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Everything posted by Nemesis

  1. Marijuana has 4 times the cancer causing agents than cigarettes before the additives that most marijuana cigarettes have anyways. There are other ways to ease the pain caused by cancer and other ailments that do not involve lighting up a joint.
  2. Tattoos of course R.E.M or Rage against the Machine
  3. Snow cuz I be Canadian and I get that stuff all the time Five spork flingin' Gazelles chewing on grungy carpet on a monday afternoon or 52 turkey eating sheep from Kyrgyzstan sleeping on a rusty spoon in may
  4. Well I should be there if all goes well I says...
  5. terrible maybe but addictive yes!
  6. A rock because it's more interesting to have a conversation with Three blind drunken Norwegien women named Olga, Helga, and somethingelsega or A flying horse named Edward C. Pebody with a urinary track infection.
  7. $3 million dollars for a stupid TV show, I mean really what's the just cause for this kind of money being donated like that? So a bunch of people with nothing else in their lives can stay glued to their television sets that much longer so they can pretend that nothing matters and delude themselves from the real world? We shouldn't be paying money for something that hides us from the world's problems but to fix them.
  8. Well that's not always "fake" hacking cough, I have very sensitive sense of smell and the smell of cigarettes actually make me want to vomit. There are also those people who have asthma and that can be very dangerous to them especially people with bad asthma it can cause very bad asthma attack. I shouldn't have to be considerate to you, when you're doing something that is damaging to my own help for your simple cravings.
  9. Yes, air goes a direct route while bus goes through turns and bends and stuff
  10. Happy Birthday!
  11. Yay! O.C and the starwars preview at the same time! w00t!
  12. Aren't there homeless who could benefiet from 3 million bucks? Why the heck are people raising this amount of money for a stupid tv show, and yes it is a stupid tv show when people are starving or dying of diseases eachday? This is a sad world we live in.
  13. $35 Million - $ 3 Million= $32 Million dollars Well um that's not that much of a differance
  14. Ok then lets play it that way, what about employee rights? Should it be fair for someone to work amid all that smoke that is harmful to their health?
  15. Well here in Canada, I think it's a far different issue than in America. Our health care is paid for by the government so people who smoke raise our health care costs about 5 billion dollars that's far more than the amount that we collect from the cigarette taxes mainly because it affects non-smokers aswell as smokers. This is where we're coming into true problems, not only are you by smoking hurting my personal health but also limiting the services in which my government can provide and draining my tax dollars for your own selfish gain.
  16. I voted for the show I'm sure everyone wanted to save, Joan of Arcadia don't worry!
  17. Duck Dodgers I think
  18. So awse is actually one of America's founding fathers?
  19. Ummmmm am I the only one who's super confused by that?
  20. Sigh, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police
  21. This agency is actually relatively new, the intellegence used to be done by the RCMP but since the RCMP were becoming over run with other duties it was felt needed that they needed to create a new intelligence orangization.
  22. We're Canadians, most don't like to think that we have a spy agency :P
  23. Yeah, infact my great uncle used to work for them during the coldwar as a spy which is the only reason Seiben knows that they exist :o
  24. I think it'll disappear completely because it's something that is growing more and more taboo. Here in my province it's illegal to smoke in any place of business and within 15 meters of a public building. There is also huge anti-smoking campaigns going on right now, it's funny because one was playing while I was typing this for www.stupid.ca .
  25. Ahem! No need for cultural insults...