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Everything posted by Tovan

  1. Well i used the wrong emitter who cares :D Congrats Fred ::tosses him a coin:: Wow one minute difference. Even one second means everything :( ok maybe not. current score: Anderson: 7 Vanroy : 5 Precip: 5 Tachyon: 5 Fred: 3 Ndak: 1 Holden: 1
  2. its 6 eh ... its pretty obvious you know ... cardies ...
  3. AHHHHH! THAT PARTICLE!!!!! ::glares at the green thign sticking its ...:: And no. Not changes in answering system will be made. I'll be truly on time at 6 pm EST. Around there.
  4. Sadly ... this can only be avoided to an extent ... also ... this is mother nature keeping us on our toes ... i'm sure there's scientific progress being made but now ... we just hope, eh?
  5. wow i'm gone for a day and this happens, all i can say is this, if you all pm me answers for these things i'd have to look at all of your answers and it wouldn't be fair to people who were first because then i'd have to look at all the times on each Pm blah blah blah <insert 50 hours of ranting here> My advice - check these boards regularly on mondays. The End. I'm mostly putting this things around 6pm EST now, hopefully thats better. The End
  6. Don't Join Manticore its only a tug ^_^ :P :)
  7. NOOOOO! WE need a crazy engineer per ship!
  8. Correct Tachyon A time to Stand is correct Tachyon now stand over there ::point:: current score: Anderson: 7 Vanroy : 5 Precip: 5 Tachyon: 5 Fred: 2 Ndak: 1 Holden: 1 Albeit this centaur is bad but hey its the best one ... only one on Bc.filefront, so ... the texture will be a little bit sacrificed.
  9. Cough ... Charlie!
  10. ::THACK!:: every monday.
  11. ahhh yes Precip you were right... i should have paid more attention to the excelsior-II design forgot that 2 extra impulse drives :lol: and congratulations. Yesterday's enterprise ... does the Enterprise C looks like its leaving? lol ... current score: Anderson: 7 Vanroy : 5 Precip: 5 Tachyon: 4 Fred: 2 Ndak: 1 Holden: 1
  12. Try this one, couldn't remember where the other ships will be but meh ... Where are the children?!
  13. meh... my memory isn't THAT good :lol:
  14. no .... but the performers keep forgetting to bow when they finish ... tsk tsk
  15. Lt. Cmdr. Tovan Assistant Engineer Log Entery Tovan stood alone in the Vulcan sand provided by the S'aar, it was a strange feeling, it was real to the eyes, touch and smell but then it wasn't real, it was just a fabrication of some sort ... or is it? Granted that the S'aar has advanced technologies that allows them to do almost anything with a little more than will power, penitrate the ship with a move ... destroy all life aboard a start ship with a single thought. Yet they persisted on wanting the occupants aboard Manticore, serve them they wanted. Tovan was still perplexed by this, fear this and confused, perhaps the logic dictates that there was no danger but then again it did state that there was danger. Marooned on an unknown planet, with 57 S'aars that wishes to serve them, the ship out of their graps - the logical thing is to embrace their service. Tovan realized what the first S'aar said to them. We only want to serve our new masters, you were worthy But if we were really their masters why weren't we released? If we were their masters wouldn't they be listening to our wills and grant our wishes? The logic was clear, either the S'aar had a hidden agenda or the crew were prisoners. But even that assessment contradicted itself, the Admiral attacked one of the S'aar, and prompty bounced back into the ground, the ground transformed, it became soft, the Admiral did not hurt himself. That only meant one thing ... they're going to be here for a long time, or the S'aar really cared for their well being. Such contradicting thoughts, such illogical thinking and ironically he was standing on Vulcan sand. He bent down and scooped up a hand full of this fabricated substance then tossed it away. This isn't real, i will not believe this is real. It can't be real.
  16. hm... considering i was just dragged to an opera ... hm.... can't remember the name but it was Berloz :lol:
  17. Welcome ... beware, things are not what they seem and our chatroom has a reaaaaally evil AI or OS or whatever you want to name it. and yes ... insanity is the key to eternal simming ... :lol:
  18. i'll take H cause its got less letters :lol: and it can stand for hydrogen :D ... binder or folder?
  19. hm..... fist of death ... can't be good .... must run ... ::bolts for the door::
  20. hmm..... interesting Garn ... oopy :lol:
  21. Shut up Wesley! I prefer not having an life if i did i wouldn't be typing this message at 6:28 in the morning. PC or laptop?
  22. hm......... ::thinks about all the details pointing to this:: hm....... Welcome ... "Cadet" hm......
  23. LOL Kroells, happy birthday Mr. Ande - er.. Graham.
  24. Slipstream, it looks cooler and the explanation doesn't hurt heads though transwarp is similar anyways thats where the slipstream's color comes in :lol: Fictionpress.com or Fanction.net?