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Eva Jaz

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Everything posted by Eva Jaz

  1. You -really- want an answer ? ;)
  2. For the first night since July 3rd I can sleep with the windows open without taking the risk of suffocating from the heat!
  3. Yeah but you're used to it! .. I'm born and bread for cold harsh Canadian winters! Not 110 with 300% humidity! ( But then again I feel the same way when it's -40 here in February with 3 ft of snow and people from Cali complain that it's cold when it's 65!! .. So I guess I get it :P)
  4. I agree! I'm dreading to see my hydro bill when it comes in .Been using the AC non stop for a month! I'm reading for the fall :P
  5. Since I have a mild case of insomnia and that I'm poking around . I decided to try to revive this topic. So here goes nothing ...
  6. This is from a competition of "my little pony" mods. ( Yes folks, some people have less of a life than we do !) I just thought this one was too adorable not to share ! ( If you want to see the 50 finalists just google " 50 My little Pony mods for Geeks ")
  7. I think I spend too much time on facebook when I spent a minute looking for the "like" button under Jami's pic!
  8. Hmmmm! Indeed!
  9. You mean you don't to it *every* morning?
  10. Excusing herself from the conversation with Jaiysa and Vilanne , under the pretext of needing another vital dose of caffeine, Eva made her way to the nurse's station. Josh was leaning against the counter , trying to sweet talk Anastasia or Nancy into divulging some "critical" information about Dr t'T, when he felt the not-so-gentle tap on his shoulder. "Yes?" he asked , spinning around only to find himself face to face with Jaz starring at him with what could be mildly described as an "annoyed" expression. "A word with you... " She said dryly before crossing her arms across her chest. Nurse Bellamy , contrary to Dr Raleigh, knew how to take a hint . She read the trill doctor's body language before she heard her tone , and quickly got up from her chair. She pulled on Nancy's sleeve " Come on Nanc.. We still have to triple check the hyposprays inventory in the surgical bay " She ventured a smile in Eva's direction before nodding to Josh " We'll see you in a bit doctors." She said before dragging Nancy out and letting Eva and Josh have the room . Raleigh looked from the speed walking nurses back to Eva with a puzzled look on his face . "O..k.. What do you want to talk to me about ?" He inwardly hoped she had come to him to help in his quest to conquer the romulan doctor, but one good look at Jaz crushed his hopes. Throwing her hands in the air , Eva asked " What , in the galaxies, do you think it's about ? " The blank look on Joshua's face , only infuriated more . " I see , you're the kind of guy that needs a drawing to understand . Are crayons good for you? " She said , her tone heavy with sarcasm. Josh looked around , having obviously perfected the deer-in-headlights look long ago. " What are you talking about ? I don't understand . " Eva rolled her eyes before shoving her hands in her white coat pockets,scared that if she let them loose she might end up slapping him . The thought had crossed her mind , but instead she took a deep breath . " I know right , It looks so cool! We never get to see action like that " She said in a falsetto voice , repeating what Josh had said earlier in response to Vilanne's worried inquiry about war. Josh looked at her , the spotted one was almost scary when mad . He slowly raised his palms up . " Well, she was talking about blowing up ships and blood thirsty people . It *is* exciting* , no? He took the low growl coming from Eva as a sign that she didn't see eye to eye with him on the subject. It took Jaz all 267 years of wisdom to answer him , in a composed, professional voice . " Dr Raleigh, what you might find "exciting"..." She raised her hands up making the universal sign for quotation marks in the air . " might be troubling for other people. In this case for Doctor Chalice . I shall then ask you to refrain from your happy outburst about going to war . I think that Vilanne and everybody else around for that matter, have enough on their plates with what's coming without having you around acting like a worriless teenager. " Joshed opened his mouth but then decided it was best not to cut her off . Eva lowered her voice , her tone almost like another low growl . " And if you're that enthusiast about bloodbaths you should have joined a Klingon ship . Not a Federation one! " She sighed one more time before turning her back on him , leaving Josh alone in the nurse office to wonder what had just hit him.
  11. Who else is having that d*** octopus for dinner?!
  12. Anybody has a snowstorm they can send my way ?
  13. Germany played amazingly!
  14. Happy Canada Day to all!
  15. It's Kaiser bread .. not Kraiser ... just saying ...
  16. I believe the question is: Do we really want to know what they're made of ?
  17. and since I can't post links you might want to search in YouTube " I am Canadian" and " William Shatner " for those of you that never seen it !
  18. "People of Wal-Mart" can indeed bring one to wish they could clean their brains with bleach :lol: I stumbled upon it once too :(
  19. That blog is usually pretty daft .. But I have to admit that is rather funny ( except the part about Canadians ... you know EH! )
  20. The PADD displayed the details of the Arcturan's reproductive system , but Josh was not really paying attention . Dr. Mele had sent him back to study some more about these aliens Manticore was about to go to war with, in the most humiliating way that is , and he had to do it in front of all his colleagues. He peeked above the PADD and sighed quietly. This was unfair , he had finally worked out the courage to talk to her and the chief sent him , well basically to go sit in the corner like a grounded child . Josh gritted his teeth."Not...fair..." She was adorable. " Look at those cute little pointy ears" He also loved that sexy little frown she was almost constantly sporting. Josh could tell she was trying to keep people out, he was quite the people reader after all . "I'll work my way into the little fortress she erected around herself , yes I will!" Oooh ! Jayisa was looking in his direction ! Josh quickly looked down. She did not need to see him staring . His earlier conversation with her had made him realize that she liked to play hard to get . Maybe it was some kind of Romulan mating ritual , a selection process of some kind . He made a mental note to do a little research on the subject. She was still looking! Oh yeah! She definitely liked him , he could tell . " I wonder what Eva is whispering in her ear to make her look so disgusted" Aww! She was even adorable with clear disgust painted all over her not so delicate features. "What a woman!" Josh thought. "If we survive this war I'm asking her out, maybe... definitely... Oh yeah! A beautiful sunset...No! no.. sunset don't look like her type. Errrr .....an afternoon hike in the mountains and a romantic picnic. That could work... Jayisa lying on a blanket , her head on his lap.... Definitely." He snapped out of his fantasy before it got too far, after all she was a lady and he did fancy himself a gentlemen. The doctor sighed once more before returning to his reading before getting caught daydreaming by Mele. " Jaiysa" he whispered. Even her name was beautiful.
  21. And I agree with everybody here . Especially A9 ... I think Rosetto you want to help the new "cadets" but by posting 1001 how-to you are more likely to get new folks looking to join confused . I don't think it's a good idea to make new prospects think that this is more of a very rigid place with a tons of strict rules than the pretty relax and fun website that it is . I'm sure that if any new cadets have question all the GMs are going to be more than willing to help them .
  22. Ugh.. Just got home and the stupid earthquake cracked my foundations!!! And aww Seiben.. Good to know you're ok though!
  23. Anybody else feel that Earthquake??? Scared the living hell out of me!!!!
  24. Eva pulled her head away from Richard’s shoulder, but only long enough to peek at the chronometer that adorned the wall above the sofa where they were curled up. “It’s late, Mon amour. We should go to bed.” She said, nuzzling her face back into his neck, not showing the first sign of wanting to follow her own advice. "Agreed" Hilee answered , before tightening his arms around her. “ Think any of them are actually sleeping? “ Eva asked, motioning her hands around , in a movement meant to indicate the rest of the crew. She smiled before adding “ beside the Vulcans of course. Because not sleeping and worrying is probably very illogical “ Richard smiled before answering " Well , I hope the personnel on duty is not sleeping , at the very least " The young doctor slapped him playfully on the arm . " Not what I meant ..... " Eva moved a bit, supporting her weight on one elbow to face Hilee. She gently caressed his jaw line with her free hand while looking him in the eyes. “ I’m scared Richard. Really scared, for you for me, for this crew for the ship... Even for the Romulan! “ "What is there to fear but fear itself ?" Richard asked on a philosophical tone. " Fear is disabling , a mind killer and a soul killer , prevents you from doing what's expected of you" Eva got up from Hilee’s lap, getting agitated. " Ugh! Stop being so logical or I'll send you on a all inclusive trip to Vulcan real soon, it annoys me!!! “ Hilee grabbed her by the waist forcing her to sit back down. " I'm not going anywhere without you ! " Eva wiggled out of his grip and got back to her feet . " I'm serious! , I hate wars!" Richard interjected as she went continued without listening " I hate them too " "There’s no reasons for them anymore. Not in this day and time.” Gesticulating while pacing she went on “ And why on Earth and Trill, do those.. err ..floppy faces people want to attack us? Why?” " The reason doesn't matter , they did and we just can't sit still " She sat on the edge of the bed , facing Hilee and calming down . “ I’m sorry Cheri, I know that. I'm not some white flag waver. I understand that sometimes some not so pretty things must get done . " Eva patted the blanket inviting her lover to join her . " I simply hate what it does to people . I was with Vilanne today in sickbay. And I happened to asked her if she had found any medically relevant weaknesses in those Arcturans and she looked at me like I was ..." Eva stopped for a moment looking for words "Like I was a maniac without concern for life . " Hilee waited for her to go on " You know what .. She shouldn't have to go to war , she's so innocent and she should be able to remain so . And I know this will all change it " Richard lied down , crossing his arms behind his head " You're right she shouldn't have to , none of us should . but here is reality. " The Engineer rolled on his side , reaching to the LCARS panel by the bed and typed in his ID. The console displayed external views of Manticore, its new upgraded weapons clearly obvious. " We are going to war .. and as you can see we're ready for it! " He said before typing in a command and clearing the screen. Eva whistled quietly .. " Yeah we are .... " She let her self fall back on the bed , molding her body to Richard's " Let's stop talking ... Kiss me !" Richard grinned "Yes ma'am" before doing as he was ordered .