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Everything posted by TKAR

  1. SECURITY update LtJr TKAR----I Just checked with some of security members about our security logs from our last mission.It seems to be grap in the logs if for some reason <time or space > is missing as if time stopped.I Have asked Ensign Wueurh to check with science,ops,if there records show that so called missing time ,i have theory but i have to ask O,Halloran<Anna>about this after her shore leave is done.As for shoreleave i have checked with starbase 1123 they have excellent shoreleave functions from a good library services to a Vulcan shop which they can fine tune my harp.It seems that i will find this shoreleave as human say<<Enjoyable>> Even if its not logical.I might find some new first level instructions <Harp/other instruments>for the doctor,other crewmembers and science officer to learn;even some other items of interest they might be interested in. end of log-
  2. Welcome
  3. QUITE LOGICAL -welcome
  4. PERSONAL LOG -UPDATE Stardate 051709----it is a few hours into my shift and things are quiet but interesting i have checked in with the other security personal everything is running smoothly repairs are underway,however checking over my logs and security logs for what happened during this mission -i made an error in my log which my superior Schwansee and I excored the captain to the starbase. Before i go to shore leave i will ask the CMO about this error that i made in my logs ,it might be the result of the last mission. It seems i still have some memory lapses. Maybe as the doctor is right that i might need sometime off for shoreleave. It might as humans say help my memory. TKAR <LTJR. Security> End of LOG....
  5. Starbase 1123- TKAR log stardate 051709---Personal log.....we have been on starbase 1123 for a few hours and as humans say there been some changes made<Not logical bit true>The captain has been relieved from command the exc is now acting capt.We do not know what will happen next to the capt but i hope he is well.My superior officer Schawnsee had the honor of excording him off the ship to starbase 1123,i am honored to serve under him and this crew. As for this log states i,m am now a JR.LT now as the formore captain apponted me.the ship and crew has gone though many changes ...some crew has left the ship for good,replacement crew has been signed to the ship enginning crews has been repairing the shp to function.As for myself i am well except i still don,t remember what happened to us in the prevous mission. I suggusted after talking to some of the crew,doctors about this incident.I suggested to the CMO about getting a few Vulcan doctors aboard the ship for certain problems that happened.AS for this log this entry is done for now -i have to go to my shift now for duty and then i,m ordered to go to shore leave by the doctor --end of log
  6. <opps -changes is it logical <<NEW Keyboard and glasses>>
  7. From TKAR-LIVE LONG AND PROSPER===Welcome -<<lov your avatar>>
  9. Welcome back
  10. Welcome -to STSF.....
  11. Happy birthday sir -its not logical but have a nice one
  12. HAPPY BIRTHDAY -its not logical but have a great one.
  13. HAPPY BIRTHDAY not logical but HAVE A HAPPY ONE
  14. cool -LOV IT
  15. ONE Thing hard about this movie -you can,t find the kelloogs careal nor the burger king in my area-no burger king here nor the toys
  16. WOW-on IMEX-WOW -loved it but didn,t like the part about you know what happens to a planet---the new actors did a great job of doing kirk ,spock,mccoy and the rest -loved the ship -<IT was filmed in a beer company >I HOPE When it comes out in dvd they show more of spocks parents-ITS Star trek but different---I loved the part about the credits -Dedication to Gene and Majel Roddenberry -I got one question HOW come people can,t wait to get to the movie watch it but leave before watching the credits<<THE place started to clean up before it ended_<not right to do that>Answer me that....just enjoy the movie-<<I might go and see it again>>
  17. Bear-i agree with everything you said-i would have changed it .....some people are going to be psssted-loved the ship -QUITO did look like nimoy <It was scary>NOW what do i do with my bio amy answers...
  18. WELCOME -just enjoy -13 well you could have been call something else...IDIC
  19. WELCOME -ENJOY-Even if you are on the hood
  20. welcome -enjoy
  21. nimoy on letterman ---top 10
  22. Hello Taral-don,t worry about the time line yet -just have fun<not logical but true>-TKAR
  23. hi-UPDATE -5/8/2009-----NIMOY is going to be on the VIEW <friday>BE
  24. 5-8-2009-YOU CAN TAPE IT