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Tom Servo

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Posts posted by Tom Servo

  1. As Tom and Daena proceeded to meet up with the Captain for their tour, Tom's communicator suddenly beeped at him. "Lt. Servo, there is a priority incoming transmission for you. They said their name was Octus Spencer, and refused to provide any further information."


    Tom knew exactly who "Octus Spencer" was. It was a code name provided on any incoming secure transmissions from Starfleet Internal Security. Tom had been covertly trained shortly after his time at the academy for undercover duties investigating internal matters, and was provided this code so that he may be advised of an impending mission without drawing attention to the matter.


    "Acknowledged. I will be on my way back right away", Tom advised the communications officer.


    He turned to Daena, "Sorry, I have to head back to the ship. Its important." Daena turned to Tom and gave a frown. Tom apologized again, "I'm sorry." He gently brushed his hand along the side of her cheek, and leaned in. He gave her a kiss on the cheek, and a warm, loving hug before departing for the transport tube.


    He walked briskly to the transport tube, and anxiously waited for the tube to carry him back to the ship. Once back on the ship, he made a mental inventory of the things he would need to do before he departed the ship for his upcoming mission.


    Tom quickly returned to his quarters and sat at the console. "Computer secure the door, and route my secure transmission to this terminal. Authorization Servo-1-6-6-Zulu."


    It only came through as a pre-recorded message advising him of his mission, with no option for Tom to respond in any way. When he signed up for the program, it was required that he would be accept any mission that he was sent.


    There was no face on the message, only data. "Lt. Servo, you are to proceed directly to Starbase 143. The commander of the station has been made aware of your arrival, and has informed his security staff that he has been tipped off that a person of interest to Starfleet is to be arriving shortly. On arrival, you will be arrested by security under committal warrants for falsely representing yourself as a Starfleet officer. Your name is 'Marcus Penzie', and you had been presenting yourself as an Ensign. You will be transferred to Jaros II for incarceration. You are to gather information from a former officer, M'Gaugh LaGugh, who has been convicted of trafficking confidential data to a splinter Romulan group that is looking to start a very open war with the Federation. LaGugh was not able to provide them with any critical information, however the amount he was able to get through, compounded with intelligence from counter-operatives, indicate that there are still others within Starfleet that are providing them with information. Despite the relatively low risk this group realistically poses, the potential that those providing this information may begin selling to people that can be of higher risk demands that Starfleet Internal Security investigate the matter quickly, and identify those that are conducting these transactions. You will depart immediately. Captain LoAmi has been notified of your departure, and is aware of the general parameters of your mission. Your official personnel record will indicate that you have been recalled to Earth for a refresher on tactical entry into fortified installations. The Commander at Jaros II also knows of your mission, however no one under him will, not even his second in command has been briefed. You will contact the Commander discretly once your mission has been completed, at which time 'Penzie' will be transferred to another penal colony, and you will return to the Arcadia."



    Tom made several mental notes regarding the mission, and began preparing. He thought about how leaving suddenly would affect Daena, and decided that another 2 minutes composing a message would not adversely affect his forthcoming mission. He put together a quick message giving her his cover story that will be put on his record, and advised her that he would not be able to communicate for the duration of his trip.


    He did not like lying to Daena, but the circumstances surrounding the assignment, as well as any future assignments sent out by Internal, dictate that the less people that knew about this covert reconnaissance, the safer it was for him as well as other operatives. He concluded his message with an "I love you" and a smile. He sent it to the terminal in her quarters so she would receive it as soon as she returned to the ship.


    Tom then quickly replicated some slightly grubby clothing, and proceeded to the shuttle bay. With his bag stowed away, and with minimal fanfare, he left Arcadia for Starbase 143.

  2. i know marx has already declared a winner, but i cant pass up a chance to poke fun at hose monkeys...


    "with budget reductions on the rise in cresskill, n.j. on the rise, the fire department asks santa for emergency lights that work. he provides them with the only ones he has, with a caveat that he gets to borrow their truck as a sleigh over christmas."

  3. Hehe...yeah...I pretty much was...luckily it happened three days before my warranty went out, so I got the new one free, and I only lost three weeks worth of work because I had backed up the harddrive on the occasion of the quarter getting stuck in the DVD drive.


    quarter getting stuck IN the dvd drive?...



    as a slight aside, for those that frequently use macs with a technical side to them, how upgradeable are mac boxes/laptops. for instance, i can swap out my ram inside 5 minutes on my pc, but i would imagine that for something like an iMac, it would me more difficult. as for laptops, i would imagine it is comparable between pc's and macs. but again, no one i know that owns a mac has ever tried. what about prices for parts of macs?

  4. in terms of support ships, maybe go with some rich people in history... my order of names in preference would be:


    1. Rockefeller

    2. Croesus (credited with developing currency and coinage)

    3. Gint (of course the first grand nagus must be mentioned...)

    4. Carnegie-Mellon (i'd list them separately, but PBS keeps listing them together...)

  5. As Tom and Daena headed towards to the transport to enjoy their shore leave, yellow alert sounded, and before they could even determine what the alert was for, the intruder alert came in.


    "Intruders in main engineering... and it looks like another group is making their way towards the cargo bays", Tom said to her while trying to feverishly reading the information coming in.


    "I can hear them. They are coming this way, and it sounds like phaser fire too." Daena said.


    "Let's go, there's a weapons locker just down the corridor." He took her arm and left their packs on the ground.


    The two got to the locker and Tom quickly accessed two phasers, handing the first to Daena. She took it into her shaking hands, "I do not know about this."


    "Servo to bridge, I'm setting up a point to intercept the intruders on deck 11, section 4." He wasn't sure if the message even got through, as the black clad forces approached them firing along the way.


    As they rounded the bend, Daena was the first to see them, and fired, missing by several feet. Tom fired as well, and despite obtaining a direct hit, may as well have missed, as the suits that the intruders were wearing appeared to absorb the energy. The intruders then quickly returned fire, easily stunning the two officers, passing them as they continued their aggressive drive to the cargo holds...

  6. To: All Crew Members

    From: Lt. Tom Servo, Security Department, USS Arcadia



    Please note the following precautionary suggestions while on shore leave:


    1) Transport to and from the planet using the ship's transporter systems to ensure that accurate scans are completed and no contraband is smuggled aboard by third parties.

    2) When making personal purchases, make reasonable attempts to ensure that the items have been obtained through legal means.

    3) Avoid any potential legal issues with by obeying local laws.


    If there are any questions for your personal security while on leave, please do not hesitate to contact a member of the security department.

  7. Tom sat in the security office compiling his report from the latest mission. Although he was off shift, he often ended up doing some sort of work when he couldn't sleep at night. There was never anyone else up at this time of the morning, and the ship was quiet with only the dull sound of the engines in the background, it was relaxing to him in some way.


    Almost no one else was up at this time but, Daena, who usually slept very well, was up and roaming the halls. After a quick inquiry to the computer, she discovered that Tom was up as well and was in the security office. Moments later, the Mithraan arrived at the office. She was wearing a large shirt and pajama bottoms, her tail poking out from underneath the back of the shirt.


    He heard the door chime and was thinking, "Who is that, and why do they need security at this hour?" He took a quick glance at the clock and noticed it was about three in the morning. He stood up, and straightened up his flannel pants and t-shirt, and walked towards the door. He opened the door and smiled at the sight of Daena standing there. "Well hello beautiful," he said with a cheery tone, "what brings you here today?" Tom reached out and took her hand, tugging her in gently for a kiss on the cheek.


    Daena purred as she hugged him, laying her head on his chest. "I could not sleep. The computer told you you were here."


    "Well come on in. I'm just finishing up a report, and if you're not too tired, we could hang out for a bit." He held her, and then led her into the office to have a seat on the couch. "Can I get you anything," he said as he walked towards the replicator.


    The Mithraan shook her purple-haired head no as she took a seat on the couch, stretching out. "You could not sleep either?"


    Tom smiled, then turned to the replicator, "Orange juice please." He took the beverage that appeared before him and took a quick sip. "No, I was just lying in bed wide awake, so I decided to do some work. What about you?" Tom decided the report could wait; he enjoyed spending time with Daena and didn't want to pass up a chance to just be with her without work getting in the way. Tom made his way to the couch, lifted up her legs and sat down, resting the legs back down on his lap.


    Daena frowned slightly, "I do not know...I just could not sleep..."


    Tom sat there, tugging on her pajama top, eventually resting his hand on her tummy. He looked up at her face, "Is there anything the matter? Anything I could do to change the situation?"


    She purred softly at his warm touch, smiling once more. "I do not know, but I do feel better already..." Her tail flicked back and forth, poking out from the seat cushions.


    He sat there, looking down at her, thinking about how good she makes him feel when she is around too. "Your off shift for a few days aren't you?" He said hoping to invite a sort of romantic weekend getaway.


    Daena nodded, tilting her head slightly in curiosity. "I am...but why?"


    He smiled slyly, "Well, I was thinking we could sneak away, and hide out, and spend the days off together, just getting to know each other better." His mind began running through the different things he could do to try and impress her, trying to think up some meals to cook up and the background music to play. "Then maybe sneak out at night. You know, just kind of disappear for a couple days."


    She loved the idea of spending as much time as she could with Tom, but her curiosity got the better of her again. "Where would we disappear to? You mean leave the ship?"


    The thought had crossed his mind, but wasn't sure if they would be able to get approval from higher up for that. "I was thinking more of just in our quarters, but if you think the Captain would approve, that could work too."


    Daena nodded, "Our quarters will do...I should not go too far, incase I am needed for the survey. What would we do, in our rooms?" Many different scenarios began running through her mind.


    "Well, I'm not too sure. I pretend to be an ok cook. But other than whatever comes to mind at the time, I wouldn't mind if all we did was cuddled in bed." It sounded corny, but he just liked being around her even if they didn't do anything in particular. "Do you have anything in mind?"


    Her tail danced about as she smiled. "I like the cuddle part..."


    "Excellent!" He smiled at the prospect of spending the next few days with someone he cared so much about. "Would you prefer your quarters or mine? Do you have anyone to watch Fluffy and Cozy for the next few days?"


    "As long as they have plenty of food, they will be fine. I could always have Samantha check in on them if she wants." Her ears lower briefly, "Though, I do not now if she likes cats..."


    "Well no worries, we can check in on them too, if Samantha can't. I'll tell you what, I'm gonna put the last few touches on this report so I can send it away, and I'll meet you in my quarters in say, 5 minutes?" He took his last gulp of the juice he had ordered, and put it down on the coffee table in front of them.


    Daena moved her feet off Tom's lap as she sat up. "Alright. I will meet you there." She stood up from the couch, giving him another hug before stepping out of the office.


    He gave her a long loving hug before letting her go, even though he knew he would see her again shortly, he still didn't like letting her go. "I'll see you in a bit." He finished up his juice and looked at the clock, it was a little after 4. He finalized the report he had been working on and sent it off for approval before rushing out of the office.

  8. you know, the more i read through these threads, the more i realize that i am consorting with so many like minded people! all the spacey stuff (sorhel's link to heavens above, which might i add is really cool), all the star trek chatter, and even the go-no-where-but-all-in-good-fun topics make me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.

  9. there is nothing worse than an insensitive jerk. unless that jerk is you, then you just have to explain yourself. right...?


    i met a guy today, that was quite insensitive, but then again, i can be pretty bad myself. does the fact that there is no personal link make it ok for me to not care about something, while a personal connection should obligate someone else to care?


    oh well.

  10. 59581484dk2.png


    In this photo from left to right:


    -Old man Withers from the P.E. department (formerly of the Haunted Amusement park) who tried his technique of just reefing the chair off young Timmy's head.

    -Norm the school janitor, who with his diploma from "Bob Vila's better home renovations" saves the day!

    -Nurse 'Aunt Jemima' incase Norm gets a little too close.

    -Mrs. Gillespie the science teacher who said round objects cannot fit into square holes.

    and of course

    -Little Timmy who had to keep them all employed by proving the teacher wrong.

  11. On the shuttle trip back from the surface, all Tom could think about was a nice hot meal. Going through his mind on what exactly he was going to eat, maybe a hearty breakfast, a light lunch, or a full and complete dinner. He eventually settled on a breakfast and after they docked, he went straight to his quarters and got out of the filthy clothes he had been in for the last few weeks.


    "Computer, activate the sonic shower."


    As Tom got undressed, he took the note that he had written up, looked at the folded piece of paper, and placed it on his night stand before disposing of the tattered uniform into the recycling unit and getting into the shower.


    He sat in the shower enjoying the feeling of getting clean and sat there for an hour, just enjoying being somewhere that did not smell like decay and put the events on the planet in the back of his mind for the time being.


    Once the shower was done, Tom got dressed into some comfortable clothes, and replicated himself breakfast. "Computer, three eggs, scrambled, hash browns and bacon." The food appeared before him, and he took in the aroma and looked at the steam coming from the freshly replicated food before taking it to his desk and enjoying it as he read the mission from the Arcadia's point of view.


    With his breakfast and reading done, Tom disposed of the dishes, and decided to go for a walk around the ship, reacquainting himself with day to day ship operations, having brief discussions with various crew mates during his explorations.


    He eventually made his way to the mess hall, and took a seat near the view ports. Despite all the time he has spent looking up at the sky when he was younger, and all the time he has spent looking out the view ports, the awe and mystery of space travel was still astounding to him. As he sat there, he began to relax, sinking into the lounger slowly falling asleep. After weeks of sleeping in cold and uncomfortable bunks, it felt good to be home.

  12. As Tom was lifting the beam/joist/strut to the roof, Eagle said that it was time to head back to the barracks, and promptly dropped the support section to the ground, as he waked away briskly, letting it fall wherever.


    As he walked away from the work site, he grabbed a writing instrument they had been using, and the work order that had been left for them when they arrived.


    Once the team arrived at the barracks, Tom settled in his bunk sitting against the head board with the light near by. He looks around briefly, and sneaks out a photo that was tucked inside his uniform, trying to conceal it from view.


    Tom takes out the work order, and quickly skims the front of the page with all the work that has been laid out for them by their handlers, then flips it over to the blank back side of it.


    "Dear Daena,


    I hope that this note will not get to you, but if it has, that means that I did not make it off this forsaken planet. There is so much to tell you about our experiences here, but the short of it is that it is the worst place to work.


    They placed us in these barracks that, to their credit, shelter us from the elements, but offer none of the finer things in life, like a good home replicated meal. The justice system here is a joke, attempts to delay the trial were met with a vicious rebuttal from both the judges and the prosecutor. Our public advocate did not help too much, and seemed almost relieved that he was rid of us once the judges passed sentence.


    I will spare you the details of our sentence, but needless to say, it makes the Cardassian labour camps look like a field trip.


    Thinking of you,



    He put the writing instrument down and looked over his note then folded it up. After sitting for a few moments more, he tucked the photo and the note back into his uniform and looked around the barracks to see if anyone had noticed him writing.

  13. Star Trek Variety Hour!




    Actually, I've thought about this for awhile. Star Trek: Universes. Each script follows a different crew, ship, station, whatever. Most would probably be just one episode deals with the occasion story arc spanning 2 or 3 episodes. One week might be a TOS time period, then TNG, then Enterprise era Klingon, Post Voyager Borg, TOS Mirror Romulan resistance front, whatever.


    Advantages, you get to use a lot of existing Trek history and locations. Also, you change the cast so no one starts asking for some huge paycheck. Money you save that way you dump into some big name guest stars and pulling together old cast. Wanna see just ONE more Enterprise episode...okay. Wanna see what DS9 has been up to, got it. All those aspects and characters of Trek who will never see a movie... here's there chance. (I've always thought DS9 should have done what Alien Nation did and start doing TV mini-series ever so often). Heck, if you want to have a REALLY cheap week, run a contest for the best Fan Film and show it.


    i really like this idea actually! when i was first reading it i was thinking the cost for all those different sets for all the different eras might be a little cost prohibitive, but the money saved on the actors might balance it out in the end. mini series, also a good idea.

  14. Here is a little clipping I read this afternoon...


    Saving the galaxy, one tryst at a time

    It's something every employee firgures out at some point - life is easier whe your boss is gettin' some.


    For the expendable red-shirted crew aboard the Star Trek [sic]Enterprise, that was especially true.


    Each episode of the classic sci-fi series found Captain James T. Kirk and his crew (usually Spock , Bones, and a stock character in a red shirt) beaming down to some hostile enemies, and all ut the red-shirted sacraficial lab would return to safety.


    Well Matt Bailey, the founder of SiteLogic, a web marketing consultant, crunched the numbers and found that over the three-year span of the show (which bore 80 episodes), a total of 59 crew members died on missions.


    Of those 59 crew deaths, 73 per cent wore red shirts. Of those red-shirted members who died, 42.5 per cent died on board the Enterprise, while the majority died while beamed down on an ailen planet.


    Now, the best way for a crewman not to die, Bailey figured, was not beaming down to a hostiple planet with Kirk and company. Duh.


    The next best way? Get his captain some love.


    "When Captain Kirk meets an ailen woman and 'makes contact.' the survivial rate of red-shirted crewmen increases by 84 per-cent," Bailey writes. "In fact, out of Captain Kirk's 24 'relatoinships,' there were only three instances of red-shirt vaporization."


    Gives new meaning to the term "make love, not war," doesn't it?
