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Everything posted by Sumo

  1. I'll see you in Vegas in a week and then again at Nan Desu. =0) It's only 1.7miles from my house
  2. ::don't drop the wrench. don't drop the wrench. don't drop the wrench:: .............................. OR Proof the MacGyver can fix anything, anywhere, anytime.
  3. I haven't been paying attn for a few weeks but I did notice that they finally have the Regular Convention Weekend tickets for Sale on the main site. Along with the autograph and photo tickets. See you guys there.
  4. Next on American Bald Eagle Idol Eagles at the "Dive in". #2 performs the universal stretch to put your wing over the shoulders of the gal next to you. Both of em. #4- "back off gizzard breath. This one is mine"
  5. Darn Anti Gravity belt....
  6. Southwest airlines has a good deal THIS WEEK only.. For me round trip Denver to Vegas will be $140. Reservations must be made by March 8. If you can fly southwest and book it now it might be well worth it.
  7. Southwest airlines this week for people that have the ability.. For me it's $140 round trip. Offer Ends/must be booked by March 8. Travel dates include our dates in vegas.
  8. The Winner picked by this childs mother and dog lover. Ball is in your court now Huff. =0)
  9. TNG episode Naked now.. found the frozen bodies in the shower w/clothes on. I think I remember them saying that was odd.
  10. Hehe. didn't expect that. Was voting for A9.. I'll try and find something to put up when I get home from work. So many to choose from.. so few that are kid friendly..
  11. Now, Everybody Lean!
  12. Picture of a Loyal Klingon crew when making a negative report to their superiors. "who is responsible for this" although........ For some reason it made me think of Kentucy Fried Movie. News scene
  13. "Thank you Lord Vader. The Bleach was begining to burn"
  14. Does this mean that I have to find my uniform top and dust it off? I also have to clean my car for possible passengers... man this trip is sounding like a lot of work..
  15. Ok. I got the Reservation ready.. when do you think they will have the "normal" fan reservations up for the Con? Now to choose if I'll fly in or Drive it from Denver again.. will we need cars in vegas this time?