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Everything posted by Pneuma

  1. Greatings and welcome to the biggest party on the internet<<its really out of this world!>> ::walks over to the replicator::Red Shirt ::hands the red shirt to Brandinoo:: Here you go try not to get too much blood on it! Remember to have fun! HEy Kansas no t'Venus s'fly trap???
  2. Not in Kansas anymore Pneuma helped Simon to sick bay and quickly made his way to the Bridge. His Joy of being back on the Reaent was overshadowed by the fact that the other Away team had not returned yet. So He quickly manned his post and engaged in the fastest pursuit of his short carrier. Warp 7,8, than 9 and beyond he pushed the Reaent to its very limits. Finally He overtook the ancient speed demon but as he did a vortex opened in front of the ships. Before he could get a response as to wither or not to follow in Both Ships were quickly drawn into the vortex only to appear to be turned around. Dom quickly checked his bearings to see if in fact they had been deflected off of this vortex some how but quickly discovered that that was not the case. There he was stuck with his thoughts, which covered his senses of anxiety, curiosity, and fear, which seemed to be emanating off of almost everyone including himself. He began slowing the ship as the Oddessy began to reduce its speed. At that point the Away team was finally returned to the Ship. Relieved he began to check the ship's sensors. It was as if nothing happened but it looked like everything was flipped around. Unable to shake his own thoughts of the possibilities of just where they were Pneuma began looking at the facts of all that had happened. Here was a ship that was better than a hundred years old with no warp drive in federation space. Closer looks revealed that it was designed to be capable of travel through time, space and dimension. It was also a weapon of galactic destruction. It could quite easily take out half of the Alpha quadrant if it were to blow. So here they were in an unknown area of space. It looked like the Nebula they had visited almost an eternity ago yet it was different some how. Could it be they were on the opposite side or perhaps in another time? In the worst case scenario they could have wound up in the mirror universe. Silently Pneuma hoped that was not the case. He had heard of how others had met their mirror counterparts. In fact it was rumored to him than some on this very ship have met their counterparts. All he knew was he was not in a hurry to meet anyone that was his opposite. Anyone like that could definitely not be good! So as Dom did a few checks on the ships location he looked at Captain Fred. Reminded of a holovid that he had seen as a child he quoted simply, "I don’t think we're in Kansas anymore"
  3. Welcome to the biggest party on the internet Cadet! ::Walks over to the replicator: Red Shirt ::Hands the red shirt to Kartok:: there you go try not to get too much blood on it! Remember to have fun!
  4. Welcome to the biggest Party on the internet! ::Walks over to the replicator:: Red Shirt ::Takes the red shirt and hands it to Lizzy:: There you go try not to get too much blood on it! Remember to have fun!
  5. Welcome to the biggest Party on the internet! ::Walks over to the replicator:: Red Shirt ::Takes the red shirt and hands it to Mattylfc:: There you go try not to get too much blood on it! Remember to have fun!
  6. ::Inconspicuously walks up to phoenix with a rancid salmon and wallops him upside the head with it:: Congratulations!
  7. Welcome to the biggest Party on the internet! ::Walks over to the replicator:: Red Shirt ::Takes the red shirt and hands it to southhamsman:: There you go try not to get too much blood on it! Remember to have fun!
  8. As Pneuma searched the mirror ship, once again he was drawn to the reality of what had happened here. These people were slaughtered. Echoes of their past emotions seemed to intensify to the point where he nearly lost control. Anger, fear and Pain, the vicious cycle seemed to pick up speed. It was all Dom could do just to push forward. Was a new energy source so important that people would go through this just to acquire it or defend it for that matter? On and on the ancient emotions did their dance this slow waltz of anger, fear, and pain. Just when Dom was about to lose it he remembered a trick he had learned. Way back when he was growing up on Earth. It was a trick that he had used to fight his own emotions when he learned of his parents' disappearance. Being only a child when he learned of this he grieved horribly until one day he decided that e was not going to do it any more and he was gonna fight it with his better memories. Of course being a child he didn’t have a whole lot of memories to think about but he did what he could with simple things. Fishing, catching frogs, picking flowers for his adopted mom, swimming and so on. Hopefully this could work in his predicament. Pneuma started thinking back to his time on Earth, at the academy, and of course on Risa. He remembered playing phaser tag with his friends and snickering at the Doc when he said to quit doing that! He remembered his friends that he had made at the academy. He thought back to Risa and that very nice Risan woman that just was an amazing person! He even thought of that smart mouthed Vulcan who thought he could best him in 3d chess. Dom Took a deep breath and smiled completely forgetting where he was. In an instant the cycle was broken by the feelings of peace and joy that he had remembered. But even that was shattered. There was a new set of emotions in the air, only these were coming from the living. Excitement, Curiosity, and fear but not like the fear that the dead were throwing off. Pneuma was instantly pulled out of his memories and looked around and spotted Mr. Angelis. That was it! That was where the new emotions were coming from. Dom than proceeded to walk over to Angel. "What’s up?"
  9. Welcome to the biggest party on the net, Cadet! ::walks over to the replicator::Red shirt ::Hands the red shirt to Jordan::Here you go try not to get too much blood on it! Remember to have fun!
  10. Hi

    Welcome to the biggest party on the net, Cadet!! ::Walks over to the replicator::Red Shirt ::Hands the red shirt to Vulcan:: Here you go try not to get too much blood on it! Remember to have fun! Oh and TOS is a good place to start but trust me you are missing out with out TNG!
  11. WHat Chewy does when Han Solo's not around!
  12. Welcome to the biggest party on the net!!! ::Walks over to the replicator::Red Shirt ::Hands the Red Shirt to Falcon:: Here you Go try not to get too much blood on it! Remember to have fun! Finn Posted on Jun 6 2006, 02:44 PM No that I believe is an ancient varient of the english language known as ebonics it started in he late 1900's. :)
  13. I feel the pain Merina Happy B-Day Laura!
  14. If the Red Shirt is a target Id hate to see the marksman that launched that Asteroid I mean they would have to be huge and extremely accurate to hit a bunch of red shirts !
  15. Hello Seph. . . ::Walks over to the Replicator::Red Shirt ::Hands the Red shirt to Seph:: Here you go try not to get too much blood on it! Welcome and remember to have fun!
  16. Hello saeveth . . . ::Walks over to the replicaltor:: Red Shirt ::Hands the red shirt to Saeveth::Here you go try not to get to much blood on it! Welcome and please remember to have fun!!!
  17. I got a new one for everyone!! Last night I got hit by a Rhode Island size Asteroid along with all but one of the Away Team I was leading. You would think an Asteroid the size of a small state would be picked up by the ships sensors but they werent and well splat was the word of the night. Oh well at least it was painless death!
  18. Very true Lepage but that means I would have killed you off instead of Jami! I can live with mistakenly Killing off the captain of the Major Mistake (Since thats what I made anyway) but It would kinda stink killin off one of the docs on the reaent!
  19. Welcome to the biggest party on the net! ::Walks over to the replicator:: Red Shirt ::Hands Illara the Red Shirt:: Here you go try not to get too much blood on it! Remember to have fun!
  20. HEy Lodi I already did my Red shirt shpiel to ya so I will just say welcome and watch out for that Mirror Harvester!
  21. Farpoint kicks butt! not only do you get to meet Riker but also Q!!! How can anyone not like this one!
  22. Oh No!! The Red Shirt topic is dieing!. We cant have that now. ::Does CPR on this most Macabre topic:: Phew that was close. Alrighty than lets see oh yesI got a new one. Sadly though I didnt die but I should have. I was an AENG and we were testing a new warp core. I started seeing Mice running around but was told to ignore them for now. Next thing we know a mouse causes a problem and the core starts to go. So we tried to dump the core as fast as we could but it was not fast enough. I ended up surviving along with the CENG. 90% of my body was charred, while the CENG managed to only have 60% of his body burned. Than of course I got to lay there with nothing but my thoughts considering I couldnt talk. But wait theres more! The mice that I had seen decided to nibble on my extra crispy body while I layed there in pain. Ah yes this was a rather sick one! ::Sarcasm::My thanks to the GM for keeping me alive on this one.
  23. "me Likes em Raw and Wiggly"
  24. For the first time since the Academy, Pneuma sat at his post enjoying himself. For the first time he began to feel as if this is where he belonged as he communicated with the Fighters. It was a peculiar thing for him as he relayed orders from the Captain to the pilots but he found himself excited for what would become of their exploration. What secrets would this waylaid Constitution refit hold? There he sat almost subconsciously speaking to the pilots all the while gazing in to the clouded giant that lay before the ship. The Palette of clouds seemed to blend forming colors of their own. Amazed by all he seen he was momentarily interrupted as an odd sensation began to well up inside him. Slightly distracted, Pneuma began to quickly deduce what he was feeling. Was it the background emotion that he was becoming accustomed to from the ship? No this was more intense. Could someone have been injured? That would explain the sharpness of this sensation. But no, that wasn’t it either. Could he be picking up the emotions from the two pilots out scanning the sector for enemy vessels? Such things are not uncommon among betazoids but this would definitely be the first time Dom had ever felt emotions from such a distance. So what was it? The sensations felt like that of the people on the ship only on a larger scale. Could there be someone or some thing still alive on that Constitution? Could a planet perhaps support life in such a hostile environment? Quickly Pneuma was drawn away from his thoughts by the sound of a voice coming through his communicator. He shook himself out of his state of thought and listened to what was being said, still distracted by the feelings that were still building. In time things would make sense, At least he hoped.
  25. Thanks A9!