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Captain Huff

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Posts posted by Captain Huff

  1. Eyep... We got all departments at least represented, except Medical! I'd hate to think of having to NPC them whenever we need them, so... If you like playing sim doctors, or are thinking of playing a sim doctor... Let me know! You don't have to know or love TOS, because we have enough geeks on the game who will keep track of the technical side of things for you. And we do have all the donuts you can eat.

  2. Make SURE you are on the email list for your favorite Vegas hotels!


    I went and checked prices at mine, and basically said, no way Dudes... About a week later (coincidence? Divine alignment of the Force?) I received an email (not telling you which hotel - those who know me know, lol) with outrageous summer price reduction deals - basically rooms for a hundred bucks less, and with free hotel perks that I usually pay for, about another thirty bucks a day.

  3. At long last I've accepted that some people have real jobs...!

    (Translation: *I* have to get up earlier on Wednesdays than I used to. ;)


    What does this mean for you? It simply means that if bedtime has been keeping you from coming to Hood sims, you just got an extra hour!


    Now... About those other changes... Ooo...


    Will the donuts stay, or go stale??

    Will the coffee stay or be replaced with re-synthesized biomatter??

    Will Chef keep his job as head pastry chef for Starbucks International?

    Will Huff stay in prison?

    Will O'Toole stay on Altoid?

    Will Ksanders start a peanut farm or stay as Chief of Operations??

    Will Admiral Bethany get the last laugh or has her reign of terror finally ended?


    And... WHO... is the new Hood First Officer..........????


    Tune in Tuesdays at 10!


    PS. As we shuffle some of those top positions around, we have some departmental chief positions opening up. If you are interested, please email me at [email protected]. See you Tuesday!


    ~Huff the Buff~

  4. The General Problem


    As most of you know, even if you don't sim on the Hood, many of our plots tend to... hmm... Digress? Wander? Go off in directions we never intended?


    The Reason


    1. The crew likes it

    2. It has that TOS free-ish feel to it

    3. It has (dare I say it?) a "real" feel to it - life is not scripted.


    The Specific Problem


    Again, many of you know, on the Hood we like to remain true to the era. That is, Starfleet had more holes in it, the rules were bent more, things get done without all that talking, and with a lot more shooting.


    Unfortunately... Even Starfleet of TOS era had rules... and on the Hood we simply broke too many. After many years, Kirklogic finally got the best of us, and the Captain of the Hood ended up in Starfleet prison. Bummer!


    This in itself is not really a problem. In fact, it's a very valid story twist. The crew got to help create a new captain and we had fun with this change of events. Except... Since we never really thought about exactly how... we'd get Huff released from prison....... we don't really have a plan to do this.


    Now, the beauty of not planning plot endings is that usually either the crew thinks of something really cool, or Lebowski and I think of something really cool, we do the cool thing and everything works out great.


    But... it's been like... close to a year? And we haven't thought of a valid way to get Huff out of jail. I'm tired of being in jail. They'd find a way to get Kirk out. We need to find a way to get Huff out!


    The Challenge


    Come up with a TOS-Hood valid way to get Huff sprung!


    The Prize


    Off the top of my head I can think of a couple of things you might enjoy. First, if you're not on the Hood and you have the awesome coolest idea, you are more than welcome to write a character into the plot and come SGV for as long as it takes to run the plot. Or, if you don't want to do that, I've been holding an Ops position for an experienced player, and I'd be willing to let you have that if you want it. If you already play on the Hood, I'd give you an instant promotion, no strings attached, including the coveted Huff-LTCSG if you're currently LTC. And if none of those appeal to you, maybe you can think of something cool that would. I might even be swayed to mail you a Dunkin Donuts gift card IRL.


    The Background


    The basic charges are here: Charges


    If you're a nerd with free time, you probably want to go back and read some of the logs involving Admiral Bethany.... who in the past has had some "influence" over things that happen in Starfleet Command, and usually not to Huff's advantage....

  5. Well, I'd *like* to come back... But so far I can't bypass updated software to allow our chat rooms to load. I haven't had much time to screw around with it yet, so I'll keep working on it and come back if/when I can figure it out. See you then. :)

  6. I gave up - my costumes suck - nobody ever gets them. most recently I went as a really bad veternarian - i put bite marks all over my arms and had a dead (fake) hamster in my lab coat pocket, that kind of thing. all night was like, "you're a doctor, right?" they liked the kitty-litter cake, though. So the last two years i just put on a pair of cat ears and called it a costume. i still don't win any prizes. :)

  7. Favorite Non-Trek Television Show: Simpsons, Daily Show

    Favorite Non-Trek Movie: LOTR, Chocolat, Cider House Rules

    Favorite Book: LOTR, Interview with the Vampire

    Favorite Actor: Tim Robbins, Johnny Depp (and not because he's pretty)

    Favorite Actress: Charlize Theron

    Favorite Musician: Bach

    Favorite Food: Fillet mignon

    Favorite Ice Cream Flavor: Vanilla

    Favorite Hero: Superman

    Favorite Politician, Journalist, or Activist: Eh.

    Favorite Quote: "We wants it!"

    Favorite Occupation: Potter

    Favorite Car: One that works

    Favorite Vacation Spot: Buenos Aires

    Favorite Academic Subject: Art

    Favorite Quirky Interests: Argentine tango

    Who would you most like to meet? Matt Groening, lol..

  8. Greetings, eBay shoppers.


    Just a quick note and first of hopefully periodic updates. First, thanks to all who are covering my butt! :lol: Second, no worries. Nothing tragic or life-altering has happened ::knocks on wood::. My hard drive crashed, but we've all dealt with that. ::thanks the Mojo gods for backup drives and freezer baggies:: I am just having you guys cover me for a couple of months while I get my computer back and working on top of an increasingly insane (but good!) work and (dare I say it?) social schedule. No no, real people are NOT more important than my little cyber friends!


    Anyway, take care of my little ships... Don't give Lebowski a hard time! Give him a hug. More later.



  9. lol... yes. I'm going to need a lot more than wine this coming week though - they just got their first experience with the usually-caged Huff Midnight Fist of Death... They're not happy.


    ::looking forward to skulking back into my dark cage in the corner::