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Lerak trPexil

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Posts posted by Lerak trPexil

  1. Every Grain of Sand a Dream


    Blue. A brilliant blue. A clear sky. A brilliant blue sky. A white noise filled the air all around him. People could be heard some distance away. Wait, it was'na white noise, but the sound of the ocean. The salty smell of the air filled his nostrils. What was going on? He pulled himself up onto his elbows and looked around.


    Lerak felt her approach without even looking up "About time au got here. I thought au'd never show." He got to his feet.


    "I find that difficult to believe," she said, her voice low. "I have been in your mind all day. Where else would I be?"


    He thought about that for a moment. "If that is true then why are you gone when I need you? Why am I running everything?" He became annoyed. "Did au fix the sensors like I asked?"


    "Those are na my problems any more, Lerak. Those are yours. Au are in charge. Do au na like being in charge?"


    He shook his head slightly. "It's na what I expected. Respect from the engineering team had been slow. I've had to be forceful and repetitive." He motioned her with his hand to walk down the shoreline. “On top of that there's t'Ditsy. I swear she causes half of my stress."


    Her filmy dress fluttered against her legs in the breeze. She looked ahead and na at him. "It was the same when I was Daise. Respect is earned, na given. I ruled with a heavy hand and strict rules. How do you govern?"


    Lerak laughs out loud, causing birds to scatter. "I think people would say I have a lighter approach. Soft on some things, but still hashes out punishments where needed. But.. I've given Ditsy more leeway. Why I do na know." He went to reach for her hand. He passed right through hers,but did na notice. "I'm clearly na your calibre of leader."


    "Na, au are na me, but that is na a bad thing. Au need to find your own way and make your own path." Her gaze turned to him then, though she seemed to look through him rather than at him. A pale green light gleamed where her eyes should have been. "You must be their leader, Lerak. They look to au to know what to do."


    He shook his head in agreement with a sense of sorrow. "Ie, I know." Since Laehval was here he decided to change the subject. "I don't think I come back to this beach because of my work. I can never get off this beach. I've walked this patch a thousand times. Au say you have always been here, but this is the first time I remember speaking to au."


    "Au have walked past me a hundred times and never seen me. But perhaps I did na wish to be seen. I have been avoiding au, I think. Though au keep me around and will na let me go, I did na want to talk to au."


    He looked down. "I can't blame au. What a fool I've been. First I wanted to kill au because of your arrogance, than as the years went by I pined for au. Then I had au. I. Had. Au. But then I messed that up. Au hate me." His thoughts got lost as his anger increased.


    As his emotions turned to rage, she seemed even more transparent. "I do na hate au," she said calmly. "I could never hate au. I was unhappy with myself and so I could na be happy with others."


    He wanted to ask about what she was unhappy about, but he did na know the answer himself. "Au had a way of pushing most everyone away. Why au would choose a ship full of people is something I did na get to ask." Laehval became more opaque as Lerak's anger waned. "Why won't au visit me on the Talon? If au do na hate me, I do na understand."


    "Even among a ship full of people, I could be alone. I was alone." She hugged herself as they walked, gazing off toward the ocean again. "I can na visit au, Lerak, even if I wanted to. I can na."


    "Why!" He waved his hands to say na to answer. "I'm sorry. I am lonely as well." Perhaps that was the meat of the issue. "The only constant friend I have is J'stal, I'm na even sure she notices. Most likely she is off playing her games."


    "I can na visit au, Lerak, because I am dead. I do na exist. I am na here. I can na be with au. I am alone and will always be alone." Her voice remained steady and calm, but her attention seemed to drift away. "I have na reason to live and na reason to stay. I am nothing."


    "What do au mean au are dead? Au are right..." As Pexil turns to look at Laehval she is nowhere to be found. "here..." Without notice appears J'stal. "What?"


    "What?" t'Ditsy echoed.




    "Did au fix the sensors like I asked? Wait, what? I've never seen au at this beach before." Lerak seemed genuinely surprised.


    "Sensors? What sensors?" She slapped him. "Au are na making sense. What beach? Lerak, are au dreaming?"


    Lerak awoke, face down in the couch he was led to earlier, covered in a warm green blanket. Another slap crossed his face, this time it felt… real. "Ouch! Whaat…dreaming? Did au fix the sensors?"


    t'Ditsy stood over him, gripping his shoulder as she shook him awake. "Wake up, Lerak. Au overslept! Shift has already started and au are drooling on my couch muttering in your sleep about beaches and t'Temarr."


    "Elements!" Lerak exclaimed and launched himself onto the floor and at t'Ditsy's feet. "Don't tell the daise'engineer.. wait. That's me." He was still getting his bearings in her differently arranged quarters. "I've got to change into something fresh in my quarters." He squeezed her tightly and rushed out the door.

  2. Rihannsu Language Tool 1.0*


    Found this with the Goggle, but it's nice to have it searchable rather than one long page. Even found a word for engineer: "Paectum"


    Would Pexil be ihryh Daise'Paectum? (Temporary Chief Engineer)


    Anyhow, hope this helps someone.




    *Links to: http:// mrklingo. freeshell. org/ romulan/index. php for your reference.

  3. From: Lerak tr’Pexil

    Acting Chief Engineer, RES Talon

    To: Laehval t’Temarr


    After our last conversation it has taken me some time to get up the nerve to write. Elements, I don’t even know if au care for these kinds of things. Be that as it may, I thought it important to relay the current engineering status of the Talon.


    Firstly, N’Dak thought it important to test each division of the Talon’s crew on their readiness. I can’t speak to how our team performed as events have prevented any long discussion on the matter. At a normal cruising velocity of warp 6 the Talon experienced a power failure ship wide. Naturally, funny as it sounds, the artificial quantum singularity held. After close to two hours I discovered a relay had been tampered with while in dry dock. The powers that be probably made sure we would na detect its installation. A command level code install altered the subroutines directing power throughout the ship. One relay, a minor one in the scheme of things. Once I figured out the code I had to rewrite I made the climb to the affected relay.


    Sadly I was na fast enough to repair the sabotage at one relay node. The command level code had a replication sequence inside. It spread throughout the other nodes, and nearly instantly. The only way then to fix the code required a full core shutdown. Once I patched the kernel and rebooted the problem is gone for good. There are other low level safeguards in place to prevent future occurrences.

    Apart from that the mission we are on has gone somewhat smoothly. I dare na divulge the nature of this in case au lack the proper clearance. Please find attached a full engineering report as to the status of the Talon since the refit up to a few hours ago.


    End Engineering Log


    <Begin Encryption>


    I felt the need to write an off the record personal section to this message. Naw that I’m here I am at a loss for words. Fvadt au Laehval, au infuriate me so. Fvadt au and aur soul of ice. Fvadt au and the control au feel the need to yield over engineering. Fvadt au for na returning any of my messages. Au could have really used some time to decompress from the gamma quadrant, latinum-loving fools we became. Au upset my sister who really wanted to meet au. I told her things were complicated. She said I always chose the complicated ones. Like the woman who nearly cut me in two. Na one on the Talon knows of her. By now it may na be humiliating.


    Fvadt au for punching me in the face. Perhaps I deserved it. It hurt me inside more than the outside. I even avoid the area where it happened. Something I can’t shake. Oh how I wish I had hit au back. I think we both needed it. Nat that anything more pleasant would have happened afterward. I think au are still scared of getting close to anyone. Some things have happened in aur past. While I can’t understand what emotional and psychological scars collected over the years, I tried to be there.


    Fvadt me for making so many mistakes between us. We had a dinner when au first arrived. The news of a smug new engineer surpassing me so quickly drove me insane. Insane enough to attempt poison au. I could na go through with it. With the knowledge of the now I’m torn as to if I made the right decision.


    The above was harsh. Felt good to get it out. If au knock me flat I’ll know how it all was taken. With all I’ve said I still think of au fondly. We, perhaps I, need to have a long chat with au. The one I thought would happen on

    shore leave.


    Well, I hope this finds au well.




    <End Encryption>


    M_K_tKsa -> ::in her office, pacing back and forth, burning a hole in the carpet::

    t’Rexan> Take it easy on the new carpet!


    Engineering will get right on a burn-proof carpet for her office.


    Lerak trPexil -> "My and your shift t'Ditsy. Can au get dressed please?" "I can wait out here."

    t’Rexan> I would certainly hope so…otherwise that might be creepy…taking that new Daise position, a little far there Pexil……even Laehval didn’t watch you dress for duty!


    Heck Pexil could hardly get dinner.


    Koga S'Bien -> Acknowledged, rekkgai. Beginning protocols, now. ::tapping at his console, watching sensor levels thoroughly::

    Koga S'Bien -> erkkhai*

    Koga S'Bien -> <bah, can't spell>

    t’Rexan> oh, I thought it was more of au strange Canadian language


    I thought those were the Canadian spellings.


    Lerak trPexil -> :: moves over and grabs her feet :: "Au can keep my drink but the feel have to go.."

    t’Rexan> Kinky Pexil!


    He almost felt her feet. He just can't leave the ladies along seemingly.


    Lerak trPexil -> :: looks at his vibrating ISD :: "Ugh, power failure."

    t’Rexan> Evidently au batteries are still working…….brown chicken brown cow


    It was either that or Lady t'Gaga. Maybe Taylor t'Swift.


    Laehval tTemarr -> t'Ditsy> ::She wrinkled her nose.:: I would rather na talk about him, if au do na mind. He is a liar and a user.

    Lerak trPexil -> :: laughs :: "I think that sums up aur feelings."

    t’Rexan> Well you did wake her up early, of course she’s grouchy.


    She was talking about N'Dak and NOT Pexil.


    Koga S'Bien -> <to t'aehjae, not Pexil>

    Lerak trPexil -> <aww>

    Lerak trPexil -> <We had things so good S'Bien>

    Koga S'Bien -> <luls. I'm a two timing Sbien eh >

    Lerak trPexil -> <too late now S'Bien>

    t’Rexan> Something we should know you two?


    All these years and you are just finding out? Koga, I think Pexil will join you at your next beach-tall drink combo vacation. The private beach.

  5. Junction 23A Part 2


    An expected voice came from t’Liss, “Um, tr’Pexil. I am getting warnings all over the ship. The problem relays are spreading.”


    Tapping to reply, “Ie… damn. Elements be all!” Lerak stood there in silence for a moment. “Wait. I have a solution, but they might not like it.”


    “What would that be,” asked Koga.


    “I am heading to the main computer core and I will be taking the main and secondary cores offline. I need to carry out a fix.”


    “Hold on there, that means au and au alone will have core access for, what, a few minutes?” continued Koga.


    Lerak had already gathered up his ISDs and kits and making a hasty climb down the service ladder. “Idealy the kernel patch will take a few minutes. Program is ready to go. I’m already near the junction service exit. I will arrive at the core in about three minutes.”


    He could hear Koga sigh over the t’Liss, “This better work or someone will have aur backside, Koga out."


    Lerak now ran down the corridor toward the nearest lift. The doors opened with three coming out. “Move, out of my way please. Go, go!” Seeing them gone and the door closing, “Computer core desk, priority override.” The lift moved in slow motion. The doors opened. Looking exactly like engineering’ the main doors to the primary computer core lay ahead. He went through.


    “Au want to do what?” asked one of the computer technicians.


    Lerak expected the question. “I need to take the primary and secondary cores offline for a kernel patch. Ie, it will log everyone off and systems will shudder while going to backups.” The technician just stood there. “Follow my orders and take both cores offline.”


    “Ie rekkhai.”


    Daise’Engineer tr’Pexil took the nearest console while the technician took another against a far wall.


    “Commencing logoffs and placing the cores in a safe mode..” His voice trailed off as Lerak began to write another routine to properly patch the operating kernel. Writing that bit of code was simple by comparison to the rewrite of the relays earlier. Even so he had never typed so fast or so hard against the console in his life. For it was his life at stake from all appearances.


    “Rekkhai, communications are coming in from all over the shift once the cores went down. Every department, the Enarrain himself now, what do I tell them?”


    “Tell them to stand by, the patch installs and core reboot are nearly complete,” was Lerak’s only reply.




    Lerak held up a finger for nearly half a minute to cut off more prattling by the technician.


    Time stopped.


    “Now… cores have rebooted and I will bring power back in once minutes once services come up,” Lerak said, panting visibly. The darkness here was even more haunting than in the corridors.


    “They will have aur head if this fails,” commented the obvious tech.


    “Ie, they…”


    Lights turn on. His ISD reported other power systems coming back online. His t’Liss chirped.


    “Au are one lucky bastard,” Koga calmly said.


    “Ie, I will be in my office, tr’Pexil out.”

  6. Relay Junction 23A Part 1


    “Elements, why that relay,” Lerak muttered to himself. He looked like someone struck latinum at the Dabo table with all of his ISD’s and large engineering kit around his neck and over his shoulders. Post haste he dashed out the main engineering doors and turned left toward the nearest lift. Two exited the lift as Lerak entered. Real or imagined, he could feel their disgust at the loss of power throughout the Talon. The pressure weighed like a shuttlecraft on his shoulders now. “Prove or lose,” his sister said once.


    “Deck closest to junction 23A,” he said, looking up at the emergency lighting. Enough power coming from the shuttles to power certain items as ops and engineering saw fit. Getting around the large ship was one of them. The sound pulses of the lift seemed to grow in intensity the longer the transport took. Just when the sound became unbearable... it stopped.


    This corridor appeared as dark as all the others. The Galae seemed fit to install green lighting along with the mostly green interior and exterior. Far better than Cardassian beige or Federation gray. Lerak got out his ISD and pointed its camera down one passage. Its screen showed a skeletal view of the ship, like x-ray vision. The location of junction 23A appeared as an orange dot against a black with green lines background. Right where Koga said was the source of the Talon’s woes.


    Lerak carried his kits and isds down to the hatch like a beast of burden, for this burden was his alone in the eyes of N’Dak and the new second in command. Before he could give much thought to the aftermath, the hatch he needed to climb into lay before the engineer.


    “Engineering Access Hatch 23,” emblazed just above the hatch doors. Lerak carefully entered his code to open the door. Thankfully it did so without protest. This presented the next leg of his journey: the ladders. Easy access was not a term wholly understood some engineering circles. How could it be given the sheer size of the Talon? Nevertheless these ladders needed climbed and climb Lerak did.


    “This long climb had to be planned,” the Daise’Engineer said out loud. His equipment clanged and scrapped the sides of the tube at each step. Sweat ran down his forehead and across his eye, forcing him to hang on with one hand while wiping his eye with the other. The ascent took a good five minutes, in which anger all over the ship grew. Relief came at the top of the ladder.


    Lerak crawled onto the platform to one side of the ladder’s end and rested for a moment. Above him were two junction relay boxes attached to the wall. Beyond those stretched the tunnel well into the distance in both directions. On the platform floor laid his engineer’s gear: Two ISDs, portable terminal, various tools, scanners and replacement parts. He spilled out the contents and began to work. He took the small ISD and stuck it to the wall and turned the comm on to listen to the engineering chatter.


    “Power nodules installed on deck five and six… Acknowledged, cloak is secure… AQS containment is holding at acceptable levels, estimated reserves at eight hours…”


    Lerak turned down the volume a bit; not sure concentrating would be helped by all the engineering conversation. He stood up and keyed in his access code to open the panel. An audible hiss released the panel and the hand holds allowed him to place it to one side. A thought crossed his mine and he tapped his t’Liss. “tr’Pexil to Koga. I have arrived at junction 23A.”


    “Acknowledged, took Au long enough. I’d not wait to fix this if I were you. Koga out,” helm replied simply. Kogawas right though, he had better get a move on or power won’t matter on the other side of an airlock. Lerak grabbed one end of an optical cable and attached it to a larger ISD display. Then he took the scanner and began to wave it over the components of the open panel. The ISD lit up; displaying diagnostic information of whatever was under the scanner’s blue light. Comparing the scans to the known norms revealed nothing of out of spec. Frustration set in and Lerak felt a headache rising. “What the el..,” he said and stopped short. An alert sounded and flashed on-screen. Koga got the place right after all.


    He moved to the large ISD to see what he’d be dealing with. The rogue code was squarely inside the relay control pathway algorithms. Text and symbols filled the display. Lerak read each line of code, trying to the forest for the trees. Every once in a while where a snippet of code should be a symbol appeared. Strange, nothing appeared wrong with the code overall. He looked dejected and sat there for a few minutes. Suddenly he jerked up. “Wait, what are those symbols?”

    Back to the large ISD he went. Finding one of those strange symbols was easy, but he was not able to expand the code further. Instead he only got a warning:


    Access Denied. Command Level Clearance or above.


    “What?” Lerak’s expression showed honest disbelief. “There should be no access restriction here. I should contact N’Dak.” He frowned. “No. I can’t trust command now.” He had to get power back and worry about this code level restriction later. He shrunk the onscreen code and began writing his own. He encountered this code structure in engineering classes, used on small and large craft alike. His version would be quick and dirty compared to the painstakingly crafted version produced by the Galae engineering core.


    The task of writing around the locked command code snippets seemed to take forever. Luckily Lerak ignored the chatter coming from the ISD and most everything else around. The silence and darkness became a welcome companion for code writing. Borrowed code and new, the program came together very well. Feeling confident it would work he ran the program under a simulator. He tapped execute….

    Program Complete…. No errors.


    “Ie!” shouted Lerak, the sound echoing down the long service tunnels. His celebration soon ended however by help from the oria.


    “tr’Pexil! What is going on down there? They are growing impatient and it’s still dark up here,” Koga asked.


    Lerak tapped his t’Liss. “Send my apologies. I will be implementing a solution shortly. Stand by.” He took the relay offline, bringing it into a diagnostic mode. He overrode the bad code with the fresh and brought the relay back online. Taking the scanner once more over the box he found it just as the factory intended, except the code he wrote.


    “I’m ready to begin reestablishing power. Stand by,” Lerak messaged to Koga.


    “Finally,” he replied.


    “Finally indeed,” the engineer replied out loud. “Just...”




    He turned to look at his ISD watching other relays and junctions.


    “Beep, beep, beep… beep….” On and on the warnings went.


    “No, no, NO!”

  7. Leaves crunched underfoot as Lerak made his way up a winding path. Na io had swept the autumn debris for several seasons. The air was chilly, but only required a light coat. The old woman walking ahead of him wore an even heavier coat. It looked a part of her as if she wore the dusty thing year-round.


    “Where is this place,” asked Lerak. It looked doubtful she could even speak and their continued walk up the path gave no answers. If this was the place a friend had heard of, and a good price to boot, then getting away from it all would be easy. The wind whipped around even more as they approached the entrance. At least he hoped this was the entrance. The path seemed to go on forever.


    “We are here,” her worn voice stated. Her hand tapped an oddly placed keypad to the right of the door. A light at the top of the keys went green, but nothing happened. The old woman groaned then began pounding the side. “Come on au stupid machine…” Steam sprayed out from where the doors met followed by a loud hiss as they began to spread apart. “That’s better. Come.”


    The elaborate front door puzzled Lerak. It belonged on a starship, not a house. As they passed from the outside to the inside the cold wind faded. In its place was a sort of luke warm metallic smell. The flooring underneath distinctively sounded of metal. Lerak thought of old deck plating, something before the insulated floors of the Talon. Ahead lay a long corridor, strewn with a line of green lighting along its length. At the far end another door like the io they just passed.


    “What is this place? This is na house I have seen before,” the engineer asked, still confused.


    “Au should know if au are as good an engineer as aur friend proclaims. Perhaps na.” The woman smiled out of sight of Lerak.


    “I know this is na ordinary house, if this is even a house."


    She laughed. “Au have that much right, this is na ordinary place. The man who built is was na ordinary either.” She gestured to a door to the right. A sign above read “Power.” They continued further.


    “Jaros t’Retal was big in the cargo business years back. He did pretty well for himself. At its peak his company flew a dozen ships across three sectors. They shipped all kinds of cargo from stem bolts to weapon grade bilithium.” They came upon another door this time to the right. Above that a sign read “Transporter.” Lerak’s turned his head to make sure he was reading that correctly. She paused at seeing him read the sign so intently.


    “Is it...,” Lerak began to ask.


    “Na functional sadly, it would have fetched quite a price if so,” she answered his obvious question. Lerak started walking again and the old woman continued. “He had been in business for a long time and needed to retire, but dearly enjoyed his time in out there.” She gestured with her finger toward the sky. “Jaros had the money to bring a little of his time down to the homeworld. We are walking in it. His favorite cargo ship, partially buried underground.”


    After more walking the old woman, followed by the Galae officer, reached the door at the other end of the long corridor. A keypad like the one before greeted them. She punched a code to unlock. This door did not protest like the other. “He kept what we just walked through in an almost unkempt condition, but spent many a time and credit renovating this.”


    Lerak’s eyes widened as the doors opened fully. He said only two words: “Oh my.”

  8. tr'Pexil was na ready for his brother's arrival. Not now. Not with her here. Not only did she not know Pixel's true origin, she was security in the Galae and would be duty bound to report it. tr'Pexil's breath started to quicken. He panicked. He could not afford that now. His father interrupted the silence.


    "Told au I had business to attend to, how are au son?"


    “It has been a long mission in the gamma quadrant father. May I introduce the Talon's Daise'Dheno t'Aehjae.”


    tA nodded to the gentlemen at the door. She turned to Pexil not knowing he had a this much family and then back to the 2 men. "Jolan Tru Rekkhai."


    "Jolan'tru to au as well." With a wave of Kuval's hand, "This is my oldest son Kvan t'Pixel from one of the outer colonies."


    Pixel bowed in t'Aehjae's direction, then spoke, "Pardon me, I was expecting Laehval my brother speaks so highly. Au work with my brother as well?"


    tA returned the bow, "Ie I do. t’Temarr could na come with tr’Pexil so he asked me to go with him. I hope this is na a problem." She looked between the three men now standing in front of her.


    "Good to know there is an actual crew on the Talon. By his account only two engineers ran the ship," Pixel said with a laugh. Their father joined in as well. "Shall we sit down?"


    "Ie, let’s do so," answered tr'Pexil. They all moved to the dinner table at the far end of the kitchen. Breakfast was only moments away. All of the plates were filled with the mixture t'Aehjae helped prepare earlier. Pixel went into the kitchen to meet Aluna. They exchanged greetings and laughs before arriving at the dinner table.


    tA still was na comfortable being here. She did na speak, but went with the others to the dining room table.


    tr'Pixel sat next to t'Aehjae and across from his brother. "It's regrettable I will be unable to meet aur Daise'Engineer. I held that post before my new assignment and would have enjoyed trading stories. Appeared au two were getting closer last we spoke."


    tr'Pexil swallowed at his brother's question. "Things between us did na go in the direction I had hoped. I don't know what will happen now."


    "Are au two.." smiled Pixel.


    "Na, just friends for nearly seven years." Yes, a friend he kissed earlier.


    Pixel nodded, turning his attention to tr’Pexil’s guest, "Security must be a challenge on such a large vessel t'Aehjae."


    “Ie, the Daise keeps me and my staff busy. What of au? Au spoke of a new post.” t’Aehjae inquired.


    “I captain a science vessel currently undergoing refit, the... it will be ready in a few weeks,” the brother quickly added.

    tr’Pexil noted, “The Talon will be finished with its refit as well, just as soon as…” An oddly happy tone emanated from his ISD. He picked it up and grinned. “Hmm, it arrived sooner than I expected. t’Aehjae and my brother, would au two mind helping me with a delivery?”


    “Indeed,” replied Pixel.


    Shrug, went t’Aehjae.

  9. "Fiihma"


    tr'Pexil walked to the dark kitchen in silence. What had he done? What was he thinking? Should he run? A drink of draemn? Na this early. He was at a loss for words. Should he just stand here for a while? Wait, she was still in there. Perhaps she bolted out the door and hailed for the Talon. For the moment he just stood in front of the sink.


    t’Aehjae sat there astounded, her hand still to her face. She could not believe what just happened. She had watched him step into the other room but wasn’t sure what she should do. She just remained seated, her eyes on the door.

    Glass of water thought tr'Pexil. He filled two glasses with cold water, turned around and peered around the corner to see if she had left. She sat in silence. tr’Pexil made his way back.


    "I... I am so sorry,” he began, shaking. “I do’na know what to say." He offered her one of the waters and sat at the other end of the couch.


    t’Aehjae removed her hand from her face and took the glass. "What brought that on? I mean we do na know each other very well at all." She didn’t drink from the glass just brought it down level with her lap resting her arm on her leg. "I mean if we have had relations I could see it but we have na."


    tr’Pexil nodded as his eyes looked down. "I'm na certain. I'm normally na rash. Something, in aur story, something inside said to… Elements!" He held his head in his left hand. "I guess I felt au needed it. I'm sorry, it is na excuse." The relative silence of the situation turned his stomach.


    t’Aehjae placed her hand on his shoulder, "tr’Pexil I am na upset. Shocked, ie, but na upset." She removed her hand and placed the glass on the table in front of them. She then clasped her hand on her lap looking down. "IE I believe au were correct. I may have needed it. I was feeling myself fall back into the slump that I felt when it all first happened."


    He sipped from his glass then laid it down at one end of the table. Every action seemed to take forever. "Still I had na right. I meant na harm or disrespect. Au should have punched or stabbed." tr'Pexil realized she could still bring this to t'Rexan's attention. Any amount of disciplinary action could be taken. He looked up at her.


    She had na looked up. She was still sitting there with her hand clasped on her lap na sure what she wanted to do. The kiss shocked her, but made her think as well. "Do na worry I know au meant na harm.” She looked up at the sun beginning to shine in the window. "The sunrise is pretty isn’t it," she said, changing the subject.


    His eyes widened at a thought. "Here, come this way." He urged her to follow him up a small flight of stairs just off the kitchen. A door lay at the top of the stairs. tr’Pexil brushed her shoulder as he keyed the code to open it. Inside was a large window facing the sunrise. "This is a better view," he said simply.


    t’Aehjae went through the door and looked out the window. "Wow, this is a better view.” She looked around noting the room and stepped closer to the window so she could watch the sunrise. "When will aur family arise?"


    "I think Lithara went back to bed already and my mother will probably awake within the hour. I heard my father had some business to attend." He had hoped this would wash away the tension he created. He could hear his sister say, "You wait ten years on one and not ten hours on another?" He'd not dare tell her this however. "It is na breakfast for au and I, but I'm sure my mother will be fixing something."


    t’Aehjae just nodded and continued her watch out the window at the sunrise. She was na sure what she should do or what she wanted to do. The kiss had brought back forgotten memories. She wanted to run, but then again he had brought her here and she did na know how to drive the hoverbike. She did na wish to have questions coming from the Talon command so she just stood there watching.


    tr'Pexil kept some distance from her. There was na telling how much damage the kiss caused. He swallowed hard. "If au want to go I will understand. I've... caused enough awkwardness already. I will be downstairs when au decide. All of the exits will stay unlocked.”


    She turned and looked to tr’Pexil. "Au need na worry tr’Pexil. Au wished to visit aus family, I will remain and na say anything about what happened to anyio. I will remain up here until aus family has awakened and then au can come retrieve me. I do na plan on crawling out a window. I came in through the front door I will leave the same way." She turned back to the window honestly enjoying the view. She had na seen a real sunrise in she could na remember when.


    "Good, hann'yyo.” Before he turned he spoke, “For what it is worth, I do like what I have seen… of au." With that he headed down the stairs. No one had yet arisen. He thought of those last words, but at this point enough was going through his mind to care.


    t’Aehjae turned just in time to see him turn and leave. She at first thought of following then decided against it. She let out a long sigh and looked back out of the window. ‘What was it he just said? He liked what he had seen of me? He was t’Temarr's right? What would she do to her if she found this out?' She closed her eyes for a moment and then opened then and just stood at the window.


    Draemn = liquor