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Status Updates posted by X'aedell

  1. After last night I wonder... I wanted to thank you anyway for trying to help me last night. I didn't realize I could actually pick sumthing up without an instruction from the GM.

  2. Great story line Alan, enjoyed it!!

  3. Happy Birthday!! (can't sing for you though...)

  4. Hey There and welcome to STSF! Sorry bout earlier in chat room, thought you left already. Sorry, I feel a bit stupid..

  5. Welcome to STSF, have fun and let no one bully you!!

  6. You see, you are sleeping and I am here, alone in the bar!!!! Drinking everything that's left!Dancing on the tables lol

  7. Good for you! Naughty Kevin....

  8. Hey welcome to this crazy bunch of the STSF - by the way, I am, of course, NOT crazy...

  9. Hey welcome to STSF! Hope you'll enjoy the simming.... and all the best

  10. Wellcome to STSF, hope you have loads of fun!

  11. No problem - hope you're having fun!