coffee IN his office, as that's where "the stash" is, the good stuff, as it were:: Keb -> ::leans back in her seat with a puzzled look on her face:: Hilee -> ::Stops mid sentence:: McFly -> i will, that is if gossip doesn't debrief you first Vilanne -> ::turns back to Jaiysa, now that he's disappeared:: Do you know where it went? Hilee -> Garn> Aye..sir Kansas Kenickie -> ::Enters sickbay:: Cmdr JFarrington -> ::quick check of the manifest to be sure the stores of coffee got to sick bay::: Garnoopy -> Both of you, it's time for our EPS cleaning. I want the two of you to personall check and clean each EPS conduit on every deck, all 354 of them. EJ Pilot -> ::wondering what crawled up Garn's rear end and bit him:: Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> ::narrows her eyes again and folds her arms:: Perhaps your chief removed it for the purposes of his own work. Garnoopy -> That's 354 conduits, all need to be checked, signed off, adn cleaned Keb -> ::checks on the ship's progress:: Admiral, we're clear of Risan space--we can go to warp now. Turris Morran -> ::scratches the back of his head:: A bet you say? What sort of bet? Cmdr JFarrington -> ::rigs for warp:::: EJ Pilot -> ::Garnoopy:: Sir, permission to speak freely? Vilanne -> ::smirks:: I hope not... I'd rather like to avoid him, after Risa. ::rolls eyes:: Kansas Kenickie -> ::Glances around sickbay:: Cmdr JFarrington -> ::slight puff of breath:::: Eva Jaz -> ::not wanting to appear as she's not working, grabs a PADD and tries to look busy:: Admiral Atragon-9 -> ::nods to Keb:: Best speed without hurting ourselves precip -> ::looks at the Admiral at the CC....very quiet he is....:: kyle_mele -> ::smiles momentarily, wondering to himself how nice it is to have a former CMO in higher command - the coffee stores never run too terribly low:: Hilee -> ::Considering what Garn has just said:: Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> That may be difficult, unless loann'na policy does not involve reporting to him. Garnoopy -> ::looks at Pilot:: No Lieutenant. Both of you are out of line. There is a Chain of COmmand here which hasn't been being followed. You two do not report to the bridge, you report to me. Vilanne -> ::notices Kansas out in main sickbay, wonders if Eva is going to see to her:: Keb -> ::nods to A9:: Ayeaye sir, going to warp 6. Cmdr JFarrington -> ::indeed..she will keep the coffee stores at acceptable parameters:::: kyle_mele -> ::consults his PADD while walking, nearly bumps into Kansas:: kyle_mele -> Oh. Pardon. What can I help you with today? T'Prise -> ::Finishes diagnostic and station prep and glances around the bridge for a moment.:: Kansas Kenickie -> Hey doc.. Hilee -> Garn> Sir..with all due respect I was in fact about to give you a readiness report...sir kyle_mele -> ::smile:: EJ Pilot -> ::Garn:: Sir, with all due respect, you stormed into this Engineering room didn't say anything and went into your office. As if you were angry about something. Would you go and talk to a person like that? Honestly? precip -> Admiral, what do we know of this world we are checking out. Anything specific that requires this vessel's attention. Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> ::follows Vil's eyes out to the main bay again, spotting Kansas; stiffens slightly, assuming the human officer is attempting to keep an eye on her again:: Eva Jaz -> ::looks up from her PADD as she sees Kansas talking to Mele :: precip -> ? Kansas Kenickie -> I got a nice sun burn back on that rock, you have something I can put on it? Garnoopy -> ::blinks, unbelieving at Pilot:: Vilanne -> ::sees Mele again, glad he's busy, looks back at Jaiysa:: If I take a late lunch, will you go to the Mess Hall with me? Keb -> ::engages warp drive and monitors calculations:: kyle_mele -> ::nodding:: Of course. Would you care for a general analgesic or something more.. local? Hilee -> Ej> Station Lt.,at attention Hilee -> Garn> Sorry sir Garnoopy -> One more word Lieutenant and I'll put you on report. Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> If you like. I have nothing at the moment to do except this...::taps T'Prise's scan results with a faintly aggravated expression:: Keb -> ::lowers her eyes for a moment:: Actually, I think that was the most stressful vacation in my entire life. McFly -> ::having difficulty concentrating with a song stuck in his head:: Kansas Kenickie -> ::Blinks:: I donno something to put on it or something EJ Pilot -> ::restraints himself, that klingon side is about to come out:: precip -> ::ponders why Manticore got this mission:: kyle_mele -> ::nods:: Garnoopy -> The next thing I want to hear from both of you is "Aye Sir" and I want you on deck 34, starting from the bottom up. Hilee -> Garn> Aye...sir kyle_mele -> ::taps on a nearby console for a moment:: Admiral Atragon-9 -> Yes, Mitar, I guess we should know where we are going, hmm? EJ Pilot -> ::grabs a kit from the storage unit and moves out:: kyle_mele -> ::saunters over to a wall replicator as a small tube materializes:: Cmdr JFarrington -> ::absorbed in her work, but heard Keb, wishing she could help::: Garnoopy -> And Mr. Hilee, unless I am dead, you don't outrank Pilot... you don't get to order him around. Get a move on, now. Admiral Atragon-9 -> Jami, patch me into shipwide Vilanne -> Are you hungry now, Jaiysa? Kansas Kenickie -> ::Plays with some medical crap on a tray:: Alex Macen -> ::Turns back to the Screen:: So, any opinions on the mission? Alex Macen -> mission* Cmdr JFarrington -> Aye, Capt...::cough:: Admiral. Shipwide on. ::press::: Keb -> ::vaguely knows where we're going, at least coordinates wise:: Garnoopy -> Now, move. Both of you. T'Prise -> ::Preps and sends transmission to both Vulcan and Earth from her station.:: Kansas Kenickie -> ::Looks through one of them:: kyle_mele -> ::takes it, turns, offering it to Kansas:: Here you go. Apply this thrice a day. It should relieve the pain fully within two days. McFly -> ::looks over at precip:: since when do we ever know why we get the missions we do? EJ Pilot -> ::moves onto the TL:: Admiral Atragon-9 -> +COM+ This is the Admiral, we are headed to a planet called Oppo EJ Pilot -> ::TL:: Deck 34... Eva Jaz -> ::half hiding behind her PADD half watching Kansas playing with the instruments :: Kansas Kenickie -> ::Smiles::Thanks, you a peach Kansas Kenickie -> *your kyle_mele -> ::raises his eyebrows:: Splendid. Admiral Atragon-9 -> +COM+ This is a quiet and thriving planet, with a society of people on the verge of warp capability kyle_mele -> I will assume being compared to a fruit is.. complimentary. Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> Vil> I could eat. ::glances towards Mele again:: Is this an attempted escape or are you actually looking for a meal? Turris Morran -> ::steps over to a console next to Macen and takes a seat for a moment:: The mission? ::stands backup and paces behind his chair:: Umm, well, it seems pretty straight forward to me. Go to this planet, where everyone is probably dead, find out why they © Hilee -> Garn> Aye...respectfully requesting a meeting with you,in your office post duty completion...::heading for the doors:: Kansas Kenickie -> ::Shrugs:: Peaches are sweet and fuzzy Kansas Kenickie -> take your pick Turris Morran -> died, and then probably die ourselves. ::nods to himself:: Yeah, that sounds about right. Hilee -> *sir Kansas Kenickie -> ::heads to the door:: Admiral Atragon-9 -> +COM+ Within the past few weeks, SF Intelligence suddenly lost all contact with this planet kyle_mele -> ::chuckle:: Vilanne -> ::nods towards the back way out of the lab:: Oh... just... not wanting to approach his sex subject again. Hilee -> <<darn keyboard>> Garnoopy -> Mr. Hilee, not another word. Eva Jaz -> ::turns her back to Kansas and Mele to hide her smile :: Keb -> ::listens carefully to A9:: Garnoopy -> ::puts both his hands on the pool table, leaning forward, unbeliving at his staff and their mouths:: Alex Macen -> ::nods:: Typical Black Ops. Though, I'm starting to get the results through, trying to piece in what we can by what is left on the planet. Flora and Fauna EJ Pilot -> P'TaQ... kyle_mele -> ::turns to face sickbay, heads toward the lab to finish his inspection:: EJ Pilot -> ::punches TL doors:: Hilee -> ::Enters a TL padd in hand ..Deck 34:: kyle_mele -> ::enters the laboratory area:: Kansas Kenickie -> ::Looks at jar, half listens to announcement:: Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> Vil> ::looks honestly amused:: I doubt sincerely that you can avoid him forever, rokhinu...::turns to flip her console off:: Vilanne -> Let's go... c'mon. ::leaps from the chair and walks quickly through the door:: Admiral Atragon-9 -> +COM+ Their communications satellites have gone silent, their radio and television transmissions have ceased Kansas Kenickie -> ::opens, sniffs:: EJ Pilot -> ::moves onto Deck 34 as the door open no damage on the door wasn't hit hard enough:: Garnoopy -> ::picks up the padd he tossed on the counter and heads to a TL:: Sickbay. Cmdr JFarrington -> ::finally looks up from her work at those words:::: Keb -> ::thinks, that doesn't sound good:: kyle_mele -> ::hopes Vilanne doesn't stumble over the crates of supplies the medical techs probably haven't had time to securely stow:: Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> ::turns to follow her and catches sight of Mele entering; smirks to herself:: EJ Pilot -> ENG Crewman> ::continue doing their work amidst their superiors short quarrel:: Kansas Kenickie -> ::::Closes jar, waits for lift:: Turris Morran -> Well, at least something is alive there. ::sits back down in his chair:: That's better than nothing at all. Vilanne -> ::trips just outside the door where there are crates of supplies that the meidcal techs didn't have time to securely stow, including the coffee:: Admiral Atragon-9 -> +COM+ Local sensor buoys were directed to the planet, but they can detect no lifesigns, when there should be almost a billion people there kyle_mele -> [[ omg if you damage the coffee, you will be fired.. :wacko: ]] McFly -> ::listening to the admirals announcement; thinking;; i wonder why we don't have television anymore? Hilee -> ::Exits the TL onto deck #34...and motions to EJ:: EJ Pilot -> ::stops and looks at Hilee:: Cmdr JFarrington -> ::Hopes everyone is listening to the SHIPWIDE:::: EJ Pilot -> ::Hilee:: Yes? kyle_mele -> ::gives the lab a once over, noting to himself with a chuckle the still-spinning chair Vil just vacated:: Hilee -> Ej> listen... Admiral Atragon-9 -> +COM+ The local population is known as the Irenics and they can't have all just... vanished Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> ::walks out the door and pauses, absorbing the announcement coming over the comm:: Hilee -> ::points at the ships speakers Hilee -> :: Eva Jaz -> ::looking around to make sure no one is watching before yawning mouth fully opened thinking she should have went to bed earlier :: kyle_mele -> ::is, of course, listening to the COM - who would dare ignore A9's pleasureable voice over shipwide?:: T'Prise -> ::Begins running a set of long range sensor, scans, to add to the data provided by Starfleet.:: Garnoopy -> ::ignoring A9:: precip -> ::Accesses LCARS pulling up Data on the Planet's location in space...unfriendly neighbors or trade routes?:: Admiral Atragon-9 -> +COM+ So, Intel is fearing the worst and ... sending their best. We should be there in 6 hours. That is all Keb -> ::gets a shiver down her spine: kyle_mele -> ::other than Garn:: Kansas Kenickie -> ::Bumps into Garnoopy as they pass each other:: Vilanne -> ::gets up, outside the door, brushes herself off, kicks the crates, slightly damaged, back against the wall:: Intanick... probably still pouting. EJ Pilot -> ::shakes head and moves towards the EPS conduit while listening:: Admiral Atragon-9 -> ::makes the "cut" sign to Jami:: Cmdr JFarrington -> ::cuts the comm::: Garnoopy -> ::steps out into hallway:: Garnoopy -> ::and into sickbay:: kyle_mele -> ::exits the lab back into main sickbay:: Vilanne -> ::considers where she'll be in 6 hours:: Keb -> <w> A billion people... kyle_mele -> ::thinking Eva looks a little.. peaked:: Hilee -> ::Making his way to the conduits...Ej> ok what was your take on the Commanders comments? Kansas Kenickie -> ::Sighs:: Cmdr JFarrington -> ::Keb, quietly:: Let's hope their communications system needs repair. kyle_mele -> ::then nods to Garn:: You've seen better days. Vilanne -> ::waiting for Jaiysa to slip out:: Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> ::thoughtful expression, turns as the comm cuts and almost stumbles over the crates herself; yelps:: Fvadt! Garnoopy -> ::points to Mele's office, not saying anything:: Keb -> ::looks a little pale:: Yeah...it could be a power out...or...something. Cmdr JFarrington -> <quietly> EJ Pilot -> My take? ::grins slightly:: If this was a Klingon ship I would of killed him where he stood... kyle_mele -> ::extends his arm towards the door, allowing Garn to take the lead:: T'Prise -> ::Taps into the frequencies of the sensor buoys, trying to compile as much data as possible. Begins to code and analyzation matrix.:: Cmdr JFarrington -> ::nods, monitoring the board with unblinking eyes, trying to settle into this position:::: T'Prise -> *and = an Garnoopy -> ::moves across sickbay into Mele's office:: precip -> Admiral, I still am not certain why...Manticore was selected for this mission. It appears the planet Oppo is near no hostile worlds or regions of space Correct? Kansas Kenickie -> ::Enters her quarters, pulls her jacket off:: Eva Jaz -> ::watching curiously Garn and Mele, before walking away as they enter the chief's office not wanting to look nosy :: Keb -> ::watching the ship's speed carefully, making a minor course adjustment:: Hilee -> Ej> I understand....However did you really *hear* his comments?? Vilanne -> So... lunch it is. ::goes out into the hallway and into the TL:: Cmdr JFarrington -> ::Keb:: Let me know if I need to adjust anything. ::clearly a bit rusty::: EJ Pilot -> ::Hilee:: I did hear his comments, that wasn't our chief..as long as things get done thats all he cared about. kyle_mele -> ::enters the doorway behind Garnoopy, heading for his chair as the doors swish shut - motions toward a seat in front of his desk:: What's up? Kansas Kenickie -> ::opens jar and puts some of the cream on her arm:: Hilee -> Ej> Something is definitely wrong here. precip -> ::hand on chin:: Keb -> ::glances over at Jami's panel:: Looks fine from here. Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> ::gathers the remains of her dignity and follows:: So it would appear... Admiral Atragon-9 -> ::turns to Precip:: Correct, if it was near an enemy, they would send in a warship kyle_mele -> ::sliding behind his desk, into the chair, leans forward slightly:: EJ Pilot -> ::Hilee:: Not sure what crawled up his rear end and bit him. But I am not liking it. Admiral Atragon-9 -> but this... is a mystery Cmdr JFarrington -> ::slight smile and a bit of a sigh::: Admiral Atragon-9 -> and the Council doesn't like mysteries Garnoopy -> Mele, I'm not gonna fight this... I know we talked about it but I'm done. Keb -> It makes all the nonsense with my Dad and Beran seem like...well, insignificant. precip -> Well we do have a very experienced Medical team if it does end up being a plague.. I will agree with that reasoning. Turris Morran -> ::brings up some info on the planet on his console it pours over it:: Keb -> If a billion people can just vanish. kyle_mele -> The hell you are. Cmdr JFarrington -> ::sits up, turning slightly towards Keb:: Kind of puts everything in perspective, doesn't it? Kansas Kenickie -> ::Slides jar on her dresser, grabs jacket and exits:: EJ Pilot -> ::Hilee:: No OFFENSE sir, but if that happens again, I am going straight to the Admiral...if there is something medically wrong with him to make him act like that, he needs to be relieved of duty. Vilanne -> ::goes with Jaiysa out of the TL and walks into the Mess Hall:: Are they starting to make foods to your liking? Admiral Atragon-9 -> No, they don't think it's plague Garnoopy -> No, I'm fed up with A9. The man doesn't have an honest or honorable bone in his body. Keb -> ::tilts her head, tugging on a curl:: I guess...but I'm not sure it's a perspective I like very much. Hilee -> Ej> Well the coc is in place for a reason to be sure, and we will carry out his orders...to the letter.. first...what puzzled me is I am his second in command and he just blatantly denied it. It may come to going to the XO, but it will be done properly...and through the CoC, understood? Eva Jaz -> ::noticing unpacked boxes and starts unpacking them having nothing else to do trying not to overhear the conversation coming from the not so soundproof office:: kyle_mele -> Mm, I wouldn't go *that* far.. precip -> Also....vanished...or deceased...Very big difference. T'Prise -> ::Listening to Precip and A9:: Sir, was the Federation conducting a sociological study, do we have specific data on their technological advancements and information on whether first contact has been initiated? Keb -> ::glances back at A9, listening to Precip's ruminations:: Cmdr JFarrington -> ::studys Keb's face a minute, then turns back to her console::: kyle_mele -> There have been quite a few situations in which he could have made a much worse choice than he did. McFly -> maybe they were abducted Admiral Atragon-9 -> Yes, THAT is why we are going Hilee -> ::Beginning the task at hand:: EJ Pilot -> Yea. Garnoopy -> ::looks at Mele:: Worse choice than what? He's a puppet and I'm fed up with it. precip -> ::looks at T`Prise as she askes her question:: EJ Pilot -> ::starts working on the conduits:: Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> Vil> ::faint shrug:: lloann'na food is not...wretched. ::faint smile to show that the backhanded compliment is meant with a certain level of irony:: I have been doing my best to get comfortable with it rather than making them get comfortable with me Vilanne -> ::orders some normal human food, bland... really not that hungry:: Kansas Kenickie -> ::heads down the hall:: T'Prise -> Did the Federation have any scientist involved in a duck blind mission on this planet? kyle_mele -> Now see.. you say he's a puppet - of who, the council? And yet then you say he's a murderer for killing the consul general? One cannot be a puppet and one who kills the lls the puppeteer all in one. precip -> No vessel....not even Starfleet in my opinion can quickly evacuate a billion people Commander, ::turns to McFly:: Vilanne -> They should be able to concoct something that suits your palate, afterall, you ARE a member of the crew, and the chefs like to please us. Cmdr JFarrington -> ::hearing TPrise, also wonders::: Hilee -> Ej> Lets just hope all hell stays at bay until the engineering main staff can return to normal duty::grins:: Garnoopy -> Mele, I never said this wasn't complicated. You know he wants the current council in to benefit his career. Turris Morran -> ::closes the profile on the planet and leans back in his chair with a very audible sigh, then turns opposite Macen:: I said no, thank you. I'm busy. McFly -> ::shrugs:: I was just throwing it out there Keb -> ::attempts to focus on her piloting, to stop the wild imagination trip that is beginning in her head:: precip -> Only...the Borg to my understanding could pull something that horrendous off. EJ Pilot -> Yea...maybe. kyle_mele -> All decorum aside, which of us doesn't want council in to benefit all our careers? precip -> I always value your opinion Commander McFLy. Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> ::shakes head, orders some fruit, coffee, and glances at Vil's surprisingly unexciting meal; is somewhat surprised after the purple lobster or whatever it was on Risa:: ARe you feeling alright? kyle_mele -> I'd much rather work for the consul general in office now than the previous. Admiral Atragon-9 -> ::turns to T'Prise:: My information says we are not there at all. This planet did not need our assistance or observation EJ Pilot -> ::continues working on the conduits:: Admiral Atragon-9 -> They have been developing surprisingly well and peacefully kyle_mele -> I served under Melville, Garn.. trust me, if Atragon killed him, it was justified countless times over. Hilee -> Ej> try to relax...all will be ok in the end..::working away:: Keb -> ::quietly:: It could be something we don't know about, though, not the Borg at all. Something worse. Cmdr JFarrington -> ::getting a stab of anxiety from Keb::: <w> No sense in making assumptions or worrying about anything until we have a chance to investigate. Vilanne -> Yeah... just wanted to get out of sickbay for a while. ::takes tray of blah food over to a table by the windows:: kyle_mele -> And for the record, I'm not at all convinced A9 wasn't framed. Admiral Atragon-9 -> So the Federation is staying away to let them go where they want kyle_mele -> [[ mmm. blah food, my absolute favorite. ]] Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> ::thoughtful look again, follows and sits down:: Keb -> ::glances at Jami:: You're right...it's hard not to. McFly -> so Starfleet was just monitoring them... just like big brother EJ Pilot -> Words and Actions are two different challenges my friend. EJ Pilot -> Sir. EJ Pilot -> ::continues working:: T'Prise -> ::Nods:: Understood sir. Garnoopy -> Mele, doesn't matter. I've seen the past 8 years and what he's done. Garnoopy -> I've never seen him stand up for this ship or the crew, only take it when we're handed our blanks. kyle_mele -> ::smirks, leaning back:: You know, I could say quite the same about you, friend. Eva Jaz -> ::unpacking coffee and holding it like it was made of gold , before going to more medically relevant items all while keeping her little ears busy deciphering the bits and pieces she's overhearing :: precip -> So we shouldn't be worried about any tactical defenses the world may have against Manticore..They are to primitive to threaten the ship. Cmdr JFarrington -> ::slight nod to Keb, then she realizes that her eyes hurt from watching the console constantly, and there are alarms in place so she doesn't have to do that:::relaxes a bit::: Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> ::changing the subject again:: You heard what the enriov said over the comm? Kansas Kenickie -> ::Has sunburn on her blank:: precip -> ::blurts out:: Garnoopy -> I've done what I was ordered to do. Hilee -> ::Nods:: Ej> Indeed....trust me that is exactly on my mind. Vilanne -> Jaiysa, we get COMM's lie that all the time.... I'm worried about you. ::starts fixing food, really just playing with it, but messes with it as if fixing it:: You seem so angry at everyone. Are you mad about being here? kyle_mele -> You consistently run your department as if it were a dictatorship all while criticizing the Admiral for doing the same Cmdr JFarrington -> ::Precip: Unless they have been taken over by someone who set up remote armaments or.... Admiral Atragon-9 -> ::turns back to Precip:: They were, yes Cmdr JFarrington -> ::coughs, turning back to her console, noting she is falling into the same trap Keb set for herself::: Keb -> ::looks back at Precip:: There's so many things it could be--maybe we need to eliminate what it can't be first. precip -> (I think my department has been described as anarchy heheh) EJ Pilot -> ::is thankful for a strong house in the Klingon Empire:: Kansas Kenickie -> ::Grabs a PADD and looks over what defensive info they have on this place they are going too Garnoopy -> << I tried the socialist approach, didn't work >> Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> ::short silence:: Here specifically? No. Turris Morran -> ::turns back to his console, shaking his head and mumbling to himself, and pulls up some info on his "pet" project:: Garnoopy -> Mele, don't give me this I love A9 speech kyle_mele -> ::leans back in his chair, tenting his fingers:: T'Prise -> We need to determine if they have the technology to detect the Manticore prior to entering orbit. Contaminating their culture prior to their ability to obtain warp flight would violate the prime directive. McFly -> we should always worry commander, ::stands tall and stiff:: for as we travel to the undiscovered country only fate knows what perils and dangers we might face kyle_mele -> Oh come on, Garn.. how many times have I stood with you when it came down to it? Garnoopy -> Until you risk your career kyle_mele -> How many times have I conspired with you to try to correct what we both thought was a mistake? McFly -> ::imagining the federation flag waving behind him:: Hilee -> ::Noting on the padd the station to station progress as he an Ej work along:: precip -> ::stands up straight:: Well..Admiral...aside from the Borg...my assessment is no hostile government to the Federation has the capability to take one BILLION people off world in such a time. We may indeed be dealing with something we haven’t come across. Cmdr JFarrington -> ::slow turn to Matt, then a glance at TPrise as if to say she agrees:::: Vilanne -> Why are you so mad then? Its like... I hear you chewing everyone's head off. We were on shore leave, did you even relax? ::stuffs a bite of blah in her mouth, chews out of habit not hunger:: Admiral Atragon-9 -> Agreed, T'Prise. Work with Tactical to get the assessment before we reach near orbit McFly -> no reason we couldn't be cloaked when entering Cmdr JFarrington -> ::turns::: Admiral - are we sure the people are even gone? Just because sensors don't read them doesn't mean they are gone. T'Prise -> ::Eyes McFly curiously then turns to A9:: Aye sir. Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> ::shortly:: I have a lot on my mind, rokhinu. Garnoopy -> Mele, if A9 can't handle me questioning his questionable decisions, then so be it... Admiral Atragon-9 -> Jami, we aren't sure of anything, that's why they are sending the Manticore Eva Jaz -> ::realizing she stopped unpacking cause she was listening to the agitated voices, quickly starts again not wanting to nurses to think she's not minding her own business:: Garnoopy -> As soon as this mission is over, I'm gone. I've already received word the USS Illinois is 6 months from completion and they need a Chief Engineer. Kansas Kenickie -> ::Grabs a donut and bits, still reading;:: Cmdr JFarrington -> ::nods:: Aye, Admiral. kyle_mele -> ::small shrug:: And as for the career comment.. yeah, well, 225 plus years has taught me to be wise in my dissention. I'm not going to get court-martialed simply on a small point of principle. Vilanne -> You can have a lot on your mind... usually friends talk about such things, in an effort to carry the burden by splitting it in two. kyle_mele -> The USS Illinois? Isn't that a science vessel? Cmdr JFarrington -> ::whoa, having a struggle with this new job, feeling out of place::: precip -> True....Admiral...let us enter the star system cloaked. We can easily observe their satellite systems using passive sensing equipment. And...::looks to T`prise:: Not scare anyone. T'Prise -> ::Begins running data from the sensor buoys through the analyzation matrix, feeding results to the Tac station.:: Garnoopy -> She's the newest in deep space research and combat. Admiral Atragon-9 -> Always prudent, Mitar. I agree Keb -> ::glances at Jami, noting her unease:: <w> Relax, you're doing fine. kyle_mele -> Which puts her on a level slightly lower than Manticore. Cmdr JFarrington -> ::deep breath, smile, forcibly relax::: Eva Jaz -> ::walks around SB not to hear better ......but to put some of the recently unpacked supplies away :: kyle_mele -> ::leans forward, resting his elbows on the desk:: You knew what you were getting into when you signed on, Garn. You know the decisions aren't easy. You haven't agreed with my views all of the time, and I haven't agreed with yours. kyle_mele -> There are always going to be differences of opinion. Garnoopy -> And A9 can't handle that anymore... Vilanne -> <<Sure you are Eva! LOL>.. listen in girl, we want the gossip later>> Garnoopy -> I'm not gonna stop questioning him, and he can't handle being questioned, we've reached an impass. Garnoopy -> ::pushes back in his char and stands:: kyle_mele -> Then run away. kyle_mele -> ::shrug:: Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> ::tight smile:: <m> The burden...::grunt, shakes head:: You have enough on your own mind as well, I think. Garnoopy -> Nice try Mele. precip -> ::walks over to T`prise:: Cmdr JFarrington -> ::hears a bleep::looks::: Keb -> ::watches the speed:: Vilanne -> Na... I'm as relaxed as they come, I just got back from shore leave. Give it up, Jai. Cmdr JFarrington -> ::A9:: Incoming message from Starfleet, Admiral. Garnoopy -> And as you know, I don't get a choice in this matter anyways, so dont' give me that crap. Cmdr JFarrington -> ::forward lean::: kyle_mele -> Your opinion obviously matters - or rather, the weight your opinion holds. Otherwise he wouldn't see you as a threat. Admiral Atragon-9 -> ::stands:: I will take it in my Ready Room, Jami, and you have the Bridge Garnoopy -> And with all threats, he's chosen to eliminate me. Eva Jaz -> :: picks up the pace at restocking the cabinets so that no one around can think she was snooping at all...:: Keb -> ::raises her eyebrows, looking over at Jami's console:: Vilanne -> ::pokes at her food, which is blah and does not move:: Cmdr JFarrington -> ::looking over the console:: Aye, Sir. ::ready room..ready room..there it is::press:::: Kansas Kenickie -> ::Tosses PADD on the desk:: kyle_mele -> Oh come off your "woe is me" charade. Don't stand there and pretend like any one of us senior officers couldn't talk Atragon out of this if you wanted us to. Cmdr JFarrington -> Slaving OPS to Helm, Keb. Admiral Atragon-9 -> ::enters his RR:: *door* T'Prise -> ::Looks up at Precip, raising an eyebrow:: Violation of the prime directive is not an inconsequential matter. Starfleet regulations are put in place for the protection of all, those within the Federation and those without. Keb -> ::nods to Jami:: Ayeaye. precip -> ::to T`prise:: Assessing a culture's capabilities is not one of my strong points. I have to make presumptions based on mechanical devices being used by such culture to develop a threat analysis to the ship...I will greatly need your departments assistance. Cmdr JFarrington -> :::stands and moves to the CC:::: Garnoopy -> I don't need to be saved. I don't trust him not to try this again and I'm not going to sit here just waiting for the ax Keb -> ::sends the message to the RR:: Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> ::looks at Vil silently as if debating something internally:: That will get cold if you don't eat it. Cmdr JFarrington -> ::pulling up A9's arm console, feeling a bit more comfortable here::: kyle_mele -> Then, as I said, run. Vilanne -> ::shrugs:: Not really hungry, more interested in sharing your burden, ::emphasizes:: friend. Kansas Kenickie -> ::Exits security:: Eva Jaz -> :starts to whistle innocently before realizing ahe can't hear anything over her own whistling so quickly stops :: kyle_mele -> ::stands, smiles, tugging on his uniform once, maybe twice:: Eva Jaz -> *she Garnoopy -> ::sighs, not gonna give in to Mele's provocation:: I have work to do. precip -> I agree T`prise ...we must not violate the prime directive. Our cloaking technology will help...but I think your departments knowledge of anthropology and sociology will assist us valuably. Keb -> ::singlehandedly runs the ship...sorta:: Cmdr JFarrington -> ::now able to absorb the bridge discussion without distraction, leans back::: Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> ::folds her arms slightly:: I am an exile from my homeworld...you know this already. kyle_mele -> ::nods:: As do I. Cmdr JFarrington -> <just like Picard, Vil> Garnoopy -> ::turns, and leaves Mele's office:: kyle_mele -> Garn.. for what it's worth.. Garnoopy -> ::stops, pausing at the door:: kyle_mele -> I don't want you to go. You know that, but I thought you should hear it. Vilanne -> ::nods slowly, listen to Jaiys:: T'Prise -> ::Precip:: Very well sir, we will provide any assistance you require. I have already begun to analyze the data being transmitted from the sensor buoys. Once we are in range, I will begin a full scan using the Manticore's sensor arrays. Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> ::silence; that was the end of her line:: Admiral Atragon-9 -> ::sits and punches in his access code for the table console:: Garnoopy -> ::his eyes soften, looks at Mele:: I know. Thank you. kyle_mele -> ::smile:: Any time. McFly -> ::tries to be smart and contribute to the mission but can't think of anything useful:: precip -> Excellent...I would be very curious what level of ....industrial capability this society has reached. Keb -> ::curiously eyes the RR message as it gets accepted, and then focuses on the helm stuff:: Kansas Kenickie -> :::Hopes she gets to shoot something this mission:: Vilanne -> ::notes she's not going to go deeper, so prods on:: And... have you made any decisions about what you want from your life now... your NEW life? ::slight smile, through dry cracked lips:: Cmdr JFarrington -> How are we doing from a tactical standpoint, Mr. McFly? Hilee -> Ej> Well that clears section #1...sighs::...now lets move on ::tapping in the verification into his padd:: Admiral Atragon-9 -> ::sees the face of the Inspector General's adjutant:: Garnoopy -> ::heads out of Kyle's office and out of sickbay:: Eva Jaz -> ::nods in Garn's direction as he exists Mele's office while putting on a good performance of" I was working and not snooping" :: Garnoopy -> ::steps into the TL:: Bridge. T'Prise -> ::Precip:: It would also aid our investigation if we were able to launch a probe to take detailed audio and imagery data so that we might have a live feed to the planet prior to arriving. Do we have any probes with subspace flight capability on board? McFly -> same as usual, guns loaded, shields polished, cameras recording for later viewing EJ Pilot -> ::sighs:: Cmdr JFarrington -> Good. Stay sharp. We don't want any surprises. kyle_mele -> ::exits his office, looking a bit more wearied than before:: Eva Jaz -> :: resumes whistling as there's nothing more to be heard :: Admiral Atragon-9 -> +COM+ Admiral, we have received your request on Commander Garnoopy, along with your records Garnoopy -> ::steps onto the bridge:: Keb -> ::grins wryly at Jami:: I don't think we're likely to avoid them on this mission, commander. precip -> Perhaps Atmospheric pollutants..would...::stops:: Sorry Cdr. T`prise...I am stepping into your field of experience. Yes...we do have simple probes that can travel at sublight...even be inserted into a planetary orbit if necessary. Cmdr JFarrington -> ::glances over towards TPrise::: Cmdr JFarrington -> ::Keb, half joking:: Bite your tongue, Commander. Cmdr JFarrington -> ::only *half* joking:::: EJ Pilot -> ::Hilee:: Maybe Garn did that cause he didn't want us in the Engineering room...or something? Keb -> ::shuts her mouth obediently, knowing that she tends to say more than she should sometimes:: kyle_mele -> ::glances around, noticing a mischievious look on Eva's face:: Admiral Atragon-9 -> +COM+ We approve your request for removing him from the ship and are working on finding you a suitable replacement. For now, complete your current mission with him onboard and then return to Sector 001 for the exchange Vilanne -> ::takes a small bite, then pushes the plate away from her:: Garnoopy -> ::sits at the engineering station and taps:: Eva Jaz -> ::smiles her most innocent smile at Mele Before returning to the rest of the unpacked supply at the other end of SB:: Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> ::pause again, then very slowly:: I have a great deal of work to do... Vilanne -> ::smirks at Jaiysa:: Admiral Atragon-9 -> Thank you. That is what I needed to hear to be able to focus on the mission at hand. Atragon out ::hits the DISCONNECT button:: Hilee -> Ej> Doesn't really matter ..either way he did what he did, and this was not the first instance.. either way duty and orders first...I will be reporting to him post duty completion...my responsibility now my friend. McFly -> ::stands at tactical thinking;; what could make billions of people disappear? EJ Pilot -> ::nods:: Just saying. Vilanne -> I'll be in my quarters. ::picks up plate and tray, puts in recycler, turns back to Jaiysa:: If you guys need me, just send a com. McFly -> ::thinking;; ::crickets:: T'Prise -> ::Stands to join McFly and Precip, glancing from the other:: If we launch the probe, we will be able to obtain this information much faster and have a situational analysis prior to arriving. Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> ::watching her stand up, still noting the dry skin and lips:: Vil...are you sure you are feeling alright? Hilee -> ::Nods:: I know...I know.. EJ Pilot -> ::continues working:: Cmdr JFarrington -> ::Notes Garnoopy at engineering, says nothing::: Hilee -> ::continuing working away:: Kansas Kenickie -> ::checks doors:: Vilanne -> Yeah.. ::shrugs it off, just like she's shrugging her burden:: Everything is fine. Admiral Atragon-9 -> ::stands and exits the RR:: *door* kyle_mele -> Doctor Jaz.. you have Sickbay. Keb -> ::notes that everything is boringly normal on ops:: kyle_mele -> ::exits Sickbay, into the corridor and down into the turbolift:: Cmdr JFarrington -> ::stands::: precip -> ::to T`prise:: We will need the Admiral's consent...but isounds like a plan. McFly -> ::looks back at garn who he didn't even know was there:: got any ideas? Keb -> ::rises as A9 enters:: Cmdr JFarrington -> No change in status, Admiral. Admiral Atragon-9 -> ::looks around the Bridge and notices Garn has arrived, he nods:: Commander Kansas Kenickie -> ::Steps onto the lift, notes Mele:: Admiral Atragon-9 -> ::he walks to the CC:: Garnoopy -> :;look sat McFly:: Ideas? Garnoopy -> ::looks at A9:: Admiral. Kansas Kenickie -> Doctor ::nods:: precip -> Admiral...::notes him exiting:: Permission to launch a sublight probe to gather information before we arrive into the system. Garnoopy -> ::tension so thick... you gotta wear shades:: kyle_mele -> ::smile at Kansas:: Have you tried that salve yet? Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> ::real smile this time:: You are not as good at evasion as I am, you know. Kansas Kenickie -> oh yeah.. very nice3 Keb -> ::somewhat unaware of the tension despite the rumors she's heard:: Kansas Kenickie -> thank you.. Eva Jaz -> ::stops unpacking as it doesn't hold anymore interest and picks up the PADD she was reading when she came in :: Cmdr JFarrington -> ::moves back to OPS::: kyle_mele -> Excellent. Keb -> ::resumes her seat and shifts OPs back home:: Admiral Atragon-9 -> Good idea in theory, Mitar, but we are travelling at Warp, won't we beat the probe there? Cmdr JFarrington -> ::deep breath:: Kansas Kenickie -> where you headed? Keb -> All yours, Commander Farrington. Vilanne -> ::slight pause:: Sorry Jaiysa... just ::was going to plead with her since she's her closest friend, but just can't:: I'll be back for the night shift. See you later. kyle_mele -> The Bridge. Cmdr JFarrington -> ::takes it back: Thank you, Keb. EJ Pilot -> ::continuing to work on the EPS Conduits:: Garnoopy -> ::McFly:: What are we working on? Keb -> Nothing to report. Or I would've reported it. kyle_mele -> ::enters the Bridge:: Keb -> ::grins at her:: precip -> ::looks to T`prise:: I can have a booster.....to get the probe in system...before we arrive. Cmdr JFarrington -> ::grin::: Hilee -> ::PAWS:: McFly -> ::garn:: many people gone, disappeared, go poof in the air Admiral Atragon-9 -> =/\======= PAUSE SIM =======/\= Admiral Atragon-9 -> TBS - 5 hours Admiral Atragon-9 -> we are just getting to the Oppo system Admiral Atragon-9 -> other comments.questions? Kansas Kenickie -> can I shoot something to mission? Kansas Kenickie -> please Admiral Atragon-9 -> how about Garn? Kansas Kenickie -> OK! Cmdr JFarrington -> We'll find a waskally wabbit, Kit. Kansas Kenickie -> I am not fussy Admiral Atragon-9 -> oh wait, was that my outside voice? ooops Keb -> Well, the admiral knows how to keep us happy anyway Cmdr JFarrington -> Mostly. Garnoopy -> Wait, what? Eva Jaz -> someone should really soundproof offices better:) Garnoopy -> I turned away for a moment. Admiral Atragon-9 -> by the way folks, this is not a plot from the Command staff Admiral Atragon-9 -> the auteur behind our trip to Oppo is.... Matt McFly! Admiral Atragon-9 -> The Command staff will be running the plot, but I wanted to give credit where credit is due Keb -> Cool, congrats Matt :P Vilanne -> Sweet Admiral Atragon-9 -> and, uhh, buckle your seatbelts! McFly -> it's a musical, just warning you Admiral Atragon-9 -> Okay then, Mr. Swayze Admiral Atragon-9 -> Going once... Admiral Atragon-9 -> Going twice ... (will Manticore get Ric Rolled?) Admiral Atragon-9 -> *dismiss*
  11. BRIEF: The Nebula Class USS Intrepid is departing the Zantos System for a routine patrol and to check out some strange reports they'd received from the fringes of Federation space. Game Master (GM) - Cmdr JFarrington Game Master (GM) - Will Marx Mission Commanding Officer (MCO) - Will Marx Mission Executive Officer (MXO) - Lisanna Tactical Officer (TAC) - Kirkriker Helm (Helm) - Troomoo Operations Officer (OPS) - Cmdr JFarrington Chief Engineer (CENG) - Knlwtchr Assistant Engineer (AENG) - Alyce Chief Medical Officer (CMO) - Eva Jazz Assistant Medical Officer (AMO) - TKAR Chief Security Officer (CSEC) - Vilanne Assistant Security Officer (ASEC) - JiranShen Kor Chat log will be posted when available.
  12. =/\= USS MANTICORE BRIEFING #570, STARDATE 50908.17 =/\= Risa, I just met a Shore Leave named Risa!! Cmdr JFarrington -> :: begins::: Keb -> ::looking nice in a breezy gauze dress, sitting on the beach:: Admiral Atragon-9 -> <<TBS is 2 days, it is our last night on Risa>> LtCdrFaldek -> ::laying down on the beach taking in the sun:: Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> ::has finished her walk on the beach and is now reluctantly re-entering the world of the big crowds, scantily clad women, and (according to Precip) potential Rihan spies:: Vilanne -> ::in bedroom of the suite still snoring:: McFly -> <<my girl's not here, i'm lonely :) >> Alex Macen -> ::In a Scientific-ey 'hermit hole'. Working on some sort 'Neck Brace':: kyle_mele -> ::relaxing in some random outdoor cafe beachside, eyes closed, smiling as the breeze wafts around him:: Eva Jaz -> ::sneaking in her hotel room for a change of clothes getting tired of wearing the sme dress for the last 2 days :: kyle_mele -> [[ what time of day is it, A9? ]] Garnoopy -> ::takes a shot:: LtCdrFaldek -> Well I certainly am glad this vacation will be over soon... Cmdr JFarrington -> <night> Admiral Atragon-9 -> (after dark has fallen) Turris Morran -> ::walks out into the sunlight, shielding his eyes, mumbling to himself:: Glad that's over with Keb -> ::looks over at Faldek sadly:: I'm sorry my dad ruined it for you. LtCdrFaldek -> ::is not taking in the sun and is dressed warmly:: kyle_mele -> ::opens his eyes slightly to lean back and take in the sight of the double moons - no matter how long he's been planet-side, never tires of the view:: Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> ((Eva> please tell me you are going to spray febreeze or something in that suite if that is the case, maenek...)) Turris Morran -> <<Oh, it's night time? :)>> Admiral Atragon-9 -> <<Nighttime, folks, no Sun>> LtCdrFaldek -> Not a problem, just going stir crazy... Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> ((oops)) Sovak -> ::in his quarters aboard Manticore, hard at work at his terminal:: Eva Jaz -> <<naw I'll leave it on *your* bed as a souvenir !! >> Ian_Syndrx -> ::sails into the rental harbor to return his sail boat, has his bags beamed back up to the ship, then has himself beamed to the other side of the planet where the sun is just coming up:: Keb -> ::rolls over and flops on top of him, giving Faldek a lazy kiss:: Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> *::finished her walk a little while ago and... Turris Morran -> ::shields his eyes from the moonlight, doesn't like light at all:: LtCdrFaldek -> ::is flopped on:: kyle_mele -> [[ touche ian.. haha ]] Cmdr JFarrington -> ::on the veranda, missing Manticore::: Ian_Syndrx -> ::gets a final Katarian beer and sits on the beach watching the suns come up on the other side of the world:: LtCmdr Roget -> ::stretched out beside Kyle:: LtCdrFaldek -> Isnt it funny how being away from the palce where we almost hate being? Keb -> I suppose I wouldn't mind having something to worry about besides whether Dad was going to show up and make everything miserable. Garnoopy -> ::wanders somewhere:: Keb -> ::grins down at him:: Yeah. Eva Jaz -> :: pulls out a fresh light blue wrap dress from her little bag and hurries back out before anybody notice she was ever in :: LtCdrFaldek -> I had half a mind to get married here... Hilee -> ::Sitting quietly in his room..in a loose terry cloth robe...relaxing and sipping a WCE...reflecting over the past few days..::Smiling from ear to ear::. kyle_mele -> ::turns his head to take in the sight of Margaux's double moons, never tires of that view either:: Cmdr JFarrington -> :spies a familiar shape coming down the beach, looking strangely like Garn::: precip -> ::just walking on the beach...getting his feet wet ..to say he did actually go to the beach...albiet at night:: Keb -> ::gives him a more serious look:: Really? After everything Dad said? LtCdrFaldek -> Just to spite him... Garnoopy -> ::wandering down the beach, sipping yet another drink:: Vilanne -> Concierge> ::wanders past Eva, carrying a lbox, heads towards one of the suites:: Garnoopy -> ::as he's spent the past few days doing:: Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> ::jostled as she continues back through the crowds; decides to head back in the direction of the suite Vilanne rented for the three of them, as she left things there the first night when Vilanne dragged her out:: Keb -> ::giggles:: As nice as that'd be, I'd hate to be in a marriage built on spite. Admiral Atragon-9 -> ::sitting on the back patio of the cottage, looking at the PADD that just beeped with their new orders on it:: Keb -> ::leans down and kisses him again:: LtCmdr Roget -> ::see him looking at her:: Do I even need to ask what you are thinking? kyle_mele -> ::leans over to plant a kiss on her cheek:: You shouldn't have to. Eva Jaz -> :: eyes concierge passing by with an " I'm up to no good smile " and quickly recognize him as the previous toe sucking pervy staff member described by Vil :: Cmdr JFarrington -> ::notes his wandering steps::: MC_Escher -> :sitting on the beach on the dusk side of the planet, watching Risa's version of the aurora, sipping one of the many beers in a cooler he has brought; he turns to T'Prise:: See? Isn't this cool? precip -> ::turns and notes he is entering...."Manticore Beach" LtCdrFaldek -> Well i mean i wouldnt just marry you to spite him... i do love you... plus im getting kind of uh... well you know, as she is on top of from the flopping manuever:: Cmdr JFarrington -> ::aside to A9::: Busy? Hilee -> ::Gathering his thoughts...gets up from the chair,and heads for the bedroom..for a change of attire...hair still wet from the shower:: Cmdr JFarrington -> <Hey Kit> precip -> (heya KK) kyle_mele -> [[ hi kk ]] Admiral Atragon-9 -> ::looks up from the PADD:: Sorry? LtCmdr Roget -> <hey kansas> Eva Jaz -> :: wonders what he's up to but decides that she has better things to do :: Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> ::enters the hotel and sees Eva passing on the way out:: Admiral Atragon-9 -> <<Greets KK>> LtCdrFaldek -> ((HI EE)) Keb -> ::blushes lightly--difficult to see in the darkness, and moves away to give him some breathing room:: If we give him more time to get used to the idea, maybe Dad'll get over himself. Besides, you haven't met the rest of the family yet. Vilanne -> Concierge> ::looks both ways before entering the suite, enters and slips quietly around the suite:: Kansas Kenickie -> <<Sorry I am late, book club wouldn't shut up>> T'Prise -> ::Looks up from the data PADD she has been studying:: The colors created by the atmospheric gases do create a pleasing view, however this particularly type of phenomena is not isolated to this planet. Garnoopy -> ::sips:: Turris Morran -> ::looks around and wanders off in some random direction:: Cmdr JFarrington -> ::slow turn:: I heard a beep. ::Knowing glance:: Eva Jaz -> ::beaming her special Jai smile:: Ah Doctor .. I almost missed you LtCmdr Roget -> ::smiles up lazily at him:: I think I could get used to this life of leisure LtCdrFaldek -> OH right siblings. Alex Macen -> ::finishes tinkering, puts on a ski mask with eye slits, and walks outside to where everyone else is:: precip -> ::notes the warm water wave over his ankles....a relaxing feeling as he stops and looks down contemplating things:: LtCmdr Roget -> <that's his turkey plunger, Jami. He's done> Keb -> ::grins at him:: Yup. They're not nearly so strict as Dad. MC_Escher -> ::scowls at her and takes a deep drink:: You have a peculiar knack for ruining moments, you know that, T'Prise? Vilanne -> Concierge> ::finds Vil snoring in her room, her little toes sticking out from under the sheet, he goes to the closet and pulls out a set of her shoes:: Cmdr JFarrington -> <Heh> Keb -> They'll like you. McFly -> <<KK!!! I don't have to go through sim life alone anymore>> Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> Eva> ::easily:: Yes, so I see...if I'd come a bit later you would have missed me entirely, probably at no loss to either of us. Excuse me. ::pushes past her up the stairs:: kyle_mele -> ::smiles:: You and me both.. T'Prise -> ::Quirks an eyebrow:: I apologize if I have offended you Commander, that was not my intent. I can leave if you wish. LtCdrFaldek -> If they didnt and this were Cardassia I could have them disappeared... ::grins evilly:: Vilanne -> Concierge> ::opens his kit, and begins cleaning the shoes while staring at her toes, then pauses to take a long sniff of the insole, and returns to the previous:: Admiral Atragon-9 -> Just our new orders Admiral Atragon-9 -> seems innocuous enough - but they always do Keb -> ::pokes him:: Hey. I like my sister and brother. Eva Jaz -> ::laughs out loud at the comment , watching Jaiysa going up the stairs before heading out :: LtCdrFaldek -> I was more referring to your father. T'Prise -> ::Grips her data PADD and rises from the beach chair:: Admiral Atragon-9 -> <<Greets Sumo!>> Vilanne -> Concierge> ::adjusts his position to be nearer to Vil, while continuing to clean her shoes:: Cmdr JFarrington -> ::slight nod, sipping her drink::: Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> ((heya, Sumo)) LtCmdr Roget -> ::rolls over onto her back, the hammock they are laying on swaying with her movements:: Cmdr JFarrington -> <son> Hilee -> <<Greets Sumo!!!>> Alex Macen -> ::Soits Escher and T'Prise, walking over and nodding to the two of them:: Commander, Sir. Mamm. STSF Sumo -> <<:::waves from the gallery::>> Admiral Atragon-9 -> I guess our time of sun and fun are over, huh? Alex Macen -> Maam]] kyle_mele -> ::sways momentarily:: MC_Escher -> ::sighs:: I don't want you to leave, T'Prise. Let's talk about something else. ::searches for something to say, realizes what it will have to be, and grabs another beer from the cooler:: Have you made any progress on the Wanderlust conspiracy? precip -> ::scrunches down and grabs some sand...water...which quickly empties from his hands:: Keb -> ::shifts to a more serious tone:: I like him, too, Beran. I'm not happy with how he's behaved towards you, but he's still my father. Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> ::takes a turbolift to the floor on which Vilanne's suite is located; lets the door slide open to admit her:: Cmdr JFarrington -> ::small sigh:: I suppose so. LtCdrFaldek -> Haha I guess its a good thing this isnt Cardassia then ::chuckles:: Keb -> ::grins and stands up:: kyle_mele -> What are your thoughts on Garnoopy? Cmdr JFarrington -> You've had fun, then - or were you being facetious? Garnoopy -> ::looking out at the ocean:: Eva Jaz -> :: starts walking down the boardwalk stupid grin on her face :: kyle_mele -> ::wiggles to lie on his side, facing her:: Keb -> ::looks out at the ocean and then declares:: I want to dance. Sovak -> ::reads the last report and closes his terminal:: Cmdr JFarrington -> ::sips, keeping an eye on the shape she believes is Garn::: T'Prise -> ::Gives Escher silencing look and motions to Macen:: Ensign. Do you require something? Vilanne -> Concierge> ::engrossed in a quick smell of her toes, then returns to cleaning her shoes with pride:: LtCdrFaldek -> Then dance. Admiral Atragon-9 -> I've had... a time MC_Escher -> ::glances up at Macen, wondering vaguely why he had to be at this particular spot on the planet:: Good evening, Ensign, uh...Mayden? LtCmdr Roget -> ::snuggles into his chest:: personally or professionally precip -> Okay...I have done my time on the beach to say...I did visit the beach so I will not be ridiculed by my crewmates....::mutters to self as he heads back away from the water up the beach:: LtCmdr Roget -> <hey you had some fun on the beach with us!> kyle_mele -> Yes. Cmdr JFarrington -> ::hums agreement::: Kansas Kenickie -> ::Exits the Holo area with McFly:: Admiral Atragon-9 -> <yeah, some fun!> Sovak -> #::tugs his uniform and leaves his quarters for the bridge:: Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> ::notes that the door to Vilanne's room is open; steps towards it to see if she is inside:: kyle_mele -> ::tracing her arm lightly with his finger, thinking:: precip -> (precip..have fun? lol...) Hilee -> ::Exiting his room...dressed a bit more casually tonight,but with a small box in his hand..heads to meet up with Eva:: Vilanne -> Concierge> ::leans over her foot and gives it a gentle kiss:: LtCmdr Roget -> ::trails her fingers over his chest:: I've known Garn a long time. Been his friend a long time Eva Jaz -> ::taking her time , looking at all the stores windows while making her way to her evening rendez vous :: McFly -> ::he has the rifle slung over his shoulder; he's hot, tired, and winded:: Alex Macen -> ::looks down to Escher, and meanwhile also at T'Prise:: I was just leaving actually, I was wondering where you could point me out to the rest of the groups, Trying to enjoy the last day and, well. Got a bit sidetracked and, lost even... ::attempts... Alex Macen -> ...To say Embarrassingly:: LtCdrFaldek -> ::stands up as well:: kyle_mele -> ::nods quietly:: Keb -> ::looks down at him dolefully:: So you're not going to dance with me? McFly -> <<do you ever get those moments where you just want to wag an eyebrow?>> Kansas Kenickie -> ::leans on him:: that was fun Cmdr JFarrington -> <Greetings, Luc> LtCdrFaldek -> Of course I am... ::is standing:: Eva Jaz -> <<hey Big guy >> Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> ::walks into the just in time to see the foot-kissing going on; both eyes narrow:: Fvah dha'nia Kholairlh-a nahi!? Luc Daren -> (( :: waves, heads for the peanut gallery :: )) Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> ((evening, Luc)) Vilanne -> Concierge> ::jumps, startled, goes back to the closet, changes to the next pair of shoes:: Sovak -> #::as he enters the bridge, he notices the officers on duty suddenly become busier, one quickly removeing his boots from the console in front of him:: T'Prise -> ::Macen:: I believe many of the crew are preparing for departure tomorrow, perhaps they are congregating in their respective lodgings? Keb -> ::breaks into the biggest smile she's had all week:: Really? LtCdrFaldek -> I can cut quite a rug, when I want to... precip -> ::heads back to the hotel to pack up for Manticore:: Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> ((that was "What in the Element's name?" for anyone who was curious)) McFly -> i thought you'd enjoy that, beats long walks on the beach right Ian_Syndrx -> ::the spectacular part of the sunrises finishes, Ian has himself beamed back to the night side of the planet, strolls along the beach, simply for the novelty of taking a moonlit walk after watching the sunrise:: Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> Concierge> Who are you? What are you doing here? Admiral Atragon-9 -> <<greets Luc>> LtCmdr Roget -> He's smart, sexy, and the best engineer I've yet to meet Cmdr JFarrington -> ::puts down her drink, then turns to massage his back:: LtCmdr Roget -> and that's saying volumes Keb -> You told me before that you didn't dance, though. Kansas Kenickie -> OH heck yeah.. that walking stuff is boring MC_Escher -> ::chuckles:: T'Prise is right. The central lodging is about a quarter of the way around the planet. Ask the transporter techs, they'll know where the Manticore crew is staying Hilee -> ::Exits the hotel...and heads down the boardwalk...a bit of a hurried pace...grinning :: Vilanne -> Concierge> ::glances up at the Romulan, in a subserviant way, keeps cleaning the shoes:: Just the shoe-cleaner ma'am. Keb -> ::moves closer to him, resting a hand on his shoulder:: LtCdrFaldek -> I dont, but i do know how. Cmdr JFarrington -> Yeah, you've had some fun. :::pressing hard on some pressure points:: LtCdrFaldek -> Official Embassy functions... Keb -> ::looks up at him happily:: Show me? Eva Jaz -> :: arrives in front of the resto wondering if she's too early :: kyle_mele -> ::nods quietly again, continuing to trace her arm, moving now and then to her thigh, but returning quickly to her arm after the brief incursion:: Garnoopy -> ::sighs, thinking:: Alex Macen -> ::looks at the two once again:: But neither of you seem, to.. Nevermind sirs, I will contact them and get a ride out to the lodgings..:: Wanders off, scratching the back of his ski mask. McFly -> ::puts his rifle down and fervidly kisses her still in a moment of passion:: LtCdrFaldek -> ::starts humming something like a waltz and takes Keb into his arms and starts to move with the song in his head:: kyle_mele -> Do you think Atragon was serious? Vilanne -> Concierge> ::tosses his brush and cloth back into his box kit and neatly places the shoes back in the closet:: And I have just finished. ::hitails it out of the suite before the Romulan gets her hands on him:: Keb -> ::closes her eyes, enjoying the motion and the closeness with Beran:: Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> ::looks as if she's trying to decide whether to snarl at him or burst out laughing as he leaves:: Vilanne -> ::slowly wakes to a commotion in her room, pulls the sheet up to her neck and quickly tucks her feet under as well:: Cmdr JFarrington -> ::then runs her fingernails lightly up the back of his neck:: I've not seen you this tight for a long time. MC_Escher -> :watches Macen go, takes a big gulp from his beer, and looks over at T'Prise:: So. Any Wanderlust progress? T'Prise -> ::Watches Macen depart:: His manner of dress is curious for this environment. LtCmdr Roget -> ::pauses in the slow movements she was making on his chest with her fingers and looks him square in the eye:: For as well as I know Garn, I know A9 better. He was all kinds of serious. Garnoopy -> ::takes a big swig, having updated his resume that morning:: LtCdrFaldek -> ::twirls her into a spin, and brings her back in close:: Kansas Kenickie -> ::Hugs him:: this was a perfect night Hilee -> Easing up behind Eva...and :: Eva> Boo...got you.. Ian_Syndrx -> ::sees Escher and T'Prise in the distance, barely recognizes Alex with the mask, runs to catch up with him:: Keb -> ::spins, a flutter of gauzy skirts and leg:: Admiral Atragon-9 -> It's not the mission Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> Vil> ::turns to her, sees she is now awake, and says casually:: Jolan tru, rokhinu. Have you had a pleasant nap? Admiral Atragon-9 -> it's... Vilanne -> ::sees someone leaving, thinks it was the creep but also sees t'Tamarak:: jai! How was your evening. ::pats on bed:: come... tell me about it. Alex Macen -> ::Glances at Ian, seeing him running up, waving to him in greeting.:: MC_Escher -> ::waves him off:: I've come to learn that kind of people we get on this ship are too strange to bother asking any time they do something out of the ordinary. Live and let live. Keb -> ::rests her head against his strong shoulder:: Know what I heard from some of the crew? McFly -> Brutus> ::CENSORED:: Admiral Atragon-9 -> I am going to begin the paperwork to have Garn remioved from the ship Sovak -> #::strolls behind the suddenly stiff backs of the bridge crew officers, busy at the back of the bridge, before taking his seat in the CC:: LtCdrFaldek -> WHat's that? Eva Jaz -> ::jumps about 3 ft high letting a little scared noise out ..... turning around :: Don't Do that *ever* again!!! :: smiles:: Cmdr JFarrington -> ::glances up towards the figure on the beach, pausing momentarily to listen to her husband::: Ian_Syndrx -> ::catches up to Alex:: What's with the mask, are you robbing a bank? kyle_mele -> I know they have their differences.. and I know Garn's insubordination at times.. Keb -> :;still swaying with Faldek even without music:: The admiral and Garnoopy had a huge fight. Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> Vil> Nothing to tell, I'm afraid. Aside from clearing your room of men apparently interested in your feet, my most eventful moment today has been encountering a strange man on the beach at approximately 0730. Hilee -> ::Grins and sniks a bit:: Well good to see your reflexes are still up to par Eva.. kyle_mele -> But I'm not sure I can work for a man who transfers a senior officer away simply because they keep him in check. T'Prise -> ::Nods, but still looks curious. Hands her PADD over to him:: I have a theory regarding how Kosinski may have tampered with the engines, I believe the next step would be to run some simulations in the holodeck to confirm my suppositions. LtCdrFaldek -> Maybe the Admiral will bust him down a peg or two... Alex Macen -> ::Tries to smirk to him, but the mask filters out most emotion:: Sand does not mix well with my mask. My grandmother knit this for me years ago, long story.. Anyways, Where is everyone? Cmdr JFarrington -> <w> ::working down his arms::: So it's come to that. precip -> ::enters the hotel lobby and notes some fellow officers...figures he best keep to himself on leave and heads to the lift:: Vilanne -> Wait... what? Strange men?? On my room? on the beach? LtCmdr Roget -> Kyle, you know Atragon. He can tolerate the questions, but Garn poses those questions out in the open, allowing for dissent. You know that will kill a command. Keb -> ::looks up at Beran's face:: You really don't like him, do you? LtCdrFaldek -> Did I ever tell you he banned me from Engineering? McFly -> ::looks at her:: so, how do we finish off risa? Turris Morran -> ::stops off at a juice bar andtakes a seat:: Admiral Atragon-9 -> I just can't have a dept head react the way he does EVERY time I make an order Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> ::finally gives in to her amusement and smirks:: Ie and ie. Keb -> ::shakes her head:: No...what'd he do that for? Garnoopy -> ::contemplates what's next, where life will lead him... 8 years is a long time onboard one ship with limited room for advancement:: Admiral Atragon-9 -> It may be as much my fault as his, but he can't stay LtCdrFaldek -> He's more arrogant than me. Ian_Syndrx -> ::shrugs:: I've been living on a sailboat the whole time, I saw alot of them at a bonfire several days ago, I think some of them are staying in the hotel near the beach. kyle_mele -> Yes. But you also know Garn, as does every department head, and well all know to temper what he says just as much as we temper what Atragon says. MC_Escher -> ::takes PADD and looks over it:: This seems plausible. It would fit the idea that Kosinski wasn't trying to actually blow the Wanderlust up, just make it appear to detonate. Still doesn't explain WHY he wanted to do that, though Eva Jaz -> ::grabs Hilee's arm :: <in a fake snobbish tone >> My relfexes are very good if you must know! precip -> ::rides in the lift and hears some tune by Eiffel 65 so the voice goes:: Kansas Kenickie -> Streaking? Cmdr JFarrington -> ::working out a knot in his shoulder:::: Eva Jaz -> <<noooo! now it's stuck in my head till next week! >> kyle_mele -> ::quietly:: I have to admit, there are a great many times I find myself agreeing with Garnoopy more than I do Atragon. Vilanne -> What do you mean Yes and Yes... ::leaps out of bed, puts on robe and hurries out to the door to see if she really saw who she thought she did:: McFly -> ::smirk:: by all means, i'm more than happy to watch Eva Jaz -> I'm starving , can we go in ?! Keb -> Just because he's arrogant? Alex Macen -> ::nods:: I myself have not been.. as you may say, mixing in with the crowd. I've too busy.. ::He trails off, trying not to divulge his project:: precip -> (It could be a Free Credit Report.com jingle) LtCdrFaldek -> OK we're both arrogant, so we clash... Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> I mean you had a strange man in your room and that there was a strange man on the beach. ::deliberately being obtuse and clearly enjoying it very much:: Keb -> ::laughs:: Like you and Dad. LtCdrFaldek -> You're dads just pompous. Hilee -> ::Chuckles at Eva a bit:: Hey what do you think...just one last stroll down the board walk,look at the stores and shops? LtCmdr Roget -> *we* know that because we've been together forever. The new crew members do not. His staff is young and if they see their Chief constantly questioning every order from the Admiral, they will come to accept that as appropriate behaviour. And how long Ian_Syndrx -> Busy? We've been on shore leave, you aren't supposed to have been working. LtCdrFaldek -> And a bigot. Cmdr JFarrington -> <Greetings, Robinson> Vilanne -> ::returns to the room after finding the man gone:: That's it... are they letting us return to the ship yet? T'Prise -> ::Looks speculative: The Wanderlust and her technology would have been a worthwhile prize for any enemy to the Federation. Hilee -> Eva> Of course....post dinner stroll then? Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> ((hello, Robinson)) LtCmdr Roget -> until they turn on that on their own Chief? Would you tolerate that in Medical? Kansas Kenickie -> ::Pushes him slightly:: I bet Garnoopy -> ::finishes his drink, wanders some more down the beach:: Eva Jaz -> ::pondering:: oki I guess I'm never uhungry enough to skip on shopping Cmdr JFarrington -> ::then the other shoulder, keeping an eye on the solitary figure by the water's edge::: Keb -> ::gives him a Look:: Hey. No dissing Dad while he's still trying to be polite. Anyway, we were talkinga bout Garnoopy. precip -> ::enters room and packs...first does a quck tricorder sweep for listening devices and other bugs....finding none he hums and packs::: Cmdr JFarrington -> <Evening, Jerry> Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> ((yo, skip)) Eva Jaz -> ::pulls Hilee towards the shop she passed on her way in :: Eva Jaz -> <<Skip ... >> Jerry 'Skip' Maxwell -> <<Howdy all just stoppin in to watch :)>> LtCdrFaldek -> Well I wouldn't be sad to him go, then maybe I could go back into engineering... you know that was my first job on Manticore... I transferred to security. Hilee -> :;Pulled:: MC_Escher -> ::looking as speculative as one can with four beers in their system:: True, true. Do you have any idea which particular baddy wanted us this time? Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> Vil> I don't think there was any particular prohibition on it -- I have been sleeping there and no one seemed to find it a problem. precip -> ::swears he hears some noises coming from the next room but pays it no mind:: McFly -> Waiter> ::the waiter stands at a distance watching kansas and matt; a single tear rolls down his cheek; thinking in a fake french accent;; I wish I could find someone to love me like that Alex Macen -> ::Shakes his head:: its not that kind of work, it's uh, you could say, 'Personal Thing'. A "Hobby", of sorts. Cmdr JFarrington -> ::pausing to adjust her posture::: You know it'll take quite a while for the cogs to turn. He'll probably be on this next mission. Admiral Atragon-9 -> <<Greets Robinson and Maxwell - we need to get a bigger balcony!>> Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> ((rofl, matt)) kyle_mele -> ::quiet, thinking that over:: I think perhaps I empathize with Garnoopy so much because he reminds me so much of Marem. Vilanne -> ::throws bag on bed, starts tossing all of her things into it haphazzardly:: THat's it... I'm returning to Manticore, where strangers don't have access to my quarters... Kansas Kenickie -> <<::Gags::>>> Vilanne -> and I'm not harassed endlessly! Eva Jaz -> <<hahaha>> Keb -> ::smiles at Faldek:: That was my first posting, too. Garnoopy was like an uncle to me. We worked together on the PC. Alex Macen -> <<::Thinks in unison with the waiter::>> MC_Escher -> <<He even thinks in the fake accent? That's dedication.>> Kansas Kenickie -> I am starving now LtCdrFaldek -> Yeah and I designed the Chimera, among other things, while I was away for a year... McFly -> we just ate Alex Macen -> <<:: - the french accent::>> kyle_mele -> ::grins:: He was a daredevil if ever there were one. Not cocky, but definitely confident. He could do anything, especially if no one else could, or if someone said he couldn't. LtCmdr Roget -> ::reaches up and holds Kyle's face in her hands:: I"m not saying that Atragon is right in his ultimatum or that Garn in right in his insubordination. Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> ::watching Vilanne's nervous antics with a faint grin:: And you were so pleased with the place... precip -> (probably Tal`shiar spy..or Obisidian Order...) Keb -> ::grins:: I've got to stop liking people you don't like. ::hops up to give him another kiss:: Hilee -> Eva> Well my dear...last night in Paris...I suppoe::smiles:: Admiral Atragon-9 -> Yes, the process will begin, but I'm not going to endanger the crew and ship by kicking him off right now T'Prise -> ::Shakes her head slightly:: I am only speculating. I intent to investigate Dr. kosinski before formulating a theory as to the reasons behind his actions. Ian_Syndrx -> Well, it's our last night planetside, lets find ourselves a bar and cause some ruckus:: Eva Jaz -> :: grins :: Anything you wanted to buy or you just wanted to know if I liked shoe shopping more than you ? LtCdrFaldek -> You are free to like whoever you wish to like. Vilanne -> ::stops in her tracks, arms full of clothing and shoes from the closet:: Pleased with what place? T'Prise -> *intend LtCmdr Roget -> We would be worse off without him, but they have to find a way to work together. He cannon question every order, every decsions -- at least not in public Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> Risa. LtCmdr Roget -> *cannot Keb -> But you don't like it. Admiral Atragon-9 -> Heck, just being without him, at any point, can be endangering the ship and crew! MC_Escher -> Isn't he...::thinks through fog:: Isn't he gone? Or dead? Cmdr JFarrington -> ::Slips back onto her chaise, tucking her legs beneath her to face him::: Eva Jaz -> <<that's what happen when everybody talk about french accents! >> Turris Morran -> <<brb>> Vilanne -> Risa risa schmiza... I don't think I'll ever return. kyle_mele -> ::nods in agreement:: Very true. We need a counselor onboard to mediate the situation. Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> ((what -- that they think they're spies?)) Keb -> ::isn't really dancing anymore...just staying close to Beran on the beach:: Garnoopy -> ::moves into some lit area:: Cmdr JFarrington -> So..he's a danger and a necessity. LtCdrFaldek -> It doesn't matter to me, your life is your own, and you can be friends with whoever you like, i don't want you to change. LtCmdr Roget -> ::smiles:: and you think he's cute Alex Macen -> ::tries to laugh, but it comes out as, almost a whine, from the rush of air:: You forget, I'm not much of a drinker, ::pointing to his mask:: though i'll be happy to join you. Nothing better going on around this planet. Keb -> ::looks up at him:: What do you want? LtCmdr Roget -> ::grimaces at the term counselor:: Spare us all that flim flam nonsense Cmdr JFarrington -> ::is now positive it's Garn, but does not show it as she continues to watch Atragon::: kyle_mele -> ::his spots darken as he flushes:: Is it that obvious? LtCdrFaldek -> I want a chilled bottle of Romulan Ale. Admiral Atragon-9 -> Danger and necessity - just like Manticore Hilee -> Eva> Not at all....::grins:: Keb -> ::laughs:: Kansas Kenickie -> What's to eat? Cmdr JFarrington -> ::wan smile:: Just like Manticore. Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> ::honestly laughs now:: I don't think you're losing much by that opinion. LtCmdr Roget -> ::kisses him lightly:: Only to me ... and perhaps Garn. Keb -> Wanna go somewhere that might have one? LtCdrFaldek -> Yes, that's exactly what I want. T'Prise -> ::Gives Escher a look:: His death should not impede an investigation into his motivations. ::pauses:: Are you inebriated? kyle_mele -> And it's not that absurd of an idea.. not as a full time position, just someone who's wise enough to listen and guide. Eva Jaz -> ::looks at a store window full of shoes with the look of a 5 yrs old on christmas morning :: Vilanne -> And you? Are you staying? LtCdrFaldek -> ::pulls out a miniature PADD, and looks up Romulan Ale, finds an establishment:: Ahh it is this way. kyle_mele -> ::smiles at the kiss:: LtCdrFaldek -> ::starts leading:: Admiral Atragon-9 -> I don't want him to leave, but he must - does that make sense? Keb -> ::takes his hand and walks by his side:: Ian_Syndrx -> ::starts walking towards the area with shops:: Bah, we'll get you a straw, you'll be able to drink just fine Hilee -> ::Just standing watching Eva's expression ...over the mass of shoes:: LtCmdr Roget -> counselors are a pain in the .... ::lets her comment drown away:: Vilanne -> ::tosses the pile into the suitcase, shoves the edges of things in hoping it'll all fit, since she did some shopping:: McFly -> didn't we just eat, i swear that's what's on this table behind me Cmdr JFarrington -> ::taking another drink from the cabana boy::: Yes, strangely enough. It does. kyle_mele -> ::grins:: I know, I'm dating a former counselor, remember? Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> I assume not, unless you have some recommendation for something i must do before i go. Kansas Kenickie -> I can eat again! lets go find a place that is open MC_Escher -> ::slurring a little:: If by ibenriated - ineebriyated - drunk, you mean, drunk, then yes, yes, I am drunk. ::chugs what is now his sixth beer:: LtCmdr Roget -> ::wrinkles her nose:: Don't remind me. I was there by cohersion only Alex Macen -> ::nods to him, figuring physical emotion over verbal :: Some beverages are better off not drunk through a straw.. Though some are better off like that ::Following him:: precip -> ::happy he has all his affairs hin order he goes to the automatic checkout display on the Risan version of LCARS:: Vilanne -> Your translator is confusing me. Yes or no, are you going to Manti with me or not? McFly -> ::gets dragged away by KK:: what'd you collect a tape worm here? kyle_mele -> I think I might take on responsibility for the position. Unless things get crazy, I wouldn't imagine the workload would be horrendous. LtCdrFaldek -> ::leads the way into the "Dapper Bar and Eatery":: Eva Jaz -> ::shakes her head turning sadly away from the beautiful footwear :: Hilee> I won't put you through this :;chuckles :: it's our last evening here after all whatever you want to do I'm folowing :: offers her hand :: Kansas Kenickie -> maybe! Kansas Kenickie -> I am thinking Ice cream Admiral Atragon-9 -> +SOVAK+ Captain Sovak, come in Garnoopy -> ::realizing it might be time to move on, gets another drink:: Ian_Syndrx -> ::walks into the first bar he finds, takes a stool, orders himself a beer:: T'Prise -> ::Takes away his beer, placing it back in the cooler:: I believe you have had enough, Commander. McFly -> i get it, you just want something to lick LtCmdr Roget -> ::cocks a solitary eyebrow:: Is this what we're doing? Dating? precip -> ::taps Checkout Option:: LtCdrFaldek -> ::takes a seat as there is a "seat yourself" sign:: Nice... no waiting. kyle_mele -> ::ponders:: Is it? Sovak -> #+A9+ Sovak here, Admiral. Hilee -> Eva> It is fine..really,pick out the shoes you want...we have until tomorrow ,plenty of time. Vilanne -> ::digs through each drawers, tossing their contents onto the bed, cleans out the dresser:: I think that's everything for me. McFly -> well baby, i'm your ice cream man and all my flavors are guaranteed to satisfy Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> I am returning. Alex Macen -> ::Orders a juice box.. Glass..:: Kansas Kenickie -> ::makes a face:: eww Kansas Kenickie -> that is gross Cmdr JFarrington -> ::relaxing back against her chaise for what is probably the last time::: McFly -> ::laughs:: Keb -> ::sits next to Beran:: I just want an ice water. Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> ::looks at the suitcase:: You have too many belongings, rokhinu. LtCdrFaldek -> ::cruises to a booth and offers Keb the seat across from him:: McFly -> <<I love Van Halen>> Admiral Atragon-9 -> +SOVAK+ Captain, our orders are in. I will transmit them to you now. Let the crew know that have 3 hours to return to the ship Turris Morran -> <<back>> T'Prise -> <<Who doesn't?>> Vilanne -> It was my turn to clean up the suite... but Eva hasn't been staying... think the maids will get the rest? McFly -> it was funny though huh? Ian_Syndrx -> ::raises his eyebrows at the juice box, but doesn't say anything:: Sovak -> +A9+ Aye Admiral, I'm reading them, now, Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> Why else would there be maids? MC_Escher -> :grins and produces another beer he had hidden in the sand for just this occasion:: What you believe, Teepee, and, and, what I think is good, or, wait, what is actually good, yeah - those are very different things. LtCmdr Roget -> ::gets a faraway look in her eyes:: Yes, I guess it is. ::rolls over and slips gracefully from the hammock:: Do you want to talk to him or should I? Kansas Kenickie -> Umm... sure it was ::Pats his arm:: precip -> ::taps Commbadge:: +Manticore TR Guy+ Precip here one to beam up.... Keb -> ::sits across from Faldek in the offered seat:: LtCmdr Roget -> ::smooths her clothes back in an appropriate fashion:: Vilanne -> True... true. ::sits on the suitecase, pushing everything down hoping to latch it:: Never too much... Alex Macen -> ::glances at Ian:: I never grew a taste to Synthahol, Alcohol, whichever Cmdr JFarrington -> ::notes the silhouette of Garn has disappeared from her view:::: Turris Morran -> ::sips some fruity foofoo drink with an umbrella through a straw:: kyle_mele -> ::does his best to balance himself in a sitting position in the hammock:: You've known him longer, but .. LtCdrFaldek -> ::waits for the waiter, and once he arrives orders their best bottle fo Romulan Ale:: Would you like anything Keb? Keb -> Just ice water. LtCdrFaldek -> No Ale? Eva Jaz -> No really I don't think a day is long enough for me to try all of these so let's go somewhere elese before I don't have any willl power left and run in the store Keb -> They have the best water here, you know. LtCmdr Roget -> You know they will never make a date to sit down on their own Hilee -> Eva> Go ahead...get your shoes...::sipping on his dbl strong espresso:: kyle_mele -> ::chuckle:: It's no secret to you, the attraction that's there - and I don't think I'm lying to say I believe it goes both ways. T'Prise -> ::Reaches for the new beer bottle:: It is for the best sir, you will need to report to duty tomorrow and it would be better if you were not suffering the side effects of liquor. I will assist you back to your hotel room so that you may rest. Keb -> ::looks at the waiter:: Can you get it just at freezing, so it turns to slush when you move it? That's the best. kyle_mele -> I tend to be his confidant already.. maybe I should talk to him. Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> ::watches Vilanne struggle with the suitcase:: Vilanne -> ::having trouble with the suitecase closure:: Jai, lend a hand? Sovak -> #+COM+ ::Broadcasting to all Com badges:: This is Captain Sovak issuing a general recall. Report for duty aboard Manticore by 0100 hours. Eva Jaz -> ::looks at the inviting boutique then back at Hilee smiling :: I'll be just a moment I promise :: runs in the store :: McFly -> ::is reminded of a short limerick; "tell a funny joke just to get some play then you try to make a move and she says no way":: LtCdrFaldek -> Waiter> ::toodles off with the order, and returns almost as quickly with the drinks:: Keb -> ::looks down at her badge:: Oh, no...already? kyle_mele -> ::fails miserably at his attempt to balance, practically leaps off the hammock to avoid tumbling head-over-heels:: Ian_Syndrx -> ::sets his drink down:: Ah, well, I grew up on a cargo vessel, I developed that pretty early Hilee -> Eva> Be right back::points at the food vendor right across from the shoe store:: MC_Escher -> ::laughs:: That's right, assist me. Oh how I love to be assisted by T'Prise! ::gets up and immediately loses balance and staggers into T'Prise, grabbing her shoulder for support:: Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> ::pushes off the wall she is now leaning against and goes to the corner of the suitcase, shoving it down and locking one side with a quick jerk:: Kansas Kenickie -> ::lifts brow:: LtCdrFaldek -> No glass, i'll just drink from the bottle... Vilanne -> ::hears the com:: Great... I'll be early, and can try and get scheduled in a shift... away from Chief Mele. Kansas Kenickie -> ::Pulls him along towards the ice cream place:: Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> (( +1 subtlety to escher )) LtCmdr Roget -> ::nods:: Go, talk, see if there is more than meets the eye. ::graps his arm to steady him and pulls him close, face to face:: You know i"m not the jealous type Hilee -> ::Stops dead in his tracks at the comm:: MC_Escher -> <<Oh yeah, you know I'm good>> Vilanne -> Thank you.... ::looks at the other side:: Sovak -> #::posts the recall on official Risa channels for general broadcast:: Ian_Syndrx -> ::hears the comm, checks his tricorder for the time:: Keb -> ::looks at her glass of frosty slush:: I'm going to have to make some time to say goodbye to my folks. Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> ::chuckles:: Cmdr JFarrington -> <I actually gave him a 2.5> Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> ::quickly snaps shut the other side of the suitcase:: Keb -> You don't have to come. kyle_mele -> ::takes her face gently in his hands, pulling her into a long intimate kiss:: McFly -> Waiter> ::curses to himself in french as he cleans up the park area matt and kansas were at but since he doesn't really know how to speak french if just jibberish:: Admiral Atragon-9 -> (( Hey, he said "shoulder")) McFly -> <<if=it's>> Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> ((that's true)) Cmdr JFarrington -> <out of 10> LtCdrFaldek -> Better make it snappy then, we leave pretty soon. I had the bellman pack up our room. Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> ((lmao)) kyle_mele -> And I'm far too old to be caught up with jealousy.. I know you and Atragon have a history, and it doesn't bother me either. Garnoopy -> ::sighs:: T'Prise -> <<I gave him a -2, she's on to him>> Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> ((::sniggers::)) precip -> Three Orion Women upon hearing Brutus's combadge recall order> AWWWWWWHHHH!!!! LtCmdr Roget -> No, but it may bother others. kyle_mele -> ::grins, glances around before whispering:: Perhaps some sharing is in order at some point. Kansas Kenickie -> ::Steps up to the ice cream place:: Eva Jaz -> :: hears the comm and deicides to not waste the little time she has left , so just picks out 7 different pairs of shoes without trying them and gets them send to the ship after paying for them and hurries back out :: T'Prise -> ::Gives him a patent Vulcan look and steadies him:: What you are implying is illogical, you are obviously not in a rational state of mind. Keb -> ::smiles at Faldek:: I'll give Mom your farewell then. And tell Dad to get over himself. Vilanne -> ::gets off the closed suitcase and walks over to the panel on the counter:: Checkout time... shall I que you too? LtCmdr Roget -> And you know what they say about history repeating itself :;winks:: LtCdrFaldek -> Well I guess you have to tell them bye now and I have to get a cork for this bottle. Keb -> Though maybe not in so many words. kyle_mele -> ::laughs:: kyle_mele -> ::headtilt:: I do have one question, though... Hilee -> ::Grabs the heavily seasoned sea food wraps in a bag to go:: Eva> Ahh..there you are,suppose you heard the comm then::smiles:: LtCdrFaldek -> ::orders the cork for the bottle:: Alex Macen -> ::nods to Ian:: Well, I better get to my quarters, get everything ready. LtCmdr Roget -> Anything Eva Jaz -> ::looks for Hilee everywhere before spotting him across the street :: Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> ::nods:: Ie, hann'yyo. Keb -> ::puts up her glass:: A toast to the ship and her safe voyage? kyle_mele -> Did he wear that.. exosuit when you two..? MC_Escher -> :stares at her:: I'm implying something? Wow, I thought I was way to to drunk to be able to imply anything. ::extracts himself from her to give a deep bow:: Escher at your service. LtCdrFaldek -> I'll go back to the suite and get our stuff back to Manticore. You tell them bye. Admiral Atragon-9 -> ::starts to pack up his vacation items:: Cmdr JFarrington -> <rofl Kyle - TMI> Ian_Syndrx -> ::finishes his drink:: Agreed, ten slips says that Escher is still drunk when the duty shift starts McFly -> Brutus> ::hears the comm badge:: you heard him ladies, last call ::camera zooms out through the locked door to the hallway; inside you hear loud female giggling and a couple of screams:: kyle_mele -> [[ i mean curious minds want to know!! HAHA ]] LtCdrFaldek -> ::fakes toastes and drinks air:: Alex Macen -> ::Shrugs:: That, or the hangover, see you on board. ::heads out:: Hilee -> Eva> We have a cpl.hours...you packed? Vilanne -> ::taps on the console's screen, clicking speedy-checkout, no frills, and to handle their own bags:: Admiral Atragon-9 -> <<naaah, Zero G Funplex!>> Eva Jaz -> I did.. I guess I have to ge back to my suite to pack ::pouts :: LtCmdr Roget -> ::smacks him on the rear:: I don't tell him about your talents, I won't tell you about his! Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> ((::intrigued::)) Keb -> ::sips and takes her water to go:: precip -> @::Arrives in his quarters on Manticore:: Good to be..home I suppose. kyle_mele -> ::appropriately chastised:: Fair enough! Vilanne -> ::console bleeps, receiving, acknowledging, and sending the bill to Vilanne's credit-card:: LtCdrFaldek -> ::kisses Keb, and them shimmers away to the suite:: Keb -> ::squeezes Faldek's hand:: Remember, I'm going back to Manticore. With you. LtCmdr Roget -> Go ... find Garn. We need our amigo T'Prise -> ::Looks impassive:: You need to return to the hotel, your require rest so that you will not suffer from any ill effects in the morning. kyle_mele -> ::glances around again, taking in the sight:: Yes. Ian_Syndrx -> ::waves to Alex as he leaves the bar, presses his combadge:: Computer, activate program Syndrx vacation omega Hilee -> Eva> Well no reason to go off half packed on an empty stomach...::passes a sea food wrap to her::. kyle_mele -> ::gives her a squeeze:: See you soon. Cmdr JFarrington -> ::wanders into the bedroom to finish tucking away the last few items::: Vilanne -> ::ignores the charges:: We can go... are you packed up? Kansas Kenickie -> ::Gets a choclate cone, turns around:: Kansas Kenickie -> where to? LtCdrFaldek -> ::demat/remat in the suite, finding everything packed:: Nice... he shall recieve a good tip. Ian_Syndrx -> ::shimmers back into his quarters, starts getting himself ready for work:: Keb -> ::coms her parents, gets Hannah::+Hannah+Mom, we've got to head back to the ship. I'm coming to your suite to say bye, okay? Garnoopy -> ::just chilling:: Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> ::returns to the front room and picks up the small pack of supplies she had brought down the first evening, then nods:: After you. McFly -> We got a few hours left, i say we make the most of it Eva Jaz -> ::chuckles and grabs the wrap :: Well if you are done packing come with me .. I won't be long .. I only had a little bag Keb -> Hannah Mizu>+Keb+Sure, we'll be ready. Vilanne -> ::goes to the door with her suitcase, and a few bags from shopping:: Keb -> ::heads to her parents' suite:: LtCdrFaldek -> ::cruises downstairs and settles the bill, giving a tip of the bellboy to be... 1/4 of a car of GPL:: MC_Escher -> ::points at her:: That...that sounds like a good idea, my esteemed robotic colleague. ::grabs her arm again to steady himself:: Lead on, Ms. Calculatrice! Eva Jaz -> :;munches on the seafood wrap waiting for an answer :: LtCmdr Roget -> ::watches Kyle leave and then makes her own way to the central lobby to arrange for their belonging to be collected:: Kansas Kenickie -> maybe we should finish packing? Vilanne -> Shall we call for a lift? ::points at her COM badge:: Keb -> <<wow, a whole car?>> McFly -> plenty of time for that Hilee -> Eva> Well it did have to end..here on Risa anyway,but we have only just begun...only thing unpacked is what I am wearing.,oh except for this one small box::hands it to her::. Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> Can Manticore not beam us directly? Cmdr JFarrington -> ::snaps the bag closed and looks up::: Alex Macen -> ::heads into his quarters, insuring everything is prepared, taking his brace and hiding it into a knapsack, taking off his ski mask:: kyle_mele -> ::wanders onto the beach, figuring he'll find Garnoopy getting in his last few minutes of respite:: Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> ((what kind? VW or Escalade?)) Vilanne -> That's what I meant. Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> ((it makes a difference)) Garnoopy -> ::getting his last few minutes of repite:: McFly -> ::he watches KK lick the ice cream:: Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> Then yes. LtCdrFaldek -> ::heads back up to the room and gather the things:: Manticore 1 to beam up, energize. LtCdrFaldek -> <<bar>> T'Prise -> ::Looks slightly hurt but only for a moment:: Perhaps we ought to instead return to the Manticore, you are going to require some medical attention elimate the alcohol from your system. Vilanne -> Let me know when you are ready, I'll call the TR Chief. LtCdrFaldek -> # ::demat/remat on Manticore:: Kansas Kenickie -> I think I want to pack.. I enjoy packing ::Slips her shoes back on:: Ian_Syndrx -> ::showers and dresses in his uniform, then heads to the lab to begin the reactivation sequence:: McFly -> <<why time is it supposed to be anyway>> Eva Jaz -> :: stops chewing before swallowing slowly looking very suspiciously at the box not making a move for it ::what's that Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> I have been ready, rokhinu...go ahead. Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> ((evening)) LtCdrFaldek -> # ::carries Keb's things back to her quarters, and drops them off:: T'Prise -> *eliminate Admiral Atragon-9 -> ((2200 or so)) Vilanne -> +Tr Chief+ Dr Chalice and Dr t'Tamarak to transport to... Chalice quarters? ::eyes Jai:: Keb -> ::arrives at Mom and Dad's and gives them both hugs:: I'm going to miss you guys. I'm glad you got to meet Beran. LtCmdr Roget -> ::makes the necessary arrangements and then decides to stroll along the promenade one last time, before being trapped that little hell hole of an office for months at a time:: LtCdrFaldek -> ::walks a little farther and hits his quarters, changing into uniform:: Hilee -> Eva> Well ...you will not know if you do not open it silly::grins:: Kansas Kenickie -> maybe hit the hot tub one more time precip -> #::downlaods his holocam pictures into his LCARS station in his quarters:: McFly -> come on, we had an incredible night, i want to end it with a bang... ohh that would have been awesome Admiral Atragon-9 -> <<actually, probably 2300 by now>> Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> ::eyes narrow slightly, lips twitch, then shakes head:: Sickbay will suffice. I have to return this. ::gestures at pack of supplies:: Ian_Syndrx -> ::walks into the lab and turns the big switch to the MORE MAGIC position, watches as the consoles light up, sits down at his terminal:: MC_Escher -> ::blinks a little:: You're right, I'm reeeally drunk. ::grabs her hand and reads the label on the beer:: 100 proof? How the hell can they market this as beer? ::looks up at T'Prise:: You better beam me up, Scotty. ::laughs hysterically:: Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> ((dude, that's like...life imitating art!)) LtCdrFaldek -> # ::cruises into the TL:: Bridge. Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> ((or vice versa)) Hilee -> ::Continues to walk along with Eva to her hotel:: Eva Jaz -> ::grabs the box reluctant :: You didn't have to buy me anything you know now I feel cheap ! McFly -> ::looks back over at KK:: I should have set up a fireworks display, that would have been cool kyle_mele -> ::happens upon him:: Oh, hi. Vilanne -> +TRChief+ Make that sickbay for both of us. Kansas Kenickie -> Hot tub is back on the roof.... we could relax there Garnoopy -> ::looks at Mele:: Evening. Keb -> Ambassador Mizu>::makes a little scoffy sort of noise and gets elbowed by his lady wife:: It's good to see you in once piece, Keb. Eva Jaz -> ::walks with the box in had not opening it:: precip -> #::Pauses the image when it comes to the picture of Dr. Jaiysa t`Tamarak:: Sovak -> #::glances to OPS, noticing the increase in TR traffic:: Keb -> Hannah Mizu> You be good up there and take care of yourself. And bring Beran home to visit for the holidays or something, okay? kyle_mele -> Getting in your last few minutes? LtCdrFaldek -> # ::the doors open and Faldek enters the bridge:: Cmdr JFarrington -> ::watching A9 pack oh so slowly:: Garnoopy -> Yep. McFly -> yeah i suppose, just seems so anti-climactic Keb -> Ambassador Mizu>::coughs harshly:: Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> ::shimmers:: Vilanne -> # ::Sparkles/Desparkles until she shows up in sickbay with t'Tamarak:: LtCmdr Roget -> ::making unnecessary purchases and having them sent to the ship:: Eva Jaz -> :: curiosity getting the best of her she tops to peek inside :: Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> #::deshimmers in sickbay:: Eva Jaz -> *stops Kansas Kenickie -> ::Smiles:: I am sure we can find something exciting to do there :P Ian_Syndrx -> ::checks the data access logs to see if anyone was poking at the filesystem, then logs off and heads up to the bridge:: T'Prise -> ::Thinking about Escher's reputation if he were to be seen on board drunk, hits comm badge:: Manticore, two to beam directly to sickbay. ::Clutches Escher's hand to keep him from wandering away:: Keb -> ::nods and hugs her mother again:: I'll see you guys soon, I promise. Next shore leave, I'm heading for Earth if I can. LtCdrFaldek -> # Ahhh so nice to be back.. ::relieves the fellow at Tactical:: Cmdr JFarrington -> ::sits on the bed, waiting::: precip -> #::mutters:: When am I going to have that....talk with you. ::looks at the Romulan's face...thinks briefly than resumes uploading:: Turris Morran -> ::finishes the last of his drinking, making popping noises through the straw:: McFly -> ::half smiles:: yeah... i really should have set up a fireworks display kyle_mele -> I'm going to cut to it. What are you going to do? MC_Escher -> ::looks at T'Prise with reverence right as they shimmer:: LtCdrFaldek -> # ::takes over at Tactical, checking all systems that go with the posting:: Keb -> ::looks at her parents, trying to memorize their features as she often does when saying farewell...such is the nature of the ship that one never quite knows if one will return:: Eva Jaz -> ::very deep sigh of relief :: awww this is the most beautiful pendant ever T'Prise -> ::shimmers:: Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> #::turns and moves towards a nearby shelf to return the kit:: Admiral Atragon-9 -> ::gives up on folding and stuffs the rest of his gear in the case:: Hilee -> Eva> Of course I did not have to...I wanted to,and you are not cheap...I would ask you to stop thinking that. Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> #::and hears a shimmer as T'Prise and Escher beam in:: McFly -> ::thinking;; if anyone can read my mind and action me a fireworks display right where we're standing that would just be the perfect end to this vacation Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> #::turns around:: What...? Vilanne -> # ::in sickbay with her goods:: I"ll walk to my quarters from here... I hope I can change my shifts... if I get released ... GRRRR! ::growls:: Ian_Syndrx -> ::walks onto the bridge, folds up Carl the Cardboard Cutout and starts up the science consoles:: Cmdr JFarrington -> ::slight smile, determined not to laugh::: Keb -> And Dad, be nice to Beran. He's not a monster. LtCmdr Roget -> ::sees an amazing knob of wood, hewn into a curved cube shape, the polished mahogany gleeming. Picking it up she smiles and buys it:: T'Prise -> ::rematerializes, still holding escher's hand, looks around for a doctor:: Kansas Kenickie -> Fireworks? I think we can make our own Keb -> Ambassador Mizu> Are you lecturing me? Garnoopy -> Do with what? MC_Escher -> # ::glances around and groans:: The light in here is entirely too bright, Teepee. Garnoopy -> I'm being transfered. Hilee -> ::Grins:: Eva> Well Rigellan fire pearls are some girls best friends::winks:: Vilanne -> # ::hears others and stops her grumbling:: Keb -> Just asking. I love both of you, and I'm not going to be forced to choose. You don't want to force me to choose. Remember Romeo and Juliet? LtCdrFaldek -> # Captain, all tactical systems are ready, and at 100% efficiency. Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> #::presented with the interesting picture of a Vulcan holding a swaying human's hand; eyes go first to T'Prise:: Au! kyle_mele -> You and I both know even an Admiral can't get a transfer that quickly. Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> ((you)) kyle_mele -> It's obvious you're going to be onboard for at least one more mission. Keb -> Ambassador Mizu>::Hannah:: Will you listen to her? She's -threatening- her own father. Garnoopy -> And after that, I'm gone Mele. Ian_Syndrx -> ::fires up the primary science sensors, takes a quick look at the passive scan data, then sends it to the lab for full analysis:: Garnoopy -> I'm sure I can find a Chief Engineer spot onboard one of Starfleet's new ships. Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> #::then picks up on Escher's drunken state and smirks faintly:: Quite finished with her, are you, rekkhai? Vilanne -> # ::looks between t'Tamarak and t'Prise, hoping this isn't something bad:: McFly -> ::starts walking with her back to the room:: what am i complaining about, every moment with you ignites fireworks LtCmdr Roget -> ::makes arrangements to have it sent over, knowing they will understand the meaning, the imporatance:: kyle_mele -> ::nods:: Turris Morran -> ::heads off to his room to collect his luggage:: T'Prise -> ::Gives t'Tamarak a cold look:: The Commander requires medical assistance. ::Gently pushes Escher towards a biobed:: Eva Jaz -> :;quickly puts it on looking in a shop window to see what it looks like on her before getting up on her toes to kiss Hilee :: Thank you it's beautiful .. stop being so nice :: giggles :: McFly -> ::watches her lick the ice cream:: ...there's something very hot about that kyle_mele -> Is that what you want? MC_Escher -> ::squints at Jaiysa:: That...made absolutely no sense. Garnoopy -> I have no idea. Keb -> No, I'm not. I'm telling you the truth. Beran is my fiance, and I have no plans to change that status until we're married. To each other. That's something you're going to have to deal with and accept, and I know you will because you love me. Kansas Kenickie -> no... it's cold, ice cream Kansas Kenickie -> ::Enters the hotel:: Vilanne -> # ::knows she's not released for medical duty, briefly hesitates:: Garnoopy -> But I know that A9 is out of line a lot of the time, puts us in uncessary danger, and makes ethically questional decisions daily. McFly -> cold enough to send shivers down your spine? Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> #Escher> Too drunk to remember that you took her out of sickbay in the first place? ::grunts:: Sit down. precip -> (coincidently the CENG of the USS Babylon got his head stuck in a flushing plasma conduit and is now deceased...creating an opening on that ship) Garnoopy -> He's murdered with his bare hands to advance his career. Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> #T'Prise> And you too. McFly -> ::wags eyebrow:: Admiral Atragon-9 -> <<Aren't ethically questionable decisions the very core of this ship?>> Keb -> And I'll wait for you to do that, because I love you, Dad. I have to go to the ship now. I love you, Mom. Garnoopy -> And follows every order the Council gives him, regardless of whether it's right or wrong. Hilee -> ::Kisses her:: Eva> I can be nice to you if I desire to..::winks:: Now lets get you packed Garnoopy -> << True... and true, lol >> Cmdr JFarrington -> ::watching A9 eye his luggage::: I think it'll make the beam up. LtCdrFaldek -> # ::wonders if Sovak heard his statement:: Keb -> ::hugs Mom again, leaving Dad sputtering:: MC_Escher -> ::grins for no particular reason and plops down on the biobed, looking quite happy with himself:: Keb -> ::heads to the transporter pad to go to Manticore:: LtCmdr Roget -> ::smiles as the owner gives the small box to the courier for immediate delivery:: T'Prise -> ::Escher:: She is speaking Romulan. ::t'Tamarak:: I am requesting that Dr. Chalice attend to Commander Escher. I do not require any medical attention. kyle_mele -> ::nodding quietly:: Kansas Kenickie -> ::Steps onto the lift:: I am not answering silly questions Keb -> ::closes her eyes on the transporter pad after giving the directions to the operator:: Eva Jaz -> :; smiles while rolling her eyes knowing she's not gonna win that argument while waling back to her hotel :: Cmdr JFarrington -> ::as he does not respond::: Atragon? Ian_Syndrx -> ::pokes a few more things to make sure the department is ready to go, then sits down and waits for them to leave:: kyle_mele -> How do the engines work? Keb -> ::shimmers onto Manticore:: McFly -> ::rides up with her:: Vilanne -> # ::next to T'Tamarak, whispers"" Soemthing I should know about this situation? Garnoopy -> ::looks at Kyle:: What? McFly -> my face still stings a little Admiral Atragon-9 -> ::looks at Jami:: I'm sorry, what did you say? kyle_mele -> The engines. How do they work? McFly -> you didn't have to slap me so hard LtCdrFaldek -> # Captain? Cmdr JFarrington -> ::gesture towards the suitcase::: It'll be ok until we get to the ship, then you can dump it again and repack. Garnoopy -> Onboard the ship? Kansas Kenickie -> ::Smiles:: should I slap you again? Sovak -> #::looks up from his terminal:: Acknowledged, Mr Faldek Garnoopy -> You know how warp theory works. Cmdr JFarrington -> :::grin::: Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> #Vil> The yya-- Enarrain T'Prise has suffered neurological trauma. He -- ::jerks head at Escher:: -- removed her from sickbay before I was able to complete treatment. Cmdr JFarrington -> I think we can go now. Admiral Atragon-9 -> Oh, uhh, yeah, yup Keb -> ::heads to her room and changes into her uniform, not so eager to put on the straightjacket after a week of gauzy freedom:: MC_Escher -> Teepee! If this good doctor here - ::looks up at t'Tamarak without being able to actually focus on the doctor:: - says you should stay, then by golly, you should stay. Garnoopy -> You supply a stream of refined matter and antimatter into a dilithium crystal which is routed thorugh conduits to create power. McFly -> ::looks over at her; mischievous smirk on his face:: careful, i might like it kyle_mele -> So you know as well as I do that there needs to be matter.. and antimatter in order for the engines to function correctly. Garnoopy -> Uh huh. Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> #Vil> As for his condition...I would say at a glance that he is extremely drunk. But I could be wrong. LtCmdr Roget -> ::has her purchases tranferred to her quarters and moves slowly to the return to the ship:: Vilanne -> # She was treated for... what I was scanning for? I thought... ::stops and listens:: kyle_mele -> How well do you think Manticore will function if that ratio is thrown off? Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> #Escher> ::wryly:: Thank you for that sterling display of support, erei'riov. Garnoopy -> I think that people will follow A9 like lemmings. T'Prise -> ::Pats Escher gently and awkwardly on the shoulder.:: I do not require any medical attention. You however do. I will see you later in the science lab. Keb -> ::heads to the bridge to see if it's collapsed since she went down to Risa:: Garnoopy -> Right to their deaths. Garnoopy -> Sometimes I think I'm the only one onboard who doesn't follow that man blindly... Cmdr JFarrington -> ::demurely holding her bag on her lap::: kyle_mele -> And you're perfectly willing to condemn them to such an end? Kansas Kenickie -> ::Enters the apparent:: Admiral Atragon-9 -> ACTION: doorbell rings at the cottage Garnoopy -> I don't have a choice. LtCmdr Roget -> (ahem) Kansas Kenickie -> *appartment Cmdr JFarrington -> :: a little too demurely::: Hilee -> ::Tapping away on his personal padd...transfers the personal luggage from his room to the Core:: Garnoopy -> What do you want me to do? Ian_Syndrx -> ::sets up a meter on his console to count the number of science crew members who have returned the ship, watches as they start to trickle in:: Garnoopy -> Guess what Kyle, I've been fired. MC_Escher -> ::shakes head:: Nope, nope, you're right. ::stands up, straightens his back, and puffs out his chest:: I'm totally wasted. ::falls over unconscious:: Cmdr JFarrington -> ::wacko::: kyle_mele -> ::grin:: Not so fast. Ian_Syndrx -> <<watsed>> Keb -> ::windes up on the bridge, and smiles at Faldek:: Already at work? Eva Jaz -> ::arrives to the hotel :: Well I guess I'm gonna go get packed ... and I'll see you on the ship later ... when I can ::shifting her weight from one foot to the other :: Alex Macen -> :: glances around, face now visible, breathing through his respirator, nodding to Ian:: you look familiar.. Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> #T'Prise> Enarrain, sit down. Please do not make me sedate you again. Garnoopy -> ::looks at him:: kyle_mele -> I'm going to talk to Atragon, tell him I've decided to take on the role of counselor in addition to my regular duties. LtCdrFaldek -> # Only because you're a slacker. Admiral Atragon-9 -> ::goes to the door and accepts the small package with his name on it from the courier:: Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> #T'Prise> It's a waste of good anaesthizine. Vilanne -> ::gasps, trying to catch him, but only gets near him when he spalts:: Garnoopy -> Ha! kyle_mele -> One of my first "projects" will be to work out an amicable solution between you two. Garnoopy -> :;chokes on his drink and spits half of it out:: Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> #::sees Escher splat and winces:: Hilee -> Eva> I am done...here to help you..lets go Keb -> #::giggles:: You know it. I'm not officially on duty till 0100 hours, you know. LtCmdr Roget -> (alcohol abuse) Garnoopy -> ::bursts into laughter:: McFly -> ::grabs KK and swings her around to kiss her:: Garnoopy -> You want to work things out between us? Keb -> ::wraps her arms around his shoulders:: Garnoopy -> You? McFly -> I feel very good tonight, i don't know why Cmdr JFarrington -> ::fairly curious, standing to approach him:::: Sovak -> #::raises an eyebrow:: Excuse me, Mr Faldek? Admiral Atragon-9 -> ::turns to Jami:: Is it ticking? Kansas Kenickie -> ::Drops her ice cream:: hey! kyle_mele -> Well.. it's either that or let you leave. Cmdr JFarrington -> Doesn't sound like it to me. LtCdrFaldek -> # I was speaking to Keb sir... ::points:: LtCmdr Roget -> ::arrives on the Manticore and makes the bridge her first stop:: kyle_mele -> And you know he'll probably put Roget in charge of Engineering. T'Prise -> ::Helps straighten Escher out on the biobed:: I believe he is in more need of assistance than I at this moment. Cmdr JFarrington -> But then, we're beyond ticking, 23rd century and all. Keb -> #::grins at Sovak:: McFly -> that chocolate is good Garnoopy -> Kyle... if A9 wants me gone, then I'm gone. That man needs someone to question him, he's never made a decision for the crew over a mission ever. I'm not going to stop. Admiral Atragon-9 -> =/\======= PAUSE SIM =======/\= LtCmdr Roget -> I'm in charge of Engineering?! LtCmdr Roget -> sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet Cmdr JFarrington -> Sweet. Chief Roget. Garnoopy -> Woot! Mojitos for everyone! Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> ::sickbay tableau -- annoyed, drunk, confused, stubborn as a fvadt mule:: precip -> ::paused...whew..the drama is paused:: Cmdr JFarrington -> A still! A still! My kingdom for a still! LtCmdr Roget -> That's mint! Hilee -> ::grabs a still and slides it to Jami:: Vilanne -> Bengeins for everyone :: hopes she spelled that right:: Cmdr JFarrington -> A mint still. A mint still. My kingdom for a mint still! Vilanne -> [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] ... w/powdered sugar Cmdr JFarrington -> Beignets, Vil :) precip -> (Roget will turn Both warp cores into giant torpedoes) Vilanne -> Yeah, those Jami Hilee -> ::And a huge box-o-mint:: Admiral Atragon-9 -> ahem, Sovak, Jami - comments? Cmdr JFarrington -> Um..we have to leave to rest up? Sovak -> Well... this is certainly an interesting crew. :P Cmdr JFarrington -> Interesting, as always, Captain. Admiral Atragon-9 -> okay then Admiral Atragon-9 -> TBS will be 9 hours Admiral Atragon-9 -> it will be the next morning, we will be all back onboard and heading out of Risa orbit Admiral Atragon-9 -> Okay any questions/comments besides "Seeya MC!" MC_Escher -> Hey, I have no plans on going anywhere as far as you guys are concerned Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> You'd best not. Cmdr JFarrington -> Cool beans, MC! Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> T'Prise would be sad. Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> :D Admiral Atragon-9 -> Good, set an alarm at school, so all your new friends will KNOW you're a nerd Ian_Syndrx -> yeah, you'd have to leave me in charge... Eva Jaz -> hahahaha Cmdr JFarrington -> They don't know yet? Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> A9> I do that... :) Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> Sometimes... Keb -> Have fun in college, MC :) Cmdr JFarrington -> Only sometimes,Jai? MC_Escher -> Oh god... "Hey, I'm you're new roommate, every week for an hour I go on the internet and pretend really hard I'm on a Star Trek ship! So, when are the parties?"
  13. Mission Update - 12.08.2008 During the last mission, the Manticore, along with other Black Ops ships, had been sent to the edge of the Alpha Quadrant where sensor arrays had detected conduits opening at various points along the perimeter. SF Intel supposed that forces unknown were probing that area for weak spots in advance of an invasion. Manticore, stationed at the point where the next conduit was predicted to open, was drawn into a strong vortex and emerged 2 million light years away in the Andromeda galaxy. The conduit closed leaving no evidence that it ever existed. After a long series of events (documented in "Andromeda Mission") the Manticore returned to the Alpha Quadrant through a similar conduit. Unfortunately, the Special Ops fleet was still standing watch and surrounded the Manticore as soon as it exited. Manticore had lost sensor and navigational control during the trip; they careened into another Special Ops ship, causing extensive damage to both vessels. The list of injured aboard Manticore included Captain Sovak, Chief Medical Officer Dr. Mele, Engineering Officer Doug, Science Officer T’Prise, Navigation Officer Keb Mizu, and Security Officer Kansas Kenickie. Assuming the worst, the Black Ops blockade tightened around the Manticore. In the name of Federation security, Admiral Atragon's personal nemesis, Captain Adrian Wolfe of the USS Babylon, snatched the Admiral from the bridge and began an extensive, torturous interrogation. In the absence of the Admiral and Captain Sovak, Commander Farrington took command only to be incapacitated by her new-found telepathic connection to Atragon. She relinquished command to the Chief Engineer, Commander Garnoopy. Engineering reports the following: Hull breaches, decks 4-8 Primary warp core is offline Damage to plasma systems, transporters, comms, tractor beams Deflector control is offline Shields and weapon systems are inoperable EPS conduits are damaged There is possible damage to the computer core Approximately 20 crew quarters are missing Captain Sovak has returned to duty. External comms have been repaired. Communications have been established with the rest of the Black Ops fleet. Captain Henry of the USS Truncheon has begun to tow us back to base. Admiral Atragon continues to be MIA and Captain Sovak has ordered an extraction team to retrieve him from the Babylon. TBS is one standard hour.
  14. Mission Update - 8.24.2009 The crew of Manticore has returned to the ship after a “vacation” on Risa during which numerous crew members paired off, some partied beyond the bounds of normalcy, and some stretched the bonds of friendship. Putting rank and pretense aside, Admiral Atragon and Engineering Chief Cmdr Garnoopy locked horns over and issue of basic trust and obedience. Atragon gives Garnoopy the choice of shaping up or shipping out. TBS was 9 hours. It is the next morning, everyone is aboard, and we are breaking orbit for our next mission.
  15. As many of you have mentioned on another thread, when this forum began we had no idea where it would go or even if it would last. Yet, here we are, seven years later, still going strong and continually growing into a multinational online role-playing group. As others have said, it's more than a group here, it's a family. I am glad, and feel honored, to have been part of that "Rebel Alliance" that formed STSF seven years ago in the lobby of the Marriott Courtyard in Hunt Valley, MD. HAPPY BIRTHDAY STSF! Live long, and prosper! Peace, and long life! Wind to thy wings! majQa! Q'plah!
  16. BACKGROUND: The Oberth-class starship Perseus discovered a lost pre-Federation human colony, descendants of the SS Atlas launched more than 300 years ago. The colony exhibited an unusual mix of 21st, 20th, and 19th century technology, but showed no evidence of subspace fields or warp technology. MISSION BRIEFING: While preparing to leave a probe behind, Perseus sent a team to a sensor dish detected on the airless moon. After noting its seeming inconsistent technological level, a group emerged from the dish and fired laser weapons at the team. Skip and Jaz were left behind during transport and have been surrounded by space-suited humans. Game Master (GM) - STSF Sorehl Game Master (GM) - CmdrJ Farrington Mission Commanding Officer (MCO) - STSF Sorehl Mission Executive Officer (MXO) - Lisanna Chief Engineer (CENG) - STSF Scooter Assistant Engineer (AENG) - Nitara Chief Science Officer (CSCI) - Eva Jaz Assistant Science Officer (ASCI) - TKAR Chief Security Officer (CSEC) - Jerry 'Skip' Maxwell STSF Sorehl -> =/\= =/\= BEGIN CLASSROOM SESSION =/\= =/\= STSF Sorehl -> =/\= =/\= BEGIN CLASSROOM SESSION =/\= =/\= STSF Sorehl -> :::walks to the podium at the front::: Lisanna -> :: takes her usual seat :: STSF Sorehl -> Good evening, visitors, guests. STSF_Scooter -> ::sitting in the back:: Eva Jaz -> ::grabs her usual coffee and notebook before taking a seat in the back : STSF Sorehl -> Taking a suggestion from pre-Academy banter, let's discuss the topic "How does one act their way out of a sim seemingly designed to destroy them?" STSF Sorehl -> It has been noted that some Academy are well-known circles of death. STSF Sorehl -> But I liked the additional note that often-times, such deaths are designed to be instructive. STSF Sorehl -> Why would this be so? Lisanna -> :: raises hand :: STSF Sorehl -> Lisanna? Eva Jaz -> ::raises hand:: STSF Sorehl -> Then Jaz. [Feel free to type, then hit ENTER when I call back on you.] Lisanna -> Well, the first and most important lesson is that there are times where nothing you do can change the situation. The Kobayashi Maru, of course. Other times, it can be that a certain course of action wasn't ideal and dying is a good... Lisanna -> way to show how not ideal it was. STSF Sorehl -> Excellent. STSF Sorehl -> So, two points from that: STSF Sorehl -> 1) As Kirk once said, How we deal with death is at least as important as how we deal with death. As in, a test of character. STSF Sorehl -> Oops, as how we deal with life. STSF Sorehl -> Freudian slip... STSF Sorehl -> And 2): STSF Sorehl -> Death may be a realistic consequence of a poor character choice, or simply the failure to find a workable solution. STSF Sorehl -> Which I'll come back to. STSF Sorehl -> Jaz? Eva Jaz -> exactly what Lis just said .. plus sometimes your own actions are the instrument to your death .. ( Ie shooting at something that would ahve left you alone have you not been trigger happy ) so you get to learn from your mistakes STSF Sorehl -> Perfect. Cmdr JFarrington -> ::hand raise::: STSF Sorehl -> One thing about the Academies is, there's a weekly reset button. That is, you can die and magically reappear in next week's episode. STSF Sorehl -> Jami? TKAR -> ::writting notes:: Cmdr JFarrington -> Extending Eva's thought, role playing death can be good for facing a fear in life. If you make a mistake in a role play you can undo it. In life, if you come across a similar situation you are more likely to make a different choice than you did during role play. Cmdr JFarrington -> extending your thought as well, btw STSF Sorehl -> Very true. It can suggest either that, "Perhaps I shouldn't have done that." or at least "Perhaps I should have done something different." STSF Sorehl -> I'm not a fan of needless death in an Academy, but it's a better place to demonstrate consequences than in an Advanced Sim, where one's actions might have more long-term consequences for other players. TKAR -> ::noding to the answer:: Eva Jaz -> ::nods and takes notes:: STSF Sorehl -> I've seen some unwise actions lead to in-sim court martials. Those can be fun, but sometimes they just slow down other story-telling. STSF Sorehl -> So, remember, death can be natures way of telling you to slow down... STSF_Scooter -> lol STSF Sorehl -> Or a hosts way of saying, "Not how I would have done it." TKAR -> Raises hand: STSF Sorehl -> In an Advanced Sim, I've never seen it used without a player's prior consent, but then, I've seldom seen actions that require it. STSF Sorehl -> Hold that thought, TKAR. We're gonna end the classroom a little early, but we can come back to the subject. TKAR -> yes,sir STSF Sorehl -> To whit... :::steps back to give Jami the podium::: Cmdr JFarrington -> <one minute> STSF Sorehl -> :::sees the twirling fingers sign for "stall"::: Cmdr JFarrington -> sorry..was intrigued with the discussion. STSF Sorehl -> Tonight's plot will be a one-last extension of the running plotline we've been visiting in the Tuesday Academy. Cmdr JFarrington -> ready STSF Sorehl -> That is, a final jaunt in the Atlas system. STSF Sorehl -> OK, Jami, take it away. Cmdr JFarrington -> =/\==/\= STSF ACADEMY =/\==/\= Cmdr JFarrington -> =/\==/\= 8/18/2009=/\==/\= Cmdr JFarrington -> . Cmdr JFarrington -> Game Master (GM) - STSF Sorehl Cmdr JFarrington -> Game Master (GM) - CmdrJ Farrington Cmdr JFarrington -> . Cmdr JFarrington -> Mission Commanding Officer (MCO) - STSF Sorehl Cmdr JFarrington -> Mission Executive Officer (MXO) - Lisanna Cmdr JFarrington -> . Cmdr JFarrington -> Chief Engineer (CENG) - STSF Scooter Cmdr JFarrington -> . Cmdr JFarrington -> Chief Science Officer (CSCI) - Eva Jaz Cmdr JFarrington -> Assistant Science Officer (ASCI) - TKAR Cmdr JFarrington -> . Cmdr JFarrington -> Chief Security Officer (CSEC) - Jerry 'Skip' Maxwell Cmdr JFarrington -> . Cmdr JFarrington -> If you are not on the roster and wish to have a post, please send me one PM now. Cmdr JFarrington -> . Cmdr JFarrington -> =/\==/\=END ROSTER=/\==/\= Cmdr JFarrington -> =/\==/\=END ROSTER=/\==/\= Cmdr JFarrington -> There ya go. Cmdr JFarrington -> Sir. STSF Sorehl -> Making it look easy, as always. Thanks, Jami. STSF Sorehl -> :::gestures to the holodeck doors as they open::: Places. STSF Sorehl -> And a little background stuff... Lisanna -> :: enter the holodeck :: Cmdr JFarrington -> ::enters the holodeck::: STSF Sorehl -> BACKGROUND: The Oberth-class starship Perseus discovered a lost pre-Federation human colony, descendents of the SS Atlas launched more than 300 years ago. The colony exhibited an unusual mix of 21st, 20th, and 19th century technology, but showed no evidence of subspace fields or warp technology. TKAR -> ::Follows the group:: Jerry 'Skip' Maxwell -> ::Enters holodeck excitedly:: STSF Sorehl -> MISSION BRIEFING: While preparing to leave a probe behind, Perseus sent a team to a sensor dish detected on the airless moon. After noting it's seeming inconsistent technological level, a group emerged from the dish and fired laser weapons at the team. Skip and Jaz were left behind during transport and have been surrounded by space-suited humans. STSF Sorehl -> So, we'll pick up with Jaz and Skip down on the moon, the rest of us on the ship. STSF Sorehl -> =/\= =/\= BEGIN SIM =/\= =/\= STSF Sorehl -> =/\= =/\= BEGIN SIM =/\= =/\= STSF Sorehl -> =/\= =/\= BEGIN SIM =/\= =/\= STSF_Scooter -> CENG> ::enters the bridge and goes to the Engineering station:: Lisanna -> <MXO> :: on the bridge of the Perseus, concerned about the siutation below :: Cmdr JFarrington -> ROSTER UPDATE - OPS - me STSF Sorehl -> ACTION: Men in space suits level laser rifles at Jaz and Skip, down on the moon below. Eva Jaz -> @<CSCI>::still trying to figure out who those guys are and trying not to appear threatning :: Cmdr JFarrington -> <OPS> <MXO> Failure to establish lock on two AT members, Sir. STSF Sorehl -> <CO><XO> It appears the remaining members of the away team have engaged the "natives". Neither is hurt... thusfar. Lisanna -> <MXO> <Ops> Understood. :: grim :: STSF_Scooter -> CENG> ::looking over the sensor logs to see what prevented the transporters from locking in on Eva and Skip:: TKAR -> <ASCI>::@checking data on the natives from library computer records:: Eva Jaz -> <<Tkar you're on the ship >> STSF Sorehl -> <CO><XO> It appears a radiation surge interfered with their beam-up unexpectantly. Perhaps a surge from the atomic source below the sensor dish. Jerry 'Skip' Maxwell -> <CSEC>+COMM+::calmly speaking to the natives:: Please, there is no need for violence. We have no ill will towards your people we merely wish to learn about you and your culture. Lisanna -> <MXO> <CO> Thus far, though the way they were shooting those rifles I don't know how long we can expect that to last. STSF_Scooter -> CENG> ::overhearing:: CO/XO> Aye, Captain, that's what it looks like Eva Jaz -> @<CSCI>::nods vigorously to show she agrees with Skip :: Cmdr JFarrington -> <OPS> ::monitoring their situation, powering sensors accordingly::: STSF Sorehl -> @ First Suit> +COMM+ So where are the others? There were more of you before. STSF Sorehl -> @ Second Suit> +COMM+ :::scoffs::: Learn about us... then steal what we've made for yourselves, like always. Cmdr JFarrington -> <OPS> <MXO> I can establish an open comm with either of them, Sir, so we can monitor their conversations. Permission to do so? Eva Jaz -> << I did tell themabout transportes already in an attempt not toget killed right ?? >> Jerry 'Skip' Maxwell -> <CSEC>+COMM+::still speaking slowly trying to temper his breathing::They were frightened. We did not expect to meet you so suddenly. Lisanna -> <MXO> <Ops> :: walks up beside the ops console and looks at Jami's data :: Do it. STSF Sorehl -> <CO><OPS> Absolutely. See to it, on speakers. Cmdr JFarrington -> <OPS> ::Nods:: <MXO> Establishing open link. ::tappity tap:: Cmdr JFarrington -> <OPS> <MXO> On audio. TKAR -> <ASCI>+<CSCI>sir, checking with our library computer on the natives,sending all data to help to communicate with them.::sending data to you now:: Eva Jaz -> @<CSCI>+COMM+ We are not "looters" we were merely cusirous about the antenna and came to study it STSF Sorehl -> ACTION: First suit looks around, toward the edge of the rising crater walls, as if look for the other team members. Lisanna -> <MXO> :: listens :: STSF_Scooter -> ((Greets, Nitara)) STSF_Scooter -> CENG> ::tap, tap, tap:: STSF Sorehl -> <CO><XO> :::steps closer::: It might be possible to send a second team down, unobserved. <q> Cmdr JFarrington -> ROSTER UPDATE - Assistant Engineer (AENG) - Nitara STSF Sorehl -> @ Second Suit> +COMM+ Pull the other one. :::laughs at his own joke::: TKAR -> <ASCI>::trying to send data to CSCI :: Lisanna -> <MXO> <CO> It would be... Poke our noses above the crater enough to be seen so it doesn't look like we poofed into thin air, or vaccuum in this case. Jerry 'Skip' Maxwell -> <CSEC>+COMM+If we could::pauses momentarily::Put down the weapons I'm sure our leader would be more than happy to come out and meet you. STSF Sorehl -> <CO> :::nods to XO::: That would work. STSF Sorehl -> <CO><XO> If they seem willing to communicate without firing, perhaps we can resolve the return of our crewmembers non-violently. Eva Jaz -> @<CSCI>::looks at skip like he's lost his mind but keeps a straight face hoping to get beamed out before she needs to do anymore explaining :: TKAR -> <ASCI>::still getting new data on the natives:: Lisanna -> <MXO> <CO> :: still suited herself, her helmet lying beside the turbolift doors :: Aye. Though if it comes to it, we're better off violating the PD by beaming them out under the native's noses then allowing them to kill our crew and take the suit tech... Cmdr JFarrington -> <OPS> ::calculating a good position for beam down::: Lisanna -> trics, phasers and such. STSF Sorehl -> @ First Suit> :::still levelling laser, but not pointing it at Jaz or Skip, motions for the other suited figure to do the same::: Cmdr JFarrington -> <OPS> ::locates one::locks it in::: STSF Sorehl -> @ First Suit>+COMM+ No tricks. Alonzo back at the hatch is a pretty good shot with the recoilless slugthrower. Hate to see your suit get punctured. Eva Jaz -> @<CSCI>:: looking puzzled trying to determine what they're pointing their weapons at but not wanting to make any sudden move that might get her shot :: STSF Sorehl -> <CO> :::listens to XO::: You're right, of course. Still, if it can be avoided. TKAR -> <ASCI>::trying to get the last infomation on these people:: Lisanna -> <MXO> :: heads over to her helmet :: <CO> I'll head down, see what I can do to avoid it then. No point taking security, we don't want shooting anyway. STSF Sorehl -> @ First Suit> +COMM+ Tell your people to come out then. We'll find them eventually. Jerry 'Skip' Maxwell -> @<CSEC>+COMM+If you will permit my friend here::places his hand on Eva:: to return to the crater she could tell our leader to come meet with you. I will remain here so you will have collateral as it would be. Cmdr JFarrington -> <OPS> <MXO> Commander? ::catching her before she leaves::: STSF Sorehl -> <CO><XO> Take some technical backup. There's still a lot we don't know about that sensor, or the area below. Eva Jaz -> @<CSCI>::tries to figure what Skip has in mind but let's him talk :: Lisanna -> <MXO> <Ops> Yes, Ms. Farrington? :: also nods at Sorehl's addendum :: Cmdr JFarrington -> <OPS> <MXO> I've found a good beamdown point. Would you like to see your position before you leave? It's about 100 m from the "situation." STSF Sorehl -> @ Second Suit> +COMM+ It's not like she can just vanish. :::to the First Suit::: Lisanna -> <MXO> <Ops> Upload it to my PADD, I'll review on the way to the TR. Cmdr JFarrington -> <OPS> ::Nods:: Aye, Sir. There now. ::presses the membrane::: Lisanna -> <MXO> <CEng> Come on Scoots, let's go moon walking again. Call in anyone else you need. STSF_Scooter -> CENG> XO> Aye, Commander. Lisanna -> <MXO> :: grabs her helmet, steps into the TR :: STSF_Scooter -> CENG> -=AENG=- Nitara, meet us in Transporter Room 1. Full AT kit, and EV suit STSF Sorehl -> @ First Suit> +COMM+ I dunno. If they came from that big ship up there, it's probably filled with drop troops. Ready to take things at the point of a gun... :::to Second Suit::: Eva Jaz -> @<CSCI>:: smiles widely noding :: +COMM+ Letting me go seems like a good plan , I shall return quickly and we can get thsi whole thing settled TKAR -> <ASCI><MXO>sir, i have some new data on the natives history ; they seem to worship the sensor dich. STSF_Scooter -> ( *) ) TKAR -> <<Dish>. Nitara -> <AENG><CENG> Yes, sir. ::Going to get AT kit and EV suit.:: Lisanna -> <MXO> :: revies the beam-in point on the PADD :: STSF Sorehl -> <CO> :::curious look toward ASCI::: From where did you get such information? Cmdr JFarrington -> <OPS> ::Listening to the conversation on the surface::: Lisanna -> <MXO> +Ops+ If you can get a good private comm into our people's suits, let them know we're on our way down and not to panic yet. STSF Sorehl -> <CO> :::nods to OPS::: Nitara -> <AENG> ::Takes items, going in TL to transporter.:: Cmdr JFarrington -> <OPS> +MXO+ Aye, Commander. I'll ping the usual CYA code. Lisanna -> <MXO> :: enters the TR and thunks the helmet back onto her head :: TKAR -> <ASCI><CO>library computer records from andronian merchant ships. STSF Sorehl -> @ First Suit> +COMM+ She can go. But you're :::gestures to Skip::: going down below. Cmdr JFarrington -> <OPS> ::sends subspace retrieval team code to Eva and Jerry::: Nitara -> <AENG> ::In the TR, finishes putting on suit.:: Jerry 'Skip' Maxwell -> <CSEC>+COMM+Very good. STSF_Scooter -> CENG> ::enters TR, secures her helmet:: Eva Jaz -> @<CSCI>:;looks alarmingly at Skip mouthing " you're sure of this ?:: Lisanna -> <MXO> :: grabs a stronger light from the stocks, straps it to her suit :: STSF Sorehl -> <CO> :::eyebrow up toward ASCI::: Our previous encounters suggested this planet has been unknown and unvisited since its inception. Jerry 'Skip' Maxwell -> @<CSEC><CSCI>::Winks at her gving a slight smile::Go. Lisanna -> <MXO> :: steps on pad, waits :: STSF Sorehl -> @ First Suit> +COMM+ Take him to the dish. Keep 'im on ice. I'll wait for their 'leader'. STSF_Scooter -> CENG> ::also grabs one of the brighter lanterns:: Jerry 'Skip' Maxwell -> <<Can someone staple the away team logo to me? Can't seem to get it to stick>> Nitara -> <AENG> ::Steps onto pad.:: Cmdr JFarrington -> <OPS> ::awaiting response from Jerry and Eva::: Eva Jaz -> @<CSCI>+COMM+ <slowly> I will be going now .... STSF Sorehl -> ACTION: Second Suit gestures with the point of his laser rifle toward the base of the sensor dish. Cmdr JFarrington -> Stage Hand> ::hands Jerry a stapler::: TKAR -> <ASCI><CO>i,m Cross checking the the data now it could be a false lead: maybe we should give them a peace offering . Lisanna -> <MXO> <AT> Keep your comms open, subspace channel 21.3, let's keep it separate from the others to make it easier for the ship to track. Eva Jaz -> @<CSCI>::backs away as fast as she can to get out of ear reach before answering :: Nitara -> <AENG> ::Packs an extra away tag.:: STSF Sorehl -> <CO><ASCI> Good thinking. I think Mr. Maxwell is moving in that direction. With himself as the offering. Cmdr JFarrington -> <OPS> +MXO+ Ready to beam at your command. Your channel? STSF_Scooter -> CENG> XO> Ya know, Lis, all we need now are some holiday lights, chem lights and reflective tape, and we might be able to convince them we're aliens. Lisanna -> <MXO> +Ops+ 21.3, subspace only, standard encryption. Not taking any chances, not anymore. Jerry 'Skip' Maxwell -> @<CSEC>::Starts moving towards the dish with the natives:: STSF_Scooter -> CENG> AENG> Ready Nitara? Lisanna -> <MXO> <CEng> :: chuckles through her suit comm :: Don't forget tin foil. Cmdr JFarrington -> <OPS> +MXO+ Subspace only 21.3, standard encryption. Aye, Sir. STSF Sorehl -> @ Second Suit> +COMM+ Get moving. :::to Skip::: STSF_Scooter -> CENG> XO> That too... Nitara -> <AENG><CENG> Yup, all ready to twinkle on mark. Lisanna -> <MXO> +Ops+ Energize. Cmdr JFarrington -> <OPS> ::beams::: TKAR -> <ASCI>::nods to co;Checking with new data coming in from the computer:: Lisanna -> #<MXO> :: shimmers to the crater's edge :: STSF_Scooter -> # CENG> ::shimmers back onto the moon: STSF Sorehl -> ACTION: As he approaches the base of the dish, Skip can see at least one person leaning out of the side hatch, holding a long-barrelled weapon. Nitara -> #AENG> ::Twinkles.:: STSF Sorehl -> ACTION: In wobbly yet graceful bounds, Skip and the second-suited man close in toward the open hatch. Jerry 'Skip' Maxwell -> @<CSEC>::mumbling to himself::That must have been the "good shot" they were telling us about. Lisanna -> #<MXO> :: pulls out tric, uplinks with the Perseus and pulls up the ship's better sensor info :: +#+ Eva's alone, walking away from the dish. Eva Jaz -> #<CSCI> ::notices the team beaming down and hurries to meet them :: Cmdr JFarrington -> <OPS> <CO> Weapons appear to be standard projectile, Captain. They must have a recoil block for them to use in that gravity. TKAR -> <ASCI>::wonders if the data is right:: STSF_Scooter -> #CENG> AENG> Let's be subtle, Nitara, and get some scans of the dish... Lisanna -> #<MXO> :: uses tric to send up an encrypted subspace ping to Eva's @ channel so she can home in on their location :: Cmdr JFarrington -> <OPS> ::monitoring both channels:: <CO> Both channels on audio, Sir? STSF Sorehl -> <CO><OPS> Impressive. Weapons clearly designed for vacuum, yet we saw no evidence of space-faring technology on the main colony. STSF Sorehl -> ACTION: The newly arriving team can see two figures closing on the dish base, about to enter the hatch. Nitara -> #AENG> ::Looks about.:: Woo, feels wierd.:: <CENG> You just try to be subtle in these suits, bouncing around. ::Scanning.:: STSF Sorehl -> <CO> :::nods confirmation to OPS::: Eva Jaz -> #<CSCI>::walks as fast as she can without alerting the "bad guys" of the others arrival byt looking suspicious:: Cmdr JFarrington -> <OPS> ::Keeping busy, taps the panel and brings them up::: STSF_Scooter -> # CENG> ::bouncing gracefully, towards the edge of the crater:: Lisanna -> #<MXO> :: zooms in on the dish with her helmet cam, sees Jerry and one of the natives entering the dish :: Oh, son of a :: expletive deleted :: STSF Sorehl -> @ Second Suit> +COMM+ :::gestures to Skip::: Inside. STSF_Scooter -> # CENG> XO> Lis? Jerry 'Skip' Maxwell -> @<CSEC>::moves inside the hatch:: STSF Sorehl -> @ First Suit> :::standing out in the open, watching Jaz moving away::: Lisanna -> #<MXO> +#+ Looks like this is going to be an interior hostage situation now. Eva Jaz -> #<CSCI>+MXO+ They have Skip.. and are expecting me to get "our leader" back to them TKAR -> <ASCI>+<starfleet sci computer tech>i don,t care if secondary systems are down get them up and check if this data is faulty. STSF Sorehl -> ACTION: Inside the hatch, the sensor base looks predictably industrial. There appears to be an airlock on the other end of the room. STSF_Scooter -> # CENG> ::utters an oath:: Lisanna -> #<MXO> +#+ Well, Nanu Nanu, I come in peace. Eva Jaz -> <<hahahahah>> Cmdr JFarrington -> <rofl Lis> Lisanna -> #<MXO> :: long, windy sigh through the suit comm :: STSF_Scooter -> lol Lisanna -> #<MXO> :: steps up to the crater's edge herself so she can be seen, along with Scooter :: STSF Sorehl -> <CO><OPS> Still interference from the radiation? STSF Sorehl -> @ First Suit> :::raises hand to visor as Lisanna stands at the crater edge::: Eva Jaz -> #<CSCI>:: finally arrives to the team's location, panting :: Jerry 'Skip' Maxwell -> @<CSEC>::Takes a seat on the floor inside the base:: STSF_Scooter -> # CENG> XO> This is bad... ::watching Skip enter the airlock:: Lisanna -> #<MXO> :: pulls out the powerful spotlight she brought and trains it on the hatch of the dish :: STSF Sorehl -> @ Second Suit> +COMM+ No time to relax. :::to Skip::: We're going airside. :::gestures to the airlock::: Nitara -> #AENG> ::Scans dish. Scans dish. Scans dish.:: Hmm, a steel-trinium alloy satellite dish. Eva Jaz -> #<CSCI><XO> there's several of them all armed with rifle like weapons , their level of technology is very much below ours and they believe that we're here to stealtheir technology or whatever else they're hiding in that " bunker" Lisanna -> #<MXO> Okay boys, I see you, and you know we're here now. :: turns in her suit to face Eva :: STSF Sorehl -> ACTION: The energy source under the sensor dish seems to have increased in power, although the dish is neither broadcasting or scanning. Jerry 'Skip' Maxwell -> @<CSEC>::Perks up at the idea of going "airside." Gets back up and moves over to the airlock:: STSF Sorehl -> @ First Suit> :::actually waves::: Nitara -> #AENG> OMG, Eva, "We come in peace" didn't work?! Lisanna -> #<MXO> I guess we'll have to live up to their expectations... TKAR -> <ASCI>::Finds a interesting entry in the library computer its a religious artifact:;Trying decipt the saying:: STSF_Scooter -> # CENG> AENG> Early warning, communications, or reception? Granted, their not going to get HBO out here. Cmdr JFarrington -> <OPS> <CO> Aye, sir. Radiation is interfering with sensors and comms below the surface. Eva Jaz -> #<CSCI>::gives AENG a dirty look without answering :: STSF Sorehl -> ACTION: Near the hatch, the man with the weapon seems startled at the sudden light trained on him, pulls back inside. Nitara -> #AENG> <CENG>The energy readings are getting stronger, though no signals. STSF Sorehl -> <CO> :::nods acknowledgement to OPS::: Cmdr JFarrington -> <OPS> <CO> I could establish a cone, but there's no guarantee that it will work, and it may be detected by their dish. Lisanna -> #<MXO> +Perseus+ Lisanna to Perseus. They're taking Jerry inside. We need something from the database of the finds on the planet, I think we can trade to get him back and end this sooner. Lisanna -> #<MXO> :: turns the light off, mission of showing them we're really up here accomplished :: Eva Jaz -> #<CSCI>:: feels pretty useless as she lost her tricorder and weapon earlier .. stays close with the team :: Cmdr JFarrington -> <OPS> ::turns slightly to face Sorehl::: <CO> Did you notice, sir, that in their conversation they think we are an attack vessel? They expect troops. STSF Sorehl -> <CO> +XO+ Finds on the planet? Items of value, you mean? STSF Sorehl -> <CO> :::noting OPS::: True. Yet we've shown no hostile intent. :::wonders how they could dispell that error::: Cmdr JFarrington -> <OPS> ::Turns back to search for valuables they may need::: Lisanna -> #<MXO> +CO+ Yes. They seem concerned, according to Eva's report, that we're here to loot. Might as well have something that show's we're more along the lines of merchants than pirates. STSF Sorehl -> ACTION: Second suit closes the airlock, inside with Skip. He spins the wheel, locking the door. STSF_Scooter -> # CENG> ::watches the hatch secure through her own helmet cam:: Wow...Submarine style airlock hatches. Lisanna -> #<MXO> +#+ Scooter, hear you two yakking about the power source, any conerns for danger? TKAR -> <ASCI><OPS>,CO>sir,its a log entry ancient writting i,m trying to deciper the meaning of them-i will send you the data when i deciper it. STSF_Scooter -> # CENG> I haven't seen those in...ages STSF Sorehl -> <CO> +XO+ Interesting. :::looks to TKAR::: Check the database. what items are of tangible value to the inhabitants of the colony? Cmdr JFarrington -> <OPS> <CO> Sensors are detecting nothing of monitary value - at least what *we* would think is monetary value. STSF Sorehl -> @ Second Suit> Sit tight. It only takes a minute. :::to Skip::: Nitara -> #AENG> Yeah, guys, while you're standing here talking about trading we've a guy down there. It's just turned extraction. We've better weapons... STSF_Scooter -> # CENG> XO> Reactor's increased in power... up 10dB since we've been down here. Lisanna -> #<MXO> <CEng> Hmm... Lisanna -> #<MXO> <CSci> Thoughts on their personalities, Eva? STSF Sorehl -> @ First Suit> :::still looking up at the away team, or at least to the crater edge::: Jerry 'Skip' Maxwell -> @<CSEC>::Monitors the % of air using his EV suit:: STSF Sorehl -> << Ooh, 10db. That's more than double... nice. >> Cmdr JFarrington -> <OPS> ::looks up with a sudden thought::: Lisanna -> #<MXO> :: continues to stand in plain sight, making a meaty target but not wanting to look like we're cutting and running, either :: Eva Jaz -> #<CSCI><XO> Paranoid at the extreme .. they seem to be thinking eveybody is out to get their errr stuff .. I suggest we do something fast before they decide that I'm not coming abck and kill Skip STSF_Scooter -> # CENG> AENG> True, but this is also stuck with Prime Directive concerns. Cmdr JFarrington -> <OPS> <CO> Captain. What if they are not protecting something on the moon, but something on the planet? STSF Sorehl -> @ First Suit> +COMM+ We just gonna stare at each other, or are you gonna bring your demands? Lisanna -> #<MXO> <CSci> Yeah. STSF Sorehl -> ACTION: Jerry's suit is in good shape. Around 80%. Cmdr JFarrington -> <OPS> <CO> I mean..what if they are expecting us to loot the planet? STSF_Scooter -> # CENG> XO> I think the natives are getting restless, Ls STSF_Scooter -> lis STSF Sorehl -> <CO> :::eyebrow up::: An orbital defense station? :::to OPS::: Cmdr JFarrington -> <OPS> <CO> ::thinking:: Well, sir..it kind of makes sense. What would we want to loot on a barren moon? Nitara -> #AENG> Prime Directive, Prime Directive. I think it's time to change that rule. ::Sighs.:: Lisanna -> #<MXO> +@+ We're not exactly enjoying being out in the open, fellas. Be with you in a minute. Lisanna -> #<MXO> +#+ Demands... they certainly don't think we're friendly, do they? STSF Sorehl -> <CO> :::nodding::: An interesting hypothesis. It would be hard to "loot" mineral resources. :::to OPS::: Lisanna -> #<MXO> +Perseus+ Howsit goin' up there? Natives are getting restless. Nitara -> #AENG> Darn it, demand our man. STSF Sorehl -> ACTION: The airlock has finished it cycle. Second Suit reaches up to remove his helmet. STSF Sorehl -> <CO> :::looks to TKAR::: Any suggestions on items to "trade"? Cmdr JFarrington -> <OPS> +MXO+ Working on a solution. Jerry 'Skip' Maxwell -> @<CSEC>::Looks up at the Second Suit to see their face:: Cmdr JFarrington -> <OPS> ::turns to listen to TKAR::: STSF Sorehl -> @ First Suit> :::shrugs, looks back to the hatch::: Lisanna -> #<MXO> <AEng> That's a given. STSF_Scooter -> # CENG> ::watching tricorder readings on the reactor:: STSF Sorehl -> @ First Suit> :::adjusts his helmet::: +COMM+ I dunno. They don't seem in a big hurry to try and take over. TKAR -> <ASCI>+<CO>+<XO>:;checking now:: it Seem they honor truth,some kind of green ruby that the gods or god came to them call the eye of ::checking:;Sir , their religion its similar to ancient eyptian synix in egypt. Nitara -> #AENG> Then what are we waiting for? They expect looting, anyhow. STSF Sorehl -> ACTION: Second Suit is Nordic in appeance, strong with long blonde hair. He opens the second door and pleasant air filters in. Cmdr JFarrington -> <OPS> ::turns back to her console::: Lisanna -> #<MXO> +@+ Okay, look. We're not in the mood really to start whacking at you guys, we've got other things to do. Sure we could send down some guys and we can have a nice brouhaha, but let's skip that step today, eh? Maybe we can get you guys something to.. STSF Sorehl -> <CO> :::blinks at TKAR::: These are 21st Century humans. Where did we see evidence of that on the planet? Lisanna -> make your stint up here a bit more fun. Jerry 'Skip' Maxwell -> @<CSEC>::After monitoring the air around him to make sure it's clean he removes hishelmet and shuts down his EV suit:: Lisanna -> #<MXO> +@+ In exchange we get our guy back and we're all happy. STSF Sorehl -> @ First Suit> :::looks back to the crater edge::: Huh? Nitara -> <<Ahh, Egyptian religion+worshipping tech=Goa'ulds.>> Cmdr JFarrington -> <OPS> <lol - wrong 'verse> Cmdr JFarrington -> <hiya, Joe> STSF Sorehl -> @ First Suit> +COMM+ What? And then you'll just leave? Eva Jaz -> << you are really obessed with SG girl aren't ya?! hahah>> STSF_Scooter -> # CENG> (m) SHoulda brought some holoemitters Joe Manning -> << Hey Jami! Just droppin in, don't mind me >> Nitara -> <<Yes, I am.>> STSF_Scooter -> (( lol Nitara)) Lisanna -> #<MXO> +@+ Yeah, we'll go. We just wanted to take a peek at the dish, you caught us with our pants down, good job. Guess you guys don't sleep on the job after all. STSF Sorehl -> @ Second Suit> :::to Skip::: You want something to eat? Sounds like your friends are taking their sweet time. Eva Jaz -> #<CSCI>::looks around listening to Lis negotiate :: STSF Sorehl -> @ First Suit> +COMM+ What're... you with the... liason? Jerry 'Skip' Maxwell -> @<CSEC>::Shrugs to the second suit::Sure. I wouldn't mind something. Cmdr JFarrington -> <OPS> ::also listening in, impressed with the XO's abilities::: Cmdr JFarrington -> <Zareh> TKAR -> <ASCI>+<CO>+<XO>::Checking data::Sir, i checked on some of their buildings like earth some of them have greek or roman archutecture -the people had eyptain architecture -like isis. STSF Sorehl -> @ Second Suit> You like coffee? :::to Skip::: STSF Sorehl -> << 3 minutes >> Nitara -> <<Keep, going TKAR, soon Deathgliders will start shooting at us.>> Jerry 'Skip' Maxwell -> @<CSEC>::To second suit::Do you have sugar for the coffee::Chuckles a bit at how surreal this all seems:: STSF Sorehl -> <CO><ASCI> I'm not sure I follow. STSF Sorehl -> @ Second Suit> Well, if you like coffee, you'll hate this. :::offers something in a styrofoam cup, smelling coffee-like::: Lisanna -> #<MXO> +@+ :: considers :: I thought you were in a hurry to get to business, pal, now you want to do an interview? So how 'bout it, we get our man back, give you something to keep you happy up here a bit, and we all go on our way. Nitara -> #AENG> ::Scans.:: The energy readings have started to level off. Cmdr JFarrington -> <OPS> ::wracking her brain, trying to think of something they would want from the surface::: Cmdr JFarrington -> <Hey, Sibie> STSF Sorehl -> @ First Suit> +COMM+ They want their guy back and they say they'll take off. :::seems as if he thinks he can't be heard::: STSF_Scooter -> # CENG> AENG> Good. What are radiation levels. STSF Seiben -> <yo!> Jerry 'Skip' Maxwell -> @<CSEC>::Takes a sip from the cup cringing at the taste::Well, it's better than nothing. Thank you. Nitara -> #AENG> <CENG> Slightly dropped, but constant. STSF Sorehl -> @ First Suit> +COMM+ They don't seem to be in a fighting mood. Unless their guys real important, why would they wait? And why would he surrender to us? I say let him go... see what happens. STSF Sorehl -> And... STSF Sorehl -> =/\= =/\= PAUSE SIM =/\= =/\= Lisanna -> #<MXO> +#+ Oy, we having fun yet? STSF Sorehl -> =/\= =/\= PAUSE SIM =/\= =/\= STSF Sorehl -> =/\= =/\= PAUSE SIM =/\= =/\= Lisanna -> :: paused :: Jerry 'Skip' Maxwell -> ::pause:: Eva Jaz -> :: P A U S E D :: Cmdr JFarrington -> :paused:: STSF_Scooter -> >/][ Nitara -> ::Tholian Web Paused.:: TKAR -> <ASCI>::shows data pictures to co::<co> sir the religous artifact seems they visited a blue planet but found the beings and the planet nto hotel so they left and came back to this planet but taissis. STSF Sorehl -> Nicely handled. TKAR -> paused Nitara -> Darn, not enough time to have Goa'ulds attack us. Cmdr JFarrington -> Interesting thoughts. Cmdr JFarrington -> :: in PC mode::: Cmdr JFarrington -> ::eyes glow:: TKAR -> <TAUGHT US about isis Jerry 'Skip' Maxwell -> ::RH:: STSF Sorehl -> It's tough to know what to say when you're not sure what people's motivations are... TKAR -> true STSF Sorehl -> ...but that was handled in a very Starfleet style. Nitara -> Yes, as in leaving people behind. Cmdr JFarrington -> How so, Nitara? Nitara -> And not busting in. Jerry 'Skip' Maxwell -> I had fun, and the coffee was not that bad. STSF Sorehl -> Quite true. But notice, a risk he took willingly. Cmdr JFarrington -> Ah. STSF Sorehl -> Oh, I think you might have been surprised at what the captain WAS willing to do. But it didn't come to that. Nitara -> Starfleet needs new leadership. Eva Jaz -> awwww nice Skip offering himself so I can get away! Eva Jaz -> ::gives Skip a cookie:: Jerry 'Skip' Maxwell -> Yummy! STSF Sorehl -> Oh, if I didn't say so, Hoodies feel free to depart as needed. STSF Sorehl -> And great work Lisanna. Cmdr JFarrington -> ::drool:: Nitara -> Well, bye. STSF_Scooter -> Ja! Cmdr JFarrington -> Fantastic work, Lis. Eva Jaz -> :;gives Jami a cookie:: Lisanna -> :: nods :: First rule of lying, use as much truth as you can get away with. :wacko: Cmdr JFarrington -> ::beam:: Thanks. STSF Sorehl -> Any questions from tonight? Or leftover from the classroom session? Jerry 'Skip' Maxwell -> None here :P Cmdr JFarrington -> None here. Jerry 'Skip' Maxwell -> Didn't Tkar have a question earlier? STSF Sorehl -> TKAR, question from before? Jerry 'Skip' Maxwell -> ::Shrug:: TKAR -> i forgot what i as going to ask about STSF Sorehl -> Well, there's next week. TKAR -> was STSF Sorehl -> Although, I promise - this was our last week in the Atlas system for awhile. Jerry 'Skip' Maxwell -> Nooooo Jerry 'Skip' Maxwell -> I'm gonna be trapped drinking crappy coffee in the Atlas system? Cmdr JFarrington -> Yeah, we're gonna leave you with the ersatz coffee and styrofoam. Jerry 'Skip' Maxwell -> <<Thanks Jami :P>> Cmdr JFarrington -> Any time, Jer. Cmdr JFarrington -> :::grin:: STSF Sorehl -> No, we'll assume you made it out thanks to Lisanna's skilled negotiating. Cmdr JFarrington -> Or...that. STSF Sorehl -> But stuck in sickbay with ersatz coffee and styrofoam. Jerry 'Skip' Maxwell -> Hahah STSF Sorehl -> I like the way Jami thinks. STSF Sorehl -> OK, I got the impression Jaz picked up on my underlying literary reference for this plot. Am I right? Eva Jaz -> No I actually haven't but good to know I did the right thing ! hahaha STSF Sorehl -> No? I thought maybe. Anyone else catch any literary stuff I borrowed? Eva Jaz -> :: reviews in her head the million books she 's read :: STSF Sorehl -> Took some elements from Atlas Shrugged. I read it last Spring. STSF Sorehl -> Hence the SS Atlas. STSF Sorehl -> Just borrowed the state of the government, and some of the slang.
  17. Cmdr JFarrington -> =/\==/\= STSF ACADEMY =/\==/\= Cmdr JFarrington -> =/\==/\= 8/11/2009=/\==/\= Cmdr JFarrington -> Game Master (GM) - STSF Sorehl Cmdr JFarrington -> Game Master (GM) - CmdrJ Farrington Cmdr JFarrington -> Mission Commanding Officer (MCO) - STSF Sorehl Cmdr JFarrington -> Mission Executive Officer (MXO) - Lisanna Cmdr JFarrington -> Helm/Operations Officer (HOPS) - Will Marx Cmdr JFarrington -> Chief Engineer (CENG) - Vilanne Cmdr JFarrington -> Assistant Engineer (AENG) - Rachel E Garrett Cmdr JFarrington -> Chief Science Officer (CSCI) - Eva Jaz Cmdr JFarrington -> Chief Medical Officer (CMO) - TKAR Cmdr JFarrington -> Chief Security Officer (CSEC) - Jerry 'Skip' Maxwell Cmdr JFarrington -> =/\==/\=END ROSTER=/\==/\= STSF Sorehl -> BACKGROUND: The Oberth-class starship Perseus has discovered a lost pre-Federation human colony, descendents of the SS Atlas launched more than 300 years ago. The colony exhibits an unusual mix of 21st, 20th, and 19th century technology, but shows no evidence of subspace fields or warp technology. STSF Sorehl -> MISSION BRIEFING: While preparing to leave a probe behind in the system, Perseus detected an active sensor hidden within the crater of the planet's airless moon. The captain has ordered an away team to investigate this device, as it seems inconsistent with the colony's level of technology. STSF Sorehl -> =/\= =/\= BEGIN CLASSROOM SESSION =/\= =/\= STSF Sorehl -> =/\= =/\= BEGIN CLASSROOM SESSION =/\= =/\= STSF Sorehl -> :::walks to the podium at the front::: Eva Jaz -> ::takes a seat in the back coffee in hand :: STSF Sorehl -> Tonight's topic is: The Scope of Individual Actions (as opposed to broader ACTIONS) will_marx -> ::also in back, with a vacuum flask:: STSF Sorehl -> Or, "How much effect is a player allowed to have?" will_marx -> ::raises hadn:: STSF Sorehl -> Thoughts, Will? Lisanna -> :: takes her seat, ponders the topic :: will_marx -> Depends on how flexible the GMs are running the Academy STSF Sorehl -> True, although tonight, I want to discuss some aspects that are fairly standard everywhere. Let me give an example. STSF Sorehl -> Would one expect to be allowed to get away with :::draws phaser and fires, vaporizing the captain::: will_marx -> Only if it were a Mirror Universe Academy. Cmdr JFarrington -> ::inserts a word there::: Lisanna -> :: chuckles :: Depends on how much the First Officer wanted a promotion. STSF Sorehl -> :::nodding::: Well put. Cmdr JFarrington -> Oh..and a Klingon or Romulan one. Eva Jaz -> ::chuckles:: will_marx -> heheh STSF Sorehl -> Even then, the statement would probably be disallowed because it is too broad in two ways: STSF Sorehl -> 1) It's probably not going to follow plot (although, as noted, it might depending on where you are) STSF Sorehl -> But also 2) It presumes the RESULTS of an action, not just the act of doing it. STSF Sorehl -> Whereas a statement like :::draws phaser to fire at captain::: MIGHT be allowed. STSF Sorehl -> With the host determining the outcome of the action, ie: ACTION: Sensing his naked aggression, the nearby redshirt jumps in front of the captain and is instantly vaporized. TKAR -> hi will_marx -> ::nod nod:: Jerry 'Skip' Maxwell -> ::Makes a note for the sim tonight:: STSF Sorehl -> Or, ACTION: Drawing his phaser, the Security Chief gives the player a right cross, dropping him to the deck. Vilanne -> ::raises hand:: STSF Sorehl -> The key point being that a player should be careful not to presume too much about the results or effectiveness of his actions, especially if they're unusual or unlikely. STSF Sorehl -> Villane? TKAR -> Sorry i waslate had aol issues Vilanne -> My favorite was being Sec Chief, and getting an IM for a host, "Arrest him... or shoot him if he mkaes a move" LOL I got to shoot! Vilanne -> But, that was with permission. Heheh Lisanna -> :: snarkle :: STSF Sorehl -> Permission can be fun. will_marx -> heh Eva Jaz -> << I never get to shoot people :) hahah >> STSF Sorehl -> It's a courtesy thing, as well as letting the host handle plot developments. For example, imagine... TKAR -> ::Writting notes on padd:: Lisanna -> I always like to think of it as the "Start but don't Finish" approach to simming. You can start something but it's the GM's choice as to how it ends, or to even wipe that off the slate. STSF Sorehl -> ...if another player typed :::tackles YOUR PLAYER and wrestles them to the floor::: STSF Sorehl -> Exactly, Lisanna. TKAR -> ::confused:: STSF Sorehl -> In my example, a lot of players might think, "Wait, you can't wrestle me to the floor. I'm strong. Or, I'm not just going to let you." Eva Jaz -> ::scribbles down some notes:: STSF Sorehl -> Their actions presupposed a successful outcome, which may not be warranted. Lisanna -> :: noddles :: will_marx -> I tend roll with something like that...and turn it into a fist fight Cmdr JFarrington -> ::quizzical look at Will::: STSF Sorehl -> In general, you want to avoid this and, as Lisanna notes, type the intention but not the result. :::scans for life forms::: :::jumps toward the green-skinned alien:::, etc. STSF Sorehl -> Good point, Will. The host may choose to make it a plot point in their own way. Lisanna -> Unless you've worked something out ahead of time, you should give the other player a chance to play and not just sit there and get pummeled. STSF Sorehl -> Precisely. STSF Sorehl -> There are players who know each other well enough, on Adv Sims or even in the Academy, that they can react and roll with another's actions. STSF Sorehl -> Or are willing to trust the outcome. will_marx -> ::nod nod nod:: STSF Sorehl -> But coordination has often happened in advance. STSF Sorehl -> Moose's Tips has several good examples of how to properly and improperly phrase an action. STSF Sorehl -> One of my favorites: After seeing a player throw a chair, a telepath types :::senses anger from the XO::: STSF Sorehl -> Which might not be true. He might simply like throwing chairs. will_marx -> heh Lisanna -> Yeah, you never know when Bob Knight's gonna drop by to play. will_marx -> lol STSF Sorehl -> In this case, the player needs to recognize that the scope of their immediate actions should be limited to what they are in control of. will_marx -> Or the sim degenerates into the Geraldo Rivera show. STSF Sorehl -> And venture into outcomes only when they've done some coordination or when its a reasonable assumption. :::lift moves::: STSF Sorehl -> There'll be time to see some examples tonight, I think. Cmdr JFarrington -> ::steps up:::: STSF Sorehl -> :::enters the holodeck::: Rachel E Garrett -> ::enters with Vilanne::: Lisanna -> :: enters holodeck :: Jerry 'Skip' Maxwell -> ::Enters Holodeck:: Vilanne -> <CENG> ::grins at Garrett:: Rachel E Garrett -> ::glance around::: will_marx -> HOPS> ::settles in behind the simulated console:: STSF Sorehl -> << It would be good for most of the players, except hosts, to comprise the away team. So, please assume you're heading or already in the transporter room. >> Rachel E Garrett -> <AENG> ::picks up her tag::: STSF Sorehl -> =/\= =/\= BEGIN SIM =/\= =/\= STSF Sorehl -> =/\= =/\= BEGIN SIM =/\= =/\= Lisanna -> <MCO> :: is in the transporter room :: Rachel E Garrett -> <AENG> ::also in the TR, ready to get some...stuff:::: Lisanna -> <mXo> (( didn't mean to promote myself... though maybe I should aim my phasr at the Captain and see what happens! :P )) STSF Sorehl -> <CO> :::on the bridge::: <HOPS> Advise me when the away team is ready to energize. Vilanne -> <CENG> AENG> Got all of the tools we may have to use? Cmdr JFarrington -> <heh Lis> STSF Sorehl -> << So you die keptin, and we all move up in rank... >> Jerry 'Skip' Maxwell -> <CSEC>::Puts his empty coffee cup down and heads towards the Turbolift:: Rachel E Garrett -> <AENG> ::so very eager::: <CENG> So, what you think it is, Chief? Eva Jaz -> <CSCI>::fiddling with her tricorder on her way to the TL :: will_marx -> ((::plots to execute the XO, and move into the center seat::)) TKAR -> <CMO>::Checking medical tricorder,medical pouch before tranporting :on the padd> Rachel E Garrett -> <AENG> ::settles down upon seeing Lisanna::: Vilanne -> <CENG> AENG> Unsure at this juncture, but technology isn't warp on the planet, so we will be investigating. Lisanna -> <MXO> :: looks around :: Lisanna -> <MXO> <NiP> Pokey, pokey, pokey... :: shakes head :: Eva Jaz -> <CSCI>::enters TL:: Rachel E Garrett -> <AENG> ::hangs her head::: Jerry 'Skip' Maxwell -> <CSEC>::Enters the Turbo Lift:: will_marx -> HOPS> ::majic edit into the TR, leaving the helm in the capable hands of Chief Tar'ghet:: Rachel E Garrett -> <AENG> <CENG> ::scoots closer to Vilanne::: Think it'll be more advanced than on the planet? I mean, it kinda seems likely. Lisanna -> <MXO> <CSci> :: looks :: Thought you might be bringing the whole lab with you. Eva Jaz -> <CSCI>::exits TL and makes her way to TR :: STSF Sorehl -> <CO> :::pacing the bridge, observing the sensor dish on the Main Viewer::: Vilanne -> <CENG> AENG> ::tries to help her hold her horse-power:: Probably Mr Garrett... we'll see, won't we. STSF Sorehl -> << Our relief helmsman is a target? >> Jerry 'Skip' Maxwell -> <CSEC>::Exits the TL and heads for the TR:: Rachel E Garrett -> <AENG> ::Nodnodnod::: will_marx -> ((He's also the Tac relief)) Cmdr JFarrington -> <Tar-get, Sorehl. As in the French :) > Lisanna -> <MXO> :: steps on the pad in her EVA suit :: Jerry 'Skip' Maxwell -> <CSEC>::Enters the TR stepping up on a pad:: Lisanna -> <MXO> :: mutters, which is picked up just fine by the suit's microphone :: I hate these bloody things. Eva Jaz -> <CSCI>::enters TR right behind CSEC:: will_marx -> HOPS> ::struggling to get comfortable in his EV suit:: Never did like these bloody things Rachel E Garrett -> <AENG> ::slips the helmet on her EVA, locks and checks, then checks Vil's:::: Vilanne -> <CENG> ::finishes cliping EV suit on, inspects the AENG:: Rachel E Garrett -> <AENG> ::up onto the pad::: Rachel E Garrett -> <AENG> ::nods, giving a thumbs-up to Vil::: STSF Sorehl -> TR Chief> <MXO> We're ready to energize on your order. Lisanna -> <MXO> <HOps> :: grins, hearing the similar sentiment :: TKAR -> <CMO>::in suit ready to go:: Eva Jaz -> <CSCI> ::fetches herself an EVA suit , laughing in her head at some bad joke about Eva in an EVA :: Rachel E Garrett -> <AENG> +Ceng+ Comm check. Lisanna -> <MXO> <TRC> As soon as everyone's in position. STSF Sorehl -> TR Chief> :::nods::: will_marx -> Tar'ghet> CO> Holding steady, relative to the dish's 3 o'clock, Captain. Lisanna -> <MXO> <CSci> Eva, hurry up and get in yourself so we can go. :: smirking behind the faceplate :: Vilanne -> <CENG> AENG> ::feeling stsrange that this aeng is way too antsy:: +AENG+ Yes, it's on. Jerry 'Skip' Maxwell -> <CSEC>::Checks his suit one final time:: will_marx -> HOPS> ::double checkign his seals one last time;; STSF Sorehl -> <CO> <Tar'ghet> Acknowledged. Station keeping. Rachel E Garrett -> <AENG> ::nods, squeezing her eyes tight, waiting for the transporter to pull her apart molecule by molecule:::: will_marx -> Tar'ghet> CO> Aye sir. Thrusters at station keeping Eva Jaz -> <CSCI>::hurries and double checks her suit before noding to XO to let her know she's ready :: Rachel E Garrett -> <AENG> ::would hold Vil's hand if she could without getting added attention:::: Lisanna -> <MXO> <CSci> :: pats eva on the shoulder as she steps up :: Lisanna -> <MXO> <TRC> Okay, everyone better be suited up properly, I'm not going to jump up and try to catch you if you start gas propelling around the moon. will_marx -> HOPS> ::double checks Eva's suit seals, and gives her a thumbs up:: Lisanna -> <MXO> <TRC> Energize. STSF Sorehl -> ACTION: The transporter energizes. Rachel E Garrett -> <AENG> ::energized::: Eva Jaz -> <CSCI>::dematerializes:: Vilanne -> <CENG> ::standing still, all clamped in, energizing:: Jerry 'Skip' Maxwell -> <CSEC>::Shimmers:: will_marx -> @ HOPS> ::shimmers:: Lisanna -> <MXO> :: shim-shimmery-shim-shimmery-shim-shim-sheroo :: TKAR -> <CMO>::checks tricorder on MXO>::shimmers>> will_marx -> lol STSF Sorehl -> ACTION: The away team de-shimmers. And then shimmers onto the stark, airless landscape within the crater. Rachel E Garrett -> @ <AENG> ::reshimmers::: Vilanne -> @ <CENG> AENG+ Run a tricorder for any technology, and identify immediately. Eva Jaz -> @<CSCI>::rematerializes:: Rachel E Garrett -> @ <AENG> +CENG+ Aye, Chief. Lisanna -> @<MXO> +Sorehl+ The Buzzard has landed. Jerry 'Skip' Maxwell -> <CSEC>::Shimmers:: Rachel E Garrett -> @ <AENG> ::flips it out, handily and starts scanning::: will_marx -> @ HOPS> That's one small step for carrion...one giant leap for dinner. Jerry 'Skip' Maxwell -> @<CSEC>::Flips out his tricorder:: Eva Jaz -> @<CSCI>::looks around quickly before starting to scan :: will_marx -> @ HOPS> ::looking around:: STSF Sorehl -> ACTION: A huge 20 meter sensor dish points upward toward the planet domination the view at "noon". Lisanna -> @<MXO> :: chuckles, looks around :: TKAR -> @<CMO>:;REshimmers::<MXO>scanning sir,checking for lifeforms. STSF Sorehl -> << Ahem... dominating the view. >> will_marx -> ((Sorehl = next Bond villian? )) STSF Sorehl -> <CO> +XO+ Acknowledged. We'll keep an open channel. Rachel E Garrett -> @ <AENG> ::turns to 12, points::: <CENG> Doesn't take a rocket scientist, Chief. Big dish over there. Lisanna -> @<MXO> <CMO> I doubt you'll find anything more than a space bacteria, Doc. Rachel E Garrett -> @ <AENG> <CENG> It's . . . different. Vilanne -> @ <CENG> <AENG> Rather big... waves? EF? RFI? ... :;mentions a dozen more:: What's it doing? will_marx -> @ HOPS> Looks like an old DEWS site dish Lisanna -> @<MXO> <Team> Looks bigger from the first person perspective, doesn't it? STSF Sorehl -> ACTION: There are no lifeforms present. The landscape is white and powdering, rising up as the edges of a crater. Rachel E Garrett -> @ <AENG> <CENG> ::w:: Don't know. Gotta wait for the action statement. ::grin:: Eva Jaz -> @<CSCI> <Xo> Well let's just say I wouldn't put it in my backyard .. might block the view Lisanna -> @<MXO> <CSci> Not to mention giving the neighbors the creeps. STSF Sorehl -> ACTION: Although powered from below, the dish is not emitting any signals at the moment. will_marx -> @ HOPS> CSCI> But you'd probably get great TV reception. Rachel E Garrett -> @ <AENG> <CENG> No signals, but a power source below, Chief. Eva Jaz -> @<CSCI>:;grins::<Xo> but half the fun *is* creeping the neighbours out! Jerry 'Skip' Maxwell -> @<CSEC>::Starts moving towards the Dish:: Vilanne -> @ <CENG> XO> My AENG has located a power source below, Sir. Lisanna -> @<MXO> <CSci> :: chuckles :: will_marx -> @ HOPS> XO> Shall we see if anyone's home, Commander? Rachel E Garrett -> @ <AENG> ::screws up her face::: <HOPS> TV? As in the real TV? STSF Sorehl -> ACTION: There are no footprints in the surrounding landscape, except those being made by the away team now. Lisanna -> @<MXO> <CEng> Good. Lisanna -> @<MXO> <HOps> Indeed. Rachel E Garrett -> @ <AENG> <HOPS> You think it's a TV thingy? ::obviously way off the mark::: Vilanne -> @ <CENG> AENG> ::whispers:: Don't screw up your face that way, it may freeze. will_marx -> @ HOPS> AENG> Ya. Good old fashioned Television. TKAR -> <@CMO><MXO>interesting no lifeforms showing<+SCI>do you have anything on your tricorder yet? Lisanna -> @<MXO> <Team> Okay all, let's bounce. :: starts the loping low gravity "walk" toward the dish :: Rachel E Garrett -> @ <AENG> ::accepts Will's statement as fact:: Whoa... Rachel E Garrett -> @ <AENG> ::bouncing along::: <CENG> What would they do with a TV dish up here? will_marx -> @ HOPS> AENG> Probably not, though. Looks more like an old Early Warning System radar from the Cold War period on earth will_marx -> @ HOPS> ::(killer) rabbit-hopping like the old lunar explorers:: Eva Jaz -> @<CSCI>:: sends data back to Science station on the ship to be compared with federation database :: Lisanna -> @<MXO> :: after seven or so of the bounces, starts to get teh hang of it :: Vilanne -> @ <CENG> ::frowing at HOPS while consoling AENG> Mr Garrett, he's pulling your leg. Keep your tricorder on. Rachel E Garrett -> @ <AENG> :::early warning, makes a note::: <CENG> Yes, sir. will_marx -> @ HOPS> ::chuckles:: Jerry 'Skip' Maxwell -> @<CSEC>::Moves towards the Dish takig point:: STSF Sorehl -> ACTION: Getting close, the dish looms even larger. It appears fixed and does not have a moveable base. Lisanna -> @<MXO> <Team> I forgot how much fun this could be once you get to doing it. TKAR -> @<CMO>::scanning with tricorder::<CSCI>Is it from earth or somewhere else? will_marx -> @ HOPS> XO> Indeed. Looks like it's a phased array style dish, Commander. Lisanna -> @<MXO> <HOps> Maybe if we have time after we investigate we'll call up to the ship for some golf clubs. Eva Jaz -> @<CSCI><CMO> It's not any earth design I've ever seen :: looking puzzled at how antiquated the dish looks:: will_marx -> @ HOPS> XO> And a hammer and feather. Rachel E Garrett -> @ <AENG> ::hoppity hop hop::: <NiP> Sure is big. :::calculates the trajectory::: Lisanna -> @<MXO> <HOps> Hmm... STSF Sorehl -> <Perseus> +CSCI+ This dish matches several possible designs, but nothing specific. It's consistent with a radar or imaging sensor. will_marx -> @ HOPS> XO> Galileo's famous experiment, Commander? Lisanna -> @<MXO> <HOps> What? Oh, yes I know that, Will, I was hmming about the phased array style part. Rachel E Garrett -> @ <AENG> ::frowns, turning to look at the projected trajectory of whatever it's used for::: STSF Sorehl -> ACTION: There is trace radiation emitted from below the base of the dish, well below the surface. Alpha and beta particle radiation, consistent with fissionable material. Eva Jaz -> @<CSCI>+Perseus+ Acknowledged .. Jaz out Rachel E Garrett -> @ <AENG> <CENG> It kinda looks like it's aimed at the planet, Chief. will_marx -> @ HOPS> XO> Ah Vilanne -> @ <CENG> AENG> That's science's initial findings... but can they really add? ::chuckles:: Eva Jaz -> @<CSCI>:: notices low radiation level on her tricorder :: <XO> I'm getting reading of a faint radiation trace Lisanna -> @<MXO> :: waits to hear something new :: Rachel E Garrett -> @ <AENG> ::turns to Vilanne:::wacko::: Lisanna -> @<MXO> <CSci> Levels and type. :: got her something new :: Vilanne -> @ <CENG> AENG> Gullible. ok..,. let's look at the radiation that science found, is it power or a leak? Eva Jaz -> @<CSCI>:: levels are very low .. Alpha and beta particules ... :: STSF Sorehl -> ACTION: Radiation levels and concentration are like those that would be produced by a low-yield fission plant. Rachel E Garrett -> @ <AENG> ::shrugs:: <CENG> Looks like an old type nuclear reactor to me. Jerry 'Skip' Maxwell -> @<CSEC>::Keeps a lookout:: Lisanna -> @<MXO> <CSci> Lovely. We'll have to monitor that, these suits are more ... well suited to block EM radiation than particle. Rachel E Garrett -> @ <AENG> <CENG> ::shows Vil her tric:: Fission, not fusion. STSF Sorehl -> ACTION: Tricorders are detecting motion below the base of the sensor, but the radiation and depth are masking clear readings. Vilanne -> @ <CENG> ::nods to the AENG:: let's see if we can find an entrance, and see what they were/are creating. TKAR -> @<CMO><CSCI><MXO>getting the same sensor readings,we are lucky its not harmfull to us yet. Eva Jaz -> @<CSCI><XO> Don't worry we're far from your hair starting to fall and your skin begging to blister levels ::grins a wee bit evily :: Rachel E Garrett -> @ <AENG> ::nods, turning to look around::: Vilanne -> @ <CENG> XO> Wait wait... there's some movement... can't identify yet. Lisanna -> @<MXO> <CSci> You'd just love that, seeing me bald... Vilanne -> @ <CENG> AENG> Any better readings? will_marx -> @ HOPS> XO/CSCI> I've got a set of clippers back in my quarters... Lisanna -> @<MXO> <CEng> Movement, eh? Eva Jaz -> @<CSCI>::chuckles :: Vilanne -> @ <CENG> ::notes the location of the security officers:: will_marx -> @ HOPS> ::chuckles:: Rachel E Garrett -> @ <AENG> <CENG> No, Chief. Looking for an opening of some kind. STSF Sorehl -> <CO> +XO+ Our sensors detected some movement near the base, but some residual radiation. Are you seeing anything? Vilanne -> @ <CENG> AENG> Hold up Garrett, let security take point... just in case. Rachel E Garrett -> @ <AENG> ::wants to move next to Jerry 'cause he's not said anything weird, so she holds up willingly::: Lisanna -> @<MXO> +CO+ Aye, Captain, we've detected both the radiation and movement, but still trying to pin everything down. STSF Sorehl -> <CO> +XO+ :::slight static::: Understood. Vilanne -> @ <CENG> CMO> Should we be innoculated? Are these levels save in our EV's? Lisanna -> @<MXO> +CO+ You're starting to break up a bit, Captain. Must be getting interference from the radiation. Could you come down into a lower orbit with the ship? STSF Sorehl -> ACTION: There is a circular opening along one side of the base, with a hatch swivelled wide. will_marx -> @ HOPS> ::looking around:: Eva Jaz -> @<CSCI><XO> the radiation are starting to affect the scan results too .. I'm not getting clear readings anymore ... STSF Sorehl -> <CO> +XO+ Acknowledged. :::off to one side::: Tar'ghet, move us in closer. Jerry 'Skip' Maxwell -> @<CSEC>::Attempts to pin point the movements on his tricorder:: will_marx -> @ HOPS> XO> Got a hatch, Commander will_marx -> Tar'ghet> CO> Aye sir Lisanna -> @<MXO> <CSci> Hmm... we might need to do this the hard way. :: looks over, hearing Will :: STSF Sorehl -> ACTION: Tricorders register lifeforms, quite suddenly, emerging from the hatch. Vilanne -> @ <CENG> CSEC> There's an air exchange duct there... I believe.. maybe we can get some readings in that? ::hopes that's what it is:: will_marx -> Tar'ghet> ::maneuvering thrusters, closing in on the station laterally and descending:: Jerry 'Skip' Maxwell -> @<CSEC>::Starts picking up life forms from the hatch and draws his phaser:: STSF Sorehl -> ACTION: Bright beams of light streak out from figures near the hatch, toward the away team. Lisanna -> @<MXO> :: squints :: What the heck? TKAR -> <@CMO>::scanning with medical tricorder::<MXO><ALL>still no life forms yet,intereting look at this writings its greek and its the sign of the hipoccites orth. Vilanne -> @ <CENG> AENG> ::grabs arm:: Take cover... ::rolls away behind things:: will_marx -> @ HOPS> XO> Lis, I think we've been spotted Rachel E Garrett -> @ <AENG> ::seeing Jerry draw, she steps back to give him room::: Eva Jaz -> @<CSCI>::looks at her tricorder suddenly loosing her smarty pants permanent smirk :: <XO> I 'm now detecting life signs Lisanna -> @<MXO> +CO+ Captain, we have company down here! Lisanna -> @<MXO> :: holds her suited empty hands up and out to hopefully show she's no threat :: STSF Sorehl -> ACTION: One of the points of light impacts against the CMO's EVA, which hisses. Rachel E Garrett -> @ <AENG> ::pulled and rolled::: STSF Sorehl -> <CO> +XO+ We've got them on sensors. Are those... lasers? TKAR -> <@CMO>::ducks, o no Lisanna -> @<MXO> +CO+ I think so... Maybe discretion would be the better part of valor here. Jerry 'Skip' Maxwell -> @<CSEC>::attempts to dodge and roll to the side of the hatch:: STSF Sorehl -> ACTION: There are more figures spilling out from the hatch. Eva Jaz -> @<CSCI>::turns around fast enough to see TKar's suit loose pressure and ducks to the ground as fast as she can :: will_marx -> @ HOPS> XO> COmmander! ::reachs to pull Lis down:: Vilanne -> @ <CENG> ::pulls out issued phaser, and sets to stunn, while scanning with tricorder from behind whatever she's hiding near:: TKAR -> <<am i dead>> Eva Jaz -> @<CSCI><XO> We need to get the CMO out of here .. Her suit as been pierced by whatever they're using as weapons Lisanna -> @<MXO> :: switches her suit to more external frequencies :: Hello there! This is Lisanna Stuart of the Federation Starship Perseus, we mean you no harm. STSF Sorehl -> <CO> +XO+ Are you requesting extraction? Jerry 'Skip' Maxwell -> @<CSEC>+CO+Sir, emergency transport. get Tkar out of here Eva Jaz -> <<well if you hold your breath you probably have 3 sec >> Lisanna -> @<MXO> +CO+ Yes, Captain. Get us up. Rachel E Garrett -> @ <AENG> ::hearing something, looks at TKAR and gasps:::: STSF Sorehl -> <CO> +CSEC+ Belay that... :::pauses, hearing Lisanna::: STSF Sorehl -> <CO> +All+ Prepare for emergency beam-up. will_marx -> Tar'ghet> Transporter room confirming solid locks STSF Sorehl -> ACTION: There are more lasers firing. The CMO's suit is starting to depressurize. Rachel E Garrett -> @ <AENG> ::claps her hand against TKAR's suit to stop the leak::: Eva Jaz -> @<CSCI>::gets back to her feet , trying to avoid being a a practice target :: STSF Sorehl -> ACTION: MOST of the away team deshimmers. TKAR -> <@cmo>;:tries to get the pressure suit patch on:; Lisanna -> @<MXO> :: frownies, crouches on the surface of the moon :: Rachel E Garrett -> <define most> Vilanne -> @ <CENG> ::proud of the AENG, while sparkling:: will_marx -> ((Indeed)) STSF Sorehl -> ACTION: Maxwell and Jaz are still on the surface. will_marx -> ((Hail and well met, Pretty Boy)) Rachel E Garrett -> @ <AENG> ::wait for it...wait for it::::: Cdr Zareh -> << Hola >> Lisanna -> <MXO> :: shimmers onto the pad, looks around :: Bugger it! Rachel E Garrett -> <AENG> ::demats in the TR::: Lisanna -> <MXO> <TRC> Where are Eva and Jerry? STSF Sorehl -> ACTION: The figures are bounding toward the remaining two members of the away team, but firing seems to have stopped. Eva Jaz -> <CSCI>::watches everybody else bu her and skip shimmer away and starts running for cover :: Eva Jaz -> *but Vilanne -> <CENG> ::on the TR, goes over to the TR controls:: What happened to the rest of the AT? ::checks the console:: STSF Sorehl -> <CO> <Tar'ghet> I though we had solid locks on ALL of them. Jerry 'Skip' Maxwell -> @<CSEC>::Still clutching his phaser but not firing:: will_marx -> @ HOPS> ::materializes on the Perseus:: What the / TKAR -> @<CMO>::Trying to hold on:: Rachel E Garrett -> <AENG> ::throws off her helmet to help TKAR::: <CMO> Doc! Doc! will_marx -> Tar'Ghet> CO> I thought we did, Captian. Jerry 'Skip' Maxwell -> @<CSEC>::Doesn't run from the lifeforms:: Lisanna -> <MXO> +Sickbay+ Lisanna to sickbay, get someone up here, the Doc's suit nearly depressurized, she'll need some medical work. Eva Jaz -> <CSCI>::notices that the firing as stop but decides that taking cover is still the intelligent thing to do :: will_marx -> Tar'Ghet> -=TRC=- Transporter room, relock on to Chiefs Jaz and Maxwell's comm badges STSF Sorehl -> ACTION: The figures bound closer, leveling some kind of energy rifle, but don't fire as the close on Maxwell and Jaz. Cmdr JFarrington -> <MED> +MXO+ On my way. will_marx -> Tar'ghet> CO> Permission to bring her in closer? TKAR -> @<CMO>::Still hanging on::I think i,m going to throw up. Vilanne -> <CENG> ::aiding the TRC:: Make sure you have a good lock this time... no more foulups STSF Sorehl -> <CO> <Tar'ghet> Negative. They're too close to beam out now... :::quietly::: Prime Directive... will_marx -> Tar Eva Jaz -> @<CSCI> ::noticing the rifles and the fact that she and CSCEC are clearly outnumbered slowly turns around with her hand up hoping that that's not the last thing she ever does :: Rachel E Garrett -> <AENG> ::pulls off TKAR's helmet::: <CMO> Better not throw up in your helmet, Doc. Lisanna -> <MXO> <CEng> Take care of things down here, I'm for the bridge. :: runs out of the TR, still fully suited :: will_marx -> Tar'ghet> With all do respect sir, they probably saw us pull them out STSF Sorehl -> <CO> <Tar'ghet> A risk I made once. Now it's a known fact. TKAR -> <cmo><aeng> thanks what hit me out there? Cmdr JFarrington -> <MED> ::enters the TR and kneels by TKAR, looking at Rachel::: What happened? will_marx -> HOPS> ::following Lis, still fully suited:: STSF Sorehl -> ACTION: The lead figure with the rifle adjusts a button near his helmet. Lisanna -> <MXO> :: emergency overrides the lift, zooms up on the ride, emerges onto the bridge getting her helmet off :: Rachel E Garrett -> <AENG> <CMO/MED> Got a tear in her suit from some kind of laser light source. Jerry 'Skip' Maxwell -> @<CSEC><CSCI>::Changes his posture and punts the phaser away:: STSF Sorehl -> ACTION: Maxwell and Jaz hear a squelch in their helmet comm Jerry 'Skip' Maxwell -> puts^* Cmdr JFarrington -> <MED> <CMO> How are you feeling, Doctor? Eva Jaz -> @<CSCI>::tries to appear as non -threatning as possible while motioning to CSEC to do the same as her :: Lisanna -> <MXO> <CO> Did we get them up? STSF Sorehl -> <1 minute> STSF Sorehl -> <CO> :::shakes head to XO::: They've been seen up-close. TKAR -> <CMO><MED><AENG>i think i broke some ribs> Jerry 'Skip' Maxwell -> @<CSEC><CSCI>If they wanted to kill us we'd be dead by now. Eva Jaz -> @<CSCI>::shakes her head at the sound ::<m>What in hell ?! STSF Sorehl -> <CO> <XO> But they're not being fired on. They're alive. will_marx -> HOPS> ::moves to Helm, dumping his helmet on the deck, relieving Cheif Tar'Ghet:: Rachel E Garrett -> <AENG> :::moving away from TKAR, letting the medical officer take over::: Lisanna -> <MXO> <CO> :: swears :: And for the same reason we can't go back down with a detail and extract them. Jerry 'Skip' Maxwell -> @<CSEC>::Tries to listen to the sounds:: STSF Sorehl -> Lead Figure> +COMM+ Just who are you and how did you get here? :::to Maxwell and Jaz::: Jerry 'Skip' Maxwell -> @<CSEC>+COMM+We are explorers STSF Sorehl -> Second Figure> +COMM+ Heinz, just find out which group of looters found out we were here... Rachel E Garrett -> <AENG> ::pulling the rest of her EVA suit off::: TKAR -> <CMO><MED>watch it you are not getting my job yet, try the polaser to mend my ribs. Cmdr JFarrington -> <MED> <CMO> Aye, Doctor. ::does so::: STSF Sorehl -> First Figure> +COMM+ :::scoffs::: Explorers? Without a ship? :::looks around, then straight up::: We didn't see that big thing lower anyone down. Eva Jaz -> @<CSCI>+figure+ we're not looters Vilanne -> <CENG> <<XO>> We've got a tight lock on them, ::taps onconsole:: I can get them out now... Sir? Jerry 'Skip' Maxwell -> @<CSEC>+COMM+Our ship was struck by this device::motioning toward the dish::We came to investigate. will_marx -> ((Need to change...)) STSF Sorehl -> And... Lisanna -> <MXO> +CEng+ Negative. Eva Jaz -> @<CSCI>+1st Figure+ We do not require the ship to land in orther to transport Cmdr JFarrington -> <Night, Hood> STSF Sorehl -> =/\= =/\= PAUSE SIM =/\= =/\= STSF Sorehl -> =/\= =/\= PAUSE SIM =/\= =/\= TKAR -> <CMO><MED>Great job now get me out of this suit. Lisanna -> :: paused :: Eva Jaz -> :: P A U S E D :: Rachel E Garrett -> ::paused::: Wo0t! Jerry 'Skip' Maxwell -> ::Paused:: TKAR -> paused TKAR -> great sim Rachel E Garrett -> gtg Eva Jaz -> *order btw .. I'm making uop words tonight Eva Jaz -> :) Eva Jaz -> *up TKAR -> ?? STSF Sorehl -> Good work tonight. I forget how much time it takes to get an away team down. STSF Sorehl -> And the bell always rings too soon. STSF Sorehl -> Hoodies, feel free to depart. STSF Sorehl -> Any thoughts/comments on tonight? TKAR -> true -my aol had issue its fixed now Cmdr JFarrington -> 'Twas fun. STSF Sorehl -> Maxwell, good restraint on not firing back. Cmdr JFarrington -> Ditto, Sorehl. I thought his move was great. TKAR -> i should have ducked out more Cmdr JFarrington -> Eva, too. Jerry 'Skip' Maxwell -> Thanks Jerry 'Skip' Maxwell -> Yeah it was a really fun sim STSF Sorehl -> I rolled a dice, TKAR. Eva Jaz -> thanks Hilee -> ! STSF Sorehl -> So, it was random chance this time. STSF Sorehl -> Hilee? TKAR -> everything is randam chance Hilee -> A very interesting and fun sim...excellently played and timed STSF Sorehl -> Well, unless you believe in free will. But that's a philosophical discussion for another time. Hilee -> Well done...enjoyed it from the Gallery...Thank You GM's STSF Sorehl -> Thanks. Cmdr JFarrington -> I didn't know Will was free ::duck:: Eva Jaz -> ::chuckles:: TKAR -> it would be interesting if we meet these lifeform again in another sim next time part 2 STSF Sorehl -> Well, maybe not, but he may be cheap. STSF Sorehl -> Alas, this may be our last visit to the Atlas colony for awhile. But we'll see. Cmdr JFarrington -> So who were those masked men? STSF Sorehl -> It's not like I got to let you see the secret underground lunar base. TKAR -> there allways possiblites TKAR -> goodnight all Cmdr JFarrington -> Oohhhhhhh.... Eva Jaz -> Night Tkar Cmdr JFarrington -> Night, TKAR. Hilee -> Well Mon Capitain...a real pleasure to see you again...off to lurk in the "Hood", take care all :) Eva Jaz -> ::rub hands :: Underground lunar base you say! Eva Jaz -> :D STSF Sorehl -> Nuclear-powered, too. STSF Sorehl -> But then, you saw that part. Eva Jaz -> Nuclear-powered Too!!! :: eyes wide :: Eva Jaz -> hahaha STSF Sorehl -> Although... :::nudges Jaz::: I wouldn't be too quick to tell them about the transporter. Eva Jaz -> :) Eva Jaz -> Well didnt wanan get shot for being a shipless looter STSF Sorehl -> Nice... :P Eva Jaz -> haha STSF Sorehl -> Wish I'd have thought of that one. Eva Jaz -> cleverness that comes with 4 lifetimes of being a smart ass :) Eva Jaz -> hahaha STSF Sorehl -> Any questions before we dismiss? Jerry 'Skip' Maxwell -> None here STSF Sorehl -> OK, dismissed!
  18. As requested, the following is a composite log of the Atlas Mission, from 6.16.2009 to the present. 6.16.2009 MISSION BRIEFING: While tracking old-style radio signals, the Oberth-class starship USS Perseus has discovered a lost human colony. The 400 million colonists appear to be descendants of the warp ship S.S. Atlas, launched in 2075. Undetected, the ship has entered orbit to gather information about the colony. Nisha Dunsel -> <HOPS> sits at Helm station and awaits orders Nisha Dunsel -> :: :: STSF Sorehl -> BACKGROUND: The Danconia system is on the coreward edge of Federation space. The inhabited fourth planet is class-M and has two moons. The larger moon is tidally locked - rotating at the same rate it orbits, so the same side always faces the planet. Ens_Hawke -> <CSEC> ::enters, stands near back of bridge with arms behind back:: Vilanne -> <AMO> ::looks around sickbay, for her Chief:: Pace -> <MXO> ::on the bridge, standing near MCO:: STSF Sorehl -> <CSCI> :::on the bridge, manning the sensors::: Allen Armstrong -> <MCO>::Stands at the centre of the bridge, looking at the visual of the planet:: STSF Sorehl -> <CSCI><MCO> Sir, I have data on the ship believed to be the origin of this colony, if you'd like a report. Pace -> <MXO> <HOPS> Maintain a high orbit, Dunsel. Allen Armstrong -> <MCO>::Turns to Sorehl::<CSCI>Yes, give it to me now William_Kidd -> <CMO>::Goes to the Medical Bay and get's it ready:: STSF Sorehl -> <CSCI><CO> The S.S. Atlas was a DY-400 series ship launched in 2075, more than a decade after First Contact, but almost a century before the founding of the Federation. Even assuming several years for a journey at low warp, this colony could be more than 300 years old. Nisha Dunsel -> <HOPS> <MCO> Yes Sir, 500 thousand kilometers Vilanne -> <AMO> William Kidd< ::sees the CMO entering::Chief, how are you? Dr Vilanne here to help today. STSF Sorehl -> <CSCI> The manifest indicates a diverse mixture of humans from various nation-states of the period. Pace -> <MXO> <CSCI> Do we know what their original mission was? TKAR -> <CENG>::in Energinning room checking engine output:: STSF Sorehl -> <CSCI> <CO> My earlier records suggested 400 passengers, but this did not include nearly as many children also aboard. William_Kidd -> <CMO><AMO>I am doing good. Is everything ready? STSF Sorehl -> <CSCI> <MXO> It appears to have been launched for the express purpose of building a nearby colony. How it got this far out is unclear. Vilanne -> <AMO> Kidd> Well Chief, the inventory has dwindled slightly since we left port, but we should be ok. The nurses cleaned up well. I don't forsee any problems, unless you have something? Pace -> <MXO> <CSCI,MCO> And, at that time, a recue attempt may have been hard to launch... Allen Armstrong -> <MCO>::Nods slowly::<CSI>Thank you Mr. Sorehl.. can you determine, assuming all survived the trip, if those 800 could have become 400 million in 300 years? Ens_Hawke -> <CSEC> :: looks around listening to conversations:: TKAR -> <CENG><Hops>All systems green in enginning::<MCO><MXO>::Sending new updates to there padd:: William_Kidd -> <CMO><AMO> No I don't think there will be any problems. I just want to be ready in case there is anything the colony might have picked up. STSF Sorehl -> <CSCI> <MCO> :::nodding::: Assuming an exponential growth of 4.3 per 20-year generation, the numbers are consistent. Also assuming no mass extinctions, diseases, or unexpected death events. STSF Sorehl -> <CSCI> :::looks at scans::: It might be possible to do a genetic study at long-range, but a sampling would speed results. Ens_Hawke -> <CSEC> ::wonders where the tactical officer went:: Allen Armstrong -> <MCO><CSCI>Excellent, thank you ::Turns to Pace:: <MXO>Prepare an away team Vilanne -> <AMO> I have the medical records of the crew on your desk. The PADD's have their status, not all had physicals before coming on board. Pace -> <MXO> <MCO> Aye Captain. Shall we try our best to blend in? TKAR -> <CENG>::checking warp core flow indicator;it seems fully functional::: Allen Armstrong -> <MCO>::considering the question for a moment:: <MXO>For now, yes STSF Sorehl -> <CSCI> :::taking a scan of the planetary system itself::: STSF Sorehl -> <CSCI> <MXO> Confirming earlier scans, sir. The colony shows signs of pollution and industry consistent with a mid-20th Century technology. There are no signs of active subspace fields on the planet or elsewhere in the system. William_Kidd -> <CMO>::Grabs the PADD and looks it over:: Allen Armstrong -> <MCO><CSCI>Mr. Sorehl, do you have any information for me about the sensor dish on the tidal moon? Pace -> <MXO> <MCO> Aye sir. <CSEC> Hawke, you're with me. +CMO+ Pace to Dr. Kidd, come in STSF Sorehl -> <CSCI><MCO> :::turns to his instruments::: Scanning. Ens_Hawke -> <CSEC><MXO> Aye, Sir. TKAR -> <CENG>::working magic on sensor replacement on enginning console 3,replacing burnout circult for a modern bio unit:: Allen Armstrong -> <<brb>> William_Kidd -> <CMO>+MXO+ Dr Kidd here. What can I do for you? STSF Sorehl -> <CSCI><MCO> :::reporting aloud::: There appears to be some communications or sensor equipment on the larger moon. Unmanned, however. Pace -> <MXO> +MCO+ Doctor, we are taking an away team down to the surface of the planet, I would like a medical officer to accopany us. Ens_Hawke -> <CSEC><MXO> Sir, standard away team protocol requires a phaser. Since this is technically an Earth outpost, would you like us to bring weapons with us? Pace -> <MXO> +MCO+ Doctor, meet us in the Transporter room in 5 min. STSF Sorehl -> <CSCI> :::rambling a bit::: The larger moon is tidally locked - rotating at the same rate it orbits, so the same side always faces the planet. The sensor dish is at a point that always faces the planet, as well. Nisha Dunsel -> <HOPS> <XO> Should I mask our orbit behind the secondary moons orbit after the away team has beamed down? Pace -> ((Sorry, meant CMO)) William_Kidd -> <CMO>+MXO+ Okay I will meet you in the transporter room, or are we taking a Shuttle Pod down? Vilanne -> <AMO> I'd be happy to keep an eye on things back here, Sir. Allen Armstrong -> <MCO>::Nodding, listneing to Sorehl's assessment:: <CSCI>That does seem rather odd. Pace -> <MXO> <CSEC> Yes, we will need phasers, to stay on the safe side Ens_Hawke -> <CSEC><MXO> Aye. Let me grab them. ::Runs off to weapons storage cabinet:: Allen Armstrong -> <MCO><HOPS>No, that won't be necessary. Maintain present orbit. Pace -> <MXO> +CMO+ I don't want them to detect a shuttle, so we will beam down TKAR -> <CENG>::checking system with the scotty enginning tricorder,has to replace more of the faulty sensor it seens to be a fake a piece that the friengi sold to the federation:: Vilanne -> <AMO> ::prepares a medical kit that was already stocked and hands it to the Chief:: Pace -> <MXO> <CSCI> Can you determine what kind of clothes we should replicate for the away team? William_Kidd -> <CMO>::nods to Dr. Vilanne:: Thanks. ::Grabs the medkit:: +MXO+Okay the transporter room it is. Allen Armstrong -> <MCO><CSCI>Scan the planets communications.. are any of them visual? Vilanne -> <AMO> ::waves to the CMO:: Good Luck and Save Returns, Sir! STSF Sorehl -> <CSCI> :::eyebrow up::: <MCO> True. Such a dish could serve like a relay satellite, but it shows no signs of operation at present. Ens_Hawke -> <CSEC> ::grabs a handful of phasers, clips two grenades to his belt, heads off to transporter room:: STSF Sorehl -> <CSCI> :::scanning::: William_Kidd -> <CMO>::nods again:: Hold down the fort. STSF Sorehl -> <CSCI> <MCO> Confirmed. Some of the radio signals contain visual information. Allen Armstrong -> <MCO><CSCI>Excellent.. have the computer replicate appropriate attire for the away team Ens_Hawke -> <CSEC> ::arrives at Transporter Room with bag full of phasers:: Vilanne -> <AMO> ::goes about standard medical protocol when AT's are inacted, fills hypos with standard refills:: TKAR -> <CENG><AENG>please check the sensors to check if any units are faulty or fakes please note and send updates to starfleet enginning> STSF Sorehl -> <CSCI><MCO> :::nodding::: Aye, sir. :::transfers visual data to replication center to provide clothes for the away team::: William_Kidd -> <CMO>::Heads to the transporter room and waits for the others:: Pace -> <MXO> ::walks over to the Turbo Lift, and presses the call button:: <CSCI> Have the clothes replicated in the TR room. Pace -> <MXO> ::Enters TL as the doors open:: Transporter room 1 Allen Armstrong -> <MCO><MXO>Pace.. observe Genral Order 1, for the time being.. Ens_Hawke -> <CSEC> ::Hands MXO a phaser:: STSF Sorehl -> ACTION: Attire for the landing party has been replicated and awaits them in the transporter room. Ens_Hawke -> <CSEC> ::hands phaser to Kidd:: <CMO> Hello Doctor. Pace -> <MXO> +CMO,CSEC+ Pace to away team, you will find clothes in the transpoter room replicator, please put them on Pace -> <MXO> ::Turbo lift doors open and steps off, walks toward TR 1:: Pace -> <MXO> ::Arrives at TL 1, walks in:: William_Kidd -> <CMO>::Sees the clothing, grabs some, and puts them on. Ens_Hawke -> <CSEC><MXO> Sir, your phaser ::hands weapon butt first:: Allen Armstrong -> <MCO><HOPS>Maintain a constant lock on the away team once they have beamed down. Pace -> <MXO> <CMO,CSEC> Are we ready? ::Pulls clothes off replicator and puts them on:: Ens_Hawke -> <CSEC> ::puts 'street clothes' on:: <MXO> I am now. Let's hit it. Nisha Dunsel -> <HOPS><MCO> Yes sir Pace -> <MXO> <CSEC> Thanks chief. And remember, please keep ann technology hidden ::takes phaser:: Pace -> ((all)) Ens_Hawke -> <CSEC><MXO> Aye. ::Pulls cloak over phaser, stun grenades:: William_Kidd -> <CMO>::Takes the phaser from <CSEC>:: Thanks. STSF Sorehl -> <CSCI><MCO> Captain, I've selected an urban site where the primary dialect is English. Unless you have an alternate preference, sir? Pace -> <MXO> ::Hides tricorder under vest:: Pace -> <MXO> ::Steps onto TR Pad:: Allen Armstrong -> <MCO><CSCI>That will be excellent.. see to it that they can beam down unseen. William_Kidd -> <CMO>::Puts medkit in his messengerbag.:: Ens_Hawke -> <CSEC> ::Steps on to adjacent pad next to MXO:: STSF Sorehl -> <CSCI><MCO> Acknowledged. I believe I have selected a windowless "alley". TKAR -> CENG>::replacing fake sensors light circult and fake bio circult relays:: Allen Armstrong -> <MCO><CSCI>Very well, send the coordinates to to TR1 STSF Sorehl -> <CSCI> :::looks to HOPS to confirm the transporter location and lock::: Pace -> <MXO> +Bridge+ Captain, we are ready for transport William_Kidd -> <CMO>::Steps on the pad behind <CSEC>:: STSF Sorehl -> ACTION: The transporter chief has the coordinates and is ready to energize upon order. Nisha Dunsel -> <HOPS><CSCI> yes sir Pace -> <MXO> <Away team> Remember folks, General Order 1. no unessecary contact. Ens_Hawke -> <CSEC> ::acknowledges:: William_Kidd -> <CMO>::acknowledges:: TKAR -> <CENG><AENG>leut,please check the console 3 if it has any lose connections. Allen Armstrong -> <MCO+MXO+ Be careful down there.. report back when you have the information we need.. we must determine how these people got here and if, in fact, they are human. Pace -> <MXO> +MCO+ Aye sir <Transporter Chief> Energize STSF Sorehl -> ACTION: The away team shimmers as the transporter chief energizes. Pace -> ::Shimmers:: Allen Armstrong -> <<don't forget you @ tags>> Pace -> @<MXO> ::Rematerializes:: TKAR -> <CENG><AENG>is the connection solid or missing? STSF Sorehl -> ACTION: The away team de-shimmers in a noisy, urban-smelling alleyway lacking windows. Nisha Dunsel -> <HOPS> ::watches as 3 blips are on surface:: Allen Armstrong -> <MCO><HOPS>Do you have them? Pace -> @<MXO> <Away Team> Everyone here? William_Kidd -> <CMO>Aye Sir. Ens_Hawke -> @<CSEC> ::looks around quickly:: @<MXO> I'm okay STSF Sorehl -> ACTION: The CSCI console blips in response to an energy reading from the larger moon. Pace -> @<MXO> ::Notices pungent smell:: Allen Armstrong -> <MCO>::Looks around the bridge:: Where is my tactical officer? Nisha Dunsel -> <HOPS><MCO> Yes sir Cmdr JFarrington -> <TAC is gone> STSF Sorehl -> <CSCI> :::eyebrow up::: <MCO> Sir, it appears we are being... scanned from the outer moon. Pace -> @<MXO> <Away team> Alright people., lets stay together for now. Let's just have a look around. Discret scans only, when you can manage them STSF Sorehl -> <CSCI> <MCO> :::passive scans::: Correction. More like a "ping" than a scan. From the sensor dish. Allen Armstrong -> <MCO>::Walks around to tactical to get a tactical scan of his own of the outer moon:: <CSCI>What do you have? STSF Sorehl -> ACTION: Beyond the alley, small levitating transport vehicles move quietly down a shiny paved surface. Pace -> @<MXO> ::Takes lead, walks down the alley to the adjacent street:: William_Kidd -> @<CMO>::Scans the alley way:: STSF Sorehl -> <CSCI><HOPS> Can you confirm? I showed an energy spike from the lunar dish. Ens_Hawke -> @<CSEC><CMO> It doesn't sound too busy outside. What do the scans say? STSF Sorehl -> <CSCI> :::shows screen to MCO::: Nisha Dunsel -> <HOPS><CSCI> just over 10 megajules Ens_Hawke -> @<CSEC><MXO> Levitating transport; That was developed way after this mission set out. I wonder how advanced they are; if they are human that is Pace -> @<MXO> <Away team> hover vehicles...technology consistant with the late 21 century on earth Allen Armstrong -> <MCO>::Looks at the screen:: <CSCI>No way to tell if it sent any information? STSF Sorehl -> ACTION: In contrast to the few shiny vehicles hovering a foot above the street, there are disheveled men gathered around the fire in a steel-drum trashcan for warmth. TKAR -> <CENG><AENG>ensign are you cooking anything?Somethings burning;a coffee and donut.Not on my shift you are dismist. William_Kidd -> @<CMO>::Scans area with tricorder::Not too busy at all. Vilanne -> <AMO> ::completes filling hyposprays with the nurses, then inspects the surgical suites just in case:: TKAR -> <CENG>::makes notes on ensign:: STSF Sorehl -> <CSCI> <MCO> Unclear. Although... :::adjusts scanners::: Pace -> @<MXO> ::Notices men around the trash can:: <CMO> Can you determine if they are completly human? Ens_Hawke -> @<CSEC><MXO> Homeless? Perhaps they aren't as advanced as I thought... Allen Armstrong -> <MCO>::Looks on:: STSF Sorehl -> <CSCI> <MCO> There appears to be an underground component to the sensor dish. Allen Armstrong -> <MCO><CSCI>Scan for life signs Pace -> @<MXO> <CSEC> Perhaps not... Pace -> <<BRB>> STSF Sorehl -> ACTION: Many of the buildings are skyscapers, but there are lights only in the lower ten floors. TKAR -> <CENG>::goes to get a cup of coffee its going to be a long shift:: STSF Sorehl -> ACTION: There are large viewscreens on some of the wider buildings, showing televised screens. Pace -> <<Back>> Nisha Dunsel -> <HOPS> ::monitors scans, and keeps lock on 3 away team members:: Ens_Hawke -> @<CSEC> ::squints eyes to see the TVs:: Allen Armstrong -> <MCO><HOPS>Keep that lock. We need to be able to beam them out at a moments notice Pace -> @<MXO> <CSEC> Can you use your tricorder to download the information being broadcasted from that display device? STSF Sorehl -> ACTION: The screens show images of government public works projects, scenes from a legislative session, and a science demonstration. TKAR -> <CENG>::calls for second ensign to take over the first ensigns job:: Ens_Hawke -> @<CSEC><MXO> Yes sir. I'll need to expose it however. I should be able to do it discretely. Allen Armstrong -> <MCO><CSCI>Can you scan the installation for signs of life? Ens_Hawke -> @<CSEC> ::pulls tricorder from under cloak and points it at the TVs, pressing buttons in combination:: William_Kidd -> @<CMO>It seems that this planet has developed just fine. STSF Sorehl -> <CSCI> <MCO> Scanning. :::adjust::: No life signs, but there is a power plant of some kind - hmmm, more efficient that the combustible systems I'm seeing on the planet surface. Pace -> @<MXO> <CMO> Doctor, are they entirely human? STSF Sorehl -> < 1 minute > STSF Sorehl -> ACTION: Scans of the population around the away team show they are entirely consistent with descendents of 21-st century humans - lacking some evidence of later encountered diseases and such. Ens_Hawke -> @<CSEC><MXO> Sir, It looks like there are scenes of government public work projects, some legislative sessions, and a science demonstration. Maybe nuclear fission? I'm not quite sure. Allen Armstrong -> <MCO><CSCI>Then someone built that there to monitor the planet.. but whom? TKAR -> <CENG>::wonders why he got up this morning maybe i should transfer top a desk job,no way:: STSF Sorehl -> <CSCI> :::intrigued at the captain's supposition::: Indeed... who? Pace -> @<MXO> <CMO> Developed fine, maybe. But their technology is still underdeveloped. Maybe they lack the resources on this planet to attain a higher tech lvl STSF Sorehl -> =/\= =/\= PAUSE SIM =/\= =/\= STSF Sorehl -> =/\= =/\= PAUSE SIM =/\= =/\= STSF Sorehl -> Well played. Allen Armstrong -> ::paws:: Cmdr JFarrington -> Indeed. STSF Sorehl -> Hoodies, as always, you're free to depart as needed. Pace -> ::Paused:: William_Kidd -> ::Paused:: Ens_Hawke -> ::Paused:: Nisha Dunsel -> paused Nisha Dunsel -> :: :: Jebidiah Stronghold -> oh my god nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Cmdr JFarrington -> Jebidiah Stronghold PM STSF Sorehl -> Any questions from our story? Thoughts on the classroom topic? Vilanne -> ::puts on minitunic and updo and tall boots:: G'night! ::waves:: STSF Sorehl -> Or just obsevations / wonderings about the advancing plotline? Jebidiah Stronghold -> i wish to join the academy Nisha Dunsel -> didnt get to use my line..... <HOPS> +TL+ beam them up stat Pace -> Will we continue this next week? STSF Sorehl -> If we have enough returning players, I'd be happy to continue. Pace -> Love the storyline! STSF Sorehl -> We'll start with the team already on the surface. Allen Armstrong -> I'll be here as always William_Kidd -> Oh I definately will come back Jebidiah Stronghold -> i wsih to to join the academy Cmdr JFarrington -> Very interesting story. Ens_Hawke -> Tomorrow or Next Tuesday? Pace -> I will try my best to be back STSF Sorehl -> Sorry, Jeb. Tonight's session has just concluded. But there will be another tomorrow night. Cmdr JFarrington -> Jebidiah Stronghold this academy is over. The next one is tomorrow night at 10pm ET. STSF Sorehl -> Next Tues, Hawke. Ens_Hawke -> I think I'll be good for that Pace -> he left in a hurry :D Nisha Dunsel -> possibly, not sure yet STSF Sorehl -> Well, no need to commit. We'll be here. Nisha Dunsel -> alot on my plate next week Allen Armstrong -> I'm having fun playing the Captain :) STSF Sorehl -> As always, we'll begin with a short classroom session, so... Nisha Dunsel -> Im just making sure I got this simming thing down, for now STSF Sorehl -> if you have specific areas you're wondering about as you work toward graduation, let me know. STSF Sorehl -> Just as you should, Nisha. Nisha Dunsel -> smile William_Kidd -> I hope I did good enough..haven't done this in a very long time. Nisha Dunsel -> :) Pace -> you did great Cmdr JFarrington -> Well played all. I'm going to call it a night. STSF Sorehl -> I saw good simming from you tonight, Kidd. Pace -> good night Jami Nisha Dunsel -> take care stay safe Allen Armstrong -> Nighty night everyone William_Kidd -> Thank you very much Sorehl. STSF Sorehl -> My pleasure. Nisha Dunsel -> just gotta take the shows data and put it to this, and be an integral part of the chat STSF Sorehl -> Dismissed! Pace -> Good night all! Nisha Dunsel -> good nite William_Kidd -> Good night all! STSF Sorehl -> Well, I'm off. Hamlin Taylor -> <OPS><Helm> Ens_Hawke -> Goodnight All Hamlin Taylor -> <OPS><Helm> Hamlin Taylor -> Joe>Thanks for uploading USS Cloverbud and Tango shuttle bus Hamlin Taylor -> Joe>academy session Hamlin Taylor -> <OPS><Helm> TKAR -> bye STSF Sorehl -> Hamlin, tonight's official Academy session has ended for tonight, but they'll be another at 10om ET tomorrow. 7.7.2009 STSF Sorehl -> ACTION: Last week's away team has returned to the ship and been summoned for a briefing with the captain. STSF Sorehl -> =/\= =/\= BEGIN SIM =/\= =/\= STSF Sorehl -> =/\= =/\= BEGIN SIM =/\= =/\= Lisanna -> <MXO> :: summoned :: TMir -> CENG> ::settles into a semi comfy chair with mug of tea:: Cmdr JFarrington -> <CSEC> ::also summoned::: STSF Sorehl -> <CO> :::enters the Conference Room::: Vilanne -> <CSCI> ::summed, already in conf room:: Cmdr JFarrington -> <CSEC> ::slips into a chair, all business, then stands as the CO enters::: STSF Sorehl -> <CO> :::motions for all to sit::: We've gathered some interesting data on this lost colony, let's try to put some of it together. TKAR -> ::Walks in breifing room,checks report data on planet on the people:: Cmdr JFarrington -> <CSEC> :;does so::: Lisanna -> <MXO> :: takes a chair opposite Sorehl's spot at the other end of the table :: Cmdr JFarrington -> <CSEC> ::turns to face the screen::: STSF Sorehl -> <CO> :::looks to Lisanna::: You've been down there. What're they like? Vilanne -> ::quietly observing and making updates on her PADD:: STSF Sorehl -> <CO> :::meanwhile pulling up scans and comm surveys::: Cmdr JFarrington -> <CSEC> ::full attention to Lisanna::: Lisanna -> <MXO> <CO> Definitely human, Captain, but definitely not "for the betterment of mankind" level yet. A lot of tension, if you don't fit in with what's expected you stand out and people don't bother to pretend not to notice. STSF Sorehl -> <CO> :::listens::: Unfriendly, by human standards? TKAR -> ::<CMO>::nods to MXO:: Vilanne -> <::afk, taking notes while I"m afk::>> STSF Sorehl -> <CO> :::knows full well that, as a Vulcan, he is himself frequently considered such::: Lisanna -> <MXO> <CO> Not necessarily "unfriendly," Captain. But from what we were able to gather "Big Brother" has a tendency to keep a tab on you, and there's little trust in the air. STSF Sorehl -> <CO> :::looks to others who were on the away team::: Is that the consensus? Any other observations from the team? STSF Sorehl -> <CO> :::seems to be preparing some data::: TMir -> CENG> CO> That's the feeling what I received, Captain. Literature also supports that theory. STSF Sorehl -> <CO> :::nods::: Cmdr JFarrington -> <CSEC> ::nods agreement with TMir and Lisanna::: TMir -> CENG> CO> Not much in the planetary history refers to what specifically happened to the Atlas Cmdr JFarrington -> <CSEC> ::looks as though she has something to say::: STSF Sorehl -> <CO> <XO> Based on your suggestions, we've monitored transmissions for evidence of strikes or other economic troubles. Vilanne -> <CSCI> ::refreshes herself in the notes she just took:: Lisanna -> <MXO> <CO> :: nods :: STSF Sorehl -> <CO> <XO> Uniformly, the "party line" is that no such strife or concern exists, despite references to a great deal of emergency legislation and action. STSF Sorehl -> <CO> :::looks to CSEC::: A comment? Cmdr JFarrington -> <CSEC> <CO> I was just going to mention that the tension has the potential of volitility, especially to those who might inadvertantly say the wrong thing, go in the wrong area of the colony, or gesture in a way that might be perceived as taking sides... Cmdr JFarrington -> <CSEC> <CO> It reminds me of gangland mentality, or the strike mentality of Earth's early 20th century. Lisanna -> <MXO> <CSec> :: grim nod in acknowledgment to Jami's assessment :: STSF Sorehl -> <CO> :::nods::: Indeed. Significant Prime Directive concerns, in that regard. STSF Sorehl -> <CO> An excellent observation. ::to all:: And this is a briefing but also a time to ask questions, so don't hold back on such. Vilanne -> <CSCI> Question sir. STSF Sorehl -> <CO> <CSCI> Go ahead. TKAR -> <CMO><CO><MXO>the inhabidents are bipar,human in appreacance,blood type human with some andronian features antinenna for one;females are about 5' 10 to 5' 12 males are 6 feet. Vilanne -> <CSCI> Does starfleet require an answer as to what happened to the Atlas? I mean, we clearly see that they have re-colonized here, and are utilizing some of the technology... maybe this should be hands off? Cmdr JFarrington -> <CSEC> ::turns her attention to Vilanne::: STSF Sorehl -> << Actually, TKAR, these people are entirely human. No Andorian elements. >> Lisanna -> <MXO> :: wants to know how far Stafleet Command needs us to go herself, smiles over at Vilanne for her astute and pertinent question :: TKAR -> <OK delette antinee> STSF Sorehl -> <CO><CSCI> A fair question. At this point we are indeed "hands off", but I'm inclined to learn as much about their development as reasonable without intrusion. TMir -> ((Just don't eat the Soylent Green...)) Lisanna -> <MXO> <CO> Did we detect any signs of "underground" transmissions? Vilanne -> <LOL>' TKAR -> <CMO>::Nods with agreement:: STSF Sorehl -> <CO><XO> :::considers::: By underground, you mean subversive, rather than subterranean? Vilanne -> <CSCI> We ran many scans, and detected a lot of radio frequencies, we did not determine if they were underground. Do you want a team to go down and set a probe under the ground? Vilanne -> <CSCI> ::same question now that the CO has:: STSF Sorehl -> <CO><XO> I saw no such reports. Although it has become clear the colony is administered under several smaller governments, rather than a single unified one. Lisanna -> <MXO> <CO> Unauthorized, yes. I realize they generally get by with low power transmissions so we may not be able to detect it via the ship. STSF Sorehl -> <CO> So it is fair to note that such transmissions are not entirely uniform in the political or linguistic arenas. TMir -> CENG> XO> We can set up a few stealth sensor probes, and listen for pirate radio stations Cmdr JFarrington -> <CSEC> ::sharp turn to T'Mir, indicating by her expression that she agrees::: STSF Sorehl -> <CO><CENG> A viable option, but I'm inclined to keep our presence small. Perhaps our own communicatoins system can be modified to look for such... low-level subversive transmissions? Cmdr JFarrington -> <CSEC> <CO> It could give us a better feel for the total political situation on the planet. Vilanne -> <CSCI> <CENG> By the signal strength? Lisanna -> <MXO> <All> The reason for my interest in this matter, as much as I've dealt with propaganda machines it's always nice to at least get the other side of the argument so we can draw lines, find where in the middle the truth actually lies. TKAR -> <CMO>::i can format a sensor hidden in one of their religious objects to scann there bio readings with out harming them or breaking the prime directive. STSF Sorehl -> <CO> :::nods to the XO::: STSF Sorehl -> <CO><CMO> Religious objects? I don't recall any reports mentioning that. Vilanne -> <CSCI> <CENG> ::taps on her padd and comes up with HAM Radio Frequencies:: Maybe... this information about antique might help us set the probe for specific settings. It could give us local communication information since the signals are their weakest. TMir -> CENG> CSCI> Low power curves, which limit EM interference STSF Sorehl -> <CO><CENG> Very good. When we dismiss, let's implement a protocol for such detection. TMir -> CENG> ::nods:: STSF Sorehl -> <CO> :::goes back to an earlier comment::: So, no clear reports on the fate of the Atlas itself? Cmdr JFarrington -> <CSEC> <CO> No, sir. ::looks to the others:: TMir -> CENG> CO> No sir, we were unable to find any fate of the ship at the Library TKAR -> <CMO>i found out by treatiing a little girl with a skin knee of course i used there medical supplies and i hind my medical tricorder in my traveling sack. Lisanna -> <MXO> <CO> Not even a whisper, it seems to be a vanished time in their history. Vilanne -> <CSCI> ::shakes head in agreement with everyone:: Cmdr JFarrington -> <CSEC> <all> Was there anything in the library about it? I don't recall. STSF Sorehl -> <CO> Curious. Do they even realize they're a colony and not native to this world? Lisanna -> <MXO> <CO> Either times were so hard they couldn't keep records, or whoever has the information has kept a lid on it. Cmdr JFarrington -> <CSEC> <CO> Due respect, Captain - they are natives of this world now. How many generations has it been? Lisanna -> <MXO> <CO> With their mix of technology they may have the technical expertise to do the genetics with the other life to know they aren't, but I don't know if they have. If we do send people down again, I think hitting the libraries is our best bet. STSF Sorehl -> <CO> According to our records, the Atlas left Earth in 2070. Although it may have taken years to reach this distance, that's at least 300 years from point of origin. Cmdr JFarrington -> <CSEC> ::nods firstto Lisanna, then to Sorehl::: Vilanne -> <CSCI> <All> Perhaps one of the govermental leaderships are hiding this information to protect the generations of people. Were any areas protested heavier than others that we did not inspect? STSF Sorehl -> <CO><XO> Agreed. Then you think a second venture to the surface is warranted? Or advisable? STSF Sorehl -> <CO><CSCI> Uncertain. But we can use the ship sensors to determine that. Lisanna -> <MXO> <CO> Knowing a bit more now I think we can head down and blend better, especially if we keep the wandering to a minimum. Get down, get the people into the libraries where even on this planet people get their noses stuck in books and don't... Lisanna -> notice other people. :: slight smile :: TKAR -> <CMO>::Nods to <All>they might kepted the recorders quiet can you imagine you find out you are not from this planet and find out you are not the only one in this universe -it might start a riot and change the planet war and death. STSF Sorehl -> <CO> :::nods::: What other information should we seek? Perhaps we can use the ship's resources, or choose a different location for beam down? Cmdr JFarrington -> <CSEC> ::looks to Sorehl, as if to make a comment:: Lisanna -> <MXO> :: waits for Jami before she goes over her information shopping list :: STSF Sorehl -> <CO><CMO> I concur, doctor. We shall keep the Prime Directive in effect and reconsider only once we've ascertained their level of extraterrestrial knowledge. Vilanne -> <CSCI> ::sees Jami's expression, holds her comment until a good break:: STSF Sorehl -> <CO> :::looks to CSEC::: TKAR -> <CMO>::Nods to CO:::<CO>Quite logical. Cmdr JFarrington -> <CSEC> <CO> I believe it would be prudent not to speculate, Captain. It's possible that the people have been more concerned with survival than with increasing their knowledge base. I don't recall seeing many in the library, but then there isn't much that would help them survive on a basic level in a library. STSF Sorehl -> <CO> :::considers, these humans SHOULD know about Vulcans, at least, given their departure date::: TMir -> CENG> CO> Captain...one point... Cmdr JFarrington -> <CSEC> ::looks to TMir::: Vilanne -> <CSCI> ::considers the computers she saw and how they could hack their info without giving themself away:: STSF Sorehl -> <CO> :::nods at Jami, looks to CENG::: Go ahead. TMir -> CENG> CO> THere is the possibility that the colonists of the Atlas, were not exactly "friendly" to extraterrestrials. Lisanna -> <MXO> <CO> :: nods, steeples fingers and listens to the others before she makes her final point :: TKAR -> <CMO>::listens to CSCI:: TMir -> CENG> CO> Similar to the Terra One expedition Cmdr JFarrington -> <CSEC> ::headtilt, not having considered that, though it is entirely possible::: STSF Sorehl -> <CO> :::nods to CENG::: The thought has occurred to me. Leaving Earth so soon after First Contact suggested that as a possibility. STSF Sorehl -> <CO><CENG> But it does suggest additional caution. TMir -> CENG> ::nods:: Cmdr JFarrington -> <CSEC> <CO> Captain? STSF Sorehl -> <CO><CSEC> Yes. Cmdr JFarrington -> <CSEC> <CO> Do we know why the Atlas left the Sol System? STSF Sorehl -> ? Lisanna -> <MXO> :: continues to listen quietly now :: STSF Sorehl -> <CO> Our shipboard records indicate only that they intended to establish a colony, although there's no mention of a particular motivation or unified political will. Nor of a destination. Cmdr JFarrington -> <CSEC> ::thoughtful nod:: STSF Sorehl -> <CO><XO> If the colonists are aware of their source, it may be useful to learn if they have any origin myths or established histories. TKAR -> <CMO>::checks medical tricorder on the little girl bio readings from main medical computer:: STSF Sorehl -> <CO> So libraries and computer banks are clear options. Any other locales for a return visit? Lisanna -> <MXO> <CO> Indeed. We should determine which population center is the "original" and focus our information gathering attempts there, as they would have the "cleanest" link to the Atlas and their past on Earth. TMir -> CENG> ::nods:: STSF Sorehl -> <CO> :::looks down at data::: That we may know. There is a seaboard city known as "Atlas Landing" - a distinct possibility. Lisanna -> <MXO> <CO> :: chuckles :: Might as well draw a big red X on the map there. TMir -> CENG> CO> Captain, perhaps a detailed sensor sweep of the planet to locate any wreckage of the the ship? Vilanne -> <CSCI> Captain, I really think we should circle the area for a short time, doing some in depth scans to isolate areas that may have secure areas, or a low concentration of habitants. TKAR -> <CMO><CO>i would need more bio readings on more of the population to test that theory. Cmdr JFarrington -> <CSEC> ::perks up, as though she would really like to explore that area::: STSF Sorehl -> <CO> :::adding::: And it may be some indication that they know of their off-world origin that several cities begin with a "New" preface. STSF Sorehl -> <CO><CENG> We have attempted that. There has been no single source of industrialized metals, indicating a ship. But we should focus on that one city, perhaps. STSF Sorehl -> <CO><CSCI> I concur. We'll add it to our mapping parameters. TMir -> CENG> ::nods again:: TKAR -> <CMO><CO>Or the new city was a religous area in ancient times like egypt. STSF Sorehl -> <CO><CMO> Another possibility, yes. Lisanna -> <MXO> <CEng> We'd also have to look for the materials in the architecture of the area, if they properly cannibalized the Atlas to start the colony. One of the stealth probes may come in handy there. Be nice if there was a building with "SS Atlas" over... Lisanna -> the threshold. TMir -> CENG> XO> Or a warp reactor providing power to a city STSF Sorehl -> <CO><XO> If only it were that easy. Vilanne -> <CSCI> ::chuckles, envisioning a SS Atlas Bar & Grill sign:: STSF Sorehl -> <CO><CENG> That's one thing we've certainly NOT seen. No evidence of subspace fields or warp technology at all. STSF Sorehl -> <CO> Which is unusual in itself. TKAR -> <CMO><all> if the goverment didnt hide that artifact like earth,s area 51. Vilanne -> <CSCI> <CO/CENG> Perhaps they ejected the only warp core they had... thus no signs now. Lisanna -> <MXO> <CO> We can probably get by the next few days using remote methods only, hopefully we can gather enough social data on Atlas Landing, if it looks good, to figure out how best to send people down if required. STSF Sorehl -> <CO> :::eyebrow up to CMO::: Generally, I don't subscribe to conspiracy theories, but there are elements of curiousity here that might be explained by it. TMir -> ((test)) STSF Sorehl -> <CO><XO> Agreed. Let's focus on selecting a good site and proper background for the away team. We're in no hurry. STSF Sorehl -> << We see you, TMir >> Cmdr JFarrington -> <CSEC> ::leans back:: <CO> Especially if they left the Sol System on a mission to rethink civilization. STSF Sorehl -> <CO> :::looks around::: It sounds like we have several new avenues to explore. Anything else? Cmdr JFarrington -> <re-hi TMir> Lisanna -> <MXO> <CO> Indeed. They've had 300 years, thereabouts, to settle on this planet, least we can do is take some time to try to find out about a few before we violate the Prime Directive out of impatience. STSF Sorehl -> < 3 minutes > STSF Sorehl -> <CO><XO> I fully agree. Vilanne -> <CSCI> Agreed. TMir -> CENG> Indeed STSF Sorehl -> <CO> Let us see to it, then. Dismissed. Cmdr JFarrington -> <CSEC> ::stands to exit:: STSF Sorehl -> <CO> :::gets to his feet::: Vilanne -> <CSCI> ::finishes up a few notes on her PADD before removing her body from her seat and exiting the room:: TMir -> CENG> ::stands:: Cmdr JFarrington -> <CSEC> ::defers to the CO to exit first::: STSF Sorehl -> <CO><CENG> Let's get those probes ready, just in case. :::exits::: Lisanna -> <MXO> :: rises, looks to CEng :: <CEng> Let me know how work on the probes go. TKAR -> <CMO>::Checks childs bio reading::<CO>True i agree the medical computer says i need more data on the inhabidents to check if that they are from the ship from earth. Lisanna -> <MXO> :: chuckles as T'Mir gets probes in stereo :: STSF Sorehl -> And... STSF Sorehl -> =/\= =/\= PAUSE SIM =/\= =/\= STSF Sorehl -> =/\= =/\= PAUSE SIM =/\= =/\= STSF Sorehl -> =/\= =/\= PAUSE SIM =/\= =/\= STSF Sorehl -> Very nice, everyone. STSF Sorehl -> Good interaction and thinking ahead. STSF Sorehl -> We'll try to pick it up where the second away team beams down. STSF Sorehl -> So come back if you want to see how it turns out! 7.14.2009 STSF Sorehl -> BACKGROUND: The Oberth-class starship Perseus has discovered a lost pre-Federation human colony, descendents of the SS Atlas launched more than 300 years ago. The colony exhibits a mix of 21st, 20th, and 19th century technology, but shows no evidence of subspace fields or warp technology. STSF Sorehl -> MISSION BRIEFING: After an initial survey and contact, an away team has beamed down to Atlas Landing, a city on the western seaboard, dressed as natives. The away team is interested in learning the planet's history and present status, including an ongoing economic upheaval. The Prime Directive is in effect. STSF Sorehl -> :::gives folks a chance to read and get oriented before...::: STSF Sorehl -> =/\= =/\= BEGIN SIM =/\= =/\= STSF Sorehl -> =/\= =/\= BEGIN SIM =/\= =/\= STSF Sorehl -> =/\= =/\= BEGIN SIM =/\= =/\= Cmdr JFarrington -> ::has read it and slips on her <AMO> :::: TMir -> MXO> ::looks around the alleyway:: Vilanne -> < CSEC > ::finds X and closes the cardboard cutout, taking it's place:: STSF Sorehl -> << It's always an alleyway, isn't it? I'm so predictable. >> Lisanna -> <CMO> :: in her local garb, all signs of 24th Century Starfleet tucked away inside pockets :: Eagle -> ::Takes his place along with the AT...any equipment well hidden,and taking passive scans:: TMir -> ((Easier that way...unless you want a cloaked Bird of Prey in Golden Gate Park)) Vilanne -> < CSEC > <ASEC> Just blend in, no weapons... no technology. ::smiles at TKar:: Keep to the back, bring up the rear of the group, ok? Ens_Hawke -> <ASCI1> ::adjusts cloak:: Cmdr JFarrington -> <AMO> ::standing next to Lisanna, eager to impress the experienced CMO::: Eagle -> *<Asci> Eva Jaz -> <CSCI>:: at her station analysing sensor data:: Ens_Hawke -> <<Are you on the ship Eva?>> Lisanna -> <CMO> <AMO> Ah, you can smell a bit of the salt water in the breeze, even in an alleyway. Eagle -> <<nope>> TMir -> ((Safe to assume we're all on the planet)) STSF Sorehl -> << All players are on the Away Team, down on the planet. >> Eagle -> <<I guess>> TKAR -> <AsecI><CSEC>yes sir,what about having phaser on stun? Eva Jaz -> <<I 'm lost again .. sorry ! >> TMir -> MXO> ::walks out of the alleyway:: Lisanna -> <CMO> :: turns to face the wall and pulls out ther tric; places it on silent mode and, with it set for continuous scan and store, tucks it back into her light windbreaker :: STSF Sorehl -> ACTION: The street seems a bit busy, with levitating cars moving by slowly, several people on the pavement. Cmdr JFarrington -> <AMO> ::deep breath::: <CMO> Sure can. Reminds me of home. ::small sigh:: TMir -> MXO> CMO> Reminds me of Market Street.. STSF Sorehl -> <CENG> :::pulls his native trenchcoat closed, looking chilled::: Eagle -> <Asci><Csci> Chief there is a definite cross of time and cultures present...data does indicate a definite prewarp civilazation Vilanne -> < CSEC > <ASEC> Nope, TKar, just keep it in your belt, under your cloak. No weapons means no weapons. If we get into trouble, we do have hand-to hand-. Eva Jaz -> <CSCI>:: looking around stealthly taking scans:: Ens_Hawke -> <ASCI1><MCO> Should we try and find a library or something? TMir -> MXO> AT> We'll split up; be les obvious that way. Cmdr JFarrington -> <AMO> ::iz not scanning 'caz we're not asposed to::: Lisanna -> <CMO> <MXO> :: chuckles :: Don't say "market" you'll get me in the mood to shop. STSF Sorehl -> <CENG><XO> :::hearing ASCI::: Libraries and computer banks, then? TMir -> MXO> CSCI> Eva, take part of the team, locate the local library. Eva Jaz -> <CSCI><ASCI> ::my data indicates the same :: Vilanne -> < CSEC > ::moves up near the front of the group, taking in the area and people:: TMir -> MXO> CENG> Afirmative Eva Jaz -> <CSCI><MXO> Aye ... TKAR -> <ASEC1><CSEC>Yes sir,i understand ::Has phaser on off cycle;hidden:: Eagle -> <<no equipment then?>> Ens_Hawke -> <ASCI1><CSCI> Can I tag along? TMir -> MXO> CSEC> Vil, detach part of your team to go with Eva and her team STSF Sorehl -> ACTION: This city has a couple of tall buildings, but only a few qualify as skyscapers. Transports appear to be confined to the ground - none flying around. Lisanna -> <CMO> :: waiting to see who wants who to go where :: Eva Jaz -> <CSCI>::nods to ASCI1:: Vilanne -> < CSEC > ::nods to the MXO:: Sure Commander. ::moves over to TKar:: Go with Eva and her team. No technology, ok? Keep them safe. Eagle -> <Asci><Csci> After you ..sir TMir -> MXO> AT> The rest of us will try to find the hall of records. Cmdr JFarrington -> <AMO> ::glance around::: <CMO> Kinda weird. Hovercars but no tall buildings. Strange mix of technology. Eva Jaz -> <CSCI>:: awaits for everybody to be ready :: STSF Sorehl -> <CENG> :::moves toward Eva, unless directed otherwise::: Ens_Hawke -> <ASCI1>::lines up behind Eva:: TMir -> CSCI> MXO> Eva, take Hawke, Sorehl, Tkar and Jami with you Lisanna -> <CMO> <AMO> That seems to be the order of the day here. Cmdr JFarrington -> <AMO> ::booyeah..Sorehl::: Eva Jaz -> <CSCI><MXO> Yes sir! :: motions to the other to follow:: TMir -> (This way we can kill both GMs, Jami lol )) TKAR -> <ASEC>::Talking the point::<CSEC>yes sir, only arm to arm cambat the last resort. Eva Jaz -> *others STSF Sorehl -> ACTION: In addition to ocean scents, there is the definite smell of commerce, including smelters and factories. Eagle -> <Asci><Mxo> With you then sir...::stands next to the Mxo:: TMir -> MXO> AT> Everyone remember where we parked... TKAR -> <<Ha ha>> STSF Sorehl -> << For clarity, Eva's team let's adopt the @ symbol before our comments. >> Lisanna -> <CMO> <MXO> At least this alley doesn't have the rats the last one did. Eagle -> <Asci>::grins:: Tmir> Aye sir... TMir -> MXO> CMO> True. And the city feels a little more vibrant that the other one Eagle -> *<mxo> Cmdr JFarrington -> @<AMO> ::tags along with Eva::: STSF Sorehl -> @ <CENG><CSCI> Now, where would they put the Hall of Records around here? :::looks out of the alleyway::: Lisanna -> <CMO> <MXO> Let's hope less suspicious, too. Did we manage to mapquest the Hall of Records location? Eva Jaz -> @<CSCI><"her team"> We seem to be in an industrial zone .. I suggest we try to make our way back to a more central part of the city since buildings like librairy "normally" tend to be there Cmdr JFarrington -> @<AMO> <CENG> In the library, maybe? TMir -> MXO> :: starts walking..:: I believe so...at least I think we did. Eva Jaz -> @<CSCI><CENG> Definitly not in a alleyway :: smiles and start walking :: Vilanne -> < CSEC > ::moving along with the MXO and crew:: STSF Sorehl -> @ <CENG><CSCI> :::nods::: Let's do it. Lisanna -> <CMO> :: follows :: Ens_Hawke -> @<ASCI><CSCI> Maybe look for trees or something? When I think downtown I think parks. Eagle -> <Asci><Mxo> It appears they are a very industrious sort::sniffing the stench in the air:: TMir -> MXO> ::pulls out the stereotypical folded roadmap:: Eva Jaz -> @<CSCI>:: makes her way up a larger street :: Vilanne -> < CSEC > ::observing the item that the MXO pulled out, with an eyebrow raised:: Where did you pick that up? STSF Sorehl -> @<CENG> :::follows::: TMir -> MXO> (m) Ah...ok Lisanna -> <CMO> :: looking around almost lazily, just soaking up the local ambience :: TKAR -> <ASEC1>::starts walking in a different direction::<all> maybe we should try their food and maybe trade for some items that they have. TMir -> MXO> CSEC> Had it replicated, Vilanne. Seems less obvious than using a tricorder Eva Jaz -> @<CSCI>:: looks around noticing that the artchitecture becomes less industrial looking :: < " her team" > Looks like we're heading in the "nice part of town now Keep an eye open for a university or a librairy Eagle -> <Asci><Mxo> Schools or centers of higher learning on the map sir? STSF Sorehl -> @ <CENG> :::gestures toward a cluster of trees and some sculpture::: That's looking public-like. Lisanna -> <CMO> :: peeks over at the map :: <MXO> That's no fun, you didn't mark it with a big red X. TMir -> MXO> ::starts heading towards downtown, as well:: ASCI> Inded Cmdr JFarrington -> @<AMO> ::adjusts her local garb as they move along, tossing the shawl more comfortably over her shoulders and glancing around, peeking into store windows, taking note of their wares::: TMir -> MXO> CMO> How...cliche, Lisana Eva Jaz -> @<CSCI><ASCI1> the mixture of technologies from different era is fascinating STSF Sorehl -> ACTION: Near TMir's team, there's a screeching sounds like the brakes of a train or subway. Lisanna -> <CMO> <MXO> :: grins :: We may be hunting for data, but it's still treausre. Lisanna -> <CMO> :: winces at the screech :: Ens_Hawke -> <ASCI1><CSCI> Indeed. I wonder if we're the first contact they've had since the crash....? Vilanne -> < CSEC > ::doesn't jump, but does turn abruptly to see what the noise is:: Ens_Hawke -> *@ TMir -> MXO> ::arches an eyebrow:: TKAR -> <ASEC1<@>>::What the?:: Eagle -> <Asci>::loosely following trying to look normal...but not too normal:: STSF Sorehl -> @ <CENG> The whole thing looks mid 20th Century, except for the mag-lift cars. Lisanna -> <CMO> :: looks around for the source of the offending noise :: Cmdr JFarrington -> @<AMO> ::moves closer to the head of the line:::: TMir -> MXO> At least they seem to have some sort of mass transit system...noisy as it may be Vilanne -> < CSEC > ::whispers to anyone within earshot:: Guess they don't have sensor technology to avoid such accidents? Eva Jaz -> @<CSCI>:: notices a large building with columns reminiscent of ancient greece :: <"her team"> Let's check if this is a librairy architects seem to prefer pantheon looking buildings for librairies ... and if it's not well at least it 's a starter:: STSF Sorehl -> ACTION: Near TMir's team, a crowd of people emerge from stairs that lead down below the street. They spill out in various directions, many toward a nearby factory with blazing smokestacks. Eagle -> <Asci><Mxo> Aye sir...if memory serves ...they used to call those transit trains Lisanna -> <CMO> <MXO> Apparently funding from fares isn't enough for proper upkeep. Ens_Hawke -> @<ASCI1><CENG> We had mag tech that far back. We just didn't use it properly at the time... Eva Jaz -> @<CSCI>:: makes her way towards the building:: TMir -> MXO> Ah... Lisanna -> <CMO> :: watches the underground exodus :: Must be an Underground down there. Ens_Hawke -> @<ASCI1> ::follows Chief Jaz:: STSF Sorehl -> @ <CENG><ASCI1> True. These people were able to start from scratch. TMir -> XO> CMO> Probably. Might as well ride instead of walking STSF Sorehl -> @ <CENG> :::follows::: Vilanne -> < CSEC > A town, perhaps? Cmdr JFarrington -> @<AMO> ::following along as well::: Eva Jaz -> << I feel important! hahahh>> Cmdr JFarrington -> @<feeling the power, Eva?> Lisanna -> <CMO> <MXO> :: jingles her share of the local currency in her pockets :: True. I'll look out, see if they have map of the network down there so we can figure out which station to pop out at. TKAR -> <ASEC1>::Checks money pouch::<ALL>should we try to purchase something in this store. TMir -> XO> CSEC> Train system, Vilanne. I believe New York and London never upgraded to maglev technology after all these years Cmdr JFarrington -> @<AMO> :blink.gif:: <ASEC> I thought we were looking for the library. Eva Jaz -> @<CSCI>:: confirms that the building is indeed a librairy :: < more to herself> Architects have NO imagination! STSF Sorehl -> @ <CENG> Hey... look at that. :::notes sign which says "Atlas Landing Museum: The Early Years"::: Cmdr JFarrington -> @<AMO> ::ascending the library stairs:::: Vilanne -> < CSEC > ::considers how unsafe underground transportation has always been:: TKAR -> <<question which group am i in>> Cmdr JFarrington -> <You're with Eva and a @> Eagle -> <Asci>::Watching and observing:: <Mxo> Sir...apparently we have arrived in conjunction with work shifts::points at the crowds heading for the factories:: TKAR -> <<thanks>> STSF Sorehl -> @ <CENG><CSCI> You sure know how to pick libraries. This one seems specialized. Cmdr JFarrington -> <yep? Lisanna -> <CMO> :: heads down the steps, notes one Underground map left in a box and snags it :: Cmdr JFarrington -> <yep, that is> Eva Jaz -> @<CSCI><CENG> :: points to the smaller sign:: Archive collection : open to the public :: Ens_Hawke -> @<ASCI1><CSCI> That's convienent! TMir -> CMO> ASCI> Probably. However, I say we take the train and head downtoen TMir -> ^town Lisanna -> <CMO> :: opens it, looks through :: TMir -> ((bloody typonese) Eva Jaz -> @<CSCI><CENG> well no time to get picky! :: smiles and enters the building:: STSF Sorehl -> ACTION: There is a citywide announcement on several large building monitors signalling "SHIFT CHANGE". Eagle -> <Asci><Mxo> Sir? Vilanne -> < CSEC > ::points up to the monitor:: Yep, you are right... Shift Change. STSF Sorehl -> @ <CENG> :::follows, holding the door open for Jami and TKAR::: Eva Jaz -> @<CSCI>::notices the large monitor in the all , motions for everyone to stop :: Cmdr JFarrington -> @<AMO> :::looking around as the enter the library::: stops at Eva's command:: TMir -> XO> ::eyes the monitors:: How...Orwellian... Lisanna -> <CMO> <MXO> Oh good, this one heads all the way through to 24th Street Station, which looks like a good place, near Atlas Landing Municipal Building. Ens_Hawke -> @<ASCI1> ::freezes:: TMir -> XO> CMO> Good. Cmdr JFarrington -> @<AMO> ::doing her best to look like a casual visitor::: TMir -> (( ::wonders if the phrase "Exact Change Only" will be used sometime tonight:: )) Eagle -> <Asci><Mxo> merely an observation...but notice how avid and driven they are...almost like cattle. STSF Sorehl -> @ <CENG> :::notices a whole series of papers along the wall related to "Work Regulations", "Need Requisition Forms", and "Opportunity Equalization Requests"::: TKAR -> @<ASEC1>,<CSEC>Look sovenears,o no snow globes. Cmdr JFarrington -> @<AMO> ::peeks down the book stacks::: Lisanna -> <CMO> :: heads to one of the machines where others line up and deposit their coins and get a ticket in return; lines behind :: Cmdr JFarrington -> <TKAR, we're in the library> Eva Jaz -> @<CSCI>::quietly :: <to all > spread around so we don't look too suspicious but until we know what that :: pointing to the monitor :: means i;m not sure we should go further , well for the time being at least TKAR -> <OPPS> TMir -> XO> ASCI> (q) I've noticed that as well... STSF Sorehl -> @ <CENG> :::nods at CSCI orders, motions to Hawke to head with him::: Vilanne -> <<I'm not with your group TKar, you are the only security officer with Eva and the @'s>> Ens_Hawke -> @<ASCI1><CSCI> Aye. ::meanders around the stairs, then heads to CENG:: Vilanne -> < CSEC > ::watching people drop klinkity things into the machine:: We don't have any of those, Commander. Eva Jaz -> @<CSCI>:: looks at the booklets in her vicinity while keeping an eye on the monitor:: TMir -> ((So, I guess we're the @-nots?)) Lisanna -> <CMO> :: shuffles along in the line until it's her turn, deposits the properly numbered coin into the slot and watches it spit a ticket out a second later; takes it, resists the urge to giggle over the neat anachronism :: Cmdr JFarrington -> @<AMO> ::wanders through the stacks::: Vilanne -> <<LOL>> STSF Sorehl -> @ <CENG><ASCI1> Are those... museum displays at the center of those bookshelves? Eagle -> <Asci>::looking over a posted map at the station entrance/egress...::Points at the you are here circle:: Cmdr JFarrington -> @<AMO> ::looking for information on the development of the colony::::: TMir -> XO> ::does the same as Lis:: Last time I did this, I was on leave in London... Vilanne -> < CSEC > ::holds hand out to the others:: Coins? Ens_Hawke -> @<ASCI1><CENG> It looks like it. Maybe they have a...brochure around here somewhere? Or perhaps a wall map. That might help us out. Lisanna -> <CMO> :: waits on the other side for everyone else to get through, flips a coin to Vil :: Eagle -> <Asci>::Following suit as well...completely facinated:: STSF Sorehl -> ACTION: Eva's group finds a wealth of books discussing the founding of Atlas Landing, and discussing the establishment of the colony. Eva Jaz -> @<CSCI>:: notices the old fashion card index boxes and sighs before moving towards them :: Vilanne -> < CSEC > ::deftly catches in the air:: STSF Sorehl -> ACTION: There are also displays of the SS Atlas itself, a small scale model. Vilanne -> < CSEC > ::drops it, grabs ticket and goes through with through with the others:: Ens_Hawke -> @<ASCI1><CENG> Look at this display of the SS Atas! ::points:: Eva Jaz -> @<CSCI>:: pulls a card from the index written History of Atlas Landing:: Cmdr JFarrington -> @<AMO> :pulls one off the A list::: <all, in a whisper> Wow...an atlas on the Atlas. Lisanna -> <CMO> :: hears another train motoring along the tracks, and after a moment sees the headlights round a bend in the tunnel as it comes in, screeching to a stop :: Here's our ride! Cmdr JFarrington -> @<AMO> ::quick turn to peek out of the stacks to see what Hawke is talking about:: Oh, wow. How neat. Eagle -> <Asci><Xo> Suggest we try to blend in<q> Vilanne -> < CSEC > ::grits teeth as the brakes come on::: Cmdr JFarrington -> @<AMO> ::mutes her voice as the monitor makes a shhhhh signal:::: TMir -> XO> ASCI> (q) That we're doing, Mr Eagle STSF Sorehl -> ACTION: In the Underground, the train doors open and hundreds of people spill into the station. TKAR -> <ASEC1>:: Starts looking around finds a history book for children and some snow globes::<Sales person>Excuse me can i buy these items? Eva Jaz -> @<CSCI>::chuckles quietly and motions to whoever is standing close from her team :: <"her team " >I've found the reference book on their history Row 142 shelf BB Lisanna -> <CMO> :: in line behind the other train ons, watches as the train vomits out people into the station before heading into the train herself behind some tired-looking locals :: STSF Sorehl -> @ <CENG> :::moves to a global map showing establishment dates for the major cities::: Vilanne -> < CSEC > ::getting pushed away from the train, almost separating from the group, but keeps firm on her feet and near the others:: TMir -> XO> ::fights her way agains the flow of bodies:: STSF Sorehl -> ACTION: As TMir's group heads toward the train, a loud tone sounds once. Fairly security klaxon-like. Ens_Hawke -> @<ASCI1> ::pulls a book on 'Magnetic Levitation Technology':: Eagle -> <Asci>:: Agape with the flood of people...meanders close to the side,and finally boards the A train post people flood:: Vilanne -> < CSEC > ::alarmed:: Does not sound good. ::looks around quickly for signs of trouble:: Eva Jaz -> @<CSCI>:: puts back the index card back in it's place and walks toward the book rows looking for row 142:: TMir -> XO> ::pauses for a moment, and looks around:: Oh boy... Lisanna -> <CMO> :: hears the tone after setting first foot onto the train, looks to see what the other locals do about it and reacts a second behind them their way :: STSF Sorehl -> @ <CENG> :::looks to Hawke::: Looks like some of the cities developed concentrically from here, but a few leaped out to distant parts of the planet. Eagle -> <Asci>::Looks at the XO:: Xo> Uh oh TKAR -> <ASEC1>::hands the person the planets money for the items ::<sales person>Thank you. STSF Sorehl -> ACTION: In the train station, a lot of the passengers look up, startled and uncertain. TMir -> XO> ::paused in the doorway: Vilanne -> < CSEC > <w to everyone> blend, quickly Lisanna -> <CMO> :: is looking up, startled and uncertain :: Eva Jaz -> @<CSCI>:: hits the jackpot in the for of a massive book entitled " all you ever wanted to know about Atlas Landing but was too scared to ask " :: Lisanna -> <CMO> :: which isn't much of a stretch, really :: Vilanne -> <<LOL Eva!>> STSF Sorehl -> ACTION: The alert sounds again, then a pleasant face and voice on the underground viewer. Ens_Hawke -> @<ASCI><CENG> I wonder why. Does it say there are unique resources or geographical differences? TMir -> XO> CSEC> (q) I am...I'm confused like they are Eva Jaz -> <<Sorry had to do it ! >> Eagle -> <Asci>::Gently nudges the XO out of the door and blends them in with the others looking up:: TMir -> XO> :is nudged:: Eva Jaz -> @<CSCI>::grabs the heavy book and walks back to the rest of the team :: TKAR -> <ASEC1>::follows the group out the door:: STSF Sorehl -> Underground Viewer> Warning. Security has learned of a civil emergency at the Righton Smelter. Ens_Hawke -> @<ASCI1> ::looks up at an approaching Eva:: Cmdr JFarrington -> @ <AMO> ::Leafing through the book she found::: Lisanna -> <CMO> :: as the locals turn to look at the pleasant voice/face on the viewer, does so as well :: Eagle -> <Asci><Xo> <q> Remember we are inconspicous..sir::grins:: Cmdr JFarrington -> @ <AMO> ::looks up as Eva approaches:::: TMir -> XO> ::watching the screen:: Eva Jaz -> @<CSCI><ASCI1> Can you grab this for me .. it;s reallly heavy! :: motions towards a free table in the corner:: put it there TMir -> XO> ::eyebrow arched:: Vilanne -> < CSEC > Oh my... ::reacts like those around her:: Eagle -> <Asci>::watrching...and listening:: STSF Sorehl -> @ <CENG><ASCI1> The whole topographies on here. Bauxite near this city, copper in the mountains near New Denver. Heavy agriculture near Bei-shan Prime. Ens_Hawke -> @<ASCI1> ::runs and grabs the book from Eva; walks and puts it on the table:: <CSCI> You...just...have to lift with the groin.... TKAR -> <ASEC1>::walks with the group:: STSF Sorehl -> Underground Viewer> Citizens are cautioned to avoid this sector of the city. Workers are asked to return to their dwelling units until the situation can be corrected. Eva Jaz -> @<CSCI>::raised her eyebrows in a puzzled expression and turns her attentiontowards the book :: TMir -> XO> Alrighty then... TMir -> XO> @-nots> Everyone back on the trean Cmdr JFarrington -> @ <AMO> ::oblivious of the problem at the smelter:::watching Sorehl explain his find to Eva::: STSF Sorehl -> ACTION: Beyond the underground, there is a sound of klaxons outside, up the stairs. There's loud shouting and crashing. Vilanne -> < CSEC > MXO> W> Contaminants, perhaps? I worry for our safety. Eagle -> <Asci><Xo/Csec/Cmo> And where is that from here? <q> TMir -> XO> ::pulls out the map:: TKAR -> ::<ASEC1><@> Watches and tries to keep everyone safe:: Ens_Hawke -> @<ASCI1><CENG> That makes sense. Some of the walls look like they're fused with copper. Lisanna -> <CMO> :: expects all the train peoples who just got out to try to come back on, hurries and grabs a seat :: Cmdr JFarrington -> Bystander> ::headshake at TMir, muttering:: Tourists. STSF Sorehl -> ACTION: Some passengers scream on the other end of the platform. Toward the end of the train, bright light and loud hissing can be heard. TMir -> XO> Everyone back on teh train now! Lisanna -> <CMO> Oh dear. STSF Sorehl -> < 1 minute > Vilanne -> < CSEC > ::listens to, and herds everyone on XO's orders:: Eva Jaz -> @<CSCI><CENG><ASCI1>::noding towards the book :: this says that there is a large metalurgic industry , a big part of the local economy is in the transformation of metals Eagle -> <Asci><Xo> <q> Sir...perhaps on board::steps onboard and gets seating next to the CMO:: STSF Sorehl -> ACTION: The crowd rushes away from the light at the back of the train, many people surging up toward the stairs. Lisanna -> <CMO> <MXO> I think the train might be the problem. :: watching people get back off the train :: TMir -> XO> (m) Aw crud Ens_Hawke -> @<ASCI1><CSCI> Looks like they haven't been able to reverse engineer the engines from the Atlas... Cmdr JFarrington -> @ <AMO> ::scrutinizing the walls::: Eagle -> <Asci>::Has a very bad feeling:: STSF Sorehl -> @ <CENG> :::interested in Eva's report, moves closer for a look::: TKAR -> <Asec1><2>@::smiles at the children going by:: TMir -> XO> CMO> Indeed... Everyone out! Go! Go! GO! Vilanne -> < CSEC > <w> ::whispers and follows them:: go with... go... STSF Sorehl -> @ <CENG><ASCI> Is there any mention of subspace technology at all? Eagle -> <Asci>::Already out and heading for the landing:: Lisanna -> <CMO> :: really wants to look at her tricorder now, but will wait until later, if there is a later; squishes in with the panicking riders and elbows her way to the doors :: STSF Sorehl -> And... STSF Sorehl -> =/\= =/\= PAUSE SIM =/\= =/\= STSF Sorehl -> =/\= =/\= PAUSE SIM =/\= =/\= STSF Sorehl -> BTW, no mention of subspace tech in any of the reading. Vilanne -> ::dresses behind curtain, short tunic, poofy flip-doo and tall boots:: STSF Sorehl -> The authors seem uncertain about how the Atlas was able to achieve faster-than-light speeds, or make no mention of it. STSF Sorehl -> And that hissing sound in the subway...? STSF Sorehl -> Molten aluminum breaking through from the above-ground factory. STSF Sorehl -> There goes the Days Without a Safety Incident board. STSF Sorehl -> We'll see if we can pick up around the same spot next week. Cmdr JFarrington -> How close was the library to the underground? Close enough for us to hear the commotion on the street? Or, if not close, would we have been informed of the emergency as well? STSF Sorehl -> For next week, we'll likely start hearing something at the library. STSF Sorehl -> But we specifically DIDN'T get the warning message in our part of town. STSF Sorehl -> It's not a very GOOD urban warning system, is it? Log for July 21 was lost in cyberspace. 8.4.2009 STSF Sorehl -> BACKGROUND: The Oberth-class starship Perseus has discovered a lost pre-Federation human colony, descendents of the SS Atlas launched more than 300 years ago. The colony exhibits an unusual mix of 21st, 20th, and 19th century technology, but shows no evidence of subspace fields or warp technology. Cmdr JFarrington -> ::enters and takes the HOPS console:: Lisanna -> :: scrambles from her best seat, into the holodeck :: STSF Sorehl -> :::heads into the holodeck::: Ens_Hawke -> ::follows suit:: STSF Sorehl -> =/\= =/\= BEGIN SIM =/\= =/\= Hamlin Taylor -> ::en queue:: STSF Sorehl -> =/\= =/\= BEGIN SIM =/\= =/\= STSF Sorehl -> ::ohmy.gifn the bridge::: Ens_Hawke -> ::Assumes post on bridge, tactical station:: Lisanna -> <MXO> :: back on board after escaping boiling hot metal and crowd trampling, enters the bridge :: STSF Sorehl -> MISSION BRIEFING: After sending several away teams to the surface to learn more about the colony, the crew is now back aboard the ship recovering from their mission. The Perseus is preparing to leave orbit, but the captain is considering if a Federation presence or probe should be left behind. STSF Sorehl -> <CO>:::in the center chair, fingers steepled::: Welcome back, XO. Jerry 'Skip' Maxwell -> <CSEC>::reviewing tactical capabilities of the human colony as brought back by the away team:: Cmdr JFarrington -> <HOPS> ::turns to acknowledge the XO entering;:: Cmdr JFarrington -> <HOPS> ::then back to work::: Lisanna -> <MXO> <CO> Thank you, Captain. Just came from sickbay, looks like our injured crewmember will come along nicely. STSF Sorehl -> <CO><XO> Good news, then. I expect we'll get underway within the hour. Anything you'd like to report of note? Eva Jaz -> <ASCI>:: at science station analysing incoming data compiled by the away teams debriefings on a PADD :: Ens_Hawke -> <TAC> ::boards are pretty quiet, listens to conversations on Bridge:: Erika MR -> <ASEC2> ::Reviewing incoming data:: Cmdr JFarrington -> <HOPS> ::checking systems status, configuring orbit debark::: Lisanna -> <MXO> <CO> Definitely not Utopia down there, Captain, though I imagine they'll come around eventually. Their immediate history seems a lot less turbulent than Earth's. One of these days, we'll be able to welcome them to the galaxy. STSF Sorehl -> <CO> :::nodding to XO::: But not yet, I take it. will_marx -> ASEC> ::flops down on to a couch in the Security office:: Hamlin Taylor -> <CSCI><ASCI>Any thoughts on the incoming scientific data you're looking at? ::at alternate science station:: Jerry 'Skip' Maxwell -> <CSEC><ASEC2>::looking up from his PADD::Did you happen to read that bit regarding their defensive capabilities? Lisanna -> <MXO> <XO> Not yet, no sir. I'm thinking we should leave a probe in high orbit over the planet, keep an eye on things remotely so the Federation can monitor their progress, be ready to meet them when they are. Cmdr JFarrington -> <HOPS> ::receives engineering update and making suggested allocations::: <TAC> Sensor response is adequate? STSF Sorehl -> <CO><ASCI> :::swivels toward science station, hearing CSCI::: Yes, you were down there, Jaz. What was your impression? TKAR -> <CMO><CO><MXO>::Sending medical report::Sir, medical report-our injured crew member will be out of sick bay in a day,he is meading nicely-doc out. Cmdr JFarrington -> <HOPS> ::blinks hearing TKAR reporting to everyone::: Ens_Hawke -> <TAC><HOPS> Aye, sir. As nimble as before. will_marx -> ASEC> CSEC> None that I noted, Chief. At least not in a surface to space capability Erika MR -> <ASEC2><CSEC> No sir, I'll start on that right now Eva Jaz -> <ASCI><CSCI><CO> that the mixture of technology .. was interesting to say the least STSF Sorehl -> <CO> :::looks at armrest display, notes TKAR's report from sickbay::: Cmdr JFarrington -> <HOPS> ::grins, turning to Hawke:: <TAC> I'm only the operations officer, Hawke. You don't have to sir me. Jerry 'Skip' Maxwell -> <CSEC><ASEC2>No hurry, I just found it interesting. will_marx -> ASEC> ::looks exhausted after almost being trampled and burned alive by molten metal:: STSF Sorehl -> <CO> :::looks back to XO::: I think a probe is warranted, assuming we can keep it well hidden. Any suggestions? Are they far enough away from space technology? Cmdr JFarrington -> <HOPS> ::headtilt:: <TAC> Jami will do. Ens_Hawke -> <TAC><HOPS> Sorry, force of habit. TKAR -> <CMO>::checks on injured crew member:: Jerry 'Skip' Maxwell -> <CSEC><ASEC1>::grinning at Will::You sound worn out. Cmdr JFarrington -> <HOPS> ::chuckles::: Ens_Hawke -> <TAC><HOPS> Aye, Jami ::smiles::. Cmdr JFarrington -> <HOPS> ::wink aside to Hawke::: Ens_Hawke -> <TAC> ::tries unsuccessfully to hide an eyebrow raise:: Cmdr JFarrington -> <HOPS> ::sits back to monitor the board, awaiting developments::: Erika MR -> <ASEC2> ::Sits across from ASEC1, reports in hand:: Lisanna -> <MXO> <CO> Honestly, sir, they could hop to it at any time, really, but they're not quite organized enough in my professional opinion, nor is space a priority for them. They haven't even pegged to satellites yet, though they have the capability. will_marx -> ASEC> CSEC> Ya think, Chief? What I wouldn't give for some shore leave time...maybe on Risa or somewhere else with a tropical beach Hamlin Taylor -> <CSCI><ASCI> I agree. 21st, 20th, and 19th century technology ... the SS Atlas. Hamlin Taylor -> ::at alternate science station:: Eva Jaz -> <ASCI><CO>from my experience down there and from the other team data I don't think we're in danger of having the probe discovered for quite some time TKAR -> <CMO>::Sends more information on the beings to co padd:: Erika MR -> <ASEC2><ASEC1> That's some wishful thinking Eva Jaz -> <ASCI><CSCI> It was most fascinating .. the cars hovering but the rest so ancient ... :: smiles as she remembers :: Jerry 'Skip' Maxwell -> <CSEC><ASEC1>Well I'm not sure I could get you any shore leave on Risa but how about you head back to your quarters and get cleaned up. I'll keep you informed if anything comes up. STSF Sorehl -> <CO><XO> True. Perhaps something harder to run into accidentally. <HOPS> Any small natural satellites or asteroids? :::to himself::: And they do have a tidally-locked moon, don't they? Cmdr JFarrington -> <HOPS> <CO> Aye, sir. Tidally locked moon. A small asteroid belt. TKAR -> <CMO>::Makes notes on some of the samples that picked up:: Lisanna -> <MXO> :: nods, looks to Jami to hear what the system has to aid their well intentioned snooping :: Eva Jaz -> <ASCI>:: goes back to her reading :: Cmdr JFarrington -> <HOPS> <CO> Either one would serve for surveillance. Cmdr JFarrington -> <HOPS> ::puts the information on the viewscreen::: will_marx -> ASEC> ASEC2> Always the best kind, Erika. STSF Sorehl -> <CO><CSCI> Mr. Taylor, I'd like you and your team to determine the best method of setting up a probe or sensor that we can leave behind with minimal chance of accidental detection. Ens_Hawke -> <TAC> ::looks at sensors to follow the surveillance conversations:: Lisanna -> <MXO> <CO> The moon sounds ideal, sir. By the time they're ready to go land on it we can always slip back in and retrieve it. Erika MR -> <ASEC2> ::smiles at ASEC1's answer:: STSF Sorehl -> <CO><XO> What about personnel? Does this planet warrant a cultural observer? And could they safely stay and remain undetected? Cmdr JFarrington -> <HOPS> ::can think of several she would like to leave behind, but keeps her thoughts to herself::: will_marx -> ASEC> ::smirks at Erika:: STSF Sorehl -> <CO> :::nods at XO's moon suggestion::: TKAR -> <CMO>::Goes to check on crewmember in sick bay before finishing medical reports:: Lisanna -> <MXO> <CO> Yes and no, Captain. I don't think we could pull off a long term, on planet analysis at this time, even though it would be nice to have. I'm afraid Starfleet's Sciences Division will have to monitor using the probe and further evaluate a... will_marx -> ASEC> CSEC> Chief, one thing you may want to put into your review is the planet's a police state. Lisanna -> future opportunity. STSF Sorehl -> <CO><XO> Very good. I concur. Eva Jaz -> <ASCI>:: is still engrossed in her analysis:: Jerry 'Skip' Maxwell -> <CSEC><ASEC1>::Makes a note of it in the report::I'll be sure to further explore that, thanks for mentioning it. TKAR -> <CMO>::finishes medical reports and schedules for the next mission:: Cmdr JFarrington -> <HOPS> ::system stellar cart information still on the viewscreen::: STSF Sorehl -> <CO> :::looks to CSCI::: Erika MR -> <ASEC2><ASCEC1> I suppose we all need a happy thought or two to get us through molten metal ::laughs:: STSF Sorehl -> <CO> :::gets to his feet::: will_marx -> ASEC> ASEC2> Indeed. Hamlin Taylor -> <CSCI><ASCI> Does the SS Atlas planet colony have any natural satellites? Refresh my memory? Any ideas on setting up a minimal chance of accidental detection system? Jerry 'Skip' Maxwell -> <CSEC>::wipes his eyes trying to clear his mind as he continues to tackle the mountains of reports brought back from away teams:: STSF Sorehl -> <CO> Helm, take us out of orbit and closer to the primary moon. Lisanna -> <MXO> <CO> One thing I believe we'll have to keep an eye on, and I of course I mean Starfleet by "we," is that due to their extra-planetary origins, a few rogue adventurers might manage what they can't yet as a society, almost like Cochrane did. Cmdr JFarrington -> <HOPS> ::taps the console, releasing them from orbit:: <CO> Moving from orbit to the primary moon. Approach in 2 minutes. STSF Sorehl -> <CO><XO> :::glance to Lisanna::: Yes, your Cochrane was quite a surprise to my Vulcan ancestors. Ens_Hawke -> <TAC> ::pays close attention to sensors as she moves...don't want any surprises!!:: Cmdr JFarrington -> <HOPS> <CO> Geosynchronous orbit of the moon, sir? STSF Sorehl -> <CO><HOPS> Confirmed. Hamlin Taylor -> <CSCI><ASCI>I like the dark side of the moon, avoid detection. Or a crater. Erika MR -> <ASEC2> ::wishes she had some coffee right about now, stands:: <CSEC><ASEC1> Coffee? Cmdr JFarrington -> <HOPS> <CO> Aye, Captain. <CSCI> Send coordinates for desired position. TKAR -> <CMO><AMO>doctor how are our supplies are doing ? The new tricorder working out or does it still have bugs in it? will_marx -> ASEC> ASEC2> Sure. I'll go with you Eva Jaz -> <ASCI><CSCI> 2 moons Sir, I think if we launch a probe capable of following the moon's rotation it would remain undetected .. I've been working on a plan to do so . let me transfer you the data :: transfers data over to CSCI's console :: will_marx -> ASEC> ::Stands:: STSF Sorehl -> <CO><CSCI> If I recall earlier reports, the moon is tidally locked. The same side always faces the planet. We should be able to locate a suitable crater. Jerry 'Skip' Maxwell -> <CSEC><ASEC2>::looks up momentarily giving an affirmative nod:: Lisanna -> <MXO> <CO> :: smiles :: If he seemed illogical to us, I imagine he must've been quite out of the realm to them. Hamlin Taylor -> <CSCI><CO> Thank you Sir for your attention. Yes Sir. Jerry 'Skip' Maxwell -> <CSEC>::places his padd down on the table:: will_marx -> ASEC> ::holds the door open for Erika:: Erika MR -> <ASEC2> ::goes with CSEC and ASEC1 for coffee:: <ASEC> Thank you Cmdr JFarrington -> <HOPS> <CSCI> Awaiting coordinates for orbit. Jerry 'Skip' Maxwell -> <CSEC>::follows behind the two officers:: Eva Jaz -> <ASCI>:: goes back to her primary analysis of the planet :: STSF Sorehl -> ACTION: The external sensors register an electromagnetic signal, sweeping over the ship, pausing on it, then cutting off. TKAR -> <CMO>::goes and double checks the crewmember in sick bay::<Crewmember>your injures are healing you can go to your quarters tomorrow and go back to work thenext day. Lisanna -> <MXO> <HOps> :: steps up behind :: Wonder if anyone on Atlas is looking up at their moon with a telescope right now? Wouldn't be amusing if after all our efforts to remain hidden below some science geek gets an eyeful of the Perseus. Hamlin Taylor -> <CSCI><HOPS> Shadow of the moon is recommended for orbit. Avoids detection. Cmdr JFarrington -> <HOPS> <CO> External signal momentarily, captain. will_marx -> ASEC> CSEC/ASEC2> I'd give my eye teeth to see what caused them to become a police state...or who. Ens_Hawke -> <TAC><CO> Sir, I just registered an electromagnetic signal, low level. Cmdr JFarrington -> <HOPS> ::passes to TAC::: Ens_Hawke -> <TAC> ::looks up at HOPS; stops talking, letting Jami take it:: Erika MR -> <ASEC2><ASEC> Eye teeth? Cmdr JFarrington -> <HOPS> <CSCI> Coordinates, please? Ens_Hawke -> <TAC> ::Grins:: Please, go for it. TKAR -> <CMO>::checks scanns of crew sees something strange:: STSF Sorehl -> <CO><XO> Let us hope not. Even 21st Century astronomers from your planet had to rely on moon-orbiting satellites to resolve items as small as us. Still, it bears consideration. Eva Jaz -> <ASCI>;;notices a change in her console sensors :: <CSCI> Sir I believed we were being scanned :: looking puzzled :: rudimentary .. and EM signal ... Lisanna -> <MXO> <HOps/Tac> Triangulate. Cmdr JFarrington -> <Go for it Hawke> will_marx -> ASEC> ASEC2> Old expression. Jerry 'Skip' Maxwell -> <CSEC><ASEC1/2>::jokingly::We undoubtedly have a PADD on that somewhere STSF Sorehl -> <CO> :::perks up at reports from TAC and ASCI :: Ens_Hawke -> <TAC><MXO> I'm not positive, but I think the signal came from the direction of one of the moons STSF Sorehl -> ACTION: The source of the signal was a crater on the moon that Perseus is approaching. Ens_Hawke -> <<Score!>> STSF Sorehl -> ACTION: Just like Hawke said. Lisanna -> <MXO> <Tac> Interesting... Cmdr JFarrington -> <HOPS> :::blinks::: Erika MR -> <ASEC2><ASEC> Oh, I guess I'm not up to date on my old sayings will_marx -> ((TMA-01?)) Lisanna -> <MXO> <HOps> Any signs of transmissions from the moon to the planet? Ens_Hawke -> <TAC><MXO> It may have been probing us? Cmdr JFarrington -> <HOPS> <XO> None, Commander. Lisanna -> <MXO> <CO> Perhaps the Atlas dropped off something on the way into the system. STSF Sorehl -> <CO><XO> I didn't think the Atlas colony showed any signs of space-capable technology... STSF Sorehl -> <CO><XO> A distinct possibility. Eva Jaz -> <ASCI><CSCI> Sir , if I may ... STSF Sorehl -> ACTION: There is no indication of transmission towards the planet. will_marx -> ASEC> ::chuckles:: Lisanna -> <MXO> <CO> I'd say an oblique approach and a scan would be in order... if it's not transmitting to the planet, we're not technically "caught" yet. Ens_Hawke -> <TAC><MXO> Like a distress bouy? Cmdr JFarrington -> ROSTER UPDATE - Eva is CSCI Eva Jaz -> <CSCI><XO> I was thinking backto the hovering care we seen on the planet .. there must be some kind of understanding of electromagnetic fileds to make that kind of technology work ... Eva Jaz -> *cars Eva Jaz -> *fields Lisanna -> <MXO> <Tac> Or perhaps a remote sensor that no one's listening to anymore. :: shrugs :: Eva Jaz -> <<sorry typo invasion>> STSF Sorehl -> ACTION: A second electromagnetic signal sweeps out from the crater, touching the ship briefly, pausing, sweeping over again, then cutting off. TKAR -> <CMO>::Rechecks scans::<MXO><CO>this is the doctor i,m getting strange readings on the our crewmembers bio signs they are fuctuationing. Ens_Hawke -> <TAC><CO> We got hit again. Same thing as before. will_marx -> ASEC> ::walking into the mess hall:: STSF Sorehl -> <CO><XO> Agreed. <HOPS> Take a parabollic approach to that crater. STSF Sorehl -> <CO> :::thinking the crater is in a position they might have wanted to use for their own sensor::: Cmdr JFarrington -> <HOPS> <CO> Aye, Captain. Approaching the crater. Eva Jaz -> <CSCI>:: tap tap tap , trying to find out more about the signal :: Ens_Hawke -> <TAC><CO> May I recommend shields, Sir? Lisanna -> <MXO> <CSci> True, and it's a possiblity they got something to that moon at some point. See if you can match it to anything on record, if it's part of the original Atlas technology it should match in the database. Cmdr JFarrington -> <HOPS> <CO> Suggested distance? ::still en route, slow progress::: STSF Sorehl -> ACTION: The signal resembles frequencies used in earlier centuries for radar. Erika MR -> <ASEC2> ::grabs 3 cups of coffee, hands one to CSEC/ASEC:: Eva Jaz -> <CSCI>::nods:: <MXO> Aye sir, I'm on it TKAR -> <CMO>::starts checking her bio signs against her recent check up:: Jerry 'Skip' Maxwell -> <CSEC><ASEC2>::takes the cup gently from her hand and smiles::Thanks STSF Sorehl -> <CO><HOPS> :::thinking::: 200km apogee STSF Sorehl -> <CO><TAC> Nothing belligerent... yet. Lisanna -> <MXO> :: leans against a rail and crosses her feet :: Erika MR -> <ASEC2><CSEC> You're welcome ::smiles back:: Ens_Hawke -> <TAC> ::patches readings through to CSCI:: Can you see what you can make of this? I'm not exactly at the right station for wave analyization.... will_marx -> ASEC> ASEC2> Thanks Erika. Cmdr JFarrington -> <HOPS> <CO> Approaching to 200km apogee in five..four..three..two... achieved. Ens_Hawke -> <TAC><CO> Aye. Erika MR -> <ASEC2><ASEC> No problem STSF Sorehl -> <CO> :::hearing HOPS::: Well, they're not going to miss us now. Let's take a look ourselves. Visual onscreen. Eva Jaz -> <CSCI>:: is runing a comparative analysis of the electromagnetic field to the data mentionning the original Atlas technology .. to see if the signal could be emitiing from something that was reverse engineered or put in robit shortly after the ... Lisanna -> <MXO> <HOps> Orient our attitude for minimal display profile toward target. Cmdr JFarrington -> <HOPS> <CO> Onscreen, aye. ::does so::: Eva Jaz -> <CSCI> ::landing itself :: Erika MR -> <ASEC2> ::takes a sip, makes a face:: Needs cream and sugar Cmdr JFarrington -> <HOPS> <CO> Cartographic and sensor readout overlay. Lisanna -> <MXO> :: looks up toward the screen :: STSF Sorehl -> ACTION: Magnified image shows a sensor dish, pointed upward from the depth of one of the moon craters. It appears to be in good working order. TKAR -> <CMO>+<CSCI>Could you check these bio signs::Sending data to library computer::Aganst any thing you have in star fleet records? Cmdr JFarrington -> <HOPS> ::peers at the screen, then checks the configuration::: Jerry 'Skip' Maxwell -> <CSEC><ASEC1><ASEC2>::takes another sip::I don't know, always preferred mine black. Ens_Hawke -> <TAC> ::wonders if someone else has interest in the colony also...:: Eva Jaz -> <CSCI>::looks over the images and is still running the comparative analysis :: Lisanna -> <MXO> <CO> If it's old, I'm curious about the power plant. If it's solar it'd have to have good batteries for the long moon nights with a tidally locked orbit. Eva Jaz -> <CSCI>+CMO+ I'll get someone on it Erika MR -> <ASEC2><CSEC><ASEC2> Guess I like the sweeter things in life STSF Sorehl -> <CO> :::nodding to XO::: And well shielded to have been obscured from our initial sensor scan of the system. will_marx -> (( ::is suddenly jonsing for a donut:: )) STSF Sorehl -> <CO> :::folds arms::: will_marx -> ASEC> ::looking out the viewport:: STSF Sorehl -> <CO> Perhaps we should get a closer look. TKAR -> <CMO>+<CSCI>Thanks i appeciate it-doc out. Eva Jaz -> <CSCI>:;passes the CMO 's data to an ASCI:: Lisanna -> <MXO> :: waits for some more data to come in, pondering, looks over at Sorehl :: <CO> Shuttle, with an EVA or transport with an EVA? STSF Sorehl -> <CO><XO> You're fully rated for EVA. Is it worth taking a security team, with some science, down for a look? Jerry 'Skip' Maxwell -> <CSEC>::pulls up a chair to a table and takes a seat:: Cmdr JFarrington -> <HOPS> ::musing:: There doesn't seem to be a whole lotta energy coming from it. <TAC> Anything you have that might make it ..uh..dangerous? Lisanna -> <MXO> I'm curious enough to ignore the emotional pain of donning the suit, Captain. If I am, so are they. :: grins :: STSF Sorehl -> <CO> :::has Prime Directive concerns, but not about knowledge of other sparefarers, since the Atlas left Earth after First Contact with Vulcan:: Eva Jaz -> <CSCI><XO> After analysis I don't believe this is something that was launched soon after the landing , when the survivor still had the knowledge ... it appears too ... new .. Cmdr JFarrington -> <HOPS> ::hearing Eva, wonders:: TKAR -> <CMO><AMO>lets try the new medical tricorders lets try a narrower signal that might work. Erika MR -> <ASEC2> ::takes seat next to CSEC:: STSF Sorehl -> <CO> :::hearing CSCI::: I concur. It would show more signs of age. And the power... :::trails off::: Ens_Hawke -> <TAC><HOPS> I don't think so. I detect no weapon signatures of any kind, nor any charging ports for weapons. If it has them, I don't see them. I suppose the wrost it could do is knock some of our systems offline with those waves? Even then...I doubt it STSF Sorehl -> <CO> <CSCI> Is it inconsistent with their techology entirely? I mean, it's not a... Klingon sensor, is it? Cmdr JFarrington -> <HOPS> <TAC> They were pretty low level, though. Erika MR -> <ASEC2><ASEC> A penny for your thoughts? will_marx -> ((::absentmindedly humming Also Sprach Zarathustra:: )) STSF Sorehl -> < 1 minute > Lisanna -> <MXO> <CSci> :: looks to see what she thinks :: will_marx -> ASEC> ASEC2> Is that the going rate? We're in orbit around one of the moons.. Ens_Hawke -> <TAC><HOPS> My thoughts exactly. Unless it was a carrier wave of some kind, I think we're pretty in the clear. Of course...the last time I said that... ::voice trails off:: Eva Jaz -> <CSCI><CO> Technology is not something that could ahve been reversed enginereed from anything on the orignial atlas even with 300 yrs of research ..and it doesn't match anything readings from the planet .. but it;s definitty not Klingon sir ... too .. Eva Jaz -> <CSCI><CO> rudimentary Erika MR -> <ASEC2> ::laughs:: <ASEC> Alright, a penny per letter STSF Sorehl -> <CO> <CSCI> Interesting. TKAR -> <CMO>::tries the tricorder with a narroweer sensor beam:: STSF Sorehl -> <CO><XO> Prepare your away team. Lisanna -> <MXO> <CO> Aye, definitely worth a jaunt on the moon, sir. STSF Sorehl -> And... will_marx -> ASEC> ASEC2> ::chuckles:: Lisanna -> <MXO> <CO> Nods, aye sir. STSF Sorehl -> =/\= =/\= PAUSE SIM =/\= =/\= 8.l1.2009 STSF Sorehl -> BACKGROUND: The Oberth-class starship Perseus has discovered a lost pre-Federation human colony, descendents of the SS Atlas launched more than 300 years ago. The colony exhibits an unusual mix of 21st, 20th, and 19th century technology, but shows no evidence of subspace fields or warp technology. STSF Sorehl -> MISSION BRIEFING: While preparing to leave a probe behind in the system, Perseus detected an active sensor hidden within the crater of the planet's airless moon. The captain has ordered an away team to investigate this device, as it seems inconsistent with the colony's level of technology. STSF Sorehl -> :::enters the holodeck::: Rachel E Garrett -> ::enters with Vilanne::: Lisanna -> :: enters holodeck :: Jerry 'Skip' Maxwell -> ::Enters Holodeck:: Vilanne -> <CENG> ::grins at Garrett:: Rachel E Garrett -> ::glance around::: will_marx -> HOPS> ::settles in behind the simulated console:: STSF Sorehl -> << It would be good for most of the players, except hosts, to comprise the away team. So, please assume you're heading or already in the transporter room. >> Rachel E Garrett -> <AENG> ::picks up her tag::: STSF Sorehl -> =/\= =/\= BEGIN SIM =/\= =/\= STSF Sorehl -> =/\= =/\= BEGIN SIM =/\= =/\= Lisanna -> <MCO> :: is in the transporter room :: Rachel E Garrett -> <AENG> ::also in the TR, ready to get some...stuff:::: Lisanna -> <mXo> (( didn't mean to promote myself... though maybe I should aim my phasr at the Captain and see what happens! :P )) STSF Sorehl -> <CO> :::on the bridge::: <HOPS> Advise me when the away team is ready to energize. Vilanne -> <CENG> AENG> Got all of the tools we may have to use? Cmdr JFarrington -> <heh Lis> STSF Sorehl -> << So you die keptin, and we all move up in rank... >> Jerry 'Skip' Maxwell -> <CSEC>::Puts his empty coffee cup down and heads towards the Turbolift:: Rachel E Garrett -> <AENG> ::so very eager::: <CENG> So, what you think it is, Chief? Eva Jaz -> <CSCI>::fiddling with her tricorder on her way to the TL :: will_marx -> ((::plots to execute the XO, and move into the center seat::)) TKAR -> <CMO>::Checking medical tricorder,medical pouch before tranporting :on the padd> Rachel E Garrett -> <AENG> ::settles down upon seeing Lisanna::: Vilanne -> <CENG> AENG> Unsure at this juncture, but technology isn't warp on the planet, so we will be investigating. Lisanna -> <MXO> :: looks around :: Lisanna -> <MXO> <NiP> Pokey, pokey, pokey... :: shakes head :: Eva Jaz -> <CSCI>::enters TL:: Rachel E Garrett -> <AENG> ::hangs her head::: Jerry 'Skip' Maxwell -> <CSEC>::Enters the Turbo Lift:: will_marx -> HOPS> ::majic edit into the TR, leaving the helm in the capable hands of Chief Tar'ghet:: Rachel E Garrett -> <AENG> <CENG> ::scoots closer to Vilanne::: Think it'll be more advanced than on the planet? I mean, it kinda seems likely. Lisanna -> <MXO> <CSci> :: looks :: Thought you might be bringing the whole lab with you. Eva Jaz -> <CSCI>::exits TL and makes her way to TR :: STSF Sorehl -> <CO> :::pacing the bridge, observing the sensor dish on the Main Viewer::: Vilanne -> <CENG> AENG> ::tries to help her hold her horse-power:: Probably Mr Garrett... we'll see, won't we. STSF Sorehl -> << Our relief helmsman is a target? >> Jerry 'Skip' Maxwell -> <CSEC>::Exits the TL and heads for the TR:: Rachel E Garrett -> <AENG> ::Nodnodnod::: will_marx -> ((He's also the Tac relief)) Cmdr JFarrington -> <Tar-get, Sorehl. As in the French :) > Lisanna -> <MXO> :: steps on the pad in her EVA suit :: Jerry 'Skip' Maxwell -> <CSEC>::Enters the TR stepping up on a pad:: Lisanna -> <MXO> :: mutters, which is picked up just fine by the suit's microphone :: I hate these bloody things. Eva Jaz -> <CSCI>::enters TR right behind CSEC:: will_marx -> HOPS> ::struggling to get comfortable in his EV suit:: Never did like these bloody things Rachel E Garrett -> <AENG> ::slips the helmet on her EVA, locks and checks, then checks Vil's:::: Vilanne -> <CENG> ::finishes cliping EV suit on, inspects the AENG:: Rachel E Garrett -> <AENG> ::up onto the pad::: Rachel E Garrett -> <AENG> ::nods, giving a thumbs-up to Vil::: STSF Sorehl -> TR Chief> <MXO> We're ready to energize on your order. Lisanna -> <MXO> <HOps> :: grins, hearing the similar sentiment :: TKAR -> <CMO>::in suit ready to go:: Eva Jaz -> <CSCI> ::fetches herself an EVA suit , laughing in her head at some bad joke about Eva in an EVA :: Rachel E Garrett -> <AENG> +Ceng+ Comm check. Lisanna -> <MXO> <TRC> As soon as everyone's in position. STSF Sorehl -> TR Chief> :::nods::: will_marx -> Tar'ghet> CO> Holding steady, relative to the dish's 3 o'clock, Captain. Lisanna -> <MXO> <CSci> Eva, hurry up and get in yourself so we can go. :: smirking behind the faceplate :: Vilanne -> <CENG> AENG> ::feeling stsrange that this aeng is way too antsy:: +AENG+ Yes, it's on. Jerry 'Skip' Maxwell -> <CSEC>::Checks his suit one final time:: will_marx -> HOPS> ::double checkign his seals one last time;; STSF Sorehl -> <CO> <Tar'ghet> Acknowledged. Station keeping. Rachel E Garrett -> <AENG> ::nods, squeezing her eyes tight, waiting for the transporter to pull her apart molecule by molecule:::: will_marx -> Tar'ghet> CO> Aye sir. Thrusters at station keeping Eva Jaz -> <CSCI>::hurries and double checks her suit before noding to XO to let her know she's ready :: Rachel E Garrett -> <AENG> ::would hold Vil's hand if she could without getting added attention:::: Lisanna -> <MXO> <CSci> :: pats eva on the shoulder as she steps up :: Lisanna -> <MXO> <TRC> Okay, everyone better be suited up properly, I'm not going to jump up and try to catch you if you start gas propelling around the moon. will_marx -> HOPS> ::double checks Eva's suit seals, and gives her a thumbs up:: Lisanna -> <MXO> <TRC> Energize. STSF Sorehl -> ACTION: The transporter energizes. Rachel E Garrett -> <AENG> ::energized::: Eva Jaz -> <CSCI>::dematerializes:: Vilanne -> <CENG> ::standing still, all clamped in, energizing:: Jerry 'Skip' Maxwell -> <CSEC>::Shimmers:: will_marx -> @ HOPS> ::shimmers:: Lisanna -> <MXO> :: shim-shimmery-shim-shimmery-shim-shim-sheroo :: TKAR -> <CMO>::checks tricorder on MXO>::shimmers>> will_marx -> lol STSF Sorehl -> ACTION: The away team de-shimmers. And then shimmers onto the stark, airless landscape within the crater. Rachel E Garrett -> @ <AENG> ::reshimmers::: Vilanne -> @ <CENG> AENG+ Run a tricorder for any technology, and identify immediately. Eva Jaz -> @<CSCI>::rematerializes:: Rachel E Garrett -> @ <AENG> +CENG+ Aye, Chief. Lisanna -> @<MXO> +Sorehl+ The Buzzard has landed. Jerry 'Skip' Maxwell -> <CSEC>::Shimmers:: Rachel E Garrett -> @ <AENG> ::flips it out, handily and starts scanning::: will_marx -> @ HOPS> That's one small step for carrion...one giant leap for dinner. Jerry 'Skip' Maxwell -> @<CSEC>::Flips out his tricorder:: Eva Jaz -> @<CSCI>::looks around quickly before starting to scan :: will_marx -> @ HOPS> ::looking around:: STSF Sorehl -> ACTION: A huge 20 meter sensor dish points upward toward the planet domination the view at "noon". Lisanna -> @<MXO> :: chuckles, looks around :: TKAR -> @<CMO>:;REshimmers::<MXO>scanning sir,checking for lifeforms. STSF Sorehl -> << Ahem... dominating the view. >> will_marx -> ((Sorehl = next Bond villian? )) STSF Sorehl -> <CO> +XO+ Acknowledged. We'll keep an open channel. Rachel E Garrett -> @ <AENG> ::turns to 12, points::: <CENG> Doesn't take a rocket scientist, Chief. Big dish over there. Lisanna -> @<MXO> <CMO> I doubt you'll find anything more than a space bacteria, Doc. Rachel E Garrett -> @ <AENG> <CENG> It's . . . different. Vilanne -> @ <CENG> <AENG> Rather big... waves? EF? RFI? ... :;mentions a dozen more:: What's it doing? will_marx -> @ HOPS> Looks like an old DEWS site dish Lisanna -> @<MXO> <Team> Looks bigger from the first person perspective, doesn't it? STSF Sorehl -> ACTION: There are no lifeforms present. The landscape is white and powdering, rising up as the edges of a crater. Rachel E Garrett -> @ <AENG> <CENG> ::w:: Don't know. Gotta wait for the action statement. ::grin:: Eva Jaz -> @<CSCI> <Xo> Well let's just say I wouldn't put it in my backyard .. might block the view Lisanna -> @<MXO> <CSci> Not to mention giving the neighbors the creeps. STSF Sorehl -> ACTION: Although powered from below, the dish is not emitting any signals at the moment. will_marx -> @ HOPS> CSCI> But you'd probably get great TV reception. Rachel E Garrett -> @ <AENG> <CENG> No signals, but a power source below, Chief. Eva Jaz -> @<CSCI>:;grins::<Xo> but half the fun *is* creeping the neighbours out! Jerry 'Skip' Maxwell -> @<CSEC>::Starts moving towards the Dish:: Vilanne -> @ <CENG> XO> My AENG has located a power source below, Sir. Lisanna -> @<MXO> <CSci> :: chuckles :: will_marx -> @ HOPS> XO> Shall we see if anyone's home, Commander? Rachel E Garrett -> @ <AENG> ::screws up her face::: <HOPS> TV? As in the real TV? STSF Sorehl -> ACTION: There are no footprints in the surrounding landscape, except those being made by the away team now. Lisanna -> @<MXO> <CEng> Good. Lisanna -> @<MXO> <HOps> Indeed. Rachel E Garrett -> @ <AENG> <HOPS> You think it's a TV thingy? ::obviously way off the mark::: Vilanne -> @ <CENG> AENG> ::whispers:: Don't screw up your face that way, it may freeze. will_marx -> @ HOPS> AENG> Ya. Good old fashioned Television. TKAR -> <@CMO><MXO>interesting no lifeforms showing<+SCI>do you have anything on your tricorder yet? Lisanna -> @<MXO> <Team> Okay all, let's bounce. :: starts the loping low gravity "walk" toward the dish :: Rachel E Garrett -> @ <AENG> ::accepts Will's statement as fact:: Whoa... Rachel E Garrett -> @ <AENG> ::bouncing along::: <CENG> What would they do with a TV dish up here? will_marx -> @ HOPS> AENG> Probably not, though. Looks more like an old Early Warning System radar from the Cold War period on earth will_marx -> @ HOPS> ::(killer) rabbit-hopping like the old lunar explorers:: Eva Jaz -> @<CSCI>:: sends data back to Science station on the ship to be compared with federation database :: Lisanna -> @<MXO> :: after seven or so of the bounces, starts to get teh hang of it :: Vilanne -> @ <CENG> ::frowing at HOPS while consoling AENG> Mr Garrett, he's pulling your leg. Keep your tricorder on. Rachel E Garrett -> @ <AENG> :::early warning, makes a note::: <CENG> Yes, sir. will_marx -> @ HOPS> ::chuckles:: Jerry 'Skip' Maxwell -> @<CSEC>::Moves towards the Dish takig point:: STSF Sorehl -> ACTION: Getting close, the dish looms even larger. It appears fixed and does not have a moveable base. Lisanna -> @<MXO> <Team> I forgot how much fun this could be once you get to doing it. TKAR -> @<CMO>::scanning with tricorder::<CSCI>Is it from earth or somewhere else? will_marx -> @ HOPS> XO> Indeed. Looks like it's a phased array style dish, Commander. Lisanna -> @<MXO> <HOps> Maybe if we have time after we investigate we'll call up to the ship for some golf clubs. Eva Jaz -> @<CSCI><CMO> It's not any earth design I've ever seen :: looking puzzled at how antiquated the dish looks:: will_marx -> @ HOPS> XO> And a hammer and feather. Rachel E Garrett -> @ <AENG> ::hoppity hop hop::: <NiP> Sure is big. :::calculates the trajectory::: Lisanna -> @<MXO> <HOps> Hmm... STSF Sorehl -> <Perseus> +CSCI+ This dish matches several possible designs, but nothing specific. It's consistent with a radar or imaging sensor. will_marx -> @ HOPS> XO> Galileo's famous experiment, Commander? Lisanna -> @<MXO> <HOps> What? Oh, yes I know that, Will, I was hmming about the phased array style part. Rachel E Garrett -> @ <AENG> ::frowns, turning to look at the projected trajectory of whatever it's used for::: STSF Sorehl -> ACTION: There is trace radiation emitted from below the base of the dish, well below the surface. Alpha and beta particle radiation, consistent with fissionable material. Eva Jaz -> @<CSCI>+Perseus+ Acknowledged .. Jaz out Rachel E Garrett -> @ <AENG> <CENG> It kinda looks like it's aimed at the planet, Chief. will_marx -> @ HOPS> XO> Ah Vilanne -> @ <CENG> AENG> That's science's initial findings... but can they really add? ::chuckles:: Eva Jaz -> @<CSCI>:: notices low radiation level on her tricorder :: <XO> I'm getting reading of a faint radiation trace Lisanna -> @<MXO> :: waits to hear something new :: Rachel E Garrett -> @ <AENG> ::turns to Vilanne:::wacko::: Lisanna -> @<MXO> <CSci> Levels and type. :: got her something new :: Vilanne -> @ <CENG> AENG> Gullible. ok..,. let's look at the radiation that science found, is it power or a leak? Eva Jaz -> @<CSCI>:: levels are very low .. Alpha and beta particules ... :: STSF Sorehl -> ACTION: Radiation levels and concentration are like those that would be produced by a low-yield fission plant. Rachel E Garrett -> @ <AENG> ::shrugs:: <CENG> Looks like an old type nuclear reactor to me. Jerry 'Skip' Maxwell -> @<CSEC>::Keeps a lookout:: Lisanna -> @<MXO> <CSci> Lovely. We'll have to monitor that, these suits are more ... well suited to block EM radiation than particle. Rachel E Garrett -> @ <AENG> <CENG> ::shows Vil her tric:: Fission, not fusion. STSF Sorehl -> ACTION: Tricorders are detecting motion below the base of the sensor, but the radiation and depth are masking clear readings. Vilanne -> @ <CENG> ::nods to the AENG:: let's see if we can find an entrance, and see what they were/are creating. TKAR -> @<CMO><CSCI><MXO>getting the same sensor readings,we are lucky its not harmfull to us yet. Eva Jaz -> @<CSCI><XO> Don't worry we're far from your hair starting to fall and your skin begging to blister levels ::grins a wee bit evily :: Rachel E Garrett -> @ <AENG> ::nods, turning to look around::: Vilanne -> @ <CENG> XO> Wait wait... there's some movement... can't identify yet. Lisanna -> @<MXO> <CSci> You'd just love that, seeing me bald... Vilanne -> @ <CENG> AENG> Any better readings? will_marx -> @ HOPS> XO/CSCI> I've got a set of clippers back in my quarters... Lisanna -> @<MXO> <CEng> Movement, eh? Eva Jaz -> @<CSCI>::chuckles :: Vilanne -> @ <CENG> ::notes the location of the security officers:: will_marx -> @ HOPS> ::chuckles:: Rachel E Garrett -> @ <AENG> <CENG> No, Chief. Looking for an opening of some kind. STSF Sorehl -> <CO> +XO+ Our sensors detected some movement near the base, but some residual radiation. Are you seeing anything? Vilanne -> @ <CENG> AENG> Hold up Garrett, let security take point... just in case. Rachel E Garrett -> @ <AENG> ::wants to move next to Jerry 'cause he's not said anything weird, so she holds up willingly::: Lisanna -> @<MXO> +CO+ Aye, Captain, we've detected both the radiation and movement, but still trying to pin everything down. STSF Sorehl -> <CO> +XO+ :::slight static::: Understood. Vilanne -> @ <CENG> CMO> Should we be innoculated? Are these levels save in our EV's? Lisanna -> @<MXO> +CO+ You're starting to break up a bit, Captain. Must be getting interference from the radiation. Could you come down into a lower orbit with the ship? STSF Sorehl -> ACTION: There is a circular opening along one side of the base, with a hatch swivelled wide. will_marx -> @ HOPS> ::looking around:: Eva Jaz -> @<CSCI><XO> the radiation are starting to affect the scan results too .. I'm not getting clear readings anymore ... STSF Sorehl -> <CO> +XO+ Acknowledged. :::off to one side::: Tar'ghet, move us in closer. Jerry 'Skip' Maxwell -> @<CSEC>::Attempts to pin point the movements on his tricorder:: will_marx -> @ HOPS> XO> Got a hatch, Commander will_marx -> Tar'ghet> CO> Aye sir Lisanna -> @<MXO> <CSci> Hmm... we might need to do this the hard way. :: looks over, hearing Will :: STSF Sorehl -> ACTION: Tricorders register lifeforms, quite suddenly, emerging from the hatch. Vilanne -> @ <CENG> CSEC> There's an air exchange duct there... I believe.. maybe we can get some readings in that? ::hopes that's what it is:: will_marx -> Tar'ghet> ::maneuvering thrusters, closing in on the station laterally and descending:: Jerry 'Skip' Maxwell -> @<CSEC>::Starts picking up life forms from the hatch and draws his phaser:: STSF Sorehl -> ACTION: Bright beams of light streak out from figures near the hatch, toward the away team. Lisanna -> @<MXO> :: squints :: What the heck? TKAR -> <@CMO>::scanning with medical tricorder::<MXO><ALL>still no life forms yet,intereting look at this writings its greek and its the sign of the hipoccites orth. Vilanne -> @ <CENG> AENG> ::grabs arm:: Take cover... ::rolls away behind things:: will_marx -> @ HOPS> XO> Lis, I think we've been spotted Rachel E Garrett -> @ <AENG> ::seeing Jerry draw, she steps back to give him room::: Eva Jaz -> @<CSCI>::looks at her tricorder suddenly loosing her smarty pants permanent smirk :: <XO> I 'm now detecting life signs Lisanna -> @<MXO> +CO+ Captain, we have company down here! Lisanna -> @<MXO> :: holds her suited empty hands up and out to hopefully show she's no threat :: STSF Sorehl -> ACTION: One of the points of light impacts against the CMO's EVA, which hisses. Rachel E Garrett -> @ <AENG> ::pulled and rolled::: STSF Sorehl -> <CO> +XO+ We've got them on sensors. Are those... lasers? TKAR -> <@CMO>::ducks, o no Lisanna -> @<MXO> +CO+ I think so... Maybe discretion would be the better part of valor here. Jerry 'Skip' Maxwell -> @<CSEC>::attempts to dodge and roll to the side of the hatch:: STSF Sorehl -> ACTION: There are more figures spilling out from the hatch. Eva Jaz -> @<CSCI>::turns around fast enough to see TKar's suit loose pressure and ducks to the ground as fast as she can :: will_marx -> @ HOPS> XO> COmmander! ::reachs to pull Lis down:: Vilanne -> @ <CENG> ::pulls out issued phaser, and sets to stunn, while scanning with tricorder from behind whatever she's hiding near:: TKAR -> <<am i dead>> Eva Jaz -> @<CSCI><XO> We need to get the CMO out of here .. Her suit as been pierced by whatever they're using as weapons Lisanna -> @<MXO> :: switches her suit to more external frequencies :: Hello there! This is Lisanna Stuart of the Federation Starship Perseus, we mean you no harm. STSF Sorehl -> <CO> +XO+ Are you requesting extraction? Jerry 'Skip' Maxwell -> @<CSEC>+CO+Sir, emergency transport. get Tkar out of here Eva Jaz -> <<well if you hold your breath you probably have 3 sec >> Lisanna -> @<MXO> +CO+ Yes, Captain. Get us up. Rachel E Garrett -> @ <AENG> ::hearing something, looks at TKAR and gasps:::: STSF Sorehl -> <CO> +CSEC+ Belay that... :::pauses, hearing Lisanna::: STSF Sorehl -> <CO> +All+ Prepare for emergency beam-up. will_marx -> Tar'ghet> Transporter room confirming solid locks STSF Sorehl -> ACTION: There are more lasers firing. The CMO's suit is starting to depressurize. Rachel E Garrett -> @ <AENG> ::claps her hand against TKAR's suit to stop the leak::: Eva Jaz -> @<CSCI>::gets back to her feet , trying to avoid being a a practice target :: STSF Sorehl -> ACTION: MOST of the away team deshimmers. TKAR -> <@cmo>;:tries to get the pressure suit patch on:; Lisanna -> @<MXO> :: frownies, crouches on the surface of the moon :: Rachel E Garrett -> <define most> Vilanne -> @ <CENG> ::proud of the AENG, while sparkling:: will_marx -> ((Indeed)) STSF Sorehl -> ACTION: Maxwell and Jaz are still on the surface. will_marx -> ((Hail and well met, Pretty Boy)) Rachel E Garrett -> @ <AENG> ::wait for it...wait for it::::: Cdr Zareh -> << Hola >> Lisanna -> <MXO> :: shimmers onto the pad, looks around :: Bugger it! Rachel E Garrett -> <AENG> ::demats in the TR::: Lisanna -> <MXO> <TRC> Where are Eva and Jerry? STSF Sorehl -> ACTION: The figures are bounding toward the remaining two members of the away team, but firing seems to have stopped. Eva Jaz -> <CSCI>::watches everybody else bu her and skip shimmer away and starts running for cover :: Eva Jaz -> *but Vilanne -> <CENG> ::on the TR, goes over to the TR controls:: What happened to the rest of the AT? ::checks the console:: STSF Sorehl -> <CO> <Tar'ghet> I though we had solid locks on ALL of them. Jerry 'Skip' Maxwell -> @<CSEC>::Still clutching his phaser but not firing:: will_marx -> @ HOPS> ::materializes on the Perseus:: What the / TKAR -> @<CMO>::Trying to hold on:: Rachel E Garrett -> <AENG> ::throws off her helmet to help TKAR::: <CMO> Doc! Doc! will_marx -> Tar'Ghet> CO> I thought we did, Captian. Jerry 'Skip' Maxwell -> @<CSEC>::Doesn't run from the lifeforms:: Lisanna -> <MXO> +Sickbay+ Lisanna to sickbay, get someone up here, the Doc's suit nearly depressurized, she'll need some medical work. Eva Jaz -> <CSCI>::notices that the firing as stop but decides that taking cover is still the intelligent thing to do :: will_marx -> Tar'Ghet> -=TRC=- Transporter room, relock on to Chiefs Jaz and Maxwell's comm badges STSF Sorehl -> ACTION: The figures bound closer, leveling some kind of energy rifle, but don't fire as the close on Maxwell and Jaz. Cmdr JFarrington -> <MED> +MXO+ On my way. will_marx -> Tar'ghet> CO> Permission to bring her in closer? TKAR -> @<CMO>::Still hanging on::I think i,m going to throw up. Vilanne -> <CENG> ::aiding the TRC:: Make sure you have a good lock this time... no more foulups STSF Sorehl -> <CO> <Tar'ghet> Negative. They're too close to beam out now... :::quietly::: Prime Directive... will_marx -> Tar Eva Jaz -> @<CSCI> ::noticing the rifles and the fact that she and CSCEC are clearly outnumbered slowly turns around with her hand up hoping that that's not the last thing she ever does :: Rachel E Garrett -> <AENG> ::pulls off TKAR's helmet::: <CMO> Better not throw up in your helmet, Doc. Lisanna -> <MXO> <CEng> Take care of things down here, I'm for the bridge. :: runs out of the TR, still fully suited :: will_marx -> Tar'ghet> With all do respect sir, they probably saw us pull them out STSF Sorehl -> <CO> <Tar'ghet> A risk I made once. Now it's a known fact. TKAR -> <cmo><aeng> thanks what hit me out there? Cmdr JFarrington -> <MED> ::enters the TR and kneels by TKAR, looking at Rachel::: What happened? will_marx -> HOPS> ::following Lis, still fully suited:: STSF Sorehl -> ACTION: The lead figure with the rifle adjusts a button near his helmet. Lisanna -> <MXO> :: emergency overrides the lift, zooms up on the ride, emerges onto the bridge getting her helmet off :: Rachel E Garrett -> <AENG> <CMO/MED> Got a tear in her suit from some kind of laser light source. Jerry 'Skip' Maxwell -> @<CSEC><CSCI>::Changes his posture and punts the phaser away:: STSF Sorehl -> ACTION: Maxwell and Jaz hear a squelch in their helmet comm Jerry 'Skip' Maxwell -> puts^* Cmdr JFarrington -> <MED> <CMO> How are you feeling, Doctor? Eva Jaz -> @<CSCI>::tries to appear as non -threatning as possible while motioning to CSEC to do the same as her :: Lisanna -> <MXO> <CO> Did we get them up? STSF Sorehl -> <1 minute> STSF Sorehl -> <CO> :::shakes head to XO::: They've been seen up-close. TKAR -> <CMO><MED><AENG>i think i broke some ribs> Jerry 'Skip' Maxwell -> @<CSEC><CSCI>If they wanted to kill us we'd be dead by now. Eva Jaz -> @<CSCI>::shakes her head at the sound ::<m>What in hell ?! STSF Sorehl -> <CO> <XO> But they're not being fired on. They're alive. will_marx -> HOPS> ::moves to Helm, dumping his helmet on the deck, relieving Cheif Tar'Ghet:: Rachel E Garrett -> <AENG> :::moving away from TKAR, letting the medical officer take over::: Lisanna -> <MXO> <CO> :: swears :: And for the same reason we can't go back down with a detail and extract them. Jerry 'Skip' Maxwell -> @<CSEC>::Tries to listen to the sounds:: STSF Sorehl -> Lead Figure> +COMM+ Just who are you and how did you get here? :::to Maxwell and Jaz::: Jerry 'Skip' Maxwell -> @<CSEC>+COMM+We are explorers STSF Sorehl -> Second Figure> +COMM+ Heinz, just find out which group of looters found out we were here... Rachel E Garrett -> <AENG> ::pulling the rest of her EVA suit off::: TKAR -> <CMO><MED>watch it you are not getting my job yet, try the polaser to mend my ribs. Cmdr JFarrington -> <MED> <CMO> Aye, Doctor. ::does so::: STSF Sorehl -> First Figure> +COMM+ :::scoffs::: Explorers? Without a ship? :::looks around, then straight up::: We didn't see that big thing lower anyone down. Eva Jaz -> @<CSCI>+figure+ we're not looters Vilanne -> <CENG> <<XO>> We've got a tight lock on them, ::taps onconsole:: I can get them out now... Sir? Jerry 'Skip' Maxwell -> @<CSEC>+COMM+Our ship was struck by this device::motioning toward the dish::We came to investigate. will_marx -> ((Need to change...)) STSF Sorehl -> And... Lisanna -> <MXO> +CEng+ Negative. Eva Jaz -> @<CSCI>+1st Figure+ We do not require the ship to land in orther to transport Cmdr JFarrington -> <Night, Hood> STSF Sorehl -> =/\= =/\= PAUSE SIM =/\= =/\= STSF Sorehl -> =/\= =/\= PAUSE SIM =/\= =/\= TKAR -> <CMO><MED>Great job now get me out of this suit. Lisanna -> :: paused :: Eva Jaz -> :: P A U S E D :: Rachel E Garrett -> ::paused::: Wo0t! Jerry 'Skip' Maxwell -> ::Paused:: TKAR -> paused TKAR -> great sim Rachel E Garrett -> gtg Eva Jaz -> *order btw .. I'm making uop words tonight Eva Jaz -> :) Eva Jaz -> *up TKAR -> ?? STSF Sorehl -> Good work tonight. I forget how much time it takes to get an away team down. STSF Sorehl -> And the bell always rings too soon. STSF Sorehl -> Hoodies, feel free to depart. STSF Sorehl -> Any thoughts/comments on tonight? TKAR -> true -my aol had issue its fixed now Cmdr JFarrington -> 'Twas fun. STSF Sorehl -> Maxwell, good restraint on not firing back. Cmdr JFarrington -> Ditto, Sorehl. I thought his move was great. TKAR -> i should have ducked out more Cmdr JFarrington -> Eva, too. Jerry 'Skip' Maxwell -> Thanks Jerry 'Skip' Maxwell -> Yeah it was a really fun sim STSF Sorehl -> I rolled a dice, TKAR. Eva Jaz -> thanks Hilee -> ! STSF Sorehl -> So, it was random chance this time. STSF Sorehl -> Hilee? TKAR -> everything is randam chance Hilee -> A very interesting and fun sim...excellently played and timed STSF Sorehl -> Well, unless you believe in free will. But that's a philosophical discussion for another time. Hilee -> Well done...enjoyed it from the Gallery...Thank You GM's STSF Sorehl -> Thanks. Cmdr JFarrington -> I didn't know Will was free ::duck:: Eva Jaz -> ::chuckles:: TKAR -> it would be interesting if we meet these lifeform again in another sim next time part 2 STSF Sorehl -> Well, maybe not, but he may be cheap. STSF Sorehl -> Alas, this may be our last visit to the Atlas colony for awhile. But we'll see. Cmdr JFarrington -> So who were those masked men? STSF Sorehl -> It's not like I got to let you see the secret underground lunar base. TKAR -> there allways possiblites TKAR -> goodnight all Cmdr JFarrington -> Oohhhhhhh.... Eva Jaz -> Night Tkar Cmdr JFarrington -> Night, TKAR. Hilee -> Well Mon Capitain...a real pleasure to see you again...off to lurk in the "Hood", take care all :) Eva Jaz -> ::rub hands :: Underground lunar base you say! Eva Jaz -> :) STSF Sorehl -> Nuclear-powered, too. STSF Sorehl -> But then, you saw that part. Eva Jaz -> Nuclear-powered Too!!! :: eyes wide :: Eva Jaz -> hahaha STSF Sorehl -> Although... :::nudges Jaz::: I wouldn't be too quick to tell them about the transporter. Eva Jaz -> :) Eva Jaz -> Well didnt wanan get shot for being a shipless looter STSF Sorehl -> Nice... :P Eva Jaz -> haha STSF Sorehl -> Wish I'd have thought of that one. Eva Jaz -> cleverness that comes with 4 lifetimes of being a smart ass :) Eva Jaz -> hahaha STSF Sorehl -> Any questions before we dismiss? Jerry 'Skip' Maxwell -> None here STSF Sorehl -> OK, dismissed! 8.18.2009 BACKGROUND: The Oberth-class starship Perseus discovered a lost pre-Federation human colony, descendents of the SS Atlas launched more than 300 years ago. The colony exhibited an unusual mix of 21st, 20th, and 19th century technology, but showed no evidence of subspace fields or warp technology. MISSION BRIEFING: While preparing to leave a probe behind, Perseus sent a team to a sensor dish detected on the airless moon. After noting it's seeming inconsistent technological level, a group emerged from the dish and fired laser weapons at the team. Skip and Jaz were left behind during transport and have been surrounded by space-suited humans. STSF Sorehl -> So, we'll pick up with Jaz and Skip down on the moon, the rest of us on the ship. STSF Sorehl -> =/\= =/\= BEGIN SIM =/\= =/\= STSF Sorehl -> =/\= =/\= BEGIN SIM =/\= =/\= STSF Sorehl -> =/\= =/\= BEGIN SIM =/\= =/\= STSF_Scooter -> CENG> ::enters the bridge and goes to the Engineering station:: Lisanna -> <MXO> :: on the bridge of the Perseus, concerned about the siutation below :: Cmdr JFarrington -> ROSTER UPDATE - OPS - me STSF Sorehl -> ACTION: Men in space suits level laser rifles at Jaz and Skip, down on the moon below. Eva Jaz -> @<CSCI>::still trying to figure out who those guys are and trying not to appear threatning :: Cmdr JFarrington -> <OPS> <MXO> Failure to establish lock on two AT members, Sir. STSF Sorehl -> <CO><XO> It appears the remaining members of the away team have engaged the "natives". Neither is hurt... thusfar. Lisanna -> <MXO> <Ops> Understood. :: grim :: STSF_Scooter -> CENG> ::looking over the sensor logs to see what prevented the transporters from locking in on Eva and Skip:: TKAR -> <ASCI>::@checking data on the natives from library computer records:: Eva Jaz -> <<Tkar you're on the ship >> STSF Sorehl -> <CO><XO> It appears a radiation surge interfered with their beam-up unexpectantly. Perhaps a surge from the atomic source below the sensor dish. Jerry 'Skip' Maxwell -> <CSEC>+COMM+::calmly speaking to the natives:: Please, there is no need for violence. We have no ill will towards your people we merely wish to learn about you and your culture. Lisanna -> <MXO> <CO> Thus far, though the way they were shooting those rifles I don't know how long we can expect that to last. STSF_Scooter -> CENG> ::overhearing:: CO/XO> Aye, Captain, that's what it looks like Eva Jaz -> @<CSCI>::nods vigorously to show she agrees with Skip :: Cmdr JFarrington -> <OPS> ::monitoring their situation, powering sensors accordingly::: STSF Sorehl -> @ First Suit> +COMM+ So where are the others? There were more of you before. STSF Sorehl -> @ Second Suit> +COMM+ :::scoffs::: Learn about us... then steal what we've made for yourselves, like always. Cmdr JFarrington -> <OPS> <MXO> I can establish an open comm with either of them, Sir, so we can monitor their conversations. Permission to do so? Eva Jaz -> << I did tell themabout transportes already in an attempt not toget killed right ?? >> Jerry 'Skip' Maxwell -> <CSEC>+COMM+::still speaking slowly trying to temper his breathing::They were frightened. We did not expect to meet you so suddenly. Lisanna -> <MXO> <Ops> :: walks up beside the ops console and looks at Jami's data :: Do it. STSF Sorehl -> <CO><OPS> Absolutely. See to it, on speakers. Cmdr JFarrington -> <OPS> ::Nods:: <MXO> Establishing open link. ::tappity tap:: Cmdr JFarrington -> <OPS> <MXO> On audio. TKAR -> <ASCI>+<CSCI>sir, checking with our library computer on the natives,sending all data to help to communicate with them.::sending data to you now:: Eva Jaz -> @<CSCI>+COMM+ We are not "looters" we were merely cusirous about the antenna and came to study it STSF Sorehl -> ACTION: First suit looks around, toward the edge of the rising crater walls, as if look for the other team members. Lisanna -> <MXO> :: listens :: STSF_Scooter -> ((Greets, Nitara)) STSF_Scooter -> CENG> ::tap, tap, tap:: STSF Sorehl -> <CO><XO> :::steps closer::: It might be possible to send a second team down, unobserved. <q> Cmdr JFarrington -> ROSTER UPDATE - Assistant Engineer (AENG) - Nitara STSF Sorehl -> @ Second Suit> +COMM+ Pull the other one. :::laughs at his own joke::: TKAR -> <ASCI>::trying to send data to CSCI :: Lisanna -> <MXO> <CO> It would be... Poke our noses above the crater enough to be seen so it doesn't look like we poofed into thin air, or vaccuum in this case. Jerry 'Skip' Maxwell -> <CSEC>+COMM+If we could::pauses momentarily::Put down the weapons I'm sure our leader would be more than happy to come out and meet you. STSF Sorehl -> <CO> :::nods to XO::: That would work. STSF Sorehl -> <CO><XO> If they seem willing to communicate without firing, perhaps we can resolve the return of our crewmembers non-violently. Eva Jaz -> @<CSCI>::looks at skip like he's lost his mind but keeps a straight face hoping to get beamed out before she needs to do anymore explaining :: TKAR -> <ASCI>::still getting new data on the natives:: Lisanna -> <MXO> <CO> :: still suited herself, her helmet lying beside the turbolift doors :: Aye. Though if it comes to it, we're better off violating the PD by beaming them out under the native's noses then allowing them to kill our crew and take the suit tech... Cmdr JFarrington -> <OPS> ::calculating a good position for beam down::: Lisanna -> trics, phasers and such. STSF Sorehl -> @ First Suit> :::still levelling laser, but not pointing it at Jaz or Skip, motions for the other suited figure to do the same::: Cmdr JFarrington -> <OPS> ::locates one::locks it in::: STSF Sorehl -> @ First Suit>+COMM+ No tricks. Alonzo back at the hatch is a pretty good shot with the recoilless slugthrower. Hate to see your suit get punctured. Eva Jaz -> @<CSCI>:: looking puzzled trying to determine what they're pointing their weapons at but not wanting to make any sudden move that might get her shot :: STSF Sorehl -> <CO> :::listens to XO::: You're right, of course. Still, if it can be avoided. TKAR -> <ASCI>::trying to get the last infomation on these people:: Lisanna -> <MXO> :: heads over to her helmet :: <CO> I'll head down, see what I can do to avoid it then. No point taking security, we don't want shooting anyway. STSF Sorehl -> @ First Suit> +COMM+ Tell your people to come out then. We'll find them eventually. Jerry 'Skip' Maxwell -> @<CSEC>+COMM+If you will permit my friend here::places his hand on Eva:: to return to the crater she could tell our leader to come meet with you. I will remain here so you will have collateral as it would be. Cmdr JFarrington -> <OPS> <MXO> Commander? ::catching her before she leaves::: STSF Sorehl -> <CO><XO> Take some technical backup. There's still a lot we don't know about that sensor, or the area below. Eva Jaz -> @<CSCI>::tries to figure what Skip has in mind but let's him talk :: Lisanna -> <MXO> <Ops> Yes, Ms. Farrington? :: also nods at Sorehl's addendum :: Cmdr JFarrington -> <OPS> <MXO> I've found a good beamdown point. Would you like to see your position before you leave? It's about 100 m from the "situation." STSF Sorehl -> @ Second Suit> +COMM+ It's not like she can just vanish. :::to the First Suit::: Lisanna -> <MXO> <Ops> Upload it to my PADD, I'll review on the way to the TR. Cmdr JFarrington -> <OPS> ::Nods:: Aye, Sir. There now. ::presses the membrane::: Lisanna -> <MXO> <CEng> Come on Scoots, let's go moon walking again. Call in anyone else you need. STSF_Scooter -> CENG> XO> Aye, Commander. Lisanna -> <MXO> :: grabs her helmet, steps into the TR :: STSF_Scooter -> CENG> -=AENG=- Nitara, meet us in Transporter Room 1. Full AT kit, and EV suit STSF Sorehl -> @ First Suit> +COMM+ I dunno. If they came from that big ship up there, it's probably filled with drop troops. Ready to take things at the point of a gun... :::to Second Suit::: Eva Jaz -> @<CSCI>:: smiles widely noding :: +COMM+ Letting me go seems like a good plan , I shall return quickly and we can get thsi whole thing settled TKAR -> <ASCI><MXO>sir, i have some new data on the natives history ; they seem to worship the sensor dich. STSF_Scooter -> ( *) ) TKAR -> <<Dish>. Nitara -> <AENG><CENG> Yes, sir. ::Going to get AT kit and EV suit.:: Lisanna -> <MXO> :: revies the beam-in point on the PADD :: STSF Sorehl -> <CO> :::curious look toward ASCI::: From where did you get such information? Cmdr JFarrington -> <OPS> ::Listening to the conversation on the surface::: Lisanna -> <MXO> +Ops+ If you can get a good private comm into our people's suits, let them know we're on our way down and not to panic yet. STSF Sorehl -> <CO> :::nods to OPS::: Nitara -> <AENG> ::Takes items, going in TL to transporter.:: Cmdr JFarrington -> <OPS> +MXO+ Aye, Commander. I'll ping the usual CYA code. Lisanna -> <MXO> :: enters the TR and thunks the helmet back onto her head :: TKAR -> <ASCI><CO>library computer records from andronian merchant ships. STSF Sorehl -> @ First Suit> +COMM+ She can go. But you're :::gestures to Skip::: going down below. Cmdr JFarrington -> <OPS> ::sends subspace retrieval team code to Eva and Jerry::: Nitara -> <AENG> ::In the TR, finishes putting on suit.:: Jerry 'Skip' Maxwell -> <CSEC>+COMM+Very good. STSF_Scooter -> CENG> ::enters TR, secures her helmet:: Eva Jaz -> @<CSCI>:;looks alarmingly at Skip mouthing " you're sure of this ?:: Lisanna -> <MXO> :: grabs a stronger light from the stocks, straps it to her suit :: STSF Sorehl -> <CO> :::eyebrow up toward ASCI::: Our previous encounters suggested this planet has been unknown and unvisited since its inception. Jerry 'Skip' Maxwell -> @<CSEC><CSCI>::Winks at her gving a slight smile::Go. Lisanna -> <MXO> :: steps on pad, waits :: STSF Sorehl -> @ First Suit> +COMM+ Take him to the dish. Keep 'im on ice. I'll wait for their 'leader'. STSF_Scooter -> CENG> ::also grabs one of the brighter lanterns:: Jerry 'Skip' Maxwell -> <<Can someone staple the away team logo to me? Can't seem to get it to stick>> Nitara -> <AENG> ::Steps onto pad.:: Cmdr JFarrington -> <OPS> ::awaiting response from Jerry and Eva::: Eva Jaz -> @<CSCI>+COMM+ <slowly> I will be going now .... STSF Sorehl -> ACTION: Second Suit gestures with the point of his laser rifle toward the base of the sensor dish. Cmdr JFarrington -> Stage Hand> ::hands Jerry a stapler::: TKAR -> <ASCI><CO>i,m Cross checking the the data now it could be a false lead: maybe we should give them a peace offering . Lisanna -> <MXO> <AT> Keep your comms open, subspace channel 21.3, let's keep it separate from the others to make it easier for the ship to track. Eva Jaz -> @<CSCI>::backs away as fast as she can to get out of ear reach before answering :: Nitara -> <AENG> ::Packs an extra away tag.:: STSF Sorehl -> <CO><ASCI> Good thinking. I think Mr. Maxwell is moving in that direction. With himself as the offering. Cmdr JFarrington -> <OPS> +MXO+ Ready to beam at your command. Your channel? STSF_Scooter -> CENG> XO> Ya know, Lis, all we need now are some holiday lights, chem lights and reflective tape, and we might be able to convince them we're aliens. Lisanna -> <MXO> +Ops+ 21.3, subspace only, standard encryption. Not taking any chances, not anymore. Jerry 'Skip' Maxwell -> @<CSEC>::Starts moving towards the dish with the natives:: STSF_Scooter -> CENG> AENG> Ready Nitara? Lisanna -> <MXO> <CEng> :: chuckles through her suit comm :: Don't forget tin foil. Cmdr JFarrington -> <OPS> +MXO+ Subspace only 21.3, standard encryption. Aye, Sir. STSF Sorehl -> @ Second Suit> +COMM+ Get moving. :::to Skip::: STSF_Scooter -> CENG> XO> That too... Nitara -> <AENG><CENG> Yup, all ready to twinkle on mark. Lisanna -> <MXO> +Ops+ Energize. Cmdr JFarrington -> <OPS> ::beams::: TKAR -> <ASCI>::nods to co;Checking with new data coming in from the computer:: Lisanna -> #<MXO> :: shimmers to the crater's edge :: STSF_Scooter -> # CENG> ::shimmers back onto the moon: STSF Sorehl -> ACTION: As he approaches the base of the dish, Skip can see at least one person leaning out of the side hatch, holding a long-barrelled weapon. Nitara -> #AENG> ::Twinkles.:: STSF Sorehl -> ACTION: In wobbly yet graceful bounds, Skip and the second-suited man close in toward the open hatch. Jerry 'Skip' Maxwell -> @<CSEC>::mumbling to himself::That must have been the "good shot" they were telling us about. Lisanna -> #<MXO> :: pulls out tric, uplinks with the Perseus and pulls up the ship's better sensor info :: +#+ Eva's alone, walking away from the dish. Eva Jaz -> #<CSCI> ::notices the team beaming down and hurries to meet them :: Cmdr JFarrington -> <OPS> <CO> Weapons appear to be standard projectile, Captain. They must have a recoil block for them to use in that gravity. TKAR -> <ASCI>::wonders if the data is right:: STSF_Scooter -> #CENG> AENG> Let's be subtle, Nitara, and get some scans of the dish... Lisanna -> #<MXO> :: uses tric to send up an encrypted subspace ping to Eva's @ channel so she can home in on their location :: Cmdr JFarrington -> <OPS> ::monitoring both channels:: <CO> Both channels on audio, Sir? STSF Sorehl -> <CO><OPS> Impressive. Weapons clearly designed for vacuum, yet we saw no evidence of space-faring technology on the main colony. STSF Sorehl -> ACTION: The newly arriving team can see two figures closing on the dish base, about to enter the hatch. Nitara -> #AENG> ::Looks about.:: Woo, feels wierd.:: <CENG> You just try to be subtle in these suits, bouncing around. ::Scanning.:: STSF Sorehl -> <CO> :::nods confirmation to OPS::: Eva Jaz -> #<CSCI>::walks as fast as she can without alerting the "bad guys" of the others arrival byt looking suspicious:: Cmdr JFarrington -> <OPS> ::Keeping busy, taps the panel and brings them up::: STSF_Scooter -> # CENG> ::bouncing gracefully, towards the edge of the crater:: Lisanna -> #<MXO> :: zooms in on the dish with her helmet cam, sees Jerry and one of the natives entering the dish :: Oh, son of a :: expletive deleted :: STSF Sorehl -> @ Second Suit> +COMM+ :::gestures to Skip::: Inside. STSF_Scooter -> # CENG> XO> Lis? Jerry 'Skip' Maxwell -> @<CSEC>::moves inside the hatch:: STSF Sorehl -> @ First Suit> :::standing out in the open, watching Jaz moving away::: Lisanna -> #<MXO> +#+ Looks like this is going to be an interior hostage situation now. Eva Jaz -> #<CSCI>+MXO+ They have Skip.. and are expecting me to get "our leader" back to them TKAR -> <ASCI>+<starfleet sci computer tech>i don,t care if secondary systems are down get them up and check if this data is faulty. STSF Sorehl -> ACTION: Inside the hatch, the sensor base looks predictably industrial. There appears to be an airlock on the other end of the room. STSF_Scooter -> # CENG> ::utters an oath:: Lisanna -> #<MXO> +#+ Well, Nanu Nanu, I come in peace. Eva Jaz -> <<hahahahah>> Cmdr JFarrington -> <rofl Lis> Lisanna -> #<MXO> :: long, windy sigh through the suit comm :: STSF_Scooter -> lol Lisanna -> #<MXO> :: steps up to the crater's edge herself so she can be seen, along with Scooter :: STSF Sorehl -> <CO><OPS> Still interference from the radiation? STSF Sorehl -> @ First Suit> :::raises hand to visor as Lisanna stands at the crater edge::: Eva Jaz -> #<CSCI>:: finally arrives to the team's location, panting :: Jerry 'Skip' Maxwell -> @<CSEC>::Takes a seat on the floor inside the base:: STSF_Scooter -> # CENG> XO> This is bad... ::watching Skip enter the airlock:: Lisanna -> #<MXO> :: pulls out the powerful spotlight she brought and trains it on the hatch of the dish :: STSF Sorehl -> @ Second Suit> +COMM+ No time to relax. :::to Skip::: We're going airside. :::gestures to the airlock::: Nitara -> #AENG> ::Scans dish. Scans dish. Scans dish.:: Hmm, a steel-trinium alloy satellite dish. Eva Jaz -> #<CSCI><XO> there's several of them all armed with rifle like weapons , their level of technology is very much below ours and they believe that we're here to stealtheir technology or whatever else they're hiding in that " bunker" Lisanna -> #<MXO> Okay boys, I see you, and you know we're here now. :: turns in her suit to face Eva :: STSF Sorehl -> ACTION: The energy source under the sensor dish seems to have increased in power, although the dish is neither broadcasting or scanning. Jerry 'Skip' Maxwell -> @<CSEC>::Perks up at the idea of going "airside." Gets back up and moves over to the airlock:: STSF Sorehl -> @ First Suit> :::actually waves::: Nitara -> #AENG> OMG, Eva, "We come in peace" didn't work?! Lisanna -> #<MXO> I guess we'll have to live up to their expectations... TKAR -> <ASCI>::Finds a interesting entry in the library computer its a religious artifact:;Trying decipt the saying:: STSF_Scooter -> # CENG> AENG> Early warning, communications, or reception? Granted, their not going to get HBO out here. Cmdr JFarrington -> <OPS> <CO> Aye, sir. Radiation is interfering with sensors and comms below the surface. Eva Jaz -> #<CSCI>::gives AENG a dirty look without answering :: STSF Sorehl -> ACTION: Near the hatch, the man with the weapon seems startled at the sudden light trained on him, pulls back inside. Nitara -> #AENG> <CENG>The energy readings are getting stronger, though no signals. STSF Sorehl -> <CO> :::nods acknowledgement to OPS::: Cmdr JFarrington -> <OPS> <CO> I could establish a cone, but there's no guarantee that it will work, and it may be detected by their dish. Lisanna -> #<MXO> +Perseus+ Lisanna to Perseus. They're taking Jerry inside. We need something from the database of the finds on the planet, I think we can trade to get him back and end this sooner. Lisanna -> #<MXO> :: turns the light off, mission of showing them we're really up here accomplished :: Eva Jaz -> #<CSCI>:: feels pretty useless as she lost her tricorder and weapon earlier .. stays close with the team :: Cmdr JFarrington -> <OPS> ::turns slightly to face Sorehl::: <CO> Did you notice, sir, that in their conversation they think we are an attack vessel? They expect troops. STSF Sorehl -> <CO> +XO+ Finds on the planet? Items of value, you mean? STSF Sorehl -> <CO> :::noting OPS::: True. Yet we've shown no hostile intent. :::wonders how they could dispell that error::: Cmdr JFarrington -> <OPS> ::Turns back to search for valuables they may need::: Lisanna -> #<MXO> +CO+ Yes. They seem concerned, according to Eva's report, that we're here to loot. Might as well have something that show's we're more along the lines of merchants than pirates. STSF Sorehl -> ACTION: Second suit closes the airlock, inside with Skip. He spins the wheel, locking the door. STSF_Scooter -> # CENG> ::watches the hatch secure through her own helmet cam:: Wow...Submarine style airlock hatches. Lisanna -> #<MXO> +#+ Scooter, hear you two yakking about the power source, any conerns for danger? TKAR -> <ASCI><OPS>,CO>sir,its a log entry ancient writting i,m trying to deciper the meaning of them-i will send you the data when i deciper it. STSF_Scooter -> # CENG> I haven't seen those in...ages STSF Sorehl -> <CO> +XO+ Interesting. :::looks to TKAR::: Check the database. what items are of tangible value to the inhabitants of the colony? Cmdr JFarrington -> <OPS> <CO> Sensors are detecting nothing of monitary value - at least what *we* would think is monetary value. STSF Sorehl -> @ Second Suit> Sit tight. It only takes a minute. :::to Skip::: Nitara -> #AENG> Yeah, guys, while you're standing here talking about trading we've a guy down there. It's just turned extraction. We've better weapons... STSF_Scooter -> # CENG> XO> Reactor's increased in power... up 10dB since we've been down here. Lisanna -> #<MXO> <CEng> Hmm... Lisanna -> #<MXO> <CSci> Thoughts on their personalities, Eva? STSF Sorehl -> @ First Suit> :::still looking up at the away team, or at least to the crater edge::: Jerry 'Skip' Maxwell -> @<CSEC>::Monitors the % of air using his EV suit:: STSF Sorehl -> << Ooh, 10db. That's more than double... nice. >> Cmdr JFarrington -> <OPS> ::looks up with a sudden thought::: Lisanna -> #<MXO> :: continues to stand in plain sight, making a meaty target but not wanting to look like we're cutting and running, either :: Eva Jaz -> #<CSCI><XO> Paranoid at the extreme .. they seem to be thinking eveybody is out to get their errr stuff .. I suggest we do something fast before they decide that I'm not coming abck and kill Skip STSF_Scooter -> # CENG> AENG> True, but this is also stuck with Prime Directive concerns. Cmdr JFarrington -> <OPS> <CO> Captain. What if they are not protecting something on the moon, but something on the planet? STSF Sorehl -> @ First Suit> +COMM+ We just gonna stare at each other, or are you gonna bring your demands? Lisanna -> #<MXO> <CSci> Yeah. STSF Sorehl -> ACTION: Jerry's suit is in good shape. Around 80%. Cmdr JFarrington -> <OPS> <CO> I mean..what if they are expecting us to loot the planet? STSF_Scooter -> # CENG> XO> I think the natives are getting restless, Ls STSF_Scooter -> lis STSF Sorehl -> <CO> :::eyebrow up::: An orbital defense station? :::to OPS::: Cmdr JFarrington -> <OPS> <CO> ::thinking:: Well, sir..it kind of makes sense. What would we want to loot on a barren moon? Nitara -> #AENG> Prime Directive, Prime Directive. I think it's time to change that rule. ::Sighs.:: Lisanna -> #<MXO> +@+ We're not exactly enjoying being out in the open, fellas. Be with you in a minute. Lisanna -> #<MXO> +#+ Demands... they certainly don't think we're friendly, do they? STSF Sorehl -> <CO> :::nodding::: An interesting hypothesis. It would be hard to "loot" mineral resources. :::to OPS::: Lisanna -> #<MXO> +Perseus+ Howsit goin' up there? Natives are getting restless. Nitara -> #AENG> Darn it, demand our man. STSF Sorehl -> ACTION: The airlock has finished it cycle. Second Suit reaches up to remove his helmet. STSF Sorehl -> <CO> :::looks to TKAR::: Any suggestions on items to "trade"? Cmdr JFarrington -> <OPS> +MXO+ Working on a solution. Jerry 'Skip' Maxwell -> @<CSEC>::Looks up at the Second Suit to see their face:: Cmdr JFarrington -> <OPS> ::turns to listen to TKAR::: STSF Sorehl -> @ First Suit> :::shrugs, looks back to the hatch::: Lisanna -> #<MXO> <AEng> That's a given. STSF_Scooter -> # CENG> ::watching tricorder readings on the reactor:: STSF Sorehl -> @ First Suit> :::adjusts his helmet::: +COMM+ I dunno. They don't seem in a big hurry to try and take over. TKAR -> <ASCI>+<CO>+<XO>:;checking now:: it Seem they honor truth,some kind of green ruby that the gods or god came to them call the eye of ::checking:;Sir , their religion its similar to ancient eyptian synix in egypt. Nitara -> #AENG> Then what are we waiting for? They expect looting, anyhow. STSF Sorehl -> ACTION: Second Suit is Nordic in appeance, strong with long blonde hair. He opens the second door and pleasant air filters in. Cmdr JFarrington -> <OPS> ::turns back to her console::: Lisanna -> #<MXO> +@+ Okay, look. We're not in the mood really to start whacking at you guys, we've got other things to do. Sure we could send down some guys and we can have a nice brouhaha, but let's skip that step today, eh? Maybe we can get you guys something to.. STSF Sorehl -> <CO> :::blinks at TKAR::: These are 21st Century humans. Where did we see evidence of that on the planet? Lisanna -> make your stint up here a bit more fun. Jerry 'Skip' Maxwell -> @<CSEC>::After monitoring the air around him to make sure it's clean he removes hishelmet and shuts down his EV suit:: Lisanna -> #<MXO> +@+ In exchange we get our guy back and we're all happy. STSF Sorehl -> @ First Suit> :::looks back to the crater edge::: Huh? Nitara -> <<Ahh, Egyptian religion+worshipping tech=Goa'ulds.>> Cmdr JFarrington -> <OPS> <lol - wrong 'verse> Cmdr JFarrington -> <hiya, Joe> STSF Sorehl -> @ First Suit> +COMM+ What? And then you'll just leave? Eva Jaz -> << you are really obessed with SG girl aren't ya?! hahah>> STSF_Scooter -> # CENG> (m) SHoulda brought some holoemitters Joe Manning -> << Hey Jami! Just droppin in, don't mind me >> Nitara -> <<Yes, I am.>> STSF_Scooter -> (( lol Nitara)) Lisanna -> #<MXO> +@+ Yeah, we'll go. We just wanted to take a peek at the dish, you caught us with our pants down, good job. Guess you guys don't sleep on the job after all. STSF Sorehl -> @ Second Suit> :::to Skip::: You want something to eat? Sounds like your friends are taking their sweet time. Eva Jaz -> #<CSCI>::looks around listening to Lis negotiate :: STSF Sorehl -> @ First Suit> +COMM+ What're... you with the... liason? Jerry 'Skip' Maxwell -> @<CSEC>::Shrugs to the second suit::Sure. I wouldn't mind something. Cmdr JFarrington -> <OPS> ::also listening in, impressed with the XO's abilities::: Cmdr JFarrington -> <Zareh> TKAR -> <ASCI>+<CO>+<XO>::Checking data::Sir, i checked on some of their buildings like earth some of them have greek or roman archutecture -the people had eyptain architecture -like isis. STSF Sorehl -> @ Second Suit> You like coffee? :::to Skip::: STSF Sorehl -> << 3 minutes >> Nitara -> <<Keep, going TKAR, soon Deathgliders will start shooting at us.>> Jerry 'Skip' Maxwell -> @<CSEC>::To second suit::Do you have sugar for the coffee::Chuckles a bit at how surreal this all seems:: STSF Sorehl -> <CO><ASCI> I'm not sure I follow. STSF Sorehl -> @ Second Suit> Well, if you like coffee, you'll hate this. :::offers something in a styrofoam cup, smelling coffee-like::: Lisanna -> #<MXO> +@+ :: considers :: I thought you were in a hurry to get to business, pal, now you want to do an interview? So how 'bout it, we get our man back, give you something to keep you happy up here a bit, and we all go on our way. Nitara -> #AENG> ::Scans.:: The energy readings have started to level off. Cmdr JFarrington -> <OPS> ::wracking her brain, trying to think of something they would want from the surface::: Cmdr JFarrington -> <Hey, Sibie> STSF Sorehl -> @ First Suit> +COMM+ They want their guy back and they say they'll take off. :::seems as if he thinks he can't be heard::: STSF_Scooter -> # CENG> AENG> Good. What are radiation levels. STSF Seiben -> <yo!> Jerry 'Skip' Maxwell -> @<CSEC>::Takes a sip from the cup cringing at the taste::Well, it's better than nothing. Thank you. Nitara -> #AENG> <CENG> Slightly dropped, but constant. STSF Sorehl -> @ First Suit> +COMM+ They don't seem to be in a fighting mood. Unless their guys real important, why would they wait? And why would he surrender to us? I say let him go... see what happens. STSF Sorehl -> And... STSF Sorehl -> =/\= =/\= PAUSE SIM =/\= =/\= Lisanna -> #<MXO> +#+ Oy, we having fun yet? STSF Sorehl -> =/\= =/\= PAUSE SIM =/\= =/\= STSF Sorehl -> =/\= =/\= PAUSE SIM =/\= =/\=
  19. Actually you can barely feel it. Our doctors overseas used it 30 years ago for cholera shots. Even our kids (then 6 and under) thought they were cool.
  20. Edge of Darkness Nestled in a secluded cove far from the noise and frivolity that drew most of the galaxy to Risa sat the Café Miers. An oasis of tranquility, its proprietors knew that pleasure, for some, meant indulgence of a different sort. More than a mile down the beach the Club Eros was gearing up for the night, its corpulent arms welcoming great hordes, some laughing, some chatting amicably, all having a good time or at least pretending to. In contrast, the small, unpretentious Café Miers, drew a more contemplative group, one that sought tranquility to wash away the chaos that permeated their lives elsewhere. Its garden deck hung over the water, the perfume of night jasmine replacing the usual artificial scent that clubs and casinos pumped through their climate control systems. The gentle lap of waves on pier and beach mingled with the soft, one-note hoot of a loon tending its nestlings and provided harmony on a deeper level. Simple oil lamps replaced the glaring lights that usually accompanied raucous music elsewhere. In Risa’s clubs, patrons often sought to numb their senses by going into overload. In Café Miers, patrons sought the opposite, to shed their pretense, to sink into where they were and embrace its natural beauty. Café Miers was Jami’s favorite haunt, especially in the early evening hours. Whenever she disappeared, Atragon knew where he could find her, so she hadn’t worried about him for the past few days. It seemed to Jami that his near-death experience had changed his attitude about many things, but especially about the crew and how they related to him as a person. While she enjoyed the peace of Café Miers, Atragon had been wandering among them, enjoying their company. But something bothered her this evening. A slow, deliberate gnawing in her subconscious had crept forward to disrupt her thoughts and disturb her tranquility. Then a sudden jab snapped her head towards the beach where, in the waning light, she could barely make out a few figures. “Something wrong, Miss Jami?” The voice brought Jami’s attention back to the table where Madara Miers was replenishing Jami’s herbal tea. “You are having it again?” Her words came in soft flowing tones, tinged with the accent of her native Latvia. The girl, as beautiful as her name implied, had the vibrance of youth and the wisdom of age. Her lithe figure silhouetted against the sunset and a gentle breeze brushed away a few auburn strands that insisted on clinging to her cheek. Madara’s eyes, though brilliant, windowed a compassionate soul. She seldom hid her concern, but never forced herself on anyone, qualities Jami found not only rare but refreshing and necessary in a time when the galaxy seemed to be falling apart. The young girl had what she called the gift and she was more than willing to share whatever experience Jami wanted or needed. And it was nearly impossible for Jami to turn her away. “’Tis your husband,” she said after a few minutes of silence, and she, too, turned to stare in the direction of the small group on the beach. “He is distressed, but not – what you say -- much?” she said, her eyes fixed on the group as though she could hear every word. “You go to him, yes?” “Yes,” said Jami as she gathered her shawl around her shoulders and stood to give Madara their customary Latvian farewell. As Jami approached the group the voices of Margaux, Garnoopy and Atragon became apparent – not angry, but not exactly pleasant. Jami sat some distance away on a rock at the water’s edge, allowing the waves’ cool darkness to caress her feet. As the discussion grew, the words became more distinct and the images in her mind more disturbing. Soon the waves’ incessant stroking numbed her feet and their gentle lapping turned to several sizable waves in succession, the wake of an errant boat. “Do you often think that sometimes you ask too much?” Margaux called to Atragon as he walked away, their voices very clear, now close to heated argument. Still some distance away, the silhouette of Atragon turned back. “Often, yes. But not with this one,” he called back to her in… frustration? “I just don’t know anymore.” The water lapped once then waked again and again and again, undermining the sand at her feet. Jami pulled them out and snuggled into the warm rock while the water continued to roll, threatening to pull her from the edge into its indifferent depths.
  21. Happy Birthday, ladies, and wishes for many more!
  22. The Command Staff is Pleased to Present The Meritorious Achievement Award for exceptional logs to: Lt T'Prise for Running to Stand Still[ Centurion Jaiysa t'Tamarak and Lt Vilanne Chalice for Values. Congratulations!
  23. =/\= USS MANTICORE BRIEFING #569, STARDATE 50908.10 =/\= Shore Leave on Risa - we're gonna need a vacation after this! EJ Pilot -> ::sitting at the bar drinking a blood wine:: Ian_Syndrx -> ::turns his sailboat around to head back to the beach for the evening festivities:: MC_Escher -> ::shimmers in mid sentence:: - didn't you have fun, though? kyle_mele -> ::wandering yet again, beachside (imagine that):: LtCdrFaldek -> ::sitting on the bacl porch of the suite overlooking the ocean:: Kansas Kenickie -> ::Finishes packing;:: kyle_mele -> ::has, by now, darkened a couple shades, spots included:: kyle_mele -> ::well, most of them:: Vilanne -> ::in suite, getting ready for the night, parading in front of the mirror in different outfits, with "boom, boom, pow" blaring overhead:: Kansas Kenickie -> ::Sits on the roller and snaps in closed:: Keb -> ::comes out onto the balcony behind Faldek and wraps her arms around his shoulders from behind:: I'm so sorry... T'Prise -> ::shimmers as well, appearing on the platform all dusty with a smudge of dirt on her cheek.:: I would not define our experience in the caves as "fun". LtCmdr Roget -> ::lying on a beach blanket, oversized sunglasses, hat and listening to music, reading a "novel":: LtCdrFaldek -> Don't be it is not your fault. Garnoopy -> ::sitting next to Roget, reading "World War Z":: Keb -> You sure you still want to marry me after all that? Garnoopy -> ::with his aviators on, of course:: MC_Escher -> ::hair is streaked with mud and his pants are soaked:: How would you define it, then? Vilanne -> ::all new clothing strewn around her room, tags all over the place, little plastic t's lining the carpet:: LtCdrFaldek -> Of course. LtCdrFaldek -> Unless you have changed your mind, LtCmdr Roget -> ::Props her glasses up slightly:: Yes. Of course. That's exactly what I'm reading. Keb -> ::looks down at the top of his head, with its slicked down hair:: Of course not. But it isn't going to be as easy as I hoped it would be. Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> ::somewhere planetside, wandering, keeping her eye out for Rihan spies and hoping she doens't get dragged to the party again:: LtCmdr Roget -> ::gives him an eye roll and goes back to Warlord Trifecta:: LtCdrFaldek -> Whoever life was easy? Hilee -> ::Along with Eva...waiting on Ej and his lady friend to join them...so they can order,post dancing:: T'Prise -> Irresponsible. You indicated that you could handle the selected route. Your inability to tie proper climbers knots is what caused the accident. ::massages her left wrist with her right hand.:: Admiral Atragon-9 -> ::walks down the beach, slowly enough that it is clear he is just wandering with no goal in mind:: EJ Pilot -> ::drinking a blood wine and eating some gagh:: kyle_mele -> ::wanderwander, has by now had his own pair of skimpily-cut swim trunks made:: Keb -> ::shrugs:: Nobody. I just had this fantasy in my mind of us all being a big happy family. Dad shaking your hand and welcoming you in. Mom giving you a hug and some cookies. And you haven't even met my brother and sister yet. MC_Escher -> There you go, throwing blame around. I told you I was sorry, that I had obviously tied good climbers knots earlier in the day, that this one time was a fluke mistake. You aren't harmed permanently. Wasn't it fun, even a little? Eva Jaz -> :: Sittting with Hilee, very slowly sipping on a drink having decided that downing one in 3 seconds an hour before was as much as she could handle :: kyle_mele -> ::gives a glance at Garnoopy as he wanders by:: Garnoopy -> ::glances over, wondering who Roget is talking to:: LtCdrFaldek -> What can I say your father is obviously a hateful racist bigot. Hilee -> Eva> Well we cannot wait all...night..::Motions for the waiter:: kyle_mele -> ::his spots darken as he blushes, remembering.. glances down at the swim trunks that so closely resemble what Garn was wearing:: Keb -> ::pulls away from Faldek:: Don't say that, please. Vilanne -> ::finally gets just the right outfit on, at the "boom boom pow" part... a remix of course, which repeats it about 10 times, and Vil starts dancing wildly to it:: kyle_mele -> ::then turns his gaze to Roget, continuing to walk:: T'Prise -> I am merely assigning culpability to the responsible party. Although the damage to my wrist is not permanent, the same cannot be said for the priceless artifact that was destroyed. LtCdrFaldek -> Ok I guess I'll start lying to you then. EJ Pilot -> ::just gobbling the gagh up:: LtCmdr Roget -> ::watches Kyle stroll by and looks him over, above the rim of her glasses:: Ahhhhhh Woooooo! Eva Jaz -> ::smiles:: Well Risa is full of distraction for young men .. I'm sure he found something more interesting to do then spend the evening with us Kansas Kenickie -> ::Grabs a beer and heads out onto the deck:: Keb -> ::sighs and sits down on the ground next to him, ignoring a perfectly good chair two feet away:: Don't do that either. Ian_Syndrx -> ::his sailboat pulls up along the dock at the beach, Ian ties it off then heads below to don the obligatory Hawaiian shirt:: MC_Escher -> Eh, it's just stuff. An assembly of molecules that are now in a slightly different assembly. What about the sense of adventure? The thrill of the unknown? The satsifaction of overcoming an obstacle? LtCdrFaldek -> Perhaps we should call off the engagement? kyle_mele -> ::grins:: I take it you like the suit? Garnoopy -> ::chuckles:: Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> ::moving down the main thoroughfare of the Risan city, flicking her eyes around at the shadows rather than at the remains of the sunset causing them:: Keb -> ::looks up at Faldek, shocked:: What? Vilanne -> ::exits her room, closes the door, leaving it messier than the last time, heads out of the room after securing the suite:: LtCmdr Roget -> ::sits up:: Not particularly LtCdrFaldek -> We could... do it for show, make your father feel guilty... precip -> ::in the main thoroughfare looking like a tourist taking pictures:: kyle_mele -> ::glances down, turns a bit, modeling as it were:: Too much material? Hilee -> Eva> Well he is the one that called me up...and I did say where we would be...::shrugs:: Oh well...his loss. Garnoopy -> ::looks up at Kyle, then to Roget:: Keb -> ::gets it:: I'm not lying to my father. Besides, it wouldn't make him feel guilty--he'd just gloat about being right. LtCmdr Roget -> I like what in the suit, as it were. T'Prise -> ::Gives Escher a somewhat quelling look.:: Had you not been so busy studying those arachnids we discovered and tied the knots properly, we might have reached the interior of the caverns and not been required to request an emergency beam out. Eva Jaz -> ::grins:: Oh well , Guess you're stuck all alone with me then Vilanne -> ::in her head, still hearing the song, dances down the open hallway to the end where it opens to the beach:: kyle_mele -> ::laughs:: Admiral Atragon-9 -> ::sees Garn, Roget and Mele ahead on the beach and alters his course to stop by:: Garnoopy -> ::raises eyebrows:: Hilee -> Eva> Well you do look splendid tonight, I hope you liked the Andorian ice Roses...and the trinket? LtCdrFaldek -> Well maybe it would be for the best, your father will never approve, means he wont give you away IF we get married... Garnoopy -> Well well... apparently I sat in on a lover's flirtations Cmdr JFarrington -> ::on the veranda of a 5-star restaurant, having a *quiet* drink:::: kyle_mele -> ::smirks at Garn:: Oh like you're not loving it. Garnoopy -> ::laughs:: LtCmdr Roget -> ::eyes Garn:: You're just sad that no one has complimented your ... suit Keb -> ::glares at Faldek violently:: What do you mean "IF"? precip -> ::keeps a distant eye on Jaiysa t`Tamarak....although the crowds certainly do get in the way:: Garnoopy -> ::glances down:: Psh... my suit is fine. kyle_mele -> ::sidles up to Roget:: Feel! It's the softest smoothest fabric I've ever felt. Eva Jaz -> ::smiles:: Thank you , yes I absolutely did and thank you again :: soft chuckle :: Hilee -> Eva> I assure you lovely lady...I would much rather be stuck with you...than anyone else I can possibly think of...right now::Smiles:: kyle_mele -> ::glances over at Garnoopy:: Eh, the cut is too loose.. and there's too much material. kyle_mele -> ::smirk:: Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> ::moving through the crowd, getting the vague feeling that she might be being watched:: MC_Escher -> ::sighs and starts to walk out the door toward the hotel:: Look, I told you I'm sorry. And I admit that I screwed up that knot. I'm just asking if you think it was a total waste, or whether you, you know, got something out of it. Anything. Garnoopy -> ::rolls eyes:: Vilanne -> ::reads a sign on the beach, "Midnight LaserBungees... included in your suite cost - this way" with an arrow pointing up a trail to a huge bridge over a river:: LtCmdr Roget -> ::sees A9 approach as she runs her hands over the fabric of kyles suit:: LtCdrFaldek -> Well it's almost not worth it, being treated the way I am being treated by him, I'm an upper class starfleet officer, and he's treating me like some puke enlisted cadet. EJ Pilot -> ::charges the food and drink to his room and moves to where he was supposed to meet Eva & Hilee:: Kansas Kenickie -> ::Relaxes on the beach:: precip -> ::notes a Bolian hair salon shop and does a double-take:: Admiral Atragon-9 -> ::as he gets closer, he wonders if he should just walk away from this trio:: kyle_mele -> See? ::grins at Margaux:: Keb -> ::softens a little bit:: But, you said your family probably wouldn't approve, either. LtCmdr Roget -> ::nods in agreement and leans over pinching a handful of Garn's fabric at the hip:: See it would be better like this. Eva Jaz -> :: mockingly narrowing her eyes :: only right now eh ?! oh well .. lady takes what she can get .. Keb -> How do you think they'd treat me? Hilee -> <<We are at the grand ambassador ballroom,and resturant>> LtCdrFaldek -> My family is dead, therefore it does not matter. Ian_Syndrx -> ::comes back up on top of his boat, looking all snazzy, pulls out a katarian beer from his cooler, then starts walking towards the beach party that's threatening to form:: LtCmdr Roget -> ::waves to Atragon:: Admiral, out for an afternoon stroll? Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> ::pauses at a shop window, using it to take a look around and figure out who might be keeping an eye on her:: kyle_mele -> ::kneels between the two lounge chairs, reaches for the bottom of his suit, pulling it up a bit:: And a little less at the bottom, like this. LtCdrFaldek -> It is pointless for me to speculate. kyle_mele -> ::glances up:: Oh, Admiral.. how do you do, Sir? Vilanne -> ::wanders up the thin trail to the top of the bridge to see what laser bungees are:: Admiral Atragon-9 -> <<you guys do realize it is about 10 PM local time on this beach, don't you?>> T'Prise -> ::Softens a little bit:: The archaeological site was quite interesting and your knowledge of geological features and entomology is very impressive. Kansas Kenickie -> <<Midnight stroll! or skinny dip>> Hilee -> ::Grins and sets back a bit:: Eva> Well at least it did bring out that beautiful smile...you seem frequently trying so hard to suppress. EJ Pilot -> ::moves intot he establishment where Mr. Hilee and Eva are:: precip -> ::notes several Bolians in the Hair Salon.....then realizes he should be watching Jaiysa to make certain she is safe...not his fellow people:: LtCmdr Roget -> <<tiki torches>> Keb -> ::looks down at her lap:: So I'm not worth dealing with my father every few months? kyle_mele -> [[ i thought risa had twin moons.. it'd be bright enough for afternoon haha ]] Vilanne -> <<midnight bungee>> EJ Pilot -> ::steps behind Hilee:: Maybe she is half klingon. ::smiles and joins them:: LtCdrFaldek -> Did I say that? Admiral Atragon-9 -> Greets, you three. Oh, please don't use ranks, I'm just here to feel sand between my toes Cmdr JFarrington -> <<cabana boys>> Keb -> Pretty close to, yes. MC_Escher -> ::nods:: Thank you. ::eyes her:: You know, I most certainly just detected irritibility. Is that not one of those ::finger quotes:: "emotions" that Vulcans despise so much? Ian_Syndrx -> ::looks around, wonders why there is no massive deforestation taking place, decides to take a walk around the hotel grounds:: Eva Jaz -> ::was gonna add something but stops as she sees EJ approaching :: LtCmdr Roget -> ::pats the sand:: Well then, Atragon. Pull up a towel and take a load off. LtCdrFaldek -> I said its not worth it for your family to hate your husband, and for you to be unhappy when I am around them. kyle_mele -> ::considers asking if that's all he's been feeling, decides against that course of action:: Ah, quite relaxing, is it not? Hilee -> Ej> Well welcome my friend...please have a seat,and who is this ....lady with you? LtCmdr Roget -> ::opens her picnic hamper:: Libation? Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> :;starts walking again, this time trying to see if anyone falls into step behind her or if she's just being paranoid:: Kansas Kenickie -> ::Looks up and the Moon(s) Keb -> I don't think he hates you. I think he doesn't understand you. Admiral Atragon-9 -> Thanks ::sits:: EJ Pilot -> ::looking next to him:: Isn't that your waitress? My lady friend had to go to work T'Prise -> ::Stares him down:: Perhaps you are detecting an after effect of the mind meld. ::Quickly changes the subject.:: It would be prudent to return the climbing gear and obtain clean uniforms. precip -> ::takes some holo shots of the Bolian hair salon:: Hmm...mother may enjoy these. Keb -> You're Beran, not just a random Cardassian. Kansas Kenickie -> nice view huh ::Looks over at McFly:: Eva Jaz -> ::smiles at EJ and his date waiting to be introduced :: kyle_mele -> ::sly glance at Garnoopy:: Admiral Atragon-9 -> ::looks at Roget:: Should I ask what's in it? Garnoopy -> ::looks at Kyle:: Yes... so relaxing. LtCdrFaldek -> Not according to your father. Vilanne -> ::quite a hike, but makes it to the top of the hill and heads over to the bridge where there's another sign, she can't quite read yet, but the larger letters read, "Midnight LaserBungee":: LtCmdr Roget -> ::hands a beverage to Kyle and Garn as well:: You'd probably be better off not. Keb -> ::flings a bit of fuzz at the balcony:: Oh, who made HIM king of the universe anyway? LtCmdr Roget -> Cheers! Admiral Atragon-9 -> Fair enough, thnaks Hilee -> Ej> I was a bit worried...you disappeared at the bonfire...along with two ladies on your arms::snikers::...It would have been a major incident to have found you in a compromising position...on camera on the 5 p.m. update. LtCdrFaldek -> Right... kyle_mele -> ::accepts, holds up his glass:: Cheers! Admiral Atragon-9 -> ::toasts the others and drinks, smiling:: Garnoopy -> Cheers! McFly -> ::Matt sits in the sand next to kansas; he has his shoes kicked off and his bare feet on the shore just enough to get them wet from the waves; he looks back over at kansas into her eyes:: it's an incredible view LtCdrFaldek -> Perhaps I should get sloppy drunk... EJ Pilot -> ::Hilee:: I am here all by my lonesome.. ::smiles:: LtCmdr Roget -> I gave Garn a disco ball for main engineering today. Keb -> Don't do that. You do stupid stuff like trying to walk into fires when you do that. Kansas Kenickie -> to bad we have to leave soon ::Leans head on his shoulder:: MC_Escher -> ::notices the quick change in subject with a small smile:: I suppose it would be prudent. ::reaches the climbing shop and dumps his gear in their return receptacle:: You can use my hotel room to change. We should hit the night life soon. LtCdrFaldek -> I wasn't trying to walk into a fire, I was digging the heat... remember I'm usually quite cold in terran based climates. Garnoopy -> ::chuckles:: Already got it on the list to install Roget Admiral Atragon-9 -> Does that make the engines work better? Hilee -> Ej> Well our waitress may find you of interest...and she is Blond,just your type::chuckles:: looks at Eva grinning:: Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> ::pauses again, noting that no one seems to have moved with her; grimaces and starts moving back out into the crowd:: Vilanne -> ::feeling in extreme-energy mood, meets with the guys at the top of the bridge, and they outfit her, not ruining her new outfit, with a laser bungee suit:: precip -> ::Spies Jaiysa t`Tamarak from a distance and could swear she is doing some skilled spy-crafting...perhaps he was too paranoid for her safety. kyle_mele -> ::grins:: EJ Pilot -> Does she look fragile? Garnoopy -> Absolutely. Hilee -> Eva> Have you decided yet,or shall you order for all of us? Garnoopy -> We're also gonna hold regular dance nights under the warp core. LtCmdr Roget -> ::looks at Garn:: Does it make your engine work better? Keb -> ::puts her head on his leg:: We could snuggle up under a blanket on the beach. kyle_mele -> ::snort:: He'd need a disco stick for that, not necessarily a disco ball. LtCdrFaldek -> You do know that sand does not keep heat, right? Eva Jaz -> Hilee> Go ahead .. as long as you don't plan on poisoning me :: grins:: Garnoopy -> ::looks at Roget:: Oh, yes, completely. A way to enhance power distribution T'Prise -> ::Also deposits her climbing gear into the return receptacle.:: I was planning to return to the Manticore. There is work that requires my attention. McFly -> ::he wraps his arm around her:: you know i almost don't want to go back to the ship Ian_Syndrx -> ::wanders into the shoping area, which is entirely too lit-up for his liking, tosses his empty beer into the apropriate receptacle:: EJ Pilot -> ::Hilee:: You already trying to poison her like the last one? Hilee -> Ej> Not if by fragile you mean...approx.6' 3",160...and muscualr,No my friend I think she might do well with you Admiral Atragon-9 -> ::laughs heartily at the double entendres:: precip -> Bolian Barber> Greetings fellow Bolian...Need a trim? Keb -> ::shrugs:: I'm warm... Garnoopy -> ::gives A9 a dirty look, wondering why A9 is hanging around here, the man is always acting suspicious:: EJ Pilot -> 6'3? Kansas Kenickie -> yeah... but then who would we shoot? LtCmdr Roget -> And yet maintain a steady power threshold. That's always a downer precip -> Isn't a little late for hair cutting? ::grins:: MC_Escher -> ::looks mock aghast:: What? I know how much you like drinking and dancing. It's exactly your kind of thing! Hilee -> Ej> Yes I estimate the waitress at about 6'3" Admiral Atragon-9 -> At the risk of souring the party, I have to ask a question... kyle_mele -> What about you, Atragon? Any souvenirs you're taking back for..? Eva Jaz -> ::smiles, quietly sipping on the rest of her drink letting the boys talk :: Vilanne -> ::the Bungee attendant turns on the laser guided suit, which glows brightly from atop the bridge:: LtCdrFaldek -> You are luke warm to me ... ::small grin:: precip -> Bolian Barber>Well not everyone runs on the same time schedule on Risa! Vilanne -> ::quickly puts on the goggles that were supplied:: McFly -> well... it is tourist season year 'round here Admiral Atragon-9 -> Just the sun and the surf, Kyle, I love it here Keb -> ::pokes him in the leg, right next to her cheek:: You're supposed to tell me I'm hot. Garnoopy -> ::looks at A9:: kyle_mele -> You're taking back the sun and the surf? Fascinating. Admiral Atragon-9 -> ::turns to Garn:: Mr. Garnoopy... Admiral Atragon-9 -> Why do you hate me so? kyle_mele -> ::was mid-sip, nearly chokes:: precip -> ::removes his hat and rubs his head:: No....I am still months away. But I do find it Interesting that a Bolian Barbershop made it on Risa. Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> ::continues to move down the thoroughfare, now turning her attention on the passing pedestrians:: LtCmdr Roget -> Wow, one drink and we just throw it all there, don't we atragon Vilanne -> ::climbs up on the platform, gets programmed for the jump:: Garnoopy -> ::blinks, spilling his drink:: Hilee -> Eva> That was a joke...on the poison..ok How does a side of rare lamb,with oyster rock,Denebian Escargo,French bread,a good cheese fondu,and the soup Dejour sound? T'Prise -> ::Raises an eyebrow:: I was unaware that you participated in these types of cultural events. They seem to have no logical purpose. Kansas Kenickie -> ::Evil grin:: that would be fun LtCdrFaldek -> haha right right it was meant in a diferent context Admiral Atragon-9 -> I guess I have been waiting to be off duty and I'm never off duty on the ship, huh? Eva Jaz -> ::gives a dirty look to some creepy Risan man winking at her from another table then turns back her attention to her table companions :: LtCmdr Roget -> ::starts to pack up the picnic hamper:: Don't see how this can come out well now. precip -> Bolian Barber>Heck we cut everyone's hair. Next time you're in town give us your business. EJ Pilot -> ::Hilee:: Spaghetti with garlic bread and wine. Garnoopy -> Well... Admiral Atragon-9 -> ::stands:: No, no, please don't leave on my account... Garnoopy -> ::blinks, thinking:: McFly -> ::smiles:: ...you know I'd never take you away from a life of leagalized violence precip -> Yes I will hence the pictures I am taking of your store...thank you...Good night.. kyle_mele -> ::peers in the hamper, grabs a spare napkin:: Hilee -> Ej> If that is what you desire...of course precip -> Bolian Barber> Good Night.... MC_Escher -> ::laughs:: In that you are one hundred percent correct, T'Prise. After all our lovely experiences together, you're surprised that humans spend large amounts of time doing illogical things? Keb -> ::grins:: I told my mom we wouldn't see her again until tomorrow afternoon at the earliest. She's looking forward to her vacation. kyle_mele -> ::offers it to Garnoopy so he can clean up the drink he's spilled on himself:: LtCmdr Roget -> No one is leaving, sit yer butt down. Admiral Atragon-9 -> I just wanted to get the question out there and now I will leave, as I am intruding on your relaxation... Keb -> So you've got me to yourself for now, Beran. Kansas Kenickie -> I Don't think you would be able to Eva Jaz -> Hilee> that sounds just about ,... perfect :: smiles:: McFly -> <<why are bolians always the barbers? the seems like an oxymoron>> Garnoopy -> I suppose... Vilanne -> ::makes final choices with the attendant's advice on where to go and how to get there and where to return after the dive:: Admiral Atragon-9 -> I just wanted the question to be asked, so he can answer in his own time Kansas Kenickie -> I like my job...I am good at it Ian_Syndrx -> ::walks from one end of the shopping area to the other, barely glancing at all the touristy junk that is sold in the shops:: LtCdrFaldek -> OH awesome, more of my vacation being spent uncomfortably with your father... Admiral Atragon-9 -> (q) or right now LtCmdr Roget -> Sit. LtCmdr Roget -> ::points to the blanket:: precip -> ::turns his attention back to Jaiysa..but does not see her:: Now I know I am rusty... Admiral Atragon-9 -> ::sighs quietly and sits:: McFly -> the best Garnoopy -> I suppose it goes back many years A9. Keb -> ::sighs:: Maybe if you spent more time with him, he'd see what I do in you. LtCmdr Roget -> You can't throw that out there and just up and leave. No rank remember? We're all friends here ::drapes her arm around Kyle:: Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> ::getting bored with the walking, takes up a position against the wall of a shop along the thoroughfare, watching the crowds go by:: Hilee -> Eva> Well then...lets order then:: McFly -> you know i only want to see you happy, and if that means a cargo ship full of beetle snuff smugglers has to die than so be it Vilanne -> Attendant> Ready Ma'am? LtCdrFaldek -> Yes because I see that happening in the near future. Hilee -> ::Motions for Egredda the Waitress over:: kyle_mele -> ::continues to sit, Roget's arm draped around him, snuggles one around her waist:: T'Prise -> ::Cocks her head slightly:: It is not what you would term surprising. More of a fascinating study of a culture that has advanced so far technologically and socially while still participating retaining ineffective social mores. Vilanne -> Ready! ::adjusts goggles once more, leans forward, places hands out and makes the dive... the suit's laser guides light up the sky under the bridge while Vilanne dives head first towards the waters:: LtCmdr Roget -> ::shares her drink with Kyle waiting for the soap opera to ensue:: LtCdrFaldek -> Look if the Admiral couldn't convince him of my faithfulness to the Federation, nothing will. Admiral Atragon-9 -> ::a piece of his brain still gets shocked to see her with another man, but he doesn't show any outward sign of his reaction:: Hilee -> ::Looks at Ej...Nods..Go ahead and give her your order ::grins:: Ian_Syndrx -> ::walks back to his boat, disappointed by the lack of bonfires, pulls out another beer and sits on his boat, watching the sea:: Keb -> ::raises her head to look at him:: Dad's not stupid...and he's not really unkind. He's just being...protective. Kansas Kenickie -> Ready to head back up? Eva Jaz -> :: takes off the silk wrap that was covering her shoulders in a very subtle way of showing her spots :: Garnoopy -> I mean, A9... you murder people. kyle_mele -> ::sip:: LtCdrFaldek -> Then he should know that I am probably the best protector you could have kyle_mele -> ::Roget:: (qw) No popcorn? MC_Escher -> I don't know if you know this, but psychology is one of my favorite scientific areas. Humans are utterly incapable of abandoning their irrational behaviors. Some are better at fighting them than others, but it remains that we are utterly bound by them. Hilee -> ::Spotting Eva's spots...readjusts his tie..and swallows:: Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> ::meets the eyes of a couple scantily clad women moving down the thoroughfare; gets a couple of odd looks from them and scowls:: LtCmdr Roget -> ::kyle:: (qw) I have pie Admiral Atragon-9 -> Garn, do you mean my command decisions or are you still stuck on the Melville incident? McFly -> not yet, i want to stay here as long as we can Garnoopy -> You murdered Melville, and I’m sure it wasn't eh first. Keb -> ::grins:: Sure, against everything but, say, a tall, handsome Cardassian with rather impressive...spoons. Keb -> ::blushes:: precip -> ::Sees Jaiysa and swallows..:: Ah heck...she probably made me already..::walks straight to her:: kyle_mele -> ::Roget::(qw) Mmm, pie. LtCdrFaldek -> You haven't seen my other spoon... kyle_mele -> ::shifts his attention to Atraon, awaiting his explanation:: Vilanne -> ::barreling at speeds near light, and lighting up the way, she dives right into the water, when the suit takes over and changes her direction before hitting the bottom, and brings her quickly back up out of the water... :: McFly -> besides, i enjoy looking at you in that little black dress... speaking of which, why havn't you worn that before? Keb -> ::looks at him curiously:: Oh? T'Prise -> ::Looks fascinated.:: Curious, if humans are unable to abandon their irrational behaviors, how is it that they have been able to accomplish as much as they have? Cmdr JFarrington -> ::leaves the restaurant to wander the shoreline::: Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> ::spots the directed movement coming in on her left side and looks around to see the Bolian CSEC approaching; straightens up and turns towards him:: Eva Jaz -> :: smiles interiorly cause her little seduction technique worked .. until she spots creepy Risa man from the other table winking again and turns her back on him after giving him a disgusted look :: precip -> ::looks tourista...with trunks...shirt and holocam around his neck with a hat on:: Vilanne -> ::the suit slows and plants her feet right back on the platform, a little web, and very adrenaline rushed, Vilanne just stands there, amazed:: Admiral Atragon-9 -> Garn, I did not murder that son-of-a-Targ, but not for lack of desire Hilee -> ::Looks at Eva...taking her small hand in his...gently kisses the first knuckles on her hand:: Eva> You are radiant tonight...Thank you ...smiles:: Kansas Kenickie -> because.. I don't think Precip would let me wear it to work kyle_mele -> ::adjusts his swim trunks, another sip:: Garnoopy -> ::looks at A9:: Admiral Atragon-9 -> and you and I have been working together for years where we killed many, many people MC_Escher -> You're looking at it from the wrong perspective. Vulcans almost destroyed their entire species with their passions. Humans are much more...mild...with their emotions. We use them to survive, interact, and procreate. They are important to our very being. LtCmdr Roget -> ::shifts closer against Kyle:: I would have killed Melville myself if I had the chance Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> ::looks as if she is trying (and failing) very hard not to laugh at the officer's appearance:: Vilanne -> Attendant> ::helps Vil out of the suit, and to the sitting area, for first timers till they come out of the fog:: precip -> Hello Doctor....enjoying the evening? ::stops and leans against the store window:: Admiral Atragon-9 -> Some who deserved it more and some who got in the way of the Federation's plans Admiral Atragon-9 -> that *IS* our job kyle_mele -> ::eyebrows raise:: McFly -> i'll have to have a talk with him about that Kansas Kenickie -> ::Smiles:: I am sure he will listen Keb -> ::tilts her head:: How many spoons have you got anyway? precip -> Or...did I just ruin it. ::notes the crowds continue to pass by:: LtCdrFaldek -> 3. Garnoopy -> It was for your personal gain A9. Hilee -> ::Waits as Ej finishes with his order...and requests Eva and his order,along with a full Magnum of Don...:: Eva Jaz -> ::beaming smile :: well thank *you* EJ Pilot -> ::auto ordered:: lol LtCmdr Roget -> ::kyle:: I think we need a team building moment Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> ::smiles tightly at the quip:: Not yet, but you've still got time. Just keeping an eye out for...interesting people. Yourself, rekkhai? Admiral Atragon-9 -> What did I gain by Melville's death? a Trial, imprisonment, the assumption by most of the fleet that I *did* kill him?? yeah, what wonderful gains! Hilee -> Ej> You have had bubbly before..right? EJ Pilot -> ::nods:: kyle_mele -> ::Roget:: How so? Keb -> ::tries to keep her eyes on his but can't help a quick glance downwards:: Interesting... precip -> Myself as well. I met some Bolians down the street I didnt think I'd see a Bolian business on this planet. LtCdrFaldek -> Lets go out. Admiral Atragon-9 -> However, if you still can't let that one go, I have to ask - why are you still my Chief Engineer? Vilanne -> ::gets up, fully recovered, and dry, thanks the attendant, promises to send more adrenaline junkies up, and starts jogging down the trail:: T'Prise -> ::Silent for a moment, unconsciously rubbing her swollen wrist.:: The propensity for the emotions that we have long suppressed or purged from being to damage our society was great. I believe that this might be why humans have long fascinated us. Keb -> ::looks at him:: Okay. LtCdrFaldek -> +Hilee+ Hey you, where are you at and do you mind if Keb and myself join you? Garnoopy -> Casue I'm the best damn engineer you'll find... and you can't afford to lose me. McFly -> ::Michael Buble's "Everything" plays in the background:: LtCmdr Roget -> ::klye:: Well, really, there is no way that they will ever *like* each other, but they have to trust each other Hilee -> Ej> Well we have a Magnum coming...and she will join us for dinner as well::winks at Ej:: the note...and the extra tip::grins:: Admiral Atragon-9 -> That much I know! Eva Jaz -> ::decides to leave her hand in Hilee's and reaches for her glass with the other before bringing it to her lips for a sip :: LtCmdr Roget -> AMEN BROTHER Garnoopy -> And A9, I don't believe for a second you'd tell me what really happened. Keb -> ::gets to her feet:: Admiral Atragon-9 -> but why haven't you looked elsewhere? EJ Pilot -> ::grins:: Admiral Atragon-9 -> I'm sorry for that Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> I don't get the impression there's much you can't find on this planet, rekkhai. It is...very well supplied. Admiral Atragon-9 -> I had hoped that we trusted each other Garnoopy -> But you know that despite how much I don't believe you... you know you can trust me to do my job and keep the hsip together. LtCmdr Roget -> ::looks to Kyle:: and he has the cutest behind for a chief engineer LtCdrFaldek -> ::stands and heads for the transporter:: kyle_mele -> Oh really? ::blush:: I hadn't noticed.. Admiral Atragon-9 -> I hope that you would believe me when I swear that I did not kill him Keb -> ::catches Faldek's hand as she comes with him to the transporter:: Let's not mention Mom or dad for the rest of the night, okay? kyle_mele -> ::takes note of his tusch:: How true, right you are. LtCdrFaldek -> Who? Hilee -> Eva/Ej> Excuse me..::Hears the comm badge beep::+Faldek+ Eva,Ej,and I are in the Ambassadors Ballroom and Restaurant...please join us my friend. LtCmdr Roget -> ::raises an eyebrow:: See? I know my behinds. MC_Escher -> You know, I've always felt that the Vulcans were a tad interested in the way we live for a species that had written off emotion as a bad idea. Do you think such irrational feelings may be closer to the surface of you - and your species - than you think? kyle_mele -> ::grins, headtilt:: Admiral Atragon-9 -> as for your skill and your dedication to Manticore, that has Never been any concern to me... LtCmdr Roget -> Garn, would it help if I said I knew that he didn't kill him? LtCdrFaldek -> ::gives the transport dude the location, steps onto the pad:: Energize... kyle_mele -> So I've gotta ask.. I mean.. as comparisons go..? Admiral Atragon-9 -> if it was, you wouldn't still have the post you do, you can count on that precip -> Well Forgive my...presence if it upsets you. I still am concerned about your...visit here. But...I may be over reacting. I just feel responsible for your saftey..Though I can tell you've had some fieldcraft training. Eva Jaz -> ::decides that she's pretty rude not talking to EJ :: EJ> So enjoying your Shoreleave so far ?! Garnoopy -> ::looks at Roget:: Doesn't matter. LtCmdr Roget -> ::runs her hand down kyle's back:: Numero Uno Baby EJ Pilot -> ::Eva:: I am enjoying it.. How about you? kyle_mele -> ::goosebumps, sips:: precip -> ::Looks across the street and takes a picture of an Orion in a Bikini:: kyle_mele -> ::adjusts his suit again, ahem:: Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> ::short pause, then answers the statement with a question:: Were you following me earlier, then, rekkhai. LtCdrFaldek -> ::demat/remat:: EJ Pilot -> ::smells cardassian:: Keb -> ::shimmers:: Eva Jaz -> ::gives Hilee a side look before answering with a grin :: Oh I can't say that I'm not Vilanne -> ::still jogging, finds herself not even sweating, and around the other side of the beach:: EJ Pilot -> ::Hilee:: Faldek must be here.. LtCmdr Roget -> ::frowns as she looks at Garn:: Doesn't matter? LtCdrFaldek -> ::enters with Keb:: Hilee -> ::Orders back to the chef to make additional food:: precip -> Obviously My espionage skills are not up to par. If I upset you. I apologize. LtCdrFaldek -> ::spots them and heads towards their table:: T'Prise -> ::Face goes blank, almost becoming etched in stone.:: Vulcan curiosity into human behavior is merely an extension of our fascination of sociological studies. Garnoopy -> ::looks at Roget:: I've seen enough in 8 years to question what A9 does always Admiral Atragon-9 -> Garn, I trust you with my ship, and my life and my crew's life, implicitly Keb -> ::smiles at Hilee and Pilot:: Hi, guys Hilee -> Eva> Well so far so good...and you know post dinner...I believe we have a dance....::smiles:: EJ Pilot -> ::Keb:: Commander Keb hello. precip -> May I take your picture? ::looking like a photo tourista:: Garnoopy -> ::looks at A9:: Good. Cause I would never put us in danger. LtCdrFaldek -> ::arrives at the table, looks at Pilot:: Ahh EJ... been showering with your targ lately, i could smell you when I materialized... Admiral Atragon-9 -> I know that - so I trust you with something more important to me than my own life EJ Pilot -> ::Faldek:: As I could you...my dear comrade. LtCmdr Roget -> ::rests her hand on Garn's arm:: And I've known him for a lifetime, and I can tell you that he did not do what you're accusing him of. LtCdrFaldek -> Well I haven Eva Jaz -> :: Smiles back at Hilee before turning to Keb and Faldek and smiling to them too :: Keb -> ::giggles:: LtCdrFaldek -> 't been showering with your targ... Keb -> I'll loan him some of my shampoo, if you think that'll help. Hilee -> Ej> Yes indeed...::Looks at Keb and Faldek::Faldek> Please be seated the food is coming...along with Mr.Pilots date will be joining us shortly LtCmdr Roget -> ::adhd kicks in:: You have very strong arms ... smooth... kyle_mele -> ::sideglance:: Admiral Atragon-9 -> I'm not asking to become drinking buddies ::raises his glass:: present events excluded::... LtCdrFaldek -> Ahhh I hope you didnt have to pay too much for her... EJ Pilot -> ::looks at Faldek:: Sit down Beran... Keb -> ::elbows Faldek gently in the ribs:: MC_Escher -> :realizes he may be treading dangerous waters:: Of course, of course. ::reaches the hotel room:: Well, this is where you get off. I still extend the offer to head out tonight. Dancing is more than just emotion, it's rhythm and beat...you may like it. LtCmdr Roget -> You should be. LtCmdr Roget -> We are amazing drinking buddies Garnoopy -> ::raises glass:: Agreed. Admiral Atragon-9 -> but will there never be a time when you would trust me? Eva Jaz -> ::chuckles quietly at Faldek's remark and tries to hide it by taking a sip of her drink :: LtCdrFaldek -> ::yakes a seat after pulling out Keb's chair:: LtCmdr Roget -> ::kyle:: feel his arm. Cmdr JFarrington -> ::spies the quartet down the beach, who seem to be deep in a serious discussion::: Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> Precip> ::raises both eyebrows at the camera suggestion and then just ignores it:: Your espionage skills would have been much more successful if I had not been wondering if I might be followed. I was here on your suggestion after all...<c> kyle_mele -> ::eyebrows raise yet again, but reaches over to lay a hand on Garn's arm:: EJ Pilot -> Always talking s.... Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> ...because of the possibility of more serious espionage occurring. ::smirks slightly:: LtCmdr Roget -> ::sees glasses raised:: Oh a Toast! kyle_mele -> ::gives it a squeeze:: Hmm, not bad. precip -> ::takes picture:: kyle_mele -> ::raises his glass:: A toast to what?? Garnoopy -> I don't know A9. I just don't know. Cmdr JFarrington -> :::moves in the opposite direction::: Vilanne -> ::figures she went the wrong way, no bonfires over here... turns around and heads back:: LtCmdr Roget -> To us! We're friends now. LtCmdr Roget -> Sort of ::looks at Garn:: Keb -> ::takes her seat beside Faldek, still looking a little less than entirely cheerful:: precip -> My suggestion was to use caution should you go down here..which you have. I just don't want to have another Romulan's death on my hands.... Hilee -> ::The food arrives table side...and Greedfeda joins Ej...and slides in next to him:: LtCdrFaldek -> ::Asks the waiter if they have any Bolinger 2359... and if so to bring a bottle, chilled:: Admiral Atragon-9 -> ::puts the glass down on the blanket and stands:: Than neither do I, Chief. I don't see how you can continue on Manticore precip -> ::with that Precip turns and walks away up the street:: kyle_mele -> ::P: LtCmdr Roget -> O.O LtCdrFaldek -> Oh come now, you could have gotten him one a little better than that, hell i'll chip in some GPL... Hilee -> Faldek> I have a full magnum of Don coming my friend::points at the waiter wheeling the iced cart over:: LtCdrFaldek -> I prefer Bollinger. Admiral Atragon-9 -> Good evening. ::turns and walks away, down the beach:: LtCmdr Roget -> ::unwinds herself from Kyle and stands:: Atragon Keb -> ::glances sidelong at Faldek:: I'll have whatever Beran has. kyle_mele -> ::unwinded from, removes his hand from Garn's arm:: EJ Pilot -> ::Faldek:: Mr. Faldek, why must you act like such a child? McFly -> Brutus> ::Brutus dances in a stobe lit night club surrounded by fluzies and still wearing the same speedo not having changed it or even slept yet:: Admiral Atragon-9 -> ::stops and turns to Roget:: precip -> ::walks briskly...not even taking photos....clearly disturbed at what he thought..:: T'Prise -> ::Steps off the lift, looks at Escher for a moment undecided.:: I would not be required to participate? I could merely study the event from a anthropological point of view? Cmdr JFarrington -> ::is down the beach, walking away from the discussion::: Eva Jaz -> ::puts her hand over her mouth in a " you didn't just say that " face trying not to laugh :: LtCdrFaldek -> It's all in good fun EJ. You should call me Beran. Garnoopy -> ::blinks, surprised:: Hilee -> Faldek> As you wish...::grins::Holding Eva's hand,smiling,and kisses it ...again Hilee -> :: LtCmdr Roget -> ::walks around him blocking his path down the beach:: Keb -> ::smiles at little at the show of affection to Eva:: Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> ::raises both eyebrows slightly at that phrasing; seeing his discomfort latches onto it and immediately jogs to catch up with him, falling into step:: Guilty conscious, rekkhai? precip -> Orion Triplets in bikini's> Dancing wildly with Lt. Brutus EJ Pilot -> ::looks at the lady that Hilee has asked to join us:: Cmdr JFarrington -> ::sits on a rock, facing the lapping waves, watching their incessant motion::: LtCdrFaldek -> ::also orders some of the best beluga cavier on planet:: You fellow ever have cavier? LtCmdr Roget -> ::brushing the sand off her belly:: What do you want from him? MC_Escher -> ::shrugs:: Why not? You've already seen me drunk, and I don't think a Vulcan would appreciate how terrible a dancer I am. EJ Pilot -> ::thinking she looks kinda fragile, maybe..:: precip -> ::turns:: This isn't the place for ...this talk now... Doctor...Please....enjoy your night...I should get back to the ship. Keb -> I had it once at one of my...er, at a diplomatic function. It was awful. Garnoopy -> ::finishes his drink one motion:: LtCdrFaldek -> You probably had the cheap stuff. kyle_mele -> ::quietly:: Garn. Keb -> ::looks guilty at almost having mentioned Dad:: Eva Jaz -> ::smiles at Hilee, moving subtely a little closer, listening to the conversation :: Admiral Atragon-9 -> in the heat of battle, when we have seconds to make decisions, I need officers who trust and respect their commanding officers. If he can't trust me, he will never respect me and the chain of command is broken precip -> Orion Triplets in bikinis>::Placing Credits in Brutus's trunks as he dances:: Hilee -> Faldek> Of course Beran...We have deneubian Escargo, prime rib of lamb, french bread, a great fondue, and cheese as well McFly -> Brutus> ::Brutus flexes arousing the females and intimidating the males:: T'Prise -> Then I shall be prepared to depart in five minutes. ::Steps into the room.:: Garnoopy -> ::looks at Mele:: Yes? LtCmdr Roget -> So how is the trust gained? You expect him to give it to you blindly? LtCdrFaldek -> ::offers around the cavier he got, at 20 slips a container:: Keb -> ::tries it, but just a little tiny itty bitty bit:: Keb -> ::licks it off her finger nervously:: EJ Pilot -> ::Faldek:: You trying to charge us? McFly -> Brutus> ::credit bills spill out of his tight gritty trunks:: precip -> ::uncomfortable about this all..cursing himself for coming down to this playground:: Admiral Atragon-9 -> No, not blindly. but we have been working together for years and I need him to be able to trust me LtCdrFaldek -> You put it on the cracker, eat it, and then drink your champaigne, it goes wonderfully... of those of you who do not know... Admiral Atragon-9 -> I won't play games, that's been going on too long MC_Escher -> ::calls after her:: I'll have to change too! ::sighs and leans against the wall next to the door:: LtCdrFaldek -> EJ... you couldn't afford me... ::grins:: Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> Precip> ::smirks again faintly:: As you wish, rekkhai. But I am surprised you take it so seriously. Have you never looked your enmy in the face before? Eva Jaz -> Keb> I'm sure you'll like it .. I use to eat some regularly back on Earth ! precip -> Orion Triplets in Bikinis>::jump on stage and dance with Brutus:: Admiral Atragon-9 -> Good night, Margaux Keb -> ::ponders the taste of it:: Well...it's not as bad as the stuff I had before, anyway. Pass me a cracker please? LtCmdr Roget -> You are asking him to become something, someone he is not. kyle_mele -> ::quiet sigh, takes a sip:: Is there no way at all you can learn to trust him? LtCdrFaldek -> ::hands her a cracker:: kyle_mele -> Or at least .. don't question his *every* decision? EJ Pilot -> ::Faldek:: What are you talking about? I have a bloodwine depot back on the homeworld... Hilee -> Faldek> It is excellent I am sure..if in fact it is true Beluga...did you buy it from a Ferreringi? kyle_mele -> I.. LtCmdr Roget -> ::getting louder:: Do you ever think that sometimes you ask too much?! kyle_mele -> Well, we.. EJ Pilot -> ::Faldek:: I am making money as we sit here... kyle_mele -> I mean, you're needed. precip -> ::looks at Jaiysa's face then back at the ground:: Yes..I have. and I regret what I had to do. kyle_mele -> (q) I don't want you to go. Garnoopy -> Kyle... I question every decision he makes... but I've never disobeyed one. IF that makes me someone who can't be on board, so be it. LtCdrFaldek -> Uh huh... actually no Hilee, I have connections back on Earth. Admiral Atragon-9 -> Often yes - but not with this one, this one is basic and ... and ... Admiral Atragon-9 -> I just don't know any more Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> ::looks at him silently for a moment:: I see...::suddenly thoughtful:: Admiral Atragon-9 -> =/\======= PAUSE SIM =======/\= Admiral Atragon-9 -> Okay folks, I need t'Tamarak, Vilanne and T'Prise up here, along with Jami please! Cmdr JFarrington -> ::jumps off the rock to join her husband "up there":::: Vilanne -> ::still running:: Huh? Garnoopy -> Woot! LtCdrFaldek -> I have to run whats TBS real fast if you dont mind? T'Prise -> ::Raises an eyebrow at A9, but stiffly moves towards the Admiral.:: Admiral Atragon-9 -> The Command Staff is please to present some Meritorious Achievement Awards for great log writing, once again Admiral Atragon-9 -> To t'Tamarak and Vilanne for "Values" Admiral Atragon-9 -> and to T'Prise for "Running to Stand Still" Admiral Atragon-9 -> TBS is 2 days - and it's our last evening on Risa
  24. For those of you who are cloud-free, it might be a passable watch tomorrow morning. Don't be daunted by the "most meteors are no bigger than a pea" statement. The mass of one paperclip produces the same amount of light as one thousand 1,000 watt lightbulbs. This from space.com:
  25. Hi, Ashton.