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Everything posted by Tovan

  1. I made "Tovan" when i was watching Voyager the Tuvok eh. Then i saw this thingy on startrek.com that lead me to stsf.net then i lost the link and never bothered to find it again which explains why i registered so late. Then one day i tried but accidentally went to stsf.com instead :lol: I also made a Name call Tuvan but discarded that name cause it didn't sound good so i stuck with Tovan, meh. Eli Zhu is this combination of animate characters and my friend's last name, and yes i made him my little brother Muahahahahahahhaha oh yes that evil. Kai Zhu is a real person Muahahahahahhahahaa! um.... any thing else? :D Brought to you by 1800KILLISP!
  2. Welcome Cadet Brocoli :lol: sorry i couldn't resist. hope to see in the academies. "I don't purr nor think therefore i am not" :D
  3. ::snickers and gets out his microphone and holds to the couple:: and how does that make you feel? ::runs before Freud comes after him for his pay::
  4. Good job Tachy On, its the second episode where the admiral was pissed off by the defiant and blamed the changling problem on them ... ok it was sorta like that :D current score: Anderson: 7 Vanroy : 5 Precip: 4 Tachyon: 4 Fred: 2 Ndak: 1 Holden: 1 It was a particularly juiced up Excelsior and it the registry is just a coincidences :D ::nod::
  6. what Yeti?
  7. home depot, never been to lowers Spagetti or noodles
  8. Chess, Checkers may involve alot of idiotic moves ... ::notes his game with Tach:: Wine or Beer? :D not that i drink or anything ... ::sniffs warp core coolant::
  9. Apples, they're less sour though i don't like much sweet stuff anyways. Salmon or Bass
  10. AS i said YOU'll NEver FINd iT! :D
  11. farewell, stay safe to our engineer
  12. Physics, it sounds better when you're talking about it :D Chocolate or pudding
  13. Lt. Cmdr. Tovan Assistant Engineer Log Entry The turbo lift door opened, Tovan stuck his head out and looked around and there it was, seemingly floating on the deckplating in main engineering - S'aar, sopho-technology being. The ship's crew was informed that 7 S'aars will be 'guarding' the most sensitive areas of the ship and engineering was definitely a sensitive area. He closed the turbo lift doors and looked at the companions he had, a Bajoran doctor, Christie Farron and another assistant engineer freshly promoted from beta shift, Riker. He looked back at the sealed door and wondered. What was happening up there, senior crew meeting often puts the assistance in the dark and He was longing for information right now, being on the bridge didn't help him to get some information on what was happening right now being main engineering certaintly isn't helping. So the three of them were stuck here in main engineering, it was safe in the turbo lift but what if the S'aar sense them and pry open - no, he didn't need to do that, he entered the Manticore with out lifting a finger - he would just enter the turolift and smile while acting harmless. Tovan personally wanted to be some where safe, he feared the unknown and S'aar is very unknown at the moment, the being disclosed little scapes of information and the beings were only centering on one thing - to serve them. Tovan noted it was illogical to serve another unless it was a mutural relationship but this doesn't seem like that. He looked around him again, he needed open access to information and there is a S'aar in main engineering perhaps ... he could accquire some of the required information he wanted and give the S'aar nonrelevant information in exchange. It didn't seem logical ... more devious but he must do this. He opened the Turbo lift doors and walked out.
  14. ::wonders why A9 posted the wrong brief at the wrong time:: ::ducks::
  15. I like coffee I like sleep Coffee makes me sleepy Tea makes me awake I don't sleep but do you? How long do you usually sleep? just to get you guys going. I sleep about 4 hours a day and 6 hours on weekends some times no sleep for 36 hours, around 96 hours without sleep was my record. I don't know why i dont' like sleeping .... ::runsaway:: give your thoughts now.
  16. interesting :D muaahhahaahhaha sleep ... the useless stuff
  17. Bahh! you'll NEVER find it MUAHAHAHHAHA!
  18. wow your school ... has a bar :D hm...... interesting but not fascinating ...
  19. ahhhhh so Picard was a sissy and got blood clog so he had a few nausicans to poke him with knives ... pointy knives :D jk glad he's feeling well ... though my mom doesn't like him... :D
  20. Magicians ... i'm afraid of clowns .... < or >
  21. Actually no, but thats how i found potatos sooo funny :D my class always have around 9 particular late students and he oftens gives his speech about you being here learning your education blah blah and if you don't do anything to stop being late and do homework you must be a potato. "Don't sit there and look like a potato! Get your books!"
  22. Take yer Pick :D Now ... um.... I want a ... Man feeding pidgeons :D
  23. Warp Dri - er... Hyper Driv - er... Warp Drive, its alot safer ... or is it? Steamed or Fried? ::notes the thought made him hungry::
  24. ::looks up at the sky ... sees a Tachyon giving him the tongue:: yep ... can't wait for Aliens to come and .... i'll leave it at that. Two more years till university life ... oh yes, congrats Merina, have fun and if you REALLY want to finish a project, don't sleep :D
  25. "stuff your self with details until you're green in the face, or else you're potato." He who shall not be named that was my English Teacher.