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Everything posted by ensign_Stron

  1. He's my captain too, Go fred And gromVik!!! :wink:
  2. A new race has come to take on the Puny Ferulans, THE CLOUSTRON, yes my name is a abriviation of thier name, They are green, strong, have 3 fingered hands and feet, and have a 400 year technology lead over the Federation. Can you Ferulans take, I don' think so boy. Bahahahaha. :D
  3. Now now Nemesis just wait for a while it will come, oh by the way want to buy a tribble?? :D
  4. oh this is just to good, Go Gromvik!! :D
  5. ::Winks at fred:: Come on you can show the pics to a fellow Aegis crewmember
  6. One word NEMESIS say it don't repeat it, Don't be a fool say in school, Click it or ticket, ENSIGN STRON doesn't do drugs and niether should you. :D
  7. > Well I must say it was an interesting first day aboard the Aegis, and I can't help but think I will like it here. I also learned some interesting things, not to touch Security Cheif Muon's newly cleaned floors, that Mr. Mogg has a interesting obsession with going to decks that start with the number three , and that a cardassian will be my new superior. Though I find this odd, I must come to realize that on a ship with not just one ferengi but two, stranger things have happened. I just hope that I can do well as an Assistant Science Officer, and that having Mr. Abrel over me will not create a social gap that could hurt the science wings ability to function. But for now I must wait to see hows things will filter out, I remembered an old saying my father used to say, The closest friends to have are usually the hardest ones to make. >
  8. ::rubs his forehead:: I would think such a thing would be like replicated wine, it just doesn't taste right.
  9. Hey don't forget the Three Musketeers movie, its a classic...Oh did I say that outloud. :D
  10. Hey there, Whoever told you starships looked like that needs some serious help... Hey as I've said in other messages in one academy we had rats so really thats nothing, they were really big too.::shutters::
  11. Sometimes you have to look around for the hidden camera and microphone, eh? Could you getting "a little ticked at GM's" hurt your chances for graduation? Is that the question?? ::ahem:: Well, let me put it this way. The GMs are looking for someone who understands how to sim and gets along with others on the crew. This assumes a certain maturity and getting ticked off at ANYONE in the room can definitely hurt your chances, yes. Another thing it took me ten to graduate man don't worry It'll come. By the way another thing is that they look for poeple who just are enjoying the sim, knowing that their creativity will be seen and could get them promoted that night,man I sound like a GM, moving on. The night I graduated I was late for the first sim, late, but I joined right in and helped my CSEC and I come up with something to do in the sim. In the second sim that night I graduated. So you see the GM's enjoy creativity and as atragon said working well with others, so don't worry you will graduate soon. :) :)
  12. If you take your attention to the left of the screen you will see my new tribble oriented pic. As you see behind mister Tom Paris there is a shelf of multi-colored tribbles and on his should theres a big brown one. :)
  13. Also try soccer or floor hockey mother loved and nerd approved. lol No seriously if you can find any soccer teams thats a really good thing to get into i love it(plus our school doesn't even have a football team, soccers the main sport there.) :Try to read the moving letters of doom bahaha::
  14. Well I must now say good bye to this message link as its unlikly I will post hear ever again as I am no longer a cadet. So good luck to all those new recruits! :) (Mind you I will most likly not post on this link not the academy section as a whole)
  15. From what I could decern from their wensite there wasn't anything suggesting a e-mail address. I must agree with Fred though even if there is a e-mail link its unlikly he would respond to it. :)
  16. Ok Hopefully Commander Ayers will read this as my e-mail seems to be acting funny. ---I was wondering if The Skyharbor Aegis had any openings in the Science Department I could fill?? Thanks :P
  17. Hey I finally got the e-mail :) Anyway sorry I couldn't make it to watch the sim on July 4(since i didn't get the e-mail in my account till saturday) But u now fireworks do take up ones time :P they were good too. See U guys on July 11th :D:) And be execting my bio some time this week.
  18. Well just wanted to know who here had a copy of ST:EF2, I know I do, its pretty cool though. :P
  19. By the way GromVik i love your avatar very cool, if not entirely true of some americans :P
  20. Wow I never relized those songs had so many other verses, very interesting, just proves how impatient americans are these days, they only sing like the first verse of most of those. Happy Fourth of July :P
  21. To Fred* 500mhz?? I thought it was slow on my comp and i have a 650mhz with a 64meg graphics card.
  22. Ahhhhh tribbles :P
  23. Heres a good suggestion(Though not one you want to do very often) I, yet again, came in about halfway through the first sim on tuesday, I was assigned as ASEC. I asked my CSEC if security had anything to do on the misson and he said no and that we had nothing to do. SO I came up with an idea that kept us busy for most of the rest of the sim....rats. While i was cleaning rifles in the armory i saw a rat, phasered the little bugger, grumbled alittle, and contacted the CSEC that there was a rat problem on board. So we went around the ship like an extermination team, it was quite fun, and it kept us busy, as the mission we were on was like i science misson if i remember correctly.
  24. BUt i want to play with the big kids now daddy::runs around screaming and raving and just having a good old temper tantum:: LOL J/K :wink: :P :)
  25. Quote From AndrewLyon about his hamster: He's learned how to use the replocator, and likes to use it to replocate bigger weapons. -------------Ok I know this is definatly going to show my trekkieness, but its a known fact replicators cannot create weapons. :D But anyway a SW sim?? Travis you little ST traitor ::P: