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Everything posted by NDak

  1. That sounds strangly like my campus....
  2. Co-Authors Note: Much "thanks" are in order to my Co-Star Mr. Anderson for lending his "services" to me for usage of this log. Hope you all enjoy it…sorry I know it’s long. The following Arcadia/Talon production has been rated PG for Mild Violence. Some viewer discretion is advised. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- John had just walked off the bridge and into the Turbo lift. He had just gotten permission from Commander Jaruq to interrogate the Daise Dheno, the Talon's Chief of Security. His job was to find out what happened on the Talon and what threat the Squids posed to the Arcadia. The pressing matter at hand, he thought, was the location of the Commander Dacotah; but he knew this would have to wait. His primary duty was to figure out what to do about the Talon and the Squids and report in his findings of how the entrenched battle with the Khre'Riov happened. If he had the time and the opportunity he would ask the Daise Dehno all that he knew about Cdr. Dacotah, but John knew this was a whole other ballgame. As he rode down the life he knew he wouldn't be able to spend much time with the prisoner. He would have to go in, ask the questions, and if he wouldn't cooperate he would use to least amount of force he possibly could to weasel out any information from him. He would give the Daise Dheno a ultimatum and that was it; he could either cooperate or not and it would be in the Daise Dheno's best interests to cooperate. He also knew that he would have to play with the Daise Dheno's mind and try to crack him. John was aware that he was probably still under the Squids influence, and he also knew he could use this as a weapon during the interrogation. John had a padd in his hand that he was reading on the ride down, it contained all the available information that Starfleet Intelligence had on Daise Dheno Destorie N'Dak. It was not much be he had to use what was available to him. He stepped off the turbo lift and proceeded down the hallway. He was becoming both anxious and quite nervous as he walked along. He had never done anything like this before, but he had this feeling of hatred and anger for the Romulans after his experience on board their ship. He knew he would have to try and control himself as best he could, but there was no guarantee that he'd be able to contain himself. He walked up to a door and he looked up at the label, it read "Interrogation Room". He nodded to the two Marines that were standing guard by the door. He took a deep breath and prepared to walk into the room. "It's game time." he said.  Destorie had been brought into a room marked ‘interrogation.’ He was sat in the center of a room, in which there was two chairs on opposite ends of a rectangular table. The rest of the room was blacked out, excluding this one area where a bright light shone from above. The Marine contingent that brought him into the room sat him down in one of the chairs and cuffed him to the table which was bolted down to the ground incase he thought of running away. They did not say a word to him as they walked off into the shadowy area of the interrogation room to watch and see.  As the door opened, Destorie looked over the young officer who had walked in. He recognized him as the same officer who had been on Skoru with him. John...John Anderson was his name. Destorie gave him an odd quirky look as he looked him over. John walked over to the opposite side of the table and took a seat. He placed a PADD down on the table with Destorie's mug on it. Then it hit him. He looked at him again. Then spoke to him In Klingon, mainly so the guards couldn’t figure it out, but secondly because he was curious. "Your mother is Julia Anderson," He continued in Klingon. "You...you used to go to Qo'Nos to visit her correct?" "What did you just say?" said John. He gave Destorie and shocked look, he was amazed that for one he spoke Klingon, but that secondly he also knew who is mother was. "Yes, I did." he replied in Klingon, so that the Marines couldn't guess what they were speaking of. "My mother was Ambassador t'Sevik. I believe we met before on more...hospitable terms." His eyes opened wide. That's where he knew Destorie from he reconginzed him from his youth. "Yes. I remember you know." "But that is the past now isn't it?" "Yes, yes it is....." he said, with a momentary pause that followed. "Perhaps in different time we would be friends now, but we have crossed the point of no return..." "Very true. But this discussion isn't about me. This is about you." Destoire nodded as if he knew that was going to be the next thing said. "Au should know I will tell au nothing..." John glanced down at the padd and then looked back up at Destorie. "With the proper assertion I could have you tell me anything I wanted. But I won't do that unless you choose not to cooperate." "Now to the problem at hand," said John. "What are you and the squids planning?? And for what reason??" "I doubt au have the heart for violence..." Destorie grinned. “As I said I will tell au nothing...." John let out a sigh "Mr. N'Dak, I will only ask you this one more time. What are you and the squids planning?? And for what reason??" "I am na at liberty to discuss my allies’ plans with the enemy." John slammed the PADD he had in his hand down on the table. He stood up and walked over to Destorie. He grabbed him by the hair and pulled his head back. John placed his free hand at the Daise Dheno's throat. Destorie tried not to show much emotion. "So au learned to be violent after all..." "Now as you are aware you filthy Pa'tak! I could kill you in second. I could shatter your neck with a whim of my hands or choke you to death. "But dead men do na talk..." "Slightly mutated ones however, do tend to cooperate. I can cut that pretty little face into shreds so that not even you will know that it's you when you wake every morning." Remembering the last time he saw Anderson fight...he knew he would too. Still clinging onto Destorie’s head, John slammed it down onto the table. Trying to knock some sense into him. He pulled his head back up, still clinging onto his hair. Destorie's head slammed off the table, he felt blood running down his face from his nose. "Now you can answer the question, or I can return you to the squids looking nothing like you do now; to be their slave for the rest of your life. Now answer the QUESTION!" "What did au say? NA IO! I mean NA IO. Enslaves a Rihan!" "We are na there slaves..." he recoiled defensively. John slammed Destorie's head back into the table "You will not raise your voice to me! Now what do you say! Are you going to cooperate or shall I get my dagger...." "So what do you say....." John replied one more time. "Arrien Destorie Ma'lyn N'Dak, Dasie Dheno RES Talon. Number 456-Y-A23K" said Destorie. John let out a sigh. Destorie starred at the wall, making sure not to make eye contact with John. John proceeded into the shadowy area of the room and spoke quietly with one of the Marines. The Marine said something, and then handed John an object. John nodded and walked back into the lighted area and walked back over to Destorie. Destorie kept his eyes locked on the wall. "I will only say this one more time. What are the Squids planning?? What do you know??" John had a hand behind his back and the other on the back of Destorie's neck. "Arrien Destorie Ma'lyn N'Dak, Dasie Dheno RES Talon. Number 456-Y-A23K" Destorie had learned his lesson the last time he was on this ship, he would not fall pray to their tricks again. "What a shame then." replied John. Behind his back John had a blindfold, he proceeded to wrap it around Destorie's eyes.Tying it tightly. Destorie sat motionless. Thinking to himself "Nothing he can to me can come close to what the Squids will do if they find that I told them anything." There was a shuffling in the room as the Marine's that were hanging around in the shadows came forward. N’Dak had been interrogated before, by the Klingons...this would be nothing. John spoke quietly to the Lieutenant in command. "Give me a blade. Also pretend as if you leaving the room." He said in a whisper so that only the Lieutenant could hear. Destorie heard whispering...but couldn't make it out. A sign the *fun* was about to begin. The Lieutenant nodded and gave him a knife with a relatively large blade. He then motioned for the Marines to leave but in reality to only pretend to leave. They shuffled as the whish of the door opening was heard. Destorie heard the door and prepared for what was coming. The Marines then crept quietly back into the shadows and the door whished closed. Now secure that he was alone with Mr. Anderson, he almost grinned. "So au have blind folded me have au...old trick. And If au think I am going to talk au is sadly mistaken." "Well, see. Mr. N'Dak." John then walked back over to Destorie and with one quick swipe of the knife, made a large vertical gash on Destorie's cheek. Destorie flinched slightly. "Perhaps I should send you back in pieces...." said John. He took another swipe at his arm, creating another gash. "Fine. But au will have that on aus conscious." replied Destorie. John scoffed "No. I will be happy to have rid the Universe of flith such as yourself." "Yy'a an innocent Rihan. I am sure that would look wonderful on aus Lloann'na Galea record." replied Destorie in a snide tone. "The ways, in this situation Mr. N'Dak. Definitely outweigh the means." said John, with the knife still in hand "Do na attempt to lecture me on morality Mr. Anderson. Aus people are even more barbaric than those dogs you ally auself with—the Klingons! At least my race never killed each other on the basis of race or religion! And as is I said I will tell au nothing." replied Destorie. John proceeding on, ignoring Destorie. "Hmmm...Perhaps I should bleed you to death like the pig you are." He brought the knife up to Destories neck. "Noooo. I want you to suffer...." added John. Trying to keep his cool on the outside was becoming more difficult for Destorie. He was testing his captor to see just how far he would let him go before he actually did something drastic. "Au so you are na better than us then?” Destorie said, “After all au claim to be the more 'moral' people, but at your heart and soul au is na better than us." "Then set aside your foolish pride and answer the damn question!" replied John. "I don't care about your lectures, or your riddles, I will kill you now if I have too." John added. "My pride...do na make me laugh. That is why au is here isn't it? Au could na handle us being chosen as superior by the Squids!" replied Destorie He scoffed again "Nonsense, the Squids are fools. And they knew we were too superior to be controlled, so that is why they joined you." said John. "Jealousy." said Destorie. John handed the knife off to one of the Marines, and gave Destorie a good right jab in the jaw. "In does na matter, they chose us and our mission is na aus concern. You have kidnapped a member of the Rihan Galae...." he stopped mid sentence due to the fist. "Now, do you want me to break your jaw and torture you to death? Or will you tell me what the Squids are doing." said John. He spit the green blood from his mouth. "If aus is so interested why do au na simply ask them?" Destorie replied. "Well if I could do that I wouldn't be here right now, would I." replied John. Destorie grinned knowing that was going to be the answer. John saw the grin, and give him another hard jab into the ribs. Just hard enough to not break any of his ribs; but to only bruise a few. Destorie let out a cough. "I have told au all that au needs to know...Arrien Destorie Ma'lyn N'Dak, Dasie Dheno RES Talon. Number 456-Y-A23K" replied Destorie. "Well it seems my efforts to beat the information out of you has been in vain. I might as well send you back to the Squids to serve as there slave for the rest of your life." said John. "We are na there slaves...and when the mothership arrives...au will reget the day au ever said that.. Au will be crushed like t’Rexan…" He stopped himself mid-sentence. John let out a laugh, noticing that Destorie had finally let something slip. Perhaps if he angered Destorie enough perhaps he'd break from the Squids control. "....Or do you mean you'll go crawling back to your Masters because you got picked on by the mean Humans." said John trying to throw more wood on the fire. "Pathetic..." John added. "Au Lloann'na think au is so superior. One day aus arrogance will bit au back. See if the Rihannsu Emprie ever helps au again." replied Destorie. “The next time the Dominion comes calling, au will be alone...mark my words," he spat green blood towards where he had heard John's voice. He watched as the blood landed before his right foot. "Please. As we all know the Federation sacrificed the most in the Dominion war. If it hadn't been for us you all wouldn't be the Squids slaves but the Founders Slaves." John said. "You and your people have cursed yourselves now and forever." he added. He let the remark pass and chose silence instead letting the human puff out his chest more showing the him and his race for what they were—savages...but inside he was boiling with anger. "You all are going to forever be bound to be slaves, servants, whores, underlings till the end of your days." He said trying to push Destorie over the brink. "And the Romulan Empire will fall and become the Squid Empire." He kept silent. Doing his best to remain motionless. The human was purposely trying to anger him; such was their way, trying to demean every culture that stood in their way. "Arrien Destorie Ma'lyn N'Dak, Dasie Dheno RES Talon. Number 456-Y-A23K" "Please, all of that information you give won't mean a lick when the Squids control you all." replied John. "Arrien Destorie Ma'lyn N'Dak, Dasie Dheno RES Talon. Number 456-Y-A23K" said Destorie adamantly John glanced at his padd for a moment. He noticed he was running out of time. He thought as best he could of what would make Destorie snap "I can see this women now, bowing before the Squids, like a servant." John said. "My mother would yy'a before she bowed to a master. And unlike au weak humans, threatening my blood, will na make me talk." replied Destorie. "Don't make me laugh. We all know the Romulans are cowards. Not brave enough to stand and fight. They simply run home crying when the going gets tough." John added. "Arrien Destorie Ma'lyn N'Dak, Dasie Dheno RES Talon. Number 456-Y-A23K" replied Destorie. He let out a sigh, John had managed to get some information out of him, but he knew he needed more, time was up though. Everything he found out would have to do. He proceeding in removing the blindfold from Destorie. Light came back into his eyes. He looked Anderson in the eyes, but said nothing. If looks could kill Anderson would in a stasis unit. John glanced down at him and then pressed his commbadge. "Anderson to Sickbay. Can you send one of the doctors to the brig to mend up the prisoner." He then motioned for the Marine's to come forward. He then bent down and leaned towards Destorie ear. He whispered, "If it wasn't for the sheer fact that I can't kill you, I would. If this was my ship I would have taken off your head, and placed it on my mantle as a reward...." "...But you get to live for now, but remember this If we ever met again in some distant place in the galaxy I will break you in two and make you wish you were never born...." Destorie turned and glared at John showing his mutual disrespect. He whispered in Klingon,. "For aus sake, hope we never meet again old friend. Or it will be au that wishes he was na born..." John replied, with a fire in his eyes that was unyielding; as if all his anger and hatred for the Romulans was focused onto this one person. "We'll see......"  The Marines took Destorie back to the brig where a young Doctor Lucky had treated his minor injuries he had sustained during the interrogation. After she left, he was alone, in the same dark drab cell he had been during his last visit to the USS Trash Ship. The whole incident had only furthered his now festering hate for the Lloann’na. He now understood what his father had always told him about them. They were hypocrites not to be trusted, they imposed their high and mighty moral standards on everyone else but themselves. They reneged on honor whenever it suited them and justified it by saying they are morally right. Destorie shook his head. “Distress call or no distress call…io does not just go around shooting people in their space.” “He could have at least called first!” Destoire looked out the ‘opening’ to his brig cell. The same boring Vulcan was standing guard. He sighed wondering if this time he would ever get back to the Talon, or if this time he would be stuck on this blasted smelly Lloann’na trashship…
  3. DISCLAIMER: i don;t think Kirk should come back...but hey its better than what we have now... At any rate wow I was actually impressed by the CGI the battle scenes were pretty good!
  4. err...make that Hand ........ :P
  5. t'Rexan...tough and not afraid to get her hands dirty :P
  6. Na if they mutined first...silly Vulcan...Command is na for Vulcans... :P Au deads ones never learn...
  7. Depends on which N'Dak you are asking: The Evil Version: Conquer the Galaxy with his Evil Hordes The Good Version: Boldly go where no man, no woman, no one, has gone before.
  8. Maybe for you poor souls on dial-up MUHAHAHAHA
  9. :wonders what the orignal topic was about:: :P
  10. Of course I am going to vote for myself...silly kitty ::gives Pitty some catnip::
  11. This isn;t the first time they have "done away" with thier chat rooms...actually I think this is about the fourth time, and it usally takes about six months or so for them to get them back sooooo just be patient :P
  12. Authors note: This is the second part in the background story of the Daise Dheno, before he joined the Talon. This part takes place a few weeks after his arrival on Qo'Nos. >Begin Log< It had been three weeks since he had come to Qo’Nos, and he finally felt settled into his new job. It was fascinating, the massive amount of logistic work that was going into running this war. Even the Klingons had pages and pages for him to translate and compile then send to Galae Command. Every morning, after morning meal, he would come into his office to find dozens of fleet movements, ship deployments and a myriad of intelligence reports from the Klingon Military to go over. At first it had been difficult to read the Klingon, but he had picked up on it quickly, at the Retor he had learned some Klingonnesse, but in prep for this assignment he had to be fluent in it. It wasn’t all that bad of a language in al’ truths, very expressive—if you were aggressive mongrel. Destorie entered his office. The window was open, letting the foul air enter. It still gagged him, he closed it tight. His mother was wrong, he would never get used to the that smell. How she had stood it this long was beyond him. This mornings reports were, as usual, not to interesting—two birds of prey had been destroyed; a convoy of supplies was being dispatched; the third battle group was being deployed along the Klingon-Tholian border. All of this was encoded in Klingon; he had decode all of it, then recode in Romulan and send it out to the ch’Rihan. Next he would receive the information he was to pass on to his Klingon Counterpart. They were middle men. He had met his Klingon counterpart a few days ago at a ‘party’ at the Klingon Embassy. Say one thing for this job—he had a chance to meet people. In the three weeks he had been here he had meet two Khre’Riovs, a Praetor, three Klingon Generals, the entire Klingon High Council and the High Chancellor. The morning reports were boring. It would take him two hours to do them all. The he would be free to do as he pleased until afternoon, when more reports would come in from the Klingon High Command. He would have to recode them into Rihan and send them out just as he had the morning reports. After he was done with that, he was free to return to the residential wing of the Embassy. Dinner was never a simple affair, almost every night there was some social event he would have to attend. Tonight was no different, Councilor Ren’MoK was having some sort of grand affair at his home this evening, his mother had been invited, therefore he would be going with her. Ren’MoK ‘s ‘dinner’ would be, as Destorie had decided about all such Klingon affairs, horridly boring—although tonight might be interesting after all. Ren’MoK’s eldest son was coming of age today and this would be an accession feast. So at least he would get to see the Klingons in attendance get roaring drunk and make idiots out of themselves. Heck he might even get to see one of the kill the other one. A smile came to his face as left his office that day. Then a slight frown; there would be bloodwine. And his brother would be attending as well. Bloodwine and Issaha…never a good combination. >to be continued<
  13. well depends on which battle you are speaking of....the first one was a pretty dead even heat. Both ships took quite the whallop...and the Talon ended up with more Prisoners so I give the first round to the Talon... Seocond round was a Handi-Cap match and the Arcadia did quite the number on the defenseless Talon ::curses the traitors for making him look bad:: :P If only I had just rammed them like I wanted to...then we would see who would be laughing then ::evil grin: :(
  14. Well...hmm... I loved the music (Voyager had the best intro music :P ) Overall good Job! One small problem: ::digs through his photoediting books:: The one scene were the Excal is crossing the screen with a cosmic back drop...you might want to redo your silhouette to cut some of the white space off to make it look more...uhh real. But if you can't oh well. But overall a nice presentation :(
  15. :P.... :( ..... :)
  16. RES TALON: standard Warbird---D'derex (*sp?) USS REPUBLIC: Galaxy Class Explorer
  17. PERSONAL LOG Lt. (Jg.) Koshic N’dak, Ph.D. ASCI USS Arcadia Stardate 0401.12 >And now Part II < Alexei Telna and Koshic departed the TELBROKE, after a ‘going away’ party of sorts for them. The Minas Tirith and arrived at a dock in the Space Port city of Cor Calli, an buzzing port on the outskirts of Cor Captillia, the ancient capital of the Rohland. Telna had marveled at the sheer beauty of Cor Captillia during the flight in. It was among the most beautiful cities he had ever laid eyes on, with its stunning stone buildings, and towering modern sky scrapers. On the way Koshic had pointed out the high points of the City with beaming pride. The first structure he pointed out was the mammoth Tower of Captillia. There Koshic had said the first N’dak had been crowned Steward of the Rohland. "And there," he said while he piloted the shuttle. There is the Grand Hall of Aon. There, my Ancestors held court for generations." It was a truly an inspiring city. But the best was yet to come. The shuttle lurched towards the south and flew over a large walled portion of the city that N’dak had called the "Old City." Koshic had pointed out the window as he leveled the shuttle. He didn't have to say a word. Up ahead of them was the most impressive sight Alexei Telna had ever beheldBthe N'Dak Gate. It was massive, made of solid Granite. Spanning nearly seventy meters across, one hundred and fifty meters tall, and one hundred meters long. It was said to have taken more than ten Morokites (a rather large Elasian Elephant) to pull the gate open. Flanking the massive gate were two tower-bases two hundred meters wide and two hundred meters tall. Extending from them were two parabolic walkways extending out over three hundred meters with support columns one hundred meters tall. And standing on the bases were two enormous statues. “Guardians of the Rohland” they were called. Modeled after the twin sons of one of the N'Dak lord, Erret and Destorie, they towered to over 600 meters in height. Carved out of Firestone, (a pinkish marble with dark red ripples) the statues beared unsheathed swords each one hundred and fifty meters long and shields one hundred meters wide. They were amongst the oldest relics on the entire planet Koshic had said, along with to the Canyon of Warriors leading to the Palace of Ruins and Hidden City at Temple Gorge in the north. O O O O O O O Once again the two disembarked the Minas Tirth with their luggage to be greeted by again by a man and an entourage of guards. Again as they approached, Telna tensed. But he was calmed this time, not but Koshic or even words from the approaching man, but his expression. He was smiling ear to ear and was almost running towards them. Just as before the group stopped near them, the guards turned in ward, and the young man who was obviously related to Koshic, welcomed him properly on one knee. Koshic returned the welcome with a bow. The two paused a moment then ran to each other in a hug. After a few moments in embrace, Koshic broke away. “Alexei I want you to meet some one,” he said pointing to the young man he had just hugged. “This is my cousin Coreth N’Dak, he has been surviving as my Vice-Roy. And Coreth this is the young man I spoke to you about, Ensign Alexei Telna.” The two shook hands and said hello to each other. Coreth motioned to the guards to take the luggage and the three headed inside the space port. Alexei couldn’t help but be impressed by the elaborate carvings and statues inside the large domed space port, but then he remembered what Koshic had said about the port at Minos Korvos, the Grand City of the Seven Kingdoms of Arema. He had said it was three times as large and twice as elaborate. His mind swirled in sheer wonder at the Elasian culture. The group made its way to a large counter marked “CUSTOMS” in about twenty different languages. Koshic and Telna waited in line for several hours until it was finally their turn. The worker at the booth as a young, arrogant, and, as they would learn smart-assed Elasian male. At first he didn’t even look up at Koshic. The after a few moments he looked up. “Give me your travel papers.” Koshic slid them across the counter. But no sooner had the worker had the papers than he barked. “Sorry, But I have to deny your entrance.” “What?” Koshic replied a little shocked, a little irritated. “You heard me,” the worker replied. “You are denied entrance into Rohland, and Elasia in General. Your travel papers only clear you for docking, not entrance. Next.” “They don't have to,” Koshic recoiled. “I am a citizen of the Rohland and Elasia.” The customs worker looked straight at Koshic for the first time in the entire conversation. “Nonsense. First your way to short,” he started, but that was all he got out. That was all Koshic needed. “Do you know who the hell I am?” “A starfleet officer,” the worker interrupted, “and a low ranking one at that.” The officer jabbed a finger at Koshic=s ensign pip. Normally Koshic was a pretty calm fellow, but this petty little customs worker was about to feel the wrath of Koshic L. N’dak, then he looked around Coreth had disappeared. He fumed at what he thought was going on. “Did Coreth put you up to this,” Koshic sneered. “If he did I am going to gut that…” “How dare you speak of the Lord Regent that way!” Now it was on. “The Lord Regent,” Koshic laughed. “You really are dense. Coreth is the Vice-Roy and I will speak of my cousin any way I please. I am Lord Regent Koshic N’Dak, Steward of the Rohland, Guardian of 12 Holy Isles and bearer of the Sacred Sword of Fire. A son of the Fifth House of Betazed. Heir to one of the five Holy Rings of Betazed and the Sacred Chalice of Rixx. And I don=t feel like screwing around with some petty flipping customs agent, that doesn’t=t even know who the damned Lord Regent is! Good Day.” Alexei stood in shock at the whole matter hoping not to catch the wrath of N’Dak. He had seen this happen to a poor little first year cadet once. It wasn’t pretty. When Koshic N’Dak was mad at you, look out. Alexei cringed as he remembered what had happened to Cadet Marris Took. Took was an over confident, silver spooned brat. Koshic had failed Took in his Introduction to Species of the Federation class. Took instead of going to Koshic and asking him what he had done wrong, accused him of ‘Human Bias’ and took him before the superintendent. Took, because his father was an Admiral, was given a second chance to pass the class, unfortunately for him Koshic was the only one teaching it. To make a long story short, Koshic made the class as brutal as he possibly could and everyone, including Alexei had failed. The “Wrath of N’Dak” was indeed something that sent shivers up Alexei=s spine. Just as Koshic was about to storm through the Customs gate with out officially checking in, Coreth reappeared with a large contingent of ‘Rohlian’ guards. “Lord Koshic!” Coreth called out. “What in the gods names is going on?” “That imp,” Koshic pointed to the now shocked customs agent. “Denied me, me the Lord Regent, entrance! See to it he is transferred to one of the penal ice cubes.” Coreth looked absolutely appalled. The customs agent who had now turned several shades of red could only stammer. “Come we need not trouble our selves with him,@”Coreth motioned to a stunned Alexei and a fuming Koshic. Koshic begrudgingly followed. “Make sure that one learns his place!@” he said loud enough for the embarrassed worker to hear. After Coreth had managed to calm Koshic, the three, their guards and their luggage boarded the Royal Hovercraft and embarked on the five hour trip from Cor Calli to the Royal Palace. O O O O O O O The hovercraft trip from Cor Calli to the N’Dak estate was indeed a long one, but at least it was picturesque. The route they were taking took them across the backbone of the Rohland Mountains. The mountains towered high above the clouds and soft white snow covered their tops. Bisecting the glorious mountains was large and vast river. “De Folono MiaBthe Great River” Alexei had heard Koshic say as they crossed it. Alexei was in awe struck wonder. Koshic smiled to Coreth and pointed to Alexei who had his nose pressed up against the glass windows. “Look Koshic, there it is,” Coreth said. “Home.” Koshic eyes brightened, there in the distance was the outline of his home. Yes, he thought to himself, it was his home. True he had the Mansion on Betazed, but try getting some peace and quite there. Here he was alone, in fact Coreth was the only living family that was even on the whole planet. His brother was to busy at the Academy to come here, and his sister hated it here, and his mother could care less. Indeed Coreth was the only member of his family he had really spoken to lately anyway. Coreth was so lonely in the ‘Castle’ by himself. Their aunts had all died before they gave birth to any children, their grand mother and grandfather were long dead and Coreth’s father Erret and his Human mother Dana had been killed with Koshic’s father, indeed they were alone. Koshic’s eyes filled with tears of compassion and sorrow for his cousin. How alone he must be, he was only five when the Klingons had killed them. Koshic had slipped into his own little world and barely noticed that they had arrived on the compound until Coreth put a hand on his shoulder. “Koshic,” Coreth said brightly. “We are home. Go and rest now, I’ll bring you up to speed with why you have been recalled over diner.” Koshic sighed; brought back to reality, he shuffled out of the Hovercraft and made his way towards the Grand Suite. O O O O O O O The “dining” room was located on the eighth floor and had a grandiose view of the majestic Rohland Mountains. The table was large but not so large that it was uncomfortable or awkward for just three people. Koshic had changed into his formal attire, as had Coreth, and he sat at the head of the table awaiting the first course, a broth of some sort. Koshic sat staring blanking out the terrace window at the opposite end of the table Why was he here anyway? Something big was going to happen he could just feel it about to happen? >To Be Continued<
  18. For Insurance purposes we need to see if I am evil or not...its a deductable on my Insurance becuase it makes me like them... :)
  19. Does that make me Smithers? :P
  20. Great site Fred. Love the intro movie and the music.
  21. The Witch-King of the Nasgul :P
  22. ::batting eyes all in innocently:: 9-18-2 on the survival rate if I am XO and 2-7 if i am CO :) as for the Talon Guest Tour....well nevermind that...::evil smirk::
  23. Hmm....This is Hard....wait you should have choice 6: Eat the Cadets
  24. ::pats Kroells on the head:: Now Now. Here is a post for your trouble....
  25. PERSONAL LOG Lt. (Jg.) Apollo Link Acting CSCI USS Republic Stardate 0403.14 >Begin Report< Apollo returned to the Republic with the “first” shift. But unlike the rest of them he didn’t pack off to his quarters. Instead he went to Science Lab 3 to some work. He sighed as he sat down in his chair. He felt that they should at least catalog all of the people they met in this future time-line; although that would be a violation of the temporal prime directive. That really didn’t matter now did it. He brought up the blank cultural assessment forum and started to fill in the information. He had spent most of his time gathering information directly from the people and had been running various scans of the atmosphere, soil composition, and anything else he could get his hands on. These cultural assessments were tedious to do; but normally worth it. After an hour or so he completed the assessment and looked over his work. He smiled pleased with it and sent it out to all Dept. Heads, the XOs and the Rear Admiral. Then he sighed, and headed to his quarters to get a few hours sleep. >End Log< ---------- To: All Dept. Heads CC: Command Staff SUBJECT: CULTURAL ASSEMENT CUTURAL ASSESMENT—Rogresh Lt. (Jg.) Apollo Link Acting CSCI USS Republic Stardate 0403.014 >Begin Report< Race: Rogreshian Home world: Rogresh Race Classification: Humanoid SD of Last Survey: First Technological Level: 8 The Rogresh are a pre-warp civilization past industrial revolution, and are in period similar to earth circa 1970’s. It can be expected that their technological advancement well be at least temporarily impeded as they deal with the aftermath of the missile impact. Socio-cultural Level: 5 The Rogresh are a patriarchal society with men filling most of the positions of government. The people of Rogresh are not yet a completely united people, the far Northern Continent ‘Teul’ and the Western Continent of ‘Diconte’ have yet to join the Planetary Alliance government which controls the rest of the planet’s population. Diconte and Teul, however, currently maintain peaceful relations with the Planetary Alliance. The Rogresh are, with few exceptions, a polytheistic people. However, they do have a hierarchy of gods with the God Sony’ea and the Goddess Nintindus at the top. And unlike many relgions, they maintain that they are not alone in the galaxy, sighting a passage of ancient scripture claiming their ‘brothers’ the Xbocka were also allowed to live in the system. This is interesting because a humanoid culture inhabits the second planet in the system, Rexxar. Proof of any such relations, however, remains to be seen. Additional Notes: Rogresh is the fourth world in the ‘Republica’ system. It has one in habited moon. It is a Class-M world, similar to Earth in climate and is roughly the same size as Mars. The planet was struck by several thermonuclear devices launched from neighboring Rexxar as a reaction to the accidental spotting of the USS REPUBLIC on Stardate 0402.03. It can be assumed that the planet will undergo significant changes in both their socioeconomic and cultural levels over the next few years. >End Report<