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Everything posted by ZelUrlaine

  1. :o He forgot to include the time HE & Bree Sullivan switched consciousness, but then ofcourse the TWO of them kept it pretty quiet. Isn't THAT when you "dated" Telano? Zel the Retired
  2. It was bittersweet to be BACK HOME on Bajor. Sweet in EVERY sense of the word, Urlaine breathed the clean air and a sense of calm filled her. She would take up Vedeks robes, study the mysteries of the Celestial Temple and advise her people at the side of her grandmother. Zel Sovia, her mentor, her parent, someone she had ALWAYS tried to emulate. Bitter in that she KNEW she would miss the friends and comrades she had been on MANY adventures with over the past 5 years. Her first boss, Chief of Security, Khiarra introduced her to Klingon culture and through it found a CHANNEL for the ANGER/RAGE of being assaulted as a teenager by Cardassian occupiers. Going to StarFleet Academy had been an opportunity to "Get AWAY" from the memories...but Urlaine learned the HARD WAY, the Past catches up with you EVENTUALLY. Ofcourse there was the curious FACT that SHE REMEMBERED Khiarra being Chief of Security, but had only a VAGUE notion of "Lt Hootie" who was listed in the ship's records as Chief of Security in that TIME FRAME. Time.....and SPACE....She learned that EVEN THAT is RELATIVE on the Arcadia. "The FIRST dimensional counterpart of ME is buried here on Bajor," she reminded herself as she walked the quiet path to her villiage. Urlaine could only wonder what happened to the OTHER self she met, the one trussed up with rope and stuck in a Jefferies Tube while SHE assumed her counterpart's identity. Running "KICK BUTT" calisthenics programs in the Holodeck, debating the MERITS of new personnel with Lt. Haii, the day the NEW Ensign barfed on Haii's shoes, EACH of the memories caused her to SMILE. A Hard thing to leave, but it was VERY apparent her place was HERE. Once she settled herself in with Sovia and helped get her over the shock of 2 Risean Cockateals suddenly appearing out of nowhere.....she would report to the Vedek Temple. There would be QUESTIONS galore since to her knowledge there had NEVER been someone GIVEN a shard of an ORB, but it would be worthwhile in the end. "Or shall I say...the Beginning?"
  3. Excellent log Ensign! Welcome Aboard.