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Everything posted by ensign_Stron

  1. DId u guys see the remake they made, quite awhile back?, U know the one with the guy from Friends??LOL I like the pretty spiders.
  2. Well I have to jump on the bandwagon with nem here, too young and too broke :P
  3. Well i saw this coming, Martha Stewart the lady we love to hate. lol :P
  4. Not true willingham, alot of shows got off to a bad start but came out of the ashes and did well. :P
  5. BOW TO THE MOVING LETTERS!!MUAHAH Oh sorry about that, well I'll put some input here. AT least in the lounge it automatically adds rooms when there are alot of poeple on, about the password, I don't know
  6. Wel its been fun I'll say that, might I add I still don't know where I am supposed to do my dutys as my Chief was still being debriefed. A bad turn of events has happened though, my grandfather, Jonahas Stron, died three days ago. I have goten leave to go to his funeral, and in a few days I'll be back here on the Aegis. For now though I'll be gone I'll see all my relatives we might talk, we might not, really I don't care for now. ---------Mid. Stron
  7. A tribute to my XO in the tuesday night late sim. Read it, it is interesting. lol. Anyway your opinon counts!! Vote on when you would raise shields today! :) :) ::D: No Your great Ndak, if not just a wee bit too trusting. lol
  8. ::raises an eyebrow: I find that highly, illogical, as they will just come back the next evening anyway :D
  9. ::Shakes his head:: Yeah some Bahahahaha....... :D
  10. ::looks at Nemesis:: Well she was way off. RFOL J/K :D
  11. HUMMF!! And Might i add THWAP IS MY ACTION ::!!THWAP!!:: :D
  12. ::shakes his head::(Might i add not droped head) Poor Nemesis the Canooks hurt you, come to America the place where a two year-old can sue his grandmother. :D
  13. Thats the thing the entire misson I suggested raiseing shileds but everytime we didn't something worse would happen, as u could see here. (No offence to Ndak of course) :D
  14. GO garn!!
  15. ::Looks at Nemesis, goes to speak stops, shakes his head a moment, and thinks of something better to do:: ::!!THWAP!!:: All better :D
  16. [move]How did you get the moving text?? see doesn't work??
  17. ::Looks over at Ndak:: Should I raise shields now?! Rofl :D
  18. And me rhyming the entire episode. :D
  19. Bahahahah BAhahahahah,erm um, oh sorry bout that :D
  20. ::Looks over:: Yes Nemesis very nice, ::!!Thwap!!:: :D
  21. Well garnoopy I have 2 simple questions: Where did you find this stuff and (with all due respect of course) why. :D
  22. Hi all my name if u didn't knowtice is CDTEnsign Stron I certainly didn't think of joining one of these originally but now after the tuesday late night academy thats all changed this is fun :( Anyway hope i do well with whoever doing the sim tonight.
  23. ROFL, Welcome anika, AS a note, call it a tip from the stron, DON'T rhyme for the entire sim, GM's don't like that, can't imagine why. ::D:
  24. ::looks at fred then at gromvik:: Hey why you staring at me I didn't do anything very wrong last night. :D
  25. Ok I unfortuneatly don't know much about either of these guys but hey oh well I know rommie's are usually really good at combat :D