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Everything posted by Chirakis

  1. Game Master (GM) - Chirakis Game Master (GM) - STSF Linus Mission Commanding Officer (MCO) - Chirakis Mission Executive Officer (MXO) - C.T. Caine Tactical Officer (TAC) - Karo Veras Helm (Helm) - STSF Linus Operations Officer (OPS) - Damian Porter Chief Engineer (CENG) - GSgt Mike Hefner Assistant Engineer (AENG) - K'mlak Chief Medical Officer (CMO) - Owen Matthews Assistant Medical Officer (AMO) - CPO Wills Mission Brief: Due to budget cuts, the USS Pendragon (Akira Class - 2385) has become a temporary training ship. While on routine patrol along the Federation border, we came upon a Vulcan science mining facility in an asteroid field. The cadet science officers received samples that emit low-level gamma radiation. The samples were examined, stored, and we are continuing our patrol. 091213.txt
  2. Sky Harbour Aegis Chat Log for 11 December 2009 091211.txt
  3. Mission Brief: A shuttle craft from the USS Canton has been dispatched to respond to a distress call from the civilian freighter Yukon. Commanding Officer (CO) - STSF Spyder Executive Officer (XO) - Chirakis Helm /Operations (HOPS) - Oz Laurell Chief Engineer Officer (CENG) - Cdt Seton Asst Engineer Officer (AENG1) - Damian Porter Asst Engineer Officer (AENG2) - Revon Chief of Security (CSEC) - tAehjae
  4. Mission Summary - Sky Harbour Aegis - 4 December 2009 It had been just over a day since the second alien attack and the station settled into routine. Having been released from house arrest, Ambassador Drankum remained sequestered in his quarters while Commander Chirakis held the fort from the Control Tower with Fischer at Operations. In the medical suite, Drs. Lepage, Belar, and Pavilion found themselves spread thin with 32 patients in sick bay, 11 still in critical condition. Centurion tr'Jeth Dabi monitored security and kept the station safe while Sec Tech Rutian kept ze ladies safe from holodeck power outages. Engineering SubCommander Jorahl repaired station equipment while SrLtn Coleridge and Ltn Fletcher occupied themselves in the holodeck. Perhaps the most interesting developments are happening at the colony on TKR 117. Dr. Feretti and SrLtn LeMorte have joined Administrator McDowell on the planet to investigate symbols found at the archaeological site. Time between simulations was two days.
  5. Sim Log for Sky Harbour Aegis, 4 December 2009 091204.txt
  6. Welcome, Sage. Good to see you at Aegis tonight. Hope to see you in the academy.
  7. Coming to Terms? A Lepage/Chirakis Joint Log Chirakis Kirel had much in common with Tylus Petrinius Jorahl, though she would be the last to admit it. Not that she didn't realize it. She just would not admit it. They were warriors of the old guard. They'd been around long enough to see too much of the nefarious side of their respective governments. Long enough to have been a part of it. And now both of them, used to the immediate, usually decisive outcome of combat, had been thrown into an arena where the outcome was seldom decisive: politics. For Chirakis it was an unsettling feeling, dealing with politics and politicians - especially those of ambassadorial rank. She suspected Jorahl felt the same. Whether he had mastered the art of ignoring the problem or reconciled himself to it she had no idea, nor did she really care. The politics remained; they were not going away. She much preferred a glorious battle where either she or her opponent met a firm end. Dickering and bickering were not her style. Life or death was. Chirakis actually liked Jorahl. But like, with its connotation of friendship and romantic liaison, was not a word she would voice. She would rather say that she preferred him. He was Romulan, and Romulans in general were unpretentious. Cunning, but unpretentious. Which did not mean transparent. Cautious perhaps. Guarded. But she always knew where she stood with him and she could count on him to speak his mind. This day he had not disappointed her. Jorahl had just confirmed Kirel's decision to release Ambassador Drankum. Not that she needed confirmation, but it gave her a certain satisfaction knowing that she had, in a manner of speaking, smoothed the feathers of the Romulan Star Empire. He had spoken his mind. She knew exactly where he stood. Romulans were definitely much easier to deal with than the Ferengi, quick-tempered profit-driven species that they were. Betazoids were on the edge of her radar, but still within range given their telepathic wanderings. Humans, on the other hand, came in a close second to Ferengi. Their emotions often getting the better of them. They tended to keep their concerns to themselves, allow them to fester, then they lashed out. Humans, like... "Dr. Lepage." How nice to see you. Despite her thoughts, a practiced pleasant expression greeted his exit from the turbolift. He was in distress. He was... definitely angry. Nick was still fuming when he arrived at the Control Tower. The conversation with Jorahl had caught him completely off guard. And he hated being caught off guard. "Commander, a word if you please." "Of course, Doctor. Come in," she said, holding the office door she had been blocking since Jorahl's departure a few minutes ago. It had already been a long day; why not make it a bit longer? Without saying another word Nick walked into her office and stood in front of the XO’s desk. He had come to get some answers and he wouldn’t be leaving without. Her office chair was still warm from her discussion with Jorahl. As she settled somewhat wearily into it she mentally briefed herself on her directives concerning medical. In the space of a few seconds she realized that the doctor's plate had been more than full following the alien attack, closely followed by the situation with Ambassador Drankum. Also, she had given him little more than a few hours for a full psychological evaluation, no small task for the most accomplished psychologist, and he was no psychologist. “I had a nice little chat with SubCommander Jorahl earlier,” Nick started, his tone carefully controlled, watching Chirakis closely to see how she would react. Ah. Jorahl. Testing the waters. She waited patiently for him to come to the point. The lack of a reaction didn’t help Nick’s mood one bit. “Imagine my surprise at hearing that the Ambassador was apparently placed under arrest by the executive officer. I may remind you that under those circumstances I am the second in command of this station- And imagine my even bigger surprise that I had no clue of what was going on. Incredible, isn’t it?” Saying that Nick’s tone was sarcastic was like saying Ferengi have a thing for business. And still he had not come to the point. “So, Commander, would you mind telling me what on Earth is going on and why you first order a full psych evaluation and then arrest Ambassador Drankum? If this is a game I am not in the mood for it. In the short time since the attacks I had to do an autopsy on the alien that crash landed in one of our cargo bays, do a psych evaluation on the Ambassador, and trust me that was no fun, and my sickbay is full of patients who need my attention. So I’m sure you understand why I’d really appreciate not having to wonder whether our XO has gone off the deep end.” When he had ended his rant Nick felt slightly better. ...which was somewhat apparent to Kirel, given the smallest bit of relief evident in his expression. Not only was Doctor Lepage prone to rant before coming to the point, but his rants and his discussions often overlapped, confusing the issue. She took a moment to sort through his comments before she replied. "First, Doctor, I understand your frustration. You, above all, have been hard pressed lately. I understand your obligation to your patients. I have obligations as well. My obligation is to defend this station against all threats, external and internal. It is in the interest of protecting this station against what I percieve as an internal threat that I ordered the full psychological evaluation for Ambassador Drankum." Here she paused to gauge the doctor's reaction before she moved on. It was vitally important he fully understand her position. He had made his confused state of mind abundantly clear, and that in itself was... confusing. Nick nodded slowly as he tried to understand the implications of Chirakis’ explanation. “Let me try to get this straight. I found Ambassador Drankum to be of sound mind but you went on to arrest him. So you obviously suspect him to be a threat to the station. Correct me if I got anything wrong.” "He was under arrest as soon as he left this control tower, Doctor. He was not arrested after you declared him of sound mind... which, by the way, leaves considerable space for interpretation. My question to you now is what exactly does that mean?" “It means that he is capable of making decisions and that he is furthermore fully aware of the consequences of those decisions and his actions. He knows the difference between right and wrong, truth and lies, though his definitions may be a little, say, different from mine. In short, the Ambassador is as sane as you and I. May I ask why exactly you suspect him of collaborating with the enemy?” Here was a question to which he’d really like to have an answer. Years of practice helped her hide a smile -- not at his question, but at the idea that the Ambassador was as sane as either of them. Which could be entirely true. Perhaps they were all of questionable sanity for being here in the first place. She straightened her uniform as she stood, putting those stray thoughts aside to answer his question. "During the two recent attacks on this station Ambassador Drankum exhibited behavior that is contrary to the behavior one would expect from a commanding officer. He did not coordinate to defend, he interfered. In doing so he caused such disruption as to give the enemy undue advantage. In short, Ambassador Drankum -- during both attacks -- exhibited such behavior that indicated he was either unfit for command, insane, or collaborating with the enemy. In the interest of station security and defense I had no recourse other than temporarily removing him from command. Now that you have declared him..." she paused for emphasis, "not insane, or of sound mind, we only have two other possibilities. Either he is unfit for command for some other reason, or he is collaborating with the enemy. Unless you can think of another alternative, Commander?" Using his rank acknowledged his status as second officer. It verified she understood his position beyond Chief Medical Officer. Nick shook his head. He had seen the security recordings and quite honestly he agreed with Chirakis. Something was odd about Drankum’s behaviour. “Ok, so what are you going to do now? He’s sane but that still means he can’t command the station. I trust you have contacted Starfleet Headquarters?” "I have," she replied, moving to rest on the corner of her desk. "I've received no reply." She left it hanging, not really wanting to go into the possible implications. Political? Disinterest? Busy with massive attacks by this alien race elsewhere? There was already enough tension on the station without adding her suppositions to the mix. "What do I do now? You've declared him as sane as you or I. As I have no actual proof of collaboration, I have released him from custody. The next move is up to him." “So you’re waiting to see if he’ll hang himself.” It was more of a statement than a question. “You’re walking on thin ice, Commander. While I agree with you that you had every reason to remove Ambassador Drankum from command others might think you’re staging a mutiny.” Here she allowed the smile. He did have a knack for stating the obvious.
  8. So he is 9 today? And he looks so much older than that. ::smirk:: Happy Birthday, Admiral. Many happy returns of the day.
  9. Mission Summary - Sky Harbour Aegis - 20 November 2009 Dr. McDowell received a Service Stripe Caelan Fletcher was promoted to full Lieutenant. A mere five hours had passed since the second alien attack on Sky Harbour Aegis. On TKR-117, Administrator McDowell, Dr. Feretti, and Mr. LeMorte collaborated on the archaeological dig. On Aegis, Cdr Chirakis released Ambassador Drankum from house arrest. She still suspects him of collaboration with the enemy but has no substantial proof. She has ordered Centurion Dabi to watch him closely. After speaking with Dr. Lepage, SubCommander Jorahl approached Cdr Chirakis to question her motives. As his discussion with Jorahl raised many questions in his mind, Dr. Lepage was on his way to her office for clarification. The word "mutiny" was heard in several areas of the station. Ambassador Drankum occupied his time reading command authorization manuals and sending a message to Ferenginar - something about profit opportunities on the horizon. Engineers Coleridge and Fletcher spent time in the holodeck preparing for Scott's upcoming date. Time between games is one day. 29 hours will have passed since the attack.
  10. Glad you enjoyed your first academy, John. We've been around a long time - 15 years for some of us ::glance at the Admiral:: and have most of the kinks worked out - emphasis on most ::grin:: Welcome aboard!
  11. Sky Harbor Aegis will not sim on Friday, 27 November.
  12. Chat Log for Sky Harbour Aegis - 20 Nobember 2009 091120.txt
  13. A very Happy Birthday, Mr. Eagle. And many more.
  14. Mission Summary - Sky Harbour Aegis - 13 November 2009 Ambassador Drankum remained in his quarters under guard. Dr. Lepage's report on the ambassador says he is "of sound mind." Though Cdr Chirakis will question Dr. Lepage on his findings, she still suspects the ambassador of, at the very least, withholding information pertinent to the defense of the station. Now she must decide if she is should keep him in custody pending an investigation or take Security Chief Dabi's advice and release him and follow his every move. Station life returned to as normal as it can be in this area of space. Engineering Chief Jorahl worked on upgrading the security mainframe. In his words, "We are introducing a self checking relay system with a new encryption system as well as trinary self diagnostic processors." Assistants Coleridge, Fletcher, LeMorte, and Dr. Belar took some time off. Dr. Pavilion struggled with reports. Time between games is 1 hour. Quote of the week:
  15. Sky Harbour Aegis - 13 November 2009 091113.txt
  16. Command: Commanding Officer (CO) - STSF Nova Executive Officer (XO) - Chirakis Special Guest: STSF Nickles Medical: Chief Medical Officer (CMO) - T'ashaya Asst Medical Officer (AMO) - Dr. Davix Marks Asst Medical Officer (AMO) - TKAR The U.S.S. Sunbird (Nebula Class) on the boarder of the neutral zone, the science station on the planet below has been evacuated. During the bug-out the equipment was left behind and must be removed, all available hands are to assist on its removal. It should also be noted that experiments were abandoned as well. Proceed with caution! 091113.txt
  17. The USS Caliban (Miranda-class) is on routine patrol in an uncharted sector of the Beta Quadrant Game Master - STSF Kent Game Master - Chirakis Command: Commanding Officer (CO) - STSF Kent Executive Officer (XO) - Chirakis Bridge Crew: Helm/Operations Manager (HOPS) - T'ashaya Engineering: Chief Engineer Officer (CENG) - STSF Nickles Asst Engineer Officer (AENG) - GSgt Mike Hefner Medical: Chief Medical Offcer (CMO) - Dr. Davix Marks Assistant Medical Officer (AMO) - Charlie Harper 091112.txt
  18. Mission Summary - Sky Harbor Aegis - 6 November 2009 As the station resumed normal operations, Ambassador Drankum remained under guard in his quarters. Cdr Chirakis fielded questions from Centurion Dabi concerning station security, the chain of command, and what he should do with Ambassador Drankum; he and SubCdr Jorahl exchanged thoughts on Starfleet and the Romulan Star Empire. Engineering brought the grid back to ready status. Science officer LeMorte reported intriguing findings on the data from the datachip found by Cdr Chirakis on an enemy fighter a decade ago. Administrator McDowell reported that the colony seems to be invisible to the attackers - an interesting thought. Time between games was 2 hours.
  19. Sky Harbour Aegis Chat Log for 6 November 2009 091106.txt
  20. Joint Log Chirakis Kirel, Executive Officer Nicolas Lepage, Chief Medical Officer Sky Harbor Aegis 091030 Before the sensor flash of disintegrating fighter faded from the tactical display on the main viewscreen, Chirakis had snapped her line of vision back to Ambassador Drankum. Her eyes narrowed as she dodged his cane. He turned to leave, his aberrant rant echoing in the CT. "Let him go," she growled, approaching Dabi as the turbolift doors cut off their view. "Set level one security on him and his quarters. I want to find out how he knows so much about these creatures - and why he is not telling us. Doctor?" She turned to Lepage. "Your assessment?" Nick was still standing just in front of the turbolift out of which he had stepped a couple of minutes before. Knowing Drankum and Chirakis he had figured it'd be safest for him to stay out of their way until called upon. That being the case, he straightened his uniform slightly and stepped forward. "Seeing as I have no clue what happened other than that we lost some of our fighters and that the Ambassador's blaming you for it, I'd say it's a little early for an assessment, Commander." "Then.... " She swallowed the unprofessional words that leapt to mind and replaced them with, "I want a full psychological profile and physical examination that will determine his fitness to command." Her eyes fell on him in such a way as to relate the full implications of her request. "You will have at your disposal the security tapes from.... " Again she paused to quell the most inappropriate words. "....this most recent session on the control tower." At her glance, Dabi nodded acknowledgment. Nick nodded slowly, not even trying to guess what had actually happened on the CT prior to his arrival. "I hope you don't mind if I prefer to watch the tapes before I talk to the Ambassador, Commander. But I assure you my examination will be thorough. I'll make sure you get the results immediately." "Of course, Doctor." She passed him the datacrystal that Dabi, in his Romulan efficiency, had placed in her open hand. For some reason Nick felt a little uneasy as he reached out to take the datacrystal. Dealing with the Ambassador was no fun under normal circumstances but these were hardly normal circumstances. He'd have to make sure to use all the information available to him before reaching his conclusion. That would include the most recent neurological scans and psych evaluation which he prayed Mimi had ordered before declaring Drankum fit for duty after his injury. "Anything else you require?" She snapped, noting his hesitancy. "No, Commander," the CMO hurried to say, realizing that he had stood motionless for a few seconds too long. "I'll ask Ambassador Drankum to accompany me to sickbay right away, though I fear he'll not come quietly." "In cases such as these we do not ask. Dabi." A snap of her fingers brought the Centurion to her side. "Assist Dr. Lepage with whatever he needs regarding the Ambassador. Consider the Ambassador under station arrest on suspicion of collaboration with the enemy and withholding strategic information concerning the defense of this station. Mr. Porter." She made a sharp turn towards OPS. "Stand down red. Remain at yellow. All sensors active, defense grid on automatic. Recall the fighters, and get me a full damage and casualty report." She moved swiftly to her station in form of dismissal. Nick let out a soft whistle. Collaboration with the enemy; that was a serious allegation and Chirakis certainly wouldn't make it without some good evidence. He had a feeling that he would see it with his own eyes once he took a look at the security tapes. So he turned around to step into the turbolift and ordered it to Drankum's quarters, intent on finding out what was behind all this. This far along in her career Chirakis was way beyond sweating the consequences. She made strategic and tactical decisions. Consequences would be dealt with in time. Her immediate concern was the safety and security of the station and she had to inform Starfleet. It had become increasingly apparent that Ambassador Drankum's mental state had been compromised by his head injury. Or his true colors had come out, either of which worked in this matter. Again, her anger flared and she grit her teeth to contain it. The loss of the fighters. Drankum's apparent knowledge of this attacking species, to the point of knowing their strategies. His reluctance to alert her of the danger until it was too late.... Not reluctance to help. Assisting the attack by disrupting the flow of the control tower. Tapping his cane. Issuing conflicting orders. Chirakis raised her eyes to stare into space as the pieces fell into place. Under the guise of a supposedly inexperienced Ferengi Ambassador he had deliberately attempted to distract the defense of the station during the first attack. Was there such a thing as an inexperienced Ferengi? Was there a Ferengi who was not fully familiar with militarily strategy? Acquisition. Conquest. One and the same. His head injury had been either a miscalculation or a clever ploy, either of which would have worked to his advantage. Or to the advantage of his co-conspirators. Not her problem. She'd leave that to Starfleet and the Federation allies. The current situation was her problem. Regaining focus, she fired off a missive to Starfleet and the Allies concerning the Ambassador. They would, in turn, alert the Ferengi Alliance that their Ambassador's allegiances may have been compromised. Unless, of course, the Ferengi Alliance were his co-conspirators. In any event, Starfleet and the allies would be aware of the situation, and, for the moment, Ambassador Drankum would be under the watchful eye of Centurion tr'Jeth Dabi. Hardly a neat little package. Merely the beginning of what would probably be a long battle.
  21. Mission Summary - Sky Harbour Aegis - 30 October 2009 Aegis comes under attack for the second time in as many weeks from the same mysterious, elusive enemy. The fighters engage. Two are lost. The grid performs admirably in defense of the station. Its enhanced sensors take high-powered scans of the invading ships. Feretti and LeMorte collaborate to plot entrance and exit vectors on the enemy fighters. One enemy fighter exits the system towards Breen space.At the dig on Alastair I, Administrator McDowell is informed of the attack and goes into secure mode. So far the colony remains untouched. Time between games is two hours.
  22. Sky Harbor Aegis Chat Log for 30 October 2009 091030.txt
  23. It does look like a serious discussion. Medusa is a species of jellyfish? Interesting.
  24. Mission Summary - Sky Harbour Aegis - 23 October 2009 Cdr Chirakis wandered the station looking for answers while Ambassador Drankum remained in his quarters. Drs Pavilion and Belar discussed the autopsy report and were briefly visited by Cdr Chirakis. Coleridge and Fletcher completed fitting sensor pods on the fighters in preparation for Aegis external scans. Cdr Brown and Lt Dabi: discussed USS Odyssey's stealth technology and the possibility of configuring Aegis's sensors to detect ships so equipped, considered joint training exercises for Odyssey crew and Aegis pilots, discussed granting station leave for the Odyssey crew, inspected the enemy fighter. After retrieving data from the chip found in the alien fighter, Mr. LeMorte discovered something quite interesting. Time between games is approximately one week.
  25. Sky Harbor Aegis Chat Log for 23 October 2009 091023.txt