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Everything posted by STSF Jami

  1. Thank you, HD. Had a great day! And Happy Birthday, Tach - we share the same sign. I knew there was a connection there somewhere!
  2. =/\==/\= Starfleet Academy Briefing Stardate September 20, 2005=/\==/\= After enduring endless hardship, the crew of USS Goldstein (refit Galaxy class) is on its way home. (That's earth, in case you didn't know.) Admiral Duturetire finally realized he had sent Special OPS Team Charlie into an academy exercise and that they had captured CADETS (translate: us) instead of smugglers. He has to answer to Academy officials with egg on his face while we get a well-deserved rest. =/\==/\= END BRIEF =/\==/\=
  3. You had a plan? Hm...well, now. Maybe we can revise the brief a bit . . . . 'Course you realize that the burden of proof will be on you :::evil laugh:::
  4. I give up. My idea of a good time is just too nerdy for everyone else I guess. ::sigh::
  5. =/\==/\= Starfleet Academy Briefing for September 13, 2005=/\==/\= The crew of USS Goldstein is trapped on a small barely-habitable planet, Smugglers stole our food and medical supplies, Starfleet Special Forces Team Charlie has us surrounded - they think WE are the smugglers they have been looking for.
  6. You're welcome, George! It didn't exactly go as I planned, but then things rarely do. After groveling in the dirt for an hour I think we're due for some R&R - IF the powers that be will let us, that is. :::rolls eyes:::
  7. 050913 [sTSF_Jami] Commanding Officer (CO) - STSF Jami [sTSF_Jami] Executive Officer (XO) - STSF Dacotah [sTSF_Jami] Special OPS Team Charlie: STSF Dacotah [sTSF_Jami] Mission Executive Officer (MXO) - LtCdrAndrea Knlwtchr [sTSF_Jami] Tactical Officer (TAC) - Ltjg Lepage [sTSF_Jami] Helm and Operations Officer (HOPS) - Cdt Ramdar Goftar [sTSF_Jami] Chief Engineer (CENG) - Cdt Pyromitsu [sTSF_Jami] Chief Security Officer (CSEC) - Ens George Picket [sTSF_Jami] Chief Medical Officer (CMO) - Ensign TLinna Eagle [sTSF_Jami] Assistant Medical Officer (AMO1) - Cdt Alexei [sTSF_Jami] Assistant Medical Officer (AMO2) - Cdt Digital Lava [sTSF_Jami] =/\==/\=END ROSTER=/\==/\= [sTSF_Jami] To bring everyone up to speed . . . [sTSF_Jami] 1. The Academy sent us to the planet and disabled the transporters so we can't get back to the ship until they let us. [sTSF_Jami] 2. We have a base camp made of escape pods. [sTSF_Jami] 3. We found a smuggler's cave. They started shooting. [sTSF_Jami] 4. The smugglers stole our food and medicine while we were trapped. [sTSF_Jami] 5. The smugglers suddenly stopped shooting and "disappeared." [sTSF_Jami] 6. Starfleet Special Ops Team Charlie, sent to get the smugglers, found us instead. [sTSF_Jami] Our mission tonight: [sTSF_Jami] ~~Convince them we are NOT the smugglers and get off this <your choice> planet. [sTSF_Jami] =/\==/\= Starfleet Academy Briefing Stardate September 13, 2005=/\==/\= [sTSF_Jami] The crew of USS Goldstein is trapped on a small barely-habitable planet, [sTSF_Jami] Smugglers stole our food and medical supplies, [sTSF_Jami] Starfleet Special Forces Team Charlie has us surrounded - they think WE are the smugglers they have been looking for. [sTSF_Jami] =/\==/\= END BRIEF =/\==/\= [sTSF_Jami] Pausing to let that sink in. [sTSF_Jami] :::deep breath::: Places please... [Cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] <<do we know they surround us>> [sTSF_Jami] Yes, we do. [sTSF_Jami] =/\= =/\= BEGIN SIM =/\= =/\= [sTSF_Jami] <CO> :::looks around::: Hm.... [Cdt.DigitalLava] <AMO2><CMO> ::glances around:: [Cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] <HOPS>::is shocked to see all the starfleet officers:: [sTSF_Dacotah] Charlie> ::yells into the crew of the Goldstein:: ON THE GROUND! NOW!! [E] <CSEC>::Looks around at the team surrounding the camp:: [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] <MXO>OK, lets attempt to not get shot, shall we? [sTSF_Jami] <CO> :::notes that the group does not look inviting::hits the ground::: [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] <MXO>::hits the ground as well:: [Cdt.DigitalLava] <AMO2><CMO> So any help sir? [Ens.George_Pickett] <CSEC>::Hits the ground staying alert:: [LtJg_Lepage] <TAC> ::looks up and jumps to his feet as he sees they are surrounded:: [Cdt._Alexei] <AMO1>::Lays on the ground:: [Cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] <HOPS>::hits the deck:: [Cdt._Pyromitsu] <CENG>::ducks in cover:: [sTSF_Dacotah] Charlie> HANDS BEHIND YOUR HEAD! FACE IN THE DIRT! [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] <MXO>::complies:: [Cdt.DigitalLava] <AMO2><AMO1> I might step on you. [LtJg_Lepage] <TAC><MXO> Excellent idea. [Ens.George_Pickett] <CSEC>::complies:: [Cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] <HOPS>::complies:: [Ensign_TLinna_Eagle] <CMO>::complies:: [Cdt._Pyromitsu] <CENG>::complies:: [LtJg_Lepage] <TAC> ::puts his hands behind his head gets on his knees and then lies on the ground face in the dirt:: [Cdt.DigitalLava] <AMO1> ::lays on ground after realising she was the only one standing:: [sTSF_Jami] <CO> ::Hands behind head::looks up, giving a "may I speak" sign::: [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] <MXO>::looking up as well, next to Jami:: [Cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] <HOPS>::whispers::<CMO>aren't we on the same side [sTSF_Dacotah] Charlie :: sends squad around the kick the feet of the "smugglers" apart and make all is secure:: [sTSF_Jami] <CO> ::not sure if she appreciates this form of education::: [Ens.George_Pickett] <CSEC>::Watching the team leader:: [LtJg_Lepage] <TAC>::looks at Jami hoping she'll get us out of this mess:: [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] <MXO>::looks over at CO, worried:: [Ensign_TLinna_Eagle] <CMO><HOPS>Yeah. [sTSF_Jami] <CO> :::feet kicked::: [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] <MXO>::kicked, exhails into the dirt:: [sTSF_Jami] <CO> <w> Number One...suggestions? [sTSF_Dacotah] Charlie Leader> ::kicks Picket in the side:: Don't eyeball me. Face in the dirt! [LtJg_Lepage] <TAC> :: stares back on the ground:: [Cdt.DigitalLava] <AMO2><AMO1> uhh my back hurts [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] <MXO><CO>Uh..a communicator, Sir? [Cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] <HOPS>::gets kicked:: [Ens.George_Pickett] <CSEC>::grunts with pain::Faces down [Ensign_TLinna_Eagle] <CMO>::kicked...grumbles:: [sTSF_Jami] <CO> ::sees Charlie Leader kicking for real::: Hey! :::starts to get up:: This has gone far enough. [Cdt._Alexei] <AMO1><AMO2>::wispers:: be quite [Cdt.DigitalLava] <AMO2><AMO1> gahh [Cdt._Pyromitsu] <CENG>::kicked:: [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] <MXO><CO>::rolls over as the CO stands:: [Ensign_TLinna_Eagle] <CMO><AMOs>Shhh...guys, hush. [sTSF_Dacotah] Charlie Leader:: Puts his foot into Jami's back, keeping her on the ground:: [LtJg_Lepage] <TAC> ::sees Jami and waits to see what happens ready to move:: [Ens.George_Pickett] <CSEC>::Watches the CO ready to move if need be:: [Cdt.DigitalLava] <AMO2><CMO> ::whispers:: aye aye [sTSF_Jami] <CO> Uhhhh:::Pressed down::: [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] <MXO><CO>Uh, yeah, that blew over like a burp in church [sTSF_Dacotah] Charlie Leader> ::calls to his squad:: Cuff 'em and hood 'em. All but this one. ::points to Jami:: [Ens.George_Pickett] <CSEC><Charlie Leader>Enough of this! [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] <MXO><Charlieleader>Excuse me, may I interject? [sTSF_Jami] <CO> <Charlie> You can't really mean it? Cuff us??? [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] <MXO>::shoots eyes at Pickett:: [LtJg_Lepage] <TAC> ::turns to look at charlie leader:: What the... [Ensign_TLinna_Eagle] <CMO><Charlie>Cuff us? Why? [sTSF_Jami] <CO> <Charlie Leader> Hoods? What are you, anyway? [Ens.George_Pickett] <CSEC>::Seeing the MXO remains still:: [sTSF_Dacotah] Charlie Squad> ::secures the arms behind the backs of everyone and then places a blackout hood over their heads:: [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] <MXO>::cuffed, blacked out:: [Cdt.DigitalLava] <AMO2> ::thinks its dark...wonder why:: [Ensign_TLinna_Eagle] <CMO>::cuffed and hooded:: Greeaaatttt.... [Cdt._Alexei] <AMO1>::looks around anxiously but unable to see:: [sTSF_Jami] <CO> ::face in the dirt::: This is outrageous!! [Cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] <HOPS><Personwhoiscuffing>we are the survivors of the USS Goldstein Starfleet [Ens.George_Pickett] <CSEC>::Feels the heat of his breath on his face inside the hood:: [sTSF_Dacotah] Charlie Squad> ::moves the now cuffed and hooded crew off to the side:: [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] <MXO><CO>::through the hood:: Apparently, Captain, "Prime Directive" means nothing to this group. [LtJg_Lepage] <TAC> ::struggles while his hands are cuffed:: [sTSF_Dacotah] Charlie Leader> Would you prefer I just allow my squad to open fire? [Cdt._Alexei] <<brb in 2mins>> [Ensign_TLinna_Eagle] <CMO>::to self:: I know what I'D prefer. [sTSF_Jami] <CO> :::odd expression::: <Leader> You're joking, of course. [LtJg_Lepage] <TAC> ::overheard Andrea:: <MXO> Well we don't even know what the chargesagainst us are. [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] <MXO><TAC>My point exactly. [sTSF_Jami] <CO> <Leader> These are Starfleet cadets. I don't remember requesting a special ops mission. [Ens.George_Pickett] <CSEC>::Trying to hear what's going on:: [sTSF_Dacotah] Charlie Leader> ::gives her a cold steely glare:: I never joke. [Cdt.DigitalLava] <AMO2> ::whispers:: I do [sTSF_Jami] <CO> ::;studies his eyes:::decides to shut up::: [Ensign_TLinna_Eagle] <CMO><AMO2>Lava! ::trying not to laugh:: Hush before you get in trouble.. [Cdt.DigitalLava] <AMO2><CMO> Troubles my 5th middle name [Cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] <HOPS><Leader> hey now look we are on the same side look at our uniforms [sTSF_Dacotah] Charlie Leader> Interesting ruse you have going here "captain". Portraying yourself as a team of cadets. [Ensign_TLinna_Eagle] <CMO>::laughs::<AMO2>I know, now hush, okay? [Cdt._Alexei] <AMO1> ::hears CMO voice but doesnt see him:: [sTSF_Jami] <CO> ::swallows hard::: [Cdt.DigitalLava] <AMO2><CMO> Yes sir [Ensign_TLinna_Eagle] <CMO><AMO1>Alexei? You still with us? [LtJg_Lepage] <TAC> ::is getting impatient:: <Leader> How bout doing some research before taking anyone into custody? [Ens.George_Pickett] <CSEC>::Whispers:: Why don't they just check in with command? [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] <MXO>::turns head towards the CO and Charlie, loudly:: Yeah, they figured us out, Boss. I guess we should just fess up? [sTSF_Dacotah] Charlie Leader> MY objective was to intercept a team of smugglers and secure this location. I've fufilled my orders. [Cdt._Alexei] <AMO1><CMO> I cant see anything are you and AMO2 near me? [LtJg_Lepage] <TAC> ::turns into the direction of andreas voice wondering what she's up to:: [sTSF_Jami] <CO> ::eyes widen at Andrea's statement::: [CdtShephard] <<Sorry I'm late. We don't have power here. FInally got a dial-up connection. Who's taking PM for post?>> [Ensign_TLinna_Eagle] <CMO><AMO1>I think so. I can't see either. [Cdt.DigitalLava] <AMO2><AMO1> I am near you...muhahaha [sTSF_Jami] <<I am, Shep>> [Ens.George_Pickett] <CSEC>::Over hearing Charlie Leader thinks to himself, well 1 out of 2 ain't bad:: [Cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] <HOPS>::looks at Andrea:: [Cdt._Alexei] <AMO1><AMO2>::lets loose an elbow:: [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] <MXO><Charlie>::phew:: Boy, am I glad you guys are finally here, too.. [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] <MXO>I was having trouble keeping up this ..act. [sTSF_Dacotah] Charlie Leader> "captain" I suggest you warn your "crew to keep their mouths shut, unless they'd like to be missing a mouthful of teeth. Unless you haven't figured out yet, we're not the warm fuzzy arm of StarFleet. [LtJg_Lepage] <<sorry forlks I have to go>> [Ensign_TLinna_Eagle] <CMO>::wonders what andrea is up to:: [Cdt.DigitalLava] <AMO2><AM1> Huh... [Cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] <HOPS>::eyes widen:: [sTSF_Jami] <posting> [Ensign_TLinna_Eagle] <CMO>::shocked:: LtJg_Lepage has left the chat. LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] <MXO>::sighs, begins to wiggle towards Charlies voice:: [Cdt.DigitalLava] <AMO2> ::mouth falls open and a line of drool drips down her chin:: [sTSF_Jami] ROSTER UPDATE - Assistant Security Officer (ASEC) - Cdt Shephard [Cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] <HOPS>::is really confused:: [Ensign_TLinna_Eagle] <CMO><Leader>Surely you can't think SMUGGLERS would pose as Starfleet cadets? [Ens.George_Pickett] <CSEC>::Thinks he hears the ASEC beside him:: Whispers Shephard is that you? [sTSF_Dacotah] Charlie Leader> +USS Sidewinder+ Smugglers have been apprehended and secured. Beam to brig. [Cdt.DigitalLava] <AMO2> ::oh no:: [Cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] <HOPS><Leader> why dont you check us out we should be registered as missing [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] <MXO><Charlie>Listen, these guys are totally clueless. Im the one you want.. [sTSF_Jami] ROSTER UPDATE - Chief Science Officer (CSCI) - Mimipavilion [Ensign_TLinna_Eagle] <CMO>::whispers:: Guess he's not interested. [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] <MXO><Charlie>Promise their saftey and Ill show youto the bootle [Ensign_TLinna_Eagle] <CMO><MXO>Commander, what are you doing??? [Cdt._Alexei] <AMO1><CMO>::wispers::What is the MXO doing, she is going to get killed [Cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] <HOPS>*I thought it was logical* [sTSF_Jami] <bak> [sTSF_Dacotah] Charlie Leader> Your ship, "Captain" will be towed to the nearest star base where you'll be charged with stealing a StarFleet vessel as well as the smuggling crimes [Cdt.DigitalLava] <AMO2> ::humming a funeral song:: [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] <MXO>::Ssshhts the rest of the crew:: [Ensign_TLinna_Eagle] <CMO><AMO1>I don't know...she's going to be in trouble.... [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] <MXO>::sighs again:: [sTSF_Jami] <CO> ::gasp::: Stealing? That's our ship! [Ens.George_Pickett] <CSEC>::Hears what he believes to be the MXO and stays quiet:: [Cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] <HOPS>::doesnt like being shhhht but complies:: [Ensign_TLinna_Eagle] <CMO>::shuts up:: [sTSF_Jami] <CO> ::looks around::: Someone help me out here. It's our ship. [mimipavilion] <CSCI>::looks around:: [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] <MXO><CO>Captain, ..this isnt going to be easy.. [Cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] <HOPS>why certainly its ours [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] <MXO><CO>But, I have a confession..::takes in a hooded breath:: [sTSF_Jami] <CO> <MXO> ::duh expression:: YOu're telling me. [Ensign_TLinna_Eagle] <CMO><CO>Of course it's our ship. ::pouts:: I miss my sickbay. [Cdt.DigitalLava] <AMO2><CMO> I do too [Cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] <HOPS>;:imagines his OPS station wishes he had it still:: [sTSF_Dacotah] Charlie Leader> I have my orders, "captain" surely you understand ::does not contain the sarcasm:: [Cdt._Pyromitsu] <CENG>::shouts:: why not remove all doubt and scan our biosigns to the starfleet database [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] <MXO>::rolls eyes, as no one can see it anyway:: [sTSF_Jami] <CO> ::looks at Leader::deflates:: [Cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] <HOPS><Leader>no she doesnt understand we are starfleet and shouldn't be treated this way [Ensign_TLinna_Eagle] <CMO><HOPS>Ramdar, be careful... [Cdt.DigitalLava] <AMO2> ::still humming funeral tune:: [sTSF_Dacotah] Charlie Leader> ::ignores the comments from others and turns back to his team:: One of you beams up with each group. If they make a move on you. Kill them. [Cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] <HOPS><Leader> oh you'll be in trouble when starfleet finds out you captured the wrong people [Cdt.DigitalLava] <AMO2> oh joy [Ens.George_Pickett] <CSEC>::Thinks to himself, If I get out of this I might try to join Charlie Team, it's show they could use the leadership. Grins in his hood. [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] <MXO><CO>You see, its me they're after..and Ill comply..::louder:: and show them where the bootle is if they let you guys go [Ensign_TLinna_Eagle] <CMO>::doesn't like what Charlie said...:: [sTSF_Jami] <CO> :::gasp::: <Leader> Do as Pyro says. Scan our biosigns. [Cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] <HOPS><Leader>yah [Ensign_TLinna_Eagle] <CMO><Leader>Yeah, do that. [sTSF_Jami] <CO> :::hears Andrea, hopes the others don't.::: [mimipavilion] <CSCI><Charlie Leader> you can use my station if you want [Cdt._Pyromitsu] <CENG>::grins at his brilliant idea:: [sTSF_Dacotah] Charlie Leader> Again, "captain" you assume that I give a flying fig. It is not my job to determine guilt or innocence. It is my job to apprehend. [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] <MXO>::sighs again, letting head rest sidways into the dirt:: [sTSF_Dacotah] Charlie Leader> Begin Beam Out. [sTSF_Jami] <CO> ::choice expletive::: [Cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] <HOPS><Leader> which you are doing an awful job of [Ensign_TLinna_Eagle] <CMO>::desperate::<Leader>But you have the wrong people! [Cdt.DigitalLava] <AMO2><leader> you smell too. [Cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] <HOPS><AMO2>DIG!!!! [Cdt._Pyromitsu] <CENG>::gaining confidence:: how would it look to your superiors [Ensign_TLinna_Eagle] <CMO><AMO2>LAVA!!!!! [Cdt._Alexei] <AMO1><AMO2>::Elbows AMO2:: [Cdt.DigitalLava] <AMO2><leader> He deserves if Ram! [sTSF_Dacotah] Charlie Leader> ::points to AMO2 and HOPS:: Those two can remain. [Ensign_TLinna_Eagle] <CMO>Which two? [Cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] <HOPS><Leader> fine then [Cdt.DigitalLava] <AMO2><HOPS> Uh oh [Cdt._Alexei] <AMO1><AMO2>::wishpers:: look what you got your self into now [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] <MXO>Yeah, great.."Uh oh" [sTSF_Jami] <CO> <Leader> If they stay, I stay. [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] <MXO>Me, too [Ensign_TLinna_Eagle] <CMO>I am not leaving without my assistant. [Cdt._Pyromitsu] <CENG>same goes for me [Ens.George_Pickett] <CSEC><Leader> Count me in [mimipavilion] <CSCI>me too [Cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] <HOPS>::thinks this is not going as he planned:: [Cdt.DigitalLava] <AMO2><CMO> You should go, im just an assistant they replace me like paper in a printer. [CdtShephard] <asec> ::thinks that the hood is scratchy::<leader>count me inas well [sTSF_Dacotah] ACTION: Beams the CO/MXO and CMO to the brig of the USS Sidewinder [Ens.George_Pickett] <CSEC>::Proud of the new ASEC:: [sTSF_Jami] <CO> :::caught in mid-protest:::beams::: [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] <MXO>::shimmers:: [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] <MXO>K-rud [Ensign_TLinna_Eagle] <CMO>NO! ::shimmers:: [Cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] <HOPS>::smiles at Leader:: [sTSF_Jami] @<CO> :::aboard the Sidewinder, cuffed and gagged, thrown in the brig::: [Cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] <HOPS><Leader>completely foolish [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] @<MXO>::in the brig, said same:: [Cdt._Alexei] <AMO1><AMO2>::still unable to see:: Where did the CMO go? [Ensign_TLinna_Eagle] @<CMO>::tossed in the brig:: [Cdt._Pyromitsu] <CENG>whos still here? [Cdt.DigitalLava] <AMO2><AMO1>Im not sure/ [CdtShephard] <asec>i am [sTSF_Dacotah] ACTION: BEAMS OUT EVERYONE ELSE TO THE BRIG OF THE USS SIDEWINDER EXCEPT FOR HOPS AND AMO2 [mimipavilion] <CSCI>i am pyro [Ens.George_Pickett] <CSEC>::Shimmers:: [mimipavilion] <CSCI>::Beams up::noooooooooooo [Cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] <HOPS><Leader> ohhh you're in trouble [Cdt.DigitalLava] <AMO2><HOPS> Uhh. ::looks around:: [sTSF_Dacotah] ACTION: AMO2 AND HOPS ARE LEFT ON THE SURFACE, CUFFED AND HOODED, WITH NO ONE ELSE AROUND [Cdt._Alexei] <AMO1>::confused from the beaming::yells:: CMO where are you? [Cdt._Pyromitsu] <CENG>::feels brig floor under myself:: oh great welcome to the brig [Ens.George_Pickett] <CSEC>::Appears in Brig:: Can someone at least get this hood off me? [mimipavilion] @<CSCI>::in the brig:: [Ensign_TLinna_Eagle] @<CMO><AMO1>I'm here, Alexei. Calm down. [Cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] <HOPS><AMO2>okay our first thing is to get out of this [Cdt.DigitalLava] <AMO2><HOPS> Maybe I can kinda make a treaty? [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] @<MXO><CO>Well, I had a plan to evade beamout too, but obviously plan one failed... [Cdt._Alexei] <AMO1><CMO>::hears CMO's voice and walkes slowly to her possition:: [sTSF_Dacotah] Charlie Leader> ::looks to squad:: Uncuff them, Unhood them, Keep them three to a cell, the adjudicator will be here to read them the charges soon [Cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] <HOPS><AMO2>uhhh no hold on::shakes the hood off:: [sTSF_Jami] @<CO> ::thrown in the brig:::head hits the floor:::KNOCKED OUT::: [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] @<MXO>So, naturally, so would plan two [Cdt.DigitalLava] <AMO2><HOPS> I'll ask him nicely... [CdtShephard] <asec>i dont think there giving us a vacation [Ens.George_Pickett] <CSEC>::Relieved to have the cuffs off and be able to see:: [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] @<XMO><CO>::talking to CO, but she isnt responding:: Captain? [Cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] <HOPS><AMO2>okay I see you dont move [sTSF_Jami] @<CO> ::out cold::: [Cdt.DigitalLava] <AMO2><HOPS> What? [Ensign_TLinna_Eagle] @<CMO><CO>Captain? You all right? [Cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] <HOPS><AMO2>I am going to pull your hood off ::walks over:: [Cdt.DigitalLava] <AMO2><HOPS> Oh thanks. [CdtShephard] <asec>um wheres amo2 and HOPS [Cdt._Pyromitsu] @<CENG>::thrown in with jami, tries to awake:: [Ens.George_Pickett] <CSEC><ASEC>For being pro's they sure have rotten intel. [Ensign_TLinna_Eagle] @<CMO><ASEC>Dig and Ram aren't here? [mimipavilion] @<CSCI>::stumbles into the brig:: [Cdt._Alexei] <AMO1><ASEC>They where left behind [Cdt.DigitalLava] <AMO2><HOPS> We have to figure something out Ram, something. [Cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] <HOPS>::grabs hood with his teeth and begins to pull:: dont move [Cdt.DigitalLava] <AMO2><HOPS> Im not. [sTSF_Jami] <<HINT: USUALLY COMMAND ARE SEPARATED FROM THE REST, SO JAMI IS IN A CELL BY HERSELF WHERE SHE CAN NOT LEAD ANYONE>> [Cdt._Pyromitsu] <<my bad>> [Cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] <HOPS><AMO2>::gets the hood off:: okay [Cdt.DigitalLava] <AMO2><HOPS> ::takes fresher air in:: Thanks [sTSF_Jami] ACTION: MXO IS ALSO SEPARATED FROM THE REST [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] @<MXO>::can only feel around, hoping Jami is next to her:: [Cdt.DigitalLava] <AMO2><HOPS> Any ideas about the plan... [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] @<MXO>Captain? ::turning a circle with her legs:: [sTSF_Dacotah] Charlie Leader> ::finished writing up the charges - smuggling, impersonating SF cadets, piracy of a SF vessel .... :: [Ensign_TLinna_Eagle] @<CMO>::looks around, notes absence of command staff:: Oh boy... [Cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] <HOPS><AMO2>okay then ::walks over to the pods and begins rubbing the cuffs on the entrance:: [mimipavilion] @<CSCI>hello anyone [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] @<MXO>Hellew? [Cdt.DigitalLava] <AMO2><HOPS> that might not work too well [Ens.George_Pickett] <CSEC>::Looks around:: We need to be ready for the Adjucator. [Cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] <HOPS><AMO2>hmmm do you know what we have left of the supplies [Cdt._Alexei] @<AMO1><CSCI>Alexei here, who else in in this cell? [Cdt.DigitalLava] <AMO2><HOPS> I can check, not sure if there is much left [Ens.George_Pickett] <CSEC><Cell Mates>Is anyone hurt? [Ensign_TLinna_Eagle] @<CMO><AMO1>Doctor Eagle here. [sTSF_Dacotah] Adjudicator> ::strolls into the brig and walks up to Andrea's solitary cell:: [Cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] <HOPS><AMO2> hold on the water tank [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] @<MXO>::can hear footfalls:: [mimipavilion] @<CSCI>Hey alexi [Cdt.DigitalLava] <AMO2><HOPS> Umm ok [Cdt._Alexei] @<AMO1><CSCI>I think every one is fine, maybe a few bruises from the kicking [Cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] <HOPS><AMO2> You know the water tank we constructed out of the pods the welding tools might still be there [mimipavilion] @<CSCI>okay everyone relax [Cdt.DigitalLava] <AMO2><HOPS> It may [Ensign_TLinna_Eagle] @<CMO><CSCI>RELAX?!?!? [Cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] <HOPS>:;walks over to the tank:: [Cdt._Alexei] @<AMO1>::Sits on ground in a worried state:: [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] @<MXO>::wiggles sideways, struggling to sit up:: [Cdt.DigitalLava] <AMO2><HOPS> Need any help? [Ens.George_Pickett] <CSEC>::Stands at the front of the Cell:: [sTSF_Jami] <CO> :::dreams about the cadets getting themselves out of this fix::: [Cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] are the cuffs behind or infront of our backs [Ensign_TLinna_Eagle] @<CMO>::sits down next to Alexei::<AMO1> We are going to get out of here. [Cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] <HOPS><AMO2>yes please [sTSF_Dacotah] Action:: everyone in the brig has been uncuffed and unhooded [Cdt.DigitalLava] <AMO2><HOPS> Okay, what? [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] <<Oh, thank you Dac>> [Cdt._Alexei] @<AMO1><CMO>Finaly we got these bloody hoods off [mimipavilion] @<CSCI>::looks around for some kind of of paneling:: [Cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] <HOPS><AMO2>help me find the welder [Cdt._Pyromitsu] @<CENG>::rubs wrists:: [sTSF_Jami] <CO> ::;dreams that we get out of this fix so we don't have to stay in the brig for the next few weeks:::: [Ensign_TLinna_Eagle] @<CMO><AMO1>I know what you mean. ::looks around:: BLAST! They took my medikit. [Cdt.DigitalLava] <AMO2><HOPS> Okay ::kicks the ground:: [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] @<MXO>::magic edit::Watches as the adjudicator advances:: [sTSF_Dacotah] Adjudicator> ::rocks back on his heels before Andrea's cell:: I understand you were quite a talker on the surface. What do you have to say now? [Cdt._Pyromitsu] @<CENG>::checks pockets for anything useful:: [Ens.George_Pickett] <CSEC><Cell Mates>How do we even know that they really are Charlie Team on not someone else? [Cdt._Alexei] @<AMO1><CMO>::feels his pockets:: Bastards took everything [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] @<MXO>::smiles broadly:: [Cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] <HOPS>aha ::bends back and picks up the welder:: [Cdt.DigitalLava] <AMO2><HOPS> Ram? I cant find it... oh [sTSF_Jami] <<Watch the language, please, Alexei>> [Ensign_TLinna_Eagle] @<CMO><AMO1>Yeah, they did. [Cdt._Alexei] <<sorry>> [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] @<MXO>What a wonderful opportunity I have to offer you.. [Ensign_TLinna_Eagle] @<CMO><CSCI>Did they take your tricorder too? [Cdt.DigitalLava] <AMO2><HOPS> Now what? [Cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] <HOPS>::begins to awkwardly take off his boots:: [mimipavilion] @<CSCI>::checks her waist::<CMO> yeah they did [Cdt.DigitalLava] <AMO2><HOPS> Just kick really hard and they will fly off. [Ensign_TLinna_Eagle] @<CMO>::mutters:: [Cdt._Alexei] @<AMO1><CMO>::wonders about AMO2's whereabout:: I'm woried about what is happening to AMO2 [Cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] <HOPS><AMO2>okay ::kicks:: [sTSF_Jami] SFHQ Special OPS> Subspace to Charlie Team Leader [sTSF_Dacotah] Adjudicator> Oh, I'm sure. [Cdt.DigitalLava] <AMO2><HOPS> Not me though [Ensign_TLinna_Eagle] @<CMO><AMO1>Dig will be okay. As long as she stays with Ram, she should be fine. [mimipavilion] @<CSCI><CENG> doesn't every brig have a panel inside the brig cell [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] @<MXO>::folds arms:: But first, you need to release the Starfleet officer and her cadets. She is telling the truth. She is totally innocent. [Cdt._Pyromitsu] @<CENG>::pounds on door yelling:: let us out you have the wrong people [Cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] <HOPS><AMO2> thats fine just sit down backwards [Cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] <HOPS><AMO2> to me that is [Ens.George_Pickett] <CSEC>::Walks over to he ASEC and whispers:: Shephard, I'm not entirely sure these people are Charlie Team, they may be someone or something else, be as ready as you can just in case. [sTSF_Dacotah] Adjudicator> I don't bargain. I don't negotiate. [Cdt.DigitalLava] <AMO2><HOPS> You dehydrated? [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] @<MXO>::shrugs:: Pity. [Cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] <HOPS><AMO2> no just sit down [CdtShephard] <asec><csec> no problem [Cdt.DigitalLava] <AMO2><HOPS> Okay ::Sits:: [sTSF_Dacotah] Charlie Leader> +Go Ahead+ [sTSF_Jami] Special OPS> Charlie Team, you have the smugglers, I hear. Keep 'em under wraps to HQ. Don't let 'em get away. Got that? [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] @<MXO>::moves to sit calmly on the bench, but listening intently to the comms:: [Cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] <HOPS>:: walks behind her and sits down with welder infront of him:: [Ensign_TLinna_Eagle] @<CMO>::beginning to wonder how she could be mistaken for a smuggler anyway:: [sTSF_Dacotah] Charlie Team> + Understood + [Cdt.DigitalLava] <AMO2><HOPS> I like my fingers you know... [Cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] <HOPS><AMO2> okay I want you to extend your hands backwards and dont move [mimipavilion] @<CSCI><CENG>Pyro did you hear me [sTSF_Dacotah] Adjudicator ::turns to leave:: [sTSF_Jami] Special OPS> +Charlie Leader+ Looking forward to seeing their latest disguise. HQ out. [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] @<MXO><Adjudicator>Do you realize how foolish you will look when you return with Starfleet officers? [sTSF_Dacotah] Charlie Leader> +It's a doozie+ [Cdt._Pyromitsu] @<CENG><CSCI>::too busy yelling:: no sry what [Cdt.DigitalLava] <AMO2><HOPS> Okay.. ::does what he said:: [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] @<MXO> And the real smugglers are long gone from here? [sTSF_Jami] Special OPS> :::kicks back with a big cigar::: [sTSF_Dacotah] Adjudicator> How I look is irrelevant. [CdtShephard] <asec>::sits next to the wall until some one comes [mimipavilion] @<CSCI><CENG>doesn't every brig cell have some kind of panel inside of it [Ens.George_Pickett] <CSEC><ASEC>Position yourself on the right side of the cell I'll take the left, do nothing without my order. [Cdt.DigitalLava] <AMO2><HOPS> Then I'll have to take your cuffs off right? [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] @<MXO><Adjudicator>Oh, but it is.. [Cdt._Pyromitsu] @<CENG>::thinks to himself:: i guess its worth a try [Cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] <HOPS>::depresses button and activates welder and begins to cut through the cuffs::<AMO2> yes just dont move okay [CdtShephard] <asec><csec> [sTSF_Dacotah] Charlie Leader> ::sends message to the helm for them to head to HQ post haste:: [Cdt._Pyromitsu] @<CENG>::begins pulling at pannels:: [Cdt.DigitalLava] <AMO2><HOPS> Im not Ram, I told you I like my fingers [sTSF_Dacotah] Adjudicator> When you're done trying to make deals. We can talk. [sTSF_Jami] Charlie Helm> :::receives message and engages to HQ::: [Cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] <HOPS>::tries not to laugh becuase of the job he has:: [Ensign_TLinna_Eagle] @<CMO><CENG>You be careful. I can't do anything if you get hurt. [CdtShephard] <asec>::stands up and walks over to the right side of the cell [Cdt.DigitalLava] <AMO2><HOPS> You can laugh, just dont take my pinky away. [CdtShephard] :: [Ens.George_Pickett] <CSEC>::Stands impatiently on the left side of the cell:: [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] @<MXO>::shrugs:: All right. What do you have in mind? [Cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] <HOPS><AMO2>okay almost there ::finishes:: okay there you go just pull [Cdt._Pyromitsu] @<CENG><CMO>::braud smile:: im always carefull [Cdt.DigitalLava] <AMO2><HOPS> ok ::Pulls: [Ensign_TLinna_Eagle] @<CMO><CENG>Suuuuure. ::rolls eyes:: [Cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] <HOPS><AMO2> okay now you will have an easier time you have your hands but I like my fingers too [Cdt._Alexei] <AMO>::realizes he is still covered in dust and begins to brush it off:: [Cdt.DigitalLava] hes annoying me with all hes facts [Cdt._Pyromitsu] @<CENG> on three [Cdt._Pyromitsu] @<CENG>one [sTSF_Dacotah] Adjudicator> You talk. I listen. [Ens.George_Pickett] <CSEC><CMO> I wonder whats keeping the Adjudicator? I hope that he can sort this mess out. [Cdt._Pyromitsu] @<CENG>two...three [Cdt._Alexei] <AMO1>::closes eyes:: [Cdt.DigitalLava] <AMO2><HOPS> Okay Ram, before i go, forgive me. [Ensign_TLinna_Eagle] @<CMO><CSEC>If he's with them, he won't listen. [Cdt._Pyromitsu] @<CENG>::pulls very hard:: [CdtShephard] <asec>::waits:: [mimipavilion] @<CSCI>::pulls very hard:: [Cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] <HOPS><AMO2>for what its my fault I am here not yours [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] @<MXO><Adjudicator>OK, if you wont listen to deal making, then listen to reason.. [Ens.George_Pickett] <CSEC>::Whispers:: <CMO> I'm not sure they are who they claim to be. [Cdt.DigitalLava] <AMO2><HOPS> ::presses button on welder thingy:: [Ensign_TLinna_Eagle] @<CMO>::sees Alexei's eyes close::<AMO1>Hey, you okay? [Cdt._Pyromitsu] @<CENG>almost there [sTSF_Dacotah] Adjudicator> ::cocks an eyebrow and clasps his hands behind his back:: [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] @<MXO><Adjudicator>What you have here are, what appears to be, two Starfleet officers with a handful of Academy cadets on nothing more than an away mission. [Cdt._Alexei] @<AMO1><CMO>I'm alright I'm just trying to relax myself, im all jittery [Cdt.DigitalLava] <AMO2><HOPS> Umm...almost done i think [mimipavilion] @<CSCI>::keeps pulling:: [Ensign_TLinna_Eagle] @<CMO><CSEC>Doesn't matter. Whoever THEY are, they aren't interested in listening. [Cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] <HOPS>::begins to pull and breaks free:: [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] @<MXO>They stumble upon my..a stash of smuggled items and get caught red handed after the fact by you and your lackies.. [Ensign_TLinna_Eagle] @<CMO><AMO1>I know how you feel. We'll get out of here, I promise. [Cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] <HOPS><AMO2> ah there we go now we can get to work james has left the chat. [Cdt._Pyromitsu] @<CENG>::puts foot on wall for more leverage:: [mimipavilion] @<CSCI>a little more help here guys [sTSF_Jami] HINT: THE OBJECTIVE IS TO CONVINCE THEM YOU ARE STARFLEET. [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] @<MXO>Now, you bring them back cuffed and hooded to your den. When Starfleet hears about this, youll have to leave warnings in your will for the next 5 generations to keep an eye out for Big Brother. [Cdt._Alexei] <AMO1>::gets up, and walks to CSCI:: [Ensign_TLinna_Eagle] @<CMO>::gets up and walks over::<CSCI>Help with what? [Cdt.DigitalLava] <AMO2><HOPS> Yep. [Cdt._Pyromitsu] @<CENG>::fingers starting to throb:: i dont think this is gonna work ::gives up:: [sTSF_Jami] Ok, I think it’s about time to end this... [sTSF_Dacotah] Adjudicator> Interesting. Implicate yourself to protect the others. How noble [sTSF_Jami] =/\= =/\= PAUSE SIM =/\= =/\= [Ens.George_Pickett] <CSEC>::Turns towards the CSCI:: [sTSF_Jami] =/\= =/\= PAUSE SIM =/\= =/\= [Cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] <HOPS><AMO2> okay now lets see if we cant get the communications panel working on one of these [sTSF_Jami] =/\= =/\= PAUSE SIM =/\= =/\=
  8. 050906 [sTSF_Jami] =/\==/\= Starfleet Academy Briefing Stardate September 6, 2005=/\==/\= [sTSF_Jami] In the name of education, the faculty of Starfleet Academy has subjected the crew of USS Goldstein (refit Galaxy Class) to an "emergency" landing on a small barely-habitable planet. [sTSF_Jami] After investigating a distress signal, the AT finds itself under fire from what appear to be smugglers. [sTSF_Jami] Furthermore, our food and medical supplies have disappeared from the base camp. [sTSF_Jami] Wasn't this planet supposed to be uninhabited? [sTSF_Jami] =/\==/\= END BRIEF =/\==/\= [sTSF_Jami] Commanding Officer (CO) - STSF Jami [sTSF_Jami] Mission Executive Officer (MXO) - * LtCdr Andrea Knlwtchr [sTSF_Jami] Chief Engineer (CENG) - Lieutenantjg TParek [sTSF_Jami] Assistant Engineer (AENG) - Cdt Pyromitsu [sTSF_Jami] Chief Security Officer (CSEC) - Ens George Pickett [sTSF_Jami] Assistant Security Officer (ASEC) - * Ens Rath Tinner [sTSF_Jami] Chief Medical Officer (CMO) - Ensign T'Linna Eagle [sTSF_Jami] Assistant Medical Officer (AMO1) - Cdt Digital Lava [sTSF_Jami] Assistant Medical Officer (AMO2) - Cdt Ramdar Goftar [sTSF_Jami] (We're gonna need a LOT of medical tonight) [sTSF_Jami] Chief Science Officer (CSCI) - * Lt jg Wim Murray [sTSF_Jami] Assistant Science Officer (ASCI) - Ensign Kanti [sTSF_Jami] IF YOU HAVE AN * BY YOUR NAME, YOU ARE TRAPPED IN THE SMUGGLERS' CAVE AND UNDER FIRE. [sTSF_Jami] If you are not on the roster and wish to have a post, please send me one PM now. [sTSF_Jami] =/\==/\=END ROSTER=/\==/\= [sTSF_Jami] Questions? [sTSF_Jami] Pertinent, that is. [sTSF_Jami] ROSTER UPDATE - Ens Lepage is ASCI [sTSF_Jami] Places please.... [Ensign_Kanti] ::scuttles:: [Lt._(j.g.)_Wim_Murray] ::skittles:: [sTSF_Jami] BEGIN SIM [cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] <AMO2>::walks up to T'Linna:: anything needed for now maam [Lt._(j.g.)_Wim_Murray] <CSCI> ::in the smugglers' cave and under fire:: [Cdt_DigitalLava] <AMO><CMO> Hewwo Sir. How may I help you... [Ens_Lepage] <<am I under fire,too?>> [Ens.George_Pickett] <CSEC>::moving with 2 Namelss Security Guards towards the location of the XO's Team [Lieutenant_j.g._T_Parek] ::with the other Engineer:: [Ensign_Kanti] <ASCI>::pops out a tricorder and begns scanning some rocks:: [Lt._(j.g.)_Wim_Murray] <CSCI><MXO> Well, this is fun. [Ensign_TLinna_Eagle] <CMO><AMO2>Not that I can think of, Ramdar. [sTSF_Jami] <<Murray, Tinner, and Andrea are in the cave>> [Ens_Rath_Tinner] <ASEC>::is hiding behind some rocks fires his phaser off blindly in the diraction of the incoming fire:: [Ensign_TLinna_Eagle] <CMO><AMO1>I'm not sure yet, Lava. [Ens.George_Pickett] <CSEC>+<ASEC>+Tinner, what's going on over there? [sTSF_Jami] CO> :::taking cover behind an outcropping::: [Cdt_DigitalLava] <AMO><CMO> Okay [cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] <AMO2><CMO> okay then I guess I'll make my rounds checking on several of the wounded [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] <XO><<All those in the cave, please don an @. Thank you =0] >> [Lt._(j.g.)_Wim_Murray] <CSCI><ASEC> How're you holding up? [Cdt_DigitalLava] did u put one of the things up where it tells us what were simming? [Ensign_TLinna_Eagle] <CMO><AMO2>Good idea. [cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] <AMO2>::begins walking around with a medi tricorder:: [Ens_Rath_Tinner] <ASEC>+CSEC+sir we are pinned down in acave near the camp under heavey fire [Ens.George_Pickett] <CSEC>+Nameless Security Guard at base camp+Continue to guard base camp I'm on my way to the away team. [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] @<XO>::Crouched, trying to get a glimplse of whose surrounding us:: [sTSF_Jami] CO> +CSec+ Chief, can you get your men to pick out those snipers? [Ens.George_Pickett] <CSEC>+<ASEC>+Hang on my team will be there in a few mins. [Cdt_DigitalLava] <AMO><AMO2> Wait for me. Ill help you out. [sTSF_Jami] CO> :::cranes her neck, phaser drawn, trying to stay low::: [Ens_Lepage] <ASCI2> ::with the rest of the crew scanning the surroundings:: [Ens.George_Pickett] <CSEC>+<CO>+Yes, we will be in position in a few moments. [Ens_Rath_Tinner] <ASEC>;;fires over the top of the rocks::<CSCI>just dandy you? [Lt._(j.g.)_Wim_Murray] @<CSCI><ASEC> WelI...I gotta pee and these guys are _not_ helping. [cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] <AMO2><AMO> thats fine [Lieutenant_j.g._T_Parek] <CENG><AENG> Report, Cadet. [sTSF_Jami] <CO> +ALL HANDS+ AT is under fire. All personnel to assist these coordinates :::sends coords::: [[Ens_Rath_Tinner] <ASEC>::chuckles:: [Ens.George_Pickett] <CSEC>::Motions to his team to spread out:: On my signal open fire on the snipers ::NSG's ::Nod:: [Ensign_TLinna_Eagle] <CMO>::scanning a wounded officer with a medical tricorder:: [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] @<XO>OK, lets keep our heads, folks.. [Cdt_DigitalLava] <AMO><AMO2>So you dont need help? [Cdt._Pyromitsu] <AENG><CENG> all is fine sir [Lt._(j.g.)_Wim_Murray] @<CSCI><XO> Mine's not going anywhere. [cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] <AMO2><AMO> no I am welcoming it [Lieutenant_j.g._T_Parek] <CENG><AENG> Pyromitsu, we need to get to the coordinates provided. [Ens_Rath_Tinner] <ASEC><AT>anyone got a spare phaser? [cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] <AMO2><CMO> does that mean us doctor [Cdt_DigitalLava] <AMO><AMO2> ::smiles:: Okay thanks. ::walks up to Gophie:: [Cdt._Pyromitsu] <AENG><CENG> yes sir [Ensign_Kanti] <ASCI><ASCI2>picking anything useful? [Lt._(j.g.)_Wim_Murray] @<CSCI><XO/ASEC> Oh...wow! [Ens_Lepage] <ASCI2> ::looks up at the CO's comm and hope that the Dice Of Fate will be with him again this time:: [Ensign_TLinna_Eagle] <CMO><AMO2> Yes, Cadet, it means us. <AMOs> Let's go! [sTSF_Jami] Snipers> :::continue to fire, making is impossible for the AT to budge::: [Ens.George_Pickett] <CSEC>+<NSG's>+ Open fire take out their snipers :: Fires at the nearest sniper to him striking the sniper in the back:: [Cdt_DigitalLava] <AMO><CMO> Yes sir [cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] <AMO2>::follows T'Linna:: [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] @<XO>::dodges as a phaser round hits the cave entrance, creating a cloud of debris:: [Cdt_DigitalLava] <AMO> ::follows behing Ramdar:: [Ensign_TLinna_Eagle] <CMO>::draws phaser and heads toward the specified coords:: [Cdt._Pyromitsu] <AENG><CENG> i have the coordinates sir [Ens_Lepage] <ASCI2> ::catches up with the medical guys walking in the direction of the coordinates and drwaing his phaser:: [sTSF_Jami] <CO> +CSEC+ Direct cadets at your will, Chief. Take whoever you need, but we might need to have the doctors alive. [cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] <AMO2>::grabs a phaser and some med packs:: [Ensign_TLinna_Eagle] <<Wow, we need the docs alive...lol>> [Lt._(j.g.)_Wim_Murray] @<CSCI><XO/ASEC> ::lying on the floor scoops up some little stones and stuff:: These are some awesome crystals. [Cdt_DigitalLava] <AMO> ::takes a few medi packs:: Here I'll take em Ramdar. [cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] <<I am soo glad>> [Ens_Lepage] <<good idea jami...docs might come in handy...but we don't need the rest>> [cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] <AMO2><AMO>thanks Dig [sTSF_Jami] <CO> ::slumps down behind the rocks, thinking what the heck did SFHQ think the cadets were going to learn in this lesson::: [Ens.George_Pickett] <CSEC>+<CO>+We are taking out their snipers now sir. I will take who I need sir. [sTSF_Jami] <lol - not exactly what I meant, but ok>> [Cdt_DigitalLava] <AMO><AMO2> No problem. ::takes med kits:: [Ensign_TLinna_Eagle] <<lol Jami. That's a good one>> [Ens_Lepage] <ASCI2><AMO1> I should stay with you in case I need help. ::grins:: [Ensign_Kanti] <ASCI>::scans a rock formation noting the unique crystalline structure:: [Lieutenant_j.g._T_Parek] <CENG><AENG> Let's get to help the Away Team. ::grabs a phaser:: Get yourself a phaser, Kid. [Cdt_DigitalLava] <AMO><ASC12> ::smiles:: Okay [cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] <AMO2><ASCI>good the more the merrier [Lt._(j.g.)_Wim_Murray] @<CSCI> ::flattens as another barrage flies overhead:: [Ensign_TLinna_Eagle] <CMO><ASCI2>Glad you've joined our team. [sTSF_Jami] ROSTER UPDATE - Ens Eagle = ASEC [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] @<XO>::gets frustrated, peaks over the cave entrance walls:: [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] @<XO><CSCI>Can you see anything? [Cdt._Pyromitsu] <AENG>::grabs a phaser and follows T'Parek:: [Ens_Rath_Tinner] @<ASEC><XO>sir i might be able to take out some of those snipers or at least buy us to breathing space but i need your phaser [sTSF_Jami] <CO> +MXO+ Number One, what's your situation? [Ensign_Eagle] <asec>::looking around. lost:: [cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] <<color change>> [Ens_Lepage] <ASCI2><AMO> I'm always ready for some action. [Ens.George_Pickett] <CSEC>+<CSCI>+ and +<CENG>+ Have and Assistants you can spare meet me at the following location ::Sends data to the department chiefs. [Ensign_TLinna_Eagle] <CMO>::approaching the cave cautiously:: [Lt._(j.g.)_Wim_Murray] @<CSCI><XO> Dirt, dirt, and more dirt. Also some rocks and the occasional phased energy weapons projectiles. But if you mean anything else...no. [Ensign_Kanti] <ASCI>::finishes his scan and grabs a phaser and a science kit and rushes to catch up:: [Cdt_DigitalLava] <AMO><ASCI2> Im sure you are ::cough:: [cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] <AMO2>::being just as cautious as T'Linna:: [Ens_Lepage] <<not dirt murray...it's mineral rich soil!!!!>> [sTSF_Jami] <CO> :::sees TLinna:::shouts:: DOCTOR...stay low. [Lieutenant_j.g._T_Parek] <CENG>+AENG+ Understood. ::nods at Pyromitsu:: Let's go. [sTSF_Jami] <<Let's keep the OOC comments to a minimum, please>> [Cdt_DigitalLava] <AMO> ::looking around carefully:: [Ens_Rath_Tinner] @<ASEC>::fires over the rocks blindly:: [Ensign_TLinna_Eagle] <CMO><CO>You got it! ::gets down:: [Ensign_TLinna_Eagle] <CMO><AMOs><ASCI2>Get down! [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] @<XO>+CO+::Considers responding, "In deep..trouble, Sir":: We are barrackaded, Sir.. [Ens.George_Pickett] <CSEC>+<NSG's>+ Keep up your fire we have to keep them busy until we have a large enough force to advance [cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] <AMO2>::begins to belly walk:: [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] @<XO><ASEC>You dont have a phaser? [Ens_Lepage] <ASCI2> ::gets down:: [Cdt_DigitalLava] <AMO>::hits the ground:: Ummf [Ensign_Kanti] <ASCI>::catches up with the the rest of the group and kneels behind the rocks with them:: [sTSF_Jami] <CO> +MXO+ Anyone injured? [Cdt_DigitalLava] <AMO><AMO2> What are doing? [Ensign_Eagle] <asec>::w/phaser joins group:: [Cdt._Pyromitsu] <AENG> ::follows wondering what im gettine my self into:: [Ens_Rath_Tinner] @<ASEC>i need a extra so we can overload it and use it as a grenade [cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] <AMO2><AMO>you know the snake walk keeps me lowest to the ground [Lt._(j.g.)_Wim_Murray] @<CSCI><XO> I'm hunky dory. [Cdt_DigitalLava] <AMO><AMO2> Yes, but you look funny [Ensign_TLinna_Eagle] <CMO>::trying very hard not to laugh at ramdar:: [Ens_Lepage] <ASCI2> <CMO> Great and what do we do now? [cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] <AMO2><AMO>I am not worried about looks I am worried about staying alive [Ensign_Kanti] <ASCI><CMO>were at your disposal at this point [Ensign_TLinna_Eagle] <CMO><ASCI2>We save everyone else. [Cdt_DigitalLava] <AMO><AMO2> Good point, but dont you wanna die looking good? [cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] <AMO2><AMO>I dont want to die at all [sTSF_Jami] <CO> :::hopes Andrea can reply::: +XO+ Number One, come in. [Cdt_DigitalLava] <AMO><AMO2> Another good point [Ens.George_Pickett] <CSEC>::Dodges fire:: +<CSCI>+ +<CENG>+ I need anyone you can spare armed and here now, please. [sTSF_Jami] <CO> :::really getting worried::: [Ensign_TLinna_Eagle] <CMO><AT>Stay down as we approach the cave...I don't want anyone getting shot. [Ens_Lepage] <ASCI2><CMO> Oh great plan why didn't I think about it? Seriously, how do we proceed from here? [Ensign_Eagle] @<asec>::setting extra to overload ..as a grenade:: [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] @<XO>::starts back up like a Chucky Cheese attraction:: [Lieutenant_j.g._T_Parek] <CENG>+AENG+ Let's get there! ::starts running:: [Ensign_Kanti] <ASCI><CMO>maybe we can modify one of our phasers to generate a force field, it might help [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] @<XO>+CO+We are in trouble, Captain.. [Ensign_TLinna_Eagle] <CMO>::rolls eyes at Lepage:: [Lt._(j.g.)_Wim_Murray] @<CSCI>+CSEC+ ::being fired at on the insode of the cave:: Um, I'm a little occupied right now. Ask me later. [sTSF_Jami] <CO> +XO+ Injuries? [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] @<XO>+CO+I cant get a bearing on the others.. [Cdt_DigitalLava] <AMO><AMO2> So are we going to stay here all day? [Ensign_TLinna_Eagle] <CMO><ASCI1>Do it. [Ensign_Kanti] <ASCI><CMO>aye [Cdt._Pyromitsu] <AENG>::runs after:: [sTSF_Jami] <CO> ::glances back and forth, looking for an opening in the action::: [Ens_Rath_Tinner] <ASEC><XO>sir i recommend we fall back farther into the cave untill relived [Ens.George_Pickett] <CSEC>::See's the CENG and AENG coming:: [sTSF_Jami] <CO> :::makes a mad dash to another group of rocks::: [cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] <AMO2><AMO> ::looks back at Dig:: what are you doing way back there come on keep moving [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] @<XO>::looks around at the others::+CO+None, yet, Sir. [Ensign_TLinna_Eagle] <CMO>::looks out from behind the rocks:: [Ens.George_Pickett] <CSEC>+<CO>+ I will be advancing soon. [Ens_Lepage] <ASCI2><CMO> Suppose the best plan is to stay alive. [sTSF_Jami] <<Those inside the cave use @ please>> [Cdt_DigitalLava] <AMO><AMO2> ::hurries up to Ram:: Sorry I saw a little bug [sTSF_Jami] <CO> :::whew::: [Ensign_TLinna_Eagle] <CMO><ASCI2>That would be a good idea. [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] <<Passes out the @'s to SEC's and SCI's =0]>> [Ensign_Kanti] <ASCI>::starts to modify a phaser to generate a forcefield::<CMO> these phasers cant take much, I can give us a level 2 forcefield, should absorb 5 or 6 shots, its the best I can do... ::im a scientist not a miracle worker:: [Lt._(j.g.)_Wim_Murray] @<CSCI><XO> Yet. ::rolls eyes:: There's optimism. [Ensign_TLinna_Eagle] <CMO><ASCI>It will have to work. [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] @<XO><CSCI>::shrug:: Well..as soon as a cadet sticks out his neck... [Ensign_Eagle] @<asec>+<csec>+phaser set for ovrld sir......may buy you some time [Ens_Rath_Tinner] <<slaps @ on to his for head>> [Ensign_Kanti] <ASCI><CMO>ok on your mark then [Ens_Lepage] <ASCI2><ASCI> Better than nothing. Good work. [sTSF_Jami] <CO> ::mad dash to another group of rocks, trying to see the attackers::: [Ensign_Kanti] <ASCI><ASCI2>thanks [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] @<XO><ALLin cave>Maybe we can create a distraction.. [Ensign_TLinna_Eagle] <CMO>::watching the action:: <ASCI>NOW, Mr. Kanti! [Ens_Rath_Tinner] @<ASEC>::fires over the rock randomly:: [sTSF_Jami] <CO> :::takes a hit in the arm::: Uh....::drops behind the rocks, holding her arm::: [Ens.George_Pickett] <CSEC>::Turns to the <CENG>:: Chief you and your man stay close to me as we advance the <NSG's> will give us cover. [Ensign_Kanti] <ASCI>::activates the phaser and places on the ground in between them and dashes off behind it:: [Lt._(j.g.)_Wim_Murray] @<CSCI><XO> Alright. But I am _not_ doing my Can-Can routine. [sTSF_Jami] <CO> +ALL HANDS+ They're using LIVE ammo. WATCH IT! [cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] @<AMO2>::forgets about staying safe and runs to Jami:: [Lieutenant_j.g._T_Parek] <CENG> ::nods:: [Cdt_DigitalLava] <AMO><AMO2> Oh no... [Ensign_Eagle] @<asec>::tosses ovrld phaser at direction of snipers:: [Ensign_TLinna_Eagle] <CMO><TEAM>Let's go! And be careful! [Cdt_DigitalLava] <AMO><AMO2> Stop...wait [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] @<XO>::grins::<CsCI>Well, what fun is that? [Ensign_Kanti] <ASCI>::follows TLinna:: [Ensign_TLinna_Eagle] <CMO><AMO2>RAMDAR! [Ens_Lepage] <ASCI2>::runs after Kanti and stays low:: [Lt._(j.g.)_Wim_Murray] @<CSCI><XO> I haven't got my dress down here or anything. [sTSF_Jami] <CO> :::leaning back against a rock:::sees Goftar:::checks her arm::: [cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] @<AMO2>::kneels down and pulls out a tricorder:: [Ensign_TLinna_Eagle] <CMO>::runs after Kanti:: [Cdt_DigitalLava] <AMO><CMO> Ok [Ens.George_Pickett] <CSEC>+<NSG's>+Covering fire. ::Turns to the <CENG>and<AENG>Advance and fire, stay low behind the dunes. [cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] @<AMO2><AMO>Medkit! [Cdt_DigitalLava] <AMO> ::runs to Ramdar carefully:: <AMO2> What are crazy... [Cdt_DigitalLava] <AMO> ::hands Ram a med kit:: Here... [sTSF_Jami] <CO> <Goftar> Keep low. I think it's just a scratch. [Ens.George_Pickett] <NSG's>:: Fire covering fire.:: [Ensign_Kanti] <ASCI>::reaches the rocks on the other side of the forcefield, somewhat closer:: [cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] @<AMO2><CO>oh please dont play it down you are allowed a little pain lol [Ensign_TLinna_Eagle] <CMO>::dives behind the rocks after Kanti:: [Cdt._Pyromitsu] <AENG> ::firing blindly:: anyone know whats shooting at us yet? [Cdt_DigitalLava] <AMO><AMO2> You almost done Ramdar? [Ens.George_Pickett] <NSG> ::Takes out a sniper:: [cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] @<AMO2>::begins using a dermal regenerator:: [Ens_Rath_Tinner] @<ASEC><XO>ma'am i advise we fall back into the cave [Ensign_TLinna_Eagle] <CMO>::waits for the rest of her team:: [sTSF_Jami] <CO> <Goftar> :::wince::: THanks. Just don't you take a hit. [Ensign_Kanti] <ASCI><CMO>ok, im now without phaser... I've got a science kit though, whats the plan? [Ens_Rath_Tinner] @<ASCE>::fires over the rocks:: [Ensign_Eagle] @<asec>+<csec>+phaser should detonate shortly sir [sTSF_Jami] ACTION: Eagle takes a hit. [cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] @<AMO2><CO>alright I'll try my best :D [Ens_Lepage] <ASCI2> ::tries to assess the situation:: <CMO> ::looks at Kanti:: Exactly what I was wondering:: [Ens.George_Pickett] <CSEC>::Takes our a sniper:: as his team advance's:: [Ensign_TLinna_Eagle] <CMO><ASCI>Uh...plan? I'm a doctor, not a tactician! [Ensign_Kanti] <ASCI>::fumbles through the science kit and pulls out the tricorder:: [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] @<XO><ASEC>Good idea..however, now your out a phaser.. [Lieutenant_j.g._T_Parek] <CENG>+AENG+ Lock and load, Cadet. [sTSF_Jami] <CO> +XO+ Number one, somehow I don't think this is a lesson. I think these guys are for real. [Ens.George_Pickett] <CSEC>+<ASEC>+understood, we are 100m out and are starting to take out their snipers. [Ens_Rath_Tinner] @<ASEC>::fires again and clips one of the snipers in the shoulder:: [Ensign_Kanti] <ASCI><CMO>well, based on uh... these readings, I count us outnumbered [cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] @<AMO2><CO>okay your fine now you can get back to battle Captain :D [Cdt_DigitalLava] @<AMO> ::begins rearranging med packs:: [Ensign_TLinna_Eagle] <CMO><TEAM>Suggestions? [Ens_Rath_Tinner] <<i am?>> [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] @<XO>+CO+Agreed, Captain. [Ensign_Eagle] @<asec><co>it was an extra i picked up sir [Ens_Lepage] <ASCI2><CMO> ::motions to a near rock formation:: I think if we make it over there we could get involved in the action and relieve the others. [cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] @<AMO2><AMO>okay lest move to eagle [Lt._(j.g.)_Wim_Murray] @<CSCI><XO> ::dryly:: Oh, well. It wasn't important. [sTSF_Jami] SNIPER> :::fires more volleys after gettign hit::: [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] <<Im the XO, Eagle..and you're shot>> [Cdt_DigitalLava] @<AMO><AMO2> Yes [Ens.George_Pickett] <CSEC><CENG>You guys stick with me we will try to get around the left flank. [cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] @<AMO2><ASEC> where are you htit? [Ensign_TLinna_Eagle] <<GAH! the screen went blank...missed all suggestions made...please repeat>> [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] <<LAVA and GOFTAR, please NIX the @'s =0]>> [Ensign_Kanti] <ASCI><ASCI2>think we can make a holo image with this kit to distract them? ::holds up science kit:: [cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] <<I thought Jami said to>> [Ens_Rath_Tinner] @<ASEC>::ducks down:: [sTSF_Jami] ACTION: Kanti and TParek take minor hits. [Cdt_DigitalLava] <<huh>> [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] @<XO><<Just for us cave dwellers.=0]>> [Ensign_TLinna_Eagle] <<Ram, you are not in cave>> [sTSF_Jami] <<only those in the cave use @>> [cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] <<oh okay then>> [Ensign_Eagle] @<asec>::grimicing with pain at wound:: [Ensign_Kanti] <ASCI>::stumbles over taking a hit on the shoulder:: [Cdt_DigitalLava] <AMO><AMO2> So how should we patch Eagle up? [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] @<XO>::kneels down to Eagle:: [Ensign_Kanti] <ASCI><CMO>that med kit sure looks good... [Ens.George_Pickett] <CSEC>::See's the CENG take out a sniper:: Nice shot chief [Ensign_TLinna_Eagle] <CMO><ASCI>Kanti! [cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] <AMO2><AMO>okay hand me some packs and go help Kanti [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] @<XO><ASEC>Let me see.. [Ens_Lepage] <ASCI2><ASCI> ::turns around:: Are you alright? ::kneels down beside Kanti:: [sTSF_Jami] ACTION: THE FIRING SUDDENLY STOPS AND THE SMUGGLERS SEEM TO DISAPPEAR. [Cdt_DigitalLava] <AMO><AMO2> Okay ::grabs a few packs:: Here. [Ensign_TLinna_Eagle] <CMO>::moves over to Kanti with medkit::<ASCI>Where were you hit? [Cdt_DigitalLava] <AMO><CMO> Need any help with Kanit? [Ensign_Kanti] <ASCI><CMO>the left shoulder... its not too bad i dont think [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] @<XO>::suddenly goes quiet:: [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] @<XO>::whispering:: Anyone have a white flag? [Ensign_TLinna_Eagle] <CMO>::opening medkit::<AMO>I can handle him. check for other wounded. [sTSF_Jami] <CO> ::hears the silence::: [Lt._(j.g.)_Wim_Murray] @<CSCI><XO/ASEC> ::whispers:: It's quiet. [Ens_Rath_Tinner] @<ASEC>::fires over the rocks and after no return fires sticks his head up over the rocks:: [Cdt_DigitalLava] <AMO><CMO> Yes sir. [cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] <AMO2>::finds the wound and applies a dermal regenerator:: [Ensign_Eagle] <asec><xo>it's ok sir.....had worse. [Ens.George_Pickett] <CSEC>::Looks around but doesn't see any more smugglers:: +<Co>+ Sir the smugglers seem to have vanished I'm moving in with my team to check on the away team. [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] @<XO><<lol Tinner>> [sTSF_Jami] <CO> ::turns a bit, looking for snipers::: [Lt._(j.g.)_Wim_Murray] @<CSCI><XO> ::whispering:: I've got a white hanky. [sTSF_Jami] <CO> +CSEC+ Roger that. Watch for an ambush. [Ensign_TLinna_Eagle] <CMO>::notes the silence...::<ASCI>All right, hold on. [Cdt._Pyromitsu] <AENG> :: turns to make sure nothing is coming from the rear:: [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] @<XO><CO>::says loudly, finally:: Captain? [Ens.George_Pickett] <CSEC><CENG>you and the AENG please watch this flank I'm heading in to the cave. [Ensign_TLinna_Eagle] <CMO>::scanning Kanti's left shoulder:: [Cdt_DigitalLava] <AMO> ::walks towards Lepage:: Need any medical attention? [Ensign_Kanti] <ASCI>::leaning against a rock::<CMO>heh thanks [Ens_Rath_Tinner] @<ASEC><AT>::in redneck voice::thay all gone and disaperaed [Ensign_TLinna_Eagle] <<lol Lava>> [sTSF_Jami] <CO> ::shouts:: <XO> Here! [Ensign_Kanti] << lol >> [Ens_Lepage] <ASCI2><AMO> No thanks I'm fine. I need an idea. [Ens.George_Pickett] <CSEC>+<ASEC>+I'll be there soon anyone injured? [cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] <AMO2><ASEC>hmmm your going to need a patch on that when we get back [Lt._(j.g.)_Wim_Murray] @<CSCI> ::pops head up, like in cartoons:: [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] @<XO><CO>::loudly, smirks at ASEC:: I thin k they gave up [sTSF_Jami] <<Once again, please nix the OOC comments unless absolutely necessary>> [Cdt_DigitalLava] <AMO><ASCI2> Heh, okay. [Ensign_TLinna_Eagle] <CMO>::smiles::<ASCI>No problem. [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] @<XO>::glances around the cave wall:: [Lt._(j.g.)_Wim_Murray] @<CSCI><XO> ::smirks:: Forcible surrender, huh? [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] @<XO><CSCI>Scan the area. [Ensign_Kanti] <ASCI><CMO>us blueshirts arent cut ou for all this combat... i miss the lab... [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] @<XO>From right here* [Ensign_Eagle] <asec>::looking at xo:: [Lt._(j.g.)_Wim_Murray] @<CSCI> ::rolls over and onto back, pulling out tircorder and scanning:: [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] @<XO><ASECEagle>Hang on.. [Cdt_DigitalLava] <AMO><CMO> I think everyones fine sir. [Ensign_TLinna_Eagle] <CMO>::trying to locate the bullet in Kanti's shoulder::<ASCI>I know what you mean. I miss my sickbay. [Ens_Rath_Tinner] @<ASEC>+CSEC+eagle got cliped but thats about it [Ensign_TLinna_Eagle] <CMO><AMO>That's good to hear. [sTSF_Jami] <CO> ::listens::: <XO> Stay there until CSEC gives us the all clear. [Lt._(j.g.)_Wim_Murray] @<CSCI><XO> All I see are ours, sir. [cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] <AMO2>::crawls back to CMO:: <CMO> I think thats everyone [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] @<XO><CO>Im not leaving this cave...Sir.. [Cdt_DigitalLava] <AMO><CMO> Yes, hopefully no one else will be injured [Ens_Lepage] <ASCI2><ASCI/CMO> Well we can certainly help. We do need a good plan with these snipers around we are at a disatvantage. We ought try and coordinate with the others. [Lieutenant_j.g._T_Parek] <CENG>::shoots:: [Ensign_TLinna_Eagle] <CMO><AMO2>Good [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] @<XO>::nods at CSCI:: [Ensign_Eagle] <asec><xo>aye sir.. [Ensign_TLinna_Eagle] <CMO>::nods at Lepage:: [Ens.George_Pickett] <CSEC>+<XO>+Looks all clear sir, I have a perimeter set-up but they seem to have just vanished. [Cdt_DigitalLava] <AMO><AMO2> Heres an extra med pack Ramdar ::hand med pack to him:: [Ensign_Kanti] <ASCI><ASCI2>yea, if we could only get around to the other side [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] @<XO>::relieved:: +CSEC+What, with no forward address? [sTSF_Jami] <CO> ::checks the awesome job Goftar did::: +CSEC+ No sign of them? [sTSF_Jami] <CO> ::peeks out::: [Ensign_TLinna_Eagle] <CMO>::finds the bullet and removes it carefully with a forceps::<ASCI>Not much longer now. [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] @<XO>::steps out cautiously:: [Ens_Lepage] <ASCI2><ASCI/CMO/AMO>::looks at lava:: Is the Captain badly hurt? Maybe we could pull off siomething with them. [Ensign_Kanti] <ASCI>::winces::<CMO>I would hope not [Lt._(j.g.)_Wim_Murray] @<CSCI>+CO+ Not unless their emitting the biosigns of rocks. [Ens.George_Pickett] <CSEC>+<CO>+ None sir, I don't know where they might have gone. I have a perimeter around the cave though. [Lt._(j.g.)_Wim_Murray] <<*they're>> [Ensign_TLinna_Eagle] <CMO>::whips out a hypo and injects it into Kanti's neck::<ASCI>that shouls help with the pain [Cdt_DigitalLava] <AMO><ASCI2> Umm.. [Ensign_TLinna_Eagle] <CMO><ASCI2>Ask ramdar. [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] @<XO>::peaks around, sees the CO and team peaking:: [Ensign_TLinna_Eagle] *should [sTSF_Jami] <CO> :::stands cautiously::: +CSEC+ No sign of them over here, either. [Lt._(j.g.)_Wim_Murray] @<CSCI> ::gets up on knees and kneels, looking out:: [Ens.George_Pickett] <CSEC>::Moves into the cave to check on Eagle:: <ASEC>Are you hurt bad Eagle? [Ens_Lepage] <ASCI2><AMO2> How's the captain? Is she able to fight? [cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] <AMO2><ASCI2> she is fine just a flesh wound shes okay [sTSF_Jami] <CO> +ALL HANDS+ Rendezvous back at base camp. Use all caution. Repeat. Use all caution. [Cdt_DigitalLava] <AMO> ::goes to Kanti:: [Ensign_Kanti] <ASCI>::trys to move his arm and it seems ok::<CMO>thanks for the patch up, we should keep moving in case they come back [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] @<XO>+CMO+Doctor, I need your assistance, please. [Ensign_TLinna_Eagle] <CMO>+CO+Understood. [Cdt_DigitalLava] <AMO><CMO> So he's doing better now sir? [Ens.George_Pickett] <CSEC>+<CENG>+I'll meet you two back at camp cheif nice job. [sTSF_Jami] <CO> ::brushes her uniform off, forgetting her injury:::winces::: [Ens_Lepage] <ASCI2> <CMO> She can't be serious. The others will never make it out of there!!!! [Ensign_Eagle] <asec><csec>dont know sir...cant feel anything right now [Ensign_TLinna_Eagle] <CMO>+XO+On my way. [Cdt_DigitalLava] <AMO><CMO> I can stay here with him if you need to go about doing other stuff. [Lt._(j.g.)_Wim_Murray] @<CSCI> ::stands and cautiously moves toward cave exit:: [Ensign_TLinna_Eagle] <CMO><AMO>Lava, take care of Kanti. [sTSF_Jami] ACTION: ALL INJURIES ARE MINOR [Cdt_DigitalLava] <AMO><CMO> Aye aye sir :lol: [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] @<XO>::finds, picks up a spent shell:: [Ensign_Kanti] <ASCI><CMO>I'm coming too [Ens.George_Pickett] <CSEC>::Escorts the away team back to camp:: [Ens_Rath_Tinner] <ASEC1>::wakes out of the cave with phaser in hand:: [cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] <AMO2>::begins to head back to base:: [Ensign_Kanti] <ASCI>::grabs the science kit and stands up:: [Lieutenant_j.g._T_Parek] <CENG>+AENG+ ::at Camp:: You ok, there? [Ensign_TLinna_Eagle] <CMO>::closes kit::<ASCI>NO. Stay with the others. Go back to base. [Cdt_DigitalLava] <AMO><ASCI> You better not... [Lt._(j.g.)_Wim_Murray] @<CSCI><XO> ::looks at the shell:: Oh, my goodness! [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] @<XO><CSCI>Here you go. Keepsake: ::gives the shell to CSCI:: [Ensign_Eagle] <asec>::stands and follows team:: [Ensign_TLinna_Eagle] <CMO>::heads off for the XO's position:: [sTSF_Jami] <CO> :::watches all around as she goes back to camp::: [Cdt._Pyromitsu] <AENG><CENG> just alittle rattled much different out here in the feild [Ensign_Kanti] <ASCI><AMO>I'll be fine, I won't do any fighting... promise [Cdt_DigitalLava] <AMO><ASCI> You need to rest a little before you do /anything/ [Ens_Lepage] <ASCI2><CMO> ::shouts after T'linna! You'll need someone to cover you!!! [Ensign_Kanti] <ASCI>::runs to catch up with TLinna, pulling out a tricorder scanning on all bands:: [Cdt_DigitalLava] <AMO><ASCI> Stop! [Ens.George_Pickett] <CSEC><ASEC1>and <ASEC2> You both did a good job. [Lt._(j.g.)_Wim_Murray] @<CSCI><XO> ::takes and turns over in hand:: This is a 50 caliber. The rifle weighs about 50 pounds. The bullets are huge. [sTSF_Jami] <CO> :::hearing Nick's panic::: I think they're gone. [Ens_Rath_Tinner] <ASEC1>::looks at eagles wound::<ASEC>whoa you got lucky there had it been a disrupter it would have taken your arm off [Ensign_Kanti] <ASCI><AMO>::shouting:: c'mon or youll miss the train [Ensign_TLinna_Eagle] <CMO>::using tricorder to track Andrea to find her faster::<ASCI2>I'm fine, Nick. But you can come if you'd like. [cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] <AMO2>::hears Dig and looks at here as if saying shhhhh:: [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] @<XO>::nodding:: [Ensign_TLinna_Eagle] <CMO><ASCI>I SAID BACK TO CAMP! GO! [Cdt_DigitalLava] <AMO><ASCI> ::runs behind Kanti:: [Lieutenant_j.g._T_Parek] <CENG> True... but I am glad that you are ok. [Ens_Rath_Tinner] <ASEC1><CSEC>thank you sir [cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] <AMO2>::cringes at all the shouting:: [Ensign_Eagle] <asec><asec1>::nods::+ i;ll be ok [Cdt_DigitalLava] <AMO><ASCI> You have to stay put! [Ens_Lepage] <ASCI2><CO> They'll be dead before they even get there! ::curses loudly and runs off after t'linna:: [Ens.George_Pickett] <CSEC>+<NSG>+Set up a perimeter around base camp. [Ensign_TLinna_Eagle] <CMO>::creeps up behind Andrea::<XO>You called? [Ensign_Kanti] <ASCI>::stops::<AMO>ok you win [Lt._(j.g.)_Wim_Murray] @<CSCI> ::exits cave and shields eyes at the light:: [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] @<XO><CMO>::turns:: I did, indeed. [Cdt_DigitalLava] <AMO><ASCI> Dont try anything fancy [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] @<XO>::points to Eagle:: [Ensign_Kanti] <ASCI><AMO>back to camp then? [Cdt_DigitalLava] <AMO><ASCI> Yes [Ensign_Kanti] <ASCI>::pockets the tricorder:: [Ens_Rath_Tinner] <ASEC><CSEC>sir i don't get why did they run? [Ensign_Kanti] <ASCI><AMO>lead on [Ensign_Eagle] <asec><csec>sir shall i escort the cmo back ...i'm ok [Cdt_DigitalLava] <AMO><ASCI> Look here...::pulls out phaser:: [cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] <AMO2>::gets to the shell and runs a quick scan over all as they enter:: [Ensign_TLinna_Eagle] <CMO>::looks over::<XO>I see. ::walks over to Eagle and cracks open the medkit. [sTSF_Jami] <CO> ::enters the camp looking for Andrea::: [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] @<XO><ASEC>Not yet. Just hang on.. [Cdt_DigitalLava] <AMO><ASCI> So stay still- rest. Then you can run off later. [Ens_Lepage] <ASCI2> ::catches up with T'linna:: [Lt._(j.g.)_Wim_Murray] @<CSCI> ::begins walking back to base camp:: [Ens.George_Pickett] <CSEC><ASEC1>I don't know tinner maybe they detected the rest of us closing in but I just don't know. [Ensign_TLinna_Eagle] <CMO><ASEC>Hush. ::pulls out tricorder:: [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] @<XO><CMO>Ok for now? We need to move. [Ensign_Kanti] <ASCI>::doesnt have a phaser so hides behind Lava:: what is it? [Cdt_DigitalLava] <AMO><ASCI> Nothing ::smiles:: [Ensign_Eagle] <asec><cmo>aye [sTSF_Jami] <CO> ::also looking around, doing a nose count::: [Ensign_Kanti] <ASCI><AMO>dont scare me like that [Cdt_DigitalLava] <AMO><ASCI> Sit down okay? [Ensign_TLinna_Eagle] @<CMO>::starts scanning:: [Ensign_TLinna_Eagle] @<CMO><XO>He can travel. [sTSF_Jami] ACTION: EVERYONE IS BACK AT BASE CAMP AND NO ONE USES A @ ANYMORE [Ensign_Eagle] <asec>::looking at phaser w/good arm:: [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] @<XO>:::looking around::<CMO>Good. Lets beat feet for camp [Lt._(j.g.)_Wim_Murray] <CSCI> ::sees Jami and heads over:: [Ensign_Kanti] <ASCI>::sits down against a rock and is magically at base camp:: [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] <XO>::suddenly standing in camp:: [Ens.George_Pickett] <CSEC>::Having returned to Base Camp scans the horizons for anything. [Cdt_DigitalLava] <AMO><ASCI> Good. Now stay still.... [Ens_Lepage] <ASCI> ::in the camp with the others:: [Lt._(j.g.)_Wim_Murray] <CSCI><CO> Thanks for the rescue, Captain. [sTSF_Jami] <CO> :::sitting on a bench outside the pods:::sees Murray::: [Ens_Rath_Tinner] <ASEC><CSEC>sir what if they straff the camp with their shuttle or what ever they came in [Cdt_DigitalLava] <AMO> ::looks around:: [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] <XO>::looks around:: Uh oh.. [Ensign_TLinna_Eagle] <CMO>::magically appears at Base camp::Whoa, how'd I get here? [Ensign_Eagle] <asec>::at base camp +<cmo>+thanks doc good job [sTSF_Jami] <CO> ::looks up:: No rescue. They just . . . disappeared. [Cdt_DigitalLava] <AMO><CMO> Sir...any ideas? [sTSF_Jami] <CO> <XO> Number One. Problem? [Cdt._Pyromitsu] <AENG> ::looks around nervously phaser still held tightly:: [Ensign_TLinna_Eagle] <CMO><ASEC>But I didn't do anything. [Ensign_TLinna_Eagle] <CMO><AMO>No ideas. I'm lost. [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] <XO><CO>Yeah, I left my chiclets in the cave. [Cdt_DigitalLava] <AMO><CMO> So am I [Ens.George_Pickett] <CSEC><ASEC1>We will have to keep a tight perimeter and let us hope they do not. [Ensign_Kanti] <ASCI><AMO>why are there flying pink bunnies? [Ensign_TLinna_Eagle] <<lol Andrea>> [Cdt_DigitalLava] <AMO><ASCI> Come here. [sTSF_Jami] <CO> ::shakes her head::: Right. Take an inventory. See who and what we're missing, if anything. [cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] <AMO2>::walks up to jami holding up a device:: <CO>sorry sir I insist on a getting rid of that bruise [Lt._(j.g.)_Wim_Murray] <CSCI><CO> Still, you were going to rescue us...weren't you? ::glimmer in eye:: [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] <XO><CO>::nods:: [Ensign_Kanti] <ASCI>::walks over::<AMO>yea? [sTSF_Jami] <CO> :::waves Goftar off::: I'm ok. We need to reconnoiter. [Cdt_DigitalLava] <AMO><ASCI> ::gives Kanti a arm for support:: Dont die [Ens_Rath_Tinner] <ASEC1><CSEC>aye sir but don't have the fire power to bring down a shuttle [Cdt_DigitalLava] <AMO><ASCI> ::snickers:: [Ens.George_Pickett] <CSEC>::Moves over to the CO:: [Ens_Lepage] <ASCI2> ::sits down and sighs:: [cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] <AMO2><CO>sir it will take only a minute please I hate leaving marks? [sTSF_Jami] <CO> <Murray> I don't know how. Type twos against phaser rifles and whatever else? [Ensign_TLinna_Eagle] <CMO>::looks around:: Now what? [Ensign_Kanti] <ASCI>::hopes that Lava doesnt lead him off a cliff:: [Ensign_Eagle] <asec><csec>sir shall i put together a recon team [Lt._(j.g.)_Wim_Murray] <CSCI><CO> I'm sure you would've come up with something. [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] <XO><CSEC>Take a looksee here and make sure everything is safe.. [Ens.George_Pickett] <CSEC>::Turning back as he walks away:: That's why I hope they don't attack that way. [Lt._(j.g.)_Wim_Murray] <CSCI> ::wanders off:: [Cdt_DigitalLava] <AMO><ASCI> ::senses Kanti's nerves:: <ASCI> Heh. [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] <XO><CSCI>Chief. Make sure our supplies are still intact.. [Ens.George_Pickett] <CSEC><XO>Yes sir! [cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] <AMO2>::walks away saddened that he cant finish is job:: [Lt._(j.g.)_Wim_Murray] <CSCI><XO> Aye, sir. [sTSF_Jami] <CO> <CSCI> Tell you what - when you have an idea about who that was and why in the name of SFHQ they put us into this mess, let me know. [sTSF_Jami] ACTION: THE CAMP HAS BEEN STRIPPED OF FOOD AND MEDICINE, PRESUMABLY BY THE SMUGGLERS. [Lt._(j.g.)_Wim_Murray] <CSCI><ASCI> ::sees ASCI:: Kanti! [Ensign_Eagle] <asec><csec>sir may permisson to speak freely [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] <XO><CMO>Well, Im sure the Captain and Eagle could still use your expertise.. [Ensign_Kanti] <ASCI>::coughs::<CSCI>hello sir [Lt._(j.g.)_Wim_Murray] <CSCI><CO> Sounds good, sir. [cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] <AMO2>::looks at his hand wondering what he was holding:: must be the heat [Ens_Rath_Tinner] <ASEC>walks toward the mess hall tent for a snack:: [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] <XO>::notices the blood traces on COs uniform:: [Cdt_DigitalLava] <AMO><ASCI> Dont cough, hehe [Ens.George_Pickett] <CSEC><XO>Everything appears safe sir. ::Recieves the message that the camp has been stripped:: [Ensign_TLinna_Eagle] <CMO>::checking for med supplies...and finding nothing::<Xo>My expertise is worth little with no medical equipment. [Lt._(j.g.)_Wim_Murray] <CSCI><ASCI> How's it going? Would you give me a hand with camp inventory, please. [Ensign_Kanti] <ASCI><CSCI>need any assistance, this medical officer insists I rest but I say I'm fine [sTSF_Jami] <CO> :::watching Andrea eye her wound::: Just a scratch, Number One. [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] <XO><CO>Uh huh.. [Ensign_Kanti] <ASCI><CSCI>ok ::follows the Murray:: [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] <XO><CMO>Eh? [Ensign_TLinna_Eagle] <CMO><XO>Everything's gone. There's nothing left. [Cdt_DigitalLava] <AMO><ASCI> I have to take care of you Kanti, you cant get a bullet removes then go off like nothing happend. [Ens.George_Pickett] <CSEC>+<NSG commander>+I thought I told you to keep a good guard on the camp, what happened to our supplies? ::With anger in his voice:: [sTSF_Jami] <CO> ::;stands for a stretch::then realizes what T'Linna said::: No medical equipment? [Ensign_TLinna_Eagle] <CMO><CO>None, sir. [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] <XO>Voonderbah. [Ensign_Eagle] <asec><csec>sir.. [Ensign_Kanti] <ASCI><AMO>it was a flesh wound, just a scratch ::runs off:: [sTSF_Jami] <CO> :::choice expletive::: [Ensign_TLinna_Eagle] <CMO><XO>Voonderbah, sir? [Cdt_DigitalLava] <AMO><ASCI> KANTI! [Ens.George_Pickett] <CSEC><ASEC2>Yes Eagle? [Lt._(j.g.)_Wim_Murray] <CSCI><AMO> Surely an inventory can't be that strenuous. [Ens_Rath_Tinner] <ASEC1>::walks into the tent and sees no food any where runs around the counter and there isn't even any emergancy rations::NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!! [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] <XO>mm hmm..<CO>Permission to throw a hissy fit, Sir? [Lieutenant_j.g._T_Parek] <CENG><AENG> Odd... I can't believe that they were using live ammo. [Cdt_DigitalLava] <AMO><ASCI> Oh not again ::sighs:: [Ensign_TLinna_Eagle] <CMO>::hears Lava shouting::<ASCI>KANTI GET BACK HERE! [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] <XO>::sighs, looking around the camp:: [Ensign_Eagle] <asec2><csec>sir the raiders tactics remind me of the ones used by my ancestors on terra [sTSF_Jami] <CO> <XO> SAve it for the Commandant's office when we get back to the Academy and lodge a formal complaint. [Ens_Lepage] <ASCI2> ::hears tinner shout and runs into the tent thinking something terrible must have happened to him:: [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] <XO><CO>Agreed. [Cdt_DigitalLava] <AMO><CMO> Sir Im sorry, maybe we should just let him run off. [Ens_Rath_Tinner] <ASEC1>::mubbaling to himself::its not fair i get shot at and i don't even get food [Ensign_TLinna_Eagle] <CMO>::wanted to see the hissy fit:: [Ensign_Kanti] <ASCI><CMO>uhm... its just an inventory.. can I PLEASE go [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] <XO>Lets everyone keep our wits. If I have to then so do you all. [Ensign_TLinna_Eagle] <CMO><AMO>Let him go.<ASCI>Go. [Ens_Lepage] <ASCI2>ASEC1> What's up? [Cdt_DigitalLava] <AMO><ASCI> Good riddance [Ensign_Kanti] <ASCI><AMO>blah to you [Ens.George_Pickett] <CSEC><ASEC2>Yes it does, divide and conquer. [sTSF_Jami] <<kanti ,keep it under control, please>> [Lt._(j.g.)_Wim_Murray] <CSCI><ASCI> Forget it. I'll take care of it. I don't want you under any unnecessary stress. Stay with the docs. ::smiles and walks off:: [Cdt_DigitalLava] <AMO><ASCI> Shudda left the bullet in. [Ens_Rath_Tinner] <ASEC1>::falls down and curls up in a ball mubaling about food:: [Ensign_Kanti] <ASCI><CSCI>what are we taking inventory of? I don't see anything sir, respectfully [Lieutenant_j.g._T_Parek] <CENG><AENG> ::pulls a NutiBar out of her pocket:: Do you need half of this? [sTSF_Jami] ACTION: SUDDENLY WE ARE SURROUNDED BY TEAM CHARLIE, A SPECIAL FORCES UNIT ATTACHED DIRECTLY TO STARFLEET HEADQUARTERS. THEY'RE LEAN, MEAN FIGHTING MACHINES, LOADED FOR BEAR, AND THEY HAVE ALL THE CADETS IN THEIR CROSS-HAIRS. [Ensign_Kanti] <ASCI>::slumps:: [sTSF_Jami] OOPS. [sTSF_Jami] =/\= =/\= PAUSE SIM =/\= =/\= [sTSF_Jami] =/\= =/\= PAUSE SIM =/\= =/\= [sTSF_Jami] =/\= =/\= PAUSE SIM =/\= =/\= [sTSF_Jami] =/\==/\=ATTENTION TO THE SCREEN=/\==/\= [sTSF_Jami] =/\==/\=ATTENTION TO THE SCREEN=/\==/\= [sTSF_Jami] =/\==/\=ATTENTION TO THE SCREEN=/\==/\= [sTSF_Jami] One more time...recap. [sTSF_Jami] We were attacked by smugglers. [sTSF_Jami] Some have MINOR injuries. [sTSF_Jami] They stole our food and medicine. [sTSF_Jami] We're back at camp. [sTSF_Jami] The smugglers must have detected Charlie coming in, so they left. [sTSF_Jami] Charlie now has us surrounded, and I guess they think WE are the smugglers. [sTSF_Jami] Now... [sTSF_Jami] Questions, comments. Use ? for question, ! for comment. [sTSF_Jami] Lepage. [Ens_Lepage] Thanks jami...you know we were talking bout this action statement thing... [sTSF_Jami] Right.. [sTSF_Jami] Lepage has the floor, please. Protocol. [Ens_Lepage] so when there's an action statement like the smugglers are gone [Ens_Lepage] it would still have to be communicated to those who cannot be aware of it in character [Ens_Lepage] I mean I was ouside the cave how would I know the team wasn't under fire anymore [sTSF_Jami] Good question. [sTSF_Jami] Let me run the action statement again, so I can refresh my memory. [sTSF_Jami] ACTION: THE FIRING SUDDENLY STOPS AND THE SMUGGLERS SEEM TO DISAPPEAR. [sTSF_Jami] Ah. Good point, Lepage. [Ens_Lepage] that was in the cave [sTSF_Jami] They seem to disappear. [sTSF_Jami] The smugglers were outside the cave. [sTSF_Jami] I should have been more specific. [Ens_Lepage] how come the team inside the cave was under fire then? [sTSF_Jami] The AT was pinned down inside the cave. [sTSF_Jami] From outside. [Ens_Lepage] now I get it [Ens_Rath_Tinner] they where fireing in the entrance [cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] ? [Ens_Lepage] thanks jami [sTSF_Jami] Sure enough. [sTSF_Jami] Please feel free to leave if you have to. [sTSF_Jami] Goftar, question? [cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] yes [cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] okay [cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] now I was told that the away team was in the cave [cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] were you part of the away team [sTSF_Jami] I was not. [cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] oh [cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] i see [Ens.George_Pickett] ::has question after ram waiting turn:: [sTSF_Jami] Andrea, Tinner, and Murray were AT. [cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] cause I was wondering if when I was told to take off my @ that I wasnt really in the cave [sTSF_Jami] The only ones who were in the cave were those three. Everyone else was supposedly trying to get to the AT, but were unsuccessful because of the snipers. [sTSF_Jami] Pickett? [Ens.George_Pickett] If SEC has a very limited team and needs more personel is their an easier way then making up Nameless Security Guys? [sTSF_Jami] Well, as soon as I realized we were going to need more fighters, I gave you the rest except for the docs. [Ens.George_Pickett] I wondered if that was your reason. [sTSF_Jami] Actually, if there are no other security, you can always ask the CO if you can commandeer some. [Ens.George_Pickett] Very good, Thank you for a great sim. [sTSF_Jami] Most welcome. Glad you enjoyed it. [Ensign_TLinna_Eagle] ? [Ensign_TLinna_Eagle] How long has the crew of the Goldstein been on this planet? [sTSF_Jami] This will be the fourth week. Had enough of this place? lol [Ensign_TLinna_Eagle] Ouch...long time...Thanks. and Yes! It's trying to kill us! lol [sTSF_Jami] I hear ya, T' . I think it won't be much longer. [Lieutenant_j.g._T_Parek] ! [cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] ! [sTSF_Jami] TParek? [Lieutenant_j.g._T_Parek] I just wanted to mention that cadets should get used to being in one place for a long time, [sTSF_Jami] Good point. [Lieutenant_j.g._T_Parek] because in the Advanced simulations, you can spend up to four months in one place. ;) [sTSF_Jami] This is true. [sTSF_Jami] Ramdar? [Lieutenant_j.g._T_Parek] And you don't want to tell your CO an XO... "I'm tired of this place!!!" [cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] just a comment on post ignoring [sTSF_Jami] Okie... [cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] If I am wrong you can totally disreguard it [cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] but I have run into it several times when people totally ignore what I am posting [sTSF_Jami] Typing in the chat room, you mean, or posting on the message boards? [cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] for example tonight I was working on eagle but then a little later someone was called to work on him though I was already finished [cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] I was going towards the fact that I saw him get shot [cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] seeing that I was helping Jami I thought I would be able to see eagle [sTSF_Jami] Goftar, sounds more like a misunderstanding to me. [cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] thats what I thought as well however I kept going and still [sTSF_Jami] Sometimes when the action is fast and so much is going on, people get mixed up a bit. [cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] okay then [cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] just commenting [sTSF_Jami] Valid comment. [cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] thank you [sTSF_Jami] Tell you what. [sTSF_Jami] I'll take a look at the log, and you can when I post it. [sTSF_Jami] You can see if folks were really ignoring you or just really busy or confused. [cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] ah I see thank you [sTSF_Jami] I would put my money more on the busy and confused part. [cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] okay then [sTSF_Jami] Sure enough, Ramdar. [cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] thank you for listening
  9. =/\==/\= Starfleet Academy Briefing for September 6, 2005=/\==/\= In the name of education, the faculty of Starfleet Academy has subjected the crew of USS Goldstein (refit Galaxy Class) to an "emergency" landing on a small barely-habitable planet. After investigating a distress signal, the AT finds itself pinned down in a cave, under fire from what appear to be smugglers. Furthermore, our food and medical supplies have disappeared from the base camp. Wasn't this planet supposed to be uninhabited? =/\==/\= END BRIEF =/\==/\=
  10. Meanwhile, back at Starfleet Headquarters on Earth, Admiral Duturetire finds his afternoon nap interrupted by a sharp rap on the casing of his open office door. "Huh? Wha...?" he blurts out while jerking awake. He takes a moment to rub sleep from his eyes and don his spectacles so he can check the chrono on the opposite wall. 1400. Three hours to go before happy hour at the club. Darn. After several minutes lost in contemplation of the evening's pursuits, the admiral finally notices a young ensign standing in the doorway, awaiting permission to enter. "Yes, yes. Come in, come in." He waves an impatient hand at the ensign while rubbing the other hand over his thinning hair and down the back of his neck. "Dispatch from Charlie, sir," said the ensign. "They've found the smugglers crashed on an uninhabited planet in the . . . ." He never got to finish. Duturetire held up his hand, took the padd , and after slipping it onto a teetering pile marked "IN" dismissed the ensign with a nod. "Sheesh," he muttered when the doorway cleared. "Smugglers. Think I'll finish my nap first."
  11. [sTSF_Jami] Commanding Officer (CO) - STSF Jami [sTSF_Jami] Mission Commanding Officer (MCO) - STSF NDak [sTSF_Jami] Mission Executive Officer (MXO) - Lt Cdr Andrea Knlwtchr [sTSF_Jami] Chief Engineer (CENG) - Kestra Miral [sTSF_Jami] Assistant Engineer (AENG) - Cdt Ramdar Goftar [sTSF_Jami] Assistant Engineer (AENG) - [sTSF_Jami] Chief Security Officer (CSEC) - Ens George Pickett [sTSF_Jami] Assistant Security Officer (ASEC) - Cdt Shephard [sTSF_Jami] Assistant Security Officer (ASEC) - Ens Rath Tinner [sTSF_Jami] Chief Medical Officer (CMO) - Rana Zor [sTSF_Jami] Assistant Medical Officer (AMO1) - Cdt Digital Lava [sTSF_Jami] Assistant Medical Officer (AMO2) - Ens Tynte [sTSF_Jami] Chief Science Officer (CSCI) - Lt jg Wim Murray [sTSF_Jami] Assistant Science Officer (ASCI) - Avani [sTSF_Jami] Assistant Science Officer (ASCI) - Ens Lepage [sTSF_Jami] If you are not on the roster and wish to have a post, please send me one PM now. [sTSF_Jami] =/\==/\=END ROSTER=/\==/\= [sTSF_Jami] =/\==/\=END ROSTER=/\==/\= [sTSF_Jami] =/\==/\= Starfleet Academy Briefing Stardate August 30, 2005=/\==/\= [sTSF_Jami] In the name of education, the faculty of Starfleet Academy has subjected the crew of USS Goldstein (refit Galaxy Class) to an emergencyll barely-habitable planet. [sTSF_Jami] it's hot, it's dusty, has very few plants and fewer animals. [sTSF_Jami] We have one tricorder apiece, four escape pods, and emergency supplies for one week. [sTSF_Jami] After two days we have endured a severe sandstorm and a visit by a . . . blue Wookie? Well, at least something that looks like a Wookie, but we all know Wookies don't exist in the Trek universe. [sTSF_Jami] What will happen next? Only the Great Instructors in the Sky (or San Francsico, whichever you prefer) know. In other words, it's for them to know and for us to find out. [sTSF_Jami] =/\==/\= END BRIEF =/\==/\= [sTSF_Jami] ROSTER UPDATE - Ens Eagle is AENG. [sTSF_Jami] Pausing so everyone can READ the brief.... [sTSF_Jami] =/\= =/\= BEGIN SIM =/\= =/\= [sTSF_Jami] =/\= =/\= BEGIN SIM =/\= =/\= [Ens_Tynte] ::Read it earlier:: Who is playing the Wookie like creature? [sTSF_Jami] <<NO wookie tonight>> [Ens_Tynte] ::Is dieing of thirst:: Sigh. [sTSF_Jami] ACTION: The Wookie showed us water. [Rana_Zor] <CMO>::licks finger to gauge wind direction:: [Kestra_Miral] <<Ramdar AENG1, Eagle AENG2>> [Ens_Tynte] <<Dang, add AMO2 to that. ::Switches himself into Academy mode::>> [Cdt_DigitalLava] <AMO1><AMO2> So Tynte what should we do? Roam around? [Lt._(j.g.)_Wim_Murray] <CSCI> ::looks up at the sky:: Blah. [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] <MXO>::already scanned the water supply, taking a scoopfull into her hand:: [Cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] <AENG1><CENG> uh sir what should we do [sTSF_NDak] CO> ::making a mental note about these survival scenarios:: [Ens_Tynte] <AMO2> <AMO1> I suppose we should tend to any of the injured..and try to stay alive. [Ens_Lepage] <ASCI2> ::standing next to Murray with his tricorder in hand:: [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] <MXO>::tasting the water:: [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] <MXO>Ill be Kings taster [Ens_Rath_Tinner] <ASEC2>::is laying down trying to get some sleep:: [Avani] <ASCI1> ::by the chief:: [Cdt_DigitalLava] <AMO1><AMO2> Your smart Avery, good idea ::smiles:: [Lt._(j.g.)_Wim_Murray] <CSCI><MXO> And the verdict is? [Ensign_Eagle] <aeng2><ceng>the dome is secure sir....suggest we re hydrate [Ens_Tynte] <AMO2> ::Scans Andrea:: <MXO> Your not dead. I would call it safe. [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] <MXO>::grasps throat with twisted look:: [sTSF_NDak] CO> ::waits for Andrea to fall over dead:: [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] <MXO>::then grins:: Tastes good [Ens.George_Pickett] <CSEC>::Moves towards <ASEC1 and ASEC2> [Lt._(j.g.)_Wim_Murray] <CSCI><AMO2> Good enough for me. [Kestra_Miral] <CENG> <AENG1,2> Well it looks like we have water so why don't we check that out. ::moves closer to Andrea:: [Cdt_DigitalLava] <AMO1><AMO2> ::looks down:: I think shes fine [Avani] <ASCI1> <ASCI2> So, what do you think of this lovely planet? [Cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] <AENG1>::follows kestra:: [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] <MXO>::takes another scoopful:: [Ensign_Eagle] <aeng2>aye sir [Lt._(j.g.)_Wim_Murray] <CSCI><MXO> I suppose it's too much to ask that it's ice cold? [sTSF_NDak] CO> ::smirks:: <MXO> Alright....everyone come get some. Then let's see about "storing" us some of this... [CdtShephard] <asec><csec> what shall i do chief? [Ens_Rath_Tinner] <ASEC2>::rolls over:: [Ens.George_Pickett] <CSEC><ASEC1 and ASEC2> Please set up a secure perimeter around our camp please. [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] <MXO><CO>But this ones mine, you guys go find yer own.. ::grins again:: [Ens_Lepage] <ASCI2><ASCI1> After what we've been through so far....I will not spend my next vacation here. [Kestra_Miral] <CENG> <MXO> Safe? ::eyes the water:: [Ens_Tynte] <AMO2> ::Sips at the water:: [Cdt_DigitalLava] <AMO1><AMO2> Waeres our CMO? ::drinks some water:: [Cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] <AENG1>::gives the water a tentative taste:: [Avani] <ASCI1> <ASCI2> Fair enough. I think the Vulcans might like it, though. ::smiles:: [Ensign_Eagle] <aeng2>::hands ceng water test kit :: [Rana_Zor] <CMO><AMO1>I'd like you to take samples of this water <AMO2> Could you test the samples to be sure it's potable? [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] <MXO>::nods at CENG:: [CdtShephard] <asec><csec> ok chief [Ens_Rath_Tinner] <ASEC>::wakes up because some sand got in his mouth and spits it out:: [Ens_Tynte] <AMO2><CMO> Aye sir <Whipser to AMO1> Speak of the devil.... [Ens_Lepage] <ASCI2><ASCI1> Yeah I never understood them. I prefer places like erm...Earth. [Cdt_DigitalLava] <AMO1><CMO> Ah there she is, sure thing samples coming up. [sTSF_NDak] CO> ::taking a drink himself:: <XO> You know I hear they have a wonderful opening for a Commander on the Isris Polar Observetory. [Lt._(j.g.)_Wim_Murray] <CSCI> ::kneels down, cups hands and sips away:: What I wouldn't give for my Nalgene about now. [Rana_Zor] <<he>> [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] <MXO><<LOL>> [Ens.George_Pickett] <CSEC><ASEC2> Let me know when you have set a perimeter, ok Mr. Tinner? [Kestra_Miral] <CENG> <AENG2> I don't think we need it. The MXO says it's safe. ::sips some water to prove her point:: [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] <MXO><CO>Oh yeah? You transferring? [Rana_Zor] <CMO><XO> I would not recommend anyone drink this water until we have established it's purity. [Ensign_Eagle] <aeng2>::hands water test kit to csci as well:: [Ens_Rath_Tinner] <ASEC2>::jumps up::<CSEC>aye sir [Cdt_DigitalLava] <AMO1> ::takes sample of water:: [Avani] <ASCI1> <ASCI2> Or Trill, Terran. ::laughs, pointing at his spots:: [Cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] <AENG1>::swishes water around:: hmmm hmmmm ::swallows:: well it tastes okay [Lt._(j.g.)_Wim_Murray] <CSCI><MXO> Probably overqualified. [Ens.George_Pickett] <CSEC>::Wraps cloth over his face to stop the sand:: [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] <MXO><CMO>Too late. ::nods at CSCI:: [CdtShephard] <asec> ::walks around camp:: [Kestra_Miral] <CENG> ::looks up at CMO while drinking:: Hmm, I think I've had enough for now anyway. ::gets up and moves away:: [Ensign_Eagle] <aeng2>waiting for water to be tested as per orders:: [Lt._(j.g.)_Wim_Murray] <CSCI><CMO> It's good. [Cdt_DigitalLava] <AMO1><CMO> The water seems to be fine [Cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] <AENG1>::takes some water and splashes it in his face:: ahhhhh [Rana_Zor] <<lol you fools!>> [Ens_Tynte] <AMO2> ::Scans the sample:: [Ens_Lepage] <ASCI2><ASCI1> Erm, yeah. I just wonder what we're going to do next. We should probably try and find something edible. The rations will last for only about a week. [Ens.George_Pickett] <CSEC>+<ASEC1>+Let me know when your in position. [Ens_Tynte] <<It's deadly!!!!!!!! lol j/k>> [Kestra_Miral] <CENG> <AENG1> Don't use up too much, though. [Cdt_DigitalLava] <AMO1><AMO2> I dont see any irregular levels of chemicals [Ens_Tynte] <AMO2><CMO> I would say it is fine sir. [Rana_Zor] <CMO><AMO1> Can you determine its PH level? [Avani] <ASCI1> <ASCI2> How long are we to stay here? [Cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] <AENG1><CENG> sorry sir [Cdt_DigitalLava] <AMO1><CMO>Yes sir. [Ens_Lepage] <ASCI2><ASCI1> I doubt even the captain knows. [sTSF_NDak] CO> ::feeling his stomach rumbling:: <XO> Why don't you and science go look around for some food, [Cdt_DigitalLava] <AMO1> ::scans for PH levels:: Hmm... [Kestra_Miral] <CENG> <AENG1> It's okay, just something to keep in mind. [Rana_Zor] <CMO><AMO2> Can you determine exactly what type of minerals? [sTSF_NDak] CO><CMO> Mean while, you folks work on the water... [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] <MXO><CO>::nodding:: Aye, Captain. [Cdt_DigitalLava] <AMO1><CMO> Average PH levels for water is 7.0, this ones 8.1 still okay [Kestra_Miral] <CENG> <CO> Any orders for my team sir? [Cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] <AENG1>::sits down in the sand waiting for orders:: [Rana_Zor] <CMO>::reviews the medical scans of the creature we previously encountered:: [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] <MXO><CSCI>::motions for Murray and his team to follow:: [[Ens.George_Pickett] <CSEC>::Moves over and checks supplies and weapons:: [Avani] <ASCI1> <ASCI2> Then we better find something... Grab your tricorder and lets check out the floor. Maybe there are digestable substances in it. [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] <MXO>::heads of in an easternly direction from the "camp":: [Ens_Rath_Tinner] <ASEC2>::is walking around the camp:: [Ensign_Eagle] <aeng2>::licking dry chapped lips...waiting for ok on water:: [Lt._(j.g.)_Wim_Murray] <CSCI><MXO> ::following MXO and glancing at tricorder:: We've broken forty degrees. [Rana_Zor] <CMO><AMO1> So, slightly acidic, i'd like you to determine if it comes from a natural source or has been processed. [Ens_Lepage] <ASCI2> ::sees andrea and follows her:: <ASCI1> Seems like they had the same idea. But I doubt we'll be able to eat the sand. ::grins:: [Cdt_DigitalLava] <AMO1><CMO> On my way sir. [Kestra_Miral] <CENG> <AENG2> ::notices him sitting:: It's okay to drink. See, the rest of us are fine. [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] <MXO><CSCI>::nodding:: Seems to me there has to be some indigineous plants here.. [Cdt_DigitalLava] <AMO1><AMO2> Wanna help me out? [Cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] <<uhm I am sitting>> [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] <MXO>Somewhere [Ens_Tynte] <AMO2><AMO1> Sure. [Lt._(j.g.)_Wim_Murray] <<40C is about 105F, for those who don't know the conversions.>> [CdtShephard] <asec>::sits down around the back:: [Cdt_DigitalLava] <AMO1><AMO2> We need to find out if its been processed or not, so look for signs of chlorine Im guessing. [Ens_Tynte] <<Thanks Murray>> [Ens.George_Pickett] <CSEC>+<ASEC1>+ Please take up a position on our right 50M our keep a sharp eye. +<ASEC>+Take up a position 50m on our left please, stay sharp. [Kestra_Miral] <<Sorry, that was meant for Eagle>> [Ens_Tynte] <AMO2><AMO1> Sounds logical. [Lt._(j.g.)_Wim_Murray] <CSCI><MXO> ::looks around:: Ha! You'd think. [Avani] <ASCI1> <ASCI2> Well, maybe there is some mineral-rich soil under the sand. You never know. ::following:: [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] <MXO><CSCI>Well, atleast we dont have to conserve water. [Ensign_Eagle] <aeng2><ceng>all due respect it has not been cleared by sci yet sir [Cdt_DigitalLava] <AMO1><AMO2> Yep [sTSF_Jami] ACTION: As CSci Murray scans, he picks up a faint distress signal. [Rana_Zor] <CMO><AMO2>Can you report any unnatural substances contained in this water? And do you know if the creature we previously encountered drinks from this source by examining the readings we took? [Ens.George_Pickett] <CSEC>::Move over towards the MCO:: [sTSF_NDak] CO> ::turns:: <CMO> She said 8.1 didn't she? [Ens_Lepage] <ASCI2> ::scans the surroundings:: <ASCI1> You're not suggesting we eat...erm...dirt, are you? [Cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] <AENG1>::rolles his eyes:: [Ens_Tynte] <AMO2><CMO> Aye. [Avani] <ASCI1> <ASCI2> Of course not. [Ens_Tynte] <AMO2>::Scans the water:: [Lt._(j.g.)_Wim_Murray] <CSCI><MXO> At least. ::glances at beeping tricorder:: Uh, sir? [Kestra_Miral] <CENG> <AENG2> I thought they had. ::looks for a science officer:: [Avani] <ASCI1> <ASCI2> I'm suggesting we eat mineral-rich soil. ::laughs:: [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] <MXO><CSCI>Mmm? [Lt._(j.g.)_Wim_Murray] <CSCI><MXO> I'm picking up a distress signal. [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] <MXO><CSCI>Location? [Cdt_DigitalLava] <AMO1><AMO2> Looks like its natural I'll let Rana know while you finish up. [Cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] <AENG1>::perks up as he hears CSCI:: [Ens_Rath_Tinner] <ASEC2><CSEC>aye sir ::runs to his left then turns arround and runs to picketts left:: [sTSF_NDak] CO> ::looking at the CMO:: <AMO1> You said 8.1 correct? [Ens_Lepage] <ASCI2><ASCI1> Oh ok and I thought I'd eat dirt...I'm so stupid. ::grins:: [Cdt_DigitalLava] <AMO1><CMO> The water seems to be all natural, yes 8.1 [Ensign_Eagle] <aeng2><ceng>no sir not yet .it hasn't [Ens_Tynte] <AMO2> ::Nods:: Looking at the read out:: [Kestra_Miral] <CENG> <ASCI2> Lepage, is the water cleared for drinking? [CdtShephard] <asec>::moves 50m to the right of camp phaser out just in case:: [Rana_Zor] <CMO><CO> I assume the slightly higher levels of acidity are from the arrid climate the plantlife [sTSF_NDak] CO> A little basic...but...soft water never hurt anyone. [Ens.George_Pickett] <CSEC>::Moves up to the MXO:: <MXO>I have a 50m perimeter set sir any orders? [Ens_Lepage] <ASCI2> ::looks at the CSCI as he overhears his conversation with andrea:: [Lt._(j.g.)_Wim_Murray] <CSCI><MXO> ::glances at readings and looks in the appropriate direction:: North-northeast. [Cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] <AENG1><AENG2>there you see nothing to worry about drink up [Ens_Tynte] <AMO2><CMO> I would say the creature uses this water as it's main source. I am not detecting any foreign objects out of the normal scope either. [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] <MXO><CSEC>Yeah, keep an eye on the CO. [sTSF_NDak] << Bill Nye Moment of the Sim: Acidic PH has a lower number. >> [Ens.George_Pickett] <CSEC><MXO>Understood sir. ::Moves towards the CO:: [Avani] <ASCI1> ::apparently overhears something too and starts to overhear more as it sounds promising:: [Rana_Zor] <CMO><CO> Perhaps we might find the source of this water. [Cdt_DigitalLava] <AMO1><CMO> I would say overall the water is safe to drink. [Lt._(j.g.)_Wim_Murray] <CSCI><CSEC> Yeah, don't want him to get loose. The guys in white coats would never forgive us. [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] <MXO>::nods at Murray:: Lead the way, Chief [Ens_Tynte] <<Lol NDak>> [Ens.George_Pickett] <CSEC>+<ASEC>+Report, see anything? [Rana_Zor] <<sorry alkaline>> [Cdt_DigitalLava] <AMO1><AMO2> Would you agree Avery? [Cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] <<this is true a neutral PH is that of 7>> [Ensign_Eagle] <aeng2><aeng1>aye, but orders are orders for a reason [sTSF_NDak] << Now Back to Simming :huh: >> [Cdt_DigitalLava] <<I know i checked on the web>> [Ens_Tynte] <AMO2><AMO1> Overall yes. [Ens.George_Pickett] <CSEC>+<ASEC2>+Report, see anything Mr. Tinner? [CdtShephard] <asec><csec> nothing yet [Cdt_DigitalLava] <AMO1><AMO2> Good [Ens_Lepage] <<yes ramdar but water is not neutral because there are always protons so it would be slightly acid>> [sTSF_Jami] <<Let's take the OOC chatter to PM please>> [Cdt_DigitalLava] << lets not debate now>> [Cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] <<yes I understand I was just stating a fact>> [Ens_Rath_Tinner] <ASEC2>+CSEC+just a sand dune sir [Lt._(j.g.)_Wim_Murray] <CSCI><MXO> I recommend we take a security officer and some water. [Ens.George_Pickett] ::Stands next to the MCO and Nods:: [Ens_Tynte] lol [Avani] <ASCI1> <ASCI2> What is that all about? Who would get on a planet like this? Except us, of course. [Ens.George_Pickett] <CSEC>+<ASEC2>+Report anything unusual to me. [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] <MXO>::holds up a canteen with water:: Got half of that request.. [Rana_Zor] <CMO>::collects cannisters of the water to provide an ample supply: <AMO1><AMO2> Thank you I think we can assume it is safe to drink. [Ens_Rath_Tinner] <ASEC2>+CSEC+aye sir [sTSF_NDak] CO><CMO> Work with engineering, see if there is anyway we can...store this water. [Ens_Lepage] <ASCI2><ASCI1> We got lucky...I mean think about it. It could be much worse with a jungle and lots of mosquitos and even dangerous animals. [Cdt_DigitalLava] <AMO1><CMO> Yes sir. [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] *Make that a flask [Ens.George_Pickett] <CSEC><ASEC1>+ Shephard report anything unusual to me. [Ens_Tynte] <AMO2><CMO> Aye. [Cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] <AENG1><CENG> Sir I would like to contribute in any way that I can however I see nothing that I can do [Ensign_Eagle] <aeng2>::sipping on last of emer. water ration from his kit:: [Lt._(j.g.)_Wim_Murray] <CSCI> ::grabs a nearby full canteen:: [Cdt_DigitalLava] <AMO1><AMO2> Maybe we should scan the crew for any signs of dehydration? [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] <MXO>+CSEC+Knoll to Pickett [Ens.George_Pickett] <CSEC>+<MXO>+Pickett here sir. [Lt._(j.g.)_Wim_Murray] <CSCI> ::or whatever water-carrying device we're using:: [Rana_Zor] <CMO><AMO1> Yes an excellent idea, and report on each members physical health. [CdtShephard] <asec>+<csec> yes chief [Kestra_Miral] <CENG> <AENG1,2> Well let's go see what we can do then. ::motions for them to follow:: [Rana_Zor] <CMO><CO> Aye sir. [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] <MXO>+CSEC+I need one of your security officers to come with me.. [Avani] <ASCI1> <ASCI2> That is certainly true. But we could get Risa, on the other hand. Now that would've been an assignment, don't you think? [Cdt_DigitalLava] <AMO1><CMO> Sure thing. [Cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] <AENG1>::gets up and follow kestra:: [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] <MXO>+CSEC+Meet me on the north side of camp [Ens_Lepage] <ASCI2> ::does as his chief and the XO do and grabs a canteen:: [Cdt_DigitalLava] <AMO1><AMO2> Avery, lets go [Ens_Tynte] <AMO2><CMO< WIth permission, perhaps I should accompany the MXO's TEam sir? [Ensign_Eagle] <aeng2>::follows ceng:: [Ens.George_Pickett] <CSEC>+<MXO>Right away sir. [Kestra_Miral] <CENG> <AENG2> I need you to drink some water so you don't get dehydrated though. [Ens_Lepage] <ASCI2><ASCI1> Yeah being stranded on Risa...what a tragedy. [Cdt_DigitalLava] <AMO1><AMO2> Or I can do it, it's fine with me. [Ens.George_Pickett] <CSEC>+<ASEC1>+ Report to the MXO on the double for escort. [Ens_Tynte] <<Good save Lava ;) >> [Cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] <AENG1><AENG2> I must agree with the chief [Cdt_DigitalLava] <<thnx>> [Rana_Zor] <CMO><CENG>Mr. Eagle is there anyway we might store this water so that it doesn't evaporate so quickly? [Ens.George_Pickett] <CSEC>+<Nameless Security guy>+Replace Shepards position. [CdtShephard] <ASEC1>+<csec> yes sir [Avani] <ASCI1> <ASCI2> Hehe ::smiling:: Now, uh, anyway, let's get to work. Let's scan that dirt we were talking about. Ooops, did I say dirt? I meant... mineral-rich soil. [Kestra_Miral] <CENG> ::clears throat:: [Ens_Tynte] <AMO2><CMO> Dr. Zor? [Ens.George_Pickett] <Nameless Security Guy>::Nods and heads off:: [Rana_Zor] <CMO><AMO2> Yes? [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] <MXO><CSCI>How is the signal? stronger? weaker? [CdtShephard] <ASEC1>::heads over to MXO:: [Ens_Rath_Tinner] <ASEC2>::turns around and sees an even bigger sand dune:: [Ens_Tynte] <AMO2><CMO> May I accompany the MXO's team sir? [Kestra_Miral] <CENG> <CMO> You need some sort of storage device? [Ensign_Eagle] <aeng2><cmo>aye...in the glass containers wrapped in canvas and buried in the dome [Rana_Zor] <CMO><CENG>Pardon me Kestra, do you know of any way to store the water efficiently? [Ens_Lepage] <ASCI2><ASCI1> How bout we wait for orders? The chief seems a bit occupied today he ahsn't talked to us once. [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] <MXO>::waiting for Sec to meet up, looking over tricorder:: [Ens_Tynte] <AMO2><CMO> THey may need a Dr. With them. [Lt._(j.g.)_Wim_Murray] <CSCI><MXO> ::glances at sky:: Why couldn't we have crashed on an air conditioned planet? [Cdt_DigitalLava] <AMO1><CMO> Im going to start scanning for signs of dehydration. [Cdt_DigitalLava] <AMO1><AMO2> See ya Tynte [Ensign_Eagle] <<sorry lag>> [Ens_Tynte] <AMO2> ::NOds at Lava:: [Lt._(j.g.)_Wim_Murray] <CSCI><MXO> Or at least at an ice cream shoppe. [Ens.George_Pickett] <CSEC>+<ASEC2>+You will be relieved in 1hr. Mr. Tinner, hang tight till then. [Kestra_Miral] <CENG> <CMO> Perhaps we should go back to the pods and see if we can strip something. [Cdt_DigitalLava] <AMO1> ::heads towards a group of crew members:: [CdtShephard] <ASEC1> ::finds MXO:: hello sir [Cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] <AENG1><CMO>sir If I may interupt any kind of container will work [Avani] <ASCI1> <ASCI2> Well, it doesn't appear he has any job for us. So we can do something by ourselves. That way we'll be more productive. And here ::points around:: we HAVE to be productive. [Rana_Zor] <CMO><AMO2> Who may need a doctor with them? [Ens.George_Pickett] <CSEC>::Faces the <MCO>I will be your escort Sir. Do you need anything? [Ens_Tynte] <AMO2><CMO> The MXO's team sir. [Cdt_DigitalLava] <AMO1> Anyone want to be scanned for dehydration? [Kestra_Miral] <CENG> <AENG1> ::turns around:: What container did you have in mind? [Ensign_Eagle] <aeng2><ceng>there are glass lined containers in the dome sir [Ens_Rath_Tinner] <ASEC2>+CSEC+it's ok sir there's so much stuff happening i can't keep up with all of it [Ens_Lepage] <ASCI2><ASCI1> Alright but I'd prefer going for vegetation-such as there is- instead of dir...erm mineral rich soil. [Cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] <AENG1><CENG>all containers will have the same effect on evaporation I saw the XO grab some cantines [Kestra_Miral] <<Ty, PM>> [Ens_Rath_Tinner] <ASEC2>::sits down:: [Ens.George_Pickett] <CSEC>+<ASEC1>+Have you met up with the MXO yet? [Cdt_DigitalLava] <AMO1><ASEC2> I would suggest you get scanned for dehydration, just incase. [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] <MXO>::assuming the security officer has caught up:: <ALL>Ok, lets forge ahead [CdtShephard] <ASEC1><MXO> are we going? [Rana_Zor] <CMO>::walks over to his crew:: <AMO1><AMO2> So what is the general condition of the Away Team so far? [Avani] <ASCI1> <ASCI2> Oh dear, oh dear. Fine, you check that pathetic excuse for plants they have here. I'll check the dir... mineral-rich soil. OK? [Kestra_Miral] <CENG> <AENG1,2> Go gather some of these containers so we can see if it works. How will you cover them? [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] <<Ah, there you are..thank you Shepard>> [Cdt_DigitalLava] <AMO1><CMO> I've just started [Ensign_Eagle] <aeng2><ceng>sir the glass lined containers properly insulated in the dome will slow evap [Ens_Tynte] <AMO2><CMO> OVerall they are good sir...but it will not be long before dehydration and heat stroke begin to set in. [Ens_Rath_Tinner] <ASEC2>::lays down in the hot sand:: [Rana_Zor] <CMO>+CSCI+ Have we determined what class planet this is? [CdtShephard] <ASEC1>+<CSEC> yes i am with the MXO [Ens_Lepage] <ASCI2> ::follows Andrea and looks at Avani::<ASCI1>I hope we find something [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] <MXO><CSCI>You lead [Lt._(j.g.)_Wim_Murray] <CSCI> ::leads the way, glancing at the tricorder occasionally:: [Rana_Zor] <CMO><AMO2> Excellent work, so we need further protection from the star's rays? [Kestra_Miral] <CENG> <AENG2> Good thinking. Take Goftar with you and bring a few back. But drink some water first. [Cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] <AENG1><CENG>well sir they are cantines they have a lid where by you can open take a brief drink and close it up quickly to reduce evaporation [Ens.George_Pickett] <CSEC>::Turns to nameless security guy:: Please stay with the MCO, I'm going to check on Mr. Tinner ::The guard Nods:: [Ensign_Eagle] <aeng><ceng>wrap them w/the reflective emer.blankets we have [Ens_Tynte] <AMO2><CMO> UNless you prefer baking..aye sir. [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] <MXO>::following Murray, squinting from the hot sun:: [sTSF_NDak] << AFK for a moment>> [Cdt_DigitalLava] <AMO1><CMO> Yes more coverage would help [Kestra_Miral] <CENG> <AENG1> Hmm, how many of these do we have? [Avani] <ASCI1> <ASCI2> So do I. ::following, as always:: [Rana_Zor] <CMO>+CENG+ Normally water storage is a very heavy undertaking, how could we condense it? [Ens.George_Pickett] <CSEC>::Coughing, moves off to meet up with Tinner:: [Ens_Lepage] <ASCI2><ASCI1> I wish I had brought my sunglasses. [Cdt_DigitalLava] <AMO1><ASEC2> Mind if I scan you for dehydration? [Cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] <AENG1><CENG> several <AENG2> I do not think that covering with the blankets will have any effect [Ens_Rath_Tinner] <ASEC2>::sits up and starts to play with his tricorder:: [Lt._(j.g.)_Wim_Murray] <CSCI><MXO/ASEC1> It's about half a kilometerish off. [Kestra_Miral] <CENG> <CMO> How much water do we need to store? [Ens_Tynte] <<PM KEs>> [CdtShephard] <ASEC1>::follows in the back of the group:: [Rana_Zor] <CMO><AMO1><AMO2> It seems that the suns rays are harmful, can we come up with a way to reduce the damage caused by the ultraviolet radiation? [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] <MXO>::nodding, moves where Murray points:: [Avani] <ASCI1> <ASCI2> Sunglasses? Don't you think they would've melted by now? ::quietly laughs:: [Ensign_Eagle] <aeng2><aeng1>wrap w/ reflective cover in dome=les evap. [Cdt_DigitalLava] <AMO1> <CMO> We could try to think up something sir. [Ens.George_Pickett] <CSEC>::Walks up to AMO1 and ASEC2:: Everything ok over here? [Rana_Zor] <CMO><CENG> Good question, probably enough for the crew compliment for at least 2 weeks. [Lt._(j.g.)_Wim_Murray] I wish I could get better circulation going in here. [Ens_Tynte] <AMO2>::Looks at Lava:: <CMO> Not sure sir. Shade, shelter...anything like that would help...but ::looks around:: due to teh lack of trees here, I would call that chance doubtful. [Ens_Lepage] <ASCI2><ASCI1> Humm...good point ::chuckles:: [Cdt_DigitalLava] <AMO1><CSEC> Just trying to scan Tinner [Cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] <AENG1><AENG2>not if we are using sealed containers then even if there is evaporation it will be transfered back into the water [Lt._(j.g.)_Wim_Murray] Good thing I bought a fan for camp this year, it was so humid. [Kestra_Miral] <CENG> <AENG1, 2> The problem is that we need to contain quite a large amount of water. Perhaps it would be a better idea to construct a larger device to hold it all. [Cdt_DigitalLava] <AMO1><CMO> We really need supplies [Rana_Zor] <CMO><AMO2> How about take a few soil samples. [Ens_Rath_Tinner] <ASEC2>::jumps up::<CSEC>all good here sir [Kestra_Miral] <CENG> <AENG1> We'll use the containers we have and fill them up. But we need to figure out what to do with the rest of it. [Cdt_DigitalLava] <AMO1><ASEC> Uh huh [Lt._(j.g.)_Wim_Murray] <CSCI><MXO/ASEC1> ::glances at tricorder, then ahead:: Up there, near that rock outcropping. [Ens.George_Pickett] <CSEC>::Nods to AMO1:: <ASEC2>Now you make sure to drink Mr. Tinner you never know when something other than a sand dune may appear I want you ready. [Cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] <AENG1><CENG> we could utilize one of the pods and find a way to tap it then put the water inside like a big water fountain [Ensign_Eagle] <aeng2><ceng>we can join the containers by phaser fusion(welding) to create a large container [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] <MXO>::advances up the incline, towards the rock:: [Ens_Tynte] <<Sorry back>> [Cdt_DigitalLava] <AMO1> ::walks over to Tynte:: <AMO2> So any ideas about shleter? [Ens_Rath_Tinner] <ASEC2><CSEC>aye sir [CdtShephard] <ASEC1>::still following the group [Rana_Zor] <CMO><AMO1> I'd like you to assist the engineers with water purification once they've constructed a suitable storage tank. [Cdt_DigitalLava] <AMO1><CMO> Yes sir [Avani] <ASCI1> <ASCI2> Uh, huh, any read-outs on that pathetic excuse for plants you've been scanning? [Ens_Tynte] <AMO2><CMO> Aye ::Kneels down and begins taking teh samples>> [Ens_Tynte] *:: [Ens.George_Pickett] <CSEC><ASEC2>Miserable place isn't Rath? [Kestra_Miral] <CENG> <AENG1, 2> Both excellent ideas. We should combine them. We'll strip down parts of the pods and then weld them together to create a larger storage device. We need to find non-essential panels. [sTSF_NDak] CO> ::leaning against one of the glass domes, using it to shade him from the sun. He wondered exactly how much longer this little exercise was going to go on.:: [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] <MXO>::reaches the spot where the distress signal is coming from:: [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] <MXO>::or seems to be:: [Ens_Rath_Tinner] <ASEC2><CSEC>oh yeah and i need a nap [Ensign_Eagle] <aeng2><ceng>combining the pods and large container would work as a distiller and container w/tubing connected [Cdt_DigitalLava] <AMO1><AMO2> Need any help while im waiting for a water purification system to be built? [Cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] <AENG1><CENG> understood sir but now all we need is a welder [Ens.George_Pickett] <CSEC><ASEC2>I better check in with Shephard, excuse me. ::Heads to camp:: [Lt._(j.g.)_Wim_Murray] <CSCI> ::wipes sweat from forehead; doesn't even want to think about the sweat cascading down his back:: [Ens_Lepage] <ASCI2> ::looks at the place Murray indicated:: <ASCI1> High amount of liquid inside hardly any pores on the outside. As would be expected but nothing I'd eat so far. [Rana_Zor] <CMO><AMO2> Would it be possible to create a hydroponics bay? [Ens.George_Pickett] <CSEC>+<ASEC1>+ Situation report is Everything ok over there? [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] <MXO>::scans the area as well:: [Lt._(j.g.)_Wim_Murray] <CSCI><MXO> ::glances at tricorder:: Over there, under that overhanging rock. [Kestra_Miral] <CENG> ::starts moving to the nearest pod:: <AENG1> Phasers should do the trick. [Ensign_Eagle] <aeng2<aeng1>a focused phaser will do the welding [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] <MXO>::nods, stepping carefully under the rock:: [Ens_Rath_Tinner] <ASEC2>::turns around and runs up the largets sand dune:: [Ens_Tynte] <AMO2><CMO> ::Stiffles a laugh:: With our current equitment...it would be difficult. [Cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] <AENG1><CENG> understood ::pulls out a phaser and follows kestra:: [Kestra_Miral] <CENG> <AENG2> I don't believe we can use the entire pod, as it would disrupt other components which may later be needed. However we can take parts of them. [Cdt_DigitalLava] <AMO1><AMO2> Yes, very [Ensign_Eagle] <aeng2>::moving to pods w/ceng &aeng1 [Rana_Zor] <CMO><AMO2> Would the soil provide adequate nutrients? [sTSF_Jami] ACTION: The distress signal leads them to a sort of emergency camp that has a few supplies and some evidence of survivors, but there is no sign of them. Unfortunately, the survivors seem to have several "pilfered" items from Starfleet, along with things from other planets they should not have, like weapons, latinum, etc. [Ens.George_Pickett] <CSEC>::Cough, cough,:: <<Curse this sand>> [Lt._(j.g.)_Wim_Murray] <CSCI><MXO> ::moves over to the overhang:: Got anything? [Kestra_Miral] <<brb, start working on the pod>> [Cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] <AENG1><CENG> do you think we could use the parts that are there to connect the pods together [Ensign_Eagle] <aeng2><ceng>aye ..but the basin part will do [Lt._(j.g.)_Wim_Murray] <CSCI><MXO> ::turns corner:: Whoa. [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] <MXO>::eyes widen at the "camp":: Ruh roh, Raggy [Avani] <ASCI1> ::looking over to the chief and the other people:: <ASCI2> Keep looking... Maybe you could check the roots for nutritional value? [Ens_Tynte] <AMO2><CMO> If we had anything to plant in it, yes. [Lt._(j.g.)_Wim_Murray] <CSCI><MXO> I'm not liking this. [Cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] <AENG1><AENG2>alright then lets start removing the components from on of the pods [Cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] one* [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] <MXO>Must be a smugglers camp [Rana_Zor] <CMO><AMO1> Check the supplies for seedlings if you would. [Ens_Rath_Tinner] <ASEC2>::sits down on the top of the dune looking down on the camp:: [Cdt_DigitalLava] <AMO1><AMO2> And we would need storage and other equipment [Lt._(j.g.)_Wim_Murray] <CSCI><MXO> Smugglers, pirates... [Ensign_Eagle] <aeng2><aeng1>aye.....and if we cut the basin parts and join them ..it may work [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] <MXO><ASECShepard>Check the area for the owner.. [Rana_Zor] <CMO><AMO2> Well we're already baking inside this dome i'm sure it will make for a fine greenhouse. [CdtShephard] <ASEC1>+<csec> well it looks like we found a camp [Cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] <AENG1><AENG2> I dont think we should use all the pods just in case lets see if one will don [Rana_Zor] <CMO><AMO2>It would also provide additional medicines if needed. [Ensign_Eagle] <aeng2>::starts working on pods w/aeng1 [Cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] do* [CdtShephard] <ASEC1><MXO> on it [Cdt_DigitalLava] <AMO1><AMO2> Good point Tynte [Ens.George_Pickett] <CSEC>+<ASEC1>+ Understood. [Ens_Tynte] <AMO2><CMO> Yes sir...if we had anything to plant... [Ens_Rath_Tinner] <ASEC2>::lays down on the sand and closes his eyes:: [Rana_Zor] <CMO>::prepares a little plot of land for a garden and digs irrigation ditches:: [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] <MXO><ALL with me> Careful. We dont know the unfriendlys that might be here. [Cdt_DigitalLava] <AMO1><AMO2> Thats the whole problem I guess [Ens.George_Pickett] <CSEC><Nameless Security guy please go replace Mr. Tinner have him report to me at base camp [Cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] <AENG1>::begins removing the communications system from pod 1:: [Cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] <AENG1><AENG2>this will be the pod we will use [CdtShephard] <ASEC1>::checks the camp for any sign of the owner:: [Ens_Tynte] <AMO2> ::Wonders what Rana is planning on planting:: [Lt._(j.g.)_Wim_Murray] <CSCI><MXO> They're not showing up on tricorders. But who knows what sort of shielding they might have. [Ens.George_Pickett] <Nameless security guy><CSEC>Right away.. [Kestra_Miral] <<Sorry, had an emergency>> [Avani] <ASCI1> ::gets to the ground, digs a few centimetres with his hands, after that a few more with the tricorder and then pulls out a big ball of dir... uh, mineral-rich soil:: [Cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] <<oh hope it wasnt serious>> [Cdt_DigitalLava] <AMO1><AMO2> Maybe we can plant bits of metal and grow metal trees [Ensign_Eagle] <aeng2><aeng1>we can join the two containers by the clear tubing used for fibre optics.....what you think [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] <MXO>::takes a closer look at the "things" it has collected:: [Rana_Zor] <CMO><AMO2> We can't be sure how long we'll be stranded on this god forsaken planet so why not begin a little garden. [Kestra_Miral] <CENG> <AENG1> ::walks up behind him:: What kind of progress are you two making? [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] <MXO>+CO+Knoll to NDak [Cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] <AENG1><AENG2>like I said we should not use more than one pod [sTSF_Jami] Unknown Person> :::enters the cadet's base camp and removes medical supplies, food, and other essentials:::: [sTSF_NDak] CO> ::lifts his brow:: +MXO+ N'Dak here...go ahead... [Ens_Tynte] <<Oh lovely Jami>> [Ens.George_Pickett] <Nameless Security guy> Walks up to ASEC2:: The Chief wants you back at base camp I'll replace you here. [sTSF_Jami] Unknown Person> ::disappears into the dunes::: [Avani] <ASCI1> ::scanning:: [Rana_Zor] <CMO><AMO1> Did you hear something? [Cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] <AENG1><CENG> we have begun removing the components from pod 1 thats where we will store the water [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] <MXO>+CO+Captain, we have stumbled upon some sort of camp with possessions that seemd to have been smuggled here.. [Cdt_DigitalLava] <AMO1><CMO> Yes [Avani] <Maaaan, that was poetic lol > [Ens_Rath_Tinner] <ASEC2>::jumps up::<NSG>oh ok [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] <MXO>+CO+We are about (Enter #) Kilometers from your position. [Ensign_Eagle] <aeng2><aeng1>agreed....we can use the large glass lined storage boxes for the other [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] *North-northest [Lt._(j.g.)_Wim_Murray] <CSCI><MXO> Too much wind. No chance of finding footprints. [Rana_Zor] <CMO><AMO1> Did you find any seedlings among the supplies? [Ens_Rath_Tinner] <ASEC2>::runs down to the camp:: [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] <MXO><CSCI>::nods:: [Ens.George_Pickett] <CSEC>::Turns to watch for Tinner:: [Kestra_Miral] <CENG> <AENG2> Why don't you start laying them out so we can weld them? [Cdt_DigitalLava] <AMO1><CMO> No sir, I'll keep searching [CdtShephard] <ASEC1>+<CSEC> anything wrong there [Ensign_Eagle] <aeng2><ceng>aye sir [Rana_Zor] <CMO><AMO1> One moment there... [Cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] <AENG1>::removes the navigation systems from the pod:: [sTSF_NDak] CO>+MXO+ Oh....great...any signs of smugglers in the camp? Ens_Lepage has left the chat. [Cdt_DigitalLava] <AMO1><CMO> Okay [Ens_Lepage] <<sorry>> [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] <MXO>+CO+Not yet, Sir. [Kestra_Miral] <CENG> <AENG1> Be careful with that one. There are some good components there. [Avani] (NOooo! I'm all alone! Oh, wait, I'm not.) [Ens_Rath_Tinner] <ASEC2>::runs up the pickett::<CSEC>reporting sir [Rana_Zor] <CMO><AMO2><AMO1> I have a feeling we're being watched. Did you see anything out of the ordinary? [Cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] <AENG1><CENG> understood would you like to help me move the components to pod two for storage [Avani] <ASCI1> <ASCI2> Where've you been? It seemed as if you.. disappeared! [Ensign_Eagle] <aeng2>::starts laying out boxes and breaking down to weld up for larger container:: [Ens_Tynte] <AMO2><CMO> No sir, I'm afraid not. [Cdt_DigitalLava] <AMO1><CMO> Well I have an uneasy feeling [sTSF_NDak] CO>+MXO+ Be on your toes then, take a look around...but at the first sign of trouble, double back here. [Ens_Lepage] <ASCI2><ASCI1> I looked a bit closer at one of the plants I scanned. I only just caught up. [Kestra_Miral] <CENG> <AENG1> I'll start carrying them. You keep doing what you're doing. ::picks up some pieces of the systems and begins walking away:: [Ens.George_Pickett] <CSEC>+<ASEC2>+ No rath, but I'd like you to meet up with the MXO's party and ASEC1 they have found a camp of some sort, just to be safe. [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] <MXO>+CO+Understood, Sor. [Cdt_DigitalLava] <AMO1><CMO> Maybe thats because we might burn to death [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] *Sir [Rana_Zor] <CMO><AMO1><AMO2> I'd like you to go together and check the medical supplies. AND FIND ME SOME SEEDLINGS! [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] <MXO>OK, lets...lets lay low here a moment..maybe they will come back [Cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] <AENG1>::opens a panel and takes out some iso chips:: [Ensign_Eagle] <aeng2><ceng>sir any word on the water test yet [Ens_Tynte] <AMO2> ::Cannot surpress a smile at Lava on that note:: [Cdt_DigitalLava] <AMO1><CMO> On my way sir. [Ens_Rath_Tinner] <ASEC2><CSEC>ok sir how far and in what dircation [Ens_Tynte] <AMO2><CMO> Aye. [Kestra_Miral] <CENG> <AENG2> ::passing by:: The water is fine, I promise you. [Cdt_DigitalLava] <AMO1><AMO2> Well its true we might die... [Lt._(j.g.)_Wim_Murray] <CSCI><ASEC1> Stay alert. [Rana_Zor] <CMO><CO> Captain sir, do you have a favorite vegetable? [Ens_Tynte] <AMO2>::Motions towards the camp:: <AMO1> Ladies first. [Cdt_DigitalLava] <AMO1>::walks ahead:: <AMO2> Thanks [Avani] <ASCI1> <ASCI2> Oh, right. So, anything new? The roots perhaps? [Ens.George_Pickett] <CSEC>+<ASCE2>+ Unknown distance but you can follow a distress signal should read fainy on your tricorder. [Ens_Tynte] <AMO2>::Follows Lava:: [CdtShephard] <ASEC1><csci> no problem [Kestra_Miral] <CENG> ::sets down parts and walks back over to the pod:: [Cdt_DigitalLava] <AMO1><AMO2> Rana seemed kinda umm grumpy? [Ens_Lepage] <ASCI2><ASCI1> Nope,sorry. But I think we have more pressing questions to answer. [sTSF_NDak] CO><CMO> At this point, I don't think we get to be too picky about what we find. ::winks:: [Rana_Zor] <CMO>::hoes another row:: [Ensign_Eagle] <aeng2>::hearing ceng.....but hasn't heard the order yet.....begins welding up bottom and sides of container:: [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] <MXO>::hunkers down alittle but, out of sight from around the entry to this "camp":: [Ens.George_Pickett] <CSEC>+<ASEC2>+ Faintly, sry, rotten sand in my mouth, report when you meet up with them. [Ens_Tynte] <AMO2><AMO1> Well, we are stuck on a barren world, void of life, water is minimal...it shall not be long until we are all grumpy. [Ens_Rath_Tinner] <ASEC2><CSEC>aye sir ::takes a big drink of water and then takes off in the diraction of MXO's team:: [Cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] <AENG1>::completes removing all the electrical components:: <CENG> sir should we remove some of the wall panels to increase water capacity [Lt._(j.g.)_Wim_Murray] <CSCI><MXO> I'm going to climb the rocks for a better view. [Kestra_Miral] <CENG> <AENG1> I think we just about have enough. Strip that panel over there and we should be set. ::points:: [Rana_Zor] <CMO><CO> Well if we're going to start a colony I think a nice little garden would be in order, don't you? [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] <MXO><CSCI>::nods:: Be careful. [Avani] <ASCI1> <ASCI2> Like... What? The smugglers? No, thank you. I'm quite satisfied with my dir... uh, mineral-rich soil. [Cdt_DigitalLava] <AMO1><AMO2> Yes, but it doesnt help. Anyways we should look for those seeds [Ens.George_Pickett] <CSEC>::Checks on everyone else in base camp:: [sTSF_NDak] CO> <CMO> I don't plan on being here that long. [Cdt_DigitalLava] <AMO1> ::motions for Tynte to go ahead:: Ladie first... hehe [Ens_Lepage] <ASCI2><ASCI1> Not much into adventure, are you? [Ens_Tynte] <AMO2>::Glares a Lava:: Ok, sir. [Ens_Rath_Tinner] <ASEC2>::starts humming to himself as he walks:: [Cdt_DigitalLava] <AMO1><AMO2> ::smiles:: Thanks [Ensign_Eagle] <aeng2>::wishing sci and xo give the ok on water.....and welds on..:: [Ens_Tynte] <AMO2><AMO1> Ummm, where are teh supplies? [Kestra_Miral] <CENG> <AENG1> ::Nods:: [Avani] <ASCI1> <ASCI2> Science is THE adventure. Besides, dir... uh, mineral-rich soil can't shoot me. Or do any other malicious thing with me. [Cdt_DigitalLava] <AMO1><AMO2> Umm I was just about to say that [Kestra_Miral] <CENG> <AENG2> I'll take over here. Go drink water. That's an order. [sTSF_Jami] <<Eagle, I think they ok'd it a while back.>> [Rana_Zor] <CMO><CO> ::thinks about resigning his commission:: I think this planet has potential sir. <CENG>Looks like things are coming along quite nicely. We could use some engineering expertise for irrigation sake. [Cdt_DigitalLava] <AMO1> ::glances around:: <AMO2> Whoa... [Ens_Tynte] <AMO2>+MXO+ Tynte to Knoll. [Cdt_DigitalLava] <AMO1> ::sighs:: Oh no this isnt good [Ens.George_Pickett] <CSEC>::Walks up to CENG:: <CENG>Everything as good as can be expected Chief? [Ensign_Eagle] <aeng2>::aye sir +goes for canteen:: [Cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] <AENG1>::finishes with the pod and seals all of the entrances except for the top [Lt._(j.g.)_Wim_Murray] <CSCI><ASCIs> ::starts climbing and pauses:: What are you two up to? [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] <MXO>+AMO2+Go ahead [Ens_Lepage] <ASCI2><ASCI1>C'mon shooting a phaser every now and then is fun. [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] <MXO>::kind of whispering into the commbadge:: [Ens_Tynte] <AMO2>+MXO+ Ummm, we have a...situation here. [Kestra_Miral] <CENG> <CMO> We're almost done with this container, then I'll send you an engineer or two. [Rana_Zor] <CMO><CO> And the inhabitants are so friendly [Ens.George_Pickett] <CSEC>+<ASEC1>+Everything ok? I'm sending Mr. Tinner to meet up with you. [Cdt_DigitalLava] <AMO1><AMO2> More than that [Avani] <ASCI1> <ASCI2> I remember, I was once like you. But now, after 40 years in the academy(THAT's character development! 60 year old failed cadet:) ) I've had enough. [Ens_Lepage] <ASCI2><CSCI> Scanning for edible plants while following you, Sir. [Cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] <AENG1><CENG>sir if you are ready with the other container we can hook them up [sTSF_Jami] ACTION: Someone takes a potshot at Andrea. [Lt._(j.g.)_Wim_Murray] <CSCI><ASCIs> Keep a lookout for our neighbors here. [Kestra_Miral] <CENG> <CSEC> Yes, although I'm afraid we're draining this phaser batter quite a bit. [Ens_Tynte] <AMO2>::Hears the shot: [Ens_Rath_Tinner] <ASEC2>+MXO+this is tinner i've been order to meet up with your team, how far are you from the camp [CdtShephard] <ASEC1>::looks for some where to hide but still watch the camp:: [Lt._(j.g.)_Wim_Murray] <CSCI> ::hears shot and scurries up to the top:: [Ens_Lepage] <ASCI2><CSCI> Sure thing. [Kestra_Miral] <CENG> ::focuses a concentrated phaser beam along a seam:: [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] <MXO>+AMO2+Situation? Why are you reporting to me? Where is the CMO? [Avani] <ASCI1> <CSCI> Scanning dir... uh, mineral-rich soil for nutritional things. And following you. [Rana_Zor] <CMO><CENG> Well if I can get one of my assistants on board He'll be able to ensure the water quality once you're stored it. [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] <MXO>::ducks, but is hit anyway:: [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] <MXO>Hey! [Ensign_Eagle] <aeng2>::grabs canteen...pauses......puts it back down...unnoticed...still not sure :: [Ens_Lepage] <ASCI2><ASCI1> Seems like we got company. ::hurries after murray:: [Ens_Tynte] <AMO2>+MXO+ Well ma'am..the CMO is a bit busy at teh moment...and IO believe this is bigger then him...:: [Cdt_DigitalLava] <AMO1><AMO2> Im gonna go get Dr. Rana [Kestra_Miral] <CENG> <AENG1> Done. Let's get these hooked up. <CMO> I'll let you know. We're almost done. [Lt._(j.g.)_Wim_Murray] <CSCI> ::flattens out so as not to be seen:: [Avani] <ASCI1> <CSCI> Uh, right. [Ens_Tynte] <AMO2><AMO1> Good idea. [Cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] <AENG1><CENG> [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] <MXO>::looks around:: [Ens.George_Pickett] <CSEC>+<ASEC2>+I'm not getting any reports from ASEC1, get there as soon as possible and report in. [CdtShephard] <ASEC1> ::runs over to MXO to gaurd her:: [Ens_Rath_Tinner] <ASEC2>::hears phaser fire from ahead takes off running:: [Lt._(j.g.)_Wim_Murray] <CSCI>+ASCIs+ Check on the MXO. [Cdt_DigitalLava] <AMO1> ::jogs outside and looks around:: <CMO> There you there is urgent news, supplies missing. [sTSF_Jami] ACTION: The team investigating the distress signal is surrounded and pinned down with ground fire, from where no one can tell. [Cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] <AENG1><CENG> Eagle had an Idea on how to hook them up [Avani] <ASCI1> <CSCI> Yeah. [Kestra_Miral] <CENG> <CSEC> Can you give me a hand here? ::starts pushing the storage container over to the pod:: [Cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] <<sorry pressed enter on accident>> [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] <MXO>::hits the deck:: [Lt._(j.g.)_Wim_Murray] <CSCI>+Team+ Where is that coming from? [Ens_Tynte] <AMO2>::Hears the shots:: +MXO+ Ma'am are you ok? [Ensign_Eagle] <aeng2><ceng>fine now sir ...i can take over now sir...good to go [Cdt_DigitalLava] <AMO1> ::hears shots and dashes inside:: [sTSF_NDak] << phone call...>> [Ens_Rath_Tinner] <ASEC2>+CSEC+sir i hear phaser fire from ahead i think it may be the MXO's team [Ens.George_Pickett] <CSEC>::Moves up to 2NSG::You boys be ready we may have to move out fast:: <2NSG's>::Yes sir. [Ens_Lepage] <ASCI2> ::trows himself pon the ground next to Andrea:: <XO< Are you alright? [Rana_Zor] <CMO><AMO1> Hmmm that is cause for some concern. Why did you leave Tynte alone? Go and get her and bring me back those seeds. [Avani] <ASCI1> ::Hamlet like:: Oh no! I've been hit! Shot! Uuuuuh! I'm dying, I can feel it! Goodbye, cruel world. Goodbye! ::dramatically falls to the ground:: [Ens_Tynte] <<HER!?!?!?!??!>> [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] <MXO>+CSEC+Security to my location..on the double! [Cdt_DigitalLava] << lol>> [Rana_Zor] <CMO>+CSEC+ Security Cheif we have some supplies missing. [Kestra_Miral] <CENG> ::lets Eagle push it the rest of the way:: [Avani] <ASCI1> ::is, apparently, shot:: [sTSF_Jami] Unknown Leader> Darned Starfleet. Messin up our operations all the time. I think it's time to .. . [Ens.George_Pickett] <CSEC>+<ASEC>+Be careful try to cover them if you can on my way with a team [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] <MXO>+CSEC+Shots fired..be careful [Ensign_Eagle] <aeng2>::helps move container:: [sTSF_Jami] =/\= =/\= PAUSE SIM =/\= =/\= [sTSF_Jami] =/\= =/\= PAUSE SIM =/\= =/\= [sTSF_Jami] Hm.... [sTSF_Jami] Such a tragedy. It seems like we have entered a hornet's nest. [sTSF_Jami] I wonder if they know that back at SFHQ. [sTSF_Jami] Questions, Comments? [Cdt_DigitalLava] It was fun [Cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] really interesting problem with the water [Cdt_DigitalLava] yeah [Ensign_Eagle] <<still on emer. water rats heh...heh>> [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] ::still on the deck, arms covering her head::? [Cdt_DigitalLava] Can we go now? I have to leave [sTSF_Jami] You may leave, Lava. [Avani] I've always wanted to die a heroic death. Thanks, Jami. :P [Ens.George_Pickett] Thanks Jami, for good sim ::AA:: [Cdt_DigitalLava] Thanks, great sim Jami [sTSF_Jami] If no questions.... [sTSF_Jami] Many thanks to NDak for helping out this evening. [Ens_Tynte] Great story Arc Jami...can't wait till next week. [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] ::claps for NDak:: [Ens_Lepage] did we really fdie? oh my gosh I never noticed... [Rana_Zor] it was action packed! [Rana_Zor] lol [Ens.George_Pickett] Thanks NDAK, and everyone [CdtShephard] i cant wait till next week [sTSF_Jami] And MANY THANKS to Andrea for helping LAST week and tonight! [sTSF_Jami] NEXT WEEK..... [sTSF_Jami] Decide what has happened to your character.... [sTSF_Jami] Watch the board for the mission brief... [sTSF_Jami] See if we can figure out how to counteract these smugglers. [sTSF_Jami] Anything from you, NDak, Andrea? [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] None from me, thanks Boss. =0] [sTSF_Jami] Going once.... [sTSF_Jami] Going twice.... [sTSF_NDak] None from me. [sTSF_Jami] Cadets DISMISSED.
  12. =/\==/\= Starfleet Academy Briefing for Tuesday, August 30, 2005=/\==/\= In the name of education, the faculty of Starfleet Academy has subjected the crew of USS Goldstein (refit Galaxy Class) to an emergency landing on a small barely-habitable planet. it's hot, it's dusty, has very few plants and fewer animals. We have one tricorder apiece, four escape pods, and emergency supplies for one week. After two days we have endured a severe sandstorm and a visit by a . . . blue Wookie? Well, at least something that looks like a Wookie, but we all know Wookies don't exist in the Trek universe. What will happen next? Only the Great Instructors in the Sky (or San Francsico, whichever you prefer) know. In other words, it's for them to know and for us to find out. Yanno, it would be nice if they would at least tell the captain ;) =/\==/\= END BRIEF =/\==/\=
  13. Thank you so much for carrying on, Andrea! I had sent out an SOS, but apparently the rooms were giving some of the hosties fits. It's good to know that you could carry on, and by the responses to your post, you did so MAGNIFICENTLY! A very grateful Jami
  14. Starfleet Academy August 16, 2005 [sTSF_Jami] Commanding Officer (CO) - STSF Jami [sTSF_Jami] Mission Executive Officer (MXO) - Cdt deBain [sTSF_Jami] Chief Engineer (CENG) - Cdt George Pickett [sTSF_Jami] Assistant Engineer (AENG) - Rana Zor [sTSF_Jami] Chief Security Officer (CSEC) - Ltjg Chell Reno [sTSF_Jami] Assistant Security Officer (ASEC) - Cdt O Conner [sTSF_Jami] Assistant Security Officer (ASEC) - Cdt DigitalLava [sTSF_Jami] Chief Medical Officer (CMO) - Ensign TLinna [sTSF_Jami] Assistant Medical Officer (AMO1) - Ens Eagle [sTSF_Jami] Chief Science Officer (CSCI) - Lt jg T Parek [sTSF_Jami] Assistant Science Officer (ASCI) - Kestra Miral [sTSF_Jami] Assistant Science Officer (ASCI) - Ens Lepage [sTSF_Jami] =/\==/\=END ROSTER=/\==/\= [sTSF_Jami] =/\==/\= Starfleet Academy Briefing Stardate August 16, 2005=/\==/\= [sTSF_Jami] In the name of education, the faculty of Starfleet Academy has subjected the crew of USS Goldstein (refit Galaxy Class) to an emergency landing on a small barely-habitable planet. [sTSF_Jami] Hot, dusty, few plants and fewer animals. [sTSF_Jami] We have one tricorder apiece, four escape pods, and emergency supplies for one week. [sTSF_Jami] Unfortunately, one whole day has passed and all we've accomplished is to build a domed shelter and stay out of a dust storm. But is the dust storm the only thing we need to worry about? [sTSF_Jami] =/\==/\= END BRIEF =/\==/\= [sTSF_Jami] =/\= =/\= BEGIN SIM =/\= =/\= [Lieutenant_jg_T_Parek] <CSCI> ::on the Bridge at the Science station:: [Cdt_DigitalLava] <ASEC> ::looks around:: [sTSF_Jami] <EVERYONE IS ON THE PLANET>> [Ensign_TLinna] <CMO>::looking around:: [Ens._Eagle] <amo1><cmo>well dehydration not a problem yet... [Cdt_deBain] <MXO> ::standing in the doorway of the domed shelter:: [Lieutenant_jg_T_Parek] ::on the planet:: [Kestra_Miral] <ASCI1> ::scanning for any nearby vegetation:: [Ensign_TLinna] <CMO><AMO>Glad to hear that. [Cdt_DigitalLava] <ASEC><CSEC> Whoa not much going on here... [Cdt_deBain] <MXO> ::glances to Jami:: <CO> At least the dust storm has passed. [Lieutenant_jg_T_Parek] <CSCI> ::scans around:: [sTSF_Jami] <CO> ::Listening::: Sounds like the wind has died down. [Rana_Zor] <AENG>::finishes sealing up the shelter's environment:: [sTSF_Jami] <CO> <CSCI> What's your take on it? Think we should take a look outside? [cdt.O_Conner] <ASEC1>::sits on a rock and wait for nothing in particular:: [Ens_Lepage] <ASCI2> ::standing next to Kestra waiting for her results:: [Cdt.George_Pickett] <CENG>::Starts checking all ENG, supplies:: [Ens._Eagle] <amo1><cmo>respiratory irritation and fatique biggest problem now [Lt.jg_Chell_Reno] <CSEC><Minion1, Minion2> Aright gang how are we doing? [Kestra_Miral] <ASCI1> <ASCI2> There's practically nothing around here. ::holds up her tricorder to show him the readings:: [Ensign_TLinna] <CMO><AMO>We should be ready for that then...not much we can do for either though. [cdt.O_Conner] <ASEC1><CSEC>so far.........nothing [Rana_Zor] <AENG>::Pours out water from a silver cannister:: <CENG> Here you go cheif. [Cdt_DigitalLava] <ASEC> <ASEC1> Nope nothing [Cdt.George_Pickett] <CENG><AENG>Please help me check these supplies. [sTSF_Jami] ROSTER UPDATE - CENG = Cdt George Pickett [sTSF_Jami] ROSTER UPDATE - SGV = LtCdrAndrea Knlwtchr [Rana_Zor] <AENG><CENG>Aye sir, ::rummages through the [Cdt.George_Pickett] <AENG><CENG>Aye Chief! [Rana_Zor] <AENG>::bundles:: [Ens_Lepage] <ASCI2><ASCI1> That's exactly what I feared nothing but some veggies ::points at the few plants:: and some erm whatever you may call these animals. [Cdt_deBain] <MXO> ::moves to the CENG:: Chief, do you think you and your team could work on a way to get some water? I know we have enough supplies for a week, but I don't want to take any chances... [Rana_Zor] <AENG>::scans the pile of containers:: [Lt.jg_Chell_Reno] <CSEC><Minions> Check the phasers see how many power cells we have then spread the weapons among the crew accordingly. [cdt.O_Conner] <ASEC1><CSEC>so...what do you need me to do, sir. [Cdt_DigitalLava] <ASEC><CSEC> Okay [cdt.O_Conner] <ASEC1>Aye,sir [Kestra_Miral] <ASCI1> <ASCI2> ::looks at where he's pointing:: Well maybe we should start gathering any plants that are edible. Let's ask the chief. [Cdt.George_Pickett] <CENG>::turns to the <XO>I'm just finishing checking our supplies and I will get right on it sir! [cdt.O_Conner] <ASEC1>::checks his phaser then sets off to find more crewmen:: [Ensign_TLinna] <CMO>::starts going through the medical supplies and taking inventory:: [Cdt_DigitalLava] <ASEC> ::follows behind ASEC1:: [Ens_Lepage] <ASCI2> ::nods and frowns:: <ASCI1> I hope we won't have to eat that! [Cdt_DigitalLava] <ASEC><ASEC1> Need any help? [Cdt.George_Pickett] <CENG><AENG>Please finish this inventory and then meet up with me outside I'm going to try to get us some water [cdt.O_Conner] <ASEC1><ASEC2>sure [Cdt_deBain] <MXO> <CENG> So noted. Do you think it can be done, Chief? [Rana_Zor] <AENG><CENG> Sir we have a week's supply of emergency rations and medicine, but we are low on water. [sTSF_Jami] <CO> <XO> Number One, I was distracted momentarily. Do we have a go for exit, or should we stay inside the shelters? [Cdt.George_Pickett] <AENG><CENG>Understood sir. [Cdt_deBain] <MXO> <CO> It does sound like the wind has died down, Sir. I believe an exit is in order. [Cdt.George_Pickett] <CENG><XO>It may be possible Sir. [cdt.O_Conner] <ASEC1><ASEC2>go check on the commanding officers and I'll check the shelter. [Lt.jg_Chell_Reno] <CSEC>::walk up to the CO and hands her a phaser::<CO> I think you might need this. Whats the lay of the land thus far sir? [Ens_Lepage] <ASCI2> ::walks up to T'Parek:: [Cdt_DigitalLava] <ASEC><ASEC1> Okay well what do you need me to do? [Cdt_deBain] <MXO> <CENG> Well, if it can be done, I'm sure you'll find a way. Thanks, Chief. [Cdt.George_Pickett] <CENG>::Steps out of the pod and begins to look around:: [Ensign_TLinna] <CMO>::walks over to deBain and Jami:: [Kestra_Miral] <ASCI1> <ASCI2> Well with any luck we won't be here long enough to eat them. ::follows Lepage:: [Rana_Zor] <AENG>::takes his tricorder and an engineering kit out to the Chief:: [cdt.O_Conner] <AEC1><ASCE2>Check on their power cells and phasers [sTSF_Jami] <CO> ::takes the phaser::: Not sure. Haven't had time to take a look around. [Cdt_DigitalLava] <ASEC><ASEC1> Okay, Umm why am I ASEC2? [Cdt_deBain] <MXO> <CO> Shall I open the door then? [sTSF_Jami] ROSTER UPDATE - Assistant Engineer (AENG) - Ensign Aceavia Kartanis [Lt.jg_Chell_Reno] <CSEC><CO> I'll send out my team to servey the area. See what shelters we cand find that sort of thing. [cdt.O_Conner] <ASEC1><<you were second on the roster>> [sTSF_Jami] <CO> ::takes a deep breath::: <XO> Go for it, Number One. [Ensign_TLinna] <CMO>::clears throat:: [Rana_Zor] <AENG1><AENG2> Welcome Kartanis [Ens_Lepage] <ASCI2><CSCI> Sir, Miral and I have been wondering whether we should look for anything edible and gather it...just in case. [Cdt_deBain] <MXO> <CMO> Ah, Mr T'Linna. What's on your mind? [sTSF_Jami] <CO> Hopefully the higherups back home know what they're doing landing us here. [Ensign_AceaviaKartanis] <AENG2><AENG1 Thank you, Zor. Any orders? [Cdt_deBain] <MXO> ::hand poised on the door, ready to push it open:: [sTSF_Jami] <CO> <CMO> Yes, Doctor? [Cdt.George_Pickett] <CENG>::Wraps some cloth around his face to help with the dust:: [Ensign_TLinna] <CMO><MXO>Our medical supplies are severely limited, sir. [sTSF_Jami] <CO> Hold off, Number One. [Lt.jg_Chell_Reno] <CSEC><ASEC1&2> Spread out see what your can find and be carefull. [Cdt_deBain] <MXO> <CO> Aye, Captain. [cdt.O_Conner] <ASEC1>Aye,sir [Ensign_AceaviaKartanis] <AENG2><AENG1> Nevermind.. ::Runs around checking supplies and taking inventory. [sTSF_Jami] <CO> <CMO> So . . . we should stay put? [Rana_Zor] <AENG1><CENG> Here Chief a manifest of all our supplies. Do you think a dowel might work? [Cdt_deBain] <MXO><CMO> Yes, that's to be expected, as part of our training. Should we stay in here, then? [Lieutenant_jg_T_Parek] <<sorry.... java is giving me fits>> [Cdt_DigitalLava] <ASEC2><ASEC1> Well I'll go this way ::Points east:: [Ens_Lepage] <<np>> [Ensign_TLinna] <CMO><CO> That would be a good idea, ma'am. We don't know how dangerous this planet is. [Lt.jg_Chell_Reno] <CSEC><ASEC2> very good. Meet back here in an hour and a half. [Lieutenant_jg_T_Parek] <CSCI><ASCI> What is our status? [cdt.O_Conner] <ASEC1>I'll go this way::points and runs west:: [Cdt.George_Pickett] <CENG>::Takes some Tricorder readings:: [sTSF_Jami] <CO> <CMO> Well, Doctor - I would hope that our superiors back home would give us somewhat of a friendly planet. [Rana_Zor] <AENG1>::fashions a dowel and attempts to locate water the ancient earth way:: [sTSF_Jami] <CO> <CSCI> ::looks at tParek, waiting for the scan results::: [Cdt_DigitalLava] <ASEC2>::heads off for her journery:: [sTSF_Jami] <<EVERYONE IS STILL INSIDE>> [Lt.jg_Chell_Reno] <CSEC>::securs a phaser and a tricoder and sets off into the hills:: [Ensign_TLinna] <CMO><CO>So would I, ma'am, but there's no telling what dangers could be out there. [cdt.O_Conner] <ASEC1>::walks up to ENG staff:: are all of you set on phasers? [Lieutenant_jg_T_Parek] <CSCI> <CO> In progress, Sir. [Ens_Lepage] <ASCI2><CSCI> So far scans have urned up with nothing interesting. A few plants and animals that's all. [sTSF_Jami] <CO> <CMO> True. But we can't stay in here forever, can we. ::grin:: [Ensign_AceaviaKartanis] <AENG2><AENG1> ::Walking over:: What are you doing? [Cdt_deBain] <MXO> <CO,CMO> How do our supplies look? I believe I heard mention of our water supply being a bit low. [sTSF_Jami] <CO> :::taps her foot waiting for science report::: [Lt.jg_Chell_Reno] <CSEC>::Is still inside and all those last 101 posts dont count lol:: [Ensign_AceaviaKartanis] <AENG2>::Checks her phaser on her hip and nods to O'Connor:: [sTSF_Jami] <CO> <XO> Like we might need to look for some. I agree. [Cdt_deBain] <MXO> <CO,CMO> I've already given orders to the Chief Engineer to work on a way to find some water, whether by digging or by extracting it from the air somehow. [Lieutenant_jg_T_Parek] <CSCI> <CSCI> Sorry, Captain. The scans have turned up nothing interesting. A few plants and animals, nothing more. [Ensign_TLinna] <CMO>Water is low...medical supplies are low...everything else appears to be all right. [sTSF_Jami] <<Sorry, Reno - good playing, tho>> [Rana_Zor] <AENG1><ASEC1> I don't think I brought mine. [Ensign_TLinna] <CMO><CO>And, no, ma'am, we can't stay in here forver. [Cdt_DigitalLava] <ASEC2><ASEC1>Brought what? [Ens_Lepage] <<he's talking to himself now>> [Ensign_Eagle] <<sorry stsf server dc,d me>> [sTSF_Jami] <CO> <CSCI> ::nods::: Open the door, Number One. [Lt.jg_Chell_Reno] <<its ok. I should have read the mission briefing more closely.lol ::: [Cdt.George_Pickett] <CENG>::Now moving off to take some more readings:: [sTSF_Jami] <<We're just going outside, Eagle. Hang tight>> [Ensign_TLinna] <<WB eagle>> [Ensign_AceaviaKartanis] <AENG2><AENG1> You can use mine if needed, Zor. Can you show me how you're doing this real quick? [Cdt_deBain] <MXO> <CO> Aye, Captain. ::pushes his hand against the door, sliding it open to reveal . . . . . . . . . [Cdt.George_Pickett] <CENG>::waiting to get out:: [cdt.O_Conner] <ASEC1><AENG1>ok::hands him an extra:: are you cleared on how to use this? [Rana_Zor] <AENG1><AENG2> Sure, you just pull at both ends of the stick until it's taught and then wait for the device to dip to the ground. [Ensign_TLinna] <CMO>::readies a tricorder and grabs a medkit just in case:: [sTSF_Jami] ACTION: LOTS AND LOTS OF SAND [Ens_Lepage] <ASCI2> ::taking some steps towards the door:: [Cdt.George_Pickett] <CENG><AENG1>How are you comming? [sTSF_Jami] ACTION: NOT MUCH BUT SAND, IN FACT [Cdt_deBain] <MXO> ::draws out his tricorder, steps outside into the brightness of the post-storm light:: [Lt.jg_Chell_Reno] <CSEC>::gaps at the lots and lots of sand:: [Rana_Zor] <AENG1><ASEC1> Yes sir, point and shoot. lol [Ensign_Eagle] <AMO1><CMO>dont forget to wet your face mask to filter better maam [Ens_Lepage] <ASCI2><ASCI1> Whoa this is one huge beach! [Ensign_TLinna] <CMO>::walks toward the door:: Wow...sand. ::rolls eyes::: [cdt.O_Conner] <ASEC1>::smiles:: [Ensign_AceaviaKartanis] <AENG2> ::Chuckles, fashioning herself one and digging into the ground as well.. :: [sTSF_Jami] <CO> ::nods to Lepage's comment::: [Cdt_DigitalLava] <ASEC2>::gahhh covers eyes and crawls into fetal postion:: [Ensign_TLinna] <CMO><AMO>thanks, eagle. ::does so:: [Rana_Zor] <AENG1><AENG2> No you don't dig with it. LOL [Cdt_deBain] <MXO> ::scanscan, glances around:: [Cdt_DigitalLava] <ASEC2> ::gets up:: Okay not all that bad... [Ensign_AceaviaKartanis] <AENG2><AENG1> You don't? [Rana_Zor] <AENG1><CENG> Well sir quite a few dips but hardly any drips noticeable yet. [Cdt_deBain] <MXO> ::motions the CENG forward:: [Ensign_AceaviaKartanis] <AENG2><AENG1> Just stab it into the ground? [sTSF_Jami] <CO> ::peeks out, thinking the Doctor may have been right::: [Cdt.George_Pickett] <CENG>::Now steps outside Covering face:: [Ensign_Eagle] <amo1>::wets face mask and dons :: [cdt.O_Conner] <ASEC1><AENG2>do you have a phaser? [Cdt_DigitalLava] <ASEC2><ASEC1> Umm yep I do [Ensign_AceaviaKartanis] << You gave him one O'Connor >> [Kestra_Miral] <ASCI1> <ASCI2> Well you were always the meteorology expert. Do you think we're going to see a repeat of that dust storm? [Ensign_TLinna] <CMO>::gives Jami the "I told you so" look:: [sTSF_Jami] <CO> :::grabs a face mask::: [Rana_Zor] <AENG1>::coughs on the sand flying in through the doors:: [Ensign_AceaviaKartanis] <AENG2>::Tries to stab it into the ground, spitting out sand and trying to cover her face:: [Cdt.George_Pickett] <CENG>::Notices the <XO> and continues on checking his tricorder:: [Ensign_TLinna] <CMO><EVERYONE>Face masks. They'll block the sand. [Ens_Lepage] <ASCI2><ASCI1> Dust storms are unpredictable...I'd say we won't see any for the next 2 minutes though ::smirks:: [cdt.O_Conner] <ASEC1>arrgh!::covers head with his shirt:: [sTSF_Jami] <CO> ::nods to t'Linna::speaking through the mask::: I'm beginning to lose faith in our superiors. [Lieutenant_jg_T_Parek] <CSCI> ::takes a face mask and places it on her face:: [Cdt_deBain] <MXO> <CENG> What do you think, Chief? ::scanning all around, noting the arid conditions of the planet, at least in their vicinity:: [Rana_Zor] <AENG1>::boosts the confinement beam on the tricorder scan:: <CENG> Sir, I think we've found a natural spring underneath this dirt bed. [Ensign_AceaviaKartanis] <AENG2> ::Takes a face mask as well, strapping it on and still coughing up sand:: [cdt.O_Conner] <ASEC1>::runs to container with face masks;puts one on:: [Ensign_Eagle] <amo1><everyone>wet your mask it will filter better [Cdt_DigitalLava] <ASEC2>::puts mask on:: [Lt.jg_Chell_Reno] <CSEC>::grabs a facemask and slaps it on:: [Ens_Lepage] <ASCI2> ::takes face mask and puts it on:: [Cdt_deBain] <MXO> ::steps back toward the shelter, retrieving a face mask and strapping it on:: [Kestra_Miral] <ASCI1> <ASCI2> Right. ::dons mask:: Well I can always use you for cover. [Cdt_DigitalLava] <ASEC2> I dont know if we should use our water to wet them [sTSF_Jami] ACTION: A LOW, WARBLING HOWL IS HEARD IN THE DISTANCE, LIKE THE WIND, ONLY A LITTLE MORE OMINOUS [Cdt.George_Pickett] <CENG><XO>Sir, I have few, very few signs of plant life we might be able to extract some water from them but I don't think it will be enough for us all. [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] <SGV>::an 8' tall, very large, furry, blue big-foot type creature meandering through the sand dunes that outlay the "camp", rifling through the drifts:: [Ensign_TLinna] <CMO>::hears howling:: What's that? [cdt.O_Conner] <ASEC1>::draws phaser::<CSEC>waht was that?!? [Cdt_DigitalLava] <ASEC2><ASEC1>You hear that? [sTSF_Jami] <CO> ::turns::: What's what? [Lieutenant_jg_T_Parek] <CSCI> ::shivers at the sound of the wind:: [Rana_Zor] <AENG1><AENG2> Keep digging! I think we've struck gold. [Ens_Lepage] <ASCI2><ASCI1> Do I get a date in return? ::turns around...what was that? ::starts scanning:: [sTSF_Jami] <CO> ::stops to listen::: [cdt.O_Conner] <ASEC1><ASEC2>yeah [Cdt_DigitalLava] <ASEC2> ::grabs phaser:: [Ensign_TLinna] <CMO><CO>That...howling. [Ensign_Eagle] <amo1><cmo>have no idea , maybe the wind [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] <SGV>::letting out Wookie like calls, turning a burrowing creature over in his hands:: [Ensign_AceaviaKartanis] <AENG2><AENG1> I thought you said not to dig!? ::Frantically keeps doing what he told her to..:: [sTSF_Jami] <CO> <CMO> Sounded like the wind to me. [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] <SGV>::then biting off its head:: [Lt.jg_Chell_Reno] <CSEC><ASECs> Not sure. Keep on your tows. [Lieutenant_jg_T_Parek] <CSCI> ::doesn't like the sound of something...:: [Cdt_DigitalLava] <ASEC2><ASEC1> Any ideas? [Cdt_deBain] <MXO> ::squints into the sky:: <CENG> Do you suppose there's much moisture in the air? Perhaps we could dig a couple of pits to collect water from the atomsphere.. [Ensign_TLinna] <CMO><CO>I don't know. Maybe. [Kestra_Miral] <ASCI1> <ASCI2> It sounded like the wind, but you can never be sure. ::turns around and scans opposite of Lepage:: [Cdt_deBain] <MXO> ::hearing the howls, figuring it's the wind ripping over the dunes:: [Cdt.George_Pickett] <CENG> +<AENG1>+ Report please how are you coming? [Rana_Zor] <AENG1><AENG2> Well that's an unconventional use of a dowel but if we've found a spring we should dig. ::opens up a spade and begins digging:: [cdt.O_Conner] <ASEC1><ASEC2>spread out and search? [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] <SGV>::advancing alittle more upon the camp, scratching its deep blue fur:: [Cdt_DigitalLava] <ASEC2><ASEC1> Okay but stay in eye sight okay? [cdt.O_Conner] <ASEC1><ASEC2>right [Ens_Lepage] <ASCI2><ASCI1> Any results yet? And what about my other question? ::grins:: [Cdt_DigitalLava] <ASEC2><ASEC1> Bye [Ensign_Eagle] <AMO1><CMO>if it,s not the wind, god help us [sTSF_Jami] ACTION: THE HOWL COMES AGAIN, ONLY THIS TIME A SLIGHTLY DIFFERENT PITCH. IT SEEMS TO COME FROM EVERYWHERE AND FROM NOWHERE, ECHOING THROUGH THE DUNES [cdt.O_Conner] <ASEC1>::nods:: [Rana_Zor] <AENG1><CENG> I think we might have found a spring. [Lieutenant_jg_T_Parek] <CSCI> ::wonders what that sound was:: [Cdt_DigitalLava] <ASEC2> ::walks slowly away:: [Cdt_deBain] <MXO> ::glances up at that one:: [Lieutenant_jg_T_Parek] <<Everywhere and nowhere? What is this? The Guardian of Forever??? >> [Ensign_TLinna] <CMO><AMO>Please don't say that... [Rana_Zor] <may the schwartz be with you> [cdt.O_Conner] <ASEC1>::strafes to the left:: [Ensign_AceaviaKartanis] <AENG2><AENG1> Well just because I'm unconventional doesn't mean my ways don't work ::Smiles and grabs a spade, digging frantically:: [Ensign_TLinna] <<lol T'Parek>> [Cdt_deBain] <MXO> ::glances back to Jami:: <CO> Captain.. that didn't sound like the wind. [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] <SGV>::deeply groans, stretching high as he finishes the burrowing creature:: [Kestra_Miral] <ASCI1> <ASCI2> ::grins back:: If we get off this planet, I'll give you an answer. ::looking at her tricorder:: I can't find the source of the howling, maybe it is just the wind. [Lt.jg_Chell_Reno] <CSEC><ASEC> Stay together ::motions for the ASECs to get back into formation:: [Ens_Lepage] <ASCI2><CSCI> This doesn't sound very reassuring. [sTSF_Jami] <CO> ::stops::: <XO> Agreed. I think we should stick together. [Lieutenant_jg_T_Parek] <CSCI> <ASCI2> Indeed not. [Cdt_DigitalLava] <ASEC2><ASEC1> Oh well.... [Ensign_Eagle] <AMO1><CMO>just being practacal maam [cdt.O_Conner] <ASEC1><CSEC>Yes sir [Cdt_deBain] <MXO> <CO> I concur. [sTSF_Jami] <What Reno said> [Ensign_TLinna] <CMO><AMO>Okay. [cdt.O_Conner] <ASEC1>::goes back to position [Rana_Zor] <AENG1>::piling up a little mound of dirt coughing and sweating, unzipping his uniform:: [Cdt.George_Pickett] <CENG><XO>My AENG may have found a spring I'm going to check on it now Sir. [Cdt_deBain] <MXO> <CO> I have the Chief Engineer working on a way to get some water. [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] <SGV>::more Wookie sounds, but louder:: [Cdt_DigitalLava] <ASEC2><CSEC> So what do we do now, wait until something eats us? [Ens_Lepage] <ASCI2><ASCI1> Me neither. And please don't let me wait for a simple no. [Lt.jg_Chell_Reno] <CSEC><ASECs> if we get lost in this storm you will die. End of sentence. Stay in formation unless I say otherwise. [Ensign_TLinna] <CMO>::moves a little closer to the SEC team:: [Cdt_deBain] <MXO> <CENG> Acknowledged . . . a spring, in the desert? Intriguing. I wonder if the tricorder might be malfunctioning... [Ens_Lepage] <ASCI2><CSCI> Scans don't come up with anything. [Cdt_DigitalLava] <ASEC2><CSEC> Yes sir [Cdt_DigitalLava] <ASEC2> ::sticks tongue out:: [Ensign_AceaviaKartanis] <AENG2><AENG1> ::Continues digging a bit, gently touching the moist sand:: It's a bit more compact, be careful we don't know how deep it goes. [Kestra_Miral] <ASCI1> ::winks at ASCI2:: I wouldn't. [Lieutenant_jg_T_Parek] <CSCI> <CO> ::nods:: Scans are inconclusive, Sir. [Ensign_Eagle] <AMO1>::moves closer to cmo and sec team:: [cdt.O_Conner] <ASEC1>::nods to CSEC:: [Cdt.George_Pickett] <CENG><XO>That was my thinking sir. [Kestra_Miral] <ASCI1> <CSCI> Maybe we should move out a little, widen our scan range? [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] <SGV>::moving with long strides alittle closer to the shelters:: [Cdt.George_Pickett] <CENG>::Head towards <AENG1> [Lt.jg_Chell_Reno] <CSEC>::catches the gesture but ignores it. Makeing a mental not to talk about that "attitude" later:: [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] <SGV>::stops, sniffs, and begins to dig in the dunes again:: [Lieutenant_jg_T_Parek] <CSCI><ASCI1> Indeed. But check in fairly often. [Cdt_DigitalLava] <ASEC2> ::whistles:: [Ens_Lepage] <ASCI2><ASCI1> I fear you're right. No results is usually not an answer the Captain is satisfied with [cdt.O_Conner] <ASEC1><ASEC2>stop that your making me nervous [Rana_Zor] <AEG1>::scratches a hard surface with the spade and tries to break through:: <AENG2> What does the tricorder say about this surface we've struck upon? [Cdt_DigitalLava] <ASEC2><ASEC1>What? [Lt.jg_Chell_Reno] <CSEC>::thinks to himself how you can whistle in the middle of a sandstorm:: [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] <SGV>::dig produces nothing, slowly moving on:: [Ensign_Eagle] <AMO1><CMO>::gasps and blinks::DID YOU SEE THAT MAAM [Lieutenant_jg_T_Parek] <CSCI> ::scans and sees a momentary glitch, but loses it.:: [Cdt.George_Pickett] <CENG>::Standing behind <AENG1> who is busy digging:: <AENG1>May I see your Tricorder please? [Kestra_Miral] <ASCI1> <ASCI2> Let's move out a little. There's more vegetation here, so if it is an animal it would probably be in this direction. ::motions ahead of her:: [Ensign_TLinna] <CMO><AMO>See what? ::hasn't seen anything:: [Cdt_DigitalLava] <ASEC2>::chokes on dust:: [sTSF_Jami] ACTION: THE WIND IS TOTALLY CALM. THE CREATURE SEEMS TO BLEND INTO EVERYTHING, PRACTICALLY INDISTINGUISHABLE FROM THE SAND [Rana_Zor] <AENG1><CENG>::hands the chief the tricorder:: KLANG! ::boucing the spade against the hard surface:: [Ensign_AceaviaKartanis] <AENG2>::Takes our her tricorder and scans it:: <AENG1> Hmm.. I'm not sure.. it's a strange reading.. ::Shows Zor the reading:: [Cdt.George_Pickett] <CENG>::Inspects the Tricorder then uses his own:: [Lieutenant_jg_T_Parek] <CSCI> ::takes a few steps back and loses the reading again:: [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] <SGV>::Short gargly sounds, scratching chest and then calling into the wind:: [Ensign_Eagle] <amo1><cmo>nothing i guess, could have sworn i saw something in the sand [Ens_Lepage] <ASCI2><ASCI1> Alright but if it's something big and dangerous don't count on me. I'll protect you from storms but the rest...well I cannot promise anything. ::follows Kestra:: [Rana_Zor] <AENG1><AENG2> I bet there is water just beyond this crust ::thwaps the ground harder:: [cdt.O_Conner] <ASEC1>::sees a shadow::<CSEC> SIR!::points to shadow:: [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] <SGV>::then, stopping to sniff the wind again:: [Ensign_TLinna] <CMO><AMO>You sure you're all right, Eagle? [Cdt_DigitalLava] <ASEC2><ASEC1>I see it too... [sTSF_Jami] <CO> :::grabs DeBain's arm::: There. Something is moving. [Kestra_Miral] <ASCI1> <ASCI2> I can barely even see anything with all this dust around. ::stupidly venturing out, tricorder in hand:: [Ensign_AceaviaKartanis] <AENG2><AENG1> Crust? It clangs when you hit it, which resembles some sort of metal. [sTSF_Jami] <CO> ::Pointing:: [Lt.jg_Chell_Reno] <CSEC><ASECs> Theirs some thing out their. Set your phaser on wide beam. Prepare to sweep the area on my command. <CO>Sir In going to sweep the area with our phasers to see if the energy will connect with something... Light it up. See if we can tell how big of a thing were dealing with. [Ensign_TLinna] <CMO>::looks to where Jami's pointing:: [Cdt_deBain] <MXO> ::peers into the distance:: [cdt.O_Conner] <ASEC1>:::readies phaser:: [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] <SGV>::taking in a deep breath and looking directly at the away team:: [Ensign_Eagle] <amo1><cmo>::shakes head :: ok maam [Cdt.George_Pickett] <CENG><AENG1>I think that you can stop digging, I believe that the composition of this sand is affecting the Tricorder [Cdt_deBain] <MXO> ::sees nothing moving:: [Cdt_DigitalLava] <ASEC2><CSEC> Yes sir... ::takes phaser and sets it to wide beam:: [sTSF_Jami] <CO> :::to Reno::: I can see something moving in the dunes to the southwest. [Rana_Zor] <AENG1>::covered in sweat removes his shirt throwing it to the ground, stepping forward and breaking through the surface falling into the pit:: AAAAHHHHHH!!!!!! [Lieutenant_jg_T_Parek] <CSCI> ::looks around...:: [Ensign_TLinna] <CMO>::points::<AMO>Look over there...something's moving. [sTSF_Jami] ACTION: ZOR'S SCREAM IS HEARD BY THE CREATURE AND DRAWS THE CREATURE TO THE PIT [Ens_Lepage] <ASCI2><ASCI1> ::follows Kestra thinking she has a plan:: [Cdt_DigitalLava] <ASEC2><ASEC1> Stay together right? [Cdt_deBain] <MXO> ::peers harder, wonders if it's just the heat playing tricks with the eyes:: [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] <SGV>::notices something moving..then screaming:: [Cdt.George_Pickett] <CENG>::Yells:: Zor ! ! ! [Lt.jg_Chell_Reno] <CSEC><CO> Very good sir. ::points phaser to the southwest and fire motioning for the fire team to do the same:: [Ensign_Eagle] <amo1><cmo>so i wasnt hallucinating then [Ensign_AceaviaKartanis] <AENG2><AENG1> Zor!! ::Kneels down next to the pit, looking down:: <CENG> Issue! [cdt.O_Conner] <ASEC1>::gasps::what th..... [Kestra_Miral] <ASCI1> <ASCI2> Did you hear that? ::turns around quickly in the direction of the scream:: [Rana_Zor] <AENG1><CENG> Help sir! ::grasping the edges of the pit sliding down:: [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] <SGV>::hurriedly and swiftly traverses across towards the pit and delves into it:: [Cdt_DigitalLava] <ASEC2><ASEC1> Maybe we should go shot at it? [Lt.jg_Chell_Reno] <<I've g2g hear in a minuet>> [Ensign_TLinna] <CMO><AMO>No...::turns toward the scream:: What was that? [Lieutenant_jg_T_Parek] <CSCI> ::hears a scream:: [sTSF_Jami] <CO> <CSEC> Hold your fire until we know if it's hostile. This planet is supposed to be uninhabited. [Cdt_deBain] <MXO> ::blinks, now seeing the movement for himself:: <CO> I see it now, Captain.. [cdt.O_Conner] <ASEC1><ASEC2>not until the order [Cdt.George_Pickett] <CENG>:: Leans down extending his hand :: [Cdt_DigitalLava] <ASEC2><ASEC1> Fine [Ens_Lepage] <ASCI2><ASCI1> Let's go and see what's wrong. Maybe they need help. [Ensign_AceaviaKartanis] <AENG2> ::Backs away from the pit incase the edges collapse, backing against the edge.:: [Cdt.George_Pickett] <CENG><AENG1>Grab my hand! [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] <SGV>::the big blue creatures hands wrap around Zors head with ease and pull him out of the pit:: [Lt.jg_Chell_Reno] <CSEC>::cease fire:: <CO> It was on a low power beam sire. Count a fly. It would just light it up so we could tell its mass and such. [Ensign_Eagle] <amo1><cmo>best gues an indigenous lf,....and a carnivore maam [Kestra_Miral] <ASCI1> ::lets Lepage go first and then follows:: [Rana_Zor] <AENG1>::sees the huge beast and looses his grip, shouting a blood curdling scream:: [Ens_Lepage] <ASCI2> ::starts running in the direction of the scream:: [Lieutenant_jg_T_Parek] <CSCI> +ASCI1 AND 2+ Stay where you are!!! [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] <SGV>::lets out a long Wookie like grunt:: [Ensign_AceaviaKartanis] <AENG2><AENG1> Zor! ::Reaches down trying to grab him:: [Lt.jg_Chell_Reno] <<I g2g see ya people>> [Ensign_TLinna] <CMO><AMO>Let's not make assumptions. ::stares at the creatture:: [Lieutenant_jg_T_Parek] <<see ya chell >> [Kestra_Miral] <ASCI1> <ASCI2> Hold it! ::grabs him and stops in place:: [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] <SGV>::drags Zor into the Sandy wind:: [Ensign_Eagle] <amo1>::sighs, aye maam:: [Cdt_DigitalLava] <ASEC2><ASEC1> Can we shoot yet? [sTSF_Jami] ROSTER UPDATE - CSEC = Cdt OConner [Ens_Lepage] <ASCI2> Stops:: +CSCI+ Aye,Sir! [Rana_Zor] <AENG1>::shreiking for mercy:: [cdt.O_Conner] <ASEC1><ASEC2>NOT YET! [Cdt.George_Pickett] <CENG> +<XO>+ Sir I have an emergency my AENG1 is hanging in a pit!!! ::As he reaches farther for the AENG. [Ensign_AceaviaKartanis] <AENG2> ::Gasps at the creature and scidadles up the side of the ditch and runs behind Pickett, withdrawing her phaser:: [Cdt_DigitalLava] <ASEC2><ASEC1> Okay...:sigh:: [sTSF_Jami] <CO> ::to anyone::: What's happening? Who's screaming? What's that thing? [Lieutenant_jg_T_Parek] <CSCI> +ASCI1 AND 2+ Don't engage whatever is out there unless instructed to. [sTSF_Jami] <CO> :::Captain Clueless::: [Ensign_AceaviaKartanis] <AENG2><CO> Something took Zor! ::Points down at the pit:: [Ensign_TLinna] <CMO>::takes a few steps toward Zor and the creature and stops:: [cdt.O_Conner] <CESC><CO>sir...your order?? [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] <SGV>::holds Zor high into the wind and lets out another grunt, shaking him side to side:: [Kestra_Miral] <ASCI1> +CSCI+ What's going on? Is someone from the AT injured? [Ensign_Eagle] <amo1>::hands cmo a extra laser scapel :: [Ens_Lepage] <ASCI2><ASCI1> Whoa man...sounds like someone needs help and we're supposed to stay here? [Cdt_deBain] <MXO> ::phaser in hand by now, steps toward the creature:: [sTSF_Jami] <CO> <CSEC> I think we need to get our cadet back. [Rana_Zor] <AENG1>::Gasps for breath:: [Ensign_TLinna] <CMO>::takes the scalpal and wonders what good it's going to do:: [Ens_Lepage] <ASCI2>+CSCI+ But,Sir...what if they need help? [Ensign_Eagle] <amo1>::follows cmo:: [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] <SGV>::then suddenly sets Zor back down, although abruptly:: [Lieutenant_jg_T_Parek] <CSCI> +ASCI2+ Engage, but BE CAREFUL! [Cdt_deBain] <MXO> ::shouts at the creature:: You there! Excuse me, I believe you have my cad.. nevermind! [sTSF_Jami] <CO> :::following along with the others::: [Rana_Zor] <AENG1>::thinking it might actually be friendly, shouts:: Water! [Ensign_TLinna] <CMO>::throws caution to the wind and runs toward Zor::<AENG1>Rana! [cdt.O_Conner] <CSEC><CO>pleasure sir::fires low yield burst at creature:: [Ens_Lepage] <<yay we'll die after all>> [Cdt.George_Pickett] <CENG>::Can't believe his eyes!:: [Ens_Lepage] <ASCI2>+CSCI+ Aye,Sir. [Ensign_AceaviaKartanis] <AENG2><AENG1>Come towards me Zor! ::Keeps her phaser ready:: [Lieutenant_jg_T_Parek] <CSCI> ::walks slowly towards the thing:: [Kestra_Miral] <ASCI1> <ASCI2> ::nods:: I don't like just standing around, waiting for it to come after us. ::starts scanning again with her tricorder:: [Cdt_deBain] <MXO> <CSEC> Hold your fire! [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] <SGV>::saunters towards the rest of the away team:: [Rana_Zor] <AENG1><CMO> OMG thank you doctor ::clings to the doctor in shock:: [cdt.O_Conner] <CSEC><ASEC2>FIRE [Cdt_DigitalLava] <ASEC2><CSEC> Okay...::grabs phaser and fires:: [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] <SGV>::Another high pitched Wookie cry:: [sTSF_Jami] <CO> :::comes up to Zor:: Did it hurt you? [Ensign_Eagle] <amo1>::assist cmo with aeng1:: [Cdt_DigitalLava] <ASEC2><CSEC> Are we close enough? [Ensign_TLinna] <CMO>::kneels next to Zor::<AENG1>You'll be all right. [cdt.O_Conner] <CSEC>::fires phaser:: [sTSF_Jami] <CO> ::covers ears::: Yikes. What a cry. [Ens_Lepage] <ASCI2><ASCI1> Let's go. You keep scanning I'll watch out for anything peculiar. [Cdt_deBain] <MXO> <CSEC,ASECs> HOLD YOUR FIRE, I said! [Rana_Zor] <AENG1><CO> No sir, she saved me from falling. [Cdt_DigitalLava] <ASEC2> ::fires phaser:: [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] <SGV>::reaches Lava first and grabs the phaser:: [cdt.O_Conner] <CSEC><ASEC2>CEASE FIRE [Cdt_DigitalLava] <ASEC2> ::Stops firing:: [Kestra_Miral] <ASCI1> <ASCI2> Got it. ::follows him, scanning and glancing up periodically:: [Ensign_TLinna] <CMO><AMO>Get your tricorder out...start scanning him. [sTSF_Jami] <CO> :::echoes XO::: CEASE FIRE [Ensign_AceaviaKartanis] <AENG2> ::Keeps her phaser ready, walking up next to zor and hugging him:: [Cdt_DigitalLava] <ASEC2><CSEC> Sorry [sTSF_Jami] <CO> :::comes up to the creature::: [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] <SGV>::takes the phaser and studies it, sniffs it:: [Rana_Zor] <AENG1>::collapses from exhaustion:: [Cdt.George_Pickett] <CENG>::Thankful that Zor is ok Keeps his Phaser ready:: [Rana_Zor] lol [Ensign_Eagle] <amo1>::scanning aeng1:: [Ensign_TLinna] <CMO>::can't do much with Zor clinging to her:: [Cdt_deBain] <MXO> ::holsters his phaser, approaches the creature, arms outstretched, palms up:: [Ens_Lepage] <ASCI2><ASCI1> Any idea what could have happened? [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] <SGV>::It accidently fires, searing a smoky path through his dark blue fur:: [Ensign_AceaviaKartanis] <AENG2>::Tries to drag zor off of T [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] <SGV>::another searing wookie hollar:: [Lieutenant_jg_T_Parek] <CSCI> ::stares at the something:: [sTSF_Jami] <CO> ::Jumps back, keeping her distance::: [Ensign_AceaviaKartanis] < Off of T'Linna:: ** > [Cdt.George_Pickett] <CENG>::Moves to assist the CMO:: <CMO>Here let me help! [Ensign_TLinna] <CMO>::winces:: Ow...that's loud. [Kestra_Miral] <ASCI1> <ASCI2> None. ::looks up:: Did you hear phaser fire? ::picks up the pace:: Why do I feel we're the only ones who don't know what's going on? [Ensign_TLinna] <CMO><CENG>Just get him to let go. [Cdt_deBain] <MXO> ::cautiously stepping closer toward the creature:: Can you speak? [cdt.O_Conner] <CSEC><ASEC2>keep an eye on it...I'm going to check on Zor [sTSF_Jami] <CO> ::shouts at the creature::: NO! Don't! Put it down. ::pats the ground::: [Cdt_DigitalLava] <ASEC2><CSEC> Yes sir [Ensign_Eagle] <amo1><cmo>nothing major just bruised bad [Ensign_TLinna] <<lol Jami>> [Cdt_DigitalLava] <ASEC2>::eyes creature:: [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] <SGV>::looks down at the CO:: [Ensign_AceaviaKartanis] <AENG2><AENG1> Come on Zor.. ::Tries to tug him off again:: [sTSF_Jami] <well, I don't speak Wookie>> [Ensign_TLinna] <CMO><AMO>Good. [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] <SGV>::kneels way down and pats the ground:: [Ens_Lepage] <ASCI2> <ASCI1> Yes I heard it and to answer your question...it's probably not just your feeling. [Cdt.George_Pickett] <CENG><CMO>Ok ::As he prys the AENG of him:: [Rana_Zor] <AENG1><CENG> ::in an out of consciousness:: ouch my neck! [Cdt_deBain] <MXO> ::an idea occurs:: [sTSF_Jami] <CO> ::eyes wide::: <XO> :::waves him over::: [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] <SGV>::patting the ground hard, the vibrations felt by all:: [Cdt_deBain] <MXO> ::waves his hand at the creature, moves to the CO:: [Lieutenant_jg_T_Parek] <CSCI> ::looks around:: [Ensign_TLinna] <CMO>Whoa... [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] <SGV>::waves at the XO, then the CO:: [sTSF_Jami] <CO> :::bongbongbong:::ground shakes::: [Cdt_deBain] <MXO> ::unholsters his phaser, waves it in the air at the creature, then places it down on the ground:: [cdt.O_Conner] <CSEC>::turs sharply tword creature:: [Cdt_DigitalLava] <ASEC2> ::staring at creature:: [Ensign_AceaviaKartanis] <AENG2> ::Gently falls backwards, tugging and bringing Zor with her:: [sTSF_Jami] <CO> :::watching the creature as deBain does his thing::: [Cdt.George_Pickett] <CENG>::Notices the vibrations turns to the CMO:: [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] <SGV>::looks down at the phaser in his hand, waves it at deBain, then puts it on the ground:: [Rana_Zor] <AENG1><AENG2>::screams again in fear:: No! [Kestra_Miral] <ASCI1> +CSCI+ We're heading to your position. What's going on? [Cdt_DigitalLava] <ASEC2><CSEC> What do you suggest? [Ensign_TLinna] <CMO><CENG>What? [Ensign_AceaviaKartanis] <AENG2><AENG1> It's me Zor It's Kartanis, its okay. [Cdt_deBain] <MXO> ::claps once, triumphant, smiles broadly at the creature:: [cdt.O_Conner] <CSEC><ASEC2>wait here [Cdt_DigitalLava] <ASEC2><CSEC> Ok [Ensign_Eagle] <amo1>::loses balance and falls on cmo:: [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] <SGV>::claps, BIG TOOTHY SMILE:: [Ensign_TLinna] <CMO>Oof! [Cdt_deBain] <MXO> ::noting the teeeeeeeeeeth.. eek!:: [Ensign_TLinna] <CMO>::falls over with eagle on top of her:: [Cdt.George_Pickett] <CENG><CMO> I was just feeling that vibration too! [Rana_Zor] <AENG1><AENG2> Don't hurt her. [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] <SGV>::Wookie like laugh:: [sTSF_Jami] <CO> ::shrinks back:::moves back a bit to CSCI::: You getting all this? [Cdt.George_Pickett] <CENG>::Darts to help the CMO again!:: [Cdt_deBain] <MXO> <SGV> Do you know where we may find water? [Lieutenant_jg_T_Parek] <CSCI> <CO> ::eyes boggling:: Yes... [Ensign_Eagle] <amo1><cmo>oooppss , sorry maam [Cdt_DigitalLava] <ASEC2>::still staring:: [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] <SGV>::wiggles lips forward and opens jaws:: [sTSF_Jami] <CO> ::nods, eyes also boggling::: Good. I'll want a full report. [Ensign_AceaviaKartanis] <AENG2><AENG1> I'm not the beast, I'm Kartanis, you know, your fellow assistant? ::Continues dragging Zor backwards until she's a good distance away from the AT:: [Ensign_TLinna] <CMO><AMO>It's okay. [Cdt_deBain] <MXO> <SGV> ::pretending like he is drinking something, holds his arms out in a shrugging fashion:: [cdt.O_Conner] <CSEC><CO>::softly::captain..have you made contact? [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] <SGV>Ooo oo oh air ee ay eye ah-er [Cdt.George_Pickett] <CENG><CMO> Are you ok? [Ensign_Eagle] <amo1>::gets to feet and helps cmo up :: [Rana_Zor] <AENG1>::coming back into reality:: Oh thank you.. I... omg [Ensign_TLinna] <CMO><CENG>I think so. [Cdt_deBain] <MXO> ::headtilt:: Fascinating. [Ensign_TLinna] <CMO>::lets eagle pull her up:: [Lieutenant_jg_T_Parek] <CSCI> Fascinating... [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] <SGV>::mimicks deBain, like s the shrugging:: [sTSF_Jami] <CO> <CSEC> ::shakes head no, points to XO::: [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] <SGV>::another BIG toothy grin:: [Rana_Zor] <AENG1>+CENG+ Did you find any water in that hole? [Cdt_DigitalLava] <ASEC2><CSEC>Umm neat eh? [Ens_Lepage] <ASCI2><ASCI1> Anything? [Cdt.George_Pickett] <CENG> +<AENG1>+Report where are you? [Cdt_deBain] <MXO> ::still cautious of that toothy grin..:: [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] <SGV>::head tilts to one side:: [cdt.O_Conner] <CSEC><ASEC2>it looks and acts like an ape. [Rana_Zor] <AENG1><AENG2> The chief.... [Lieutenant_jg_T_Parek] <CSCI> ::stares at the bleu wookie thing and waves cautiously:: [Kestra_Miral] <ASCI1> <ASCI2> Who's that over there? ::points to Ace and Rana:: [Cdt_deBain] <MXO> ::backs up just a bit, glances to Jami:: <CO> Captain, may I have your canteen? [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] <SGV>::steps over and carefully reaches towards the MXO:: [Ensign_TLinna] <CMO>::stares at the Wookie:: [Ensign_AceaviaKartanis] <AENG1><AENG2> ::Lets Zor lay on the ground and supports his neck:: What hurts? [Cdt_DigitalLava] <ASEC2><CSEC> Yeah..wonder what it eats.. [Cdt.George_Pickett] <CENG><AENG1>Neg. on the water glad your ok! [Cdt_deBain] <MXO> ::heart racing, cringes ever so slightly:: [Rana_Zor] <AENG1>::head falls back:: [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] <SGV>::carefully plucks the communicator off the uniform:: [sTSF_Jami] <CO> ::hands deBain her canteen::: [Ensign_Eagle] <amo1><cmo>what do we classify that as maam [Ensign_AceaviaKartanis] <AENG2>+CENG+ Sir, we are a good ways back away from the beast, we're fine for now. Can we get an AMO? [Ens_Lepage] <ASCI2><ASCI1> Looks like Ace and Rana...got anything else on your tricorder? [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] <SGV>::looks it over, sniff sniff:: [Cdt_deBain] <MXO> <SGV> Hey! Be careful with that! [Ensign_TLinna] <CMO><AMO>That, Eagle, would be a...thing. [Rana_Zor] lol [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] <SGV><MXO>Aye, ee air-ul it at! [sTSF_Jami] <CO> ::wondering how the creature will react to deBain's tone of voice::: [Kestra_Miral] <ASCI1> <ASCI2> Yeah, looks like the rest of the team is over here. And ... something that's not quite human. ::gapes at her tricorder:: [Cdt.George_Pickett] <CENG><AENG1>I'll try to get one::and moves up to the CMO:: [Lieutenant_jg_T_Parek] <CSCI> ::wonders if shouting at the abominable sand monster is a good idea...:: [Cdt_DigitalLava] <ASEC2><CSEC> Looks gentle enough... [Cdt_deBain] <MXO> ::stunned:: (w) Utterly fascinating. [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] <SGV>::pops the communicator into his mouth:: [Cdt_DigitalLava] <ASEC2><CSEC> Maybe we can poke it with a stick or something. [Cdt_deBain] <MXO> <CO> Captain, the creature has mimiced me in every way . . . including speech. Did you hear him? [Ens_Lepage] <ASCI2><ASCI1> Alright let's be careful. ::slowly approaches the rest of the crew:: [cdt.O_Conner] <CSEC><ASEC2>::puts phaser down slowly::I don't think he's a threat [Ensign_Eagle] <amo1><amo2>go and assist aeng2 [Cdt_deBain] <MXO> <CO> Or her. Or.. whatever.. [sTSF_Jami] <CO> :::creeps up to deBain::: <XO> What do you think? ::;cringes at the eaten comm::: [Rana_Zor] <AENG1>::holds his side in pain:: [Cdt_deBain] <MXO> <SGV> Agh! My commbadge! [Kestra_Miral] <ASCI1> ::comes up behind the rest of the AT cautiously:: [Ensign_TLinna] <<Eagle, you're the only AMO>> [Cdt.George_Pickett] <CENG><COM> Can my AENG's get a AMO for assistance? They report they are a good distance from the creature now? [Lieutenant_jg_T_Parek] <CSCI> ::moves a little closer to the command staff:: [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] <SGV>::crunches and moans as the commbadge chirps at the first bite:: [Ensign_Eagle] <amo1><cmo>maam i beleive its trying to comm with us [cdt.O_Conner] <CSEC><ASEC2>put your phaser down [Ensign_TLinna] <CMO><CENG>No problem. [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] <SGV>::notices the CO has one too:: [Cdt_DigitalLava] <ASEC2><CSEC> Was it up? [Ensign_AceaviaKartanis] <AENG2><AENG1> So your side hurts, what else hurts? :: Gently takes off her overshirt and rolls it up, supporting his neck and looking at the wound on his side:: [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] <SGV>::in fact, you ALL do:: [Cdt_DigitalLava] <ASEC2>::sticks out tongue:: [Cdt_deBain] <MXO> ::hands on hips, points his finger at the creature, scolding it lightly:: No! That is not acceptable! [Ensign_TLinna] <CMO><AMO>Go help Rana and Aceavia. [Rana_Zor] <AENG1>::blood spilling from mouth, loosing consciousness:: [Kestra_Miral] <ASCI1> <CSCI> Sir? What's going on? [Ensign_Eagle] <amo1>+<aeng2>+on my way [sTSF_Jami] <CO> ::moves back to CMO::: I don't suppose we have an exobiologist here do we? [cdt.O_Conner] <CSEC>::ignores the gesture:: [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] <SGV>::Grunts and groans in wookies speach:: [Cdt.George_Pickett] <CENG> +<AENG1>+ The CMO is sending help now. [Cdt_DigitalLava] <ASEC2><CSEC> Heheh [Ens_Lepage] <ASCI2>::moves up to the others and watches the creature:: [Ensign_AceaviaKartanis] <AENG2>+AMO+ Hurry, he's bleeding from his mouth. [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] <SGV>::mimicks MXO:: [sTSF_Jami] <<Keep it reasonable, Zor. I don't think the creature hurt you that much.>> [Cdt_deBain] <MXO> ::shakes the canteen, pours a little water out, then points at the water on the ground:: [Ensign_TLinna] <CMO><CO>No, we don't. [Ensign_AceaviaKartanis] <AENG2><AENG1> ::Dabs away at the blood from the cut on his cheek from when he fell:: [Rana_Zor] <AENG1><AENG2> Oh Ace i think i hit the side of the pit going down, internal bleeding? ::starts choking:: [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] <SGV>::watching the water fall and suddenly takes the canteen:: [Ensign_AceaviaKartanis] << That better, Jami? :P >> [cdt.O_Conner] <CSEC><CO>Captain,may I assume this is first contact? [Ensign_Eagle] <amo1><aeng2>could be cracked ribs lets get aeng1 inside the dome [Cdt_deBain] <MXO> <ALL> I need someone's commbadge.. [sTSF_Jami] <that works> [Cdt.George_Pickett] <CENG>::Finally having a little time try to figure out what to do about the water problem:: [Ensign_AceaviaKartanis] <AENG2><AENG1> I don't think it would cause that serious of bleeding to have blood come from your mouth. You just have a gash on your cheek. [Kestra_Miral] <ASCI1> <MXO> Here you go. ::takes off combadge and hands it over:: [sTSF_Jami] <CO> ::sighs at the CMO's statement::: [Lieutenant_jg_T_Parek] <CSCI> <MXO> What... is that? [Cdt_DigitalLava] <ASEC2><CSEC> So what are we going to do now? [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] <SGV>::looks into its opening over his head as a drop of water falls:: [Ensign_TLinna] <CMO>::hears Jami sigh:: [Cdt_deBain] <MXO> <SGV> ::shows it the commbadge, then points to the water:: Where can we find water? [sTSF_Jami] <CO> <CMO> What do you make of this creature? Ever come across anything like it? [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] <SGV>::shakes the canteen, frustrated that no more falls:: [Ens_Lepage] <ASCI2><ASCI1> So much for edible plants...next time we got nothing to eat we'll take the commbadge [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] <SGV>::smacking the side of it:: [cdt.O_Conner] <CSEC><CO>Captain, [Cdt_deBain] <MXO> <SGV> Easy, guv'nuh... [sTSF_Jami] <CO> :::watching her water pour out on the ground:: [Ensign_TLinna] <CMO><CO>I've never seen something like that before... [Ensign_Eagle] <AMO1><AENG2>lets get him inside...now [Rana_Zor] <AENG1><AENG2> I'm not gonna make it am I? [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] <SGV>::looking around, frustrated:: [Cdt_deBain] <MXO> ::making a note to give his water rations to the Captain, since he spilled all hers:: [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] <SGV>::then suddenly heads off into the dunes:: [Cdt.George_Pickett] <CENG>::Unable to scan anything head towards the AENG's and the Creature:: [Ensign_AceaviaKartanis] <AENG2><AENG1> Buck up, chum. You'll be fine. [Cdt_deBain] <MXO> <SGV> Hey! Are you going to take us to water? [sTSF_Jami] <CO> <CMO> Me either. ::;sees SGV:::motions to CSEC::: Follow it. [Ensign_TLinna] <CMO>::watches the creature move off::<CO>Should we follow? [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] <SGV>::taking very long strides over dunes with ease:: [Ensign_Eagle] <amo1>::assist aeng2 getting aeng1 inside dome:: [Ensign_AceaviaKartanis] <AENG2> ::Nods to the AMO, gently dragging him over to the shelter:: [Rana_Zor] <AENG1>::bends over moaning in pain:: [Cdt_deBain] <MXO> ::moving back toward the main group:: <CO> Fascinating indeed. [Ens_Lepage] <ASCI2> ::looks at T'parek:: [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] <SGV>::coming to a small gathering of trees :: [cdt.O_Conner] <CSEC><CO>Aye,sir::heads where creature is going [sTSF_Jami] <CO> <CMO> We'll let security do that. They're more equipped than we are. [Ensign_TLinna] <CMO><CO>Understood. [Lieutenant_jg_T_Parek] <CSCI> ::looks at Lepage and shrugs:: [Cdt_DigitalLava] <ASEC2> ::looks at the creature:: [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] <SGV>::climbs a hig dune and then jumps over it, disappearing with a long WOOOOOOOO:: [sTSF_Jami] <<if you have to leave, you may. We're going to run over the hour about five minutes.>> [cdt.O_Conner] <CSEC>::folows creature::<ASEC2>come on! [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] ::Then, KERSPLASH!:: [Ensign_TLinna] <<lol Andrea>> [sTSF_Jami] <CO> ::to all::: Did I hear a splash? [Ens_Lepage] <ASCI2><CSCI> Alright I don't mind leaving the running to security. [Ensign_TLinna] <CMO>Splash? [cdt.O_Conner] <CSEC>WHOOOOHOOOO [Ensign_TLinna] <CMO>I heard it too! [Cdt_DigitalLava] <ASEC2><CSEC>Ok [Ensign_Eagle] <amo1><aeng2>just what i thought ::scans aeng1 again, ribs bruised bad and a cut inside the mouth:: [Lieutenant_jg_T_Parek] <CSCI> ::grins:: [Cdt_deBain] <MXO> <CO> Captain, the creature appears to be intelligent. It distinctly attempted to mimic word pattern.. and.. ::glancing behind him, where the creature went:: I believe that WAS a splash.. [sTSF_Jami] <CO> +CSEC+ Report. [Cdt_DigitalLava] <ASEC2><CSEC> Coming ::runs:: [Ensign_AceaviaKartanis] <AENG2><AMO> It's on his cheek ::Points to his cheek:: [sTSF_Jami] <CO> <XO> Agreed. [cdt.O_Conner] <CSEC>+CO+Captain WE FOUND WATER!!! [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] <SGV>::wading in the water, the canteen on his belly:: [Cdt_DigitalLava] <ASEC2><CSEC> Wow [Cdt_deBain] <MXO> ::excited:: <CO> If so, it proves that the creature is sentient - it knew I was asking for water! [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] <SGV>::grunting, mimicking the earlier wave he learned:: [Ensign_TLinna] <CMO>::hears the report about water and smiles:: [cdt.O_Conner] <CSEC>+CO+REPEAT WE FOUND WATER!!! [sTSF_Jami] <CO> +CSEC+ Fantastic! It's about time . . . to... [sTSF_Jami] =/\= =/\= PAUSE SIM =/\= =/\= [sTSF_Jami] =/\= =/\= PAUSE SIM =/\= =/\= [sTSF_Jami] =/\= =/\= PAUSE SIM =/\= =/\=
  15. =/\==/\= Starfleet Academy Briefing for the Academy on August 16, 2005=/\==/\= In the name of education, the faculty of Starfleet Academy has subjected the crew of USS Goldstein (refit Galaxy Class) to an emergency landing on a small barely-habitable planet. Hot, dusty, few plants and fewer animals. We have one tricorder apiece, four escape pods, and emergency supplies for one week. Unfortunately, one whole day has passed and all we've accomplished is to build a domed shelter and stay out of a dust storm. (No, no...not "doomed" - "domed!") But is the dust storm the only thing we need to worry about?
  16. =/\==/\= Starfleet Academy Briefing Stardate August 2, 2005=/\==/\= Having made an eye-opening visit to the Intergalactic School on Gaius One, the crew of USS Goldstein (refit Galaxy Class) is en route home. Hopefully we will travel to Sector 1 without encountering any more crew-stealing faculties or anything else that might delay our arrival. On a side note, kudos to Cadet eagle for figuring out the plot before anyone else. I had originally congratulated CdtShephard, who was equally on top of things, and whose congrats still stand. So, congratulations to both eagle and Shephard for great work deciphering the clues. Doubtless they have occasionally felt trapped at school. ;)
  17. They *can* be taught! <w> ...mostly.
  18. After reading the log, I see that everyone could use a little refresher course on yellow alert protocol. ======================== [sTSF_Jami] Commanding Officer (CO) - STSF Dacotah [sTSF_Jami] Mission Commanding Officer (MCO) - Lt Vectra Meriva [sTSF_Jami] Tactical Officer (TAC) - Ens Murdok Helios [sTSF_Jami] Operations Officer (OPS) - Ens Tynte [sTSF_Jami] Helm (Helm) - Midshipman Recycle [sTSF_Jami] Chief Engineer (CENG) - Tachyon [sTSF_Jami] Assistant Engineer (AENG) - Cdt Ramdar Goftar [sTSF_Jami] Chief Security Officer (CSEC) - Ensign Aceavia Kartanis [sTSF_Jami] Chief Medical Officer (CMO) - Cdt Mitchell [sTSF_Jami] Chief Science Officer (CSCI) - Lt jg T Parek [sTSF_Jami] Assistant Science Officer (ASCI) - Ens Eagle [sTSF_Jami] =/\==/\=END ROSTER=/\==/\= [sTSF_Dacotah] STAND BY FOR THE BRIEFING [sTSF_Dacotah] STAR FLEET ACADEMY [sTSF_Dacotah] AUGUST 10 2005 [sTSF_Dacotah] The USS Olie <norway class> has come upon a probe of unknown orgin. [sTSF_Dacotah] BEGIN SIM == BEGIN SIM == BEGIN SIM [Cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] <AENG>::walks into ME padd in hand and heads to the CENG's office:: [CdtMitchell] <CMO>::In her office in SB:: [Ens_Tynte] ::Enters bridge sipping a cup of java:: <CO> Reporting for duty ma'am. [Tachyon] <CENG>::in main engineering office, having just finished a stack of reports:: [midshipmen_recycle] <Helm>reporting in and slowing to probe.. [sTSF_Dacotah] <CO> ::looking at the viewscreen:: [Ens.MurdokHelios] <TAC><MCO> Begining scans on the prob sir. [Ensign_AceaviaKartanis] <CSEC>::Does her normal patrols with her phaser rifle at hand as always, being intelligent and putting her long hair back.. :: [Cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] <AENG>::walks in office::<CENG>reporting for duty sir [CdtMitchell] ::Pulls up reports of current patients for review:: [sTSF_Dacotah] <CO><HELM> Drop us to 1/4 impulse and keep us just on the edge of transporter range [Lieutenant_j.g._T_Parek] <CSCI> ::on Bridge:: [Lt.Vectra_Meriva] <MCO> ::also looking at the viewscreen:: <CSCI> Can you scan the probe, analyse what it is? [Tachyon] <CENG><AENG>::coughs slightly:: And I see you have . . . paperwork . . . ::has developed a slight aversion to the stuff:: [Lt.Vectra_Meriva] AS soon as we're in range [Ens_Eagle] <ASCI><CSCI>coffee maam [Ens_Tynte] <OPS> ::Moves to his Station:: +All Dept Heads+ All department heads, please report in. [Lieutenant_j.g._T_Parek] <CSCI> ::takes coffee from Eagle:: <MCO> Yes, Sir. [CdtMitchell] <CMO>::Grabs tricorder and head to SB proper:: [Ensign_AceaviaKartanis] <CSEC>+OPS+ Waiting and ready, just making my normal rounds. [Ens.MurdokHelios] <TAC><CO> Shall I raise sheilds sir? [Cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] <AENG><CENG>yes sir its for you to approve testing on the reserve deuterium [Tachyon] <CENG>+OPS+ Engineering is standing by. [midshipmen_recycle] <Helm><Co>sir think probe moving to use.. [Tachyon] <CENG><AENG>And what exactly would we be testing on the reserve deuterium? [sTSF_Dacotah] <Co><TAC> Yes, raise sheilds [Cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] <AENG>::hands padd to Tachyon:: [CdtMitchell] <CMO>+OPS+ CMO reporting in. All ready [sTSF_Dacotah] <Co><HELM> adjust our position to keep us just inside of transporter range [Cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] <AENG><CENG>we are just testing to see if it still has its juice [Ens_Eagle] <ASCI><CSCI>initial scans do not match star fleet profiles maam [Tachyon] <CENG>::looks over the PADD:: Uh-huh. Hmmm . . . I see . . . [midshipmen_recycle] <Helm><CO>adjusting now.. [Ens.MurdokHelios] <TAC>::Stands at TAC consol watching the veiwscreen. Looks down and taps raising sheilds.::<CO> Sheilds up. [Lieutenant_j.g._T_Parek] <CSCI> <MCO> No matches from our initial scans. [sTSF_Dacotah] <co><Csci> What do we have out there, Chief? [Cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] <AENG><CENG>and to see if its at the proper temperature... [CdtMitchell] <CMO>::Moves to first patient. Smiles:: How are you feeling today? [Cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] <AENG><CENG>you know the basics [Lt.Vectra_Meriva] <MCO -- > XO> I see.. [Lieutenant_j.g._T_Parek] <CSCI> <CO> Unknown, Sir. [Ens_Tynte] <OPS> <CO> All stations, save CSCI, which is currently busy report ready and standing by. [Lieutenant_j.g._T_Parek] <CSCI> <CO> Primary scans are inconclusibe. [Lieutenant_j.g._T_Parek] *inconclusive [Ens_Eagle] <ASCI><CSCI>CONTINUING TO CROSS REF DATA BASE , APPEARS TO BE A PROBE OF UNKNOWN TYPE MAAM [Tachyon] <CENG>::nods::<AENG>All right, we could probably fit that in. But it looks like we've found some sort of probe and ::shifty glance:: I'm hoping it's going to be brought aboard. [Ensign_AceaviaKartanis] <CSEC>::checks in on engineering during her rounds, smiling:: <CENG> Hi Tach Everything okay here? <AENG> Hi Ramdar ::Wave:: [Tachyon] <CENG>::wonders when his office had an open-door policy:: <CSEC>Peachy. [midshipmen_recycle] <Helm>changing course again.. [Cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] <AENG><CENG>oh really could I help with that sir [Lieutenant_j.g._T_Parek] <<be right back>> [Cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] <AENG>::doesnt see ace:: [Tachyon] <CENG><AENG>If we bring it aboard, yes. [Ens.MurdokHelios] <TAC>::Scans probe for weapon systems.:: [Cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] <AENG><CENG>cool so should I begin the tests [Ens_Tynte] <OPS> ::Begins running a Routine check of the Transporter system:: [Ensign_AceaviaKartanis] <CSEC> ::Smiles and walks out, knowing that even with his closed-door policy that security can override things :lol: :: [Lieutenant_j.g._T_Parek] <CSCI> <CO> Still no results, Sir. [Ens_Eagle] <ASCI>::sipping coffee and continuing cross ref :: [Lt.Vectra_Meriva] <XO -->MCO> <CSCI> Very well. Keep working and me informed [sTSF_Dacotah] <<note ... crew, Meriva is playing your MCO tonight and has all action authority. Treat him like you'd treat ... um ... Jami>> [midshipmen_recycle] <Helm><Co>whats going on with this.. i'm locked now.. controls froze.. [Lt.Vectra_Meriva] < :D > [Lieutenant_j.g._T_Parek] <CSCI> <MCO> Of course, Sir. [sTSF_Jami] <Egads, don't say that, Dac. He's doomed.>> [Tachyon] <CENG><AENG>I'm going to contact the bridge and get an update. Take a look at devoting additional resources to the sensor arrays. [Cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] <AENG><CENG>aye sir ::decides to test deuterium another day:: [midshipmen_recycle] <Helm><ceng>whats going on my controls starting freeze up.. [Ens_Eagle] <ASCI><CSCI>maam, we are being scanned by that probe [Lt.Vectra_Meriva] <MCO> <TAC> Does the probe appear to be hostile? [Cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] <AENG>::walks out of the office and heads to the all sequence controls:: [Ensign_AceaviaKartanis] <CSEC>::Wanders around again, wondering if she should report to the bridge, but then decides to go to the supply closet and check on her bag and weapons:: CdtMitchell has left the chat. [Ens.MurdokHelios] <TAC><CO> Sir the probes hull is resistant to our scanners. [Lieutenant_j.g._T_Parek] <CSCI><ASCI> Fascinating. [Ens_Tynte] <OPS> ::Finishes with his Routine Check, looks up to make sure the Captain nor teh MCO is watching...then begins playing solitarie on his console:: [Ens_Tynte] << ;) >> [Tachyon] <CENG>+HELM+ Yes, there's a malfunctioning fractional oscillator I've been meaning to replace. Just ignore the readings you get from the oscillator assembly, if anything is truly wrong there would be alarms going off down here. [sTSF_Jami] <<Tynte, please stick with the mission. Thanks.>> [Ens_Tynte] << Sorry>> [Lt.Vectra_Meriva] <MCO> Fascinating.. yet it's able to scan us. <TAC/CSCI> Would you say this probe is superior technology than what we know? [midshipmen_recycle] <Helm><Ceng>understand [Cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] <AENG>::diverts reserve power to the sensor array:: [Ens_Eagle] <ASCI><CSCI> seems to be a passive scan, but definitely a scan [Tachyon] <CENG>+OPS+ Engineering to the Bridge. So I hear we have an uh . . . alien probe on our hands. [CdtMitchell] <CMO>::Jumps back onto the ship:: [Cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] <AENG><Random Engineer>Philips come help me check the phaser arrays [Ens.MurdokHelios] <TAC><MCO> Don't have enought data, that may be the case. [Ensign_AceaviaKartanis] <CSEC>+MCO+ Sir is there anything I should be doing in specific? [Ens_Tynte] <OPS> +CENG+ You hear correct chief. It appears to be an alien probe of unknown origin, we are attempting to find out exactly what it is at this time. Any thoughts? [Cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] <AENG>::Enters TL with Philips:: [Cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] <AENG>Deck 10 [Lt.Vectra_Meriva] <CO><TAC> I see. Let the probe scan us for now, make sure we don't seem hostile. [CdtMitchell] <CMO><Patient1>::Shakes head:: Not a chance. You still have 1 more day of treatments. Tomorrow we can discuss it again [Tachyon] <CENG>+OPS+ Not a clue. If it's not dangerous, we could always bring it aboard. Otherwise, I've made sure to devote more power to the sensor arrays. [Ens.MurdokHelios] <TAC><CO> Aye sir. Yellow alert statis? [Cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] <AENG>::exits TL next to sensor control and enters:: [Lt.Vectra_Meriva] <MCO> +CSEC+ I'd like you to continue on with your regular duties for now. I'll inform you if anything arises [Lt.Vectra_Meriva] <CO> Yes.. [Ensign_AceaviaKartanis] <CSEC>+MCO+ Aye sir [Ens_Tynte] <OPS> +CENG+ Aye chief, I'll keep you informed, if you have any thoughts, feel free. [Cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] <AENG>::runs a diagnostic on the sensors while philips manually checks them:: [Lieutenant_j.g._T_Parek] <<sorry computer problems tonight>> [midshipmen_recycle] <Helm><CO>powers blinking sir.. my station light up.. [CdtMitchell] <CMO>::pushes a few buttons on the biobed console::<Patient1>I'll ba back to check on you later. ::Walks away:: [Lieutenant_j.g._T_Parek] <<please take over, Eagle :P >> [Ensign_AceaviaKartanis] <CSEC> ::Continues her normal rounds, whistling a bit as she goes..:: [Ens_Tynte] <OPS> <MCO> ::Grins:: I think the chief is itching to get his hands on that thing sir. [Lt.Vectra_Meriva] <CO><HELM> What kind of blinking? [sTSF_Jami] ROSTER UPDATE - CSCI = Ens Eagle [Lt.Vectra_Meriva] <CO> OPS> Perhaps.. [Ens.MurdokHelios] <TAC>::Sets ship to YELLOW ALERT, looks back to viewscreen.:: [midshipmen_recycle] <Helm><co>like were losing something.. [Lt.Vectra_Meriva] ACTION: The probe completes it's scan of the ship, and begins transmitting something to another location. [CdtMitchell] <CMO>::Hears yellow alert. Prepares accordingly:: [Tachyon] <CENG>+AENG+ Once you're done with the phaser arrays, you may commence the tests on the reserve deterium as long as it doesn't interrupt auxiliary power. Keep me posted, and I'll let you know if we're going to get our hands on that probe. [Cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] <AENG>::finishes with the sensors and begins to head back to ME::+CENG+sir the sensors are at full power and efficiency [Lt.Vectra_Meriva] <CO><HELM> LIke what? [Ens.MurdokHelios] <TAC><CO> Sir the probe is sending out a subspace transmisson. [Tachyon] <CENG>+AENG+ Acknowledged. +CSCI+ We've boosted the power to the sensor arrays to help you with the scans. [midshipmen_recycle] <Helm><Co>like going on off.. [Lt.Vectra_Meriva] <CO><TAC> Can you track it's destination.. [Ens_Tynte] <OPS> +All Hands+ WE have gone to Yellow alert, all hands to Yellow alert stations. [Lt.Vectra_Meriva] <CO> <HELM> I mean *what* is going on and off? [CdtMitchell] <CMO>::Moves on to next patient:: [midshipmen_recycle] <Helm><Co>my station power drive ship.. [Ens.MurdokHelios] <TAC><CO> Trying know. ::Taps consol.:: [Cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] <AENG><Philips>head back to ME ::rediverts himself to the reserve deuterium tank:: [Lt.Vectra_Meriva] <CO><HELM> Inform the CENG. [Tachyon] <CENG>::hears the yellow alert and walks over to a panel to initiate a diagnostic on the defensive systems and weapons:: [midshipmen_recycle] <Helm><Ceng>powers up here now going on off could use help.. [Ens_Tynte] <OPS> +CSEC+ Kartanis, move your people into yellow alert posts, Tanga 9 pattern. [sTSF_Dacotah] Yeoman Barbie> ::comes into sickbay scratching at her neck:: [Cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] <AENG>::enters room containing deuterium tank controls:: [Tachyon] <CENG>+HELM+ I'll take a look at it. ::walks over to the power distribution console:: [Ensign_AceaviaKartanis] <CSEC>+OPS+ Aye ::Rounds up her security team, dispursing them throughout and does standard Yellow Alert procedure, locking down the necessary places:: [CdtMitchell] <CMO>::Looks up at hearing someone enter SB:: [Tachyon] <CENG>::bypasses an EPS conduit and redirects its flow elsewhere to reestablish a stable power supply to several consoles on the bridge:: [Cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] <AENG>::begins tapping at controls checking funtions:: [Tachyon] <CENG>Hmm . . . looks like a subprocessor malfunction if I've ever seen one. ::makes a note for an engineer to check out the subproccessor later:: [Lt.Vectra_Meriva] <CO><CSCI> Right.. work with Tactical, see if you can get a pin-point of the location of where the transmission is being sent to? [Cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] functions* [CdtMitchell] <CMO>::Walks over to Barbie:: Are you all right Yeoman? [Tachyon] <CENG>+HELM+ I've rerouted power around a subprocessor malfunction, is it all right now? [midshipmen_recycle] <Helm><CO>gotprobe moving sir..<Ceng>understood.. [Tachyon] <CENG>::takes that as a 'yes':: [sTSF_Jami] <<Recycle, don't forget to use your +COM+ when you talk to engineering B) >> [sTSF_Dacotah] Barbie> ::scratch scratch scratch:: Not really, Doctor. ::scatch scratch scatch:: [midshipmen_recycle] <Helm><Ceng>yes! [Tachyon] <CENG>::checks the diagnostic results and is satisifed by them:: [Lt.Vectra_Meriva] <CO> ::tries to comtemplate the meanining of HElm's response:: [Cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] <AENG>+CENG+sir the deuterium is slightly too cold I am afraid that it may get cought in the injector permission to raise temperature slightly [Tachyon] <CENG>+AENG+ Granted. [CdtMitchell] <CMO>::Sees her scratching furiously:: Let me see your neck. ::Places her fingers on Barbies chin and tilts her head to the side:: [Ensign_AceaviaKartanis] <CSEC>::Prods one of her assistants with her phaser into Tanga 9 and makes sure everything is in order:: [Ens.MurdokHelios] <TAC><CSCI> Lets see if we can triangulate the singles destination. [midshipmen_recycle] <Helm><Co>wow whats that on screen.... [Cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] <AENG>+CENG+aye sir:: raises temperature a little at a time till it reaches normal levels:: [sTSF_Dacotah] Barbie><CMO> I can't stop itching. It's making me crazy and I can't do my work. [Ens_Tynte] <OPS> +CENG+ I just detected a rise in Deuterium temperature Cheif. Everything normal down there? [sTSF_Dacotah] Barbie><CMO> The Captain is going to so upset when he finds out that I have finished pressing his uniforms. [CdtMitchell] <CMO><Barbie>I can imagine. It looks like quite a rash. Follow me. ::leads Barbie to a biobed:: [sTSF_Dacotah] *haven't [Tachyon] <CENG>+OPS+ Affirmative. We were just checking the reserve deuterium supply and were correcting a temperature deficiency. It'll be in the engineering log. [Cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] <AENG>::walks over to the testing simulation area:: [Tachyon] <CENG>+AENG+ Is the cooling system malfunctioning or is it just a minor glitch? [Ens_Tynte] <OPS> +CENG+ Understood. [Ens.MurdokHelios] <TAC>::Walks over to the CSCI consol.:: <CSCI>Any ideas? [CdtMitchell] <CMO><Barbie> Nonsense. Leave the CO to me. Hop up and let me take a closer look [Lt.Vectra_Meriva] <CO> ::adjusts in his seat:: [sTSF_Dacotah] Barbie><CMO> ::follows, trying to rub the affected areas, not scratch, but the skin is already pulled open in places:: [midshipmen_recycle] <Helm><Co>trying back us away probes moving in our direction.. [Lt.Vectra_Meriva] <CO> <HELM> Thank you. [Cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] <AENG>+CENG+just a glitch sir the default reset a few degrees too high I reset it [Ens.MurdokHelios] <TAC>::Walks back to his consol, trying to find the destination of the subspace signal.:: [CdtMitchell] <CMO>::turns the biobed to scan::<Barbie>You've scratched so much and hard that you've made yourself bleed. When did this start Yeoman? [midshipmen_recycle] <Helm><Co>is sheilds still up.. this wild now... [Tachyon] <CENG>+AENG+ Ah-hah. Must be those Yard Engineers . . . the manual is no substitute for the real conditions here. By the way, subprocessor nine on Deck 4 has some issues, after the deuterium tanks have checked out I'd like you to take a look at it. [sTSF_Dacotah] Barbie><CMO> I don't know ... about three days ago I think [Ens.MurdokHelios] <TAC><CO> Working on the probes signal this will take a while. [Lt.Vectra_Meriva] <CO> <TAC> Miht not have awhile.. [Lt.Vectra_Meriva] Might* [CdtMitchell] <CMO>::Shakes head:: You shouldn't have waited so long to see me. This will make you feel better. ::Applies a topical:: [Cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] <AENG>::finishes with the deuterium::+CENG+aye sir anyway the deuterium is good we have about 2 years till we have to replace it and I'll check it out why do I get the feeling you are keeping me away from that probe lol [Ens.MurdokHelios] <TAC><CO> Aye sir. <CSCI> I'll need your help with the signal. [sTSF_Dacotah] Barbie>::lifts the necklace around her neck for the ointment:: [Cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] <AENG>::begins heading to TL:: [Tachyon] <CENG>::is reminded of the probe and leaves engineering:: [CdtMitchell] <CMO>::Watches the data scan through as the computer analyzes the rash:: [Ensign_AceaviaKartanis] <CSEC> ::Stays in her position until other orders arE GIVEN:: [Tachyon] <CENG>::enters a nearby TL:: Bridge. [sTSF_Jami] ROSTER UPDATE - ASCI = Ensign t'Linna [Cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] <AENG>+CENG+bay the way is the probe here [Cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] <AENG>::enters TL:: deck 4 [midshipmen_recycle] <Helm>::holding course:: [Ens._Eagle] <ASCI><CSCI> maam,will that be all [Cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] by* [Tachyon] <CENG>+AENG+ Not yet, no. Last time I checked it was scanning us. I'll be on the bridge if you need me. [Ensign_TLinna] <ASCI>::magic edits to the bridge::<CSCI>Anything I can do? [sTSF_Jami] <<EAGLE...You are CSCI>> [Ens._Eagle] <CSCI>aye [Cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] <AENG>+CENG+aye Goftar out ::exits TL and heads to subproccessor:: [Ens_Tynte] <OPS> ::Begins running a systems check on the Holodeck buffers. [Tachyon] <CENG>::feels the TL arrive on the bridge and steps out, heading to his engineering station:: [Tachyon] <CENG><OPS>The power issues up here were due to a subprocessor error, I've got an engineer working on it now. [midshipmen_recycle] <Helm><Co>got large on screen trying move away again think something pulling us.. [Ensign_TLinna] <ASCI>::waits for eagle to give her something to do:: [Ens_Tynte] <OPS> ::Notices CENG enter the Bridge:: <CENG> Welcome to the Bridge Tachyon. [sTSF_Dacotah] Barbie> ::tucks the necklace back under the collar of her tunic:: [Tachyon] <CENG>::grins:: <OPS>Just wondering how things were going with the probe, perhaps I could lend a hand with something. [Ens_Tynte] <OPS> <CENG> Understood, thank you chief. [CdtMitchell] <CMO>::Laughs at the computers final readout::<Barbie> Yeoman do you know that you are allergic to lead? [sTSF_Dacotah] Barbie><CMO> ::fighting hard the urge to scratch again:: Thanks Doc. [Ens.MurdokHelios] <TAC><CSCI> LEts triangulate the signals destination. [Ens._Eagle] <CSCI><ASCI>we need to find the origin of the signals to that probe [Lt.Vectra_Meriva] <CO><HELM> Like what? [Ens_Tynte] <OPS> <CENG> We are still trying to figure out what the thing is. [Cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] <AENG>::begins working on the subproccessor:: [Lt.Vectra_Meriva] <CO><HELM> Gotta be more specific, man. [sTSF_Dacotah] Barbie><CMO> Excuse me? Lead? [Tachyon] <CENG>::accesses the scan results:: [Ens._Eagle] <CSCI><TAC>working on [Ensign_AceaviaKartanis] <CSEC> ::Begins patrolling throughout the formation:: [Ensign_TLinna] <ASCI><CSCI>Understood. ::takes the secondary science station:: [midshipmen_recycle] <Helm><Co>its probe pulling us like magnet.. [CdtMitchell] <CMO>::Shakes head:: Lead. It's the composition of the necklace. ::Looks up as the computer beeps:: [Ens_Tynte] <OPS> <CO> Confirmed sir, we are moving towards teh probe. [sTSF_Dacotah] Barbie><CMO> Where would I get .... ::eyes go wide with the revelation:: [Ens.MurdokHelios] <TAC><CO> I think i may have something about the probes signal. [Lt.Vectra_Meriva] ACTION: The probe finishes it's transmission, moving away from the Ollie, before dissapearing [CdtMitchell] <CMO><Barbie> Wait. What? ::Looks back down at Barbie's neck:: [Tachyon] <CENG>::sighs, then looks up and sees the probe vanishing:: [Cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] <AENG>ah ha::finds problem with the thing and quickly rectifies it:: [sTSF_Dacotah] Barbie><CMO> ::whispers with disbelief:: Ken! [Ensign_TLinna] <ASCI>::notes the probe's disappearance::<CSCI>Sir, the probe is...gone. [Ens.MurdokHelios] <TAC><MCO> Sir the probe has just dissapered. [Ens._Eagle] csci><ASCI>lets scan for an ion trail ,see if it leaves tracks [Lt.Vectra_Meriva] <TAC><CO> Yes, so I see. Can you track it? [CdtMitchell] <CMO><Barbie> The skin is not responding to the ointment as it should. Hummm.. [Tachyon] <CENG>+AENG+ Got some bad news, eh . . . it looks like we won't get our hands on that probe, it's quite rudely disappeared. How goes the subprocessor? [sTSF_Dacotah] Barbie>::fumbles with the necklace around her neck, trying to pull it off:: [Ens.MurdokHelios] <TAC><CO> SCI is doning that as we speak. [Ensign_TLinna] <ASCI><CSCI>Aye, sir. ::begins scanning:: [midshipmen_recycle] <Helm><Co>::screen went blank..:: [Ens.MurdokHelios] <TAC><CO> Sir about the probes subspace signal .. [CdtMitchell] <CMO>::Sees her struggling::<Barbie> Here, let me help. ::tries to get it off but it won't budge:: [Lt.Vectra_Meriva] <CO><TAC> Yes? [sTSF_Dacotah] Barbie> ::getting a little hysterical:: Get it off me! Get it off me! [Cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] <AENG>+CENG+oh rats what happened... yes the subprocessor is fixed some loose conduit just shoved it back in Ill see you in ME [Ens.MurdokHelios] <TAC><CO> So far all i have found is that the signal was sent to somewhere in the Detla Quadrant. [Tachyon] <<It's Kryptonite, Mitchell! She's got it in lead so you can't see it! :wub:>> [Ensign_TLinna] <<lol, Dac>> [CdtMitchell] <CMO>::Notices that Barbies skin is getting worse instead of better. It starts sluffing off in small chunks:: [midshipmen_recycle] <Helm><Co><Csci>i'm looking on screen stars diapearing it maybe just screen:: [CdtMitchell] <CMO><Barbie> I'm trying but it won't come off! [Ens._Eagle] <CSCI><TAC>confirmed ,subspace signal from delta quadrant [Tachyon] <CENG>+AENG+ Acknowledged. <OPS>The subprocessor has been repaired. ::reverses the bypasses he had on several EPS conduits:: [Ens.MurdokHelios] <<to the detla quad eagle.>> [Ensign_TLinna] <ASCI>::tapping console...scanning for ion trail:: [Ens_Tynte] <OPS> <General Bridge> Delta Quadrent? [sTSF_Dacotah] Barbie> ::sees a hunk of skin fall off and gets really hysterical:: GET IT OFF! GET IT OFF! [Cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] <AENG>::heads to TL:: [Lt.Vectra_Meriva] <CO><CSCI> Delta Quadrant?! [Ens_Tynte] <OPS> <General Bridge> Isn't that...impossible? [Ensign_TLinna] <ASCI><OPS>Scientifically, yes. [CdtMitchell] <CMO><Barbie> You need to calm down. I'll get it off. [Ens._Eagle] <CSCI><co>AYE DELTA QUADRANT MAAM [Ensign_AceaviaKartanis] <CSEC>::walks around and continues her routine:: +OPS+ Awaiting orders.. in Tanga 9. [Lt.Vectra_Meriva] <Is a he..thanks>> [Ens.MurdokHelios] <TAC><BRIDGE> No info on if someone resvied it. But that is where it was sent. [sTSF_Dacotah] Barbie> ::eyes roll up into her head and her head falls off:: [sTSF_Jami] <<Ewwwwww>> [Ensign_TLinna] <<lol, Dac!>> [Ens._Eagle] <csci>SIR [CdtMitchell] <CMO>OMG! [midshipmen_recycle] no [sTSF_Dacotah] <gee, when the CMO says "I'll get it off, I guess she means it> [Tachyon] <CENG>Was it a conventional subspace signal? [Lt.Vectra_Meriva] <lol> [Ens_Tynte] <OPS> +CSEC+ Understood, what is the status of the Phaser rifles? [Cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] <<whoa>> [Ens_Tynte] <<ROFL Dac>> [CdtMitchell] <CMO><<ROFL GIve me a minute [Ensign_TLinna] <<Weird sim...lol>> [Ensign_AceaviaKartanis] <CSEC>+OPS+ They're all ready, most set on stun and everyone has a rifle and a handphaser [Lt.Vectra_Meriva] <CO> <CSCI/TAC> You know where in the Delta quadrant it's coming from? A ship? A PLanet? Any threats? [CdtMitchell] <CMO><AMO> Help me! Call security! NOW! [midshipmen_recycle] <Helm>+Ceng+::hows poer down there uncase we have too warp.. [Ens_Tynte] <OPS> +CSEC+ Understood, please report to the bridge, I need to go over next weeks training routine with you. [Ens._Eagle] <CSCI><CO> sir, the signal is of a type not used for some time [midshipmen_recycle] <Helm>power [Ensign_TLinna] <ASCI>::not finding much in those scans...:: [Ensign_AceaviaKartanis] <CSEC>+OPS+ Aye. [Lt.Vectra_Meriva] <CO><CSCI> Elaborate. [sTSF_Jami] <AMO> ::;gasp::: +SEC+ Uh....security emergency in medical? [Cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] <AENG>::enters TL:: Main Engineering [CdtMitchell] <CMO>::Quickly picks up her head, laying it on her stomach and pushes her into an isolation room:: [sTSF_Jami] <AMO> :::holds up head::: What should I do with this, doctor? [Ens._Eagle] <CSCI><CO>i belive they used to call it a radio transmisson sir [sTSF_Jami] <<scratch that one>> [Ensign_AceaviaKartanis] <CSEC>+AMO+ Sending two people over and I'll be over after my briefing with Tynte. [Ensign_TLinna] <<Ewwwww, Jami>> [sTSF_Dacotah] <<mount it on a board?>> [Tachyon] <CENG>::is on the bridge right now:: <HELM>The warp drive is functioning at 92% efficiency. [Cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] <<eww dac>> [Ensign_AceaviaKartanis] <CSEC> ::Orders two of her assistants to head to Sickbay and they hurry over as she makes her way to the bridge, entering:: <OPS> Reporting sir. [sTSF_Jami] <AMO> +CSEC+ Acknowledged. ::puts it on a platter:: [Ensign_TLinna] <<Ewwww, Dac>> [Ens.MurdokHelios] <TAC>::Raises brow, turns to look at CSCI.:: [Ensign_AceaviaKartanis] << Platter!? >> [Ensign_AceaviaKartanis] << I hope that's not dinner! >> [Ensign_TLinna] <<lollollol>> [midshipmen_recycle] <Helm>+Ceng>::just checking.:: [sTSF_Dacotah] <oh quit being so squeemish ... it's funny> [Tachyon] <CENG>Radio? Heh . . . that'll take thousands of years to reach the Delta Quadrant. [Ens._Eagle] <CSCI><ASCI>any trail at all [CdtMitchell] <CMO> ::Leaves Barbie in the isolation and goes back to retreive the necklace off the SB floor with tongs:: [sTSF_Jami] <AMO> :::watching Mitchell, wondering what to do::: [Ensign_TLinna] <ASCI><CSCI>I'm not picking up an ion trail from the probe, sir. [LTjg_Fitzgerald_Brighton] <<LOL>> [Ens_Tynte] <<Melt it....make plastic barbie jewlery! ::Grins evily::>> [Cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] <AENG>::exits TL and works in ME logging the deuterium check in the engineering logs:: [Lt.Vectra_Meriva] <CO> ::inclined to agree w/CENG:: [Ensign_AceaviaKartanis] <CSEC><OPS> ::Taps his shoulder:: Sir, Reporting. [sTSF_Jami] <AMO> <CMO> The necklace, Doctor? That's what did it? [Ens._Eagle] <CSCI><ASCI>go to broad spectrum scan [Tachyon] <CENG><CSCI>Do the sensors reveal how it just disappeared like that? [sTSF_Jami] <AMO> ::horrified::: [Ensign_TLinna] <ASCI><CSCI>Aye. ::initiates broad spectrum scan:: [Ens_Tynte] <OPS> ::Taps a few buttons on his cosole, making a routine, and schedule appear on the screen behind him:: <CSEC> What changes would you make to this? [CdtMitchell] <CMO><AMO>I believe that exactly what did it. Lets get this into a bag. [Ens._Eagle] <CSCI><CENG>negative [Ensign_AceaviaKartanis] <CSEC>::The Security assistants arrive in SB:: <ASEC1><AMO> What happened? [sTSF_Jami] <AMO> :::looks around, opens a drawer and slips out a sterile bag:::: [Tachyon] <CENG>::scratches chin:: Perhaps a quantum slipstream technology of some sort . . . subspace tunneling . . . string propulsion. ::muses:: [sTSF_Jami] <AMO> ::holds it out to Mitchell::: [Ensign_AceaviaKartanis] <CSEC>::Turns to the viewscreen:: <OPS> HMmm...Seems like a refresher course. Would be nice to make sure everyonw knows what they're doing. Looks okay to me. [Cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] <AENG>::begins checking warp systems:: [Ens.MurdokHelios] <TAC><CENG> The dissaparnce did not have any typical signs of a ship clocking. [CdtMitchell] <CMO>::Drops the necklace into to bag. Close it up. ::hears SEC arrive in SB:: [Ensign_AceaviaKartanis] <CSEC><OPS> I might have a few certain assistants work on their marksmanship more though.. [Ens_Tynte] <OPS> <CSEC> When would be a optimal time for the next exercise? [sTSF_Jami] <AMO> :::goes about her duties::: [midshipmen_recycle] <Helm><Co>moing us at impulse.. [Ens._Eagle] <CSCI><TAC>perhaps we can track it by intercepting it,s radio signal [CdtMitchell] <CMO><SEC> We have a problem. Follow me. ::Leads him into the isolation room:: [Ensign_AceaviaKartanis] <CSEC><OPS> Hmm.. Two days time should get everyone ready. [Ensign_TLinna] <ASCI>::scanning:: [Ensign_AceaviaKartanis] <CSEC>(ASEC1/2) ::follow Mitchell:: [Lt.Vectra_Meriva] MCO> <HELM> Very good.. [sTSF_Dacotah] Barbie> ::lying on the biobed in the isolation room, with her head on her belly:: [Ens_Tynte] <OPS> <CSEC> Thank you, Miss Kartanis, that will be all. [Cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] <AENG>::opens a panel to begin working on some faulty isolinear chips:: [CdtMitchell] <CMO><SEC> This just happened and I don't think it was an accident [Ensign_AceaviaKartanis] <CSEC><OPS> Aye sir. ::Nods and walks over to SB:: [Ensign_AceaviaKartanis] (ASEC1/2) ::Both gag a bit and shudder:: (ASEC1) Any idea what could've caused it? [Ens._Eagle] <CSCI><CO>sir, we have intercepted what appears to be a homing signal to the probe [Lt.Vectra_Meriva] <CO><CSCI> Where does it originate? [Ensign_AceaviaKartanis] <CSEC>::Walks into SB:: Hello? Anyone here? [Cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] <AENG>::finishes with chips and begins checking engineering progress:: [sTSF_Dacotah] Barbie> ::blinks:: [Ens._Eagle] <CSCI><CO>delta quadrant ,sir [sTSF_Jami] <AMO> ::turns from her work to see CSEC enter::: [CdtMitchell] <CMO><SEC> Yes. A necklace. <AMO> Doctor? Bring the neclace in here please. [Ens.MurdokHelios] <TAC><< she did not just blink!>> [Ensign_TLinna] <<Dac, that is disturbing>> [Lt.Vectra_Meriva] <CO><CSCI> Yes.. [Ensign_AceaviaKartanis] <CSEC> ::Walks next to her assistants and jumps as the head blinks:: <CMO> What in the world happened? [sTSF_Jami] <AMO> ::shudders:::retrieves the necklace and brings it to Mitchell::: [midshipmen_recycle] <Helm>Speed good..:: [LtSG_John_Anderson] <<When Barbie starts shooting people and strangling them with piano wire... then you worry.>> [sTSF_Jami] <AMO> ::glance at Barbie:: <CMO> <w> Doctor...she's awake. [Tachyon] <CENG>::takes a look at the sensor logs again for any clue as to the probe's propulsion:: [Ens_Tynte] <<Omg Dac.....that's just..wrong>> [CdtMitchell] <CMO><AMO> What? ::Turns and sees Barbie blink:: [sTSF_Jami] <AMO> :::grimace::: [Ensign_TLinna] <<Sim of the living dead!>> [sTSF_Dacotah] Barbie> PAUSE SIM PAUSE SIM PAUSE SIM
  19. 050809 [sTSF_Jami] Commanding Officer (CO)/Fillin - STSF Jami [sTSF_Jami] Mission Commanding Officer (MCO) - STSF NDak [sTSF_Jami] Chief Engineer (CENG) - eagle [sTSF_Jami] Chief Security Officer (CSEC) - Ens MurdokHelios [sTSF_Jami] Chief Medical Officer (CMO) - Ensign TLinna [sTSF_Jami] Assistant Medical Officer (AMO1) - Cdt Ramdar Goftar [sTSF_Jami] Assistant Medical Officer (AMO2) - Cdt Shephard [sTSF_Jami] Chief Science Officer (CSCI) - Ltjg T Parek [sTSF_Jami] Assistant Science Officer (ASCI) - Cdt George Pickett [sTSF_Jami] =/\==/\=END ROSTER=/\==/\= [sTSF_Jami] =/\==/\=END ROSTER=/\==/\= [sTSF_Jami] Ohhhh...lotsa medical.... [sTSF_Jami] spooky. [sTSF_Jami] =/\==/\= Starfleet Academy Briefing Stardate August 9, 2005=/\==/\= [sTSF_Jami] It comes as no surprise that the crew of USS Goldstein (refit Galaxy Class) has made a slight detour on the way to Sector One and now finds itself on a small barely-habitable planet. [sTSF_Jami] Hot, dusty, few plants and fewer animals. [sTSF_Jami] All we have are a few tricorders and escape pods with emergency supplies for one week. [sTSF_Jami] The Goldstein is happily in orbit, the self-initiated self-destruct having self-terminated, after telling us "Have a nice stay." Sheesh... [sTSF_Jami] All is well aboard the uninhabited Goldstein, but will all be well on the uninhabited planet? [sTSF_Jami] Stay tuned . . . . [sTSF_Jami] =/\==/\= END BRIEF =/\==/\= [sTSF_Jami] I'm going to pause a minute to let that sink in.... [[sTSF_Jami] =/\= =/\= BEGIN SIM =/\= =/\= [sTSF_Jami] ACTION> ALL ARE ON THE PLANET. WE HAVE ONE ESCAPE POD AND SUPPLIES PER DEPARTMENT. [Cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] <AMO1><CMO>alright so what do we do now [Ensign_TLinna] <CMO><AMO1> I have no idea. [eagle] <ceng><xo>all emer.eng.supplies accounted for sir [sTSF_NDak] CO> ::In his own escape pod, having just touched down on the sandy barren world:: [Ens_MurdokHelios] <CSEC><CO>::Walks up to the CO:: Shall I set up a permieter around the Escape pod? [sTSF_Jami] <AENG> :::exits the escape pod and looks around::: [sTSF_Jami] <<No XO tonight. Only MCO>> [Cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] <AMO1><CMO>alrighty then ::fiddles with medical tricorder:: [Ensign_TLinna] <CMO>::looks around:: [sTSF_Jami] <AENG> <CENG> ::looks at eagle::: What now, Sir? [Cdt.George_Pickett] <ASCI>::Steps from the escape pod and begins taking readings:: [Lieutenant_j.g._T_Parek] <CSCI> ::pulls out scanner and runs a few scans:: [sTSF_NDak] CO><CSEC> Isn't this place supposed to be uninhabited? ::covering his face:: [eagle] <ceng>+<mco>+all emer.eng.supplies accounted for sir [Lieutenant_j.g._T_Parek] *tricorder [Ensign_TLinna] <<Wait, N'Dak is CO? How did I miss that?>> [Lieutenant_j.g._T_Parek] <<I've been in the ENT era for too long :lol: >> [Ens_MurdokHelios] <CSEC><CO> Well you never know, better to be safe than sorry. [sTSF_Jami] <<NDAK is MCO>> [Cdt.George_Pickett] <ASCI><CSCI>I'm running some tricorder readings cheif but I'm detecting very little signs of life. [eagle] <ceng><aeng>take some readings and help sort out supplies [Ensign_TLinna] <<I should pay more attention to the roster...lol>> [CdtShephard] <AMO2> ::looks around the sandy surface:: [Cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] <AMO1>::walks along side tlinna:: [sTSF_NDak] CO><CSEC> ::nods in agreence:: Get to work securing the permitter...we may be here a while...::frowns:: [sTSF_Jami] <AENG> ::wipes some sweat from her face::: <CENG> Aye, sir. [Lieutenant_j.g._T_Parek] <ASCI> <CSCI> I'm getting the same. Try boosting the scan frequency by point 02 megavolts. [Ens_MurdokHelios] <CSEC><CO> Aye sir. We should carry out a head count also. [sTSF_Jami] ROSTER UPDATE - Mission Executive Officer (MXO) - LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr [Cdt.George_Pickett] <ASCI><CSCI>Understood [CdtShephard] <AMO2><CMO> what should we do now? [Ensign_TLinna] <CMO><AMO2> Survive. That's the only advice I can offer. [sTSF_NDak] CO> ::he covered his face with a piece of cloth, making a crude wind block and looked around at the scenery, turning to see his MXO step out of the escape pod:: <MXO> Some vacation this is going to be, [Cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] <AMO1>::pulls out medical supplies to see if he has everything he needs:: [sTSF_Jami] <AENG> :::scans the area:::shakes her head::: <CENG> Not much here, Sir. Just a lot of heat and sand. [eagle] <ceng><mxo>maam shall i get started with emer. shelter prep asap [Lieutenant_j.g._T_Parek] <CSCI> ::continues scanning, picking up no anomalous readings:: [CdtShephard] <AMO2> ok [Ens_MurdokHelios] <CSEC>::Turns and walks over to where CMO TLinna is standing.:: [Cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] <AMO1><CSEC>hello sir [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] <XO><CO>::hit by the wind, coughing out loud:: Captain, permission to throw a fit? [Ensign_TLinna] <CMO>::sees Helios coming::<CSEC>Hello, chief. [sTSF_NDak] CO> ::Though she couldn't see it, he frowned:: <XO> Denied... [CdtShephard] <AMO2><csec> hello sir [Cdt.George_Pickett] <ASCI><CSCI>::coughs::Chief I do have some minimal plant life readings but I may have to move closer to determine what species and if it will be useful. [Ens_MurdokHelios] <CSEC><CMO<AMO's> We need to do a head count, mind helping me out? [Lieutenant_j.g._T_Parek] <CSCI><ASCI> How much closer? [eagle] <CENG><AENG>aye continue sorting supplies [sTSF_NDak] CO><XO> We need to start doing inventory and find out what kind of supplies we have...and start setting upa base camp... [Ensign_TLinna] <CMO><CSEC>No problem. [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] <XO>::inwardly curses:: [Cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] <AMO1><CSEC>sure why not dont have anything else to do [sTSF_Jami] <AENG>:::spits sand out of her mouth::: <CENG> Aye, Chief. [Cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] <AMO1>::follows CSEC around:: [CdtShephard] <AMO2><csec> sure [Cdt.George_Pickett] <ASCI><CSCI>I Estimate not more that 5mins walking distance, Request permission to search? [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] <XO><CO>::nodding, though in vain::Agreed, Sir. ::patting the CENG on the shoulder as a green light to go ahead:: [sTSF_NDak] CO><XO> Then you can through your fit... [eagle] <CENG><MXO>MAAM,shal i and the eng team get started on the emer. shelter [sTSF_Jami] ACTION: A STIFF WIND COMES UP OUT OF THE NORTH, MAKING IT DIFFICULT TO SEE, BREATHE, ETC... [Ens_MurdokHelios] <CSEC><CMO>::Smiles.:: Tell me when your all done. ::Walks back over to the CO's escape pod.:: [sTSF_Jami] <AENG> :::enters the escape pod just in time::: [CdtShephard] <AMO2> whats going on [Ens_MurdokHelios] <CSEC>::Covers face with left arm while walking.:: [Cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] <AMO1>::covers face with arm trying to keep dust out of face:: [Lieutenant_j.g._T_Parek] <CSCI><ASCI> Granted. [eagle] <CENG><MXO>aye maam [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] <XO><CO>I promise to make it a good one, s- ...::hit by the northern wind:: [Ensign_TLinna] <CMO><AMO2 [sTSF_NDak] CO> ::coughes covering his eyes:: <XO> We need to get some shetler up....ASAP... [Lieutenant_j.g._T_Parek] <CSCI> ::coughs:: [Ensign_TLinna] *<CMO><AMO2>I don't know! ::coughs:: [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] <XO>::coughing, eyes watering:: [Cdt.George_Pickett] <ASCI><CSCI>Understood, I'll report back when I have something. [Cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] <AMO1><CMO>I dont know if all this sand inhalation is good we need shelter [sTSF_Jami] <AENG> ::rummaging around, looking for anything to cover faces with::: [sTSF_NDak] CO> ::hopes they brought the all-weather tents in their escape pods:: [Ensign_TLinna] <CMO>::covers eyes::<AMO1>Agreed. this isn't good for any of us. [sTSF_Jami] <AENG> ::pulls out EVA:: <m> too hot. [Ens_MurdokHelios] <CSEC><CO<XO> I'm having SEC set up a perimeter, and having a head count underway. [eagle] <CENG><CESC>can you spare any personell to help with the shelter chief [CdtShephard] <AMO2><cmo> you ok [Cdt.George_Pickett] <ASCI>::Wonders to himself if the dry dusty landscape is to be the end of him:: [Lieutenant_j.g._T_Parek] <CSCI> ::nods and continues her own scanning:: [sTSF_NDak] CO> ::goes to look in the Escape pod::: [Cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] <AMO1><CMO>I wonder if we have any masks in the escape pod for toxic planets [Ensign_TLinna] <CMO><AMO2>Fine...the sandstorm. [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] <XO>::turns towards the COs blurred image:: [Ensign_TLinna] <CMO><AMO1>Go check. [Lieutenant_j.g._T_Parek] <CSCI><MCO> Sir, any orders for Science? [Ens_MurdokHelios] <CSEC><CENG> ::No problem, Motions toward a small group of SEC standing over by another escape pod.:: [Cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] <AMO1><CMO>aye maam::goes and checks the escape pod they came in:: [sTSF_NDak] CO> ::finds a small package labled 'All-Weather Safety Tent: Easy to Use...just pull string' :: [sTSF_Jami] <AENG> :::opens a med kit and finds some fine cloth::walks out of the pod with her face "bandaged"::: <CENG> Chief eagle - found this bandage that might do for a sand filter. ::still coughs a bit:: [Cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] <AMO1>::finds the masks:: [eagle] <CENG><CESC>thanks,+<AENG>get the rest of the eng team and lets get the emer. shelter up [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] <XO>::attempting to take a reading:: [Ensign_TLinna] <CMO>::tries to keep up with the headcount through the storm:: [sTSF_Jami] HINT: ACCORDING TO ST ENCYC. ESCAPE PODS CAN BE JOINED TOGETHER TO MAKE A COMPLEX. [Ens_MurdokHelios] <CSEC>+<SECTEAM>+ Lets set up a perimeter around the escape pods. Roateing shifts on watch. Helios out. [sTSF_NDak] CO> ::Clutching the tent package, he went out into the open and placed the package down, pulling said cord:: [Cdt.George_Pickett] <ASCI>::Locates a few small plants:: +TAP+ <CSCI> Chief it would take some work but we may be able to extract some useable water from the roots of these small plants. [Cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] <AMO1>::walks back to CMO::<CMO> maam I found the masks we should notify everyone to check their pods [sTSF_Jami] ACTION> AS NDAK PULLS THE CORD, THE ENTIRE TENT BLOWS AWAY IN A GIGANTIC GUST OF WIND [Ensign_TLinna] <CMO><AMO1>Good. An excellent idea. [eagle] <CENG><AENG>comm with the teams on a regular basis we need to stay close in this storm [Ensign_AceaviaKartanis] Yes please, ASEC [CdtShephard] <AMO2><csci> were doing a head count. how many peple do you have? is any one hurt [Ens_MurdokHelios] <CSEC>::Looks up and sees the tent flying away, trys not to laught.:: [sTSF_NDak] CO> ::groans loudly:: [sTSF_Jami] ROSTER UPDATE - Assistant Security Officer (ASEC) - Ensign AceaviaKartanis [Cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] <AMO1><CMO>should you contact the XO or should I [Ensign_TLinna] <CMO>::watches Dakkie's tent fly away and tries not to laugh:: [Ensign_AceaviaKartanis] <ASEC1> ::Runs up behind Helios, tapping him on the shoulder, out of breath::<CSEC> Sorry sir, got lost.. [Ensign_TLinna] <CMO><AMO1>I'll do it. [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] <XO><CENG>::coughing, blocking the wind:: Chief, start connecting the pods. The tents are no good in this storn. [Lieutenant_j.g._T_Parek] <CSCI><AMO2> Not to my knowledge. [CdtShephard] <AMO2> there goes the tent [eagle] <CENG>:: with the additionial personell begin erection of the emer structure:: [Cdt.George_Pickett] <ASCI><CSCI>I'm heading back closer to camp it's beginning to get difficult to see with this dust.::cough cough:: [Lieutenant_j.g._T_Parek] <CSCI>+ASCI+ Please do. [sTSF_NDak] CO> ::Trying to remember his survival training, stalks back over to his own pod:: <CSCI/CMO> You two... [Ens_MurdokHelios] <CSEC><ASEC>::turning around.:: No problem you stay with the CO at all times, eyes open ensign. [Ensign_TLinna] <CMO>+MXO+T'Linna to Knollwatcher. [Ensign_AceaviaKartanis] <ASEC><CSEC> Aye sir. [sTSF_NDak] CO><CSCI/CMO> Start going through your pods and see what supplies we have... [Cdt.George_Pickett] <ASCI>::Begins heading back to camp but starts to feel light headed::: [Ensign_TLinna] <CMO><CO>Aye, sir. [sTSF_Jami] ACTION: THE WIND PICKS UP CONSIDERABLY, NOW BLOWING AT A STEADY 25MPH, GUSTING TO 30. [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] <XO>+CMO+::Can hear TLinna through the wind, but taps anyway::Go ahead. [eagle] <CENG><XO>maam, were putting up the hardend dome now [Ensign_AceaviaKartanis] <ASEC> ::Jogs up near to NDak and keeps constant watch, her phaser rifle on stun for now, holding her hair back away from her face:: [sTSF_Jami] <AENG> :::helping other engineers with the dome::: [Lieutenant_j.g._T_Parek] <CSCI><CO> Understood, Sir. [Ens_MurdokHelios] <CSEC><CO> I recommend putting these pods together to make a complex. [Ensign_TLinna] <CMO>+XO+Recommend we check all pods for the masks used around toxic plants. They may help against the sand. [Cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] <AMO1>::continues with head count with mask on:: [sTSF_Jami] <AENG> :::hard to breathe, hard to work, very hot::: [sTSF_NDak] CO><ASEC> Go help the ENG teamss put to the stucture togather.... [Ensign_TLinna] <CMO><AMO2>Check the pod for supplies and see what we have. [Lieutenant_j.g._T_Parek] <CSCI> <CMO> You check for medical supplies, I'll look at the food/water rations. [Ensign_AceaviaKartanis] <ASEC><CO> Aye sir. [eagle] <CENG><AENG>lets make suuurre the anchors are good and deep laddy, she,ll stay put [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] <XO>+CMO+ Proceed. Leave our medical supplies in the pods until the structure is built. I dont want to take the chance of losing them. [Cdt.George_Pickett] <ASCI><CSCI>Cheif I can't make it back I'm getting dizz....::as he falls to ground causing dust to fly up from the surface:: [Ensign_TLinna] <CMO><CSCI>Understood [CdtShephard] <AMO2> ::heads to the pod and checks the supplies [sTSF_Jami] <AENG> <CENG> ::as best she can, something like "Aye, Sir" comes out of her mouth::: [Ensign_TLinna] <CMO>+XO+Yes, ma'am. [Ensign_AceaviaKartanis] <ASEC>::Runs over to the engineering staff, helping them assemble the structure with her womanly strength... :: [sTSF_Jami] <AENG> :::can hardly see now::: [Ensign_TLinna] <CMO>::goes into a pod to look for medical supplies:: [Lieutenant_j.g._T_Parek] <CSCI>+ASCI+ Cadet? [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] <XO><CO>Captain, I have an idea. May I? [Cdt.George_Pickett] <ASCI><CSCI> + Tap + Help! [Cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] <AMO1><CMO>doctor I have them [eagle] <CENG>+<XO>+maam the domes up start moving people in [Ensign_AceaviaKartanis] <ASEC><AENG> So what exactly is the plan? ::Becomes muffled as hair and leaves fly into her face:: [Lieutenant_j.g._T_Parek] <CSCI><CMO> Pickett is down. I hope you have experience with desert conditions. [sTSF_Jami] <AENG> :::struggling to breathe:::: [Cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] <AMO1>::passes packs to CMO:: [Ensign_TLinna] <CMO><AMO1>Leave them in the pod. We don't want to risk losing them. [Ensign_TLinna] <CMO><CSCI>Oh boy. I'll be over there in a minute. [Ensign_AceaviaKartanis] <ASEC> ::Begins to choke on sand a bit, motioning for Jami to come closer to the ground to avoid the oncoming sand as much as possible:: [CdtShephard] <AMO2> ::steps out of the pod and sees the complex [Lieutenant_j.g._T_Parek] <CSCI><CMO> Do you want me to come with you? [eagle] <CENG><AENG>here lassie, ::taking <AENG>inside dome you can breathe easier now:: [Cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] <AMO1><CMO>shall I remain in the pod doctor [sTSF_Jami] <AENG> :::drops to the ground, seeing Aceavia motion to her::: [Ensign_TLinna] <CMO><CSCI>Good idea. Where is he? [Ens_MurdokHelios] <CSEC>::Walks over to the dome covering eyes from wind.:: [Cdt.George_Pickett] <ASCI>::Begins to loose feeling in his arms and legs as he lies in the sand:: [Ensign_TLinna] <CMO><AMO1>If you want to. Try to stay out of the storm. [sTSF_Jami] <AENG> ::removes her uniform tunic and puts it over her head and face to protect them from the blowing sand::: [sTSF_NDak] CO> ::the cloth mask he'd made was begining to lose it's ultlity and was becoming less and less effective, he headed for the 'complex.':: <Everyone> ALRIGHT FOLKS....Start moving towards the shelter....::his own voice muffeled:: [Cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] <AMO1>::sees ASCI and rushes toward him:: [Lieutenant_j.g._T_Parek] <CSCI><CMO> He was going back to the pod. [Ensign_AceaviaKartanis] <ASEC> ::Still attempts to move the pods, moving lower to the ground and coughing :: [sTSF_Jami] <AENG><CENG> ::grabs onto eagle's arm::: staggers in::: [Ensign_TLinna] <CMO><CSCI>Let's go, then. [eagle] <CENG>+<XO>maam the s h e l t e r i s r e a d y [Lieutenant_j.g._T_Parek] <CSCI> ::follows:: [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] <XO>+CENG+Very good. [sTSF_Jami] <AENG> <CENG> ::coughcoughchoke::: Thanks chief. [Cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] <AMO1><CMO>doctor I need assistance Pickett is down [Ensign_TLinna] <CMO>::looks for Pickett:: [Ensign_AceaviaKartanis] <ASEC> ::follows eagle and Jami in slowly, gently grabbing onto the back of Jami's uniform:: [Lieutenant_j.g._T_Parek] <CSCI> ::also looking for the good cadet:: [Cdt.George_Pickett] <ASCI>::In his mind the dust fades and gives way to a beautiful ocean beach:: [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] <XO><CO>Sir, I have an idea, may I? [Cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] <AMO1>::kneels down and pulls pickett out of the sand:: [Ensign_TLinna] <<Ramdar, you can't see him. He's outside, you're in a pod>> [Ens_MurdokHelios] <CSEC>::Walks into the Shelter standing by the enterance.:: [sTSF_NDak] CO><XO> Go ahead.... [Cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] <<no I am not>> [Ensign_AceaviaKartanis] <ASEC><AENG> Well we've made it.. for now.. are you alright? ::turns her rifle down and begins dusting the sand out of it:: [Cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] <<I asked If I should go>> [CdtShephard] <AMO2> ::heads to the cmo:: <cmo>we might want to move him into the dome [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] <XO>::turns the bottom of his tunic up and begins ripping the three inch cotton lining out of it:: [sTSF_Jami] <AENG> :::gasping for breath::: [Cdt.George_Pickett] <ASCI>::Believes something is trying to drag him into the ocean scream:: Let me go ! ! ! [Ensign_TLinna] <CMO><AMO2>Of course, Cadet. [Lieutenant_j.g._T_Parek] <CSCI> ::hears Pickett:: Over there, T'Linna. [Cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] <AMO1><ASCI>sh its okay [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] <XO>::assists in wrapping it around NDaks nose and mouth:: [Ensign_AceaviaKartanis] <ASEC><AENG> ::Rips off a piece of cloth from her uniform, handing it to Jami so she can breath easier:: [Ensign_TLinna] <CMO><CSCI> I hear him. ::heads over to him:: [eagle] <CENG><AENG>for future reference wet the mask before you go outside,i,tll help filter better [Cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] <AMO1><ASCI>::slaps him:: WAKE UP! [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] <XO><CO>Better, Captain? [Cdt.George_Pickett] <ASCI>::Screams again, then passes out:: [sTSF_Jami] <AENG> :::has uniform tunic over her head already, but thanks Aceavia anyway::: [sTSF_NDak] CO><XO> Much.... [Cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] <AMO1><CMO>doctor hes dilusional [CdtShephard] <AMO2> ::follows cmo:: [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] <XO>::squinting, the dirt building up around her eyes and nose:: [Cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] <AMO1><CMO>may be trauma [Ensign_TLinna] <CMO><AMO1>I see that. [Lieutenant_j.g._T_Parek] <CSCI> ::stands back while covering nose and mouth:: [sTSF_Jami] <AENG> :::removes the tunic from her head and the bandage from her face, which didn't do much to actually keep the sand out:::coughs and spits out sand::: [sTSF_NDak] CO><XO> Is everyone inside? [Ensign_AceaviaKartanis] <ASEC> ::Smiles and nods, choking again and shaking her hair free of sand while still cleaning out her rifle:: [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] <XO><CO>::nodding:: [Ensign_TLinna] <CMO>::kneels next to Pickett::<ASCI>Calm down. We're trying to help you! [Cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] <AMO1>::takes picketts feet::<AMO2>take his arms [sTSF_Jami] <AENG> ::looks around::: <CENG> ::cough:: What now,Sir? :::coughchoke::: [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] <XO><CO>Not sure, sir.. [Cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] <AMO1><AMO2>we have to get him to the pod [sTSF_NDak] CO> ::frowns:: <XO> Find out.... [Cdt.George_Pickett] <ASCI>::coming around abit mumbles:: Helping me. [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] <XO>+CMO+Doctor, how goes the headcount [Ensign_TLinna] <CMO><AMOS>Take him to the complex. It's over there. ::points:: [CdtShephard] <AMO2> ::grabs asci arms and moves him in to the dome:: [Lieutenant_j.g._T_Parek] <CSCI> ::helps Shephard:: [Cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] <AMO1>::walks with shephard:: [eagle] <CENG><AENG>see what we can do to help out this situation [Ensign_TLinna] <CMO>+XO+Sir, the head count's been halted for a medical emergency. Pickett is down. [Cdt.George_Pickett] <ASCI>::Has the feeling of being carried along:: [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] <XO>::looks up at NDak:: [sTSF_Jami] <AENG> <CENG> ::nods, gets to her feet::: [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] <XO>+CMO+On my way [Ensign_TLinna] <CMO>+XO+Understood. [sTSF_Jami] ACTION> PICKETT IS BROUGHT SUCCESSFULLY INTO THE SHELTER OF THE DOME. [Cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] <AMO1>::lays pickett down of the domes surface:: [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] <XO>::moves to the exit of the dome:: [Ensign_TLinna] <CMO>::enters dome with her team and the Sci team:: [Ensign_AceaviaKartanis] <ASEC>+CSEC+ Sir I'm inside the dome, any orders? [Cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] <AMO1>::whips out medical tricorder:: [CdtShephard] <AMO2> ::sets down pickett down:: [Ensign_AceaviaKartanis] <ASEC>+CSEC+ And where are you? [Cdt.George_Pickett] <ASCI><CSCI>Chief, chief you here? [Ensign_TLinna] <CMO>::pulls out her own med tricorder:: [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] <XO>::just as the others enter the dome:: [sTSF_NDak] CO> ::Grumbles:: We can't go frelling anywhere with out someone getting into trouble.... [Lieutenant_j.g._T_Parek] <CSCI><ASCI> I'm here, Cadet. [Ens_MurdokHelios] <CSEC><ASEC> Inside the dome standing next to you, [Cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] <AMO1>::sees Tlinna's tricorder and places his back in his hilt:: [Ensign_TLinna] <CMO>::starts scanning Pickett:: [CdtShephard] <AMO2> ::takes out his tricorder [Ensign_AceaviaKartanis] <ASEC> ::turns around, choking and spitting up sand:: <CSEC> Opps...Sorry... ::coughing, spat:: [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] <XO>+CO+All accounted for now, Captain. [eagle] <CENG><XO>maam, there might be a way out of this,i,ll need some time to check it out [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] <XO>::looks Pickett over:: [Cdt.George_Pickett] <ASCI><CSCI>Chief I... I check those small plants but on the way back I.. I felt strange. [sTSF_Jami] <AENG> :::Manages to stand, then takes a look around the dome::: [sTSF_NDak] CO>+XO+ Understood.... [Cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] <AMO1>::pulls out medical supplies just in case:: [Ensign_TLinna] <CMO>::looks at the readings:: [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] <XO><CENG>For now, you are not to leave the dome, Chief. [Cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] <AMO1>::relieved that he is coming back to his senses:: [eagle] <CENG><XO>aye,maam [Ens_MurdokHelios] <CSEC><ASEC> Guard the enterance for now. [Cdt.George_Pickett] <ASCI><CSCI>What... happened to me? [Lieutenant_j.g._T_Parek] <CSCI><ASCI> You passed out, Cadet. [CdtShephard] <AMO2> sounds like the plant did some something and knock him out [Ensign_TLinna] <CMO>Sand inhalation, among other things...he should recover. [Cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] <AMO1><ASCI>you were stuck in the sand [Lieutenant_j.g._T_Parek] <CSCI> ::nods assent:: [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] <XO>::standing next to CMO now, overhearing the prognosis:: [sTSF_NDak] CO> ::heads to the exit of the dome, pulling the door shut:: [sTSF_Jami] <AENG> :::working around, trying to get things in order::: I wonder how long these storms last. [Cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] <AMO1><CMO>should he be sedated [Cdt.George_Pickett] <ASCI><CSCI>I'm sorry chief thanks for finding me. [sTSF_NDak] CO>+CSEC+ Report to the shelter entrance.... [Ensign_TLinna] <CMO><AMO1>That's a good idea. [eagle] <CENG><AENG>run a sim on your tricorder to gain remote computer control [Cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] <AMO1>::pulls out hypospray and hands it to CMO:: [sTSF_Jami] <AENG> :::approaches <CENG> Remote computer control to what, Sir? [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] <XO>::places a hand on Picketts shoulder:: If you wanted our attention, all you had to do was ask. ::smiles coyly:: [Ensign_TLinna] <CMO>::takes hypospray and applies it to Pickett's neck:: [sTSF_Jami] <AENG> :::pulls her tricorder::: [Ensign_AceaviaKartanis] <ASEC>::Nods and walks over to the exit, standing with her phaser rifle next to her, making sure everyone is okay, looking concerned over at Pickett:: [Ens_MurdokHelios] <CSEC> ::Walks up and stands infront of the CO.:: [eagle] <CENG><AENG>to the goldstein [Cdt.George_Pickett] <ASCI>::Laughs:: [Lieutenant_j.g._T_Parek] <CSCI> ::smiles:: <ASCI> You'll be fine now. [Ens_MurdokHelios] <CSEC><CO> Sir? [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] <XO>::nods at CSCI:: [sTSF_NDak] CO> ::Nods to Helios:: <CSEC> Make sure no one goes out there without my approval. [sTSF_Jami] <AENG> :::smiles::: <CENG> Of course, sir. :::begins simulation on her tricorder::: [sTSF_Jami] <AENG> ::tappitytaptap:::: [CdtShephard] <AMO2><asci> what do you remember? [Ens_MurdokHelios] <CSEC><CO> Aye sir. [Cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] <AMO1>whew that was a scare [Cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] <<hes asleep>> [eagle] <CENG><AENG>if we could....maybe tr control...hmmm [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] <XO><CSCI>Can you get any kind of meteorological reading through this storm? [Cdt.George_Pickett] <ASCI>::Sits up slowly:: I had just finished checking some small plants. [Ensign_TLinna] <CMO>::runs another quick scan:: He will fully recover, given some time. [sTSF_Jami] <AENG> ::smile broadens::: <CENG> Yes, SIR! [Lieutenant_j.g._T_Parek] <CSCI><XO> ::shakes head:: I'm afraid, Sir, that it is disrupting most of our scans. [Ensign_TLinna] <<Hey! I sedated Pickett! What is he doing sitting up?>> [sTSF_Jami] <AENG> :::taps some more::: [Cdt.George_Pickett] <ASCI><AMO2> I started heading back but couldn't see well. [eagle] <CENG><AENG>ok, lets see the xo [Cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] <<your asleep pickett>> [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] <XO><CSCI>Crud. We have to find a way to penetrate this storm, or atleast tell when its going to pass.. [Ensign_AceaviaKartanis] <ASEC> ::Shifts her weight uneasily, looking around:: [Cdt.George_Pickett] <ASCI>::Falls back to the table asleep:: [sTSF_NDak] nevermind... [sTSF_Jami] <AENG> <CENG> CHIEF! Access established! :::nearly jumping up and down::: [Cdt.George_Pickett] <ASCI>::Thud:: [sTSF_Jami] <AENG> <CENG> :::hands him the tricorder::: [Ensign_TLinna] <CMO>::wonders why the hypo took so long to work:: [Ensign_AceaviaKartanis] <<Dust>> [Ens_MurdokHelios] <CSEC>::Standing next to Ace,:: <ASEC> You ok? [eagle] <CENG><XO>maam, i belive we may have a way out of here [Cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] <AMO1><CMO>must be old equipment [Lieutenant_j.g._T_Parek] <CSCI> <XO> I can work on breaking through the interference... [Cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] <AMO1><CMO>it was from the pod [Ensign_AceaviaKartanis] <ASEC><CSEC> Yes sir, just a little worried at how long the storm could last. I don't believe we have any ample food supplies and such and what if it goes for days..? [sTSF_NDak] CO> ::wonders what next, and heads over towrds the ENG crew:: [Ensign_TLinna] <CMO><AMO1>Perhaps. [Cdt.George_Pickett] <ASCI>::Resting peacefully:: [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] <XO>+CENG+But, I was just beginning to enjoy this.. ::nods thankfully at CSCI:: [Cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] <AMO1><CMO>well do we have any other reported injuries [Ens_MurdokHelios] <CSEC><ASEC> We can manage to strech that out. Don't worry to much Ensign. [Ensign_TLinna] <CMO><AMO1>Not to my knowledge. [CdtShephard] <AMO2> the plant seems to have thought he was attacking it [Ensign_AceaviaKartanis] <ASEC><CSEC> ::Nods:: [Ensign_TLinna] <CMO><AMO2>What makes you think that, Cadet? [eagle] <CENG><XO>it,s a wee bit risky but we have ran the sim on regaining tr control through the ships remote link [sTSF_Jami] AENG> :::approaching <XO> with <CENG> and tricorder, that has Goldstein computer access::: [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] <XO>::turns towards AENG and CENG:: [Cdt.George_Pickett] <ASCI>::Faintly can hear muffled voices:: [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] <XO><CENG>Oh? [sTSF_NDak] CO><XO> What's going on? [sTSF_Jami] <AENG> :::really really thirsty, but excited, too::: [Lieutenant_j.g._T_Parek] <CSCI> ::listens:: [eagle] <CENG><XO>aye, can only get one beam up first more after regaining full control [sTSF_Jami] ACTION: THE ENGINEERING TRICORDER READS: WELCOME TO THE USS GOLDSTEIN DATABASE. SORRY WE ARE AWAY FROM THE SHIP AT THE MOMENT, BUT IF YOU LEAVE YOUR NAME AND NUMBER AND A BRIEF MESSAGE WE WILL GET BACK TO YOU. BY THE WAY, TRANSPORTERS ARE LOCKED OUT. HAVE A NICE STAY. [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] <XO><CO>Dont know yet, Captain. <CENG>Please elaborate. [Cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] <AMO1>::pulls out tricorder and scans pickett just to do something:: [Ensign_TLinna] <CMO>::waits for Shep to answer her question:: [sTSF_Jami] <AENG> :::deflates::: [Cdt.George_Pickett] <ASCI>::Laughs in in sleep at Jami:: [CdtShephard] <AMO2><cmo> well he was knocked out after he scaned the plants so the plant probably protected it self [Lieutenant_j.g._T_Parek] <CSCI> ::looks at Pickett's limp corpse:: [sTSF_Jami] <AENG> ::sigh:: I don't suppose anyone found any water. [Lieutenant_j.g._T_Parek] << *sleeping body >> [Ensign_AceaviaKartanis] <ASEC>::Slightly rolls her eyes and sighs:: [Ensign_TLinna] <CMO><AMO2>More likely he was weak from inhaling the sand. [Cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] <AMO1><CMO>sir I think those sedative were really old I am reading cognative activity I think he hears us [Cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] sedatives* [Ensign_TLinna] <CMO><AMO1>What? That is not possible! [eagle] <CENG><XO>maam,i know what the screen says, but thats not whats reality,we can attempt to direct beam to the cargo tr by passing the main tr [Cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] <AMO1><CMO> I know [sTSF_NDak] CO><CENG/XO> What are the chances of us setting up a distress beacon... [Ens_MurdokHelios] <CSEC>::Yawns turning to Ace.:: <ASEC>Lets get some rations. ::Motions for other SEC to take their place.:: [Cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] <AMO1>::shows CMO tricorder:: [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] <XO><CENG>Change gears, chief. How about what the Co asked? [Ensign_TLinna] <CMO>::looks at Ramdar's tricorder:: <AMO1>Not good. [Lieutenant_j.g._T_Parek] <CSCI> <CMO> How is Pickett? [sTSF_Jami] ACTION: THE STORM CONTINUES TO RAGE OUTSIDE THE POD, SHOWING NO SIGNS OF LETTING UP. THE WIND BLOWS SO HARD IT ROCKS THE DOME A BIT. [Cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] <AMO1><CMO>should we sedate him again [CdtShephard] <AMO2><cmo> thats a other possibility [Ensign_TLinna] <CMO><CSCI>He's regaining consciousness when he shouldn't, but otherwise he's fine. [eagle] <CENG>aye maam,after we can go outside,....and be able to locate the equipment [Cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] <AMO1>whoa ::feels the pods rock:: [sTSF_NDak] CO> ::Pausing at the dome rocking:: <CENG/XO> I have no intention of being here to long... [Lieutenant_j.g._T_Parek] <CSCI> ::looks at ceiling nervously:: [Ensign_TLinna] <CMO><AMO1>No more sedatives. We don't want to overdose him. [Ensign_AceaviaKartanis] <ASEC><CSEC> That would be lovely.. ::Smiles weakly:: [Cdt.George_Pickett] <ASCI>::Drifts away into a deep sleep with everyting totally black:: [Cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] <AMO1><CMO> aye ::puts away med equipment:: [Ensign_TLinna] <CMO>::starts to worry when the dome rocks:: Oh boy. [eagle] <CENG><AENG>crank down the anchors a bit, we dont want to blow away [Ens_MurdokHelios] <CSEC>::Leads the way over to a small storage locker and hands ace a ration pack taking one for himself.:: [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] <XO><CO>Neither do I. Im afraid its not up to us. [sTSF_Jami] <AENG> <CENG> Aye, Chief. ::moves to the interior anchor winches to tighten everything up::: [Lieutenant_j.g._T_Parek] <CSCI> ::is thirsty:: [Cdt.George_Pickett] <ASCI>::Lies motionless totally sedated:: [sTSF_Jami] <AENG> :::licks lips:::very thirsty:::lips splitting from the dry::: [Cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] <AMO1>::keeps reading tricorder watching pickett slowly come back to consciousnes:: [sTSF_NDak] CO><XO> We need to start rationing off our supplies...water especially... [eagle] <CENG><XO>+<CO>maam shall i take a team out and try to find and set a beacon [Ensign_AceaviaKartanis] <ASEC> ::Takes the ration, smiling hungrily at it and continues to follow Helios:: [Ensign_TLinna] <CMO><AMOS>Start checking the crew for signs of dehydration. [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] <XO><CENG>NEgative <CO>::nodding:: Agreed, Captain. [Cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] <AMO1><CMO>aye sir [Ens_MurdokHelios] <CSEC>::Takes a bite of the ration bar while walking over to a bench. Begins to frown from the taste.:: <ASEC> Who made these? [sTSF_Jami] <AENG> :::looks up at Andrea:::chokes::: <w> No beacon? [eagle] <CENG>aye::moves to assist <AENG>;; [Cdt.George_Pickett] <ASCI>::Slowly starts to sirr as if all sound is in a cave:: [sTSF_Jami] <AENG> <CENG> ::weak smile:: Thanks, Chief. [Ensign_AceaviaKartanis] <ASEC><CSEC> I'm not sure, ::Takes a bite herself, grimacing at the taste but swallowing it still:: [Cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] <AMO1>::heads to CO:: [Ensign_TLinna] <CMO>::restrains Pickett::<ASCI>Don't move. ::doesn't know if he can hear her:: [Ens_MurdokHelios] <CSEC>::Sits on the bench, pulls head up to look around the dome, sighs.:: [eagle] <CENG><AENG>we canna gu ootin this storm,..suicide [Lieutenant_j.g._T_Parek] <CSCI> ::still thirsty:: [CdtShephard] <AMO> ::starts to look for dehydration:: [Cdt.George_Pickett] <ASCI><CMO> Ok mommy! [sTSF_Jami] <AENG> <CENG> Understood, Sir. [Cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] <AMO1><CO>sorry sir but the doctor asked us to check everyone for dehydration [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] <XO><AENG>Not yet. Lets wait alittle while. Perhaps the storm will let up alittle:: [sTSF_Jami] <<Pickett, keep it within the scope of the mission brief, please>> [Ensign_TLinna] <CMO>::surprised::<ASCI>Mommy? [sTSF_Jami] <AENG> <XO> Aye, aye, Sir. [[LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] <XO><ALL>One disaster at a time, folks. Lets be patient.. [sTSF_Jami] =/\= =/\= PAUSE SIM =/\= =/\= [sTSF_NDak] Senior Eagle! [sTSF_Jami] Uh...NDak, think you can brush the sand off that box you have...and maybe empty it out a bit? [sTSF_Jami] Eagle??? Where??? [sTSF_Jami] I've never seen one in the wild. [sTSF_NDak] ::nods and dives into the sand for a the box:: [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] ::ducks:: [sTSF_Jami] Where??? [Ensign_TLinna] ::looks at eagle:: [eagle] ::AA:: [sTSF_Jami] ::Looks around::: Oh. EAGLE. [Ensign_AceaviaKartanis] ::Points to eagle:: [sTSF_Jami] Ah.... [Cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] ::stares:: [sTSF_Jami] He's to blame? [Ensign_TLinna] ::looks around for THE BOX:: [sTSF_NDak] ::surfaces from the sand with THE BOX™ [sTSF_Jami] Hm....:::puts out her hand for the box::: [sTSF_NDak] ::grumbles:: [sTSF_NDak] ::hands her the box:: [sTSF_Jami] :::rattles it::: [sTSF_Jami] ::looks at NDak::: Nuttin in here. [Ens_MurdokHelios] ::Stands next to box:: [sTSF_Jami] Oh, well...Mr EAGLE...front and center! [eagle] ::AA::: [sTSF_Jami] ::opens the box, dumps out the sand::: [Ensign_TLinna] ::looks at THE BOX:: [sTSF_Jami] Ewwww.... [sTSF_Jami] :::plows through it::: There it is... [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] ::hands NDak a hand broom:: [sTSF_Jami] :::brushes it off with her dirty hand::: [sTSF_NDak] Hey I am not the one who decided to put is all in the sand box... [sTSF_NDak] ::brushes himself off:: [sTSF_Jami] ::shrugs::: STSF_Laura has left the chat. [sTSF_Jami] Mr. Eagle, you've been soooooo bad for sooooo long.... [sTSF_Jami] That we're gonna have to keep you around a while. [[sTSF_NDak] Yeah...we really have no choice... [sTSF_Jami] Gotta keep up our reputation, yanno. [sTSF_Jami] ::::grabs eagle by the collar and JABS the pip in::::: [sTSF_Jami] :::twisttwisttwisttwisttwist:::: [Ens_MurdokHelios] ::Blood lands on him:: [sTSF_Jami] By the authority vested in me by the Starfleet Simulation Forum, I hereby promote you to the rank of Ensign with all the rights and privileges thereof. Congratulations, Ensign! [sTSF_Jami] Please do not leave the room. Stand by for PM. [Ensign_TLinna] Congratulations, Eagle! [Ens_MurdokHelios] HIPHIP! [Cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] congrats [Ensign_TLinna] HOORAY! [Ens_MurdokHelios] HIPHIP [eagle] ::grimicing in pain, but mutters thank you sir ::
  20. Well, Eagle, we don't usually graduate people to full ensign unless they are ready. You worked really hard tonight, kept your nose to the grindstone, yanno. It was your hard work and determination that earned you the rank of ensign B) .
  21. =/\==/\= Starfleet Academy Briefing Stardate August 9, 2005=/\==/\= It comes as no surprise that the crew of USS Goldstein (refit Galaxy Class) has made a slight detour on the way to Sector One and now finds itself on a small barely-habitable planet. Hot, dusty, few plants and fewer animals. All we have are a few tricorders, a few type 1 phasers, and escape pods with emergency supplies for one week. The Goldstein is happily in orbit, the self-initiated self-destruct having self-terminated, after telling us "Have a nice stay." Sheesh... All is well aboard the uninhabited Goldstein, but will all be well on the uninhabited planet? Stay tuned . . . . =/\==/\= END BRIEF =/\==/\=
  22. Well....hm..... Gee, I dunno. Then again, it gets kinda hard to teach a cadet who is dead . . . . We'll see what happens on our hot, dusty, dry, barely-habitable planet. Oh, and just to set the record straight - I usually give out the brief. The cadets ultimately determine how the sim is going to go/turn out. I tend to pick out the good/creative/reasonable ideas and go with them. :::waggles eyebrows:::
  23. Hm.... I don't recall killing any cadets recently. Come to think of it, I don't remember ever killing any. :::contemplatecontemplatecontemplate::: Maybe I need to change that . . . . :P
  24. August 2, 2005 [sTSF_Jami] Commanding Officer (CO) - STSF Jami [sTSF_Jami] Mission Executive Officer (MXO) - LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr [sTSF_Jami] Operations Officer (OPS) - Cdt Tynte [sTSF_Jami] Helm (Helm) - Cdt Slaw [sTSF_Jami] Chief Security Officer (CSEC) - Ens Helios [sTSF_Jami] Assistant Security Officer (ASEC) - Cdt OConner [sTSF_Jami] Assistant Security Officer (ASEC) - Cdt O Deff [sTSF_Jami] Chief Medical Officer (CMO) - Cdt Shephard [sTSF_Jami] Assistant Medical Officer (AMO1) - midshipman recycle [sTSF_Jami] If you are not on the roster and wish to have a post, please send me one PM now. [sTSF_Jami] =/\==/\=END ROSTER=/\==/\= [sTSF_Jami] =/\==/\= Starfleet Academy Briefing Stardate August 2, 2005=/\==/\= [sTSF_Jami] Having made an eye-opening visit to the Intergalactic School on Gaius One, the crew of USS Goldstein (refit Galaxy Class) is en route home. Hopefully we will travel to Sector 001 without encountering any more crew-stealing faculties or anything else that might delay our arrival. [sTSF_Jami] =/\==/\=END BRIEF=/\==/\= [sTSF_Jami] Places... [sTSF_Jami] And a-one... [sTSF_Jami] And a-two... [sTSF_Jami] =/\= =/\= BEGIN SIM =/\= =/\= [sTSF_Jami] <CO> :::sitting on the bridge in the CC (Comfy chair)::: [Cdt_Tynte] <OPS> ::Enters Bridge:: <XO> Reporting for Duty Ma'am. [Cdt._Slaw] HELM>::flying happily home:: [midshipmen_recycle] <Amo1>reporting in.. [Cdt_O_Deff] <ASEC2># ::Looks at the viewscreen, seeing nothing unusual...so far.:: [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] <XO><OPS>Very good, thank you. Please have station chiefs report readiness status. [sTSF_Jami] <CO> :::checks the roster and everything else she has, which isn't much:: [Cdt_Tynte] <OPS> ::Walks to his console:: +All DEPT Heads+ Department heads, please report status. [Cdt.OConner] <ASEC>::standing next to the CSEC:: [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] <XO>::sitting on the bridge, having a nice cool iced tea:: [sTSF_Jami] <CO> <MXO> Well, Number One, what did you think of our little escapade in that ::cough::: school? [Ens_Helios] <CSEC>:: Sits at his desk in his office, relaxing in chair.:: [Cdt._Slaw] HELM><OPS> ::yells across bridge:: im a okay Avery [midshipmen_recycle] <Amo1>::gets roster goes work:: checks supplys first.. [Cdt_Tynte] <OPS> ::Nods to Slaw:: [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] <XO><CO>::almost coughs on the sip of tea: Well, Captain, I should hope we are ready for the final. [Ens_Helios] <CSEC>+<OPS>+ Everythings good here. [CdtShephard] <cmo> ::wlaks around medbay:: [sTSF_Jami] <CO> ::sigh::: I should hope we don't get another stunt like that pulled on us. <w> At least the staff could have warned me. [Cdt_O_Deff] <ASEC2>+CSEC+ With your permission, I'll check the transporter to make sure everything's OK. [Cdt_Tynte] <OPS> +CMO+ What's the status in SB Doctor? [Ens_Helios] <CSEC>+<ASEC2>+ Alright keep me informed. [Cdt._Slaw] HELM>::checks through all the flight controls to make sure all is okay which it is:: [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] <XO><CO>Atleast we didnt encounter the Borg or some other DemiseEnsured species, Sir. [Cdt_O_Deff] # <ASEC2>Aye sir. ::Leaves bridge, heads to the TL:: [CdtShephard] <cmo><ops> nothing much [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] <XO>::quaint smile:: [Ens_Helios] <CSEC><ASEC>::Turns to Conner.:: Hows life Conner? [sTSF_Jami] <CO> <XO> ::almost chokes::: [Cdt_Tynte] <OPS> <XO> Department heads report all is normal Ma'am. [midshipmen_recycle] <Amo1><Cmo>all supplies look good but several meds looks like we may be geting low..one tricorder not working i on it.. [sTSF_Jami] <CO> <XO> :::looks around::: Don't use the "B" word, ok? Makes me nervous. [Cdt_Tynte] <OPS> ::Smiles at the COs comment:: [Cdt_O_Deff] $ <ASEC2> ::At TR1:: [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] <XO><CO>Oh yes..right. <OPS>Thank you [Cdt.OConner] <ASEC1><CSEC>Life is good chief. What can I do? [Cdt_Tynte] <OPS> ::Begins pushing buttons on his console:: [CdtShephard] <cmo><amo1> well lets hope no one gets hurt then [sTSF_Jami] ACTION: INCOMING MESSAGE FROM SFHQ. [Ens_Helios] <CSEC><ASEC1> Just wondering how long it will take to get to Sector 1. [Cdt_O_Deff] $ <ASEC2> ::Gets a good look at the pads...:: [Cdt_Tynte] <OPS> Incoming Hail, shall I put it through? [sTSF_Jami] <CO> ::kicks back, sipping her latte::: [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] <XO><HELM>Status, Mr. Slaw? [sTSF_Jami] <CO> <OPS> From? [sTSF_Jami] <CO> ::checks the area for ships::: [Cdt_Tynte] <OPS> <CO> SFHQ Ma'am. [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] <XO>::raises a brow at OPS:: [sTSF_Jami] <CO> <OPS> Put it onscreen. [Cdt.OConner] <ASEC1><CSEC>Just happy to get home [Cdt_O_Deff] $ <ASEC2> ::Hears SFHQ notice, heads for the bridge:: [sTSF_Jami] <CO> :::stands, glance at XO::: [Cdt._Slaw] HELM><XO> We are flying steadily and have an ETA of about 30 min ma'am [midshipmen_recycle] <Amo1>goes back work.. [Cdt_Tynte] <OPS> ::Pushes a few buttons:: On screen. [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] <XO><HELM>Very good, steady as she goes. [CdtShephard] <cmo> ::heads to work:: [sTSF_Jami] Adm Whoosie> Greetings, Captain. How did your sojourn at the school go? [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] <XO>::watching screen:: [Cdt_O_Deff] # <ASEC2> ::At the bridge:: [Cdt_Tynte] <OPS> ::Looks up towards the screen:: [sTSF_Jami] <CO> ::clears throat:: <ADM> Well, sir . . . it was interesting. [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] <XO>::raises brow, looking at CO:: [Cdt._Slaw] HELM>::Watches screen:: [sTSF_Jami] ADM WHOOSIE> Diplomatic as always, I see. Well...we have something else for you today. Should be interesting. [sTSF_Jami] <CO> <ADM> Ah...Admiral, with all due respect, we've been gone for a while. The cadets need a break. [Cdt._Slaw] HELM>::turns back to his flight computer:: [midshipmen_recycle] <Amo1><Cmo>anyone were supost too see today while i get things ready.. [sTSF_Jami] ADM WHOOSIE> NONSENSE! You'll love it. I'm sending the coordinates of this planet to you now. Tata, and happy hunting. [sTSF_Jami] ACTION: THE COMM IS CUT [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] <XO>::rolls eyes:: [Cdt_Tynte] <<Off the phone>> [Ens_Helios] <CSEC>+<ASEC2>+ Where are you Deff? [sTSF_Jami] <CO> ::purses lips:::turns to Andrea::: Oh . . . joy. [Cdt_Tynte] <OPS> <CO> The transmission has ended Ma'am/ [sTSF_Jami] <CO> :::sits::: Helm, where are we going? [Cdt_O_Deff] # <ASEC2>+CSEC+ I'm on the bridge, because of a hunch. [sTSF_Jami] <CO> ::nods to OPS::: [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] <XO><CO>Captain, I was SO looking forward to having my hair done. [Cdt._Slaw] HELM><CO> Romulus sir? [sTSF_Jami] <CO> <XO> ::nods, pulling a few strands::: Me, to. [midshipmen_recycle] <Amo1><Cmo>hello you there.. [CdtShephard] <cmo><amo1>who knows but that we know thats coming no one [Cdt_Tynte] <OPS> <CO XO> I was looking forward to actually...sleeping. [sTSF_Jami] <CO> :swings around::: <HELM> No way. Check it again. [Cdt_Tynte] <OPS> Romulus!? [Cdt._Slaw] HELM><CO>Yes sir im positive [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] <XO>::rolls eyes again:: [sTSF_Jami] <CO> <Helm> Send me the coordinates, please. [Ens_Helios] <CSEC><ASEC1> My arms been acting up i'll be in sickbay. [Cdt_Tynte] <OPS> ::Checks the coordinates:: Ma'am he's...correct.... [Cdt._Slaw] HELM>::sends coordnates [midshipmen_recycle] <Amo1><Cmo>::understood:: [Cdt.OConner] <ASEC1><CSEC>Oh? [sTSF_Jami] <CO> :::checks coordinates::: Dang. [CdtShephard] <cmo><amo1> did you check what we have in storage [Cdt_Tynte] <OPS> ::Rolls his eyes:: Oh what joy awaits us...I'm sure. [Cdt._Slaw] HELM><CO> setting course for Romulus sir [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] <XO><CO>One of my best friends is a Romulan, Captain. Shall we give her a call? [sTSF_Jami] <CO> <HELM> Set a course and engage at warp . . . three. [Ens_Helios] <CSEC>+<ASEC2>+ Whats happeing on the bridge? [midshipmen_recycle] <Amo1><Cmo>mostly that whats low.. [Cdt_Tynte] <OPS> ::Goes back to pushing buttons:: +CSEC+ Tell your men to be at teh ready Cheif...things are about to get interesting. [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] <XO>::toothy grin, raising brows up and down:: [Cdt._Slaw] HELM>::activates Warp 3 [Cdt_O_Deff] # <ASEC2>+CSEC+ Well sir, we're going on another mission. I'll see what it's about. I'll keep you posted. [Cdt.OConner] <ASEC1>::Looks to make sure Helieos is gone, Sits in chair:: [sTSF_Jami] <CO> <XO> ::sees the grin, etc:: I think not. Let's surprise her. [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] <XO>::snaps fingers:: [CdtShephard] <cmo><amo1> i hoped you wouldn't say that [Ens_Helios] <CSEC>:: Walking in hallway towards sickbay.:: +<AENG2>+ New misson, ahh man. [Cdt_O_Deff] <ASEC2><CO> Permission to speak freely, sir. [Cdt_Tynte] <OPS> ::Half looks up at O'Deff:: [Ens_Helios] <CSEC>:: Walks into sickbay and looks around.:: Hello whos in here? [sTSF_Jami] <CO> <OPS> Inform the crew. Tell them to get up to date on their inoculations. Get security ready with extra practice. [Cdt_Tynte] <OPS> <CO> Aye. [Cdt._Slaw] HELM><CO> sir do you know why we are going to Romulus ? [CdtShephard] <cmo><csec> hello [sTSF_Jami] <CO> ::raises an eyebrow at Deff::: Whatever for? [Cdt_O_Deff] <ASEC2><CO> Captain, I'm just curious as to where we're going. [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] <XO>::looks over at Deff:: [Cdt_Tynte] <OPS> +ALL+ Attention, the ship is headed for...Romulus...All personal to stations, be ready for anything. Security, begin drills. Medical ready Sickbay. [sTSF_Jami] <CO> ::points at OPS who will tell all::: [midshipmen_recycle] <Amo1><Cmo>well i check its not everything just few things.. sir whats going on.. [Ens_Helios] <CSEC><CMO> My arms acting up again can you help me out? [Cdt_Tynte] <OPS> +ALL+ Oh, and get your inoculations. [sTSF_Jami] <CO> <OPS> Shots. Get the shots. [Cdt_Tynte] <<Lol, almost forgot>> [sTSF_Jami] <CO> ::nods:: [Cdt_O_Deff] <ASEC2><CO> Never mind Captain. I'll be in my quarters. ::Walks slowly out of the bridge:: [Cdt.OConner] <ASEC1>::Jumps up and reports to station:: [sTSF_Jami] <most important thing...and don't drink the water...> [Cdt_Tynte] <<rofl>> [CdtShephard] <cmo><csec> what are you up to? [Cdt_Tynte] <OPS> <XO> Shall we go to Yellow alert? [sTSF_Jami] <CO> ::blinks at OPS:::looks at Andrea:: [Ens_Helios] <CSEC><CMO> You gona have to make it quick looks like our new misson is serious. [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] <XO><OPS>Negative. Lets not put all our eggs in one basket [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] Yet [Cdt_Tynte] <OPS> Aye, understood. [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] <XO><CO>::shrugs out of eyeshot of the others:: [Ens_Helios] <CSEC>+<OPS>+ Acknoleged. [midshipmen_recycle] <Amo1><Cmo>want me go help Csec.. [Cdt._Slaw] HELM><CO> sir our ETA is 5 minutes sir [sTSF_Jami] <CO> :::sighs::sinks lower in her chair:: <HELM> ETA? [CdtShephard] <cmo><amo1> yes please [sTSF_Jami] <CO> <HELM> Thank you. [Cdt._Slaw] << that was scary lol>> [Cdt_Tynte] <OPS> +CMO+ What is the status of crew inoculations Doc? [Ens_Helios] <CSEC>:: Sits on the corner of one of the beds.:: [Cdt_Tynte] <<Yes it was>> [Cdt_O_Deff] <ASEC2> ::Walking through the halls to his quarters, talking to himself:: Good job O'Deff. You're just starting to have a relaxing vacation, and now you've just embarassed yourself in front of the entire bridge. [midshipmen_recycle] <Amo1><Csec>i be there in bit with med kit.. goes too tl.. [Cdt._Slaw] HELM><CO> 5 minutes sir [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] <XO><bridgecrew in general>I have always found Romulans to be quite...refreshing. Just give them a chance.. [Cdt_Tynte] <OPS> I'm sure. [sTSF_Jami] ACTION: THE SHIP MYSTERIOUSLY CHANGES COURSE. APPARENTLY THERE IS A HIDDEN COMMAND IN THE COORDINATES SENT TO US. [Cdt_Tynte] <OPS> <CO> Ma'am we've changed course! [Cdt_O_Deff] <ASEC2>+CSEC+ Sir, is there anything you need any help with? [CdtShephard] <cmo><ops> well csec just came in but everyone should be ok [sTSF_Jami] <CO> <OPS> What? [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] <XO>::stands, walking towards HELM:: [Cdt._Slaw] HELM><CO> sir we just changed course out of my free will [midshipmen_recycle] <Amo1>::steps out goes where Csec..::tell me where you having trouble.. [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] <XO><HELM>See if you can change it back [Cdt_Tynte] <OPS> <CO> Our course..we are on a different course...no explanationa t this time..I'm on it. ::Begins whacking buttons rapidly:: [Ens_Helios] <CSEC><AmO> Pain in my arm. +<ASEC>+ Meet me in my office im almost done here. [Cdt_O_Deff] <ASEC2> +CSEC+ Aye sir. ::Heads toward CSEC's office:: [midshipmen_recycle] <Amo<Csec>understood.. [Cdt._Slaw] HELM><XO> cant i think starfleet has taken control [Cdt.OConner] <ASEC1>+CSEC+Aye sir [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] <XO>::looks over at CO:: [Cdt.OConner] <ASEC1>::runs to TL:: [midshipmen_recycle] <Amo>goes to Csec office.. [sTSF_Jami] ACTION: WE'RE HEADED FOR A SMALL SYSTEM THAT HAS ONE BARELY HABITABLE PLANET. [sTSF_Jami] <CO> Impossible. They can't remote control this thing. <XO> Can they? [Cdt_Tynte] <OPS> <XO> I'm picking up a planet on sensors. [Cdt._Slaw] HELM>we are approaching an unknown system [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] <XO><CO>::shrugs:: Maybe. <HELM>Try all stop [sTSF_Jami] ROSTER UPDATE Assistant Medical Officer (AMO2) - Kestra Miral [sTSF_Jami] Assistant Medical Officer (AMO2) - Kestra Miral [Cdt._Slaw] HELM><CO> i cant helm control was taken away from me [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] <<Hey Kestra. If Jami is adding Medico's, we must be introuble =0] >> [Ens_Helios] <<is there any ENG?>> [Cdt.OConner] <ASEC1>::Steps out of TL, goes to Cesc office:: [Cdt_Tynte] <<oh god>> [Kestra_Miral] <AMO2> ::appears for her shift in Sickbay:: [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] <XO><CO>Perhaps they can, Sir. [CdtShephard] <cmo> ::walks over and helps amo1 :: [Ens_Helios] <CSEC>::jokingly:: My arm is not going to fix itself. [sTSF_Jami] <CO> <Helm> ::looks from Andrea back to Helm::: Go with the flow, then. Put us in orbit around whatever planet we arrive at. [Kestra_Miral] <AMO2> <CMO> Reporting for duty, sir. [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] <XO><CO>Its been refit. Perhaps it responding to a homing beacon. [Cdt_O_Deff] <ASEC2> ::At CSEC office:: [Cdt._Slaw] HELM><XO> Aye sir I think I can still do that [Cdt.OConner] <ASEC1><ASEC2>Deff, do you know whats going on? [midshipmen_recycle] <Amo><Csec>what you doing i in your office..i see i just felt ship move like quake hold arm still i can work.. [sTSF_Jami] <CO> <XO> <w> unfortunately, I think you may be right. [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] <XO><HELM>::thumbing to the side towards the CO::You must have heard my voice out of the Captain [Cdt_O_Deff] <ASEC2><ASEC1>No, I don't. I don't think I should be on that bridge after what I've pulled. [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] <XO>::nodding at the CO:: [sTSF_Jami] <CO> ETA, Helm? [Cdt.OConner] <ASEC1>::Doesnt think he wants to know:: [Cdt._Slaw] HELM><CO> Sir the ship is going into an atuomatic orbit [Kestra_Miral] <AMO2> <CMO> Sir? [Cdt_Tynte] <OPS> ::Begins passive scans:: [sTSF_Jami] <CO> ::blinks again:: <OPS> What kind of planet do we have? [Cdt_O_Deff] <ASEC2><ASEC1> Anyway, I should remind myself to next time talk to the CSEC about what's going on before I go straight to the captain. [Cdt_Tynte] <OPS> <CO> Semi-arid...remote plant life.....It's the Sahara at best sir. [Cdt.OConner] <ASEC1><ASEC2>good idea [Cdt_Tynte] <OPS> <CO> About the size of Jupiters smallest moon. [sTSF_Jami] <CO> ::mutters::: Great. ::louder::: Ok....I suppose we'd better see what's down there. [Ens_Helios] << um medics? arm >> [midshipmen_recycle] <Amo><Cmo>sir,is all good on bridge felt vibration down here working on sec.. [Kestra_Miral] <AMO2> ::wanders over to storage to look for medical supplies:: [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] <XO><CO>::nodding, standing:: [sTSF_Jami] COMPUTER> ATTENTION....ATTENTION.... SELF DESTRUCT IN . . . FIVE MINUTES... [sTSF_Jami] <CO> What the? [Cdt_O_Deff] <ASEC2><ASEC1>Now THAT I heard! [midshipmen_recycle] <Amo><Asec>see how that fill now.. [Cdt_Tynte] <OPS> <CO> Self Destruct activated! [Cdt.OConner] <ASEC1>::wonders where CSEC is:: [Cdt._Slaw] HELM>what the heck [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] <XO>::rounding bridge deck upstage:: Tynte,...::pauses in mid stride:: [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] <XO><OPS>Report! [Cdt_Tynte] <OPS> ::Begins rapidly pushing buttons:: [Ens_Helios] <CSEC>:: Is shocked as he looks around, jumps up off of bed.:: <CMO> My arm will have to wait. :: Runs out of sickbay.:: [Cdt_O_Deff] <ASEC2><ASEC1> Is the Chief still in sickbay? Do you think we should go to him and ask what in blazes is going on? [Kestra_Miral] <AMO2> <CMO> ::looks up suddenly:: Should we head to pods? [sTSF_Jami] <CO> Computer, authorization for self destruct came from whom? [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] <XO>::looks to the CO:: [Ens_Helios] <CSEC>+<XO>+ What in the world is going on!? [Cdt_Tynte] <OPS> NOt sure, hold one. [Cdt._Slaw] HELM><CO> why would starfleet do this to us [sTSF_Jami] COMPUTER> INSUFFICIENT DATA. SELF DESTRUCT . . . IN . . . FOUR . . . MINUTES. [Cdt.OConner] <ASEC1><ASEC2>no::Shake head reluctantly, he said he would be back [Cdt_Tynte] <OPS> <XO>The self destruct was activated via a remote security code. [Cdt.OConner] *:: [CdtShephard] <cmo> ::heads over csec::<csec> whats bothering you [Cdt._Slaw] <HELM><CO> it could be to scare us off the ship sir [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] <XO>+CSEC+You would know if you were on the bridge, Chief.. [Cdt_Tynte] <OPS> <XO> I can stop it, but I'll fry half the computer relays. [sTSF_Jami] <CO> :::agitated::: Computer, cancel self destruct. Authorization Farrington. Alpha. Alpha. Alpha. One. One. One. [Ens_Helios] <<shep im gone out of sickbay>> [midshipmen_recycle] <Amo><Xo>whats goiiung on bridge i got movement likequake.. [Cdt_O_Deff] <ASEC2><ASEC1>You're right. Let's just stay here. [sTSF_Jami] <CO> ::listening:::red light blinking::: [Ens_Helios] <CSEC>:: enters TurboLift:: Bridge. [Kestra_Miral] <AMO2> ::continues pulling out hypo refills from storage, slightly unsure:: [sTSF_Jami] COMPUTER> ATTENTION . . . ATTENTION . . . SELF DESTRUCT . . . IN . . . THREE . . . MINUTES. [Cdt_Tynte] <OPS> <XO> Ma'am? [Cdt._Slaw] HELM><CO> sir escape pods [sTSF_Jami] CO> :::slams the console::: ALL HANDS ABANDON SHIP. [Ens_Helios] <CSEC>+<ASEC's>+ We might have to evcoate the ship, head to the escape pods. [Cdt_O_Deff] <ASEC2><ASEC1>Then again, we're all going to be chop suey...Let's go! [Cdt_Tynte] lol, and I just said I can stop it. [midshipmen_recycle] <Amo><Cmo>whats going on everything messing up.. [sTSF Jami] ;) [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] <XO><OPS>Can you shut down all by LS? [sTSF_Jami] <CO> GO! GO! GO! [Cdt.OConner] <ASEC1>::RUSHES to Escape pods:: [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] <XO>::hears the CO:: [Cdt_O_Deff] <ASEC2> ::Runs like a madman to the TL, hoping to reach the Escape pods:: [CdtShephard] <cmo><amo> run [Cdt_Tynte] <OPS> Yes Ma'am. [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] <XO>Too late. OK, lets move.. [Cdt._Slaw] HELM>::runs out of bridge toward the nearest escape pod:: [Kestra_Miral] <AMO2> <AMO1> Let's get out of here! ::Dashes out the door to the nearest pod:: [Cdt_Tynte] <OPS> ::Follows the others. [sTSF_Jami] <CO> :::waiting for all to leave the bridge::: [CdtShephard] <cmo> ::heads to the nearest escape pod [Cdt_Tynte] <OPS> ::Jumps in his assigned EP. [Ens_Helios] <CSEC>:: Heads for escape pod,TL stops on the deck and he gets off.:: [Cdt_O_Deff] <ASEC2> ::Gets out of the TL, runs to an escape pod, gets in.:: [Cdt._Slaw] HELM><CO> captain are you coming [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] <XO>::heading out last...turning around for a last glance:: [sTSF_Jami] <CO> +AL HANDS+ REPORT WHEN CLEAR. [Cdt_Tynte] <OPS> +CO+ Ready for launch. [Ens_Helios] <CSEC>+<ASEC>+ Help others get in the escape pods first! [Kestra_Miral] <AMO2> ::following the CMO, realizes she's still holding two hypo refills:: [sTSF_Jami] COMPUTER> SELF. . . DESTRUCT . . . IN . . . TWO . . . MINUTES... [Cdt._Slaw] HELM>:: in escape pod::<CO> ready sir [Cdt.OConner] <ASEC1>::Beside ASEC2::<ASEC2>ESCAPE PODS?!? [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] <XO>::helping others into pods:: [Ens_Helios] <CSEC>:: Runs down the hall, stops to help some crew members toward escape pods.:: [sTSF_Jami] <CO> ::follows everyone out::: Remind me to hang someone when we get back. [Cdt._Slaw] *++ [Cdt_Tynte] <OPS> ::Sees a crew men with no pod:: [Cdt_O_Deff] <ASEC2><ASEC1>Yes, I'm in. [Cdt_Tynte] <OPS> In here! [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] <XO><CO>::right in front of CO:: If anyones left [Kestra_Miral] <AMO2> ::climbs into pod and directs other crewmembers inside:: [Cdt.OConner] <ASEC1><ASEC2>what the heck is going on? [midshipmen_recycle] <Amo>::runs out sick bay towards shuttle bay then grabes escape pod::Calls Cmo,Amo2 theres room on pod for yall 2.. [sTSF_Jami] <CO> +ALL HANDS ABANDON SHIP. THIS IS NOT A DRILL. ABANDON SHIP+ [Cdt_Tynte] <OPS> ::Helps the crewmen into his pod:: [Cdt_O_Deff] <ASEC2><ASEC1>Well, to put it mildly, we're about to be starship stew in a few minutes. [Ens_Helios] <CSEC>:: Stands at the entrance of an escape pod, directing others.:: [CdtShephard] <cmo> ::shows crewmen where the pod is [Kestra_Miral] <AMO2> ::in escape pod with CMO and AMO1:: [Cdt.OConner] <ASEC1>::Prays silently:: [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] <XO>::helping others into pods:: [Kestra_Miral] <<hmm, did we have any patients?>> [Cdt_Tynte] <<I don't think so Kes>> [sTSF_Jami] <CO> ::jumps into a pod::: [Kestra_Miral] <<good>> [Cdt_O_Deff] <ASEC2> ::Also prays, along with ASEC1:: [midshipmen_recycle] <Amo>::Shuts door..<cmo>lets go.. [Ens_Helios] <CSEC>+<XO>+ I think we have everyone evcoted sir. :: Goes in pod.:: [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] <XO>::keying the pod controls, closing the hatch:: [Cdt_Tynte] <OPS> ::HIts the launch button:: [sTSF_Jami] COMPUTER:> ATTENTION...ATTENTION....SELF DESTRUCT IN . . . ONE MINUTE... [Cdt._Slaw] HELM>::closes pod door and ejects his pod:: [CdtShephard] <cmo><amo2>welcome abord wereleaving [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] <<Im afraid your patients had ran out>> [Cdt_Tynte] <OPS> ::Rockets out and away from the ship. [Cdt_Tynte] <OPS> +CO+ I'm clear. [Kestra_Miral] <AMO2> ::reports all clear for pod 27 and ejects it:: [Cdt_O_Deff] <ASEC2> ::Flys away from the ship:: [sTSF_Jami] <CO> <OPS> +Acknowledged. [Ens_Helios] <CSEC>:: Launches escape pod and sits back down.:: [midshipmen_recycle] <Amo><Cmo>ships shacking lets get out here.. [sTSF_Jami] <CO> <driver> HIT IT. [Cdt._Slaw] HELM>+CO+ my pods clear sir [Cdt_O_Deff] <ASEC2> ::In pod:: Well, this has been quite a day. [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] <XO><CO>::nods:: ejects pod:: [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] <XO>Pod away.. [Cdt.OConner] <ASEC1><ASEC2> yore tellin me [sTSF_Jami] ACTION: THE COUNTDOWN CONTINUES . . . WE WATCH OUT THE WINDOW . . . [Cdt.OConner] *youre [Cdt._Slaw] HELM>::flys his pod following others:: [Cdt_Tynte] <OPS> ::Mutters to himself:: I should have been an artist. [Cdt._Slaw] HELM>::sulutes to ship:: [midshipmen_recycle] <Amo>looks out as pod goes sees flames on ship.. [Kestra_Miral] <AMO2> ::looks around at the rest of the medical staff, hoping everyone made it off:: [Ens_Helios] << how many people in each of these pods?>> [sTSF_Jami] ACTION: EVERY READOUT MONITOR ON EACH POD READS "BOOM. HAVE A NICE STAY." [CdtShephard] <cmo>+<co>medical pod is away [sTSF_Jami] <CO> ::;seething::: [Cdt._Slaw] << i have my own hehe lol>> [Cdt.OConner] <ASEC1>::Wave a farewell to the ship:: [Cdt_Tynte] <<2 in mine, it was a Bridge Emergicey pod>> [Cdt._Slaw] HELM> what the..... [Cdt_Tynte] <OPS> ::Shakes his head:: What...? [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] <XO>::looks over at CO, who is turning purple:: [Kestra_Miral] <AMO2> ::looks at the monitor angrily:: Well that's not necessary. [sTSF_Jami] <CO> ::looks around at the crewmembers in her pod and saves her comments for a more appropriate time::: [midshipmen_recycle] <Amo><Cmo>if you looked backout window the ships burning as were away.. may explode soon.. [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] <XO>::turns and gears the pod towards the planet:: [CdtShephard] <cmo>+<co> um once we land then how do we fly away again [Ens_Helios] <CSEC><ASEC's> :: In the same pod as him:: Contact other SEC team leaders and do a head count. [sTSF_Jami] <CO> +ALL HANDS+ Report when you're on the ground. We'll rendezvous from there. [Cdt.OConner] <ASEC1><CSEC>Aye sir [Ens_Helios] <CSEC>:: Lays back and frowns.:: [Cdt_O_Deff] <ASEC2><CSEC> Aye sir. [Cdt._Slaw] HELM>+CO+ sir i dont think starfleet planted the remote code [Cdt_Tynte] <OPS> ::Begins steering his pod towards the surface:: <Unknown crewman> Are you allright? [sTSF_Jami] <CO> +CMO+ Let's worry about landing first. [Kestra_Miral] <AMO2> ::puts her hypo refills down and secures her tricorder for the landing:: [Cdt._Slaw] HELM>::flys right next to the the nearest pod:: [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] <XO>::positioning down as softly as possible, this being such a tiny pod and all:: [Cdt_O_Deff] <ASEC2><ASEC1>Well, O'Conner, we're going home. What are you going to do now? [sTSF_Jami] <CO> <XO> Good job, Number One. [Cdt_Tynte] <OPS> ::Lands next to the CO's pod:: [CdtShephard] <cmo><AMOs> well welcome a bored the medical pod [Ens_Helios] <CSEC>:: Opens a hatch and is happy to see some Type III phaser rifles.:: <ASEC's> YOu know how to use these i'm guessing? [midshipmen_recycle] <Amo><Cmo>sir somethings wrong my scan shows something down on surface.. [Cdt_Tynte] <OPS> +ALL+ Atmosphere is breathable, I got that much before we left. [Cdt.OConner] <ASEC1>::frowns::<ASEC2>I sure hope this isnt home [Cdt._Slaw] <HELM>::lands infront of the OPS's pod:: [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] <XO><CO>Thank you, Captain. [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] <XO>::moves to blow the hatch:: [Cdt_Tynte] <OPS> ::Climbs out of pod and begins helping others out of theirs:: [Cdt.OConner] <ASEC1><CSEC>yes sir [Cdt_O_Deff] <ASEC2><CSEC>I definitely know how to use it, sir. [Ens_Helios] <CSEC>:: Turns to Redshirt, while checking phaser, land us over by the CO pod.:: [CdtShephard] <cmo><amo1> what is it? [Kestra_Miral] <AMO2> <CMO> ::nods and waits for the pod to land:: [Cdt._Slaw] HELM>::climbs out of pod:: curse starfleet [Cdt_Tynte] <OPS> ::Helps the XO out of her pod:: [Cdt_O_Deff] <ASEC2> ::Searching for SEC leaders:: [sTSF_Jami] <CO> <XO> Shall we see where they've put us this time? [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] <XO><CO>Do we have to? [sTSF_Jami] <CO> <XO> :::purses lips::: Unfortunately. [midshipmen_recycle] <Amo><Cmo>not geting good reading like aliens or something like cavemen.. [Ens_Helios] <CSEC>:: Pod lands as he gets out he looks around, walks toward where XO/CO are.:: [Cdt.OConner] <ASEC1>::follows CSEC:: [Cdt_Tynte] <OPS> ::Begins scanning the surface:: [Kestra_Miral] <AMO2> <CMO, AMO> ::looking out the window:: Well we're about to land so you might want to brace yourselves:: [Cdt._Slaw] HELM>::walks over to CO::<CO> idont think starfleet did this sir [Cdt_O_Deff] <ASEC2><CSEC> Sir, I've found fifteen security officers so far. [Ens_Helios] <CSEC><CO> Were doing a head count now sir. [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] <XO><CO>::steps out of the pod first, checking it out:: [Cdt_O_Deff] <ASEC2> ::Continues to search for the rest of the Security department:: [sTSF_Jami] <CO> :::exits the pod and looks around::: <Helm> Well, if they didn't someone is controlling the ship. ::points to the ship, clearly not destroyed, still in orbit.::: [midshipmen_recycle] <Amo>;;hit head on dash while landing.. [Cdt_Tynte] <OPS> <Anyone near him> Is it just me....or is it hot out? [sTSF_Jami] <CO> ::looks around::: Who's here? [sTSF_Jami] <CO> <OPS> It's hot. [Cdt_Tynte] <OPS> ::Waves at CO:: [Kestra_Miral] <AMO2> ::shakes slightly when they land, and then gets up:: [Ens_Helios] <CSEC><CO> Were doing a head count now sir. [Cdt._Slaw] HELM><CO> i thought someone was trying to scare us off the ship [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] <XO>::looks up at the ship:: Crud [Cdt_Tynte] <OPS> <XO> That about sums it up. [Kestra_Miral] <AMO2> <AMO> Are you alright? ::opens tricorder and starts scanning recycle:: [CdtShephard] <cmo>+<co> we have landed sir [Cdt.OConner] <ASEC1><CO>Sir Permission to speak [Cdt_Tynte] <OPS> +All Dept. Heads+ All Department heads, report status. [sTSF_Jami] <CO> <ASEC1> Go ahead. ::looking over the terrain::: [Ens_Helios] <CSEC><XO> Shall I set up a perimeter? [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] <XO><CO>::leaning in:: Permission to throw a fit, Captain? [midshipmen_recycle] <Amo><Cmo>bumped my head but here something still on scan its way off coming too us.. [sTSF_Jami] <CO> <XO> Go for it. [Cdt.OConner] <ASEC1><CO>What the heck is going on?!? [Cdt_Tynte] <OPS> ::Overhears the XO:: ::Stiffles a laugh:: [sTSF_Jami] <CO> <ASEC1> You tell me and then we'll both know. [CdtShephard] <cmo><co> medical is allright [sTSF_Jami] =/\= =/\= PAUSE SIM =/\= =/\= [sTSF_Jami] TO BE CONTINUED....
  25. Yes, but the academy is on the 2nd.