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Everything posted by STSF_BluRox

  1. USS Republic Admiral’s Log Stardate 51503.30 Computer, begin recording, Mission log Admiral Errrika BluRox. I can’t believe that we’re going through this again. Not just the fact that several of my crew have been personally assaulted and treated with a mutagen, but that it’s coming from the same ‘whacko’ that we thought we had locked away close to 17 years ago. In fact, we had thought that the crazed terraforming specialist, H’riss J’Rom had been killed in the Breen attack on Earth during the Dominion War. The attack had all but obliterated the detention section where he had been housed that it had been presumed that all the prisoners in that section had been vaporized. Evidently, somebody was wrong. Very wrong. We have been investigating the lack of contact from several deep space listening stations, a few small colony worlds and controversial transforming locations, and what we found will shock and confound those in the Federation for years to come. I’d dare to say it’s shock those from outside the Federation as well, that something like this could occur. We are waiting for our security, science and engineering teams to complete transferring records and samples found on the planet up to the ship so that we can see if there is any way to help restore not only our own people, but as many of what appears in rough estimates to be close to 1700 others that had been experimented upon as well. We have contacted Star Fleet and have requested Priority One assistance with medical and science teams, to make all attempts to help these people. I cannot imagine what may happen to those that we are unable to help. Currently we have teams isolating them in their barracks locations and locking them in with force fields for everyone’s safety. We have found murder, sabotage, cannibalism and heavens knows what other types of atrocities that we’ve yet to uncover. There is no way that J’Rom could have done this on his own, and his accomplices are either still on the planet, or were in the ships we either destroyed or….the one that got away. Yet..we do have a trajectory for it, and there is nothing along its path, it will eventually have to turn back, and then either the Republic, or another of our fleet will deal with them in the most harsh of manners. I intend to find all that were responsible, all that had even a bit of complicity. Those facilities had to be built somehow, supplies stored and received. We will find them, they will pay. The fact that this ‘animal’ for lack of a better term, has brought so much harm and death to so many is confounding. The fact that he apparently was obsessed with my First Officer still, after what harm he did to her those many years ago, angers me to no end. Yet, there is no recourse at this juncture, as he now will hurt no others along the way. From Will and the others have reported to me, after he had injected Captain Kwai and began transforming her, he somehow lost control of her, and in her rage, she has put an end to him. Literally. From the preliminary reports I briefly received, it seems in her enraged state, along with her mutated size, form and strength, has ripped his head from his shoulders. My main concern at this moment however, is how this will affect Rian when, or perhaps I should say ‘if’ we are able to help her and reverse this terrible change. It appears that he’s taken the time to ‘perfect’ his method, it’s much more complex than before from what Holly has reported. She stated that multiples strains of DNA were used, and were inserted at various linkages that it will be much more difficult to change her back than the last time, when we just used the transporter to use her medical and DNA scans to replace the abnormal DNA. This time, it substituted in phases and is much more complex, but the crew is working on it. Many of the others, do not seem to be so complex, it’s as if he had made a special concoction especially for her, as his preliminary notes are noting, that he had planned to regain her somehow, and make her the head of his new race. As for the others, it seems Jax was spared the treatment, but was injured in an altercation with another of the mutants. Will concerns me however. He received the same treatment as did the young medic they brought back, himself mutated into some sort of lizard. Why has there been no change in his cells? We must question if Will may suddenly begin to change as well, the implications on the safety of the crew and if not, then why? Could it be a side effect of all the earlier mutations he had been subjected too? As we are still short on medical staff, having been off the ship for a symposium and then being called to a medical emergency on Daltos 5, our junior staff has been overworked and Holly says that the young doctor they returned with, seems to have all his knowledge retained, if not his form. His service record noted he would be promoted to Ensign upon returning from this field duty, and I’ve seen that it’s already been processed, granting him a field promotion to full Ensign. I hope to read the reports from the rest of the away teams once I return to sickbay to check back in. I also need to go back and check on Rian. I hope that we will be able to help her, and as smart as she is, I worry that if she too retains her knowledge, she may be able to escape that confinement field and cause grievous harm to others. Out of precaution, I’ve taken the step to revoke her command privileges for the moment, and Commander August Robinson will have to assume the post for the time being. I want to try to comfort Rian, but I know if I enter that field, that I will only end up like J’Rom, until we can find some way to reach her. Someway to make her understand and calm down. Holly is the only one that can actually interact with her, and I know that Holly already makes Rian on edge. I do not know how this will turn out, I can only pray that the stars will shine some light on the answers. Computer, end log.
  2. STSF_BluRox -> Mission Briefing: The USS Republic's away team is down on the planet investigating a string of missing colonist from various surrounding outer rim worlds, and stopped to check out this terraforming world, which had a small settlement. Not only was the settlement vacant, but half destroyed....and..now we've also managed to lose our XO The crew is searching a series of caves and have also lost one of our other security officers... ...... STSF_BluRox -> Everyone remember where you are? Capt Rian Kwai -> I'm sorta missing? Capt Rian Kwai -> So I'm not sure I know where I am ;D STSF_BluRox -> ::swats Kwai:: STSF_BluRox -> Close enough...... BEGIN SIM 'BEGIN SIM BEGIN SIM August Jax Robinson -> {{you owe me 1 million dollars!!!}} LtCmdrRobinson -> !@#$%^&*() ::was investigating the crates they just found:: Ayumu Kasuga -> !@#$%^&*() ::scanning the area:: August Jax Robinson -> !@#$%^&*() becareful Will... who knows what is in there Christina_Nickles -> (( having connection troubles ... working on it)) LtCmdrRobinson -> !@#$%^&*() What were they doing down here with all this stuff? LtCmdrRobinson -> !@#$%^&*() ::checking the crates before they move on:: Christina_Nickles -> !@#$%^&*() :: walking at the END of the line hopefully not allowing another crew member to disappear:: Christina_Nickles -> !@#$%^&*() What’s in there Cmdr Robinson? LtCmdrRobinson -> !@#$%^&*() ::shrugs:: Everything. Tools, food, clothes. Not sure if someone stole them or if the colonists were going to take shelter down here. Either way...spiders apparently happened. Christina_Nickles -> !@#$%^&*() You could have gone without mentioning the spiders. Heather Jamieson -> !@#$%^&*() :: In the middle of the pack :: LtCmdrRobinson -> !@#$%^&*() We'll have to figure it out later, need to find the Boss and the others first. ::looks around for the next spidey-tunnel:: August Jax Robinson -> !@#$%^&*() I second that ACTION> Low eerie howling is heard. The wind? Or something else? Christina_Nickles -> !@#$%^&*() What was that?? Ayumu Kasuga -> @#$%^&*() I hope it's just the wind LtCmdrRobinson -> !@#$%^&*() Jax, sweetheart. If you see a spider take me, shoot us both. You are good at that. August Jax Robinson -> !@#$%^&*() I can do that LtCmdrRobinson -> !@#$%^&*() ::heading towards the sound, making sure to look every direction where an evil dice-happy spider may be lurking:: Christina_Nickles -> !@#$%^&*() Be careful Cmdr Capt Rian Kwai -> ((They were Uno-happy last week)) LtCmdrRobinson -> !@#$%^&*() ::following the howling sound:: Christina_Nickles -> !@#$%^&*() :: remains at the end of the line as they move on:: Capt Rian Kwai -> ((::nails the revolving door shut::)) August Jax Robinson -> !@#$%^&*() ::Looks under the create:: LtCmdrRobinson -> ((thats a crate dear, you can't 'create' new spellings ;) )) Christina_Nickles -> !@#$%^&*() See anything Cmdr Jax? Heather Jamieson -> !@#$%^&*() :: Thinks she does not mind spiders :: ACTION>Is it possible for the area to be getting darker? August Jax Robinson -> !@#$%^&*() I don't see anything Capt Rian Kwai -> ((Don't see anything or can't see anything?)) Ayumu Kasuga -> !@#$%^&*() ::brightens her flashlight:: 32:06 LtCmdrRobinson -> !@#$%^&*() I think we've already covered a mile down here, I wonder how far these caves go? Heather Jamieson -> !@#$%^&*() :: Lights her tricorder :: Capt Rian Kwai -> ((anyone mapping them?)) LtCmdrRobinson -> !@#$%^&*() ::checks his tricorder occasionally for signs of life ahead, but can still see just fine:: LtCmdrRobinson -> ((who needs maps? cave are easy to navigate: P )) Capt Rian Kwai -> ((Oh that statement will get you doomed)) STSF_BluRox -> :: pulls out the book of maps from her old D&D group with 27 years of mapping our questing......Oh...I have caves and caves.......) STSF_BluRox -> (wet, dry, bugs, lizards, spiders, crabs, sinkholes, gas, monsters, ghosts, shall I go on....?) Jas -> !@#$%^&*() ::footsteps echoing along the cave walls:: Jas -> *@ Heather Jamieson -> !@#$%^&*() :: Looks :: The tricorder is showing nothing. Jas -> ((Just @, just @!! o.O)) ACTION: The Magnicite is still disrupting tricorder readings this far down..... Christina_Nickles -> (( did I get taken by the spiders While I was gone??)) Capt Rian Kwai -> ((No, Christina)) LtCmdrRobinson -> ((I think I’ve actually been caving in all the above mentioned caves in my lifetime :P cave spiders suck )) Ayumu Kasuga -> !@#$%^&*() Ahh. Christina_Nickles -> ((Thanks)) Christina_Nickles -> !@#$%^&*() :: followiing Will and the rest:: Capt Rian Kwai -> ((You're doing just fine Jas)) Jas -> @ ::frantic footfalls getting closer and closer::Jas -> ((Like hell, there's monsters about!)) 42:53 STSF_BluRox -> (makes note that Christina has wish of being captured by a large spider) LtCmdrRobinson -> !@#$%^&*() ::hates echoes in cave walls, its taking forever to find the source of the sound:: Christina_Nickles -> ((AACKKK no no no))) LtCmdrRobinson -> !@#$%^&*() ::hears the footsteps, phaser up and ready:: Heather Jamieson -> !@#$%^&*() Commander, are we going to be able to find our way out? Ayumu Kasuga -> !@#$%^&*() The acoustics in this cave sucks ACTION: As the searches and continues working it's way downward, they hear echoing footsteps running their direction:: Jas -> ::dashes around the corner to come face to face with a phaser:: Whoah whoah, don't shoot - I'm a doctor, not a monster! Jas -> ((FYI, I'm a human male)) Christina_Nickles -> !@#$%^&*() :: sees Will draw his phaser:: What is it cmdr Robinson? August Jax Robinson -> !@#$%^&*() he doesn't look like a Doctor Christina_Nickles -> !@#$%^&*()Whoa Hello there. Ayumu Kasuga -> !@#$%^&*() Whoa? Christina_Nickles -> !@#$%^&*() He doesn’t look like a monster either LtCmdrRobinson -> !@#$%^&*() Maybe. ::phaser goes part way down:: Talk. STSF_BluRox -> ACTION:: The team sees a bedraggled young man, in a tattered Star Fleet Cadet uniform Jas -> @ ::taking gulps of air:: Well.... I'm glad... we've determined... I don't have more than two legs.. Ayumu Kasuga -> !@#$%^&*() (w) Looks like a hobo. Heather Jamieson -> !@#$%^&*() :: Looks at Jas, then the tattered man :: Christina_Nickles -> !@#$%^&*() ::looks over to Heather and Ayumu:: At least he’s in the right uniform STSF_BluRox -> (Jax!!) Christina_Nickles -> *right Uniform STSF_BluRox -> (well, looks like he may have an early nickname to start with) LtCmdrRobinson -> !@#$%^&*() What's your name and what are you doing down here? Jas -> @ Name's James... to be honest I'm trying to get out of this place. ::confused look:: You folks are aware there's deadly creatures running about, right? August Jax Robinson -> !@#$%^&*()... Will you have no medical skills ACTION> Another distant scream, unable to determine if it's humanoid or not. Jas -> @ ::awkward pause:: Like flying lizard kind of deadly?! LtCmdrRobinson -> !@#$%^&*() Deadly creatures have some of my crew, so we are just going to mosey on down here and kill them all, and get our folks back. Christina_Nickles -> !@#$%^&*() Will? another scream? We have to find the Captain. LtCmdrRobinson -> !@#$%^&*() James, you see anyone else down here, or know where they might be held? And explain why you havnt been eaten yet. August Jax Robinson -> {{Sorry eveyone. I can't sit up anymore..I neck hurts like its being ripped. I need to lay down}} Capt Rian Kwai -> ((Night Jax!)) August Jax Robinson -> {{nite nite}} LtCmdrRobinson -> ((::tucks the wife® in::)) Christina_Nickles -> ((night JAx)) Christina_Nickles -> !@#$%^&*() ::looks around trying to figure out which direction the scream came from:: Heather Jamieson -> !@#$%^&*() :: Moves next to Will :: Heather Jamieson -> !@#$%^&*() These dang caves. Jas -> @ I ran in here with a bunch of scientists when they attacked, but we got separated in the confusion.. and I guess I'm just not that appetizing.. :: slight grin:: Ayumu Kasuga -> !@#$%^&*() ::Moves in closer:: Really. Christina_Nickles -> !@#$%^&*() Do you know where they have the ones that have been taken? LtCmdrRobinson -> !@#$%^&*() ::looks at him cautiously:: I didn’t know Starfleet put cadets in the field like this. But we'll figure that out later, right now we need to find those screams and shoot whoever is making them. Or rescue them. LtCmdrRobinson -> !@#$%^&*() Nickles, stick next to this one. He is going with us. Christina_Nickles -> !@#$%^&*() Yes sir Jas -> @ ::shakes head:: I can't say with any certainty... but the creatures that came from the caves, the spidery ones.. there seemed to be more further down. So if they've got your friends, your best bet is deeper in the caves. TWO MINUTE WARNING TWO MINUTE WARNING Jas -> @ Wait.. you want me to go down there with you..?? ::eyes widen:: Christina_Nickles -> `!@#$%^&*()Thats what he said Lets go :: nudges him to go in front of her:: Ayumu Kasuga -> !@#$%^&*() How long have you been stuck in this cave? LtCmdrRobinson -> !@#$%^&*() Walk and talk folks. STSF_BluRox -> (summer camp field work...it was supposed to be a boring terraforming colony. cadets give the real doctors a chance to take a well-deserved vacation) lol Christina_Nickles -> ((LO: nifty idea)) Jas -> @ ::walkes ahead of Nickles:: Long enough to be looking like this.. ::gestures to tattered uniform:: ...I'd say.. days.. Jas -> *walks STSF_BluRox -> AND....... PAUSE SIM PAUSE SIM PAUSE SIM Ayumu Kasuga -> ::Paused:: Capt Rian Kwai -> Nice job guys :D Christina_Nickles -> !@#$%^&*() ::paused:: Jas -> ::freezes in place.. paused:: STSF_BluRox -> Nicely done all.....and you managed not to kill the new cadet the first time. I had a bet that Will would have shot him Heather Jamieson -> Off I go guys. :) Early to rise. STSF_BluRox -> Lte us all welcome Jas..... Ayumu Kasuga -> Welcome Christina_Nickles -> welcome Jas Heather Jamieson -> Night all' LtCmdrRobinson -> I still might :) Jas -> ::gulps:: STSF_BluRox -> and hopefully he'll decide he likes the On the job Academy training, and chooses to remain here with us. STSF_BluRox -> Ok, any last things or questions? Ayumu Kasuga -> None here. Jas -> Thanks all! Christina_Nickles -> none here STSF_BluRox -> Jas will be sending us his bio for approval and once approved will go on the boards for you to get to know. Capt Rian Kwai -> Welcome aboard Jas :) STSF_BluRox -> Ok, if that's all then, we'll let you all head on out. Thanks again all, great sim. Oh....and...why didnt' anyone ask him how many colonist there were or how many ran into caves? eh? STSF_BluRox -> hope he's not a cannible.... Capt Rian Kwai -> We'll check into that next week :D Jas -> Still got a whole host of creatures to get through before I'm on board.. ::chuckles:: 2014-12-02 00:05:55 STSF_BluRox -> Night all, I have to go myself STSF_BluRox -> Crew Dismissed
  3. Please join me in congratulating the crew of STSF’s very own USS Republic as they embark on their 23rd season of continuous online Star Trek simming. We are officially one of the longest continually running online text-based Star Trek Role Playing Sims out there, playing online each week (with the rare holiday off occasionally), since 1991. We invite you all to stop by before we get the sim going to help us commemorate this auspicious day on Monday, November 17th at 11pm EST, in the sim room Republic, to help us celebrate this special day. Now a bit of history. Yes, some of you have seen it before, it's the boring part, but we’re posting it again so we don’t lose it. Such as the gif of the original ships’ plaque passed to me by Admiral Morgyn, which is on a floppy disk, in a box buried somewhere in my basement. The USS Republic Sim began in November 1991 on a small university server, under the command of Captain Kruge. The ship them moved through a short interlude with Netscape and then shortly after that, the ship was moved over to play on the America Online service, where it played under the auspices of StarFleet Online, later renamed Spacefleet Online due to various legal issues that arose. Bouncing around the AOL forums with our hosts having to sport many different titles over the years, and I know many of our past and present crew members wore many of these names. You often saw us with the prefix of OGF, Host OGF, Host PCG, Host Games, Guide, Hometown and many more, but through it all, we remained the same players with the same surnames. Following in the footsteps of Captain Kruge, 'The Republic' has also been commanded by Captain Kraf, Admiral Erinna Morgyn, Captain Fish Vir, Captain Jael, Captain Kilgore, Vice-Admiral Ender Wiggins and Rear Admiral Errrika BluRox. In 2002, the USS Republic-D, a Galaxy-class ship serving as a flag vessel for Rear Admiral Errrika BluRox and Commander Kania Kawalas, moved to the Star Trek Simulation Forum. The Republic, part of the founding of STSF, had to delay making the physical initial jump to STSF from SFOL, due to room limitations as we shared a time slot with the USS Manticore, commanded by our current Fleet Admiral Atragon, (he’s so handsome, how could we not defer to him!?), but at the time, we only had the one chat room, so many of the crew would participate in the new STSF Monday Academy (run by BluRox and Kbear) as a warmup to the Republic sim, then pop back over to our old room to play. Once a second room was built, (many thanks to our ever amazing Webmaster for ‘making it so’) the move was completed, and our voyages continue here to this day. We love ya Webbie, thanks again! Most recently, we moved onto the new USS Republic NCC-1371-E, a nice newly modified Sovereign-class vessel, with the crew all having a hand in the unique naming of our shuttles, and yes, we do have a pink glittery one reserved for our chief of security, but only because we picked the ship up early before they could redo it’s paint job, a standing joke while at the Utopia Planatia Shipyards. Currently under the joint command of Rear Admiral Errrika BluRox and Captain Rian Kwai, we continue forward, having put two decades of history behind us and continuing on in our third decade of simming together. Many of our crew have been steady players on the ship for over 15 years themselves! The scarier part is, some of us have been here almost as long as the ship. To our current crew and the many, many others that have served aboard the Republic over the years, have joined us in one of the many joint sim plots that have run with the other fine ships in the forum, have played that ever so special “Special Guest Villian/Visitor/Victim”; your continued dedication to the ship and our simming community as a whole, is what has made it what it is, and your perseverance is what still keeps us going to this day. Just wait until we hit 30! You guys are the best and we thank each and every one of you. We could not have done this without you!
  4. RES Talon Mission Briefing 51407.03 - Season 19 The group prepares to make a run back towards home, hoping that the Terronix has left to clear the way for them, or at least send reinforcements. Meanwhile, the Khre'Riov has dropped a major bombshell on tTemarr. BEGIN SIM BEGIN SIM BEGIN SIM Lerak trPexil -> :: Working in main engineering, though to be truthful, the only engineering on the stinger :: KhreRiovtRex -> :: Grins at tTemarr's shocked reaction and nods at her acceptance:: I should let au get back to au preparations, I need to as well. Feel free to help yourself to another glass of that:: points to the bottle on the table. Koga S'Bien -> ::making the final preparations for departure back to ch'Rihan:: tAehjae -> :: on the Stinger at Tac:: KhreRiovtRex -> :: moves back out onto the Oira, leaving Laehval for the siuren:: M_K_tKsa -> So she owes me big time. :: muttering after send tr'Dario politely away:: KhreRiovtRex -> :: takes her seat and reaches over to the communications console: +com+ Stinger, is tKsa available? Lerak trPexil -> :: Running simulation benchmarks and diagnostics :: Koga S'Bien -> +t'Rexan+ Ie. She is. Should I forward your cal to her? M_K_tKsa -> ::returning to the bridge after saying her goodbyes to the lath Koga S'Bien -> ::t'Ksa:: You have an incoming communique from t'Rexan. M_K_tKsa -> ...lothario Enarrain:: KhreRiovtRex -> (he brought you and Laeh pastries, but since she had came over to talk to me, you ended up entertaining him until Laeh could return, and went to the rec lounge for pastries and a beverage) KhreRiovtRex -> +com+ Ie S'Bien, I'd like to speak with her fhaen. Koga S'Bien -> ::t'Ksa:: You have an incoming communique from t'Rexan. Lerak trPexil -> :: Thinks there was no response to his letter...but goes back to work :: M_K_tKsa -> I'll take it in the Enarrain’s Chambers. And put a bell on tr'Dario or something, would au? Koga S'Bien -> Sure. M_K_tKsa -> (I hate that my mobile device keeps spell checking my Romulan) Koga S'Bien -> +t'Rexan+ t'Ksa will be with you shortly. Stand by. ::forwards the call to the Ennarain’s Chambers:: Lerak trPexil -> (t'Mobile?) KhreRiovtRex -> (is it an Android?) lol Koga S'Bien -> (Yes.. mine does that too) Lerak trPexil -> I've taught my phone some Romulan KhreRiovtRex -> (I've heard Androids can be nitpicky like that aka Data) lol Koga S'Bien -> (t'Elus Android lol) Lerak trPexil -> :: Get looked at by the other engineers :: KhreRiovtRex -> :: squints wishing she had went lighter on the Rihannsu ale earlier:: M_K_tKsa -> ::enters the Enarrain's Chambers, taking a cleansing breath before activating the comm:: This is Daise'Erei'Riov tKsa, go ahead. M_K_tKsa -> (Both iPadd and Android are giving me trouble)) KhreRiovtRex -> :: presses a button:: Aefvahd Morganna. I wanted to see if au, and a few of the others wanted to take a siuren and hteij over to Talon to retrieve anything that might make au lives a bit more comfortable. i understand that au had to transfer over rather quickly...... We have about Dev Siuren before we need to get underway. M_K_tKsa -> +t'Rexan+ what about removal of personnel who are making me uncomfortable? ::making a sour pickle face at the screen:: KhreRiovtRex -> +com+ t'Ksa, whom might that be? Na way to disciple other than spacing them? M_K_tKsa -> +tRexan+ tr'Darios needs to be evicted... But he is insisting on waiting on t'Temarr's return. KhreRiovtRex -> +com+ Now now Morgana. Laehval has told me that the Enarrain has come to au rescue twice of late. However, as we will be wanting to get underway very soon, please see that he returns to his ship and confers with his Ops officer, who should have received my instructions by now KhreRiovtRex -> tr'Dario> :: had entered the oira of Stinger behind tKsa:: Au wound me my lady....and here I thought au enjoyed the pastries. I will of course....leave the rest for the lovely Enarrain, and take my leave, since......it seems I've overstayed my welcome. Lerak trPexil -> :: Exits main engineering and heads to the Stinger's oria :: M_K_tKsa -> +tr'Koga, tAehjae, tr'Pexil+ Au have seven suiren to retrieve any items you think au need for the remainder of the trip from Talon before we get underway. KhreRiovtRex -> tr'Dario> :: walks over to S'Bien....Fhaen hteij me over to the Stonereaver....... Koga S'Bien -> +t'KSa+ Understood. tAehjae -> +Ksa+ Ie Rehkkai Lerak trPexil -> +t'Ksa+ Understood. Will we be taking Laehval? Koga S'Bien -> ::Nods:: Aye aye, stand by for transport. Lerak trPexil -> :: Stops, wondering how that sounded :: Koga S'Bien -> ::nods at Pexil and t'A:: If you both need to head to the Talon to pick up anything you need, I can beam you over as well tAehjae -> ::nods:: Hayynno KhreRiovtRex -> (sorry, Laeh's unavailable..i've left her alone in my chambers with an important question and a large bottle of liquor) lol Koga S'Bien -> ::Beams over tr'Dario to the StoneReaver:: M_K_tKsa -> +trPexil+ ::wondering why he is referring to the Enarrain as if she is a piece of luggage:: Do au really want me to answer that? Lerak trPexil -> +t'Ksa+ I am sorry for the reference. Disregard. KhreRiovtRex -> (methinks it’s a good thing she's not here to see that! lol) Koga S'Bien -> (lol) Lerak trPexil -> :: to Koga :: I ahve a few items to get for the Stinger. Koga S'Bien -> ::Nods:: So do I. tr'Ops can beam us over. M_K_tKsa -> tr'Dario, there is only so much pastries I can manage. And honestly I am anxious to get underway as I have important business on chRihan. I will have the Enarrain contact au upon her return. tAehjae -> :: stands ready to go to the Talon real fast Koga S'Bien -> ::allows tr'Ops to take his place and heads for the transporter room:: Lerak trPexil -> :: Leaves to go to the transpad :: Koga S'Bien -> ::steps onto the transpad, and is energized back to the Talon with tr'Pexil and t'A:: M_K_tKsa -> ::muttering:: I know she gave us ten, but if I give them that they will take fifteen Koga S'Bien -> @::on the Talon, and quickly makes his way to get what he needs:: Lerak trPexil -> :: taps his padd, logging into the Talon and tagging things in the cargo holds :: tAehjae -> @ :: quickly moves off the padd and heads to her quarters:: KhreRiovtRex -> :: notes that only a few beam over, and notes the absence of io in particular, and wonders if she's avoiding someone else rhae the Talon:: Koga S'Bien -> @::in his quarters and grabs some things:: Lerak trPexil -> @ :: Tagged items beam over.. Items for future repairs :: Koga S'Bien -> @::Tags some items to be beamed over:: M_K_tKsa -> ::taps a quick note on an ISD:: before heading to the transporter room, leaving a trusted Erein in charge for five suiren:: tAehjae -> @ :;get to her quarters and gathers a few things tossing them in a bag:: KhreRiovtRex -> ::decides make a reverse trip to find out why a particular officer did na come as well:: Koga S'Bien -> @ Let's see, what else do I need? ::tosses some more things into his bag as well:: Lerak trPexil -> +t'Vatrix+ This is tr'Pexil, is there anything au require of me while I am here? Anything for the Talon? tAehjae -> @ ::quickly ties up her bag and heads to Main dheno to check on things:: KhreRiovtRex -> +trPexil+ Na at the siuren. We made our repairs before we departed company with Terronix. Their staff took care of anything critical, the rest au can work on when we get back home. If I need au sooner, I willl ask tTemarr if she can spare au. Koga S'Bien -> @::Looks around to make sure he hasn't forgotten anything:: Lerak trPexil -> +t'Vatrix+ Very well and safe journey home. :: Closes channel:: M_K_tKsa -> ::getting na response, frowns:: Lerak trPexil -> :: Gets to his quarters and grabs some items, then heads back to the transpads :: M_K_tKsa -> (Stupid connection)) KhreRiovtRex -> (what’s with this transpad crap? Can it. Hteij or transport) Koga S'Bien -> ::heading back to the transporter pads as well, bringing with him, everything he should need:: tAehjae -> :: gets to main dheno and checks with her second in charge... gives a few orders and then heads back for the transporters to return to the Stinger:: Koga S'Bien -> ::enters transporter room and steps up to the pad:: Lerak trPexil -> (Your transport back is very important to us. Please stay on the pad and an operator will be with you shortly) M_K_tKsa -> ::enters the transporter room, tapping the ISD against her leg:: Talon transporter room thi fhaen KhreRiovtRex -> Hteij officer:: looks to the others....Hold io siuren fhaen. I have io incoming from the other ship, and I'm doing another direct site to site transport first, then we can move au Koga S'Bien -> Very well. ::steps off the pad:: KhreRiovtRex -> +Talon Hteij officer:+com+ Stinger, we read au ACTION: tKsa is beamed to the Talon..... KhreRiovtRex -> Talon Hteij officer> :: goes to board and initiates a site to site transport:: ACTION: t'Vatrix has beamed to the Stinger...... M_K_tKsa -> ::stepping off the pad:: ACTION: Long range sensors have picked up a possible hostile signal incoming.... Alert stations sound KhreRiovtRex -> Hteij officer> :: turns to tKsa and the others. Sorry, shields are up, I can na beam au at this siuren......::: looks to tKsa:: However, the Khre'Riov just beamed over to that other ship..... Lerak trPexil -> What? Koga S'Bien -> What’s happening? M_K_tKsa -> Fvadt. So much for....what? Why did she do that? tAehjae -> @;; returns to the padd:: Return me to the Stinger :to the TR Chief:: KhreRiovtRex -> Hteij officer: I have na beamed the Ennarain back either, so either she or au are in charge fahd. I believe she may still be up rhae the oira. Lerak trPexil -> Why did she beam there? KhreRiovtRex -> Hteij officer: I do na know, I was ordered to send her at once, so I did. ACTION: Alert stations have sounded, Shields are up on all three ships.... Koga S'Bien -> Got me Koga S'Bien -> We may as well take our places, if we're in alert condition M_K_tKsa -> ::turning to the others:: Get to au stations here. Koga S'Bien -> ::Nods, heading for the oira:: KhreRiovtRex -> Fvadt.....:: looks around the Stinger's oira.....:: Looks like I'm fahd for hna....sheilds up.....all hands to alert stations;...contact the other two ships, and have them take defensive formation Tri Dev Dev Io tAehjae -> @ I will return. Lerak trPexil -> :: Heads towards main engineering KhreRiovtRex -> (it's like musical chairs....don't be left without a ship to beam to!) M_K_tKsa -> +t'Temarr+ Lhhei, we need au in the Talon Oira immediately. We have a situation KhreRiovtRex -> and .... PAUSE SIM PAUSE SIM PAUSE SIM tAehjae -> paused Koga S'Bien -> ::Paused:: KhreRiovtRex -> Didn't expect that...now did ya!? lol Koga S'Bien -> Dun dun dun M_K_tKsa -> It's you...of course we did KhreRiovtRex -> hee hee KhreRiovtRex -> ok, thanks all for coming tonight, I know we're heading into a holiday so wasn't sure we'd have enough to have played, Crew Dismissed.
  5. USS Republic Mission Briefing 051406.30 Season 22 The USS Republic has been ordered to head towards DS9 where they will receive the next portion of their mission. Will this be another Gamma Quadrant mission, or something else? BEGIN SIM BEGIN SIM BEGIN SIM USS Republic is about 15 minutes out from DS9........ Ayumu Kasuga -> ::recovered enough to be back on the bridge, piloting the ship the rest of the way to DS9:: STSF_BluRox -> :: exits ready room, and walks over to the center seat:: Heather Jamieson -> :: On the bridge for her shift :: August Jax Robinson -> ::Stands up, smiles at Blu:: we are 15 minutes out Sir STSF_BluRox -> What is our ETA ? STSF_BluRox -> Very good.... Ayumu Kasuga -> We're about 15 minutes away. STSF_BluRox -> :: still not in the best of moods:: August Jax Robinson -> ::walks to the Engineering console over there:: STSF_BluRox -> Contact the station and find out if they want us to take a position off the station or if they have a spot for us to dock LtCmdrRobinson -> ::hiding in his office so his wife® can't boss him around:: Ayumu Kasuga -> Aye sir Ayumu Kasuga -> +DS9+ Republic to Deep Space 9. Reporting here as ordered, we'd like to request docking clearance or our position off the station. August Jax Robinson -> ::Has sent 3 emails reminding Will to do stuff:: LtCmdrRobinson -> ::has ignored them all:: Heather Jamieson -> :: Looking at star charts and the latest badlands topography :: August Jax Robinson -> ::Sends 2 more:: STSF_BluRox -> DS9 Ops +USS Republic+ We are doing maintenance on several of our docking pylons, so if you would not mind, we'll have you take up station off of upper pylon 3 and have you beam aboard as needed. Ayumu Kasuga -> +DS9+ Acknowledged, thank you. Ayumu Kasuga -> Upper Pylon 3 it is. LtCmdrRobinson -> (Do they not know who we are? Most important ship in the fleet should get a dock. Dock anyway) Ayumu Kasuga -> ::heads towards Upper Pylon 3:: STSF_BluRox -> (I have a feeling they know 'exactly' who we are, and we're lucky we're not being asked to take up station off of Cardassia STSF_BluRox -> :: feels a bit slighted as does her crew::: Maintenance huh.? STSF_BluRox -> ::half tempted to have Holly see if they are doing maintenance and have her poke her nose around the station computer, but decides not to:: Ayumu Kasuga -> ::Rubs chin and positions the ship off Pylon 3:: Position secured. Heather Jamieson -> :: Watches Blu :: ACTION: Incoming message STSF_BluRox -> DS9 Ops +com+ USS Republic, stand by to receive further Mission Orders...... August Jax Robinson -> ::tempted to look into their maintenance logs:: Ayumu Kasuga -> Ooh. DS9 Ops +com+ The USS Republic is to travel to coordinates to be transmitted, where they are to investigate the disappearance of several small colonies that are on the edge of Bajoran, Cardassian space, and the area known as the Badlands Heather Jamieson -> :: Perks up hearing badlands :: DS9 Ops +com+ Acknowledge Mission Order receipt, and prepare to get underway after taking on any provisions. Navigational updates to be sent to your Ops and Science officers at this time. DS9 out. STSF_BluRox -> Someone get me Will up here please Ayumu Kasuga -> ::receives the co-ordinates, finding it all interesting:: Ayumu Kasuga -> +Will+ Will Robinson, please report to the bridge. Ayumu Kasuga -> I have the co-ordinates. Should I acknowledge the order? LtCmdrRobinson -> ::gets up, hoping the boss is not mad:: +Bridge+ On my way. Heather Jamieson -> :: Works on getting the latest weather from the Badlands up to date :: LtCmdrRobinson -> ::heads for the lift and rides it towards the bridge:: STSF_BluRox -> (DS9 Weather channel update for Badlands: It's bad) Now back to your regularly scheduled sim Christina_Nickles -> :: enters main security and looks at the duty roster:: Ayumu Kasuga -> Pretty bad in the badlands, eh? ::to Heather:: STSF_BluRox -> :: grumbles and curses:: Their time and experience in the Badlands, now gets the Republic every mission that comes up for this area. Heather Jamieson -> It's been bad for a long time. Ayumu Kasuga -> That's bad. STSF_BluRox -> ::ears sorta pinned back:: God I hate that area of space, almost as much as the Gamma Quadrant:: August Jax Robinson -> ::Gives both Ayumu and Heather a look..:: STSF_BluRox -> Maybe more....it's sort of a toss up STSF_BluRox -> :: glares at the August to glare more at her underlings:: LtCmdrRobinson -> ::enters the bridge:: What's the situation? Heather Jamieson -> That aside, we have a decently mapped out version of the badlands STSF_BluRox -> Good, Will....I think we have something right up your alley, or...at least something to amuse you..... Christina_Nickles -> :: sees that her report was not complete for the last mission since she was out of commision and moves to her desk to get it finished:: STSF_BluRox -> Seems that several colonies between Bajor, Cardassia and the Badlands have went offline, nobody's heard from them. It’s our mission to go out and see what is up with them all and ascertain the situation STSF_BluRox -> We can have science and Ops work up some orbital probes to launch when we get near the colonies, but I suspect we'll need your boots on the ground to do a more thorough investigation STSF_BluRox -> Please start selecting your teams, and while we are here at the station, get what supplies you will need. STSF_BluRox -> send your requests to August to approve STSF_BluRox -> Then she'll work with Ayumu to get it ordered and brought up LtCmdrRobinson -> ::whaaaaaaaaattttt?:: August Jax Robinson -> Yes, do check your mail LtCmdrRobinson -> ::nods:: I'll get right on it. Ayumu Kasuga -> ::nods:: STSF_BluRox -> Will, I'll leave this to you and Jax to get ready. I'll be in my ready room August Jax Robinson -> ::Smiles at Will:: LtCmdrRobinson -> Well I wouldn’t think this is anything biological or some word would have gotten out. LtCmdrRobinson -> Local anomaly that is preventing communication perhaps. A coordinated attack on multiple colonies would require significant logistics, someone would have detected it on long range scanners. STSF_BluRox -> Oh.. and Jax, once things are in order, the crew can have 6 hours on DS9. STSF_BluRox -> :: turns to Will:: Unless someone took how those long range sensors earlier STSF_BluRox -> You've been here before with me, you remember our friends that are on the other side.....they've been silent a long time, perhaps, they've been testing to see if we're still paying attention? LtCmdrRobinson -> I guess we'll find out soon August Jax Robinson -> ::Nods to Blu:: aye sir STSF_BluRox -> Jax if it is indeed our frosty friends.....make sure you have a good rotation of shield harmonic modulations August Jax Robinson -> I will put that at the top of my list August Jax Robinson -> ::gives Will The Look:: STSF_BluRox -> :: looks over to Ayumu a moment:: I hope you're piloting skills are up for this. Hans did a good job, but even he was pressed at times. Make sure you spend some time on the simulator for this area before we get there Ayumu Kasuga -> Will do, sir. STSF_BluRox -> Ok, team...get to work I want your plans together in 2 hours, then you may take a break on station LtCmdrRobinson -> Didn’t Hans also like to fly into wormhole at warp? Ayumu Kasuga -> Did he? Hmm. That's reassuring. August Jax Robinson -> not for me ::Scowls:: August Jax Robinson -> ::Curses Hans where ever he is:: Ayumu Kasuga -> I'll be sure not to fly into any wormholes at warp then Ayumu Kasuga -> Hans> ::on Risa, enjoying a margarita in the sun:: Christina_Nickles -> :: completes her report and files it for Wills review :: August Jax Robinson -> ::taps on her PADD:: I have a list of engineering supplies we will need for this.. I am guessing hand granades for your list? Ayumu Kasuga -> I'll see what types of grenades DS9 has in stock. Christina_Nickles -> :: begins her daily patrol duty:: LtCmdrRobinson -> I still have enough stock, trust me. It's not like I get to use them very often. Heather Jamieson -> :: Goes up to Kasuga :: I can ready you a current simulation of the badlands LtCmdrRobinson -> Once we get a closer look at the colonies I'll decide how many people we need to take on the team. Ayumu Kasuga -> Great. August Jax Robinson -> She wants a plan before we get there... Ayumu Kasuga -> Please do Christina_Nickles -> :: starts walking the corridors of the Security deck:: Christina_Nickles -> *walking Heather Jamieson -> :: Kneels down to Kasuga's level :: Having probes map out the badlands in more detail would also help STSF_BluRox -> Good, let's make sure we get through this with no damage and get them the information they want STSF_BluRox -> Two minute warning LtCmdrRobinson -> Well we can't plan an away mission until we have some idea of what’s down there. I may need a large medical team, or maybe just security. When we get some probes down there, we'll plan from there Ayumu Kasuga -> it certainly would. STSF_BluRox -> Well, that's what I want you to be ready for and to coordinate with the others. I just wanted to give you fair warning, as last time we were out in this area, we had a serious issue with some very angry Breen. I would not doubt that they are testing our boundaries. If so, we need to push them back again STSF_BluRox -> it may be nothing, it could be a bad signal transceiver somewhere that is preventing communications in that are, we already know the challenges presented by the conditions there... STSF_BluRox -> Just be ready is all I’m asking of everyone STSF_BluRox -> (prepare to pause) STSF_BluRox -> PAUSE SIM STSF_BluRox -> PAUSE SIM STSF_BluRox -> PAUSE SIM August Jax Robinson -> ::Paused:: LtCmdrRobinson -> ::psd:: Ayumu Kasuga -> ""Paused:: STSF_BluRox -> And here I thought you'd all rush to get your task done and I'd have to round you all up on DS9.... Christina_Nickles -> paused STSF_BluRox -> Ok...anything from anyone tonight? STSF_BluRox -> Requests? STSF_BluRox -> Questions? LtCmdrRobinson -> nope Ayumu Kasuga -> Nope Christina_Nickles -> none here Heather Jamieson -> Nothing from me August Jax Robinson -> nope Ayumu Kasuga -> Happy Canada Day! STSF_BluRox -> Crew Dismissed
  6. USS Republic Mission Briefing 51406.23 - Season 22 The Republic's rescue team had recovered the missing Admiral, and has taken her and the two that had been snake bitten to sickbay, where they all have been treated, and just are waiting to be released. Jax has taken Admiral PaJaCa's report, and has forwarded it to Capt Kwai. BEGIN SIM BEGIN SIM BEGIN SIM August Jax Robinson -> ::Still on the Bridge:: STSF_BluRox -> :: in the back suite, away from the others:: Christina_Nickles -> :: in sickbay awaiting release:: Christina_Nickles -> Ayumu how are you feeling. Heather Jamieson -> :: Standing to the side awaiting Chiristina and Ayumu's release :: Capt Rian Kwai -> :: arriving on the bridge :: STSF_BluRox -> Nurse Tidwwell> :: shines a light into Christina's eyes:: Ayumu Kasuga -> ::recovering from her treatment in the sickbay, still disoriented:: LtCmdrRobinson -> ::also on the bridge, cause it's the place to be:: Capt Rian Kwai -> Jax, status report please? Christina_Nickles -> :: turns her head to see Heather:: Hi Heather STSF_BluRox -> Nurse Tidwell> Hold still you....I'm trying to check yer reflexes here.... Heather Jamieson -> Hi Christina, how do you feel? STSF_BluRox -> Nurse Tidwell> if you can move around that much, ye no longer need to be hanging around sickbay. The both of you......sit up now.... STSF_BluRox -> Nurse Tidwell> ::pokes Christina in the ribs to get her moving:: August Jax Robinson -> we are still in orbit... everything is running fine Ayumu Kasuga -> Ahh. Super ::sits up:: Christina_Nickles -> Better, not 100% but a lot better :: sits up:: August Jax Robinson -> How is Admiral Blu Doing? Ayumu Kasuga -> We're free to go, yes? STSF_BluRox -> Nurse Tidwell> ::walks over to Ayumu and shines the light in her eye 16:43 Christina_Nickles -> :: swings her feet over the edge of the bed:: STSF_BluRox -> Nurse Tidwell> Unless you are planning on hanging around here and helping to remake the beds while I fill out the reports......then bugger off the both of you Tory Knight -> (( Okay. Sorry about that. DH calling from Canuckistan. )) Christina_Nickles -> Thank you nurse, :: slides off the biobed:: STSF_BluRox -> Nurse Tidwell> You're fine, but you have one off duty shift before ye can go back to work... Capt Rian Kwai -> As far as I know she's doing okay. I'm going to go down and check on her a few minutes. Have we received our new orders? STSF_BluRox -> Nurse Tidwell> :: mumbles about people always lying about:: Christina_Nickles -> :: gets her clothes and changes ... getting out of the backless medbay gown:: STSF_BluRox -> Nurse Tidwell> Go on now....shoo. ::wants them to go so she can check on her other patient, knowing this one is even worse:: STSF_BluRox -> (ooo, it's favorite answer time!!) Tory Knight -> (( 42? )) August Jax Robinson -> No sir, not yet Heather Jamieson -> :: To both of them :: How did I not get hurt this time... care to get a bite? STSF_BluRox -> (Which letter do you like.....A, B, D or G?_ August Jax Robinson -> A Christina_Nickles -> ( G) Ayumu Kasuga -> (F) Tory Knight -> ::having finished unpacking, is now in main sciences, writing up her findings on the antivenom:: STSF_BluRox -> (the canuck fails with his F) Ayumu Kasuga -> (D lol) STSF_BluRox -> (you guys are not making this easy) Capt Rian Kwai -> (((Arghhhh))) Heather Jamieson -> (G) STSF_BluRox -> (Welcome Kwai, we're playing New Mission Roulette) Pick a letter A, B, D or G) LtCmdrRobinson -> (A for Arghhhhh) Tory Knight -> (( A for America... since it's this close to the 4th of July. )) Capt Rian Kwai -> (D) Ayumu Kasuga -> You were lucky, I suppose Ayumu Kasuga -> (no C for Canada) Christina_Nickles -> :: walks back out after changing:: I could go for something to eat since Im not allowed to return to duty until next shift. Capt Rian Kwai -> (I don't think C was a choice) Ayumu Kasuga -> (Nope) Tory Knight -> (( Shouldn't that be a Y for yarrrr...? )) STSF_BluRox -> Nurse Tidwell> :: watches them leave and heads in the see the Admiral:: Ayumu Kasuga -> So could I. ::changes as well:: Ayumu Kasuga -> You holding up ok, Heather? Ayumu Kasuga -> Thanks Doc! ::before she leaves:: STSF_BluRox -> :: sitting up on the biobed, stretching her arms and turning to look warily at the nurse:: Capt Rian Kwai -> I'm going to head down to sick bay and unless you need me. Heather Jamieson -> Sure, sure.. :: heading out with the others :: Tory Knight -> ::not entirely amused, as herpetology isn't her favorite subject area, but figures someone might get some use out of the report:: Tory Knight -> ::...perhaps for a lessons learned:: STSF_BluRox -> (The A's have it.......) August Jax Robinson -> no sir, I am good up here Ayumu Kasuga -> (Fricken A XD ) STSF_BluRox -> +com+ USS Republic, this is Star Fleet Command. Stand by to receive new orders STSF_BluRox -> Nurse Tidwell> I see you're awake Admiral. How are you feeling? Capt Rian Kwai -> Then you have the bridge, good luck. Christina_Nickles -> :::heads out moving towards the mess hall:: STSF_BluRox -> :: looks around and recognizes the nurse as one of Tisa's:: So I'm back on the Republic. That was not my plan. Ayumu Kasuga -> ::Follows Heather:: Wonder what's on the menu today\ August Jax Robinson -> Thanks ::Smirks:: STSF_BluRox -> Nurse Tidwell> Of course it wasn't your plan. You're plan was to be stupid and get yourself sick and hurt because you were upset about something STSF_BluRox -> Nurse Tidwell> Did you know you curse a lot in Klingon in your sleep? STSF_BluRox -> I do not... August Jax Robinson -> ::Sits back down:: Will isn't up here so, all is well and not on fire Capt Rian Kwai -> Just don't let Will blow up the ship while I am gone. STSF_BluRox -> Nurse Tidwell> You do, but I've seen your file. Most likely from your days growing up at the embassy there. STSF_BluRox -> Where is Tisa? Capt Rian Kwai -> ::heads to the turbo lift;; Heather Jamieson -> Everytime I go it's meatloaf. STSF_BluRox -> Nurse Tidwell> She's off duty for the moment, had to fix up the others that got hurt looking for you. STSF_BluRox -> I did't ask anyone to go after me. in fact I didn’t' tell anyone where I was Ayumu Kasuga -> I don't mind meatlog Ayumu Kasuga -> loaf STSF_BluRox -> (meatlog?) STSF_BluRox -> lol Heather Jamieson -> (eww, meatlog) Christina_Nickles -> ((LOL)) Ayumu Kasuga -> (rofl) Capt Rian Kwai -> (Gross) STSF_BluRox -> (must be a combination of Moose and Squirrel) Heather Jamieson -> Now for something you'll really like... Heather Jamieson -> They may have tacos Capt Rian Kwai -> Deck xx ::sighs:: oh this should be fun Christina_Nickles -> Tacos aren’t bad Ayumu Kasuga -> Hmm. Tacos STSF_BluRox -> Nurse Tidwell> Well, we fixed them up, and you up as well. No harm done. Other than that other Admiral fellow, seems you put quite a bruising on him, but he's not filing charges, in fact, rumor floating around ship is he got you drunk purposely after you beat him at cards and made you angry. So...extenuating circumstances..... Heather Jamieson -> :: Enters the mess hall and takes a table by the window :: Capt Rian Kwai -> ((What the heck did I miss that got you all talking about food?)) STSF_BluRox -> You've got a bit of a snarky attitude August Jax Robinson -> ::Looks over a report.... which is really a novel:: STSF_BluRox -> (meatlog) Ayumu Kasuga -> (mmm... meatlog :D ) STSF_BluRox -> Nurse Tidwell> Well I have to when you deal with Admirals. That’s why they called me in. I'm rotating off today and retiring, so can get away with it today. Capt Rian Kwai -> ((Oh my)) Heather Jamieson -> :: The waiter arrives at their table :: What's today's special? STSF_BluRox -> Is that so, and if I don’t' approve the transfer papers? STSF_BluRox -> Nurse Tidwell> Not your call until I release you. That will be up to the Captain August Jax Robinson -> ((I am thinking a Meatlog and a Canadian version of Meatloaf)) STSF_BluRox -> Nurse Tidwell> now hold still so I can check you over STSF_BluRox -> (Meatlog and Poutine on the menu today boys and girls) Ayumu Kasuga -> (lol.. it's meatloaf in Canada too :P Fruedian slip on my part) Ayumu Kasuga -> (YAy! Capt Rian Kwai -> ::entering medical with a sense of foreboding:: Tory Knight -> (( Sounds like an episode of Maverick... )) STSF_BluRox -> Nurse Tidwell> You seem fine, now let me see that arm STSF_BluRox -> My arm is fine LtCmdrRobinson -> ((sorry afk issues)) ::back on the bridge again:: What's the good word? STSF_BluRox -> (Meatlog) STSF_BluRox -> Nurse Tidwell> I said let me see the arm, I want to make sure I got it healed up well enough.... STSF_BluRox -> You're rather pushy Heather Jamieson -> :: gasps :: Meatlog? What is it... :: looks :: A meatloaf with copious amounts of Canadian bacon as the meat. STSF_BluRox -> Nurse Tidwell> Yes, yes I am....:: grabs the arm and turns it over to look at the healing jagged line August Jax Robinson -> ::Glances back at Will:: I have the Bridge, Blu is still in sickbay and Kwai just went to check on her Christina_Nickles -> That doesn't look to good Capt Rian Kwai -> ::smirks as she overhears the voices, heads back to the Admirals room:: STSF_BluRox -> That's a pretty deep cut, what did I do there? STSF_BluRox -> Nurse Tidwell> Something stupid STSF_BluRox -> Excuse me?! Heather Jamieson -> :: Looks up :: I Ayumu Kasuga -> ::takes a bowl of poutine and a piece of meatlog., and drizzles in some Maple Syrup:: Heather Jamieson -> I'll have a salad. STSF_BluRox -> Nurse Tidwell> You heard me...something stupid. Tory Knight -> (( Afk a sec. Musical chairs here... )) STSF_BluRox -> (be swift before the music ends) STSF_BluRox -> (puts on Yakkity Saks) STSF_BluRox -> How dare you? Heather Jamieson -> (Lerak dances in some other sector of space) Capt Rian Kwai -> ::leans against the door frame:: yeah but she's right.... Ayumu Kasuga -> ::Grabs a drink as well:: Let's sit by the window. STSF_BluRox -> Nurse Tidwell> Oh, I dare, because it's true. First you let your detox tab wear off, you let someone get you drunk, which you can't handle and have a reaction, then you dig your transponder out of your arm with a broken bottle... Heather Jamieson -> (Someone did not like that joke, lightning close by) STSF_BluRox -> ::hisses, ears flat:: STSF_BluRox -> Who asked you...? STSF_BluRox -> Both of you...stop ganging up on me.... LtCmdrRobinson -> Any word from Starfleet yet or we just hanging around? STSF_BluRox -> I didn't ask to be brought back here, I was fine where I was Christina_Nickles -> :: walks with the others after being save and ordering a sandwich:: Heather Jamieson -> :: Sits by the window :: I hope I did not drive the Admiral to do those things she did Tory Knight -> (( =P )) STSF_BluRox -> +com+ Incoming message from Star Fleet Command. The USS Republic is to report to Station Deep Space 9 where you will receive the next portion of your orders. Ayumu Kasuga -> Eh. I doubt it. She must've had a lot of stress on her mind. August Jax Robinson -> They just came Christina_Nickles -> I think a lot is an understatement August Jax Robinson -> now that you mention is August Jax Robinson -> *it STSF_BluRox -> Nurse Tidwell> ::turns at the other voice:: Captain...I'm sorry sir, I was just finishing up with the Admiral Capt Rian Kwai -> ::straights up;; What are you two now? Did someone hit you over the head to cause this age regression? Nurse did you check for a concussion? August Jax Robinson -> +Kwai+ Captain, We have just received orders to report to Deep Space 9 STSF_BluRox -> Nurse Tidwell> :: pulls the Admiral's arm towards her tight, and sticks a large hypo into it, injecting a fresh new subdermal transponder STSF_BluRox -> Nurse Tidwell> There we go now, good as new and all replaced. Capt Rian Kwai -> +Jax+ Great. Let's get underway then. August Jax Robinson -> ::Nods to Helm to get going:: August Jax Robinson -> ::Looks up at Will:: how can I help you Commander? STSF_BluRox -> Don't need it where I'm going, so you might as well remove it. I'm not staying anyway Heather Jamieson -> I tried to see how she was, but they had sequestered her away in the back Capt Rian Kwai -> Where exactly do you think you are going? Christina_Nickles -> That’s normal for an admiral to put her in a private room STSF_BluRox -> Nurse Tidwell> Oh yes you are, besides, we all heard the report from your friend, the other Admiral that got you sick and tried to anger him LtCmdrRobinson -> ::oh its like THAT:: I don't need anything SIR, just checking in. I'll go make sure everything is ready on my end for departure. August Jax Robinson -> ::Smiles:: Will Capt Rian Kwai -> ((I give her the power of the chair and it goes to her head)) STSF_BluRox -> :: looks at Kwai: Most likely to a holding cell for what little I can remember of my actions last night. Tory Knight -> ::props her chin in her palm and reads over what she's written, giving it one last proof before submitting it off to the archives:: August Jax Robinson -> ::Stands up, grabs his arm:: I was kidding STSF_BluRox -> Besides, I think I remember resigning :holds up arm:: Christina_Nickles -> :: takes another bite of her sandwich:: Ayumu Kasuga -> ::eating her poutine:: LtCmdrRobinson -> Were you now? ::glares at her for a moment:: You got me. Heather Jamieson -> :: Eating her salad :: LtCmdrRobinson -> ::smiles:: Now there will be payback. Yup Ayumu Kasuga -> Plus, I think the admiral was pretty bad shape herself when we found her Heather Jamieson -> How painful was it, the bites? August Jax Robinson -> Promise? Christina_Nickles -> Very, felt like my leg was on fire August Jax Robinson -> Get ready for DS9.. Christina_Nickles -> and it slowly creeped up from my ankle August Jax Robinson -> ::Glances at the screen:: Capt Rian Kwai -> Honestly I think you should be committed, but getting you there is above my pay grade. As I understand it you resigned to a potted plant so it doesn't count. :: stretching the truth a bit;; Ayumu Kasuga -> Same for me. My ankle swelled up like a balloon LtCmdrRobinson -> I wonder what they are going to spring on us now STSF_BluRox -> A technicality, yet, I do remember punching PaJaCa, and it is an Admiral as well Capt Rian Kwai -> But you could do for a rest....without the toxic substances.... Before we get our new mission. So instead of the brig you can relax in your quarters Heather Jamieson -> At least you didn't turn green August Jax Robinson -> vacation? Christina_Nickles -> No thank goodness. If it wasn’t for the Docs in Medical we both could have lost our leg, or our life. Capt Rian Kwai -> Nurse, we'll send you back to Terra once we reach DS9 and puck up your replacement. Ayumu Kasuga -> Actually, she did LtCmdrRobinson -> Giving us Vacation is like asking us to fly into the neutral zone. Except the neutral zone is probably a safer bet STSF_BluRox -> Nurse Tidwell> Oh...and speaking of that Admiral, he did come by to check on you. Left you this data Padd and told me to tell you he sends his apologies. He was only angry over you beating him at Poker again, and he has no intention of bothering your Gorns. He said he also did not accept your resignation, and once you are well you can return to duty. Heather Jamieson -> Oh.. I could not have gone on without you two, the only friends I have on the ship. Ayumu Kasuga -> That is true ::Christina:: STSF_BluRox -> Nurse Tidwell...at least that's what he told me to tell you, what he told them...couldn't tell you Ayumu Kasuga -> Aww. Don't be so negative. Capt Rian Kwai -> ::mutters:: potted plant August Jax Robinson -> they should lock us in the holodeck, no one could get lost, arrested, kidnapped or anything else Christina_Nickles -> :: smiles:: That’s nice Heather Thanks Heather Jamieson -> You think August is my friend Kasuga? STSF_BluRox -> Nurse Tidwell> So, I'm going to release you and see to my things before you all get all worked up again. You are released from sickbay. I suggest 2 days off of rest before you are back to work STSF_BluRox -> :turns to Captain Kwai:: Is that acceptable? Capt Rian Kwai -> Sounds fantastic to me STSF_BluRox -> (Heather, you should invite her down and you two can do mani-pedi's together and bond a bit) Ayumu Kasuga -> True. ::smirks:: But there are 699 other people on this ship besides her Heather Jamieson -> (That's a wonderful idea. A girl's day out) STSF_BluRox -> I'll take what time I feel I need. Ayumu Kasuga -> (Sounds fun!) STSF_BluRox -> Nurse Tidwell> Turns to Kwai.:: She's all yours now, I've released her. Permission to report back to SF Medical? August Jax Robinson -> maybe we are taking over the station August Jax Robinson -> I bet there are some big ears there you can use for target Capt Rian Kwai -> You know you sort of sound like a toddler who has had a toy taking from them. You sure you are okay? STSF_BluRox -> I don't need this right now Rian. I feel nauseous, and I really, really am tired of no support from fleet when I make these type of calls Heather Jamieson -> Yeah, but close friends.. But seriously, how did I not get bit? STSF_BluRox -> We worked too damned hard to protect those Gorn, without this pompous a$$ telling me that the Prime Directive didn't apply....and just due to spite over a card game Ayumu Kasuga -> Yeah.. so lucky on that one STSF_BluRox -> If that's what this fleet is coming too, I don't need to be here Capt Rian Kwai -> Go ahead Tidwell. Tory Knight -> (( Oh yeah. Definitely like a Maverick episode... )) Christina_Nickles -> I guess you didn’t put your hand in the right place. Just be glad Capt Rian Kwai -> So throwing a temper tantrum is going to solve things? ::raises a brow:: STSF_BluRox -> Nurse Tidwell> :: Aye Captain. ::stops and turns back toe Blurox:: Admiral, he's admitted that he purposely intoxicated and egged you on, he'll answer for that, but don’t' give up on those people, they need to you keep fighting for them... August Jax Robinson -> ::Pokes Will:: STSF_BluRox -> You weren't even there....... LtCmdrRobinson -> That is not appropriate bridge behavior LtCmdrRobinson -> ::thwaps her hand away:: August Jax Robinson -> We can tackle a Ferengi down and Cow tag them STSF_BluRox -> I was standing up for my principles. He wanted to order me in to those hidden platforms to take them down. If I retired, he couldn’t order me, and thus, no treason and the secret stayed safe. STSF_BluRox -> I made a promise that I intended to keep. If you feel that is throwing a temper tantrum, then so be it. Ayumu Kasuga -> Yes, I'd be. :: devouring the poutine:: Christina_Nickles -> :: finishes her sandwich and takes a drink of her water:: Ayumu Kasuga -> ::Drinks her juice:: Christina_Nickles -> That was good. I wonder how the Admiral is doing? August Jax Robinson -> :::Sips her Tea:: is your department ready? Capt Rian Kwai -> Yeah actually I do. Especially since made you look like a /$&@&$?. Nobody is going to take you seriously if you put on another show like that again. LtCmdrRobinson -> ::growls:: Yes sir it is. STSF_BluRox -> I thought you would at least understand...... Heather Jamieson -> I'll try to find out. I should pay her a visit. Christina_Nickles -> Heather I think Id stay away from her for a bit. She was awful mad it you STSF_BluRox -> I tried to do the rigtht thing.... things just got...out of hand. Ayumu Kasuga -> Do so on your own risk ::Smiles:: Ayumu Kasuga -> Yeah, seriously. STSF_BluRox -> So it looks like my resignation was never turned in.......guess you're stuck with me for another mission then. Capt Rian Kwai -> I understand your motives. I just can't understand your actions. You’re not winning friends or influencing people when you act so rashly....and it does more damage than the good you intended Heather Jamieson -> I was never good with following directions.. she'll probably be busy. Capt Rian Kwai -> Yup. Unless you intend to space walk back STSF_BluRox -> I have no friends, they're all gone, or have went their own way now. So what does it matter anyway.....? STSF_BluRox -> Fine...I'll be in my quarters. STSF_BluRox -> You have orders to receive and enact STSF_BluRox -> (two minute warning) August Jax Robinson -> is my Department ready? Capt Rian Kwai -> ::sighs:: get some rest STSF_BluRox -> I'm old and outdated and nobody cares...:: stands up and walks past her and out to the corridor:: LtCmdrRobinson -> Well you would have to ask the department head of Engineering for that information. Capt Rian Kwai -> ::turns her head towards the door, bangs in against the door frame.....repeatedly:: Heather Jamieson -> I'll go and see her.. STSF_BluRox -> +McKinnely Ops+ USS Republic - Please acknowledge that you have recieved your new orders to head to DS9 Heather Jamieson -> I'd rather say something and get dismissed away than say nothing at all. Ayumu Kasuga -> ::looks out at the window and eats her meatlog:: Well.. good luck. August Jax Robinson -> ::Bats her baby blue eyes at him:: Christina_Nickles -> I think your asking for trouble Heather Capt Rian Kwai -> ::mutters:: I am going to sic Holly on her Ayumu Kasuga -> Yeah.. I wouldn't. STSF_BluRox -> Holly> :: materializes next to Kwai: You rang Spots? LtCmdrRobinson -> ::listens to the incoming comms:: You need some help doing this up here? Cause I dont think you are handling Fleets calls correctly. August Jax Robinson -> +McKinnely OPS+ Aye, we have our order and will be heading out in a few moments.. August Jax Robinson -> How am I answering calls wrong? Heather Jamieson -> I'll ask the Captain STSF_BluRox -> Mckinley Ops> +com+ Acknowledged Republic. DS9 will be standing by to receive you and you will receive the next part of your orders there. STSF_BluRox -> McKinnely out. Capt Rian Kwai -> Yes. It appears the Admiral is having a crisis of.....well I don't know.....see if you can fix her before we get to dS9 please LtCmdrRobinson -> Well we should have left a half hour ago and you never answered like the first two calls. ::shrugs:: Am I distracting you? STSF_BluRox -> Holly> you want me...to fix that...:: burst out laughing:: Oh..that's rich....that's good. ...that's....impossible you realize..... Capt Rian Kwai -> And if that doesn't work, give her a can of worms...maybe she'll see the symbolism STSF_BluRox -> But I'll see if I can't get her adjusted... August Jax Robinson -> we are on our way, relax August Jax Robinson -> are you in a hurry for some reason? STSF_BluRox -> Worms? What, that she'd be better off 6' under in the dirt? STSF_BluRox -> Pause sim STSF_BluRox -> pause sim STSF_BluRox -> pause sim Ayumu Kasuga -> ::Paused:: Christina_Nickles -> :: paused: Capt Rian Kwai -> ((As and nobody loves me everybody hates me guess I'll eat some worms.)) Christina_Nickles -> lol Ayumu Kasuga -> (lol) Heather Jamieson -> (That better not be the meatlog) August Jax Robinson -> ::Paused::| STSF_BluRox -> The meatlog is made of worms!? Christina_Nickles -> eeewwwww STSF_BluRox -> And you all ate it for dinner! Ayumu Kasuga -> :o Christina_Nickles -> Not I August Jax Robinson -> I didn't!! Capt Rian Kwai -> Okay guys I got to go to bed. I have to be up super early in the morning. Catch you all either Thursday or next week. STSF_BluRox -> Ok, next week we'll pick up approaching DS9 if that's good with you all Ayumu Kasuga -> Sounds good. STSF_BluRox -> Night Kwai, have a safe trip Christina_Nickles -> ::nods:: STSF_BluRox -> and relax Ayumu Kasuga -> Goodnight folks! Capt Rian Kwai -> Night night STSF_BluRox -> and relax LtCmdrRobinson -> night everyone Heather Jamieson -> Sound good.. red head knocking at the Admiral's door... LtCmdrRobinson -> and wife® STSF_BluRox -> Night all, good sim....Meatlog and all! August Jax Robinson -> nite everyone ;) Ayumu Kasuga -> See you folks Tory Knight -> Night, folks! Christina_Nickles -> Night all
  7. USS REPUBLIC MISSION BRIEFING 51406.16 - Season 22 Mission Briefing: The away team has recovered the Admiral from the desert and during the effort to extricate her from the next of Scorpions and snakes she was laying in, both Ayumu and Christina have been bitten on the ankle and below the knee (Christina) by rattlesnakes. BEGIN SIM BEGIN SIM Heather Jamieson -> :: Realizes there's nothing she can do in medical :: LtCmdrRobinson -> ::steps onto the bridge, looking for the Wife®:: Heather Jamieson -> :: Wonders if she should visit the Admiral :: August Jax Robinson -> ::Still in charge?!:: August Jax Robinson -> ::was I?:: Capt Rian Kwai -> ::somewhere asleep after dealing with the Admiral's bosses:: STSF_BluRox -> (Ayumu and Christina were beamed into medical due to the snake bites, the Admiral was never moved from the shuttle ) Ayumu Kasuga -> ::in medical, recovering from her treatments for the snake bite to her ankle:: August Jax Robinson -> :::Looks at Will:: Hey... how'd you do? STSF_BluRox -> (actually, Nurse Ratchet beamed the two bitten to sickbay, and I added myself since ya'll forgot me!) LtCmdrRobinson -> There were snakes and scorpions everywhere. It was cool. Heather Jamieson -> :: Goes to see how the Admiral is doing.. approaches:: LtCmdrRobinson -> Some folks got bit, but Medical is taking care of them now. The admiral is still taking a nap from the effects of all the alcohol she drank. LtCmdrRobinson -> And possibly because I may have slightly, just slightly....shot her again. Capt Rian Kwai -> ((Just missing the Scorpion Hunter...)) Heather Jamieson -> :: Sees the Admiral is sleeping :: Ayumu Kasuga -> Republic : unconscious and under sedative as the anti-venom does its magic, as well as the treatment to ease the swelling to her ankle:: August Jax Robinson -> Well... she is alive, sooo good Job Sweetie? LtCmdrRobinson -> Yes, everyone is alive. But she was not easy to find. ACTION: Medical staff have tended to the two with the snake bites and has sedated them, however they should be waking shortly. Christina_Nickles -> ((Just got in from work sorry)) Heather Jamieson -> :: Just watching her sleep, lightly touches the admiral :: (w) I'm so sorry. :: steps back :: Tory Knight -> (( There are days that this new lappy is still a pain... )) August Jax Robinson -> Super Job ::Dripping with Scarcasum(sp):: STSF_BluRox -> While the Admiral was finally seen to, having had not animal bites, had a slight allergic reaction to having had alcohol when her pre-meds but the main issue being the jagged cut in her forearm and blood loss from digging her transponder out. STSF_BluRox -> (lol) LtCmdrRobinson -> Sarcasm noted. (Scarcasum? is that a medicine?) Heather Jamieson -> (w) What happened to you Admiral? STSF_BluRox -> +Com+ USS Republic incoming transmission from Admiral Pajaca.....Please put on your exec or whoever is in charge at the moment? August Jax Robinson -> {{If I knew you could spell I wouldn't have married you :P }} August Jax Robinson -> ::Perks:: thats me! August Jax Robinson -> ::nods to whomever is on the Bridge:: on screen LtCmdrRobinson -> ::watches his wife be all bossy-like:: STSF_BluRox -> +COM+ This is Admiral Pajaca......who are you? :: looking at Jax:: You don't look like a Trill August Jax Robinson -> This is Commander Jax ::wonders if Will, will note the lack of Robinson on that:: Capt Rian Kwai -> ((ROFL)) August Jax Robinson -> Captain Kwai is in her Quarters resting for the Moment.. August Jax Robinson -> I have the Bridge right now, how can be of assistants? STSF_BluRox -> +COM+ Admiral Pajaca> I see... is there somewhere you can take this message......in a less public venue? August Jax Robinson -> ::Smiles:: Tory Knight -> ::having assisted in developing the antiserum for the snake bites, is now in her quarters, finishing her unpacking job:: STSF_BluRox -> (assistants....you had that right Will!! LOL) August Jax Robinson -> +Pajaca+ Of course Admiral, one moment.. STSF_BluRox -> (and an excellent job of identifying the correct anti-venom you did indeed!) August Jax Robinson -> {{Yeah, that slipped out... I was a Yeoman}} August Jax Robinson -> {{ask Day, I rocked!}} Christina_Nickles -> ((and we thank you :) )) August Jax Robinson -> ::Enters the Ready Room, pokes console:: +Pajaca+ We are in private Sir Christina_Nickles -> :: takes a deep breath as the sedative begins to wear off:: STSF_BluRox -> Admiral PaJaCa> COM+ Jax+ I received word that you have found Admiral BluRox, is this correct? LtCmdrRobinson -> ::stays on the bridge, doesn’t like the private communication shenanigans going on though:: August Jax Robinson -> +PaJaCa+ That is correct Sir... she is in Medical as we speak STSF_BluRox -> Admiral PaJaCa> COM+ Jax+ Has she said anything yet? August Jax Robinson -> {{Stop showing off with word WILL}} STSF_BluRox -> (big words Jax..big words!) August Jax Robinson -> +PaJaCa+No sir, with the Poison in her system she is not awake STSF_BluRox -> (Blu was never bit) LtCmdrRobinson -> (She doesn’t know Boss, no one tells her anything :P ) Capt Rian Kwai -> ((unless you're talking the alcohol)) August Jax Robinson -> ((Alcohol spelled wrong is Poison to your Race... correct?}} STSF_BluRox -> Admiral PaJaCa> COM+ Jax+ Poison? What poison? Oh..you mean...oh, it could be the drinks we had, before she stormed out August Jax Robinson -> +PaJaCa+ Oh... you were the one .. STSF_BluRox -> (hey, she took a detox tab, it just wore off over time) STSF_BluRox -> Admiral PaJaCa> COM+ Jax+ :: furrows his brows at her:: And what do you mean by that....Commander? August Jax Robinson -> +PaJaCa+ ::Double blink:: Yes, she had a very bad reaction to the drinks you had had with her Heather Jamieson -> :: Heather could not believe her nearly running the Admiral over, then later not drinking with her could lead to this :: Christina_Nickles -> :: opens her eyes then closes them again because of the bright lights:: August Jax Robinson -> +PaJaCa+ I mean no disrespect, I just thought it was an error that she had alcohol STSF_BluRox -> (There are Five Lights) Christina_Nickles -> (( ::snickers:: I see 4!! Lights)) LtCmdrRobinson -> ::Sitting in the big chair, waiting impatiently for his Wife® to make a random Admiral angry:: STSF_BluRox -> (at least someone got it) STSF_BluRox -> Admiral PaJaCa> COM+ Perhaps, she said she had taken a detox tab, but.....that had been earlier. And well.....then the card game started to go south..and I ...well...oh hell, she was taking us all in cards, so I thought I'd throw her a bit... get her mad and off her game STSF_BluRox -> Admiral PaJaCa> COM+ Jax+ told her we would not honor her agreement with those Gorn she made promises too....... STSF_BluRox -> :: looks at Jax:: I shouldn’t' be telling you this, but...I feel responsible. I heard others almost died because of what happened August Jax Robinson -> +PaJaCa+ Yes Sir, they are still in Medical. STSF_BluRox -> Admiral PaJaCa> COM+ Jax+ I will be sending a report to both SF Security and Medical so that they are aware it was my fault and not hers...... I had forgotten that her tolerance for alcohol was almost nonexistant.... Christina_Nickles -> :: places the bend of her elbow over her eyes to shield them:: STSF_BluRox -> Admiral PaJaCa> COM+ You will be notifying your XO of this? STSF_BluRox -> Admiral PaJaCa> COM+ Jax+ Things got a bit out of hand after I told her I would not honor the agreement she made. Technically, she had not the authority to make the decision without confirmation, so when I threatened to have her ordered to tell me the coordinates, she refused and said she'd quit first before I could order her. That's when she broke the bottle and cut that transponder out of her arm August Jax Robinson -> +PaJaCa+ I will sir, also my tolerance is very high... if you would like to forward me anything you want to send her, she won’t mind ::Sweet smile, bats baby blues:: Heather Jamieson -> (( Was she asking for any left over alcohol? )) Ayumu Kasuga -> ::hopes the anti-serum is doing its thing:: August Jax Robinson -> {{you missed my Wedding... clearly}} August Jax Robinson -> +PaJaCa+ Hmm..Threats aren't very Christmas-y Sir. Next time just tell her you will throw a Yarn ball if she won’t do something STSF_BluRox -> Admiral PaJaCa> COM+ Jax+ Will she be ok? And the others? August Jax Robinson -> +PaJaCa+ she doesn't like that either August Jax Robinson -> +PaJaCa+ I was told they will be fine after treatment STSF_BluRox -> Admiral PaJaCa> COM+ Jax+ I'll send her a message later with a formal apology. thank you for the update and I will of course cover all damages that have occurred. if there is any change, au are to contact me STSF_BluRox -> (you) ] STSF_BluRox -> and thank you. PaJaCa out STSF_BluRox -> :: connection is cut:: Christina_Nickles -> :: lets out a soft sigh and tries once more , uncovering her eyes and opens them slightly:: Ayumu Kasuga -> (Spy!) Christina_Nickles -> ((Au?? hummmm )) August Jax Robinson -> {{::Perk:: (w) spy}} August Jax Robinson -> ::Stands up, walks out of the ready room:: August Jax Robinson -> ::Looks at Will, odd look on her face:: Heather Jamieson -> (Admiral tr'PaJaCa?) Christina_Nickles -> :: turns her head slightly looking around to see where she is:: LtCmdrRobinson -> Trouble? August Jax Robinson -> No, I think it went ok. Admiral PaJaCa gave the booze to BluRox August Jax Robinson -> HE seems sorry, but he did say "au" during our talk STSF_BluRox -> (so much for the private message?) Christina_Nickles -> ((LOL )) August Jax Robinson -> {{Husband... I have none anymore... well that is what I was told about getting married}} Heather Jamieson -> :: Goes over to her friends to see how they were :: LtCmdrRobinson -> Yeah he said as much to me when I was down on the planet STSF_BluRox -> :: starts to wake:: August Jax Robinson -> They need to stop reading all of those Romulan Reports.. ::Giggles:: People might think he is a Spy STSF_BluRox -> (it was corrected!! ::thwaps::_ STSF_BluRox -> TWO MINUTE WARNING STSF_BluRox -> TWO MINUTE WARNING Christina_Nickles -> :: turns her head towards Heather ans speaks in a soft voice:: Hey... what happened. Heather Jamieson -> :: Goes to Kasuga :: August Jax Robinson -> ::thinks for a second:: Did you get some Moonshine while you were down there? Ayumu Kasuga -> ::peers slowly over at Heather:: Eh Ayumu Kasuga -> ::Feeble wave:: LtCmdrRobinson -> No I did not get any moonshine while I was down there. Are you nuts? Heather Jamieson -> :: Holds Kasuga's hand :: How are you feeling? LtCmdrRobinson -> Forget I asked, wrong word. Nevermind Ayumu Kasuga -> Like I've been bit by a rattlesnake August Jax Robinson -> That stinks Christina_Nickles -> :: turns her head back and covers her eyes once more:: STSF_BluRox -> ::Waking and realizes she's in the private room in medical:: Heather Jamieson -> Anything I can get you? :: turns to Chirstina as well :: Either of you? Capt Rian Kwai -> ((Moonshine??)) STSF_BluRox -> Damn...... Why am I back here? STSF_BluRox -> PAUSE SIM STSF_BluRox -> PAUSE SIM STSF_BluRox -> PAUSE SIM Ayumu Kasuga -> ::Paused:: Christina_Nickles -> ::paused:: Ayumu Kasuga -> Was about to ask for booze! :P LtCmdrRobinson -> ::paused:: August Jax Robinson -> ::paused:: STSF_BluRox -> You had plenty of time for that! Ayumu Kasuga -> lol STSF_BluRox -> Ok...so next week...when everyone is feeling a bit better......we hopefully will get our new mission orders.....assuming.....we have someone that's actually in charge.......whomever that may be Ayumu Kasuga -> Always time for booze! Ayumu Kasuga -> lol August Jax Robinson -> Yaaaaya!! Ayumu Kasuga -> Nice STSF_BluRox -> (question....what if..... both Robinsons were in charge of the ship?_ August Jax Robinson -> we can watch the Security tape of my Wedding!! August Jax Robinson -> Doom STSF_BluRox -> (ships Motto Plaque: Abandon Hope all Ye that Enter Here!! STSF_BluRox -> lol Capt Rian Kwai -> ::giggles:: Christina_Nickles -> lol STSF_BluRox -> Ok, ok....it's past you youngsters bedtimes..and past some of the old folks too August Jax Robinson -> Yaay!! STSF_BluRox -> lol...me, I'll stay up for a few more, cause that's how I roll August Jax Robinson -> NIte nite everyone Ayumu Kasuga -> Goodnight folks August Jax Robinson -> ::Bites Will:: LtCmdrRobinson -> night everyone, and wife® August Jax Robinson -> ::Then pokes him in the eye::: Heather Jamieson -> I'll hit the holodeck Christina_Nickles -> Night all August Jax Robinson -> nite nite August Jax Robinson -> :D Christina_Nickles -> ::waves:: Heather Jamieson -> :: wave ::
  8. STSF_BluRox -> yea! Someone else! LtCmdrRobinson -> i am not just "someone", I am me! LtCmdrRobinson -> :P STSF_BluRox -> This is very true! STSF_BluRox -> Kwai is on her way, but in a heavy storm, so is pulled over letting worst of it pass before continuing STSF_BluRox -> As for the other slackers......Off with their heads! LtCmdrRobinson -> we shall kill them all! LtCmdrRobinson -> extra scorpions and rattlesnakes for them all STSF_BluRox -> perhaps they already died during the week and now their ghost have went to the Manticore? LtCmdrRobinson -> perhaps August Jax Robinson -> HUSBAND!!! LtCmdrRobinson -> Wife!!!!! STSF_BluRox -> Wll....what do you think? Demerits all around, or just see if they can outrun you with a phaser? Heather Jamieson -> Not yet... LtCmdrRobinson -> I think the situation calls for drastic measures Ayumu Kasuga -> Good evening folks Ayumu Kasuga -> Thank STSF_BluRox -> Well, since Kwai's on the ship (and stuck in a storm) and I'm passed out....I guess that this goes to you leading the team or your wife back on the ship... STSF_BluRox -> Hello late slackers! Ayumu Kasuga -> Sorry.. lost track of time watching the hockey (Like a canuck ) STSF_BluRox -> So was I and had to leave the bar to get here...:: swats:: silly canuck! Ayumu Kasuga -> lol STSF_BluRox -> The important thing is....you are here now! Yea....cause we love you all. Ayumu Kasuga -> At least no doubt OT! STSF_BluRox -> Kwai is trying to make it, but is pulled over waiting for a storm to pass, so she may or may not make it yumu Kasuga -> double* STSF_BluRox -> I knew what you meant 10:26STSF_BluRox -> So......might as well get going, sure Christina will filter in here in a few minutes so she can catch up Mission Briefing:: The away team after doing an extensive search has found the Admiral passed out in a ravine, and while attempting to extricate her manually, discovered in the cold dessert air, that several scorpions had snuggled up to her for her warm. Unfortunately, not looking further, while attempting to lift her, Ayumu has been bitten on the ankle by a rattlesnake. Alerted by a shreik, Will has shot it, while another took aim at Christina. STSF_BluRox -> (Hi Tory) STSF_BluRox -> Any questions before we begin? STSF_BluRox -> Everyone please give me a number 1-6 Tory Knight -> ((Hey, folks.)) August Jax Robinson -> 5 Heather Jamieson -> 5 Tory Knight -> 3 Ayumu Kasuga -> 4 STSF_BluRox -> Interesting.......and.....interesting... STSF_BluRox -> BEGIN SIM STSF_BluRox -> BEGIN SIM STSF_BluRox -> BEGIN SIM LtCmdrRobinson -> (6!) Ayumu Kasuga -> ::feeling feverish and lightheaded after the snake bite she received.. unable to move as the venom has probably paralysed her leg. August Jax Robinson -> @ ::on the Bridge, waiting to hear from the search team:: ACTION: AS WILL'S SHOT FRIES THE ONE SNAKE, IT'S NOTICED THAT THERE HAPPENS TO BE A WHOLE NEST OF THE LITTLE BUGGERS ALL RATTLING AWAY. THE ONE STRIKING TOWARDS CHRISTINA HITS HER BOOT NOT BREAKING THE LEATHER THE FIRST STRIKE...AND GOES TO STRIKE AGAIN LtCmdrRobinson -> !@#$%^&*() ::sighs and pulls out a tricorder:: STSF_BluRox -> ACTION: AND HITS RIGHT ABOVE THE BOOT... August Jax Robinson -> @ and hopes William remembered to pick up some hooch while he was down there for her:: Ayumu Kasuga -> ::Hopes Will has good aim, for Christina's toes' sake:: LtCmdrRobinson -> !@#$%^&*() ::uses the shuttles transporters to transport the team, and not the snakes and scorpions back into the shuttle:: STSF_BluRox -> (Nice pair of 5's there, and no 1's or 2's for misses!) Tory Knight -> @ ::having completed her leave, has returned back to the ship...in her quarters, unpacking, blissfully unaware of the charlie foxtrot occurring on retrieving the admiral:: STSF_BluRox -> (rofl) Heather Jamieson -> (cut myself up, will be a minute) STSF_BluRox -> (I didn't roll you silly....) LtCmdrRobinson -> !@#$%^&*() ::shimmers into the shuttle, without any critters except an overgrown kitty:: STSF_BluRox -> (oh oh.....look who didn't make it on time.....) Ayumu Kasuga -> (Hey Christina.. hss) Christina_Nickles -> ((Heather was supposed to tell you that I had to close tonight, and I cant leave before the last guest leaves the building)) STSF_BluRox -> !@#$%^&*() :: on shuttle, unaware of much of anything:: Ayumu Kasuga -> (That would suck) LtCmdrRobinson -> !@#$%^&*() ::heads for the pilots seat so they can get this short bus moving:: Who is bit? August Jax Robinson -> +Will+ Have you found her yet? Ayumu Kasuga -> Gjjkdfkjfldlkjfdfd... STSF_BluRox -> (she did) you still lost he roll LtCmdrRobinson -> !@#$%^&*() +August+ Yeah but we have multiple snake bite victims here, have Medical standing by. Christina_Nickles -> !@#$%^&*() :: grabbing her ankle :: I am STSF_BluRox -> (sorry, just finished what was started last week, snake would not magically disappear if you're not here... :) )) August Jax Robinson -> +Will+ ::Sighs:: Understood Ayumu Kasuga -> You got bit in the ankle too? August Jax Robinson -> +Sickbay+ We have incoming for you... snake bites LtCmdrRobinson -> !@#$%^&*() ::powers the shuttle up and takes off:: Heather Jamieson -> :: Goes next to Kasuga :: Christina_Nickles -> !@#$%^&*() Yes Its burning. Ayumu Kasuga -> !@#$%^&*() Yes. Much burning. So pain. Wow. STSF_BluRox -> Nurse Ratchet> +Bridge+ Did you say snakes? Christina_Nickles -> !@#$%^&*() :: sits back in her chair :: oh man it hurts STSF_BluRox -> Nurse Ratchet> +bridge+ or Steak bites....that com was a bit difficult to understand August Jax Robinson -> +Ratchet+ I did... The Admiral is with them, unknown if one of them is her Heather Jamieson -> !@#$%^&*() :: Sits between Kasuga and Nickles :: Christina_Nickles -> !@#$%^&*() :: closes her eyes :: Ayumu Kasuga -> I never had a steak bite me. Heather Jamieson -> (( Steak? )) Christina_Nickles -> !@#$%^&*() me either and I dont want it again STSF_BluRox -> Nurse Ratchet> :: decides she really did say snakes, too bad, she was getting hungry and some steak on a stick from that little Chinese restaruant by the Academy sounded really goo LtCmdrRobinson -> !@#$%^&*() ::flying as fast as he can:: 2 minutes, folks. Heather Jamieson -> !@#$%^&*() :: Looks at their bites :: STSF_BluRox -> Nurse Ratchet> +com+ Understood incoming...but when. Are these snakes on the ship? Wait...do we have Snakes on the ship? :: starts to tip toe arround Ayumu Kasuga -> (Hope she doesn't get ripped off, like my cousin did recently.. $10US for a steak on a stick and some rice) August Jax Robinson -> +Ratchet+ I wasn't told if Will brought them back with him... did you want him to? Christina_Nickles -> !@#$%^&*() ::sits still in her chair and goes quiet not saying anything:: STSF_BluRox -> Nurse Ratchet> :: goes and see's if they have some Terran Anti=venom or would need to replicate some:: STSF_BluRox -> Nurse Ratchet> :: getting confused as to why Will would bring Snakes to a ship...maybe she was wrong, and he really was bringing Steaks on a stick:: Ayumu Kasuga -> @#$%^&*() ::ankle probably swollen something fierce as she goes through whatever symptoms one gets after being bit by a rattlesnake:: August Jax Robinson -> Anti-Venom bottle= has a photo of Deathpool on it:: LtCmdrRobinson -> !@#$%^&*() ::slides the shuttle into the shuttlbay quickly:: August Jax Robinson -> ::Pushes Comm to Sickbay::: +Ratchet++ August Jax Robinson -> Shuttle in Tory Knight -> @ ::setting out a new holoimage of herself and Jules in front of the dancing fountains:: LtCmdrRobinson -> +August+ Transport my whole team to sickbay, please. Heather Jamieson -> !@#$%^&*() :: Looks to see if there are any snakes on a shuttle :: STSF_BluRox -> Nurse Ratchet> +LtCdr Knight+ Could you please report to medical? I need your expertise on dangerous terran lifeforms Christina_Nickles -> !@#$%^&*() ::ankle swollen and turning and odd color blue:: LtCmdrRobinson -> ::transported people into the shuttle, no snakes, cause he is smart like that:: Ayumu Kasuga -> (Snakes on a Shuttle) Tory Knight -> @ +Ratchet+ On my way. Knight out. Christina_Nickles -> !@#$%^&*() :: swelling moving up her leg:: STSF_BluRox -> Nurse Ratchet> +Bridge+ Which signatures should I have the computer beam directly to sickbay?....I'm assuming the Admiral is one, who has the animal bites? Tory Knight -> @ ::closes her suitcase and leaves it on the bed, heading to medical:: LtCmdrRobinson -> ::shimmers into the shuttlebay with the entire team:: Heather Jamieson -> :: Stands :: LtCmdrRobinson -> ::since his wife® was sleeping on the bridge, he did it himself:: STSF_BluRox -> Nurse Ratchet> +Commander Robinson+ Please send...never mind, I am picking up the signatures in the shuttle bay... STSF_BluRox -> ACTION:: Immediately beams Christina, Ayumu and Blu to sickbay Ayumu Kasuga -> ::Beamed into Sickbay:: Christina_Nickles -> :: appears in sickbay:: Tory Knight -> @ ::stepping out of the lift, and heading down the corridor to sickbay:: Tory Knight -> ((One sec. Need more water. )) STSF_BluRox -> Nurse Ratchet> :: does a quick assessment and decides that Ayumu looks the worst STSF_BluRox -> Nurse Ratchet> :: points to some of the other help....well dont' just stand there, scan them and triage them:: Heather Jamieson -> :: Standing there next to Commander Robinson :: Glad we found the Admiral, but those bites.. Tory Knight -> ((Back)) Christina_Nickles -> :: gets scanned and moved to a biobed:: Tory Knight -> @ ::heads into sickbay:: August Jax Robinson -> Nurse killM> ::Helps Ayumu::: did you see what kinda snakes? STSF_BluRox -> Iwb) Ayumu Kasuga -> ::Being mocws into IC for treatment:: ....rattlesnakes...? Ayumu Kasuga -> moved* August Jax Robinson -> Nurse KillM> ::Helps her onto a bed, pulls out the biggest needle they have:: Hold still Christina_Nickles -> :: lays on the biobed not speaking much at all.. eyes closed and swelling moving up her lower leg after the medic working on her marked where the swelling was when she was scanned:: Tory Knight -> @ ::spots Ratchet and moves over to greet her:: Tory Knight -> @ Nurse... ::looks over at Kasuga and Nickles:: Tory Knight -> @ Any idea what we're looking at? August Jax Robinson -> Nurse KillM> ::Grabs a marker and circles the bite mark, then a line where the swelling has moved up too STSF_BluRox -> Nurse Ratchet> :: sees' Tory:: Cdr, I was hoping you could assist me with a problem we've encountered. Seems these two have been itten\ August Jax Robinson -> KilLM> how much pain are you in? Heather Jamieson -> :: Wants to see if they are okay, but would just get in the way :: Christina_Nickles -> Medic) Doctor the swelling is moving up their legs past the marks we had made when thet came in. Tory Knight -> Any idea what species of flora or fauna? August Jax Robinson -> ::Directs helm to move us back a touch;; Heather Jamieson -> :: Goes to wait outside sickbay :: LtCmdrRobinson -> ::in sickbay, seeing what everyones condition is:: August Jax Robinson -> +William+ Please report to the Bridge... Heather Jamieson -> :: Sits on the bench outside sickbay :: LtCmdrRobinson -> +August+ On my way. LtCmdrRobinson -> Nurse, keep the bridge notified of any condition changes. STSF_BluRox -> I'm not certain, I do not know these Terran species. and I need to know what type of anti-venom to use STSF_BluRox -> Nurse Ratchet> ::directs teams to prep and to give a hypospray to Ayumy and ln LtCmdrRobinson -> ::stops at the door:: Rattlesnake, Nurse. STSF_BluRox -> and Christina to lower thie anxiety levels Tory Knight -> ::nods:: Could your team draw a sample for analysis? STSF_BluRox -> TWO MINUTE WARNING STSF_BluRox -> TWO MINUTE WARNING LtCmdrRobinson -> ::heads for the bridge:: STSF_BluRox -> Nurse Ratchet> We can take the blood, sure and test it. However i twould be helpful to know what it was that actually bit them. There were reports of Scorpions earlieh... STSF_BluRox -> and... Heather Jamieson -> :: Waits :: Tory Knight -> We can use a two-pronged approach... Narrow the field through research and then determine the appropriate antidote based on that and chemical analysis. STSF_BluRox -> GRRR... not sure the Pause Sim posted before I got bounced good news...the computer says everyone is back on the ship...for the moment. And PAUSED AGAIN! August Jax Robinson -> ;;;PAUSED:: LtCmdrRobinson -> ::pauses:: STSF_BluRox -> assuming everyone lives STSF_BluRox -> Any questions? Heather Jamieson -> How did Heather not get bit Ayumu Kasuga -> ::Paused:: LtCmdrRobinson -> because August didn’t have the dice STSF_BluRox -> Cause nobody picked a 2 August Jax Robinson -> :( Heather Jamieson -> Luck be a lady tonight STSF_BluRox -> lol STSF_BluRox -> ok, well done and nobody fell into the snake nest either.! Christina_Nickles -> ::Paused: STSF_BluRox -> Oik, we'll pick up here next week, so off to bed with you all my pretties! Heather Jamieson -> Night all STSF_BluRox -> Crew Dismissed
  9. USS Republic Mission Briefing 51404.07 - Season 22 The Republic is approaching the Sol System with the intent to dock at McKinley Station, file reports with Star Fleet, and give the crew a short leave after their last mission before embarking on the next assignment.
  10. USS Republic Mission Briefing 51403.31 - Season 22 As repairs are completed on the orbital platforms, and navigational warning buoys have been activated, the crew prepares to get back underway towards their next assignment.
  11. USS Republic Mission Briefing 514.3.17 - Season 22 As the remaining crew return from the surface of the terraformed Gorn planet, science and engineering have been instructed to complete repairs on the orbital holoimaging platforms, that will continue to help hide the planet from regular traffic. Meanwhile......Holly is considering tossing a party.......Just maybe......
  12. USS Republic Mission Briefing 51403.10 - Season 22 The Away Team has finished their meal and negotiations and are preparing to head back to the landing site and back to the ship to see what can be done to assist the Gorn in repairing their orbital cloaking platforms.
  13. USS Republic Mission Briefing 51403.03 - Season 22 Having traveled to the Gorn's underground capital city, the Admiral and her party have negotiated a peace with the Gorn people that have terraformed this barren world into their new home. Having contacted the ship to let them know that they were ok, the team has been invited to dinner and touring of the transformed world. The team plans to return to the ship once the tours and the following meal have concluded.
  14. USS Republic Mission Briefing 51402.24 - Season 22 Having traveled to the Gorn's underground capital city, the Admiral and her party now treat with Zolgoss, evidently one of the ruling body of this world, and are attempting to gain their freedom. Will and Jax are being brought to the capital as well, while back on the ship, Kwai has ordered Heather and security to prepare to investigate the cave system near the landing site.
  15. USS Republic Mission Briefing 51402.17 - Season 22 On the ship, Kwai and Heather are investigating the satellite network that seems to have hidden the planet from view of any ship passing by. On the planet, Jax and Will have been reunited in the Gorn storeroom and are both still recovering from the knock-out vapor; while Blu, Christiana, Ayumu have accompanied their Gorn "host/captor" to tour their underground capital city. What will be the outcome of being shown this city? Will we be made to remain, will the ship attempt a rescue, or will the Gorn 'silence' us all before anyone else can find out?
  16. USS Republic Mission Briefing 51402.10 - Season 22 The away team has engaged in discussion with their Gorn captors and are trying to convince them that we mean them no harm. The "convincing part:, seems to be the part causing the difficulty.
  17. USS Republic Mission Briefing 51401.27 - Season 22 Part of the away team while exploring one of the caves, seems to have encountered........something, and are now no longer where they had been. The rest of the party was still below in the meadow discussing swimming and the surrounding geography and fruits. Meanwhile back on the ship, an anomalous reading has caught the attention of the bridge crew and they are investigating what appears to be some sort of older technology in orbit. BEGIN SIM BEGIN SIM BEGIN SIM Christina_Nickles -> :: with the Admiral as shes talking to our captors:: Heather Jamieson -> :: Watches the orbiting devices realign themselves :: Ayumu Kasuga -> ::Standing nearby:: LtCmdrRobinson -> ::phaser just fell down a hole and someone is trying to drug him:: STSF_BluRox -> Zolgoss> Hissss…..Be quietsss Tsaigiss….let ussss hear what they hasss to say. August Jax Robinson -> ::relaxing in the Sun, mad at Will for being over protective.... again!:: Heather Jamieson -> :: thinks :: I need to be able to yap into that network. Heather Jamieson -> @ :: puts on her symbol :: ACTION:: Will is trussed up in some sort of netting while a sweet smelling rag is placed across his face, knocking him out LtCmdrRobinson -> ((this is just how I ended up Married to August®, is this a flashback episode? ;) )) STSF_BluRox -> Zolgoss> ::glared at Tsaigiss to hold his tongue, then turned to the inturders before him:: STSF_BluRox -> Zolgoss> Now tellssss usssss, how did youuuuu findssss usss here? Nobodysss should have beeen ablessss to seeesss the planet. We should have appears to beesss, aa harsh rocky world. Not for the likesssss of youuuussss. LtCmdrRobinson -> ::knocked out:: August Jax Robinson -> {{No snitcing Will!!}} STSF_BluRox -> (LOL Willl....do you want to keep her or trade her for what's behind Curtain number 2?) LtCmdrRobinson -> (I think I'll keep her, it'll only get worse otherwise) STSF_BluRox -> (there is usually a goat behind curtain number 2) Heather Jamieson -> @ :: opens up a database of nonaligned devices :: Heather Jamieson -> @ :: Finds the one damaged device they pushed earlier :: August Jax Robinson -> ::Yells:: Will!! Christina_Nickles -> We found it by accident honest. Ayumu Kasuga -> We just wanted to go spelunking STSF_BluRox -> I'm afraid that while we were passing by the area, we found the planet on our sensors. STSF_BluRox -> and it was my idea to stop and check it out, and perhaps have a short vacation. It appeared to be a lovely little planet LtCmdrRobinson -> ::left his wife® outside when he went to check on the team that was in the cave:: ACTION: 2 Gorns come into the room, and sets the wrapped up Will in a net on the floor by the doorway STSF_BluRox -> Christina.....check him out Christina_Nickles -> :: rushes over to Will and begins to unwrap him from the netting::: Ayumu Kasuga -> Oh ACTION: One of the Gorns goes to stop her and looks over to Zolgoss Christina_Nickles -> :: checks him for a pulse:: Hes alive Looks like hes just out like we were Sir August Jax Robinson -> ::Sighs:: what a flat-leaver STSF_BluRox -> Zolgoss> She may check to see he is ok, but leave him bound for now, he had weapons on him Heather Jamieson -> @ :: looks up how these orbiting devices operate :: Christina_Nickles -> :: looks to Blu as she stops from removing the net:: STSF_BluRox -> Stand down Christina.... Christina_Nickles -> ::nods and steps back as instructed:: Yes Sir STSF_BluRox -> Zolgoss, I would ask that you please unrestrain my officer, and let my crew help him Christina_Nickles -> ::: looks worriedly between Will and the Gorn:: STSF_BluRox -> Zolgoss> he had destructive weapons on him, clearly with the intent to use them. What is his position on your sihp? STSF_BluRox -> He is our cheif of security.... STSF_BluRox -> Tsaigiss> See, they bring soldiers to subdue us... Christina_Nickles -> :: wants to help him but knows she no match for the Gorn :: STSF_BluRox -> That is not true, he is only seeing to our protection and obviously came to see why we had not returned Christina_Nickles -> Sir thats our normal protical. STSF_BluRox -> Zolgoss> you can release him from the netting. Leave his hands bound for now, until we see if we can trust you August Jax Robinson -> {{No witty replys Will :P }} Christina_Nickles -> ::looks to Blu for approval:: STSF_BluRox -> ::turns to Christina, eyeballing her for cutting into the conversation:: LtCmdrRobinson -> ::just waking up so he cant comment :P :: STSF_BluRox -> ::nods to Christina to go release him:: Christina_Nickles -> :: cringes from the look blus gives her amd moves over to help Will:: Christina_Nickles -> :: steps back to Will and kneels beside him then begins to remove the netting from around him::; Heather Jamieson -> NP Clark: :: stands behind Jax, so far quite :: August Jax Robinson -> ::Is now totally mad at Will for ditching her:: STSF_BluRox -> Now seriously, we did accidently find your planet. If you would just release us, I promise that we won't report that you are here. YOu have my word on it... STSF_BluRox -> Tsaigiss> They liessss. The protection gridss, they hides us. They can not sees us. LtCmdrRobinson -> ::groans:: This went wrong. Heather Jamieson -> NP Clark: :: steps back from a fuming Jax :: August Jax Robinson -> ::Glances at Clark:: where did everyone go? Christina_Nickles -> :: pulls the last part of the netting away from Will:: ::speaks softly::Easy Commander Heather Jamieson -> NP Clark: I am a lost as you are sir. :: looks around :: LtCmdrRobinson -> I think I was attacked by cave ninjas. Came out of nowhere. STSF_BluRox -> ::looks over to see what Ayumu is doing:: Ayumu Kasuga -> Doing alright, sir. STSF_BluRox -> She was the first to notice you as she was piloting and can confirm Christina_Nickles -> Commander I would just lay still if I were you. STSF_BluRox -> (must have been at least 20) LtCmdrRobinson -> Feels like I dont have a choice. How long have I been out? Heather Jamieson -> NP Clark: Are you well sir? Christina_Nickles -> Not certian Sir, You have only been here a short time. 10 ..15 minutes or so. August Jax Robinson -> ::nods at Clark:: I am enjoying the Sunlight, but mad at my husband LtCmdrRobinson -> ::looks over at blu:: Are we making new friends sir? ::looks like he wants to shoot someone:: Christina_Nickles -> Careful Sir ... agitating them may not be a good thing. They wouldn’t allow me to unbind you ...just remove the netting that surrounded you. STSF_BluRox -> Easy Will...sit and clear your head. We're ok for nonw Christina_Nickles -> :: still kneeling next to him:: Christina_Nickles -> are you ok to sit up sir? Heather Jamieson -> NP Clark: at least you have the sun. STSF_BluRox -> Tsaigiss> They liessss. The protection gridss, they hides us. They can not sees us. STSF_BluRox -> Zolgoss> Tsaigiss, I told you to beees quiet. If youuuu can notsss, then youuuu mussst leavessss. LtCmdrRobinson -> ::nods:: Understood. STSF_BluRox -> Tsaigiss> :: glared back at Zolgoss, baring a sharp row of teeth, but then seeing two of the others that had came with Zolgoss step towards him, backed off and breifly looked away in concession. LtCmdrRobinson -> ::shakes his head no at Blu as soon as Tsagiss mentions the grids:: STSF_BluRox -> I'm sorry if we're causing you some trouble with your people, but honestly, we only came down for some relaxation timei off the ship. Christina_Nickles -> :: helps Will Sit up:: STSF_BluRox -> Zolgoss> ::turns back towards BluRox:: My apologiessss……some are young, and only grew up on stories of how we were oppresssssed. They see all as enemiesss. I would hope you would not be our enemiesss, but you mussst know, that we can not let you leave to tell otherssss that we are here. You will be allowed to remain here and live peacefully with us if you like, or we can take your party to a remote location where you may live apart, but we can nots let you returns to your ssssshippp and tells otherssss about us. August Jax Robinson -> no worries Clark, I will get my Husband back for this STSF_BluRox -> Ayumu...how far off the normal routes were we? Ayumu Kasuga -> Not more than a few parsecs, I'd say Heather Jamieson -> NP Clark: word on the ship you two fight often, sir. STSF_BluRox -> See, several parsecs, nobody is usually ever in this area... August Jax Robinson -> it’s not fighting..... It’s flirting STSF_BluRox -> One problem with that. You have captured many of our officers, our ship will not leave without us. STSF_BluRox -> Tsaigiss> surely your peoplesss will give up after a whilessss. We’ve made it look assssssss iffff you all have fell down into the endlessssss pit. Noone has ever been recovered from the pit. If others come looking, we will ssstop them, and then there will be nobody to return to tell about us. LtCmdrRobinson -> Speaking of our ship Admiral, they'd like to talk to you on comms, using the 'Special' frequency...in about 30 minutes I believe. STSF_BluRox -> If you will notice Will....we no longer have our Com badges..on us (not wanting to give away the subdermal transcievers just yet, just winks to Will) STSF_BluRox -> ::turns back to Tsaigiss and Zolgoss:: I think you are mistaken. You see……my ship, has close to 850 crewmen and another 100 civilians aboard. They will make every effort to find and retrieve our bodies, even if there is a hole. August Jax Robinson -> ::grabs her Tric and opens it up to see where Willma is:: STSF_BluRox -> Tsaigiss> Liessss, there are no shipsss that big. That is more than we hasss living here on our planet.. STSF_BluRox -> Zolgoss>:: Hisses at Tsaigiss, then turns to the other 2 Gorn:: Remove him, he is to be taken to the orchard where he can tend the fruit treesssss until he calmssss hisss temper. STSF_BluRox -> Tsaigiss> ::glares at the Away Team, then glares at Zolgoss::: Hissssss! :: turns and stalks out, followed by one of the other Gorn:: August Jax Robinson -> ::Snaps it shut finding nothing:: I can play that game to STSF_BluRox -> Zolgoss> My apologiessss for my nephew, he is a bit……hot headed in hissss youth. But, he also is surely correct, your numbers, can not posssssibly be truesss. STSF_BluRox -> I’m afriad they are, and that as an Admiral, they will expend effort to at least locate my body if they can. If they can not, they will assuredly call in for assistance. You best course of action, would be to work with us, we can surely work out some type of agreement that will allow this planet to remain in your hands without interference. Perhaps we can arrange for Star Fleet Sciences to come observe your methods of terraforming. It appears there is much we can teach each other. August Jax Robinson -> ::gets up, walks towards the trees and crap::: Christina_Nickles -> :: nods in agreement with Blu:: STSF_BluRox -> Zolgoss> My nephew was correctsss, we have no wishesss to be conquered as your people evidently have been by this Federation. We knew of you Caitians, smart, but not the fight that the Klingons and Andorians had. STSF_BluRox -> I’m afraid you have us wrong. We were no conquered, nor were the other races in the Federation. Each world after the founding 5 worlds; Terra, Vulcan, Tellar, Cait and Andoria each worked together to form a peaceful coalition to work together to make a better life. Even the Klingon applied to join us after a while. Now, there are many worlds, all working to live together in peace. As you see from my party, Caitian, Human, and I have many, many other races all serving together on our ship. I would be happy to give you a tour if you wish it. You might like to meet my First Officer, she is of a race known as Trill. We have Bajorans, Bolians, Caitians, Terrans, Vulcans, Klingons, Saurians, Edoans, Regilians, and many others you might be interested in talking to. STSF_BluRox -> Zolgoss> If what you say is true, then our world is ruined........ STSF_BluRox -> Zolgoss> We only wished to live out here, alone and in peace August Jax Robinson -> I am going to find my lesser half, be back in a few Clark STSF_BluRox -> Zolgoss> And now......itssss all over. Your Federation will come and take the planet from us, settle their own people... August Jax Robinson -> Unless you want to come along STSF_BluRox -> now now...that's not quite how we work. We don't interfere with other worlds if they ask us not to... Heather Jamieson -> NP Clark: understood, I'll wait here Heather Jamieson -> (( is this Gorn crying? )) STSF_BluRox -> PAUSE SIM STSF_BluRox -> PAUSE SIM STSF_BluRox -> PAUSE SIM August Jax Robinson -> {{Hissing}} August Jax Robinson -> ::Paused:: Christina_Nickles -> :: paused:: LtCmdrRobinson -> ::psd:: STSF_BluRox -> Yea....and they didnt' toss Will down the well....which is good, we don't have Lassie to go let anyone know! Ayumu Kasuga -> ::Paused:: STSF_BluRox -> Great job everyone...and thank you very much everyone for showing up tonight STSF_BluRox -> Any questions for tonight? August Jax Robinson -> ::Bites Will:: STSF_BluRox -> And thanks Heather for handling the ship by yourself tonight August Jax Robinson -> w00t STSF_BluRox -> Ok then, well everyone have a great night, try to keep warm and dont' hurt yourself shoveling too much snow! STSF_BluRox -> Anyway, Crew Dismissed
  18. USS Republic Mission Briefing 51401.27 - Season 22 Part of the away team while exploring one of the caves, seems to have encountered........something, and are now no longer where they had been. The rest of the party was still below in the meadow discussing swimming and the surrounding geography and fruits. Meanwhile back on the ship, an anomalous reading has caught the attention of the bridge crew and they are investigating what appears to be some sort of older technology in orbit.
  19. USS Republic Mission Briefing 51401.21 - Season 22 The crew continues to investigate the lovely planet that appears to be a perfect paradise, and while some are swimming and other are scanning dirt, checking out fruit and caves. What could go wrong?
  20. USS Republic Mission Briefing 51401.13 - Season 22 The crew continues to investigate the lovely planet that appears to be a perfect paridise, and an away team has been dispatched to explore it first hand. Could they have really found the perfect planet for a peaceful, relaxing shoreleave at last? And why hadn't the Federation found this place before? The most recent surveys of this region only listed rocky, harsh and mostly unpleasant hot or cold balls of sand, rock and/or ice.
  21. 1/6/14 USS Republic Mission Briefing 51401.06: The Away team has boarded the shuttle and are heading down to the lovely planet we've just found. Everyone had been invited. But a few decided to wait to see if it's safe first! 12/9/13 USS Republic Mission Briefing 51312.09 - As the Republic is investigating any outward effects from the subspace tear that may have occurred to those worlds surrounding the now no travel zone....a peaceful looking world has been found that may offer a nice break from all the stress aboard ship. 12/2/13 USS REPUBLIC Mission Briefing 51312.02: The Republic has finished marking the edge of the subspace tear area with warning bouts and turned over study of the Phenomenon to a group from the Daystrom Institute. Families of those list have been notified and the crew had a holiday dinner together to help everyone get through what had happened. We now move around the boundary of the tear to see if there had been effects on any of the local worlds... 11/25/13 USS Republic Mission Briefing 51311.25: The Republic celebrates a brief respite in its crazy history with the human holiday of Thanksgiving (which should be interesting considering the command staff aren't human) Drinks and a food buffet have been set up. 11/18/13 USS Republic Mission Briefing - 91311.18 - Season 22 - Happy Anniversary USS Republic As the Republic deals with the subspace distortion fields, and science has planted their devices.... 11/11/25 USS Republic Mission Briefing: The crew investigates the loss of power around the ship, missing crewmen, and the occurrence with the Robinson's son
  22. RES Talon Mission Briefing 51401.02 - Season 18 The Talon has boarded the stealth ship which had been attacking them, and have taken control of the oira and beamed it's Enarrain to the Talon's br'tehh. It has been presumed that this is an Othan ship based on the descriptions and information given to Talon by Enarrain tr'Darius of the StoneReaver. If the proof holds, it will be vriha important to get this information and ship into the hands of Galae, so that they can prove that there are other forces pressing against Galae and perhaps a plot against the current Praetor and government. BEGIN SIM BEGIN SIM BEGIN SIM Koga S'Bien -> ::on the oira of the Talon, monitoring the Othan ship as well as the tractor beam power levels:: KhreRiovtRex -> Enarrain tr'Jalus> Hrrau the Talon's bretehh M_K_tKsa -> ::taking a breather as it seems to have finally calmed down from the latest shoot-em up. KhreRiovtRex -> Acting XO> ::turns to tr'Seiben: send a message to the Daise Dheno. I want that ship secureed, and then searched. Koga S'Bien -> ::nods:: Aye.. Will do. Koga S'Bien -> +t'A+ Talon to Dheno. Have the ship secured and searched from top to bottom. tAehjae -> @:: still on the Oira of the Othan ship:: +Koga+ Ie We are in control Will begin searching Koga S'Bien -> +t'A+ Also, au might want to have someone check up on our friend in the brig. M_K_tKsa -> ::plops down in front of her etrehh console:: (m) research or update files. Research or update files. :: frowns:: tAehjae -> Guard: :: walks by checking on the prisoner:: tAehjae -> @ :: calls out to her teas to begin searching the vessel :: Lerak trPexil -> :: Breathes easier as the fighting has stopped and repairs can proceed :: M_K_tKsa -> Update files it is. ::chews on her lip:: tAehjae -> @ :: has oi of her officers remain on the Oira while she and the others start searching:: Lerak trPexil -> +Oria+ Are there any issues on the oria that need looked into? M_K_tKsa -> (q)Although research would be more interesting. Koga S'Bien -> +Pexil+ Other than the battle damage, not having full power in some systems and over burdened power grid? No.. Nothing that I can think of. Lerak trPexil -> +SBien+ Cute. Your power needs are important to us. Just remain on the line and an engineer representative will be with you shortly. Koga S'Bien -> +Pexil+ I'll be sure to note your service in the feedback survey. M_K_tKsa -> But if I go that route, I'd be helping t'Mahren ::frowns again:: tAehjae -> @ :: searching the Othan vessel:: Lerak trPexil -> +SBien+ I will be heading to a distribution node to oversee its repair personally. Pexil out. Lerak trPexil -> :: Nods to various engineers as he packs to head to the node :: KhreRiovtRex -> Enarrain tr'Jalus> ::hoping there are a few that have na been captured and can work to free him, or perhaps take the ship back and yy'a there veruuls Lerak trPexil -> :: Exits engineers and heads to a lift :: Lerak trPexil -> :: Rides the lift for a while and gets out :: tAehjae -> Guard: DO au have any injuries from Aus Capture? ::to tr'Jalus:: tAehjae -> @ :: continuing her search of the vessle taking out anyoi that threatens her :: KhreRiovtRex -> Enarrain tr'Jalus> :: stands and turns to authen t'Aejhae:: I remain uninjured KhreRiovtRex -> Enarrain tr'Jalus> I seem to be unable to say the same for much of my crew. Lerak trPexil -> :: Examines the distribution node himself, noting the damage it took from a shield grid overload earlier :: M_K_tKsa -> ::starts to work, trying to ignore that nagging feeling she has:: tAehjae -> Guard: From what I hear Thats Aus crew fault. The Daise will return shorty Au may speak to her, tAehjae -> Guard: :: moves back to his post watching over the prisoner:: KhreRiovtRex -> Enarrain tr'Jalus> Au do realize, that our support ships will be looking to join us shortly, as well as well as they will report to our headquarters tAehjae -> Guard: Au can tell her all about it KhreRiovtRex -> Enarrain tr'Jalus> Who her? Lerak trPexil -> :: Assigns an additional crew to fix the node :: tAehjae -> Guard: My daise or the Erranain whichever comes here first tAehjae -> :: continues searching the Othan vessel:: tAehjae -> @ Lerak trPexil -> +SBien+ I am at the node. More work here than first thought. Brining in another team here to remove a portion and replace. Koga S'Bien -> +Pex+ Acknowledged. Let me know if I can be of any assistance. Lerak trPexil -> +Sbien+ Ie, keep us out of any activities that require power. M_K_tKsa -> (m)No I won't go do it. I won't. I won't. I won't. :: dismissing the personal message on her screen:: KhreRiovtRex -> @ Random Othan 1> ::as the dheno from Tlaon passes, steps from behind the cargo container, kaleh hrrau hand, and tip pressing against the neck of the dheno. ::: Stand still or else au will yy’a Koga S'Bien -> +Pex+ All right. tAehjae -> @ ::stops in her tracks:: Au will na get away with this KhreRiovtRex -> @ Quietly hnah....let's move down fahd. tAehjae -> @ ::hoping oi of her team are close by:: Lerak trPexil -> :: Was tempted to ask how the Enarrain was, but knew better :: tAehjae -> @:: witht he point of the Kaleh felt on her neck... she moves as instructed:: KhreRiovtRex -> @ Random Othan 1> I have to try something, do I not? Hna........ ::motions with head which way to move:: Lerak trPexil -> :: Felt a pain in his neck... just work and stress :: tAehjae -> @ :: moves where told waiting for the moment she can try to make a move:: KhreRiovtRex -> @ Do au have a medic with au? tAehjae -> @ Why do au ask? M_K_tKsa -> Elements, he's like a buzzing fly. ::swats away another message, digging into her medical records update:: KhreRiovtRex -> (just a random Talon dheno, ie? Not tA? Or did you change ships?) tAehjae -> (In the beginning Koga called to tA on the Othan ship so I thought I was still over there,)) KhreRiovtRex -> (Hmm, you were talking to Enarrain tr'Jalus in the br'tehh also, is why I was asking)' tAehjae -> (( as Guard: on Talon) KhreRiovtRex -> (sigh) KhreRiovtRex -> RO1> Just do what au are told. Contact the medica, and have him transported here. KhreRiovtRex -> RO1> ::shoves t'A around a corner near engineering, where 2 injured crewmen lay bleeding:: Lerak trPexil -> :: Leaves the node area, heads to another repair site :: tAehjae -> @ +to the Medic that was on the team+ Medic I need aus help here, transport to my location tAehjae -> @ If au would have given Ausselves up Au would na need a medic M_K_tKsa -> +Dheno+ What location is that, rekkhai? ::glancing at another dheno officer with a shrug:: KhreRiovtRex -> @ Be quiet. Hna.....help that io there.. :: points to the wounded engineer:: tAehjae -> @+Medic+ I am near their engineering section ::bends down as to access the injured:: KhreRiovtRex -> @ ::shoves t'A towards the injured Rihan:: Put pressure on his wound 2 MINUTE WARNING tAehjae -> @ ::looks up to RO1 and does as told:: I am na a medic M_K_tKsa -> @tr'Medic>:: glancing over to the other dheno:: Why would she be in engineering? Didn't you all secure that area? tAehjae -> @ :: leave she com open so the others can hear: Aehjae -> @ Au should give up now an na others will be harmed. KhreRiovtRex -> RO1 @> I told au be quiet...hna take care of him, au people injured them, so au will help them. and then au will get au people to leave this area PAUSE SIM PAUSE SIM PAUSE SIM
  23. RES Talon Mission Briefing 51311.14 The Talon and the StoneReaver, accompanied by the RES Firehawk, plan to use the sensor equipment installed on the ships to hunt down the remaining Othan stealth ship. It is our hope, that there is actually only one left in the area, and that we are not being lead into a trap. KhreRiovtRex -> BEGIN SIM KhreRiovtRex -> BEGIN SIM KhreRiovtRex -> BEGIN SIM Lerak trPexil -> :: Sitting in an office :: Lerak trPexil -> :: Or a patient room :: Koga S'Bien -> ::on the oira:: Kheinsa Maec -> So, let's go back to your time at the Academy. Tell me about it. KhreRiovtRex -> # Enarrain tr'Kalran> +COM+ Talon......we will begin stowing the debris from the destroyed ship for evidence while au and the Stonereaver begin searching for that third ship Koga S'Bien -> ::Checking his readings:: tAehjae -> ::watching the scans carefully for any significant sign of that element:: Koga S'Bien -> ::piloting the ship on a course to methodically scan for the third ship:: Lerak trPexil -> I was started off into the intelligence courses... Went for about two seasons of classes, but I'd always had a 'knack' for engineering, tearing things apart so on. Then my Lerak trPexil -> training incident happened. Laehval tTemarr -> ::She leaned on the side of her chair and glanced up to the main viewer, eyes narrowing slightly.:: S'Bien, coordinate with the Stonereaver to search the nearby sectors. Koga S'Bien -> Aye aye sir. Koga S'Bien -> ::starts to co-ordinate search efforts with the Stonereaver's helmsman and operations officers:: Lerak trPexil -> It was an infiltration practice run.. Kheinsa Maec -> What sort of incident? ACTION: The RES Firehawk veers away and heads back towards the debris to start beaming it aboards Lerak trPexil -> Get in, download the data from the ship's core, get out. KhreRiovtRex -> @ Enarrain tr'Dario> +Talon+ Until we find any readings...I was curious if au Enarrain would care to come join me for a meal and start planning what our course of action is once we find this other ship Kheinsa Maec -> Ie? Lerak trPexil -> There was this woman who did not care for me, I don't know the reason. She wanted me to fail. tAehjae -> :: remains facing forward hearing the request wondering if Laeh will except:: Lerak trPexil -> Tried several occasions over some months. M_K_tKsa -> ::in her office, working on a problem that Evie has posed to her:: Lerak trPexil -> She was one of team members assigned to protect me while I downloaded the data. Koga S'Bien -> ::chatting with Stonereaver's helmsman plotting the best possible search routes for the missing ship:: KhreRiovtRex -> (her name is Laeh!) Lerak trPexil -> She was to protect my flank, but she totally ignored me. Laehval tTemarr -> +tr'Dario+ I will na be leaving my ship again. However, au are more than welcome to return to the Talon to witness the search efforts. Lerak trPexil -> Waited for the Klingons to take me out, but I knew she'd try something. Lerak trPexil -> So, I altered the holo imaging chamber's subroutines to allow me access to the Klingon ship's systems. KhreRiovtRex -> @SR Helm> +Talon+ Perhaps it would be best if we were to split up to widen our search pattern? KhreRiovtRex -> @ tr'Dario> ::frowns hearing the helmsmen discussing going separate ways, when he would rather to sit a while with the lovely Enarrain. M_K_tKsa -> Oh? Lerak trPexil -> I lit her up like a supernova... they holographic Klingons found her first, I got the data out safe. Did not look good on her record. Koga S'Bien -> +SR Helm+ Hmm, I concur. We can cover more ground that way, so to speak. M_K_tKsa -> Oh my ::looking at her screen:; Kheinsa Maec -> And how did that make au feel? Lerak trPexil -> She knew something like that should have have happened, and suspected me. Lerak trPexil -> I felt justified, a premptive strike. Lerak trPexil -> She too felt justified... late one night after a quite night on the town she had been following me. Laehval tTemarr -> ::Smirks and glances back to the sensor readings.:: t'Aehjae, I was na impressed with the speed of the targeting sensors during our last engagement. Perhaps au might have some helpful modifications to make them faster. Lerak trPexil -> In the dark she struck, knifed me in the side... I nearly bleed to death. Lerak trPexil -> I still have the scar. KhreRiovtRex -> @ tr'Dario> +tTemarr+ While I would love to come join au and spend some more time with au, in light of recent events upon my ship, I think it would be best if I remained here to ensure that order is maintained, at least to be sure that we have at least purged all the transgressors. Kheinsa Maec -> Sounds like she took au ruining her career personaly. KhreRiovtRex -> I would of course, like to take au up on the offer in a short while however tAehjae -> ::nods:: Ie rekkhai I will work on getting a faster response. Lerak trPexil -> She was removed from the class, but assigned somewhere else. Assassin probably. :: laughs :: Lerak trPexil -> It had gotten personal;. KhreRiovtRex -> (and her name was....N'Dak) Lerak trPexil -> They saw what I had done, eventually, and reassigned me as well to an engineering track. Lerak trPexil -> (probably, small world?) KhreRiovtRex -> (oh wait, she's better with a knife...oh wait, never mind, she didn't kill him either) Kheinsa Maec -> Let's put this another way. How would au have felt if au were in her place? Lerak trPexil -> Angry, furious, but I don't think I have the character to weld a dagger as such. tAehjae -> :: logs into the system and starts looking over the targetting scquences:: Kheinsa Maec -> I see ::makes notes in his ISD:: Then what happened? KhreRiovtRex -> (say it with some feeling Pexil!!) KhreRiovtRex -> (Oh Elements!!) Koga S'Bien -> ::follows along their prescribed search area to look for the third ship:: Lerak trPexil -> I finished my classes like a good Romulan... Got a post at a few places. Lerak trPexil -> Buried myself in my work as best I could. tAehjae -> :: finds an area where she can tweek the firing mechanisms :: Kheinsa Maec -> And what are au thoughts about being on Talon? Lerak trPexil -> It's a good ship... many light years on her. Lerak trPexil -> At first I was upset with another engineer. Lerak trPexil -> The anger and hate was nearly the same as before. As if I went back at the Academy. Kheinsa Maec -> And which io was that? Lerak trPexil -> I thought I could poison someone.... our Enarrain, beleive it or na. Don't worry, she knows. Lerak trPexil -> I'd later regret even thinking of it. ACTION: Stonereaver heads off in a divergent pattern to begin their search tAehjae -> :: adjusts an alignment of the firing mechs:: Koga S'Bien -> ::begins their search once the ship arrives at its designated search coordinates:: Lerak trPexil -> She was an up and coming engineer. Better than I and I knew it. Kheinsa Maec -> ::scribbles a bunch a notes about that admission:: tAehjae -> :: saves her work, and rechecks it in its regular mode::: tAehjae -> :: runs a simulation test:: Laehval tTemarr -> How is our power distribution network holding up with the extra drain from the modified sensors and weapons systems? ::Asking to anyone that knew enough to answer.:: Lerak trPexil -> We worked together for years after that. Sometimes we came to blows, one time she hit me... :: smiles :: Kheinsa Maec -> Do you have thoughts of homicidal tendencies often? KhreRiovtRex -> NeArrain t'Saren> :: enters the oira and brings an ISD over to Koga and tAehjae:: I've done an astrometrics scan of the most dense areas, where they may either be hiding, or they may chose na to, because there are too many rocks. I would suggest, that it may be a good place to beigin looking.. Lerak trPexil -> (I think there's a battery icon in the upper right corner of the main viewer) Lerak trPexil -> Na, only that once. Kheinsa Maec -> Perhaps she found about the attempted posioning. Lerak trPexil -> I told her. Lerak trPexil -> We had grown close enough.. It's a guilt I had to let go of. tAehjae -> ::to Laeh:: I am na engineer rekkhai but I do na see much of a drain at this time. I can na tell au what will happen if we go to battle mode. tAehjae -> :: looks over the ISD shown to her:: Ie a good place to do a test on the re aligned firing mech:: Kheinsa Maec -> I see. Interesting. Lerak trPexil -> We've grown a further appart. I've got engineering, she's got command of the whole ship. tAehjae -> :: hands the ISD to Koga:: KhreRiovtRex -> NeArrain tSaren> ::downloads the sensor data to both Koga and tAehjae's consoles then turns to tTemarr:: I will go check on that information for au Enarrain. I believe that the Daise Engineer is still imprisoned by the Kheinsa. Lerak trPexil -> There's enough to kepe my busy here for sure. Kheinsa Maec -> So au attempted to kill our now Enarran at one time. Kheinsa Maec -> Somehow I think au are one of those who needs to keep busy, to keep au out of trouble. KhreRiovtRex -> (it's like a custody battle...she has the ship, he gets the kids (the engines) for the weekend) Lerak trPexil -> More like I got the liquid, but never went further than that. Laehval tTemarr -> ::She quirked a brow.:: Imprisoned? Ie, somehow that seems an appropriate description of a session with the Kheinsa. But, I am certain it is for his own good. Lerak trPexil -> (they are tempermental) KhreRiovtRex -> (how fortunate that we have a Kheinsa aboard, we may have to sign them up for couples counseling!) Lerak trPexil -> Keep me out of trouble? Lerak trPexil -> This was years ago. I have no intention of killing anyone. Koga S'Bien -> ::Receives the sensor data from t'Saren:: KhreRiovtRex -> NeArrain tSalen> ::smirks a bit:: Ie, it may be. Lerak trPexil -> I would not get in trouble if I was not as busy. Kheinsa Maec -> Well, Etre tr'Pexil, I want to thank au for visiting me for a while. We'll be talking again, very soon. Au can return to au's duties, I've taken up enough of au's time. Lerak trPexil -> Ie, next time on my turf.. my office. Koga S'Bien -> Hmm if I were them I'd probably hide in that rocky part. Their ship certainly is small enough to navigate through there with relative ease. Lerak trPexil -> :: Checks his ISD :: Seems the Talon has been busy. tAehjae -> ::turns to Laeh:: Rekkhai my simulations tests show a 5% increase in targetting. With Aus permission I wish to test it on some of those astroids. Lerak trPexil -> :: exits the office :: Kheinsa Maec -> ::evil grin:: Sure, right, what ever helps au sleep at night. Laehval tTemarr -> Au may, though be careful. ::To t'Aehjae.:: Lerak trPexil -> :: Enters a lift :: Oria tAehjae -> Ie Rekkhai Laehval tTemarr -> S'Bien, are au able to distinguish the larger groupings of asteroids? Lerak trPexil -> :: Lift doors open to the oria :: Kheinsa Maec -> (m)Homical tendencies, short term memory loss...::sighs:: I can na wait until I talk with the Daise'Dheno. tAehjae -> Beginning test now. :: targets a small astroid on the port side:: KhreRiovtRex -> (yea, can you tell the big ones from the little ones) Koga S'Bien -> Yes, I can sir. Lerak trPexil -> :: Takes an engineering station on the oria :: tAehjae -> :: fires at the small astroid :: KhreRiovtRex -> (Build it Bob S'Bien) tAehjae -> :: nods satisfied:: Kheinsa Maec -> Na wonder the Khre'Riov is so paranoid. Koga S'Bien -> (lol) KhreRiovtRex -> (see, I told au) Kheinsa Maec -> ((::yawn::)) Lerak trPexil -> :: Checking to see what he missed :: tAehjae -> Rekkhai the locking mechanisum has improved. I will test it again once we find a small trace of the element and check the calibrations at that point. KhreRiovtRex -> Ne'Arrain tSalen> ::turns to t'Aehjae:: Ah Daise Dheno...I have a message for au fahd as well. It seems au have been scheduled next to speak with the Kheinsa. He will be contacting au shortly with the date and time of out interview. tAehjae -> ::turns to tSalen:: Ie Hannyyo, tAehjae -> :: turns back to her console:: tAehjae -> :: thinks to herself, this will be fun:: KhreRiovtRex -> NeArrain tSalen>::thinks....:: Oh boy....he's going to chew her up and spit her out:: Lerak trPexil -> :: More repairs.. lots of system checking... sighs :: ACTION: ORE SENSOR DEVICE GIVES ONE PING KhreRiovtRex -> PAUSE SIM KhreRiovtRex -> PAUSE SIM KhreRiovtRex -> PAUSE SIM
  24. CONGRATULATIONS USS REPUBLIC AND CREW - 22 YEARS SIMMING I just want to say thank you again to the crew (past and present) of the USS Republic for it's enduring perseverance and it's many members over the years that have helped keep this game running strong and still playing nonstop since 1991. Through change of venues, college computers, to Netscape, to AOL to STSF you have endured and keep a proud tradition going. You guys are the best!! Congratulations again!! Now a bit of history. Yes, some of you have seen it before, it's the boring part, but we’re posting it again so we don’t lose it. Such as the gif of the original ships’ plaque passed to me by Admiral Morgyn, which is on a floppy disk, in a box buried somewhere in my basement. The USS Republic Sim began in November 1991 on a small university server, under the command of Captain Kruge. The ship them moved through a short interlude with Netscape and then shortly after that, the ship was moved over to play on the America Online service, where it played under the auspices of StarFleet Online, later renamed Spacefleet Online due to various legal issues that arose. Bouncing around the AOL forums with our hosts having to sport many different titles over the years, and I know many of our past and present crew members wore many of these names. You often saw us with the prefix of OGF, Host OGF, Host PCG, Host Games, Guide, Hometown and many more, but through it all, we remained the same players with the same surnames. Following in the footsteps of Captain Kruge, 'The Republic' has also been commanded by Captain Kraf, Admiral Erinna Morgyn, Captain Fish Vir, Captain Jael, Captain Kilgore, Vice-Admiral Ender Wiggins and Rear Admiral Errrika BluRox. In 2002, the USS Republic-D, a Galaxy-class ship serving as a flag vessel for Rear Admiral Errrika BluRox and Commander Kania Kawalas, moved to the Star Trek Simulation Forum. The Republic, part of the founding of STSF, had to delay making the physical initial jump to STSF from SFOL, due to room limitations as we shared a time slot with the USS Manticore, commanded by our current Fleet Admiral Atragon, (he’s so handsome, how could we defer to him!?), but at the time, we only had the one chat room, so many of the crew would participate in the new STSF Monday Academy (run by BluRox and Kbear) as a warmup to the Republic sim, then pop back over to our old room to play. Once a second room was built, (many thanks to our ever amazing Webmaster for ‘making it so’) the move was completed, and our voyages continue here to this day. We love ya Webbie, thanks again! Most recently, we moved onto the new USS Republic NCC-1371-E, a nice newly modified Sovereign-class vessel, with the crew all having a hand in the unique naming of our shuttles, and yes, we do have a pink glittery one reserved for our chief of security, but only because we picked the ship up early before they could redo it’s paint job, a standing joke while at the Utopia Planatia Shipyards. And now we thank our current crew, many of which have been here on average 15 years themselves: Rear Admiral Errrika BluRox, Captain Rian Kwai Commander (Senior Grade) August Jax Lieutenant Commander (Senior Grade II) William Jared Robinson Lieutenant Commander Kasuga Ayumu Lieutenant Tisa Sen Lieutenant Victoria Margaret Elizabeth Knight Lieutenant Heather Jamieson Lt. jg Christina Nickles Lieutenant Commander David Michael Johnson <LOA> Lt. Commander (Senior Grade) Jameson Gordon Bardolph <LOA> Lieutenant C.J. Jacobs <XXLOA> NPC's ~~~~~~~ Holly (Classified program/CNS) BobO (Jax's Engineering scrub) Gunner, Archer, Max and Rebecca (the Robinson kids) Blob (Andy Carter’s science blob in stasis)
  25. USS Republic Mission Briefing 51311.04 - Season 21 As the Republic struggles to deal with strange occurances on the ship involving a young man that is evidently the Robinson's son Gunner, missing personnel and strange dust around the ship, reports of failing equipment are starting to come in from around the ship. Meanwhile, several of the crew have come to the conclusion that they may be dealing with some sort of subspace bubble or tear that is causing the trouble and are now trying to think of a way to stop it.