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Everything posted by Tovan

  1. yeah.......um...........lol? :D
  2. congrads, i am sorry i was not there to congraduate you, i had a unexpected enemies to deal with :D , so, good job, hope you found out what the subspace disruptions were about :)
  3. :) ack, i hope the rommies didn't damage the shuttles :D
  4. oh great A9 is getting crazy(er) and i am on the floor of engineering, dang IT!!! and how did they get through shields??::on the floor on the manticore bleeding to death:: :D
  5. :D
  6. :) oh nooo no advertisting from me nooo :)
  7. HAHAHHAH first one to get this from nem
  8. hm..............is there any thing special about summer? why arn't there a winter one?hm....?:P
  9. AHAHHAHHAHAHAH poor voric
  10. please people no nukes or photon, but phasers are ok :P
  11. :P they should have made more ships for bridge commander or they would in future games :D
  12. Interesting, how the heck would you connect 20-some people?
  13. resistaince is futile auto destruct squence deactivated
  14. Re'Tore De'Nak Nemesis Security officer RES Talon eh?? nice name nem :wink:
  15. :laugh: if fred say resistaince is futile, that would be really frightening :laugh:
  16. :D eliminated :P
  17. sorry sir, duct tape?