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Everything posted by NDak

  1. Well Hope Everything goes well for you Pitty and yourself too Travis.
  2. Isn't sick and twisted in the Romulan Job Discripition?
  3. Oklahoma St Vs UConn... First I hate the ACC...that aside. GT just doens't have the goods to get past Oklahoma St. Second Duke is going to get mauled by the UConn WMD's of Villanueva, Okafor, Gordon and the two Browns. In the Final: UConn in an impressive team to be sure; but i think beating Duke may take a lot out of them. Oklahoma St would have to be play a great game, which I think they will. It will be a great game. OSU is as physical of a team as UConn will have seen, and that saying something being as though UConn plays in the prison league that is the Big East. OSU has a lot of the big "MO" and I think that will carry them through. Oklahoma State 75 UConn 71
  4. Well I like to see Big East teams do well (Unless its Pitt or Notre Dame...they are well hated), makes WVU look better somewhat; so as long as its not an ACC team...I'll be happy. :lol:
  5. Faster than Lightning ehh?
  6. Just steal some of Dacotah's she won't miss one pair....
  7. Meh

    ::sees he has competition on the evil category:: Hmm.... ::evil plotting noises::
  8. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha :lol: ^_^ :P
  9. ::thwaps himself:: Tourney sorry, stupid thing won't let me sign off this anme and back onto Apollo.
  10. Heh...sorry but Red Shirts are standard cadet issue...makes you all easier to pick out for GM Death ACTIONS. :lol: ^_^ Oh and BTW Welcome.
  11. wow..Grom and I agree on something! My consolation prize is that UConn and Emeka will make devils' food out of them; and that thier women won't win a national championship either ^_^ Oh and Grom the Tennesse women are the Real Evil Empre Pat Summit makes Blu and Duke pale by comparison. Oh and Travis...you were thinking we were talking about the Frozen Four huh :lol:
  12. ::snarkles:: FYI this has just become the most "talked about" topic on the boards as it just went over 123 replies :lol: As for Aprils Fool's day...hmm i guess we know who is the prankster of STSF....FRED
  13. ...actually they are supposed to announce whether the show will be continued or not...
  14. Me thinks not..unless as discussed on the post Trek wanted to wrap the entirre series up.
  15. Hello and Welcome to STSF! Hope to see you around the Academies...mmm new cadet smell ::licks lips::...mmm crunchy cadets... :lol:
  16. Pickle Pictures ehh? Hmm...me thinks Blackmail could be a buisness to go in...::calls up blu::
  17. thats for one glass ^_^
  18. ::appears out of the darkened shadows:: Some one say sinister? :lol:
  19. First..Xavier...no suprise...obviously you didn't watch the BIg 12 Champ game... as for the Final Four... Kansas (Bleck) is in a watered down bracket and I hate the ACC soo.. Oklahoma St., yeah they practiced in football pads. They will be just to physical for St. Joes. (That and I have them winning it all :lol: ) Duke (Bleck) despite my intense hatred for Duke and the ACC, I ahve to give them Props...they are good. and UCONN...well nuff said. so in summary...Oklahoma St./Kansas/Duke/UConn
  20. I guess you haven't watched the Al Pacino movie "Simone" ?
  21. ::gives Kroells a blank will & testiment form:: Yah might need this now....
  22. once again.... :lol: ..... ^_^ ....cheated at twister...how the the devil do you do that???
  23. PERSONAL LOG Lt. (Jg.) Koshic N’Dak, Ph.D. ASCI USS Arcadia Stardate 0403.26 >Begin Log< As Koshic stood on the Bridge, a bright idea came into his head. This whole time he had been collecting information on the squids, and they hadn’t been able to really get a lot of data on how they effected people—and now he had a test subject just waiting for him in Sickbay. Koshic quickly asked Commander Lo’Ami permission to go down to sickbay and at the least observe their Romulan visitor. Lo’Ami nodded and Koshic jaunted of to the TL. “Sickbay.” The TL gently hummed as it made it way to Sickbay. He had a theory but he would need some proof. These Squids were indeed of powerful Telepathic abilities, it is possible, he thought, that if they were strong enough telepaths that they could actually be controlling the Romulans. He would need some scans from the subject in sickbay. O O O O As Koshic stepped into Sickbay, Nurse Ratchet was scanning over the subject. Koshic motioned her over to him. “Nurse if you don’t mind, I’ll take over from here,” he said quietly. “ Foreward everything you have to my PADD here.” The Nurse quirked an eyebrow but relented. “Yes Lieutenant,” she grumbled. She stepped back into the shadows of the Sickbay and left Koshic alone with Destorie. “Jolan Tru Arrein N’Dak…” Koshic paused as he said “N’Dak.” Destorie looked up only slightly as heard the Rihan being spoken but then returned to staring at the walls. He was unhappy with the arrangement that much was obvious. “Arrien Destorie Ma'lyn N'Dak, Dasie Dheno RES Talon. Number 456-Y-A23K,” Koshic said looking at him. “Au hhaetn mnaae. There is na need for mnaee, Mnean will na aehyy or yy’a. Mnean only rruieh run some drusae.” Destoire turned and looked Koshic over. He was a short slender human, or so he appeared. But their was some familiar element to him he couldn’t shake. He had never meet him before, that he was sure of, but something was just—odd. He looked back to the wall then to Koshic. He was surprised that he was adept in the Rihan language. At least this time he got an intelligent interrogator. Koshic looked Destorie over waiting for him to say something. He had closed his mind, the Romulan mind made him…uncomfortable. But their was something about this one, a facial quality that was almost scary. If he didn’t know better Koshic might have mistaken him for his father dressed up as a Romulan. Koshic shook the thought off and looked down at his PADD. “I appreciate your speaking in my native tongue,” Destorie said breaking the silence. “But their na need for you to trouble yourself, I do speak Terran, that is aus language is it na?” Now it was Koshic taken a back. Romulans, as a general rule cared very little for the ways and customs of those they deemed inferior (i.e. the rest of the galaxy) but here was a Romulan who spoke fluently in Teran? “Uhh,” Koshic stammered slightly. “I am not Human if that’s what you mean, but that’s what I have a universal translator for.” “Ahh,” Destorie returned to staring at the wall. Koshic wasn’t sure where to go from here. He looked around and took out a medical tricorder and began to run scans of Destorie’s cranial area. If the Squids had indeed been using brainwash telepathy the brain chemicals would, to say the least, be slightly off. But the real problem was—how do you determine if a Romulan has a Chemical imbalance or not? Koshic would need to analyze the brain wave patterns and the Chemical make-up further, but he couldn’t do that here. He tapped his commbadge. “Nurse Ratchet,” he said pausing looking over Destorie one last time. “I believe I have gotten everything I need, he is all yours again.” Koshic glanced at the Romulan again. “Jolan Tru.” Koshic turned and headed out the sickbay doors and off to Science Lab 3. >End Log<
  24. Authors Note: This is Part III of the past history of the Daise Dheno (err ex-Daise Sheno...*gulp*) This event takes part shorty after Part II at the Household of Ren'MoK who is having an coming of age party for his son. Enjoy! Destorie made his way down the walk way to Councilor Ren’MoK’s home place. He stopped outside the large door. From the sounds, the party was well under way by now. He knocked on the door and straightened his tunic. A servant opened the door and lead him in. From the sounds and smells of the air, Destorie determined that the Klingons has already began consuming large quantities of that vile Bloodwine drink they treasure. Much to Destorie’s displeasure, Issaha had came early to the party. Destorie looked around the room to find his brother, before trouble found him first. Issaha saw his brother come into the room and ran over and gave him a big hug. “Brother it’s so good to see you again. I was just telling these nice people here all about you.” Destorie smelt the bloodwine on his brother’s breath. “Why do I think that is not a good thing?” “Brother dear you do worry way too much. Now let me introduce you to these nice ladies over here.” Destorie sighed and followed his brother. Issaha walked over to a corner and pointed out two Orion women, "Destorie this is Katralla and her twin sister Aerlla." The two girls giggled and Issaha leaned in and whispered to his brother, “I have been telling them all about you brother and it seems as if they do fancy Romulan men.” Destorie looked them over, and then leaned over to his brother. “Au should na trust Orions, they are nothing but thieves...come we will go else where.” “But Brother…” Destorie flashed ‘the look’ at Issha, and began to walk away. Issaha turned to the Orion women, “Sorry ladies. Do look me up some time though.” Issaha followed his brother. “Au should be making political contacts; na lady contacts…” “Brother why do you never relax and have some fun. Your always so serious. How about combining the two. Lady poltical contacts.” “Ie, but na Orion slave girls.” “A technicality brother.” Destorie strolled along nodding to some of the dignitaries in attendance. Then he spotted someone for Issaha to speak to long enough to go see Ren’MoK. “Perhaps Au should go talk to her,” he pointed to a Gorn in the corner. “That is Ambassador Tergook, of the Gorn Empire.” Issaha quickly grabbed another drink from a passing waiter, “A Gorn brother? I heard they have tails. That might be interesting.” “Go and talk with her, I will check with au later. I must speak with Ren'Mok,” Destorie ushered Issaha towards Tergook as he headed for Ren’Mok. “If you say so brother.” Issaha walked towards the Gorn with a drink in his hand and a sly look on his face. Destorie approached Ren’Mok, luckily he wasn’t too drunk yet, nothing worse than a drunken Klingon in a celebratory mood. “Greetings,” Destorie started in Klingonesse. The Klingon looked him over. “Jolaan Tru,” Ren’Mok slurred. “Or are you one of those Vulcans?” “Na, I am Rihan.” “Well then, Mr. Romulan,” Ren’MoK said taking a swig of Bloodwine straight from the bottle, “What can I do for you? Obviously you are somewhat important if you were invited!” Ren’MoK laughed heartly and slapped Destorie on the back. “I am Destorie N’Dak, Rihan-Klingonhanssu Military Liaison,” Destorie said stiffening his posture. “I am bring word from Ambassador t’Sevik that she regrets that she could na attended aus gala affair.” The Klingon laughed again and offered Destorie a drink. “It may not be that blue ale of yours but it is the finest bloodwine in all of Qo’Nos. Ha ha ha.” Issaha approached the Gorn with a sly look. He stopped and looked her over a second and introduced himself, “Hello ambassador. Let me introduce myself. My name is Issaha Ndak” Tergook flipped her tail slightly and ran her tongue over her sharp fangs. “You are you? I take it you Are Ambassador t’Sevik son?” “Yes thats my mother," Issaha started to stare at the Gorn’s tail as he finished his bloodwine. Tergook smiled a fangy grin. “I take it you have come here to watch the Klingons make fools out of them selves?” she paused and sniffed him, “..and drink the bloodwine?” “Yes I do enjoy a good bloodwine. I also heard there would be pain sticks involved during this little party. I have always wanted to see what they do.” Issaha grinned, "Among other things of course." Tergook flipped her tail again and grabbed one of the live vermin from a nearby bowl and crunched it in one bite. “I wouldn’t have dreamed a Romulan would ever be so...interested in Klingon affairs.” Issaha caught himself staring at the tail again, “Not really there affairs. I just like there bloodwine and there silly little rituals.” Tergook flipped her tail again, then took a sip form her drink. She noticed the Romulan was starting trancelike at her green tail. “Can I help you with something?” “I just cant stop from admiring your tail.” “Really?” Tergook grinned as she munched another vermin. “It’s oddly entrancing.” Issaha reached down and tried to pull the Gorn’s tail as it was flipping back and forth. The Gorn’s silver eyes flashed and locked straight onto Issaha. “What did you just try and do?” as she swallowed the vermin whole. “For some reason I wanted to grab your tail.” Issaha looked frantically for his brother knowing that he was about to be in serious trouble. “You know...you look as tasty as those Vole’s I have been eating,” she flashed her sharp teeth. Issaha's eyes went wide in fear, "DESTORIE!!!!" Destorie was still across the room drinking with Ren'MoK. He thought he heard a familiar voice, he turned but didn’t see anything. Tergook was grinning her toothy grin. “Who is this Destorie person, is he crunchy. I bet Romulans are very crunchy.” Issaha was now freaking out. He looked around frantically. One of the guards nearby had placed his painstick on a close table. Issha grabbed at tried to keep the now wickedly laughing Tergook at bay. “DESTORIE!!!! HELP!!!!!!” “He is my brother and he isn’t someone to mess with, and no we aren’t crunchy!” Destorie heard the commotion and saw his brother pointing a pain stick at Tergook. “Excuse me Ren'MoK.” Ren'MoK was laughing drunkenly. A little drunk himself he walked over to Issaha. “What is going on here?” “I am kinda trying to keep all my limbs intact brother.” He kept the pain stick pointed squarely at Tergook, “Anyways this was aus idea.” Tergook was now laughing very lizardly like barely able to contain herself. “Ambassador Tergook. I am sorry for your trouble,” he glared at Issaha. “You've been drinking again haven’t au?” “No drinking brother. You know mother wouldn’t like that,” Issaha still kept the pain stick between him and the Gorn. Tergook smiled. “He lies you know, he smells of that vile stuff. He’d be a marinated Romulan if I ate him now…” “Issaha do na lie, it is unbecoming of a Rihan,” Destorie glared. “Au have been drinking again and now I will have to take au back to the embassy.” “I am not lying and I can prove it.” Issaha looked at his brother, "Is there another way I can prove it to you brother?" "NA!" Issaha started to walk over to his brother a little slow at first. Then as he got his footing he began to quicken his pace, "See brother if I was drunk could I do this." "Ie..." At that moment Issaha tripped. As he fell forward he tried to catch himself with the pain stick he was carrying. Instead it caught Destorie square in the chest. "AHHHHHH" Issaha went white as a sheet. He looked down at the setting on the stick and realized it was only 2 notches from the max setting. He nudged Destorie to see if he was still concious, "Brother are you okay?" Destorie lay on the floor. The Klingons in the room were now in a hearty Klingons laugh, and Tergook was flipping her tail wildly. Destoire rolled his eyes a bit as he regained his composure. "Why au little....I will yy’a au for that..." "Its was an accident brother I swear." Destorie grabbed him by the neck. Tergook's tail swung wildly and hit Issaha in the back and sent him falling forward again. He sent the pain stick straight into Destorie’s chest again. "AHHHHHH" Issaha dropped the pain stick realizing he was causing more harm then helping. The stick fell and hit Destorie one more time this time in the leg. "AHHH" Issaha winced as his brother cried out in pain again. He knew that he would never hear the end of this. Destorie writhed on the ground a bit and finally started to come back around. Issaha started to try and sneak off, "I think I am just going to go back to the embassy and turn in for the night...." "ISSAHA!!!!!!!!" Tergook was almost giggling. "I think your brother is mad at you." Issaha felt a heavy Klingon hand on his shoulder. "Cowardly Romulan stay and fight your brother...this will be better than a Targ fight." "You want me to fight him? Are you insane?" Before Issha could say much else, Destoire upper cut him to the floor. Issaha lay on the floor rubbing his jaw. "Owwwwwwww." Shortly there after Destoire was on top of Issaha choking him. "acckkk. Brother I am sorry. ackkk It was acckk an accident." Destoire started punching him. "I will show au accident." Issaha tried to dodge the blows. The Klingons were gathered around them jeering. "Fight Back!" Issaha reached around and looked for something to use against his brother when his fingers grazed against something. He wrapped his hands around whatever he was and swung it up at Destorie. The bottle of Blood wine cracked over Destorie’s skull. Destorie landed a good blow in Issaha before he blanked out, blooding his nose. Issaha stood up and wiped the blood from his nose. Destorie lay in the floor soaked in blood wine...out cold. "I guess I'll have to be the one carrying you home tonight brother."
  25. Hey grom go right head...after all Abercrombie and Fitch decided it was okay to make fun of my state :lol: ^_^