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Posts posted by Shane

  1. Random Thoughts in a Jefferies Tube

    By Ens. Shane Tayjer

    Stardate: 0807.24



    Shane was inside a Jefferies tube on deck 21, replacing some burnt-out isoliner chips. He systematically pulled out a broken one, tossed it into to a bag and slid the new chip into its appropriate slot. Nothing really challenging, just a simple task that need to be done. So he, being the new ensign, got assigned to it. He didn't mind jobs like this, it gave him time to think.


    This was only his second shift and it had been just about as uneventful as the first.He had checked in at Main Engineering and Lt.Hardy had told him to finish the job he had started yesterday. So here he was.


    Shane hadn’t really got to know anyone yet, he had spent most of his free time either unpacking or sleeping.He hadn’t even met the Chief Engineer. The Chief had been gone at some meeting when he had arrived for his first shift, so Lt. Hardy had started him on this job. He had spent the rest of the day in the Jeffries tubes. At the beginning of this, his second, the chief was somewhere else at the time so Lt. Hardy had told him to finish up in here. Maybe he would meet his boss when he finished here.


    Well, Shane thought, I’m glad to finally be on a starship and have the chance to explore the unknown. This is why he had joined Starfleet. It may not be in the position he had wanted, he would have rather been in security. But God obviously wanted him in Engineering. Sure was a strange way to get me in this position, though ,he thought, glancing down at his robotic right arm. A week after his injury he would have thought it kind of embarrassing to go back to his old security department. His first real fight and he loses his arm. How’s that for combat skills?


    Shane had tried to make the best of his injury. The challenge of designing and building his replacement arm had been entertaining. The design had come from an ancient 2D movie he had seen once. Some people had asked him why he didn't just get a more realistic looking bionic arm instead. But where was the fun in trying to hide the fact that he had lost a limb? After he started getting used to it he began to consider it an honor to show that he had lost it fighting to protect someone. Shane shook his head, Now I’m starting to sound like a Klingon.


    Shane replaced the last chip, put the tube panel back in place, gathered up his tools and began to head back to Main Engineering.

  2. I only started reading Star Trek last year. So I'm buying the books I read from a used book store and most of them are older books. One book I recently read was " A Rock and a Hard Place " by Peter David. I really enjoyed it, especially the Commander Stone character. I think it would be cool if someone wrote a book with him as the Captain. What do yal think?

  3. The novelization of The Wrath of Khan was good. All other ST books I've read have just made me mad. I can't remember many of the titles but one TNG book involving Picard traveling back in time to Cestus III and being involved with the attack by the Gorn...HORRID!!!


    The book's called "Requiem" I just read it and thought it was pretty good. What did you see in it that you didn't like?

  4. I wanted to start a topic for Star Trek books. We can name a book and everyone can say how they feel about it. Also, which ones do you like? Dislike? Would you recomend some over others?


    Here's one to start off with: J. M. Dillards "ST:TNG Resistance" and its sequel "Before Dishonor". What do yal think about these?



    SUBJECT: Midshipmen Shane Tayjer







    Name: Shane C. Tayjer

    Gender: Male

    Age: 21

    Species: Terran

    Height: 6' 4'

    Weight: 250 lb.

    Hair Color: Sand Blonde

    Eye Color: Hazel

    Skin Color: White

    Place of Birth: Texas, Earth

    Telepathic Abilities: None







    Rank: Lieutenant Junior Grade

    Position: Assistant Engineer

    Assignment: USS Reaent







    Father: Dayson Tayjer, 49

    Mother: Kaylie Tayjer, 44

    Siblings: Tyler Tayjer, 18

    Jeremiah Tayjer, 16






    Shane was born in 2362 on Earth. At the time his father, Dayson Tayjer was an engineer in Starfleet. His mother, Kaylie was also, as a science officer, but retired soon after his birth to raise him. About a year afterwords Dayson also retired from Starfleet and formed a partnership with an old family friend . Together they bought a spacecraft salvage yard just outside the Sol System. The Tayjers moved to a small renovated space station in the yard, where Dayson managed the business and it's empoyees.


    It was here where Shane grew up, schooled by his mother and working for his father once he became old enough. His parents also had two more boys, Tyler and Jeremiah. While working with his father, Shane became an accomplished shuttle pilot and even fixed up an old shuttle pod with the help of his father, naming it the Firehawk. One of his favorite pastimes was to take his brothers out for flights in a nearby asteriod patch. A major part of Shane's life is his Christianity. It started at home where the Tayjers were members of a Christian holo-church which they received weekly from Earth.







    At age 17, Shane was accepted in Starfleet Acadamy. He performed well in his studies, although he had several disagreements with his professers, on account of his Christian beliefs. He also was able to make friends with most of his classmates, although some did not like his habit of being outspoken in his Christianity. A Klingon was once provoked by his words, for which Shane promptly received a broken jaw. He recovered quickly from his injury and was eventually able to become friends with the Klingon. Using the piloting skills he had gained back at home, Shane joined his classes Nova Squadron, which he thoroughly enjoyed.


    Thoughout his years at the Acadamy, he continued to attend his family church, participating in the services and activities as much as he could. The only part of his training that he did not do well at was unarmed combat, mainly because of the fact that he wasn't very fast. Trying to make up for this, he became very skilled in knife throwing and combat techniques by using much of his free time practicing with his instructor and in the holodeck.


    At age 21 Shane graduated from the Acadamy in the top half of his class and was assigned to the Sky Harbor Aegis.









    While at Aegis, Shane and several others confronted an 8472 intruder aboard the USS Yorktown. During the fight that insued, Shane was unknowingly infected with a very small amount of 8472 immune cells on his right hand. Strangely, the infection did not begin spreading until several days later. Shane was aboard a transport on the way back to the Acadamy to do some follow-up training when the infection began to spread up his arm and take effect. The doctor aboard the transport had to amputate his arm in order to keep the infection from spreading throughout the rest of his body and killing him. His right arm was taken off at the shoulder and Shane spent the next several weeks recovering.


    During his recovery, Shane passed the time by using his ameture engineering skills to design and build a robotic replacement for his lost limb. Afterwards he found that, with his recent injury he wasn't cut out for security work, at least for a while. So Shane, not wanting to leave Starfleet, decided to change from security to engineering. He took training courses and specialized in small craft maintenance. These were not difficult for him, since he already had experience in this field working at his fathers yard.


    On stardate 0807.02 he was reassigned to the USS Reaent.








    0803.18 Graduated from Acadamy


    0804.11 Assigned to Sky Harbor Aegis as an Assistant Security Officer with the rank of Midshipmen


    0806.19 Trained at the Acadamy in Engineering, specializing in Small Craft Maintenance


    0807.02 Assigned to the USS Reaent


    ------ Promoted to Lieutenant Junior Grade





    Shane is tall, broad shouldered and in good shape. He has no known allergies and has never had any serious illnesses. His mechanical right arm moves and responds to his brain just like a real one. It has sensors on the hand and finger tips to simulate touch. These sensors also allow it to interact with consoles and touchpads. The strength of it is significantly more than an organic arm and is completely liquid proof.






    Shane first and foremost puts his God before anything else, but is very loyal to his superiors and friends. Some of his hobbies include shuttle flying, collecting Ancient Earth projectile weapons, World War 2 and Old West holodeck programs, baseball and reading.




  6. I am more of TNG/DS9/VOY era fan, and I am aware of how amazingly flawed they are, but it is very hard for me to sit through TOS because of the lack of amazing technology I got used to with later series. That's the only thing I hold against ENT. TOS and ENT are good shows, but I get the feeling that most fans, as with me, would much rather go into the future, where no one has gone before, for the movie and what could have been instead of ENT, because that is what star trek is supposed to be about. It's the future, and TOS does not always give off a futuristic impression.


    Besides, when I see Patrick Stewart in another film, he's not Patrick Stewart. He's Jean-Luc Picard. This is so for all the casts of star trek. Even though I will probably end up going to see the film on the first day it comes out, I believe it will be painful for me to see a new cast take on TOS roles. I can't see TOS fans getting used to a new Kirk and Spock team.


    Remakes are becoming an american tradition. Everything that did well once is being done again. Also, since star trek has one of the largest followings, it is a real insult to the fans to be doing this movie at all. It could possibly kill the franchise for good. Not that I don't understand from a writers point of view, the difficulties of writing a post-nemesis storyline.


    They may be trying to get non-Trekkies interested in Star Trek again. When most non-Trekkies hear Star Trek, they think of TOS. It makes sense that they would try to attract them with the original crew. They can't make what would be considered a successful movie or even a successful TV series with majority of the viewers being Star Trek fans, could they?

  7. That's a case of telepaths from a typically non-telepathic species. It's another case dealing with telepaths from a telepathic race and culture. "Leashing" these telepaths would be saying the one culture's values are greater than the others.


    Are the non-telepath's rights to privacy greater than the telepath's rights to expected information. They should be equal. Luckily most telepaths Star Trek has come across have been peaceful and willing to wave their own rights.



    I disagree. Just because one citizen has the ability to invade anothers privacy doesn't mean they should be allowed to do it. With that logic I could say that just because I'm holding a phaser and have the ability to use it doesn't mean I have the right to shoot anyone I want. Any citizen has the right to privacy. However abilities can be used by law enforcement such as Starfleet because they are there to protect the citizen of the Federation and to protect the citizens rights. But between a telepathic citizen and a non-telepathic citizen I don't think it should be allowed because that puts the non-telepathic at a disatvantage, since he(or she) can't defend herself against thought reading.

  8. Stardate 0806.13

    Duty Log

    Midshipmen Shane Tayjer

    Location: Pandora's Box


    </\>Begin Log</\>


    "All hands abandon ship! Evacuate to the escape pods immediatly!"


    Shane was at his post at tactical when he heard the command. People around him began rushing off the bridge, headed for the pods on deck two. Looking back at the image of the targeted 8472 ship on his console he fired one last volley of torpedoes. The 3 torpedoes flew towards the ship and exploded against the starboard side, but did no damage.


    The security officer left tactical and headed for a jeffries tube. He bent down to enter the crawl space and glanced back at the abandoned bridge. The red alert lights were flashing through the smoke of the shattered consoles. Wires hung from the ceiling and the cracked bulkheads were black from the blown circuits. Crewman Lee still lay were she had died when her console had exploded.


    Shane peeled his eyes away from the gruesome scene and crawled through the tunnel to the ladder. As he quickly climbed down towards deck two he couldn't help but wonder, Could this had been prevented? Would Lee and others still be alive if we had prepared better? Instead, we rush into battle knowing from the Voyager's reports that ourweapons were virualitly useless against the enemy. Could I have preformed better at my post? I did the best I could. But why did...


    Suddenly the ship lurched, making Shane lose his grip on the ladder. He fell about 10 feet down the tube and landed in a heap on deck two. Something wet trickled down his forehead, but he ignored it, untangled himself and crawled out of the tube into the corridor.


    He turned left and began running to the pods. On the way he almost passed an engineer who was limping slowly on a badly twisted ankle. Shane put his arm around the engineers shoulder, trying to move down the corridor as quickly as he could.As they moved, Shane remembered something else he wanted explained.


    Why did we retreat?


    It angered him to think that we came to help those who were in need and when the situation looked grim what did the captain have us do? Run. Where was the honor in that? How did any of the people left on the outpost feel about being abandoned? Yes, the odds were against us, but did that stop the Enterprise-C from fighting to the finish? The odds were against them too. What about the casualties on the Pandoras Box? Would they have rather died honorably, fighting in battle or died having been shot in the back while running?


    Shane's pod came into view in the corridor up ahead. He almost dragged the injured engineer the rest of the way to the pod. They entered and Shane helped the engineer sit down. He heard a woman ask him something but ignored her in haste to get the escape pod launched. Seeing that it was full, Shane closed the hatch, sealing it. He sat down in his seat and entered the launch code into the pod's controls. There was a hissing sound as the pod de-attached itself from the ship. Then the pod lurched as it shot away from the Box.


    Shane turned and looked out of the viewport at their vessel. The 8472 craft was still pouring beam after beam in the crippled vessel. He could see the last of the escape pods leaving the Box. One of the fleeing pods was caught in an enemy energy beam. It exploded instantly, completely disentigrated. Shane turned away from the viewport, shaking his head sadly. His first real battle and it ends like this, in defeat. Where was the glory of battle that he had heard from old captains, that he had read about in history? He had imagined it so differently. It wasn't supposed to end this way.


    Then he remembered, that God was in control. He had a plan for everything, even this. Shane leaned back in his seat and closed his eyes. He began to pray. He thanked God for the lives of those who had escaped and prayed for the comfort of the families of those who had died.


    </\>End Log</\>


















  9. Actually, there is an episode, (name?) in TNG in which Data shows a day of life aboard the enterprise from his viewpoint. That one is relatively calm.


    I think that one is called "Data's Day".


    I have to say that I like TNG better than anything else. I didn't enjoy watching TOS very much because I can't watch it without thinking about all the tension going on behind the scenes with the actors. I didn't watch DS9 very much. The episodes I did see were never the Dominian War episodes but were still dramatic, I kinda felt like I was watching a Sci-fi soap opera. ENT was too old fashioned for me. Voyager is ok though I felt like they overused the Borg. They weren't afraid of them anymore.There wasn't the fear of being assimilated because the old EMH would save you and by the time the series was over every Tom, Dick and Harry(who's Dick?) had been assimilated and saved. So what happened to Picard wasn't special anymore. He wasn't the only person to be saved from the Borg because you had Seven of Nine(I never really liked her), Chakotay, all those Borg kids and the list goes on. Annnd(I'm not done) in the end the Voyager crew didn't even defeat the Borg themselves, one of them from the future had to come and do it, with special futuristic equipment. I going to stop ranting now ::tosses two cents in the barrel::