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Everything posted by Dumbass

  1. Not to be crude for the sake of being crude but I will do it to make a point and maybe someone will take action on it. I noticed the room does allow some words like "ass" and "boob" and "######" but you can't even say "cockroaches"! These words, and many others, can be said in the startrek.com room without having to get around the censors. As you can imagine, not being able to say "cockroaches" is a real problem when you serve on a Klingon ship!
  2. You mean normal things like tidal waves, engineering sealent being confused with ketchup, and other cadet deaths? :laugh:
  3. Now here I disagree - not with the standard procedure but with making the standard procedure absolute with no exceptions. There are times when seconds matter and following the chain of command (AENG=> CENG=> Whoever has the bridge=> XO=> CO) uses up precious time you don't have in an emergency and split-second decisions have to be made. If I was the CO I would WANT to be contacted by whomever had the critical information I needed, chain of command be hecked.
  4. Uh, actually they only go up to 25, including the Prime Directive and Omega Directive.
  5. Whether the bridge officers and department chiefs report to the CO or XO really depends on the CO and XO. I always reported my information or asked my questions to whomever asked for the information or whomever had the authority to make a decision. This is usually the CO, although not always. It doesn't make sense for, say, OPS to talk with the XO who then talks with the CO if all 3 of them are on the bridge. When I play one of the "lower deck" chiefs I just report to the bridge and whomever is in charge of the bridge will handle it.
  6. My choice would still be "Robin Garnoopy: Klingons in Tights"
  7. Now the question is which one of your 3 lifetimes (not counting Academy sims) agrees with me?
  8. Yeah, that's right. Romulan technology is off limits to Klingon and Federation personnel (Gee, when has that ever happened? ::): )
  9. Images, you might want to check your history. In ancient times people lived in southern Europe, northern Africa, and western and eastern Asia. Grizzly bears are native to North America.
  10. One thing that apparently has escaped public knowledge is that the actor who played Archer's defender, John Garman Hertzler, is also the actor who played General Martok on DS9. He also worked with Scott Bakula in the past on Quantom Leap. But overall the episode still sucked.
  11. I'm hoping someone reads this. I tried to click the "Notify STSF" link and received an error message. Anyway, I tried to downlosd this chat script and Norton AntiVrrus gave me a message saying "Malicious content detected" and wouldn't let me go any further. What gives? :(
  12. Spoiler (Highlight to Read): Not only that but they didn't even show Archer getting captured in the first place! It's kinda hard to bring someone to trial for a capital crime when you don't even arrest him first.
  13. Well, to be fair, the last time we saw the place was in 1991. Spoiler (Highlight to Read): I thought naming the HoD (That's Klingon for "Captain" for those of you not on the QoB-Lakota.) Duras was a nice touch. But since when is the court-appointed attorney punished with the defendant? I know I would have tried A LOT harder to win the case if I knew that was going to happen.
  14. The HoD and Rawl have been tossed aside?
  15. Rhoz had previously ordered me to check out the biofilters on the Tyderium II's transporter pads, thinking the parasite infecting BcH and KBear might have been beamed aboard that way. I was a bit suspicious of the order, having originally been told to check the main ship transporters and what turned out to be a fictitious power fluctuation in the MRF. However, an order is an order. I reluctantly obeyed, but not seriously expecting to find anything of note. A comprehensive diagnostic found the Tyderium II's transporter systems to be operating at peak efficiency, biofilters and all. If the shuttle transporters did beam up the parasites with the crew then the parasites must have been camoflaged as something as benign as digestive bacteria, common cold viruses, or any one of a number of microbes that the biofilters are programmed to disregard as a matter of routine. We can program the biofilters to add this new... thing... to the list of "red flag" items. To do this, however, we need a sample of the parasite's DNA and so far the MRF has been unable to extract this. I'm not a doctor, or even a scientist, but it seems unlikely that a microscopic organism could grow into a parasite large enough to incapacitate an otherwise healthy Klingon in such a short span of time. The most likely alternative is that it was beamed up with the beasts the hunting party killed. Animals living in the wild would be expected to have more diseases and other biological impurities than intelligent life so there are not as many safety protocols in place when beaming prey up as a matter of necessity. BcH and Kawalas probably contracted the parasites when they inspected their prey on the ship but before the EMH/Cook had a chance to inspect the suitability of the meat for consumption. I advised Rhoz of this possibility. Without a sample of the parasites, however, no one can be sure. ::encodes next paragraph with encryption algorithim:: I had some work to do on the holodeck simulation project so I headed to Main Engineering to get started. Narn seemed eager to discuss something with me and announced he was coming down. He seemed particularly urgent. Narn may be self-assured to the point of arrogance but he's not stupid. He must know by now I suspect he and Rhoz and possibly Ramjep are conspiring on something and I think I'm about to find out what.
  16. Well, what *I* would say about her avitar would probably be deleted as inappropriate, so I'll just have to say a simple "WOW!!" and hope it will suffice.
  17. Yep - you rambled.
  18. I don't see how a Borg sim could work. Everyone would be saying and thinking the same thing.
  19. do i get to win a weekend with you on a planet if i find THAT one Gambit, part II. Don't wear anything too involved.
  20. Yes, it is a REAL company!! Our HR manager at work is really into that motivational poster bullasterisks. I sent the link to a couple people at work and they all went running to her with requests for orders. :(
  21. I GOT IT AGAIN!! Robin Garnoopy: Klingons in Tights!
  22. I'm not a Vulcan, but I play one in STSF. In TOS we were led to believe that Vulcan logic was a genetic trait, but in later movies and shows this restriction was lightened and we began to see Vulcans having some feelings. We know that the Vulcans were an emotional race 5000 years ago but over time (a couple centuries probably) they learned to curb these impulses. My theory is in their natural state they were as emotional as Humans, but they had the CAPACITY for achieving a state of pure logic that Humans did not and do not. Natural selection has tended to reward those who had a greater capacity for logic than the others and, over time, this trait for logic became genetic. That does not mean there isn't a role for meditation and training, and that there can't be any throwbacks to earlier generations (It happens among Humans as well.), but over time "nature" becomes more important than "nuture". It's called evolution.
  23. I GOT IT!! My Big Fat Garnoopy Wedding!
  24. Hey, as long as the rude thoughts are directed towards me, no harm no foul! It would take a lot to offend me :( Besides...it's possible it would take someone a whole day just to pack one piece of equippment. No all Vulcans are smart! Hey, not fair Atragon. ::points to Vex:: He started it! And good point about Vulcans being labeled as smart. Logic is not intelligence. (I mean hell, look at my name!)