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Aliana Lucindak

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Posts posted by Aliana Lucindak

  1. Greetings all...just a quick update for Red Star for 20/Sept./2008.


    The tempo is being taken up a notch tonight...so come on in and enjoy the jams,have a great meal cooked by Garn...or a drink. Come visit with old friends and possibly meet new ones.


    Be there or be square.. ;)

    And the bands drummer will actually be coming due to her internet connection temporarily fixed!

    Ali: Finally...


  2. Home again, home again


    Darn it! This should have been Torre Ze'Rea (My other character) posting this. Sorry about the mixup....


    Ze’Rea entered her quarters and yawned. She had just spent the last couple of hours in engineering sorting out some problems with the warp drive and was rather tired by then. She went over to the replicator. “Green Tea,” she requested before turning to survey the room. “Kiiirraaa,” she yelled as she picked up the tea. “You in here?”


    A bajoran girl entered the room, her long dark hair swaying slightly. “I am indeed in here,” she said, her tone that of a person a few years older then she actually was.


    “Ahh, good. You know, I really should look into some more education for you. The Tigress had a nice school but I don’t know about here,” she said sipping her tea and sitting on their couch.


    “I could do them by myself… I wouldn’t need anyone’s help.”


    Ze’Rea looked at her with one eyebrow raised. “Oh no, you need proper education. If there is nothing on the ship I will do it myself.”


    Kira sighed. “Alright.” She looked back at Ze’Rea, “I’m hungry,” she declared.


    Ze’Rea grinned. “When are you not? Well, we should have some dinner, what’s your fancy tonight?”


    “Hasperat,” she declared.


    Ze’Rea rolled her eyes. “Again? Well, if we do have it I will have to replicate it.”


    “Fine by me.”


    Ze’Rea got her some hasperate before entering her sleeping area. She sat down on her bed and grinned.


    “I didn’t screw up this time,” she murmured. “All I have to do is get a grip and calm down. No one here is going to wipe your memory and boot you off the ship.”


    “Ze’Rea?” A head poked out from around the corner.


    “Yeah Kira?”


    “Are we going to have to leave again? I like it here. Our quarters have more plants then last time.”


    Ze’Rea snorted. “Yes we are going to stay. The only reason we didn’t stay on the Tigress is because I was reassigned. I won’t be again for a while.”


    “Good.” Kira sat down on Ze’Rea’s bed. “Moving makes you sad.”


    Ze’Rea smiled. “Aww, thanks sis.”


    “Plus packing all our music is a pain,” Kira said with a grin.

  3. Hello, everyone!

    I'm quite new to all things Star Trek (I've seen some movies and The Next generation). What really got me into it all was when I started to watch Star Trek: Voyager. :blink: (which btw is starting in a half hour). I'm based in Sweden, Europe so I don't know if I can join into a sim. :rolleyes: However, I'll do my best... :blink:

    Welcome to the game Jay! Don't worry about your newness to star trek, not all of us are super good (I haven't seen enterprise or voyager). I hope you have fun!


  4. This log is set during Aliana's trip to Betazed for her cousin's wedding. It is set between the 8/22/08 sim and the 8/29/08 sim.


    "Bloody Hell."


    Aliana ran up the hill to her house she swore as she slipped and got back up and continued to run. 'Just the thing to be late for,' she thought. 'My cousin's wedding.'

    She got to the gate and opened it before running in the house and into the kitchen where she almost crashed into two of the waiters as she skidded to a halt.


    "Oh my god! I am so sorry," she said as they jumped and walked off.




    She looked towards the voice that had said her name and was pulled forwards.


    "You are so late! Come on, you have to get dressed!"


    "Sorry... I was... delayed."


    Hey cousin pulled Aliana into another room and shoved a dress at her. Aliana balked.


    "Um.... what happened to the lavender?"


    "I changed my wedding theme."




    "Just go with it."


    Nuralia stalked out muttering something about people with no priorities.


    Aliana looked at the dress and winced as she slid herself into it. The sleeves were puffy and had some sort orange fringe that clashed so dreadfully it made her want to gage. She pulled the shoes on and brushed her hair before tying it back and she re-entered the kitchen as she tried to get the lipstick on.


    "Oh my god..."


    Aliana looked at Nuralia.


    "It's so beautiful!" Nuralia ran to Aliana and hugged her. "I am so happy!"


    Aliana patted her on the back and grinned as she looked at her much shorter cousin.


    "Well... it's almost time."


    Aliana nodded and grabbed the small bouquet of Bajoran Lilies before she stood in front of the door. Her cousin nodded and she opened it out to the rows of people who turned to look at the door so quickly she thought there necks would snap. She began to walk down the isle will smiling at everyone. She stood at the end and watched as the others came down.


    Finally Nuralia came down, she slipped her robe off and walked up to Aliana's future cousin-in-law and smiled at him. The ceremony went by in a flash and in an hour Aliana was sitting at the wedding parties table, tapping her foot to the music.


    "To bad no one will dance with a 6'5" amazon," whispered a voice in her ear.


    Aliana turned around and saw who it was. Her face changed from annoyance to glee as she saw the brilliantly red hair and black eyes.




    She leapt up and hugged Nilla. Nilla made a gagging sound as if she couldn't breathe and then as Aliana leaned back hugged her. Aliana gagged too and Nilla snorted as she picked up a strawberry.


    "How are you Aliana? I haven't seen or heard from you in ages!"


    "I am great! How are you? I missed you so much!"


    "I am great as well! My job is also going great! I am out of school and I have already started a store Here on Betazed. I am looking to expand but for the time being I am fine as it is."


    "That's great! I am so glad you were able to fulfill what you wanted!"


    "Thanks! I am to! Everyone here loves my designs and styles! As I said, I am looking for a space to put a new store."


    "What is it called? If it is such a big deal I would love to get something."




    "It sounds so chic," she said teasingly.


    "Well of course darling. So, how about you? How is that behemoth of a station doing?"


    "Well... it depends on how you take having to move the entire monstrosity to Breen space."


    "Oh my goddess. Breen?"


    "Yeah. The ferengi aren't to happy about it."


    "I bet... well... good luck with that."


    Aliana snorted. "Oh that's nice. 'Good luck with that'."


    Nilla fluttered her eyelashes and got an innocent look. "But of course darling."


    Aliana heard her name being called and made a face. "Ah... someone calling my name... this can't be good."


    Nilla grinned and tilted her head. "Oh... I think my brothers calling me... have fun talking to your grandma."


    Aliana stuck out her tongue. "Oh great help you are."


    "But of course darling. Ta-ta," Nilla said as she wiggled her fingers and walked off.

  5. Hey! Welcome to STSF! Hope you have a great time here; Will's spiel pretty much covered some good helpful stuff to get you started, and feel free to ask questions anytime. We're a helpful bunch! :rolleyes:

    yes, very... helpful ::weird grin::
