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Everything posted by Garnoopy

  1. Agreed w/teh color buttons, I'm having trouble telling what has new posts, and what doesn't. And to your second comment Laura, your first reaction, very, whats teh word, oh, there is it, animated. Hehehehe, at least your a doctor and can repair any injures you sustained to yourself when you fell backwards. :(
  2. eekkk Now I'm seeing black text on a really dark background, which is really hard to read. Am I the only one who sees this?
  3. Cool. I like the new design and all, but I just wanted to know, are all the posts gonna be w/this kinda blackishgrey background and white text? I don't know about anyone else, but to much white on black isn't completly pleasant.
  4. Well ya'll, can you see my Avatar now? :(
  5. =/\= Computer Begin Recording =/\= Ensign Garnoopy Personal Log Stardate 50211.15 Well, another day as an engineer. After finishing at the conference, I walked back to the ship with Ensign Suberance, where we discussed the decision that had been made. The Commodore had been acquitted of the crimes he was charged with, but could not be transferred to another command post. As Suberance and I talked, I filled him in on some of the charges, he did not know about other crewmen walking in on the Commodore, who had a knife in his hand and the Consoler was impaled on it. While talking with Suberance, I voiced my concerns about having his as our commanding officer. How do you trust a man, who was found, with a knife in his hand, murdering a commanding officer? It’s going to take time for me to trust the Commodore, but from what I’ve seen, most of the senior officers completely trust him, but I’m not sure yet. He’s to unknown to me. After heading off from Suberance, I went to the cargo bay to check on the arriving supplies. The engineers there explained all supplies had arrived, and handed me a padd containing a list of what we had gotten. I headed down to Lt. Cmdr. Tmaras officer to talk to about this. Lt. Cmdr. Tmara was there, and I filled her in on the engineering supplies, and then I took her up to date on the shuttle repairs. After finishing, I headed off towards shuttle bay two, where I knew a shuttle was sitting that needs help. I installed a set of new isolinar chips in the Griffin, and then began work on the impulse engine manifolds. Unfortunately, after working for a while, an engineer on deck 30 contacted me. Apparently, some one had raised a forcefield and it was preventing them from getting to bio-neural circuitry that they needed to work on. I contacted Lt. Cmdr. Eden and addressed her as a sir, as standard procedure dictates. She must have been, eh hem, rather unpleasant at that moment for she closed the comm. channel before I got any information. I contacted Lt. Cmdr. Roget, who was the Griffin pilot, and talked to her about the forcefield that had been raised. She informed me that she would remove the forcefield as soon as they were done, and contact engineering when she had. I must admit, Lt. Cmdr. Roget was much more helpful than Lt. Cmdr. Eden, who was no help at all. After finishing with the impulse engine, I got a message from the same engineer who talked to me earlier. Apparently, a forcefield had raised and burned his hand. All I could do was groan, and contact Lt. Cmdr. Tmara asking that she keep engineers out of deck 30 jefferies tubes. I must admit, whatever game these security peoples are playing, it could get annoying. Anyways, after reviewing some more logs on the shuttle, my opinion is changing about Lt. Cmdr. Roget, she followed her orders precisely. A mark of a good Starfleet officer. Top that off with how helpful she was after Lt. Cmdr. Eden was so rude to me, and I’m beginning to think my first judgment was very wrong. Anyways, I’m having trouble working on my U.S.S. Enterprise 1701-D model. The paint is being a pain. It’s gonna take a lot longer than I thought, but oh well. =/\= Computer End Recording =/\=
  6. :: Sighs :: Well, ya know what they say! When one commanding officer turns out to be a good guy ( or gal ), another hops in to take their place.
  7. I e-mailed it 2 ya. I just wanted to say.... THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU Hehehe, if that doesn't get my point across, I'll be over tommorow with a sledge hammer to drive it on in. :cool:
  8. Ok, here's my thoughts. It would be aweasome to be able to just upload my avatar to the STSF system files, but..... .....the reason I like my avatar is that no one else can use it. It's unique. And if this forum grows, then others will probabaly use it, which takes away from teh whole reason I like it! Does anyone happen to have, or know of a web hosting service that is really good and will allow me to link an image I upload? Tripod and other big ones won't let me. If you have a hosting service and would be willing to donate 4 KB of space, which is smaller than a small text document, I'd highly appriciate it. Thanks.
  9. =/\= Computer Begin Recording =/\= Ensign Garnoopy Personal Log Stardate 50211.13 Standing on the bridge, I watch the Poy Ambassador, who I firmly believe knows more than he admits to. He sits with arrogance, but I have no choice but to leave him. The Miji ships, which were just sitting there, begin to attack Freedom Station. I immediately assume my post next to Lt. Shamor at tactical. One of the Miji ships begins to fire on us, but does not damage, their weapons did not have the power to according to our sensors. Lt. Shamor used his tactical skill to damage the lead Miji ships shields. I noted the Poy Ambassador yawned as we were under attack. I fumed with the thought that he knew more than we did, but I did not have the time to attempt to persuade him to tell me. My panel showed an energy buildup in the lead Miji ship, and I reported it. Suddenly, that ship fired a plasma torpedo that impacted our shields, shaking the entire ship, nearly throwing me off balance. I held onto the tactical station and yelled out shields had dropped to 20%. I noted my readings and stated that the weapon had been Romulan in design, but I had no time to ponder this, as we were heavily under attack. For no reason I could tell, the enemy vessels weapons had increased in power dramatically, and had remodulated themselves to a commonly known Romulan frequency. Another vessel launched another torpedo, which directly impacted us. Shields dropped 10% and the science station exploded, sending crewmen flying. I rerouted power while hanging on and brought shields back up to 18%. I continued to hang on as we continued to get hit heavily. Lt. Shamor fired expertly and destroyed the lead ship, debris from the ship impacted on the Reaent, and explosions rocked all over the ship. I was flown from my position and smashed into the ground, I pulled myself up quickly, and tapped my panels. Shields had dropped to 8%. I continued to reroute power and brought them back up to 15%. Due to Lt. Shamors ability to fire weapons, the last ship fled the scene. I was dully impressed with his ability, and I complimented his honor in the fight he put up. Lt. Shamor informed me that he was even better in hand-to-hand combat, and I challenged him to a match on the holodeck. I want to see how Lt. Shamor matches my fighting ability. The Poy Ambassador panicked, and demanded to have a channel opened to his government. I escorted him to his quarters where he apparently talked to them. After spending little time in his quarters, he ran out, nearly smashing into me, though his small frame would not have damaged me. He announced he was heading towards the bridge, and I followed quickly. We stepped onto the bridge, where the Ambassador announced that he was going to transport to Freedom Station. He exclaimed that the Poy government had decided to remove the medication and not give it to the Miji, which was apparently “planned from the beginning”. Suddenly, the Ambassador whipped around, and jumped into the turbolift. I followed, having to quickly move away from talking with Lt. Shamor. The Commander ordered me to hold the turbolift, for the Ambassador had attempted to get away without answering the Commander’s question. The Ambassador explained that this plan had been in place since before the Federation had gotten themselves involved. Obviously, his government had no honor and did not care what happened to others; either that, or the Miji did something extremely horrid years ago. I escorted the Ambassador to his quarters, wondering why their government would dishonor themselves in such a way. The Ambassador packed in his quarters, and we headed towards transporter room one. After arriving in the transporter room, I contacted Lt. Shamor who informed me that I needed authorization from the Captain to transport the Ambassador. I did so, and the Captain informed me that the Ambassador could not transport. Obviously, the Captain was holding the Ambassador. The Ambassador immediately protested, and ran over to the transporter pad. I locked out the transporter immediately, and the Ambassador growled, and pulled out a hypospray. He injected me with it, like the nuch (coward) he is. I gasped, and slammed my hand down on the Ambassadors shoulder, hoping that I’d QIH (damage) him severely enough to knock him out. I collapsed onto the floor, hitting with a thud. The Ambassador screamed from the pain, the last thing I heard before I passed out. I hoped that I had rIQmoH (injured) him severely. A while later, I awoke, extremely hazy. I managed to hit my communicator, and contacted security, informing to stop the ambassador at all costs. I contacted Lt. Shamor, telling him to shut down transporters. And then, feeling ill, I contacted sickbay, saying only medical emergency before passing out on the floor again. Obviously over exerting myself due to the toxin I had been injected with. =/\= Computer End Recording =/\=
  10. =/\= Computer Begin Recording =/\= Ensign Garnoopy Duty Log Stardate 50211.13 Situated on the bridge, I continued to watch the Poy Ambassador. He was completely unconcerned with the situation, and was completely arrogant. The Miji ships began to fire upon the station and upon the USS Reaent, I assumed the TAC station next to Lt. Shamor. At first, the Miji ships did not damage out shields. Captain Fred ordered we fire upon the Miji ships attacking us, and Lt. Shamor did, moderately damaging their shields. The Poy Ambassador continued to sit, and even yawned with boredom at this exchange of fire. Unfortunately, I was to distract to pay much attention to him. Lt. Shamor began to fire torpedoes at the closets ship, but at this point, I noted an energy buildup in the ship closets to us. Shortly thereafter, they fired a kind of plasma torpedo that had a direct impact on our shields. The ship shoot tremendously, and if I hadn’t held onto the TAC station, I would have been thrown to the ground. Speaking loudly, I exclaimed shields had dropped to 20%, and tapped panels attempting to figure out what happened to the other ship. After looking at me readings, I proclaimed that the weapon they had used was Romulan in design. The Reaent continued to rock with hits, as the enemy vessels power to their main weapon systems had increased dramatically. One of the enemy vessels launched another torpedo, which hit the ship. Shields fell to 10%, and the science station exploded sending crewmen flying. Somehow, power was rerouted to our shields, brining them up to 18%. The ship continued to rock as we received continual hits. One of the enemy vessels fired one last torpedo before partially exploding. Part of the ship directly impacted the Reaent, explosions rock the ship. I fall into Lt. Shamor, and hit the ground. I manage to right myself, and discover shields were at 8%. I rerouted power to shield and weapon systems as fast as I could, shield were restored to 15%. Due to Lt. Shamors tactical ability, the last ship fled the scene, and I complimented him on his honor in fighting. Lt. Shamor informed me he that I should see him do 1 to 1 combat, and we challenged each other to a fight in the holodeck at some more uneventful time. I was ordered to report the Poy Ambassador to his quarters, which I proceeded to attempt to do so. He screamed to Cmdr. Ridire that he did not need an escort, but the Cmdr insisted, and I accompied the Ambassador to his quarters where I waited outside. Only seconds after the Ambassador entered his quarters, eh reversed course and nearly ran into me on his way out. He exclaimed he wanted to go the bridge, and I informed him that I would accompany him. He walked onto the bridge, and informed everyone that he wished to be moved to Freedom Station, I watched him closely. The Ambassador announced to all that the Poy government had decided to remove the medication and not give it to the Miji, which was apparently “planned from the beginning”. The Ambassador whipped around, and jumped into the TL. I jumped into the TL, and the Cmdr. ordered me to hold it, I proceeded to do so. The Cmdr. repeated his question to the Ambassador, and the Ambassador replied telling us that the plan had been there since before the Federation had come into the situation. I escorted the Ambassador to his quarters where he packed to be transported to Freedom Station. After a few moments, he was packed, and I informed Lt. Shamor that we were on our way to TR1. We arrived in TR1, and the Ambassador immediately got onto the TP. Lt. Shamor informed me I needed to request authorization from the Captain to transfer the Ambassador. I proceeded to do so, and the Captain informed me that I did not have authorization at that moment. I informed the Ambassador of this, and he jumped down and ran over to the transporter panel where he proceeded to attempt to set up a transport. I immediately locked out TR1 to anyone without security authorization code. The Ambassador growled at this, and he proceeded to inject me with a hypospray of some chemical. I gasped, and smashed my hand down, with Klingon strength, on the Ambassadors shoulder bone. I proceeded to collapse onto the floor, unconscious. A while later, I woke up, extremely hazy. I hit my communicator, and contacted all security, informing them to stop the Ambassador. I contacted Lt. Shamor, and told him to lock transporters out, and then, feeling sick, I contacted sickbay, saying only medical emergency before collapsing onto the floor, having over exerted myself due to the toxin I was injected with. =/\= Computer End Recording =/\=
  11. ::slips on shades:: :cool: Anyways, it probably does depend on monitor to monitor. If your computer has the brightness/contrast setting higher, it's going to be harder to read. Me personally, I have no problems. But I guess it must really depend on monitor to monitor.
  12. Ok, my opinion: The green text is fine for shorter messages, but if you were to post something really long, then it would strain your eyes. You should try making your text bold if you want to go w/the green lettering, that might help, but I'm not sure. W/the border, thats really up to you. Really depends on what you do w/your text I guess.
  13. =/\= Computer Begin Recording =/\= Ensign Garnoopy Duty Log Stardate 50211.07 Currently on the bridge, I had finished handing out phasers to all crewmen stationed there. I had ordered security officers on all decks to carry phasers, and for them to inform their decks that all personal should carry a phaser. After briefly speaking with Lt. Shamor, I proceeded to check internal sensor systems to ensure security was doing everything right. Briefly thereafter, Lt. Shamor ordered me to make sure that the Poy Ambassador had security. I assigned two security officers and myself to guard his door. I reported to his quarters and informed him of these precautions. The Ambassador had no protests so I left. While heading back to the bridge, I informed Lt. Shamor I had assigned two security guards, and she informed me I should personally also stay with the Ambassador for his protection. I reversed the turbolift and headed back to the Ambassador’s quarters, where I stood for quite some time. Eventually, Lt. Shamor contacted me and informed me that the Ambassador was needed on the bridge. The Ambassador followed me to the turbolift, followed by the two security guards. While in the turbolift, the Ambassador made it clear he was unhappy with Federation officers. After the Ambassador arrived on the bridge, I proceeded to monitor internal security systems while talking with Lt. Shamor about the Ambassador’s reactions. While talking with Lt. Shamor, the Ambassador seemed very ignorant and sure of himself to a point of arrogance. He refused to cooperate in any way to help the dieing Miji, and seemed very unconcerned with his safety considering there were three Miji ships preparing for battle. The Ambassador still did not show any concern when the three Miji ships opened fire on the station, which was odd because the medicine, which is their bargaining chip, was on it. =/\= Computer End Recording =/\=
  14. I just got TNG Season 3, Disk 5, and in the very first few minutes of the episode "Allegiance" Captain Picard says they are on their way to rondevue w/the USS Hood! To assit w/their terriforming efforts. Kinda cool for a Constitution class starship. :)
  15. Sry, I've seen every single TNG disk up to Season 3, Disk 5, but I've never seen Season 1, Disk 1! I've never seen the beginning of TNG unfortunetly. :( I'm going to watch Tin Man tommorow, so I'll see what you mean there.
  16. =A= Computer Begin Recording =A= Ensign Garnoopy Personal Log Stardate 50210.02 Ahh, another day on the job, more work to do. Anyways, I’ve been working in the shuttle non-stop, well, except for my little visit to sickbay, but I’ll tell you about that later. The shuttle is still heavily damaged. I’ve replaced all 14 damaged bio-neural packs and I’ve upgraded the bio-neural packs to help compensate for power fluctuations while I’m repairing the shuttle. It should be very helpful. The deflector repair crew is moving along, they should finish with it soon, but the hull repair team is having more trouble. A Lt. Roget, who flew the shuttle, damaged the hull more than she could have ever expected, and from what I’ve found in the shuttle database, it was her own fault. She apparently fired a torpedo and close range to the shuttle, and detonated without thinking about the effects the shockwave would have on the Griffen. I can’t seem to figure out the details on this point though, so all I can do is assume the Lt. wasn’t paying attention. I’m going to keep looking into this and talk to a few crewmen in my time off. Back to the shuttle repairs though, I have completely fixed the life support systems. And all diagnostics say they are in tiptop condition. After finishing that, I ran a weapon diagnostic, and that dropped my mood. The shield generator is offline, and severely damaged. I’m in the process of repairing it. Torpedoes are offline, and only one phaser bank works. It’s going to take a while to repair all of this. And the exciting part of my day, I ran an engineering sealing replicator over my right index finger, fusing the muscle to the bone. Of course, I didn’t know that but a new doctor, and Ensign Suberance, informed me of my mishap. A nice new doc, he should fit in great, and he was very helpful in repairing my finger. Of course, he did have to inform me that I was in good enough shape to go back to work, but everyone has at least one fault. ::Chuckles:: Well, I returned to the shuttle bay, and I’m currently in the process of finishing up that shield generator. So much work, so little time. Oh yes, I forgot. While working on the shuttle, I treated myself to some 22-century music for enjoyment. The rest of the crew gets shore leave while we’re at this space station apparently, but since I’m required, I don’t get it. ::Sighs:: Oh well, I did enjoy the music at least, made my day a little more fun. The model I’m still working on, I just can’t get this paint right. It’s going to take a little longer than I thought. The replicator is being a pain; I’m going to have to work on that in some other free time when I have it. Other than that, she’s going great. =A= Computer End Recording =A=
  17. Eh hem, as I recall, I didn't insult anything. And also, I said something in > which means the message wasn't apart of the sim.
  18. Webmaster- I have a suggestion for your web page. When you click on "Message Boards", you should have the forum war here at STSF more than just a "supplemental message board". That just makes it sound like it is only for other strange situations. My only reason for this is that having it called the "supplemental" board discourages people. Give it a logo, change it's name, but you should do something.
  19. Hey waiiittt a minute. Since when did we get contracts? If we get contracts, does this mean we get paid to? ???
  20. Now I understand Atragon, thanks. What should I post to teh ST boards that I also post here? Duty logs? Personal logs? Thanks for your help.
  21. =A= Computer Begin Recording =A= Ensign Garnoopy Duty Log Stardate 50210.23 I arrived on the USS Reaent today, via transporting over from the USS Valiant. I immediately reported to the bridge and to the CO, Captain Fred. I handed him my orders from Starfleet and he informed me to report to Lt. Shamor who was in the main shuttle bay. I took the turbolift down and headed into the shuttle bay, where I met my department head, the Lt. I mentioned earlier. While in the shuttle bay, I found the helmsman on the USS Reaent is apparently my old friend, Vanroy. I reported to Lt. Mathews and was given orders to patrol the sensitive areas of the ship. I proceeded to do so. After touring engineering, I proceeded to the armory where I discovered no one there. I then headed up towards deck 2 when I was contacted by Lt. Shamor and told to report to transporter room 1, where an Ambassador was due to arrive apparently. After reporting there, I waited until the Captain and Lt. Mathews arrived. The Ambassador was beamed aboard and was extremely rude. While the Captain and the Lt. were in the hallway discussing something, the Ambassador insulted my heritage. After the Ambassador left, Lt. Shamor ordered me to hand out phasers to all crewmen so I proceeded to the armory, collected phasers, and then tool the turbolift to the bridge. I am currently hading out phasers on the bridge right now. =A= Computer End Recording =A= =A= Computer Begin Recording =A= Ensign Garnoopy Personal Log Stardate 50210.23 I beamed aboard the USS Reaent, from the USS Valiant today, and immediately surveyed my surroundings. The Ambassador class starship is old, but it is an extremely worth ship to serve on. I proceeded to the bridge to meet the Captain, and I handed him my orders from Starfleet Command. The Captain looked like he did not have much patience for new crewmen, which leaves me to wonder how well he knows his crew. He ordered me to report to my department head, a Lt. Shamor in the main shuttle bay. I proceeded to the turbolift and headed towards the shuttle bay. After arriving I found the Lt. in the shuttle bay with Ensign Vanroy, a friend whom I met in the Academy. Unfortunately, Vanroy apparently forgot my Klingon ways and attempted to high-five me in front of my department head. I could have broken his hand with one twist, but I restrained myself. Lt. Shamor assigned me to patrol the sensitive areas of the ship, which I was more than willing to do. I need to learn the layout of the ship in more detail so I do not get lost. Engineering was empty, so I headed to the Armory, which was also empty. While heading towards Deck 2, Lt. Shamor ordered me to Transporter Room 1 to await an Ambassador who was arriving. The Captain and Lt. Shamor arrived shortly after I got to transporter room 1, and the Ambassador was beamed aboard, a most ugly creature. The Ambassador was extremely rude, and while the Captain and the Lt. were not in the room, he insulted my heritage. If it were not for my Starfleet training I would have broken his neck at that very instant for such an insult. The Ambassador was extremely rude and insulting to the Captain, and left very abruptly. Afterwards, Lt. Shamor expressed concern over what the Ambassador would do to get his supplies. I offered my viewpoint, and she assigned me to hand out phasers to all crewmen, which I am currently in the process of doing. =A= Computer End Recording =A=
  22. Pssttt.... anyone..... who's Mr. T?? ???
  23. Hmmm, I only remember one Q line which I liked. Q to Janeway: You mean you'd put this delicate issue in to your small hands, so soft they are to.
  24. Anyone know when Voyager DVD's are coming out? Ensign Garnoopy USS Manticore NCC-5852
  25. Cool, a Bolian. Hope to have some fun doing things on the Manticore w/you. Oh, I just wanted to ask, how old are you? I mean, you put when you were born, but My head doesn't compute stardates very well still, I'm trying to integrate it as we speak into my normal date patterns.