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Everything posted by Chirakis

  1. Da Bomb Amanda Davis, MD, PhD Chirakis, Kirel, Captain Kirel stood outside security’s conference room glaring at the surveillance monitor. Three children whose feet barely reached the floor sat at the conference table. Two security guards stood by. Bits of chatter came through now and then, but for the most part the children were sullenly quiet, and for good reason. Kirel watched and waited for her temper to subside. She had just dealt with Ensign Jackson. He was extremely qualified for his position, but at the age of 17 he lacked maturity— especially when it came to the opposite sex. In his distraction to the unusual beauty of a new ensign, he had put the station at risk. Kirel had restrained her anger then. Barely. Would she be able to restrain her anger with these children? Since she was coming very close to slamming a fist through the titanium wall (which was impossible), she decided the answer was no. She would wait for Doctor Davis, the crew's counselor and psychiatrist. It all began with a requisition that made no sense: fifty bottles of a substance that did not exist. A typo? A glitch in the system? OPS sent it back for clarification, and it was returned with an apology, along with a scribbled note saying that they meant fifty jars of hydrochloric acid to make a bomb. Security was on it immediately, and it didn’t take them long to find the culprits: three children ages 10 and 11. The school science lab, closed for the weekend, was about to be bomb central for a science project. The children did not realize that they were going to put their lives, and the lives of anyone within range, in danger. So yes, Kirel was ready to pound some sense into those three small young ones. However, less-than-subtle correction was generally frowned upon. Suddenly the monitor's com exploded with, “Did not!” “Did too!” “Did not!!!” “Did TOO!” Did not, DID not, DID NOT!!!” “DID TOO, DID TOO, DID TOO!!!” Then two children went nose to nose, shouting and name-calling that quickly deteriorated into a full-blown ruckus. The security guards eventually separated them. Thankfully, one was a father. He sat the instigator in a corner until the boy calmed down, and handed tissues to the girl whose tears were streaming down her face. Lieutenant Brand, flicked an eye-roll toward the surveillance camera as he passed. Kirel pinched the bridge of her nose and sighed. “Captain?” “Hello, Doctor,” said Kirel, turning slowly to meet her. “I understand that you aware of the situation?” “I am somewhat. Lieutenant Garand gave me the basic outline.” Kirel nodded. “And you know the children?” “I know them very well, Captain. And their parents.” The two of them turned to the surveillance monitor to watch the children slowly settle down. Eventually the lieutenant returned the boy to his place at the table, then whispered something into the boy's ear. Whatever it was seemed to do the trick. The boy was Timothy Resplexa, age eleven, son of a Starfleet engineer. Having inherited the brilliance of his father, he was much like Annisha t’Korjata, but the boy usually went too far. Thankfully, Annisha had learned to control herself. After what looked like a moment of thought, he began to swivel his chair back and forth, then swing his legs under the table, occasionally using a finger to trace the swirls of its oak finish. The girl who sat next to him was Cybil Korajon, age ten. She was the daughter of Mariana Korajon, Envoy to Federation Consul General Aspek, and General Nehman, Security Advisor to the same. Cybil’s sob subsided as she wiped a sleeve across her nose. Her eyes were red and evidence of tears still streaked her cheeks. The girl closest to the door was Jelikka t’Rahil, also ten. She was the daughter of RSE Ambassador tr’Rahil. She seemed to be keeping her emotions in check, though she looked somewhat frightened. She had good reason to be since her father held a high position in the RSE. “To give you the full story, the children planned to make a bomb,” Kirel said finally. “Chances are that they would not have succeeded, but even if they did not they still would have severely injured or killed themselves. It would have triggered alarms, of course, but rescue would have come too late. “The school was closed for the weekend,” she continued, “but the boy devised a way of entry by manipulating codes. That has since been secured. He has the brilliance of Annisha, but she knows to be careful. Resplexa is reckless. I should have been more vigilant. However,” the captain continued, turning to face Amanda, “As Chief Security Officer I must meet with them, and you must be present. Not only is it standard protocol when children are involved, but for a personal reason. I am sure you understand why.” Amanda nodded. “Their parents are in another room.” She gestured to a visitor’s room down the hallway. “They specifically requested remote visual. They said that the children might distort their answers if they were present. Do you agree?” “Oh, definitely, Captain,” Amanda replied. “Children usually respond more candidly in their parents’ absence.” Kirel dropped her hands to her side and approached the door. “You enter and I will follow. Your presence should calm them… or at least I hope it will. I am not fond of Mr Resplexa, and the feeling is mutual. If you are ready…?” “As ready as I’ll ever be, Captain,” she said with a nod toward the door. As it opened, Kirel wondered how the doctor could be so calm and positive in these situations. Definitely mind-boggling. The children jumped at the sound of the door, then shouts of “‘Manda!” echoed to the end of the hall as soon as Amanda stepped in. Cybil grabbed hold of Amanda’s skirt and wouldn’t let go. Jelikka gave her a firm but decidedly Romulan hug. Timothy pounced on her, then recoiled when he became the first to see Kirel. His, “Oh, gees,” was probably louder than he intended, and his eyes followed Kirel as she walked, as calmly as possible, past him and took her usual seat at the head of the conference table. The girls clung to Dr. Davis as though she would keep them safe from the ogre. “Mr. Resplexa, Ms Korajon, Ms t’Rahil, please sit and allow Doctor Davis that courtesy,” she said. The boy slipped into his chair, then pushed it farther away from Kirel. The two girls clung to Amanda until she assured them that the captain does not bite. But they continued to snuggle next to her. Cybil’s eyes teared up, then relaxed a bit when Amanda gave her a squeeze. “Do you know why you are here?” asked Kirel, regarding each one separately. Quick answers of, “Yes… no… I mean no… I mean yes… no… yes,” bounced from one to the other until all three finally said, “Yes.” “You were going to make a bomb for a science project, correct?” All three heads nodded. Kirel’s deep breath ended in a slow exhale that helped her to relax and think. “I want you to know that I do understand you had a science project due,” she began, “and that you were late, so you decided to use the school laboratory. What I do not understand is why you decided to make a bomb.” “Annie said to,” blurted Cybil. “Shut up, Cyb!!” said Timothy, bolting from his chair. “Why?” Cybil shot back. “Just SHUT U….” Kirel slapped the table. “Stop. Now. Mr Resplexa... sit down.” Timothy froze, then wiggled slowly back into his chair, but his glower never left Cybil. “Mr Resplexa,” said Kirel, sternly without raising her voice, “you will treat Ms Korajon with the courtesy she deserves. If you do not, we have a very quiet place down the hall that is ready for you. Do you understand?” Timothy swallowed hard and looked to Amanda. Amanda gave him a stern nod, and the boy replied, “Yes, ma’am.” “Annie who?” Kirel continued. “Annie t’Korjata,” he replied quietly. “She already made one.” Kirel’s shock was obvious, mirrored by Amanda. After a few questioning expressions exchanged with Amanda, Kirel sat back and waved a hand. “Doctor, take over please.” “Of course, Captain,” she said, still somewhat in shock. “Timothy, did she tell you how to make it?” “No, ma’am.” “What exactly did Annisha say to you about the bomb?” “She said that her project was going to win.” “With the bomb?” “Yes, ma’am. She said that she was going to be away so she gave it to Mister Scanlon early.” “And you think she made a bomb?” “Well… yeah. I mean... yes, ma’am. She said it was special and she wasn’t going to tell us any more. She said it was ‘Da Bomb.’” Amanda’s eyebrows shot up. She looked at Kirel, then back to Timothy. “So… Annisha said her project was finished and it was ‘da bomb’? She said exactly that?” “Yes, ma’am.” “Oh, thank goodness,” she whispered in relief, taking a second or two to relax. “What?” the boy asked, confused. “She didn’t make a bomb?” “No, she did not. She used an idiom. Do you know what that is?” “Yes, ma’am.” “Saying that it was ‘da bomb’ is a way of saying that her project was very, very good.” Kirel's report was definitely going to be interesting.
  2. =/\= Aegis Mission Brief 12/7/18 =/\= 1 May 2388 - Stardate 2388.122 TBS is zero. The time is 1300 hours (1:00 PM) Aegis local. The station is still fairly quiet. The Dahlem conduit is completely inactive and not visible. They have installed a conduit barrier for the safety of our ships. Dr Pavilion, Ens Dran, and Mid Dumont are working on the cosmic ray suits. Ltjg Kenyon is working on the fusion reactor with other engineers. Security is investigating a requisition for... hydroelectric acid? Chirakis: =/\==/\=BEGIN SIM=/\==/\= Chirakis: =/\==/\=BEGIN SIM=/\==/\= Chirakis: ::OIC, CnC::: Jylliene: ::@ Ops, CnC:: Fletcher Jackson: ::internal OPS, CnC::: Tae'Lynn Dran: ::in the med lab:: Tarisa: ::Still with Mimi, Dran, and Theo in the Med Lab.:: Kallah Ramson: ::very much in office, somewhere under one random pile of padds or another:: Dacia Sandero: ::also in sickbay, just finished checking the new ensign and putting stuff away:: Theo: ::eyeballing a suit carefully examining it:: mimipavilion: ::in the med lab as well:: Chirakis: (I believe that we were preparing for a fashion show with the Dahlem cloak?) Tarisa: ::Nods.:: Who will wear the suit? Tae'Lynn Dran: Not it. mimipavilion: ::shakes her head:: Fletcher Jackson: ::blinks, stops working::: Jylliene: ::noting, thankfully, nothing else unusual in requisitions.:: Alexis McFarland: @ ::playing with her PADD while dinner is cooking:: Theo: ::Tarisa:: Is this safe for humans ma'am? Tarisa: Very Well. ::Grabs the suit and begins to put it on. Can't call her a scaredy cat.:: Johnson Kenyon: ::reviewing station specs:::: Tarisa: I have worn one before. mimipavilion: ::Tarisa:: I'll monitory your bio readings. Fletcher Jackson: ::slight turn towards Chirakis:: Captain, their revised requisition - the one for the hydroelectric acid - just came through. Forward to you, ma'am? Chirakis: ::nod:: Yes. Fletcher Jackson: ::shunts it over:: mimipavilion: That's if I can get a lock on your readings. Chirakis: ::steps to her console and pulls it up:: Theo: I recommend leaving the headpiece open for ventilation. mimipavilion: ::goes back into the sensor safety room and tries to lock on to Tarisa's bio readings:: Chirakis: ::deep breath, followed by a slow exhale::: +com+ Lt Garand, any progress on the recent requisition? Chirakis: Garand> No, Captain. Nijil tr'Korjata: :: Making his rounds about the station :: Tarisa: ::Nods as she finishes putting the suit on. Like expected it matches her form.:: Chirakis: +com+ Ratch it up to top priority. They are now asking for hydrochloric acid. Report as soon as you find them. Cdr Wyatt Cayne: :: Eating the last of his sandwich, noticing what he had been placing his food on for the past few months :: Wait... this is a... :: looks around :: mimipavilion: ::manages to get bio readings of Tarisa:: Chirakis: ::sighs:: Ensign Jackson, if they inquire, tell them you are working on it. Nothing else. Fletcher Jackson: Yes, ma'am. Tae'Lynn Dran: ::paying close attention to the bio readings. Her first exposure to Tarisa's species' biology:: Johnson Kenyon: ::getting further educated on the reactors:: Annisha: @ :: Reading her padd as well :: Hmm Chirakis: ::steps down to OPS:: Why would anyone want hydrochloric acid? What would they do with it? Theo: ::Dran:: Look, it even fits over her tail. Chirakis: ::looking to Jylliene, who seems to know a little more than Jackson::: Tae'Lynn Dran: Well yes. I would expect it to be rather uncomfortable if it didn't. Jylliene: ::ponders that:: Tae'Lynn Dran: And I doubt she would have volunteered so quickly. Chirakis: I understand that it is dangerous, correct? Jylliene: Metal etching? Dissolving.. things? Jylliene: ::tries to remember chemistry classes:: Alexis McFarland: @Anything interesting? ::to Annisha:: Jylliene: It is. Theo: ::Tarisa:: Is it hot in there Commander? Jylliene: Depending on the strength, of course. Chirakis: Dissolving? And they want 50 bottles? mimipavilion: ::Tarisa:: Got your bio readings going. Jylliene: Primitive batteries? Fletcher Jackson: ::tending to business:: Jylliene: ::consults the computer:: Annisha: @ :: shrugs :: Reading about my game I started with my father... it's my move. Tarisa: Good. ::Begin scans when you are ready. Jylliene: gelatin...pyrotechnics... Chirakis: And again I ask... why would they want primitive batteries? And who is The Foundry? Alexis McFarland: @ Oh. I'm just playing against the computer Jylliene: Are they a metal foundry? Chirakis: They are not registered. We have no idea who they are. mimipavilion: ::nods to the two green science officers:: Chirakis: Pyrotechnics? As in... explosions? Annisha: @ I'm trying to take over the galaxy.. or at least the quadrant Jylliene: It has a wide range of uses. Yes, that.. but also in just making the required substances for molded desserts. Alexis McFarland: @ Good luck. Theo: Yes Doctor ::proceeds:: Tae'Lynn Dran: Nothing abnormal yet. Jylliene: ::shrug:: Its potential uses are too wide-ranging to know without consulting them specifically mimipavilion: Her bio readings are holding steady. Chirakis: ::takes a moment, staring::: Desserts. ::skeptical:: Tae'Lynn Dran: Should we make her run around the room or something? Tarisa: @ Miana> Ooooh Are you winning? Jylliene: And even then, they could tell us one thing and then use it for another, though perhaps the molarity they ordered would point out obvious lies. Annisha: @ :: shake head :: No, he has the Bajorans and Tellarites pinning my forces down in a nebula mimipavilion: We were standing still when we were 'transported' to the Voad. Cdr Wyatt Cayne: :: Takes the plate off his 'table' and sits upon it :: Alexis McFarland: @Uh oh. Maybe you need more allies. Cdr Wyatt Cayne: :: under his breath :: This has been here all along. Chirakis: ::considers that and it makes no sense::: Theo: ::Pavilion:: Are the Dahlem telepathic? Tae'Lynn Dran: Oh I suppose so. Well then. Jylliene: Well...I suppose a molded dessert could be considered to be forged or shaped like molten metal, so the name could still fit. But I rather doubt it. mimipavilion: Yes they are. But not with all species. Nijil tr'Korjata: :: Scanning as he walked, looking for leaks or anything that could kill the people on the station :: Tae'Lynn Dran: Telepathy seems to be their main form of communication within the species. Theo: I see, then perhaps the suit is activated in that manner. Jylliene: ((Those "raindrop cakes" do seem to be a thing, though)) Chirakis: ::begins a pace, not her usual one, but the one she uses when she is concentrating - the wear-out-the-carpet one::: Chirakis: (So I have heard.) Johnson Kenyon: ::decides to head back up to main engineering:: Tarisa: Perhaps if I focus on something like when we were shown the hand scanners... ::Concentrates, thinks of a shield.:: Jylliene: ::ponders as well:: Tae'Lynn Dran: ::looking between the readings and Tarisa:: Chirakis: ::stops, then makes a sharp turn:: Ensign Jackson, tell them that you need a "purpose of use" before the requisition passes through. Fletcher Jackson: ::looks up:: Yes, ma'am. Nijil tr'Korjata: :: Thinking of his bondmate, wondering if there was something he could do for her later :: Chirakis: +com+ Lt Garand, status report. mimipavilion: ::still watching her readings:: Annisha: @ :: thinks :: Perhaps if I get a strike force out....cloaked. Dacia Sandero: That should work. Theo: ::Pavilion:: I wonder what would happen if the Commander walked out an airlock? Dacia Sandero: ::working on a patient:: There, how are you feeling now? Tae'Lynn Dran: Oh my, I wouldn't recommend that. Alexis McFarland: @ Oh, cloak. Chirakis: Garand> +com+ Getting close, Captain. It seems to be coming from the school science lab. mimipavilion: ::looks at Theo:: Die just like the rest of us if we did that. Cdr Wyatt Cayne: :: Sits and enjoys the chair :: Chirakis: +com+ The what??? Jylliene: ::the WHAT?:: Jylliene: ::overhearing:: Chirakis: Garand> +com+ Yes, ma'am. School is closed. Moving in now. Jylliene: ::pleasenotthegirl, pleasenotthegirl, pleasenotthegirl...:: Theo: ::Dran:: I mean is the suit spaceworthy? We should test that. Alexis McFarland: (Don't look at us) Tarisa: I have no intention of walking out of an airlock. Despite the Human rumors that cats have nine lives, I assure you, Mithraans only have one... Annisha: (we are on Volnar) Jylliene: ::even though she's been gone for a little while now, doesn't mean it couldn't be something she started up:: Fletcher Jackson: Uh... Captain. They say they’re making a bomb. Jylliene: Well, that's surprisingly forthcoming of them. Tae'Lynn Dran: No, the fabric is not airtight. Chirakis: +com+ Garand - they're making a bomb. Get in there. NOW! Nijil tr'Korjata: :: Thinks :: I should have some kind of headset for this... I need to work on this... Theo: No offense intended, Commander. Jylliene: ::confused..the foundry is in the school?:: Cdr Wyatt Cayne: :: Looking at his display :: Alexis McFarland: @I'm building a house for my square person. Annisha: @ Au are square... ha ha Alexis McFarland: @He he. I only just started, so my house is dirt. Tae'Lynn Dran: We might want to sample the nanites within the fabric. I don't know if we could figure out their coding but an examination might give some more clues. Theo: ::Dran:: I would gladly volunt... Oh I see, pardon me. Chirakis: Garand> +com+ ::screams in the background:: Got 'em, Captain. They're kids. ::the kids scream:: Take them to security? Nijil tr'Korjata: +taps+ Kenyon, status? Chirakis: +Garand+ And inform their parents. Alexis McFarland: (See, it's not just us getting into trouble lol) Jylliene: ::wonders what in the ever-loving elements is going on:: Wait, so the foundry request for the acid was from kids in the school? Cdr Wyatt Cayne: :: watching the bomb incident from his post :: Jylliene: To make a bomb? Johnson Kenyon: +Nijil+ I have had a long and fruitful conversation with some operators Chirakis: ::Jylliene:: Apparently. Tarisa: Seems the suit may not respond to thought like I had hoped. I was concentrating on a small shield. Johnson Kenyon: +Nijil+ I'll be there shortly. Chirakis: Although, from their screams, they seem very young. I would guess approximately ten terran years. Tarisa: @ Miana> :;Sneezes:: Tae'Lynn Dran: It may just not have a shield to respond to that command. mimipavilion: ::nods to Tarisa:: Well what's next. Alexis McFarland: @Is someone talking about you Miana? ::smiles:: Tarisa: Possible. What other function should I focus on then? Johnson Kenyon: +exiting TL on Main Engineering deck:: Tarisa: @ Miana> Someone is talking about me? ::Confused:: Tae'Lynn Dran: It was used for transport. Be careful though. Chirakis: ::mutters:: Children... Tae'Lynn Dran: Pulling you out of a bulkhead would be even worse than a step out an airlock. Alexis McFarland: @It's an old Earth thing. If someone is talking about you, it makes you sneeze. Theo: We need a Betazoid. mimipavilion: OK we know it's used for transport, ::thinks:: what about a diagnostics screen of some type. Dacia Sandero: ::sneezes:: Tarisa: ::Nods.:: I will give it a try. ::Thinks of the Main Sickbay.:: Tarisa: @ Miana> That is odd. ::Giggles.:: Theo: We need a Betazoid, STAT. Jylliene: Why in the world would they even decide to try something like that? ::ponders:: Dacia Sandero: Hm. ::tidies up:: Johnson Kenyon: ::entering Main Engineering, looking for Subcommander Nijil:: Chirakis: ::finally relaxes some:: Lt Garand will take care of the situation. ::Jylliene:: We will soon find out. Jylliene: ::nods:: Alexis McFarland: @ ::giggles:: It is.. Jylliene: ::returns to her work:: mimipavilion: Relax midshipman. Theo: Aye Nijil tr'Korjata: +Kenyon+ What did they have to say? Chirakis: ::Cayne:: Commander, I don't suppose you would like a transfer from tactical to main security? ::slight smirk::: Tarisa: Seems teleportation is beyond its limits as well. Cdr Wyatt Cayne: +Garand+ What's the situation? Tae'Lynn Dran: Bio readings unchanged. There's been some minor subspace flux. Alexis McFarland: @ ::Crafts a wooden sword to fight monsters and chop down trees:: Johnson Kenyon: ::seeing Nijil, walks over to him::: We were just talking about the how the reactors work and where i might be able to find out where the extra power drain is coming from Tae'Lynn Dran: We may just not know the right commands. Chirakis: Garand> +com+ At this point, sir, we're hunting for their parents. Nijil tr'Korjata: :: Nods :: Probably out of specification. Once we find out which one we'll have to shut it down. Tarisa: Possibly. Maybe a specific thought, or a thought in their language. Johnson Kenyon: ::Nijil:: Unfortunately, I have the impression that tracking down this energy drain isn't going to be as easy as I thought Theo: ::making notes on a padd:: mimipavilion: Or the right tech. ::looks at Tarisa:: Do you remember if they used anything that helped move us between here and the Voad. Chirakis: Garand> +com+ They said they needed a science project before next week. They thought a bomb would be good. ::screams are farther away::: Nijil tr'Korjata: This :: gestures all around him :: is a big place. Johnson Kenyon: Out of spec, huh? I hadn't thought about that... but they should know how to operate it better than anyone? Tae'Lynn Dran: I don't remember sensing anything during the transport except a rather unpleasant disorientation. Tarisa: I imagine it was the ship itself that did all the work. Tae'Lynn Dran: I took that as part of the transport and not anything actually telepathic. Cdr Wyatt Cayne: +Garand+ I started to look up that Rihan girl's name, but remembered she was off the station. Johnson Kenyon: I had read up about this station, but it seems I had read about a past version of this station... I will need to redo my research Chirakis: :::shakes her head as she goes for coffee ,extra potent::: mimipavilion: Hmmm... maybe we should ask Chirakis about anything may have saw, since she was with us as well. Chirakis: ::wishing that ale was allowed in CnC::: Tarisa: ::Just as to double check, she concentrates on the CnC.:: Theo: Perhaps we should all concentrate together? Jylliene: ::Is glad chaos isn't solely the realm of Annisha & Co.:: Alexis McFarland: @ ::Drinking some water:: Annisha: @ Man, this is hard. I think father is cheating, cause he can't be smarter than me, mimipavilion: ::doesn't see Tarisa leave:: Well... Tarisa: @ Miana> ::Sneezes again. This time her tail poofs in the process.:: Alexis McFarland: @Maybe he plays it while you're sleeping and levelled up more Nijil tr'Korjata: The station did not remain at factory spec for very long. Alexis McFarland: @ ::snuggles Miana:: I hope you're not getting sick or anything. Fletcher Jackson: :::workworkwork::: Chirakis: ::takes the command station::: Tarisa: Perhaps it does take telepathic thoughts. :;Shrugs and begins to remove the suit.:: Theo: ::sits down to access the computer, types:: Johnson Kenyon: ::to Nijil:: to factory spec? This is a whole different station from the one I read about... I guess it makes sense that I could have screwed up this badly... I haven't even been here a week. Tarisa: @ Miana> Or maybe someone really is talking about me... Annisha: @ Probably helianthus or oenothera. Alexis McFarland: @Hm. Maybe. Chirakis: Garand> +com+ Captain, parents are asking for custody. Chirakis: ::ponders for a moment::: mimipavilion: ::Tarisa:: Well, I didn't lose a fellow Dept. Chief. Chirakis: +com+ The answer is no, Lieutenant. Tarisa: ::Nods with a smile, glad her tail can breathe again.:: Tarisa: ::Places the suit back on the table.:: Chirakis: Garand> +com+ They are threatening to bring charges. Nijil tr'Korjata: I came here as a refugee from the GRB at ch'RIhan, and look at me now...disheveled and prone to fits of panic at the prospect that I have to keep thousands of people safe on the station. No pressure. mimipavilion: ::smile:: We should take a break and come back to the suit with fresh eyes. Chirakis: ::this is not happening.. this is not happening:::: +com+ Then they will either leave or be put in a cell. Their choice. Tarisa: ::Nods in agreement.:: Chirakis: Garand> +com+ Yes, ma'am. Theo: ::sits back and stretches:: Johnson Kenyon: ::looks at Nijil:: You look like one of the most relaxed Chief Engineers I've ever met... I wouldn't have known you felt pressure.... Maybe I just cannot read the facial cues from Romulans Nijil tr'Korjata: I think the most important place here is the park, when au get down to it. Tae'Lynn Dran: :::jotting down some thoughts:: Nijil tr'Korjata: To say Romulans keep things bottled up is an understatement. mimipavilion: ::rubs her eyes:: Johnson Kenyon: I would have never known... Tae'Lynn Dran: I wonder if we could just ask the Dahlem for a users manual? Theo: ::Tarisa:: May I have a go at the suit? Jylliene: ::wonders how the parents got there so fast:: Tae'Lynn Dran: ::makes sure the airlocks are, well their locked:: Jylliene: ::word does indeed travel quickly:: Nijil tr'Korjata: There are generations upon generations of mistrust among us. The homeworld incident changed that for many of us out of necessity. Johnson Kenyon: I didn't realize how much you'd been impacted Cdr Wyatt Cayne: Finally, a chair... Nijil tr'Korjata: I have nightmares, Mr. Kenyon mimipavilion: ::yawns:: Annisha: @ Well, I've made my choices. Chirakis: =/\==/\=PAUSE SIM=/\==/\= Chirakis: =/\==/\=PAUSE SIM=/\==/\= Chirakis: 12/7/18 Chirakis: Thank you. Chirakis: Well done. Chirakis: Captain, shall we move on, or would our scientists like to work on the cloaks more? Kallah Ramson: i think move on. we can keep testing the suit in logs or later on. Chirakis: Agreed. TBS will be 3 hours. Chirakis: That will give me time to read the riot act to the children and their families. Chirakis: And Commander Cayne will polish his tactical skills. Chirakis: Before we finish up, I would like to thank all of you who are or have been veterans. Today we remember Pearl Harbor. Those of you in Canada, you were already in the fray before the U.S. came in. Thank you all. Chirakis: Crew dismissed. Be well. Be Safe. Don’t forget your towel.
  3. Mission Brief | Sky Harbor Aegis |7 December 2018 1 May 2388 - Stardate 2388.122 TBS is zero. The time is 1300 hours (1:00 PM) Aegis local. The Dahlem conduit is presently inactive. Science and medical are still examining the Dahlem’s body cloak. Engineering is examining the fusion reactor that is operating at higher than normal power while the secondary reactor is operating at minimal power. Security is investigating a requisition for 50 bottles of hydroelectric acid (which does not exist) by a group called The Foundry (which is not a registered business). Otherwise, Aegis has settled down to normalcy.
  4. =/\= Aegis Mission Brief 11/30/18 =/\= 1 May 2388 - Stardate 2388.122 TBS is 4 hours. The time is 1200 hours (12:00 PM) Aegis local. The Station settles down to Aegis normal. Dr Pavilion and Ens Dran continue working on the cosmic ray suits. Dr Sandero's analysis has been passed on to Commander Coleridge. Captain Chirakis reported her findings to Commander Coleridge. Captain Ramson is still held hostage by Starfleet Command. Chirakis: =/\==/\=BEGIN SIM=/\==/\= Chirakis: =/\==/\=BEGIN SIM=/\==/\= Kallah Ramson: ::still locked away in her office:: Jylliene: ::CnC, Ops:: Johnson Kenyon: ::at a console in Main engineering, yawns:: Tarisa: ::On the CnC, still looking over the potential sensor upgrades.:: Dacia Sandero: ::in Sickbay:: Fletcher Jackson: ::wipes the donut from his face and settles in at the Aux OPS console:: Tae'Lynn Dran: ::in the medical lab:: I've got the latest batch of results. mimipavilion: ::still working on the cosmic ray suit:: Johnson Kenyon: ::noticing the time... saves his work and heads to the TL:: Alexis McFarland: @ ::playing with Annisha and Miana:: Scott Coleridge: ::arrives on the CnC after a meeting:: mimipavilion: ::turns to Dran:: Ok let's have a look Chirakis: :::steps out of the command lift and pauses for threat assessment before stepping into CnC:: Tae'Lynn Dran: ::give to padd to the doctor:: Theo: ::walking down the corridor to the lab:: Annisha: @ :: Not so much playing, as peeling space potatoes :: mimipavilion: ::takes the PADD:: Johnson Kenyon: ::entering TL, to computer:: Commerce Deck:: Annisha: @ Grams said we need to peel all of these for dinner. :: peels :: Jylliene: ::nods to Chirakis:: Alexis McFarland: @ ::watches Annisha peel space potatoes:: Tarisa: @ Miana> When are we going to see the town? Alexis McFarland: @ I want space fries Chirakis: ::polite nod:: Commander. ::Scott:: Chirakis: ::and to Cdr Kital:: Scott Coleridge: Captain. ::still working through and processing everything he heard earlier in the day:: mimipavilion: ::gets up and walks around a bit, ends up standing in the door threshold of the sensor room of the lab:: Nijil tr'Korjata: :: Eating a sandwich in engineering :: Chirakis: Commander Cayne, anything new we should know about? Johnson Kenyon: ::arriving at the Commerce Deck, heading to Drankums:: Cdr Wyatt Cayne: :: Drinking a hot chocolate beverage :: Chirakis: ::steps to her personal console::: Theo: ::Pavilion:: Oh, pardon me ::enters the lab:: Chirakis: ::and notes that the captain is still held hostage:: Jylliene: ::listening while she works:: Alexis McFarland: @ ::picks up a potato and peels it with a laser peeler:: Tarisa: ::In thought a moment about the data. She looks up at Scott.:: Commander, if you have a moment, I could use your professional advice. Johnson Kenyon: ::sitting down at the bar, ordering some lunch:: Cdr Wyatt Cayne: :: Shakes head :: No ma'am. Aegis local is clear of unexpected traffic. mimipavilion: ::sees the new face:: Can I help you? ::still standing in the lab's sensor room threshold:: Chirakis: ::nod:: Thank you. Chirakis: Long range? Chirakis: ::checking data at her console::: Annisha: @ They are not exactly fried, but sure. Theo: ::Pavilion:: I was looking for an officer Dran, I'm the new science assistant. Cdr Wyatt Cayne: Nothing there either, even at the dot. Alexis McFarland: @Baked potato? Scott Coleridge: ::comes up to Tarisa's station:: How can I help? Chirakis: ::she looks up:: Interesting. Tae'Lynn Dran: ::running the test results through computer for pattern recognition:: Cdr Wyatt Cayne: Always the chance some species is using a cloak we can't penetrate. Jylliene: ::continues scanning through reports:: Fletcher Jackson: ::glad the commander is back at OPS 'cause he was way overloaded::: Tarisa: I was looking over the data for the sensor upgrades. They seem sound, but I was wondering about possible power issues. mimipavilion: Oh hello, I'm Dr. Pavilion the station's CMO. Ensign Dran is sitting at that console, considering we're doing experiments on a suit . Chirakis: ::after checking for messages she blanks the screen and begins her normal pace around CnC::: Nijil tr'Korjata: :: Looking over the live feed of power, station was using about 1% above normal :: Theo: ::Pavilion:: Excellent ::clears throat:: Ma'am... Annisha: @ :: shrugs :: I don't know, some kind of space oven for space potatoes. Fletcher Jackson: ::and it's back to crazy normal, fielding internal problems and sending them to the appropriate places... he hopes::: Scott Coleridge: These are them right here? ::looks at the schematics:: Hmm Alexis McFarland: @Po-tay-to. mimipavilion: ::smiles:: Ensign Dran I would like to introduce you to your... our new colleague. Tarisa: @ Miana> Space oven? :;Curious look.:: Tae'Lynn Dran: ::turns from the console:: Oh? Oh, hello. Tarisa: I am worried there might be a strain on power relays. Theo: ::Dran:: A pleasure to meet you. Chirakis: ::stopping occasionally to answer questions::: Tae'Lynn Dran: ::stands and walked to Theo:: Nice to meet you too. Scott Coleridge: ::ponders:: I can see why. Tae'Lynn Dran: Have you already checked in with Commander Tarisa? Scott Coleridge: Are the tertiary and quaternary linkages to the subspace field processors absolutely necessary? Theo: :: notices the pointed ears:: ::smiles:: ::Dran:: why yes and Cmdr Coleridge also inthe CnC. mimipavilion: ::to Dran:: These results are interesting. Alexis McFarland: @It's an over in space. Jylliene: ::considers the backups of backups of backups of SF systems:: Alexis McFarland: oven Fletcher Jackson: ::begins to hum while he works:: Tae'Lynn Dran: Good. What science branch is your focus? Theo: Planetary Science Tarisa: I am unsure. These are the specs provided by the Dahlem. Nijil tr'Korjata: :: Sending an assignment to Kenyon... re: Kenyon, Don't get up from eating, but I am trying to trace down the increased average power usage. Could be one issue or a bunch of smaller ones. No rush. :: Tae'Lynn Dran: Oh good. Though we could really use a subspace expert right about now. Theo: ::removes himself to the other side of the room politely:: Chirakis: ::passing by OPS, she hears a quiet humming sound and tracks it to Jackson::: Johnson Kenyon: ::sending back message.... I'll finish up and get back to it in a few:: Tae'Lynn Dran: ::looks over to the doctor:: The computer is coming up with nothing on these scans so far. Scott Coleridge: Hmm. They might have overestimated our power capacity. Fletcher Jackson: ::unaware, just humming while he works::: Theo: ::leans on a console taking in the whole room:: mimipavilion: ::sighs:: 4 to 5 hours of testing and we have yielded very little on the suit Scott Coleridge: We could add capacitors here … and here … that would help us compensate in event of an unexpected drain. ::tilts his head:: Hmm. Jylliene: ::subconsciously starts tapping the page-down buttons on her console to the beat of whatever it is Jackson is humming:: Tarisa: ::Watching Scott work, curiously.:: Fletcher Jackson: ::bouncing subtly to the tune::: Theo: ::approaches the CMO:: Have you tried a chemical analysis? Scott Coleridge: ((We need to implement sugar rationing for Jackson)) Tae'Lynn Dran: We know it's using cosmic rays to effect subspace. How? Why? ::shakes her head:: Johnson Kenyon: ::finishing his meal, stands and heads out of Drankums:: Alexis McFarland: @ ::tosses a peeled potato into a large bowl and picks up another one:: mimipavilion: ::Theo:: This suit deals with cosmic rays and subspace. Cdr Wyatt Cayne: :: Looks over the station security list :: Fletcher Jackson: :::but it's a nice hum::: Tarisa: @ Miana> ::Eyes the flying potato briefly.:: Chirakis: ::since he is not bothering anyone - or at least it appears that he is not - she ignores it and moves on::: Johnson Kenyon: +Nijil+ Sir, where should we start looking for this power consumption? Scott Coleridge: I'm not sure why they did that … except maybe they think our array configuration is too inefficient. Which is true, from their point of view … but this is a station, not a ship. ::adjusts a few more things:: Tarisa: ::Nods.:: Theo: ::Dran, Pavilion:: Cosmic rays are high energy proton particles. Johnson Kenyon: (sort of depends on that... Cosmic rays are ionizing radiation coming from the cosmos... mostly gamma rays I would think) Chirakis: (It was not specified by the Dahlem, so they could be any kind of rays.) Tae'Lynn Dran: Cosmic rays, one of the first dangers most space faring species have to deal with. The new species we just met seems to be highly advanced yet really worried about them. Jylliene: ::sends a brief query about one order. The florist. It's always the florist.:: mimipavilion: ::nods:: And we just ran a battery of tests trying to figure out why and how it works. Scott Coleridge: They're certainly ambitious with their suggestions. I think a few of these changes are beyond the scope of what we want to do, at least without a more thorough upgrade of the support systems. Nijil tr'Korjata: +Kenyon+ Start with the largest sources of power no central to the station, the fusion reactors. Chirakis: ::moves back to her console while listening to the conversation at science::: Jylliene: ::Hopes for an answer that makes sense without needing to send anyone for in-person questions:: Scott Coleridge: But these tweaks should mitigate any power drains. Theo: ::Pavilion:: I definitely should brush up on my subspace mechanics. What a conundrum Doctor. Johnson Kenyon: +Nijil+ Don't the fusion reactors provide power? Wouldn't there be a drop in power output than an increase in power usage? mimipavilion: ::nods:: Tarisa: These upgrades seem more plausible now. Tae'Lynn Dran: I think I'm going with the theory they use the created subspace as a beacon for the subject during transport. Tae'Lynn Dran: Because really, I can't find a single use for what that thing is doing other than, oh just doing what it's doing. ::shrug:: Chirakis: ::stops paging through to read a message from SI-5::: mimipavilion: And all tests were pretty much inconclusive. Johnson Kenyon: ::heading to the TL, listening for Nijil to respond:: Annisha: @ :: Finished the potatoes :: Theo: ::Dran:: I see, have you tried to bombard the suit with a mini artificially generated cosmic ray? Alexis McFarland: @ ::finishes as well:: Yay Johnson Kenyon: ::to computer:: Main Engineering Tarisa: @ Miana> Yay Done! Scott Coleridge: Perhaps we need to consider upgrading our reactors while we're at it. Tae'Lynn Dran: Yes, with a wide range of exposure lengths. Chirakis: ::frowns as she reads::: Theo: Hmm... puzzling, and no activation/reaction? Alexis McFarland: @Hehehe. ::sits by Miana:: Tae'Lynn Dran: ::hands Theo a padd:: It's producing these subspace fields. Nijil tr'Korjata: +Kenyon+ Well, their output is increased to accommodate the power requirements the station is asking. Could be something out of specification. Johnson Kenyon: ::hearing no response from Nijil, decides he'd better run a power consumption algorithm to see what's using the most power compared to previous times:: Tarisa: That would help facilitate future upgrades. Theo: ::reads the padd with a surprised look:: Fletcher Jackson: ::blinks, then turns to Commander Kital:: Ma'am, got a minute? Jylliene: ::listens to the surrounding chatter while continuing her own mundane tasks:: Johnson Kenyon: ::listening to Nijil:: +Nijil+ I see, so you want me to check on the primary fusion reactor? Jylliene: Hm? Yes. ::goes over to Jackson:: Tae'Lynn Dran: We first assumed the suits were simple shielding or very poor fashion sense. Johnson Kenyon: ::rerouting the TL to the primary fusion reactor deck:: Scott Coleridge: ::Tarisa:: I'm intrigued by the upgrades. Hopefully they will help us better understand this strange conduit behaviour.... Nijil tr'Korjata: +Kenyon+ Right, start with the largest and go down. Theo: I'm not qualified to give an answer regarding subspace, I'm no Engineer. Scott Coleridge: Good work on integrating them, Commander. Tarisa: Thank you. Fletcher Jackson: I have this requisition for fifty bottles of hydroelectric acid from some place called the Foundry? Know anything about that? Scott Coleridge: Make sure you consult with engineering before you bring the rest of the upgrades online, though. If there are increased power demands, they need to know about it. The last thing we need is them tearing out their hair, wondering why the fusion reactors aren't up to spec suddenly. Fletcher Jackson: I mean, I've heard of hydrochloric acid, but not this one, and 50 bottles? Jylliene: ...no. I do not. Did they say what they needed that for? Tarisa: ::Nods.:: I will. Fletcher Jackson: Doesn't say, ma'am. Send it back and ask? Tell them that we need more info? Theo: ::Pavilion:: Perhaps there is someone aboard Aegis who could reverse engineer the material the suit is composed of? Jylliene: Exactly. Chirakis: ::sends a reply then blanks the screen::: Johnson Kenyon: ::exiting the TL:: Fletcher Jackson: Yes, ma'am. Tae'Lynn Dran: ::looks to the Doctor:: Chirakis: :::steps toward OPS::: Annisha: @ :: Annisha's aunt comes into get the potatoes :: Aunt: Oh, I see au have peeled things like this before. I'll take them to your gram. Chirakis: ::Jylliene:: The Foundry? Jylliene: ::nods to Chirakis:: Have to admit, I'm not familiar with it. Tarisa: If you excuse me, I will go check on our suit research. Alexis McFarland: @ Potato Cdr Wyatt Cayne: :: The security list was long, but rather uneventful. Fletcher Jackson: ::turns, having already sent it::: Me either, Captain. Scott Coleridge: I was just about to ask for an update on that. Mind if I join you? Johnson Kenyon: ::entering the large Fusion reactor control room:: Chirakis: ::nod:: I'll send someone to find out who that is. mimipavilion: ::thinks:: I would want to say the engineering department. Jylliene: ::nods:: Thank you, ma'am. Tarisa: ::Nods, motioning to the TL.:: Please Theo: ::Dran:: so this technology, where did you find it? Chirakis: ::Jackson:: Send me a copy of the requisition. Tae'Lynn Dran: The Dahlem, a new species we made contact with. Fletcher Jackson: Yes, ma'am. Chirakis: :::moves to her console::: Tae'Lynn Dran: Completely alien technology. Scott Coleridge: ::follows Tarisa into the TL:: Scott Coleridge: ::Chirakis:: I'm going to look in on our suit examination. You have the CnC. Theo: Surely the suit has some kind of deflector considering cosmic rays have mass. Johnson Kenyon: ::running a diagnostic of power input and output:: Chirakis: I have CnC. ::nods:: Tae'Lynn Dran: That's what we thought but it's not reflecting anything of the rays we've exposed it to. Johnson Kenyon: +Nijil+ I made it to the main fusion reactor control room on deck 41,sir. Chirakis: ::sends a message to security to check it out::: Tarisa: ::Takes the TL up. They soon arrive at sickbay.:: Alexis McFarland: @ ::plays with her PADD while dinner is cooking:: Johnson Kenyon: +Nijil+ I want to check to see if you see the same things from your location Theo: Curious... ::with a curious look:: Jylliene: ::to Jackson:: That should be an interesting conversation. Tarisa: ::Walks into medlab with Scott.:: Jylliene: ::grins, heads back to main Ops:: Tae'Lynn Dran: Maybe the subspace field is a byproduct of how it eliminates the rays? Chirakis: ::Cayne:: Have you ever heard of the Foundry? Tae'Lynn Dran: We're just guessing though. Johnson Kenyon: +Nijil+ The Fusion reactor is operating at higher than normal output, and the secondary reactor operating at minimal power Scott Coleridge: ::enters the medlab, notices two of their newer officers already hard at work:: Theo: ::thinks to himself, uh oh, the brass:: Fletcher Jackson: :::moves on to another requisition::: Tae'Lynn Dran: Whatever it's doing seems needlessly complicated. mimipavilion: ::looks rather drained:: Tarisa: How is the progress? Johnson Kenyon: +Nijil+ there is an increase in power consumption from the Sensors, but that seems normal Theo: ::steps back, yes, a little ways back nervously:: Tae'Lynn Dran: Slow. Very slow. It's not giving up it's secrets easily. Tarisa: ::Looking at the suit.:: Really? mimipavilion: Inconclusive from a scientific standpoint, I believe, then again I'm a doctor not a physicist. Tae'Lynn Dran: Do these subspace readings mean anything to you? Tarisa: ::Looking at the findings so far.:: Scott Coleridge: ::perks up at the mention of subspace readings:: Scott Coleridge: ::leans over to take a look:: Chirakis: :::blanks her screen again and moves to the command station::: Tae'Lynn Dran: We're getting these as a result of cosmic ray bursts we've subjected it to. Tarisa: Have you tried putting the suit on? Theo: ::all:: Perhaps this suit is on a "pace" far faster than we can detect? ::looks at Coleridge:: Johnson Kenyon: +Nijil+ I am noticing one of the labs is using more power.... a significant spike Nijil tr'Korjata: +Kenyon+ Sensors? Hmm... hope there is not a noise increase. Scott Coleridge: My understanding from the away team report was that the suits served a protective function. Scott Coleridge: But they were also somehow related to their transporter systems. mimipavilion: ::nods:: Johnson Kenyon: +Nijil+ Is the Science Department running some experiments without notifying us of their power consumption needs? Tarisa: ::Nods:: The equipment and suits also responded to the user. Scott Coleridge: Some kind of telepathic link up? Nijil tr'Korjata: +Kenyon+ Well, they don't explicitly have to, but if there is a new default I need to tweak the settings accordingly Johnson Kenyon: +Nijil+ well, the power consumption in those experiments is significant, but not enough to account for the 1 percent by itself Tae'Lynn Dran: I wouldn't recommend someone wearing one during testing. Theo: ::Tarisa:: What if we were to put a piece of the material under a simple microscope? Alexis McFarland: @::sniffs:: mm, smells yummy. Tae'Lynn Dran: But we haven't done a test of a subject simply wearing the suits. Tarisa: Not while exposing it to cosmic rays. But wear it while conducting scans. It might reveal something. mimipavilion: I agree with the ensign. I would hate to lose a crew member. Johnson Kenyon: +Nijil+ I've got an idea... running a power consumption algorithm Scott Coleridge: A materials analysis would be useful. Then perhaps a fashion show. ::smirk:: Tarisa: ::Nods.:: Agreed mimipavilion: ::tempted to slug Scott in the arm:: Chirakis: =/\==/\=PAUSE SIM=/\==/\= Chirakis: =/\==/\=PAUSE SIM=/\==/\= Chirakis: 11/30/18 Chirakis: Thank you. TBS is zero. Chirakis: Crew dismissed. Be well. Be Safe. Don’t forget your towel.
  5. Mission Brief | Sky Harbor Aegis |30 November 2018 1 May 2388 - Stardate 2388.122 TBS is 4 hours. The time is 1200 hours (12:00 PM) Aegis local. After what is now known as the “Dahlem Incident”, the station settles down to Aegis normal. Dr Pavilion and Ens Dran continue to study the composition of the cosmic ray protective suits. Dr. Sandero’s analysis of the Dahlem captain’s blood has verified its alien authenticity. Its composition has been entered into the Starfleet Medical Database. Captain Chirakis submitted her mission report to Commander Coleridge. The report included the results from Dr Sandero, as well as Captain Aayrn’s ability to travel through space without a ship. It was also noted that the Dahlem do not engage in hand-to-hand defense, which leads to a very low tolerance for pain. Captain Chirakis believes that the Dahlem might rely more on their telepathic ability than physical contact. As a precaution, Commander Cayne is keeping a close watch on the Dahlem’s conduit. Captain Ramson is still held hostage by Starfleet Command, reason unknown, though SF Command always has a reason, if none other than to discuss the weather.
  6. =/\= Aegis Mission Brief 11/23/18 =/\= 1 May 2388 - Stardate 2388.122 TBS is 12.5 hours. The time is 0700 hours (7:00 AM) Aegis local. Morning shift is underway. Science and engineering will be analyzing the away team's information. Dr Pavilion and Ens Dran will be working on the cosmic ray suits, among other things. Dr Sandero has analyzed Captain Arynn's blood and will report to Capt Chirakis. Midshipman Theobold Dumont will be escorted to CnC to report for duty. =/\==/\=BEGIN SIM=/\==/\= =/\==/\=BEGIN SIM=/\==/\= Chirakis: ::at the tactical console in CnC, she looks up to see the red light over Captain Ramson's office door::: Theo: ::waiting in his quarters:: Fletcher Jackson: ::OPS::: Chirakis: Lt Garand> ::chimes Theo's door::: Theo: Enter Tae'Lynn Dran: ::stepping into medical with a cart of various instruments:: Chirakis: Lt Garand> ::opens the door:: Midshipman Dumont, I am Lt Garand, Security, here to escort you to CnC. Dacia Sandero: ::working on composing her report after analyzing the blood samples:: Scott Coleridge: ::enters the CnC:: Nijil tr'Korjata: :: Drinking coffee, losing sense of time :: Theo: Yes sir. ::follows:: Chirakis: Lt Garand> You should bring your credentials but leave your belongings behind. Chirakis: ::looks to Scott:: Good morning, Commander. mimipavilion: ::in a medical lab, with the cosmic ray suit, visually examining it:: Tae'Lynn Dran: ::pokes her head into the medical lab:: Doctor? Chirakis: Status quo, so far. Captain Ramson is busy in her office. Theo: ::shows Garand a PADD and points to his comm badge:: mimipavilion: ::hears Dran:: Ahhh, Ensign. Please come in. Scott Coleridge: Of course. Sometimes I think Starfleet Command gets lonely. Chirakis: Lt Garand> ::examines Theo's creds, then passes them back:: This way. Tae'Lynn Dran: ::enters:: Tarisa: ::Steps onto CnC.:: Chirakis: I am sure that they must. ::sarcastic:: Dacia Sandero: All right ::finishes her report:: Theo: ::excited smile:: Tae'Lynn Dran: Find anything yet? Annisha: @ :: Lunch again on Volnar :: Fletcher Jackson: ::monitoring incoming and outgoing, taking over internal and external OPS::: Alexis McFarland: @ ::eating lunch as well:: mimipavilion: Visually no. Thought I would wait until you arrived to begin the full examination. Chirakis: Lt Garand> ::comes to a secure lift and enters his code, the door opens and he steps in::: Scott Coleridge: I'm curious to see what comes of all our analyses. Chirakis: ::she looks up:: As am I. Scott Coleridge: ::looks around:: Aren't we getting a new arrival today too? Theo: ::follows:: Tarisa: ::Steps over to the SCI console and logs in.:: Dacia Sandero: ::heads out of the office and pokes her head in the lab:: Sorry to intrude, I'm going to go up to the CNC and submit my report. Chirakis: We are, Commander. A ::checks the list:: Midshipman. He should be on his way. Dacia Sandero: ::Waves and heads out:: mimipavilion: ::turns to Dacia:: Alright. Tarisa: @ Miana> ::Mmm lunch:: Chirakis: Lt Garand> ::the lift door closes and moves swiftly to CnC:: Stay with me, Midshipman. Scott Coleridge: Good, good. Hopefully this time we can avoid any … medical emergencies. ::pointedly doesn't look at Jackson:: Fletcher Jackson: ::working hard::: Tarisa: ::Perks up as the lift arrives. Another new scent.:: Tae'Lynn Dran: I'm really puzzled by their concern on cosmic rays. These suits seem like overkill unless. Or at least it does without knowing more of their transportation methods. Chirakis: ::looks to the command lift:: Theo: ::Garand:: Absolutely sir. Alexis McFarland: @ ::nomming her lunch yummy yummy:: Dacia Sandero: ::steps into the lift and heads up:: mimipavilion: True, unless they use the cosmic rays as part of their transport. Chirakis: Lt Garand> ::approaches Commander Coleridge:: Commander. Midshipman Theo awaiting assignment. Tae'Lynn Dran: Oh, had not thought of that. That would be interesting. Dacia Sandero: ::Arrives at the CNC after Garand and the new midshipman:: mimipavilion: ::lays the suit flat on the table:: Chirakis: Lt Garand> :::steps away and stands aside:: Tae'Lynn Dran: ::looks over her cart of toys and gadgets::: Theo: ::puts out his hand:: Fletcher Jackson: ::checking for Theo's billeting and finds it, thankfully::: Scott Coleridge: ::looks up, takes the hand:: Midshipman. Welcome aboard. Dacia Sandero: ::checks her notes a final time:: Tae'Lynn Dran: This can simulate a cosmic ray burst. We'd better set up some shielding. Tae'Lynn Dran: ::sets a device on the table.:: Alexis McFarland: @ What's the plan for the rest of today? KelsaViegnor: ::at the shop:: mimipavilion: ::looks at the cart:: Glad you brought all the equipment you could scrounge up for this examination. Theo: Thank you sir. This station is the most secure facility I've ever been in. Tae'Lynn Dran: I try to be prepared. Scott Coleridge: When you're out this far, you need that security. Scott Coleridge: I understand you're joining our science department. Chirakis: ::at her private console, checking the general station status::: Theo: ::nods to Coleridge:: mimipavilion: ::dran:: Luckily this lab is equipped with a isolation area that will protect us from such things. ::points to the examination:: Though we would have leave this room to get there. Don't worry there's a door and it's a short distance from here. Tarisa: ::Ears perks up.:: Dacia Sandero: (the private console Chirakis us using) Scott Coleridge: This is the CnC. ::gestures:: Dacia Sandero: ::heads over to where Chirakis is:: Theo: Command and Control? Fletcher Jackson: ::wondering how Cdr Korjata does all this work by herself:: Tae'Lynn Dran: Good, let me finish setting this up. Chirakis: ::hearing the footfalls of Dacia, she look up:: Doctor. Scott Coleridge: Yes. Theo: ::awe on my face:: Dacia Sandero: Ah, hello Captain. I'm here to submit our report on the blood samples we've analyzed. Tarisa: ::Her attention is drawn to her console, which is analyzing the data from the away mission. But her ears are focused on the conversations forming on the CnC.:: Tae'Lynn Dran: Okay. We're online here. Chirakis: ::steps forward:: Thank you. Anything I should know? Tarisa: @ Miana> ::Shrugs, still eating her lunch.:: Theo: ::Coleridge:: May I ask of you Commander, where is the Quartermaster's Office? mimipavilion: ::nods:: mimipavilion: Good good. Dacia Sandero: ::hands her the PADD which contained her findings:: Yes, we were quite perplexed on our findings of one sample in particular; which I imagine. Chirakis: Lt Garand> ::will lead him there:: Tae'Lynn Dran: I'd theorize if it's simple protection we should pick up a lot of reflection. Chirakis: ::takes the PADD and reads through it::: Which one would that be? Chirakis: Perhaps... this one? ::she turns to PADD to Dacia:: Tae'Lynn Dran: If it absorbs the rays well, then we have to figure out what it's doing with the energy. Scott Coleridge: ::Theo:: You should be able to ask the computer in your quarters that…. mimipavilion: We should and also give us a basis on what it would protect us from. Theo: ::Garand, Coleridge:: very well it was nice to meet you, anything else? Dacia Sandero: We've detected a cross of Bajoran/Sindar, which I assume is that of yours, but the other blood type is completely unknown to us and isn't on any record or medical database I could find... Yes, that's the one Captain. All we can surmise that the blood type is humanoid, and most likely that of a mature male. Scott Coleridge: ::slight smile at the midshipman's impatience:: Actually, yes. Alexis McFarland: @::Drinks her drink:: Hm. Scott Coleridge: ::gestures for Theo to follow him as he moves up and around to the science station:: You'll be reporting to Commander Tarisa, head of sciences. Commander, fresh mea… uh, mid. Shipman. Midshipman Dumont. Theo: Of course sir. Chirakis: ::she nods:: Thank you, Doctor. Forward the results to this console, please. Chirakis: ::hands back the PADD::: Dacia Sandero: Yes, sure. ::presses a few buttons:: There you are, you should have everything now. mimipavilion: Should we get started. Annisha: @ :: nods :: Sure are a lot of things to eat here. Dacia Sandero: ::receives the PADD back:: Alexis McFarland: @ Yes, a lot of it is yummy. Tae'Lynn Dran: ::looking over the sensor readouts:: Everything looks set. Chirakis: Excellent. Thank you, Doctor. Dacia Sandero: Not a problem. We'll let you know if we find anything else of interest. Chirakis: Lt Garand> ::following Theo, since he is in a secure area::: Nijil tr'Korjata: :: Takes his coffee with him as he leave Jy and their home behind :: Tarisa: ::Tail flicks as she was focusing on the console, but soon turns and faces Scott and Theo.:: Hello. :;Smiles.:: Fletcher Jackson: ::sighs, moving to the next list of requests::: mimipavilion: Since we are dealing with bursts of cosmic rays, we should head into the isolation room for our readouts as well as our own safety. Theo: ::gulps, smiles, but does not speak:: Tae'Lynn Dran: Agreed. Tae'Lynn Dran: ::follows the Doctor:: Tarisa: ::Tilts her head curiously at him.:: mimipavilion: ::Dran:: if you'll follow me. ::heads out of the lab and into the isolation safety room:: Theo: ::side glance at the security officer:: Chirakis: ::having finished the immediate issues, she blanks her screen and begins her usual pace around CnC::: Tae'Lynn Dran: From our perspective the transport took less than a second. We should start with quarter second bursts perhaps? Scott Coleridge: ::Theo:: You'll find Aegis an interesting mixture of paces. Chirakis: Lt Garand> ::not all that close::: Dacia Sandero: ::heads back to the sickbay after she was dismissed:: Cdr Wyatt Cayne: :: At tactical :: Dacia Sandero: ::with a little polite nod of goodbye:: Theo: Hello then miss. My name is Theobald. Tarisa: ::Nods, smiling again.:: What is your specialty, Midshipman? mimipavilion: ::links the console with the Cosmic ray burst device:: Sounds like a plan. ::sets it up with quarter second bursts:: Alright I have it set up. Chirakis: ::returns the nod, then turns to Cayne, speaking quietly:: Keep a watchful eye on our red dot area, Commander. As a precaution. Tae'Lynn Dran: ::logs into the console:: Sensor recorders active. Cdr Wyatt Cayne: :: Nods :: Red dot, aye Theo: ::Tarisa:: Research mimipavilion: Alright, let's begin. Chirakis: ::slow pace around CnC, checking some things, answering questions::: Dacia Sandero: ::enters a lift back down to the sickbay:: Tarisa: ::Ears perks up.:: Oh, really? That is fantastic. Have you visited the labs yet? Alexis McFarland: @ ::eating what looks like apples or pears and berries for dessert:: Theo: No ma'am Alexis McFarland: @::and a glass of blue milk:: Chirakis: ::waiting for Commander Coleridge to finish his business with our new recruit::: Annisha: @ Grams' farm is so large. Chirakis: ::she finally reaches OPS and stops to watcher Fletcher:: Tae'Lynn Dran: ::looking at the readings:: Scott Coleridge: ::Tarisa:: (q) If you'll excuse me, I have a pacing alert … Alexis McFarland: @ Yeah, it is very big. I think it's as big as my relatives' farm in Montana on Earth. Scott Coleridge: Midshipman. ::nod:: Fletcher Jackson: ::so busy working he doesn't notice::: Tarisa: :;Nods.:: Since I do not have you on a schedule yet, I recommend you do so soon. Make sure you introduce yourself to the other crewman as well. Chirakis: ::she moves on:: Theo: ::is nervous because its his first post in Starfleet:: Tae'Lynn Dran: Oh, that's interesting. Chirakis: ::then notices that Scott is available::: mimipavilion: What is? Should I stop? Tae'Lynn Dran: No, no. This is good data. Scott Coleridge: ::intercepts Chirakis:: You're pacing slightly more than you usually do. Chirakis: ::slight chuckle:: Am I? Theo: Aye, thank you sirs. I will. Alexis McFarland: @::nibbles a fruit:: mimipavilion: ::keeps going and monitoring the burst rate:: Ok good. Nijil tr'Korjata: :: Nods as he passes people on the station :: Tae'Lynn Dran: Yes, I'm reading very little reflection. Chirakis: Apologies, Commander. I have interesting information to show you. mimipavilion: Alright. Tarisa: Also, if you have not done so, report to Sickbay. You do not want to have the doctors track you down. Ensign Dran might be there as well, so can introduce yourself. Tae'Lynn Dran: Unless the suit somehow is channeling the rays somewhere we can't detect we have more than just protection. Chirakis: I suggest a less busy place, if possible. Tae'Lynn Dran: That's almost a relief. Scott Coleridge: I think I still have an office somewhere around here. Chirakis: Or the CnC lounge. Whichever you prefer. Theo: ::nods:: I have a feeling Mr. Garand will show me there... if need be. Chirakis: Lt Garand> ::standing by:: mimipavilion: ::Nods:: Scott Coleridge: Commander Cayne, you have the conn. Dacia Sandero: ::Arrives back to the sickbay:: Scott Coleridge: ::leads Chirakis into his office:: Chirakis: ::follows::: Chirakis: ::enters behind him::: Tae'Lynn Dran: What did you think of the Dahlem? ::glances at the doctor:: Tarisa: :;Smiles over at Garand.:: I am sure he will. ::If you have no questions? Chirakis: Lt Garand> ::neutral expression:: Theo: ::Garand:: I wanted to introduce myself to the person who guided my shuttle in. Was that the COPS officer? Annisha: @ :: Eating :: Tomorrow we go into town, city.. whatever it is mimipavilion: They’re an interesting people. Thought I've had my fair share of first contact of other species before. Scott Coleridge: ::takes a seat:: What have you found out? Alexis McFarland: @Yay! That sounds fun. Chirakis: Commander, Captain Aayrn was on the Missouri last night. Tae'Lynn Dran: ::running the scans through computer processing for more resolution:: Tarisa: ::Looks around.:: I do not believe they are here at the moment? Scott Coleridge: Oh? Chirakis: Lt Garand> I’m not sure. Follow me. I have your billeting information. We'll go from there. Theo: ::Tarisa:: Ah, alright I'm ready for sickbay. :: follows Garan:: Chirakis: He was there to "discuss whatever I wanted to" - which led to several things, chief of which was proving who he was and if he was real. Scott Coleridge: So he knew that you were coming? Or were you invited? Tarisa: ::Gives a farewell, then goes back to her console. Tail starts waving again as she works.:: Chirakis: I was... requested by Captain d'Ka. And yes, he knew I was coming. Tae'Lynn Dran: Interesting people that is true. Chirakis: In the course of our conversation, I realized that the only thing that would prove his reality was to get a blood sample. ::slight grin:: Alexis McFarland: @ ::huggles Miana:: That sounds fun, right Miana? Nijil tr'Korjata: :: Enters engineering to a torrent of activity. Gets handed a padd :: Theo: ::suddenly wonders what the XO meant by pacing:: Tarisa: @ Miana> Yes! ::Purrs as her tail waves.:: Chirakis: Lt Garand> here’s your information. Follow the instructions and the computer will lead you there. Annisha: @ A lot of Bajorans... Chirakis: He was not... happy, shall we say? Alexis McFarland: @ Jumja sticks! Scott Coleridge: Shocking. Theo: ::Garand:: Aye sir. ::enters the turbolift without hesitation:: Tarisa: @ Miana> Yummy! Tae'Lynn Dran: Should we move up to a longer burst? Chirakis: My dagger took his blood - with his permission. And his level of pain tolerance is very low. mimipavilion: How big of a burst do you want? Chirakis: However, I did get a sample. Dr. Sandero gave me the results. ::hands him the padd:: Annisha: @ They have a factory of sorts.. or is it a farm. Chirakis: The end result is that, yes, he is real. Alexis McFarland: @ A jumja stick factory? Maybe that's where the guy selling them on Aegis gets them from? Scott Coleridge: ::glances over the results:: Hmm Tarisa: @ Miana> Ooooh Chirakis: The "unknown" is his sample. Even the computer could not identify it. The other two samples are mine, since I am bonded to Cpt d'Ka. Tae'Lynn Dran: Let's go a full second. Alexis McFarland: @ I always wondered how they make jumja sticks. Theo: +TL+ Deck 27 ::reading the instructions:: Tae'Lynn Dran: We should work up to see what it's capacity is. mimipavilion: Understood ::inputs a full second charge and begins:: Information imputed and getting results now. Chirakis: One question has been answered. Commander Cayne is keeping a close watch on their conduit. Scott Coleridge: Good. Theo: ::enters sickbay:: Chirakis: And.. he came and left without his ship. Scott Coleridge: What? Dacia Sandero: ::hears someone come in:: Hello? Tae'Lynn Dran: Still no reflection. Chirakis: ::nod:: It has to do with multiple universes, but, as he said, "It is complicated." Tarisa: ::Notices the CnC is a little quieter now.:: Theo: ::Sandero:: Hello Doctor, I'm the new midshipman. mimipavilion: Hmmm... Fletcher Jackson: ::still working hard, wondering how the commander manages::: Tarisa: ::Continues to study the data.:: Tae'Lynn Dran: Something happening? Dacia Sandero: Ah yes. I saw you up on the CNC earlier. You're in Science was it? Scott Coleridge: ::sighs:: I'm sure it is. Theo: Yes, I’m here for my physical? Scott Coleridge: We could use a whole ship's worth of scientists to study the Dahlem's transportation technology.... Dacia Sandero: Alright. Sit on that bio bed over there, please Chirakis: Indeed we could. And even then we would not understand it. mimipavilion: Oh no. I'm just trying to figure out why we aren't getting any results, like a reflection yet. Dacia Sandero: ::Grabs a tricorder and begins to scan Theo:: Theo: ::gets on the biobed:: Tae'Lynn Dran: Let's run a subspace scan. The rays have to be going somewhere. Dacia Sandero: Hope you managed to get to the station okay. Dacia Sandero: ::continues to scan:: Theo: It was a long trip ma'am. Dacia Sandero: Yes, I know what you mean. ::remembers her own trip here:: mimipavilion: Agreed. ::sets it run a subspace scan:: Ready. Theo: ::moves his extremities with the tricorder:: Scott Coleridge: Captain Aaryn seems quite determined to prove he is trustworthy. mimipavilion: Beginning scan. Dacia Sandero: You bio signs look good and I don't detect anything out of the ordinary. I would say you're clear for duty. Scott Coleridge: But why go to all this trouble now, of all times? Tae'Lynn Dran: Readings coming in. Oh, okay. I'm, I, I have no idea what these readings are. Theo: Ok Doctor, thank you. Dacia Sandero: You're free to go. I imagine you'll need to unpack and settle in. mimipavilion: ::takes a look:: Whoa Dacia Sandero: Yes, welcome aboard. Chirakis: He said that the first contact had already begun. What he decided about furthering first contact, I have no idea. Theo: Is there an officer Dran here? Tae'Lynn Dran: I think we need to get Commander Tarisa in here. This is getting well beyond life science. Nijil tr'Korjata: :: Sits at the main status table, still drinking his coffee :: Chirakis: When Captain d'Ka is available we will have a very long, involved discussion about that. ::stern:: Dacia Sandero: Officer Dran? Yes, as far as I know. mimipavilion: Agreed. +Tarisa+ Pavilion to Tarisa. Dacia Sandero: I think she's in the lab with our medical chief. Theo: I’d like to introduce myself. Chirakis: =/\==/\=PAUSE SIM=/\==/\= Chirakis: =/\==/\=PAUSE SIM=/\==/\= Chirakis: 11/23/18 Chirakis: Thank you. Chirakis: Well done, as usual. Commander, should the TBS take us to noon? Scott Coleridge: Yes, I think that works Chirakis: Noon it is. Comments for the crew? Scott Coleridge: None Chirakis: Questions or comments from the crew? mimipavilion: no Theo: I posted a log on the message board. Chirakis: Everything else can be discussed after dismissal. Annisha: None here Chirakis: Thank you, Theo. Chirakis: Crew dismissed. Be well. Be Safe. Don’t forget your towel.
  7. Mission Brief | Sky Harbor Aegis |23 November 2018 1 May 2388 - Stardate 2388.122 TBS is 12.5 hours. The time is 0700 hours (7:00 AM) Aegis local. Commander Coleridge’s debrief with the away team that went aboard the Dahlem ship, Voad, generated more questions than answers. Science and engineering will analyze the away team’s datachip and tricorder scans from the Voad. That information should help improve our sensors. Dr. Pavilion and Ensign Dran have been ordered to make a full workup on the cosmic ray suits and anything else they have. Everyone is to submit a more detailed report. Soon after the debrief, Captain Chirakis had a surprise visit with the Voad'’s Captain Aayrn aboard the USS Missouri. After asking him many questions, she left with a sample of the Dahlem captain’s blood and took it immediately to Dr Pavilion for analysis. The results have not been divulged. At sim begin, Midshipman Theo will report to Commander Coleridge with his orders and credentials.
  8. If you prick me, do I not bleed? Cpt Je’rit d’Ka Cpt Galen Aayrn Cpt Chirakis Kirel While most of the ship had settled down for the night, USS Missouri’s fighter bay had business as usual. Patrol shift change progressed smoothly. Flights formed up and lifted to a silent exit into the void. Peacekeepers and their bay crews lined the hangar portside, Crusader Attack Fighters to starboard, each one glistening in the overhead lighting, and ready to go at a moment’s notice. Security guarded the captain’s yacht, berthed at the far end. Security’s presence was ordinarily reserved for dignitaries, and this evening was no exception—except that this dignitary had been on this side of the galaxy only once, and his presence had caused quite a stir. “This is a rare wine, Galen,” said d’Ka as he handed his visitor a glass and settled into the chair opposite with his own. “I am sure you will enjoy it. Its grapes grow on the highest mountains of Sindar. But….” He held up a cautionary hand. “....take care. It is powerful.” Having almost empied his glass as he would have at home, Galen stopped to consider its contents. “Powerful… how?” D’Ka chuckled and curled his lips into a broad grin. “If you do not heed my warning, you might end up on the floor and need resuscitation.” “I see,” Galen replied, studying the glass carefully before sipping. “You were about to say,” said d’Ka, continuing their last conversation. “They are not ready, Je’rit. All the species that we have encountered here—with the exception of yours—are very young in their societal and technological development. The few technologies that we provided would have been discovered in their near future. We supplied them because they will be needed within the next few years. However,” he paused to set his glass aside, “some are very interested, but some are skeptical to the point of fear. Some are ready, but the majority is not.” * * * * * * Physically and psychologically worn, Kirel stepped into the bay from the lift. At this point, she didn’t care why d’Ka had asked her to visit—other than the usual. If it accomplished nothing else, it would give her time away from the grind of Aegis. And she had not seen him for… how long? It didn’t matter. Exhaustion was creeping in. Putting one foot in front of the other seemed to be an accomplishment. As usual, the bay chief accompanied her to the yacht. Flight captains and their crews turned in respect as she passed. D'Ka met her at the hatch, they exchanged their bond greeting, and he closed the hatch. When he stepped aside she froze. Captain Aayrn stood and nodded politely. “Captain.” Her response was a questioning glance to d’Ka and back. “Kirel,” d'Ka began in polite suggestion. “You know Captain Aayrn.” “I do,” she confessed in a somewhat aggravated tone, then spoke to Aayrn. “What brings you here?” “I have come to talk,” he replied simply. “About…?” “Whatever you want to discuss.” “Whatever I want to discuss,” she mused, studying his expression. “Yes. Whatever you want to discuss.” “I have much to discuss, Captain Aayrn,” replied Kirel. “In fact, I have many unanswered questions. However, it has been a trying few days—apparently four hours more than the rest of the crew—and I am not exactly in the mood, nor do I have the energy to discuss anything. But,” she sighed, settling into her usual armchair, “since you are here, I will try.” Aayrn sat in the chair opposite. D’Ka handed Kirel a glass of water and sat to her left. She downed it and asked for another, with a touch of something a little more potent. “Where are you hiding your ship?” she began. “Sensors cannot read it, of course, so there is no indication that you... or it... is here.” “It’s not hidden. It is under repair in our home system.” “Really?” she scoffed, taking her drink from d’Ka. Aayrn nodded politely. “So if your ship is not here, how did you get here?” The captain inhaled deeply, then paused a moment to think. It seemed to Kirel that he was either weighing his options or manufacturing a good lie. “There are more modes of travel than by starship,” he said finally. “The process is complicated.” “Enlighten me.” She tossed him a skeptical grin. “Very well,” he began, leaning forward to rest his hands in his lap. “What you see here—this ship, your station, this galaxy, and everything else that you can see or sense—is a minuscule part of the universe in its totality. The universe itself has many layers. When you travel through subspace or use subspace as a conduit for communication, you approach the outskirts of a larger universe that holds more than what we can see or experience as we sit here, discussing the matter.” “So you travel through a multiverse? Hopping from one layer to the other?” “Similar, but not exactly. It’s….” “...complicated. I know.” She sighed and downed another drink without losing eye contact. He didn’t seem to mind. She could not decide whether that was a plus or a minus, but it was certainly interesting. “You have something else on your mind,” Aayrn said finally. “Something disturbing.” “Why do you say that?” she said evenly. “Your expression, your body language, the way you sit in the chair, the touch of anxiety you are trying to hide.” A few seconds of thought, and she chuckled, raising a brow. “Not telepathy?” “Captain, It does not take telepathy to see that something is bothering you.” “Very well,” she answered with a glance to d’Ka for another drink. “I just returned from a debrief, a discussion with command. We discussed the possibility that your telepathy—or the telepathy of your people—is manipulating us. It brought to light many questions that I, as mission commander, could not answer. For instance, how do we know that you and your ship were really here? How do we know for certain that you are not just a solid image that is projected into our minds? How do we know that you were ever really here?” She paused to see if that elicited an answer—which it did not—so she continued calmly. “You come and go at will, Captain—or at least your image does. Your telepathic power goes beyond that of the Sindar. You could easily manipulate anyone on this station, to make them believe that you are real, or that your ship is real. How do I know that we were actually on the Voad, Captain? How do we know that we actually experienced your battle? How do we know that we were not in a holodeck? How do we know that we actually did stay away for four hours while this station experienced a time lapse of a few minutes? Explain that to me.” D’Ka placed another glass next to her, which she ignored. The chronograph on the wall hummed its way from one millisecond to another. The muffled roar of Crusader Attack Fighters launching could be heard outside. She waited for his answer. “I am not sure that I can explain that, Captain. You and your bondmate have physically touched me. Je’rit and Dr. Sandero, made telepathic contact with me. Frankly, I’m at a loss as to what could I use to prove that I am here with you now. That I am real.” “Then perhaps I can assist you,” she said, slipping her dagger from its scabbard. A flick of her wrist landed the dagger’s point in the decking between his feet. Aaryn recoiled to a stand, horrified. “Use it,” she said. He looked to her, then back to the dagger. “We don’t use these weapons. We engage in battle with ships and fighters. I am not familiar with your procedures.” It took him a second to regain his composure. “Are we supposed to fight here, with this weapon?” “No. This dagger is seldom used to fight,” she replied as she pulled it from the decking then cleaned its point. “It is used to form friendships, for bonding, and to call upon the universe when warriors pass in battle.” Whether he understood or not was immaterial. He seemed to understand, but he also seemed reluctant to come near the dagger. He looked to d’Ka, who nodded, then he acquiesced. “Very well. Show me how it is used.” Kirel educated him to the ritual: a slice to her palm and a slice to his, pressed together, then dripped onto a clean, white cloth. Besides Aayrn’s reaction to pain, the color of his blood—a dark crimson—drew her attention. Drs Pavilion and Sandero should be very interested. “And what does this do?” Aayrn asked, nursing the injury after d’Ka bandaged it. “It is normally a bond of close friendship, Captain,” Kirel replied. “However, your blood on this cloth will tell us if you are real, which you seem to be. Captain d’Ka, Captain Aayrn,” she said, nodding politely to each. “If you will excuse me, I have something to attend to.” And she left. * * * * * * Aayrn stared at the hatch as it closed behind her. “Is this normal, Je’rit?” “She is a warrior. It is her normal,” he replied casually. “And it is mine at certain times.” He turned away from the hatch and nodded. “Thank you. Our meeting has served its purpose… and moreso.” He rubbed his palm. “If we are needed, call us and we will respond. If not, we will not interfere with these species’ development. S’lan.” D’Ka nodded. “S’lan.” And he was gone.
  9. =/\= Aegis Mission Brief 11/16/18 =/\= 30 April 2388 - Stardate 2388.121 TBS is 1 hour. The time is 1720 hours (5:20 PM) Aegis local. The away team has returned to Aegis. Dr. Sandero completed her medical assessment and reported to Cdr Coleridge. At sim begin, we will wait for Cdr Coleridge in the conference room. Our new recruit, Midshipman Theo, will arrive tonight. Chirakis: =/\==/\=BEGIN SIM=/\==/\= Chirakis: =/\==/\=BEGIN SIM=/\==/\= Jylliene: ::CnC, Ops:: Fletcher Jackson: ::OPS, doing overtime:: Theo: ::standing in the shuttle's window, reading a padd: Dacia Sandero: ::in the conference room I think:: Chirakis: ::the command lift doors open and she pauses for threat assessment::: Jylliene: ::showing Fletcher some new data she's been tracking on the incoming/outgoing shipments, etc.:: Johnson Kenyon: ::at an engineering station in Main Engineering., looks for the Chief:: Chirakis: ::Then she steps out and goes immediately to the conference room:: Tae'Lynn Dran: ::at Command Center science station. :: Annisha: 9chat issue again Fletcher Jackson: ::checking it out:: Whoa. Interesting. Chirakis: (do you best) mimipavilion: ::in the conference room:: Jylliene: So now there shouldn't be any supplies disappearing into the aether ::handwave gesture:: Fletcher Jackson: ::big grin:: Yeah. I've been getting pretty bad looks about that. Jylliene: Well, they'd arrive and be checked in and ... looks like the tracking of interim storage could have been better. And now it is. Johnson Kenyon: ::brings up the duty roster and work request on the hologram of the station:: Fletcher Jackson: ::shrug:: So now there won't be a problem. ::expression change:: That's right, right? Jylliene: Right. Fletcher Jackson: Nice. Alexis McFarland: @ ::playing with Miana and Annisha somewhere:: Chirakis: ::takes a chair in the conference room after nodding to Dr. Sandero:: Scott Coleridge: ::enters the conference room:: Chirakis: ::stands:: Commander. Dacia Sandero: ::nods as well:: Jylliene: Critical things always got through just fine, it was more of those nebulous not-immediate-needs that were put up somewhere for safekeeping and then forgotten. Scott Coleridge: As you were. Chirakis: ::sits:: Fletcher Jackson: Yeah. And that's usually what they want. Johnson Kenyon: ::looking over the repair log, there is a low priority rebuilding of a fusion generator housing... sounds interesting:: Jylliene: ::nods:: Fletcher Jackson: But we can't find 'em. Tae'Lynn Dran: ::scurries into the Conference room:: Sorry, Commander Tarisa is still being checked out in medical. Chirakis: ::strangely subdued:: Chirakis: ::she took a chair that faced the viewport, almost like she was waiting for the Voad to return:: Jylliene: That bump on your head healed up now? Nijil tr'Korjata: :: in main engineering :: Fletcher Jackson: ::gingerly gives it a touch:: Yes, ma'am. Theo: ::under my breath:: Hmm... this new assignment is in the middle of nowhere... ::looks up and stares at the stars whizzing by:: KelsaViegnor: ::at the shop, looking over stock:: Fletcher Jackson: I think my ego hurts more than the knot, though, ma'am. Jylliene: That's pretty typical. Jylliene: ::grins:: Nijil tr'Korjata: :: Looking over the multilevel station view :: Scott Coleridge: ::takes his seat:: Where should we start? Chirakis: ::counts that as rhetorical:: Johnson Kenyon: ::reviewing the technical schematics to see what is involved in the rebuild:: Annisha: @ :: Back at the farm eating some of the food they picked :: Fletcher Jackson: Um... ::as he works:: Do me a favor, ma'am? ::Jylliene:: Kick me if I do stupid stuff? Scott Coleridge: ::glances at a PADD:: According to Aegis' sensors, you never left. Alexis McFarland: @ Yummy! ::eating a weirdly coloured fruit:; Johnson Kenyon: ::grabbing a couple more engineering hands and loading tools on a cart:: Johnson Kenyon: ::heading to TL:: Fletcher Jackson: Like...::he sighs, remembering:: ... well, you know what I did that was so stupid. Jylliene: ::nods:: I'll try. Johnson Kenyon: ::to TL:: Deck 93 please Fletcher Jackson: Thanks. ::continues to work:: Theo: ::getting nervous, sits down and braces for docking procedures:: Tae'Lynn Dran: If only that was true. Jylliene: Hm. Incoming shuttle.. ::receives message, sends approach vector and docking assignment:: Chirakis: :::thinking, puzzling, and a thousand other things::: mimipavilion: ::trying to comprehend what happened:: Dacia Sandero: ::ponders a few things as well:: Scott Coleridge: What was it like from your perspective? Chirakis: ::just to be sure that she was not dreaming, she checks her wrist chrono again:: Scott Coleridge: Walk me through it. Johnson Kenyon: ::looking at schematics during the ride:: Chirakis: ::deep breath as she leans forward, elbows on the table:: Very well. Tae'Lynn Dran: ::looking at the others to see who wants to go first:: Chirakis: Since I was in command, I will begin with my perspective... Johnson Kenyon: ::thinking.... OH MY.... This is much bigger than I thought... takes up most of 2 decks...:: Theo: ::still at the window of the shuttle, takes in the station and looks upon the commerce deck:: Chirakis: It was generally a very interesting experience.... Johnson Kenyon: ::And the Hybrid Fusion reactor takes up more like 10 decks!:: Johnson Kenyon: ::exiting TL with work crew:: Chirakis: Captain Aayrn and Lt Kagih - their science officer - were acquainting us with some advanced equipment.... Jylliene: ::Pulls up a view to watch the incoming shuttle:: Chirakis: When suddenly the Voad was called into a battle in their space. Chirakis: We strapped in...and the ride was not enjoyable. ::looks at the others::: Johnson Kenyon: ::relooking at work order, realizing he did not understand the scope of this work:: Dacia Sandero: Hm. Jylliene: ::looks up the new midshipman's info:: mimipavilion: ::gets a bit wide eyed:: Chirakis: It was intense. Some were nauseated. The ship was hit several times but little damage was done. Theo: Well, here we go. ::gathers belongings and waits for the airlock to open:: Nijil tr'Korjata: :: yawns as he reads reports :: Chirakis: The ships that attacked were very strangely configured. Chirakis: After some hours - which my chronograph indicates is 4 standard hours - we returned. Jylliene: ::nods seeing the successful docking, flips the view to the more standard tactical area display:: Chirakis: Only to find out that we had never left. Chirakis: ::sits back to allow the others:: Chirakis: Lt Glasco> ::standing at the docking bay, waiting for new recruits:: Johnson Kenyon: ::with the work crew, locates the housing that needs to be rebuilt... deck 93 subsection 14A.. :: Scott Coleridge: ::looks to the next person:: Theo: ::walks to "customs" looking for a yellow shirt with sidearm to check in with:: Chirakis: Lt Glasco> ::spots Theo and approaches::: Midshipman Theo? Johnson Kenyon: ::bringing up the work procedure:: Theo: ::Glasco:: Yes sir, that’s me. Tae'Lynn Dran: They had the ability to block out scans using their telepathy. But I don't think they altered our personal perspective. That would be much harder. Chirakis: Lt Glasco> ::nods:: Lt Glasco, Aegis Security. Your credentials, please: identification and orders. ::hand out:: Chirakis: ::she nods agreement to Dran:: Scott Coleridge: Interesting Cdr Wyatt Cayne: :: Watching tactical :: Theo: ::hands Glasco the PADD and his comm badge:: Johnson Kenyon: ::discussing the procedure with the 2 other members of the work crew:: Tae'Lynn Dran: Though most of our scans are now suspect in their reliability. Johnson Kenyon: +Nijil+ Lt Kenyon to Subcommander Korjata Chirakis: ::wondering if any of the equipment they displayed came back with them::: Tae'Lynn Dran: There's one thing I think is worth noting. mimipavilion: It seemed like they had it set up for us to be familiar with, like the consoles and such. Chirakis: Lt Glasco> ::checking everything, then returning::: Welcome to Sky Harbor Aegis, Midshipman. Nijil tr'Korjata: +Kenyon+ Ie? Johnson Kenyon: +Nijjil+ Subcommander, I am looking at working on the secondary fusion housing per work order 527214. Permission to turn off power to deck 93 subsection 14A? Chirakis: Lt Glasco> I will escort you to your temporary quarters and acquaint you with the layout of the station. ::leads Theo to the lift::: Theo: Thank you sir. How big are my quarters? Nijil tr'Korjata: +Kenyon+ That's fine, not keep it to a minimum Scott Coleridge: Do you have any sense of whether this... excursion... was planned? Johnson Kenyon: +Nijil+ Aye sir... if everything goes right, it should be up again in 25 minutes Chirakis: Lt Glasco> They are temporary and generally used for visitors, so they should be pretty nice. ::he grins:: Dacia Sandero: ::listens to the team's experiences:: Chirakis: ::Scott:: Not in my estimation, Commander. Johnson Kenyon: ::setting up temporary lighting:: mimipavilion: ::shakes her head:: Theo: ::follows Glasco speedily:: Johnson Kenyon: ::disengaging power on Deck 93, subsection 14A:: Chirakis: They were definitely shaken at the sudden change and having to defend the fleet::: Jylliene: ::looks over the next couple of days' expectations:: Chirakis: Lt Glasco> ::opens the lift:: Johnson Kenyon: ::addressing the work crew to get started:: Tae'Lynn Dran: It seemed damn irresponsible dragging us into that fight. Scott Coleridge: I have to admit my mind is spinning trying to consider all the ramifications of this. Chirakis: Lt Glasco> ::steps in and points out the map:: Ask the map if you get lost. It will help you. ::to the lift:: Deck 7. Nijil tr'Korjata: :: There was power off in some part of the station nearly every moment.. and that one night over the entire station...what a night, of no sleep :: Chirakis: ::Scott:: As is mine. Scott Coleridge: ::Dran:: That's one concern. Clearly we need to have a more in-depth discussion with them regarding visitor protocols. Theo: ::steps onto the lift:: Scott Coleridge: The prospect of running into anyone powerful enough to challenge their level of technology also doesn't sit well with me. Chirakis: ::curious as to what was on the datachip she gave him::: Scott Coleridge: And as long as the Voad is in our space... who else might follow them here? Chirakis: Lt Glasco> ::the lift stops at deck 7 and the door opens::: mimipavilion: ::sitting there thinking about the ships the Voad and other ships had to fight:: Tae'Lynn Dran: I don't believe they are as advanced as we think. Different for sure. More advanced in some areas. Tae'Lynn Dran: think Johnson Kenyon: ::removing what seems like a million fixtures and assorted screws:: Fletcher Jackson: ::workworkwork:: Chirakis: Commander? Scott Coleridge: Yes? Theo: ::picks up his storage container and waits for Glasco:: Excellent! A map. Chirakis: Is there any indication that the conduit is still active? Johnson Kenyon: ::following the procedure the best we can:: Chirakis: Lt Glasco> ::leads him to his temp quarters:: Tae'Lynn Dran: ::oh, really does not like the thought of that:: Scott Coleridge: Sensors have not detected any activity. Then again, I'm not sure our sensors are up to spec with all that's going on. Chirakis: They were detected when it was active. Scott Coleridge: I'm hoping that science and engineering can analyze the datachip you brought with you, and perhaps we can use its information to help us improve our sensors. Johnson Kenyon: ::staring at the instructions... wondering if he is over his head:: Theo: ::Glasco:: Thank you for your assistance. Chirakis: Lt Glasco> You will meet Commander Coleridge, our XO, at 0700 tomorrow morning, with your credentials. Understood? Chirakis: Lt Glasco> This button ::points to the wall:: will answer any questions you have. Again, welcome aboard. Theo: ::Glasco:: Aye. Tae'Lynn Dran: I did return wearing one of their suits. It could be used as a baseline for their physical shielding. Scott Coleridge: ((The button only answers questions in the form of cryptic haikus, though)) Chirakis: Indeed. In fact, we all did. Chirakis: ((I thought we corrected that problem. I'll make a note.)) Scott Coleridge: ((Oh. I thought it was a feature, not a bug...)) Chirakis: ((heh)) Johnson Kenyon: ::discussing the instructions with the work crew... reading it thoroughly and walking through the procedure:: Scott Coleridge: Setting aside the unexpected travel and its temporal component... what are your frank evaluations of your tour? Theo: lol Chirakis: And.. it reacts here as it reacted on the Voad. Chirakis: ::looks to Mimi and Dran:: Fletcher Jackson: ::a yeoman enters with fresh coffee and whatever the watch usually orders::: Johnson Kenyon: ::after a good discussion, the work crew is back at it making progress:: Theo: +wall button+ Computer, show me a route to the Assay office:: Chirakis: For me, more questions than answers. Tae'Lynn Dran: They seemed to have good intentions. I only fear they think we might be primitive enough to NEED their help. That never goes well. Fletcher Jackson: :::fighting the urge to look::: Chirakis: ::Dran:: I do not get that impression, Ensign. Johnson Kenyon: {{think of it as Ants... if you make first contact with Ants, you might want to work with their engineers so you can understand how to help them without damaging anything further}} Nijil tr'Korjata: +Kenyon+ Status report? Scott Coleridge: Wall Button> The assay office / is on the commerce level / Find shops and food there. Annisha: @ :: munching away :: Scott Coleridge: ::Chirakis:: What is your estimation? mimipavilion: ::looks between Chirakis and Scott:: It was an interesting tour. But the thing that kind of bothered me was if they were to expect casualties, I could have helped. But at the moment I'm glad they didn't ask. Johnson Kenyon: +Nijil+ We had a bit of a hangup, but figured it out. This was a different configuration from the one on the work instruction, but we managed Jylliene: ((::applauds Coleridge::)) Theo: Thank you computer. ::looks for the replicator:: ice water please Johnson Kenyon: +Nijil+ Are managing... I mean Nijil tr'Korjata: +Kenyon+ A station or ship will stay to spec then vary as we learn more about it Chirakis: They are sincere, Commander.... Scott Coleridge: ::Mimi:: Glad because it was so unexpected? Chirakis: They are as concerned about first contact as we are when we make first contact... Johnson Kenyon: +Nijil+ has the station been in a battle before? mimipavilion: ::nods:: Johnson Kenyon: +Nijil+ I'm guessing this is a vibration fracture Chirakis: The technology we received was only one or two steps above what we have now... Johnson Kenyon: ::looking at the work crew... thumbs up... everything back on schedule:: Theo: +wall button+ Time please Chirakis: The captain divulged that the setup was made to look similar to ours on Aegis for the purpose of maintaining first contact and going no further. Chirakis: We were not allowed on other areas of the ship. Chirakis: There were other indications of sincere friendship, but those are the main ones. Nijil tr'Korjata: +Kenyon+ Sort of, but not full out. Theo: ::looks around his quarters:: These will do quite nicely. ::breathes a sigh of relief:: Johnson Kenyon: +Nijil+ sort of a battle... I guess that can happen Scott Coleridge: Wall button> The flowing river / rushes through mid-afternoon / approaching twilight. Dacia Sandero: Interesting. Chirakis: ::relaxes, looks to Mimi::: Scott Coleridge: All right. Nijil tr'Korjata: +Kenyon+ My daughter does mock simulations trying to destroy the station...she's...unique Theo: ((Hahahaha)) mimipavilion: I agree with Chirakis. Scott Coleridge: Unless there's anything else, I want you all to take some time to reflect on what you experienced and prepare a more detailed report, as well as any recommendations you have regarding further contact with the Dahlem or how we approach dealing with their technology. Theo: ::looks dumbfounded:: Chirakis: ::nods:: Yes, Commander. Scott Coleridge: ::Dran, Mimi:: When you return to duty, I want a full workup on the suits, the datachip, anything else we've got. Tae'Lynn Dran: Yes sir. mimipavilion: Understood. Johnson Kenyon: +Nijil+ Mock simulations huh... ::noticing the crew putting back on the housing:: Looks like we're finishing up here, sir... should be back soon. Scott Coleridge: Dismissed. Tae'Lynn Dran: ::gets up and heads out the door:: Chirakis: ::stands and moves out, stopping at the TAC console::: Annisha: :: Getting ready to go see the sun set :: Jylliene: ::sees everyone walking through:: Scott Coleridge: ::stays the conference room alone, contemplating what he's heard:: Theo: ::thinks to himself:: Where have I landed??? Fletcher Jackson: ::will not look at Dran... will not look at Dran...will not look at Dran:: mimipavilion: ::gets up and heads out the conference room:: Scott Coleridge: ::shakes his head:: I just wanted to fix things. Dacia Sandero: :heads out of the conference room too:: Cdr Wyatt Cayne: :: Console goes out :: What? Chirakis: Commander Cayne, update? Dacia Sandero: Alexis> ::follows Annisha:: Johnson Kenyon: ::packing up equipment onto cart... watching crew put on the fixtures and assorted screws:: Cdr Wyatt Cayne: Console went out. Let me go to another. Chirakis: ::steps around, puzzled::: Cdr Wyatt Cayne: :: Logs in :: All quiet, for now. Chirakis: Use mine. ::Logs in::: Tae'Lynn Dran: ::steps over towards Fletcher:: Excuse me, could you relay this supply list to the quartermaster and have them ready for pick up later. ::hands a padd with a list:: Chirakis: Commander Kital, inform engineering that we have a problem at the tactical console. Johnson Kenyon: ::all finished, heading back to the TL, then to Main Engineering:: Jylliene: Yes ma'am Jylliene: +Eng+ Ops to engineering. Fletcher Jackson: ::looks up, takes a deep breath::: Johnson Kenyon: ::checking off the work order... noting the difficulty and the work around:: Tae'Lynn Dran: ::head tilt:: If not, I can take it to them myself. Fletcher Jackson: ::what is it about that woman?::can't figure it out::: mimipavilion: ::goes to medical:: Scott Coleridge: Hmm. ::taps fingers against the table:: I suppose this was bound to get more interesting before it finished. ::pushes the chair back and stands:: Don't know why I had to be in the middle of it. Chirakis: =/\==/\=PAUSE SIM=/\==/\= Chirakis: =/\==/\=PAUSE SIM=/\==/\= Chirakis: 11/16/18 Chirakis: Thank you. Chirakis: Well done. Chirakis: What say you, Commander? Bring us to the next morning? Scott Coleridge: Exactly what I was thinking. Chirakis: Very well. Comments for the crew? Scott Coleridge: Nope Chirakis: Again, welcome to Midshipman Theo. Chirakis: Crew dismissed. Be well. Be Safe. Don’t forget your towel.
  10. Mission Brief | Sky Harbor Aegis |16 November 2018 30 April 2388 - Stardate 2388.121 TBS is 1 hour. The time is 1720 hours (5:20 PM) Aegis local. After a harrowing 4 hour experience aboard the Dahlem Ship, Voad, the away team returns to find out that they were gone less than an hour. Because the away team was “reporting some very disturbing perceptual discrepancies”, Commander Coleridge has ordered a thorough medical examination for the team members: Cpt Chirakis, Dr. Pavilion, LtCdr Tarisa, and Ens Dran. Captain Chirakis left Commander Coleridge a datachip that holds information on their experience. The the team’s tricorders also have information that might be of use.
  11. A Wrinkle in Time* Cpt Chirakis Kirel Lt Jeremy Garand Her left boot pushed the chair precisely one meter from the desk as Kirel began to flip her stylus from one hand to the other at least six times a minute—not that she ever kept count. The movement was spontaneous, as spontaneous as it would be if she grabbed her knife and flicked it into the opposite wall, something she would rather do than mindlessly flip the stylus. However, attempting such a maneuver was close to impossible—not for her to achieve, but for a few other reasons. The station was fairly new, the damage would have to have an explanation, and the wall was made of the titanium alloy that Security demanded. The door chime distracted her for a fraction of a second, though it did not disrupt her cadence. Given the circumstances and Commander Coleridge’s pending debrief, she wondered if she should ignore it… except that it was Lt Garand, her primary source of station information and rumor. If she ignored him without cause he could engage the emergency release, and if he did not engage the emergency release she would miss all the rumors. “Come,” she sighed, pressing the release as she stood to wander toward her private bar. “Ale, or something stronger, Lieutenant?” “And a good evening to you, Captain,” he greeted as he stepped in and allowed the door to close behind him. “That sounded like more than a suggestion, eh Cap’n?” “You are correct.” “I’m game.” He shrugged. “Do I have a choice?” “No.” She poured, then handed him a glass and replied to his expression, “Enl’licdh’a. Not negotiable. Sit.” It wasn’t often that Garand relaxed in the office. He usually came for business, and Kirel was determined that this evening they would discuss nothing of consequence. She’d had enough of that lately. Sindarin brandy gave her office an almost decadent aroma: like the atmosphere of Drankum’s after midnight, but a little more cultured, a little more more sophisticated. The brandy danced on the palate, slipped down smoothly, and crept stealthily into the brain’s frontal lobe to stimulate focus and intelligence. The station’s rumor mill was always grinding, especially when it came to command, and even moreso when it came to Captain Chirakis’ stash. Kirel was sure he had heard the rumors and wondered if he knew the difference between Enl’licdh and Enl’licdh’a. Apparently he did. “Very good, Captain,” said Garand, smiling. “Excellent. Enl’licdh’a. Amazing stuff.” The brandy sloshed easily around the glass before he enjoyed another sip, allowing it to sit on his palate for a second or two. “I’m going to guess that you’re either on the way to a meeting, are about to write a report, or…” “...have a debrief,” she finished for him. Not having seen the latest episode of As Aegis Turns, he was somewhat startled. “What time is it, Lieutenant?” she asked, casually swishing her brandy. “The time?” He seemed surprised at the sudden change in discussion. “The time.” She pointed her goblet toward the chronograph on the wall. “It’s… seventeen hundred hours, Captain.” “Is it? Are you sure?” After checking it several times against his wrist chrono, his confusion melted into a grin. “As sure as I can be, Captain.” Pulling up her left sleeve to reveal her personal chrono, she asked, “What time did you say it is?” “It’s…. No,” he scoffed, now pointing with his glass. “You changed the time on your chrono, Captain. Why?” His grin broadened into a chuckle. “I did not change it, Lieutenant. Which means that you will have to excuse me. I have a debriefing to attend to in approximately… four hours ago.” _________________ *With apologies to Madeleine L'Engle
  12. =/\= Aegis Mission Brief 11/9/18 =/\= 30 April 2388 - Stardate 2388.121 TBS is 20 minutes. The time is 1520 hours (3:20 PM) Aegis local. The away team is aboard the Dahlem ship, Voad. Captain Aayrn and Science Officer Lieutenant Kagih are explaining their technology. On Aegis, it is business as usual. Things are running along smoothly. So far. No symbol for Aegis. # For the Voad @ For the children Chirakis: =/\==/\=BEGIN SIM=/\==/\= Chirakis: =/\==/\=BEGIN SIM=/\==/\= Johnson Kenyon: ::finishing up in Drankum's bar:: Lawliet: ::walking off the turbolift onto the CnC:: Dacia Sandero: ::tending the shop down in Medical:: Kallah Ramson: ::still in her office, reports pushed aside, meditating.:: Tarisa: # ::Impressed with what she is seeing, but feels that something is slightly...off.:: mimipavilion: #::on the Voad:: Chirakis: # ::on Voad, observing:: Tae'Lynn Dran: # ::taking notes:: Fletcher Jackson: ::OPS::: Alexis McFarland: @::exploring the farm:: Scott Coleridge: ::in command on the CnC:: Annisha: @ :: At the outer edges of the farm, the central spire out of view :: Johnson Kenyon: ::bringing up next work order on the list:: Alexis McFarland: @ It's a very big farm Lawliet: ::walks over to Coleridge:: Been a while. Fletcher Jackson: ::Scott:: Nothing happening with the Dahlem ship, Commander. Johnson Kenyon: {{Oh... remembering that I'd already finished and stopped by to get some scent samples}} Scott Coleridge: ::Lawliet:: Yes. I know what it's like to get caught up in a special project. How is that going? Nijil tr'Korjata: :: Watching the systems all over the station :: Fletcher Jackson: ::blinks, then grins, seeing Cdr Lawliet come up for air: Cdr Wyatt Cayne: :: Tactical is manned by old man Cayne :: Chirakis: # ::strides slowly around the complex, taking note of several things, then stops by Mimi:: Doctor, anything new? Scott Coleridge: ::Jackson:: Appreciate the update. Lawliet: ::looks over at Scott:: Slowly...that and having to familiarize myself with all the command protocols that come with this new rank. Tae'Lynn Dran: # ::a quiet aside to Tarisa:: What do you think so far? Fletcher Jackson: ::Scott:: Yes, sir. Tarisa: # It is...quite interesting. But does it not seem very familiar to you? Alexis McFarland: @ ::stands by Annisha and Miana:: Johnson Kenyon: ::leaving the perfume shop, heading to Main engineering:: Annisha: @@ :: Peers :: Can't see it Tae'Lynn Dran: # Not really familiar. But, very sterile. Alexis McFarland: @ What can't you see? I just see grass and fields. Scott Coleridge: ::Lawliet:: Oh, right. Command protocols. I should probably do that one of these days. Tarisa: @ Miana> ::Points:: I see a bird. Oh and some blowing leaves. ::Points at something in the far distance.:: Scott Coleridge: Have you been keeping an eye on the goings on up here? ::gestures at the visual of the Voad up on the main display:: mimipavilion: #::Chirakis:: Their methods are different. But having bacteria that can mend and/or heal, I don't know what to make of that. Alexis McFarland: @ Oooh. Chirakis: # That is interesting. Chirakis: # ACTION VOAD> Red lights suddenly flash from every corner of Voad's science complex. Dahlem scientists, including Lt Kagih, stop and seem to be listening to something. Everyone but Lt Kagih slips on a white cosmic protective suit and leaves. # ACTION AEGIS> Aegis does not see anything unusual. mimipavilion: #::nods:: Chirakis: # ::looks up, alarmed:: Scott Coleridge: ::continues not seeing anything unusual:: mimipavilion: #::looks up and concerned:: Tarisa: # ::Nods.:: Look at how their consoles are set....::Perks up as she looks at the lights.:: Johnson Kenyon: ::arriving in main engineering:: Lawliet: ::gives a slightly confused expression:: I...::sighs::...some what. I understand these what are they called? The Dahlem? Scott Coleridge: That's them. Tae'Lynn Dran: # What, what's going on? Alexis McFarland: @ I see the birds. They sure like whatever's on the field. Chirakis: # Lt Kagih> Captain Chirakis, your team must put these on. ::hands out white cosmic protection::: Johnson Kenyon: ::looking to check in with Nijil:: Chirakis: # Lt Kagih> Our fleet is is under attack. Lawliet: Right. I understand their like us, but not like us. As contradicting as that sounds. Tarisa: # ::Curious glance.:: Chirakis: # ::slips on her suit:: Your fleet? mimipavilion: #::takes the white cosmic protection suit and puts it on:: Tarisa: # ::Takes a suit, putting it on.:: Tae'Lynn Dran: # ::not sure what to make of that but puts the suit on anyways:: Chirakis: # Lt Kagih> Yes, Captain. We will be going through the conduit. Please, everyone sit and strap yourselves in. Tarisa: # ::Looks to Chirakis.:: Johnson Kenyon: +Nijil+ Kenyon to Subcommander tr'Korjata. Chirakis: # Lt Kagih> The conduit will be fast, but it might make you nauseated. We will enter at the edge of the fleet. Scott Coleridge: They are explorers like us, but their society—at least the exploration part—seems quite different from ours. Their technology is manifestly advanced over ours. But, like the Federation, they try their best not to interfere with other cultures. Chirakis: # ::nods, says to the others:: Do are you are directed. Chirakis: # ::sits to strap herself in::: Tarisa: # ::Nods, taking a seat.:: Tae'Lynn Dran: #::::follows orders:: Scott Coleridge: They are the same aliens who rescued the Vladivostok survivors. Nijil tr'Korjata: +Ken+ Go ahead mimipavilion: #::nods to Chirakis and takes a seat and straps in:: Johnson Kenyon: +Nijil+ Sir, I've completed a few work orders and wanted to check in. Are you in your office? Chirakis: # Lt Kagih> ::seems to be listening to something:: Stand by for acceleration. Lawliet: ::nods:: Well...with everything we've been though, it's nice to meet someone who doesn't want to shoot at us. Tae'Lynn Dran: # ::recording with her tricorder:: Chirakis: # ACTION VOAD> Voad slips instantly into the conduit. It is bumpy and nauseating. They come out the other side on the edge of the fight. Lawliet: ::walks over to the replicator:: Iced Tea. Tarisa: # ::Noting Kagih's expressions.:: Are all broadcasts telepathic? Chirakis: #ACTION> Aegis suddenly loses temporary contact with the Voad, but will not see it leave. In fact, the ship appears to be there, at stationkeeping. Tae'Lynn Dran: #::interested to see how grounded their fears of cosmic rays is:: Nijil tr'Korjata: +Ken+ I'm just at the main engineering table. Tarisa: # ::Ears lowered as she fights nausea.:: Lawliet: ::grabs his glass and walks back to the center of the room:: Chirakis: # ::is not often nauseated, but this is one of those times when she is:: Alexis McFarland: @ ::watches some hover tractors plough and cultivate some open fields:: Tae'Lynn Dran: # Oh, oh that's very unpleasant. mimipavilion: #::fights her nausea, considering she's a doctor:: Annisha: @ Look at them go... Tarisa: @ Miana> Wow Alexis McFarland: @ Oooh Chirakis: # Indeed. Very unpleasant. mimipavilion: #ugh it is indeed. Johnson Kenyon: ::wander to the Main Engineering table:: Alexis McFarland: @. ::Drinks some juice Annisha's grandmother gave them:: Chirakis: # ACTION VOAD> The ship rocks as they enter the battle. A large screen on the wall shows Voad and other Dahlem ships engaging several very strange looking ships. The battle is fierce. Scott Coleridge: ::Lawliet:: Have you had an opportunity to meet our new science officer? Tarisa: # ::Glad she did not have a heavy lunch.:: Chirakis: # ::Kagih:: Does this happen often? mimipavilion: #::looks at the screen:: Ok then. That's not good. Lawliet: ::takes a brief sip:: No, well...I have seen them while I've been in my office. Hum? Chirakis: # Indeed it is not good. Tae'Lynn Dran: # What did we get ourselves into here? Tarisa: # ::Frowns as she watches the screen.:: Chirakis: # Lt Kagih> No. Seldom. When when it does happen, we defend ourselves well. Scott Coleridge: She seems quite competent so far. You could ask Mr. Jackson for a more... thorough... appraisal. ::sarcastic tone:: Chirakis: # Lt Kagih> We will act as a medical vessel unless we are fired upon.. which. :::jerked around by a hit:: Is happening now. Lawliet: ::looks at Jackson:: Mr. Jackson? Chirakis: # Lt Kagih> Please be sure your belts are tight. Fletcher Jackson: ::turns:: Sir? mimipavilion: #::checks the straps to make sure their tight:: Lawliet: ::looks at Scott and back at Jackson:: What do you think of or our new science officer? Scott Coleridge: Yes, Mr. Jackson. What *do* you think? ::teasing:: Fletcher Jackson: Uh... she's very competent, sir. She knows her stuff. ::glance to Scott and swallows hard::: Fletcher Jackson: She does... uh... botanical things I think. Fletcher Jackson: ::blush:: Lawliet: ::shifts his eyes back and forth:: I see. Well... ::takes a drink:: ...I should take the opportunity to meet her soon. Is she currently on the away team? Alexis McFarland: @ ::Sits down on a bench somewhere:: Chirakis: # ACTION VOAD> The fight goes on for several hours. The away team is worn down by direct hits from the opposition. Johnson Kenyon: ::sitting down next to Nijil:: mimipavilion: #::looks at Chirakis, wonders if she feels as useless as she does:: Tarisa: # ::Seems a little drowsy.:: Scott Coleridge: Yes. We decided to send more than one science officer over for redundancy. Fletcher Jackson: ::slowly lets out a breath:: Scott Coleridge: I also have a spare engineer now in case of emergency... Fletcher Jackson: :::seriously wants a donut::: Tarisa: # ::Tail barely moving as she gives a slight yawn.:: Annisha: @ :: Sits :: Wonder why the bench is here... It's quiet.. Lawliet: ::nods:: Given the circumstances I agree. Alexis McFarland: @Sometimes it's nice to have somewhere to sit. Tarisa: @ Miana> ::Plops on the bench.:: Chirakis: # ACTION VOAD> The fight comes to a sudden halt and it seems like the opposition is in retreat. The red lights turn to green. Cdr Wyatt Cayne: :: Even though the computer can look at tactical far faster than he, Cayne liked to look for himself :: Chirakis: # ::Looks at Kagih:: Tarisa: # ::Perks up slightly at the light change.:: mimipavilion: #::looks around as the red lights turn green:: Chirakis: # Lt Kagih> ::lets out a breath:: We are safe. They are gone. ::listens:: A few injuries. No major damage to our ships. mimipavilion: #::looks at Kagih:: That's good to hear. Chirakis: # Lt Kagih> Keep your belts on. We are preparing to return as we came. Tae'Lynn Dran: # Who was attacking? mimipavilion: #::nods:: Johnson Kenyon: ::watching Nijil:: Chirakis: # Lt Kagih> ::listens:: Unknown. At least I am not familiar with this species. Lawliet: ::finishes his tea and puts it back in the replicator:: Chirakis: # Lt Kagih> Prepare to enter the conduit. Tarisa: # ::Frowns, not wanting to feel that nausea again.:: Chirakis: # ACTION VOAD> Another rough, bumpy ride for about 5 minutes, then bleep, they are home. Tae'Lynn Dran: # ::closes her eyes and holds on tight:: Nijil tr'Korjata: :: Looks at Kenyon :: How is the station on your way back? mimipavilion: #::slowly breaths in and out during the ride:: Tae'Lynn Dran: # Oh, by the Three that's no way to travel! Johnson Kenyon: ::Nijil:: I certainly got a better view of it than in Main Engineering... I had no idea there was this Commerce deck Fletcher Jackson: Dahlem ship signal is clearing up, Commander. Clear as a bell. Chirakis: #ACTION VOAD> The Voad returns from the fight after having been gone for several hours. The away team knows that they were gone for several hours. However, the Aegis' chronograph will note that only a few seconds have passed. Lawliet: ::walks over to the science station and reviews a the recent reports:: Scott Coleridge: ::Jackson:: Good, good. I will continue not to notice anything unusual occurring. Johnson Kenyon: ::Nijil:: Looks like there was someone tampering with a Dabo wheel and damaged it Fletcher Jackson: ::trying to process what he said, then::: Aye, sir. Chirakis: # Lt Kagih> You may unstrap and remove your cosmic suits. May I get you some drinks? Fletcher Jackson: ::goes back to work::: Lawliet: ::looks up and walks back to Scott:: Problem? Tarisa: # ::Gets up from the seat slowly, stretching really big.:: Scott Coleridge: The opposite, in fact. Scott Coleridge: Everything is fine. mimipavilion: #::unstraps and removes the suit:: I do have some medication that will help with our nausea, ::looks at the others:: that's if they want it. Lawliet: ::looks at the display and back at Scott:: Ah ha... Tae'Lynn Dran: # ::rubbing her head:: I think I'll be okay. Chirakis: # Perhaps we should contact Aegis and explain our absence. ::Mimi:: Thank you, Doctor. And yes, I will have whatever drink will help with... the trip. Tarisa: # ::Once done stretching, she removes her suit.:: I would like some water please. Alexis McFarland: @ ::eating some of the snacks Annisha's grandma made for them:: mimipavilion: #::nods:: I'll be ok. Chirakis: # Lt Kagih> ::hands Tarisa some water, Chirakis some mineral water and what appears to be a tricorder but is actually a communication device::: Press the green button to contact Aegis, Captain. Tarisa: @ Miana> Yay snacks! ::Nibbles on a fruit bar.:: Fletcher Jackson: ::workworkwork::: Johnson Kenyon: ::looking at the hologram of the station, bringing up the priority duty roster Chirakis: # ::sheds her suit and has a long drink::: Alexis McFarland: @Mm. Yummy. ::bites into what she thinks is a granola bar:: Chirakis: # + Captain Chirakis calling Sky Harbor Aegis.+ Tarisa: # ::Sips the water.:: Chirakis: # ::takes another sip::: Fletcher Jackson: +Chirakis+ Sky Harbor Aegis, go ahead. Tae'Lynn Dran: # ::looking over the tricorder readings taken during their trip and during the battle:: Lawliet: ::looks back up at the display after hearing Chirakis' voice:: Johnson Kenyon: ::discussing some personal past times with Nijil:: So, you like to play music... I would have never guessed. Annisha: @ I've not been out in the open like this in a long time. Look at they sky... Chirakis: # +COM+ is Captain Ramson or Commander Coleridge available? Fletcher Jackson: +com+ Yes, ma'am. ::::Looks to Scott::: Scott Coleridge: +Chirakis+ Coleridge here, Captain. Alexis McFarland: @ Hm, me too. It's beautiful. Chirakis: # +com+ We have returned and apologize for the delay. The Dahlem were attacked. Viciously. We are safe, though a little tired. Fletcher Jackson: ::huh?::: Scott Coleridge: +Chirakis+ Um, sorry, could you say that again, Captain? You've "returned"? You were "attacked"? Johnson Kenyon: ::asking Nijil about the refugees:: Scott Coleridge: ::looks at Jackson and mouths, "Did I hear that?":: Tarisa: @ Miana> ::Nods, looking up at the sky with the bar hanging from her mouth.:: Pre... ::Can't quite talk with her mouth full.:: Lawliet: ::looks oddly at Scott and back at the display:: Fletcher Jackson: ::nods with a shrug:: Chirakis: # +com+ Yes, Commander. We were gone for several hours. Through the conduit. Chirakis: # ::frowns, looking at the away team:: Alexis McFarland: @ Mm. ::smiles:: Lawliet: ::looks at Scott:: The conduit? Tarisa: # ::Curious head tilt.:: Scott Coleridge: +Chirakis+ Several hours? Our chronometers say you've been on the ship for less than a single hour still, Captain. You didn't go anywhere. ::note of concern creeping into his voice:: mimipavilion: #::has the 'ugh' look on her face:: Tarisa: # ::Looks over at Kagih.:: Interesting... Chirakis: # +COM+ Less than an hour? ::looks to the team:: mimipavilion: #::rubs her temple:: Scott Coleridge: +Chirakis+ Coming up on an hour soon, yes. Scott Coleridge: +Chirakis+ Are you telling me your perception has been... different? Nijil tr'Korjata: My daughter insisted I play with her. Naturally she is already better than I. Chirakis: # ::team:: Prepare to return to Aegis. Tarisa: # ::Nods with no objections.:: mimipavilion: #::Nods to Chirakis:: Johnson Kenyon: Oh yeah... I have never tried a musical instrument Chirakis: # +COM+ Yes, I am. And yes, it was very different. Tae'Lynn Dran: # Yes sir. Johnson Kenyon: Always wanted to play guitar though. Tae'Lynn Dran: #::said with no hesitation:: Scott Coleridge: ::Lawliet:: Commander, please pull up and review our sensor readings of the Voad from the past... ten minutes. Chirakis: # Lieutenant Kagih. We should return. Give our thanks and apologies to Captain Aayrn. Scott Coleridge: +Dacia+ Coleridge to Dr. Sandero. Chirakis: # Kagih> Yes, ma'am. Lawliet: ::nods:: Aye Sir. Dacia Sandero: +Scott+ Yes, Sandero here. Go ahead. Chirakis: #Kagih> Prepare to jump. Chirakis: # ::the Lt presses a button on her vest and they are back in CnC::: Lawliet: ::takes a seat at the science station and begins pulling up every byte of sensor information:: Scott Coleridge: +Dacia+ The Voad away team is reporting some very... disturbing perceptual discrepancies. They claim they've just experienced the passage of several hours, and that the Voad actually left the system. Fletcher Jackson: ::gasp:: Scott Coleridge: +Dacia+ I want you to exam... Scott Coleridge: ::Chirakis:: You could have knocked. Chirakis: ::obviously worn::: Yes, Commander. I will take a door knocker next time. ::slumps into a chair:: Johnson Kenyon: ::to Nijil:: If I wasn't busy trying to learn engineering, I would take up guitar... is that an excuse? Tarisa: ::Feels really nauseated that time.:: Dacia Sandero: ::opens mouth to say something but then waits a bit as the commander appears to have some company:: Nijil tr'Korjata: Depends on your free time.. :: shrugs :: Scott Coleridge: Hmm Tae'Lynn Dran: Worst.Party.Ever. Chirakis: ::looks around at the rest of the team:: Team present and accounted for? Scott Coleridge: Well, once you've caught your breath ... all of you get to report to sickbay. Chirakis: Indeed. Tarisa: # ::Leans on the nearest console.:: mimipavilion: ::back on Aegis' CnC::exhausted: All of us are going directly to medical. ::looks at Chirakis:: Johnson Kenyon: ::Nijil:: Does time pass differently here? Johnson Kenyon: ::Nijil:: I feel like I left the Academy two months ago and things are moving so quickly here. Tae'Lynn Dran: Yes sir. Nijil tr'Korjata: It's a big place. Chirakis: Of course. However... ::hands Scott a datachip:: You might be interested in the recording of our adventure. Scott Coleridge: +Dacia+ Please expect the away team members presently and prepare to do a full workup on them. Tae'Lynn Dran: ::shuffles towards the lift:: Scott Coleridge: ::takes the datachip:: Must have been some adventure. mimipavilion: ::gets her bearings and makes her way to the lift:: Chirakis: It was... enlightening. Dacia Sandero: +Scott+ Will do, thanks for the heads up. Johnson Kenyon: ::Nijil:: It's not that it's a big place... it's that there are so many things going on... I feel like I have so much to do Chirakis: ::stands and moves toward the command lift::: Scott Coleridge: After your visit to medical, you're all going to take some time off, and then I look forward to your full reports. Tarisa: # ::Seems to have an eternal frown on her face as she goes to the lift.:: Dacia Sandero: ::informs the nurses and other medical personnel to prepare sickbay:: Chirakis: ::Scott:: Of course. Tarisa: * minus the # Chirakis: =/\==/\=PAUSE SIM=/\==/\= Chirakis: =/\==/\=PAUSE SIM=/\==/\= Chirakis: 11/9/18 Chirakis: Thank you. Chirakis: Well, then.. Chirakis: Captain Ramson, TBS? Perhaps an hour? Kallah Ramson: agreed Chirakis: TBS is one hour. Anything more for the crew? Kallah Ramson: nothing from me. Scott Coleridge: I will accept reports in the form of logs or interpretive dances Chirakis: Of course, Commander. Chirakis: Comments or questions from the crew? Chirakis: Crew dismissed. Be well. Be Safe. Don’t forget your towel.
  13. Mission Brief | Sky Harbor Aegis |9 November 2018 30 April 2388 - Stardate 2388.121 TBS is 20 minutes. The time is 1520 hours (3:20 PM) Aegis local. While Captain Chirakis leads an away team to the Dahlem ship, Voad, the rest of the crew goes about its daily business.
  14. Of Space and Time Captain Chirakis Captain Aayrn On the second day of the second month of the year 2387, a supernova threatened to destroy ch’Rihan, the homeworld of the Romulan Star Empire. Quick thinking by several scientists and engineers and a daring act by Ambassador Spock saved the planet from complete destruction. However, gamma rays emitting from the supernova passed over the planet and rendered ch’Rihan uninhabitable for decades. At least, that is the story that those of us in this era witnessed and remember. On the thirtieth day of the twelfth month of the year 2259—in another era—the Federation starship USS Comanche Creek, commanded by Captain Calestorm, had joined a task force in pursuit of a Romulan Bird of Prey that lurked on the Federation side of the RNZ. During that time, long range sensors picked up strange unidentifiable spacial readings. Apparently the supernova that threatened ch’Rihan in the year 2387 had also created a rift in the space-time continuum. It snatched the USS Comanche Creek from the year 2259 and threw them into the year 2387—not only 128 years into the future, but along a different timeline. Suddenly their enemies were friends; their primary nemesis, Captain Nero, mined an asteroid belt in peace; and the Akira Class vessels of the Border Patrol that had yet to be born confronted them in full force. USS Comanche Creek did eventually return to its own timeline, but first contact with a ship from a different world presented many problems. Kirel had dealt with them as best she could, but never grasped the psychological trauma that crew experienced. Presently she was aboard the highly advanced Dahlem ship, Voad. Given their telepathic powers and exceptional technology, Kirel felt as though they had jumped several hundred years into the future. She was beginning to understand the angst of Captain Calestorm and the crew of USS Comanche Creek as they struggled with reverse first contact. It was Aegis’ turn for that experience. Within the Voad’s science complex, Kirel had been purposely keeping her distance as she watched Commander Tarisa, Ensign Dran, and Dr. Pavilion. Captain Aayrn was leading them through advanced procedures, acquainting them with highly advanced technology, and answering their questions. It wasn’t long until he had them fully engaged with a Dahlem tricorder that the captain shifted his attention to Kirel. “Something I can help you with, Captain?” “Yes, Captain,” she began after a moment of thought, then motioned to a more private area. “May I have a word?” “Of course,” he replied, then turned to the officer next to him. “Lieutenant Kagih, explain your work to our visitors while I confer with Captain Chirakis.” The lieutenant was several inches shorter than Captain Aayrn’s 7’3” frame. She was female, and bore similar traits to the others aboard ship: especially fair skin and thick, white hair. However there were differences in hairstyle, facial features, eye color, and build. In short, the crew of Voad were not clones. Lieutenant Kagih stepped away from her console and shifted immediately from telepathy to Federation Standard. “Yes, Captain,” she said with a congenial nod to Kirel, then moved toward the team that was busy trying to manipulate the more advanced tricorder. “How may I help you, Captain?” Aayrn began as they wandered through the science complex. “I am concerned about the technology that you are showing our team.” She glanced aside to see his reaction. He seemed merely curious. “What they are witnessing seems to be a technology that is several hundred years in the future.” Aayrn nodded, but said nothing. “Do you understand the implications of putting such advanced technology into their hands or what the consequences may be if our science department advances suddenly from one era to another that is several hundred years in the future? And if another, possibly hostile culture, gains access to it?” Her wandering stopped next to an unused console. Aayrn stopped beside her. Not far away, the away team continued to focus on Lieutenant Kagih as she explained the use of their tricorder, then fielded their questions. “I do understand your concern, Captain,” Aayrn replied in a serious vein. “Given your facial expressions, I knew that we would breach that subject soon. Therefore...” Aayrn turned and swept one arm around the massive science complex. “...tell me what you see. What kind of technology are we using? Does it remind you of anything?” “It has the look of our science complex. There is only a slight difference, but the consoles are similar, the information that scrolls the screen is similar, the chairs are similar, as is the... lounge.” She looked around, then turned to Aayrn. “You set this up.” He nodded. “This is not the configuration of your science complex.” “That is correct. It is not.” “Because this is first contact?” “Yes.” “And the advanced technology?” Aayrn smiled. “It is not as advanced as you think it is. The tricorder is slightly modified to our specifications. It will give you a deeper look into whatever you scan. Any of your engineers should be able to reverse engineer it. The clothing that folds itself? Nanite cloth: something that will be used by many in your near future. As for our propulsion system? That is private, as are a few other things.” “Um….” She looked around the complex once more, then nodded. “Satisfied so far?” “So far.” “But you will have other questions and concerns eventually. Do not hesitate to ask.”
  15. =/\= Aegis Mission Brief 11/2/18 =/\= 30 April 2388 - Stardate 2388.121 TBS is 1 hour. The time is 1400 hours (2:00 PM) Aegis local. Captain Aayrn has returned to the Voad. Captain Ramson, Commander Coleridge, and Captain Chirakis are in Captain Ramson's office discussing the mission. Those preparing for the mission should be ready to go as soon as the discussion ends. Chirakis: =/\==/\=BEGIN SIM=/\==/\= Chirakis: =/\==/\=BEGIN SIM=/\==/\= Johnson Kenyon: ::on the Commerce deck, going through the work orders:: Chirakis: ::in Captain Ramson's office::: mimipavilion: ::in medical, double checking the equipment she's taking with her on the mission:: Dacia Sandero: ::in Sickbay, working on some patients:: Scott Coleridge: ::also in the office:: Kallah Ramson: ::sitting in her office:: ::looking at Chirakis:: The away team is yours. Whatever Command wants it's your call on who you take. Just remember this is just a first of hopefully many steps. Johnson Kenyon: ::looking at the next on the list... Drankum's bar... looking around for where that might be:: KelsaViegnor: ::in the shop with Thelea, looking over possible new arrangements for the shop for a fresh look:: Tarisa: ::In the main science lab, finishing up her preparations.:: Alexis McFarland: @ ::Exploring the farm with her friends:: Chirakis: ::still contemplating the situation::: Jylliene: ::CnC Ops:: Tarisa: @ Miana> ::walking with Alexis and Annisha.:: Tae'Lynn Dran: ::in the lab. Has now checked the contents of her bag about 12 times.:: mimipavilion: ::finished checking her equipment and is waiting to go::? Chirakis: Captain, ::she leans forward:: Captain Aayrn requested one from every department. I do not believe that is a wise move. I would rather move slowly. Kallah Ramson: Prudent. Jylliene: ::pondering - hoping - that the mission goes well, since she cannot for the life of her figure out how to keep any kind of lock on the team. At all.:: Johnson Kenyon: ::walking the commerce deck, looking at a PADD map of the Commerce deck:: Chirakis: Our initial idea was to have science and medical present only. ::looks to Scott:: Commander, if you are willing, you may as well. Tae'Lynn Dran: Do you think they'll take a sample collector as a weapon? Scott Coleridge: I concur that science and medical officers make the most sense Tarisa: ::Is satisfied with her packing. She looks to Dran. Thinks a moment.:: I would hope not, but we shall see. Scott Coleridge: If you're going, Captain Chirakis, then I think I should stay behind for now. Chirakis: ::she nods::: Of course. Tae'Lynn Dran: It would be a shame to beam over and find half our gear missing. Chirakis: Therefore, we have four - myself, Ensign Dran, Commander Tarisa, and Dr. Pavilion. Are we agreed? Tarisa: ::Nods in agreement.:: Johnson Kenyon: ::looking down at PADD and then up... seeing the bar through some sort of bridge between station halves:: Tae'Lynn Dran: But then I guess we'd get a fair read on their attitudes towards such items. Chirakis: Perhaps the others at a later date. Kallah Ramson: Agreed. Tarisa: Indeed. Have you finished packing? KelsaViegnor: If we move this up some...::indicates a display:: and that over there..::indicates another:: I think it will shift some of the newer featured bottles and product types to view of the corridor. KelsaViegnor: Perhaps some backgrounds of different color behind the shelves, to indicate a specific mood? KelsaViegnor: ::ponders:: Chirakis: I should add that all have current insurance and burial instructions. Johnson Kenyon: ::navigating to the bar, walking in:: Chirakis: As do I. Tae'Lynn Dran: Oh my yes. Tarisa: Good. Then we wait for the word. Chirakis: ::she stands:: If that is all, permission to proceed, Captain? Kallah Ramson: ::nods:: Permission granted. Good luck. Chirakis: Thank you, Captain. ::polite bow, then she exits::: Johnson Kenyon: ::checking in with the proprietor's of the bar to see where they'd like me to begin:: Kallah Ramson: ::looks over to Scott:: i think she's feeling optimistic. She's expecting there to be enough remains for a burial. Chirakis: ::OPS::: Commander Kital, call Commander Tarisa, Ensign Dran, and Dr. Pavilion to Transporter room 2. Scott Coleridge: Yes, she was unusually effusive too. Jylliene: Yes ,a Johnson Kenyon: ((chuckles at the Captain's comment)) Jylliene: Yes ma'am. Chirakis: ::she steps into the command lift::: Chirakis: ::as the door closes:: Transporter room 2. Scott Coleridge: Anything else you want us to do here on the station? Chirakis: +Garand+ TR 2 with my gear. Jylliene: +Tarisa, Dran, Pavilion+ Ops to mission team. Meet at Transporter room 2 now. Tarisa: ::Perks up.:: Seems now is the time. ::Grabs her kit.:: mimipavilion: ::hears the comm:: +OPS+ on my way Chirakis: ::the lift stops and she exits to see that Garand is already there::: mimipavilion: ::Dacia:: You have medical ::exits via the tl ordering it to TR 2:: Tae'Lynn Dran: Ready. ::slings the pack over her shoulder and falls in line behind Tarisa:: Tae'Lynn Dran: :::watching not to step on the tail:: Chirakis: Lieutenant, you are in command while I am away. ::she takes the gear she requested::: Chirakis: Garand> Yes, ma'am. Dacia Sandero: Alright -- goodluck. Tarisa: ((That would be hard to do, but impressive. lol )) Chirakis: (Excellent choice, Ensign. No stepping on the tail.) Johnson Kenyon: ::listens to the complaint at the bar... the refrigeration unit is failing on items that need (no replication) and a Dabo table is not working:: KelsaViegnor: Thelea> That sounds nice. ::starts rearranging with Kelsa:: Kallah Ramson: ::scott:: See what engineering and ops can do to keep a lock on the team. Tarisa: ::Goes to the lift with Dran.:: TR 2 mimipavilion: ::arrives at TR 2:: Chirakis: ACTION> Captain Aayrn appears instantly in the transporter room. He carries white suits over each arm. Chirakis: ::blink:: Captain? Nijil tr'Korjata: :: Where he is :: Johnson Kenyon: ::is shown to the refrigeration unit, scans it:: mimipavilion: ::enters the room to see Chirakis and one of the visitors:: Alexis McFarland: @ ::Eating what she thinks is an apple:: Tarisa: ::After a short TL ride, they enter TR 2. She seems a bit surprised to see Aayrn there.:: Chirakis: Aayrn> ::nod:: Captain Chirakis. Your transporter will not be recognized on the Voad. If you will, put these suites and we will transport you. Is that acceptable? Tarisa: @ Miana> :;Watches Alexis.:: Chirakis: ::she looks at the team:: Is that acceptable for you? Jylliene: ::still puzzling over the whole situation of trying to maintain a lock:: mimipavilion: ::Nods to Chirakis:: Chirakis: ::Aayrn hands her one:: Tae'Lynn Dran: ::looking at the suit. Refraining from commenting on their sense of style or lack there of:: Alexis McFarland: @ It's nice. I don't have a knife but.. ::hands Miana the apple, the uneaten side up:: Try it. Johnson Kenyon: ::noticing the refrigeration unit is using a refrigerant gas which has leaked out... not to mention it is illegal:: Tarisa: Is it...adaptable to myself? :;Looking at the suit curiously.:: Tae'Lynn Dran: ::hand out to accept the new set of clothing:: Annisha: @ I'm :: munches :: not sure how they get crops so fast... unless. Chirakis: Aayrn> It will shield you from the rays during the jump. Yes, it should fit you. ::Tarisa:: Alexis McFarland: @Fertilizer? Chirakis: ::skeptical:: Jump? mimipavilion: ::accepts the suit from Aayrn:: Tarisa: ::Tail waving about.:: Chirakis: Aayrn> Yes. You transport. We jump. Scott Coleridge: ::Ramson:: You got it. ::turns and departs:: Tae'Lynn Dran: If I may ask, what type of rays? Tae'Lynn Dran: ::slipping the suit on:: mimipavilion: ::puts on the suit:: Chirakis: Aayrn> Cosmic rays. Scott Coleridge: ::enters CnC:: Tarisa: ::Reluctantly takes the suit and begins to put it on.:: Jylliene: ::glances up at Scott:: Chirakis: ::takes a suit and slips it on::: Johnson Kenyon: ::tapping comm badge and communicating with engineering to bring a portable refrigeration unit that works on recycled water condensation:: Chirakis: Aayrn> I remind you that no weapons whatsoever are allowed on Voad. Chirakis: ::shrugging into the suit:: Yes, Captain. Scott Coleridge: ::goes up to Jylliene:: I assume you've already begun to ponder how to keep a lock on the away team. Tae'Lynn Dran: Interesting.::finishes clasping/zipping/whatevering the suit closed:: Johnson Kenyon: ::moving to check out the Dabo table:: Jylliene: Begun? Yes. No good solid ideas. Jylliene: You? Chirakis: ACTION> The suit modifies itself to the size and structure of the being putting it on. Chirakis: Interesting. mimipavilion: Indeed it is Captain Chirakis: Garand> ::steps away to watch:: Nijil tr'Korjata: :: Working in main engineering, making sure power is flowing :: Johnson Kenyon: ::spinning the Dabo table to see if it's working right... it's got a funny wabble:: Tarisa: ::Surprised as the suit conforms to her tail.:: Interesting. :;Tail waves.:: Scott Coleridge: Not yet. I wonder if we can adjust the targeting scanners to be more sensitive to whether or not a signature has been through this "null" space that the Dahlem use for travel. Chirakis:(Away Team take a #) Chirakis:::feels strange as the suit fits, then she looks to the others::: Jylliene: We can try. ::starts fiddling:: Johnson Kenyon: ::taking out tools to adjust the wabble:: Tae'Lynn Dran: # Chirakis: Aayrn> Are you ready? Chirakis: # We are. Tarisa: #::Looks to the others. Nods.:: mimipavilion: #::nods:: Chirakis: ACTION> Within a second, the away team is transported directly to Voad's bridge. It is configured much like the bridge of a Federation Starship, with a few variations. The crew goes about their business as though the away team did not appear. There is no viewscreen, but there are personal consoles similar to those on Aegis. Jylliene: Modified. Let's hope. Annisha: @ :: Munches :: Chirakis: #::feeling somewhat strange, she looks around:: Tarisa: # :;Curiously glancing around. She then checks her kit to see if anything was removed.:: Jylliene: ::attempts to find the team:: mimipavilion: #::looks around and is a bit shocked:: mimipavilion: #::also checks her kit:: Cdr Wyatt Cayne: :: At tactical :: Tae'Lynn Dran: # ::somewhat unsteady on her feet. Didn't feel a thing during the trip which is what was so strange:: Chirakis: # Fast and efficient, Captain Aayrn. Johnson Kenyon: ::the Dabo table appears to have been tampered with.... assumes it is to favor the house:: Chirakis: # Aayrn> Yes. A little more efficient than your transporter. Now you have the option of leaving the suit on or removing it. Your choice. Tarisa: @ Miana> ::Sniffs the apple-like fruit, then takes a bite.:: Alexis McFarland: @ Is it yummy? Tarisa: @ Miana> ::Squeals with joy.:: Mmmm Tae'Lynn Dran: # ::makes a quick note in her field journal:: Johnson Kenyon: ::finishes making adjustments to the Dabo wheel... spins it with the ball inside to see if it works better:: Chirakis: # Then... I shall remove mine. ::begins to remove it and it instantly drops to the floor and folds itself up::: Jylliene: ::grumbles:: Chirakis: # Um.. convenient. Scott Coleridge: ::Jylliene:: Difficulties? Tarisa: # ::Watches the suit fold.:: Jylliene: Trying the modified scanners as you suggested. Tae'Lynn Dran: # ::does the same. More than a little creeped out though:: mimipavilion: #::also removes her suit and is amazed:: Alexis McFarland: @ Mm! That's good. Johnson Kenyon: ::noticing some technicians arriving with a portable refrigeration unit:: Chirakis: # ::she takes a good look around. The crew's uniforms are white. What appears to be a rank is prominent on the left shoulder. The designated position is on the right and more prominently displayed on the back. No one talks, as all are conversing telepathically.:: Nijil tr'Korjata: :: Watching the Voad ship on his main display :: Tarisa: # ::Removes hers as well. Tail happy to "breathe.":: Jylliene: A bit of a helpless feeling. ::ponders:: Maybe if we scan for life forms, we'll pick up our own crewmembers? Annisha: @ My gran said they have to be very careful with crops from other worlds.. Chirakis: # ::after taking a good look around, she looks to the team::: Ready? mimipavilion: #::looks at Chirakis:: Yes ma'am Tae'Lynn Dran: # ::making notes on the ambient light levels, smell of the air, background noises, audible cues from terminals, and any other little bits and pieces that might explain how these aliens take in the universe:: Tarisa: # ::Nods.:: Tae'Lynn Dran: Yes sir. Chirakis: # ACTION> The Dahlem are like humans, though their skin is all fair, their hair closely cropped white, and their eyes a bluish pearl. Chirakis: # ::Aayrn::: We are ready, Captain. Scott Coleridge: ((They are also much taller than the average human, right?)) Johnson Kenyon: ::setting up portable refrigeration unit:: Jylliene: I'm getting some slight variations from your suggested scans. It's a start. Chirakis: # Aayrn> Excellent. Do you prefer science first, or medical? mimipavilion: #::takes note of the physical description of the Dahlem. Nijil tr'Korjata: :: Watching the screen, but thinking of dinner :: Chirakis: (they are much taller - 7' plus) Scott Coleridge: ::Jylliene:: Worth a try. Let's tie the targeting scanners into the lateral sensor array. Jylliene: ::nods and patches them in:: Jylliene: ::continues setup:: Jylliene: If I may ask, are you glad to be here, or do you wish you were there with them? Chirakis: # Do you mind if we take readings aboard the ship, Captain? Johnson Kenyon: ::gathering up the patrons and having a discussion about Dabo table maintenance and refrigeration units:: Chirakis: # Aayrn> Not at all. Please do. Jylliene: And it looks like the scanners are tied in. Chirakis: # I would say that science is a good beginning. Tae'Lynn Dran: # ::and out comes the tricorder:: Chirakis: # When they are ready. Chirakis: # ::she notices that the team is busy gathering information::: Scott Coleridge: ::rueful smile:: I don't mind missing most away missions. Scott Coleridge: I admit it would be interesting to get a look at their technology... but I fear it would be inscrutable, at least upon casual observation. Johnson Kenyon: ::listening to the objections and explaining that the Dabo table has to be removed... someone has tampered with it to failure... will not work again properly:: Tarisa: # ::begins scanning.:: mimipavilion: #::scans a bit:: Jylliene: ::nods:: Chirakis: # Aayrn> ::watching them with interest::: Cdr Wyatt Cayne: :: Watching nearby space for anything out of the expected :: Tae'Lynn Dran: # ::notes she's being watched:: How often do you meet with other species? Jylliene: Scan ready when you are. Chirakis: # ::also interested, but somewhat bemused::: Johnson Kenyon: ::then explaining that starfleet regulations do not allow for refrigerant gases to be used... as the gases themselves are toxic to Bollians:: Scott Coleridge: Let's give it a try. Jylliene: ::nods:: Scott Coleridge: What about *you*? Do you crave some away team action? mimipavilion: #::stops scanning for the moment:: Chirakis: # Aayrn> We meet with other species like this when we know that they are of the same mind as we are. We are explorers and scientists. If they are conquerors, we give them a wide berth. Tae'Lynn Dran: # I see. Chirakis: # And have you often had problems with other species? Tarisa: # ::Getting a lot of power readings, but nothing from the Dahlem themselves.:: Jylliene: ::begins scanning:: Hm. Before we adopted Annisha, I enjoyed it. Now, it depends on whether just one or both Nijil and I are going. Chirakis: # Aayrn> Not often. But those we encounter have been devastating. Tarisa: # Your power distribution systems must be immense. Johnson Kenyon: ::finishes setting up the portable refrigeration unit, grabs his tool bag and heads out:: Chirakis: # Aayrn> I suppose they would appear immense. Jylliene: Risking putting her through the loss of both parents again is not totally avoidable, but if we can keep from both being on the same away missions, I feel a bit better. Chirakis: # Aayrn> :::Tarisa:: You cannot read us, can you? Jylliene: Looks like we might have a little something, between this and the null space residual scan. Tarisa: # ::Shakes her head.:: Your clothing prevents it. Chirakis: # Aayrn> Not exactly the clothing. However, allow me to concentrate on... not concentrating? Perhaps that will help. Johnson Kenyon: ::heading back... decides to check out the perfume shop again:: Tarisa: # ::Scans again, tilting her head curiously.:: Your mind is preventing the scans? KelsaViegnor: ::with the displays shifted, both now working on the new background colors to refresh their appearance:: mimipavilion: #::slightly confused and starts scanning again:: Johnson Kenyon: ::entering Kelsa's shop:: mimipavilion: #::more so on Captain Aayrn:: Chirakis: # Aayrn> Yes, it does. KelsaViegnor: ::looks up:: Ah, Mr. Kenyon, was it? Welcome back. Tarisa: # Interesting. mimipavilion: #I agree Tarisa Johnson Kenyon: Yes, that's right... I wouldn't mind smelling my way around... if you understand. Chirakis: # Aayrn> Perhaps because your tricorders are... not modern in our terms. Scott Coleridge: I guess having children would change that equation, hmm. ::hadn't thought of that:: Scott Coleridge: Hopefully we can maintain the lock. Tarisa: # I suppose not... mimipavilion: #::slight nod:: Chirakis: # Aayrn> ::he steps to the side, bends down to a worker, and he hands over an object::: Chirakis: # Aayrn> Try this one. Chirakis: # Aayrn> Your mind will tell it what to do. Tae'Lynn Dran: # ::taking more notes:: Chirakis: # ::becoming a little overwhelmed herself::: Annisha: @ :: stands :: We get a fly over later and time in the city. Johnson Kenyon: Can I try a few of your samples? Jylliene: Hopefully. Alexis McFarland: @ Oooh! Yay! mimipavilion: #::looks around to the the other three then focus' on Chirakis and walks over to her:: softly:: You ok? Chirakis: # ::she nods:: I am. mimipavilion: #::nods:: let me know if you don't feel too well ok. KelsaViegnor: Of course. ::gets a few samples out, puts them in a small bag:: And feel free to smell the testing vials as well. Chirakis: =/\==/\=PAUSE SIM=/\==/\= Chirakis: =/\==/\=PAUSE SIM=/\==/\= Chirakis: 11/2/18 Chirakis: Thank you. Chirakis: That was interesting. Chirakis: Captain, TBS? Kallah Ramson: I would say a few moments. Maybe 20 minutes? Chirakis: That sounds good. Chirakis: Comments for the crew? Kallah Ramson: none Chirakis: Commander Coleridge? Scott Coleridge: Nope Chirakis: Comments or questions FROM the crew? Tarisa: Are the workers Dahlem too? Chirakis: They are. Tarisa: The way he bent down seemed like they might not be. Chirakis: All those aboard the Voad are Dahlem. Tarisa: Ah so they were sitting then. Chirakis: Yes. He bent down to ask for their "tricorder" - which is a little more advanced that ours. Tarisa: gotcha Chirakis: Others? Chirakis: I will be writing another log of my reflections. I encourage the rest of you to do the same. Chirakis: No more questions, then... Chirakis: Crew dismissed. Be well. Be Safe. Don’t forget your towel.
  16. Mission Brief | Sky Harbor Aegis |2 November 2018 30 April 2388 - Stardate 2388.121 TBS is 1 hour. The time is 1400 hours (2:00 PM) Aegis local. At the request of the Dahlem, an away team will visit their ship, the Voad, still in Aegis orbit. Strict procedures will be followed. As soon as we receive Captain Ramson’s approval, the away team will depart.
  17. Journey to Voad Chirakis Kirel Je’rit d’Ka The Dahlem ship, Voad, hung like an ornament at Aegis’ Karman line as its occupants waited for a visit from Aegis personnel. Despite Kirel’s conversation with the Voad Captain Aayrn, she still had misgivings. She was cautious by nature— perhaps too much, but it was better than being caught off guard. There was always a catch, always an ulterior motive. If she were the only one involved, she might take it in stride. She could defend herself, and if she could not, she would be the only one affected, alive or dead. In this case, others would be involved. All had families, and each one one would be her responsibility. At 1315 hours, Command and Control had settled into normalcy. Only a few knew of their mission, and it was best kept that way. While Kirel outlined mission objectives and procedures at her personal console, she sought much needed counsel from her bondmate, Captain d’Ka. Their psionic conversation would be secure on two levels—their private bond, and the little-known language of the Sindar. Captain d’Ka had already exchanged ideas with Dahlem’s Captain Aayrn on many subjects, especially their desire to work together in this arm of the galaxy. His sincere enthusiasm came with the suggestion that representatives from each department accompany Kirel to the Voad. The proposed list included himself, Executive Officer Commander Bialar, Science Officer Lieutenant Kagih, Engineering Officer Lt Commander Aurra, Chief Medical Officer Lt Commander Pallas, and Chief Security Officer Commander Thor. Primarily, D’Ka assured her that all would be well. It did not alleviate her misgivings. “Ag’us tá tú sin’nte ze? [And you are certain of this?]” Kirel asked poignantly. “Ko mór mar zin, [Very much so.]” d’Ka responded, though it did little to settle her qualms. “Ag’us kad a tarlaíonn… kad a arlaíon nach gkeadaíonn ziad dúinn fil’eadh?” [And what if we are taken captive?] There was a long pause, then a sigh. “Kirel, Dea’rbhaím duit. Óz rud é go dtugann Sindar a gkuid focail a onóir, mar zin a dhéanann ziad. Go deimhin, tá ziad khomh khosúil. N'fheadar má bhí baint ag ár zpeikeas..” [I assure you, Kirel. As the Sindar honor their words, so do they honor theirs. In fact, they are so similar I wonder if our species are related.] “Bh’fuhl ziad?” [Are they?] she asked casually. “Kh’éile, Tá baint ag gach zpeic’eaz ar bhealach éigin. Tá na cruinne ollmhór, ach tá forbairt na zpeic’eas motha khalach mar a fhioz againn iad go leor beag. Tá gaol againn ar bhea’lach éigin, ach tá Sindar go Dahlem go zonrach? Is é zin na heolaithe a zhin’neadh.” [ Kh’éile, all species are related in some way. The universe is vast, but the development of sentient species as we know them is quite small. We are related in some way, but Sindar to Dahlem specifically? That is for the scientists to determine.] “Zin, tá muid zábh’áilte?”[So we are safe?] “Very. Perhaps more safe than any other place in the galaxy.” He had slipped into Federation Standard: his less-than-subtle punctuation. That it would be more safe than any other place in the galaxy was absurd. However, he was more familiar with them, so she let it pass. As the chronometer continued its precise calibration of time, Kirel paused to stare at the main tactical screen. Voad was still at stationkeeping just inside Aegis’ Kármán line. They did keep their distance, as they said they would. They were polite… so far. However, there were too many what ifs. “Kh’éile.” “What?” she snapped aloud, making a few heads turn in CnC. She ignored them. “Do not overthink the situation. Continue on that path, and your fear may become reality.” He was right, of course. He usually is. Would she acknowledge that? Definitely not. Instead, she stepped to her console and finalized her list of team objectives, then forwarded them to Captain Ramson. At 1330, there was time enough for Captain Ramson to approve or adjust. Lt Garand had readied the equipment she might need. The team was due at TR-2 in 30 minutes. Report Memorandum To: Kallah Ramson, Captain, Commanding Officer, Sky Harbor Aegis CC: Scott Coleridge, Commander, Executive Officer, Sky Harbor Aegis From: Chirakis Kirel, Captain SI-5, Chief of Security, Sky Harbor Aegis RE: Mission to Dahlem ship Voad, Aegis orbit, Stardate 2388.120 Proposed Team: Chirakis Kirel, Captain, SI-5, Chief of Security, Sky Harbor Aegis Commander Scott Coleridge, Executive Officer, Sky Harbor Aegis Duelle Tarisa, Lt Commander, Chief Science Officer, Sky Harbor Aegis Tae’Lynn Dran, Ensign, Science (Botany, Life Science, Meteorology, and Hydrology), Sky Harbor Aegis Mimi Pavilion, Physician, Chief Medical Officer, Sky Harbor Aegis Nijil tr’Korjata, SubCommander, Chief of Engineering, Sky Harbor Aegis Proposed Objectives: When given permission by the Dahlem, board the Dahlem Starship Voad. Observe and document elements of the starship and its occupants. Observe and document any threats that could compromise the safety of the Away Team. Observe and document any threats that could compromise Sky Harbor Aegis or its area of space. Observe and document any ideas voiced by the Dahlem concerning collaboration with them in the areas of science, medicine, engineering, or otherwise. Safely return to Aegis and formulate individual reports due within 24 hours. Oral report and discussion at the convenience of Captain Ramson and/or Commander Coleridge. Chirakis Kirel, SI-5 Captain, Starfleet Intelligence
  18. =/\= Aegis Mission Brief 10/26/18=/\= 30 April 2388 - Stardate 2388.121 TBS is 15 hours. The time is 1200 hours (12:00 PM) Aegis local. Captain Aayrn has returned to the Voad. Dahlem clothing blocks our sensors, so science has little physical information. Captain Ramson is about to call Commander Coleridge and Captain Chirakis to her office for a discussion regarding visits to the Voad. Chirakis: =/\==/\=BEGIN SIM=/\==/\= Chirakis: =/\==/\=BEGIN SIM=/\==/\= Jylliene: ::CnC, Ops:: Tae'Lynn Dran: ::in life science lab trying to find the missing piece to a sample rack she was putting together::: Chirakis: :::CnC:: Johnson Kenyon: ::analyzing sensor readings of perfume shop:: mimipavilion: ::in medical:: Dacia Sandero: ::in Sickbay:: Fletcher Jackson: :::Aux OPS, very quiet::: KelsaViegnor: ::talking to a client:: Kallah Ramson: ::on cnc:: Chirakis: ::notes a strange message::: Tarisa: ::Walking down a corridor.:: Alexis McFarland: @ ::playing with Annisha and Miana or continuing their tour of the farm:: Chirakis: ::picking up her padd, she walks slowly to Kital::: Commander. ::hands her the padd:: I believe this is yours. Tarisa: ::Steps into the life science lab.:: Chirakis: Apparently they have me in billeting now. Tarisa: @ Miana> Wee! ::Running around again.:: Johnson Kenyon: ::thinking to self... what the heck does this all mean???:: Jylliene: ::accepts the padd, confused, but looks at the message:: Ah... I see. ::slight grin:: I'll take care of it, ma'am. Fletcher Jackson: ::straightens up::: Fletcher Jackson: ::focus... focus... focus::: Annisha: Nijil> :: Working in engineering :: Chirakis: Ensign Jackson. ::quietly:: Tae'Lynn Dran: ::looks over to see who entered:: Oh, hello Commander. Fletcher Jackson: ::jumps and turns:: Yes, ma'am? Tarisa: ::Eyes widen at the sight of the lab. Tail waving in approval.:: Hello. Kallah Ramson: ::stepping to the TL:: Mind the store, I need to see to some business. Chirakis: What has happened is in the past. It will not be mentioned again. You are beginning on a new slate. Understood? Fletcher Jackson: ::blinkblink:: Yes, ma'am. Alexis McFarland: @ ::Runs around with Miana:: Kallah Ramson: ::into TL, orders to lift to track down a certain officer:: Chirakis: ::nod:: Good. ::she rests a hand on his shoulder, then moves away:: Scott Coleridge: ::watches Ramson depart, then resumes his work at his station:: Tae'Lynn Dran: Any news on that away team mission yet? Johnson Kenyon: ::preparing report for Nijil:: mimipavilion: ::in her office, working and eating:: Fletcher Jackson: :::feeling strange as he goes back to work:: Tarisa: ::Shakes head.:: Nothing yet. ::Looking about the lab.:: I heard things were different here. I wanted to take a look. Chirakis: ::takes tactical to read the latest information::: Tae'Lynn Dran: Oh, just a little unpacking. Now we just need some samples to study. Jylliene: +Kenyon+ Ops to Ensign Kenyon. Jylliene: ::enters a few things on her console:: Tae'Lynn Dran: I heard that planet nearby was off limits now. Shame. Johnson Kenyon: ::looks up from screen:: +OPS+ Kenyon here. Go ahead Kallah Ramson: ::TL stops and she steps out into the corridor:: Jylliene: +Kenyon+ I have what is hopefully good news. New quarters assignment. Private room with a window. Jylliene: ::isn't too aware of anyone liking sharing berths, but you never know...:: Johnson Kenyon: ((RFOL)) Annisha: Cayne> :: In CnC, working :: Fletcher Jackson: :::paging through his stuff, shuffling them here and there::: Annisha: @ :: Exploring the farm :: Johnson Kenyon: +OPS+ Really? Sounds good. When do I move? Kallah Ramson: ::enters the life science lab, glancing around until she sees Tarisa:: Alexis McFarland: @ ::Hugs Miana and Annisha:: He he he. Chirakis: ::Cayne:: Anything of which I should be aware? Tarisa: ::Nods.:: Unfortunately. I was told that life sciences is free to use an area within the park though. Tarisa: @ Miana> ::giggles:: Tae'Lynn Dran: Captain. ::scrambles to her feet:: Scott Coleridge: ::reviewing existing station protocols given the recent events:: Jylliene: +Kenyon+ At your earliest convenience. Nobody's going to be kicking you out of your old berth if you collapse there tonight, but the new quarters are indeed ready. I'm sending the location to you now. Tarisa: ::Perks up as she turns to Kallah.:: Captain? Chirakis: ::takes that as a no.. nothing new::: Kallah Ramson: ::Tarisa:: i was looking for you. Kallah Ramson: I had some news I needed to relay to you. Jylliene: ::well, maybe if he's a snorer, the bunk mates would indeed be ready to kick him out, but she wasn't about to ask after those kinds of details:: Johnson Kenyon: +Jyliene+ That is welcome news. I appreciate it Tae'Lynn Dran: ::eager and hoping it's about the away mission:: Jylliene: +Kenyon+ Thought you might like hearing it. Enjoy your new quarters, Ensign. Ops out. Tarisa: Some news? ::Tilts her head curiously.:: Chirakis: ::hearing a ping on her private console, she moves over::: Johnson Kenyon: {{SNORT}} Chirakis: (heh) Chirakis: :::logs in and reads::: Jylliene: ::grins, happy to be able to deliver news like that once in a while:: Kallah Ramson: Yes. ::smiles:: I wanted you to now as of right now you are the new Chief Science Officer. Kallah Ramson: know Tarisa: ::Ears lay back as her tail droops.:: I...I am? Kallah Ramson: Official paperwork is all, well... official. Signed, sealed, and....::hands her a PADD:: delivered. Dacia Sandero: ::Working with some patients:: Chirakis: ::replies in Sindarin::: KelsaViegnor: ::directing the client to a few different scents and having him sample them:: This one will layer nicely with your desired scent. Tarisa: ::Takes the PADD, seeing the seal upon it.:: Tae'Lynn Dran: Ohh, pay raise. ::blinks, remembering this is the Captain, and snaps back to attention:: Johnson Kenyon: ::completing report to SubCommander Nijil and sending:: Chirakis: ::logs off and blanks the screen, then begins her usual walk around CnC::: Jylliene: ::resumes her usual:: Tarisa: ::Perks back up, minding her manners.:: Thank you, Captain. Kallah Ramson: Congratulations. Fletcher Jackson: ::humming a little bit, but working hard::: Kallah Ramson: It's well earned. Now I need to get back to the CnC. Chirakis: (Congratulations, Tarisa) mimipavilion: (Congrats, Tarisa) Kallah Ramson: ::turns and exits the lab:: Tarisa: ::Nods.:: May I ask, will we hear about the science team proposal soon? KelsaViegnor: Client> ::unsure:: It is a bit too... delicate. Tarisa: ((Thanks!)) Kallah Ramson: ::stops, turns:: Which proposal? Alexis McFarland: @ ::looking at tube roots:: Fletcher Jackson: ::looks up when the captain passes by, then gets back to work:: Annisha: @ Roots Tarisa: Our potential trip to the Dahlem ship. KelsaViegnor: We shall try something with a bit more body to it, then. Just remember, this scent will not be separate, but accompanied by the others. Kallah Ramson: We're still waiting for a signal from them. Alexis McFarland: @ Tube Chirakis: ::passes by Scott::: Anything I can help you with, Commander? Tarisa: @ Miana> ::Stops and looks at them too.:: Oooh...::Fluffy tail lashing.:: Are they yummy? Kallah Ramson: I'm hoping we hear something soon. Alexis McFarland: @ Yes? Tarisa: :;Nods.:: Understood. Scott Coleridge: I'm just reviewing procedures and pondering amendments given the Dahlem's presence. Kallah Ramson: ::back towards the door:: I guess they're trying to tidy up before we visit. Johnson Kenyon: ::stands up, stretches....:: Kallah Ramson: ::smiles and exits:: Chirakis: ::nods::: Tae'Lynn Dran: ::wearing a grin:: Congrats. Tarisa: ::Waits for Kallah to exit before she finds a place to sit and plops down, her knees feeling like they were going to buckle.:: KelsaViegnor: The difference between seeing a delegate and seeing the delegate accompanied by officials. Johnson Kenyon: ::grabs tool bag and heads to the commerce deck:: Tae'Lynn Dran: You okay? KelsaViegnor: ::considering how to phrase it:: Tarisa: ::Sighs, then smiling sort of.:: This was highly unexpected. KelsaViegnor: ::turns to another scent:: What do you think of this one? Tarisa: @ Miana> ::kneels down to them and sniffs.:: Fletcher Jackson: ::working really really really hard::: Chirakis: Action> A little bug jumps on Miana Jylliene: ::notices Fletcher working really really really hard, wonders if he's going to hurt himself:: Tae'Lynn Dran: ::laughs a little:: Promotions are surprises. Then I guess the advanced aliens are normal fare? Tarisa: @ Miana> ::Jerks up.:: Eeep! Jylliene: ::returns her attention to her console:: Alexis McFarland: @ It's a bug Fletcher Jackson: ::watching the commander watch him::: Fletcher Jackson: ::then goes back to work:: Kallah Ramson: ::returns to the CnC:: Jylliene: ((It's not a bug, it's a featur- oh, wait. It's a bug. Sorry. Habit.)) Annisha: Cayne> :: Keeping an eye at the sector :: Tarisa: @ Miana> ::Quickly shakes it off and wipes her face.:: It scared me... :;Tail poofed out.:: Chirakis: Action> The bug is like a large lady bug KelsaViegnor: Client> Hm. This is better. Chirakis: Action> It wanders off Tarisa: ::Smiles at Dran.:: I suppose you are right. Alexis McFarland: @ Poor Miana. ::hugs:: Chirakis: ::turns when the captain enters::: Captain. Tarisa: @ Miana> :;Heart still racing, but she starts to calm down.:: KelsaViegnor: ::nods:: Now see how it smells with this. ::hands him another sample, this one more woodsy:: mimipavilion: ::wonders why she has all this paperwork, then remembers she runs a department and the Children's Home:: Johnson Kenyon: ::arriving on the Commerce desk, tool bag in hand:: Kallah Ramson: ::steps over to Chirakis:: Alexis McFarland: @::Huggles MIana:: It looked cute. I like ladybugs. Johnson Kenyon: ::pulls out padd to check the repair schedule:: Chirakis: ::pulls out her padd:: A note from the Dahlem, via Captain d'Ka. Apparently they are more adept at telepathy than writing. Jylliene: ::notes a message about forgotten deliveries suddenly being cleared all at once to science. Grunts inwardly and makes a note to follow up more closely with anything coming in through that bay:: Kallah Ramson: I imagine. What do they have to say? Chirakis: It is an invitation for anyone to visit their ship. Tarisa: @ Miana> ::Relaxed now.:: I would have thought so too if it did not attack me. Chirakis: I would suggest science with a small security detail. Alexis McFarland: @ Aw, at least it wasn't a bee. I would've ran. Tarisa: ::Looking down at the signed PADD a moment, before standing up.:: Looks like I will be visiting this lab more often. Tarisa: @ Miana> ::Nods in agreement.:: Tae'Lynn Dran: ::To Tarisa:: We'll make you proud. Tarisa: ::Smiles.:: Kallah Ramson: Agreed. Normal away team complement. I want you to lead the team. KelsaViegnor: Client> ::nods, slowly, then with a more decided look:: Yes. That is it. Chirakis: Me, Captain? Johnson Kenyon: ::first duty on list: repair food replicator:: KelsaViegnor: ::smiles and nods:: Excellent. ::pulls out the selection of bottles and finalizes the client's order:: Tarisa: I will be a little more busy it would seem. Would you be against Science station training on the CnC? Fletcher Jackson: ::just a little more relaxed than he was at first::: Johnson Kenyon: ::looks around for the appropriate food facility, seeing it, heads there:: Kallah Ramson: Yes. You seem to be in a position to relay info via d’Ka better than anyone else. And probably a more reliable comlink than we might otherwise have, seeing we still can't scan into their ship. Chirakis: I see. Tae'Lynn Dran: No, not against it. As long as I still get the chance for some field work as it comes. Tarisa: :;Nods.:: Of course. Chirakis: Oh. And Captain Aayrn has requested one of our physicians. He is interested in our medical procedures. Tae'Lynn Dran: Is it usually busy up there? Johnson Kenyon: ::entering the Romulan food shop, looking around for someone to address:: Kallah Ramson: ::nods:: Gather your team. Kallah Ramson: And good luck. Chirakis: Yes, Captain. Tarisa: It can be. But for now, I will get you clearance. And if you wish, you can begin on the auxiliary console. Chirakis: ::eyes Scott::: Johnson Kenyon: ::gains the attention of the establishment, is directed to the food replicator... starting repairs"" Tae'Lynn Dran: This place gets more interesting every day. Annisha: Nijil> :: Reading the report Kenyon sent :: Scott Coleridge: ::shrugs at Chirakis, as if to say, "I didn't do it." mimipavilion: ::is glad to be finished of the reports for the time being:: Jylliene: ::has seen that shrug before:: Chirakis: ::smiles, then moves to OPS::: Commander, call Commander Tarisa, Ensign Dran, and Dr. Pavilion to the conference room. Jylliene: ::heck, she thinks she's given that shrug before:: Jylliene: Yes ma'am. Tarisa: ::Smiles.:: It seems so. ::Takes the PADD, and makes a request to have Ensign Dran added to CnC clearance for Science duty.:: Johnson Kenyon: (report details my findings that the odors from the shop are well controlled and the attachment of the tricorder scans which I cannot interpret) Chirakis: :::as she moves to the conference room::: +com+ Lt Garand, assemble a security team and report to TR-2. Jylliene: +Tarisa, Dran, Pavilion+ Ops here. Tae'Lynn Dran: ::glancing down sees the peg for the sample rack she was looking for:: ah ha. ::reaches down to get it:: mimipavilion: +Jylliene+ Go ahead Tarisa: :;Wasn't expecting a response so fast.:: Tarisa: +Jylliene+ We are here. Alexis McFarland: @::eating a tube root Annisha's grandmother gave her:: Crunchy. Tarisa: @ Miana> :;Watching.:: Jylliene: +Pavilion, Dran, Tarisa+ Captain Chirakis would like you to report to the conference room. Annisha: @ Annish's gran> You have to cook them just so... Tae'Lynn Dran: +Jylliene+ Yes, Dran here. Alexis McFarland: @How so? mimipavilion: +Jyl+ On my way mimipavilion: ::exits her office:: Dacia, I have to go to the conference room. Mind the store. Dacia Sandero: Yes, sure Tarisa: ::Looks to Dran.:: Seems we may have our invitation. Chirakis: ::enters the conference room and stares into the darkness to the Dahlem ship, curious::: Johnson Kenyon: ::replacing the primary replicator module:: mimipavilion: ::enters the tl and orders it to the CnC:: Scott Coleridge: ::curious about how the away team will find things on the Dahlem ship, but starting to wonder if things on the station will once more swing back in the direction of "orderly" until the next inevitable crisis:: mimipavilion: ::short time later arrives on the CnC and goes to the conference room:: Annisha: Nijil> Calibration completed... Tae'Lynn Dran: ::nods. has too silly of a grin on her face to do much else:: Chirakis: (all in due time, Commander. All in due time.) Johnson Kenyon: ::completes the repair and attempts to replicate food to test it:: mimipavilion: (Scott, what's normal?) Tarisa: ::Heads to the TL with Dran.:: CnC mimipavilion: ::enters the conference room and takes a seat:: Jylliene: (There's a normal?) Chirakis: ::nod:: Dr. Pavilion, you have not been asked, so I will ask you now if you have any qualms about visiting the Dahlem. Tarisa: ((I am not familiar with that term.)) Chirakis: (Aegis normal) Tae'Lynn Dran: :::starts to follow, still holding the peg. She stops, rushes back to drop the peg and get her tricorder:: mimipavilion: ::Chirakis:: No ma'am KelsaViegnor: ::sends the client on his way with his purchase:: Chirakis: Good. Annisha: Cayne> :: Looking over security rosters :: Tae'Lynn Dran: ::very quickly catches up with Tarisa:: Tarisa: ::Arrives on the CnC moments later, walking with Dran to the conference room.:: KelsaViegnor: ::heads back to the displays, checking the levels of the tester vials and the dates written on the labels:: Chirakis: ::turns as the door closes::: Doctor, Commander Tarisa, Ensign Dran, please sit. Tae'Lynn Dran: Yes sir. ::takes a seat:: mimipavilion: ::already sitting:: Tarisa: ::Nods in greeting before taking a seat.:: Johnson Kenyon: ::food replicator is working fine, closes it up:: Chirakis: You have been invited to visit the Dahlem ship, not as a courtesy, but as a collaboration. Chirakis: If any of you would rather not go, please say so now. Tarisa: @ Miana> ::Still watching Alexis eat the root.:: Is it yummy? Alexis McFarland: @ ::feeds a tube root to Miana:: See for yourself. Chirakis: I do not hear any objections. Annisha: @ :: nods :: They are not replicated... unless there are tiny replicators for kilometers... Tarisa: @ Miana> :;Takes a bite, but has an odd look on her face as she slowly chews.:: Alexis McFarland: @I think it is yummy. Annisha: @ Gran> Hardly. Chirakis: Therefore, I should inform you that only a very few will be speaking Federation Standard. The others converse telepathically, so you will not hear them. Tarisa: No Ma'am Chirakis: The captain, his executive officer, and the science officer will speak. Tarisa: ::Nods.:: Johnson Kenyon: ::touching base with the restaurant, then off to the next task:: mimipavilion: ::nods:: Tae'Lynn Dran: ::blushes a little but nods:: Chirakis: We will have a security detail - a very small one. There will be no weapons. Chirakis: If we try to take weapons in, they will disappear. Johnson Kenyon: ::reviewing the list... Holo-billiard table malfunctioning... checks out location and heads out:: Tarisa: @ Miana> ::Still isn't sure of it, so she takes another bite.:: Chirakis: Which means. :::removes the dagger from her boot. I do not take any. Chirakis: Questions? Tarisa: What about scanning? Tarisa: ::Not that she expects the scans to work anyways.:: Chirakis: ::places the dagger on the table:: You may take anything that helps you with your research. Scanners, samples, and the like. Johnson Kenyon: ::addressing the establishment... being ushered to the table:: Dacia Sandero: ::giggles:: I like it cooked like that Chirakis: ::looks to Mimi:: Anything? Alexis McFarland: @ It tastes like cooked Chirakis: ::Dran:: Ensign? Questions? Tarisa: @ Miana> ::Puts the rest down.:: Maybe it will be better with something else... Jylliene: ((I really expected at least three or four other daggers or weapons. Unless Chirakis will remove those later so nobody knows exactly how much and what and where she's carrying)) mimipavilion: Tarisa asked my question. Is there anything I should be aware of from them that would affect us? Alexis McFarland: @ Maybe ::snuggles Miana:: Johnson Kenyon: ::checking out Holo billiard table... It appears to work, then shuts down when you attempt to break:: Tae'Lynn Dran: No sir. I have a pack ready to go. Chirakis: I doubt it. They are keenly aware of our needs. Tarisa: Their clothing prevents normal tricorder scans. mimipavilion: ::nods:: Chirakis: Excellent. Report with your gear to TR 2 within the hour. mimipavilion: ::nods:: Tae'Lynn Dran: ::looking down:: I hope they don't take the sample probe as a weapon. ::considering:: Chirakis: We shall see. Johnson Kenyon: ::running diagnostic:: Tarisa: ::Nods as she stands.:: I think it should be fine. They are scientists too. Chirakis: They are. Chirakis: =/\==/\=PAUSE SIM=/\==/\= Chirakis: =/\==/\=PAUSE SIM=/\==/\= Chirakis: 10/26/18 Chirakis: Thank you. Chirakis: Well done, and thank you for bearing with us in overtime. Chirakis: Congratulations again to Tarisa. Chirakis: And to Ensign Kenyon for his new quarters. Chirakis: Captain, TBS? Chirakis: I suggest an hour. Kallah Ramson: Agreed Chirakis: One hour it is. Stand by those who are not going. You might eventually get a trip to the Dahlem ship. It will be very interesting. Chirakis: Comments for the crew, Captain? Kallah Ramson: None Chirakis: Commander Coleridge? Scott Coleridge: Nope Chirakis: Comments or questions from the crew? Chirakis: Seeing none... Chirakis: Crew dismissed. Be well. Be Safe. Don’t forget your towel.
  19. Mission Brief | Sky Harbor Aegis |26 October 2018 30 April 2388 - Stardate 2388.121 TBS is 15 hours. The time is 1200 hours (12:00 PM) Aegis local. Captain Aayrn has returned to the Dahlem ship, Voad, that remains in Aegis orbit. Our science team, Commander Tarisa and Ensign Dran, were unable to gather much information from the Dahlem captain. Apparently the Dahlem clothing not only shields them from cosmic rays, it shields them from our sensor systems. We have many questions for the Dahlem. Though they do not differ from an ordinary human, there are several things that science would like to investigate. At sim begin, Captain Ramson will call Commander Coleridge and Captain Chirakis to a conference regarding a visit to the Voad.
  20. ~USS Challenger makes her Final Flight Tomorrow Evening~ October 26, 2018 9:00 PM ET Please come to give Challenger's crew and Captain Ja'Lale a proper Farewell. From her Maiden Flight in June of 2004 to Her Last we Salute you for your Service to Starfleet. Fair Winds and Following Seas, Challenger “A good Navy is not a provocation to war. It is the surest guaranty of peace.” ~President Theodore Roosevelt, December 2, 1902
  21. Concerning Ensign Jackson Captain Chirakis Ensign Fletcher Jackson His friends called him Fletch, but his full first name was Fletcher. Not that it made any difference in this story. Anyway, Flech had never been in the security complex, so he fumbled over his name when they asked for it. Good thing he had his credentials. And he'd never been in Captain Chirakis’ office, so that was another thing. He’d been told that only big brass or someone in deep shi… uh, someone in really big trouble got into her office. Well, he wasn’t big brass, so he must be here for the other reason. He stood in front of Lieutenant Garand, getting more nervous by the minute. Even though he’d been on Aegis for… how long? And he’d seen the lieutenant… how many times? He still had to go through the routine—or so the lieutenant said. “Everyone has to,” Garand responded flatly while he continued to work. “This is the heart of Aegis.” He took Fletcher’s thumb and pressed it for an imprint, then dropped it where it flopped to Fletch's side like a ragdoll. “Engineering keeps the station running, and we keep the station safe.” Garand handed Fletch’s creds back. “Got a problem with that, Ensign?” Garand’s gaze made Fletch think that if he even twitched, he’d be under arrest. “Uh… no, sir. No. No, sir. I’m good with it. Really. I’m good. Really good. No problem.” He forced a smile. Garand nodded. “Good. Follow me. Stay directly behind me. Do not move to the right or the left. Sergeant Nunez will be at your six. Do you understand?” Nunez? As in the guy next to him who’s loaded for bear, like there might be an invasion? “Yes, sir,” Fletch responded, the smile still plastered on. Garand snapped his finger. Nunez stepped up behind Fletch. Garand did a tight about face and led them down the hall. Fletch thought he saw a smirk in the lieutenant’s reflection when they rounded a bend, but no… he figured it must be a wrinkle in the metal or something and dismissed it. Security didn’t do that kind of stuff, right? After taking what seemed like the long way around, they stopped at a door. Garand ran his badge through a slot, then answered the computer’s demand for voice print. The door slid open to reveal the captain’s office. She was sitting behind a pretty good sized desk and reading from a PADD. An amazing number of monitors lined the walls behind her, but as soon as they stepped in, the monitors blanked to the Starfleet insignia. “Ensign Fletcher Jackson, Captain,” said Garand sharply as he came to attention. Without looking up from her work, Kirel responded, “Thank you, Lieutenant. Remain outside in case you are needed.” “Yes, ma’am.” Garand stepped to the side. Nunez followed suit. After a coordinated about face, they left to stand outside as ordered. The door closed. The captain continued to work in silence. Dead silence. Taking a hint from Garand and Nunez, Fletch stood at attention and waited for the captain to say something. Anything. But she kept on working. Five minutes passed. Ten minutes. Eleven. Twelve. Thirteen. Holy schmoley. Pretty soon it would be four…. “Stand at ease, Ensign. Before you fall over.” Captain Chirakis relaxed back in her chair, with her left elbow on the armrest, furnishing a support for the hand that casually stroked her chin. Jackson relaxed enough to stand at ease. Captain Chirakis didn’t seem to be the ogre some of the guys called her. Maybe it wouldn’t be so bad after all. “Do you know why you are here, Ensign?” “Uh… no ma’am. I mean… no, Captain. I don’t… know. I mean, I don’t know why I’m here. Ma’am.” The captain considered that a while. “Then I shall enlighten you.” She sighed. Taking a stylus in hand, she rolled it a few times, then placed it precisely next to her PADD and leaned forward. “What is my position on this starbase, Ensign?” “Chief of Security, ma’am.” “And what is my duty as Chief of Security?” “To keep the station safe, ma’am.” “Close,” she replied, somewhat skeptically. She stood to round her desk, then leaned against it and crossed her arms. Gees, he’d never been this close to her. Even when she leaned against her desk, she was a whole head taller than he is. Her black uniform was… well… black. But not just black. Blacker than black. Her insignia gleamed in the overhead lighting. Her boots were polished to a fine sheen, and…. Crap. She had a dagger in her left boot. And it looked pretty sharp. “My duty to this station is to ensure the safety of this station and its inhabitants, Ensign. You are an inhabitant of this station. Commander Kital is an inhabitant, and therefore under my purview, as is Ensign Dran.” She took a deep breath, but remained calm, and her expression didn’t change, except that it gave Fletch the feeling that he was in the principal’s office in junior high. “Ensign,” she continued in the same vein, “wherever you are on this station, you are my responsibility. When you are in Command and Control, your duty is not only to tend to Operations. Your duty is also to be safe, and to be sure that everyone around you is safe.” She stopped and watched him like she was… thinking? He really couldn’t tell. “Instead, you are easily distracted. Fresh donuts. Coffee. Someone new in CnC. In fact, most recently our new ensign in science became the object of your attention. Rather than keeping your eyes on your console, you watched her and commented inappropriately—which, I might add, is strictly prohibited in Starfleet and could result in court martial.” Oh boy. He was beginning to get the message. “You dropped a PADD, then you reached for it. You smacked your head against the access panel, then you hit your head again when you tried to stand up. All this was a result of your distraction. And, of course, your injury required that you leave your post for a medical examination.” He expected her to raise her voice any time now. She didn’t, but her expression changed. Man, did it change. “This left Commander Kital alone. At her post. While a heavily armed and potentially lethal alien starship was at stationkeeping. In Aegis space. Do you understand where this is going, Ensign?” “Yes, ma’am,” he squeaked, then cleared his throat. “I mean, yes, ma’am.” That one sounded better. “Tell me, Ensign Jackson, were you endangering this starbase?” “Yes, ma’am, I was endangering the starbase.” “Were you endangering its inhabitants?” “Yes, ma’am.” She pushed off from her desk to tower over him. The smile was gone. Her eyes glared viciously into his, but her voice was still quiet—like a targ about to pin its prey and tear it open. “This will not happen again, Ensign,” she hissed quietly. “If it does, I promise you that I will personally recommend convening court martial. Is that clear?” “Y..yes, Captain.” He held his breath. After a very long few minutes, the captain stepped away from him and pressed a button on her desk. “Lieutenant Garand, we are finished here.” Garand and Nunez escorted him out, same spacing, same military cadence, the whole nine yards. * * * * * As soon as the door to her office closed, Kirel sent a message to Captain Ramson. “Mission Accomplished.” Garand ushered Fletcher out of security at the main entrance. As soon as the command lift door closed, Garand turned to Nunez, shaking his head and trying not to laugh. Nunez shouldered his phaser rifle, removed his helmet, and did the same. Garand finally caught his breath. “Think we made the right impression, Sergeant?” “Oh hell, yeah, Lieutenant. He’ll ever forget this one.” “Well, let’s hope not. Strip off your gear and get it to the armory. Master at Arms Doherty’s waiting for it.” Nunez gave him a thumbs up. Garand returned to duty, hoping that it would be a long time before they saw Jackson down here again.
  22. =/\= Aegis Mission Brief 10/19/18 - 10:05 PM=/\= 29 April 2388 - Stardate 2388.120 TBS is 5 minutes. The time is 0805 hours (8:05 AM) Aegis local. The Dahlem science vessel, Voad, is in Aegis orbit. Voad's commanding officer, Captain Aayrn, is in conversation with Captain Chirakis. For security reasons, Captain Ramson is in her office. Commander Coleridge will speak for her if the situation warrants. At sim begin, Captains Chirakis and Aayrn are about to discuss the possibility of collaboration. Chirakis: =/\==/\=BEGIN SIM=/\==/\= Chirakis: =/\==/\=BEGIN SIM=/\==/\= Kallah Ramson: ::in her office, reading over a new report from command:: Dacia Sandero: ::in medical:: mimipavilion: ::in medical:: Jylliene: ::Ops:: Tae'Lynn Dran: ::on the command deck. Standing near science:: Johnson Kenyon: ::looking at the hologram imagine of the station, familiarizing it:: Tarisa: ::In CnC, trying to get used to the scent of the visitor.:: KelsaViegnor: ::having finished breakfast, catching up on latest news from SF - reading on her console:: Tae'Lynn Dran: ::glancing towards where Chirakis and the visitor went:: mimipavilion: ::answering some questions for the Romulan crew that are working within her department:: Chirakis: Aayrn> Thank you, Captain, for your hospitality. I have been recalled for a delicate matter. I will return whenever you request it. Chirakis: ::stands:: Of course, Captain. Tarisa: ::Tail whipped back and forth.:: Chirakis: ACTION> Pulling up his hood, he disappears. Johnson Kenyon: ::remembering he was asked to check on the merchant areas:: Tae'Lynn Dran: ::double takes at the motion of the tail:: Chirakis: ::nods to Garand and exits the lounge::: Tae'Lynn Dran: ::When she looks back sees Chirakis returning without the alien:: Johnson Kenyon: ::collecting tools:: Chirakis: Commander Cayne, a moment. Cdr Wyatt Cayne: :: In the CnC, listening to Chirakis :: Tae'Lynn Dran: ::Tarisa:: I guess we won't get a chance to observe them anymore for now. Jylliene: ::ponders:: Johnson Kenyon: ::heading to the TL:: Chirakis: ::takes him aside::: Commander, keep the Voad in in sight. Track it if it moves. Cdr Wyatt Cayne: I'll let you know if they move. Fletcher Jackson: ::stirs in his biobed:: Tarisa: :;Notices Chirakis return without the guest. She frowns.:: Alexis McFarland: ::Playing with Miana and Annisha:: Tarisa: ::Nods to Dran.:: it seems so. mimipavilion: ::finishes answering the questions and goes to check on Fletcher:: Tae'Lynn Dran: Shame. Tarisa: @ Miana> ::having fun playing.:: Johnson Kenyon: ::enters TL, to computer:: Take me to the merchant areas Fletcher Jackson: ::puffs out a breath:: What happened? Tae'Lynn Dran: Do we get many guests around here? Fletcher Jackson: ::rubs his head, then winces::: mimipavilion: ::stands next to Fletcher:: You hit your head on a console a while ago and I ordered you here for treatment. Fletcher Jackson: Ow... musta done something really stupid. Fletcher Jackson: The whaaa?? Dacia Sandero: ::Checks up on some patients and some experiments she was working on:: Chirakis: ::she finds herself in command:: Tarisa: ::Nods.:: On occasion. Though some are not so friendly. mimipavilion: You don't remember hitting your head on a console on the CnC? I guess that concussion was worse than I thought. Tae'Lynn Dran: Oh. Oh my. Johnson Kenyon: ::exits TL, begins to wander:: Fletcher Jackson: ::thinks hard:: Tae'Lynn Dran: These seem friendly so far. Tae'Lynn Dran: I would like to know a little more about them though. Chirakis: ::listening to the chatter as she takes her command station:: Fletcher Jackson: Kind of... not really. I just remember this amazing ::blows out another breath:: mimipavilion: Amazing...??? Jylliene: ::considers the discussions going on around her:: Tarisa: ::Nods:: As would I. Fletcher Jackson: Yeah... she's like... gorgeous. Like an elf. Tae'Lynn Dran: ::moves over to an open station:: KelsaViegnor: ::stretches, rises to go to her shop to prepare for opening for the day:: Tae'Lynn Dran: Computer, access internal sensor records. mimipavilion: You mean our new science officer, Tae'Lynn Dran, who happens to be V'Mar. Fletcher Jackson: That what they call her? All I know is that she's just.... I think I paid more attention to her than to duty. Tae'Lynn Dran: Let's see now. ::tippity tappity on the terminal screen:: Tae'Lynn Dran: That's, well. That's odd. mimipavilion: Yeah. ::stops before chewing him out:: Maybe you should continue resting. Chirakis: ::logs in as command, checks the latest information, then blanks the screen and begins her normal walk around CnC::: Tarisa: ::Ears twitching often to the sounds of the tapping. Looks up, curious.:: Odd? Annisha: @ :: Riding around the Korjata farm :: Chirakis: ::hears Dran, but continues her walk::: Tae'Lynn Dran: Um, yeah. Look. Sensors didn't seem to record much about the alien. KelsaViegnor: ::heads to the commerce deck, greets her assistant at the door:: Tarisa: ::Looks.:: Perhaps it was due to his clothing? Tae'Lynn Dran: Only get a little bit of data when they removed the hood. Chirakis: :::listening to science::: Chirakis: ::stops to look over the commerce deck::: Tae'Lynn Dran: Stealth clothing. Interesting. I wonder why though? Nijil tr'Korjata: :: Messages his e'lev about lunch...as he did not get much of a breakfast :: Tarisa: ::Thinks, tail waving.:: I understand the clothing is to protect against cosmic rays. Perhaps it does more. Chirakis: :::steps up toward science, still listening to their conversation::: Cdr Wyatt Cayne: :: Staring at the Voad was not making it move, but did they want it to move or stay put? :: Johnson Kenyon: ::walking the Commerce desk, listening in and seeing if anyone needs an engineer:: Tae'Lynn Dran: Oh, okay. Wait, what? I mean we shield against that too but we don't walk around in lead lined undershorts. Chirakis: ::stops to listen:: Annisha: @ :: The crops stretched for kilometers, seemingly unending :: Jylliene: ::messages Nijil back - "It's barely 0830?":: Tae'Lynn Dran: I guess that works. I wonder if their ships aren't shielded like ours. KelsaViegnor: ::she and Thelea work on getting things ready to start up for the day:: Tarisa: ::Nods.:: I am curious as well. ::Wishes for a sample of that cloth.:: Chirakis: ::keeps an eye on the tactical master board::: Alexis McFarland: @ ::looks at the crops too:: What's growing here? Tube roots? Chirakis: ::she steps toward them:: They are an interesting race, are they not? Tarisa: @ Miana> Are they yummy? Tae'Lynn Dran: Yes sir. Tarisa: ::Ears perk up as she turns to Chirakis.:: Yes, Ma'am. Nijil tr'Korjata: :: Messages to Jy: ¯\_(ツ)_/ ¯ :: Alexis McFarland: @I don't know Chirakis: ::Dran:: What especially do you see that interests you? Johnson Kenyon: ::being approached by merchants offering their wares:: Chirakis: ::also to Tarisa, but interested in the Ensign's thoughts::: Annisha: @ :: Her grandmother answered: Something au kids would call beans :: Fletcher Jackson: ::stares at the ceiling:: Tarisa: @ Miana> Beans...Are beans yummy? Dacia Sandero: @ Hmm. oooh. Tae'Lynn Dran: Well, the are different yet similar. I don't think anyone has studied a lifeform from the area they say they came from. Jylliene: ::gazes upward momentarily, then returns her attention to the console, replying "I'll see what comes to mind in a bit.":: mimipavilion: ::goes does something else while Fletcher rests:: Dacia Sandero: Eh, I guess so. Nijil tr'Korjata: +Kenyon+ How is it going on the commerce level? Chirakis: What is different and what is similar, Ensign? Alexis McFarland: II guess they are Tarisa: ::Nods.:: Dacia Sandero: ::Speaking with one of the nurses about something:: Fletcher Jackson: ::sighs::: Annisha: @ Gran: Au have to process them first, but they can be. A group on Faanis Iv like them enough. Johnson Kenyon: +Nijil+ Ensign Kenyon here. I have been approached by at least 6 merchants, but they seem more interested in selling their goods Tae'Lynn Dran: Bipedal, class-M environmental tolerances. But then just enough unknowns to get you thinking. Tarisa: @ Miana> Oooh Chirakis: Such as...? Alexis McFarland: @ Hmm. Nijil tr'Korjata: +Kenyon+ That's what they do. Au may wish to see if Kelsa Veignor has any engineering issues. Tae'Lynn Dran: Okay, well. ::turns to the console:: I'm looking at what sensor readings we did get. Johnson Kenyon: +Nijil+ Kelsa Veignor. How do I find him? Tarisa: ::Listening.:: Jylliene: ::usual reports, requisitions, etc:: Tae'Lynn Dran: Not much on the alien itself but I can scan the air. I'm looking their oxygen intake. Alexis McFarland: @lots of beans.. Johnson Kenyon: ::looking around:: Chirakis: ::watching both of them while keeping an eye on the tactical display on the main board::: Nijil tr'Korjata: +Kenyon+ Ha, her. Follow your nose. Or more precisely, follow your nose to the scent shop Tarisa: @ Miana> Beans! ::Runs around.:: Johnson Kenyon: +Nijil+ roger that. I'll head to the scent shop Alexis McFarland: @The magical fruit Tae'Lynn Dran: I think they might have a rather rabid metabolism. Annisha: @ Gran:: stops the hovertruck. Jylliene: ::scrolling through, generally approving supply requests, watching for requests that stand out as unusual:: Tarisa: @ Miana> ::Holding arms out like she is a bird or airplane as she runs.:: Chirakis: ::Dran:: And what leads you to that idea? Fletcher Jackson: ::sighs again::: She's... just.... gorgeous. Doctor ::turns his head:: Johnson Kenyon: ::sniffs the air and closes eyes:: Tae'Lynn Dran: Increase in CO2 around them. So they breath in and out more than the others in this scan.::scrunching over the terminal, tappy tappy:: See. Tarisa: ::Curious look.:: KelsaViegnor: ::Thelea straightening displays, Kelsa preparing special orders:: Tae'Lynn Dran: That's just a theory at this point though. Chirakis: ::Tarisa:: What are your thoughts, Commander? Nijil tr'Korjata: :: Wonders if the reports regarding the scent shop are a legitimate concern, or just competition. :: Fletcher Jackson: Doc? Johnson Kenyon: ::catching a sweet smelling scent, opens eyes and begins wandering towards the scent:: mimipavilion: ::hears Fletcher and goes back:: Yes? Fletcher Jackson: I feel fine. I really do. Think I can return to duty? Cdr Wyatt Cayne: :: Watching sensors on his console :: Johnson Kenyon: ::noticing the scent shop, walking in:: Tarisa: It is possible that his body could be trying to adjust to our atmosphere conditions, but the theory is sound. ::Thinks.:: I am curious about why we can not scan them. They seemed open, but are they deliberately preventing us from learning more or was it mere coincidence? mimipavilion: ::looks at him then pulls up his recent scan and report:: I don't see why not. Just be careful where you're walking and what you're doing. Understood. Chirakis: Excellent questions. Would you consider visiting their ship? Tarisa: ::Doesn't hesitate.:: I would. Nijil tr'Korjata: +Kenyon+ Take some readings of the scents around the shop. We'll have to process them later. Johnson Kenyon: ::looks inside the scent shop and knocks on the window:: Tae'Lynn Dran: ::worried look on her lips:: Were we invited? Johnson Kenyon: +Nijil+ What sort of readings? Chirakis: You have been invited, yes. Annisha: @ Gran :: Picks some beans off the plants, bites into them :: Alexis McFarland: @ Is it yummy? Tarisa: :;Tilts her head curiously.:: Tae'Lynn Dran: Oh. OH. Chirakis: We have yet to verify the conditions or to receive clearance. KelsaViegnor: ::glances up quizzically, then seeing a uniformed crewman, goes to the door and opens it:: May I help you? Tarisa: @ Miana> :;Stops and watches.:: Alexis McFarland: @ ::next to Miana:: Fletcher Jackson: ::sits up slowly:: Nijil tr'Korjata: +Kenyon+ A parts per million reading should suffice. The tricorder should be fine. Johnson Kenyon: ::to Kelsa:: Was there a problem with your shop that you needed engineering? Fletcher Jackson: Yeah, Doctor. I'm pretty good with that. I'll be really careful. mimipavilion: Good. You may return to duty. Fletcher Jackson: ::whew:: Thanks. Tae'Lynn Dran: That would give us a chance to answer some questions. Tarisa: ::Nods.:: Chirakis: ::nod:: It would. KelsaViegnor: ::quizzical:: No, we didn't. KelsaViegnor: Did sensor scans indicate something here? Chirakis: I will make a note, then. mimipavilion: No problem, Ensign. Johnson Kenyon: ::to Kelsa:: You didn't? ::taking out tricoder:: Cdr Wyatt Cayne: :: to Chirakis :: Security should attend. Fletcher Jackson: ::takes a few careful steps::: Chirakis: ::Cayne::: Of course. Cdr Wyatt Cayne: Sounds like fun. Chirakis: And I need to consult with Starfleet Command. KelsaViegnor: No, we didn't. Was there some computer report of some issue? Johnson Kenyon: ::Kelsa:: I guess I'm a little confused. ::scanning with the tricorder:: Chirakis: I wouldn't exactly call it fun, Commander. An adventure, perhaps. Annisha: @ Gran :: Shrugs :: To some. :: hands beans to each of the girls. :: Eat. KelsaViegnor: On that, we are of one accord. Johnson Kenyon: ::Kelsa:: Can I ask you about your scents? Tarisa: @ Miana> ::Takes a bite, but isn't sure at first.:: Alexis McFarland: @ ::sniffs them and eats:: KelsaViegnor: ::slight half-grin:: Are you sure you're not trying to get a little shopping in before hours? KelsaViegnor: Of course you may. Fletcher Jackson: ::picks up his release papers::: Fletcher Jackson: ::tucks it into his tunic pocket:: Thanks, Doc. mimipavilion: ::nods:: Johnson Kenyon: ::Kelsa:: Ma'am, obviously there is someone concerned about the scents you have... I personally don't have any problem with them, but there are species that may find them objectionable Tae'Lynn Dran: When would we possibly be departing? Johnson Kenyon: ::scanning:: Chirakis: You could. But not until verification from Command. Chirakis: 10:55 PM Chirakis: When... I do not know. KelsaViegnor: Is it typical to send Engineering staff to question shopkeepers regarding neighboring merchants' opinions of their business? Johnson Kenyon: ::looking around:: Are you scents kept in bottles or aerosolized? Annisha: @ :: eats :: It's like when father says he cooked beans, but really didn't KelsaViegnor: They're in bottles. mimipavilion: ::shakes her head and does some work:: KelsaViegnor: Aerosols are too volatile in recirculated air. Bottles are more easily controlled. Alexis McFarland: @ Good beans.. mushy. KelsaViegnor: I sell atomizer bottles for clients to fill on their own after purchase, though. Johnson Kenyon: ::Kelsa:: I take it that you allow people to open them to test the scent Tarisa: @ Miana> ::Nods as she eats another.:: Annisha: @ Gran: I'll make au three to go bags of beans. KelsaViegnor: I have tester vials that they can sample. Annisha: @ Gran: Au know, I think I have some plants felines like. Tae'Lynn Dran: I, I should get a field kit put together. ::starts making a list:: KelsaViegnor: You don't want to open the bottles you purchase, because over time, the scents would evaporate. Alexis McFarland: @Oooh! KelsaViegnor: So the vials give a way for them to try the scents when they request. Johnson Kenyon: ::Kelsa:: are they that volatile? How quickly do they evaporate? Chirakis: ::notes the ensign's reaction and her exuberance, then smiles at Tarisa::: Chirakis: Carry on. Chirakis: ::moves to the command console::: Annisha: @ Gran: A variation of nepetalactone KelsaViegnor: Over time. It's not anything you'd notice for one or two tests, but over time, reopening bottles would lead to gradual loss of contents. Johnson Kenyon: ::looks around for the tester vials:: Alexis McFarland: @ Ah, cool Tarisa: @ Miana> :;Perks up.:: Johnson Kenyon: ::Kelsa:: They must be very expensive if you are concerned about losing their contents KelsaViegnor: They're not cheap, and resupply of the materials to make them are slow. So yes, I am careful to make sure clients get the full amount they pay for. mimipavilion: ::goes into her office to do some paperwork:: Fletcher Jackson: ::wanders to his quarters::: Chirakis: =/\==/\=PAUSE SIM=/\==/\= Chirakis: =/\==/\=PAUSE SIM=/\==/\= Chirakis: 10/19/18 Chirakis: Thank you. Chirakis: Interesting sim. Slow, but it gives us a chance to become acquainted. Chirakis: TBS is 15 hours, which brings us to noon the next day. Chirakis: Comments for the crew, Captain? Kallah Ramson: none Chirakis: Questions or comments from the crew? Tarisa: I have something. Chirakis: Tarisa, go ahead. Tarisa: Next week is Challenger's last night. If anyone can come early, please come see us off. Chirakis: Challenger begins at 9pm ET. Chirakis: Crew dismissed. Be well. Be Safe. Don’t forget your towel.
  23. Mission Brief | Sky Harbor Aegis |19 October 2018 29 April 2388 - Stardate 2388.120 TBS is 5 minutes. The time is 0905 hours (9:05 AM) Aegis local. The Dahlem science vessel, Voad, is in Aegis orbit. Her commanding officer, Captain Aayrn, beamed to Aegis CnC with the permission of Captain Chirakis. Captain Ramson remained in her office because, as a Minaran, she is an open telepath, and contact with the Dahlem captain could compromise Starfleet security. The issues addressed: The conduit that compromised navigation and communication for our starships is being altered so Aegis vessels will be safe. Dahlem clothing shields them from cosmic rays. The Dahlem are able to “turn off” their telepathy and other powerful abilities at will. The commander who came earlier not only furnished information to us through Dr. Sandero and Captain d’Ka, he took information about us so they would know how to approach First Contact. What appears to us as instantaneous travel is not instantaneous to them. Regarding the crew of USS Vladivostok, a Dahlem construction crew looking for minerals rescued them. They lacked the expertise to properly treat and feed them. As a result, several of the crew died. At sim begin, Captain Chirakis, Captain Aayrn, and Lt Garand are in the CnC lounge.
  24. First Contact Chirakis Kirel Captain Aayrn Captain Aayrn removed his hood and stepped forward, extending his hand in greeting. “Captain Chirakis.” ~chat log 2018-10-12 A series of gasps and one near-faint greeted Dahlem Captain Aayrn of the starship Voad when he suddenly appeared in CnC. Kirel stood her ground, more curious than startled. The beings who called themselves the Dahlem were newcomers to this area of the galaxy. They were both interesting and frightening—overwhelmingly so. Single representatives had appeared without notice twice before, creating quite a stir. This was the third appearance, and would be more interesting than the last. The first two fumbled around, attempted to communicate, but could not make themselves understood. This time, the representative was prepared. He spoke Federation Standard and extended his bare hand in greeting. As a precaution, Kirel did not respond to his first greeting. Instead, she stood before him relaxed, her expression neutral, and her arms crossed, gauging his reaction. Lt Garand, Security’s second in command, stepped off the command lift. As soon as the lift door closed, he secured CnC, then positioned himself at a discreet distance. Kirel estimated the Dahlem captain's height at 2.2 meters—7 feet 3 inches. His muscular frame showed a few scars, so he might have experienced some dangerous times. His loose clothing was of lightweight athletic material. His white boots bore an intricate, interesting symbol. The edge of his shirt collar bore two more images than those of the last visitor, a Dahlem commander. Removing his hood exposed thick, fine white close-cropped hair and fair skin that complemented his deep silver eyes. Aayrn stood erect, but relaxed, and he did not seem disturbed that Kirel would not take his hand in greeting. “I am Captain Aayrn of the Dahlem Starship Voad, Captain Chirakis,” he repeated, dropping his hand to his side. “Yes, Captain. I understand,” Kirel replied calmly, “and I am sure you understand that knowing the power in your touch is good enough reason to not take your hand in greeting.” “I do.” Kirel gave a polite nod. “Welcome to Sky Harbor Aegis, Captain. Please follow me.” She led the way to the unoccupied CnC lounge. Its doorway was open to view by those in CnC while it provided a semi-private area to talk. Lt Garand followed at a discreet distance, then positioned himself at the entrance—standard protocol for dignitary protection. “You were correct, Captain,” Kirel began, as they settled in. “I am a captain, and my surname is Chirakis. However, I am not the commanding officer. I am responsible for the safety and security of this station and its inhabitants, which is why I am here and our commanding officer is not. Before we go on, please state your purpose for entering this area of space.” “Of course.” Captain Aayrn nodded. “We are scientists. We explore the galaxy, and have for thousands of years. We entered this area of space for the first time when we received an alert that your ships were endangered by our transport conduit. It was important to us that we contact those we endangered, examine the problem, and fix it with compatible technology.” Kirel raised a brow, curious. “I see. And has this been done?” “Not completely, Captain. We might have to consult some of your engineers to fix the problem.” First they want to meet the scientists, and now they need the expertise of our engineers. Kirel leaned back to consider that for a moment, her skepticism growing. “Thank you, Captain Aayrn,” she continued, “for your concern regarding our starships. As we move forward in diplomacy, we should be frank with each other. Do you agree?” “I do,” he replied flatly. “Then, I will begin by noting that we have many unanswered questions, the first being why you ask us for information when you have unimaginable telepathic powers that could provide the answers.” Aayrn nodded into a congenital smile and leaned forward to rest his elbows on the table. “You are not the first of sentients to wonder,” he said, “but you are one of the few who have asked me to explain. Perhaps we are more powerful, but at times like this… what you call First Contact… we turn certain abilities off so we can relate to our new contacts.” “So, at this moment you cannot read my thoughts?” “Oh yes, I can. But I choose not to. And since you did not take my hand in greeting—as is your custom—I will tell you that my hands can be overpowering. Instead, I choose to have them function as yours do. The same applies to communicating in Federation Standard. The best way to connect with and understand a previously unknown species is to learn the language and to follow their protocol.” Kirel took more time to mull that over, watching the captain’s expressions closely. “Please, continue Captain. You seem to have more that you are holding back for some reason.” “Yes, there is more,” he said, his expression turning somber. “I admit that we overstepped our bounds in certain instances, but as scientists we try to learn quickly and to adapt quickly. We observed your culture through the eyes of your Captain d’Ka and Doctor Sandero.” Aayrn paused as though he was waiting for her reaction. “Go on.” “I must confess, then... that we used the telepathic connection with Doctor Sandero and Captain d’Ka to not only give you information, but to gather information about your culture, solely for the purpose of understanding. By incorporating that information, we learned your Federation Standard within a short time frame. And we learned many other things—your customs, your mores, and that you have many cultures in your area of space. We also learned that you are shocked by our ability to travel instantly.” “Why would we not be shocked?” “Time is relative, Captain. To you, our travel seems instantaneous when actually it is not. Time dilation is a difference in the elapsed time measured by two observers—in this case, us and you—either due to a velocity difference relative to each other, or by being differently situated relative to a gravitational field. You see….” Her hand went up. “Thank you, Captain. I will defer that to our scientists. There is a more pressing question I must ask, and that is about the Vladivostok.” “I knew that your questions would eventually come to that,” he replied with a sigh, looking as though he did not know how to begin. “Not all of us are scientists, Captain. Not all of us learn quickly. Those who found and rescued the crew of USS Vladivostok fumbled about to save them because they were not trained in the skills of what you call First Contact. “My clothing—the covering we use to shield ourselves from certain cosmic rays—is white. Theirs is a shade of brown. Their expertise is in construction, not in science. They stumbled across the crew while hunting for minerals. When we first heard of their encounter, we mourned the ten who died and those who suffered from lack of food and nutrition. It will not happen again, Captain. Anyone of us wanting to travel outside our own system must pass an exhaustive course on First Contact.” “A wise choice, Captain” The conversation continued for a while, then came to a lull while each considered the other. Kirel felt them forming... a kind of bond? No, not a bond, but more of an understanding. Captain to captain? Individual to individual? Alien to alien? “Tea, Captain?” she asked finally. Aayrn blinked, startled. “Yes, please.” [TBC in sim]
  25. =/\= Aegis Mission Brief 10/12/18 =/\= 29 April 2388 - Stardate 2388.120 TBS is 7 hours. The time is 0700 hours (7:00 AM) Aegis local. The Dahlem spaceship is in wide Aegis orbit. Captain d'Ka has returned to USS Missouri. Morning Watch has begun. Everyone should be at the assigned post. Our new science officer will report to Commander Coleridge in CnC. . Chirakis: =/\==/\=BEGIN SIM=/\==/\= Chirakis: =/\==/\=BEGIN SIM=/\==/\= Kallah Ramson: ::in her office:: Chirakis: ::CnC, monitoring several things:: Jylliene: ::@ Ops:: Dacia Sandero: ::back in the sickbay:: Johnson Kenyon: ::entering Main Engineering:: mimipavilion: ::in medical in her officer:: KelsaViegnor: ::morning routine, in her quarters:: Fletcher Jackson: ::coffee and donut and he's full:: Scott Coleridge: ::CnC, monitoring those who monitor things:: Tae'Lynn Dran: ::in the turbolift taking deep breaths:: Tarisa: ::In CnC, at her console.:: Jylliene: ((Who watches the watchers? Coleridge.)) Chirakis: ::watches:: Nijil tr'Korjata: :: saunters into main engineering :: Johnson Kenyon: ::moving to an engineering console and bringing up the shift log:: Tae'Lynn Dran: ::gulps a bit as the TL comes to a stop:: Alexis McFarland: @ ::pounces on Annisha:: What are we doing, Annisha? Johnson Kenyon: ::noticing Nijil entering Main Engineering:: Good morning, sir Scott Coleridge: ((Someone has to!)) Chirakis: Commander Cayne, keep a close eye on the Dahlem ship. Tae'Lynn Dran: ::steps out. A moment of awe:: Tarisa: @ Miana> ::Running around the room in her PJs.:: Cdr Wyatt Cayne: :: Drinks from his mug at his console in CnC :: Nijil tr'Korjata: Hmmm. Fletcher Jackson: ::aux ops, glad the red dots are gone, but now he has a lot of work to finish up:: Johnson Kenyon: I was just reading the shift log. It seems the number 12 fusion reactor requires maintenance. Tarisa: ::Notices something new in the air, looks towards the TL.:: Tae'Lynn Dran: ::stepping forward and looking at everything on the CnC:: mimipavilion: ::silently moans over the Children Home reports:: Chirakis: ::turns at the sound of the lift::: Nijil tr'Korjata: Computer, holographic status display. :: A real-time holo image of the station floats at the main pool table situated in the middle of the station's engineering room. Chirakis: ::steps toward Dran instantly:: Ensign. Your credentials. ::hand out::: Johnson Kenyon: ::impressed:: I didn't know we could do that Jylliene: ::has ships routed around the null space, keeping distance from the ship in orbit, etc. Looking over the routes.:: Tae'Lynn Dran: ::snaps to:: Yes sir. ::nearly flings the PADD across the room but managed to keep hold:: Chirakis: ::catching, she eyes the ensign, then checks the padd::: Johnson Kenyon: (main pool table must double for billiards and holo display) Kallah Ramson: ::exits her office, looking towards scott:: Alexis McFarland: @ ::watches Miana run around:: mimipavilion: ::sees the end of the light with the Children's Home reports:: Finally, the end is near. ::finishes up with the last one and moves over to medical reports, starting with a new ensign physical report and profile:: Tae'Lynn Dran: Ensign Dran reporting for duty. Chirakis: Ensign Dran. ::nods as she affixes her thumbprint:: I am Captain Chirakis, Chief of Security. Tarisa: @ Miana> ::Finally pounces the two of them.:: Wee! Scott Coleridge: ::at his station:: Alexis McFarland: @ he he he Kallah Ramson: ::steps over to coleridge:: Nijil tr'Korjata: Ie, there are too many locations on station this size to keep using two dimensional view aspects/. Chirakis: ::hands her information back::: Follow me. Scott Coleridge: ::nods at Ramson:: Anything from Starfleet regarding our visitors? Tae'Lynn Dran: Yes sir.::takes the PADD:: Chirakis: ::waits for their attention, deferring to Captain Ramson:: Kallah Ramson: Just the normal endless words of warning. Johnson Kenyon: ::looking at Nijil:: I agree. Did you just create this? Jylliene: ::slight grin hearing that:: Chirakis: ::standing just behind and to the left of Ramson:: Scott Coleridge: Wonderful. Kallah Ramson: They do have me tied up with another concern as well. for the moment, i need you ...and Chirakis to take lead on our visitors. Scott Coleridge: ::extremely audible gulping noise:: Fletcher Jackson: ::shunting things here and there, then he looks up::: Chirakis: ::nods compliance::: mimipavilion: ::to self:: Interesting Scott Coleridge: ::strangled noise that could conceivably be translated as, "Oh, I see" for those who speak Coleridgese:: Nijil tr'Korjata: It's within the last few months... I think they installed it while I was on my bonding-moon. Oh na, I've started calling it that. I am recently bonded. Kallah Ramson: ::smiles at Scott:: Annisha: @ :: Eating breakfast :: Jylliene: ::nearly recognizes the strangled noise, but isn't quite fluent in Coleridgese yet:: Fletcher Jackson: ::blinkblink at the gorgeous newcomer::: Tae'Lynn Dran: ::not sure what they are talking about but listening in anyways:: Alexis McFarland: @::eating her breakfast as well:: Scott Coleridge: Well, sure, yes, yes. Tarisa: @ Miana> Mmmm Chirakis: ::stifling a grin:: Johnson Kenyon: ::Nijil:: Can you also have it show you all areas requiring our attention? Kallah Ramson: ::turns back to Chirakis, noting the ensign hiding behind her:: Scott Coleridge: ::follows Ramson's glance as he pretends he isn't the broken shell of a human being:: Chirakis: Captain Ramson, Commander Coleridge, this is Ensign Dran, reporting for duty. :;steps away:: Ensign, Captain Ramson ::presents her:: and Commander Coleridge. ::nods, then stands back:: Tae'Lynn Dran: Captain, Commander. ::nods:: Tarisa: ::Inadvertently listening in on the CnC conversations as she works. Eyes occasionally glancing up at the Command team and the newcomer.:: Scott Coleridge: Ensign. Welcome to Aegis. Kallah Ramson: welcome onboard. Scott Coleridge: You're our new... science officer? Jylliene: ::continues to scroll through the reports, expected arrivals and departures, etc.:: Chirakis: ::returns to her console::: Commander Cayne, any activity in the area? Tae'Lynn Dran: Thank you. Thank you both. I'm honored to be serving here. Fletcher Jackson: ::eyes fixed on the ensign:: mimipavilion: ::files the ensigns personal file away and moves on:: Johnson Kenyon: ::looking at Nijil:: Tarisa: :;Ears perk up.:: Kallah Ramson: ::Scott:: please get the ensign settled in. I'll be in my office. we'll need to talk about some of Starfleet's concerns. Scott Coleridge: Understood. Kallah Ramson: ::nods to them both and returns to her office:: Fletcher Jackson: ::eventually he returns to work:: Scott Coleridge: Ensign, is this your first assignment? Johnson Kenyon: ::wonders if the Subcommander frequently goes to sleep:: Tae'Lynn Dran: I did a cadet cruise on the USS Jemson. Dacia Sandero: ::checking some of the patients and other experiments she was working on:: Nijil tr'Korjata: :: Spins the hologram of the station around... bad spots show up as red. Not a lot of red, but some orange :: Chirakis: ::notes that Cayne has his mind on other matters::: Johnson Kenyon: Orange means? Nijil tr'Korjata: Nothing critical, so that is good. Orange? Johnson Kenyon: Let me guess. Attention needed Scott Coleridge: Welcome to your first station posting, then. You'll find Aegis has an interesting... pace... to it. Nijil tr'Korjata: Just something we should get to in the next day or two, but not immediate Fletcher Jackson: ::Jylliene, whispering:: She's gorgeous. And different. Fletcher Jackson: (w) She's like... whoa... Fletcher Jackson: ::shakes it off and goes back to work::: Tae'Lynn Dran: I've already noticed that. Quite different from a Vulcan crewed science ship, thank The Three. Jylliene: ::grins at Fletcher:: Jylliene: ::finds Coleridge to be pretty good at understatement:: Scott Coleridge: Yes, I expect we're somewhat livelier. Johnson Kenyon: So it's colored to give a priority. Scott Coleridge: You'll find it's easy to get lost on the commerce level... there's practically a restaurant for every culture there. Tae'Lynn Dran: Yes sir. Cdr Wyatt Cayne: :: CnC, studies Dran for a moment... threat assessment :: Scott Coleridge: Now if you'll follow me, I'll introduce you to Commander Tarisa, to whom you'll be reporting for now. Johnson Kenyon: So, does it provide a priority list? Tae'Lynn Dran: Thank you, sir. ::move than ready to move on and hopefully out of the spotlight. So.Many.Eyes.Watching.:: Nijil tr'Korjata: :: Goes to change the background music that plays lightly over the engineering section :: Scott Coleridge: ::leads Dran the comically short walk across the CnC to Tarisa:: And we're here. There's also a gift shop afterwards. Commander Tarisa, Ensign Tae'Lynn Dran, our new science officer. mimipavilion: ::Finishes with her reports and does a search via her computer to find the new ensign:: Ahh... CnC Annisha: @ :: Eats what she hopes are eggs :: Alexis McFarland: @ ::Drinking some blue milk:: Yummy! Tarisa: ::Looks up at Dran, smiling. Tail waving about.:: Hello. Tae'Lynn Dran: ::blank stare at the Commander for a moment, doesn't get the joke::: Annisha: @ Wonder if the bird noises from this morning produced this eggs. Scott Coleridge: ((Oh no, the doctor found you!!)) Jylliene: ::listening to Coleridge, and glancing over at Fletcher from time to time:: mimipavilion: ::goes finds Dacia:: Hey I'm going to the CnC to meet our newest crewmember. Nijil tr'Korjata: Human music is so prevalent on this station. Tae'Lynn Dran: ::turns to Tarisa:: Nice to meet you, sir. Dacia Sandero: Ok, I'll hold the fort down here mimipavilion: Thanks! ::enters the tl and orders it to the CnC:: Nijil tr'Korjata: :: Flips the holo-display to a priority list :: Ie. Johnson Kenyon: Do you like Human music? Nijil tr'Korjata: It even keeps track of repair records and lets me know the best person for the job. Scott Coleridge: Tarisa, ordinarily I'd give a tour at this point, but Captain Ramson needs to speak with me. Perhaps you could show Ensign Dran our science labs? Oh, and brief her on our current... situation. mimipavilion: ::short time later arrives on the CnC, casually observing while looking for our new Ensign:: Nijil tr'Korjata: Eng: My daughter likes to play it on her small human instrument. Rihan songs are...different. Tae'Lynn Dran: ::slight lean to the left. Trying not to watch the tail but failing:: Tarisa: ::Nods.:: Yes, Commander. ::Looks to Dran.:: What is your primary field? Fletcher Jackson: :::puts a PADD aside but misses the table, drops it on his toe, then hits his head pretty hard when he reaches to get it:: Tae'Lynn Dran: Life science, Botany. Fletcher Jackson: ::wince:: Jylliene: ::winces hearing Jackson bang his head:: mimipavilion: ::spots the new arrival next to Tarisa and walks over:: Scott Coleridge: ::Dran:: This is where I take my leave. Pleasure to meet you; if you have any questions or concerns, don't hesitate to come to me. mimipavilion: ::hears the bang:: You alright Jackson? Johnson Kenyon: Looking a the hologram, attempting to move it with his hand:: I see, does your daughter not like your Rihan music? Tae'Lynn Dran: Thank you Commander. Fletcher Jackson: :::gently touches the spot and comes back with blood::: Nijil tr'Korjata: The funniest part of all of this is I was Chief of Engineers for months before I realized that was my job. Just thought I was never scheduled at the same time. Turns out the Chief Engineer was here all along. Tarisa: ::Perks up.:: Oh! Have you seen the park yet? ::Ears flick at the noise and her attention shifts.:: Tae'Lynn Dran: ::perks up:: Yes I did, right before coming up here. Fletcher Jackson: ::fighting back an expletive:::to Dr Pavilion::: Yes, ma'am. Just... see a few stars. ::grabs a napkin for the blood::: Tae'Lynn Dran: ::whisper to Tarisa while looking at Fletcher:: Is he alright? Nijil tr'Korjata: She likes it well enough, but it's chords are more all over the place. She is also a fan of a long-dead civilization's music. mimipavilion: ::goes over, pulling the napkin away and examines it:: Chirakis: ::watching him as she works::: Fletcher Jackson: Ow ow ow... mimipavilion: Breathe Johnson Kenyon: Rihan is long dead? It must somehow be remembered if some of your race like the music Jylliene: ::returning her attention to her console, seeing Jackson tended to by the doctor:: Fletcher Jackson: ::deep breath:: Aw, man. ::the room spins:: Annisha: @ Au know, I thought I saw someone over the hill last night outside our rooms. Any of au see anyone? Tarisa: ::Turns back to Dran. Nods.:: It appears the Doctor is tending to him. ::Smiles.:: Scott Coleridge: ::brief glance at Jackson, but seeing that others are attending to it, he crosses to Ramson's office and knocks:: Alexis McFarland: @ Who did au see? I only saw bugs. Kallah Ramson: enter Nijil tr'Korjata: Not Rihan.. I forgot the name... their world is now the local asteroid field. mimipavilion: ::Jackson:: Superficial wound. More likely a very mild concussion. Go to medical to get checked out. Chirakis: ::checking the area for threats:: Scott Coleridge: ::makes a mental note to schedule some mandatory health and safety review training for operations staff:: Fletcher Jackson: Yes, ma'am. Jylliene: ::work work work:: Fletcher Jackson: ::he trips over the PADD again::: Nijil tr'Korjata: Romulus may have suffered a catastrophe, but our culture endures. Johnson Kenyon: By the way, how does the computer decide who is the best to perform the needed repair? Tae'Lynn Dran: The Commander said something about our current situation. I tried reading up on the mission reports. Didn't make much sense. Johnson Kenyon: If that person is unavailable, who's next in line? Tarisa: ::Pauses for a moment.:: Oh, I was going to tell you, there is a part of the park called the Botanists Playground. Fletcher Jackson: :::holds back that bad word, puts the PADD in its right place, then moves toward the lift:: Scott Coleridge: ::enters Ramson's office:: You wanted to chat? mimipavilion: ::glares at him:: mimipavilion: ::moves over to Tarisa and Tae'Lynn:: Nijil tr'Korjata: Ratings. It places me highly on small craft repairs/ Chirakis: ::watching Jackson closely::: Kallah Ramson: Yes. Kallah Ramson: Starfleet read our first reports on the visiting aliens. Tarisa: ::Notices the Doctor.:: Yes, it is an...interesting situation. ::Nods to Mimi.:: Doctor. Chirakis: ::deep sigh, thinking of young male humans and how they are affected by women::: Johnson Kenyon: Do you determine the ratings, Subcommander? Fletcher Jackson: ::into the lift::: mimipavilion: ::Tarisa:: Hello Tarisa. Fletcher Jackson: Medical. Tae'Lynn Dran: ::turns towards the Doctor:: Jylliene: ::different thoughts running through her head at the current situations - alien, new crew, Jackson's attention to her, and so on:: Tarisa: Is Mr. Jackson ok? Fletcher Jackson: ::stumbles out of the lift and into the medical complex::: Scott Coleridge: ::Ramson:: And other than "concern" what was their reaction? mimipavilion: ::turns to Tae'Lynn:: And you must be Ensign Dran. Dacia Sandero: ::hears someone enter:: Hello? Can I help you? Kallah Ramson: outwardly, caution. inwardly.... panic. Starfleet doesn't have a good track record with highly advanced aliens. Tae'Lynn Dran: Yes sir. Nijil tr'Korjata: I can place my own marks on it, but the ratings are algorithmically derived. mimipavilion: ;:holds out her hand:: I'm Dr Mimi Pavilion, CMO of Aegis. Fletcher Jackson: ::looking around for a doctor, nurse, or someone:: Yes, ma'am. I did a job on my head with the OPS console. And jammed my toes into a PADD. Scott Coleridge: I'll freely admit that I'm not fully aware of the track record. Tae'Lynn Dran: ::takes the hand:: Ensign Dran, science. Johnson Kenyon: Very interesting. I assume it will take months before it comes up with decent ratings of me. mimipavilion: Nice to meet you. Jylliene: ::continues listening to the various conversations about the CnC:: mimipavilion: Thought I would introduce myself, since I didn't get to meet last night when you came to medical. Nijil tr'Korjata: Depends on the quality of your work, Mr. Kenyon. Dacia Sandero: Ah, OK. Take a seat on the bio bed Alexis McFarland: @ ::Finishes her breakfast:: Mmm, that was good Fletcher Jackson: ::the room continues to swim around him and he stumbles, looking for the biobed:: Nijil tr'Korjata: Starfleet sent over records.. au have a rating. Tarisa: ::Curious look at Dran for a second.:: Ensign, do you have experience with telepathy? Tae'Lynn Dran: I was worried you were coming to say you found something in that physical. Dacia Sandero: ::ushers Fletcher to a bio bed and scans him with a tricorder:: mimipavilion: ::shakes her head:: Tae'Lynn Dran: ::blushes at Tarisa:: What? Johnson Kenyon: I do? Is that something I can see? Fletcher Jackson: ::sighs:: Thanks, ma'am. Tarisa: Just a curiosity. Nijil tr'Korjata: Ha ha... no. I can't even see my own ratings. Kallah Ramson: Another concern command has is.... me. Nijil tr'Korjata: Have au been on the commerce level? Tarisa: Our new contacts seems to prefer a type of tactile telepathy. Cdr Wyatt Cayne: :: Scanning the friendly spacelanes :: Scott Coleridge: Y-you? Tae'Lynn Dran: Oh, okay. WHAT?! Ta-tactile telepathy? ::fidgets:: Johnson Kenyon: No. I am afraid I haven't. What with everything going on, who has time? Jylliene: ::scrolling through requisitions:: Fletcher Jackson: ::grabs the side of the biobed to get his balance, even though he's on the bed::: Tarisa: ::Tilts her head a little at the fidgeting. Nods.:: Yes. Telepathy through physical contact. Kallah Ramson: They feel my telepathic nature opens me up too much, that I'll give up secure information. Scott Coleridge: Surely that's backwards? Wouldn't you be better able to shield yourself, as a telepath? I'd think non-telepaths would be more vulnerable.... Fletcher Jackson: Shoot, Doctor. How come I'm the one who's always doing stupid stuff? Tae'Lynn Dran: Sorry. It's just. Um. It's just, for my people telepathy is, well. We only do it as um. Part of ...reproductive acts. If, if you understand. Dacia Sandero: Hm, your equilibrium is way off. Try to stay still. Hm, you need to work on not being clumsy and stuff. Fletcher Jackson: Yes, ma'am. ::trying to stay still::: Tarisa: Ah...I see. ::Shrugs it off.:: I will not ask further then. Jylliene: ::notes mention that the cargo storage bays have been re-inventoried to ensure all stored supplies get to their proper areas, based on the find of a cache of science supplies:: mimipavilion: ::looks at the two and remembers, nodding:: Kallah Ramson: well, naturally Minarans are open telepaths. we really have no secrets from each other. We have to train ourselves to keep our thoughts private. most do if they want to visit other races. Nijil tr'Korjata: Au will get the time. There are a few odds and ends to repair and they are all on the commerce level. Some replicators... Power node.. Tae'Lynn Dran: I am though interested in these aliens. What were they called again? Alexis McFarland: @Miana! ::hugs:: Kallah Ramson: ...even more so for us who join Starfleet. Nijil tr'Korjata: Take a standard kit. We can beam parts to au from here. Johnson Kenyon: ::picking up a standard kit:: Tarisa: I believe they are called Dahlem. ::Gives her a PADD on everything they have so far.:: Scott Coleridge: Do they have similar reservations about Captain d'Ka and Dr. Sandero? They have probably been in the most contact with our visitors. Dacia Sandero: ::scans:: Looks like a minor concussion and headache. ::injects him with a hypo:: That should do it. You should be feeling better. Tarisa: @ Miana> ::Purrs:: Tae'Lynn Dran: ::accepts the PADD:: mimipavilion: I'll leave it to you two to it then. Johnson Kenyon: Where do you want me to go? mimipavilion: ::turns and starts making her way to the tl:: Kallah Ramson: Not yet. D'Ka they trust and Sandero is not privy to as many secrets. Tarisa: ::Tail waves.:: Goodbye Doctor. Nijil tr'Korjata: Get a flare for the cultures there, ask if they have other engineering concerns. If there is something for security call Commander Cayne. Fletcher Jackson: Oh, yes ma'am. Much better. Tae'Lynn Dran: Nice meeting you Doctor. mimipavilion: Goodbye Tarisa, nice to meet you Ensign. Tae'Lynn Dran: ::looking over the info:: Is there one of these Dahlem onboard now? Johnson Kenyon: Oh... just a walking around and getting to know everyone tour. Annisha: @ :: finishes breakfast :: mimipavilion: ::enters the tl and orders it to medical:: Tarisa: Not that I am aware, but they are able to appear instantly. Annisha: @ Grams is suppose to give us a tour or the farm in a bit Chirakis: Dahlem Ship> Aegis Ops, this is Dahlem starship Voad requesting permission to come aboard. Chirakis: ::blinks, looks up, then to Jylliene::: Tarisa: @ Miana> Yay! Alexis McFarland: @Yay! Chirakis: ::Jylliene::: They now speak Federation standard? mimipavilion: ::arrives back at medical:: Jylliene: The whole starship? Tarisa: ::Ears perk up.:: Jylliene: ::shrugs to Chirakis:: Chirakis: Reply and ask. Scott Coleridge: ::Ramson:: Well, your request that Chirakis and I take point on this makes more sense, I guess. Scott Coleridge: How would you like us to proceed? Johnson Kenyon: ::picks up the standard kit, to Niji:: Aye sir, I'll get right on it Dacia Sandero: Great. If you're feeling better you can return for duty or rest in your quarters or here. Nijil tr'Korjata: The gah at the Klingon place is the freshest in the sector, if au are into it. Jylliene: +Voad+Starship Voad, this is Aegis Operations. You speak Federation standard? Chirakis: Dahlem Ship> Aegis OPS, this is Captain Aayrn of the starship Voad requesting permission to come aboard. Kallah Ramson: Standard first contact. Getting to know why they came is priority. Any info they have on the Alien alliance would be good too. Chirakis: Dahlem Ship> Aegis Ops. Yes, we do. Jylliene: ::looks over to Chirakis:: Cdr Wyatt Cayne: :: Looks at them both :: Johnson Kenyon: ::shakes head:: I don't care for worms or gah... certainly not alive ones. ::walking out of Main Engineering:: Chirakis: Yes. Allow one. Jylliene: ::nods:: mimipavilion: ::unaware that contact has been made:: Scott Coleridge: I'm sure we can manage that. Jylliene: +Voad+ Captain Aaryn, you are welcome to come aboard. Tarisa: Seems we will be getting a visitor. Tae'Lynn Dran: ::looks to Tarisa:: Oh wow. Chirakis: Cptn Aayrn> Aegis OPS. Beaming. ::instantly stands in the middle of CnC::: Jylliene: ::blinks:: Tae'Lynn Dran: ::jumps:: Fletcher Jackson: ::out cold from the med:: Scott Coleridge: ::Ramson:: We'll just take this nice… and slow…. Jylliene: Acknowledged. Johnson Kenyon: ::entering TL:: Take me to the Commerce area Jylliene: ::cuts com, eyes somewhat wide.:: Kallah Ramson: ::nods, smiles:: You'll do fine. Tarisa: ::Eyes widen as he appears. She can't get used to how instantaneous their arrival is.:: mimipavilion: ::goes and checks on Fletcher:: Kallah Ramson: I think your task has begun. One of them is waiting in the CnC for you now. Jylliene: Welcome aboard, Captain. Chirakis: Cptn Aayrn> ::removes his hood, then steps to Chirakis:: Captain Chirakis. ::extends his hand::: Scott Coleridge: So maybe what? Chirakis: =/\==/\=PAUSE SIM=/\==/\= Chirakis: =/\==/\=PAUSE SIM=/\==/\= Chirakis: 10/12/18 Chirakis: Thank you. Chirakis: Well, that was strange, eh? Chirakis: Captain Ramson, TBS? Kallah Ramson: Might want to pick it up there, but i will let you decide. Chirakis: Pick it up from there. Chirakis: Comments for the crew? Kallah Ramson: None except I've enjoyed the uptick on log writing. Chirakis: As have I. Chirakis: Questions or comments from the crew? Chirakis: Commander Coleridge, I did not give you your time. Have you a comment? Scott Coleridge: Yes but the universal translator doesn't translate Coleridgese yet. Chirakis: Of course. Scott Coleridge: So it just sounds like a lot of nervous stammering. Chirakis: ::chuckles:: I cannot imagine why. Chirakis: Anything else? Scott Coleridge: No. Chirakis: Anything important from the crew? Chirakis: Crew dismissed. Be well. Be Safe. Don’t forget your towel.