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Posts posted by Garnoopy

  1. Hey there,just a quick comment...A9,along with the digital camera,I know

    someone whom will be in attendance shall be bringing the portable printer

    along with him to gather memories for blac....errrrrr....to share

    We all share pictures via e-mail after the trip since most of them are digital. The scary ones get locked up in a safe somewhere, oh, wait, that's all of them. ^_^

  2. Both episodes focused on non-senior staff (a departure from the Trek norm) and thus I found particularly interesting since I had just become a member of STSF.

    Another good episode regarding non-senior staff would be "A Good Shepard" Voyager, Season 6. It entails a story of crewmembers who are not considered "Starfleet" material anymore, so, Janeway takes them on an away mission that goes astray in hopes that she can get them back up to par.

  3. I was browsing the news and found this article on msn.com:


    Top Dating Tips for 2006

    By the Astrocenter Team


    Valentine's Day may be the most romantic day of the year. But are you ready to make 2006 your most romantic year yet? With the help of astrology, you can drastically increase your chances of finding the love of your life in the next 12 months.


    The following astrologically inspired dating are intended to help guide you through 2006 in the realm of dating and romance. The best of love and luck to you and yours!



    (March 20 - April 18)

    Expect an old flame to be back in your life as soon as February, with roses in one hand, candy in the other, and their tail between their legs. Your Top Dating Tip for 2006, then, is this: Keep reminding yourself that if it didn't work once, twice is doubtful. If your returning admirer keeps at it all year, your resistance may finally weaken between October and November. That's when Mercury, the ruler of communication, will spend 10 weeks in passionate Scorpio and your house of intimate contacts. Since Mercury usually spends just two weeks in a sign, this unusually long trek means he's out to get your attention, big time. Careful!



    (April 19 - May 19)

    You love nothing more than privacy - and spending a few hours all alone in the company of someone you adore. You'll have more than one chance for that type of scenario during 2006, especially at the start of the year and through March 3, when bold, fiery Mars will wander though your house of personality and appearance. You'll be attracting as much attention as a firecracker, so there's only one pace to go: medium. Keep that fire burning, of course - it'll be great fun - but keep it on simmer. Bet you'll find some company who'll be more than happy to keep that flame going throughout the year.



    (May 20 - June 20)

    After years of dealing with the most intense planet of all in your house of one-to-one relationships - Pluto himself, the astrological "separated-at-birth" twin of Darth Vader, you're understandably pretty darned drained. Well, it won't happen just yet, but this year, you'll be able to lessen Pluto's effects - just a tad, but enough to make it more bearable. To make this happen, follow your Top Dating Tip: Dig, and dig deep. Dig into the past, into your feelings, and into whatever you've been avoiding. Then, resolve not to bury any of those unproductive behaviors again. Okay, so it won't be easy. It's still the best way to get your brand new romance show on the road.



    (June 21 - July 21)

    When it comes to romance, 2006 will provide you with two absolutely wonderful planetary allies: the Moon, your own planet and the ruler of emotions, and loving Venus, who just adores the Moon. Needless to say, you're all set. When it comes to prime time for you to tap into the best of these energies at the same time, look to February 3 through March 5. Your Top Dating Tip is an important one, so pay attention: When you meet someone new, ignore any age differences - ignore any differences, in fact. Concentrate on the commonalities, not the differences. That's what will keep you together.



    (July 22 - August 21)

    This year, let go of the memories of all the crazies the universe sent your way over 2005, regardless of how the introductions occurred. During 2006, if you're a single Lion, you'll have a lot more than relationships to think about - but a good, long-lasting one can't help but be the end result. In a nutshell, honesty will be an issue, especially during June and July. Your mission at that time - and your Top Dating Tip - is to tone down your libido just a little. Yes, we know that's never been easy - but it just might land you in the midst of what you're really after: True Love. Good luck!



    (August 22 - September 22)

    You'll have the mixed blessings of two Eclipses in your sign during 2006. Eclipses are never famous for messing around or doing anything halfway. Be ready to activate your urge to create a new personality or appearance on March 14 and September 22. But on September 7, a Lunar Eclipse will occur in your house of relationships, illuminating all the great things you can bring to partnerships and what you'll expect from them, too. The year will keep you busy on the love front, but these Eclipses? Lions, tigers and bears. Oh, my! Your Top Dating Tip: Be bold, be brave - and then, go get 'em.



    (September 23 - October 22)

    The last time you felt this way, you got married, moved in, or at least spent lots of time talking about it. It's no surprise, then, that since late December 2005 through March 5, 2006, Venus, whose jurisdiction is love, will bring those feelings right back to the forefront of your mind. She'll be in sturdy, practical, and realistic Capricorn, making her way slowly, elegantly, and thoughtfully through your house of emotions. In other words, even if you're beset by "That Feeling" - the one that might prompt you to hop on the next flight to Vegas to find an Elvis look-a-like lover - press the pause button. In other words, your Top Dating Tip is: Stop, look, listen - and wait.



    (October 23 - November 21)

    You probably thought you were busy last year, but that was nothing compared to what's coming up during 2006 - especially during autumn. Remember how you and your friends giggled about getting you a social secretary last year? Well, by late summer of 2006, you'll probably need an entire personal staff just to keep your social life in order. Yes, really. To add to your incredible sexuality, November will bring you five planets and a New Moon, all in your sign in your house of personality and appearance. Your Top Dating Tip: Enjoy it, baby. It's your year!



    (November 22 - December 20)

    For several years, Pluto in your sign has attracted all kinds of new and interesting individuals to your love life and, in the process, has helped you to adapt to any and all new situations. In particular, you've learned to adapt to the strange new people who've come along. There are specific periods you'll want to be on your toes for in 2006. From May 3 through May 29, the lovely lady Venus - the heavens' purveyor of all that's sweet, sentimental, and passionate - will be dashing impetuously through Aries and your house of love affairs. You'll just love it. Your Top Dating Tip: Make the very most of it all, from the temptation to the attention - everything. It's just the way you like it!



    (December 21 - January 18)

    The most helpful Dating Tip you'll receive in 2006 will arrive via Saturn, your very own planet, who advises you to follow-through with your partners in a big way. Saturn is the "Ring-Bearer" himself, the bringer of all things stable, solid, and lasting. He's spent the past seven months in your house of intimate matters, straightening out joint financial affairs you'd been worried sick over and leveling out deep relationship issues. The good news is that he'll stay snuggled up in this private place for the rest of the year, continuing his work by making sure that all promises made - every last one of them - will be kept.



    (January 19 - February 17)

    With Neptune in your house of personality for several years, your urge to take care of "underlings" of all kinds has been turned up on high. You like being known as a friend of the underdog. In fact, the deeper in trouble and the more they need you, the better. Your views about them are usually plastered all over your car, too. You're the reigning royalty of bumper-stickers. Your Top Dating Tip for the year, however, is this: It's fine to lend a couch to your old college buddy who needs a place to crash, or help out at the soup kitchen; but ask yourself if you really want to start dating the folks you're giving a hand to.



    (February 18 - March 19)

    Will 2006 provide you with romance, dear Pisces? Well, for starters, your own planet, Neptune, the most magical, mystical energy of all, is currently functioning at her most potent. That means you can quite literally lure anyone or anything your way with little or no effort. Add in a series of Eclipses (all magical on their own merits) and several planets who'll spend a lot longer than usual tiptoeing delicately through your famously psychic sign, and there's only one Top Dating Tip for the fanciful Fish: Be very, very careful what you wish for, because if you even think about it twice, there's absolutely no doubt that you'll get it.

  4. Personally I think it's not so radical to believe that celestial positions have an effect on your mood, and personality...but I put very little faith in that little tidbit in the newspaper has much validity.

    I suppose it's a question of how much the planets gravity or position might affect our moods. People say that erie things happen when there is a full moon, like lots of births, but do you think that maybe possible something like where the planets are on the 22nd of this month will affect things?

  5. I'm a Tiger! ::growls:: :P


    Tigers may not be the king of the jungle, but these striped cats are no softies! Magnetic and self-possessed, Tigers are born leaders. They have an air of authority that prompts others to fall in line, which is exactly how they like it. Although they are magnetically charming and fun to be around, Tigers like to go it alone sometimes too. A Tiger's main interest is in following its ambitions -- and maintaining control.


    Tigers are courageous beyond compare and generally come out ahead in battle, be it in the boardroom or the bedroom. Seduction is one area where the Tiger is definitely king! Noble and warm-hearted, Tigers have a natural, raw appeal that's extremely attractive to other Signs. They're not just about attraction, though; ever on the side of right, Tigers will fight the good fight to the bitter end if the cause is worthy. Opponents are wise to fear this feline.


    A bit of caution is a good thing around Tigers, since they can pounce without warning. They experience mood swings and often feel things more intensely than others, the latter quality being both good and bad. They can react poorly under stress and are prone to emotional outbursts. This Sign's bristling sensitivity can send friend and foe running for cover.


    A lesson that Tigers would be well-served to learn is "moderation in all things." Once these cats can find their center and direct their considerable energies toward worthwhile endeavors (as opposed to racing through life), they will accomplish much.


    The most compatible match for a Tiger is the Horse or the Dog.

  6. While I dont let astrological signs rule my life, I am usually curious about how they get it right for me

    Is it possible that they don't get it right, but that we find ways to make our life fit to the description? I suppose the only way to tell would be to look at other horoscopes or signs and see if those also describe you. How often do you read up on other signs? Most people are only interested in your own.


    Do you think people mold things that happen in their day to their horoscope or find events in their day that reflected that horoscope?

  7. I rarely put much faith in my daily horoscope reading and I'm not sure how much faith I put in the standard "profile" of my sign, which is a scorpio.


    What sign are you and how much faith do you put in a horoscope? Does your sign describe you? When I do read my horoscope, it's from horoscope.com. According to them, myself, a scorpio, has the following traits:


    Passionate, vibrant, magnetic, perceptive, emotional, sensual, alert, willful, determined, resourceful, purposeful, directed, dominant, ambitious, fearless, committed, intense, but can be obsessive, extreme, vengeful, jealous, spiteful, unforgiving, bully, menacing, possessive, arrogant


    Does your sign description describe you? Or do you think it's a bunch of mumbo jumbo?


    Chief Engineering Officer

    USS Manticore, NCC-5852

    Stardate 50601.29




    I sat down in a conferrable chair in my quarters, wondering what the hell I was going to do next. Here I was, Chief Engineer, onboard the most technically advanced starship in the fleet, and I was fighting with another Chief. Not just squabbling, as could reasonably be explained away by interdepartmental differences of opinions, but literally hand to hand combat.


    Christie Farron was a complete mystery. Where on earth she gets off acting the way she does, as if her department is the most important onboard the ship. Purposely and willfully going out of her way to ###### me off. There has to be an explanation, what I ever did to her I don’t know. As far as I can remember, there has never been a good reason for the differences of opinions.


    Perhaps it was all some subconscious mumbo jumbo as a psychologist would say, or as Counselor Roget would put it, perhaps we’re just life enemies. Is that possible? Most people have a life partner; can you have a life enemy? Is Christie my life enemy?


    If so, why do I have this nagging feeling inside that there is something more there than someone I want to disembowel with my bare hands? Perhaps I’m ignoring my inner feelings due to the overload of work onboard. Is there something more to the currently established battle ongoing with Christie?


    The thought that I’m going crazy is passing through my head, something more with Farron? Never. I must be insane. Someone needs to remind me to jump off a cliff the next time we come across one. I’ve already fought with her verbally a dozen times and physically twice, coming out of both instances needing medical treatment. That kind of repertoire was in no way showing that there was anything more than pure hatred between us two.


    What happens next I’m not sure. Captain Sovak already gave us a verbal beating and a reprimand on our permanent records. That kind of stain doesn’t bode well if you want to continue moving up the ranks. How are we supposed to get along without killing each other? I wondered if it was possible that we could work together peacefully, then dismissed the idea. It’d never happen.


    For now, I need to figure out how the heck I’m supposed to live on the same ship with that woman.

  9. Yes, but the wake shouldn't have actually existed. You either go back in time, or you don't, and changes would be made immediately (since the actual changes were taking place years and years in the past). Their idea of getting the Enterprise-E back in time was just a little far-fetched for me. Sure, the idea of the wake plot makes sense, but it doesn't make sense why the wake exists there to begin with. :blink:

    "The future is the past, the past is the future, it all gives me a headache." ~ Captain Kathryn Janeway

  10. I think it would be helpful to have more information about the ships available to the general STSF public. I know most of the ships have websites, but they all contain varying amounts of information. I'm talking about information that would be useful to new people coming in that are trying to choose a sim.

    Actually, we had a Simulation of the Month web page for a while that covers exactly what you are talking about. It had a plot summary and player reviews. Gave you idea what the sim was about.

  11. Hey there,


    Strongly disagree. Flights into Orlando cost, on average, about the same as any going to Las Vegas. Orlando is acting as one of the most active airports in the United States at present. In regard to hotels, again, rates are comparable with Vegas or even less depending.

    I'm with you Fred. Flights into Orlando International are cheaper than almost any other location around. On a regular basis (Not just a lucky stumble upon) I've found flights into Chicago, New York, and Washington DC for round trip, $120. You just need to know what airline to fly.


    USA3000.com offers fairs (it's a low cost airline) round trip for that low price of $120. Just a matter of searching.


    And then, you can find even cheaper fairs if you fly into Sanford, FL, which is like flying into Midway, Chicago instead of O'Hare, Chicago, or flying into Newark, NJ instead of JFK, New York.

  12. Well the Google images are not up to date and don't zoom in as much?

    Oh yeah, you look around, and you can find some very distinguishing features as to when the images were taken. Most of the images around my area are at least two years old, if not older. You can tell because certain buildings are under construction and that gives you an exact pinpoint date.


    This is a cool program, but the images are dated slightly.

  13. anybody make up their

    own classes? (if there is another thread about this, or if someone wants to start a separate one thats fine)

    You know, I was in a Outlet KB Toys a year or so back and found this program by pure accident that had a variety of trek programs in it, including the Star Trek TNG Engineering Manual, Star Trek Captain's Chair, and a program called Starship Creator. I could never get the program to work though it always looked interesting. If I can find it, I'll see if I might be able to get the thing running.

  14. I think that everyone is entitled to their own opinion, and whether or not you find a ship to look good/bad is something that is unique to you.


    I used to think that the Galaxy class starships were unattractive, given that their "neck" was so long, but over time it has grown on me. I am less fond of the Soverign class starships as they seem like someone took the ship and stretched it out. Like silly puddy.


    Although I think that Intrepid has one of the better looking designs to it, I think that it was underused for "maneuverability" during the Voyager series. You find that the Intrepid was supposed to be designed for fast and tight turns, but you rarely got to see that. Verses the Defiant class starship that you always got to see some great action shots in.


    Someone on this forum once stated the Steamrunner looks like a shovelhead, and I agree. I don't recall though what the actual design of the Steamrunner was. ST Armada makes it out to be a long range torpedo launcher. As I look around I realize I have no clue where my ST Encyclodpedia is, so I have no way to find out what the offical purpose of it was. Someone should pull that up if they have time.

  15. I also wonder how long the competition would last. A GM, or specified someone, would be required to read, say, up to 20 logs a week for this contest and then "judge" them in his/her own opinion as to the quality of the log. That's time consuming. Who are you going to find that can commit that kind of time on a regular basis?


    Other ideas that have come up on this board that were great, and required far less time, fell to the victim of the person who was judging them simply running out of time. The simulation of the month and simmer of the month is a prime example. It was a great idea that we were all for and loved, but if the person on the other end doesn't have time, what can you do? Real life has to come first. Those items were small in comparison to what is being proposed here.

  16. Does anyone know where you can find that clip, from the TNG DVD's, where Picard has a hat and cane and is singing on the bridge? I don't remember what season it was, maybe the first? But it was hilarious to see and I wonder if someone had *cough* backed *cough* it up and put it online.

  17. I'm from Chicago.  The closest person that I've met is 1 1/2 hours away (name omitted to protect the innocent)

    I can definitely confirm that person is no longer innocent after meeting you Moose. ;-)


    I used to live 1 1/2 hours away from Chicago, however, I have relocated to Florida. I live about an hour northwest of Orlando. Love it, Florida is great. Illinois is great to, but the warmer weather in what I used to consider cold months is great.