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Everything posted by Garnoopy

  1. I was browsing through calenders the other day and I came across this one which was very odd but contained some intresting questions. I present some of those questions to you here and now. Think about them, it can be a tricky decision at some points. Would you rather. . . Have to use a toilet that is unbelievably filthy and gross OR use one that's clean but has half a dozen small jumping fish in it? Be boiled alive gradually like a lobster OR frozen slowly like a popsicle? Swim across a crocodile-infested river OR camp one night on an island inhabited by man-eating tigers? Know what your lover says behind your back OR not know? Like a cow's entire face, including eyelids, nostrils, and "lips" OR shovel cow dung for eight straight hours? Be on the FBI's Ten Most Wanted list for a year OR be a deer during hunting season? Loose your eyes OR your arms? Frequently be misunderstood OR have most people not even bother to listen? Have one eye with a yellow iris and one eye with a red iris OR have both irises totally black? Navigate through life always wearing 3-D glasses OR a milk mustache? Be caught in the path of an elephant breaking wind OR sit on a porcupine?
  2. Lieutenant Commander Garnoopy Chief Engineer Lieutenant Spencer Goad Chief Science Officer Joint Log Stardate 50401.09 “Silver Fever” Garnoopy stepped into the large shuttle which had been fitted with the science module. He glanced around, then moved over to a panel, "Come on in Lieutenant, she appears to be in one piece even after time traveling with this ship." "That's a good thing..." Spencer replied as stepped into the shuttle. Garnoopy chuckled while activating main power, "She'll get us down there and back." Spencer smiled as he started to check on the shuttle's main science systems, "Remind me again... what is the exact type of material we are looking for down there?" "Silver. The exact compound is on this padd,” Garnoopy said as he leaned over and set the padd he had been holding next to Spencer. "Shouldn't be too hard to find... Earth had, err, does have plenty of this around in 2600bc. " Spencer said while leaning back to watch the systems finish powering up. Garnoopy leaned against the engineering panel as the computer preformed a level 3 diagnostic of systems, "That's good. Without the silver we're not going anywhere anytime soon." Spencer picked up the padd, reading a few more of the details, "Of course I have to find us someplace to go. At this point all my simulations keep coming up as dead ends. Warp power will be necessary I'm sure though" "I'm sure you'll find a way to get us home" Garnoopy said. The panel behind him beeped and he turned, but continued talking, "To get that warp drive though, we need this silver. Who do we want to drag along with us on this mission to ancient Earth?" "Well, I think we need 4 or 5 people, especially since we plan on doing some drilling. My folks are mostly busy with this temporal problem, and I'm sure yours are with the warp core?" Spencer said while turning to see what the beeping was about. Garnoopy nodded, "All of my engineers are needed on the ship, but I'll be coming along, so another engineer really isn't needed. I'd like to bring at least two security officers along though. Commander Precip is a requirement." Spencer nodded in agreement, "Perhaps Lieutenant McFly as well? What about someone from medical? Just in case..." Garnoopy frowned, "Dr. Mele is tied up I'm sure with other issues. I'd recommend Dr. Farron but she can be" Garnoopy paused, "Difficult at times." Spencer rubbed his chin slightly, "Well, even so, I would agree that she is the best choice given the circumstances." Garnoopy sighed, "I agree. We need a medical officer and she's the choice." Spencer nodded, "Shall I contact them and have them report here?" "As soon as we finish here we'll contact them. For now we need to finalize the details of the mission" Garnoopy said. "For starters, do you have any idea where to begin to look for the silver?" "Well, I have some initial scans of the surface from our probe. I have several areas identified here as the best places to start our search. Another priority is to locate any settlements... don't want to make a surprise visit to Pharaoh" Spencer said while chuckling slightly. Garnoopy chuckled, "No, we don't. Where is the silver located? Underground or above?" Spencer leaned forward and tapped a few things into the console in front of him, "Mostly underground, although there could be areas where it sticks up above. I won't know for sure until we get more detailed scans." ”The Egyptians used a lot of silver and gold, which means they had mines, correct?" Garnoopy said. "Yes, they did. However I'm afraid that won't be of much use to us. We likely can't remove silver from those areas without affecting the timeline." Spencer replied. "An abandoned mine might be a possibility however... they might have left something behind" Garnoopy nodded, "That sounds like the easiest method, find an abandoned mine. We'll have to see what we find when we get there I guess." "I suppose we need to wear some "native" clothing?" Spencer said. "That would be one thing I'm not greatly looking forward to." "Oh come now Lieutenant, afraid to show a little skin?" Garnoopy said, a grin spreading across his face. Spencer grinned and turned to look at Garnoopy, "Not really... just scared of what the rest of you will look like." Garnoopy laughed, "I'll inform Commander Precip of your concerns about his security contingent." Spencer nodded while still smiling, "Alright, you do that." Spencer paused and glanced at his consoles. "Well, I think we are just about ready are we not?" Garnoopy turned and looked at the readings on his panel, "All systems show green to go. I'd say things are ready. We just need to get the proper clothing and personnel." "Alright, let's do it." Spencer said.
  3. How long will the rooms be down? Will the new rooms be PeopleLink or is a different company heading them up? Will there be any new features to the new rooms? Is it going to be required to re-register our SN's?
  4. Was yesterday's marathon your first exposure to Star Trek? Welcome aboard! Any questions... ask... no matter how silly or stupid you think they are. Everyone is very friendly here and has been in the "Cadet" shoes so we know what it's like.
  5. Hey ya'll, I love my current avatar, but my intenret or computer doesn't like me, so it always shows that it can't load the image on the forum boards. Now, is it just me, or can you see my avatar?
  6. I tend to ask for less stuff that I want and more stuff that I need. Someone will send me clothing that looks as though it was meant for the 70's. I'll exchange that for something I like and that fits (My relatives always think I weigh 50 pounds over what I do). I've asked for two 24 hour clocks. One of which I want to use to show CST and the other Zulu time. I require to use Zulu time a lot and therefore I want to be able to just look up and see what it is, the conversion is a pain to do in my head all the time. Paint is next on my list. Odd thing, eh? Paint. I have a room I want to turn a beautiful blue. I'll buy the paint regardless of what happens, but if I get it for a gift then I don't have to pay for it! Very logical eh? Those are the only things I've requested, paint and clocks. Odd combination but they are all I really planned on buying in the next month or so that's what I asked relatives for.
  7. Ohhh, I didn't understand the winky face thingy. Now it makes more sence. I figured you knew you were being illogical. :) Yeppers. Always fun to speculate, hehe. Like, speculating that there is actually a planet out there with yet another Garnoopy who might pop up somewhere at some point... :)
  8. Grom, I agree with you and disagree with you. Firstly, I must point out that the statement "You can't prove me wrong so you're not right" is a logical fallacy. You can't use that type of argument to prove either side of this whole debate, it is a complete disregard for logic in itself. The Earth is a fragile item. There are so many things that could be different by just a minor item... you have to sit back and just try to contemplate how many variables and how much chance there was to get everything to the exact rightness for a chain of events to occur taking place of the timeline of billions of years to form a planet with what we consider "intelligent" life. Then, you have to sit down and attempt to figure out what the chances are that the same thing could occur again in a completely and utterly differnet location. I have no clue what the numbers are on this chance of randomness, but they've gotta be pretty high. I believe, somewhere, there is a formula out there that shows you the probabaility of life being out there in space, but I don't know what the formula is and I'm not sure of it's results. I believe that the scientist who developed it did show that the probabaility of there being no life out there was more improbable than there being life out there, but once again, this is just what I remember. Someone should look up the information. My personal opinion is that I think there is life out there. I don't have anything to prove me right, but a lot of things in this world are believed in without proof to them being there. Does that make me wrong? No, but it doesn't make me right either. It's just a personal belief. There are no facts to prove either way in this post, just personal beliefs since we don't have any real proof either way.
  9. Happy Birthday A9! May you grow infinently wiser with one more year under you.
  10. Happy belated birthday Moosie!
  11. My life has become so busy it's hard for me to attend mot academies anymore. However, when I do, I enjoy whichever one I'm in. GM's here are great, who can pick between them?
  12. Kroells, my computer can't open the file. You have to attach it in Word or Notepad or something. Whatever .wps files are my comp doesn't like them.
  13. Thank you everyone. I had a wonderful day... and I only have a wonderful week ahead. A lot going on at this point in my life but I'm happy to say that they are all great things. Life is good and I'm loving it.
  14. M is a woman from the James Bond series of movies. Or, M is a man from the earlier versions of the movies. I personally think the new M is funnier and has better lines than the male one.
  15. There is a very simple explanation.
  16. Thanks for clearing that up Webby. Much appreciated. Now why would I have anything planned for Thursday Mr. Vanroy? :rolleyes:
  17. Webby ~ Will you be brining back the board birthday feature? I always liked seeing who's bday it was at the bottom of the forum. Other than that everything is lookin good.
  18. I'm slightly confused. I didn't know you were gone. Where did you go and when did this departure take place?
  19. ::points to his signature and figures that is the best advice he can give::
  20. Hum didly dum. I cannot believe it has taken me quite so long to respond to this topic. I live in norther Illinois, about 2 hours from Chicago in the middle of the ol' country. Surrounded by farmland, nearest town is miles away... silence, good air, good food, and the weather isn't to hot in the summer nor to cold in the winter (although I might complain about it, it could be much worse.) I don't know how much longer I plan to be here though... life is going to be pulling me away soon so I get to experience a new climate for a long period of time. Apparently from what I can see is that Flordia looks to be next on my location that is listed as "home". Should be fun. :cool:
  21. Oh, btw... Happy Birthday. I've loved watching this forum grow. So much in one year... has it really been that long? I suddenly feel old. I remember the days when... ach! Here I go! Now all I need is a rocking chair on a front porch and I'll be rasping out "Those were the days..."
  22. September 15th, 2002: A strange being by the name of "Garnoopy" wanders into the holodeck and ends up getting hooked on a game called simming. Since then it has become the question of many about just how many "Garnoopy's" there are on this planet. Only time will tell.
  23. Alas, I have been on this forum for going on 6 months. Now, I don't consider myself to be an expert simmer, but I have been thinking about how I've been seeing all teh Cadets graduate to Ensigns, and then move onto ships. I've seen how some Cadets, become Ensigns, and they are very good at simming. However, the passage of moving from an Academy sim to an Advanced one isn't as simple as some people make it to look, and I've seen some new Ensigns be confused, frustrated, and feel as though they cannot understand or get the hang of an advanced sim. I was thinking that it might be helpful, for the first few weeks of an Advanced sim for a new Ensign, if they were assigned a "mentor" as one might put it. Someone that they could ask teh "dumb questions" that your to embarresed to ask because they are so silly. ( Hey, I admit, I didn't know what "Jg." stood for in Lt. Jg. untill I was promoted to the rank. ) And also someone who can fill the new Ensign in on whats going on in the plot, and give advice when they ask for it. Such as when a new Ensign is wondering "Is it ok to do this?" Or "Should I be saying this to a senior officer?". Also things like how to address senior officers, standard procedures for Yellow and Red Alert. When Ensigns should be on the bridge and discussing things with teh Captain, and even something as simple as how long diognostics take at what levals for those who don't own teh TNG Technical Manual. I think that, if Ensigns had someone to answer silly questions and give advice, they would move into the Advanced sims a lot more smoothly, and it would help them to be better simmers.
  24. This is quite simple to solve peoples. The Cubs will win. I know this. I live in Illinois. I am a Garnoopy. I know they will win.
  25. Columbus did not die pennyless and alone, thats one of the largest misconseptions that is taught in history these days. Columbus held two titles that were granted to him by the King and Queen of Spain for his discoveries. The King and Queen never removed his titles, though they did suggest he use them less often. Although, the King did refuse to give Columbus 10% of the wealth from trading with the new colonies, Columbus only recieved 2%. However, at this time in history, 2% of that income was a huge amount. Columbus recieved the last rights from a Catholic priest in his home. He died rich. Travis, I disagreed with quite a few of your points in your post. I thought it was welly written but this isn't the topic to respond them. A note to everyone, lets try to keep this topic on Columbus. If you wish to discuss something about the United States and the reasons it polices the world in matters than seemingly none of their buisness, then that is another topic.