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Captain Huff

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Everything posted by Captain Huff

  1. lol, Temarr, you made my night!
  2. K> I ordered a woman. I pressed the button that clearly said, "woman..." Mc> I can tell ya, Jim, that's no woman. S> I don't understand! Skirty girlie> ::says nothing:: Frozen guy> ::won't be happy when thawed::
  3. Marty Erickson There! Now, I earned the next one, so give me a couple of minutes to think about what I want... Okay, I want to see a picture of Mrs. Dittmeyer(sp) talking to Greg and Peter. "Why don't you boys come over later and we'll make a sandwich..."
  4. Hm. I don't think I can actually post my favorite. Maybe I'll put it on my profile for a couple of weeks, lol.
  5. Me> ::already on break drinking a cup of coffee fresh from the replicator::
  6. There are turds on the sidewalk of life: Just step over them and keep on walking. -me.
  7. P> What? It's a ROBOT, Tuvok. It's not like I'm going to open this compartment here and pull out a BEER... T> Your ROBOT is leaking refrigerant.
  8. Heh heh. Though... we haven't seen Blurox' pictures yet, and I'm beginning to wonder if the Queen of the Camera couldn't figure out her little digital camera or something...
  9. No, I didn't say "Donald Trump." I didn't say "Carrot Top." I didn't say "Regis and Kelly." I said the Donald Trump Trash Can! Sloppy, sloppy! (It's hilarious, if a picture of it can even be found, lol).
  10. A new one? I have "Has Been" which has been out for a while now. (And it's great). Let me know the title of the next one, if there is one.
  11. R> I can't believe there's a really a planet where total nerds are cool..
  12. HEY! Now I *really* want my Donald Trump Trash Can!
  13. I need to see a picture of the "Donald Trump trash can" that Carrot Top had on Regis & Kelly.
  14. Don't forget Roddenberry's main tactic with Star Trek was to bring hot issues to screen by disguising them. Prejudice, religion, right to life, right to die... and all the things A9 listed above, could all be discussed without igniting anger by making them alien or futuristic - just anything other than today's current issues. In this same vein, I feel this is how Star Trek dealt with religion. We could discuss any kind of alien religion - Klingon, Vulcan, weird alien... Just not the most prevelant ones of the time. (As you pointed out, Earth religion is not ignored entirely, just not focused upon, (except, as you also mentioned, the lesser main-stream ones)). I'm not saying I agree or disagree, just that hot topics are touchy, and this was Roddenberry's (and subsequent Trek writers) unique way of dealing with them.
  15. A skirt without heels is like 7 of 9 without implants.
  16. I like to do this from time to time as I look to expand my own library: 1. What is your all time favorite CD? 2. What is your all time favorite song? (No long lists for this one - leave that to the previous thread).
  17. rofl!
  18. U> Captain... There's something I have to tell you... K> Why yes... what is it...? U> I just saved a lot of money on my insurance by switching to Geiko.
  19. During the sim I got about three GM IM's saying, "Haven't you graduated yet??" lol. By the end of the sim I had a sneaking suspicion that I'd be graduating that night.
  20. I was too lazy to take any. I wish I had. Today as I was having blood drawn for a physical, the forwarned nurse (I pass out) said to distract me, "Now think about your happy place..." I blurted out, "Pool at the MGM!" Anyway, it worked and I didn't pass out for once, but I sure hope I get some more pictures emailed to me! heh heh.
  21. Oh yes, get rid of the ugly new Romulan ridges! Bad move. I'd have kept Number One in TOS. I loved her. The Enterprise 1701 would have been less submarine-decorated, and a little more livable. Kirk really only had one hobby. There was nothing else to do. I'd have kept Pulaski and left the Crushers off at acting school. The Prophets would have never existed. NEVer. Odo would have been more normal-looking. I mean, come on, he can replicate ANYthing except a face? Duh. Similarly, Data would have made himself some Human-pigmented skin and eyeballs. How hard would that have been? Duh. Yeah, Troi and Worf was dumb. So was Chakotay and Seven. I'd have let the poor Doc have a fling with Seven (I loved their work together) instead. Yep, Wesley-superbeing was weird. So was Kes-superevolved. I would have cast Enterprise differently, as well as not messed up canon quite so much.
  22. Ah well, I only ride the NYC busses, and though it doesn't make for good stories, they're actually quite pleasant since 9-11. The drivers are helpful, the passengers are polite - everyone is nice. Though I had to smile last month when a trucker blocked my bus with his truck so he could get out and have a shouting fight with the bus driver. The bus driver didn't care, and I got a good show along with a nice feeling that NYC has truely started to recover. :)
  23. Ahhh good, you're starting to work it! If you want it, work it, hehe. Pictures are good. (I am lazy). Remember to stick to the general guidelines - we're quite firm about those.
  24. Oops, here's mine: 1. Rosalyn Turek playing the Bach Goldberg Variations. Accept no substitutions! Turek Goldberg Variations Listen to it ten times and then tell me your life has not changed. 2. Different any time you'd ask. Currently I like a little tango by Loreeena McKennitt, but I hate everything else she does. Just pirate the one song "Tango to Evora" and save your money.
  25. Now now, don't exclude people's choices just because it bores *you*. :P I just want glow in the dark lava, I don't care what they make it out of. Now, music? Classical aside, I just found and LOVE Elvis Crespo.