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Posts posted by OdileCondacin

  1. Or are they consigned to evil Dak's "Death and Destructorama" Academies for an extended refresher course?

    I'm sorry -- this just made me laugh absolutely uncontrollably. And I think it's going to have to stick as a name for the Thursday and Sunday 'cads...

  2. Processing...


    Access approved.


    Personal Information


    Full Name - Odile Condacin (O'd'yl of Condacin)

    Position - Slave

    Current Owner - Lord Regent Koshic N'Dak



    Species - Xenexian

    Gender - Female

    Height - 5'10''

    Weight - 134 lbs.

    Hair Color - Black

    Eye Color - Gold with green highlights

    Age - 36

    Birthdate - July 17, 2360

    POB - Condacin, Xenex

    POD - Not applicable... yet.




    Medical Evaluation -


    Condacin has several large scars across parts of her body due to knife wounds, as well as injuries received in combat during the Second Xenexian Uprising and resistance movements' efforts to repel the Elasians. Additionally, the whip has been used several times as punishment for her rebellious and insubordinate tendencies. Nonetheless, she has been cleared for any duties required of her.

    Xenexian physiology is comparable to human physiology, with a few aversions to various medications. A listing of these has been attached for possible uses in interrogation, should the need arise.


    Odile, O'd'yl to her fellow Xenexians, is not your typical slave. Raised as a warrior, she has some insubordinate qualities, though these are believed to have been mostly suppressed since the beginning of her captivity. In the past, she has shown much resentment towards the conquerors of her homeworld, though it is likely these tendencies have been squashed.


    Her outspoken personality combined with a fiery temper and her dubious upbringing has not helped her overmuch in social interactions among her betters and other slaves. She still tends to view others, especially non-Xenexian captives, as inferior warriors, and she often treats them as such. This superiority complex compels her to treat others with a touch of disdain, for which she has been punished. While career-minded, she seems to not be particularly interested in gaining favor in the eyes of her Elasian master.


    Condacin has no signs of serious mental illness or other such afflictions, and is cleared for service aboard the Soltok.


    Dr. Tamon Klian, Medical, EDV Soltok

    February 27, 2397




    Personal History -


    On July 17, 2360, Odile (born O'd'yl) on the planet Xenex to Kar'en'tv and T'alia of the province Condacin. Kar'en'tv, leader of the small province, was a member of the unsuccessful First Xenexian Uprising against their Danteri oppressors a decade before O'd'yl's birth. O'd'yl's father, one of the few major members of the resistance movement, continued his work against the Danteri until he and several of his dissident colleagues were taken prisoner and executed in 2374.


    In 2377, the Danteri reached the conclusion that Condacin's mother, T'alia, had taken up her husband's cause. As a result, T'alia was "legally" executed by a member of the Danteri judiciary taskforce remaining on Xenex.


    Not reaching the same conclusion about her mother's guilt that the Danteri had, O'd'yl took justice into her own hands and sought out the Danteri officials responsible for the murder of her mother, causing an inquiry into the province of Condacin. Escaping unscathed, she retained posession of a dagger her defeated Danteri foe had owned until her own capture, years later.


    By hereditary right, upon her parents' deaths, O'd'yl took on the duties of the leader of the Condacin province. While more of a figurehead with the Danteri leading Xenex, she did her best to manage the affairs the small amount of jurisdiction allowed her permitted.


    In the brief time before their destruction in which the Danteri in turn were battling the Elasian Navy, the people of Xenex launched the Second Xenexian Uprising, overthrowing the thinly-spread Danteri forces. Establishing a governmental system after their own traditions, Xenex had a brief period of freedom before the Elasians turned their attentions to the desert world.


    Spurred onward by their recent victory over the Danteri, the Xenexians fought tooth and nail against their Elasian would-be conquerors, albeit unsuccessfully. The fledgling government was overthrown, and most of the leaders killed, including those of Calhoun and Seanwin.


    One of the "lucky" ones, O'd'yl's life was spared, being selected to become a slave aboard the victorious Elasian Lord Regent's vessel, the EDV Soltok, where she remains enslaved to this day.

  3. Fools!


    O'd'yl hissed the word under her breath as she kicked a shard of the buoy a few centimeters across the deck plating with her boot, annoyed. What did she look like? A junior ensign who'd just stepped off the Academy transport shuttle for the first time? Of course not. No officer would be assigned to menial labor, even one that had yet to log an hour of time in space.


    Oh well. She supposed that was why what the enlistees were for -- to do the jobs that the oh-so-highly-trained upper crust of Starfleet wasn't obliged to stoop for, the same way it had been for years. Condacin was used to it. After all, someone had to do the mind-numbing tasks, and it might as well be her.


    She wouldn't have minded as much if the reason for her assignment had been something rational. But no, her own wisecracking mouth had did her in.


    The petty officer wished that she could have blamed an old custom of her world for her penchant for nicknames. That somewhere along the way, Xenexians had been ordered by a deity to assume the habit. But unfortunately, "Thou shalt come up with clever names for thine colleagues" wasn't in the old scriptures of the shamans, and she was stuck with her own scheming little mind to blame.


    With a sigh, O'd'yl turned back to the mound of debris with a petulant glare. Catalogue, organize, inspect, and smash, taking aggressions out on the scattered pieces of metal. With the exception of the last facet, that was her assignment, and she had to get on it! The lives of everyone on the member worlds of the Federation were in jeopardy! Billions would die if she didn't make sure the wreckage from Buoy Prime wasn't perfectly ordered, she thought, great sarcasm readable to any telepath within a few light years.

  4. "It's not my job to be liked. Starfleet's primary purpose isn't to encourage interpersonal relationships amongst crewmembers, and I'm not going to be the one that forges that new goal into it."


    "I'm here to do Starfleet's real job -- to get out there and explore, do honorable battle, and conduct scientific research. All of which without having egotistical, lovestruck, nail-biting, or otherwise distracting crewmen surrounding those who are getting their work done."


    O'd'yl glanced downwards, the lack of a dagger causing her to flinch, inwardly. Still carrying the empty sheath as a statement that it was still there, if only in spirit, she sighed. If that simpering, drooling excuse for a department head and operations officer cost her the dagger, there would be worse consequences than a broken nose.


    How fortunate it was that his fresh-mouthed catch of the day was assigned to the same project as the Xenexian. Squinting at the Romulan like a cat would a particularly brattish goldfish, she crossed her arms. The little Rihan was hiding something, O'd'yl could tell. Her feeble attempts at not knowing the Romulan language brushed aside, there was something downright frightening about her. Not one you'd want to expose your back to. Which was why it was a good idea to have Condacin working with her. Someone needed to keep an eye on the greenblood...


    "And frankly, Doctor, I don't see why this evaluation is necessary. And for that matter, I don't see why people like you are even required in Starfleet."


    The psychologist at Starfleet Medical raised an eyebrow, glancing up from her padd. "We are here for people like you, Ms. Condacin."


    Innocently, O'd'yl widened her eyes. "Me? A loyal, duty-minded Starfleeter? Why in the names of all the old gods would I need a psychologist?"


    Two peas in a pod were what those two were. Two misfit little officers that were perfectly suited for one another. She'd have to yank the whole story of what Kairi was doing on the ship from Kroells the next time they crossed paths.


    Were they involved in a conspiracy together, perhaps? Rumor on the ship was that Sir James had family on Romulus. It would certainly explain things. Perhaps their little liaison was merely a cover for their true purposes on Agincourt. It would make more sense. After all, who would ever consort with Kroells willingly?


    "Besides the fact that a psych evaluation is required after a leave of absence, it was noted that some think you a little too ... volatile in your present mindset."


    Still innocently, she smirked slightly. "Not volatile. I prefer to think that I'm stubborn, easily annoyed, and rather vocal about my thoughts. Volatile implies that I fly off the handle for no reason."


    The counselor glanced up at her again. "Maybe not for "no" reason, but for very little reason, at best."


    Condacin shrugged. "What can I say? I'm a Xenexian. I suspect everyone of everything, and if I'm wrong, the only thing that will be hurt is my social life.


    Then again, perhaps she just had bad, bad taste in men. The kind of bad taste that would lead a woman to fall for Sir James. And even if that was the case, and the leaders of the Romulan Empire weren't behind a ploy on the ship, it was still rather distasteful...


    The doctor sighed as she closed the padd. "I can't find any reasons for you not cleared for duty, though I do recommend you rethink your attitudes towards your crewmates. After all, you do have to work with them, you know."


    "Of course I know. And again, someone has to keep them in line."


    "Now, that's the kind of comment that prompted this evaluation to begin with."


    The Xenexian blinked, smirking even wider. "I thought it was standard after an LOA. Or only standard for alien basket cases, perhaps."


    Ignoring her, "You're dismissed, Ms. Condacin. And I'll try to sanitize what you've said, but it's still being put on your record."


    "I would expect no less. Let the next command team know the breed of scientist they're getting." She smiled, tapping the hilt of her dagger as she moved towards the exit. "A good day to you, Doctor."


    But now, now the little Romulan had managed to cut her hands on the shards. With any luck, she'd still be released from Sickbay quickly enough to assist Condacin. After all, any help, even help from the Konsort of Kroells, would be better than none at all. And it would give O'd'yl a chance to get a feel for her work.


    Know thine friends, learn the traits of thine unknowns, and know thine enemies. And above all, keep an eye on all of them...

  5. Harper looked up at Condacin, her face sober. "Two days, five hours, and thirty-seven minutes."


    Odile nodded, shifting her weight from side to side. "Your point?" Rubbing her temple with the palm of her hand, she sighed. Damned headache wasn't getting any better...


    Repressing a smirk, she replied, "You missed the record by two days, three hours, and ten minutes. I assume you *were* going for the record?"


    "Record, Colonel?" Condacin mirrored her expression.


    "Fastest disciplinary measure on a new assignment."


    Snorting, she leaned on the marine commander's desk. "Not necessarily, Sir."


    As if Condacin had not spoken, Harper elaborated, "Because quite frankly, Condacin, I can't imagine why else you would be stupid enough to brawl with your chief your first week on duty."


    She shrugged. "He was asking for it."


    The colonel nodded soberly. "I see," she said, deadpan. "Lt. Kroells said to you, "'Welcome to the science department, Condacin -- here, break my nose. It's tradition.'"


    "He might as well have. He required me to cease wearing the dagger." She shrugged once more. "It was the logical thing to do."


    She raised her brows, regarding Condacin cooly. "Did you grow points on those ears since last I saw you? If so, you need a few refresher courses in Surakian philosophy."


    Straightening a strand of hair, she exposed a nice round ear. "Of course I'm not one of the green bloods, Harper." Her smug expression turned sheepish. "I suppose I didn't make the best first impression, did I?"


    Harper sighed, leaning back in her chair. "No, you really didn't, O'd'yl," she said wearily, and waved the petty officer to a chair. "Suppose you tell me why you put Kroells in sickbay. From the beginning.


    "You know, you were one of the few people who could manage to pronounce that name correctly." She pulled out the chair Harper motioned to. "First of all, the boy had an attitude."


    Giving her a knowing look, the colonel asked tartly, "This 'attitude' wouldn't happen to have been describable as, oh... 'this is my department and I'm in charge'?"


    "Well, he was downright arrogant about his power."


    "And then?" she prompted, too patiently.


    Not really acting on prompt, she replied, lazily, "Besides, he was standing up for a little snit of a midshipman. Couldn't keep her nose out of my affairs. And then, the knife. Grozit, Harper, he told me to not wear the dagger on duty."


    "It isn't regulation, you know, Condacin."


    "No, but I'll be damned if some power hungry chief is going to take it away from me." She started snickering. "Besides, I need it for... self defense."


    "Seems to me you do just fine without it, Condacin," Harper pointed out, wearing a deep frown.


    "Sentimental reasons? I've not gone without it for two decades. I'd never actually use it on Kroells..." Silently, she thought that she might use it on Prospera if Blondie didn't show a little more respect, but that was beside the point.


    She sighed and drummed her fingers on her desk. "I know that," she replied quietly. "And I know you've been granted dispensations in the past. But, O'd'yl..." She shook her head. "If it was that much of an issue, you could have filed a dispute with Kroells's order. You know I'd have let you have it. Now, though..."


    "You're wondering what to do with me, aren't you? Fine, I'll apologize to Kroells. Written if need be. I'll bring him flowers in Sickbay and I won't laugh at the nose. But the knife has to stay." She huffed, shaking her head "Harper, are you planning to have me discharged?"


    The colonel sighed. "Not over one punch," she admitted. "But you are on report, and you will be making a formal apology to Lt. Kroells. Possibly to Midshipman Prospera, as well."


    "Not her. Kroells, fine. I've just had a bad day. But please... she's beneath me."


    The temperature in the room dropped a few degrees. "She is an officer aboard this ship, Condacin. Technically, she outranks you. Practically, she's your comrade. Either way, you owe her the same respect you pay anyone else in Starfleet."


    "Technically, she annoyed me. Badly, Harper. But I'll try to restrain myself from smacking her halfway across the room in the future."


    "If we had a counselor, Condacin, you'd be in for mandatory sessions."


    "Counselors are for weak-hearted fools who can't keep track of their own brains." Smirking, she shook her head, almost in disbelief. "Gods, it's been one hell of a long time. What rank were you on Kyushu? Lieutenant?"


    "You ought to know; you insisted on calling me "el-tee" all the time." Harper fixed the Xenexian with a stern look. "I'm not going to stand for this behavior on my ship, O'd'yl. You have such a strong urge to knock people into bulkheads ... I can always use a sparring partner." She grinned wolfishly.


    Raising an eyebrow, Condacin looked intrigued, still grinning. "You'll end up in the infirmary, Harper."


    "Not likely." She glanced at the disciplinary report on her screen, and frowned. "Of course, we'll have to wait to find out who's right; your off-duty time is about to become severely curtailed for a while." Looking back at Condacin, she steeled herself and added, "And as for the knife... I'm sorry, O'd'yl. It goes."


    Standing, she instantly started bellowing. "Harper, you can't be serious!"


    Unfazed, Harper looked up at Condacin. "Perfectly serious." She steepled her hands before her. "You chose to make it an issue; now you can live with the consequences. You can petition for a uniform allowance through the usual channels. If it's granted, you'll keep the knife peace-tied on duty. And so help me, I catch you in violation of that even once --!"


    "So what happens if we get an intruder, and I don't have my phaser? If it's peace tied... it's worthless." Sitting back down, she gripped her left arm with her hand, getting more and more irritated by the minute.


    Harper rolled her eyes. "It takes a couple of seconds to undo, Condacin. This is about your temper, not your self-defense skills."


    "Don't let me hear you repeat that outside this room," the colonel snapped. "I know you never had much patience for greenies, but she is still your shipmate."


    She begrudgingly nodded. "Of course, Sir."


    "Good." Harper sighed, and relaxed back into her chair. "Little gods, O'd'yl, but you do know how to make an entrance."


    "Oh, we all know that." Her golden eyes sparkling, she kept a smirk on her face. "You humans don't make it easy on me."




    The smirk turned a shade darker. "Something Kroells said similar to that landed him in the Realm of the Doctors."


    Harper shot her a warning look. "Don't even think it."


    Rubbing her hands together gleefully, she curled her left hand into a fist. "Think about it, Colonel? I'm halfway there!"


    A sigh. "O'd'yl, haven't we outgrown this?


    Letting her hand relax, she chuckled. "Not that I'd pick a fight with you, Medusa, dear." Growing serious again, she stood. "Well, I suppose I have to apologize to Sir James..." Something she was not looking forward to.


    "You can do it in writing," Harper said, waving a hand. "Put off facing him until your next shift, if you like. But please, don't call him 'Sir James' to his face. His temper works about like yours."


    "Burning like fire? I'll keep that in mind. Any other advice for me?" she asked, taking the dagger out of its sheath, running it along the side of her hand.


    "Don't do that --" she indicated the dagger -- "around the goldshirts. They're twitchy. And don't order raktajino from the replicators in the crew lounge on deck seven, fore. They never get it right."


    "Hmm, good advice. Nothing worse than bad raktajino." Extending one hand to her forehead, she managed a lopsided salute. "Just like old times, eh?"


    "Heaven help us," Harper agreed.


    Turning on her heel, she didn't bother fighting back another smartass remark before heading out. "I'll try not to kill anyone... Colonel..."





    Access approved.


    Full Name - Odile Condacin (O'd'yl of Condacin)

    Position - Chief Science - Operations Officer

    Rank - Lieutenant, senior grade (Provisional)

    Vessel of Posting - USS Agincourt




    Species - Xenexian

    Gender - Female

    Height - 5'5''

    Weight - 134 lbs.

    Hair Color - Black

    Eye Color - Gold with greenish highlights

    Age - 37

    Birthdate - July 17, 2360

    POB - Condacin, Xenex

    POD - Not applicable




    Physical Evaluation-


    Condacin has several small scars across parts of her body due to knife wounds. She has no serious injuries or diseases on record. In prime physical health, she has been cleared for all duty.

    Xenexian physiology is comparable to human physiology, with a few aversions to various medications. A readout of this has been attached to the personnel file for reference



    Dr. Simon Cobb, Ph.D., Starfleet Medical

    February 18, 2397



    Odile, O'd'yl to her fellow Xenexians, is not your typical scientist. Her general idea of the purpose of science is as a tool in warfare. Her outspoken personality combined with a fiery temper and an upbringing in a warrior culture has not helped her overmuch in social interactions among Starfleet personnel. She tends to view inferior warriors with a touch of disdain, and generally, she has a "prove yourself" attitude about her. She is not particularly career-minded, and has no compunctions about remaining at the bottom of the food chain.


    On the other hand, Condacin has no signs of mental illness or other such afflictions, and is cleared for duty.


    Dr. Delia Reese, Starfleet Medical

    February 21, 2397




    Family History -


    On July 17, 2360, Odile (born O'd'yl) on the planet Xenex to Kar'en'tv and T'alia of the province Condacin. Kar'en'tv, leader of the small province, was a member of the Xenexian uprising against their Danteri oppressors less than a decade before her birth.


    In 2377, T'alia was murdered by a member of a rogue Danteri faction remaining on Xenex after the planet had received its freedom and was on peaceful terms with Danter once more. Condacin took justice into her own hands and killed her mother's murderer. She still possesses the dagger of her defeated foe.






    Education History -


    Enlistee Specialization and Training Program - September, 2381 - February, 2385


    Odile began her training at the three-week Enlistee Orientation program, spent on Earth, Luna, and Mars. At the completion of this, several unspecified issues were raised by instructors and other training personnel, who agreed that the trainee would benefit from a "different" approach than the usual successive six-month general training courses.


    Condacin elected to take a field-training posting on the USS Shinano, assigned to the Gamma Quadrant, where she decided on a enlistee science training course. Four months before her scientific training was completed, however, she chose to begin work on the enlistee-command/yeoman track, where she was reassigned to the USS Excalibur, also on patrol in the Gamma Quadrant.


    Career History -


    USS Canberra - Assistant Science Officer - February, 2385 - June, 2385

    USS Kyushu - Assistant Science Officer - June, 2385 - December, 2388

    USS Antietam - Biogenics Weaponry Consultant - February, 2389 - June, 2394

    Starbase 117 - Bioweaponry Researcher - August, 2394 - September, 2395

    Leave of Absence - September, 2395 - June, 2396

    USS Naxos - Assistant Science Officer - July 2396 - May 2397

    USS Agincourt - Assistant Science Officer - July, 2397 - August, 2397

    USS Agincourt - Chief Science Officer - August, 2397 - Present






    File closing...

  7. "Down the Sandy Path"

    By Odile Condacin


    Eighteen years ago...


    O'd'yl of Condacin turned to the blinding Xenexian sun, staring into the brilliant light in search of revelation, confirmation. But her gods were silent, and no whispers of divine wisdom would they impart to the young woman.


    "This is not necessary," a voice behind her stated, quietly.


    Kar'en'tv. Her father. Lost in the depths of her psyche, she had not detected his approaching. Not turning from her adulation of the sun, O'd'yl spoke, her voice steady, yet audibly pained. "On the contrary. It is entirely necessary."


    He sighed, his eye following hers up to the sky. "Your place is on Xenex. In Condacin."


    "Forgive me if the domestic, subservient, life of a typical Xenexian female does not enthrall me." Dry sarcasm permeating her words, she snorted quietly.


    "Now, that's just your arrgance talking." He rolled his eyes, exasperated. "No, she cannot be Od'yl of Condacin, the woman whose husband will one day control the province. She can't be content with the very pleasing lot that life has dealt her. No, she has to leave the planet for borders unexplored; sights unseen."


    O'd'yl didn't reply, which the elder Xenexian took as an invitation to continue his monologue. "Thus considered, she decides to take after our planet's hero, the great M'k'n'zy of of Calhoun. She changes her name to some bastardization of her true one, and leaves Xenex to join the fighting men and women of a foreign power."


    "I joined our allies because of the Vision." Her voice distant, lost in memory, yet imposing nonetheless.


    He gestured to her as if showing gratitude for giving him new fodder for his soliloquy. "And all this because when she was a thirteen-year-old child, she sent herself on a ritualistic quest into the most inhospitable part of the planet to induce a dehydration and exhaustion-induced hallucination. For the gods' sakes, would you call this woman insane? Analyze this critically, with that scientific brain of yours."


    Breaking her stare into the sun to glance at him, she shrugged, ignoring the jab at her chosen field. "Nice usage of the third person as an attempt to rile me. But understand, my parent, that I am completelyat peace with my decision. There is nothing you can do to change that." Lying, she kept her face neutral as to not show any of the turmoil she was juggling.


    Kar'en'tv's shoulders sagging, he shook his head, almost sadly. "Child, you are not ignorant. When M'k'n'zy joined Starfleet, you saw what chaos it threw Calhoun into. The same will happen if you leave Condacin."


    Her hand dropping to the dagger at her side, she elevated an eyebrow, meeting his eyes with a piercing gaze. O'd'yl stood a good half foot taller than her father, and the strategist within her enjoyed that factor of possible intimidation in cases such as this. "His elder brother held the province together. You will be able to do the same."


    Glowering at her, Kar'en'tv's face took on a resentful _expression. "Your arrogance is the cause of this, O'd'yl. Since you were a child you've been obsessed with becoming a legend among our people, just like M'k'n'zy." His tone softening, he gently placed his hands on her shoulders. "Take care, lest your desire for fame drives you to become infamous."


    Silently, she kept the cool non-expression upon her face. "It shall not. The Vision made that clear that my name would not be tarnished by my decision."


    "The Vision; the Vision! Oh, how it's always about your Vision! And yet we have heard nothing more of it than the hazy declaration that you are destined to journey across the stars."


    "Indeed," she replied, stoic as ever. "And I shall do so. By joining the Federation's Starfleet." She turned, starting down the sandy path towards the estate in which she dwelt. "Shuttle's landing in just over an hour. I need to get packing."

    Impervious to reason... His arguments for her to remain on the homeworld being unabashedly ignored and dismissed out of hand, Kar'en'tv trudged along after her, resigned. The girl was unmanageable, he realized. Let Starfleet deal with the little hellion...