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Everything posted by Garnoopy

  1. :: Smiles :: Welcome Marsovac. You can join the Academy by just attending an Academy sim in the Holodeck at ST.com. If you click on "Schedule" at the top of the forum in the menu selection area, you can see when the Academy sims are. Just show up then, and you'll be in the Academy.
  2. :: wonders if we stuck A9 and the Webmaster in a pit, who would come out alive :: Now there is something I'd pay to see!
  3. =/\= Computer Begin Recording =/\= Lieutenant Jg. Garnoopy Personal Log Stardate 50301.14 :: sighs :: Today has not been one of my better days it seems. We couldn’t beam up the away team from the surface, leaving them trapped in enemy hands. The doctor, Ensign Suberance was a good man, I can only hope he survives, though I don’t know what this Colonel Kurtz will do. I never knew Colonel Eason, but she apparently probably knew what she was doing, though with them being trapped and all :: pauses :: I can’t be sure. I assigned Ensign Ganner, one of the two new Engineering assistants to work with science to get through that annoying dampening field that is keeping us from beaming up the away team. I’m truly hoping that we can get the crewmembers in time, it would not be a good day if we lost them. :: shakes head, clearing thoughts :: Anyways, I believe if we can get the right frequency modulation, we can fly a shuttle down and beam them out of their captor’s hands. The Manticore could never get close enough, unless we shut down the entire dampening field, which might be possible, but I doubt that will happen. Unless of course science and Ganner come up with a better solution, I certainly hope they do. Apparently, the Commodore is preparing to send a shuttle down at some point, the Griffin. Unfortunately, the Griffin hadn’t been tested yet after its near complete reconstruction. Lt. Jg. Precip, Ensign McFly, and myself went to test her out. Apparently, Ensign McFly is new to security, and from what I can tell, knows nothing about piloting a shuttle. While I preformed the checklist, McFly attempted to take the shuttle up and out with Precip supervising, he has no idea what he is doing. He couldn’t figure out where any of the alert status buttons were, and definitely showed us the inertial dampers were working when he flipped the shuttle around several times. He also managed to fire phasers accidentally, which I don’t know how you could do. Thankfully, I removed his control of the weapon systems before he did any damage to anything. Oh, and top that off with he didn’t even wanna test the shuttle out, he wanted to go and have coffee. Talk about loyalty to crewmen who need his help. The shuttle is in peak performance, transporters work wonderfully. Like I said, if we get close enough with a shuttle, remodulate the signal beam to the right frequency, we can beam the crewmen out hopefully. It’ll require some pretty precise transporter work, but it can be done. And since the shuttle is in peak performance, and I repaired her, I know everything on it will work out wonderfully. :: stretches :: Currently, Precip, McFly, and myself are on our way back to the Manticore to dock and see what Lt. Cmdr. Roget and Commodore A9 want to be done to get the away team back, I hope whatever we do, we do it soon. =/\= Computer End Recording =/\=
  4. :: slams on breaks throughing entire ship of people forward :: Your REALLY gonna blow up Cardassia and the station?
  5. :: looks utterly and completely lost :: Can someone explain to me whats going on with this Shore Leave 25 thingy?
  6. ---FILE INFO--- Biography on Lieutenant Junior Grade Garnoopy Last updated: 50301.07 ---BASIC INFORMATION--- Name: Garnoopy Race: Terran (Human) Marital Status: Single Age: 21 Earth Years Height: 190.5 cm Weight: 78 kg Hair: Blonde Eyes: Blue Place of Birth: Earth ---SERVICE INFORMATION--- Rank: Lieutenant Junior Grade Ship Assignment: USS Manticore, NCC-5852 Post Assignment: Engineer/Transporter & Control Crafts Specialists ---BIOGRAPHY--- Ensign Garnoopy was born in the infamous town of Riverside, Iowa; the birthplace of Captain James T. Kirk. He grew up hearing the tales of Starfleet officers who came to see where the famous Captain had been born. Apparently, Garnoopy loved to hear these tales. He wanted to join Starfleet as soon as he could, and he wanted to be assigned to a ship. Garnoopy worked extremely hard at school and excelled in everything he was given, especially challenges. Garnoopy was never one who liked to accept that he couldn’t understand something. After going through high school, Garnoopy applied to Starfleet academy on Stardate 50209.18, and he was accepted on 50209.20. Garnoopy immediately immersed himself in the Academy, and decided in his second year to major in engineering systems. Engineering was the most complicated area that Garnoopy faced, and the challenges to attempt to learn engineering systems was far more difficult than any other area to Garnoopy. Garnoopy was particularly fascinated by starship circuitry. Bio-neural circuitry was the most complex piece of equipment on a starship, because it could do so much and be so small and intricate, it was fascinating to Garnoopy. In his fourth year, for his final essay in engineering, Garnoopy proposed that by using bio-neural circuitry, and combining it with specially selected genes of alien DNA, you could speed up response time by 10-25%. Garnoopy proceeded to illustrate this theory on the Academy holodeck where he managed to, in one bio-neural pack, increase the response time by 4%. Naturally, this was nothing as complex as a complete starship full of bio-neural packs, but it did earn Garnoopy 2 honors in engineering circuitry systems for outstanding knowledge in the field and opened a whole new theory into bio-neural circuitry in the Federation. Garnoopy graduated from the Academy on Stardate 50210.02 top of his class. Due to his honors and graduating position, it was recommended by the Academy board that Garnoopy be assigned to a high-ranking starship. Ensign Garnoopy was then assigned to the USS Manticore, NCC-5852, on Stardate 50210.08 where he is currently serving. ---STARFLEET SERVICE RECORD--- 50209.20 – Entered Starfleet Academy 50210.02 – Graduated Starfleet Academy 50210.08 – Assigned to USS Manticore, NCC-5852 as Ensign 50210.14 – Reported for duty on USS Manticore, NCC-5852 50301.06 - Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant Junior Grade
  7. =/\= Computer Begin Recording =/\= Ensign Garnoopy Personal Log Stardate 50301.10 Conditions have only slightly improved for the away team. They are still trapped on a planet with an abandoned Romulan station. Not a wise position to be in. The storm has dissipated near the surface, but continues to rage in the upper atmosphere, making a shuttle launch from the planet impossible. We are still unable to contact them, and a transporter lock is barely stable. We can only estimate how long it will be until the storm completely dissipates, so the away team is still on their own. While monitoring sensors, we picked up a Romulan station marker, as old as the station. The beacon has no offensive weaponry, and is out of range of the Romulan empires communication systems, so it is unlikely that it has been in contact with them since they apparently abandoned this sector. We have transported the beacon into cargo bay one, it should provide us with sensor data on this system and maybe some insight into the storms on the planet. :: grunts :: I visited sickbay today. After the Poy Ambassador drugged me, I have been experiencing a headache. The pain is dealt with easily, but the doctor ordered me to report in if it did not go away by now. I would not have reported if it weren't for that. Apparently, I am having some form of allergic reaction to the drug. The doctor was surprised I have lived long enough to have a reaction. She gave me something for the pain, it is helping only a small bit, but the pain is easily dealt with. I have been ordered to report in tomorrow if the pain is still there. =/\= Computer End Recording =/\=
  8. =/\= Computer Begin Recording =/\= Lieutenant Jg. Garnoopy Personal Log Stardate 50301.10 :: smiling :: I am so excited, I've been promoted! I'm now a Lieutenant Junior Grade! I am just, well, happy. :: chuckles :: It is an odd feeling to have the pip, I feel, well, like I'm no longer the new Ensign on the ship. :: nods :: Definitely an odd feeling, but I do like it! I have been informed of a new Ensign in engineering, someone by the name of Bokrah. He is apparently a warp propulsion specialist, and the info I also got told me he's Romulan. I'm sure security will be keeping an eye on them, and I'll make sure to keep him away from the shuttles. I wouldn't want him to get harmed the first week on the job cause he messed around with security's shuttles. Ah, yes, and the shuttles. The Griffin stills need to be taken for a test flight, I really must talk to Lt. Cmdr. Roget about that again. Though I doubt now is the time, we just beamed her up from the planet without Colonel Eason and Dr. Suberance. I'm attempting to get the rest of the away team up with the shuttle via the transporters, but it doesn't look good right now. We'll just have to see I guess. I've been continuing my research into exactly what happened with the Commodore at the Counsel member, but information is hard to find on the Manticore. I'm unable to access most of the files, so I'm really not sure what to believe. I'll do a little more looking, and then I'll give up I guess. He is a Starfleet officer, so I must assume at heart, he is a good and trustworthy man. I only hope I'm not making a wrong assumption. =/\= Computer End Recording =/\=
  9. :: chuckles :: I noted your having your bday today, well HAPPY BIRTHDAY You've hit the big ol' 3 digits, your 100 years old now according to the forum. :: chuckles ::
  10. =/\= Computer Begin Recording =/\= Ensign Garnoopy Personal Log Stardate 50301.03 How do you trust a man with your life when you cannot be certain if he took the life of another innocent man? This line has been going through my mind a lot lately, about the Commodore. I'm not sure what to think in truth. On the one hand, the Commodore is a Starfleet officer. Starfleet officers are supposed to uphold the rules and laws of the Federation, yet there were witnesses, who found the Commodore with a knife, in his hand, and the knife had just murdered another Starfleet officer. If they are both, or at least, were at the time both honorable Starfleet officers, how can this have happened? It does not seem to fit together. And then, the Manticore going on a full blown mission just to prove the Commodore is innocent, almost seems like the Commodore was desperate to get evidence he needed, to prove a dead man framed him. :: sighs :: It is all very confusing, and to on a daily basis, follow the orders of a man who was not exactly proven completely innocent, is, well, kinda unnerving in some ways. I'm still trying to find out more about the whole situation, but I may have to eventually just trust the man, and believe what the senior officers say, that he is a good leader. :: pause in talking :: Anyways, I’ve been doing research into improving the bio-neural circuitry on the Manticore, and I headed down to medical to talk with them about DNA codes so I could extract genetic sequences from them to help speed up response time. My theory has been that by adding specified gene sequences from DNA codes I could help the bio-neural systems interact at a fast rate, speeding up response time and helping them to be less fragile for when systems were damaged and power fluctuations were occurring. I needed to talk to medical because I do not have the expertise to extract the gene sequences, and medical would know which ones work best. Well, I told Cmdr. Jami about it in sickbay, and she responded by saying that on any other ship I could proceed with my research, but not on the Manticore. Apparently, from what she said, there is a crewmember on board the USS Manticore, or more than one crewmember, that’s has his or her DNA classified. Apparently, due to this, I am not allowed to see any crewmembers DNA codes, even with security and Cmdr. Jami there making sure I don’t do anything illegal with it. Because of one or two crewmembers having this, or maybe even more, I can’t use anyone’s DNA. :: sighs :: What in the world could be in a DNA pattern that could be classified? Is someone not whom they seem? Every time I’m thinking I’m getting to know most of the details of this little ol’ ship, something new surprises me that I wasn’t expecting. I’ve been given authorization to play around with the shuttle bio-neural packs, but I have to leave the ship alone. And I’m not aloud to use anyone’s DNA or any gene sequences in my updates. I’m happy to get to at least play around with those packs, but I’m still limited without being able to research into the field of upgrading the packs with gene sequences. Oh well. =/\= Computer End Recording =/\=
  11. :: Chuckles :: For some, it is not a New Year yet. However, in CST I am happy to say it is a new year, and, I get to use a new stardate! Yay! HAPPY STARDATE 50301.01!!!
  12. WARNING: INFO ON NEW BOND FILM. DON'T READ IF YOU DON'T WANT ANY INFO ON IT UNTILL YA SEE IT Spoiler (Highlight to Read): I just saw the new movie, Die Another Day, absolutely AWEASOME MOVIE! My opinion, BEST ONE YET! It did start out on one heck of a depressing note, James getting tortured and all though. I mean, not like any other Bond movie. However, I was mostly worried about Q. I mean, how do you replace teh best character in the films? He was great, and they did a great job replacing him with John Cleese. He was really funny. But, the highlight of the movie was when Monny Punny is in that holodeck thingy, and James sets her on the desk and starts kissing her. And then, Q walks in and she's lying on the floor of the holodeck, with her blouse unbuttoned! I couldn't stop laughing! Any opinions on the movie ya'll? I loved it, but whatcha think? If you've seen it, whats your fav. part? NOTE: This message has been edited by Webmaster to cover up the spoiler text. If you wish to read it, please highlight the appropriate spot with your mouse. That way those who do not wish to see it will not accidently catch glimpses of it.
  13. =/\= Computer Begin Recording =/\= Ensign Garnoopy Personal Log Stardate 50212.29 Well, there I was, on the bridge, talking with Captain Sovak. I suggested that we try modifying a tricorder to see what signals those strange building might be giving off, but he dismissed the idea. I don’t see why it wouldn’t work, but I’m not in command of this ship so it isn’t exactly my decsion. Anyways, I headed down south to Engineering, where I discussed the bio-neural packs with Lt. Cmdr. Tmara. I explained how that by altering the bio-neural gene sequences in the packs, by adding specified DNA sequences I might be able to upgrade the packs so when the Manticore takes hits, the packs will help to compensate for power fluctuations caused by damage in systems. I was given permission to proceed with holodeck tests and then report my findings to Lt. Cmdr. Tmara. I’m hoping this works. It would be a wonderful addition to the ship, which the Manticore, nor any other Starfleet vessel, has. I headed up to the holodeck, to begin my tests, when the ship went to Red Alert. :: sighs :: Naturally, I had to head back to Engineering. Unfortunately, I was not informed that there was a transporter issue going on at the time, so I had no idea I was needed in the Transporter Room. By the time I found out everyone was having problems transporter peoples, I arrived to late. I’m currently hoping to cut through the problems we’re having and beam the shuttle back up. :: Pauses :: Oh, and the rest of the away team. :: Chuckles :: Can’t forget them. =/\= Computer End Recording =/\=
  14. What skirts are you talking about? Are you talking about the dress uniforms?
  15. Hmmmm.... here's my suggestion. Try to log into the holodeck, and walk away from your comp. If you see the window open, and the gray where the chat room should be, just leave it. Come back in 15 minutes. If it isn't loaded, then your not having the same problem I had. Try it, what have you got to loose?
  16. Just happened to look down on teh forum, and I noticed it's lightning's birthday, and that he's 99! Amazing. HAPPY BIRTHDAY
  17. :: Chuckles :: Ok, ok, I can see I'm getting yelled at for not carrying the movie ones from ST II - ST VI. I was only including uniforms that had been in a series, besides, I think all the movie ones from ST II - ST VI were weird anyways. :)
  18. Actually, the Voyager uniforms were the official uniforms of DS9 before they got the new ones which are used in the movies. :: Chuckles :: So, their tailors just happened to be in the alpha quadrant. I never did understand though that why when Voyager finially contacted Starfleet, why they didn't change to the new uniforms. Probabaly to expensive for the show's producers and paramount.
  19. Ahhh, yes, everyone wants to recruit an Ensign drinking illegal Romulan ale. :) Someone call teh JAG officer!
  20. Hehehe, this is the 500th post to this forum! I gotta admit, when we reached 250 posts, i thought that was neat, but this is even better! I'm honored to be able to be apart of the forum.
  21. I used to have that problem, it would take like 5-10 minutes just to load the room. I dunno, it just went away for me.
  22. :: waves in the air brocher given to him by A9 during sim.... "Reasons to violate the prime directive" ::
  23. :: hopes no one gets anything on dac's shoes while going after the webmaster ::
  24. :: Cough Cough:: Manticore :: Cough Cough
  25. I voted for First Contact. Sry to Generations, Insurrection, and Nemisis lovers but First Contact was an aweasome movie. It had everything a trek film needed, a great plot, aweasome action scenes, hand to hand combat, cool technology, the near destruction of the Ent E in a plausable situation, and it had to be in a film, it couldn't be in a 2 parter series set on tv. My ranking goes as follows : First Contact Insurrection Generations Nemisis Now, this rank will change over time, Nemisis needs time to sink in for me. I hated all but First Contact when I saw the films, but now I love em all. Soon I shall love Nemisis 2.