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Board Administrator
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Posts posted by Webmaster

  1. Hummm...  when you click mark the forum as read...  it should mark them all read.  I will have to check some of the cookie settings and play around a bit more.


    And as far as being redirected back to the main board after marking forum as read... I'll see what I can do.  That will require some changes to the back end of the system.

  2. Hi there!  We will be adding new events and times as we continue to grow.  :(


    Keep watching our site for announcements about new events.  


    Also...  we have events on the weekend as well for those who have commitments on the weekdays.


    Thanks for your interest!

  3. I never really got into the James Bond series.  Have never could talk myself into sitting down to watch it all of the way through.  Between all of the media outlets I work for (3 radio stations, a newspaper, an online newspaper, and a feature magazine), I have had my fill of the James Bond movie for a while too.  Last Wednesday that was all I heard ALL day long.  :(  


    So for me...  I'm just waiting for Nemisis.

  4. Hey everyone!


    I need to take the message boards offline sometime for some maintainence that needs to be done.  


    This maintainence includes making a complete backup of the message board, all related images, and files.  I will also be restoring the message board from that backup as a test to make sure in the event of an emergancy we can do so without any problems.  


    Most likely I'll be doing this sometime this weekend (either Saturday night late/ early Sunday morning ....  or late Sunday night/early Monday morning.  


    This will not effect most of you, but I thought I would pass on the announcement just so you are aware of it.


    Thank you for understanding.

  5. It was not done by me.  lol


    This is the first message I've pinned.  BUT...  anyone on the GM Council has the power to edit/delete/pin/unpin topics.  They may be have been testing their tools.


    If there is still pinned messages out there floating about, drop me a note (Private Message here on the boards or via e-mail).  I'll have them fixed.


    Also...  if anyone has their OLD posts showing as black, they can edit their own posts just by clicking on the post's edit button and just submitting it again.  That will fix it while you wait for me to finish working on the stuff for the board.


    Thanks for all of your help and support.

  6. I'm not sure why the message was pinned.  One of the GM Council members might have accidently did it while they were testing their message board tools.  I've unpinned it, as I don't see a reason it should be stuck up at the top.


    Pinned messages are messages that will ALWAYS appear at the top of the message board list regardless of how old the post is or how many posts are made after it.  It's a way for me to keep important messages at the top of the list for everyone to see (such as new rules or things I want everyone to see when they visit).


    Anyone on the GM Council has tools to be able to pin/unpin messages here on the board.  They can also edit/delete posts that they find violate our community standards.  


    Hope that clears things up.  :(

  7. It's truly been a pleasure to see this board grow as much as it has in the past few months.  I'm grateful for all of your help and participation.  It's what made this group possible.  


    I only design a website...  ya'll are the one responsible for making it a "community".  If it were not for your dedication to this group, all that would be here is an empty website with no posts on it's message boards.  So thank you to everyone.  


    And here's to reaching the 1k mark.  :(  500 down...  another 500 to go.  


    (But I'll be the happiest when we reach 10k.  :D  That's what I'm looking forward to!)

  8. Pinned means the topic will ALWAYS be at the top of the list no matter how old it is or how many other posts are made after this one.  It's a way for me to be able to keep important announcements available without having to "bump" them (or reply to them just to move it to the top of the list).


    This message will always be at the top of the list until I "unpin" it or delete it.  


    (The Webmaster has spoken  :laugh:)

  9. My real name is Scott Hamilton and I love all things TREK.  I am also a professional artist who created his own Klingon avatar.  I am a proficient media (pen, pencil, paint) as well as digital graphic artist.
       You have my interest at least.  :o   I'm always looking for good graphic artists for the website.  lol

  10. Hi!


    Do you have a STARTREK.COM username?  :(  


    All STSF.net events are based in STARTREK.COM's Holodeck chat room, so in order to be able to participate, you will need a STARTREK.COM username.  


    If you have that, you should be good to go!  


    Feel free to check out our schedule page to find out when STSF events are going to take place.  Then stop by the STARTREK.COM Holodeck chat room at that time.  You will find us there!


    Hope that answers your questions.  If not, you can reply back or e-mail me directly at [email protected].


    Thanks for your interest!  We hope to see ya around!