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Everything posted by Grom

  1. That's right folks...Arcadia is in need of a quality Tactical Officer! :laugh: ::ducks::
  2. You can check out all of the new changes at the Star Trek.com Beta Test Site. http://beta.startrek.com
  3. Congrats on your well deserved promotion! :) Wherever you decided to go, I'm sure they'll be glad to have you. Of course, picking a simulation with a GromVik character is highly encouraged and recommended! ::D:
  4. Format: .doc Highlights: *GMs die, Cadets don't! * Fred becomes a fish! * Fred becomes a snake! (boy is he talented!) * GromVik is still one cool guy, even dead. :D
  5. Nah, Trek should stick to the PC. It's never really done that well on consoles.
  6. ::shakes head:: There's no way Nintendo would by the rights to the Trek genre. The Game Cube and GBA (SP) are mainly geared towards kids and younger teenagers while the PS2 and the X-Box are generally geared towards late teens and up. I think it would be cool if Lucas Arts purchased the rights, then you'd have some weird irony thing going on.
  7. .doc A must read for all cadets. Please pay attention to the comments made to the crew mid sim by Captain FredM!
  8. YES! Space: Above and Beyond was awesome! I'm glad someone else out there appreciated good sci-fi. :P
  9. Whether you read it or not, this is what you agreed to when registering to the STSF Message Boards. Please keep it in mind when you post. Thank you. :P "Please remember that we are not responsible for any messages posted. We do not vouch for or warrant the accuracy, completeness or usefulness of any message, and are not responsible for the contents of any message. The messages express the views of the author of the message, not necessarily the views of this message board. Any user who feels that a posted message is objectionable is encouraged to contact us immediately by email. We have the ability to remove objectionable messages and we will make every effort to do so, within a reasonable time frame, if we determine that removal is necessary. You agree, through your use of this service, that you will not use this message board to post any material which is knowingly false and/or defamatory, inaccurate, abusive, vulgar, hateful, harassing, obscene, profane, sexually oriented, threatening, invasive of a person's privacy, or otherwise violative of any law. You agree not to post any copyrighted material unless the copyright is owned by you or by this message board."
  10. Format: .doc Highlights! *The Pandarians fill their bellies! * Laura crashes the ship! * Lots of good work! * GromVik is concluded to be hot.
  11. Hi there, Unfortunately there are no academies that run Friday night, but you can check the schedule to see which of the eight we offer that you can attend!
  12. Perhaps they crash ships into the ground because I'm hot? :P
  13. And here's the log...
  14. You can still be promoted and not have a graduation announcement. :D Congrats Nemesis.
  15. This might severely hurt your reelection campaign you know?
  16. Congratulations Ensign...well deserved! :D
  17. Format: .txt
  18. ::offers Kroells a breath mint, then runs away:: :) ::D:
  19. Medical staffs must love me...they spend half of their existances badgering me. :D
  20. For the record: On the Reaent, on the QoB-Lakota, and on the Archer (non-stsf) I was senior to both of them. Oooh, scratch one for the "who cares" column? Seriously, there's far more to simming than seinority and rank.
  21. Sugar...? Helps the medicine go down...the medicine goes down... ::continues singing and trails off into the distance::
  22. (I thought this was interesting considering the Aegis motto is "Peace through strength." The motto of the USS Ronald Reagan is "Strength through peace.") By SONJA BARISIC Associated Press Writer July 12, 2003, 12:32 PM EDT NORFOLK, Va. -- With the order "Bring her to life," former first lady Nancy Reagan commissioned the Navy's newest aircraft carrier Saturday and sent lines of sailors streaming onto the USS Ronald Reagan. The carrier, nearly 1,100 feet long and standing 20 stories above the waterline, is the first to be named for a living president. Ronald Reagan, now 92 and ailing with Alzheimer's disease, didn't attend the ceremony at Norfolk Naval Station, but he was praised by speakers at the commissioning. Today's Navy is in many ways a monument to Reagan's vision, Vice President Dick Cheney told the crowd of hundreds that applauded under a clear blue sky. "He came to the presidency with a clear understanding of the tools our Navy would need to protect the American people," Cheney told the crowd. The Reagan, expected to serve the Navy for more than 50 years, will be based in San Diego, be home to 6,000 sailors and carry more than 80 aircraft. With two nuclear reactors, the carrier can travel faster than 30 knots and operate for 20 years without refueling. "Quite frankly, there's not a better name for an aircraft carrier than Ronald Reagan," said the ship's commanding officer, Capt. Bill Goodwin. Petty Officer 1st Class Paul Fulsom became the first sailor assigned to the USS Ronald Reagan when he was transferred from Bahrain three years ago after the birth of his daughter, who needed surgery. He's watched the carrier's construction since he reported to the Reagan on May 26, 2000. At the time, "you could look from the hangar bay up to the sky," the 32-year-old said. Fulsom, of Yakima, Wash., says he's proud to serve on a carrier named after the nation's 40th president: "To have my name in the same sentence as the former president is an honor in itself." * __ On the Net: USS Ronald Reagan: http://www.reagan.navy.mil/ Commission ceremony: http://www.ussronaldreagan.org/ Copyright © 2003, The Associated Press
  23. ::scrapes the bubblegum off his shoes:: Man, when she does that.
  24. Folks, let's chill with this topic eh?