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Everything posted by Webmaster

  1. Oh come on Fred... we all know how much fun it would be to actually run around in one of those... :)
  2. One thing I (and several other hosts) have done in the past with other Academy SIMs is just have it continue with the same plotline each week. When we start each week, the CO would give a brief run-down as to what was happening and the major events. That way the folks who were not there the previous week are not confused as to what is happening. It also encourages cadets to show up for multiple weeks. Who knows... just something to think about.
  3. Star Trek TNG was my favorite personally. :) I started with that series, so in my heart, THAT is the "original series".
  4. Happy belated birthday Lightning!
  5. :::gulps and hides behind Dac:::
  6. :::passes A9 a glass of water::: Yea... those hiccups can be quite a pain. :) (:::wonders if this could be considered plugola:::o
  7. Hey everyone... I just wanted to open the floor to check in to see how our Cadets are enjoying their expierence in Starfleet Academy. Is it what you were expecting? Are you finding yourself building your SIMming skills? Are the GMs helpful and approachable? Let us know what you think. :)
  8. Without going overboard? lol... this board would not be here if I did not go overboard. =P It would be a simple little guestbook script that lets people post a message and if I like you, it shows up. :) It's OK to go overboard SOMETIMES. Just gotta know the right time to do it.
  9. Note: This thread is for the discussion of the new Star Trek Nemesis movie and may contain spoilers. If you have not yet seen the movie and do not wish to know anything about what happens, do not read this thread. Wow... what a great movie! It was great to see each character move on a personal level. From the movie's opening with Picard's toast to the new bridge and groom to the very end of the movie where Data says goodbye before saving the Enterprise. I truly could feel the sence of family and compassion that each character had for one another. Watching Picard and Shinzar match wits against one another also was very fun.... along with Troi and the Shinzar's right hand man. Where it simply was not a battle of who had more or better guns than the other... but who had the tactical skill, knowledge, and intellegence to overcome the other. The movie was left wide open at the end, the Enterprise being rebuilt, the Federation still standing as strong as before, and now even a possible new allience with the Romulans. I think Paramount has definately left room for a new movie somewhere down the road. Personally I think if they do decide to follow with the Enterprise, they could bring the Titan and the Enterprise together for a mission, or they could do a lot of new things with Trek that has never been tried before. Overall, I truly enjoyed the movie. I'll be one of the first in line to buy it when it comes out on DVD.
  10. A simple solution then. If it gives ya a headache doing it... DON'T DO IT! :o ::): :P
  11. That's the highly top-secret box for Martha Stewart to be able to post information on how she did illegal things. :)
  12. :::passes Garnoopy a bag of cough drops::: Can't have you getting a cold on us now can we? :)
  13. The words are what stood out for the song most to me. If you really think about it... the words fit the series like a glove! It’s been a long road Getting from there to here It’s been a long time But my time is finally near And I will see my dream come alive at last I will touch the sky And they’re not gonna hold me down no more No, they’re not gonna change my mind Cause I got faith of the heart I’m going where my heart will take me I got faith to believe I can do anything I got strength of the soul And no one’s gonna bend or break me I can reach any star I got faith Faith of the heart If that does not describe the series (and the Trek philosophy in general), I don't know what does. :) My thoughts though.
  14. I gave my vote to Nemesis. With the special effects and the cool character interactions, I think it stands out most to me.
  15. Hello everyone. :) After looking over stats and traffic patterns on how the site is used, I've made some minor changes to help make navigation on the boards a little easier. You will noticed I've reordered the catagories. At the top you will find the announcements from the GMs. Next you will find the "Lounge" boards, and finally the individual ship boards. Hopefully this will make it a little easier for you to quickly find and get to the sections you want. If you have any questions or problems, let me know.
  16. Fred, were you a lawyer in another life? lol
  17. Blue ticket special maybe?? :)
  18. That's MR Evil to you! :)
  19. I'll let him live through one of my Academys eventually. :) Everyone else though dies.
  20. Wow... I always said he could be a monster at times. I just never realized how close I was. :) I would hate to have to be him and have to shave in the morning....
  21. Wooo hoo Dak! WTG! :) You get a cookie. :o :P
  22. Here here A9! We can't have any of that peace stuff around here! Unless it's gotta be a piece of this and a piece of that.... lol
  23. You've got the movie! Now... who said it? :nod:
  24. You should be glad I don't run many Academy SIMs much anymore... back in the day when I did... the ship was guarenteed to be destroyed 3/4th of the time... with all hands lost. I was quite famous for blowing up ships just for the heck of it. :) But alas... times change. With the slowing economy, A9 just would not give me the budget for special effects and new ships each week. :o Oh well. There is always next year!! ::P:
  25. They did leave it wide open though for another movie to come out though. That can help to answer our unanswered questions and build on this more. And yes... definately one I can't wait to get on DVD.