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Posts posted by Seiben

  1. UFP Crew Personnel File, Entry: SEIBEN, Hansel.

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    Generic Information:


    Name: Hans Seiben

    Species: Human

    Gender: Male

    Place of birth: Berlin, Germany

    Date of birth: 13 February 2358 (SD 08102.13)

    Date of death: 04 August 2381 (SD 10408.04)

    Place of death: Axia (a planet in Coalition space)

    Age at death: 23 terran years

    Height: 1 metre, 95 centimetres (6'4")

    Weight: 77.1 kilogrammes (170 lbs)

    Hair Colour: Blonde

    Eye Colour: Blue

    Marital Status: Single

    Nickname: Hans the provider


    Service Information:




    Service Identification: SC-428-006

    Final rank: Lieutenant

    Final Assignment: Assistant Engineer

    Current Ship: USS Arcadia, NCC-1742-E

    Commanding Officers: Capt. Christopher Moose, Cdr. Hayden Dacotah

    Date joined: 21 May 2380 (Stardate: 10305.21)

    Charges/Reprimands: None

    Awards: Captain's commendations, for duty as temporary Chief Engineer

    Security Clearance: Alpha-3.

    Quarters: Deck 9, Room 09-13.


    Medical Information:


    Blood type: AB

    Allergies: None

    Injuries/Scars: Visible scars on back from Romaulan kaleh, concussion suffered from head injury whilst under imprisionment*

    Physical Shape: Good

    Mental Shape: Good

    Build type: Lean/muscular

    *(see personal history subsection)


    Family Information:


    Father: Baron Friedrich Seiben, President of European Union

    Mother: Katarina Seiben, CEO Terran Holo-Broadcasting Network

    Cousin: Lt.Cdr Hans Seiben, USS Republic, NCC-1371-D

    Ancestor: Hans Seiben, USS Hood, NCC-1703

    Gunter Seiben, General Electric Warpdrive Project Foreman, Challenger NX-05 Project


    Personal History


    Born into a wealthy, well-respected family, Hans flourished in school work and soon found an affinity for technology at an early age. Due to his parents constantly moving around the galaxy due to work related obligations, Hans mostly kept to himself learning all he can about anything mechanical, but at a cost of socialisation abilities.


    Young Hans possessed few friends during his childhood, but continued to excel in school throughout his youth. At age 18, he accepted a scholarship into Star Fleet Academy, excelling in the Engineering programme graduating with full honours 11th in class. He also excelled in robotics, and scored well in marksman ship and shuttle piloting courses.


    Whilst on the Arcadia, Hans finally was able to socalise amongst other people, eventually making friends on the ship, particularly with his fellow Engineers. This later branched out to other officers on board. However, the phsyciological state of Mr. Seiben was crumbled after a mission to the medieval like planet of Arcady Prime.


    After being hypnotised by Queen Alanda, ruler of Arcady Prime, Mr. Seiben attempted to kill some of his fellow officers, causing serious injury to one of them. After the hypnotisation spell was lifted, Seiben was left traumatised after his action and went into a mental slump, that included binge drinking and attempted suicide.


    Realising this, Capt. Moose, sent him and a few other officers affected by the Arcady Mission down to the ancient Vulcan monestary of P'Jem. There, he met monestary priestess T'Val, who eventually cleansed him of his self guilt, as well as most of his self confidence and socialisation problems. Seiben emerged from P'Jem a changed man, his phsyciological condition better than ever.


    Shortly after, Mr. Seiben aided with the prevention of an attempted invasion of Andorian terrorists on the Arcadia, as well as heading a project to construct two Marine figher prototypes. The two prototypes were destroyed in a later encounter with an unknown Squid race, but Mr. Seiben hopes to construct more craft in the near future.


    In January of this year, Mr. Seiben and several other officers of the Arcadia were taken prisioner by the Romulan warbird, RES Talon. He was treated roughly whilst onboard, and suffered many injuries by his Romulan captors. The Romulan doctors on the Talon managed to heal most of the injuries sustained to him, but still bears some scars on his body to remind him of the incident.


    Fortunately though, though his body may mave suffered severe injuries, Seiben's mental state was left uneffected due to the Vulcan relaxation techniques he learned in P'Jem. However, due to the poor quality of the prision food onboard the Talon, he lost about 30 lbs in his time as a POW.


    Mr. Seiben and his comrades were eventually rescued by the Arcadia crew, and after his injuries reported back to work in Engineering. Surpringly however, the Arcadia's Executive Officer suffered injuries as well, during her stay on the Talon, and was unfit for duty calling up the Chief Engineer to take her place.


    The Arcadia's Chief Engineer, Cdr. Thomas Jaruq named Seiben as acting Chief Engineer of the Arcadia in his place. During his reign as Chief Engineer, the Arcadia encountered an unknown Squid Race and more Romulan vessels causing serious damage to the ship. In a last ditch effort, the Arcadia entered a transwarp conduit and is currently proclaimed as mission in action.


    However, after the successful recovery of Commander Dacotah, Cdr. Jaruq was returned to the role of Chief Engineer, thus returning Seiben back to his original position of Asst. Engineer.


    On Stardate 10408.04, Mr. Seiben proved to be a hero preventing the detonation of an alien "Revelation Device" by pulling out the protomatter out of the device to prevent detonation of afforementioned Revelation Device. Doing so at the cost of his own life. Mr. Seiben got as far away from the group to prevent them from getting hurt. But Mr. Seiben was instantly envelloped in the protomatter quickly incinerating him. Death was instant and painful. Seiben died with honour to save his crew, and will not be forgotten to the crew of the USS Arcadia or of Starfleet. Contact of family and friends underway.


    Family History


    The Seiben family is a respected, well-known family in both Star Fleet and the business world. Having served aboard the ship for well over 100 years, the Seiben lineage served on many prestigious Federation ships such as the USS Hood, and the USS Republic to make just a few.


    All have won many awards, and went on to be some of the finer officers in the Fleet. Business wise, the Seiben legacy is long and bright. Owning many famous multi-universal conglomerates, the Seiben family fortunes are now amongst the top five in the entire Alpha Quadrant.


    Seiben's father, Friedrich Seiben inherited the immensly popular Terran Holo-Brocasting Network, serving millions of planets throughout the Federation from his father, and the company has grown ever since. Ranking third amongst the Universe's most affluential people, young Hans remains the sole heir of his family's vast fortune as well as the title of Baron.


    In 2381, Seiben's father handed over the reigns of his comapnny to his wife Katarina to persue a political carrer. After a successful campaign run, and by a vast majority of the voters, Friedrich Seiben is now serving as the President of the European Union.




    Amongst many of his hobbies, robotics ranks high in his list. One of his many projects is to construct a small robot to access the jeffories tubes throughout the ship, preventing tedious or dangerous work to human engineers. Called the Jeffories-tube Experimental Roving Robot Intellgence, or simply JERRI, the project is on hold, until he can come up with a viable way to propell the units safely.


    Seiben also enjoys archetecure, and was given a chance to prove his skills in the successful construction of the Engineering Lounge that now occupies a previously unused storage room near the warpcore.


    In his spare time, Seiben enjoys rock-climbing, chess, and stratagema. Seiben also enjoys reading, hand to hand combat, as well as practise sinarios with Type II rifles in the holodeck. He is also a fan of the water, especially of the late 17th century, 21st century and also enjoys SCUBA diving.


    Promotions/Carrer History:


    12 May 2380 (SD:10305.12): Graduated from Starfleet Academy, and promoted to Ensign

    21 May 2380 (SD: 10305.21): Joined the USS Arcadia

    04 June 2380- 11 June 2380: Served a brief stint as Chief Engineer of Freighter Revere

    23 July 2380 (SD: 10307.23): Promoted to Lieutenant Junior Grade

    19 Nov2380 - Dec 2380: Undergoes psyciatric evaluation in P'Jem Monestary after mental trauma suffered after Arcady prime Invasion

    10 December 2380 (SD: 10312.10): Assisted in the prevention of Andoran invasion aboard USS Arcadia

    17 December 2380 (SD: 10312.17): Promoted to the rank of full Lieutenant

    14 January 2381 (SD: 10401.14): Taken prisioner with many of his crew on board RES Talon

    19 February 2381 (SD: 10402.19): Returned to USS Arcadia, after prisioner exchange.

    10 March 2381 (SD: 10403.10): Named Arcadia's Acting Chief Engineer

    Late March, early April 2381: Encounters Squid race, and Roulan warbird causing damage to ship. Arcadia defeats the Squids, but sustains major damage from Romulans.

    26 May 2381 (SD: 10405.26): Arcadia enters transwarp conduit, seriously damaged

    02 June 2381 (SD: 10406.02): Returns to original role as Assistant Engineer, after Cdr. Jaruq returns as Chief Engineer, receives commendations for service.

    04 August 2381 (SD: 10408.03): Killed in Action preventing explosion of Revelation Device by pulling out the protomatter in the device sacrificing himself by letting the protomatter envelope his body instantly incinerating him.


    End of Biography

  2. Begin log:

    I have just finished my orientation and first mission on board the Arcadia.  It's quite a big ship this one is, I keep on getting lost..  ???  it took me 20 minutes just to find the transporter room 1.  Sigh.. but I suppose I'll get used to the ship as time passes by.  Anyways, at least I got a more exciting assignment on my first day.. monitoring the warp core levels is great, if you also like watching grass grow.  After spending 20 minutes searching for transporter room 1, I found this small, round greyish device inside of one of the transporter console.  I'm not sure what it is, but it could be why the records of the transporter and computer are conflicting.  But I can't get close to it, or I'll get shocked. I don't like that, it hurts.  And also, it seems that I might have to buy some shoes for the commander, hmm.. maybe I can just replicate some.. shoes are shoes!  ;) Ha ha ha! Huh, what's that?  Oh, my tea is ready.  End log.

  3. I just saw Matrix 2 today with some of my pals.  And well, the action was pretty good.. I especially liked the highway chase and the fighting, but I felt tha the movie didn't have as good a storyline as the first one, and it was prety predictable too.. I knew exactly what was going to happen before they did it.. but I can't wait for Matrix: Revolution coming out in October.   ;)