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Captain Huff

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Posts posted by Captain Huff

  1. But... Do I still need to worry if a visible spectrum absorbing pigmented cat runs across the road..? Would Schroedinger? If his cat were visible spectrum absorbtion pigmented and placed in a box painted with visible spectrum absorbtion pigments, would it still hiss if hit with the hammer? The cat, not the box. Boxes don't hiss.

  2. A9 *is* a schlemiel. (And thanks - I would NEVer have known how to spell that! :)


    I personally need to avoid SL... For these reasons: I have an extremely obsessive personality... For example, I started playing this dumb little game ten years ago, and here I am! Deeply embedded. Every other thing I do IRL is like this. Because of this... my plate is FULL. I have no more time, I have no more brain space. I have more interests already than Humans should be allowed, and one more little game, no matter how good, will be like that one last little wafur... my brain will explode. Kaboom.


    I will not click it, Sam I Am.

  3. General Information


    Full Name: Calyista Hazja O'Toole


    Current Starfleet Rank: Captain


    Current Starfleet Position: Commanding Officer


    Current Vessel of Posting: USS Hood


    Personal Information


    Species: 1/2 Deltan, 1/2 Human


    Gender: Female


    Age: 37


    Birthday: October 17, 22--


    Place of Birth: On the shores of Lake Armstrong, Luna


    Marital Status: Single


    Height: 5'6"


    Weight: 130 lbs.


    Hair Color: Red


    Eye Color: Blue


    Medical History


    Allergies: Allergic to various stinging things, including bees, wasps, scorpions, and most species of spider.


    Blood Type: RXM+


    Scars/Other Distinguishing Marks: Raised scar across shoulder blades from engineering accident on fourth-year cadet posting.


    Oath of Celibacy on record, Stardate XXXX.XX


    Note: Although a connection has not been documented, there has been concern of multiple incidents of O'Toole's senior officers losing mental stability throughout her career.




    Family Information


    Father: William O'Toole, 58, Environmental designer, Luna


    Mother: Brixea Hazja, 55, Artist, Luna


    No siblings




    Calyista was educated at an upscale private institute for girls on Earth until the completion of her studies. Instead of pursuing a more artistic (and quiet) career, she decided to join Starfleet. There she enjoyed the creativity of Engineering and chose that as her specialization. She graduated cum laude after completing a study course aboard the USS Magellan.




    Starfleet Academy - Engineering track - Warp Theory - cum laude


    Career History


    USS Magellan

    Assistant Engineering Officer

    - Promotion to Ensign


    USS Colter

    Assistant Engineering Officer

    - Promotion to Lieutenant, junior grade

    - Promotion to Lieutenant

    - Reassignment as Chief Engineering Officer, Colter


    USS Sitting Bull

    Chief Engineering Officer

    - Promotion to Lieutenant, senior grade

    - Promotion to Lieutenant Commander

    - Promotion to Commander


    USS Etna

    Executive Officer

    - Promotion to Captain

    - Reassignment as Commanding Officer, Etna


    USS Hood

    Commanding Officer: Present posting



    Personal Information


    After a conservative education and upbringing, O'Toole enjoyed the freedom of the Academy to pursue more adventurous personal activities. Today she enjoys bungee jumping and sky diving, along with other high-speed sports. She also enjoys botanical sciences and can be found in the arboreatum when she is not in the ship's gym.


    Although not a strict vegetarian, O'Toole is a firm advocate of keeping her mind and body in top condition with physical training and healthy diet.

  4. “Graaaah!” the Andorian female cried out in pain as Big Ruthie’s elbow ground in-between her shoulder blades. Ruthie twisted the blue arm a little higher.


    “WHO is in charge of cell block C?” she asked.


    The Andorian gasped out, “Big Ruthie! Big Ruthie is in charge of Cellblock C.”


    “And WHERE is this laundry located?”


    “It’s Cellblock C’s laundry.”


    “Well well well… It looks like today is your lucky blue day…” Ruthie pulled on the arm until Shreeka was forced to stand. “Now why don’t you go join your little blue friends and fold Big Ruthie’s laundry the way she likes it?” Ruthie gave Shreeka one last shove and sent her tumbling into the laundry cart on top the other two Andorians.


    “Mm, mm, mm…” Big Ruthie watched with her hands on her hips. “I don’t know what it is with these Andorians. I think they’re blue because no blood is getting to their puny little brains. Don’t you worry, Honey – These blue bitches won’t be bothering you no more. Or they’ll have to explain to RUTHie! Won’t they!” The laundry cart twitched and then went still again.


    Ruthie turned from glaring at the cart and looked Huff up and down. “Well… You’re going to have some bruises. I would have come sooner, but I had other… “business” to attend to. And now I got to get this MESS! cleaned up before the Worden gets wind of it.” The cart did not more.


    Huff wiped some blood off her lip with the back of her hand. “It’s a good thing you came when you did. I thought I was in shape… but they came out of nowhere.”


    “Yeah, well, I know where they come from. And you’ll be good and strong in no time.”


    “Well… thanks again… If there’s anything I can do for you…”


    “Oh don’t you worry – I let you know.”


    And with that Big Ruthie turned to leave for her shift in Deckplating. She gave the laundry cart leg one last wham with her giant foot as she went.

  5. Okay, here's where we stand so far. Thanks to all for great contributions!


    General Information


    Full Name: Calyista Hazja O'Toole


    Current Starfleet Rank: Captain


    Current Starfleet Position: Commanding Officer


    Current Vessel of Posting: USS Hood


    Personal Information


    Species: 1/2 Deltan, 1/2 Human


    Gender: Female


    Age: 37


    Birthday: October 17, 22--


    Place of Birth: On the shores of Lake Armstrong, Luna


    Marital Status: Single


    Height: 5'6"


    Weight: 130 lbs.


    Hair Color: Red


    Eye Color: Blue


    Medical History


    Allergies: Allergic to various stinging things, including bees, wasps, scorpions, and most species of spider.


    Blood Type: RXM+


    Scars/Other Distinguishing Marks: Raised scar across shoulder blades from engineering accident on fourth-year cadet posting.


    Oath of Celibacy on record, Stardate XXXX.XX


    Note: Although a connection has not been documented, there has been concern of multiple incidents of O'Toole's senior officers losing mental stability throughout her career.




    Family Information


    Father: William O'Toole, 58, Environmental designer, Luna


    Mother: Brixea Hazja, 55, Artist, Luna


    No siblings




    Calyista was educated at an upscale private institute for girls on Earth until the completion of her studies. Instead of pursuing a more artistic (and quiet) career, she decided to join Starfleet. There she enjoyed the creativity of Engineering and chose that as her specialization. She graduated cum laude after completing a study course aboard the USS Magellan.




    Starfleet Academy - Engineering track - Warp Theory - cum laude


    Career History


    USS Magellan

    Assistant Engineering Officer

    - Promotion to Ensign


    USS Colter

    Assistant Engineering Officer

    - Promotion to Lieutenant, junior grade

    - Promotion to Lieutenant

    - Reassignment as Chief Engineering Officer, Colter


    USS Sitting Bull

    Chief Engineering Officer

    - Promotion to Lieutenant, senior grade

    - Promotion to Lieutenant Commander

    - Promotion to Commander


    USS Etna

    Executive Officer

    - Promotion to Captain

    - Reassignment as Commanding Officer, Etna


    USS Hood

    Commanding Officer: Present posting



    Personal Information


    After a conservative education and upbringing, O'Toole enjoyed the freedom of the Academy to pursue more adventurous personal activities. Today she enjoys bungee jumping and sky diving, along with other high-speed sports. She also enjoys botanical sciences and can be found in the arboreatum when she is not in the ship's gym.


    Although not a strict vegetarian, O'Toole is a firm advocate of keeping her mind and body in top condition with physical training and healthy diet.

  6. Although she was experienced as a leader on both the ancient world of Rogaine and in this recent Starfleet, she found the current situation increasingly frustrating. Perhaps it was because she had not ruled on Rogaine in eons… Time does take a toll, after all. For thousands of years she has existed as a wisp of energy with little to rule other than where to drift this decade and with whom. As for Starfleet… Well, that would be helpful for navigating an asteroid field, perhaps, but not for navigating a hostile joining of non-corporeal beings and a simple Humanoid race in the process of colonizing a new world.


    The most significant cause of her dissonance was that this aggression was against the true nature of Rogainians – They were a wise and honest people in their past, and their solutions to problems had never before been based on such deception and dishonor. This situation was inherently wrong.


    But the seduction of once again living as real beings could not be underestimated. It was disturbingly easy to justify the taking of the Hood crew. Why shouldn’t the Humans appreciate all the Rogainians brought to their lives? Why wouldn’t they? Their lives before had been so limited. Now they possessed all the vast and glorious experience their Rogainian energies graced them with. They should be spreading the word to the masses so that more could come and benefit this magical symbiosis!


    And so just as Helen Huff could justify one more cup of coffee and Altoidian mint, so could B-1 justify stealing the bodies of a few Hood officers. The deeper level of her psyche that knew it was wrong was easily seduced by the never ending hedonistic pleasures of being alive. She breathed in the earthy moss-scent of the cave walls, listened to the echo in the darkness of trickling water, and felt the sensation of hand tanned leather against her skin.


    Their hastily devised plan was valid enough: They had found a cure for the plague and had been working to repair their damaged communications array to notify Starfleet. Now it was time to drop their dampening field and allow the Hood to beam them up.

  7. Mi ri mi sol mi sol la sol do, do mi do la re (sol la ti la sol); ti do di re ti do di re ti te la, ti do di re mi me re do; mi ri mi sol mi sol la sol do, mi mi re la do; do la do me re do la do ti la, mi mi mi mi do


    That's the solfege for "When I'm Sixty Four"...enjoy


    Awesome! (and yes, I just sang it all the way through, lol)