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Tom Servo

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Posts posted by Tom Servo

  1. i'm personally a blond-chick kinda guy. but the red hair definitely suits you better, looks way more relaxed and natural. but not bright red/orange hair. that doesnt seem to work for very many people.



    and just to show how much i like blonds, right after i dropped my little message, i went to the top and voted for blond. *duh*. so, the votes are off by one, -1 for blond +1 for red.

  2. == Personal background ==

    Tom Servo was born in 2355 in the Nicola valley of British Columbia. Growing up with one sister, Julie, 2 years younger than him, he grew up with an interest in various types of firearms and weapons, always looking for excuses to blow things up. Legally of course. At 15, for Father's day, he used a small explosive charge to destroy a rotting barn that his father had been planning on razing for the past year.


    Just before he turned 18, he read an ad looking for freelance agents, who would be essentially overpriced bodyguards for elitists that travel to or near hostile areas. With the Dominion war getting into full swing, Tom figured he could get top dollar for his services as a knowledgeable weapons person.


    So as soon as he turned 18, he applied for several agencies, but finally got a position with "K'nagrk's Superior Staffing Services", a slip-shod operation run by a drunken Klingon who seemed to be part Ferengi in his quest for riches, and blatant disregard for the safety of his employees. After three years of close calls, and the war over, clients started to stray and not enough latinum was coming in to stay in the industry.


    Shortly after turning 21, he joined up with Starfleet, entered the academy with dreams of getting onto the private security detail of a high ranking admiral, but after going through the course, found the prospect of security on a ship, never knowing what might happen on a mission, to be much more appealing.


    While at the academy, he was recruited by Starfleet Internal Security to be trained in undercover operations within Starfleet. Tom normally serves a normal career, however may be called up at any time to assist with an investigation and assumes an alternate identity. This status is restricted and on a need-to-know basis for the ranks of Captain and higher. While on these missions, he is offically listed as "on training".


    During his first few months on the Arcadia, Tom became enamored with a crew mate of his, Daena Nouvelle, after a series of bad away missions brought them closer together.



    == Quick facts ==

    Name: Tom Servo

    Age: 24

    Relations: 1 sister (Julie), mother and father (Rose & Calvin)

    Race: Human

    Birthplace: Nicola Valley, British Columbia



    == Service history ==

    50705.15 - Posted as an Ensign on USS Arcadia

    50712.12 - Promoted to Lieutenant Junior Grade

    50803.05 - Promoted to Lieutenant

    50903.04 - Promoted to Lieutenant Senior Grade

  3. ^ To tell you truth.. I always thought it sucked


    i would have to agree. while everything kansas said is valid, (for the most part), the part i found most utterly, -- how do i put this lightly, -- gag-reflex-inducing, was the animation.


    maybe it is becuase i grew up in a time when cartoons were cartoons, (as in simpsons or duckman), and watching TAS 20 years after it came out on teletoon just made it seem like it was a cheaper, and thereby crappier, version of TOS.


    despite all that though, i do agree that TAS should be considered canon because it was developed by the same people that created the other spinoffs etc.

  4. its a toss up between ds9 and tng for me, i grew up with my dad watching tng, but when ds9 came out, that is the one i watched by choice etc.


    there are a couple cavets though, tng was good AFTER riker got the beard, and they changed from the 'old style' no collar uniforms, to the newer ones with the collars. could have just been a concidence, but thats when i noticed they started becoming a better crew, more cohesive and so forth.


    again, could be a just good timing, but ds9 got much better around the time sisko shaved his head. i find ds9 good, because they somehow were able to get so many good stories around a station that never moved, as opposed to tng, tos, et al. where they traveled to go to their stories.


    i put my 2 cents in for ds9 though, just cause the balance tipped a little bit more in their favour.

  5. all mine are objects in the solar system... the domain is aptly named universe, although that would indicate that i can use any object in the universe, but i limit it to the solar system because there is lots more stuff.


    so far, i have mercury, saturn (my main compy cause i like saturn the best), triton, nereid, neptune, pluto, charon, jupiter (retired), titan. i think thats it. my servers are neptune and titan, and the rest are an assortment of 4 laptops and 2 desktops.


    i think this mainly came from my love of space. could be why i joined stsf...


    and yes, i know, i'm a geek. all this junk is hooked up to a gigabit switch/wireless router for just me and the little lady.


    for suggestions, maybe compy 286, compy 386 or lappy 486. for more details search for strongbad. funniest thing i ever saw.

  6. TNG episode drinking guide:


    1) take a shot everytime picard tugs on his shirt (picard maneuver)

    2) 2 shots if riker does it

    3) chug a beer if a reference to TOS characters or storyline is made

    4) a shot if wesley saves the day (i like this one...)

    5) another if he gets congratulatory remarks for it

    6) 'make it so number 1' = 1 shot.

    7) a shot for troi using her telepathic abilities, or 2 if she is sensing a guest star.


    ... and so forth... be sure to bring a 40oz to the living room, cause it'll be gone in no time with these...

  7. all right! i was the first to choose wikipedia...


    it was a late night, i was surfing around doing some late night learning (i often type a random topic into wikipeida, and see what links it offers me and click on them to learn more), and one night i found out about this place, and joined up.


    i tried an email sim a while back, but it never panned out, to difficult to try and write for it because before you know it, there was so many different 'alternate universes' where you would have to try and mesh them all back together, in a chat format, everyone participates, and can contribute to something meaningful without having to write other peoples dialog.


    so with that said, BEST SIM EVER! ::in a comic-book-guy voice::