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Board Administrator
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Everything posted by Webmaster

  1. Hello, Paramount has had some problems with their chat rooms the past month or so. (In fact we had an entire thread on it that was pinned yesterday. Since it seemed like it finally died down, I unpinned it then. lol) As a backup, I have built a functioning chat room into the STSF.net website and will be e-mailing members of the GM Council information on it for their review. If they find it acceptable, it will be passed onto the rest of the GMs to use as a backup location in case of problems with the official rooms provided to us by Paramount. Please let me know if you have any other questions. Best regards,
  2. Hello... at one point the board had this. There was a link to be able to view all members who registered and be able to see their profiles. I never thought of it as a high priority thing... and it was taking up all-valuable screen space, so I removed it. I also removed the search from the boards from now as we don't really have a high amount of traffic/posts to our boards where topics are easily lost. It helped to speed up the boards just slightly as it used fewer queries on the database in order to render the page. But if it's something that the majority of people feel they want... I can add it back. I will just have to find a way of working it into the board "skin". Best regards,
  3. Hello! The board is pretty automated... ;) I have it set to automatically handle user registration, password request changes, e-mail address changes, etc. It also takes care of posting all new messages and such. As far as monitoring the boards... all members of our GM Council have the ability to edit, move, or remove posts anywhere here that are inappropriate for this forum. The boards automatically record who uses their tools as well to edit/change posts. Individual GMs have control over their indivudal ship's boards. They can remove/edit posts that are posted to their boards as well. Should you ever find a post you find offensive and wish to report to a member of the GM Council, please use the "NOTIFY STSF" button to the bottom right of the individual post. It will send us a message with a link to the post so we can review it. Best regards,
  4. And hello Voran! Welcome to the boards! Hope to see ya around and posting!
  5. Depends on how much ya'll wanna see me. ;) If you pick up the tab, good 'ol Webmaster will make a grand appearence. Otherwise... budget constraints and a lack of funds will hamper my ability to show. :) :D
  6. Don't mind A9... when he forgets his Rogaine he can be a little crabby.
  7. I thought ya just got them from some kid on E-bay. ;) :::borrows his studio sound effects CD and plays the "Crowd Laughing" track:::
  8. Dac, and you were? :::Grins:::
  9. The Constituition was not bad... but I like the slick look of the Intrepid. ;) It may not be big, but it's graceful.
  10. Think?! You mean we're supposed to think around here? (We can't have any of that thinkin' stuff going on 'round here. This look like a school or something?) :laugh: :wink:
  11. By the way... if you want it to say your name... change the "me" inside of the [] to say "me=YourName". ;)
  12. That is called the "me" tag. ;) If you're familiar with ICQ it's something that lets you denote action. (Similar to in a sim using the ::: :::'s) Webmaster grabs a cookie from the plate and eats it. See what I mean? :)
  13. I may still have photos from some of the old gatherings laying around somewhere. ;) If ya'll are really really nice (and maybe bring me cookies and caffine), I might just share them. lol
  14. :::grins::: Like I said... feel free to post whatever you like. But if ya get out of hand... I can take care of things. lol Not to mention the features such as remove posting rights for members, ban members, and ban IP addresses. ;) But does that make me some evil tyrant? Nah! Just a friendly way of saying feel free to do whatever ya like. :) If ya get out of hand, I can smack ya around a bit till we see eye to eye. lol
  15. Vile, look at your earlier post. ;) And that is just the start of my awsome powers. lol ::):
  16. It's a stock photo. ;) Came from one of my web images CD. I don't know a single person on there. I just know I paid for their lovely mug shots. :::snickers:::
  17. Glad to know ya'll be making your way back. It might be cheaper just to goto pricewatch.com and buy a new system there than it is to rent one. ;) But either way... welcome back.
  18. Happy belated birthday. ;)
  19. People on the front page of the STSF.net website? There are no people on it that I see. LOL. Are you seeing this on www.stsf.net? Or are ya meaning on the About Us page? ;)
  20. And the rest are all about my posts about working on the boards and board suggestions. ;) :)
  21. You can post like that if you wish... but if it hurts my eyes too bad, I'll just smack ya around a bit. ;) Then I'll take ya posts and make them say goofy things. :wink: :D :D
  22. The X-Ray tag is having issues. ;) I'm working on it. (Though it was rather low on my list of priorities... lol). I have just gotten back from vacation, so look for lots of changes in the next day or so. :)
  23. I'm only in double digits myself. ;) Boy... it's nice to be young again, lol.
  24. If they do not resolve the problem in the next day or so, I will install some sort of chat script on our site that we can use tempoarily (though it will NOT be pretty), or we could all just use AIM rooms for a couple of days. But either way, we'll figure out something. ~ Randy (Who just got back from vacation)
  25. I know this topic is bound to have a bunch of people on both sides of the fence... so I'm going to throw it out... what do ya'll think about the latest Trek TV series? Enteprise is now in it's second season, so what do ya think? In my own opinion... I think the series is starting to progress quite a bit since it's debut. The last couple new episodes have been interesting... and show a lot of potential. It's got some room for improvement, but it's working on it. And the theme song... wow.... I had to go out and buy it. lol. Have both versions. The TV one and the "full one". How about the rest of ya?