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Rason Johandy

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Everything posted by Rason Johandy

  1. Well, I had my first academy today and it was alot of fun. CENG and I had to eject the core of the ship.... got myself and my NPC Fred killed, along with the rest of the crew I guess..... but Fred died and that makes me sad. I notice you guys are VERY prompt at leaving exactly on the mark when its 11 PM. I'll definatly be here tomorrow
  2. Yea, the thing is, in Star Wars they speak Basic, so in order for us humans to understand, they have to get a Translator and translate it into English. Its like watching a dubbed french movie. The closest word we have to what C3P-O was saying is Human. so yea.. :(
  3. Played CSCI tonight, got burned by a solar flare, guess thats partially my fault.
  4. Penguin come, Kemosabi......Mmmmh Maybe fifty, more on foot.
  5. I'd rather die under the covers with a girl, but boots on is the next best way to go. Today is a good day to die.
  6. No GM showed up last night so I stuck around and watched most of the Talon.
  7. Guess not, I had a friend that played Star Wars Galactic Battlegrounds named Neptune... Also, I am here at the holodeck at 10:20 ET and no GM.....
  8. Aye, me to.. By the way Neptune did you ever play SW:GB?