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Everything posted by Grom

  1. What's another year Cubs fans? :D
  2. And how many Floridian hockey fans do you know? :D
  3. Hockey... ::chuckles:: There's an activity that barely classifies as a sport in America.
  4. I blame Major League Baseball for putting two teams in Canada in the first place. ::D:
  5. Welcome aboard! Be sure to check our schedule for Academy times! :D
  6. Hey Jacob, where have you been hiding these days? :D
  7. .txt Good Sim. :D
  8. Heh...he said 8 "scores" in one inning. Runs Fred...Runs.... ::shakes head::
  9. Are Floridians even baseball fans? Sheesh. :D
  10. Good Question...please see our FAQ page! ::ducks:: :D
  11. Most common FAQ: Where's the FAQ page? :D
  12. Incorrect. That is a topic to be taken elsewhere than these boards. Thank You. :D Furthermore, I request that we would be careful in our responses to this topic. The repsonses themselves are becoming quite volitile. The subject is Columbus...let's keep it at that. Thanks! :cool:
  13. Yeah...and and and...what if he didn't get in an accident and became the league MVP next year....and and...what if he scored the game winning goal in game 7 of the Stanely Cup against your favorite team? Huh huh huh? ::P: J/k
  14. "this simulation will begin it's missions with STSF on October 12, 2003 at 10:00 PM ET and will continue each Sunday at that time." And it's "its" not "it's" :P
  15. Throwing medical officers in the brig...why didn't I think of that? ;)
  16. Happy Birthday!!!! ;)
  17. Gee Vex, that's a nasty cough you have there. ;)
  18. Logistically speaking, new simulations are no problem. When the USS Reaent was re-launched a couple years ago, department chiefs started at the rank of Lieutenant, Junior grade, while the rest started at the rank of Ensign. Rank doesn't really matter all that much...considering a department chief will always outrank an assistant, no matter what ranks both players hold.
  19. This is true. I talked to their main man a couple of months back. Their launch date was literally six weeks or so after ours. It's a very popular name...not that I'd name my kid STSF or anything...::pauses::...nah...!
  20. In all honesty, we don't care how many simulations you attend. I've seen many players who graduate quickly from the academies, flounder in advanced simulations, and like wise many shaky academy players who come into their own in advanced simulations. I was one of those players who graduated very quickly but took quite awhile to really get the hang of what simming was really all about. My advice is...relax, have fun, obey the rules and be willing to learn something. ;)
  21. No comment has been filed from the Pandarian Empire. ;)
  22. ::grumbles asisde:: I never made the homepage... ::sighs:: Welcome JCin! ;)
  23. Another GREAT department based simulation. Keep up the good work! format: .txt
  24. Welcome to STSF! We look forward to seeing you. If you have any questions at any time, please feel free and Private Message any of the GM Staff or post your question here. :D Once again, welcome aboard!
  25. I highly doubt that the producers are interested in exploring Vulcan culture, rather, Berman is seeing a failing product to a slowly dying genre. Frankly, the whole relationship between Trip and T'Pol is about how much we can entice the male population 18-25 into watching our show. This was done for Voyager and now we are seeing it done again for Enterprise. I do think it is distasteful and it severely borders on smut. Whereas I was able to barely tolerate the second season, I'm finding that this third season might turn me off from Star Trek altogether. The show has serious potential, but it will never be great unless the producers stop looking to capitalize on the raging lusts of the male gender.