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Everything posted by ensign_Stron

  1. ::smiles:: Well you could say Neelix was naomi wildmans pet, but that might be going a bit far. :D
  2. One problem, (this is not a in trek comment) Startrek designed the akria first. :D
  3. ::smiles at all:: Ok people I need ideas on the themed bar, now seriouly sould we have a piano player at the side of the room, and some horses tied up out side?? :D -------more importantly should we have a warrent out for the arrest of Fred for disturbing the peace in his leather chaps?? ::hides behind travis:: ::):
  4. Yes i thought that class was interesting too :D
  5. GO Voyager!! :) Anyway I got off to a bad start with DS9, i saw what had to be one of the crappiest episodes they made. No offence intended nem. :D
  6. FRED?? I got a suggestion...if a new sim is created, put it on friday!! :D Thank you
  7. :) You never cease to amaze me nem., just when I think you couldn't get any more odd you do. :wink: :D
  8. I am sorry I am limited to 10 ship classes, blam it on the website moderator, blame it on the pandarians, but believe me I would of put them if I could have ok?? Thank you :D :)
  9. WHAT!? I can't put everything, besides you must admit thats a pretty obscure class. hummf :D
  10. No PS2 ??Guy your mising out on the best stuff. :D
  11. ::Waves his hands in the air:: OH oh oh I have a idea, we rename it the lone star lounge, and have a western themed sim there on saturday. :D
  12. Gets lost , what do resedent evil and moose have in common?? No really :D :)
  13. ::Slaps his leg and spins around:: Voyager!!!!!!!,Voyager!!!!! :D
  14. XBOX!!! ggrrrrrrrr You have insulted the mighty name of the PS2 feel the wrath of Stron!! oh sorry still IN MY OPINION PS2 rules :D
  15. ::Hits off button on back of tovan:: SOrry sir I thought we had this one fixed, eh oh well he'll be runing normally within the hour. :D
  16. MUahahahaaha. Serves u right. :P
  17. Yeah same here, but hey, oh well. :P
  18. I am perfectly sane, I don't know about you. :P
  19. GRRRR THWACK!!!!!!!!...........THWACK!!!!!!!!...............THWACK!!!!!!!!.............THWACK!!!!!!!! :P :D
  20. This coming from a half romluan, i tell ya what is this universe coming to anyway?? :P
  21. COKE!? Ok now u've done it grrrrr::turns into hulk and shoves coke can down nems airway:: LOL J/K :P
  22. Oh come on its all in fun. Besides this time u set urself up for it. :P
  23. ::looks at nem for a second:: Ya know what keep it to ur slef guy :P THWACK!!!
  24. Yeah thats the ONE!! LOL :P But anyway Startrek rules so there really is nothing to debate, though i did like the series Stargate SG-1 I thought it was pretty good, the movies were a bit odd though. :D
  25. LOL nem I feel ur pain, well if i had any care for drinking i might at least. Freshly brewed Pepsi will do me fine. :P