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Everything posted by NDak

  1. I would "conjecture" that we didn't see them again, because most of them got jacked in the battle against the borg :lol: (I mean really every other scene was one, with one of those two classes getting toasted)
  2. Point remains, Norway wasn't in Message in a bottle...They sent a Nebula After her, which was easly dispatched, and then an Akira and two Defiants.
  3. ::watches the spade get blown up:: Besides Hearts don't go wtih Spades...:lol:
  4. Commander Persayin Ellena Second Officer | USS Hunley SD 0501.29 >Begin< Persayin Ellena ran his fingers across his green forehead, and through his short dark hair as he looked out the viewscreen to the planet below. “Entering standard orbit,” the helm officer called out to him. He rose from the center seat and tapped his comm-badge. “Captain to the Bridge, we have entered orbit.” ~~~ Those were the last coherent memories he had from being on the Hunley. He had lost track of how long ago that was, but it felt like decades. He along with other members of the first away team had been…stranded in these caves for what seemed his entire life. No they weren’t stranded, that meant you were alone. They were not, as the human phrase went, alone in the dark. In stead they were being held by monstrous creatures of the darkness, tortured and pained. Some of them had been killed, they were the lucky ones. Persayin was seated in a dark corner of the cave area, he didn’t know if any of the other team was near him or not, and he didn’t care—even if they were, he was to shocked…or scared to speak or utter a word. He had been exposed to terrors that he would not wish upon his darkest enemy. During he Dominion War he thought he had encountered what evil was, but until this mission—he realized he had never know evil or terror. The demons of darkness, they were terror incarnate, they were evil. When they approached, they showed only their backs, but even that was enough to send tremors of horror along Persayin’s spine. It was paralyzing, in those moments he wished he could curl up and die, but he was so afraid, he could not move. He would try and scream; but only air would escape his mouth. It was like a never ending nightmare of childhood. He could remember, growing up, he was never afraid of the dark. Phantasms and monsters didn’t exist; there was no boogieman waiting for him under the bed. But now, he knew that such wraiths were real. Panic, fear, fright, horror were all adjectives for what he felt but even the most descriptive of words could never describe what he felt, what he heard…and my gods what he saw. It was just then light caught his eye for the first time in what seemed like years, and he could hear footsteps, many of them…it wasn’t the creatures returning to haunt him again…it was a rescue team, Starfleet by the sound of the boots. Had the Hunley crew finally came to rescue them? Those fools…it was then he had realized why they had been kept alive for as long as they had…bait. He tried to scream out to the approaching team… “T…rha….” Only inaudible sounds flew from his parched throat and dried lips. >End<
  5. “Is it written in the Stars? Are we paying for some crime? Is that all we’re good for, some stretch of mortal time, Or some God’s Experiment, in which we have no choice? Given paradise if only for one day?” ~ “Written in the Stars,” Aida Erei’Riov Destorie N’Dak CSEC | RES Talon SD 0501.25 >Begin< N'Dak lay, bleeding slowly and internally, both figuratively and literally. His leg had a bone sticking out the side, and for all intensive purposes, he felt yy’a. He thought, by now, he would be used to such situations, but h’nah here was yet again contemplating his own life. A few minutes ago—or was it hours, time had seemed to slow, he had shown his true barbarity. He had unleashed upon t’Aehjae. And she had capitulated before him. Beaten, literally and figuratively, she would no longer threaten his dominion over the D’Heno. Some victory. For a moment, he had savored his victory. He was king of his realm now. And some realm it was. At that very moment, when he should have been enjoying his triumph, he realized just how trivial he was. The son of a great Senator, the Grandson of an Admiral, and the Great Grandson of a War Hero, reduced to battling a mere peasant for rank—pathetic. Sure he had shown himself superior to her, but at what price? He had lowered himself to a barbaric level of the Kll’inghannsu. Slowly, he realized how trivial all of this was. His ancestors had been players in the Empire, note worthy, written about in histories. They would live on, in statue, in story, in books. But what of himself? Would anyone read out about tr’Destorie Ma’Lyn, Son of D’Lvon of the House of N’Dak? No. He would be but a foot note in the Galae Archives. When he died which would be rhae a few hours at best, there would be no statues erected, no great monument, no lavish Imperial Ceremonies. No…it would be a lonely day, and no one would weep for the death of the traitorous N’Dak, who had scared his name, and forsaken his lineage. He had been ordained to be the next Great Leader of the House of N’Dak, destined to be the greater of his namesakes Destorie and Ma’Lyn—but now—but now he was destined for obscurity. What had he done to deserve such a lowly and shameful fate? What had his House done? With his disgrace, and destiny to obscurity, the House of N’Dak would likely expire. Sure there were his two Sisters, but they wouldn't hold on their allegiance to him—they never had. t’Savu and he had never agreed on much, perhaps that is why they took holy separate paths. She to the Tal’Shiar and he to the Galae. He had not spoken with her since he left for Qo’Nos some years ago, and had not planned to speak with her again any time soon. To him, she had abandoned the family long ago, and was no longer a member of the House of N’Dak, the feeling was likely mutual. t’Savu’s twin sister t’Rasa, she at least had made something of herself politically. Engaged to the son of a Praetor, she had risen in status, likely she was thought of better than maybe even her father. She too would cast of the name N’Dak for it was no longer held in the esteem it once was, and it would provide a weakness for her new husband. Then there was his brother…Issaha. The boy could barely make it in the Galae with out someone’s help, let alone further the House of N’Dak. Sadly, the House of N’Dak’s future looked as bleak as Destorie’s. Sure he had managed to regain some of his status, as had hi father, and apparently his mother as well. But that didn't mean that the House of N’Dak could ever be resurrected to its once glorious status of the old days. “Elements…” N’Dak said to himself. This should have been his time; now it’s over it never began. How had he come to this, how had he slipped and fell, how had he thrown half a life time away with out any thought at all. He closed his eyes to so much for so long, and he could no longer could. He tried to blame it on fortune, some kind of shift in the stars, a twist in his fate. But he knew the truth and it haunted him, it flew just a little a too far. The truth mocked him, and it shocked him, it flew just a little too far. But he’d learned it a little too late. Now all he could do, was hold his head high, and try and salvage something from the ruins that he had created, yes he, no one was responsible for his situation, no one but him. However, that was rather hard to do, when one was buried under multiple-tons of rock and wreckage. He only hoped that t’Rexan had the good sense to blow that fvadt lloann’na garbage scowl back to that bloody smelly rock they called Earth. Just minutes, an hour at most before he had sealed t’Aehjae’s fate and destiny to second tier status, but had saved both their lives in the process. He had done what was necessary to survive, yet again. But now, faced with such overwhelming odds, would he yet again survive? Would t’Rexan save him, yet again? On some level, he enjoyed living through the near yy’as and being saved by t’Rexan—it had to infuriate the woman on a personal level that she had to save the life of a Rihan who had nearly killed her, one who wouldn’t have thought twice about going through with the act; had it presented it self. That, and once again disappointing his enemies rhae the Talon was, at the moment, what was keeping him alive. The look on Laehval’s face, he imagined, would be priceless. Sure she had saved his life rhae the planet, just a few weeks ago. However, N’Dak did na doubt that had the circumstances been different, she would have let him yy’a. Then there was the matter of his brother. Issaha, in all likelihood, was spastic. Issaha, despite his public appearance, had always been captivated by his eldest sibling, and Destorie would not want to go and yy’a on him…t’Ksa would have to sedate the boy. Of course on some level, though Destorie would never admit it, even to himself, he would not want to die, because he would not want to cause pain to his brother. Despite their…squabbles. Destorie loved his brother; he was, growing up, a friend and confidant. And the only true link he had with any of his family. His mother had always been distant and removed from him, always on assignment, or busy. His sisters had never had much to do with him (as they drove each other completely insane) and he was the son who could never quite measure up to what his father had always dreamed him to be. N’Dak coughed a bit, his ribs had yet to fully heal from the beating, and were tender yet again from the rough crash landing. “Elements,” he though to himself. “The least those Lloann’na could have done was shoot us outright, then at least my death would be reciprocated with their immediate slaughter, and they say we have na honor.” He leaned back against the cold wall, watching as R’tor worked, or at least in his haze, he perceived her as working. He only hoped that if t’Rexan was going to rescue him, that she would do it soon. >End<
  6. :D You....will....pay....dearly.... :)
  7. Go Eagles! (My Hatred for Tom Terific Intensifying)
  8. OKay...I have the same shirt from the experience...scary... Heh au see on Rihan ships we have na Red Shirts...only the D'Heno Goon Squad...the t-shirts are much cooler...:D
  9. Na...we have to dispose if it whever a lloann'na scum walks on it...so we normally have to use a new one each time.
  10. ::rolls out the Rihan Aefvadh mat:: Jolan tru and Aefvadh (Hello and Welcome) to the Star Trek Simulation Forum. The Rihannsu Saeihr Nneikha bids au well, I hope to see au around the Retors (Academies). Be sure to check out some of the non-lloann'na (Federation) games here at STSF like the RES Talon and IKC QoB/Lakota, I believe that STSF BluRox runs a Rihannsu Retor (Academy) on every other Monday. We won't bite...well the Kll'inghannsu might. (but that is a matting ritual for the Fvai ) Untill then, bedah new Erdeh (Cadet).
  11. So I am going through the McD's drive thru the other night..(note: this is a SOBER story, the drunk ones are worse)... I ordered a Value Meal Combo...well I was talking on the phone, not really paying attention. I am handed my drink and drive-off. On the way home I was thinking "man I should wait to get home to have some fries..." so I keep my hands away from the passanger seat...which is were I usually place my food...so I arrive back at my appartment, park, and get out of my car...and reach accross the seat to grab my McD's...only to notice there is no bag of steaming hot heart attack in a bag to greet me. So...curiously I look about a few moments, noticing that...yes...I completely drove off formt he drive-though window with out my food. So...being the hungry (and CHEAP) college student I am, I had to return to McD's and say at the window when asked what I wanted to order "uhh I already did, I am the moron who drove off with out his food." Needless to say the drive-thru lady thought it was pretty funny.
  12. Have you watched Kirk in action??? The man had no clue what the prime directive was....as was so wonderfully put in STVI Kirk: "You're [spock] a great one for logic, I am a great oen for rushing in where angles fer to tred." :D
  13. Updated, and Revised.
  14. Actually a D'Deridex has the same mass as a Galaxy class vessel. And yes I agree that the Romulan Navy (Galae) would likely be in the proccess of replacing it as the primary warship, I just don't think the Norexen would be that replacement.
  15. First, No one has been able to stop the Pittsburgh running game. Second, It wouldn't have mattered if Dillion played in Game 1 or not. (and Oh yeah...we have the Number 1 Rushing Defense in the League...hmmmm....and the Number 4 Pass Defense in the Leauge...hmmm...) Third, Deuce Staley didn't play in the first game either. So yeah...umm I hate to be the one to clue you in (wait no i don't) but the Patriots lost the last time, (uhhh let me refresh your memory mr. "no way, will that ever happen.") and they can and will lose again.
  16. For calrification...did you bother watching the last time the Jets played the Steelers? Yeah...it looked about the same (minus the punt return and the interception return.) The Steelers played terrific defense (FYI Roth played a horrific games versus the Jets the first time...so yeah...thats like judging Brady against the Fins...) New England vs Pitt will be a great game regardless of who wins. But I am going to stick by my guns. Pitt rides the Bus to Jacksonsville. Pitt, 27-10 ---- Yeah yeah I know all about the curse of the Eagles...funny...the Red Sox were supposed to be cursed too, and we all know how that turned out. So for my pick: Philly has been this far, they know what's at stake here, and geez its the Falcons...they lost to KC 45-17! Atlanta has never been this far under the current staff (and cripes they beat the Rams...the 8-8 Rams!) and they play in a blasted dome, it's not going be a perfect 69 degrees in Philly come gametime, and that is major disadvantage to Vick and posse. Philly, 35-17
  17. My only problem with that Scenerio is that the Norexens were signifcantly out powered in comparsion with a Sovvy. Hence I agree it is a newer design of the post-Dominion era, I just don't see it being the replacement for the D`deridex. The other thing is I find it hard to belive that the romulans only have one design of ship in there fleet. That has always been something that bothered me about Trek was that Starfleet has multidudes of Designs, other people onyl have one or two...thats a little far fetched. I have always imagined the D`deridex as sort of like the Excelsior of the Romulan Fleet. Yes it is the primary warship, and likely the only one they would show openly. But they would have other complenting classes of Destroyers and Cruisers.
  18. Remind me.... The Steelers....we already played the Patriots once this season...and we torched them :D I am calling for the All-Pennsylvania Superbowl :wacko:
  19. Actually the Valadore...or as it is more commonly refered to in the world of semi-cannon...N'Orexen (or Norexen) Didn't seem to me to be a replacement for the D`deridex but rather a complenting crusier. I would imagine that the D`deridex have been uprated since the Dominion War to be more in line with the rest of the major powers of the Quadrant and would still be a formidable vessel and a major part of the Romulan Fleet.
  20. My understanding is that is it's not quite as easy as it sound Vex...the version the GM's get (I yeild of course to corrections) has everythign that has been said in all three chatrooms for the day...not just the hour that they are trying to log.
  21. It looks like a bloated Bird of Prey!
  22. I don't know...Van Roy sounds pretty French to me ;)
  23. ::rolls out the Rihan Aefvadh mat:: Jolan tru and Aefvadh (Hello and Welcome) to the Star Trek Simulation Forum. The Rihannsu Saeihr Nneikha bids au well, I hope to see au around the Retors (Academies). Be sure to check out some of the non-lloann'na (Federation) games here at STSF like the RES Talon and IKC QoB/Lakota, I believe that STSF BluRox runs a Rihannsu Retor (Academy) on every other Monday. We won't bite...well the Kll'inghannsu might. (but that is a matting ritual for the Fvai ) Untill then, bedah new Erdeh (Cadet).
  24. What that's the official welcome of the Rihans ;)
  25. The Scimitar???? Ick.... The N'Orexen (the Valdore) isn't to bad, but it's smaller and not nearly as powerful as the D'deridex...that and it looks like a plucked chicken.