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Everything posted by Nemesis

  1. AHHHHHH! I'm underwater!
  2. what channel are they on?
  3. Don't feel bad we say the same thing about you guys :D
  4. I'm saying the Blue Jays!
  5. ummmm... no comment...
  6. What is it?
  7. Well good to hear that they're replacing it with quality television programming *goes back to watching the simple life, Ashlee Simpson show, and Newlyweds*
  8. Happy Birthday, hope it was a good one :blink:
  9. a whole pack of gum and you're complaining! Geeze no pleasing you Ontario folks B)
  10. Not unobtainable but irrevelent, for we we never know that what we know is actual facts. Like I could say we're all pure energy and this world is nothing more then our collective conciousness, that would throw out basically all of our laws of physics and basically everything we thought we knew. The best part about that theory I can neither prove nor disprove it.
  11. Grom, the one constant in life is that nothing can be "proved" heck this very statement can not be "proved". Which is why I say the ultimate wisdom is the acceptence that knowledge is irrelevant.
  12. Congradulations! Next thing you know there will be a Grom Jr. hitting the boards.
  13. Hmmmm, someone shoulda proposed a "Texan from the 1800's hundreds, a cop, and a doctor all get abducted by Aliens" and Bill Cosby is in it too, why I dunno because people couldn't have enough of Mr. Cosby back then.
  14. Yeah but 500 years ago if scientists beyond the bible they were thought to be heratics so you can't really make a fair comparison from then and now but it is a good thought. Sorry to say this Grom but one of the largest hinderence to science has been religion apparent throughout history where people who practiced legitimate were forced to do it in hiding.
  15. I thought they put in an old age restriction too, just because of him last year? :blink:
  16. Well you can still try!
  17. Shoreleave Montreal :blink: you can get in anywheres if you're over 12 years of age w00t!
  18. Isn't it 30 voting sessions, not 20 days?
  19. You missed the cold war didn't you :blink:
  20. Not really, it's just another excuse for government employees not to work <_<
  21. To be super fair they should move it to the Moon, I mean Star Trek vacations should be spent in space <_<
  22. I wouldn't say it's that bad of a show Smith...
  23. Well we have to give Dak some credit, the reason people were always dying were other GM's actions to make poor Dakkie poo look bad. Oh Dakkie Poo...
  24. No, I'm not going to stop calling your Dakkie poo ;) Congrats bestest STSF buddy Dakkie Poo
  25. Personal Log Lt. (jg) Tethra Shoeny Chief Medical Officer USS Agincourt Stardate: 110503.16 >Begin Log< The Earth peered up through the window of the ship that took him there. The deep blue of its ocean sparking in the glimmer of its sun, He stood as he was ordered to the transporter room and made his way towards the Transporter room to be transferred to Starfleet headquarters. The crew this time did not stare as he walked down the corridor they had become accustomed to him and his radical appearance over the two week voyage they had shared together, his help in sickbay during a pirate raid helped him earn praise among the ranks of the vessel. He nodded to the captain of the ship who had joined to wish him goodbye. “May the tides guide you great captain” Tethra said as he bowed his head towards her. She wished him equal gratitude and goodbye as he stepped onto the transport PADD and was beamed to Starfleet headquarters. His body shimmered to a transporter room in the headquarters an Admiral was there to greet him, but most of the greeting consisted of a handshake and a brief of his new mission and the class of vessel the Agincourt was. A ship of war Tethra silently thought to himself as the Admiral gave his description, being from a culture that consisted mainly on a pacifist ideal this would be quite an adjustment but with his assignment in medical it would not be so bad he was there to save lives not take them away. The Admiral gave him a PADD with the ship’s specifications, mainly those about sickbay which he had been eager to look at. “Thank you Admiral” Tethra said to the Admiral in a strangely human manner as he shook his hand and entered his temporary quarters. His eyes widen as he saw the hydro-chamber where a bed would normally be, he no longer had to use a bathtub to get his rest. He looked over at the sign that this would be the one that would be transferred to his quarters on the Agincourt and the water it was filled with was chemically identical to that of Minervan waters. Perhaps this mission should not be so bad Tethra though as he rubbed the glass of the chamber, one of these had not been supplied to him in his academy days, and had the feeling over being a home away from home. Outside the window of the quarters he had a beautiful view of the San Francisco harbour. This would only last for a day, the Agincourt was set to launch tomorrow but he thought it alright to take one last dip in a true ocean environment before truly adjusting to the Starfleet life. He dove into the Harbour although the sensation very much unlike that he felt in his home water it was enough to make him feel at ease that no matter how far he got from home, he still had the chance to swim in a true ocean. >End Log<