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Everything posted by NDak

  1. ::snarkle:: hey my team won a "Quiz" Bowl tourney because I was a Trekkie.. The questions was what was the "NCC" of the orignal (TOS) Enterprise...seriously the other team beat me to the buzzer...AND GOT IT WRONG!!!! I was like wow! And we won the dang tourney because I knew it...the rest of my team was stummped..LOL...OMG I am one of those people :)
  2. I will have to admit that most of the time in the movie I was chuckling espically the part with the boy who is making his own movie (actualy i wanted to slap him at one point). So yeah I don't think it would be "a good thing" for us to be on there.
  3. http://www.trekdoc.com/ thats the link to the site for "Trekkies" I am sure if someone told them about us they would be more than happy to include us :)
  4. There is a movie its called "trekkies" and they have a sequal coming out too it :) and if any of you are on Trekkies...well ain't you cool.
  5. Oh yesan Arc movie now that would be interesting....
  6. Not to further steer us off topic...but there are laws against vulgarity in broadcasting (not that i am saying its right, but there are) and they include a set of standards that say what you can and can not say (or show) on air. And before anyone quotes the first amendment to me--vulgarity is not protected under first amendment rights (although Obscenity is under a suprume court rulling.)
  7. ::steals Grom's line:: Welcome to STSF!
  8. Why so you can chase him around the ship?
  9. That would be choice five then... Yes well from what we have been told...TNG is a dead duck; and thier crew is now split up too--or dead.
  10. I am guessing there is a good reason for why we mere mortals :P don't have the power to change our titles. Which is prolly a good thing for most of us, save for Kroells who seems to change his title like he does his underwear :)
  11. Hello and Welcome to STSF. If you have any questions. See the Help section or the Tips from the Moose, or simply post them here and someone will be more than happy to help you out. Again Welcome. Hope to see you In the Acadmies.
  12. .....and thats a bad thing?
  13. See us Rihansu are very interesting. And thank you Van Roy, That was the story I was summerizng, I just didn't feel like pulling it up and copy and Pasting it. :) And I think that you would be correct, they didn't reject logic per se but they certainly rejected classic vulcan stoic logic.
  14. Actually if you must know: (a semi-canon History of the Rihans) When Vulcans rejected emotions, one of Surak's students who felt the Vulcans were losing thier soul (I can't remember his name) gathered togather a group of 120000 (*this is an approx.*) colonists and they left Vulcan nad headed for a new world. Along the way the encountered other races who took advantage of them (which is why they are so xenophobic). The Journey was long and hard. Many died. They eventually made their way to Ch'Rihan and Ch'Havern where they settled down, and begin the Rihan Empire.
  15. Yeah buit then again look who is running the show! Since when have they cared what was said in othe series! ;) They will prolly have romulans running all over the Nx-01. Which would really kind of ruin half the plot of introduction of the Romulans to TOS when Kirk is shocked to see romulans look like vulcans. :)
  16. ::snickers:: they didn't do it ALL by themselves they had nanites to help them...ask wes crusher they are people too ::ducks:: Oh and: And au vile Klingonssu wonder why everyone looks down on au! A donut drive! Really, au have to use donuts to power aus ship!
  17. ::snicker:: I ams till waiting for the Rihan Wars...all I have to say is they better be building some ships before then or its not going to be much of a war now is it?
  18. PERSONAL LOG Lt. (Jg.) Koshic N’Dak ASCI USS Arcadia Stardate 0403.02 >Begin Log< As the translation program ran, Koshic closed his eyes. He tried to clear his mind of all the things that were running through his mind. All of the emotions the crew was having. One moment, he feel hatred towards the Romulans. He would want to rip their green hearts right out of their chest. The next he would want to curl up in a ball and cry for hours. The next he would feel the pain someone feels when they loose their best friend. It was a tour de force in emotions. He had to clear his mind, block them out somehow or else he would burn out. The Empath Song which was usually so calming and peaceful to him, was now a torrent of violent emotions. The normal sonata was raging bolero. He concentrated deeper on his one voice. On the empty void of space. He was exhausted mentally and physically. He had been working non-stop since returning to the Arcadia. And it all seemed lost to him. A death spiral. “Get a hold of yourself,” he heard himself say. After a few long minutes of deep concentration, he had shut out most of the voices, and the ones left were only mere whispers. The Tidal wave of emotions suppressed for the moment. As he sat their in a meditative trance, he must have slipped into a dream-sleep. He opened his eyes. He was on the Talon again, in a small room with light on him. He was laying in the floor with a knife through his hand. He tried to move but he was frozen. The room blurred, he was on the Planet. A Romulan that looked like him was pointing a disruptor in his face and screaming, but no words came out. The room blurred again. He was on the Talon, again. It was in a dark corridor. Long and Narrow, cold and distant. He could hear Commander Dacotah’s voice screaming for help. He ran after the voice. But the corridor extended forever. He ran for what seemed like forever, but he could never get any closer to her. Then he heard a evil cackling laugh. “Worthless th’ann! She is mine! All Mine!” The room blurred again. He was on the Arcadia again, but It was different. The whole ship was dead. Lifeless, people were frozen in place. Motionless, pale and tortured. Distorted from who they were. On the view screen read the simple word “forever.” The room blurred again. He was awake now, he could tell now for real. The raging bolero was back. He had sweat on his forehead. The thought about what he had just seen ran chills up his spine. His people had a saying, “Dreams teach us, they show us what can not be said.” Indeed he had seen it for himself. The crew was tortured haunted by the Romulans, by their won sense of loss. They were frozen in place, distorted by pain, grief and hate. He looked down at the consol; the translation algorithm wasn’t done yet. Time would heal the crews wounds. But the scar would last forever… >End Log<
  19. ::snicker:: This is the boy that created the 'nanite' life forms after all :) that we are talking about.
  20. remember this is Wes Crusher we are talking about....so just completly disregard what he says :)
  21. PERSONAL LOG Lt. (Jg.) Apollo Link ASCI USS Republic Stardate 0403.07 >Begin Log< Apollo wiggled nervously on the bridge. He was waiting for the rear Admiral to brief her on his finding on the planet. The weird religious thing wasn’t the only thing that bothered him. The chronoton waves bothered him too. This entire matter bothered him. The Rear Admiral had made her decision obviously—the Prime Directive was out the window. Apollo sighed, the Admiral was due anytime, and he wanted to look busy when she strolled onto the bridge so he walked over to the science station. Before he left the ship for the planet, he had begun some scans of the area to see where the wave had originated from. Initial scans weren’t clear, but secondary scans showed the Epicenter somewhere near where they had been spit out of the wormhole. That what worried him, they had obviously passed through some sort of temporal band in the wormhole, and if it was emit chronoton waves, it could be destabilizing and they would be stuck in the time period they were in, or worse it could be shifting between periods in time. He sighed and tapped another button beginning another scan of the area, he couldn’t scan the direct area of the epicenter from here, they would have to do it form a lot closer up with the main sensor arrays. The scan began and Apollo turned and looked out the view screen at the planet as he waited for the Rear Admiral. >End Log<
  22. Authors note: This is the first part in the background story of the Daise Dheno, before he joined the Talon. This part takes place upon his arrival at Qo'Nos during the closing stages of the Dominion War. >Begin Log< It was a gross and mucky day on Qo’Nos, as usual. A Rihan shuttle landed softly on a pad outside the Rihan Embassy. Destorie N’dak stepped onto the platform. Even the planet had a stench about it, something dirty and primal. He had taken a position as a Military Liaison on the Embassy. The job was simple, he received fleet movements and intelligence reports from Galae Command and compiled them and sent them to a Klingon counterpart who intern did the same thing for him. It was menial, but it was a foot in the door, and it wasn’t on the frontline of the war. Destorie still had a year left in the Retor, but was doing a semester of field work toward that credit. He had been given the rank of Errien. His mother had arranged the position for him and was most pleased to have her son nearby. She greeted him at the edge of the pad. “Jolan Tru, Destorie,” she said embracing him. “I trust your trip was uneventful.” “Ie,” he said hugging her back. “Can we go inside, the stench of this planet is making me ill.” She laughed a bit and nodded an ie and motioned him inside the rather large Embassy building. “Au will get used to the smell,” she said as the doors slid shut behind them. “Au quarters are on the second level, they have a beautiful view.” Destorie made a bemused smirk. That was funny, how in elements name could anyplace on the wretched planet have a nice view. He smiled to his mother and trudged up the steps to the second level. His belonging had been sent ahead of him and unpacked by the servants. Thank elements for that, he at least got have the family servants here. He opened the door to his new living area. They were Spartan by Rihan standards, but lavish by Klingon standards. Elements it had a bed and not just a cold slab. Destorie’s head valet, tr’Yeran, lowered his head as Destorie entered the room. “Everything looks in order tr’Yeran,” Destorie said. “Au are free to go until dinner.” “Ie Rekkhai,” tr’Yeran said and left the room. tr’Yeran had served Destorie’s family since before he was born and had looked after Destorie all of his life. He was elderly, but not to the point of decrepit ness. He was almost stately and regal in his servitude. Here was a man who understood his place and was content in looking after the young Rekkhai than he was anything else. Destorie turned and looked out the window. His room over looked the ‘courtyard’ and in the distance you could see the rising figure of the “Great Hall.” From here upon a small hill, you could see the entire capitol city sprawled out as far as the eye could see. He turned and sighed. It was going to be a long few months. Soon Issaha would be coming to live with him and his mother ad he would half to deal with these foul Klingons on a daily basis. Little did he know how interesting it would be. >to be continued<
  23. I guess I 'm alone, but I actually though Janeway was one of the better Captains. Sisko was a little too involved in the whole "I'm God" thing and Archer just doen't seem like a Captain, he just doesn't seem like he has any teeth to him--for everything you might say about Janeway she'd unleash on you if you screwed around with her crew. And she stayed consisent in that way, she didn;t get all wishy washy on us. P.S. And to tell you the truth I liked the first two seasons of Voyager and the last three--it was the 3rd and 4th that killed me.
  24. a special on Moose :D it's wone of those wierd words :)