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Everything posted by NDak

  1. would that be the ferengi half hoping to use it for blackmail or the Human half just be devious?
  2. ::wonders what dolphin tastes like...:: I mean cool avatar :rolleyes:
  3. Your saying I am going to wear the Bra and Skirt???
  4. I think your going to have to change your title to "Evil Queen of the Camera"
  5. ::agrees with the Blu one:: As someone who plays a telepathic/empathic charcter it is hard not to fall into the traps that exsist. As Blu has said, it often makes simming unpleasureable if you have some who is going all telepathic bullcrap on everyone. This is coming from the person who made a Telepathic Commbadge out of Jaruq once :lol: Of course, he is 1/4 Betazoid so we would be ever so slightly compatible. Then too--if it weren't for telepathy (and a good dose of Moose Action...the squidys would still be around...) I again, would just be careful on how muhc stock you put into telepathic characters. Anyway... I built the Romulan N'Dak as sort of my more evil personality traits. I think he is unviersally loathed by everyone but his brother who is too dumb...i mean...err...well who looks up to him becuase if he didn't he'd be thrown out an airlock :rolleyes: The actualy core basis for N'Dak has been around for le me see at least four years, in different itterations--depending on when you met *him*. The closest any of the STSF itterations come is Koshic "Good" N'Dak of the Arcadia. he is half Elasian half Betazoid. B) I think the orignal version was half El-Aurian half betazoid...but being half-el-aurian is to cliche on the Arcadia ^_^ so he got a new history, but with the same basic premises :) As for my other Alter-Ego's they have been recent creations. Apollo Link is a character i created based on Link from Zelda and Cosmo Rex...well he is a new creations and the only Human I have ever played :)
  6. Okay, just becuase I am curious; and not because the BB twins are talking about another one (we can only hope that they get replaced before the next movie :) ) What series would you all like to see them use?
  7. Happy Birthday Kroells....April Fools! :rolleyes:
  8. yeah what Lo'ami said...Admiral Garn....::runs for the hills::
  9. ::hears rumblings from Mount Olympus....::
  10. OH yeah...you've got em to...although i think it was determind you had some other cool weapon in the Pantheon of STSF gods...I'll have too look that one up....
  11. ::snickers:: I just thought we shoud...uhh change the subject before we got hit by A-9's (0r Freedy the Panda's) Topic Blocker Lightening Bolts :rolleyes:
  12. I think I can sum up what you are trying to get across in one word....she is EVIL :rolleyes: as in the noun... Who do you think I take my Evil lessons from? ^_^ Anyway....back to topic. I think The Blu one summed it up very well. Cadet Logs would be interesting, but as the Blu one has said, ba careful not create to much of your character--for the obvious reasons that she mentioned and also you want to have something to write about when you do graduate :lol:
  13. uhhh.....I think we have gotten WAY off topic there kids.
  14. Squiddy Prime :lol:
  15. Don't mind her..Doc Manning will fix you up :lol:
  16. :lol: ::pointing Disruptor:: I'll show au honor.... ^_^
  17. :P ^_^ :P Although I will give Ent props...they are doing better...
  18. Obviously you haven't seen some of mine (and others) posts about Enterprise :lol: Oh and Blu...Kill me and I'll have to come back to haunt you ^_^
  19. Me never..... ^_^ :lol:
  20. Has lost count of how many he has done for all four persona's.... Oh and because I am geeky I went and found this for you Ki'RoK: Thanks Blu: STSF Top Ten Signs You've Been Simming Too Much -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10. When asked, "Why do you have letters tattooed on your fingers?", you reply, "Those aren't tattoos, they're keyboard imprints." 9. You travel thousands of miles to vacation with your shipmates, and still only know them by their screen names when you get home. 8. You decide to play an albino Andorian, just so you and your character can have the same skin color. 7. You sign personal checks, bills, holiday cards and other correspondence with your character's name or screen name. 6. After months of work, you have made up the entire Gorn language - words, rules of vocabulary, the whole lot. You are bilingual, and can now speak fluid Gorn. Your friends stare at you strangely, and no one will sit on the same side of the table as you. 5. You can recite, verbatim, every single Rule of Acquisition.....but you can't remember how many kids you have. 4. You've been surviving so long on chips, pizza and Coke, that your body now contains more plastic than your keyboard. 3. Your Vulcan character has had a meaningful, emotional relationship within the last six years - and you haven't. 2. Your "If I won the lottery" plans involve the following: (a) building a really cool Star Trek house, or ( hiring actors to play aliens so that you and your friends can sim for real. 1. You are wearing your best fleet uniform in the pictures on your drivers license and passport
  21. hehehe...::digs aorund the posts:: some where blu has a post intitled "You know you have been simming to long when..." :P
  22. and you'll get bonus points from Blu for the TAS Spock ^_^
  23. PERSONAL LOG Arrien Destorie N’Dak CSEC RES Talon Stardate 0403.30 >Begin Log< Destorie had been taken from medical area back the brig. Red Alert Klaxons were sounding. He knew they weren’t fighting the Talon, she had been walloped way to hard and even, as much as he hated to admit it, as good of engineers as Laehval, r’Tor and Pexil were, they coulnd’t put that ship back together fats enough to give the Arcadia much of fight. He wondered what the situation was, who his squid overloads had put in Command in his absence, hopefully not that imp of brother of his. Not that he didn’t love his brother, he just had no place in the Military. Or for that matter were the Squids still in control of the Talon? As much as it hurt is his pride and sense of superiority he knew that he had been out matched by Laehval and t’Ksa. To boot he had been captured and jailed for the second time by this Captain Moose, to say the least the Romulans pride had taken a major blow and showed on his face as he was escorted into the Arcadia brig. His normal smug arrogance was non-existent. His proud Romulan posture was now slightly slumped. Just before he has been beamed off the Talon, he had begun to question the Squids, question their motives, just as t’Rexan had before she was displaced. He had felt the immense pain they could reward. Had that vile Anderson been right? Was he so blinded by their promises of rewards, the pleasure he felt when doing their bidding he had some how missed a foul intent? Did they really wish to inslave the Rihan Empire? If they had—it would be his fault. He had failed as the Daise Dheno—failed to protect the security of the Talon; failed in his duty as Ennarien—he had allowed the ship to damaged, lives lost; and he had failed in his duty to the Squids by not making the crew understand. He had failed—failed as a Romulan. The guard shoved him into the cell and activated the force field behind him. But that was an unneeded measure; he would try and escape. Why would he? He was shamed. And he would rather die than return in shame. Destorie caught himself thinking of ways to do himself in. “This is ridiculous, get a hold of yourself!” His pride wounded, his very core in question. He starred at the wall. Right now all he wanted to do was be someone else. Now he had no were to go. He would not dare stay with the Lloann’na nor could he bare returning to the Talon in shame; returning to his people in shame. The Lloann’na said that Romulans have na sense of Honor or duty. But all one would have to do is look into the heart of Destorie N’Dak and you would know that was a lie. As he starred into the grey walls of the brig he pondered how quickly his days in the sun would be over if he returned to the Talon, his fall would be swift—t’Rexan, if she was still alive, would see to that, she was not a woman, from what he could tell, that would suffer mutineers or traitors—and if what he had slowly realized just before the transport off the Oira was true, he was both. All of this raced through his head at terrible speeds. A sullen look broadcasted his mood. The Vulcan guard in the corner seemed to almost enjoy the predicament N’Dak was in, but Destorie was to depressed—to confused to notice. >End Log<
  24. hehehe..just wanted to see Dac splatter cadet guts :lol: