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Captain Huff

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Everything posted by Captain Huff

  1. ROFL!!
  2. ::sigh:: I still love Number One in The Cage. What a loss that the execs poopoo'd her. And the Talosians *were* cool. I liked the weird little blue singing plants on the planet too. Where No Man... was just good weird sci-fi. The eyeballs, the coldness and super-brain were just plain scary. No mini-skirts, just good creepy cold sci-fi. Farpoint? Not too bad. Q's the bomb. Caretaker? Stoooooopid! lol. Blow the piece of crap up and go home. I'm glad they didn't insult us further by having Voy find it's mate during the series or at the end. It's okay to make a mistake once. Oh yeah, Emissary... Bleeeeeeeeech! Unfortunately, DS9 *did* repeat their mistakes by revising this ridiculous theme over and over and over and over again, and beat us one last time at the very end with it JUST in case we didn't hate it enough! :D Broken bow.... crud, I really need to get those DVD's to rewatch.
  3. I think each time this poll comes up on the boards, I answer similarly, but this time I'll ponder a bit more. For me "first watched = loved most" doesn't hold. I find that I adapt to the style of time with little regard. Instead, what I find most important are the depth of the characters. For this reason, I think I love all of the series, just in different ways. I don't care that TOS was cheap and cheesy. I still found Kirk, Spock, and McCoy to evolve as the series progressed. It was only a three season run, so I don't expect the same amount of evolution as in a series that ran seven years. Even so, as I watch it again on DVD, the growth is there. The bonds of their friendships strenghten. We see the complexity of Spock's psyche. We see the warmth underneath Bones' cranky demeanor. We see the shallowness underneath Kirk's pompousness... (Do I know people in real life like this? You betcha! And I love them too). And so on. I don't care that TNG needed to explore the boy-genious theme so often... Okay, yes I do, lol. But as they worked out the stiff kinks of the first season or two, and the characters started to emerge... Wow... what a powerhouse of depth. When Picard came back from the Borg... holy cow. Riker went from uptight dork to a man comfortable in his own skin. Worf... Data... Troy... I could go on and on. VOY... Hey, I don't care about how many shuttles they lost, and since I love time travel, the sci-fi element was just fine by me. I think of all the series, this one had the biggest powerhouse of characters for me. I found them the most real. There were more shades of gray, more subtlties, more complexities. Ahhh.... DS9, I have not given a fair chance. There were too many main characters that irritated me too much to stomach it on a regular basis. (So many of the characters felt forced and contrived). But I fully intend to rewatch it and look for what is good rather than sucky. I will get back to you. :) And ENT... I simply haven't seen beyond the first half a season. I know! Shame on me. Don't worry - DVD's are on my next holiday list.
  4. Happy Birthday, indeed. :)
  5. ::packs shoes::
  6. rofl, I can only imagine how much the guy paid for his nerd prize that probably did little more than hang on display over his wide screen TV...
  7. Okay, Chattaway arranged it for solo piano - you can get it from a bunch of online music distributers. Just put it in your search engine and have at it. Have fun. :)
  8. Uh, I believe I jotted that melody down somewhere... I'd have to look and my studio is, frankly, a mess. It's for irish whistle in D (which is what his little "flute" actually was). I didn't bother with the piano episode because it (the arrangement) didn't interest me. It doesn't sound like I have what you're looking for. I'm assuming that web searching didn't turn anything up?
  9. OMG, a Qob log! It's been so long it took me this long to even scroll past our boards, and I just about fell out of my chair! And not only a Qob log, but a good one! I *guess* we'll have to put off the Alternate Universe Pink Qob plot for each week there's another log... :blink:
  10. Fortunately for me, all the good stuff is done in the ebay auction I was sucking my credit card dry on... whew. (It was movie props from two of my favorite non-Trek movies - I'll tell you what I got around the pool). So... I'll book a flight as soon as I pay off enough to do so, lol. Dang. I hope they don't put any more cool stuff up. ::must not bid:: ::must not bid:: I need a better job. I did reserve a room. I hope there's a freezer on the grounds big enough for our special buckets... Mmm... lime.
  11. Okay, first an update: 1. The hedgehog is now topsoil on an alien world, thanks to one of our escaped lab snakes. 2. The ferrets will be arriving soon, their fate TBD. I was thinking of going with the hyper coffee theme suggested, either Frappaccino and Cappuccino, or Java and Buzz, or something along those lines. (Or Phaser and Burn, depending on how they work out, lol). 3. For the future chihuahua, either Salsa or Estrella, both totally cool names, but we have to get through the ferrets first and have some time there. Now... out of a neat coincidence... A new member has been added to my RL family(!), and of course I need to name her now. :D (I like names that are real people names. So far I've thought of "Candy," but we need some more suggestions.) Take a look! Chihuahua baby!
  12. Well, if she were male, we would have named her Mojito (We also thought Detonator or Diesel would be good...), but she is a girl and we settled on Candy. :blink: Thanks for the suggestions!
  13. I don't understand. The hotel supplies innertubes... What else do I need? Oh, right, mojitos! But they make those there, you don't have to pack them. (Yeah, yeah, I have an ample supply of SPF-Million so I can stay a pasty cyber nerd).
  14. Probably won't be on until sometime Tuesday. See you then. :)
  15. Very slick layout. I like "Star Trek" nice and big as you have it, and the whole layout in general. Can you make the planets maybe shades of blue and/or darker so that they don't contrast with the words quite so much? And maybe the white in the letters have a light blue tint? (just imposing personal taste here, but would love to see it...)
  16. AHHHH! Two is my limit! Ask anyone who's had the unfortunate experience of me "joining" their sim in the last few years... WHEN I show up, I stare at the screen eating a giant bowl of icecream, not even reading the screen. I'll put my spoon down long enough to make jokes in PM's and type *maybe* three lines to the screen in an hour, lol. I suck. You don't want me. *I* wouldn't want me.
  17. Mirror Universe! Totally. Though... knowing myself, I fear where it would go..
  18. YAY!! ::doing the happy "It's not dead yet!" dance::
  19. "Felis Catus, is your taxonomic nomenclature..." (Both times it was used, first by Data, and then by Riker in a later episode reading Bevery's play). "Ode to Spot" Felis catus, is your taxonomic nomenclature, An endothermic quadruped, carnivorous by nature. Your visual, olfactory, and auditory senses Contribute to your hunting skills and natural defenses. I find myself intrigued by your sub-vocal oscillations, A singular development of cat communications That obviates your basic hedonistic predilection For a rhythmic stroking of your fur to demonstrate affection. A tail is quite essential for your acrobatic talents, You would not be so agile if you lacked its counterbalance. And when not being utilized to aid in locomotion It often serves to illustrate the state of your emotion. Oh Spot, the complex levels of behavior you display Connotes a fairly well-developed cognitive array; And though you are not sentient, Spot, and do not comprehend, I nonetheless consider you a true and valued friend.
  20. The Late Night hidden secret, known as the Qob sim, will start this week at 10 PM ET! Tuesdays in the Ready Room
  21. Well. I'm sold. lol. More later. :D
  22. Thanks, John, good info. Btw, here's the March menu at the Latin Quarter... Appetizers Shrimp Latin Quarter - Bacon wrapped jumbo shrimp stuffed with jalapeno jack cheese and served with guava mustard sauce. $8.99 Tres Amigos - A combination platter of bacon wrapped jumbo shrimp stuffed with jalapeno jack cheese, tostones topped with chicken enchilada and shredded beef empanadas makes this a crowd favorite. $12.99 Chicken Quesadilla - Grilled flour tortillas stuffed with chicken, Portobello mushrooms, jalapeno jack cheese, roasted peppers, black eyed peas, corn and ancho chilies. Served with Pico de Gallo , shredded lettuce and sour cream. $8.99 Crispy Taquitos de Pollo - Corn tortillas filled with chicken, onions, peppers, tomatoes and Monterey Jack cheese. Served over shredded lettuce Tomatillo salsa. $7.99 Entrees Chilean Salmon Ensalada - Filet of Chilean salmon served over mixed greens, fresh avocado, sweet orange and mango dressing. $12.99 Marinated Roasted Pork Loin - Slow roasted and basted in our sour orange and cilantro mojo. Served with boniato mash and black beans. $15.99 Churrasco Shirt Steak - Grilled marinated shirt steak served with Chimichurri sauce over garbanzo frito and chorizo sausage. $18.99 The Cuban Sandwich - The classic favorite with bolo ham, roasted pork and Swiss cheese. Served with pickles, mustard, black beans and white rice. $9.99 Paella de Latin Quarter - Chorizo, scallops, shrimp, mussels, clams, squid, green peas and roasted red peppers, all slowly cooked with Spanish rice. $21.99 Guava BBQ Ribs - A full rack of ribs grilled and served with crispy French fries. $16.99 Caribbean Crusted Mahi Mahi - Freshly blackened with seared scallops, roasted red pepper sauce and served with yellow rice and sweet plantains. $18.99 Caribbean Jumbo Shrimp - Bacon wrapped whole jumbo shrimp stuffed with pepper-cilantro sauce and topped with guava mustard. $21.99 Fajitas Latin Quarter - Severed sizzling hot on cast iron skillet, complimented with yellow rice, black beans, cheese, sour cream, homemade Pico de Gallo and warm flour tortilla. Grilled Chicken $14.99, Grilled Churrasco Steak $15.99, Caribbean Snapper $16.99 and Chicken & Churrasco Combo $15.99 Snapper Chorizo - Broiled Red Snapper topped with thinly sliced chorizo sausage, cilantro butter sauce with yellow rice. $18.99 Specialty Drinks Margarita - A mouth watering blend of Sauza Commemorative Tequila with lemon/line juices and Triple Sec. Served on the rocks or frozen. $6.99 or Pitcher $25.99 Mojito - Features Bacardi rum with a refreshing mix of fresh squeezed lime, mint and sugar. Service on the rocks. $6.99 or Pitcher $25.99 Latingria - Our very own version of Sangria. A blend of red wine, fruit juices, Triple Sec, Brandy and Peach Schnapps. $5.99 or Pitcher $19.00 Pina Colada - Delightful blend of Bacardi Rum, pineapple and coconut juices. Served with whipped cream and pineapple. $6.99
  23. Not considering that the 4th of July with all its loud thunder fireworks was nine months earlier. ;)
  24. Hm... I didn't look originally, but there does seem to be a little bit of Argentine tango in Orlando. Let me know if you're interested, and I'll pursue it more. My shoes will be with me regardless, so it's all good. ;) (Johnny - the following places show up repeatedly on my searches - Do you know anything about them?) Club Copacabana, 5454 International Drive The Latin Quarter, 6000 Universal Blvd The Zebra Room, 2609 Gowen St
  25. I have a life. ;)