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Captain Huff

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Everything posted by Captain Huff

  1. Ohhh but there be as much soap operatic element as possible! Give me more! More angst, more intertwined history, more skin, more complexity! Bring it on!
  2. Well, I tend to look up "Trek" physics in some big old hardcover Trek gameplaying reference books, and any real physics comes from, well, real physics. Most Trek topics are covered in books in depth enough certainly for our gaming, and they include as much genuine physics principles as possible, thanks to years of cult fandom. So the work is done for you. I don't recommend upper division physics classes for gaming, but if you really like the stuff, there's some excellent laymen books out, Hawking's being my favorite.
  3. Okay, here's the uber-nerd joke: One day a farmer decides that he needs to upgrade his farming methods and must find a faster and more economical way to pluck his chickens. So he goes to his friend who is machinist and tells him what he has in mind. His friend scratches his head, thinks about it, and says, "Sure, I can do that. I'll whip something together and you bring me some of them there chickens tomorrow and we'll try her out." He tinkers all night in his shop and the next day he and the farmer stick a few chickens in. Well, the machine plucks about a quarter of the feathers and crushes the chickens. No good. The machinist recommends hiring the local engineer in town to design a fancier machine. So the farmer thanks his friend anyway, and in determination heads into town to talk to the engineer about designing a chicken-plucker. The engineer replies, "Of course. Do you have a sample of chickens with you?" The farmer hands him a crate of chickens and the engineer goes to work measuring the chickens, weighing them, testing the tensile strength of the feathers, and so on. A week later, he calls the farmer and says he has a test model of his design. The farmer comes back with some fresh chickens and they test out the model. Well, it surely plucks every last feather, but it crushes the chickens. Still no good. The engineer recommends talking to the local university's physicists. So the farmer gets back in his truck, takes a big breath, and heads over to the university. He finds the physics department and explains his problem. The physicist's eyebrows shoot up and he replies, "Of course! Yes, yes, we can do that!" He rushes to the blackboard, grabs a piece of chalk out of his lab coat, starts to draw and says, "Now let's assume a spherical chicken..."
  4. LOL! Stop showing off your physics and nitpicking the "Earth is a grapefruit" posts!! lol... I love that crap! Well maybe it's just the food references... As for the question, of course our reference would be that of Earth's, and there's no reason we'd need to include information travel speed nor redefine time from the wavefront in order to estimate the (current reference) time it would take us to vaporize, eh? (See joke next post...:D Good point about the non-warp shuttles. But the real question we need to ask ourselves is this... What *would* you see in your rear view mirror???
  5. Right...
  6. Oh heck, I wasn't looking for a philosophical breakdown of the entire run! lol! I'll just pick it up AFTER I've paid for Voyager - every episode, every feature... ::must have must have::
  7. ::looks up from donut path, chewing::
  8. Oh crap. LOL! Okay, I know about two of them, then. How are the others? Worth buying the DVD sets? And WHEN is Voyager coming out on DVD??
  9. As the ads say, "What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas."
  10. Trek con in Vegas 2004? I'll go. Might even finally wear a uniform. ::grin::
  11. Warp core breach good.
  12. B5 on DVD you say? Hmm... I always wanted to watch it. What is the eye-candy quality of the men on the series? I *have* hugged one of them, but you know, I need to know about the others. :D
  13. Hmm, I have no links to Shoreleave West or East or any of that on the Hood website. I *do* maintain an old Shoreleave site and don't take any pains to hide it (although I would appreciate it if you didn't publish the link here), but if you got to it from my Hood website, I need to have a talk with my server, lol. As for Fred giving a link to the Hood website on his site - well that's just fine and I appreciate it. :D
  14. ::sighs:: I'm beginning to think some people just need to see their name in print as much as possible..........
  15. Aw, you guys ARE my 900 numbers! :) 1. You just spent an hour making cheap tacky gifts to give to some of your online sim buddies that you've been flying across the country to visit for like eight years... 2. You are related to all of your sim buddies in sims like a sick twisted space soap opera. 3. It's endless... lol. I could type all afternoon.. (at the billion words per minute we all can...)
  16. I'm on everyone's bad list. I take pride in that. :)
  17. I enjoy being cussed out. I like the attention. I feel a comraderie. Oh wait, that's by GMs, not cadets... :) Here's another tip: Show pride in your typing ability. Even if it's lousy, if you try to improve it regularly, it will indeed get better. For example, start sentences with a capital letter and end them with a period. Sounds dumb? It really helps communication and shows a level of competance. And hey, it will help with other things besides simming. :)
  18. Exactly. I've been saying that like a hand spun record. That's what it's all about.
  19. Quarentined
  20. I just have to say it since no one else has yet... Look up the rules on how to play football on the web!! :) You can find ANYthing there! Pull up a search engine and plink away until you find "how to play football." (And also do all the other wonderful tips from those above).
  21. You have my support. Please keep me updated as you learn more.
  22. :)
  23. I recommend the last one there... :)
  24. They got big cockroaches down there too, don't they?
  25. I am your fireworks, baby!