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Eva Jaz

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Everything posted by Eva Jaz

  1. Thank you all!! ^_^
  2. A wee bit late ... but Happy Birthday!!
  3. Tiptoeing her way back to the bedroom of her little Montmartre apartment careful not to spill the tiny espresso cups she was holding, Eva stopped for a second to watch the sun rise. She loved Paris, it reminded her of her previous life when she still felt more human than Trill. Every chance she had to get back to Earth she would spend hours walking around the old city, taking in the scent of freshly baked pastry , of coffee . Letting her ears fill up with the sounds , space always seemed too quiet for Eva's personal tastes. She loved the paradox that Paris had to offer, timeless buildings and monuments mixed in with newer Federation built additions. She had hoped that Richard would share her enthusiasm when she dragged him along in her latest escapade around town the previous day. Eva had planned their entire day , after all Hilee had never had the chance to visit the city of lights. They were to wake up early , see the Eiffel tower, walk around the faubourgs until they got hungry then stop at a little cafe , visit the office of the Federation's President before ending their day walking by La Seine back to her apartment where they would share a bottle of Bordeaux over a home cooked meal. That had been the plan in any case but not what happened. Eva put down one of the cups before sitting on the edge of the bed. Even in his sleep Richard seemed troubled . She knew that physically speaking he was healed , even his hair was now growing back but something still worried her . She was dragging him by the hand towards the line up of tourists, Terrans and aliens alike gathering by the Eiffel tower when she noticed his expression . " Are you ok cheri?" she asked " Of course I am " he answered as he slipped a hand around her waist . The smile was genuine but it didn't reached the eyes. Eva looked towards the tourists before looking back at her companion. " We don't have to go if you don't want to ...." Still holding her , Hilee 's apologetic eyes met hers " Honestly my love , I'd rather we find ourselves a nice quiet place and spend the day together away from everyone . I'd love to see Paris with you ..." He twisted a strand of her hair between his fingers before adding "but not today ." Not letting him see her disappointment , Eva smiled back before kissing him . " Of course Mon amour, I know just the perfect place." They made their way to a tiny patch of grass she had discovered years ago , after putting down a blanket and letting Hilee settle comfortably Eva announced that she was hungry and that she would be right back with coffee and freshly baked croissants ."All part of the French experience" she said as she walked away." As soon as she was out of sight , Hilee let the happy facade slip away and pulled a PADD out of his pocket and started writing . He was still typing away engrossed in his work when Eva came back. She picked up the PADD from his hand playfully " NO work we're ..." She started saying before he grabbed it back abruptly from her hands . "That's personal, can't you respect that? " he said dryly , putting the PADD back in his pocket. Hilee took a deep breath , watching Eva's face change " Eva...I'm sorry I didn't mean to snap at you , come here .." She watched him confused for a second before deciding that the mystery PADD was not worth getting into a fight with him . She smiled lifting a bag full of flaky golden pastry. " Let's eat while they're still fresh" She said before lying down on the blanket , her head resting on Richard's lap, where she spent the rest of the afternoon. Sipping on her espresso she wondered what his reaction would be if she suggested a visit to the counselor's office . The little she managed to read from the PADD before Hilee took it back confirmed her suspicions that his experience on Oppo had left deeper scars then he would ever let on. She was trying to find a way to bring the subject up when he began stirring . The serious discussion would have to wait they were on leave after all. "Bon matin Mon amour" She whispered as he opened his eyes.
  4. A little late but Happy B-Day EJ :blink:
  5. I'm taking a minute to convey certain feelings I've been repressing ... I HATE SNOW.. SNOWSTORMS, SHOVELING ,COLD ... Why was I born in Canada?!!? Thank you for your time :blink:
  6. Eva walked in the "boys room" still thinking about her sure to be award winning paper about Curing Broca's Aphasia in Romulan Patients. Too bad she would never be allowed to submit it for publication. Hilee was still sleeping when she approached his bed, either from his body trying to recuperate from exhaustion caused by his link to the core, or because of sedatives administered by his treating physician, Dr. Sloan. The young doctor, let herself sink in the chair adjacent to the biobed, the same one she slept on for too few hours the previous night. She sipped on her omnipresent cup of coffee, letting her eyes detail every centimeter of the battered body of the one she loved. Having him safe and sound aboard the ship, getting proper medical care was a relief. Lightly caressing his hand, Eva though of how much she would have liked to shoot a couple of those sons of toasters robots herself for doing this to him and to the others. Her eyes lingered on the unsightly holes that were still visible on his bare head as she watched him waking up slowly. Hilee’s eyes fluttered, the journey back to consciousness had been a painful one. The sedative administered earlier had given him a temporary respite from the intense headache and pounding in his head. The pain had actually subsided to that of sledge hammers being beaten against the inside of his skull instead of the sixteen inch guns used on ancient naval ships. Since his rescue, the engineer had been going back and forth between long periods of sleep and short ones of awareness. He had been glad to learn that the AT had apparently been saved and that the ship was still intact, but he wasn’t as thrilled to learn that Dr.Sloan had been assigned to his care. Putting his feelings aside, he understood that the reasoning behind the decision had been the possibility of personal conflict and agreed with the premise of non personal involvement for the reasons it may compromise ones professional duty. But for the moment none of that mattered because he was awakening once again to the most beautiful sight he had ever known, the woman he had fallen in love with. “Don’t try to talk, you’re still too weak.” Eva gently said as Hilee opened his eyes. “I just wanted to be with you for a little while. I’m on shift again in 20 minutes.” Hilee looked up, seeing Dr Jaz it was clear that she was very tired and had probably been without a decent night of sleep for some time but her presence in the chair next to him when she could have been taking a quick nap in her quarters testified that she did love him too and that almost justified the entire ordeal.
  7. I'll Fedex you the foot of white ^$^%# we're expecting Wednesday then !!
  8. :: takes out the cake from her easy bake oven :: Happy B-Day Admiral!! :D
  9. Taking a minute to wish Eagle a Happy Birthday!!
  10. Couple days late ... but HAPPY B-DAY!!!
  11. And since we're getting dangerously close to not being random ..... Did you know that : Pablo Picasso's full name was "Pablo Diego José Francisco de Paula Juan Nepomuceno María de los Remedios Cipriano de la Santísima Trinidad Martyr Patricio Clito Ruiz y Picasso." The modern day word "meloncholy" derives from "meloncholia", which comes from the latin word for black bile. Ancient and medieval medicine recognized four main fluids in the body: Yellow bile, black bile, phlegm, and blood (the four humors). An excessive amount of black bile was said to cause depression and other mental illnesses. Modern english defines a billion as one thousand million (1,000,000,000). Many other languages define a billion to be one million million (1,000,000,000,000). As a loanword from Norwegian, 'fjord' is the only word in the English language to start with the letters 'fj'. And you'll all go to bed a little less ignorant tonight ... Thank me later ... :blink:
  12. Brand Spankin new Mazda 3!! :blink:
  13. ::jumps up and down like a 5 yrs old :: Got my new car today!!!!!!
  14. ::keeps fingers crossed for T'aral ::
  15. Buying a new car after work! WOOO! ( Needed to share ... ) :blink:
  16. It's really surprising the little gems this radio station can find ... and actually today it was 3 HORRRRRRRIBLE versions of California dreaming .. including one that sounded like it was recorded by someone on life support ... I'm seriously thinking about a plan involving a pair of wire cutter and the store radio ...
  17. Is it considered cruel and unusual punishment to be subjected to 8 to 12 hrs a day of a radio station that plays 4 extremely bad versions of "Stand by Me" within 2 hrs ... and will probably start playing a bunch of Chipmunk Christmas songs in about a week ?!?!!?
  18. Just taking a little moment to wish a Happy Thanksgiving to the other citizens of the Great White North !! :P
  19. I was kinda mad that I forgot about the 2 hrs premiere ... but after reading your comments I'm not really! Oh and by the way there's an article on the space channel website : spacecast.com ( Canadian equivalent to your sci fi channel ) called " SGU is no BSG" so I guess Kansas isn't the only one seeing some parallels here!
  20. Meritorious Achievement Award Eva exited sickbay letting go of a barely audible sigh, knowing she wouldn't be away from it for long. After a short ride in the turbolift, she made her way down the corridor leading to her quarters, nodding politely to a couple of the crew members she crossed on her way.She couldn't help but notice that some of the crew members she met were sporting the same look, the one she saw in the mirror: tired eyes, carefully engineered facade, forced smile. This entire ordeal with the away team was taking it's toll on the crew. "I'm glad not to be a telepath today" she told herself as she reached her quarters. Once in, no time to sit lazily and relax.Staying away from sickbay for a full shift under such circumstances seemed almost impossible to her. Not only did she still need to keep her mind busy, but her professional instincts were taking over knowing that an emergency requiring the full medical staff could be possible at anytime. Or at least that was her excuse for not getting any sleep.Well that and all the caffeine she absorbed. She stripped out of her uniform before looking at the chronometer and allowing herself a "long" 5 minutes to clean up and relax sonic shower. Like an automaton, she put on a fresh uniform, her body doing the mechanical work while her mind was racing. Eva was lost in memory, not her own per say but Jaz's. It was 124 years earlier. Saranni was Jaz's host back then. He and his wife were going on a scientific expedition, just the two of them for a month, alone in the wild of a now inhabited planet. Saranni had been looking forward to it for months before. Finally spending time away from the Kem'alta institute... going back to his roots as a field archeologist, not trapped in a lab doing analysis all day. This planet was once home to a humanoid specie, long instinct by now. Trill traders found the ruins about 5 months earlier , their ship caught up in a ion storm, forcing them to land. Word of the discovery made its way to the Kem'alta. It was decided that a pair of archeologists would be sent for a short period of time to accumulate data and assess the scientific interest of a full on dig. Saranni Jaz volunteered for the assessment project, knowing that him and Allaly, his wife of 11 years, were more than fully qualified. He also thought that it could be a mini vacation for them, a mean of getting away from the routine, the institute. When they were chosen, both him and Allaly were ecstatic. Archeology in it's purest form, remote secluded area on a beautiful class M planet. Allaly had already pick for them a nice spot to set camp near the ruins. They talked for 2 weeks, prior to their departure, about the long gone habitants of the planet, losing themselves in conjectures, being hardly able to wait. The departure day finally arrived. They were on their way to the planet, when their ship was attacked. Their communication systems were the first thing to be disabled. Saranni remembered until the day he died the look in Allaly's eyes when he told her no one would get their distress call. The little vessel they were aboard wasn't equipped to put up a fight. From the moment they were first hit, Saranni's memory went blank. The console exploding, Allaly screaming and a sharp pain in his head was all he remembered. He woke up 23 days later in a medical facility on Trill. No permanent damage to the host nor the symbiont was the doctor's diagnosis. As soon as he was able to talk he started asking for Allaly, but the medical staff were avoiding his questions. It took Saranni days to be told the truth. Their vessel was attacked, he was lucky to be alive. No traces of Allaly were found among the debris, no escape pod was ever detected. After a short investigation, it was concluded that Allaly was probably taken by whoever attacked them, and most likely sold as a slave. From that day on Saranni was never the same. He searched for his wife for years after the attack. Resigning from the institute, buying a small ship and searching endlessly. 18 years he searched, his heart aching for her. When he finally realized that he would never see her again, the Trill archeologist stopped searching, flew his small vessel back to the Trill homeworld and slowly let himself die, in what had been their home . Eva shook her head as the memory slowly dissipated. Saranni's pain had been one of the hardest things to deal with after the joining, it made her depressed for weeks before she finally manage a right balance between her own personality as a host and Jaz's past hosts memories and personalities. The recent events made her think back about Saranni's life. The never ending worries and the incessant pain of not knowing what was happening. Eva took some deep breaths before, pinching the bridge of her nose. " You have to keep going... get back in sickbay, do what you can, trust the crew to find him... them... " She repeated those words in her mind time and time again as she walked back to the medical bay. Almost believing them as she reached the door.
  21. Shark bites aren't covered?!?!? pfffff What kind of warranty is that ! I think you should really complain to the company ... What if you wanna go take a swim with your laptop in shark infested water?!
  22. Sept 19th... 1/2 of frost on my car windshield this morning..... :: packs her suitcase and moves to the Bahamas::
  23. Taking a deep breath Eva entered Sickbay ,she was an hour early for her shift but the thought of spending another long 60 minutes alone with her worrisome thoughts seemed almost unbearable. She usually enjoyed her time off duty; being able to lazily stay in bed or focus on something else than work. But her last off shift was spent pacing, unable to sleep or really eat. "I knew it was a bad idea to get involved with someone serving on the same ship ... I knew it" Eva sighed as the thought crossed her mind for the hundredth time in the last 8 hours. She wondered if that dang Rommie wasn't right in calling her a schizophrenic… Heck! Her own conscience couldn't even agree with itself, spending half the time worrying about the entire away team, especially about Richard. And the other half of the time blaming herself for being so affected by it and for having placed herself in a position and a relationship that would cause her to worry so much . Eva wandered around for a few minutes, still trying to shake off the bad feeling she had about the whole thing. She almost managed it until she spotted Vilanne, who looked so pale and fragile, and whose eyes were an exact mirror of her own: worried and almost panicked. "Who cares what happens to Jaiysa!!!" She wanted to yell. The fate of the Rihan doctor was the last thing she cared about, she was more worried for members of the away team she didn't even met yet. But Vil's eyes and crumbling façade told her that even if she didn't understand why, Dr Chalice really liked their unpleasant colleague and was genuinely worried about what might happen to her. Dr. Jaz paced around, playing with a PADD she picked up from a desk, not reading it, just trying to keep her hands busy. At that moment she selfishly wished for a medical emergency, only because it would give her a reason to slip back into a colder, detached and professional state of mind. Anything to keep her mind for wandering off, and creating a thousand different scenarios about what was happening down there, each new one popping in her head a little more sinister than the last. With another sigh, she put the PADD down. She turned around to look at Vil, attempting to engage in small talk, a pathetic attempt to clear her mind. Having nothing left to occupy her hands, Eva started chewing on her nails without even knowing it, something she hadn't done since her childhood. Vilanne noticed and softly asked "Is your man on the away team?" Jaz's first reaction was to back off one step and deny everything, even being worried, classic defense mechanism. Vilanne's gentle voice and eyes made her stop mid sentence. "Yes" she simply answered bowing her head. Probably sensing all the distress contained in the simple word, Vil extended her arms to hug Eva. A little while ago such move would have almost shocked Eva but she had gotten used to Vilanne's caring nature and quickly accepted the friendly gesture. "I'm afraid for our friend Jaiysa too" Vil said. Once again the voice in Eva's head screamed "Who cares!?!? They might be all dead or getting tortured… Richard…. Who cares about the Romulan!?" But as she did before, she kept her thoughts to herself not wanting to hurt the good doctor. The remainder of the afternoon was spent pacing and chewing her, once perfectly manicured, nails. All of that, while helping, an increasingly agitated, Dr Chalice think about hundreds of ludicrous scenarios that could be of any help in locating the away team. Hours of feeding the computer loads of useless data, both doctors faintly hoping to come up with *something*, strange and far reached possibilities kept their mind busy for a while. Giving up, Eva sighed loudly. As much as she had desired for her shift in sickbay to start earlier, she now wished it was over. Her own anguish she could deal with, but seeing her friend like that; washed out, pale and overly worried , was a little more than she could handle. Eva was looking at the chronometer, when part of an old saying came to mind "Time is too slow for those who wait…." She couldn't remember the rest.
  24. ::mumbles something about The leafs while trying not to laugh :: Kidding! yea I'm at a point too where I don't care which team it goes to as long as it's up here ...